Version 1.1
Web Receipt for Service (webRFS)
User’s Guide
Table of Contents
A. Introduction
1. Background……………………………………………………………………………..2
2. Training…………………………………………………………………………………2
3. Accessing WebRFS…………………………………………………………………..…2
B. Abbreviations and Definitions
1. Abbreviations……………………………………………………………………………...3
2. Definitions…………………………………………………………………………………3
C. Determining When a Receipt for Service is Required
1. Identifying Requests Made “In Person or in Writing”…….……………………………...4
2. Identifying USDA Benefits and Services Requiring Receipt for Service..……………..4-6
3. Examples of Customer Requests……………….……………………………………….7-9
USDA Examples …………………………………………………………………7
FSA Examples..………………………………………………………………...7-8
NRCS Examples …………………………………………………………………8
RD Examples …………………………………………………………………….9
D. Entering Data in webRFS and Generating a RFS
1. Entering Data in webRFS…………….……………………………………………...10-11
2. Generating a Receipt in webRFS…………………………………...……………...11-12
3. Additional Guidance regarding RFS and webRFS...……….………………………….....12
Exhibit 1 - Sample of the webRFS FSA Input screen…….……………………………………..13
Exhibit 2 - Sample of the webRFS NRCS Input screen……….………………………………...14
Exhibit 3 - Sample of the webRFS RD Input screen…....………….……………………………15
Exhibit 4 - Sample RFS Generated by webRFS……..…………………………………………..16
Exhibit 5 RFS and webRFS Questions and Answers…………………………..….……….17-26
A. Introduction
1. Background:
Section 14003 of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (2008 Farm Bill) amended
section 2501A of the Food, Agriculture, Conservations, and Trade Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C. 2279-1)
by adding a provision requiring FSA, NRCS, and RD to provide a receipt, upon request, to any
current or prospective producer or landowner requesting a USDA benefit or service.
The requirements established by the 2008 Farm Bill were further amended by Section 12204 of
the Agricultural Act of 2014 (2014 Farm Bill) to require FSA, NRCS and RD to provide a
receipt when a current or prospective producer or landowner requests a USDA benefit or service.
Specifically, 7 U.S.C. 2779-1, as amended by the 2014 Farm Bill, provides:
“(e) Receipt for service or denial of service
In any case in which a current or prospective producer or landowner, in person or in writing,
requests from the Farm Service Agency, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, or an
agency of the Rural Development Mission Area any benefit or service offered by the
Department to agricultural producers or landowners, the Secretary shall issue, on the date of
the request, a receipt to the producer or landowner that contains-
(1) the date, place, and subject of the request; and
(2) the action taken, not taken, or recommended to the producer or landowner.”
In many situations, program applicants or participants are routinely provided with copies of
forms and documents in delivery of USDA benefits and services. These forms and documents
will serve as a receipt, with the exception of certain loan programs. FSA, NRCS, and RD
collaboratively developed webRFS to issue and maintain receipts when a request for benefit or
service does not result in the generation of a form or document, or when the request pertains to
certain loan programs. FSA, NRCS, and RD employees will use webRFS to issue a receipt:
when required by Section C 2 of this User’s Guide, or
any time a customer requests a receipt.
2. Training
Required webRFS training will initially be added to the AgLearn to-do list for FSA, NRCS,
and RD employees. Employees may also locate the training by searching for the following
course in AgLearn: USDA-RFS-2014.
In the course catalogue employees should enter “Receipt for Service’ in the search field.
3. Accessing webRFS
FSA, NRCS, and RD employees with a Level 2 eAuth account may access webRFS at: (Link
to be provided prior to December 1, 2014).
B. Abbreviations and Definitions:
1. Abbreviations:
COC - FSA’s County Committee
eAuth - USDA’s eAuthentication System
FLP - FSA’s Farm Loan Programs
FP - FSA’s Farm Programs
FSFL - FSA’s Farm Storage Facility Loan Program
FSA - Farm Service Agency
LRA - Local Registration Authority
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
NAP - FSA’s Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program
NRCS - Natural Resources Conservation Service
RD - Rural Development
RFS - Receipt for Service
SCIMS - Service Center Information Management System SCIMS)
webRFS - USDA’s web-based Receipt for Service System
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
2. Definitions:
Benefit or Service - Any information, program and/or loan assistance provided to an
individual or entity. This does not including providing a RFS to: any fellow USDA Agency,
lender, or individual/group in which FSA, RD or NRCS has a current MOU or Agreement
(Contribution, Direct, or Reimbursable).
eAuthentication - is the system used by USDA agencies to enable customers to obtain
accounts that will allow them to access USDA Web applications and services via the
Local Registration Authority - is any USDA employee who is trained to act as a trusted entity
to validate the identity of a customer seeking a Level 2 eAuthentication account.
