Duke University
School of Medicine
Year Electives
Doctor of Medicine Program
The Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans Center for Health
demic Year 2021-2022
Elective Courses and Contact Listing
web: http://medschool.duke.edu/education/Office-of-the-registrar
phone: 919-684-2304 fax: 919-684-4322
Duke University School of Medicine - M.D. Program
Academic Calendar 2021-2022
(Calendar and Registration Dates are Subject to Change)
Summer Term 2021
10-16 Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, 1:00 p.m.
Registration for rising MS4, summer
(dates subject to change)
31 Wednesday, 8:30a.m. Registration for Rising MS4,
fall opens
6 Tuesday, 1:00 p.m. registration closes
7 Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. Drop/Add for Fall
(dates subject to change)
19 Monday, Begin classes in sections 81. 41
15 Saturday, 12:00 noon End classes in section 41
17 Monday, Begin classes in section 42
31 Monday, Memorial Day holiday student holiday
1 Tues., 1:00 p.m. Drop/Add Ends for summer,
sections 82, 43, 44 (MS4)
12 Saturday, 12:00 noon, End classes in sections 81, 42
14 Monday, Begin classes in sections 82, 43
3 Friday, Independence Day, student holiday observed
10 Saturday, 12:00 noon, end classes section 43
12 Monday, Begin classes in section 44
30 Friday, 1:00pm, Drop/Add Fall sections 41, 42,
81 (MS4) ends
6 Friday, SoM Annual Medical Student
Research Symposium - MANDATORY
7 Saturday, 12:00 noon, End classes in sections 82, 44
Fall Term 2021
23 Monday, MS4 Begin section 41, section 81, Capstone
6 Monday, Labor Day, student holiday
18 Saturday, MS4 End section 41
20 Monday, MS4 Begin section 42
24 Friday, MS4, GRADES FOR 41 ARE DUE
1 Drop/add, fall, Sections 82, 43, 44 (MS4) ends
16 Saturday, MS4 End section 42, 81
18 Monday, MS4 Begin 43, 82
3-9 Wed., 8:30 am spring registration opens; Tues.,
1:00 p.m. MS3 registration for spring closes.
10 Wed., 8:30 a.m. MS4 Drop/Add for spring opens
13 Saturday, MS4 End section 43
15 Monday, MS4 Begin section 44
25-28 Thursday Sunday, Begin Thanksgiving, student
29 Monday, Classes Resume
11 Saturday, MS4 End sections 44, 82
11 Saturday, Winter Break begins
17 Friday, 1:00 pm, MS4 on-line Drop/Add for spring,
sections 81, 41 and 42 Ends
Spring Term 2022
1 Saturday, New Year’s Day student holiday
3 Monday, MS4 Begin sections 41, 81
17 Monday, Martin Luther King, Jr., student holiday
29 Saturday, End section 41
31 Monday, Begin section 42
5 Saturday, Drop/Add period for spring, sections
82, 43, 44 closes. (MS4)
*43 Capstone required
26 Saturday, End sections 42 and 81
28 Monday, Begin section 43 – CAPSTONE - Mandatory
18 Friday, MS4 MATCH DAY
25 Friday, MS4 End section 43, CAPSTONE
28 Monday, Begin section 44
23 Saturday, MS4 End section 44
3 Tuesday, ALL MS4 Grades Due (to clear students for
6– 8 Friday through Sunday, Graduation Activities
(Calendar and Registration dates are Subject to Change)
41 – 1
four weeks of term 42 – 2
four weeks of term
43 – 3
four weeks of term 44 – 4
four weeks of term
81 – 1
eight weeks of term 82 2
eight weeks of term
16 entire term
Approved School of Medicine Holidays for Medical Students
(subject to change)
Labor Day All New Year’s Day All
Thanksgiving Day
(refer to calendar)
All Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday All
Christmas Day (and additional days as outlined Memorial Day All
on school academic calendar)
Independence Day All
Attendance Requirements for Medical Students when Holidays are observed on
days other than the actual holiday.
Students in the School of Medicine are to observe
approved holidays as outlined on the School of Medicine Academic Calendar. Holidays that occur
on a Saturday may officially be observed on the preceding Friday. Official School of Medicine
holidays occurring on Sundays will be observed on the following Monday. Second and fourth year
medical students that are completing clinical rotations and scheduled for the weekend or evening
shifts (or call) prior to the scheduled and approved holiday, must complete their scheduled shift.
For example, a holiday observed on the Monday after the actual holiday, a course instructor and/or
department may schedule the student to be on the wards until the end of their shift.
The Elective Curriculum - An Overview
Clinical Science Elective Program
Academic Regulations and Guidelines
Clinical Science Credit Requirements for the Fourth Year
Completion of Third Year Requirements for Promotion to the Fourth Year
Compliance Requirements
Course Audit
Course Load and Credit
Courses with Sole-Enrollment Limitations
Courses Taken at the VA Medical Center
Credit Conformity
Email, Official Means of Communication
Federal Financial Aid 45 Day Rule
Grading Policy
Graduation From Degree Programs
Leave of Absence
Medical Leave of Absence
Medical Licensure
Fourth Year Requirements
Section Numbers as Course Schedule Designators
Tuberculin Skin Test Requirements During the Fourth Year
Web Registration and Drop-Add Procedures
Web Registration Procedures
Drop-Add Procedures
Calendar for Registration and Drop/Add Periods
Courses Taken Away From the Duke Medical School
Courses Taken Through Other Divisions of Duke University
Reciprocal Agreements with Neighboring Medical Schools
Study Away
Financial Aid When Studying Away
Financial Aid When Studying Away
General Information
DukeHub Website Information System
Indebtedness to the University
Internship Interviews
School of Medicine Severe Weather Policy
M.S.T.P. and Ph.D. Students Returning to Medical School
Withdrawal from the M.S.T.P. program
Student Health Fee During Periods of Non-Enrollment
Transcript of Academic Record
Withdrawal Policy School of Medicine
Descriptions of Elective Courses
Community & Family Medicine
Free Time
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Radiation Oncology
Study Away
Schedule of Courses for 2021-2022
Schedule Guide
Summer Schedule, 2021
Fall Schedule, 2022
Spring Schedule, 2022
Clinical Science Elective Program
Fourth Year Requirements
The clinical elective experience, usually occurring in the fourth year, should be used to: (a) aid in decision-
making about the area of choice of postgraduate training, (b) obtain experiences in areas that would not
be included in that postgraduate training and, above all, (c) pursue active experiences in patient care
sufficient to provide the basic skills necessary for doctor-patient interaction. Effective with the entering
class of fall 2010, in order to satisfy the requirements for the M.D. degree, students must complete at a
minimum, 28 clinical science credits during the fourth year. All students are required to complete a four-
week, five credit sub-internship at Duke. In addition, all students must take a four-week critical care
elective at Duke or a Study Away institution. Students who were unable to participate in Clinical Skills
Continuity (Interdis 305C) during the third year and were approved by their mentor to waive Continuity
Clinic requirement during the third year will need to take one of the approved, four credit ambulatory
electives during the fourth year.
Fourth year medical students must be enrolled in a minimum number of 8 credits per term. There is no
part-time Doctor of Medicine program. All students are required to take the Capstone course.
Prior to summer registration for fourth year, each rising fourth year student meets with his or her advisory
dean to examine postgraduate training interests and to receive information and recommendations to allow
additional research into the area. The following are also considered:
Composition of the clinical elective experience;
Timetable for application to postgraduate programs;
Appropriate postgraduate programs based upon the student's previous performance and specific long-
range interests.
