Training Guide
Microsoft Excel 2010
– Level 1
7 –
Formula referencing
Microsoft Excel 2010 - Level 1
© Learning and Development Service Page 2 Formula referencing
Formulas provide the key to working successfully with
Microsoft Excel. When you create a formula you write it
using cell references rather than actual hard-coded
values – this is how spreadsheeting works.
It is important to fully understand and comprehend this
concept to be able to exploit the full potential of Microsoft
Excel. There are indeed also some potential traps that you
can fall into with cell referencing if you don’t take enough
In this booklet you will:
9 gain an understanding of relative and absolute
cell addressing in formulas
9 learn how to confidently create relative formulas
in a worksheet
9 learn how to identify potential problems with
relative formulas
9 learn how to create absolute references in a
9 learn how to create mixed references
Microsoft Excel 2010 - Level 1
© Learning and Development Service Page 3 Formula referencing
Excel is a calculation tool and as such is
geared around the concept of formulas.
Formulas are entered into a worksheet
using cell references rather than actual
values. Each time a formula is entered
using cell referencing, a shape is created and
it is this shape which determines where
Excel goes to pick up values for use in the
Understanding Formula Shapes
When you create a formula you don’t enter numbers into the formula – you enter cell
references. This creates a great time advantage when you need to duplicate that formula
in other cells. Formulas are merely shapes that reference cells in specific locations in the
worksheet or workbook. In the example below, say you have a formula in cell E5 that is
written as =D5*C5. To Excel this is interpreted as a shape that says “from my current
position (E5) go left one cell (D5), take the value there and multiply it by the value two
cells left (C5)”. This becomes the formula shape – left one multiply by left two.
When this formula, or shape, is then copied or filled to adjacent cells it is the shape that is
copied and the cell references within those copied formulas change relative to the shape
(which doesn’t change). For example, if you copy =D5*C5 from E5 to E6 the formula in E6
changes to =D6*C6 – but the shape is still – left one multiply by left two.
This is called relative referencing – because the cell address changes relative to the
current location.
Absolute Referencing
There will be times however when one or more cell references in a formula are always
required to be located in a specific cell, row, or column. In the example below, sales tax of
10% is located in cell B4 and must always be referenced from B4. The sales tax for the
dining table is calculated using the formula =B8*B4 while the sales tax for the sofa is
calculated using the formula =B9*B4. These are different shapes and if you were to copy
the formula from C8 (=B8*B4) to C9 it would copy the shape and the formula would be
=B9*B5 – which is wrong.
When dealing with cells in formulas that must be referenced from the same location, you
must fix these cell references by making them absolute. This is done by placing a $ sign in
front of either or both the row and column co-ordinate of the cell depending on which of
these has to remain fixed (e.g. $B$4, $B4, or B$4). In the example above, both row and
column co-ordinates need to be fixed and the formula in C8 should be written as
=B8*$B$4 before it can be copied to adjacent cells.
Microsoft Excel 2010 - Level 1
© Learning and Development Service Page 4 Formula referencing
Try This Yourself:
Before starting this exercise
you MUST open the file
E811 Absolute_1.xlsx...
Click on B9 to make it the
active cell
Click on the Sum command
in the Editing group on
the Home tab of the
Ribbon to commence a
formula in the cell
Press to complete the
Click on B9 again, and drag
the small square handle
(the fill handle) at the
bottom right corner of the
cell to E9
This will copy the formula
shape from B9 to E9…
Click in cell F6 to make it
the active cell
Click on the Sum command
in the Editing group to
commence a formula in this
Press to complete the
Click on F6 again, and drag
the fill handle to F9
This will copy the formula
shape from F6 to F9
For Your Reference…
To create a relative formula:
1. Click on the cell in which you want the
2. Type or enter the formula and ensure
that the formula contains references to
other cells
Handy to Know…
The formulas that we created above
copied successfully and correctly
because the same formula shape is
used in each of the cells in which the
formula was copied – this is the real
benefit of relative formulas.
Most of the formulas that you enter into a
worksheet, unless you are dealing with
quite complex mathematical modelling, will
be relative formulas where the cell
references will be able to change when the
formulas are copied to other locations. This
is particularly true of columnar worksheets
where there is a series of columns that all
have the same shape and structure.
Microsoft Excel 2010 - Level 1
© Learning and Development Service Page 5 Formula referencing
Try This Yourself:
Before starting this
exercise you MUST open
the file E811
Click on C11 where we
need to calculate the
product’s surcharge
Type =B11*B5
Notice the shape of the
formula, as indicated by
the highlighted cells…
Press to complete the
Okay, now we can copy (or
perhaps fill, as the
destination cells are
adjacent) to the other
Click on C11 again
Move the mouse pointer to
the fill handle at the
lower right corner of the
cell and drag down to cell
Yuk! The results are
Copying formulas can present problems
when the shape of the formula varies from
cell to cell. This can occur when one or
more values in a formula must be located
in a specific cell, row, or column – that is,
the formula must include an absolute cell
reference. In this exercise you will see some
strange values when you copy a formula to
other cells using the default copying method.