Receipt for Service is the receipt provided to a current or prospective customer, producer
and/or landowner, through webRFS, documenting the service or benefit requested and the
action(s) taken by USDA.
Notes: Refer to Parts C of this guide for additional guidance regarding when receipts are required.
Prior to the implementation of webRFS, AD-2088 was used to provide a receipt, when requested.
Web Receipt for Service is the web-based system developed by FSA, NRCS, and RD to
issue and maintain receipts.
C. Determining When Receipt for Service is Required
1. Identifying Requests Made “In Person or in Writing”
As provided in 7 U.S.C. 2279-1, FSA, NRCS, and RD are required to issue a receipt when a
USDA benefit or service is requested “in person or in writing.” With the initial implementation
of webRFS, a request made “in person or in writing” will be determined according to the
following table:
If the request is made…
Then …
In person at the Service Center
a RFS must be provided at the time of request.
By email, fax or mail
Note: Mail includes requests received by
USPS, USS, and FedEx.
a RFS must be provided on the date request is
received in office.
Note: The RFS may be issued on the next
business day when the request is received late
in the day, or after the office has closed.
In person at a conference or outreach event
A RFS is not required.
Over the telephone
2. Identifying USDA Benefits and Services Requiring Receipt for Service
FSA, NRCS, and RD have identified specific benefits and services that require a RFS. A RFS
must be issued:
for any benefit or service included on the table below, or
each time a customer requests a receipt.
Customer inquires about the COC Election process, nominees,
LAA information, eligibility, deadlines, voters’ listings, results,
policy, etc. RFS is required. Exception: RFS will NOT be
issued to producers submitting ballots for Election.
Customer requests a direct FLP loan application. RFS is
required in addition to providing the application.
Customer submits a direct FLP loan application. RFS is
required in addition to any required notifications regarding
complete/incomplete application status.
FSA (continued)
Borrower requests an application for partial release,
subordination or consent. RFS is required in addition to the
Borrower submits an application for partial release,
subordination, or consent. RFS is required in addition to any
other notification requirements.
Borrower requests an application for Disaster Set-Aside.
RFS is required in in addition to the application.
Borrower submits an application for Disaster Set-Aside.
RFS is required in addition to any other notification
Borrower requests an application for primary loan servicing.
RFS is required in addition to the application forms and
required notification.
Borrower submits primary loan servicing application. RFS is
required in addition to any required notification.
Customer requests an FSFL application. RFS is required in
addition to the application.
Customer submits an FSFL application. RFS is required in
addition to any required notification requirements.
Customer requests to sign up for any FP service or benefit
other than FSFL and Report of NAP Loss. RFS is required
when another form of documentation, such as program
contract, is not provided.
Customer inquires about any FSA benefit or service, such as
general program information, interest rates, or signup dates.
RFS is required when another form of documentation, such
as program contract, is not provided. Note: Other form of
documentation does not include program fact sheets.
Customer requests a Level 2 eAuthentication account from
an LRA. RFS is required ONLY for registration of
producers or landowners. RFS is not required for realtors,
lenders, etc.
Producer reports loss in office or by telephone. RFS is
required regardless of other documents provided to producer.
Note: *This is the only exception to issuing a receipt for a
telephone request.
Customer request a conservation plan, engineering
assistance, agronomic assistance or other non-farm bill
program specific information. Provide assistance. RFS is
Customer inquiries about any NRCS benefit or service, such
as general program information, or signup dates. RFS is
required when another form of documentation, such as
program contract, is not provided.
Note: Other form of documentation does not include
program fact sheets.
Customer requests or submits an NRCS farm bill program
application. RFS is required in addition to the application.
