White Paper
The web has become an integral part of virtually
every business. At the same time, social media has
transformed the web into a dynamic and complex
environment—ideal for the proliferation of malware in
increasingly covert and sophisticated ways.
This evolving environment makes it more dicult to
manage web access and bandwidth usage. It also
introduces security challenges that web proxies
are uniquely suited to address. It is critical that
web security solutions provide accurate website
categorization and risk assessment, global coverage,
and real-time categorization of previously unseen URLs.
Symantec WebPulse, part of the Symantec Global
Intelligence Network (GIN), is a cloud-based
infrastructure specifically designed to harness the
power of user-driven behavior and to translate user
input into global web intelligence and web threat
intelligence. We believe WebPulse, launched in 2004,
is the most advanced and most relevant web security
technology in the industry today.
Symantec GIN is a collaborative defense cloud that
powers Symantec secure web gateway solutions by
integrating input from over 15,000 diverse enterprises,
175 million Symantec Endpoint Protection users, and
billions of emails scanned by Symantec email security
WebPulse uses multiple technologies to analyze this
input to deliver the fastest and most accurate web
categorization and ratings of any vendor. Within the
WebPulse framework, each incoming URL request is
processed by many dierent threat analysis methods,
both automated and manual.
WebPulse uses its cloud infrastructure to deliver web
intelligence to Symantec Edge and Cloud Secure Web
Gateways. WebPulse seamlessly delivers frequent
database updates as well as new defense types, such
as analytical methods and additional language support.
Users benefit instantly from these new defenses and
updates without having to update their appliances or
Symantec® WebPulse
A Technical Overview of WebPulse Collaborative Defense in the Symantec Global
Intelligence Network
The Symantec threat research team—over 3,500
researchers in nine research and development centers
around the world—supports WebPulse and the Global
Intelligence Network.
The intent of this document is to provide insight into
WebPulse collaborative defense, which is an integral
part of Symantec anticipatory security defenses.
Symantec Web Security Architecture
Preemptive, layered web defenses: It is no longer
eective to simply detect and block known threats.
With the sophistication of malware techniques and the
advent of mass-market malware—attacks that require
little investment but achieve high penetration—web
security solutions need to anticipate malware so they
can block it before a business is infected.
An anticipatory, layered web defense requires five key
A global collaborative cloud intelligence
infrastructure—which requires the following:
– An integrated, crowd-sourced ecosystem that can
take advantage of the experience of real users who,
collectively, visit tens of millions of web pages each
– A cloud-based infrastructure that can use multiple
threat-detection engines, machine analysis, and
human raters to aggregate and analyze data from
the community.
Real-time content filtering:
– Backed by a global collaborative intelligence
system, real-time content filtering combines
dynamic protection with the granular category
control that businesses need to implement their
acceptable Internet usage policies.
– Extensive category coverage and the ability to
assign multiple categories to a given URL to
provide the multi-dimensional control that it takes
to manage today’s complex web environment.
Inline threat detection: Inline threat analysis today is
itself multilayered as well as an integral component of
Symantec WebPulse
White Paper
a preemptive web security solution. It must inspect
SSL-encrypted trac as more malware is hiding
in SSL and using it as a communications channel.
It must also inspect user-authenticated software
downloads from the web, attachments sent through
webmail, and other content. It should not just include
basic antimalware scanning, but also include block
listing/allow listing, behavioral analysis (including
static code analysis), sandboxing, machine learning,
and so on.
Web and cloud application and content controls:
This layer consists of web content, cloud, and web
application controls that prevent downloads from
unknown websites, detect masquerading files, and
allow or deny web applications or web application
operations (for example, post message or upload
attachment) based on users, groups, or other policy
Protection for remote and mobile users: The number
of remote and mobile users is steadily increasing, and
they require the same level of protection as users
at the corporate oce. Extending the protection of
WebPulse through a web-filtering client or SaaS gives
these users predictive defenses and reduces the risk
they will bring malware into the business network.
