English Language
and Composition
Sample Student Responses
and Scoring Commentary
Free-Response Question 1
Scoring Guidelines
Student Samples
Scoring Commentary
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AP® English Language and Composition 2022 Scoring Guidelines
2022 College Board
Synthesis Essay 6 points
Since the early 2000s, the United States government and a number of corporations have sponsored initiatives to improve education in the STEM
disciplines: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The emphasis on STEM subjects in elementary, secondary, and higher education
reflects concerns that United States students are less proficient in these areas than are students in other countries. Additionally, there is a belief that
mastery in STEM fields is now essential in order to join a highly technical and specialized workforce. However, not everyone is convinced that a STEM-
focused curriculum is necessary and/or effective.
Carefully read the following six sources, including the introductory information for each source. Write an essay that synthesizes material from at least
three of the sources and develops your position on the value, if any, of initiatives to improve STEM education and increase the number of students
interested in the STEM disciplines.
Source A (Ossola)
Source B (graph)
Source C (editors)
Source D (survey)
Source E (Fitzgerald)
Source F (May)
In your response you should do the following:
Respond to the prompt with a thesis that presents a defensible position.
Select and use evidence from at least three of the provided sources to support your line of reasoning. Indicate clearly the sources used through
direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary. Sources may be cited as Source A, Source B, etc., or by using the description in parentheses.
Explain how the evidence supports your line of reasoning.
Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating your argument.
AP® English Language and Composition 2022 Scoring Guidelines
© 2022 College Board
Scoring Criteria
Row A
0 points
For any of the following:
There is no defensible thesis.
The intended thesis only restates the prompt.
The intended thesis provides a summary of the issue with no apparent
or coherent claim.
There is a thesis, but it does not respond to the prompt.
1 point
Responds to the prompt with a thesis that presents a defensible position.
Decision Rules and Scoring Notes
Responses that do not earn this point:
Only restate the prompt.
Do not take a position, or the position is vague or must be inferred.
Equivocate or summarize others’ arguments but not the student’s (e.g.,
some people say it’s good, some people say it’s bad).
State an obvious fact rather than making a claim that requires a
Examples that do not earn this point:
Restate the prompt
“Some people think that STEM classes should be taught in schools
today, but others think that it’s not necessary or effective.”
Address the topic of the prompt but do not take a position
STEM education has increased in the United States as more and more
corporations are hiring students who have mastery of STEM subjects.”
Address the topic of the prompt but state an obvious fact as a claim
Concerned that American students are lagging behind internationally
in STEM disciplines, U.S. schools are starting to put more emphasis on
STEM education.”
Responses that earn this point:
Respond to the prompt by developing a position on the value, if any, of initiatives to
improve STEM education and increase the number of students interested in the
STEM disciplines, rather than restating or rephrasing the prompt. Clearly take a
position rather than just stating there are pros/cons.
Examples that earn this point:
Present a defensible position that responds to the prompt
“The United States should place more emphasis on STEM initiatives so that American
students can keep up with international competition for jobs.”
“While an education in STEM disciplines is important, students should still take
classes in the humanities, arts, and social sciences to be more well-rounded in their
education and be more prepared for life after school.”
STEM education is an overrated trend that will not last. In fact, many employers look
for qualities and skills that are not only taught in STEM classes.”
Additional Notes:
The thesis may be more than one sentence, provided the sentences are in close proximity.
The thesis may be anywhere within the response.
For a thesis to be defensible, the sources must include at least minimal evidence that could be used to support that thesis; however, the student need not cite that
evidence to earn the thesis point.
The thesis may establish a line of reasoning that structures the essay, but it needn’t do so to earn the thesis point.
A thesis that meets the criteria can be awarded the point whether or not the rest of the response successfully supports that line of reasoning.
AP® English Language and Composition 2022 Scoring Guidelines
© 2022 College Board
Scoring Criteria
Row B
(0–4 points)
0 points
Simply restates thesis (if
present), repeats provided
information, or references
fewer than two of the
provided sources.
1 point
Provides evidence from or
references at least two of
the provided sources.
Summarizes the evidence
but does not explain how
the evidence supports the
student’s argument.
2 points
Provides evidence from or
references at least three of the
provided sources.