Clinical Science Credit Requirements for the Fourth Year
During the fourth year 28 clinical science credits are required. Students who were eligible to satisfy Clinical
Skills Continuity (Interdis 305C) during Year 3, but did not, will be required to complete 32 credits in their
fourth year. Please refer to the Clinical Skills Continuity (INTERDIS 305C) course description under the
Fourth Year Course Requirements section. The normal basic science/clinical science sequence may be
relaxed only in extraordinary circumstances, if it is in the best academic interests of the student as
determined by the advisory dean. Students that matriculated to Duke School of Medicine prior to 2010
must complete at least 32 clinical credits during the fourth year.
Completion of Third Year Requirements for Promotion to the Fourth Year
The student will not be officially promoted to the fourth year until all third year requirements have been
met without prior approval of the Promotions Committee, and the student’s advisory dean. Additional
information can be found at www.thirdyear.mc.duke.edu
. These include:
submission of IRB/IACUC approvals (Research Ethics)
proof of an oral presentation provided to the third year mentor
completion of statistics modules
submission of a thesis or other approved submission
close IRB protocol or remove name from protocol
completion of the Third Year Survey
and other requirements deemed as appropriate by the Third Year Committee and Curriculum
Compliance Requirements
Students must satisfactorily complete all immunization, drug screening, fire/life safety, and compliance
training requirements in order to be cleared for graduation.
Course Audit
With the consent of the appropriate instructor, fourth-year students are permitted to audit one course a
semester in addition to the normal program. Students who audit a course do not actively participate,
submit work, or receive credit for the course. Because of the nature of an audited course, most clinical
science courses cannot be audited. However, those offered in a lecture format (as indicated in the
electives book provided to fourth-year students) may be audited with the written permission of the
instructor. After the first week of classes in any term, no course taken as an audit can be changed to a
credited course and no credited course can be changed to an audit. Further, an audited course may not
be repeated for credit.
Course Load and Credit
The normal course load each semester of the elective year is 16 credits. Registration is limited to a
maximum of five credits in any four week period. Students must be registered for at least eight credits
during a semester to be considered enrolled full-time and thus be eligible to defer most loans and receive
financial aid.
Courses with Sole-Enrollment Limitations
A sole-enrollment course prohibits registration in any other course during that same time period. These
courses are indicated in the course descriptions following this section.
Courses Taken at the VA Medical Center
Students that are scheduled to complete elective rotations at the VA Medical Center must notify the
department in which they will be working at the VA Medical Center at least eight weeks prior to the
start of the rotation. There are necessary procedures and paperwork that must be completed in order for
the student to be eligible to work at the VA Medical Center. Students must be active in the VA system,
have a valid PIV badge, and they must complete required paperwork in order to participate in clinics at
the VA Medical Center. For questions, please contact Justin Hudgins (
Justin.hudgins@duke.edu) or Clyde
Meador, (Clyde.Meador@va.gov).
Credit Conformity
Credit for each elective course selected must conform to the amount listed in the course description, as
approved by the Curriculum Committee. It cannot be increased or decreased by the instructor of
the course. This can only be done by review and approval of both the Curriculum Administrative Group
and the Curriculum Committee. For example, a course listed for four credits can only be taken for that
number. Some courses, however, are offered for a variable number of credits (e.g., three - four credits).
In these courses, the instructor and student determine the credit to be assigned prior to registration. After
the first week of the term, the assigned credit cannot be changed.
Email, Official Means of Communication
Duke University School of Medicine uses email as an official means of communication with students. Deans,
faculty, and administrators will generally employ your Duke email address (@duke.edu) when reaching out
to you, and you are expected to check your Duke email account on a regular basis and to respond in a
timely fashion. If you have your @duke.edu forwarded to a different email address, it is your responsibility
to insure that important and time-sensitive communications are not lost. Failure to read and respond to
official email in a timely fashion can have serious consequences for you.
Federal Financial Aid 45 Day Rule
A student is considered to have withdrawn from the program if the student is not scheduled to begin
another course, within the same period of enrollment, within 45 calendar days after the end of the course
the student last attended. A student is considered to have withdrawn in a given term for Title IV purposes
if the student ceases attendance at any point prior to completing the period of enrollment, unless the school
obtains written confirmation from the student at the time of the withdrawal that he or she will attend a
course that begins later in the same period of enrollment.
Grading Policy
Final course grades are available to the students via DukeHub. A grading basis is established for each
course with Curriculum Committee approval. Currently there are three grading schemes established: Pass
(P)/Fail (F), Honors (H)/High Pass (HP)/Pass (P)/Fail (F), and Credit (CR)/No Credit (NC). Certification by
the course director that the student satisfactorily completed requirements for a course shall constitute
grounds for a grade of Honors (H), High Pass (HP), or Pass (P). Grades of Honors (H) should be reserved
for students who have performed in an exemplary manner in the opinion of the faculty. Credit (CR) is
awarded to those students who successfully complete courses that have been approved by the Curriculum
Committee to be graded as Credit (CR)/No Credit (NC).
The Liaison Committee on Education (LCME) requires that grades be submitted to the Office of the
Registrar and made available to students within six weeks of the last day of classes. The SoM has
implemented a shorter grade submission period for the last section prior to graduation and for the first four
weeks of the fall term.
An Incomplete (I) grade is reserved for those students who have not met all of the requirements of a
course because of illness or other such extenuating circumstances, or because of the inability to attain
sufficient understanding of course material without additional study. Incomplete grades that are not
satisfied within one calendar year automatically become a grade of Fail (F). The course director notifies the
registrar when an incomplete grade has been satisfied. A passing grade is then added, however a note of
the Incomplete (I) remains on the official transcript. Grades of I are not removed from the permanent
record and will appear on the official transcript.
A grade of F (fail) is recorded by the registrar on the official transcript and becomes part of the student’s
permanent record upon certification by the course director that unsatisfactory work has been done in the
course based on documented criteria for passing. Failures cannot be erased from the official transcript, but
the requirements of the course may be satisfied by repeating the course in a satisfactory manner. At that
time, a passing grade is recorded on the official transcript.
A grade of withdrew (W) is available for those students who withdraw from a course due to a leave of
absence or if a student withdraws from the School of Medicine.
Graduation from Degree Programs
Students may earn degrees on one of three different dates during the academic year: September 1,
December 30, and in early May. Actual ceremonies are only held at the end of the spring term. Anyone
who has a degree date of December or September is invited to participate in the May commencement
program immediately following her or his actual graduation date.
raduation candidates apply for graduation online through DukeHub. Students are currently notified via
email to advise them of the period in which they must apply online for graduation. Students must include
their name as it is to appear on their diploma. They must also include the mailing address where they may
be reached before graduation for those graduating in May, and after graduation for students graduating in
September and December. Any changes that are made (name changes, etc.) after the online apply for
graduation session ends, must be done by completion of a paper form.
tudent records are reviewed by the Office of the Registrar staff to ensure that, upon successful completion
of the current courses, graduating seniors will fulfill degree requirements on schedule. Those students who
are deficient are notified by the Office of the Registrar or their advisory dean to inform them of the situation
and to discover how they plan to rectify the problem, e.g., add a course, graduate in a later specified
semester (September or December), etc.
mid-March, letters are sent by the Office of Student Affairs, to prospective May graduates asking them
whether or not they plan to attend graduation exercises. It is extremely important that students wishing to
be graduated
in absentia
inform the Office of Student Affairs and the Office of the Registrar of their
intentions at this time. Diplomas are sent to such students at their permanent address.
