Common Platform Services API Guide
Ivanti Neurons for MDM 100 and Ivanti EPMM
April 2024
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Revision history 5
Introduction 8
Resolved issues 8
Limitations 8
Getting Started 11
Prerequisites 11
Certificate-based authentication workflows 12
Assigning the CPS role to a user 15
Enabling messaging 19
Validating Event Notification Service and CPS API functionality 22
Using the Event Notification Service 23
Overview 23
Endpoint information 24
Getting event subscription metadata 25
Messages 26
Sample client snippet for message subscriber 27
API characteristics 31
Endpoint information 31
Aggregate API rate limits per cluster 33
Batch ID recommendation 33
Pulling data 33
Common items 34
Enums 35
Object models 36
Handling Paged Responses 45
Inventory APIs 46
Get application inventory 46
Get certificate inventory (iOS only) 48
Get profile inventory (iOS only) 50
Device APIs 53
Get device attributes metadata 53
Get devices by MDM or deviceGuid identifiers 54
Get devices by mac addresses 57
Search devices by status 58
Search devices by device group identifier 59
Get device location details 61
Count devices by status 62
Count devices by device group identifier 63
Update device attributes by device UEM identifiers 64
Manage device settings - iOS only 65
Get device settings - iOS only 69
Force checkin 73
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Check-in for Threat Response Matrix update 73
Device Group APIs 77
Get all Device Groups 77
Get device groups associated with device list 78
Search device groups by device group name 81
Get device group by device group identifier 82
Example device groups API scenario 83
Message APIs 86
Send email to device owners 86
Send push notification to devices 87
User APIs 89
Get user attributes metadata 89
Search users by GUID 91
Search users by user id 93
Count users by user id 96
Update user attributes 97
App Catalog APIs 98
Get application inventory 98
Metadata APIs 102
Get current minor version of the API 102
Get device registration URI 103
Get device app metadata 103
Get device certificate metadata 104
Enabling Windows 10 app inventory reporting on Ivanti EPMM 106
Documentation resources 107
Ivanti EPMM documentation 107
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Revision history
Date Description
April 30, 2024 Updated for Ivanti EPMM
March 11, 2024 Updated for Ivanti EPMM
November 16,
Updated for Ivanti EPMM
August 21, 2023 Updated for Ivanti EPMM
April 26, 2023 Added a sample request and deepened the
documentation for the call,
"Get device registration URI"
on page103
November 7, 2022 Re-branded "Cloud" as "Ivanti Neurons for MDM," and
"Core" as "Ivanti EPMM."
November 2, 2022 Added
that the CPS APIs only support usage in the
default device space.
July 5, 2022 Changed instances of
for occurrences in descriptions and examples
of the
December 10, 2021 Added
"Sign out " on page44
July 7, 2021
Content changes for rebranding and distribution:
Product documentation has been rebranded to align with
Ivanti standards and is now available on the Ivanti Product
Documentation page.
January 22, 2021 Added the following iOS fields to the
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See "Get application inventory" on page46 for an example
response with these new fields.
October 28, 2020 Added the
field to the return of
"Get application
inventory" on page46
August 31, 2020 The following calls are now supported in Ivanti EPMM, and were already supported in Ivanti Neurons for
l "Get device groups associated with device list" on
l "Search users by GUID" on page91
August 3, 2020 Clarified that the direction is inbound for the port (8883)
on which the
messaging service
July 21, 2020 Added the call,
"Get device groups associated with device
list" on page78
June 11, 2020
Add documentation for the call,
"Search users by
GUID" on page91
Updated documentation for the call
"Get devices by
MDM or deviceGuid identifiers" on page54
describe that the call can also take the deviceGUID
as a search identifier.
April 2, 2020
"Device" on page38
object model to
include deviceGuid.
"Example Device Event messages" on
to include deviceGuid.
July 31, 2019
Updated Authentication methods supported for
Ivanti EPMM and Ivanti Neurons for MDM to include
basic auth and certificate-based authentication.
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Revision history
July 17, 2019
Added ldapStandardAttributes parameter to the
"Search users by user id" on page93
Added LDAP standard attributes information to the
"Get user attributes metadata" on page89
Changed identifier_type parameter to identifierType
for the
"Get profile inventory (iOS only)" on page50
"Check-in for Threat Response Matrix update"
on page73
, and
"Get application inventory" on
June 3, 2019
Updated the API
"Endpoint information" on page31
to reflect the new format for certificate-based
authenticated calls.
Updated the messaging
"Endpoint information" on
Updated the
"Resolved issues" on page8
"Limitations" on page8
sections for the Ivanti
Neurons for MDM 62 and Ivanti EPMM
version of the guide.
April 24, 2019 Added identifier_type parameter to the
"Get profile
inventory (iOS only)" on page50
"Check-in for Threat
Response Matrix update" on page73
, and
"Get application
inventory" on page46
April 22, 2019 Added documentation for these calls:
l "Get device app metadata" on page103
l "Get device certificate metadata" on page104
April 10, 2019 Added documentation for the
"Check-in for Threat
Response Matrix update" on page73
January 2, 2018
Added documentation for these new calls:
- "Manage device settings - iOS only" on page65
- "Get device settings - iOS only" on page69
- "Get device location details " on page61
The device.report_initialized event is now supported
on Ivanti EPMM for iOS and Android devices.
Previously, it was only supported on Ivanti Neurons
for MDM. See
"Device event" on page40
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Revision history
The Event Notification Service and Common Platform Services (CPS) API provide automated clients with a
messaging push and an RPC pull interface for integration with third-party solutions, namely:
Event Notification Service: an MQTT endpoint for notifications of activities within Ivanti Neurons
for MDM and Ivanti EPMM. See "Using the Event Notification Service" on page23.
CPS API: an RPC (HTTP/JSON) API to retrieve detailed information of interest to integrators. The
API is an RPC API using JSON over HTTP. See the API-related chapters, starting with "API
characteristics" on page31.
The Event Notification Service and CPS API comprise an integration platform between Ivanti's integration
partners and the Ivanti customer base. Before this integration platform, integration partners had to write
and maintain two separate integrations between Ivanti EPMM and Ivanti Neurons for MDM, and
constantly poll the API for device state changes, increasing processing complexity and computational
The Event Notification Service notifies integration partners of events within a few seconds of event
occurrence, and the CPS API provides standard responses across Ivanti EPMM and Ivanti Neurons for
MDM, serving as the ideal integration platform between integration partners and the Ivanti EPMM and
Ivanti Neurons for MDM customer base.
Resolved issues
This release includes the following resolved issues:
AW-32833: Previously, the GET /msa/v1/cps/appcatalog/apps API returned multiple versions of
the same app, whereas the App Catalog user interface showed only the latest of the two
uploaded versions in the app catalog listing. This issue has been fixed.
AW-32746: The WINDOWS parameter of the GET /msa/v1/cps/appcatalog/apps API now returns
expected results.
This release includes the following limitation:
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AW-23186: The GET /msa/v1/cps/user API call yields differing result formats on Ivanti Neurons for
MDM and Ivanti EPMM for the following items:
Item Ivanti Neurons for MDM Ivanti EPMM
Lower case
See the highlighted example in Ivanti
Neurons for MDM response below.
Camel Case
See the highlighted
example in
EPMM response
See the highlighted example in Ivanti
Neurons for MDM response below.
Unencoded string:
See the highlighted
example in
EPMM response
Ivanti Neurons for MDM response
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"searchResults": [
"enabled": true,
"createdAt": 1520419288985,
"accountSource": "LDAP",
"displayName": "cloud user",
"emailAddress": "",
"firstName": "cloud",
"lastName": "user",
"userId": "",
"userUuid": "a27c1b0e-96f6-4acc-af79-b3af881db1cd",
"ldapCustomAttributes": {
"userprincipalname": ""
"results": 1,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 50
Ivanti EPMM response
"searchResults": [
"enabled": true,
"createdAt": 1520553600000,
"accountSource": "LDAP",
"displayName": "testuser6771",
"emailAddress": "",
"firstName": "testuser6771",
"userId": "testuser6771",
"userUuid": "bff6bf12-72ff-4524-97a0-064cc137f955",
"ldapCustomAttributes": {
"objectGUID": "9a34fe08e8041c47991c5a387efff6bb",
"userPrincipalName": ""
"results": 1,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 50
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Getting Started
These sections describe the prerequisites for using the Event Notification Service and Common Platform
Services API.
Common prerequisites
You need to have a working Ivanti EPMM or Ivanti Neurons for MDM environment with registered
devices. See the Ivanti Neurons for MDM Administrator Guide and the Ivanti EPMM documentation set
for information about configuring your environment to work with this integration platform.
Event Notification Service prerequisites
Event notification requires Certificate based Authentication for each connection using client
(identity) certificates issued by DigiCert, Inc. See "Authentication" below, "Certificate-based
authentication workflows" on the next page,and "Example Ivanti Neurons for MDM certificate-
based authentication cURL command" on page32.
Integrators can only subscribe to events if admin user associated with the certificate has been
granted the CPS role. See "Assigning the CPS role to a user" on page15.
CPS API prerequisites
Ivanti supports the following authentication methods for CPS on Ivanti EPMM and Ivanti Neurons for
MDM over an encrypted link between client and server using Transport Layer Security (TLS) v1.2:
"Basic authentication" on the next page
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"Certificate-based authentication" below
Basic authentication
The credentials you use for basic authentication must correspond to a user with the required CPS role. See
"Assigning the CPS role to a user" on page15 for how to assign the CPS role to users.
