Simple Machine Playground Challenge
STEM AT HOME GUIDE: Simple Machine Playground
Background Knowledge
Aim: Design functioning playground equipment prototypes made from the different simple
machines designed with household materials.
Problem & Career Focus: Who doesn’t love a great playground? Did you know that the
playground equipment you enjoy use forces of motion, energy and simple machines to make
your day fun? Using the engineering design process, your task is to work with your team of
architects, surveyors, and welders to design, model, and prototype working playground
equipment using the 6 six simple machines (wedge, pulley, screw,
inclined plane, lever and wheel and axle.
Educational Standards Correlations: Engineering Design,
Motion, Energy, Simple Machines, Physics, Mathematics
Engineering Design Process: STEM professionals use the
engineering design process as steps to help solve real-world
problems. With your team: define the problem, discuss solutions,
design, build, test, and improve a prototype of your solution. One
of the most important steps of the engineering design process are
reflect and redesign- if your team notices your playground
equipment prototypes aren’t working- improve the design! Use the
engineering design process steps to guide your exploration during the Simple Machine
Playground Challenge.
Investigating Questions
What do you know about how playground
equipment is designed? What are some
ideas you and your team can try as you
design your playground?
What combinations of materials can you
use to create your working equipment
How do your equipment prototypes act
like simple machines?
Construction paper, Poster board or
Masking tape and plastic tape, scissors
Paper Plates
Craft sticks, toothpicks
Coffee stirrers
Rubber bands
Pipe cleaners, wooden dowels
Any other household item you desire
STEM AT HOME GUIDE: Simple Machine Playground
Background Knowledge
Simple Machines: mechanical devices that help people do work; there are 6 simple machines
(wedge, lever, pulley, inclined plane, screw, and wheel and axle)
Force: the measurement of a push or a pull on an object. Force is measured in newtons.
Energy: the ability to do work. The standard unit of measure for energy is the joule
STEM Career Connections:
Are professionals that design
buildings to be functional,
safe, and sustainable. Check
out Hector Garcia talking
about his career as an
architect: Architect Career
They: are responsible for the
drawing up of detailed plans
for structures and can even
specialize in landscaping
design, plumbing, and
communication systems.
Are professionals that make
precise mathematical
measurements to determine
property boundaries.
They: provide data relevant to
the shape and contour of the
Earth’s surface for
engineering, mapmaking, and
construction projects.
Are professionals that join
metal parts together using
math, equipment, and
They: work on the metal
components of different
structures including pipelines,
bridges, power plants,
buildings, cars, or ships.
Literacy Connections:
Mr. Ferris and His Wheel
by Kathryn Gibbs Davis
STEM AT HOME GUIDE: Simple Machine Playground
Background Knowledge
Real World Applications
Playgrounds are an important part of a child’s
life. But did you know they are a great example
of force, motion, energy, and simple machines
through engineering. Take a trip to the nearest
playground to research and see for yourself or
watch the video links provided to see
engineering in action.
Simple Machines
Simple machines help us make work and play
more enjoyable. They have few or no moving
parts which help us do work by changing the
direction of force needed to do something.
There are six simple machines: lever, pulley,
wedge, screw, inclined plane, and wheel and
Pulley: can move things from a low area to a
higher one (examples: flagpole, crane,
Lever: helps move heavy objects (examples:
seesaw, wheelbarrow, scissors, mop, shovel).
Wedge: used to split, cut, or hold together
materials (example: knife, axe, staples,
Inclined Plane: help move heavy objects,
such as a ramp (examples: bathtub,
wheelbarrow, moving truck ramp).
Wheel and Axle: a wheel attached to a
smaller axle that rotates to transfer force
(examples: bicycle wheel, ferris wheel, electric
fan, clock)
Screw: a slender, sharp-pointed metal pin with
an inclined plane thread (examples: picture
screw, jar lid, light bulb)
Everyday Science: Playgrounds
The first playground in the United States was
built in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park in
1887. The park key feature is a carousel that
was built in 1917, which guests can still ride
today! The park covers three miles and has
museums, gardens, and water activities.
Playground Fun Facts!