Leave of Absence.
In order to be granted a leave of absence of greater than one month, a student is required to complete
the “Status Change” form and submit it to his/her advisory dean. The initial leave of absence may be
granted for personal or academic reasons for a period not to exceed one calendar year. The advisory dean
presents the completed form to the registrar who will notify appropriate course directors, the Office of
Financial Aid, the Office of Curricular Affairs, and the Vice Dean for Education. A student desiring an
extension of the leave of absence beyond one calendar year
update the “status change” form and
obtain permission of the advisory dean for the extension before the current leave has expired. Failure to
do so will automatically result in administrative withdrawal from the School of Medicine.
For purposes of deferring repayment of student loans during a school-approved leave of absence,
federal regulations limit the leave to six months, and other lenders may have varying requirements.
It is imperative that a student confer with the Office of Financial Aid about the implications of a leave of
absence for financial aid matters. Please refer to the bulletin for tuition reimbursement information.
To be eligible to return from a leave of absence a student must:
• have satisfied all financial obligations (debt) to the university and
• notify the advisory dean and the registrar at least thirty days prior to re-enrollment so that
necessary paper work and registration may be accomplished, and relevant course directors
informed. Failure to notify the school of the intent to return at the end of the approved period of
LOA may result in administrative withdrawal from the School of Medicine.
In all cases of leave of absence, other than for approved double degree programs, a student must complete
requirements for the MD degree within six years of matriculation. Enrollment after a leave of absence
greater than two years, for whatever reason, will require that the student apply for readmission to the
School of Medicine. Students who are readmitted after a leave of absence may be required by the Vice
Dean of medical education to repeat some or all of the previously completed coursework.
Medical Leave of Absence
A medical leave of absence may be requested by a student or recommended by the advisory dean if it
becomes apparent that a student is unable to continue the program of study for medical/psychiatric
reasons. A medical leave is initially granted for up to thirty days. If additional medical leave time is required,
the leave of absence policy must be followed and documentation from the treating physician must be
submitted to the advisory dean. In order to return to the School of Medicine from a medical leave, all
requirements for returning from LOA must be met and in addition, a statement from the student’s physician
attesting to the student’s fitness to resume activities as a full-time student and recommendations for
continued treatment must be submitted to the advisory dean. If there is an ongoing health issue requiring
prescriptions, the advisory dean will request periodic verification of treatment from the student’s provider
regarding compliance with treatment requirements.
Medical Licensure
The United States Medical License Examination (USMLE) is a three-step examination for medical
licensure in the United States. USMLE is sponsored by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and
the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME). It is governed through a jointly appointed composite
committee consisting of representatives from the FSMB, the NBME, the Education Commission for Foreign
Medical Graduates (ECFMG), and the public. Step One assesses how well a student can apply the knowledge
and understanding of basic biomedical science, with an emphasis on principles and mechanisms of health,
disease, and modes of therapy. Step Two CK Clinical Knowledge (CK), assesses how well a student
can apply their medical knowledge and understanding of clinical science considered essential for the
provision of patient care under supervision, including emphasis on health promotion and disease
prevention. Steps One, Two CK and Three are computer-based and must be taken in certified
Prometric testing centers. Centers closest to Durham are in Raleigh and Greensboro. More information can
be obtained from the USMLE website at http://www.usmle.org.
Duke University medical students are required to take Steps One and Two CK prior to
graduation. Duke School of Medicine considers licensure to be the responsibility of the individual, so passing
is not a requirement for progress through the curriculum. However, students must sit for the exam prior to
graduation in order to complete graduation requirements and receive their diplomas. The Duke curriculum
is not directed to prepare students specifically for licensure examinations; however, satisfactory
performance in medical school should provide sufficient information and experience to pass these exams.
According to the NBME, “In order to be eligible to register for USMLE Step 3, students and graduates
of LCME- or AOA-accredited medical schools will be required to not only meet current
examination requirements (i.e., passing Step 1 and passing Step 2 CK). More information is available
at the USMLE website. Applications for Steps One and Two are available on the National Board of
Medical Examiners website (http://www.nbme.org).
Duke University medical students are required to take Steps 1 and 2 CK prior to graduation. Students may
take these examinations at any point throughout the curriculum. Duke University School of Medicine
considers licensure to be the responsibility of the individual, so passing is not a requirement for progress
through our curriculum. The Duke curriculum is not directed to prepare students specifically for licensure
examinations; however, satisfactory performance in medical school should provide sufficient information
and experience to pass these exams. Students are strongly encouraged to take the required examinations
by December, prior to their scheduled May graduation date.
Fourth Year Course Requirements
Fourth year students that did NOT satisfy the Clinical Skills continuity requirement for Year 3, are required
to take an approved 4 credits of outpatient clinic chosen from the list below. Students that were exempt
from completing the clinical skills continuity requirement during the third year because they were away
from Duke, in an approved second degree program, had a scholarship that precluded taking courses for
credit, or your mentor did not allow them to do the clinical skills continuity requirement, the approved
outpatient course they elect to complete in fourth year will count as part of your 28 credits required in
fourth year.
Students NOT exempt from the third year clinical skills continuity requirement but did not
complete it, are required to complete an approved outpatient course during the fourth year
but must add an additional four credits to the required 28 credits. These students will be
required to complete a total of 32 fourth year clinical credits in order to be cleared for
Courses that are approved to satisfy the Continuity Clinic Requirement (4 credit
option only):
MEDICINE 449C - Geriatric Medicine
NEUROSUR 404C - Neuro-Oncology
PEDS 402C - Pediatric Gastroenterology
(4 cr only)
PEDS 403C Med-Peds Ambulatory Rotation (4 cr
PEDS 413C Pediatric Pulmonary and Sleep
Medicine (4 cr . option only)
PEDS 421C - Peds Infectious Disease (4 cr . only)
PEDS 427C - Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
PEDS 429C - Pediatric Rheumatology (4 cr only)
PEDS 430C- Healthy Lifestyles Program: A Clinical,
Family-Based Approach to Pediatric Obesity
PEDS 431C- Clinical Pediatric Cardiology
PEDS 433C - Allergy and Clinical Immunology
PEDS 436C - Pediatric Neurology
PSYCHTRY 443C - Addiction Psychiatry
RADONC 415C - Radiation Oncology
ANESTH 446C- Acute and Chronic Pain
COMMFAM 423C - Occupational and Environmental
COMMFAM 433C Community Health
COMMFAM 435C - Health Promotion and
Disease Prevention
DERMATOL 450C Clinical Dermatology
MEDICINE 415C - Clinical Management of Obesity
MEDICINE 423C - Rheumatology
MEDICINE 428C Metabolism and Endocrinology
MEDICINE 434C - Outpatient Hematology/Oncology
(Duke or VA)
MEDICINE 431C - Adult Allergy and Clinical
- Clinical Arrythmia (outpatient
MEDICINE 446C - Nephrology
All fourth year students are required to have completed clinical electives that fulfill the following criteria by
the time of graduation:
-a four-week, 5-credit subinternship experience in the field of their choice, which must be
completed at Duke
-a four-week, 4 or 5 credit acute care elective, which must be completed at Duke. Enrollment in
one of the courses below would meet this requirement. (Students in the PCLT and LIC tracks are required
to take the second year Emergency Medicine: Longitudinal Experience course during the 2
year course
during second year). With the exception of the PCLT and LIC track students, students in the MD program
must complete the Acute Care Curriculum (INTERDIS 401C) simultaneously while they are enrolled in a
course that has been approved to satisfy the acute/critical care course requirement. This is under review
and subject to change.