Certificate-based authentication
The Common Platform Services API requires authentication for each API call, and supports certificate-
based authentication using client (identity) certificates issued by DigiCert, Inc. When using certificate-
based authentication, you must include the identity certificate in every API call and when establishing a
connection to MQTT. See "Example Ivanti Neurons for MDM certificate-based authentication cURL
command" on page32 for how to include the certificate. Ivanti Neurons for MDM or Ivanti EPMM
compares the username and email address (RFC 822) in the certificate SAN field against the registered
username and email address. If these do not match, the system refuses the MQTT connection and API calls.
See "Certificate-based authentication workflows" below for how to set up certificate-based authentication,
and "Certificate-based authentication security" on page15 for a discussion of how Ivanti enforces
certificate security.
The system does not renew certificates. Please keep track of your certificate expiration date and
renew the certificate before expiration.
See "Certificate-based authentication workflows" below and "Example Ivanti Neurons for MDM certificate-
based authentication cURL command" on page32 for more details.
Certificate-based authentication workflows
Thus section describes the following workflows:
Obtaining a certificate
Using certificates in messaging
Using certificate for API calls
Workflow: Obtaining a certificate
Follow this workflow to set up certificate-based authentication:
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Getting Started
1. Request Certificate
- User or partner requests a premium certificate from the DigiCert CA,
- The certificate issuer should be "DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID CA"
- Signature Hash must be SHA2.
- Common Name must be the Ivanti Neurons for MDM or Ivanti EPMM email of a user with the CPS
role. See "Assigning the CPS role to a user" on page15 for how to assign the CPS role to users.
- Recipient Email must be a working email address of a username that is also registered with same
email id in Ivanti Neurons for MDM or Ivanti EPMM.
2. Send Mail
- DigiCert sends an email to the Recipient Email containing an URL at which to generate the
certificate for the Common Name, in this case, the Ivanti Neurons for MDM or Ivanti EPMM email id
associated with the CPS role.
3. Get Certificate
- DigiCert sends a certificate in P12 format.
- Ensure that certificate is created with the "RFC 822 Name" header.
- The "RFC 822 Name" should be the email id of the user who will have the required CPS role. See
"Assigning the CPS role to a user" on page15 for how to assign the CPS role to users.
4. Acknowledge
- User clicks the URL to generate the certificate.
5. Request a new user
- User or partner requests the Ivanti admin to create a user.
6. Create user
- The Ivanti admin creates a single user for the given email id. The email id must be the same as to
which the certificate refers. See "Adding a User" in the Ivanti Neurons for MDM Administrator
Guide and "Managing Users" in the Getting Started with Ivanti EPMM guide for information about
creating users.
7. Enable CPS role
- The Ivanti admin enables the CPS role for the email id. See "Assigning the CPS role to a user" on
page15 for how to assign the CPS role to users.
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Getting Started
Workflow: Using certificates in messaging
Follow this workflow to use certificates in messaging:
Workflow: Using certificates for API calls
Follow this workflow to use certificates for API calls:
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Getting Started
Certificate-based authentication security
CPS supports Certificate-based Mutual Authentication. Mutual Authentication requires that both the
server and client present a certificate to prove their identity. This allows CPS to prevent unauthorized
clients without valid certificates from connecting to CPS APIs and event notification service.
Certificate Validation
To be considered a valid certificate, a certificate must:
1. Chain to a Certificate Authority (CA) trusted by Ivanti Neurons for MDM and Ivanti EPMM. Currently,
this is DigiCert only.
2. Be otherwise valid, for example, marked as usable for client authentication, and not expired.
3. After validating a certificate as valid, Ivanti extracts the email identity of a certificate using the
SubjectAltName RFC822Name value. Ivanti enforces that only one RFC822Name value may exist in a
given certificate, and rejects a certificate if there are multiple values.
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name format: email: <name>@<domain>.com
4. After extracting the email identity from the certificate, Ivanti performs a lookup for the user and
ensures user has the CPS role for the Ivanti Neurons for MDM or Ivanti EPMM tenant.
Security of Certificate Procurement Process
The security of this system depends upon preventing unauthorized users from obtaining certificates that
are valid for authorized users. To that end, DigiCert has the following processes and protections in place:
1. When a certificate for an email address is requested, an email is sent to that email address requesting
confirmation of the certificate request. Note: it is not required that the requester has access to the
email address. This allows admins to request (and pay for) certificates on behalf of users.
2. The certificate is only generated when the email recipient clicks the confirmation link. Prior to this, the
certificate requester is prevented from seeing the certificate.
3. The certificate and private key are sent to the email address to which the certificate belongs. If the
certificate is requested by person A who does not have access to mailbox B, then A will not be able to
obtain the private key.
4. The certificate (public) is visible to the certificate requester on Digicert's website, but the private key is
not. Certificate-based Mutual Authentication works by proving that each side has possession of their
respective private key. Thus, by providing the private key only to the intended recipient and not the
requester, the system prevents attackers from gaining unauthorized access to the APIs.
Assigning the CPS role to a user
The process differs between Ivanti Neurons for MDM and Ivanti EPMM.
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Getting Started
Assigning the CPS role to a Ivanti Neurons for MDM user
To assign the CPS role to a user:
1. Log in to Ivanti Neurons for MDM and then click Users.
2. Select Users.
3. Select a user.
4. Select Append Roles.
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5. Select the Common Platform Services (CPS) role.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Done.
Assigning the CPS role to a Ivanti EPMM user
To assign the CPS role to a user:
1. Log in to Ivanti EPMM and then click Admin.
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2. Select a user.
3. Select Edit Roles.
4. Assign the admin user to the global space.
The user will be unable to access Common Platform Services functionality if assigned to a device
space other than global.
5. Select the Common Platform Services (CPS) role.
6. Click Save.
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Getting Started
Enabling messaging
The process for enabling messaging differs between Ivanti Neurons for MDM and Ivanti EPMM. See the
following sections for details.
Ivanti recommends to allow HTTPS traffic on port 8443 from the corporate network, limited to Ivanti
applications only. This service is intended for EPMM server management and must have strictly controlled
Enabling messaging on Ivanti Neurons for MDM
You can enable messaging using the Ivanti Neurons for MDM admin portal.
To enable messaging:
1. Login to Ivanti Neurons for MDM, and then select Admin.
2. Select Common Platform Services Notifications.
3. Toggle the CPS notifications switch to enable or disable the service.
Enabling messaging on Ivanti EPMM
You run the Ivanti EPMM CLI program to enable messaging. This procedure invokes a message broker,
enables the Event Notification Service event notification feature, restarts the Ivanti server, and restarts
Apache Tomcat (on Ivanti EPMM) to reload configurations.
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Getting Started
The Messaging server listens to subscribing client requests over port 8883, and this port must be
open inbound for the service to function.
If Ivanti EPMM is running in a High Availability configuration, please enable messaging on both
primary and secondary nodes.
To enable or disable messaging, run the Ivanti EPMM CLI program as shown below:
host:~ host$ ssh miadmin@hostname
miadmin@hostname's password:
Last login: Thu May 4 13:43:48 2017 from
* Ivanti EPMM CLI *
* *
* *
Welcome miadmin it is Thu May 4 13:49:39 UTC 2017
CORE(> enable
CORE( terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.
Warning:Maintenance mode command.
Portal service will be stopped during this operation. Proceed? (y/n)y
Updating chkconfig...
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Getting Started
Updating portal...
Starting ActiveMQ...
INFO: Loading '/'
INFO: Using java '/'
INFO: Starting - inspect logfiles specified in and
to get details
INFO: pidfile created : '/'
(pid '22954')
Capturing tomcat metrics: [ OK ]
Stopping tomcat: [ OK ]
Starting tomcat: Using TOMCAT_ALLOCATION_MB=2048
Using JAVA_OPTS=-Xms128m -Xmx2048m -XX:PermSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -
XX:+OptimizeStringConcat -server -Dvsp.branding=mobileiron -Dmi.hostname=hostname -
Dfile.encoding=utf-8 - -Dspring.auth.method=form - -Dmi.tcp.port.system.manager.portal=8443 -
Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false -Dmi.version= -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:-
HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/mi/files -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xloggc:/mi/tomcat/logs/gc.log -
XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:MaxNewSize=480M -XX:NewRatio=7 -
XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=60
[ OK ]
Successfully enabled activemq
CORE( activemq
Warning:Maintenance mode command.
Portal service will be stopped during this operation. Proceed? (y/n)y
Updating chkconfig...
Updating portal...
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Getting Started
Stopping ActiveMQ...
INFO: Loading '/'
INFO: Using java '/'
ERROR: No or outdated process id in
INFO: Removing /
Capturing tomcat metrics: [ OK ]
Stopping tomcat: [ OK ]
Starting tomcat: Using TOMCAT_ALLOCATION_MB=2048
Using JAVA_OPTS=-Xms128m -Xmx2048m -XX:PermSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -
XX:+OptimizeStringConcat -server -Dvsp.branding=mobileiron -Dmi.hostname=hostname -
Dfile.encoding=utf-8 - -Dspring.auth.method=form - -Dmi.tcp.port.system.manager.portal=8443 -
Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false -Dmi.version= -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:-
HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/mi/files -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xloggc:/mi/tomcat/logs/gc.log -
XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:MaxNewSize=480M -XX:NewRatio=7 -
XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=60
[ OK ]
Successfully disabled activemq
Validating Event Notification Service and CPS API functionality
To validate Event Notification Service functionality, see the section, "Sample client snippet for message
subscriber" on page27 for how to write a script that verifies that you can subscribe to events.
To validate that you can use the CPS API, run the call described in the section, " Getting event subscription
metadata" on page25.
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Getting Started
Using the Event Notification Service
The Event Notification Service provides automated clients with an MQTT endpoint for notifications of
activities within Ivanti Neurons for MDM and Ivanti EPMM.