Customer inquiries about soil maps or soils information in
general, provide assistance. RFS is required.
Customer request information regarding wetland/HEL
determination, provide assistance. RFS is required.
FSA provides an AD-1026 received by NRCS, process AD-
1026 and provide assistance. RFS is NOT required.
Individual or group inquiries about opportunities to
volunteer. RFS is required.
Customer requests a Level 2 eAuthenitcation account from
an LRA. RFS is required.
Benefit or Service
Rural Energy for America
Customer inquires about REAP program or requests
application. RFS is required.
General Information
Customer inquires about VAPG program or requests
application. RFS is required.
Farm Labor Housing Loan and
Grant Program
Customer inquires about Farm Labor Housing program. RFS
is required.
Small, Socially Disadvantaged
Producer Grant Program
Customer inquires about SSDPG program or requests
application. RFS is required.
3. Examples of Customer Requests
The following table provides examples of requests that may be received by FSA, NRCS, and
RD, and provides guidance of whether or not a RFS is required.
USDA Examples
If a customer …
Then …
Inquires about non-USDA services, such
asking directions to the John Deere dealership
RFS is not required.
Inquires about the status of a pending
RFS is not required.
Is an employee of another USDA agency, such
as an FSA employee requesting a status from
NRCS regarding an AD-1026 for a producer
who recently filed for program benefits
RFS is not required.
Requests information regarding the process for
filing a Civil Rights complaint
RFS is required.
FSA Examples
If a customer …
Then …
Is a prospective FLP applicant who visits the
Service Center to request a list of agricultural
lenders who participate in the Guaranteed Loan
RFS is not required.
Is a prospective FLP applicant who comes to
the Service Center to ask for the telephone
number of the FLP loan team in another county
RFS is not required when referral is made to
another FSA employee.
Is an FLP applicant visiting the Service Center
to request the status of a microloan application
recently filed
RFS is not required as it was provided when
the application was submitted.
Is an FLP applicant who comes to the Service
Center to submit additional documentation
previously requested by FLO
RFS is not required as it was provided when
the application was submitted, and applicant
will receive either FSA-2305 or FSA-2307.
Is an FLP borrower who came to the Service
Center to submit a request for primary loan
RFS is required.
Is an FLP borrower who came to the Service
Center to make annual payment
RFS is not required as their cancelled check
will serve as a receipt.
Is an FLP borrower who comes to the Service
Center to request a list of approved vendors for
borrower training
RFS is not required.
FSA Examples (continued)
If a customer …
Then …
Comes into office to ask for COC nomination
Yes, a RFS is required.
Hand delivers a ballot for COC elections
RFS is not required.
Comes to the Service Center to report acreage
Either a copy of the Acreage report or a receipt
is required.
Comes to the Service Center to ask about ARC
RFS is required, unless the producer executes a
contract which will serve as a receipt.
Comes to the Service Center to sign up for
RFS is not required as the copy of their
contract serves as the receipt.
NRCS Examples
If a customer …
Then …
Asks several questions after a meeting that
leads to an appointment being set
RFS is not required for the interaction at the
meeting; at the time of the appointment a RFS
is required.
Comes into office to ask for information about
farm bill programs
Yes, RFS is required.
Hand delivers documents indicating a practice
is completed and is ready for payment
RFS is not required. Begin the payment
RD Examples
If a customer …
Then …
Submits pre-application for Farm Labor
Housing Loan and Grant
A receipt must be issued for applications that
are received in paper form. No receipt is
required for electronically submitted
Submits application for Farm Labor Housing
Loan and Grant
A receipt must be issued for applications that
are received in paper form. No receipt is
required for electronically submitted
Is a farmer or rancher inquiring about living in
Farm Labor Housing
A receipt must be issued.
Is a farmer who comes into the office and asks
about installment of solar panels on his/her
home (REAP)
Yes, a receipt must be issued.
Comes in and inquires about programs that do
not require mandatory issuance of a receipt
A receipt is not required UNLESS the
customer requests one. If the customer requests
a receipt, one must be issued. In filling out the
receipt in webRFS, the ‘other’ box should be
checked and the type of service/information
provided described.
Requests information on REAP and receives a
receipt that the customer does not feel
accurately reflects the information or service
A receipt should be generated that accurately
reflects the service provided. If needed,
additional receipts may be issued.