If the student has had a placement in an Intensive Care Unit to meet their subinternship requirement, they
must select one of the other course options to meet the acute/critical care requirement.
Courses that satisfy the
Courses that satisfy the
Acute Care Requirement Subinternship Requirement
YN 407C
Note: The approved acute care courses and subinternships are currently under review and
are subject to change.
Fourth Year Courses that are considered Non-Direct Patient Care. (Up to 4 non-direct
patient care credits may count toward MS4 graduation credits).
Anesth 445C
Commfam 448C
Interdis 402C
Interdis 403C
Interdis 405C
Interdis 406C
Interdis 422C
Medicine 416C
Medicine 424C
Medicine 447C
Medicine 452C
Medicine 453C
Ophthal 420C
Physiology & Medicine of Extreme Environments
Introduction to Informatics
Introduction to Healthcare Markets and Policy for Practitioners
Narrative Medicine for Medical Learners
Responding to a National Pandemic
Physician Leadership: From Daily Challenges to Global Crisis
Exploring Medicine: Cross-Cultural Challenges to Medicine in the 21
Effective Clinical Teaching
Fluids and Electrolytes
Practitioners and Patients: The History of Clinical Medicine
Clinical Medical Ethics: What Would a Good Physician Do?
Medicine, Humanities and the Arts
Medical Ophthalmology
Section Numbers as Course Schedule Designators
Section numbers are used to designate the number of weeks a course is held and the time period during
which it is offered within the semester. It should be noted that courses must be taken during the officially
scheduled time periods. Faculty cannot make special arrangements with Duke students to
conduct courses outside of the approved Medical School calendar. For example, a course offered
only for sections 81 and 82 cannot be taken by the student during the time period coinciding with sections
42 and 43.
Section Place Within Term Section Place Within Term
16 Entire 16 41 First four weeks
81 First eight weeks 42 Second four weeks
82 Second eight weeks 43 Third four weeks
44 Fourth four weeks
On-line Web Registration and Drop/Add Procedures
Here are the easy steps
Students must complete the required verification process in DukeHub twice per year. Failure to do so will result in
the University Registrar placing a registration hold on your student account and you will be blocked from
registration. The SoM Registrar’s Office cannot remove or override the Hold.
Verify that there are no holds on your bursar account. The Registrar’s Office cannot remove holds placed
by another office.
DukeHub: https://dukehub.duke.edu/
(If you encounter any problems logging in, please contact the OIT Help Desk at 919-684-2200
Some courses require a permission number for enrollment. To obtain a permission number, please
contact the course director or their designee, as listed in the course description in DukeHub.
On-line registration and /drop/add dates and times will be posted on the registrar’s website
and students will be notified via email. The dates are also on the SoM MD program academic calendar.
Registration/Shopping Cart process:
Log into DukeHub
> enter your Username > enter your password
Adding Courses to your schedule in DukeHub:
Select the Dashboard and expand (looks like three lines, “pancake”)
Navigate to Class Information
Select Simple Class Search
(on the left side of page)
Verify that the Term, Career and Subject are correct
Navigate to the course to be added and click “View Sections”
Click on the icon that is 3 dots stacked on top of one another
Choose “enroll”
If course requires a permission number to enroll, (to be obtained from course director or their designee),
enter the number in the open field and click “Save”. If permission number is not required, click “Save”.
Verify enrollment by selecting “Grades” under the Academics Section.
ourse descriptions may be viewed from the DukeHub site using the class search feature. Students may
View the Fourth Year Elective Book, located on the Registrar’s Office webpage,
. Refer to the "addendums" section of the
SoM Registrar’s Office webpage (under “4
Year MD Students”) to view course/schedule changes. It is
not uncommon for the Registrar’s Office to receive changes (or new course approvals) after the
publication of the Electives book.
Dropping Courses in DukeHub:
Go to the dashboard
Expand side tool bar (click on the three lines in top right corner, “pancake”)
Navigate to Enrollment Section
Click View/Drop Courses
Make sure correct Term is displayed
Check the box next to each course that you want to drop
Click drop button
Confirm selection to be dropped
Important Notes
Several courses are approved as variable credit. Students must select the number of credits/units they plan to
enroll in. Otherwise, the system default will be applied.
Placing items in your shopping cart does not register you or guarantee a space in a course
Courses that have reached maximum enrollment limits are indicated as “full”
MED4 Students must enroll in a minimum of 8 credits each term. The exception is summer term, when they are
enrolled as a MED3 student in Thesis 301B.
Students may not exceed 5 credits per 4 week term and 10 credits
per 8 week term.
Students may not enroll in two courses during the same period of time if there are schedule conflicts.
The Med School schedule is broken down in the following sectionsfour-week consecutive sessions
(41, 42, 43, 44); two eight-week consecutive sessions (81, 82); or one 16 week session (16).
Students entering after fall 2011 must successfully complete at least 28 clinical credits during their
Fourth year to be cleared for graduation. For more information, please refer to the 4
Year Electives
book, under “Fourth Year Requirements”.
Students must complete the course in the term/section in which they are enrolled. Courses may not be
split into multiple terms/sections.
Courses can only be taken for the number of credits as approved by the Curriculum Committee
Students not taking classes during a 4 or 8 week period must be enrolled in either FREETIME or
submit an approved Independent Study form and the SoM Registrar will enroll you. Students do not
need to enroll in FREETIME during the fall term because they should be enrolled in INTERDIS 450C,
Capstone, for the entire term, section 16. Independent Study must be approved by your advisory
dean and a form submitted to the Registrar.
The School of Medicine does not use waitlists
Students that plan to take an additional year of research (CRS or OPTRS) must complete the required ORS or
CRS forms. Upon approval of the completed and approved forms, the SoM Registrar’s Office will
enroll the student in the appropriate term status.
Failure to register on-time will have tuition and financial aid ramifications, i.e.,- no initial
registration = no tuition bill = no financial aid = no refund. A professionalism form will be submitted for
students that fail to meet the registration deadline.
Please do not hesitate to contact medreg@dm.duke.edu or 919-684-2304, if you have any questions.
Additional Drop-Add Information:
On-line drop-add periods are held each semester. During these designated periods, students are permitted
to make changes in course selections for all sections. A second on-line drop-add period occurs prior to the
start of sections 82 and 43 and covers courses offered during the last eight weeks of the semester (sections
82, 43, and 44). Students that fail to make the requested changes outside of the on-line drop/add period
must complete a drop/add form via the DocuSign link on the SoM Registrar’s website.
Courses should not be dropped or added during the two-week period of time prior to the start of the
classes. This provides the course directors with a mechanism by which they can monitor and control
late changes in their course enrollment and to complete schedules.
Calendar for Registration and Drop/ Add Periods
The calendar for fourth year registration and drop/add periods for the 2021-2022 academic year are listed below.