Explains how some of the
evidence relates to the
student’s argument, but no
line of reasoning is established,
or the line of reasoning is
3 points
Provides specific evidence
from at least three of the
provided sources to support
all claims in a line of
Explains how some of the
evidence supports a line of
4 points
Provides specific evidence from at
least three of the provided sources
to support all claims in a line of
Consistently explains how the
evidence supports a line of
Decision Rules and Scoring Notes
Typical responses that earn
0 points:
Are incoherent or do not
address the prompt.
May be just opinion with
no textual references or
references that are
Typical responses that earn
1 point:
Tend to focus on
summary or description
of sources rather than
specific details.
Typical responses that earn
2 points:
Consist of a mix of specific
evidence and broad
May contain some
simplistic, inaccurate, or
repetitive explanations
that don’t strengthen the
May make one point well
but either do not make
multiple supporting claims
or do not adequately
support more than one
Do not explain the
connections or progression
between the student’s
claims, so a line of
reasoning is not clearly
Typical responses that earn
3 points:
Uniformly offer evidence
to support claims.
Focus on the importance
of specific words and
details from the sources
to build an argument.
Organize an argument as
a line of reasoning
composed of multiple
supporting claims.
Commentary may fail to
integrate some evidence
or fail to support a key
Typical responses that earn
4 points:
Uniformly offer evidence to
support claims.
Focus on the importance of
specific words and details from
the sources to build an
Organize and support an
argument as a line of
reasoning composed of
multiple supporting claims,
each with adequate evidence
that is clearly explained.
Additional Notes:
Writing that suffers from grammatical and/or mechanical errors that interfere with communication cannot earn the fourth point in this row.
AP® English Language and Composition 2022 Scoring Guidelines
© 2022 College Board
Scoring Criteria
Row C
(01 points)
0 points
Does not meet the criteria for one point.
1 point
Demonstrates sophistication of thought and/or a complex understanding of the
rhetorical situation.
Decision Rules and Scoring Notes
Responses that do not earn this point:
Attempt to contextualize their argument, but such attempts consist
predominantly of sweeping generalizations (“In a world where . . .
OR “Since the beginning of time . . .”).
Only hint at or suggest other arguments (“While some may argue
that . . .” OR “Some people say . . .).
Use complicated or complex sentences or language that is ineffective
because it does not enhance the argument.
Responses that earn this point may demonstrate sophistication of thought and/or a
complex understanding of the rhetorical situation by doing any of the following:
1. Crafting a nuanced argument by consistently identifying and exploring complexities
or tensions across the sources.
2. Articulating the implications or limitations of an argument (either the student’s
argument or arguments conveyed in the sources) by situating it within a broader
3. Making effective rhetorical choices that consistently strengthen the force and impact
of the student’s argument throughout the response.
4. Employing a style that is consistently vivid and persuasive.
Additional Notes:
This point should be awarded only if the sophistication of thought or complex understanding is part of the student’s argument, not merely a phrase or reference.
Sample 1A (1 of 3)
Sample 1A (2 of 3)
Sample 1A (3 of 3)
Sample 1B (1 of 3)
Sample 1B (2 of 3)
Sample 1B (3 of 3)
Sample 1C (1 of 2)
Sample 1C (2 of 2)
English Language and Composition 2022 Scoring Commentary
© 2022 College Board.
Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org.
Question 1
Note: Student samples are quoted verbatim and may contain spelling and grammatical errors.
Students responding to this question were expected to read six sources on the topic of STEM
education and then write an essay that synthesized material from at least three of the sources and
developed their position on the value, if any, of initiatives to improve STEM education and increase
the number of students in the STEM disciplines. Students were expected to respond to the prompt
with a thesis that takes a defensible position; use evidence from at least three provided sources to
support their line of reasoning clearly, properly citing the sources; explain how the evidence
supports their line of reasoning; and use appropriate grammar and punctuation in presenting their
As per the Course and Exam Description (CLE-1.M, CLE-1.1), students were expected to be able to
read the prompt, understand the task, use sources provided to write paragraphs that reflect their
ability to establish claims and provide evidence, and demonstrate their understanding of prose and
their ability to write using cogent, meaningful discourse.
Sample: 1A
Score: 1-4-1
Thesis (01 points): 1
The defensible thesis is found at the end of paragraph 1: In a sense, it would make sense to pour more
resources into this field of education; however, this newfound opportunity should not squander the
prevalence of other fields such as literature or the arts. Therefore, although there should be more value
placed on the development of STEM education, there should be no diminishing of other subjects in
order to achieve this goal.
