Family Home Activities
Woodlands Trail, version 2.0
Released June 21, 2017
Revised 7/8/17 - Revised to change the term Objective to Step throughout to better tie with other program
elements in the Woodlands Trail.
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Copyright © 2017 by Youth Adventure Program, Incorporated dba Trail Life USA. All rights reserved.
Trail Life USA | Woodlands Trail 2.0 | Family Home Activities | 31836 | 20170708 | 3
Family Home Activities
Family Home Activities can be used just to create great family
time or to make up for missed Patrol or Troop events.
It is not the intent for the family to do all or even most of these
activities, although families are welcome to do so and we
believe they will derive great benefit from the time spent
Two Family Home Activities may be used to replace one missed Step
Pin or Sylvan Star.
No more than one missed Step Pin or
Sylvan Star may be replaced in this way.
All activities should be completed as a family to the extent possible but, at
minimum, a parent or guardian and the Trailman should participate.
Trail Guides may suggest or allow other activities not on the list for credit. They
must be approved ahead of time.
The Trail Guide has the sole discretion for approving participation in these
activities for credit and may require discussion or documentation as he or she
deems necessary.
Troops can provide a mentor for boys who do not have the option of working
through these with a family member or guardian. All Child Safety and Youth
Protection Guidelines must be followed, see the Health and Safety Guide
(online) for more information.
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Family Home Activities for Fox Trailmen
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Heritage Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Visit a historical boat or tour the inside of a ship. Discuss the historical
significance of that particular vessel or one like it.
2. Pray daily for a week for the President of the United States and someone in the
3. View the founding documents of the United States and explain something you
liked about them.
4. Discuss the voting process or look up your local and state elected officials.
5. Learn about a family member who served in the military. If possible, look at
pictures or memorabilia of their time in the service.
6. Discuss those who have died for their faith. This might include discussing
martyrdom, sainthood, or missions, according to your beliefs and the level of
depth you feel is appropriate.
Voice of the Martyrs
is a good resource if you
need a starting point.
7. Show examples of family trees, such as your own or of a Biblical character
(Jesus). Create a simple family tree with at least three generations on it (child
and siblings, parents, and grandparents.) Bring the family tree to show your
Patrol at next meeting.
8. Read a story about George Washington or another American patriot.
9. Read and discuss a picture book about one of the Founding Fathers of our
country. Make sure that you look at the pictures and discuss foods, homes, and
other things that you see in them.
10. Visit and explore a local, state or national park.
11. Attend an American holiday event such as a 4
Day parade, historical reenactment, etc.
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Hobbies Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Work together to prepare a meal or prepare and make a dessert or a baked
treat for someone special. Attach a note of appreciation or affection to the
baked item and present it to the special person.
2. Spend time as a family engaged in an art project or watch a ch
about the life of an artist.
3. Explore some careers in music.
4. Explore a new hobby. Read a book on any new hobby that interests the whole
family. At the next Patrol meeting, explain what you found and what steps your
family took to investigate this new hobby or start the new hobby.
5. The Trailmen should ask their parents:
a. Which service organizations you support, what those groups do, and why
or how you chose to support them.
b. Discuss a service group or organization that focuses on one of the chi
interests or hobbies.
6. Go visit a historical monument or marker. Take your picture with it. Find out
why the marker is there.
7. Point out American flags when riding in your car. Count as many flags as you
can see.
8. Discuss how to use a camera and take pictures together. Print some of the
pictures and place in a photo album.
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Life Skills Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Discuss the value of sharing and pick a toy that the Trailman can give away.
2. Have the Trailman interview his parents or guardians about friendship:
a. How did you meet your childhood best friend?
b. What do you like to do with your friends?
c. What ideas do you have to help me make friends?
3. Demonstrate how to buckle a seatbelt in the car. Try one of the following
games or activities to pass the time in the car:
a. The Alphabet Game
b. Guess the Animal
c. The License Plate Game
d. Bingo
e. I Spy
f. Color
g. Listen to music
h. Sing songs
i. Read a book
4. Decide what budget you have to spend on food to donate to a local food pantry
or other community organization. Go shopping for nonperishable items and
to have funds to purchase extra items, ask your friends or neighbors if they will
donate canned or boxed goods. Deliver the food to that organization.
