• Thursday, January 23 - Signed defensive coordinator
to a four-year contract extension.
• Thursday, January 30 - Signed the following free agents:
KKeennnnyy CChhrriissttiiaann
, TE
BBrraannddoonn DDaavviiss
, TE
KKoorrii DDiicckkeerrssoonn
CClliinnttoonn HHaarrtt
, DE
IIvvoorryy MMccCCooyy
, FB
CCoorreeyy MMccIInnttyyrree
, WR
SSeeaann MMoorreeyy
, FB
JJoosshh PPaarrrryy
, WR
SSeeaann SSccootttt
, DE
... Allocated Dickerson, McIntyre, Morey, Scott,
and Whittington to NFL Europe.
• Friday, January 31 - Signed offensive coordinator
to a three-year contract extension.
• Friday, February 7 - Promoted
SSeeaann MMccDDeerrmmootttt
to assistant
defensive backs coach,
BBiillll SShhuueeyy
to offensive
assistant/quality control coach, and
AAnntthhoonnyy JJoonneess
to proj-
ect coordinator of football operations.
• Monday, February 10 - Signed P
DDiirrkk JJoohhnnssoonn
to a three-
year contract.
• Friday, February 14 - Re-signed TE/LS
MMiikkee BBaarrttrruumm
to a
five-year contract.
• Tuesday, February 25 - Named
MMiikkee RReeeedd
defensive assis-
tant/quality control coach.
• Wednesday, February 26 - Re-signed QB
KKooyy DDeettmmeerr
to a
four-year contract.
• Friday, February 28 - Traded CB
AAll HHaarrrriiss
and a 4th-round
draft choice in 2003 to Green Bay for the Packers 2nd-
round draft choice in 2003.
• Monday, March 3 - Named
MMaarrttyy MMoorrnnhhiinnwweegg
senior assis-
tant coach ... LB
SShhaawwnn BBaarrbbeerr
signed a contract with the
Kansas City Chiefs ... RB/KR
BBrriiaann MMiittcchheellll
signed a con-
tract with the New York Giants.
• Tuesday, March 4 - Acquired LB
MMaarrkk SSiimmoonneeaauu
Atlanta for a 6th round draft choice in 2003 and a 4th-
round draft choice in 2004. Signed Simoneau to a five-year
• Thursday, March 6 - Released SS
BBllaaiinnee BBiisshhoopp
• Friday, March 7 - Signed free agent FB
JJoonn RRiittcchhiiee
Raiders) to a two-year contract ... Re-signed LB
to a one-year contract.
• Wednesday, March 12 - G
DDoouugg BBrrzzeezziinnsskkii
signed a contract
with the Carolina Panthers.
• Friday, March 14 - Signed free agent LB
NNaattee WWaayynnee
Bay Packers) to a four-year contract ... LB
BBaarrrryy GGaarrddnneerr
signed a contract with the Cleveland Browns.
• Saturday, March 15 - DE
HHuugghh DDoouuggllaass
signed a contract
with the Jacksonville Jaguars.
• Tuesday, March 18 - P
SSeeaann LLaannddeettaa
signed a contract with
the St. Louis Rams.
• Wednesday, March 19 - FB
CCeecciill MMaarrttiinn
signed a contract
with the Oakland Raiders.
• Wednesday, April 2 - Signed FB
KKeevviinn CClleemmeennss
• Thursday, April 3 - Signed K
CCaarrllooss MMaarrttiinneezz
• Friday, April 4 - RB
DDoorrsseeyy LLeevveennss
signed a contract with
the New York Giants.
• Saturday, April 26 - Acquired 1st round draft choice (15th
selection overall) from San Diego for 1st round draft choice
(30th overall) and 2nd round draft choice (62nd overall) ...
Selected DE
JJeerroommee MMccDDoouuggllee
(Miami) in the 1st round
(15th overall) ... Selected TE
LL..JJ.. SSmmiitthh
(Rutgers) in the 2nd
round (61st overall) ... Selected WR
BBiillllyy MMccMMuulllleenn
(Virginia) in the 3rd round (95th overall).
• Sunday, April 27 - Selected DE
JJaammaaaall GGrreeeenn
(Miami) in the
4th round (131st overall) ... Acquired 6th round draft choice
(185th overall) and 7th round draft choice (244th overall)
from Green Bay for 5th round draft choice (166th overall) ...
