Archimedes’ Screw Challenge
STEM AT HOME GUIDE: Archimedes Screw Challenge
Background Knowledge
Aim: Design functioning Archimedes screw made from the different simple machines designed
with household materials to pump liquids and solids.
Problem & Career Focus: Who doesn’t love a historic invention that is still being used
today? Did you know that an ancient way of transporting water, called the Archimedes screw, is
still so effective it’s even used in waterpark and amusement park rides? It is made from several
simple machines. Using the engineering design process, your task is to work with your team of
hydrological engineers, robotics engineers, and 3D designers to design, model, and prototype a
working Archimedes screw using several simple machines.
Educational Standards Correlations: Engineering Design, Motion, Energy, Simple
Machines, Physics, Mathematics
Engineering Design Process: STEM professionals
use the engineering design process as steps to help solve
real-world problems. With your team: define the problem, discuss
solutions, design, build, test, and improve a prototype of your
solution. One of the most important steps of the engineering
design process is reflect and redesign- if your team notices your
playground equipment prototypes aren’t working- improve the
design! Use the engineering design process steps to guide your
exploration during the
Archimedes screw Challenge.
Investigating Questions
Does the direction of the designed screw
affect the water distribution process? Does
the spin direction of the screw affect how
the water is transferred?
How does the length of the overall design
how much water is transferred? Can the
rate of water distribution be increased or
Other than water, what other kinds of
materials could be moved by using an
Archimedes’ screw?
A bowl
A glass
Piece of PVC pipe (1.5 inch wide; 14
inches long)
Clear plastic tubing (1/4 inch inside
Clear packing tape
Food coloring
Any other household item you desire!
***Materials can be found at Lowe’s or Home
STEM AT HOME GUIDE: Archimedes Screw Challenge
Background Knowledge
Simple Machines: mechanical devices that help people do work; there are 6 simple machines
(wedge, lever, pulley, inclined plane, screw, and wheel and axle)
Inclined Plane: help move heavy objects, such as a ramp (examples: bathtub or wheelbarrow)
Screw: a slender, sharp-pointed metal pin with an inclined plane thread (examples: picture
screw, jar lid, light bulb)
STEM Career Connections:
Hydrological Engineer
Are professionals that control
natural water sources such as
rivers, lakes, and beaches.
They: measure water
properties, examine water test
samples, evaluate
environmental impacts and
work for the government,
construction companies, and
Robotic Engineer
Are professionals that design,
build, and test machines, and
maintain the software that
controls them.
They: build, configure and
test robots for different
manufacturing companies and
3D Designer
Are professionals that create
three-dimensional models,
animations, and visual effects
using hand-drawing
techniques and computer
They: need to have
knowledge of mathematics,
computer software, and
overall design skills.
Literacy Connections:
How Do Seesaws Go Up
and Down? A Book
About Simple Machines
by Jennifer Shand
Iggy Gizmo and the
Invention Convention
by Pip Jones
STEM AT HOME GUIDE: Archimedes Screw Challenge
Background Knowledge
Real World Applications
The Archimedes screw was used to transport
water from low-lying areas to irrigation ditches
and is still being used today. Water treatment
plants and amusement parks still use the
original design. Take a trip to your nearest
water park to research and see for yourself or
watch the video links provided to see
engineering in action.
Engineering New Ideas from Ancient
Archimedes, a Greek scientist,
lived between the years 287
B.C. and 212 B.C. He was
known as a mathematician,
engineer, inventor, and astronomer. He
became famous for his discovery of the
relation between the surface and volume of a
sphere and circular rotating cylinder, known as
the Archimedes screw, 200 years after the
invention. His ancient invention continues to
be important in the modern world.
The Archimedes’ Screw
Simple machines help us make work and play
more enjoyable! They have few or no moving
parts which help us do work by changing the
direction of force needed to do something. The
simple machines in
the Archimedes screw
are the inclined plane
wrapped around a
cylinder (which is the
actual definition of a
screw). This tool has many historical uses. It
was used to empty water out of leaking ships
and flooded mines. The screw was used to
water fields of crops by pulling water from
lakes and rivers.
Everyday Science: Archimedes Screw
This ancient invention can be seen in our lives
today. To use the Archimedes screw to life
water, the pipe must sit on an angle with one
end in a body of water. Then, the screw must
be turned with a hand crank or motor. As the
bottom of the screw turns, it will scoop out the
water. The shape of the screw will trap it, the
water will be carried to the top of the pipe and
spill it out. Water parks, water treatment
plants, and pumping stations use the
Archimedes screw to make transporting water
Fun Facts!