Asks for information on single family housing
direct loan program
No receipt is required.
Is a farmer who stops into the office to see if
she can make use of the Business & Industry
loan guarantee program to grow her farm
A receipt should be issued because the
customer is a farmer, but is not required
because B&I is not one of the four RD
programs included in Phase I implementation
of RFS.
Stops into the office to learn what USDA Rural
Development does and if there are any
programs that may be of interest
A receipt is required only if the conversation is
about the four included programs, but should
be provided upon request.
If a State Director…
Provides a presentation to a group of produces
off-site about the VAPG program
No, receipts are not required for group
D. Entering Data in webRFS and Generating a RFS
1. Entering Data in webRFS
Data entries in webRFS should be completed according to the following table:
Note: Items denoted with an * are required fields.
Field Name
Field will default to the Agency specified in the user’s eAuth account.
User may select the radio button for another Agency when providing
office coverage for that Agency. Once a new office is selected, the
field will default to that office until a new office is selected.
Customer Name*
Enter the customer’s first name, last name, and suffix in the appropriate
fields. Enter “Guest” in the first name field if a customer opts not to
provide their name and address. If the customer operates as an entity,
enter the name of one entity member in the customer name field and
notate any additional members present in the “Service Request
Additional Information” field.
Business Entity
Enter the business name if the customer is an entity, otherwise leave the
field blank.
Customer Street
Enter the customer’s street address, city, and State, if known.
Employees should complete the address fields, if possible, so the
receipt can be distinguished from another customer with the same
name. The field should be left blank if the customer’s name is entered
as “Guest.”
Customer Zip Code
Enter the customer’s zip code.
Customer Email
Enter the customer’s email address if known. This field is required if
the receipt will be delivered by email.
Contact Method*
Select the appropriate radio button to reflect how the customer’s
request was received.
Service Requested*
Select the appropriate radio button, or buttons, to identify the benefit or
service quested by the customer. Select the “Other” button if the
benefit or service is not listed in the available radio buttons.
Note: The radio buttons are customized based on the “Agency
An entry in the “Service Request Additional Description” field
is required when “Other” is selected.
Service Request
Additional Description
Enter a description of the benefit or service requested if the “Other”
button was selected in the Service Requested field. Enter the names
of additional entity members when more than one member of an entity
requested the benefit or service.
Field Name
Action Taken
Additional Description
Enter a description of the action(s) taken if the “Other” button was
selected in the Action Taken field.
“Hand Delivered” to print and hand deliver the receipt to the
“Email” to have webRFS email the receipt to the customer.
Notes: The “Customer Email” field must be complete for this
option. A message will appear on the screen indicating the
email was sent.
“U.S. Mail” to print and mail the receipt to the customer.
“Customer Declined” if the customer declined the receipt.
Note: The data entered will be maintained and the receipt may
be printed at a later date.
Date of Service*
Field will default to the date the receipt is created. The default date
may be overwritten when appropriate.
Office Location*
Field will automatically populate when a zip code is entered and there
is a service center in that zip code. A different office may be selected
from the drop down box by clicking the down arrows for the “State”
and “Servicing Office” fields.
Exhibit 1 for a sample of the webRFS FSA input screen.
Exhibit 2 for a sample of the webRFS NRCS input screen.
Exhibit 3 for a sample of the webRFS RD input screen.
2. Generating a Receipt in webRFS
After completing all applicable data fields, click the “Submit” button to generate the RFS.
webRFS will assign a system-generated sequential receipt number that will be reflected on the
lower right corner of the receipt. Note: Receipt numbers are assigned sequentially on a
nationwide basis for all USDA offices (FSA, NRCS, and RD) using webRFS. Therefore, receipt
numbers may not be sequential for each Service Center.
If “email” is selected as the method of delivery of the receipt, the message “Receipt Email Sent
Successfully” will be displayed on the screen. Note: webRFS does not validate that the receipt
email was delivered to the customer. Delivery confirmation will be explored in future iterations
of the webRFS tool.
See Exhibit 4 for a sample RFS generated from webRFS.
3. Additional Guidance Regarding RFS and webRFS
A listing of common questions and answers applicable to RFS and webRFS is included in
Exhibit 5.