Messages indicate:
Device activity, such as registration, check-in, and retirement
Device state activity, for example, transitions between compliant and non-compliant, and back
Administrative changes
A variety of out-of-the-box MQTT implementations are available and this manual provides sample client
code in the section, "Sample client snippet for message subscriber" on page27. Messages are JSON
objects, and any of the widely-available JSON implementations can de-serialize them. For more
information about MQTT, visit
TLS (Transport Layer Security) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link
between a server and a client. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers
remain private and integral. Partner connection and communication with a message broker as a
subscriber is TLS secured and encrypted.
MQTT protocol enabled by Ivanti EPMM for CPS events only supports TLS 1.2.
Ivanti recommends a maximum of fifteen connections per tenant. The best practice is to use a
single connection to connect and subscribe to all the required topics from a tenant or Ivanti
Every connection should have a unique MQTT client ID.
Subscribers (MQTT/TLS clients) need to connect to broker over TLS encrypted port 8883. See
"Endpoint information" on the next page for the broker URL to use for your environment.
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For Ivanti EPMM, during backup and restore on a secondary node, any cipher suite and protocol
configuration changes for incoming TLS connections from Ivanti EPMM System Manager (MICS)
has to be manually replicated on the secondary node because MICS configurations are not synced
All MQTT clients maintaining an active subscription when MQTT sends the message receive the
message. The system purges the message after delivery, even if the message is consumed by only
one active client that acknowledges receipt with a PUBACK command. MQTT delivers messages
with QoS level 1, which means the sender can deliver the message more than once until the sender
receives a PUBACK command from a receiving client.
If no active consumers are available at the instant message is published to the messaging server,
the message would be retained in the system for a maximum duration of 3 hours before it either
gets consumed by a re-connecting durable subscriber or gets evacuated out of the system
Suggested messaging integration workflow
1. Obtain endpoint URLs and a login email address to make a connection. These are provided separately
by your Ivanti account representative. You also need a client (identity) certificate. See "Authentication"
on page11 and "Certificate-based authentication workflows" on page12.
2. Use the " Getting event subscription metadata" on the next page call to get list of available events and
topics to which to subscribe.
3. Edit your login information into the sample client snippet for message subscriber, then execute one of
the sample clients. This connects to the messaging system, registers for events, and begins printing
message activity to the standard output. See "Sample client snippet for message subscriber" on
4. Register a device to generate events that will enable you to test your integration.
5. Verify that device registration and check-in actions are showing up on your console from your client.
Endpoint information
The endpoints differ between Ivanti Neurons for MDM and Ivanti EPMM.
The following table summarizes the endpoints:
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Using the Event Notification Service
Ivanti Neurons for MDM Ivanti EPMM
For example, given the cluster NA1, then the endpoint
address would be:
For example, given the fully qualified
hostname,, then
the endpoint address would be:
Getting event subscription metadata
This call returns available event types to which you can subscribe and the retention time for Event
Notification Service events.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Example response
Ivanti Neurons for MDM
"topics": {
"device_profile_inventory_update": "18ccc64c-66e4-4e27-8bd6-
"device_cert_inventory_update": "18ccc64c-66e4-4e27-8bd6-9acc9c8d0224/device/cert_
"device_compliant": "18ccc64c-66e4-4e27-8bd6-9acc9c8d0224/device/compliant",
"device_check_in": "18ccc64c-66e4-4e27-8bd6-9acc9c8d0224/device/check_in",
"device_app_inventory_update": "18ccc64c-66e4-4e27-8bd6-9acc9c8d0224/device/app_
"device_wiped": "18ccc64c-66e4-4e27-8bd6-9acc9c8d0224/device/wiped",
"device_not_compliant": "18ccc64c-66e4-4e27-8bd6-9acc9c8d0224/device/not_
"device_enrolled": "18ccc64c-66e4-4e27-8bd6-9acc9c8d0224/device/enrolled",
"device_retired": "18ccc64c-66e4-4e27-8bd6-9acc9c8d0224/device/retired"
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Using the Event Notification Service
"retentionPeriodMinutes": 180
Ivanti EPMM
"topics": {
"device_not_compliant": "device/not_compliant",
"device_compliant": "device/compliant",
"device_retired": "device/retired",
"device_enrolled": "device/enrolled",
"device_app_inventory_update": "device/app_inventory",
"device_profile_inventory_update": "device/profile_inventory",
"device_cert_inventory_update": "device/cert_inventory",
"device_wiped": "device/wiped",
"device_check_in": "device/check_in"
"retentionPeriodMinutes": 180
The key in the “topics” JSON defines the event types available and the corresponding values indicate the
destination topic to which the partner should subscribe to get respective event notifications. The system
retains messages for three hours and then purges them if they are not consumed and acknowledged with
a PUBACK command.
There is currently one message format defined. See "Device" on page38, and see the example messages
Example Device Event messages
App install
"timestamp": 1582796173229,
"eventType": "device.app_inventory",
"devices": [
"compliant": true,
"quarantined": false,
"blocked": false,
"compromised": false,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"lastCheckInTime": 1582796171062,
"registrationTime": 1582608427870,
"identifier": "f2e01873c6d96d87f1a34ff72e0e4143e42ee089",
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 26 of 108
Using the Event Notification Service
"macAddress": "74:81:14:d6:f5:b7",
"manufacturer": "Apple Inc.",
"model": "iPad5,3",
"os": "IOS",
"osVersion": "12.2",
"serialNumber": "DMPPK6YVG5VT",
"userId": "",
"userUuid": "5159964d-95a7-466f-9677-1b90877f045f",
"iosUdid": "f2e01873c6d96d87f1a34ff72e0e4143e42ee089",
"deviceGuid": "1d71e131-0487-4d1d-9a0d-89f2bd1a888d"
Device retire
"timestamp": 1582796293479,
"eventType": "device.retired",
"devices": [
"compliant": true,
"quarantined": false,
"compromised": false,
"status": "RETIRED",
"lastCheckInTime": 1582796291883,
"registrationTime": 1582608427870,
"identifier": "f2e01873c6d96d87f1a34ff72e0e4143e42ee089",
"macAddress": "74:81:14:d6:f5:b7",
"manufacturer": "Apple Inc.",
"model": "iPad5,3",
"os": "IOS",
"osVersion": "12.2",
"serialNumber": "DMPPK6YVG5VT",
"userId": "",
"userUuid": "5159964d-95a7-466f-9677-1b90877f045f",
"iosUdid": "f2e01873c6d96d87f1a34ff72e0e4143e42ee089",
"deviceGuid": "1d71e131-0487-4d1d-9a0d-89f2bd1a888d"
Sample client snippet for message subscriber
This example code snippet is for the Paho client. For more information, see
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Using the Event Notification Service
import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.IMqttDeliveryToken;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttCallback;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttClient;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttConnectOptions;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttMessage;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.persist.MemoryPersistence;
public class SampleMQTTCBA implements MqttCallback {
public static final int KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL = 30;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String topic = "45a10ad4-ada7-4698-bc2b-d8ce1e1eb5c6/device/profile_inventory";
try {
MqttClient client = new MqttClient("ssl://<hostname>:8883",
new MemoryPersistence());
MqttConnectOptions options = getMqttConnectOptions();
client.setCallback(new SampleMQTTCBA());
client.subscribe(topic, 0);
if (client.isConnected()) {
System.out.println("Client connected");
} catch (Exception exception) {
private static MqttConnectOptions getMqttConnectOptions() throws Exception {
MqttConnectOptions options = new MqttConnectOptions();
String caFile = "<ca-cert.pem file path>";
String p12File = "<End user's P12 file path>";
String p12Password = "<P12 password>";
final SSLContext sslContext = getSslContext(caFile, p12File, p12Password);
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Using the Event Notification Service
return options;
private static SSLContext getSslContext(final String caCrtFile, final String p12File,
final String password) {
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
try {
KeyManagerFactory kmf = getKeyManagerFactory(p12File, password);
TrustManagerFactory tmf = getTrustManagerFactory(caCrtFile);
SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1.2");
context.init(kmf.getKeyManagers(), tmf.getTrustManagers(), null);
return context;
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Could not create SSL context");
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
private static KeyManagerFactory getKeyManagerFactory(String p12File, String password)
throws Exception {
KeyStore clientStore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
clientStore.load(new FileInputStream(p12File), password.toCharArray());
KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance
kmf.init(clientStore, password.toCharArray());
return kmf;
private static TrustManagerFactory getTrustManagerFactory(String caCrtFile) throws
Exception {
// load CA certificate
X509Certificate caCert = null;
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(caCrtFile);
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
while (bis.available() > 0) {
caCert = (X509Certificate)cf.generateCertificate(bis);
// CA certificate is used to authenticate server
KeyStore caKs = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
caKs.load(null, null);
caKs.setCertificateEntry("ca-certificate", caCert);
TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance("X509");
return tmf;
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Using the Event Notification Service
public void connectionLost(Throwable cause) {
public void messageArrived(String topic, MqttMessage message) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Demo.messageArrived()" + topic + " " + message);
public void deliveryComplete(IMqttDeliveryToken token) {
System.out.println("message id" + token.getMessageId());
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Using the Event Notification Service
API characteristics
Endpoint information
The endpoints differ between Ivanti Neurons for MDM and Ivanti EPMM for certificate-based
authentication, and between basic authentication and certificate authentication for Ivanti Neurons for
The CPS APIs only support usage in the default device space.
The following table summarizes the endpoints:
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Ivanti Neurons for MDM Ivanti EPMM
For example, given the fully qualified
hostname,, the
endpoint address would be:
For both basic and certificate-based
For example, given the fully qualified
hostname,, then
the endpoint address would be:
For example, given the cluster name
NA1, the endpoint address would be:
When using certificate-based
authentication, you must include the
identity certificate in every API call and
when establishing a connection to
MQTT. See "Example Ivanti Neurons for
MDM certificate-based authentication
cURL command" below for how to
include the certificate. See "Certificate-
based authentication workflows" on
page12 for how to set up certificate-
based authentication.
