Annie’s Nannies, Inc.
(Employer) / (Employee) Work Agreement
(This agreement is subject to change upon mutual consent and signature of both parties.)
THIS AGREEMENT is made this day of 20 between “Employer” and Employee
THIS AGREEMENT is effective from to (Date contract will be reviewed)
Employee is to provide child-care or household support for (children’s names): , , , , ,
Employee will be working at following address:
I. Work Schedule:
Monday to Tuesday to
Wednesday to Thursday to
Friday to
Trial Period:
The first days will be considered a Trial Period, during which time the fit will be evaluated for both
parties. At any point during the Trial period either party can terminate the agreement. Employer will be
responsible for payment to Employee for any days worked during the Trail Period, but not required to pay
beyond actual days worked during this time.
II. Job Responsibilities and Expectations
Employee will be responsible for the safety, care, and well-being of (the “Child” or “Children”). This includes,
but is not limited to, maintaining and promoting the physical, emotional, intellectual and social development
of the Child.
Employee is expected to:
Be responsible, reliable, and punctual at the start of the day (and notify both parents by phone as
soon as possible if they will be late for any reason);
Maintain regular communication with Employer regarding the Child;
Comply with Employer’s preferences regarding child-rearing and discipline;
Maintain a state of adequate physical and mental health in order to ensure the safety and well-being
of the Child and the continued ability to perform the below job responsibilities.
Maintaining the Child’s safety at all times;
Employee’s specific job responsibilities include:
Child Safety: Employee must conduct the work in a manner to create a secure and loving environment. Tasks
related to the safety and well-being of the Child take precedence over all other tasks.
Transportation: Employee may transport the Child in Employee’s vehicle for doctor’s appointments and
other activities. Employer should be notified of any outings with the Child in advance. Employee is expected
to conduct routine maintenance of the vehicle. While the Child is being transported, the Employee shall be
the sole driver of the vehicle, barring emergent situations, and no other passengers are to be allowed in the
vehicle, except with Employer’s permission. While being transported in the vehicle, the Child must be
restrained in the car seat provided by Employer at all times. The Employer will provide the appropriate car
seat base for installation in Employee’s vehicle. The Child shall not be left in the vehicle alone for any period
of time. Employer will not be held liable for any automobile claim, tort or repair related to Employee’s
vehicle, regardless of duty status. Employee is required to maintain (i) a valid driver’s license, (ii) valid
registration for the vehicle, (iii) routine maintenance of the vehicle, and (iv) valid automobile insurance
satisfactory to Employer. Employee must notify Employer of any changes to these items. If the insurance
policy must be upgraded in order to be satisfactory to Employer, Employer will pay the balance of the cost.
Household Rules:
Health/Emergencies: On a day-to-day basis, the Family’s preference is to be first contacted for general
questions such as medicine given (for example, if Child is running a fever). Under no circumstances should
the Child ever be released from the Employee’s care to anyone but the Family or others listed as an
Emergency Contact, unless the Family directs otherwise in writing.
Emergency Contacts:
Child’s Doctor
Child’s Health Insurance Information
III. Compensation:
Employee shall be paid by on the (date/dates) of every month.
Employee shall receive an hourly of $ for the first hours per work-week and an hourly of $ for the
next hours per work-week to equal a gross compensation of $ weekly. ($ annually)
Employee shall receive an hourly of $ per work week. Guaranteed hours:
ADDITIONAL CARE: Will be compensated as follows:
Per hour: $ Overnight: $ Weekend: $
Additional Child: $ per child, per hour/day
Out of town travel with the family: $ per day
Please check where appropriate:
Family will utilize service for payroll
Family will withhold Social Security, Medicare and Federal/State Unemployment Insurance, and
Federal Income taxes
Please check where appropriate:
Family will review employee’s performance and discuss job duties at:
90 Days 6 months 1 year
*Compensation or benefits adjustments will be discussed at the month/year review. Raises are not
1.) Insurance:
Please check where appropriate:
Health insurance provided by family Yes No How/Type:
Automobile insurance coverage supplied by family. % paid Employee’s car Family’s car
In case of an accident, the deductible will be paid by:
Employee % Family % Both
Amount of the deductible $
Homeowner’s/Renter’s insurance is in effect
(the family will review the policy to see that it covers bodily injury and property)
Worker’s Compensation policy? (not required in Washington State for less than 2 employees) Yes No
2.) Vehicle:
Please check where appropriate (Each party to verify insurance coverage is adequate)
Employee provides. Mileage compensated for work related use at the rate of $ cents per mile.
Employee provides. $ (paid monthly by family toward insurance and upkeep)
Family provides for work-related use only.
Family provides for personal use with employer’s permission.
3.) Meals: (if applicable)
Family will provide all necessary food to prepare nutritious meals, snacks and beverages for
Employee and children during normal working hours. Comments:
4.) Paid Time Off:
a.) Vacation: Family agrees to provide the employee week(s) of paid vacation.
