TarziG, etal. Inj Prev 2022;0:1–5. doi:10.1136/ip-2022-044580
Original research
Effect of a new concussion substitute rule on medical
assessment of head collision events in Premier
Gabriel Tarzi ,
Christopher Tarzi ,
Diana Mirsu,
Jay Patel,
Eileen Dadashi,
Jana El- Sabbagh,
Austin Gerhart,
Michael D Cusimano
To cite: TarziG, TarziC,
MirsuD, etal. Inj Prev Epub
ahead of print: [please
include Day Month Year].
Injury Prevention Research
Office, Division of Neurosurgery,
St Michael’s Hospital, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada
Division of Neurosurgery, St.
Michael’s Hospital, University
of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
Correspondence to
Dr Michael D Cusimano,
Department of Surgery, St.
Michael’s Hospital, University
of Toronto, Toronto, Canada;
injuryprevention@ smh. ca
Received 13 March 2022
Accepted 10 June 2022
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2022. Re- use
permitted under CC BY- NC. No
commercial re- use. See rights
and permissions. Published
by BMJ.
Objective To investigate the utilisation of additional
permanent concussion substitutes (APCSs) and its
efficacy with regards to rate and duration of medical
assessment of head collision events (HCEs) in the
2020–2021 Premier League season. The present APCS
rule allows players with a suspected concussion to be
removed from a match without counting towards a
team’s allocated substitutions.
Methods Eighty Premier League matches, 40 prior
to additional permanent concussion substitutes
implementation (Pre- APCS) and 40 after (Post- APCS),
were randomly selected and analysed by a team of
trained reviewers for HCEs. Data on HCE incidence, rates
of medical assessment, duration of medical assessment
and return to play were collected for each match. Data
for the Pre- APCS and Post- APCS groups were compared
to analyse differences in assessment of HCEs.
Results During the 2020–2021 Premier League season,
three APCSs were used. There were 38 HCEs identified
in the Pre- APCS group (0.95 per match, 28.79 per 1000
athlete- hours of exposure) and 42 in the Post- APCS
group (1.05 per match, 31.82 per 1000 athlete- hours of
exposure). Incidence of HCEs (p=0.657), rates of medical
assessment (23.7% Pre- APCS vs 21.4% Post- APCS;
p=0.545) and duration of medical assessment (median
81 s Pre- APCS vs 102 s Post- APCS; p=0.466) did not
significantly differ between the two groups.
Conclusions The implementation of APCSs in the
Premier League did not impact the rate or duration of
medical assessement of HCEs. Despite the introduction
of APCSs, the consensus protocols for HCE assessment
were rarely followed. We recommend changes to
APCS and its implementation that would be aimed at
protecting player health.
Sport- related concussion (SRC), a subset of mild
traumatic brain injury, has been the subject of
increased research over the last decade. The current
internationally agreed on protocols for SRC assess-
ment states that players suspected of sustaining
a concussion should be removed from play and
assessed according to standardised tests by a licensed
healthcare provider.
Proper medical assessment for
athletes involved in head collision events (HCEs) is
necessary to prevent further neurological compli-
cations that are associated with premature return-
to- play.
1 2
Association football, otherwise known as foot-
ball or soccer, has one of the highest incidences of
concussion in sport.
Previous research has shown
that International Conference on Concussion
in Sport (ICCS) assessment protocols were not
followed for HCEs at four elite international foot-
ball tournaments, despite being organised by the
Fédération Internationale de Football Association
(FIFA), which has endorsed the ICCS protocols.
Further, research on medically diagnosed concus-
sions in the French Football Federation revealed
that over a quarter of concussed players were not
given sideline assessments and of those assessed,
over half were allowed to resume play.
One reason
why concussion protocols had not been imple-
mented widely in elite levels of football was that
substitution rules necessary for the proper assess-
ment of players were lacking in football. It was
argued that due to the limited number of substitu-
tions available, teams may have been hesitant to use
a substitution for injured players, or to allow for
In elite football, head collision events (HCEs) are
rarely assessed in accordance with consensus
protocols and medical recommendations.