Please remember that dates are subject to change:
Fourth Year Elective and Capstone Registration:
Term Registration First Day of Class Late Reg./Drop-Add
Summer 2021
Mar. 10 – Mar. 16, 2021
Apr. 19, 2021 No Online drop/add for
sections 81, 41,42
March 17- June 1, 2021
sections 82, 43, 44
Fall 2021
Mar. 31 – Apr.6, 2021
Aug. 23, 2021 Apr. 7 - July 30, 2021
MS3 Apr. 8 – Apr.14, 2020
(for 4
year electives) sections 81, 41, 42
Apr. 7 – Oct. 1, 2021
sections 82, 43, 44
Spring 2022
Nov. 3 – Nov. 9, 2021 Jan. 3, 2022 Nov. 10 Dec. 17, 2021
sections 81, 41, 42
Nov. 10 Feb. 5, 2022
sections 82, 43, 44
(Registration/Drop and Add Dates are Subject to Change)
Courses Taken through Other Divisions of Duke University
With the written approval of the advisory dean, courses can be taken in the Graduate School or in other
divisions of Duke University in lieu of instruction at the Duke University School of Medicine. The current
fees and tuition at the Medical School are charged. The student must obtain permission from the advisory
dean and the instructor of the course on a drop-add form. The approval is submitted to the School of
Medicine, Office of the Registrar, at least two weeks before the beginning of the course.
It is rare for a medical student to take undergraduate courses at Duke University School of Medicine.
However, if a student wishes to do so, he or she must follow the same procedures as above. Undergraduate
courses are entered onto the medical school record as audits and do not carry tuition charges. However,
any special fees for courses such as those in applied music and some physical education courses are
assessed. No more than one audit per semester can be taken.
a dual degree student (e.g., M.D./Ph.D., M.D./J.D.) is currently on leave from the Medical School to
pursue the alternate degree in another division of the University and wishes to take a course in a third
division, registration for that course must be made through the Office of the University Registrar’s, 1121
West Main Street, Suite 1200, Bevan (Coca-Cola) Building, Durham, NC 27701, (Box 104804), rather than
through the Office of the Registrar in the School of Medicine. For example, if an M.S.T.P. student registered
in the Graduate School working toward the Ph.D. wishes to take piano lessons through Trinity College (the
College of Arts and Sciences), that course must be put on the Graduate School record because the student
is not taking courses in the School of Medicine during the same time period.
Reciprocal Agreements with Neighboring Medical Schools
Under a plan of cooperation between the Duke University School of Medicine, the Wake Forest School of
Medicine, the Brody School of Medicine (East Carolina University School), and the University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill School of Medicine, degree candidates of one institution may participate in elective
courses for credit at one of the other schools. Courses taken usually are ones not available at the home
institution or not offered at times that can be accommodated by the students' schedules. Enrollment in
another institution is limited to one term and is contingent upon available space in the course(s). These
courses are regarded as "in house" electives at Duke and, as such, appear on the transcript with the
awarded grades.
Important Note: The amount of credit granted for an interinstitutional course is the same as that
awarded for a comparable course at Duke unless the course concerned is (1) a sub-internship, or (2)
offered for fewer credits and meets less often than its Duke counterpart. Students can earn a maximum of
four credits for sub-internships taken at any school other than Duke or UNC at Chapel Hill. The School of
Medicine sub internship requirement must be satisfied at Duke School of Medicine.
dents involved in this program are assessed the current Duke tuition and fees. Interinstitutional visitors
to Duke are charged neither tuition nor student health fees for this type of enrollment. Application for
elective courses are submitted and accepted via VSAS The Visiting Student Application Service,
Study Away Information
Students in the MD Program at Duke who have maintained a high level of academic performance
throughout their first two to three years are eligible to study at another institution and receive academic
credit at Duke for this experience. Students must have successfully completed all courses in the first two
years at Duke before they are eligible to study away for credit. It is
that students with any failures
or marginal performances at Duke will receive permission. It is not recommended a student study away
from Duke for credit during the four weeks prior to his or her graduation. Study Away applications are
available on the
and-resources website. Fourth year Study Away must be approved by the student’s advisory dean and the
Duke Risk Management Office and students may not begin their away rotation until the SoM Registrar’s
Office receives the approved study away application. Credit toward the Duke MD degree is not to exceed
nine units of clinical elective credit unless recommended by the Committee (exceptions, military students).
To obtain approval for work taken away from Duke University, the student must first contact her or his
advisory dean to determine if qualified. Transfer students and students receiving grades of "Fail" in any of
the core basic or clinical science courses of the first and second years even after successful remediation
may not be eligible for this option. Students that apply for an away rotation and obtain approval through
the Visiting Student Application Service (VSAS) must also complete the Study Away Application for the
School of Medicine. Copies of the elective books of selected medical schools are kept in the Reserve Room
at the Medical Center Library and are available for student usage.
on approval and receipt of the study away application, students are registered for the study away
rotation by the School of Medicine Registrar’s Office. (Clinical science courses are designated as
410C, 411C (UNC), 421C (WFU), and 431C (ECU).
The amount of credit awarded for study away work is
based upon that given for a comparable course at Duke. With the exception of those at UNC-Chapel Hill,
subinternships taken extramurally can earn a maximum of four credits at Duke).
The current Duke tuition,
rather than that of the visited institution, is assessed for extramural clinical science courses. Students may
not audit study away courses. Students are approved for credit only.
Students may take up to two approved away rotations (a total of 8 credits) during their fourth year. Credit
from additional approved away electives will not count toward the required graduation credits.
Note: When completing the on-line registration process through VSAS, students are asked for an access
number. That number must be obtained from Ms. Sheba Hall in the Student Affairs Office,
dents can receive no more than 4 credits for a subinternship completed away from Duke University
School of Medicine. (The exception is UNC, Wake Forest, or ECU- they may receive up to 5). Students
may receive 5 credits for a subinternship at an interinstitutional school but the maximum is 4 credits for all
other subinternships completed away from Duke School of Medicine. The away subinternship does not
satisfy the School of Medicine sub-internship requirement. That requirement must be satisfied at Duke
University School of
Medicine. The acute care requirement must also be satisfied at Duke University School
of Medicine. The current Duke tuition, rather than that of the visited institution, is assessed for extramural
clinical science courses.
Financial Aid When Studying Away
Need-based financial aid is available during the fourth year clinical elective years.
dents that wish to apply for need-based assistance should follow the application instructions and
deadlines as stated on the Financial Aid website,
office. Duke University School of Medicine policy dictates that all external scholarships replace need-
based loans first. At such time that these loans are replaced, then the grant portion of your aid award will
be reduced. This includes any merit scholarships as well. Total aid from all sources cannot exceed the
determined cost of attendance for the study away program you are participating in. Whenever aid
exceeds cost, there is an over award situation which is a violation of federal regulations (HEA section
673.5 (b) (2), 673.5 (D)). All effort has been made to ensure that you have all the financial aid you are
Need-based financial aid funds are not available for any added monthly cost at study away sites where
living expense is greater than if the student studies at Duke. Unsubsidized loans can be obtained for
these additional expenses.
e funds credited to your student account first go to pay any outstanding tuition or fees on your
account. Any remaining balance will be refunded to you.
Should you need additional information, please feel free to contact the Office of Financial Aid at 919-684-
6649 or via email,
DukeHub Website and Student Information System
Students can access the DukeHub website by navigating to, https://dukehub.duke.edu/.