5. Review the Trail Life USA Child Safety Youth Protection Policy. Remind your son
what to do in various situations. Let him know that he can always come to you
with any concerns or issues that make him feel uncomfortable. Go online with
your child to review other free material offered by NetSmartz, a site that
focuses on youth protection.
6. Go on a hike at one of these locations:
a. State park
b. Wooded trail
c. Around your neighborhood
7. Discuss Fire prevention and safety at home. Go to
8. Cook a breakfast together using an easy recipe. Talk about different rules to
follow when cooking in the kitchen. Discuss good hygiene practices and how to
handle perishable foods.
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9. Take some time this week to review the rules your family has for
walking in places you commonly visit. Consider some of these
suggestions: do not run in a parking lot, walk in designated areas, stay at least
three feet from parked cars, do not play in open parking spaces, always travel
with a buddy or your parent, etc.
10. Find an item in your home that you can reuse for another purpose. Work
together to repurpose that item.
11. Discuss what kind of items you could pack in the car in case of emergencies.
Create an emergency kit for your family car.
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Outdoor Skills Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Practice the Tread Lightly! policies at home. Do this by picking up after
yourselves for one week. Take a walk around your yard and neighborhood to
pick up trash you find.
2. Make a 10 essentials pack for outdoor activities.
3. Participate in hike of at least ½ mile. Discuss how to be aware of your
environment and what you enjoy about the outdoors.
minutes in silence. Write down what you see, hear, and smell.
5. Set up a tent in your yard and make a list of the items you need to take a
camping trip. Or go tent camping as a family.
6. Discuss good outdoor principles. Take a family hike and discuss and show how
you can follow these principles correctly.
a. Travel on trails or other legal areas. Walk slowly on the trails. Respect
the rights of others.
c. Educate yourself know before you go. Make sure you know the safety.
Every time you go outdoors, think safety, bring a friend and be prepared.
Remember to pack the seven important items: water, food, first aid kit,
raincoat or poncho, flashlight, sunscreen and a whistle.
d. Always leave the outdoors better than you found it. Keep the outdoors
e. Discover how fun the outdoors can be when you Tread Lightly.
Remember, the outdoors is home to many animals so treat it with care.
Be careful with fire.
7. Discuss Fire safety in the outdoors.
a. We are good campers when we protect the homes of the animals around
us by using fire safely.
b. Fox Trailmen should never start fires or play with lighters.
c. perimeter) clear of other items and place
tents a safe distance away from the fire.
d. We put fires out when not attended by an adult.
e. No horseplay in the fire circle.
f. Make sure to have water available in case the fire gets out of hand.
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g. Do not put anything into the fire circle area without an
cooking sticks. (Some types of cones can pop and hot embers can fly out
8. Do one of the following options:
a. Get out a real map and find your city or town. Find your street, your
school, your church, your grocery store and other places you are familiar
with on the map.
b. Get on the Internet with your parent or guardian and look at your town
as the satellite sees it from outer space. Can you see your house? What
else can you identify?
9. Take your Trailman to swimming lessons to strengthen his swimming ability.
10. Build a canopy structure inside your home using tables, chairs, seat cushions,
pillows, sheets, and blankets. Talk about how you were able to build the
structure using everyday, ordinary objects. Allow your Fox Patrol member to
sleep in the canopy structure. Take a picture of the structure to show your Trail
11. For dinner one evening, give a meal prep assignment or cooking task to each
family member. At the dinner table, talk about how the meal came together
with everyone doing his or her part of the work. After dinner, have everyone
participate in the cleanup together. Before bedtime, reflect on how well things
work in your home when you are doing the work as a team. Talk about the
different chores each family member has to do on a regular basis and how it
takes your whole family to get it all done.
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Science and Technology Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Look up the weather forecast. Answer some of the following questions:
a. What is the weather supposed to be like tomorrow?
b. What is it like for the next week?
c. Is any rain or snow forecasted?
d. Is it going to be cloudy or clear?
e. Is it going to be hot, cold, or comfortable?