Symantec Intelligence Services/
WebPulse: A High-Level Overview
Symantec Intelligence Services, in conjunction with
WebPulse collaborative defense, plays several key
roles in this multilayered defense. These include
preemptively responding against zero-day attacks,
preventing ‘phone home’ attempts from spyware and
even botnet-infected systems, and detecting phishing
and malvertising threats. By preventing malware from
being downloaded from the Internet, combined with in-
line advanced threat protection, the defense achieves
maximum eectiveness.
Symantec Intelligence Services and WebPulse are
designed as a highly responsive, preemptive, front-
line defense for advanced threat protection—not as
its replacement. WebPulse can simply be described
as a basic input-output system. The massive input is
generated by more than 15,000 enterprise customers,
including those using Symantec Cloud and Edge
proxies, Security Analytics, Symantec Endpoint, Email
Gateways, and consumer users.
WebPulse, as a black box, performs real-time analysis
and outputs a URL categorization and a Risk Level
rating. The output is measured in milliseconds. Users
get feedback in real time. There is no need for update
cycles or patches; WebPulse is always up to date.
This section provided a high-level look at Intelligence
Services and WebPulse. Next we will discuss WebPulse
technical details.
How It Works
Requests to URLs are first checked against the local
Intelligence Services database on the proxy, or the local
categorization cache on other Symantec products.
If the URL can be categorized locally, the category
information can be used to allow or block the request.
Note: It is important to understand the principle behind
Intelligence Services. In many cases, web-based attacks
start by injecting scripts into trusted web pages. These
scripts typically generate a dynamic link to a malware
host over a dynamic and powerful malware delivery
network. The primary goal of Symantec Intelligence
Services is to analyze and block links to the malware
itself. Users should never be prevented from viewing
a trusted web page. The script itself does not harm
the endpoint. This is fundamentally dierent from the
approach of many vendors in the web security space,
and raises these questions: Do they know where the
actual malware is? If yes, why are they blocking the
innocent page that hosts the link? If not, why not, since
they have found the link?
Typically, the percentage of locally uncategorized
content is about 5%. If the URL is not in the local
database or categorizations cache, the URL is
dynamically sent to WebPulse. In the cloud, the
URL will first be checked against the central master
database. This is comparable to the local lookup; if the
URL is in the master database, the URL category will be
sent back to the requesting WebPulse client and can
be used to allow or block the request. The new result is
automatically cached locally.
Real-time inputs
from over 15,000
enterprise customers
Real-time ratings
and pre-emptive
new defenses
Symantec WebPulse
White Paper
If the URL is also not in the central master database in
the cloud, Dynamic Real-Time Rating (DRTR) will be
used to analyze and categorize it in real time if possible.
Any resulting URL category will be sent back to the
requesting WebPulse client and can be used to allow or
block the request.
Independent of the real-time categorization result, the
URLs will be sent to several background processes
in parallel. Some of the background processes are
focused on providing new content categorizations
for the database. Others are focused on hunting for
evidence of malware activity. DRTR is primarily a
content categorizer, but it is also used to log a large
amount of metadata about each URL it analyzes, and it
is this metadata that feeds many WebPulse background
processes. Many URLs are not web pages and are not
suitable for DRTR categorizing, but WebPulse still
gathers as much information about the URL as possible
to feed the background processes.
WebPulse uses several methods, including exploit
detection techniques, to analyze scripts and detect
malicious payloads and referenced domains. When
a user accesses a binary file through a URL that
WebPulse has not seen before, WebPulse will also
download that file and run it through a bank of up to
ten dierent AV scanners with full heuristics, script
analyzers (for example, malicious java scripts with
heap sprays), exploit detection modules, and other
malware- detection mechanisms. New threats are
identified within minutes and automatically added to
the master URL database to protect other customers.