Selected T/G
JJeerreemmyy BBrriiddggeess
(Southern Mississippi) in the
6th round (185th overall) ... Selected S
NNoorrmmaann LLeeJJeeuunnee
(LSU) in the 7th round (244th overall) ... Acquired 6th
round draft choice in 2004 from Green Bay for 7th round
draft choice (245th overall).
• Monday, April 28 - Re-signed FS
BBrriiaann DDaawwkkiinnss
to a seven-
year contract ... Agreed to terms with the following rookie
free agents: RB
CChhrriiss DDoowwnnss
(Maryland), T
DDaannttee EElllliinnggttoonn
(Alabama), C
AAlloonnzzoo EEpphhrraaiimm
(Alabama), P
DDeerrrriicckk FFrroosstt
(Northern Iowa), WR
BByyrroonn GGaassaawwaayy
(Kansas), CB
(Arizona), CB/S
RRooddeerriicckk HHoooodd
(Auburn), T
(Delaware State), DE
RRoonn JJoohhnnssoonn
DDaammiiaann LLaaVVeerrggnnee
(Louisiana Tech), LB
DDaarrvviinn LLeewwiiss
(Central Michigan), WR
GGrreegg LLeewwiiss
(Illinois), WR
(Brigham Young), WR
DDeenneerroo MMaarrrriiootttt
(Marshall), T
KKaarreeeemm MMaarrsshhaallll
(Georgia), S
QQuuiinnttiinn MMiikkeellll
(Boise State),
SSccooootteerr MMoonnrrooee
(Maryland), DT
SSaamm RRaayybbuurrnn
(Tulsa), G
TTaayylloorr RRoobbeerrttssoonn
(Central Florida), LB
MMeerrrriillll RRoobbeerrttssoonn
(Virginia), LB
DDrreeww WWaahhllrrooooss
(Colorado), S
JJaammaall WWaallllaaccee
• Tuesday, April 29 - WR
DDaammeeaannee DDoouuggllaass
signed a contract
with the Kansas City Chiefs.
• Monday, May 12 - Signed P
KKyyllee RRiicchhaarrddssoonn
to a one-year
contract ... Named
JJaassoonn LLiicchhtt
assistant director of player
• Tuesday, May 13 - Released P
DDeerrrriicckk FFrroosstt
• Wednesday, May 21 - Promoted
TToomm HHeecckkeerrtt
to vice presi-
dent of player personnel.
• Thursday, May 29 - Signed DE
JJaammaaaall GGrreeeenn
(D4-03) to a
four-year contract.
• Tuesday, June 3 - Signed S
NNoorrmmaann LLeeJJeeuunnee
(D7-03) to a
three-year contract.
• Monday, June 9 - Signed T
RReeeessee HHiicckkss
• Tuesday, June 17 - Signed CB
DDaarryyoonn BBrruuttlleeyy
• Thursday, July 10 - Signed LB
JJaassoonn SShhoorrtt
• Wednesday, July 16 - Signed T/G
JJeerreemmyy BBrriiddggeess
(D6-03) to
a four-year contract.
• Tuesday, July 22 - Released T
KKaarreeeemm MMaarrsshhaallll
• Thursday, July 24 - Signed TE
LL..JJ.. SSmmiitthh
(D2-03) to a five-
year contract ... Signed WR
BBiillllyy MMccMMuulllleenn
(D3-03) to a
four-year contract.
• Thursday, July 31 - Signed DE
JJeerroommee MMccDDoouuggllee
(D1-03) to a
six-year contract.
• Thursday, August 14 - Claimed WR
CCaarrll MMoorrrriiss
off waivers
from Indianapolis.
• Friday, August 15 - Signed WR
TToodddd PPiinnkkssttoonn
to a six-year
contract extension that will keep him in Philadelphia
through 2008.
• Monday, August 18 - Re-signed S
RRaasshhaarrdd CCooookk
to a one-
year contract.
• Tuesday, August 19 - WR
KKeennnnyy CChhrriissttiiaann
• Saturday, August 23 - Released FB
KKeevviinn CClleemmeennss
, WR
BByyrroonn GGaassaawwaayy
, T
RReeeessee HHiicckkss
, CB
DDaavviidd HHiinnttoonn
, LB
, WR
DDeenneerroo MMaarrrriiootttt
, K
CCaarrllooss MMaarrttiinneezz
, WR
, LB
MMeerrrriillll RRoobbeerrttssoonn
, G
TTaayylloorr RRoobbeerrttssoonn
, LB
, and S
JJaammaall WWaallllaaccee
• Sunday, August 24 - Placed DE
JJaammaaaall GGrreeeenn
(ankle) and G
DDaammiiaann LLaavveerrggnnee
(knee) on the Injured Reserve list ...