These endpoints listen on port 443.
Example Ivanti Neurons for MDM certificate-based authentication cURL
curl -X GET ''
--cert <End user's P12 file path>/<End user's P12 filename>.p12:<End user's P12 file
--cert-type p12
--cacert <ca-cert.pem file path>
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API characteristics
P12 in the snippet above refers to p12 authentication certificates. See "Certificate-based authentication
workflows" on page12 for how to set up certificate-based authentication.
Aggregate API rate limits per cluster
Ivanti recommends integrators manage and control the call rate of CPS APIs so as to not exceed the
following maximum values of calls per minute. Aggregate API call rates per cluster that exceed the
following limits may result in rate-limiting being invoked:
Tenants NA1 NA2 NA3 EU1 AP1 AP2
msa/v1/cps/device/application 300* 400 300 300 300 100
msa/v1/cps/device/mac 100 200 100 100 100 100
200 200 200 200 200 100
100 100 100 100 100 100
/msa/v1/cps/device/forceCheckin 100 100 100 200 100 100
/msa/v1/cps/device/notification 200 200 100 200 200 200
/msa/v1/cps/device/email 200 400 200 400 200 200
Remaining APIs 400 600 600 600 200 200
* Values are calls/minute.
Batch ID recommendation
Ivanti recommends limiting to 100 the number of IDs sent with a single API call. The maximum number of
IDs supported with any single API call is 200. API performance may degrade if more than 100 IDs are sent in
any single API call and rate limiting may be invoked on MI Ivanti Neurons for MDM.
Pulling data
API calls only return properties that have a value and where the parameter is supported in the
data model. For the complete list of properties, see "Object models" on page36.
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API characteristics
The API calls return all date fields as a long: number of milliseconds since the epoch - January 1,
1970 UTC.
Common items
The following data structures are used across multiple APIs.
List of identifiers
A list of strings, device UEM identifiers, deviceGuid identifiers, device mac addresses, user Globally, or
Universally Unique identifiers.
List of devices format
identifiers":["mdm-id-1", "mdm-id-2"]
Example list of devices
"quarantined": false,
"compromised": false,
"imei": "35 2342342342345 64 1"
"model":"Nexus 10",
"serialNumber": "F123431WN123",
"custom attribute 1":"custom attribute value",
"custom attribute 2":"custom attribute value"
"compliant": true,
"quarantined": false,
"compromised": false,
"status": "RETIRED",
"lastCheckInTime": 1493723182655,
"registrationTime": 1493712801136,
"identifier": "b9a0d7d05fb4204f52264f805932526b848ca61d",
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
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API characteristics
"imei": "35 377808 345646 1",
"manufacturer": "Apple Inc.",
"model": "iPhone9,3",
"os": "IOS",
"osVersion": "10.2.1",
"serialNumber": "F17ST4356HG7F",
"userId": "",
"userUuid": "7d191915-28d1-444563-bec8-456",
"iosUdid": "b9a0d7d05fb4563456f805932526b848ca61d"
Number result
Number results are single integer responses whose meanings vary depending on the API call, for example,
the count of updated entities or the response of a count API.
Example number result
"result": 2
Update attributes
These handle both device and user attributes updates.
Update attributes request format
"identifiers": [
"attributes": {
"key": "value"
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API characteristics
Enum Values Used for
AccountSource LOCAL, LDAP User #
DevicePlatform ANDROID, IOS, OSX, WINDOWS, UNKNOWN Device # os
Device # status
Object models
The following sections describe the response fields you will encounter using the APIs.
Do not perform strict type checking against the API JSON responses because Ivanti may enhance
the responses with additional fields in subsequent releases.
App Catalog
Field name Description
name Human readable name.
platformType Type of OS platform.
version Application version.
identifier Application (unique) identifier.
buildNumber Build number of the application. This is for in-house apps only.
createdAt Time app was added.
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API characteristics
Field name Description
Application (unique) identifier
Human readable name
Application version
Is the application managed.
Source of the app, for example, PUBLIC.
adHocCodeSigned true or false
appStoreVendable true or false
betaApp true or false
deviceBasedVPP true or false
externalVersionIdentifier The external version identifier, for example, 832990878.
updateAvailable true or false
installing true or false
validated true or false
shortVersion The short version, for example, 5.2.1.
bundleVersion The bundle version, for example, 6733.
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API characteristics
Field name Description
identity Indicates the certificate is an identity certificate.
notAfter Epoch time after which certificate expires.
notBefore Epoch time before which certificate is not valid.
issuer DName of the certificate issuer organization.
serialNumber Unique identification number for the certificate.
subject DName of the client to which the certificate belongs.
thumbprint The thumbprint is a hexadecimal string uniquely identifying a
certificate. A thumbprint algorithm calculates the thumbprint. CES
accepts Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1) thumbprints in the 40-digit
hexadecimal string form without spaces.
Note: imei, imsi and macAddress may not be present in all devices.
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API characteristics
Field name Description
compliant "true" if the device meets the compliance rules established by the
Ivanti enterprise administrator, else "false".
quarantined "true" if the device is violating any policy with respect to quarantine
action for device.
blocked "true" if the device is violating a defined policy that has a compliance
compromised "true" if the device OS is compromised as defined by rules
established by the Ivanti enterprise administrator, for example, iOS
device is jailbroken or an Android device is rooted.
status Device registration state; one of:
lastCheckInTime The timestamp of the last device check in (number of milliseconds
from the epoch). This is the UEM check in time.
registrationTime The timestamp of the device registration (number of milliseconds
from the epoch).
identifier The unique device UEM identifier for the device in question. UEM
identifiers are consistent within an OS, but are not consistently
formatted across OSs. This identifier is not present for MAM only
and Auth only devices because MDM is required in order to provide
this information. Use
, described below, which is more
reliably available.
macAddress The device's MAC address, six groups of two hexadecimal digits
separated by colons e.g. b0:65:bd:33:fe:2b. Available and valid only
after the system fires the
event immediately
after device enrollment.
manufacturer Device manufacturer, e.g.
Apple Inc.
model Device model, e.g.
Nexus 10
Lumia 950 Dual SIM
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API characteristics
Field name Description
os The devices operating system; one of:
osVersion The OS version.
serialNumber Device serial number.
userId User name of the user the device belongs to.
userUuid User unique identifier, can be used with user APIs like
"Update user
attributes" on page97
iosUdid The UDID number for iOS device.
deviceGuid The device GUID of the device.
customAttributes All custom device attribute fields that have been set with a value for
the device will be listed.
ownership Indicates whether the device is company-owned or employee-
owned, or the ownership type is unknown.
Returns one of the following values: COMPANY, EMPLOYEE,
The device International Mobile Station Equipment Identity number.
imsi The IMSI number for the device.
phoneNumber Phone number.
Device event
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API characteristics
Field name Description
timestamp milliseconds since the epoch: January 1, 1970
eventType one of the following:
Fired only when the device enrolls and the UEM server receives
the security status of the device. If the Security status changes,
the UEM server processes the change, but does not fire this
For Android devices managed by Ivanti Neurons for MDM,
to include the IMEI value in Android devices'
device.report_initialized events, go to Admin > Android
Registration on the MobielIron Ivanti Neurons for MDM
Admin portal and enable Require Android device
identifiers during registration (Work Profile & Device
Admin).This is supported for Android 6.0 devices and
devices A list of
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
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API characteristics
Field name Description
encrypted Indicates whether the profile payload content is encrypted or not
hasRemovalPasscode Indicates whether the profile has a removal passcode
managed Indicates whether the profile is managed by Ivanti
removalDisallowed Supervised only. If present and set to true, the user cannot delete the
profile (unless the profile has a removal password and the user
provides it)
content Array of payload dictionaries. Not present if 'encrypted' is true.
description A description of the profile
displayName Friendly name that identifies the entity.
identifier A reverse-DNS style identifier (com.example.myprofile, for example)
that identifies the profile
organization A human-readable string containing the name of the organization
that provided the profile
uuid A globally unique identifier for the profile
version The version number of the profile format
These are the rules used to create device groups on Ivanti Neurons for MDM and labels on Ivanti EPMM.
Field name Description
id Unique identifier for rule group
name Rule name
description Rule group description
definition Filter criteria for rule
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
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API characteristics
Field name Description
enabled Indicates whether or not the user is enabled in the system.
createdAt Epoch time when the user was on-boarded into the system.
AccountSource enum
displayName Display name of the user.
emailAddress Registered email address of the user.
firstName User first name.
lastName User last name.
User name. This is the field by which you can search or count
userUuid User unique identifier, to be used for the API call,
"Update user
attributes" on page97
customAttributes All custom user attribute fields that have been set with a value for the
user will be listed.
ldapCustomAttributes All LDAP custom attribute fields that have been set with a value for the
LDAP user will be listed.
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Page 43 of 108
API characteristics
Sign out
Field name Description
model os
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API characteristics
Handling Paged Responses
When making calls that return a large number of results as a list, it will often be of benefit to page the
result set. By requesting smaller subsets of data, you will get a response much faster than when
requesting the entire, potentially large, data set.
On calls that support result set paging, pass in the following parameters to control size and start point of
the page:
Name Description
The index of the first item for which you want results.
The maximum number of items you want to be included in the result set.
Note that there may be less remaining items than the value you specify here.
The default limit is 50.
To page through the results, begin with a start value of 0 and a count value of N. To get the next page, set
start value to N, while the count value stays the same. Subsequent pages will start at 2N, 3N, 4N, et cetera.
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API characteristics
Inventory APIs
Get application inventory
This API returns the application inventory for the device identifier(s) specified in the request. This API
consists of a command and optional payload (URL) that you can use to work with GUIDs instead of mdm-
identifiers. This call silently ignores invalid device identifiers in the request.