This is one way in which WebPulse cloud users benefit
from the network eect of working together to provide
broad real-time protection and receive a strong zero-
day response to new web threats—when only a few
antivirus vendors have even been able to detect them.
In addition to Symantec analysis, several third-party
URL feeds covering malware and phishing sites are
considered for inclusion in the master database.
Further, when used with Symantec Content Analysis,
the Edge Gateway can send any URLs that Content
Analysis identifies as malware sources to the WebPulse
service for verification. It’s important to know that
malware feeds are quality-checked before being
integrated into the Intelligence Services database,
preventing false positives.
For security-related categories, incremental database
updates are pushed to the proxy every five minutes.
This enables the local defense to maintain performance
by responding to as many requests as possible from
the local databases. If any URLs discovered cannot be
matched against an entry in the local database, the
proxy will check with WebPulse.
Recommended Features for Malware
Symantec Secure Web Gateway solutions have a broad
feature set. The following section provides a brief
overview of useful—and recommended—features for
malware protection.
URL Filtering
This is the first point at which requests to known
malware sources can be blocked. For URLs that are not
known or not included in the local database, the Cloud
or Edge SWG connects to WebPulse collaborative
defense. Uncategorized URLs are then analyzed in real
The most secure way to authenticate users is to
authenticate each new session. If the desktop is
infected with malware but is not authenticated, it
cannot communicate with systems on the Internet,
blocking any potential loss of confidential and private
Controlling Data Types
If users have no right to install software on their
desktops, why should they be able to download
executable files from the Internet? Blocking executable
files is another step in protecting against malware.
Often malware tries to download software to add
malicious content on the infected desktop.
Another reason for blocking executable files is that
malicious dynamic links could point to an executable
malware file that would be installed on the desktop.
Blocking executable files prevents this threat.
File-type blocking can be done based on true file-
type detection. Symantec best practice recommends
blocking executable files in general for regular Internet
users. If this is not acceptable, they should at least be
blocked for sites that are uncategorized and/or have a
high Threat Risk Level. Threat Risk Level is an extremely
useful tool for fine-tuning and customizing web security
when file type and categorization alone cannot meet
your business needs. For more information, read the
Symantec Threat Risk Levels white paper.
Protocol Compliance
Symantec Edge and Cloud Secure Web Gateways use
application proxies for several protocols. Because there
are two connections—one between client and proxy
and one between proxy and server—threats such as
buer overflow attacks on the protocol level can be
filtered out. The proxy changes protocol behavior (from
server to proxy) to RFC-conforming behavior (from
proxy to client).
Symantec WebPulse
White Paper
SSL Interception
SSL-encrypted trac tunnels require a secure web
gateway solution. Terminating SSL at the proxy
enables detection of malicious content and tunneled
applications. Certificate management can be used to
verify X.509 certificates and allow only trusted client or
server certificates. Non-SSL trac attempting to exit
via port 443—which may be an indication of a malware
infection—can also be blocked by the proxy.
Advanced Threat Protection and Malware Scanning
The last step in malware protection is inline malware
scanning. Both inbound and outbound data can be
malware-scanned by extending the content inspection
capabilities of the Cloud and Edge SWG, powered by
Symantec Content Analysis engines. By default, all
trac, including large files, are scanned by Content
Content Analysis—included in Symantec Web
Protection Suite and Symantec Network Protection—
oer advanced threat protection using layers of
inspection including, malware signature scanning using
two antimalware engines, static-code and behavioral
analysis, block/allow listing, machine learning, and
the ability to either provide on-box sandboxing or
cloud sandboxing, or to broker to an external sandbox
solution. The advanced threat protection is a valuable
dierentiator from most other secure web gateway
solutions, many of which use traditional threat
protection and/or a selective scanning approach.
Log File Analysis/Reporting
Checking access log files on a regular basis is
recommended. This means checking often enough
to recognize normal trac, so that new, unusual, or
abnormal trac can be spotted and investigated.