2. Discuss the potentially dangerous weather condition(s) in your community.
Make a plan for safety precautions and procedures with these conditions.
3. Discuss technology your family uses and how each member can interact with
technology appropriately, what is off limits, what has time limitations and why.
4. Have each family member present choose one plant that he or she would like to
have in your yard or home and requirements for it to thrive. Purchase at least
one of the choices and plant or place appropriately.
5. Choose new fruits and vegetables to try. Help prepare them for a meal.
6. Do one of the following options:
a. Draw a picture of your pet or a pet you would like. What color is its fur?
What color are its eyes? Does it have long fur or short? Is its tail long or
b. Ask your parent or guardian if he or she had a pet as a child. Ask your
parent or guardian to tell you some stories about the pet.
c. Feed your pet for a week.
d. Watch a movie about an animal.
7. Smell the different aromas of herbs and spices in your kitchen. Create a blind-
folded smell and/or taste test for family or friends with different common
spices/scents (vanilla, garlic, cinnamon, etc.).
8. Look up three stars/constellations visible in your night sky and find them on a
night walk.
9. Read Genesis 1 and 2; discuss the biblical account of creation.
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Sports and Fitness Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Ask family members if they participated in sports or fitness activities. Listen to
the stories and ask two questions at the end of the story. Some suggestions
a. What was their most difficult experience playing a sport?
b. What did they learn by playing?
c. What was their best memory?
2. Take a hike around your house. See how many things you can find that are
related to sports and fitness. Examples include: pictures, magazines, books,
sports equipment, awards, outdoor goals, trampoline, etc. Discuss the benefit
of physical activity in your daily life.
3. Complete a bike safety check on all bikes before going on a bike ride of at least
30 minutes. Example: check for reflectors, brake function, correct tire
pressure, helmet fit, etc.
4. Do one of the following options as a family:
a. Go outside and play in a water hose or sprinkler.
b. Play a board game.
c. Make up a game and teach it to a sibling, parent or guardian, or
5. Talk about what it means to be a good sport when winning and losing. Play a
game where everyone demonstrates good sportsmanship.
6. Go on a hike of at least 30 minutes.
7. Participate in a formal race event (i.e. swimming, running, biking or obstacle
8. Look up good meals or foods to eat before sports activities. Eat one before
doing a family fitness activity.
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Values Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Talk with your family about respecting others and understanding differences
respect and responsibility. For several days, choose a household chore (picking
up your laundry, helping with the dishes) that you can do to show responsibility.
2. Darken the room and light one candle. Note how one little light brightens the
nd saying
3. Learn about your home town by playing community bingo. Take a drive and
cross off the boxes as you see them.
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4. Do something nice for a neighbor: bake cookies as a gift, visit neighbor,
sing Christmas Carols, or help a neighbor with yard work for example.
5. Do a family service project. Talk to your Trail Guide for ideas of projects
appropriate for Fox Trailmen.
6. Spend some time looking at photos that include family members and friends of
all generations. Talk about these individuals and share your stories of them
with your children. Thank God together in prayer for the family that he has
given you.
7. Make homemade Christmas cards or gifts to give to each other for Christmas.
Spend time on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day giving these gifts to one
another and giving thanks for one another.
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Family Home Activities for Hawk Trailmen
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Heritage Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Take a driving tour of your community. Use a map to locate your church, school,
park, library, fire station, and police station.
2. Learn about a family member in the military. If possible, look at pictures or
memorabilia of their time in the service.
3. Participate in a food drive. Collect canned goods from home, friends, or
neighbors to be donated to a local food bank/pantry or church food
collection/distribution ministry.
4. Interview the oldest living family member you can contact, either in person or
on the telephone. Some suggested questions: When and where were you born?
What kinds of toys did you play with? What was school like? What was your
favorite subject?
5. Read and talk about the Navajo Code Talkers.
6. Go and see, visit or tour a historic boat or inside of a ship. Discuss the historic
significance of the vessel.
7. Visit and explore a local or national park. OR: Decide what you might do at a
park, such as having a picnic or running races and do it in your backyard or
living room. Report what was done with your Trail Guide.