The app inventory response depends on the device mode on Android and data privacy
permissionson on iOS.
To enable this API call to retrieve Windows 10 device data on Ivanti EPMM, see "Enabling Windows 10 app
inventory reporting on Ivanti EPMM" on page106.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Request parameters
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 46 of 108
Parameter Description Sample Value
identifiers Required
Parameter Type: Request
Data Type:
List of UEM identifiers in this
"List of identifiers" on
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
Possible Values:
One of :
If not specified, the server
assumes MDM identifiers.
Response fields
See "Application" on page36.
Example request
curl --location --request POST 'https://[Ivanti Neurons for MDM or Ivanti
EPMM]/msa/v1/cps/device/application' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"identifiers": ["e428c618933372785b0641d053c562021ef9cd49"] }'
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 47 of 108
Inventory APIs
Example response
"deviceMdmId": "e428c618933372785b0641d053c562021ef9cd49",
"applications": [
"identifier": "",
"name": "Keynote",
"version": "5.2.1",
"managed": false,
"source": "UNKNOWN_APP_TYPE",
"adHocCodeSigned": false,
"appStoreVendable": true,
"betaApp": false,
"deviceBasedVPP": false,
"externalVersionIdentifier": 832990878,
"updateAvailable": false,
"installing": false,
"validated": true,
"shortVersion": "5.2.1",
"bundleVersion": "6733"
"identifier": "",
"name": "Numbers",
"version": "5.2.1",
"managed": false,
"source": "UNKNOWN_APP_TYPE",
"adHocCodeSigned": false,
"appStoreVendable": true,
"betaApp": false,
"deviceBasedVPP": false,
"externalVersionIdentifier": 832990870,
"updateAvailable": false,
"installing": false,
"validated": true,
"shortVersion": "5.2.1",
"bundleVersion": "6733"
Get certificate inventory (iOS only)
This call gets the certificate inventory for the iOS device identifiers specified in the request. This call silently
ignores any invalid identifiers passed.
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
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Inventory APIs
HTTP Method
Request URI
Request parameters
Parameter Description Sample Value
identifiers Required
Parameter Type: Request body
Data Type:
List of UEM identifiers in this format:
"identifiers":["mdm-id-1", "mdm-id-2"]
"List of identifiers" on page34
Response fields
See "Certificate" on page37.
Example response
"deviceMdmId": "1cdacac686e39dd367a47f2286be436df0a37433",
"certificates": [
"identity": true,
"notAfter": 1812011724000,
"notBefore": 1496740310000,
"issuer": ",OU=iOSMDMCA,UID=1496738424913",
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
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Inventory APIs
"serialNumber": "1017",
"subject": "CN=1cdacac686e39dd367a47f2286be436df0a37433",
"thumbPrint": "BF0670CFC5B548D5837E9D078F4617D296C9577E"
"identity": false,
"notAfter": 2035213580000,
"notBefore": 1088528780000,
"issuer": "C=US,O=The Go Daddy Group\\, Inc.,OU=Go Daddy Class 2
Certification Authority",
"serialNumber": "0",
"subject": "C=US,O=The Go Daddy Group\\, Inc.,OU=Go Daddy Class 2
Certification Authority",
"thumbPrint": "2796BAE63F1801E277261BA0D77770028F20EEE4"
"identity": false,
"notAfter": 2442818116000,
"notBefore": 1496738116000,
"issuer": ",OU=SystemRootCA,UID=1496738416965",
"serialNumber": "750514842",
"subject": ",OU=SystemRootCA,UID=1496738416965",
"thumbPrint": "C3EA70EB304FCD0500FF0369EC06103CF1C0260E"
"identity": true,
"notAfter": 1812011720000,
"notBefore": 1496740332000,
"issuer": ",OU=AppStoreFrontCA,UID=1496738420411",
"serialNumber": "1018",
"subject": "CN=1cdacac686e39dd367a47f2286be436df0a37433",
"thumbPrint": "C45966CC2222CCB5457D2C614B264ACE89EA683A"
Get profile inventory (iOS only)
This calls returns the profile inventory details for the device identifiers specified in the request. This API
consists of a command and optional payload (URL) that you can use to work with GUIDs instead of mdm-
Any invalid device identifier specified in the request is silently ignored.
HTTP Method
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Page 50 of 108
Inventory APIs
Request URI
Request parameters
Parameter Description Sample Value
identifiers Required
Parameter Type: Request body
Data Type:
List of UEM identifiers in this format:
"identifiers":["mdm-id-1", "mdm-id-2"]
"List of identifiers" on page34
Parameter Type:
Request body
Data Type:
Possible Values:
One of :
If not specified, the server assumes MDM identifiers.
Response fields
See "Profile" on page42.
Example response
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 51 of 108
Inventory APIs
"deviceMdmId": "8bfb639c2676ed8c4d55c8962773698fe2e04cd4",
"profiles": [
"encrypted": true,
"hasRemovalPasscode": false,
"managed": true,
"removalDisallowed": true,
"description": "Access the Apple App Catalog via this Web Clip.",
"displayName": "Apple App Catalog",
"identifier": "mi.webclip.35016.0",
"organization": "acme, Inc.",
"uuid": "e45473ff-bc98-4041-a220-94019fd2b9d9",
"version": "1"
"encrypted": true,
"hasRemovalPasscode": false,
"managed": true,
"removalDisallowed": true,
"description": "The Identity used by this device to access the Apple App
Catalog securely.",
"displayName": "Identity for the App Catalog",
"identifier": "mi.credentialidentitydg.35018.0",
"organization": "acme, Inc.",
"uuid": "5d299f56-6dbb-4318-9f53-39e8a78950f1",
"version": "1"
"encrypted": true,
"hasRemovalPasscode": false,
"managed": false,
"removalDisallowed": false,
"description": "The top-level MDM payload containing the MDM profile, the
identities and the trust certificates necessary to MDM-manage this device.",
"displayName": "Root MDM Profile",
"identifier": "com.acme.polaris.mdm",
"organization": "acme, Inc.",
"uuid": "3cdac85c-d56d-4d75-835c-dce062d66c9e",
"version": "1"
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 52 of 108
Inventory APIs
Device APIs
Please note that for any of the device GETAPIs, the value returned by the API corresponds to the device
state at the last device check-in. If you would like to get the most up to date value, then include a "Force
checkin" on page73 call in your work-flow.
Get device attributes metadata
This call returns available device attributes and their types. Some fields such as devicestatus and
deviceplatform will have a value from a finite known set. See "Enums" on page35 for all such fields.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Example response
"name": "compliant",
"dataType": "boolean",
"readOnly": true
"name": "status",
"dataType": "devicestatus",
"readOnly": true
"name": "lastCheckInTime",
"dataType": "long",
"readOnly": true
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 53 of 108
"name": "macAddress",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": true
"name": "os",
"dataType": "deviceplatform",
"readOnly": true
"name": "userId",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": true
"name": "userUuid",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": true
"name": "custom_device_attribute_1",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": false
"name": "custom_device_attribute_2",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": false
Get devices by MDM or deviceGuid identifiers
This API returns the details of devices with the MDM or deviceGuid identifiers specified in the request
body. It silently ignores invalid MDM and deviceGuid identifiers. In the following device details resturn, the
MDM identifier is in the field "identifier," and the deviceGuid is in the field, "deviceGuid." Those are the
values, for example, "d0838fa7ba1ee023c9ece9192589088325d7aa08" and "dbccbe70-7499-4676-88b0-
a6d5d298752e" that you could use in the body of this call.
"compliant": true,
"quarantined": false,
"blocked": false,
"compromised": false,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"lastCheckInTime": 1581229664468,
"registrationTime": 1581229603492,
"identifier": "d0838fa7ba1ee023c9ece9192589088325d7aa08",
"macAddress": "8c:fe:57:b3:53:96",
"manufacturer": "Apple Inc.",
"model": "iPad7,5",
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 54 of 108
Device APIs
"os": "IOS",
"osVersion": "13.3",
"serialNumber": "GG7XP285JMVT",
"userId": "",
"userUuid": "b8e7fea0-4730-4bc5-a089-cfd631078b9e",
"iosUdid": "d0838fa7ba1ee023c9ece9192589088325d7aa08",
"ownership": "UNKNOWN",
"deviceGuid": "dbccbe70-7499-4676-88b0-a6d5d298752e"
HTTP Method
Request URI
Request parameters
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 55 of 108
Device APIs
Parameter Description Sample Value
identifierType Required
Parameter Type: Request body
Data Type:
Type of identifier.
Valid values:
l "identifierType":"MDM_IDENTIFIER"
l "identifierType":"GUID"
1", "deviceGuid-2"]
identifiers Required
Parameter Type: Request body
Data Type:
List of UEM identifiers in this format:
"identifiers":["mdm-id-1", "mdm-id-2"]
"identifiers":["deviceGuid-1", "deviceGuid-2"]
"List of identifiers" on page34
Response fields
A list of devices.
See "List of identifiers" on page34 and "User" on page43.
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 56 of 108
Device APIs
Example request
curl --location --request POST 'https://<Ivanti Neurons for MDM>/msa/v1/cps/device/uuid'
--header 'Authorization: Basic <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
Example response
"compliant": true,
"quarantined": false,
"blocked": false,
"compromised": false,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"lastCheckInTime": 1581229664468,
"registrationTime": 1581229603492,
"identifier": "d0838fa7ba1ee023c9ece9192589088325d7aa08",
"macAddress": "8c:fe:57:b3:53:96",
"manufacturer": "Apple Inc.",
"model": "iPad7,5",
"os": "IOS",
"osVersion": "13.3",
"serialNumber": "GG7XP285JMVT",
"userId": "",
"userUuid": "b8e7fea0-4730-4bc5-a089-cfd631078b9e",
"iosUdid": "d0838fa7ba1ee023c9ece9192589088325d7aa08",
"ownership": "UNKNOWN",
"deviceGuid": "dbccbe70-7499-4676-88b0-a6d5d298752e"
Get devices by mac addresses
This API returns the details of devices with MAC addresses specified in the request. It silently ignores
invalid MAC addresses.