Exhibit 1
Sample of the webRFS FSA Input Screen
Exhibit 2
Sample of the webRFS NRCS Input Screen
Exhibit 3
Sample of the webRFS RD Input Screen
Exhibit 4
Sample RFS Generated by webRFS
Exhibit 5
RFS and webRFS Q&A’s
A. General Questions
1. What Agencies are impacted by the RFS provisions?
Answer: The RFS provisions apply to FSA, NRCS, and RD. The Agencies, along
with the applicable USDA Departmental level offices, collaborated to jointly
implement RFS after the 2008 Farm Bill. For the implementation of the 2014 Farm
Bill provisions, the Agencies collaborated to establish a two-phased approach.
During Phase I, an RFS will be provided to current or prospective agricultural
producers or landowners who request a benefit or service while vising a Service
Center office, or by mailing, e-mailing, or faxing a request to a Service Center office.
The RFS shall be provided through a combination of:
webRFS, and/or
providing the customer with a copy of a completed form documenting the action
taken in response to their request.
During Phase II, the Agencies will evaluate the effectiveness of webRFS and
issues/concerns raised by USDA stakeholders and employees to determine any
additional action required.
2. Can I still use AD-2088, Receipt of Request for Benefit of Service Offered by
USDA, after December 1, 2014?
Answer: No, AD-2088 will be removed from all Agency websites on
December 1, 2014, and all FSA, NCRS, and RD employees must immediately begin
using webRFS to provide an RFS.
3. How do I issue an RFS if webRFS is unavailable due to network or connectivity
Answer: Each FSA, NRCS, and RD Service Center location must maintain copies of
the paper version of their input screen for manual completion of an RFS if webRFS is
unavailable. Whenever a manual RFS is completed, the original copy will be
provided to the customer and a copy must be maintained by the Agency and entered
in webRFS once the system becomes available. An entry must be made in the
“Action Taken Addition Description” field indicating the receipt was provided
manually. A copy of the receipt from webRFS does not have to be provided to the
customer; however, the appropriate box should be selected to accurately reflect how
the manual RFS was provided to the customer.
4. Am I required to maintain hard copies of receipts issued using webRFS?
Answer: No, all data entered on the input screens is captured by webRFS. The
webRFS search capabilities can be used to find and print a receipt should it be needed
in the future.
5. Service Centers were required to maintain copies of receipts issued using
formAD-2088. What should be done with those copies once webRFS is
Answer: FSA, NRCS, and RD offices should continue to maintain copies of receipts
issued using AD-2088 according to the guidance provided by their Agency when RFS
was initially implemented after the 2008 Farm Bill.
6. Should I continue using the RFS posters dated March 2012 after December 1,
Answer: No, the March 2012 version of the poster includes a copy of a portion of
AD-2088. In addition, the poster indicates a receipt is available “upon request.”
Guidance regarding the issuance and posting of a revised poster is forthcoming.
7. Will Departmental Regulation (DR) 4370-002, Providing a Receipt for Service or
Denial of Service by the Farm Service Agency, the Natural Resources
Conservation Service, the Rural Business Service, the Rural Housing Service,
and the Rural Utilities Service, be revised to require the use of webRFS?
Answer: Yes, DR 4370-002 will be revised; however, revision may be deferred until
an assessment of Phase I can be completed.
8. Do I have to provide a receipt to every customer?
Answer: 7 U.S.C. 2779-1, as amended by the 2014 Farm Bill, requires FSA, NRCS,
and RD to provide an RFS to a current or prospective “agricultural producer or
landowner” who requests any benefit or service offered by USDA. Beginning
December 1, 2014, FSA, NRCS, and RD Service Center employees must provide an
RFS to customers who either:
are a current or prospective agricultural producer or landowner, who during an
office visit; or in writing by e-mail, FAX, or U.S. mail, requests a benefit or
service listed:
in Section C 2 of the webRFS User’s Guide, or
as an option in the radio buttons under “Service Requested” on the webRFS
input screen; or
requests a receipt, regardless of whether or not it is listed in either of the above.
