Authority and Application ........................................................................................................................ 1
Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Relevant provisions of the VPS Agreement ............................................................................................ 1
Supplementary Guidance Information .................................................................................................... 2
1. Monitoring and assessing performance during probationary period ........................................... 2
2. Failure to provide written notification at the conclusion of the Probationary Period ................... 2
3. Cessation of employment ............................................................................................................ 2
4. Movement between departments or agencies covered by the Agreement ................................ 2
Making decisions under this policy ...................................................................................................... 3
Dispute resolution ................................................................................................................................ 3
Further Information .................................................................................................................................. 3
Related policies or documents ................................................................................................................ 3
Authority and Application
Clause 18.3 of the Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement 2020 (the Agreement), applies to
Victorian Public Service Departments and Agencies (Employers) and their Employees (other than
casual Employees) covered by the Agreement.
Clause 18.3 sets out the probationary period and the process for managing Victorian Public Service
Employees (other than casual Employees) during their probationary period. An employee new to the
VPS will commence employment on a probationary basis for a period of six months. This period
cannot be extended.
Relevant provisions of the VPS Agreement
Clause 18.3 Probationary Period New Employee
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Supplementary Guidance Information
1. Monitoring and assessing performance during probationary period
1.1. Clause 24 (Management of Unsatisfactory Work Performance) of the Agreement does not
apply to an Employee during the Probationary Period. However, an Employer is still required
to implement a process to assess the Employee’s performance during the probationary
1.2. During the Probationary Period, Employers should closely monitor the Employee’s conduct
and performance and provide regular opportunities for feedback during an Employee’s
probationary period. An Employer should meet regularly with a new Employee and provide
them with specific feedback, and where required, highlight areas requiring improvement and
provide support to address any performance concerns. It is recommended that probation
meetings are organised and set up in the Managers and Employee’s diaries within the first
two weeks of commencement.
1.3. Where conduct or performance issues are identified during the Probationary Period the
Employer will counsel the Employee and provide a written record of such counselling to the
Employee in accordance with clause 18.3(d) of the Agreement.
1.4. Managers should discuss and seek assistance from their Human Resources area or
equivalent once performance or conduct issues arise.
2. Failure to provide written notification at the conclusion of the Probationary Period
2.1. If the Employer fails to notify an Employee that their employment is to be confirmed in
accordance with clause 18.3(e) of the Agreement, then by default, the Employee’s
employment is confirmed.
3. Cessation of employment
3.1. When terminating the employment of a probationary Employee, the termination date, the last
date of employment and the whole of the period of the notice must fall within the
Probationary Period. A decision to terminate must be limited to performance or misconduct
3.2. Where an Employer wishes to terminate a probationary Employee’s employment for
performance or conduct related reasons within the final two weeks of the Probationary
Period, this can only be done by payment in lieu of notice so that employment does not
extend beyond the Probationary Period.
3.3. An Employee’s employment can be terminated for misconduct matters without notice at any
time during the Probationary Period. Clause 25 (Management of Misconduct) of the
Agreement does not apply during the Probationary Period, however a process is required
that provides the Employee with the misconduct claim/s and an opportunity to respond.
3.4. Where issues of performance or conduct are identified it is important that departmental
People and Culture or human resource employees are notified to ensure the cessation of
employment follows the appropriate process.
4. Movement between departments or agencies covered by the Agreement
4.1. Consistent with clauses 18.3(a) and (b) of the Agreement, an Employee who has six months
or more continuous service with the Victorian Public Service (VPS) is not required to
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complete a Probationary Period when they move to another Department or Agency covered
by the Agreement, provided there is no break in service.
4.2. An Employee who breaks continuity of service by ceasing employment within the VPS and
who is subsequently employed at a future date by an Employer covered by the Agreement,
will be required to complete a Probationary Period on being re-employed in the VPS. The
Probationary Period is six months and cannot be extended.
4.3. Where an Employee moves to another Employer covered by the Agreement during their first
six months continuous employment in the VPS, the Probationary Period with the new
Department or Agency is reduced by the period of continuous employment in the first
employing Department or Agency. In such circumstances, the assessment of whether an
Employee should have their employment confirmed at the conclusion of their Probationary
Period should take into account all of the roles performed during the probationary period to
ensure the review is meaningful. This process may require input and involvement from
multiple managers.
Making decisions under this policy
Under section 20(1) of the Public Administration Act 2004, the public service body head has all the
rights, powers, authorities and duties of an Employer, which will usually be delegated to staff within
their Department or Agency. Employers should ensure that any actions under this policy are only
taken by an Employee with the delegation to do so. Each Department and Agency should give effect
to this policy in accordance with its own delegations.
Dispute resolution
An Employee who is directly affected by a decision made or action taken by the Employer may apply
for a review of actions under the Employer’s review of actions policy or seek to resolve a dispute
through the Resolution of Disputes procedure at clause 13 of the Agreement. However, this review
right does not extend to termination of employment.
Further Information
Employees should refer to their Department or Agency’s intranet for information on procedural
requirements, systems and approval delegations.
For further information and advice please contact your local Human Resources or People and Culture
Unit (or equivalent).
Related policies or documents
VPS Enterprise Agreement Common Policies
Review of Actions *
All policies in the VPS Enterprise Agreement common policies collection can be found at
*Note: The right to Review of Action does not extend to termination of employment
Authorised by Industrial Relations Victoria:
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Key Details Date
Version Final as approved
Date June 2022
If you print and store this document, you may be looking at an obsolete version. Always check the
latest version of this document on the intranet.