Introduction of the additional permanent
concussion substitute (APCS) rule in the Premier
League on a trial basis aims to protect player
health by allowing the removal of players
involved in HCEs without counting towards
a team’s allocated substitutions, thereby
encouraging medical assessment.
The introduction of the APCS rule did not
impact the rate or duration of medical
assessment of HCEs in Premier League football
and was only used three times throughout the
entire season.
The rate and duration of medical assessment of
HCEs are still not in accordance with consensus
protocols and medical recommendations,
despite the introduction of the APCS rule.
The APCS rule did not serve its intended
purpose and the rules and protocols in football
will need to be revised to truly protect player
on August 27, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.http://injuryprevention.bmj.com/Inj Prev: first published as 10.1136/ip-2022-044580 on 5 July 2022. Downloaded from
TarziG, etal. Inj Prev 2022;0:1–5. doi:10.1136/ip-2022-044580
Original research
proper medical assessment, rather opting to use tactical player
substitutions instead.
In other professional sports, rule changes, such as the use of
independent medical observers in American football and concus-
sion substitutes in Australian rugby, have led to improved iden-
tification of SRCs.
Concussion- related protocol changes in
football have been rare; however, research has shown that these
ameliorations may decrease concussion incidence.
In December
2020, football’s rule- making governing body, the International
Football Association Board (IFAB), approved the use of addi-
tional permanent concussion substitutes (APCSs) to be used
on a trial basis. The substitutions could be made at any point
following an HCE, or as concussion symptoms developed, and
would not count towards the three regular substitutions to which
a team is entitled per match.
By not counting towards the allo-
cated substitutes available, an APCS removes potential tactical
disadvantages for teams and even allows for injured players to
be replaced regardless of the number of substitutions used prior.
However, a player that is removed through an APCS would be
unable to return to play for the remainder of the match.
In 2021, the English Premier League (PL), the most viewed,
followed and largest domestic football league in the world,
agreed to participate in the IFAB’s trial of APCSs.
B’, which allows for two APCSs per team per game, was imple-
mented by the PL from Matchweek 23 until the end of the
2020–2021 season (Matchweek 38).
This trial rule has been a
long- awaited change for professional football players, who have
been campaigning for concussion substitutes since 2013.
16 17
Given the fact that APCSs have only been introduced on a trial
basis in select leagues, there is no existing literature on its effi-
cacy. The objective of this study is to investigate the utilisation
of APCSs in the PL and analyse how the implementation of the
APCS rule has impacted the rates and duration of medical assess-
ment of HCEs. The implementation of APCSs aims to protect
player health by providing team medical staff and coaches
with the ability to remove a player involved in an HCE from a
game and provide the necessary assessments without tactical or
numerical disadvantages. The introduction of APCSs in football
is novel and is currently only being employed on a trial basis.
With no existing research on the implementation of the APCS
rule in football, this research has implications for future deci-
sions on similar rule- changes regarding concussion substitutes
Study sample
A total of 380 matches were played during the 2020–2021 PL
season between 12 September 2020 and 23 May 2021. A total of
220 PL matches (58%) were played prior to the implementation
of APCS and 160 PL matches (42%) were played after the imple-
mentation of APCS. A total of 80 PL matches, 40 matches prior
to APCS implementation (termed Pre- APCS) and 40 matches
after APCS implementation (termed Post- APCS), were randomly
selected using a random number generator and analysed by
trained reviewers for HCE data collection. The sample size was
calculated to detect a 25% increase in duration of assessment
between the Pre- APCS and Post- APCS groups. Using data from
prior published work, with identical definitions and method-
ology, we used an average duration of 59.9 s of assessment per
HCE, SD of 31.1 s and an average of 1.36 HCEs per match in
our calculation.