An RFS is not required for other Federal agencies, guaranteed lenders, and
individuals/groups that have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or
Agreement (contribution, direct, or reimbursable) as these parties are not considered
an “agricultural producer or landowner.” Examples include: RD will not issue a
receipt to FSA. FSA will not issue a receipt to guaranteed lenders submitting
guaranteed requests. NRCS will not issue receipts to organizations they have entered
into a MOU with.
Note: Use of RFS may be expanded in the future.
9. Do I have to provide a receipt for every service or benefit provided?
Answer: During Phase I, effective December 1, 2014, FSA, NRCS, and RD Service
Center employees are required to provide an RFS for any benefit or service listed in
Section C 2 of the webRFS User’s Guide, as an option in the radio buttons under
“Service Requested” on the webRFS input screen, or any time a customer requests a
10. What action should I take if a customer requests a receipt for a benefit or service
not included in Phase I?
Answer: A receipt must be provided to any customer requesting an RFS, using
webRFS, regardless of whether or not the benefit or service is included in Phase I.
The radio button “Other:” should be selected as the “Service Requested” and an entry
in the “Service Requested Additional Description” field will be required to document
the request.
11. Am I required to enter an action in webRFS if the customer advises they do not
want a receipt?
Answer: Yes, if the customer requested a benefit or service covered by Phase I listed
in Section C 2 of the webRFS User’s Guide, or as an option in the radio buttons on
the input screen. Select the radio button “Customer Declined” in the “Receipt” field
on the input screen. The customer will not receive an RFS; however, the data will be
stored in webRFS and may be searched and retrieved at a later date, if necessary.
12. Am I required to provide an RFS if a current or prospective agricultural
producer or landowner requests a benefit or service by telephone?
Answer: No, during Phase I, FSA, NRCS, and RD are not required to issue an RFS
when the request for benefit or service is made by telephone, unless the customer
specifically requests a receipt.
Exception: RFS will be provided for NAP losses reported by telephone.
13. Am I required to issue the RFS at the time the benefit or service was provided?
Answer: 7 U.S.C. 2779-1 requires the RFS be issued “on the date of the request.” In
situations where the request is received late in the day, or after the office has closed,
the RFS must be issued on the next business day.
14. Where can I find a list defining the acronyms used on the RFS input screens?
Answer: All acronyms used on the FSA, NRCS, and RD input screens in webRFS
are defined in Section B 1 of the webRFS User’s Guide.
15. Will customers be familiar with the acronyms used in webRFS?
Answer: Acronyms are only used on the input screens used by FSA and NRCS
employees for data entry. All terms will be spelled out on the actual RFS provided to
the customer.
16. Does the RFS have reporting capabilities that will allow agencies to track the
number of receipts provided?
Answer: During Phase I, reporting capabilities will only be available in the National
Office. Reporting capabilities for State Offices and Service Centers will be provided
in the future.
17. Does webRFS validate USPS mailing addresses?
Answer: No. Address data entered into webRFS is not validated against USPS data.
18. Can I complete a receipt on behalf of another employee who provided the
Answer: No. Employees must enter their own transactions with a customer in
webRFS as the receipt includes the name of the employee whose eAuth account was
used to enter the data in the webRFS.
19. Can I issue receipts on behalf of another Agency?
Answer: Yes. The webRFS input screen will default based on the Agency code
associated with the employee’s eAuth account. However, if an employee is providing
office coverage for another Agency, they may select the radio button for that Agency
to access the appropriate input screen. As a courtesy, employees providing office
coverage for another Agency should provide that Agency with a printed copy of any
receipt issued in webRFS.
Note: Employees should only issue receipts on behalf of another Agency when
providing office coverage for that Agency. If a customer inquiry results in a
referral to another webRFS Agency, the employee should issue a receipt using
their Agency input screen and select the option “Referral Made” in the
“Action Taken” field.
20. Can I reprint a receipt at a later date?
Answer: Yes, all data enter in webRFS is maintained and can be searched to allow
receipts to be reprinted, if needed. Employees may complete searches using any of
the following fields:
First Name
Last name
Mailing Address
ZIP Code
Customer Email.
21. Am I required to complete the “Additional Description” fields associated with
either “Service Requested” or “Action Taken”?
Answer: Use of the “Additional Description” field is required only when “Other” is
selected in the “Contact Method” or “Action Taken” fields. Employees may opt to
use the “Additional Description” fields whenever necessary to further document the
benefit or service requested, or the action taken.