This is the location in which students are able to obtain grades, register for classes, apply for graduation,
sign up for health insurance, check semester schedules, apply for graduation, review “To Do” lists, financial
aid and student account information, and update their addresses and phone numbers. Students access
DukeHub by using their net ID username and password, which are assigned upon entering their first year
of medical school. For assistance with passwords or access, students may call the OIT Help Desk at 684-
2200. By navigating the DukeHub website, students can not only keep informed, but interact directly with
the various systems of the medical school to ensure better communication and service. School of Medicine
students are strongly encouraged to become familiar with DukeHub in order to expedite the flow of
information and to address a variety of their needs as medical students.
Indebtedness to the University
It is the policy of Duke University to prohibit individuals who have past due balances on their accounts from
registering for future terms. Individuals are sent letters informing them as to the amount of money due to
the University and instructions to contact University Cashiering, Smith Warehouse, Bay 8, Box 90759, (919-
684-3531), immediately to pay or make satisfactory arrangements to settle the debt. Failure to obtain
clearance from the Bursar's Office prevents students from registering for the next term. Consequently, if
barred from registering until the late registration date, students are not in a competitive position to gain
entrance into popular courses. The Office of the Registrar cannot remove any financial block and
cannot register a student with a block. It is extremely important to have all financial issues
resolved before the on-line registration time period begins.
individual who is in default is not allowed to register for classes, receive a transcript of academic records,
have academic credits certified, be granted a leave of absence, or receive a diploma at graduation. In
addition, an individual in default may be subject to withdrawal from the school.
Internship Interviews
It is the recommendation of the School of Medicine that a student miss no more than 3 days in any four
week course/clerkship/elective. It is, however, at the discretion of the course instructor to determine the
number of allowable days a student can miss for the purpose of interviewing. The student must give the
instructor of the effected course sufficient notice of his or her intention to be away for an interview so that
a mutual determination can be made as to the best time to be absent. A time away request form may need
to be completed. This ensures that the learning experience in that course is in no way jeopardized. Students
must confer with the instructor to complete missed time and work in a timely manner. Students must
complete missed time within the same semester that they were enrolled in the course.
School of Medicine Severe Weather Attendance Policy
The School of Medicine will handle the cancellation of classes in the following manner:
School of Medicine students will follow the Provost's decision in regards to cancellation of classes. If
classes are cancelled, students should not report for any medical school activities (classes, labs,
clerkships, clinical assignments, etc.) and if students are on service they must leave when the policy is
implemented. Course directors, mentors, and faculty are aware of this policy so that individual decisions
should not be made.
These decisions can be determined by calling 684-4636 (INFO) or by visiting the School of Medicine,
Office of the Registrar’s website, registrar.mc.duke.edu, theDukeAlert” site, http://emergency.duke.edu
or http://www.duke.edu/today/.
Please note that 684-INFO and http://emergency.duke.edu are considered the official communication for
inclement weather announcements.
M.S.T.P. and Ph.D. Students Returning to Medical School
After successfully completing all required courses, Responsible Conduct for Research (RCR) and
examinations for the Ph.D. degree in the Graduate School, the MSTP student may return to the School of
Medicine to resume course work on the condition that he or she: (a) provides the MSTP Office with the
signed thesis defense exam card and (b) meets with the appropriate advisory dean to discuss educational
goals and to obtain that dean’s signature prior to web registration. Upon completion of the Ph.D. degree,
36 basic science credits are awarded in transfer by the School of Medicine. Students must provide the
School of Medicine with a copy of their “completed” Graduate School transcript in order for third year credit
to be awarded to the School of Medicine transcript.
Withdrawal from the MST program prior to completion of the PhD degree
Students who leave the MST Program in their
first year
of graduate school will be required to complete
all of the requirements of the School of Medicine’s third year. Research activities performed during this
year are not considered sufficient to fulfill the third year study program requirements because:
1. T
he goal of the graduate rotations is to expose students to the research environment of a laboratory
and the mentoring style of the PI, and not necessarily to complete a piece of in depth research.
2. The short (1-3 months), does not provide a complete and in-depth research experience.
In contrast, a 3rd year study project is designed to require 10-12 months of full time research under
a single mentor, culminating in a document over which the student is rigorously examined. The
student is responsible for the research design and execution, as well as the intellectual and scholarly
underpinnings and trajectory of the work.
Students leaving graduate school
completing their first year of graduate school
may be
eligible for
full or partial credit towards their third year project requirements. Suitability of their research experience
in graduate school for fulfilling their 3
year medical school requirements will be determined by the 3
Year program study committee. They will be required to fulfill the thesis, course work, and examination
requirements of the 3
year of medical school plus the remainder, if any, of the research experience.
All students leaving the MSTP program at
any time
before completing the PhD degree will be
responsible for all tuition and fees associated with enrollment in the School of Medicine for
the Third Year. This is applicable regardless of whether full or partial credit is given for the research
portion of their graduate work towards fulfilling the third year requirements. Students will be removed
from MSTP funding when they de-matriculate from the MST Program, but may apply for School of
Medicine financial aid programs.
Student Health Fee during Periods of Non-Enrollment
Payment of a fee for the student health program is mandatory of all students unless the student or her or
his spouse is a Duke employee.
student who is not registered for a summer semester but who intends to remain in Durham may also
retain coverage by paying the appropriate fee. Requests to be assessed the summer student health fee for
periods of non-enrollment should be directed to the Student health representative, Kelan Beacham,
(kelan.[email protected]u). Students desiring student health fee coverage for periods of non-enrollment
during the
fall and spring terms
of the academic year must petition the University Dean for Student Life for
It should be noted that fees cannot be paid retroactively for coverage during periods of non-
Duke students enrolled elsewhere through the interinstitutional program or in the Duke/UNC
Public Health Program are charged the health fee along with Duke tuition.
Transcripts of Academic Record
Please Note: Transcripts are processed daily at the time you place the order. If you need a transcript
reflecting final grades, please submit your request after you verified all of your final grades have been
posted in your DukeHub account. If you need a transcript reflecting your degree posted, please wait until
after the semester has ended and the graduation ceremony is complete to submit the request.
Duke University has authorized Parchment, Inc. to provide transcript ordering.
This site clearly guides you through the ordering process, including delivery options and fees. Multiple
transcripts may be ordered in a single session by adding them to the cart. Order updates will be emailed
and you can check your order status or history online. Transcripts will not be processed if an account is
flagged for outstanding financial obligations to the University. FedEx charges can be paid via MasterCard,
Discover, or Visa. The card will only be charged after the order has been completed.
lease refer to the website above for more information about delivery options, transcript fees, etc.
ERAS Transcript Requests:
Transcript requests for ERAS must be requested on-line though DukeHub
(Parchment). Students should request that they be sent electronically via a secure email, to
. The transcripts will be uploaded to ERAS by a member of the Student Affairs
Withdrawal Policy School of Medicine
If a student withdraws from a program during the first three weeks of the semester, including involuntary
withdrawal/dismissal for academic or professionalism reasons, all tuition is refunded. A student who
withdraws from the program later in the term will have no tuition refunded and the status of the student
is indicated on the permanent record with a W (Withdrawn).
Voluntary withdrawal from a program is initiated at the request of the student. Discussion with the student’s
advisory dean is required. Such requests must be submitted in writing using the “Change” form located
on the School of Medicine Registrar website. The completed form, with all required signatures, should be
submitted to the School of Medicine’s Office of the Registrar. The Registrar will notify course faculty as
appropriate, the School of Medicine’s Office of Financial Aid, Office of Curriculum, and Duke Bursar Office.