Symantec Reporter is a superb tool for analyzing
access log files.
WebPulse Technical Overview
Classification Accuracy
Accuracy refers to the ability of a filtering product to
categorize URLs correctly with minimal false positives.
To state it another way, accuracy level answers the
question, “Of the 100 URLs the filter categorized as X
(Pornography, Spyware and Gambling, for example),
what percentage were actually X?” The higher the
percentage, the greater the filter’s accuracy. False
negatives provide another accuracy indicator. The
question in this case would be, “How many of type X
did you miss?” Symantec technology delivers the most
accurate categorization of any web security vendor.
WebPulse is able to categorize URLs based on multiple
• Domain: all hosts of “symantec.com” could have the
same category
• Host: “host1.symantec.com” and “host2.symantec.
com” could have dierent categories
• Directory: “host1.symantec.com/directory1” and
“host1.symantec.com/directory2” could have dierent
• File name: “host1.symantec.com/directory1/good_file.
jpg” and “host1.symantec.com/directory1/malicious_
file.jpg” could have dierent categories
• Query string: “www.facebook .com/?sk=inbox” and
“www.facebook.com/?sk=” could have dierent
• IP address: For performance reasons (to prevent
reverse DNS lookups) it is possible to add IP address-
based categorization to the database
• Protocol and header analysis is an additional
categorization option
Note: Usually, content sent to WebPulse by the Edge
proxy is typically content that could not be categorized
by the local database. However, if necessary, URLs
categorized as “web hosting” will also be sent to
WebPulse for real-time analysis to apply a more
accurate categorization.
Multiple Categories per URL
Web pages do not always fit easily into a
single category. One example, “www.facebook.
com/?sk=inbox”, which is both a social networking
site and an email application within Facebook. An
accurate web filter recognizes this and classifies the
site into both of these categories, giving enterprises
the flexibility to control which parts of any site can
be accessed by their users. Intelligence Services can
provide up to four categories per web page, which
reflects web page content much more accurately and
makes possible thousands of granular subcategory
combinations for flexible and powerful policy
Preventing Users from Bypassing the Content Filter
To achieve high accuracy, WebPulse is able to prevent
users from bypassing the content filter policy by
accurately analyzing and classifying tools such as the
• Translation sites that provide online translation of
• Archive sites that cache selectable content from the
Symantec WebPulse
White Paper
• Image searches that are delivered by a search engine
• Proxy anonymizers that relay requests via
intermediary sites that are often obscure
Early-generation filtering technology often provides
only superficial categorizations (examples: translation
site, image search, or archive site) but this is not
helpful for implementing a policy. Customers do not
want to block all image searches or all translation and
archive requests. In contrast, Symantec solutions are
able to see the destination web page embedded in
the intermediary page to make an accurate and useful
categorization. For example, Intelligence Services
accurately categorize an archive of “cnn.com” as News.
The on-box database also includes IP addresses for the
most common websites so that DNS reverse lookups
don’t slow down the processing of URLs.
Dynamic Real-Time Rating and Dynamic Link Analysis
Over 300 WebPulse libraries are available to rate
and categorize new content in real-time. Real-
time categorization supports over sixty languages,
including “Pornovian,” a generic module that detects
pornography-related content. This and various threat-
detection features are key components of WebPulse.
Together they present another unique dierentiator.
Real-time threat detection includes dynamic link
analysis, which is used when cyber criminals place a
script on a trusted web page that forces the browser
to download malicious content from a typically
uncategorized and quickly changing malware host. The
oending URL will be sent to WebPulse in real-time.