Handy to Know…
So what has gone wrong with the formulas above? The whole problem hinges on the fact
that each of the formulas in column C uses a different shape from the other formulas. For
example, the first formula in C11 is =B11*B5. The shape of this formula is one left,
then six up and one left.
The second formula in C12 has become =B12*B6 because it uses the same shape as
the originating formula in C11. In reality the formula should be =B12*B5. All of the
formulas above must reference the Head Office Surcharge of 12% which is in cell B5
that is, the cell reference must be absolute.
Microsoft Excel 2010 - Level 1
© Learning and Development Service Page 6 Formula referencing
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the
previous file with this
exercise, or open the file
E811 Absolute_3.xlsx...
Click on cell C11 then click
on the B5 reference of the
formula in the Formula
bar at the top of the
Press the Absolute key
several times and
notice how the reference
cycles through various $
sign configurations. Press
the Absolute key
B5 appears as $B$5
Press to complete the
Click on C11, move the
mouse pointer to the fill
handle at the bottom right
of the cell, and drag down
to C22 to fill the formulas
down – successfully this
For Your Reference…
To make a cell reference absolute:
1. Press
to insert $ before the row
and column references, or type $
before each
To remove absolute references:
1. Press
until all $ are removed, or
delete the $ from the formula
Handy to Know…
To make a row reference absolute,
twice to insert $ before the
row reference only. To make a column
reference absolute, press
times to insert $ before the column
reference only.
There will be times when you need to
create a formula which references cells
that must remain the same even when it is
copied around the worksheet. That is, you
will need to make the cell references
absolute. A cell reference in a formula is
made absolute by preceding its row
coordinate or its column coordinate or both
with a $ sign.
Microsoft Excel 2010 - Level 1
© Learning and Development Service Page 7 Formula referencing
Try This Yourself:
Before starting this
exercise you MUST open
the file E811
Click on E11 and type
=D11-(D11*E9) and
Use the mouse pointer to
fill down to E22 then
across to G22 – we’ve got
Click on E11 then click on
the first D11 reference in
the formula in the
Formula bar
Press three times until
the reference appears as
Click on the second D11
reference in the formula
bar and press
times until the reference
appears as $D11
Click on the E9 reference
in the formula bar, press
twice until the
reference appears as E$9
then press
Click on E11 then use the
mouse pointer to fill down
to E22 and across to G22
Sometimes problems with formulas are
more subtle. This often occurs when the
cell reference only needs part of its
coordinates locked in place. In this
exercise we will use a formula to create
three price lists. Because we will copy the
formula both across columns and down
rows, we will need to apply only partial
absolution to the cell references used in
the formulas.
Handy to Know…
In this scenario we created a formula to calculate a discounted product price. As we copy
the formula to the right it picks up the wrong original product price. Then, as we copy
the formula down it may, depending upon which column it is in, pick up the correct
product price, but it then doesn't pick up the correct discount percentage. So, as we copy
the formula across we need to ensure that the column coordinate pointing to the original
product price is locked, but that the row is free to change as we copy down: =$D11-
($D11*E9). However, the discount percentage is always in row 9. Therefore the formula
needs to be further modified: =$D11-($D11*E$9).
Microsoft Excel 2010 - Level 1
© Learning and Development Service Page 8 Formula referencing
You have now completed the Formula referencing booklet. This booklet was designed to
get you to the point where you can competently perform a variety of operations as listed in
the objectives on page 2.
We have tried to build up your skills and knowledge by having you work through specific
tasks. The step by step approach will serve as a reference for you when you need to repeat
a task.
Where To From Here…
The following is a little advice about what to do next:
Spend some time playing with what you have learnt. You should reinforce the skills
that you have acquired and use some of the application's commands. This will test
just how much of the concepts and features have stuck! Don't try a big task just yet if
you can avoid it - small is a good way to start.
Some aspects of the course may now be a little vague. Go over some of the points
that you may be unclear about. Use the examples and exercises in these notes and
have another go - these step-by-step notes were designed to help you in the
classroom and in the work place!
Here are a few techniques and strategies that we've found handy for learning more about
visit CLD’s e-learning zone on the Intranet
read computer magazines - there are often useful articles about specific techniques
if you have the skills and facilities, browse the Internet, specifically the technical
pages of the application that you have just learnt
take an interest in what your work colleagues have done and how they did it - we
don't suggest that you plagiarise but you can certainly learn from the techniques of
if your software came with a manual (which is rare nowadays) spend a bit of time
each day reading a few pages. Then try the techniques out straight away - over a
period of time you'll learn a lot this way
and of course, there are also more courses and booklets for you to work through
finally, don’t forget to contact CLD’s IT Training Helpdesk on 01243-752100