Paid vacation may be taken after months of employment
When the Family travels or has personal days and does not need employee to work, the employee
will be guaranteed regular hours/compensation
b.) Sick Days: (See Washington State Sick Leave law)
How many:
c.) Personal Days: Paid Not Paid
How many: Conditions:
d.) Paid Holidays:
Please check where appropriate (only paid when they fall on a regular work day)
New Year’s Eve Thanksgiving Day
New Year’s Day Day after Thanksgiving
Memorial Day Christmas Eve
of July Christmas Day
Labor Day
5). Other Benefits (if applicable)
IV. Inclement Weather
In the Employee is unable to report to work due to inclement weather, the Family and Employee
agree to adhere to the School closure or delayed start determinations. a. If Schools
announce a closure, the Employee will be paid guaranteed hours (GH) unless the Employee feels it is
safe to travel despite the closure. b. If Schools announce a late start due to inclement weather,
the Employee will begin working hours at that time with no pay loss. c. If is not closed but the
Employee feels it is unsafe for travel, Employee will use PTO or take the day or time off unpaid. d. If
Family requests the Employee stay home for their own safety, the Employee will receive GH. e) If the
weather begins to become unsafe while the Employee is working in the Family’s home, they may
request to leave early (within reason) to get home safely with no default in pay.
V. Confidentiality and Social Media Policy
Employee understands that any and all private information obtained about the employers or their
dependents during the course of employment, including but not limited to medical, financial, legal,
and career, are strictly confidential and may not be disclosed any third party for any reason. This
includes the sharing of photos, locations, or information via a social media account.
VI. Visitors
All visitors to the house or play dates in the community will be pre-approved by the Employer.
VII. Termination/Renewal
Either party may terminate the agreement upon days’ notice (Washington is an at-will work
If the family must terminate employment unexpectedly, the employee will be given two weeks
notice, or two weeks’ severance pay (unless termination is for “cause” Defined: )
At the time of termination, if the employee has any expenses owed to the family
those amounts may be deducted from the employee’s pay.
Renewal of the contract will specify any changes in compensation or changes in the job
If this contract is cancelled before the employee’s start date, without reasonable cause by the
employer, the employer will pay two weeks’ severance.
There are additional pages attached that are a part of this agreement.
CORONAVIRUS AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE PROTOCOL is included following this agreement.
We have read, discussed and agreed to the aforementioned terms and conditions.
________________________________________________ ____________________
Employee’s Signature Date
________________________________________________ ____________________
Employer Parent/Guardian’s Signature Date
(ANI should receive a copy of this agreement)
We believe in the importance of practicing everyday preventive actions that can help prevent the spread of
respiratory illnesses and infectious diseases, such as the novel coronavirus that leads to COVID-19. We
expect our household, including Provider, to adhere to the following infectious disease protocol and
preventative actions.
SYMPTOMS: Notify the Family immediately if you or anyone in your household experience symptoms of
COVID-19 (i.e., fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, fatigue, loss of taste or smell, etc.) and stay home.
Cover all coughs and sneezes with a tissue.
CONTACT WITH SICK PERSONS: Avoid contact with people who are sick. Notify the Family
immediately in close contact with a sick person is unavoidable, needed, or occurs by accident.
Communicate with the family about levels of risk and permitted activity.
STAY AT HOME ORDERS: Follow state mandated stay-at-home orders. Stay home when you are sick,
except to get medical care. If outside for physical activity stay at least six feet away from others, avoid
travel, and avoid crowds. In the event that stay-at-home orders are lifted, communicate with the family
about levels of risk and permitted activity.
MASK WEARING: Follow guidelines of the Center for Disease Control. Wear a face covering when in
public settings where one cannot maintain six feet of distance from others.
HAND WASHING: Wash hands upon entering the Family household. Wash hands often with soap and
water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your
nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at
least 60% alcohol.
SURFACES: Clean frequently touched surfaces and objects (e.g., tables, countertops, light switches,
doorknobs, and cabinet handles) using a regular household detergent and water.
FFCRA: The Family understands the Families First Coronavirus Response Act provides paid sick leave or
expanded family and medical leave for specified reasons related to COVID-19. The Act includes two
weeks (up to 80 hours) of paid sick leave at the employee’s regular rate of pay where the employee is
unable to work because the employee is quarantined (pursuant to Federal, State, or local government order
or advice of a healthcare provider), and/or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and seeking a medical
diagnosis; or two weeks (up to 80 hours) of paid sick leave at two-thirds the employee’s regular rate of pay
because the employee is unable to work because of a bona fide need to care for an individual subject to
quarantine (pursuant to Federal, State, or local government order or advice of a healthcare provider), or
care for a child (under 18 years of age) whose school or child care provider is closed or unavailable for
reasons related to COVID-19, and/or the employee is experiencing a substantially similar condition as
specified by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation with the Secretaries of the
Treasury and Labor.
VACCINATION: When recommended by the Family, Provider shall obtain current vaccination and boosters
for COVID-19 in accordance with CDC guidelines. Vaccination status and recommendations for vaccination
(of both Family and Provider) will be discussed before employment with the Family begins.