HTTP Method
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Page 57 of 108
Device APIs
Request URI
Request parameters
Parameter Description Sample Value
identifiers Required
Parameter Type: Request body
Data Type:
List of wifi MAC identifiers in this format:
"identifiers":["mac-id-1", "macm-id-2"]
"List of identifiers" on page34
Response fields
A list of devices.
See "List of identifiers" on page34 and "User" on page43.
Search devices by status
This API returns the device information for devices with status specified in the request. If no status is
specified in the request, details of all the devices is returned.
HTTP Method
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Page 58 of 108
Device APIs
Request URI
Request parameters
Parameter Description Sample Value
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
"status" on
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
Response fields
A list of devices.
See "List of identifiers" on page34 and "User" on page43.
Example response
"searchResults": #List of devices,
Search devices by device group identifier
This API returns device membership details for device group identifier specified in the search request.
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 59 of 108
Device APIs
HTTP Method
Request URI
Request parameters
Parameter Description Sample Value
id Required
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
ID of the device group whose device members to find.
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
Response fields
A list of devices.
See "List of identifiers" on page34 and "User" on page43.
Example response
"searchResults": [
"compliant": true,
"quarantined": false,
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 60 of 108
Device APIs
"blocked": false,
"compromised": false,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"lastCheckInTime": 1516619820303,
"registrationTime": 1516619792690,
"identifier": "f4aadce56d25edffggh4958484brr1c35f6b6d5",
"imei": "6733284512443420",
"macAddress": "fa:c6:7b:0f:eb:ff",
"manufacturer": "Apple Inc.",
"model": "iPhone6,1",
"os": "IOS",
"osVersion": "10.1",
"phoneNumber": "7171046951",
"serialNumber": "d028d4db2162",
"userId": "",
"userUuid": "047rdee6-31c1-4e55a-898d-97de620d5f22",
"iosUdid": "f4aadce56d25edffggh4958484brr1c35f6b6d5",
"ownership": "UNKNOWN",
"customAttributes": {
"nacCompliant": "false"
"results": 1,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 50
Get device location details
This API returns device location details of the target device.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Request parameters
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 61 of 108
Device APIs
Parameter Description Sample Value
identifiers Required
Parameter Type: Request body
Data Type:
List of UEM identifiers in this format:
"identifiers":["mdm-id-1", "mdm-id-2"]
"List of identifiers" on page34
Example response
"deviceMdmId": "id-1",
"lastCaptured": 1525260287000,
"location": {
"latitude": "-6.446318",
"longitude": "8.305312"
"deviceMdmId": "id-2",
"lastCaptured": 1525260287000,
"location": {
"latitude": "5.178482",
"longitude": "240.943423"
Count devices by status
This API returns the count of devices with status specified in the request. If no status is specified in the
request, count of all the devices is returned.
HTTP Method
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Page 62 of 108
Device APIs
Request URI
Request parameters
Parameter Description Sample Value
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
"status" on
Response fields
A number result.
See "Number result" on page35.
Count devices by device group identifier
This API returns device membership count for device group identifier specified in the search request.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Request parameters
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Page 63 of 108
Device APIs
Parameter Description Sample Value
id Required
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
ID of the device group whose member devices to count.
Response fields
A number result.
See "Number result" on page35.
Example response
"result": 1
Update device attributes by device UEM identifiers
This API is used to update attributes for the device identifiers specified in the request. It returns the count
of devices for which the attributes were successfully updated.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Request parameters
List of update attributes.
See "Update attributes" on page35.
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Page 64 of 108
Device APIs
Response fields
API returns the count of devices for which attributes were successfully updated along with HTTP status
See "Number result" on page35.
Manage device settings - iOS only
This API updates specific iOS settings based on the device identifiers in the request. The supported
settings are:
Personal hotspot
Data roaming
Mobile data needs to be switched on in the device to allow enabling of the hotspot. WiFi and
Bluetooth are not required for enablement, but for other devices to connect to the hotspot.
The API returns the count of devices for which the settings was successfully updated. The call silently
ignores any invalid device identifiers specified in the request.
HTTP Method
Request URI
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Page 65 of 108
Device APIs
Request parameters
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 66 of 108
Device APIs
Parameter Description Sample Value
identifiers Required
Parameter Type:
Request body
Data Type:
List of UEM identifiers
in this format:
1", "mdm-id-2"]
"List of identifiers"
on page34
"identifiers": [
"settings": {
"value": {
"enabled": true
settings Required
Parameter Type:
Request body
Data Type:
JSON container for
the type and value
"identifiers": [
"value": {
"enabled": true
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 67 of 108
Device APIs
Parameter Description Sample Value
type Required
Parameter Type:
Request body
Data Type:
The settings to
update. Can be:
"identifiers": [
"settings": {
"value": {
"enabled": true
value Required
Parameter Type:
Request body
Data Type:
The value to set for
the settings. Can be:
"identifiers": [
"settings": {
"value": {
"enabled": true
Response fields
API returns the count of devices for which attributes were successfully updated along with HTTP status
See "Number result" on page35.
Example requests
Turn on personal hotspot:
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Page 68 of 108
Device APIs
POST /msa/v1/cps/device/settings
"identifiers": [
"settings": {
"value": {
"enabled": true
Turn off data roaming:
POST /msa/v1/cps/device/settings
"identifiers": [
"settings": {
"type": "DATA_ROAMING",
"value": {
"enabled": false
Example response
"result": 1
In case all the identifiers are invalid, then response code will still be 200, with result as 0.
Get device settings - iOS only
This API returns values for data roaming and personal hotspot received on the last device check in. If you
would like the most up to date value, then include a "Force checkin" on page73 call in your work-flow. The
supported settings are:
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Page 69 of 108
Device APIs
Personal hotspot
Data roaming
HTTP Method
Request URI
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Page 70 of 108
Device APIs
Request parameters
Parameter Description Sample Value
identifiers Required
Parameter Type:
Request body
Data Type:
List of UEM
identifiers in this
id-1", "mdm-id-2"]
"List of
identifiers" on
"settingsType": "DATA_ROAMING",
"identifiers": [
settingsType Required
Parameter Type:
Request body
Data Type:
The settings to
retieve. Can be:
"settingsType": "DATA_ROAMING",
"identifiers": [
Response fields
API returns the count of devices for which attributes were successfully updated along with HTTP status
See "Number result" on page35.
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 71 of 108
Device APIs
Example request
POST /msa/v1/cps/device/settings
"settingsType": "DATA_ROAMING",
"identifiers": [
Example response
"settings": [
"identifier": "b9a0d7d05fb4204f52264f805932526b848ca61d",
"settings": {
"type": "DATA_ROAMING",
"value": {
"enabled": false
"identifier": "a9a0d7d05fb4204f52264f805932526b848ca61d",
"settings": {
"type": "DATA_ROAMING",
"value": {
"enabled": true
In case all the identifiers are invalid, then response code will still be 200, with an empty response body.
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 72 of 108
Device APIs
Force checkin
This API is used to initiate force check-in from the server for the device identifiers specified in the request.
Invalid device identifiers are silently ignored. The API returns the count of devices for which force check-in
action was successfully initiated.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Request parameters
List of UEM identifiers.
See "List of identifiers" on page34.
Response fields
Success: HTTP Status 200, and a number result with the count of successfully checked in devices.
See "Number result" on page35
Check-in for Threat Response Matrix update
Mobile Threat Detection vendors use this API to notify their agent in our integrated client to immediately
check-in with their management service to receive the latest Threat Response Matrix (TRM). This ensures
that their agent is working with the most recent application, network, and device threat information,
rather than waiting for the next regularly scheduled check-in event. This API consists of a command and
optional payload (URL) that vendors can use to work with GUIDs instead of mdm-identifiers.The API
returns the count of devices for which the push notification action successfully initiated. The API silently
ignores invalid device identifiers specified in the request.
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Page 73 of 108
Device APIs
HTTP Method
Request URI
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Page 74 of 108
Device APIs
Request parameters
Parameter Description
Parameter Type:
Request body
Data Type:
Possible value:
Command to be forwarded to Mobile Treat Defense vendor.
Parameter Type:
Request body
Data Type:
Possible Values:
One of :
If not specified, the server assumes MDM identifiers.
identifiers Required
Parameter Type:
Request body
Data Type:
List of mdm identifiers in this format:
{ "identifiers":["mdm-id-1", "mdm-id-2"] }
"List of identifiers" on page34
Parameter Type:
Request body
Data Type:
URL to be forwarded to Mobile Treat Defense vendor.
Response fields
Success: HTTP Status 200, and a number result with the count of successfully checked in devices.
See "Number result" on page35
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 75 of 108
Device APIs
Example request payload
"command": "CHECKIN",
"URL": "",
"identifiers": [
Example response
"result": 2
In case all the identifiers are invalid, then response code will still be 200, with result as 0.
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 76 of 108
Device APIs
Device Group APIs
Device groups are containers for logically grouping devices for the ease of device management. Device
Groups are “device groups on Ivanti Neurons for MDM and “labels” on Ivanti EPMM. See "Example device
groups API scenario" on page83 for an example of how you can use these calls to calculate specific group
device characteristics.
Get all Device Groups
This call returns device groups information for device groups existing in the system and includes system-
defined, statically or manually managed, and dynamically managed device group information. Device
groups correspond to rule IDs.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Request parameters
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Page 77 of 108
Parameter Description Sample Value
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
Breaks results into chunks. The syntax is offset=value.
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
Limits the return to the specified number of rows.