Released TE
BBrraannddoonn DDaavviiss
, WR
CCaarrll MMoorrrriiss
, and P
... Reinstated RB
DDuuccee SSttaalleeyy
(reserve/did not
report) to the active roster.
• Monday, August 25 - Re-signed P
LLeeee JJoohhnnssoonn
to a one-year
• Saturday, August 30 - Traded WR
FFrreeddddiiee MMiilloonnss
to the
Pittsburgh Steelers for a future, conditional draft choice.
• Sunday, August 31 - Released CB
DDaarryyoonn BBrruuttlleeyy
, S
RRaasshhaarrdd CCooookk
, TE
KKoorrii DDiicckkeerrssoonn
, RB
CChhrriiss DDoowwnnss
, T
, QB
TTiimm HHaasssseellbbeecckk
, T
JJaammaaaall JJaacckkssoonn
, P
, DE
RRoonn JJoohhnnssoonn
, S
NNoorrmmaann LLeeJJeeuunnee
, DE
, FB
CCoorreeyy MMccIInnttyyrree
, FB
JJoosshh PPaarrrryy
, C/G
SSccootttt PPeetteerrss
SSeeaann SSccootttt
, LB
JJaassoonn SShhoorrtt
, and DT
JJeerreemmyy SSlleecchhttaa
• Monday, September 1 - Signed TE
KKoorrii DDiicckkeerrssoonn
, OL
JJaammaaaall JJaacckkssoonn
, DE
RRoonn JJoohhnnssoonn
, S
NNoorrmmaann LLeeJJeeuunnee
, and
JJoosshh PPaarrrryy
to the practice squad.
• Friday, September 5 - Agreed to terms with DE
on a one-year contract.
• Saturday, September 6 - Placed DE
DDeerrrriicckk BBuurrggeessss
(achilles) on the Injured Reserve list.
• Tuesday, September 16 - Signed DT
FFrraannkk FFeerrrraarraa
to a one-
year contract ... Placed DT
PPaauull GGrraassmmaanniiss
(achilles) on the
Injured Reserve list.
• Tuesday, September 30 - Signed CB
DDaarryyoonn BBrruuttlleeyy
to a
one-year contract ... Released DT
FFrraannkk FFeerrrraarraa
• Tuesday, October 8 - Promoted DE
RRoonn JJoohhnnssoonn
from the
practice squad ... Released CB
DDaarryyoonn BBrruuttlleeyy
... Signed DE
JJooeeyy EEvvaannss
to the practice squad
• Monday, October 27 - Signed G
KKeevviinn DDooggiinnss
to a one-year
contract ... Placed G
JJeerrmmaannee MMaayybbeerrrryy
(elbow) on the
Injured Reserve list.
• Tuesday, October 28 - Signed DT
JJiimm FFllaanniiggaann
to a one-year
contract ... Placed DT
HHoolllliiss TThhoommaass
(bicep) on the Injured
Reserve list.
• Saturday, December 20 - Signed TE
KKoorrii DDiicckkeerrssoonn
from the
practice squad ... Released G
KKeevviinn DDooggiinnss
• Monday, December 22 - Signed T
DDaannttee EElllliinnggttoonn
to the
practice squad.
• Tuesday, December 23 - Placed LB
CCaarrllooss EEmmmmoonnss
on the Injured Reserve list ... Signed S
NNoorrmmaann LLeeJJeeuunnee
from the practice squad ... Signed LB
JJaassoonn SShhoorrtt
to the
practice squad.
• Wednesday, January 7 - Placed RB
BBrriiaann WWeessttbbrrooookk
on the Injured Reserve list ... Signed G
JJaammaaaall JJaacckkssoonn
the practice squad ... Signed RB
EErriicc MMccCCoooo
to the practice
• Tuesday, January 20 - Named
MMaarrttyy MMoorrnnhhiinnwweegg
head coach and signed special teams coach
JJoohhnn HHaarrbbaauugghh
to a three-year contract extension.