Real-time categorization disassembles a web page and
analyzes its components. Here is an extract of the kinds
of information that is used to assign categories:
• Language (example: English)
• Source code language (example: JavaScript)
• Document type (example: HTML)
• Character set (example: UTF-8)
• External link categories
• Content words
• Scripts
• Iframes
Real-time Malware Detection Modules
Most of the real-time malware detection modules look
for characteristics of the content (data or trac) that
may indicate danger. At the same time, they also assess
the source for indications of danger—using more than
thirteen years of experience in mapping the shady parts
of the Internet. If the combination of characteristics
is suciently suspicious, they trigger. The modules
ask, “How does the bad content dier from legitimate
content? How are they serving their content? Where
are they serving it from?” Access to suspicious content,
which triggers a response from the real-time malware
detection modules, can be blocked immediately.
URL Background Checker
The background checker system has two modules:
a foreground (real-time) module and a background
(o-line research) module that checks the background
of a URL or site. The research module gathers data
on malware delivery networks (MDN) so the real-time
module can ask, “Does this URL belong to one of those
networks?” Access to URLs pointing to MDNs can be
blocked immediately.
Quality Checks
The WebPulse infrastructure is supported by a set
of stringent quality checks designed to reduce false
positives and over blocking. All categorization changes
and malware identifications must pass Symantec
proprietary quality checks before they are released to
the customer base.
When talking about WebPulse, it’s important to
mention performance. Intelligence Services and
WebPulse provide a highly scalable, high-performance
solution. Only a small percentage of the overall web
trac has to be analyzed by WebPulse in real-time.
Web filtering is optimized to run on-proxy (on-box).
Categorization requests are processed in RAM, usually
an order of magnitude faster than when they are run
o-box. Intelligence Services typically categorizes
around 95% of the web pages requested by a corporate
or educational user on-proxy in less than eight
milliseconds (ms). For the other 5%, a categorization
can be instantly and transparently requested from
the WebPulse master database (typically in less than
70 ms) or from the WebPulse Dynamic Real-Time
Rating (typically in about 200 ms, although there are
some dependencies on the performance of the site in
question). Processing categorization requests on-proxy
is the fastest possible architecture for high performance
and scalability. That’s why Symantec provides
incremental database updates every five minutes for
security-related categories and every six hours for
nonsecurity-related categories.
Note: On policy-enforcing systems such as Symantec
Cloud and Edge Secure Web Gateways, a search engine
safe-search policy can be enforced. This also helps
prevent users from bypassing the content filter policy.
Symantec WebPulse
White Paper
Background Analysis Techniques
Not all analysis can be done in real-time. The boundary
between real-time and background categorization
is crossed when there isn’t enough information for
a real-time decision, or when the content is not
applicable to real-time categorization. For the small
volume of content that cannot be categorized in real-
time— typically less than 2%—a background analysis
service uses sophisticated, proprietary techniques
and feeds the analysis back into the master WebPulse
categorizations database. As a final step, human raters
continuously train the DRTR and the background
systems, and investigate and categorize rare sites.
The background systems also process URLs,
categorized in real time, to decide if a categorization
should be added to the database. This indicates that
not all the URLs that have been categorized in real time
will be added to the database. One criterion for adding
a URL to the database is its number of requests per
unit time.
The background systems are looking for additional
evidence to supplement what was collected in real-
time. Once identified, this information can be used to
fine-tune and update real-time categorization modules.
As an example, consider an HTTP referrer header: With
knowledge about the referrer, WebPulse can analyze
the full path of a web-based attack. In many cases,
malware hosts present their malicious content only
when the requests contain a certain referrer, such as a
search engine result.
Malware Detection
Given the rapidly evolving threat landscape,
eective malware protection requires a broad set of
detection mechanisms. WebPulse technology has a
unique approach to protection against malware in
Internet trac, combining the following analysis and
identification techniques.
Detection and Analysis of Malicious Trac
To identify malware distribution mechanisms including
intermediaries and malware hosts, WebPulse includes
multiple rule engines to flexibly deal with dierent
kinds of trac and sites in a constantly changing
threat landscape. These rules are constantly fine-tuned,
expanded, and updated to reflect real-time information
identified by Symantec malware experts. They eliminate
the need for you to spend time trying to become an
expert in web defense.