8. Attend an American holiday event such as a 4
Day parade, historic reenactment, etc.
9. Discuss men and women who have died for their faith. This might include
discussing martyrdom, sainthood or missions, according to your beliefs and the
level of depth you feel is appropriate for your child.
Voice of the Martyrs
is a
good resource if you need a starting point.
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Hobbies Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Start a small collection with the 5 principles of Collecting or share information
about the current collections of family members.
2. Explore some careers in Music.
3. Take time to do an act of service at your church or neighborhood.
observations. If time allows, research the type of bird on the Web. Always have
a parent supervising when using the Internet.
5. Help your Trailman pack or make a list of his personal gear for a weekend
camping trip (clothes, shoes, sleep gear, flashlight, first aid kit, mess kit, water
bottle, etc.).
6. Explore a new hobby together by researching it in books or online. Explain what
you found to your Patrol.
7. Discuss how to use a camera and take pictures together. Print some of the
pictures and place in a photo album.
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Life Skills Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Character is something that never changes, even when no one is looking. Take a
few minutes tonight at bedtime to turn off the lights and let your imagination
run wild with the shadows. Find fun, restful shapes out of the images you see
and help your son develop his understanding that the character of an object
does not change just because the lights have gone out.
2. Each day for nine days choose a fruit of the Spirit and try to demonstrate that
fruit during the day. At the end of the day, ask each family member how he or
she exemplified that fruit of the day.
3. Plan and help cook a meal as a family for two nights of the week. Sit at a table
and have this meal together. Discuss healthy eating, the events of the day, or
any other topic of interest. Have the Trailman to set the table, remove the dirty
items from the table, and clean the table.
4. Spend time telling your family about some of your new friends. Make a poster
that tells seven things about you to show the Trail Guide at the next meeting.
5. Talk about ways to make new friends, ways to keep friends, and ways to stay
safe when Mom & Dad are not with you.
6. Try one of the following games or activities to pass the time in the car:
a. The Alphabet Game
b. Guess the Animal
c. The License Plate Game
d. Bingo
e. I Spy
f. Color
g. Listen to music
h. Sing songs
i. Read a book
7. Talk about Nutrition and Fitness and some goals for living a healthier lifestyle.
8. Discuss the following:
a. Importance of prayer
b. Importance of teamwork
c. Importance of planning
d. Importance of doing your part to the best of your abilities
9. Place five or six items in the bag that are of significance to the Trailman.
Examples include a small family photo, a favorite book, a souvenir from
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choosing with parental approval. The boy should bring the bag and
contents to show his Patrol.
10. Talk as a family about what it means to serve God and country and why we
should have an Oath to do so.
emergency contact numbers to use if parents are not available. Make sure your
Trailman knows your address and phone number. Play a memory game with him
so that you are certain he knows them.
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Outdoor Skills Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Obtain a length of rope and instructions for two knots. Practice together and
show Trail Guide at next meeting.
2. With assistance, the Trailman should fix something at home. This might be a
piece of furniture, or a loose cabinet door or hang a picture on a wall.
3. Prepare and eat fish for dinner one night. If possible, catch a fish or buy a whole
fish to scale and filet, or go to a market where you can watch the procedure.
4. With parent assistance, Trailmen should make a list of 8-10 items he needs to
pack for a weekend camping trip. Obtain these items and organize in a bag or
5. Discuss the following with your Trailman:
a. The buddy system: This is a system of safety when out in the
community, hiking, swimming or going anywhere. Teach your Trailman
nt, sibling, friends at school, or a members
of the Hawk Patrol. Although it is important that we not teach children
to be afraid of the world, they must be made aware that dangers exist
b. Outdoor ethics: When enjoying the outdoors, it is important to
remember that the outdoors is the home of many creatures. It is up to all
of us to preserve their world and keep it clean. We should never
approach, feed or try to pet animals in the wild. Lastly, we should
remember to clean up any trash while enjoying the outdoors. Have the
Trailmen present these guidelines to another family member.
6. Participate in a hike of at least 1 mile. Discuss how to be aware of your
environment and what you enjoy about the outdoors. While on a hike have the
Trailman to use a compass to identify points of direction.
