Declaration of Independence from a Weight-Obsessed
Many people suffer every day from their struggles around food, their weight, and their self-image. If
you have an eating disorder like bulimia, anorexia, or binge eating then these problems are likely having
a significant effect on your physical as well as your mental health. But even if you don’t have a
diagnosed problem, your constant dieting and feelings of low self-esteem are undoubtedly keeping you
from living a meaningful and fulfilling life.
Your journey overcoming your problems with weight and food can begin with a simple declaration that
you are determined to change your attitude and your behavior around food. The following declaration
was developed by the National Eating Disorder Association. You should read it, sign it, and then read it
at the beginning of each day. You may want to circle the statements that are most important for you to
remember throughout the day.
Of course, this is only the start of overcoming your problems around eating. Click this link
for a screening tool to help you determine the
severity of your problems around eating and what you can do about them.
The Declaration
I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that this day forward I will choose to live my
life by the following tenets. In so doing, I declare myself free and independent
from the pressures and constraints of a weight-obsessed world.
I will accept my body in its natural shape and size.
I will celebrate all that my body can do for me each day.
I will treat my body with respect, giving it enough rest, fueling it with a variety of
foods, exercising it moderately, and listening to what it needs.
I will choose to resist our society’s pressures to judge myself and other people on
physical characteristics like body weight, shape, or size. I will respect people
based on the qualities of their character and the impact of their accomplishments.
I will refuse to deny my body of valuable nutrients by dieting or using weight loss
I will avoid categorizing foods as either “good” or “bad.” I will not associate guilt
or shame with eating certain foods. Instead, I will nourish my body with a balance
of foods, listening and responding to what it needs.
I will not use food to mask my emotional needs.
I will not avoid participating in activities that I enjoy (i.e., swimming, dancing,
enjoying a meal) simply because I am self-conscious about the way my body
looks. I will recognize that I have the right to enjoy any activities regardless of my
body shape or size.
I will believe that my self-esteem and identity come from within!
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Signature Date
©2005 National Eating Disorders Association. Information
and Referral Helpline: 800.931.2237