Quick Guide to Quality Ratings 1-3
Family Child Care
Updated July 2023
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Publishing a Quality Rating 1 5
DAP 3.1: Positive Behavioral Practices Policy 5
DAP 6.1: Daily Schedule or Lesson Plan 5
ADM 1.1: Family Handbook, Contract, or Enrollment Agreement 5
ADM 6.1: Conference Schedule and Statement 5
Publishing a Quality Rating 2 6
STF 1.2: Lead Staff Credential Certificates 6
ACR 1.2: Accreditation Reflection 6
DAP 1.2: Philosophy Statement 6
DAP 2.2: Selection and Use of Materials Statement 6
DAP 3.2: Positive Behavior Practices Policy 6
DAP 4.2: Curriculum Statement 6
DAP 5.2: Lesson Planning Process Statement 7
DAP 6.2: Daily Schedule and Recent Lesson Plan 7
DAP 7.2: Screen Time Policy 7
DAP 9.2: Observation Practices Statement 7
ADM 5.2: Examples of Family Engagement Opportunities 7
ADM 6.2: Family Conferences 7
ADM 8.2: Yearly Staff Meeting Schedule, Agenda, and Sign-In Sheet 8
ADM 9.2: Staff Performance Evaluation Schedule 8
ADM 10.2: Staff Policies/Handbook Statement 8
ADM 13.2: Community Resources Statement 8
Publishing a Quality Rating 3 9
STF 1.3: Lead Staff Credential Certificates 9
ACR 1.3: Accreditation Interview Verification 9
ACR 2.3: Self-Assessment Score Sheet 9
ACR 3.3: Program Improvement Plan 9
DAP 1.3: Written Philosophy Statement 9
DAP 2.3: Selection and Use of Materials Statement 10
DAP 3.3: Positive Behavioral Practices Policies 10
DAP 5.3: Lesson Planning Process Statement 10
DAP 6.3: Lesson Plan and Daily Schedule 10
DAP 9.3: Observation Practices and Developmental Checklist 11
ADM 1.3: Family Handbook, Written Agreement, or Contract 11
ADM 3.3: Child and Adult Care Food Program Participation 11
ADM 4.3: Nutrition Policy and Recent Weekly Menu 11
ADM 5.3: Examples of Family Engagement Opportunities 11
ADM 8.3: Yearly Staff Meeting Schedule, Agenda, and Sign-In Sheet 12
ADM 9.3: Performance Evaluation Schedule and Performance Evaluation Tool 12
ADM 10.3: Staff Handbook 12
ADM 12.3: Incremental Salary Scale 12
ADM 15.3: Transition Plans Statement 12
Program Information and Contacts
Maryland EXCELS Information
Registration/anniversary date:
Username/full email address:
Quality Assurance Specialist (QAS)
contact information:
Program Coordinator (PC) contact information:
24/7 Technology Support:
Complete the form at tinyurl.com/excels-helpdesk
Maryland EXCELS Tutorials for the online system:
Maryland EXCELS Toolkit for increasing quality ratings:
Division of Early Childhood Information
Regional licensing office:
Maryland Child Care Credential Program:
Child Care Central
P.O. Box 598
Baltimore, MD 21203
Child Care Scholarship Invoices:
Fax: 202-478-5117
Child Care Scholarship Customer Service:
CCS Central 2
If no response in 5 business days:
Other support resources
Regional Child Care Resource Center:
Publishing a Quality Rating 1
Step 1: Complete enrollment information
Select My Programs Program Menu wheel Enrollment
Step 2: Go back to Select My Program and exit Step by Step
Subcategory and Required Evidence To Upload
Date Uploaded
DAP 3.1: Positive Behavioral Practices Policy
Shared with families and staff (i.e, in your handbook)
A policy explaining that the provider uses redirection and provides choices
Examples of both
DAP 6.1: Daily Schedule or Lesson Plan
Your daily schedule or lesson plan should clearly show the following:
Circles around individualized activities to address the developmental needs of each child
Complete/update the Enrollment page.
In the comment section, note whether or not the program has been provided with an IEP/IFSP for any of the
currently enrolled children.
If provided with an IFSP/IEP, explain how you meet the objectives for that child.