7. Draw a treasure map of your yard or neighborhood or a park near your home.
map to find the treasure.
8. Develop a fire escape plan for your home and practice it, including removing
screens, crawling through windows and down ladders from a second floor, and
meeting at the designated location. Discuss escape plans from various locations
in your home. Change smoke detector batteries, and listen to the sound that
your smoke detector makes.
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9. Discuss and practice tornado, storm, hurricane, wildfire and
earthquake safety as appropriate to your location.
10. Discuss what to do when lost in different situations:
On a camping/hiking trip
On a school field trip
In the neighborhood
At the park
At the mall
At a crowded event such as a fair, amusement park, community event
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Science and Technology Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Find a video online of a plane breaking the sound barrier and discuss what
happens when a plane breaks the sound barrier.
2. Place a seed cup in a well-lit window and watch it daily for two weeks. Water
the plant as needed. Discuss the growth and development of the seed. Or plant
or maintain a family garden.
3. Look up the insects in the Bible, and draw a line from the insect to the listed
Matthew 6:19-20
Deuteronomy 7:20
Proverbs 6:6
Exodus 16:19-20
Exodus 8:21
Judges 14:8
Psalms 78:46
Deuteronomy 28:38
Matthew 23:24
4. Spend some time in your yard. Look for the parts of an ecosystem in your yard
(soil, water, plants/trees, decomposers, animals).
5. Look up three stars/constellations you can see from your location. Take a night
walk and find them.
6. Take a hike and allow the Trailman to use the compass to identify points of
7. Read Genesis 1 and 2; discuss the biblical account of creation.
talk about the different kinds of catapults.
9. Discuss the three types of rocks, their characteristics and what is the most
commonly found in your area.
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10. Talk about the animals that you would see in your neighborhood or
at the homes of friends and family. If your family has a pet, have
your Trailman to be responsible for feeding, watering, and caring for your pet
for a week.
11. Track and chart the weather for at least five days including:
Temperature (Was it warmer, cooler, or the same as yesterday?)
Wind (Was it calm or windy? What was the direction of the wind?)
Precipitation (Was it rainy or dry?)
Clouds (What type of clouds do we see?)
12. Discuss the potentially dangerous weather condition(s) in your community.
Make a plan for safety precautions and procedures with these conditions.
13. Play the Blast Off game on the USDA website:
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Sports and Fitness Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Discuss with family members if they participated in sports when they were
young. Listen to stories about their experience and ask two questions at the
end of the story. Some suggestions are:
a. What was their most difficult experience playing a sport?
b. What did they learn by playing?
c. What was their best memory?
2. Discuss the benefit of physical activity in your daily life. Make an exercise plan
for a week and follow it.
30 minutes. Example: check for reflectors, brake function, adjust tire air
pressure, etc.
4. Do one of the following options:
Play in a water hose or sprinkler.
Play Frisbee or another active outdoor activity.
Talk about what it means to be a good sport when winning and losing.
Act out some examples of good and bad sportsmanship.
5. Go on a hike at one of these locations:
a. State park
b. Wooded trail
c. Around your neighborhood
6. Participate in a formal race event (i.e. swimming, running, biking or obstacle
7. Look up pre-participation meals or sports nutrition on the internet and write
down a good meal or foods to eat before sports activities.
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Values Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Talk to your parents about what it means to honor them. Show them that you
love them by doing a chore without being asked.
2. Plan and help cook a meal with your family. Sit at a table and have this meal
together. Discuss healthy eating, the events of the day, or any other topic of
3. Think about some practical ways you can serve your family this week. Help your
or too tired to do, or arrange to spend time with a grandparent for the
4. Food Drive- Help those in need! Participate in a food collection effort. Collect
canned goods from home, friends, or neighbors. You can use allowance to
purchase canned food items. Ask friends and neighbors to donate non-
perishable food items, personal toiletry items, or baby food items.
5. During a family meal this week, have each family member tell why they are
thankful for each of the other family members.
6. As a family, do something for a neighbor: bake cookies as a gift, visit the
neighbor, sing Christmas carols, or help a neighbor with yard work.