Archimedes also invented a variety of
mechanical devices to fight off a
Roman army invasion.
Archimedes discovered the theory for
water buoyancy.
Archimedes was so far ahead of his
time in mathematics, it took 1,800
years later until his work was finally
understood by Sir Isaac Newton.
Check out these video links!
Graphic Design Career
Archimedes: More than Just a Screw!
Archimedes Screw In Action!
STEM AT HOME GUIDE: Archimedes Screw Challenge
Activity Directions
Aim: Design functioning Archimedes screw made from the different simple machines designed
with household materials to pump liquids and solids.
Investigating Questions
Does the direction of the designed screw affect the water
distribution process? Does the spin direction of the screw
affect how the water is transferred?
How does the length of the overall design how much water
is transferred? Can the rate of water distribution be
increased or decreased?
Other than water, what other kinds of materials could be
moved by using an Archimedes’ screw?
A bowl A glass
Piece of PVC pipe (1.5 inch wide; 14 inches long) Clear packing tape
Clear plastic tubing (1/4 inch inside diameter) Water
Food coloring Any other household item you desire!
***Materials can be found at Lowe’s or Home Depot
Criteria & Constraints:
Engineering design challenges (EDCs) are great opportunities for open-ended activities to grow
critical thinking and problem-solving skills. EDCs do not use a list of directions to build a specific
design, rather suggest a framework of designing a solution based on the problem and goal. How
your team chooses to address the problem and goal is entirely up to you.
Discuss as a family how screws make work easier. Take two jugs of water (one closed
with a screw lid; and another closed with a pop-top lid). Outside throw the jugs of water-
what happened? Which lid helped keep the water in the jug? (Define the Problem)
Lay out all materials and items available for the challenge. Plan to give time for your
team to discuss the problem relating to your background knowledge. How will you use
the materials provided to make your Archimedes screw based on what you’ve learned
from the video links and background information? (Define the Problem)
Discuss, sketch, and determine what order you will use the materials to build your
Archimedes screw (Plan Solutions).
Using your sketches and discussions, begin creating the screw from your model from
materials available. Family adults: allow your child(ren) to experiment with the materials
and help them build problem-solving skills (Make a Model).
As you are building your model, test out the prototype to make sure they can move/work.
(Test the Model)
With your team, continue to discuss and work through problems with your designed
models along the way. What adjustments can your team make to improve your design?
If you were to make a new Archimedes screw with different equipment, what materials
would you use or how would your model be different? (Reflect and Redesign)
Ideas to Increase Difficulty:
-Change the materials to transport pieces of cereal instead of water!
-Limit the number of materials that will be used!
STEM AT HOME GUIDE: Archimedes Screw Challenge
Sample Ideas
Photos courtesy of: Liliana Murphy, Highhill Education, Frugal Fun 4 Boys
STEM AT HOME GUIDE: Archimedes Screw Challenge
Extension Activity
Hoverboard Challenge
CD Hot glue/tape Balloons
Water bottle cap Scissors
Criteria & Constraints:
Engineering design challenges (EDCs) are great opportunities for
open-ended activities to grow critical thinking and problem-solving
skills. EDCs do not use a list of directions to build a specific design,
rather suggest a framework of designing a solution based on the
problem and goal. How your team chooses to address the problem
and goal is entirely up to you.
-In this challenge you are designing a balloon-propelled hovercraft
that will transport small toys from one point in a room to another.
-To increase level of complexity- try and add more balloons to your hovercraft
Research and brainstorm designs of hoverboards. How do they work? Define the
Sketch your prototype and design of key aspects of your hoverboard (Plan Solutions).
Use research and the sketches to start brainstorming your prototype (Plan Solutions and
Make a Model)
Plan your prototype: draw or sketch the design. Watch some videos on zipline
mechanics! (Plan Solutions and Make a Model).
Using a CD, cover the hole in the center with a piece of packing tape. Poke small holes
in the tape with a pin (this controls the airflow). Next, hot glue a pop-top soap cap or
water bottle cap to the center of the discbe sure to create a good seal to keep air from
escaping. (Make a Model)
Have an adult blow up the balloon all the way and pinch the neck to keep the air inside
(don't tie it). Next, make sure the pop-top is closed and fit the neck of the balloon over
the pop-up portion of the cap, and then place it on a smooth surface and pop the top
open. (Make a Model)
Test your design! Will you have to modify? Talk with your team about ways you could
improve the design of your model (Reflect and Redesign).