Given that prior work has shown increases in
assessment times of nearly 20 s, our sample size was designed to
be able to detect a 25% increase in assessment time with an alpha
of 0.05 and power of 0.80.
All players involved in PL matches
during the 2020–2021 season were eligible to be included in this
study. Patients and the public were not involved in this study.
HCE identification and data collection
HCEs are defined as per prior research.
HCEs are incidents
in which a player suffers a direct head contact and as a result is
unable to resume play within 5 s. The term HCE encompasses
a wide range of head collisions which can potentially result
in a concussion and merit medical assessment. Events such as
intentional headers are not defined as HCEs unless the player
involved is unable to carry on with play. Ambiguous events, such
as clear embellishment, lacked conclusive video evidence of head
contact, or minor head contact (eg, fingers lightly brushing play-
er’s head) are excluded from the study.
Reviewers were trained per prior descriptions until reviewers
showed an inter- rater Kappa coefficient of 0.85 or higher.
Two independent reviewers carefully watched video footage
and collected information on the occurrence of HCEs per
match(table 1). Medical assessment was defined as any assess-
ment to an injured player conducted by team medical personnel.
The duration of medical assessment was defined as the time, in
seconds, between a player receiving assessment to them returning
to play or their removal from play, whichever occurred first. Any
discrepancies between the two reviewers analysing a match were
resolved by a third independent reviewer. The Cohen’s kappa
coefficient among reviewers was 0.87. Any HCEs that resulted
in the use of an APCS that were not captured in our study sample
were retrospectively identified and analysed as a descriptive
Statistical analysis
Descriptive statistics was reported as frequencies, ratios or
medians. For comparison of median time of assessment, the
Mann- Whitney U test was used. To compare categorical variables,
the Fisher’s exact test or χ
was used as appropriate. Comparison
of incidence was estimated by quasi- Poisson generalised linear
models, assuming 90 min of exposure for 22 athletes per match.
Table 1 Variables collected by reviewers for analysis for each head
collision event (HCE) identified
Variable Description
No. players
The number of players involved in the HCE, including the injured
player (numerical)
Whether the injured player received assessment from team medical
personnel (binary)
The location where injured players were assessed by medical
personnel, includes: no assessment, on field, on sidelines, elsewhere
in the stadium/hospital
Time assessed Time that injured player was assessed by medical personnel until
return to play in seconds (s)
Return to play Time until injured player returned to play, includes: immediately
following assessment on pitch, immediately following assessment on
sidelines, in the same half, removed from game, removed from game
via APCS
Score Score of the game in reference to the injured player’s team, includes;
tied, winning, losing
Foul Whether the referee determined there was a foul for the HCE (binary)
No. signs of
The number of signs of concussion demonstrated by the injured
player, includes: slow to get up, clutching of the head, disorientation/
daze, loss of consciousness, obvious disequilibrium
APCS, additional permanent concussion substitute.
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TarziG, etal. Inj Prev 2022;0:1–5. doi:10.1136/ip-2022-044580
Original research
A significance level of 5% was used for all tests. SPSS1.0.0.1406
for macOS was used to conduct the analysis.
HCE identification
Of the 80 sampled games in the 2020–2021 PL season, we iden-
tified 77 incidents of HCE. Three events involved two players
meeting the defined criteria for an HCE, resulting in a total of
80 HCEs in 80 sampled games. In the Pre- APCS group, 38 HCEs
were identified in 40 games (0.95 HCEs per match, 28.79 HCEs
per 1000 athlete- hours of exposure), in the Post- APCS group,
42 HCEs were identified in 40 games (1.05 HCEs per match,
31.82 HCEs per 1000 athlete- hours of exposure). Between the
two groups, there was no significant difference in the incidence
of HCEs (IRR: 0.9048, 95% CI (0.5677 to 1.4377), p=0.657)
(table 2).
HCE assessment
In the sample of matches analysed, there were no APCSs used.