There is a Tire Park in Japan, a
playground made of tires.
The Fruit and Scent Playground
themed in Sweden features a banana
slide, strawberry spinners, a pair of
cherry swings and more.
There is a park in Germany that is only
for grandparents. It’s a park to
encourage older citizens to get out and
exercise more.
Check out these video links
Science Max: Simple Machines
10 Most Amazing Playgrounds in the
5 Coolest Inside Slides
STEM AT HOME GUIDE: Simple Machine Playground
Activity Directions
Aim: Design functioning playground equipment prototypes made from the different simple
machines designed with household materials.
Investigating Questions
What do you know about how playground equipment is
designed? What are some ideas you and your team can
try as you design your playground?
What combinations of materials can you use to create your
working equipment designs?
How do your equipment prototypes act like simple
Construction paper, Poster board or cardboard Masking tape and plastic tape, scissors
Paper Plates Craft sticks, toothpicks
Coffee stirrers Rubber bands
Pipe cleaners, wooden dowel s Legos
Any other household item you desire
Criteria & Constraints:
Engineering design challenges (EDCs) are great opportunities for open-ended activities to grow
critical thinking and problem-solving skills. EDCs do not use a list of directions to build a specific
design, rather suggest a framework of designing a solution based on the problem and goal. How
your team chooses to address the problem and goal is entirely up to you.
Go to a playground to make observations on the different types of simple machines that
you can find! Discuss as a family how each simple machine helps make play at the
playground easier. (Define the Problem)?
Lay out all materials and items available for the challenge. Plan to give time for your
team to discuss the problem relating to your background knowledge. What materials will
you use to create the different playground equipment for your playground? (Define the
Discuss, sketch, and determine what materials your team will use to create the simple
machines for your playground equipment (Plan Solutions).
Using your sketches and discussions, begin creating the simple machines from your
model from materials available. Family adults: allow your child(ren) to experiment with
the materials and help them build problem-solving skills (Make a Model)
As you are building your playground equipment, test out the models to make sure they
can move/work. (Test the Model)
With your team, continue to discuss and work through problems with your designed
models along the way. What adjustments can your team make to improve your design?
If you were to make a new playground with different equipment, what materials would
you use or how would your model be different? (Reflect and Redesign)
Ideas to Increase Difficulty:
-Add amusement park equipment! What different rides at an amusement park use simple
-Limit the number of materials that will be used.
STEM AT HOME GUIDE: Simple Machine Playground
Sample Ideas
Photo’s courtesy of: Shapes School Project Model, The Show Me Librarian, Ms. E’s Classroom
STEM AT HOME GUIDE: Simple Machine Playground
Extension Activity
Zipline Challenge
Index cards Paper/Pencil/Crayons Cardboard
Binder clips Paper String/yarn
Cups/bowls Tape/glue Scissors
Toilet paper rolls Paperclips Legos
*Other household materials
Criteria & Constraints:
Engineering design challenges (EDCs) are great opportunities for
open-ended activities to grow critical thinking and problem-solving
skills. EDCs do not use a list of directions to build a specific design,
rather suggest a framework of designing a solution based on the
problem and goal. How your team chooses to address the problem
and goal is entirely up to you.
-In this challenge you are designing a zipline car that will transport
small toys from one point in a room to another. A zipline is actually
a combination of several simple machines (inclined plane, pulley,
and lever)
-To increase level of complexity- add more distance for the zipline
car to travel.
Research and brainstorm designs of ziplines and zipline cars. How do they work? What
materials can you use to create solutions to the problem (Define the Problem)?
Sketch your prototype and design of key aspects of the zipline, your zipline car, and how
to ensure your zipline car will move by itself (Plan Solutions).
Use research and the sketches to start brainstorming your prototype (What will the
zipline car be made of? What materials can you combine to make the simple machines?
(Plan Solutions and Make a Model)
Plan your prototype: draw or sketch the design. Watch some videos on zipline
mechanics! (Plan Solutions and Make a Model).
Use your household materials to make a prototype of your zipline and zipline car (Make
a Model).
Test your design! Will you have to modify it? Talk with your team about ways you could
improve the design of your models (Reflect and Redesign).