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No Weigh! A Declaration of
Independence from a Weight-Obsessed
I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that from this day forward I will choose to live my
life by the following tenets. In so doing, I declare myself free and independent from the
pressures and constraints of a weight-obsessed world.
I will accept my body in its natural shape and size.
I will celebrate all that my body can do for me each day.
I will treat my body with respect, giving it enough rest, fueling it with a variety of foods,
exercising it moderately, and listening to what it needs.
I will defy our societys pressures to judge myself and other people on physical characteristics
like body weight, shape, or size. I will respect people based on the qualities of their character
and the impact of their accomplishments.
I will refuse to deny my body valuable nutrients by dieting or using weight loss products.
I will avoid categorizing foods as either good or bad. I will not guilt or shame myself for
eating certain foods. Instead, I will nourish my body with a balanced variety of foods, listening
and responding to what it needs.
I will not use food to mask my emotional needs.
I will not avoid participating in activities that I enjoy (e.g., swimming, dancing, enjoying a meal
with friends) simply because I am self-conscious about the way my body looks. I will recognize
that I have the right to enjoy any activities regardless of my body shape or size.
I will base my self-esteem and identity on that which comes from within!
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Signature Date