Malicious Site and Content Identification and Analysis
It’s important to constantly evaluate risks associated
with all sites that users access. Malware that has been
embedded in reputable sites is identified, even if it has
been obfuscated. Symantec conducts this analysis in
multiple ways:
Malicious Site Fingerprinting
To match the speed with which malicious sites
change their domains, WebPulse utilizes advanced
fingerprinting modules that quickly recognize similar
sites that appear on new servers.
Web Reputation
WebPulse collects many kinds of reputation information
about sites. It automatically scores the reputation
of websites and categorizes sites with a heightened
security risk as Suspicious.
Malicious JavaScript Detection
WebPulse logs information on JavaScript from the
millions of web pages that are requested every day.
Symantec researchers use this intelligence to identify
characteristics that indicate suspicious behavior and
create appropriate new defenses for them.
Malware Content Analyzers
WebPulse has proprietary analyzers that identify
malicious sites in real time, using statistical analysis
techniques to locate suspicious content on web pages.
and Seekers
DRTR AV Engines
Scanners and Heuristics
Dynamic Real Time
Rating analyzes
requested content
Multiple AV engines
identify malware
Testing Suspicious Code
Symantec WebPulse
White Paper
Phishing Detection
WebPulse includes proprietary real-time algorithms
that identify phishing sites posing as financial
institutions. These algorithms, coupled with the real-
time WebPulse processing of customer requests to
uncategorized sites, are able to find new phishing
threats almost immediately. The unique Symantec
mechanism often detects sites before they appear on
any third-party phishing lists.
Integration with Content Analysis and Malware
Symantec advanced threat detection engines, Content
Analysis and Malware Analysis, provide an added layer
of protection for the Cloud and Edge Secure Web
Gateway solutions with the use of machine learning,
behavioral analysis, block/allow listing, dual antimalware
scanning, and sandboxing. In addition to providing this
added layer of protection, they also integrate and share
detection of new threats directly with the Symantec
Global Intelligence Network, providing immediate
categorization of new risks as they are found to the
WebPulse database.
Detection of Illegal or Questionable Sites (Scam Sites)
The background checker (and some of the other
modules) can be used to target any large, complex
network of websites, and many scam networks fit
this description. Several of the large malware delivery
networks also contain subnetworks that deal in this sort
of material; the background checker blocks this content
in real time (generally with Suspicious as the initial
Third-party Intelligence
Third-party intelligence is used to complement primary
Symantec research and analysis. In addition to all
the techniques described above, WebPulse gathers
information from numerous third-party intelligence
sources. These include commercial malware and
phishing lists, community-contributed content, and
general research and ongoing monitoring of the overall
web security threat landscape. Information from
third-party sources must meet a very high standard
of quality and pass a set of rigorous checks before
the source is accepted for inclusion in the WebPulse
Active User Community
The worldwide WebPulse community comprises users
from more than 15,000 diverse enterprise customers
who are extremely active in ensuring the accuracy
and eectiveness of the WebPulse service. They send
billions of new web requests to WebPulse every week,
giving the service a clear, current view of the huge
numbers of new and changed web areas and—hiding
inside those huge numbers—the locations of the most
likely sources of web-borne threats and the hidden
paths that lead to them. Symantec is committed to
investigating and responding to community requests
and feedback usually within 24 hours. The WebPulse
community provides Symantec with a significant
sample of all trac traversing the Internet on a second-
by-second basis. WebPulse uses its malicious content
detection techniques (described above) to analyze
trac, sites, and content, and deliver an extremely high
rate of malware identification. The usage patterns of
the WebPulse community and its real-time analysis
provide invaluable insights to users, and the highest
possible level of web-threat protection for Symantec
Immediate Availability of Malicious Content
Identification to WebPulse Users
WebPulse ensures that you have what you need to
protect yourself as soon as you need it. As soon as a
categorization, rating change, or malware identification
passes the WebPulse quality checks, all WebPulse
users have access to the information. WebPulse clients
accessing WebPulse can query the cloud service in real
time to receive the new categorization or rating.