22. Who should I issue the RFS to if the request is made on behalf of an entity?
Answer: The RFS should be issued to the individual representing the entity, and the
name of the entity should be entered in the optional “Business Entity” field.
23. How should RFS be handled if multiple entity members were present at the time
the benefit or service was requested?
Answer: Select one member whose first and last name will be entered on the input
screen. It may be the name of the entity member that typically represents the entity,
or the member selected by the entity. The name of the entity must be entered in the
optional “Business Entity” field, and the names of the additional entity members
present at the time the benefit or service was requested should be documented in the
“Service Request Additional Description” field.
24. Should I issue an RFS if a Civil Rights complaint is received?
Answer: Yes, employees should follow their Agency guidance regarding the
procedure for forwarding the complaint to the Civil Rights staff and should issue an
RFS using webRFS “Other” buttons, and “Additional Description” fields to document
the service requested and action taken.
B. FSA Specific Questions
1. Why is it necessary to track both applications requested and applications
received for FLP, but only applications requested for FP?
Answer: Many of the class action lawsuits have been linked primarily to the loan
application process. Therefore, Phase I provides for more detailed tracking of
programs subject to Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), such as when either FLP
or FSFL applications are requested or received. This policy will be further evaluated
in the future.
2. Am I required to provide an RFS if a benefit or service is requested at an
outreach event, such as a booth at the County Fair?
Answer: No. During Phase I, an RFS is only required when the benefit is requested,
in person, at the Service Center, or by mailing, e-mailing, or faxing a request to the
Service Center.
3. Will I still be required to provide FSA-2303 when an incomplete FLP direct loan
application is received as required by 3-FLP, subparagraph 45 B, if I have
provided an RFS?
Answer: The Deputy Administrator for Farm Loan Programs is currently evaluating
options to consolidate existing notification requirements to minimize the impact of
webRFS implementation.
4. Does the RFS eliminate the need to send incomplete and complete application, or
eligibility letters to FLP direct loan applicants?
Answer: No, RFS does not replace any official form or correspondence currently
required in FLP directives.
5. If I receive a written request for an FLP direct loan application, can I include
the RFS in the mailing with 3-FLP, Exhibit 5, and the application package?
Answer: Yes, both RFS and Exhibit 5, along with the application package, can be
provided at the same time, either in person, or by mail.
6. If a producer requests a change to their address, are both RFS and AD-2047
Answer: No. A copy of AD-2047 should be provided to the customer in lieu of RFS.
7. When will 1-CM be revised to remove the reference to AD-2088?
Answer: An amendment to 1-CM, addressing the use of webRFS, will be issued by
the end of the calendar year.
8. Where do I find the paper version of the webRFS input screen that is to be used
when webRFS is unavailable due to connectivity issues?
Answer: As directed in General Question #3, each FSA, NRCS, and RD Service
Center location must maintain copies of the paper version of their input screen for
manual completion of an RFS if webRFS is unavailable. Paper versions of FSA’s
input screen are available for printing on the DAFO Training Website at Whenever a manual RFS is completed, the
original copy will be provided to the customer and a copy must be maintained by the
Agency and entered in webRFS once the system becomes available. An entry must
be made in the “Action Taken Addition Description” field indicating the receipt was
provided manually. A copy of the receipt from webRFS does not have to be provided
to the customer; however, the appropriate box should be selected to accurately reflect
how the manual RFS was provided to the customer.
C. NRCS Specific Questions
1. If tool is housed in USDA Connect, it may be difficult to find it quickly,
especially for people who don’t use Connect on a regular basis. Is there some
way to add it to the header bar (maybe next to My OCIO)?
Answer: The webRFS tool on USDA Connect can be saved as a favorite in your web
browser, or as an additional homepage to make it easier to locate the tool.
2. If you run a search by State and do not add in service center, will it pull up
results from all States?
Answer: Yes, to run the “Search” function, the user should enter at least one of the
search criteria to narrow the search. The more data you enter the narrower the search
and the more limited information you will get as a result of the search.
3. Will the web based tool be much like Protracts in that all is well on the east coast
for accessing the tool during the morning hours, but in the afternoon access will
be sporadic when the west coast users are online?