It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Bursar’s Office regarding fulfillment of financial obligations
to the University. It is also the student’s responsibility to meet with a Financial Aid Office representative to
discuss adjustments to aid and federal exit requirements.
The Promotions Committee is responsible for recommending to the Vice Dean of Medical Education if a
student should be involuntarily withdrawn/dismissed for academic or professionalism reasons. The student
will be notified in writing with copy to the SOM Registrar. A student wishing to appeal a decision may do
so to the Vice Dean of Medical Education within two weeks of the notification. If there is a reversal in the
decision, the Vice Dean will notify the Registrar. The Registrar will notify course faculty and as appropriate,
the School of Medicine’s Office of Financial Aid, Office of Curriculum, Duke Bursar Office, and Advisory
Community and Family Medicine
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Radiation Oncology
The suffix of "C" denotes a clinical science course.
Duke University School of
Courses of Instruction
Clinical Science Electives
ANESTH-401C. Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Sub-Internship. The cardiothoracic
intensive care sub-internship will allow fourth year medical students to be exposed to and
participate in the care of the post-operative and critically ill cardiac and thoracic surgery patient.
This patient population has the highest rate of invasive monitoring, echocardiographic and
hemodynamic assessment, and advanced circulatory support including utilization of inotropes,
vasopressors, and mechanical circulatory support devices (LVAD, RVAD, IABP). A working
knowledge of these concepts will be critical to a future career in Anesthesiology, Critical Care
Medicine, or Surgery. This sub-internship level course will allow students to participate in patient
care 6 days a week. This will be an in-depth experience in cardiac critical care medicine. Students
will be evaluated on their knowledge, skills, and ability to facilitate patient care in this
environment. Students will be expected to take a high degree of ownership of their patients,
communication between the critical care, surgery, and anesthesia teams will be emphasized. This
sub-internship course will not fulfill acute care curriculum requirement. For more information
contact Dr. Quintin Quinones at [email protected].edu or Lori Hester,
[email protected]. Permission of the instructor is required for enrollment. Credit: 5.
Enrollment: Max-2 Min-1. Quintin Quinones MD, PhD; Raquel Bartz, MD; Kamrouz Ghadimi,
MD; Jack Haney, MD; Nazish Hashimi, MD; Ehimemen Iboaya, MD; Jerrold Levy, MD; Sharon
McCartney, MD; Mihai Podgoreanu, MD; Jacob Schroeder, MD; Madhav Swaminathan, MBBS;
Annemarie Thompson, MD; and Ian Welsby, MBBS, BSc
ANESTH-402C. Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Elective. The cardiothoracic intensive
care elective will allow fourth year medical students to be exposed to and participate in the care of
the post-operative and critically ill cardiac and thoracic surgery patient. This patient population
has the highest rate of invasive monitoring, echocardiographic and hemodynamic assessment, and
advanced circulatory support including utilization of inotropes, vasopressors, and mechanical
circulatory support devices (LVAD, RVAD, IABP). A working knowledge of these concepts will
be critical to a future career in Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine, or Surgery. This elective
level course will allow students to participate in patient care 5 days a week. This will be an in-
depth experience in cardiac critical care medicine. Students will be evaluated on their knowledge,
skills, and ability to facilitate patient care in this environment. This elective will fulfill acute care
curriculum requirement. For more information contact Dr. Quintin Quinones at
[email protected] or Lori Hester, [email protected]. Permission of the instructor
is required for enrollment. Credit: 4. Enrollment: Max-4 Min-1. Quintin Quinones MD, PhD;
Raquel Bartz, MD; Kamrouz Ghadimi, MD; Jack Haney, MD; Nazish Hashimi, MD; Ehimemen
Iboaya, MD; Jerrold Levy, MD; Sharon McCartney, MD; Mihai Podgoreanu, MD; Jacob
Schroeder, MD Madhav Swaminathan, MBBS; Annemarie Thompson, MD; and Ian Welsby,
ANESTH-430C. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. Students participate actively in
assigned patient care and clinical projects. Well-focused segments of ongoing clinical work
provide intensive exposure to clinical physiology and pharmacology. Students will be assigned an
attending physician (mentor), desk and computer space in the Hyperbaric Center. Consultative
services are provided for inpatients and outpatients from orthopedics, medicine, radiation
oncology, intensive care units, and preoperative and postoperative care units. Specific indications
for hyperbaric oxygen therapy are used in clinical care and in developing translational projects.
Students are guided in producing concrete clinical presentations and reports related to the field.
For more information please contact Dr. Piantadosi at 684-6143. Secondary contact: Dr. Jake
Freiberger, 668-0032. Students should meet for rounds on the first day of classes promptly at 7:30
a.m. The location is Hyperbaric Center Library, 0588 White Zone, CR II Building. Credit: 4.
Enrollment Max 1. Claude Piantadosi, MD, and staff
ANESTH-440C. Clinical Anesthesiology. The student will participate in the pre-, intra-, and
post-operative anesthetic management of patients while assigned to an individual resident or
attending anesthesiologist. The student will spend time in the general operating rooms, the cardio-
thoracic operating rooms, and in various subspecialty areas, such labor and delivery, pediatric
operating rooms, neurosurgical operating rooms, regional anesthesiology service, and/or acute
pain management. Learning opportunities will include pre-operative patient evaluation, anesthetic
technique selection, airway management, pharmacology, physiology, and anatomy, as well as
procedures such as vascular access, ultrasound, and patient monitoring. These areas will be
reinforced by problem-based learning discussions, Grand Rounds, and other conferences. In the
summer and fall, priority in registration is given to students considering careers in Anesthesiology.
Students MUST attend the first day of the section, and are strongly advised not to miss any of the
first week. More than 4 absences are not permitted. Schedules for the class will be emailed out
prior to the start of the course. For questions and to obtain permission numbers, please contact
Elizabeth Futrell ([email protected]) or 919-668-3400. Permission is required for
enrollment during summer section 44 and for fall section 41. (Not offered during summer section
43). Enrollment for other sections will be on a first come/first served basis effective summer 2021.