Response fields
A list of device groups.
See "Rules" on page42.
Example response
"searchResults": [
"id": 38089,
"name": "rule1",
"description": "Rule 1 Description",
"definition": "PLATFORMTYPE EQ 'IOS'"
"id": 38090,
"name": "rule2",
"description": "Rule 2 Description",
"definition": "PLATFORMTYPE EQ 'IOS'"
"results": 2,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 10
Get device groups associated with device list
This call returns a list of device groups and related information associated with a list of devices. Device
groups correspond to rule IDs.
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Page 78 of 108
Device Group APIs
HTTP Method
Request URI
Request parameters
Parameter Description Sample Value
Parameter Type:
Request body
Data Type:
List of device GUIDs identifiers in
this format:
"identifiers": [
"List of identifiers" on page34
"identifiers": [
Response fields
A list of device groups.
See "Rules" on page42.
Example request
curl --location --request POST 'https://[mobileiron-Ivanti Neurons for MDM-or-Ivanti
EPMM]/msa/v1/cps/rule/deviceGuid' \
--header 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <token>' \
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 79 of 108
Device Group APIs
--data-raw {
"identifiers": [
Example response
"errors": null,
"result": [
"deviceGuid": "6b8df48e-7778-4a33-97e4-1cc6b39de61c",
"rules": [
"id": 51173,
"name": "jk Sandbox User Group",
"definition": "DISPLAYNAME EQ 'jk Sandbox User'"
"id": 390113,
"name": "test#2",
"definition": "CURRENTMCC NEQ 'test#'"
"id": 361609,
"name": "Bozo",
"definition": "UNLOCK_TOKEN EQ 'TRUE'"
"id": 40165,
"name": "All Devices",
"description": "Targets any type of device."
"id": 118493,
"name": "current country",
"definition": "CURRENTCOUNTRYNAME EQ 'United States'"
"id": 40167,
"name": "iOS Devices",
"description": "Targets all iOS devices",
"definition": "PLATFORMTYPE EQ 'IOS'"
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 80 of 108
Device Group APIs
Search device groups by device group name
This call returns device group information for device groups whose name starts with the string specified in
the search request.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Request parameters
Parameter Description Sample Value
name Required
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
The prefix string of the device group name on which to
perform the search. Not context sensitive. No records
are returned if this parameter is blank.
Response fields
A list of device groups.
See "Rules" on page42.
Example response
"searchResults": [
"id": 38089,
"name": "rule1",
"description": "Rule 1 Description",
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 81 of 108
Device Group APIs
"definition": "PLATFORMTYPE EQ 'IOS'"
"id": 38090,
"name": "rule2",
"description": "Rule 2 Description",
"definition": "CFDEVICE[nacCompliant] EQ 'false'"
"results": 2,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 10
Get device group by device group identifier
This call returns device group details for the device group identifier specified in the request.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Request parameters
Parameter Description Sample Value
id Required
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
The device group ID on which to search. You can use the
call, "Get all Device Groups" on page77, or the call,
"Search device groups by device group name" on the
previous page, to find the device group id.
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Page 82 of 108
Device Group APIs
Response fields
Rule information for the device group identifier specified.
See "Rules" on page42.
Example response
"id": 38089,
"name": "rule1",
"description": "Rule 1 Description",
"definition": "PLATFORMTYPE EQ 'IOS'"
Example device groups API scenario
You can use the device group APIs to calculate device group characteristics, such as the percentage of
Android Enterprise-enrolled devices. Remember that device groups are “device groups on Ivanti Neurons
for MDM, and “labels” on Ivanti EPMM.
1. First, use the "Get all Device Groups" on page77 call to get a list of all the device groups, so you know
which device groups you can use for your calculations.
GET msa/v1/cps/rule
"searchResults": [
"id": 38000,
"name": "All Devices",
"description": "Targets any type of device."
"id": 38001,
"name": "Android Devices",
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 83 of 108
Device Group APIs
"description": "Targets all Android devices",
"id": 38002,
"name": "Android Enterprise Devices",
"description": "Targets all Android Enterprise devices",
"id": 38003,
"name": "iOS Devices",
"description": "Targets all iOS devices",
"definition": "PLATFORMTYPE EQ 'IOS'"
"id": 38004,
"name": "Windows Devices",
"description": "Targets all Windows devices",
"id": 38005,
"name": "macOS Devices",
"description": "Targets all OSX devices",
"definition": "PLATFORMTYPE EQ 'OSX'"
"id": 38006,
"name": "tvOS Devices",
"description": "Targets all tvOS devices.",
"results": 7,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 50
2. Use the "Count devices by device group identifier" on page63 call to find the total android device
GET : /msa/v1/cps/device?ruleId=38001
Note that ruleId 38001 targets all Android devices.
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Page 84 of 108
Device Group APIs
3. Use the "Count devices by device group identifier" on page63 and then the number of Android
Enterprise-enrolled devices.
GET : /msa/v1/cps/device?ruleId=38002
Note that ruleId 38002 targets all Android Enterprise-enrolled devices.
4. Using the two values returned by the preceding two calls, you can calculate the percentage of Android
devices that are also Android Enterprise-enrolled devices.
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Page 85 of 108
Device Group APIs
Message APIs
Send email to device owners
This API is used to send email notification to device owners by specifying device identifiers in the request.
The API returns the count of devices for which the send email action was successfully initiated. Any invalid
device identifier specified in the request is silently ignored.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Request parameters
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Page 86 of 108
Parameter Description Sample Value
Parameter Type:
Request body
Data Type:
Subject of the email. Character limit is 100.
Please backup your
Parameter Type:
Request body
Data Type:
Body of the email. Character limit is 3000.
Please backup your
device to ensure
against data loss.
Parameter Type:
Request body
Data Type:
Specifies whether the email is in HTML format.
identifiers Required
Parameter Type: Request body
Data Type:
List of UEM identifiers in this format:
"identifiers":["mdm-id-1", "mdm-id-2"]
"List of identifiers" on page34
See "List of identifiers" on page34.
Response fields
Success: HTTP Status 200
See "Number result" on page35.
Send push notification to devices
This API is used to send notifications by specifying device identifiers in the request. The API returns the
count of devices for which the push notification action was successfully initiated. Any invalid device
identifier specified in the request is silently ignored.
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Page 87 of 108
Message APIs
HTTP Method
Request URI
Request parameters
Parameter Description Sample Value
Parameter Type:
Request body
Data Type:
Content of push message. Character limit is 140.
Please backup your
identifiers Required
Parameter Type: Request body
Data Type:
List of UEM identifiers in this format:
"identifiers":["mdm-id-1", "mdm-id-2"]
"List of identifiers" on page34
Response fields
Success: HTTP Status 200
See "Number result" on page35.
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 88 of 108
Message APIs
User APIs
This chapter describes the Common Platform Services API calls you use to query and manipulate Ivanti
Neurons for MDM and Ivanti EPMM users.
Get user attributes metadata
Get user attributes metadata
This call returns available user attributes and their types.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Example response
"name": "enabled",
"dataType": "boolean",
"readOnly": true
"name": "createdAt",
"dataType": "long",
"readOnly": true
"name": "accountSource",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": true
"name": "displayName",
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 89 of 108
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": true
"name": "emailAddress",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": true
"name": "firstName",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": true
"name": "lastName",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": true
"name": "userId",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": true
"name": "userUuid",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": true
"name": "customAttributes",
"dataType": "map",
"readOnly": true
"name": "ldapCustomAttributes",
"dataType": "map",
"readOnly": true
"dataType": "map",
"name": "ldapStandardAttributes",
"readOnly": true
"name": "ios",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": false
"name": "site",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": false
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 90 of 108
User APIs
Search users by GUID
This call searches for users by GUID. See "User" on page43. This call returns custom LDAP attributes along
with other user information, unless issued with the fields="ldapStandardAttributes" parameter, which
adds LDAP standard attributes to the response.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Request parameters
Parameter Description Sample Value
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
fields="ldapStandardAttributes" Optional
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
If this parameter is included,
the return includes the
following standard LDAP
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User APIs
Response fields
A list of users.
See "List of identifiers" on page34 and "User" on page43.
Example responses
Local accountSource
"searchResults": [
"enabled": true,
"createdAt": 1580812767902,
"accountSource": "LOCAL",
"displayName": "John Doe",
"emailAddress": "",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"userId": "",
"userUuid": "dd8b7006-2780-49c1-9b03-f85aa57c9da4",
"guid": "dd8b7006-2780-49c1-9b03-f85aa57c9da4"
"results": 1,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 50
LDAP accountSource with fields="ldapStandardAttributes" parameter included in
the call
"limit": 50,
"offset": 0,
"results": 1,
"searchResults": [
"accountSource": "LDAP",
"createdAt": 1500444347689,
"displayName": "Fred A",
"emailAddress": "",
"enabled": true,
"firstName": "Fred",
"ldapCustomAttributes": {
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
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User APIs
"lastlogontimestamp": "131516814255658414",
"mailnickname": "Fred",
"mdbusedefaults": "TRUE",
"msexchmailboxguid": "k\ufffd\ufffdVt\ufffdN\ufffd\ufffdS)\u289e=",
"msexchrecipientdisplaytype": "1073741824",
"msexchwhenmailboxcreated": "20140407185418.0Z"
"ldapStandardAttributes": {
"distinguishedName": "foo",
"samAccountName": "bar",
"userPrincipalName": "baz"
"userId": "",
"userUuid": "a3343fd0-c1f2-424f-a993-83b951c94246",
"guid": "dd8b7006-2780-49c1-9b03-f85aa57c9da4"
Search users by user id
This call searches for users by user IDs by searching for users whose user ID starts with the given string.