7. Call a grandparent or another beloved adult and talk about ways you can show
honor to the adults in your life. Practice holding the door open for the ladies
and girls in your family.
Watch a movie together about Joshua and the Battle of Jericho or another
biblical leader.
8. Have a family discussion about values. What values do parents believe are most
important? What values do the Trailman believe are most important? Discuss
ways these values can be demonstrated in your daily lives.
9. Ask your parents to help you find the North Star at night. Tell them the story of
how a star guided the wise men to baby Jesus. Discuss how Jesus can guide us
through life.
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Family Home Activities for Mountain Lion Trailmen
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Heritage Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Discuss
the American flag.
2. Decide on a service project your family can participate in together. Perhaps
participate in a food drive. Collect canned goods from home, friends, or
neighbors to be donated to a local food bank / pantry or church food collection
/ distribution ministry
3. As a family, do something for your neighbors: bake cookies as a gift, visit and
ask about their favorite Christmas traditions / memories, sing Christmas carols,
or help a neighbor with yard work.
4. Learn about the election process. Visit a polling location or review a mail-in
5. Visit a war memorial. Talk about what a memorial is and its importance. As a
family, briefly pick up trash and clean around the memorial. Discover the history
of the war commemorated by the memorial.
7. Visit and explore a local or national park or decide what you might do at a park,
such as having a picnic or running races and do it in your backyard or living
8. Attend an American holiday event such as a 4
Day parade, historical reenactment, etc.
9. Discuss men and women who have died for their faith. This might include
discussing martyrdom, sainthood or missions, according to your beliefs and the
level of depth you feel is appropriate for your child.
Voice of the Martyrs
is a
good resource if you need a starting point.
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Hobbies Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
with simple observations. If time allows, research the types of birds. Always
have a parent supervising when using the Internet.
2. Talk about opportunities to spend time together in a positive and fun way.
For example, have your family share hobbies or collections or, if a member
of your family does not have a collection, you may start one! You may also
spend time learning how to play checkers, chess, or another family game.
This will give your family another positive way to spend free time.
3. Discuss different hobbies that your family participates in. Is there a hobby
you all share an interest in? Encourage each family member to have his or
her own hobby to encourage individual identity and solitary time.
4. Attend a performing arts event with your family or watch one on TV.
5. As a family explore a new hobby. Research a new hobby that interests the
whole family. At the next meeting, explain what you chose and what steps
your family took to start the new hobby.
6. Discuss how to use a camera and take pictures. Have your photos
developed, or print them from your computer and place the pictures into a
photo album or create a digital album.
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Life Skills Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Evaluate and discuss your strengths and weaknesses as a listener. Set a goal to
improve your listening skills.
2. Discuss how to solve problems, especially when dealing with difficult people.
3. Play a game with your family. Each family member writes down a personal
strength or favorite activity on a slip of paper. Fold the papers and place them
in a hat. Draw one at a time and try to guess which family member it is.
4. Discuss the importance of goal setting with your family. Have your family share
personal goals that they have made and achieved and maybe even some goals
that they have not reached. Share the goal you created with your family and
find a place to post your goal (like your refrigerator). Celebrate when you reach
you goal.
5. With your family, discuss ways you can incorporate physical fitness into your
s plan for 2 weeks.
whether the item is a healthy food choice.
7. Discuss the hazards of drug and alcohol abuse with your family.
8. Learn how to use a compass. Use the compass to find landmarks or items to
identify in your yard or house.
9. Get a really good map of your neighborhood and practice your map-reading
skills. Chart a planned route and determine the total distance. Travel your route
(walk, drive, bike, etc.), and see how close your calculation was!
10. Have a Family Meeting (dinner time is a good time) to discuss trust. How do we
trust family members, and how do they trust us? Discuss why we trust parents
11. Go over home safety. Go through the checklists and talk about keeping up with
home safety and how the Mountain Lion can help do this. Discuss or determine
the family escape plan in case of a fire or any emergency.
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Outdoor Skills Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Practice tying knots at home and teach someone different knots. Discuss the
safety of not using knots to support your own weight or to climb into unsafe
places, such as onto your roof.
