Getting started: a guide
to managing Chrome Browser
enterprise extensions
There are thousands of Chrome Browser
extensions available, and many of them
do amazing things that save people time,
improve business workflows and enhance
efficiency. From optimising RAM utilisation
to increasing browser speeds and editing
your grammar, extensions are built to improve
our productivity at work – but it’s important
to remember that they can also introduce
risk and vulnerabilities to an enterprise
environment if they’re not properly managed.
For this reason, enterprise IT teams must
balance users’ productivity needs with
the company’s security needs.
When it comes to extension management,
enterprise IT teams have three main priorities:
1. Protecting user and company data
2. Preventing the installation of
malicious extensions
3. Ensuring that users have access to the
extensions that they need to improve
productivity and efficiency
With so many new and existing extensions
and constant updates being made, it’s crucial
that administrators follow best practices
to monitor, manage and secure their users’
Chrome extensions.
This technical paper will explain various
extension management options and help you
choose the method that best fits your needs.
For a long time, the only way to manage browser
extensions was to manually evaluate each
extension and then create allow lists and block
lists to dictate which extensions could and could
not be installed on users’ devices. Some
organisations still use this approach today.
In the Google Admin console, you can choose to:
Allow all extensions except those that you
want to block
Block all extensions except those that you
want to allow
Block or allow individual extensions
Force-install one or several extensions
In Microsoft
group policy, you can use templates
to achieve similar protections that are applied to
certain groups or the entire organisation,
Allow all extensions except those that you
want to block
Block or allow one extension
Force-install an extension
Both of these approaches work to a certain.
They do have their limitations and they’re very
manual – which means that they require a lot
of human effort.
Their review times can negatively impact both
user and admin productivity. And, perhaps most
importantly from a security perspective, already
allow listed extensions can be sold to and/or
updated by entities that you have not vetted.
Criteria to consider
Before you jump into managing extensions,
you should first identify the parameters that
your organisation will use to assess and
approve them. To do this, you’ll want to answer
the following questions:
What are the security regulations and
compliance measures that our
organisation needs to adhere to?
What user and corporate data is being
stored on users’ devices?
Which extension-requested
permissions could potentially violate
our data security policies?
Once you have your answers clearly defined,
you’re ready to consider your extension
management options.
The traditional
Microsoft ® , Windows ® and Internet Explorer ® are registered trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
To make enterprise extension management more
efficient, scalable and secure, Chrome also
allows you to manage extensions requested by
permission. Managing extensions by permissions
make it possible for IT teams to give their users
the extensions that they want without putting
corporate data at risk. It’s the method that
Google’s IT team uses and recommends for other
Permissions give an extension the ability to
make changes to website or device. For an
extension to run properly, specific permissions
are often required.
There are two main categories of extension
permissions: site permissions and device
permissions. Many extensions use both
Some examples of site permissions include
allowing an extension to block images or allowing
an extension to control how much you can zoom
into/out of a site. Examples of device permissions
include accessing USB ports, viewing the screen
and interfacing with programs.
To further mitigate risk, consider managing
extensions with the following policies:
Blocked/allowed permissions: Protects
against already-allow listed extensions
updating with new permissions – and you
can disable extensions post-install if they
no longer meet your requirements
Runtime block hosts: Specifies which
sites extensions can run on
Force installed extensions: Universally
installs extensions on your users'
machines so that they have the tools
that they need to be productive
Allow list/block list: If required
This Chrome extension management method is
more secure, easier to manage and scales well
for large organisations. It protects users from
compromised extensions and saves IT time
because they no longer have to manage
excessively long allow lists/block lists, review
updates or individually vet each extension.
It’s truly a win-win.
A modern approach:
managing extensions
by permissions
extension to
declare any
websites it will
view or modify
Gives extension
rights to run
specific actions
on the machine
To begin managing your enterprise extensions
by permission, follow these steps:
1. Make a list of what extensions your users
already have installed (use Chrome
Browser Cloud Management reporting or
your end users)
2. Identify what websites/hosts must be secure
Determine which permissions pose potential
risks and need to be restricted
3. Build a master list of all of the data that
you’ve collected and share it with essential
stakeholders to get buy-in
4. Test your new policies in a test environment
or with a small pilot group, then roll out
the new sets of policies to employees
in phases
5. Review feedback from users
6. Repeat and fine-tune the process
on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis
(whatever is appropriate for your
You only need to set the policies once to enforce
a baseline of allowed permissions and protect
sensitive corporate sites. Not only is your
enterprise automatically more secure,
your users also get a better experience.
Employees may even be able to install
extensions that they couldn't before, they just
won't be able to run them on sensitive business
You can easily control which extensions your
users are allowed to install. You simply have to
designate which permissions are acceptable
and flag the permissions that are not.
In Windows, Chrome OS, Mac
and Linux
environments, you can use the Google Admin
console to set these controls. If an extension
requires access or permissions that violate
your security policies, it won’t be installed.
For example, you can block an extension that
connects to your users’ USB devices or prevents
access to reading cookies. If an installed
extension needs permission that is blocked,
it simply won't run. The extension isn't removed;
it’s disabled.
Get started:
managing extensions
by permission
Setting permissions
Google Admin console
Another common way to manage extensions in
Windows is to use the extensions settings policy.
The group policy management editor allows you
to set multiple policies in one place using a JSON
string or in the Windows registry. The extensions
setting policy can control things like installation
Group policy
Mac and macOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries.
Some enterprise organisations prefer to launch
their own site for downloading extensions.
Google does not recommend this approach
as it can be less secure than the Chrome Web
Store, which has automated and manual code
scans that prevent malicious code from being
sent to users.
Chrome Browser Cloud Management is a new
console that allows you to manage your Chrome
Browser settings for your Windows, Mac and
Linux machines all in one place. The console
offers an in-depth view of the state of Chrome
Browser in your environment, providing instant
insight into:
Current Chrome Browser versions
deployed across your fleet of desktops
and laptops, regardless of desktop
or laptop type
Extensions installed on each browser
Policies being applied to each browser
The console also allows you to block a suspicious
extension on all of your machines with the click
of a button.
After using traditional allow list and block list
extension management method on its 300,000+
endpoints for years, Google’s internal IT
team knew that they wanted to create a less
cumbersome approach that balances the needs of
enterprise IT and security with employee
productivity. Their solution, managing extensions
by permission, is a scalable, secure solution that
greatly reduces overhead.
Like Google, you can make the switch from allow
lists to block lists to the more secure method
described in this technical paper. You’ll get the
security that your enterprise needs while still
allowing users to install safe, productivity-boosting
Start managing your extensions by
permissions today.
To deepen your understanding of
Chrome Browser extension management,
consider the following resources:
Read the Managing extensions in your
enterprise guide
Watch Google Cloud next ‘19 breakout
session: how Google Cloud IT manages
enterprise extensions
Explore Chrome Browser Cloud
Management options
View Chrome Browser downloads for
your enterprise
Learn more about Chrome Browser
enterprise support
Explore the Chrome Browser policy list
Visit the Chrome Browser enterprise Help
Centre and Chrome Browser Help forum
mode, update URL, blocked permissions, install
sources, allowed types, blocked install and
runtime blocked and allowed hosts. You can
decide if you want to set all extension
management settings here, or you can set these
controls through other individual policies. The
setting is set using either Windows registry or
JSON string in Windows group policy editor.
Manage Chrome
extensions like we
do at Google