Side Lot Conveyance Application
Thank you for your interest in property owned by the Michigan Land Bank Fast Track Authority. The
goal of side lot disposition is to allow homeowners who are living next to a vacant residential lot owned
by the Michigan Land Bank to purchase the property for a nominal fee. The current purchase price
for a side lot is $100.00 plus a $50.00 processing fee.
Property eligible for side lot disposition must be (1) owned by the Michigan Land Bank, (2) an
ildable vacant lot, (3) zoned residential, and (4) located directly adjacent (to the right or left) to the
applicant’s home. If you are interested in a property that does not meet these criteria, you are welcome to
submit a regular Property Conveyance Application to purchase the property.
1. Submit the following to the address below:
Completed Side Lot Conveyance Application
Proof of ownership of adjacent property (copy of recorded deed or copy of mortgage papers)
Proof of paid property taxes (copies of current paid city and county tax bills)
Proof of identity (copy of valid state driver’s license or other official photo ID)
Mail to:
State of Michigan Land Bank Fast Track Authority
P.O. Box 30766
Lansing, MI 48909
2. If a spouse’s name will appear on the Quitclaim Deed, both spouses must sign the application.
3. All owners / co-owners of your property must sign this application.
4. Within 30 days of receipt of your completed application and all required documentation, the
Michigan Land Bank will complete its review and notify you whether it is approved or declined.
5. If your application is accepted, the Michigan Land Bank will send you an acceptance letter,
invoice for payment, and forms to process the deed and property transfer.
6. Once the Michigan Land Bank has received your payment and the required final documents, a
Quitclaim Deed conveying the property to you will be executed and sent to the appropriate
county Register of Deeds for recording on your behalf. We will mail you the recorded Quitclaim
Deed upon receipt from the county.
Again, thank you for your interest in property owned by the Michigan Land Bank Fast Track Authority. If
you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at (517) 335-8212.
Photograph of vacant lot (with adjacent property visible in frame if possible)
Side Lot Conveyance Application
Please fill this application out completely. The Michigan Land Bank will not consider incomplete
applications. Thank you for your interest in Michigan Land Bank property.
Applicant Information
Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Name: ________________________________________________________________
Co-Applicant Name (if applicable): _____________________________________________________
Street Address: ______________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________ State: ________________ Zip Code: _________
Phone Number: _______________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________
Property Information
Property Address: _______________________________________ City: _________________________
Parcel Number: __________________________________________
The Michigan Land Bank will not consider your application unless you provide all required information.
Please initial on the following lines as appropriate. If you answer No to any statement your application will
not be considered.
___ Yes ___ No The property is a vacant and unimproved lot.
___ Yes ___ No I own and occupy a house adjacent to the property.
___ Yes ___ No
All property taxes on property I own in the State of Michigan are current and paid in
___ Yes ___ No
I agree that the Michigan Land Bank may decline my offer to acquire this property for
any reason.
___ Yes ___ No
I agree that if my offer is accepted I will return the purchase price and required
documents within 14 days from the date I receive the acceptance letter or the Michigan
Land Bank may cancel the agreement.
___ Yes ___ No
If my offer is accepted I authorize the Michigan Land Bank to record the Quitclaim
Deed on my behalf and such recording will constitute delivery and my acceptance of
the deed.
Please DO
NOT send payment with your application.
Side Lot Conveyance Application
MichiganLandBankFastTrackAuthority SL20120501
Purchaser’s Certification
1. I am not in default of property taxes payable to any governmental taxing unit. I
understand that the Michigan Land Bank will verify my tax status.
2. All of the copies of materials submitted with this application are complete,
accurate and current.
3. I will maintain the property in accordance with all land use, zoning and property
maintenance laws and ordinances.
4. I will pay all costs and fees associated with the property, the closing of this
transaction and any future related transactional costs.
5. I agree that the Michigan Land Bank may decline my offer to acquire this
property for any reason.
6. I agree that if my offer is accepted I will return the purchase price and required
documents within 14 days from the date I receive the acceptance letter or the
Michigan Land Bank may cancel the agreement.
7. I agree that if my offer is accepted I authorize the Michigan Land Bank to record the
Quitclaim Deed on my behalf and such recording will constitute delivery and my
e of the deed.
I certify
that I have read, understand and agree to be bound by all terms of this entire application,
including the additional terms on the next page. I further certify that all of the statements set forth in this
application are complete and true.
Applicant Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ________________
Co-Applicant Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ________________
Side Lot Conveyance Application
Additional Terms
The State of Michigan, its departments, officers, employees, contractors, and agents, make no warranty or
representation as to the status or condition of title on any of the properties conveyed by the State of Michigan Land
Bank Fast Track Authority. The applicant assumes all responsibility to search and, if necessary, clear title to the
properties. The applicant is encouraged to obtain a title insurance policy for each property and to obtain legal or
other technical advice in order to search and clear title to the properties.
The State of Michigan, its departments, officers, employees, contractors, and agents, make no warranty or
representation as to the presence or absence of any hazardous substance or hazardous waste on any of the properties
conveyed by the State of Michigan Land Bank Fast Track Authority. All properties are sold “as is.” The State of
Michigan, its departments, officers, employees, contractors, and agents, make no warranty or representation as to the
environmental condition of any of the properties or any of the structures or improvements located on any of the
properties. The applicant assumes all responsibility to investigate, and if necessary remediate, the environmental
condition of the properties. The applicant is encouraged to obtain technical advice in order to investigate, and if
necessary remediate, the environmental condition of the properties.
The State of Michigan, its departments, officers, employees, contractors, and agents, make no warranty or
representation as to the physical condition of any of the properties or any structures or improvements located on any
of the properties conveyed by the State of Michigan Land Bank Fast Track Authority. The applicant assumes all
responsibility to investigate, and if necessary repair the physical condition of the properties or of any structures or
improvements located on any of the properties. The applicant is encouraged to obtain technical advice in order to
investigate, and if necessary repair, the physical condition of any of the properties or of any structures or
improvements located on any of the properties.
In addition to the sale price of said property, the applicant will be required to pay all costs associated with this
transaction, as determined by the State of Michigan Land Bank Fast Track Authority.
The purchaser will receive a Quitclaim Deed from the State of Michigan Land Bank Fast Track Authority. The
property will be conveyed, “as is,” with no title insurance. The purchaser will assume responsibility for the property
and may incur delinquent tax liabilities. The Quitclaim Deed does not warrant title and may be subject to redemption
rights (that right which allows a former owner of a tax reverted property to invoke a legal claim, to reclaim forfeited
property by paying delinquent taxes, fees and/or costs).
I understand that the property may have substantial physical, environmental, and legal (title) defects. I understand
that I am assuming the risk for any defects in the property. No one from or on behalf of the State of Michigan, its
departments, officers, employees, contractors, or agents, has made any statements, promises, representations, or
warranties, expressed or implied, as to the condition of the property or title to the property. I acknowledge that I am
proceeding at my own risk. I hereby release, waive, discharge, and covenant to hold harmless the State of Michigan,
its departments, officers, employees, contractors, and agents, from all liability regarding the condition of the
property, whether environmental, physical, legal (title), or otherwise.
I certify that I have read, understand, and agree to be bound by all terms of this entire application. I further certify
that all of the statements set forth in this application are complete and true.
Applicant Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ________________
Co-Applicant Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ________________