2. Discuss the importance of first aid in the home. Create or update a first aid kit
for the house and place in a known, easily accessible location. If you already
have a first aid kit at home create one for the car or for camping.
3. Visit the Tread Lightly!
website and discuss how you can incorporate the
principles in your own home. Find a spot to post your Tread Lightly!
4. Discuss the importance of taking care of the environment and being a good
steward. Talk about ways you are good stewards and give examples. Discuss
some areas in which you can improve. Make a goal and commit to changing your
behavior. Post a reminder where you can see it each day.
5. Look up how to make pace counting beads and make them. Learn how to pace
count, and guide each other into finding your own pace numbers.
6. Trailmen should pack his own gear for a weekend camping trip. Review what
must and must not be included.
7. Help your Trailmen look up how to use a compass. Practice by going outside and
finding natural landmarks for them to identify. Get a really good map of your
neighborhood and practice your map-reading skills. Chart a planned route and
determine the total distance. Travel your route (walk, drive, bike, etc.), and see
how close your calculation was!
8. Plan and complete a scavenger hunt together. Discuss how teamwork can help
in accomplishing your goals.
9. Review knife safety rules. Discuss how it is a tool not a toy.
10. Discuss the uses of a pocket knife and how it is a tool and not a toy.
Introduce/review the following safety points:
Cut away from your body, not toward it.
Never run with a knife.
Never point a knife at anyone.
ay from
you when using a knife (Blood circle)
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Do not use a locking blade if the lock will not lock open.
Make sure the lock is working before using it.
Keep your knife folded or sheathed when carrying or storing.
Use a sharpening stone, not a power grinder to sharpen your knife. A
power grinder can make the edge brittle.
Use the right tool for the job. A pocket knife is for small jobs.
causing injury.
Use a knife in a well-lit area, so yo
Keep your knife clean, particularly the locking mechanism.
Keep your knife oiled and sharp. A sharp knife is safer than a dull one.
f. It is dangerous.
If you get cut, seek first aid immediately.
Review Questions:
1. Are both hands used when opening and closing a pocket knife?
3. Do I cut towards myself?
4. When I sharpen the knife, do I check how sharp it is by running my finger
down the blade?
5. Can I run with an open knife?
7. What is the principle of the Blood circle?
11. Participate in a 2-4 mile hike with your Trailmen. Discuss how to be aware of
your environment and what you enjoy about the outdoors. While on a hike, have
the Trailman to use a compass to identify points of direction.
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Science and Technology Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Find a video online of a plane breaking the sound barrier and explain what
happens when a plane breaks the sound barrier.
2. Discuss other science topics in creation with your family. Talk about how God
reveals Himself to us.
3. Discuss astronomy and astronomy careers.
4. Observe the weather for one week by recording basic elements such as the
predicted temperature, the actual temperature, sunrise, sunset, precipitation,
etc. Watch the weather on TV, or look at the chart in your newspaper.
5. Look up instructions and make your own crystals or rock candy.
6. Discuss Importance of keeping trash off the ground to prevent animals and
insects from getting in. Do a quick clean up around your yard or inside your
house. Be sure to look for anything that may attract bugs (food wrappers, spills
that need to be wiped up, etc.).
7. Discuss biodegradation of items. When we dispose of items in a garbage pile,
the air, moisture, climate, or soil cannot break them down naturally to be
dissolved with the surrounding land. They are not biodegradable. However
natural waste and products made from nature break down easily when they are
disposed as waste. Discuss the seriousness of the problem caused by non-
biodegradable waste.
8. Discuss pulleys, and try to find them in use around your house (for example, on
9. Discuss levers and inclined planes. Try to find them in use around your house,
on the highways, and at construction sites.
10. Discuss construction of structures with your family. Visit different locations of
interest to see construction in action.
11. Discuss the potentially dangerous weather condition(s) in your community.
Make a plan for safety precautions and procedures with these conditions.
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Sports and Fitness Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Learn a new sport or participate in a fitness activity regularly together.