Answer: The webRFS tool will be a national and multi-agency tool, so there will be
many users accessing the tool at any time. The difference from ProTracts is that the
webRFS tool is a database that only captures and stores data. WebRFS does not
connect to other NRCS or USDA business tools so the tool should not be impacted by
the volume of users. Any issues identified in access or speed will be addressed in a
future phase.
4. If you make a mistake and have already submitted the receipt, can you edit the
saved receipt or just have to create a new one?
Answer: You would need to create a new receipt.
5. Can you perform the search using wild cards?
Answer: No, the search function does not allow the use of wild cards.
6. Will the HTML attachment be blocked by some user’s e-mail firewalls or
Answer: The e-mail attachment was tested on various public/private e-mail services
and there were no errors. If errors are identified they will be addressed to ensure that
customers are able to receive the attachment by e-mail.
7. As we use the receipt and as more programs become available through the Farm
Bill will additional options be added?
Answer: Yes, the options for programs and services offered in webRFS will grow
and change as necessary to fit our business and the customers’ needs.
8. In the County Office we may not always be able to load the receipt while the
producer is here; do we have the option to load it after the producer leaves?
Answer: Yes, although the ideal answer is to provide the receipt at the time of
service, the option is available for a receipt to be generated after the service is
9. Do text messages count as telephone calls or as e-mails?
Answer: For Phase One of Receipt for Service, text messages are counted as
telephone calls and thus do not require a receipt. Once the level of service involves e-
mails then receipts should be issued.
10. A lot of times a telephone request will lead to an e-mail contact. For example, a
person may call with a soils question; we may then e-mail them a soils report,
and then answer follow up questions. When in the process do we need to
provide a receipt?
Answer: When the service or communication moves to e-mails that is the time to
begin providing a receipt.
D. RD Specific Questions
1. What RD programs are included in the webRFS?
Answer: The following programs are included in webRFS:
Farm Labor Housing Loan and Grant Program
Rural Energy for America Program
Small, Socially Disadvantaged Producer Grant Program
Value Added Producer Grant Program.
2. Can we use webRFS to provide an RFS for RD programs other than the Farm
Labor Housing Loan and Grant Program, Rural Energy for America Program
Small, Socially Disadvantaged Producer Grant Program, and Value Added
Producer Grant Program?
Answer: Yes. While the 2014 Farm Bill only requires RD to provide an RFS to
current or prospective agricultural producers and landowners that fall under these four
(4) RD programs; any customer who wants a receipt should receive one. There is an
option in webRFS that allows you to capture other programs if a customer explicitly
asks for a receipt select ‘other’ and write out details that accurately describe the
interaction with the customer.
3. In general, when should we provide an RFS?
Answer: If you are meeting with an individual agricultural producer or producer
entity or landowner at your office or at another location, you should provide an RFS
that includes the date of the meeting, the subject of the meeting, any action taken and
recommendations to the customer(s).
4. Under what circumstances would we not provide an RFS to a customer?
Answer: You would not provide a receipt to a customer that you merely direct to
another USDA Agency co-located in your office or who attends an outreach event
where RD is giving a presentation to a group of people. In addition, a receipt is not
required at every step in the loan or grant assistance process. RD has standard
operating procedures for each program documenting actions taken through the
processing and servicing of loan and grant applications and issuing a receipt for every
step would be duplicative.
5. Do we need to provide an RFS to a customer who submits an application for
Answer: Yes. Paper applications submitted in person, via fax, or via e-mail should
be logged in via webRFS and the customer should receive a receipt. Confirmation of
applications received electronically through e-mail can be sent via e-mail and
customers submitting an application via a web-based portal such as will
automatically receive a receipt so a webRFS receipt is not needed
6. Do all RD employees have to use webRFS?
Answer: All RD employees are required to take the training and issue an RFS if a
customer seeks information about the Farm Labor Housing Loan and Grant Program,
the Rural Energy for America Program, the Small, Socially Disadvantaged Producer
Grant Program, or the Value Added Producer Grant Program.
7. Do we still utilize the RD Contacts database for tracking our outreach meetings
and events?
Answer: Yes, webRFS does not replace the RD Contacts database and employees
must utilize the database to capture meetings and events to document their outreach
metrics for program performance.