There was no difference in the rate of medical assessments
before or after the rule change (9/38 (23.7%) Pre- APCS vs 9/42
(21.4%) Post- APCS) (p=0.545). The location of assessment, that
is, on- field or sideline, was not significantly different between
Pre- APCS and Post- APCS groups (p=0.540). After medical
assessment, the time until return to play was also not signifi-
cantly different after the implementation of APCS (p=0.641)
(table 2).
For players that were medically assessed, the median duration
of assessment by team medical personnel was 81 s and 102 s for
the Pre- APCS and Post- APCS groups, respectively (p=0.466). In
our analysis, no players were removed from the game following
an HCE in the Pre- APCS group and no APCSs were used in the
Post- APCS group.
HCE characteristics
The score of the game at the time of the HCE, in reference to
the injured player’s team, in terms of winning, losing or tying,
was not significantly different between the Pre- APCS and Post-
APCS groups (p=0.122). The assessment of fouls for HCEs by
referees was also not significantly different between the Pre-
APCS and Post- APCS groups (p=0.541). The number of signs of
concussions displayed by a player involved in an HCE between
the two groups was not significantly different (p=0.653). For
HCEs that resulted in the injured player displaying more than
one sign of concussions, there was no significant difference in
the rate of medical assessment between the Pre- APCS and Post-
APCS groups (p=0.798). When comparing the rates of medical
assessment for HCEs resulting from head- to- head contact, which
has been shown to be the most high- risk mechanism of injury,
between groups, there was no significant difference (p=0.545)
(table 2).
Utilisation of APCS
In the 2020–2021 PL season, there were three reported occa-
sions in the 160 matches played after the rule implementation
that APCSs were used to remove a player involved in an HCE
from a match. In all three occasions, the player that was involved
in the HCE was sliding/tackling to take possession of the ball.
Two of the HCEs were a result of knee- to- head contact with
another player and one as a result of head- to- field contact. Two
of the injured players showed three signs of concussion and one
showed four signs of concussion. The respective times of medical
assessment were 180 s, 900 s and 180 s. In one incident, the
player involved in the HCE was cleared by medical staff to play
before an APCS was used approximately 10 min later. A break-
down of each event is summarised in table 3.
In the 80 PL games analysed before and after the APCS rule
change, we found no significant differences in the incidence,
rates of medical assessment or duration of medical assessments
for HCEs between the groups. Both the Pre- APCS and Post-
APCS groups had lower rates of medical assessment of HCEs
compared with other elite football tournaments, such as the
World Cup and European Championship.
Both groups had
greater duration of medical assessment of HCEs than those elite
However, the duration of medical assessment of
HCEs in the PL is still considerably shorter than the estimated
10 min required to complete a proper Sport Concussion Assess-
ment Tool.
Despite the APCS rule, the rates and duration of
medical assessments of HCEs in the PL still do not adhere to
the consensus protocols for concussion assessment supported by
FIFA. The aims of the APCS rule become obsolete if players are
not being properly assessed immediately after an HCE.
In the 2020–2021 PL season, there were only three instances
when the APCS was used by teams. In two of the cases, the players
involved in an HCE were removed from the match immediately,
and in the third case, the player continued play before eventually
being removed from the match. In one case, the injured player’s
team had already used their allocated substitutions before the
HCE, meaning the APCS allowed for the removal of an injured
player that would not have been available before the rule change.