ADM 1.1: Family Handbook, Contract, or Enrollment Agreement
Your family handbook, contract, or enrollment agreement must include the following:
Health and safety policies
Information on tuition and fees
A statement on the inclusion of children with disabilities and special health care needs
ADM 6.1: Conference Schedule and Statement
A statement that describes when and how often conferences are held
Must describe how families are informed about the conferences and the process families follow to sign
up for the conference
Enrollment/intake documentation showing program requests the family to share the IEP/IFSP
If an IEP/IFSP has been shared with the program, include a statement of how the program works with
families and service providers
If no IEP/IFSP (or information from one) has been provided, leave a comment
Publishing a Quality Rating 2
Date Uploaded
50% of LEAD staff credentialed at a level 2 or higher OR upload equivalent trainings.
Current Maryland Child Care Staff or Administrator Credential certificate or award letter, OR
equivalent training documentation
Comment identifying the Provider, Co-Provider (if applicable), and all lead staff (Large Family Child
Care Homes)
Within the last 12 months, the provider has completed MSDE-approved
Accreditation training.
Accreditation Reflection and Planning Form, found at tinyurl.com/accred-reflection
The philosophy statement must clearly describe the following:
Developmentally appropriate environment
Welcomes children of all abilities
Balance of child-initiated and teacher-directed activities
The selection and use of materials statement must include descriptions of how your selections are/do
the following:
Developmentally appropriate
Reflect children’s interests
Support children of all abilities
The positive behavior practices policy must include descriptions of you provide the following:
Providing choices
Clear rules & expectations
A statement of how your program uses curriculum that is aligned with the Maryland Early Learning
Standards or a State-approved curriculum (Creative Curriculum) to guide the lesson planning process
Publishing a Quality Rating 2, contd.
DAP 5.2: Lesson Planning Process Statement
A statement of how lesson plans include the following:
Age-appropriate activities
Reflect children’s interests & skills
Addresses developmental needs of all children
Includes information from IEP/IFSP if provided
DAP 6.2: Daily Schedule and Recent Lesson Plan
A schedule and a lesson plan that include the following:
Whole group, small group and individual learning experiences
Transition time
Literacy and reading opportunities
A comment must be added to note if any children currently enrolled have an IEP or IFSP
Identify the required items by circling and labeling these activities on your daily schedule and/or lesson
Update enrollment
DAP 7.2: Screen Time Policy
The screen time policy is shared with families and must reflect the following:
Television, computers, and other media devices are used only when directly related to facilitated
learning experiences
No screen time for children under the age of 2
DAP 9.2: Observation Practices Statement
The observation practices statement must include the following:
How your program conducts observations
Who conducts the observations
When and how often observations are conducted
How information from observations is used to inform program activities
ADM 5.2: Examples of Family Engagement Opportunities
Evidence of at least 2 different types of family engagement opportunities offered to families
within the past 12 months
ADM 6.2: Family Conferences
A conference schedule showing that conferences are offered at least once a year
A statement explaining:
How your program informs families about conferences
How families sign up for conferences
Publishing a Quality Rating 2, contd.
ADM 8.2: Yearly Staff Meeting Schedule, Agenda, and Sign-In Sheet
If you have additional staff:
Submit a copy of a staff meeting schedule, a staff meeting agenda, and a staff meeting sign-in sheet
All documentation must be dated within the past 12 months
If you do not have additional staff:
Add a comment stating you do not have additional staff and submit for review.
ADM 9.2: Staff Performance Evaluation Schedule
If you have additional staff:
Submit a copy of an evaluation schedule reflecting yearly performance evaluations
If you do not have additional staff:
Add a comment stating you do not have additional staff and submit for review.
ADM 10.2: Staff Policies/Handbook Statement
If you have additional staff:
Upload a copy of your staff handbook or policies and procedures.
If you do not have additional staff:
Add a comment stating you do not have additional staff and submit for review.
ADM 13.2: Community Resources Statement
Provide a statement that describes:
Community resources available to families and staff
Referral resources available to families and staff for children with special health care needs and
How resources are identified and kept current
Ways families and staff access the available resources
Publishing a Quality Rating 3
Subcategory and Required Evidence To Upload
Date Uploaded
STF 1.3: Lead Staff Credential Certificates
50% of LEAD staff credentialed at a level 3 or higher OR upload equivalent trainings.
Submit all of the following:
Current Maryland Child Care Staff or Administrator Credential certificate/award letter, or
equivalent training documentation
A comment identifying the Provider, Co-Provider (if applicable), and all lead staff (Large Family
Child Care Homes)
ACR 1.3: Accreditation Interview Verification
Visit or have a conversation with a NAFCC accredited program
Submit an Accreditation Interview/Visit Form, found at tinyurl.com/accred-interview
ACR 2.3: Self-Assessment Score Sheet
Submit a Self-Assessment Summary Score Sheet, found at tinyurl.com/fcc-assess
ACR 3.3: Program Improvement Plan
Complete a Program Improvement Plan, found at tinyurl.com/excels-pip, including the following:
Address any sub score under 4.0 from self-assessment (ACR 2.3)
Address school readiness goals
Address program priorities
Statement of the process of program improvement
DAP 1.3: Written Philosophy Statement
A philosophy statement that describes how your program:
Provides a developmentally appropriate environment for the children you serve
Welcomes children of all abilities
Balances child-initiated and teacher-directed activities
Reflects the children’s interests, primary languages, and cultural backgrounds
Publishing a Quality Rating 3, contd.