See "User" on page43. This call returns custom LDAP attributes along with other user information, unless
issued with the fields="ldapStandardAttributes" parameter, which adds LDAP standard attributes to the
response. Note that the call searches only on the email address as the user ID.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Request parameters
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User APIs
Parameter Description Sample Value
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
The email prefix, for example, the
“btarris in
fields="ldapStandardAttributes" Optional
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
If this parameter is included,
the return includes the
following standard LDAP
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
Response fields
A list of users.
See "List of identifiers" on page34 and "User" on page43.
Example responses
Local accountSource
"searchResults": [
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
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User APIs
"enabled": true,
"createdAt": 1466202626423,
"accountSource": "LOCAL",
"displayName": "JGB",
"emailAddress": "",
"firstName": "Josh",
"lastName": "Brit",
"userId": "",
"userUuid": "0aed8d85-6dfd-40ac-b3b5-82f629e3c168"
"enabled": true,
"createdAt": 1466525975950,
"accountSource": "LOCAL",
"displayName": "Bob Tarris",
"emailAddress": "",
"firstName": "Bob",
"lastName": "Tarris",
"userId": "",
"userUuid": "b7149c70-30ef-4b88-b8f3-18ec273e8c80"
"enabled": true,
"createdAt": 1467161380058,
"accountSource": "LOCAL",
"displayName": "test user",
"emailAddress": "",
"firstName": "test",
"lastName": "user",
"userId": "",
"userUuid": "e0ad3de5-2390-4bb3-afdf-acfa9838503b",
"custom_user": "from rest 2"
"results": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 10
LDAP accountSource with fields="ldapStandardAttributes" parameter included in
the call
"limit": 50,
"offset": 0,
"results": 1,
"searchResults": [
"accountSource": "LDAP",
"createdAt": 1500444347689,
"displayName": "Fred A",
"emailAddress": "",
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
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User APIs
"enabled": true,
"firstName": "Fred",
"ldapCustomAttributes": {
"lastlogontimestamp": "131516814255658414",
"mailnickname": "Fred",
"mdbusedefaults": "TRUE",
"msexchmailboxguid": "k\ufffd\ufffdVt\ufffdN\ufffd\ufffdS)\u289e=",
"msexchrecipientdisplaytype": "1073741824",
"msexchwhenmailboxcreated": "20140407185418.0Z"
"ldapStandardAttributes": {
"distinguishedName": "foo",
"samAccountName": "bar",
"userPrincipalName": "baz"
"userId": "",
"userUuid": "a3343fd0-c1f2-424f-a993-83b951c94246"
Count users by user id
This call counts users by user IDs by searching for users whose user ID starts with the given string. See
"User" on page43. Note that the call searches only on the email address as the user ID.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Request parameters
Parameter Description Sample Value
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
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User APIs
Response fields
A number result of users whose user id starts with the given string.
See "Number result" on page35.
Update user attributes
This API is used to update attributes for the user identifiers specified in the request. It returns the count of
users for which the attributes were successfully updated. The API silently ignores any invalid user
identifiers specified in the request body.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Request parameters
List of update attributes.
See "Update attributes" on page35.
Response fields
Count of users for which attributes were successfully updated.
See "Number result" on page35.
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User APIs
App Catalog APIs
Get application inventory
This API returns information about the apps in the app catalog.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Request parameters
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Page 98 of 108
Parameter Description Sample Value
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
Bundle id of the application (exact match).
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
Name of the app (matches starts with)
Note: This parameter is case sensitive. See
known issue
Parameter Type:
Data Type:
Type of the os platform (exact match). Case sensitive.
Must be one of these values:
WEBAPPS is only supported for Ivanti EPMM.
WINDOWS is not working in this release. See
known issue
Response fields
See "App Catalog" on page36.
Example request
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Page 99 of 108
App Catalog APIs
Example responses
"searchResults": [
"name": "Google Photos",
"platformType": "Android",
"version": "2019.02.19",
"identifier": "",
"createdAt": 1550659389308
"name": "Facebook",
"platformType": "iOS",
"version": "208.0",
"identifier": "com.facebook.Facebook",
"createdAt": 1550659372336
"name": "Windows Scan",
"platformType": "Windows",
"identifier": "Microsoft.WindowsScan_8wekyb3d8bbwe",
"createdAt": 1550659437232
"name": "MAC Address Scan",
"platformType": "Mac OS X",
"version": "2.6.9",
"identifier": "com.Dandelion.MACAddressScan",
"createdAt": 1550659454097
"results": 4,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 50
In-house app response
Note that this response contains the buildNumber field, available only for in-house apps.
"searchResults": [
"name": "HAC-Extension",
"platformType": "iOS",
"version": "",
"identifier": "com.mobileiron.enterprise.HAC-Extension",
"buildNumber": "",
"createdAt": 1550660326185
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App Catalog APIs
"results": 11,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 50
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App Catalog APIs
Metadata APIs
Get current minor version of the API
This call gets the current minor version of the API.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Response fields
Field Description
minorVersion A string representing the minor version of the target API.
Example response
"minorVersion": "1.0.0"
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Page 102 of 108
Get device registration URI
This API returns the URL that users visit to register devices. This is the URL to which you would direct users
to register their devices.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Example request
curl --location 'https://<EPMM or MDM host>/msa/v1/cps/device/registration' \
--header 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <token>'
Example responses
Ivanti Neurons for MDM
"registrationUrl": "https:<Ivanti Neurons for MDM host>/ireg/index.html"
Ivanti EPMM
"registrationUrl": "https:<Ivanti EPMM host>/go"
Get device app metadata
This API returns the device app metadata.
HTTP method
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Metadata APIs
Request URI
Example response
"name": "identifier",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": true
"name": "name",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": true
"name": "version",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": true
Get device certificate metadata
This API returns the device certificate metadata.
HTTP method
Request URI
Example response
"name": "identity",
"dataType": "boolean",
"readOnly": true
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Metadata APIs
"name": "notAfter",
"dataType": "long",
"readOnly": true
"name": "notBefore",
"dataType": "long",
"readOnly": true
"name": "issuer",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": true
"name": "serialNumber",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": true
"name": "subject",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": true
"name": "thumbPrint",
"dataType": "string",
"readOnly": true
Copyright © 2023, Ivanti, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy and Legal.
Page 105 of 108
Metadata APIs
Enabling Windows 10 app inventory
reporting on Ivanti EPMM
To enable app inventory reporting for Windows 10:
1. Log into Ivanti EPMM, and then select Policies and Configs.
2. Select Policies.
3. Select Privacy Policy.
4. Click Edit.
5. Enable the following Windows 10 inventory settings:
- App Store Inventory
- Non Store Inventory
- System Inventory
- Win 32 Inventory
6. Click one of the Save buttons.
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Page 106 of 108
Documentation resources
Product documentation is available on the Ivanti documentation website. You can access Ivanti EPMM
documentation directly at this link.
To select a product document:
1. Navigate to the Ivanti documentation website.
2. Optionally, select a product category and language.
3. Enter a search term, or scroll down the product list.
4. Click the documentation link to open the document in a new window.
Ivanti EPMM documentation
(missing or bad snippet)
RN: Ivanti EPMM Release Notes and Upgrade Guide Contains the following release-specific
information: new feature summary, support and compatibility, upgrade notes, known and resolved
issues, and limitations.
OPIG: On-Premise Installation Guide for Ivanti EPMM and Enterprise Connector Contains information
needed to install Ivanti EPMM on a VM or on an appliance. You will find pre-deployment tasks, steps
to install and configure Ivanti EPMM and Enterprise Connector, and set up the VMware tool.
GSGC: Getting Started with Ivanti EPMM Contains information you need to get started with Ivanti
EPMM. Contains an introduction to the Admin Portal, information about setting up users, devices,
and basic policies, managing the dashboard, labels, and custom attributes, registering devices using
the Mobile@Work. Mobile@Work does not have a separate product guide.
SYS: Ivanti EPMM System Manager Guide Everything you need to know about configuring Ivanti
EPMM system settings, managing network settings, performing maintenance tasks including
upgrading Ivanti EPMM, and troubleshooting issues using the Ivanti EPMM System Manager.
AAWG: Ivanti EPMM Apps@Work Guide The complete guide to installing, setting up, and managing
apps for devices. Information about the Email+, Web@Work, and Docs@Work is covered in the
respective app guides.
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Page 107 of 108
Documentation resources
DAG: Ivanti EPMM Delegated Administration Guide The complete guide to configuring and
maintaining delegated administration with Ivanti EPMM.
DMGA: Ivanti EPMM Device Management Guide for Android and Android Enterprise devices,
DMGi: Ivanti EPMM Device Management Guide for iOS and macOS devices, and
DMGwin: Ivanti EPMM Device Management Guide for Windows devices Everything you need to know
about setting up and managing devices on Ivanti EPMM. Each volume is specific to a general device
platform. Information about Sentry, Tunnel, ActiveSync, AppConnect, Access, and Zero Sign-on are
covered in the related product guides.
HAMG: Ivanti EPMM High Availability Management Guide This document includes steps for setting up
Ivanti EPMM High Availability as well as a description of common HA scenarios and troubleshooting
CLIR: Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference The command line interface (CLI) enables you to access
certain Ivanti EPMM capabilities from the command line. The reference describes how to access the
CLI, use the help, the various command modes, and the available commands.
V2API: Ivanti EPMM V2 API Guide API reference guide for the version 2 public APIs.
ARDMW: Ivanti EPMM V1 API Guide This reference guide provides development information for
customers and partners intending to use Web Service APIs.
ENSCPSA: Ivanti Event Notification Service and Common Platform Services API Guide Describes how to
use the Event Notification Service and Common Platform Services (CPS) API with Ivanti Neurons for
MDM and Ivanti EPMM.
ServiceNow Integrator Update Set Guide Describes how to set up and use the ServiceNow Integrator
Update Set.
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Documentation resources