Evidence and Commentary (04 points): 4
The response establishes a line of reasoning, acknowledging the desire that lays in increasing STEM
educationin paragraph 2 before devoting paragraph 3 to a nuanced look at the need to establish an
education system that places subjects in unison instead of undermining each other.The response has
adequate evidence, clearly explained throughout, using multiple sources in each paragraph (in order,
Sources B, A, and F in paragraph 2 and Sources C and D in paragraph 3). Further, the concession that
there lacks focus on the fieldin paragraph 2 uses two well-chosen paraphrases before returning to
the central argument. The discussion of Source D in paragraph 3 illustrates the responses consistency
in supporting all claims, as seen in the assertion that [a]s a whole, the importance of a well rounded
STEM education not only emphasize the development of students, but the fact that success becomes a
byproduct due to the skills obtained.
Sophistication (01 points): 1
The responses overall style is vivid and persuasive, as demonstrated in statements such as Both the
increase in demand as well as the shifting economy work in tandem to establish the fact that those in
STEM professions benefit not only large businesses, but the people as well(paragraph 2) and
Placing a focus on STEM education does not mean a whole displacement of other fields of education
though, as more often than not it is found that all subjects work together in unison to produce a
successful STEM based student(paragraph 3). While the response combines sources in support of its
English Language and Composition 2022 Scoring Commentary
© 2022 College Board.
Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org.
Question 1 (continued)
claims and recognizes the tensions in focusing on STEM versus education as a whole, it does not
explore these tensions across sources. Additionally, the response does not necessarily situate the
response within a broader context. Therefore, the response earned the Row C point for its consistently
sophisticated style.
Sample: 1B
Score: 1-3-0
Thesis (01 points): 1
The response earned the thesis point at the end of the first paragraph, asserting that[b]ecause of
the increasing need in STEM job opportunities, the incentives to retain Americas position as an
innovation economy, and the importance of suppressing the decay of American aptitude in STEM
subjects, there is great value improving STEM education and interest.
Evidence and Commentary (04 points): 3
The response shifts the order of the thesis but does clearly delve into the three issues it mentions in
the thesis, beginning with a clear focus on struggling internationallybefore moving to job
opportunities” and then the innovation economy.The response uniformly offers evidence for these
claims. Some evidence is clearly explained, as with the discussion of Source F in paragraph 4: This
shows the desperate need for an increased commitment to STEM, because having less than ideal
employee ability limits companies and limits the economic growth of America.In other places, the
discussion fails to integrate the evidence, relying on repetition of ideas and of the sources point. For
example, in paragraph 2 the commentary on Source A about the slide in global rankings merely
repeats the provided details: This shows that there is value in increasing STEM education because
other countries are rising over America in education.”
Sophistication (01 points): 0
The repetition (This shows,” “This means) is one issue that prevents the style from being vivid
and persuasive. No attempt is made to situate the argument in a broader context. All assertions are
supported with a single source in each paragraph (in order, A, B, and F), but the response does not
explore tensions or complexities across the sources.
Sample: 1C
Score: 1-1-0
Thesis (01 points): 1
The response opens with a defensible thesis in the first sentence that sets up a counterargument
with the phrase Although many people may not be on boardand moves to a statement of the
position: its very benefic as it would give easier access to quality eduaction, theres been seen a rise
in the need of more engineers/scientists, the focus of art, history, and geography are very important
and crucal because you can learn valuable skills.
Evidence and Commentary (04 points): 1
The response does cite numerous sources (in order: A, B, C, D, E, and F) but does not explain how
the evidence supports the argument. For example, the discussion of Doc Din paragraph 3 is
followed by a summary of Source E and an unsubstantiated assertion that through the arts we learn
English Language and Composition 2022 Scoring Commentary
Question 1 (continued)
about humanities and disciplines.This focus on summary or description can also be seen in
paragraph 2 in the statement that “[t]his meaning there will be an overall increase in the jobs for
Sophistication (01 points): 0
Beyond the brief attempt to establish a counterargument in the thesis, the response does not identify
complexities and tensions or extend those to the sources. The response moves quickly through the
sources, which does not allow for a substantial exploration of the topic. In addition, the emphasis on
summary prevents the response from achieving a persuasive style.
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