2. Review the Tread Lightly! pledge with your family on a hike or walk.
Travel only on trails
Respect animals, plants and people
Every time you go outdoors, think safety, bring a friend and be prepared
Always leave the outdoor better than you found it
Discover how fun the outdoors can be when you tread lightly
3. Review and discuss boating safety with your family.
4. Participate in a sports activity with your family.
5. Discuss at least four character traits you think a great sportsman should have.
6. Talk about what it means to be a good sport when winning and losing. Practice
being a good sport when you are playing sports or other games.
7. Go on a hike of at least a mile and a half.
8. Participate in a formal race event (i.e. swimming, running, biking or obstacle
9. Look up pre-participation meals or sports nutrition and write down a good meal
or foods to eat before sports activities.
10. Play outside for at least 30 minutes three times in a week.
11. Review and discuss bicycle safety. Have the Trailmen review with their parents
what they learned and check their own equipment including helmets and proper
clothing to be worn while biking. Go on a bike ride of at least 30 minutes.
12. Talk about safe swimming and what should be done as a family to keep
everyone safe. Go over the 13 Points of Safe Swimming from The American Red
Cross (below) before you head out to the pool or beach:
Swim in designated areas supervised by lifeguards.
Always swim with a buddy; do not allow anyone to swim alone.
Never leave a young child unattended near water and do not trust a
children to always ask permission to
go near water.
Have young children or inexperienced swimmers wear U.S. Coast
Guard-approved life jackets around water, but do not rely on life
jackets alone.
Maintain constant supervision.
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Make sure everyone in your family learns to swim well.
If you have a pool, secure it with appropriate barriers. Many children
who drown in home pools were out of sight for less than five minutes
and in the care of one or both parents at the time.
Avoid distractions when supervising children around water.
If a child is missing, check the water first. Seconds count in preventing
death or disability.
Have appropriate equipment, such as reaching or throwing equipment,
a cell phone, life jackets and a first aid kit.
Know how and when to call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number. (**If
you are swimming at a lake, be sure to look this up before traveling,
and know the name of the lake area (ie. East Bay, Cove 3, etc.) so that
rescue teams can find you.)
Protect your skin. Limit the amount of direct sunlight you receive
between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and wear sunscreen with a
protection factor of at least 15.
with alcohol or caffeine in them.
© Copyright The American National Red Cross. All rights reserved.
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Values Branch
Two may replace a missed Step
1. Discuss being a good friend to others with your parents. Think of a way each of
you can do something good for another and commit to doing that.
2. Read and review Matthew 6:14-15. Discuss a time when you have needed
forgiveness or been forgiven. Confess any current situations where you are
struggling to forgive someone and commit to repent.
3. Discuss conservation and good stewardship with your family. Review home
conservation practices.
4. Discuss the characteristics and qualities of good leaders. Think about
characteristics members of your family have, and discuss ways to develop
leadership skills and choose good role models.
Discuss the fruits of the Spirit with your family. How can you develop and
incorporate these qualities in your daily lives? Commit to demonstrate a
behavior this week.
home, you may want to purchase one and hang it in a place of honor and
6. As a family, do something for your neighbors: bake cookies as a gift, visit
neighbors and ask them about their Christmas traditions or their favorite
Christmas memories, sing Christmas carols, or help a neighbor with yard work.
7. Fortitude is strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or
bear pain or adversity with courage; synonyms include bravery and courage.
Discuss fortitude. Challenge each other to find scripture stories and other
popular stories that show examples.
8. Visit Focus on the Family to complete a personality profile on your child.
childs-personality/determining-your-childs-personality-type.aspx. Have the
family discuss their own personality types and how these types have helped
them in their jobs and their lives. Also consider discussing how their personality
types have influenced choices they have made.
9. Discuss different careers that focus on justice. Find a contact to learn more
about his or her job or research online together.
10. Discuss commitment and loyalty with your family. Talk about the loyalty cards
that some stores offer to reward customers for repeat visits. Discuss any
loyalty programs you are a part of and visit the store together. Discuss the
rewards of commitment and loyalty in life.
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11. Visit a war memorial. Talk about what a memorial is and its
importance. If possible, discover the history of the war
commemorated by the memorial.
12. Participate in a service project together.