DAP 2.3: Selection and Use of Materials Statement
A learning statement that describes how materials are:
Developmentally appropriate
Supportive of multiple modes of exploration and learning
Reflective of children’s interests
Supportive of all abilities
DAP 3.3: Positive Behavioral Practices Policies
A discipline policy/statement that describes how your program provides:
The policy for families and staff
Clear rules and expectations
Reflection and problem solving
DAP 5.3: Lesson Planning Process Statement
A lesson planning process statement that describes how lesson plans:
Include age appropriate activities
Include domain based activities
Reflect children’s interests & skills
Are informed by observations
Address developmental needs of all children enrolled Includes information from
IEP/IFSP if provided
DAP 6.3: Lesson Plan and Daily Schedule
Submit a lesson plan and daily schedule for each age group that includes the following:
Domain-based activities that address children’s individual developmental needs
Inclusion of any IEPs or IFSPs
Opportunities for whole group, small group, and individual learning
Adequate time for transitions, literacy, and reading opportunities
Identify the required items by circling and labeling these activities on your daily schedule and/or
lesson plan.
Publishing a Quality Rating 3, contd.
DAP 9.3: Observation Practices and Developmental Checklist
A statement of your observation practices that describes:
How your program uses developmental checklists to monitor children’s developmental progress
Who conducts observations using developmental checklists
When and how often observations and developmental checklists are completed
How information from observations and developmental checklists is used to inform program
A developmental checklist used in your program (samples found at tinyurl.com/cdc-devchecklist)
ADM 1.3: Family Handbook, Written Agreement, or Contract
Your family handbook, written agreement or contract that includes your program’s:
Mission or philosophy statement
Policies and practices for
Positive Behavior Practices
Inclusion of children with special health needs and disabilities
ADM 3.3: Child and Adult Care Food Program Participation
Submit documentation for review if you participate or complete the CACFP non-participant form,
found at tinyurl.com/excels-cacfp
ADM 4.3: Nutrition Policy and Recent Weekly Menu
Submit your program’s nutrition policy that reflects how your program:
Provides fresh fruit and vegetables at least twice a week
Monitors meals provided from home and supplements as necessary to ensure that children
receive healthy and balanced meals and snacks.
If your program provides meals or snacks, submit a recent weekly menu (dated within the last month)
ADM 5.3: Examples of Family Engagement Opportunities
Submit evidence of at least 3 different types of family engagement opportunities
Publishing a Quality Rating 3, contd.
ADM 8.3: Yearly Staff Meeting Schedule, Agenda, and Sign-In Sheet
If you have additional staff:
Submit a staff meeting schedule reflecting monthly meetings
A staff meeting agenda dated in the last year
A staff meeting sign-in sheet dated in the last year
If you do not have additional staff:
Add a comment stating you do not have additional staff and submit for review.
ADM 9.3: Performance Evaluation Schedule and Performance Evaluation Tool
If you have additional staff:
A performance evaluation schedule that you share with your staff members
The schedule should clearly show that evaluations are conducted at least once a year with each
staff member
Your schedule may be in any format, including as a policy given to staff members as part of a staff
A copy of your program’s performance evaluation tool
If you do not have additional staff:
Add a comment stating you do not have additional staff and submit for review.
ADM 10.3: Staff Handbook
If you have additional staff:
Upload your staff handbook
If you do not have additional staff:
Add a comment stating you do not have additional staff and submit for review.
ADM 12.3: Incremental Salary Scale
Submit documentation showing an incremental salary scale based on education and experience
Include a statement on how this information is shared with staff
ADM 15.3: Transition Plans Statement
Submit a statement that describes your program’s transition plan, including:
Children’s transitions upon enrollment (from home to your program)
Children’s transitions within your program (between age groups or classrooms)
Children’s transitions from your program to school settings
How your program individualizes transition plans for children with disabilities or special health
care needs
Even if no children with special health care needs or disabilities are currently enrolled in
your program, be sure to include a description of how your program would individualize
transition plans for these children