Malware Delivery Networks Analysis
Cyber criminals run vast networks of sites and servers
to collect victims, relay them to a designated location,
infect or entice them, collect payments, serve new or
upgraded payloads, or perform other operations. Like
any mainstream web architecture, there is provision for
redundancy, failover, backup and administration. But
these malware delivery networks have an Achilles’ heel:
their size and complexity presents WebPulse with a
large attack surface.
Symantec technology’s long experience in the cloud,
and its high volume of web trac, to develop systems
that identify and track MDNs. Every day, WebPulse
Graphical mapping software makes it easy to see how the
large malware delivery network in the center of the image
above pulls unsuspecting users into the attack.
Threat Site Link Site Search Result/Email
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WebPulse-WP100 November 30, 2021
Symantec WebPulse
White Paper
automatically identifies thousands of new sites and
servers as members of known MDNs, protecting our
users from whatever new exploits and payloads the
MDNs may be oering, no matter how well they may be
hidden or encrypted.
Web Application and Web Application Operation
In addition to URLs and IP addresses, the Intelligence
Services database contains information about web
• Application name (example: Facebook)
• Application operations (example: Post Message)
• Application category (example: Social Networking)
This information can be used to build very granular
policies to control web application use. New
applications and application operations can be
implemented and made available to Cloud and Edge
SWG customers without the need for updates. Because
this information is part of the database, all changes
are available on Edge Proxies for both Content Policy
Language (CPL) and Visual Policy Manager (VPM),
and for the Cloud Proxy as soon as an automated
database update is being installed. If needed, additional
application visibility and control is available with
Symantec CASB, with the ability to recognize over
35,000 applications.
Both Symantec Edge and Cloud SWG Reporting show
new applications and application operations as soon as
they’re available.
Managing Web Application and Web Application
Operation Changes
A critical part of web application control is the early
detection of application changes so adjustments can be
made promptly. Symantec technology has implemented
Q&A processes for all supported applications and
application operations. Applications and operations
are monitored; when a change is detected, action is
taken immediately, rolling out changes using standard
database updates.
Symantec products constantly evolve web security
solutions to prevent and combat fast-changing web
threats. These solutions oer powerful advantages
to customers because they take advantage of the
The cloud: WebPulse, as a cloud-service component
of Intelligence Services, has been in continual
development for the past thirteen years—longer than
any other cloud security solution. It enables us to
constantly enhance and upgrade its capabilities with
no impact to customers—no downloads or patches
for them to manage. This gives Symantec products
the greatest agility of any vendor in dealing with
changing threats.
The community: With input from the industry’s
largest user base — WebPulse has the greatest
possible understanding of what users are
encountering on the Internet right now. This provides
valuable direction and focus for our security research
eorts. We have never needed to use web crawlers to
search for content.
Antimalware detection technology: Using an
easily adjustable bank of cloud-based antimalware
technologies allows us to add new advanced
threat scanners that have shown recent accuracy
improvements or unique capabilities against specific
threats. It also allows us to disable scanners that are
drifting toward unacceptable levels of false-positive
detections. We continuously monitor and modify the
configuration of individual systems (and the bank as
a whole) for optimum performance and accuracy.
Security industry relationships: As new research
organizations appear and others focus on areas
of specialization, it’s important to adjust our
relationships with them to ensure fast information-
sharing, and to evolve collaborative processes for
addressing new threats.
Ongoing expansion plans: Symantec Security
Labs continues to invest in people, equipment, and
relationships to build and strengthen our internal
Security expertise: Symantec products have deep
roots in blending machine learning technology with
human researchers in joint feedback loops. This is
the only solution that meets the challenge of reliably
managing the huge volume of web trac every day.