Limitations of APCS
The lack of effect of APCS can potentially be explained by several
factors. First, the rule change was implemented mid- season and
Table 2 Head collision event (HCE) outcomes and assessment before and after additional permanent concussion substitute (APCS) implementation
in the Premier League
Outcome Pre- APCS (n=38) Post- APCS (n=42) Significance
HCEs per 1000 athlete- hours of exposure (95% CI) 28.79 (20.37 to 39.51) 31.82 (22.93 to 43.01) p=0.657
IDR=0.9048 (0.5677, 1.4377)
Medically assessed, No. (%) 9 (23.7) 9 (21.4) p=0.545
Duration of medical assessment, median (IQR), s 81 (50) 102 (213) p=0.466
No. signs of concussion
1 2 2 p=0.653
2 36 40
≥3 0 0
Foul assessed, No. (%) 15 (39.5) 16 (38.1) p=0.541
on August 27, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.http://injuryprevention.bmj.com/Inj Prev: first published as 10.1136/ip-2022-044580 on 5 July 2022. Downloaded from
TarziG, etal. Inj Prev 2022;0:1–5. doi:10.1136/ip-2022-044580
Original research
so, the late introduction may not have provided medical staff
and players alike the necessary time to understand APCS’s role
in the game. The utilisation of APCSs requires all stakeholders to
understand their role in protecting player health. Referees play a
key role as they can stop play for medical assessment and allow
medical staff to enter the pitch. Team medical staff are respon-
sible for assessing players, but as employees of the team they
must relay information to the coach who ultimately makes the
decision on substitution. Future research should investigate the
long- term impacts of the APCS rule on medical assessments if it
is implemented permanently. We chose to focus on the 2020–21
PL season because it allowed for comparison of similar groups
(same teams, coaches, players and referees) and given it is a trial-
based rule change we felt it important to analyse it in a timely
manner before a final decision was made.
In addition, the matches in the Post- APCS group were played
in the latter half of the season when matches may hold greater
significance with regards to final league standings, potentially
making an APCS undesirable as coaches may not want to remove
starting players. In our perspective, a drawback of APCS is that
it demands that teams make a permanent substitution for the
player being assessed. Injured players who are assessed and
deemed cleared to play after the necessary medical assessments
are completed may not to return to play. This weakness in APCS
likely discourages its usage. Lastly, APCSs may not influence
rates of medical assessment of HCEs because teams may only
use APCSs in the most severe and obvious cases of head injuries,
more subtle events that require more in- depth medical assess-
ment may not meet the threshold teams may have for permanent
substitution, particularly if the player is permanently removed
from the game. Teams may thus not want to risk the outcome
of a game by removing players for what they see as more minor
HCEs. ICCS protocols indicate that every HCE should be
medically assessed regardless the number of signs of concus-
sion displayed or perceived severity.
So that every player can
be properly assessed after an HCE, we propose policy recom-
mendations for the APCS rule that can help mitigate the present
limitations of APCS and potentially improve player safety.
Policy recommendations
The world players’ union, FIFAPro, has long called for tempo-
rary concussion substitutes and has voiced its concerns with the
current rules surrounding APCSs.
17 20
And unlike rule- changes
aimed at removing potentially concussed players from play in
other professional sport leagues (eg, National Football League),
which can be ordered by independent medical observers, the
decision regarding removal from an APCS still relies on team
coaches who may have motivations other than player health.
Experience from other professional sports leagues highlights
several potential avenues to improve the APCS rule in football by
adapting temporary substitutions, mandatory assessment proto-
cols and independent medical observers. The National Rugby
League (NRL) in Australia introduced a similar rule to the APCS
called the Concussion Interchange Rule (CIR). The CIR allows
for players who are cleared after medical assessment to return
to play and was heavily used, with a total of 167 concussion
interchanges in one season.
This may be largely in part because
the CIR allows for players to return to play after assessment
(ie, temporary substitution if cleared by medical staff), which
more than half the players who were removed through the CIR
Studies conducted in American football show that the use
of independent medical observers to remove players involved
in HCEs significantly increased the likelihood of a concussion
diagnosis, supporting their effectiveness.
Similar to NRL rules,
World Rugby has long implemented a Head Injury Assessment
(HIA) rule which outlines a series of on and off- field checks
conducted by independent match- day doctors that players
must undergo after a head injury, including video review.
HIA rule has been shown to be effective at identifying concus-
sion with removal- from- play decisions having good specificity
for concussion diagnosis.
The availability of Video Assistant
Referee (VAR) in football creates the opportunity for indepen-
dent medical observers in football to review footage of HCEs
that is not visible to the on- field referee and medical staff. VAR
would allow for medical observers to be in direct contact with
the on- field referee and notify them when play needs to be
stopped for assessment. In addition to this, the PL should intro-
duce mandatory concussion awareness training and education
for all owners, boards of directors, players, coaches, medical
staff and referees. Teams should also be mandated to raise aware-
ness on concussion prevention in their communities, given their
influence on younger players and fans. More accountability
should be placed on referees as they are the only individuals that
can stop play for assessment and enforce rules. Lastly, to further
discourage competitive factors from influencing APCS decisions,
we recommend sanctions to teams that do not follow established
procedures in player health. Sanctions could range from mone-
tary fines to point deductions in league standings to teams whose
on- pitch actions do not prioritise player health. Ultimately, lead-
ership from the PL, FIFA and the IFAB will be required to amend
the APCS rule to increase its usage and subsequently improve
player health.
This study relies on the analysis of video footage, where the
reviewers cannot control camera angles/movement resulting in
potentially missing off- camera HCEs and of the exact duration
of medical assessments. In addition, on- field audio information,
which could have informed the type of medical assessment or
the decision- making process, was not available to reviewers.
Finally, our random sample of 80 PL matches did not capture the
three instances where APCSs were used, but the circumstances
surrounding these events were reviewed.
Introduction of a concussion substitute rule into PL football for
players involved in an HCE was not associated with any change
in the occurrence of HCEs, the rate of medical assessment or
the duration of medical assessments of HCEs. In spite of the
Table 3 Description of additional permanent concussion substitutes (APCSs) used in the 2020–2021 Premier League season
Event no.
No. players
Position of
injured player
Action of player
before injury
Mechanism of
Time of medical
assessment (s)
No. signs of
concussion Return to play following assessment
1 2 Defender Sliding/tackling Knee- to- head 186 3 Immediately removed from play
2 2 Goalkeeper Sliding/tackling Knee- to- head 900 4 Immediately removed from play
3 2 Defender Sliding/tackling Head- to- field 180 3 Returned to play before removal
on August 27, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.http://injuryprevention.bmj.com/Inj Prev: first published as 10.1136/ip-2022-044580 on 5 July 2022. Downloaded from
TarziG, etal. Inj Prev 2022;0:1–5. doi:10.1136/ip-2022-044580
Original research
rule change, medical assessments for HCEs as outlined in ICCS
protocols were rarely followed. Changes to the APCS rule in
football, such as those we have recommended, will be required
before it can possibly aim to improve and protect player health.
Contributors The corresponding author attests that all listed authors meet
authorship criteria and that no others meeting the criteria have been omitted.
MDC is the guarantor and had full access to all of the data in the study and takes
responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. GT,
MDC contributed to concept and design. GT, CT, DM, JP, ED, JE- S, AG contributed
to acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data. GT, CT, DM contributed to drafting
of the manuscript. CT, DM, JP, ED, JE- S, AG, MDC contributed to critical revision of
the manuscript for important intellectual content. GT, CT contributed to statistical
analysis. MDC contributed to supervision.
Funding This work was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Strategic Team Grant in Applied Injury Research TIR- 103946.
Competing interests None declared.
Patient and public involvement Patients and/or the public were not involved in
the design, or conduct, or reporting, or dissemination plans of this research.
Patient consent for publication Not applicable.
Ethics approval The Research Ethics Board at St. Michael’s Hospital waived the
need for ethics approval.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Data availability statement Data are available upon reasonable request.
Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY- NC 4.0) license, which
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non- commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use
is non- commercial. See:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/.
GabrielTarzi http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1497-2359
ChristopherTarzi http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0809-8391
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