Enrollment Max: 4. Credit: 4. Elizabeth Malinzak, MD, Grace McCarthy, MD, and Staff
ANESTH-441C. Subinternship in SICU. This course is designed to broaden the student's
knowledge and experience in managing critically ill surgical patients. Under supervision, students
function as sub-interns in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) in 6 West DMP. Students are
assigned their own patients and actively participate in daily rounds as part of the SICU team. The
ICU Fellows provide lectures on multiple aspects of critical care. Students take call one night in
four and work on a one-on-one basis with SICU house staff in the supervised management of
critically ill patients. There is emphasis on teaching of procedures and techniques necessary for
the management of critically ill patients including vascular access, airway management,
hemodynamic assessment and monitoring, cardiovascular resuscitation and use of vasoactive
drugs, ventilator management, prevention and management of nosocomial infections, and ethical
decision making in ICU. Students are formally evaluated by the SICU house staff and the attending
physician. C-L: SURGERY 441C. Credit: 5. Enrollment: max 2. Christopher Young, MD; Amy
Alger, MD; Suresh Agarwal, MD; Raquel Bartz, MD; Kelli Brooks, MD; Joe Fernandez-Moure,
MD; Krista Haines, MD; Taylor Herbert, MD; Melanie Hollidge, MD; George Kasotakis, MD;
Nancy Knudsen, MD; Vijay Krishnamoorthy, MD; Nitin Mehdiratta, MD; Sean Montgomery, MD;
Jamie Privratsky, MD; Lisa Pickett, MD; Quintin Quinones, MD; Susan Rowell, MD; Vanessa
Schroder, MD; Arturo Suarez, MD; Steven Vaslef, MD, PhD; Cory Vatsaas, MD; and Paul
Wischmeyer, MD
ANESTH-445C. Physiology & Medicine of Extreme Environments. Advanced topics in
the physiology and medicine of: altered ambient pressure, immersion, gravity, temperature,
breathing gas composition and hibernation. Environments considered include: diving and
hyperbaric medicine; hot/cold terrestrial and water operations; microgravity and high-g
acceleration; high altitude; space. Basic mechanisms and medical management of associated
diseases are examined including: decompression sickness, altitude sickness, hypothermia and
hyperthermia, hypoxia, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide poisoning, oxygen toxicity. Practical
applications: pressure vessel design and operation, life support equipment, cardiorespiratory
physiology measurements at low and high pressure, simulated dive and flight (optional). Reading:
The Biology of Human Survival Life and Death in Extreme Environments, Claude A Piantadosi
(author) Prerequisites: Human anatomy and physiology. Attendance, either on-line via webex or
in person is MANDATORY unless otherwise approved by the course director, in order to receive
credit. Examinations are open notes / open book short essay. The course will meet weekly on
Thursday evenings from 5:00pm until 7:30pm beginning in January, in the Hyperbaric Center
Library (room 0584). Basement, White Zone, Bldg. CR II. For more information contact Dr. Bruce
Derrick: email [email protected] . Email permission of instructor is required. Credit: 1,
Non-Direct Patient Care credit. Enrollment: max 15, min. 10. Bruce Derrick, MD, and Richard
Moon, MD
ANESTH-446C. Acute and Chronic Pain Management. Students will participate in both
inpatient and outpatient pain management. Each student is assigned daily to an individual fellow
or attending physician who supervises the student's active involvement. This involvement
emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach appropriate for the individual patient. Topics reviewed
include pharmacotherapy including opioid management, interventional procedures such as
epidural and peripheral nerve catheter placement, nerve blocks, neurolytic procedures, as well as
implantable devices. The benefits of physical and psychological therapy are stressed. Students will
observe and/or participate in various interventional procedures. In addition to this clinical work,
students attend daily anesthesia conference and weekly grand rounds. The course is offered each
elective period throughout the year. More than two absences must be made up, and if more than
five absences are anticipated, the elective should be re-scheduled. Student with questions may
contact Dr. Lance Roy ([email protected]) or Elizabeth Futrell ([email protected]).
This rotation assignment includes clinic assignments at the Durham VA Medical Center. If you do
not have a PIV badge, you will need to complete the required VA paperwork at least 30 days prior
to the start of the rotation. For questions about the VA paperwork, please contact Clyde Meador
([email protected]) Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 2, min 1. Lance Roy, MD and Arun Ganesh,
Community and Family Medicine
COMMFAM-401C. Sub-Internship in Family Medicine. Sub internship in Family
Medicine. This course provides senior medical students with an intense patient and population-
oriented clinical rotation with responsibilities and autonomy similar to that of an intern. This
clerkship will provide a unique opportunity to participate in the departments effort to test new
models of care in the delivery of team-based chronic disease management in the ambulatory and
community setting. Students will see patients supervised by senior faculty at Duke Family
Medicine Center and have an opportunity to see patients with the duke family medicine residents
in clinic and the long term care setting. Each clerk will participate in a PDSA project in conjunction
with the Population Health team. At least 50% of the rotation will be direct clinical care in the
Duke Family Medicine Center at Pickens or North Duke Street. The remaining will occur with the
Population Health Resident, independent projects, home visits, or long term care facility. Clinical
instruction and supervision on each patient encounter is provided by senior level house staff and
faculty members of the Department of Community and Family Medicine. Students are advised to
contact the department as early as possible for course approval (at least eight weeks in advance).
No drops are permitted within 60 days of the first day of the rotation. Priority will be given to
students with an interest in a career in primary care. For more information, please contact the
Coordinator of Medical Student Programs at 919-681-3066. Permission is required. Credit: 5.
Enrollment: max 2 per session. Brian Halstater, MD; and Nancy Weigle, MD
COMMFAM-403C. Community Clinic Leadership Elective - Holton Clinic. Over the
course of the both semesters students will provide leadership to the DSOM Holton
Clinic, operating at Holton Wellness Center from 5:30-9:30pm on Fridays. Under the
supervision of a clinician, students will lead the clinical team through overseeing the care of
patients, developing care management plans, and supervising MS1s. Students will be responsible
for weekly operations of the clinic, such as scheduling students, follow-up with patients, and
coordinating with clinic staff. Additionally, students will define goals for learner development
and patient care, and engage in quality improvement that impact learners (i.e. developing
teaching modules). Offered to approved 3rd and 4th year medical students. Third year
students must obtain approval to enroll from their third year mentor. Third year students will
receive one clinical credit toward their fourth year upon successful completion. NOTE: Students
may only sign up for the Holton Clinic or the Fremont Clinic. Students may not enroll in both
courses. This is a longitudinal course. A grade of "Z" will be entered in the fall term and
credit will be awarded in the spring term. Credit: 1; Enrollment Max.: 6. Prerequisite:
Permission of instructor is required. Course is graded “Credit or No Credit”. To Be Determined
COMMFAM-404C. Community Clinic Leadership Elective - Fremont Clinic. Over the
course of the both semesters students will provide leadership to the Fremont Clinic, operating at
Fremont Clinic from 7:30am-1:30pm on Saturdays, once a month. Under the supervision of
a clinician, students will lead the clinical team through overseeing the care of patients,
developing care management plans, and supervising MS1s. Students will be responsible
for monthly operations of the clinic, such as scheduling students and preceptors and
handling any clinic supplies needed. Additionally, students will define goals for learner
development and patient care, and engage in quality improvement that impact learners (i.e.
developing teaching modules). This course is offered to approved 3rd and 4th year medical
students. Third year students must obtain
approval to enroll from their third year mentor. Third year students will receive one clinical credit
toward their fourth year upon successful completion. NOTE: Students may only sign up for the
Holton Clinic or the Fremont Clinic. Students may not enroll in both courses. This course is
considered longitudinal. A "Z" grade and zero credit will be entered for the fall term. Credit (CR)
will be awarded with one credit upon successful completion during the spring term. Credit: 1;
Enrollment Max. 6. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor is required. Course is graded “Credit or
No Credit”. Barbara Sheline, MD
COMMFAM-410C. Travel Medicine at Duke Student Health. Health education,
immunizations, and medications pertinent to the traveler compose a distinct area of medical
knowledge that has not otherwise been addressed in the curriculum. The medical student taking
this course will review the major infectious illnesses of concern for each travel area. They will be
responsible for the medical knowledge base and patient education needs about the mode of
transmission and typical presentation of these illnesses, available behavioral intervention
prevention methods, available vaccine prevention, options of chemical prophylaxis, and treatment
if prevention is not successful. Students that took this course as a 2 week selective cannot take this
course as a four-week elective. Permission is required. Enrollment max: 1. Credit: 2. Contact: the
Coordinator of Medical Student Programs at 919-681-3066 for permission. Please Note: 8:00am
will be the start time unless otherwise instructed by Dr. Trost and you will need to meet at the
Student Health Center, 305 Towerview Drive. Melanie Trost, MD
COMMFAM-423C. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. This elective is
designed to enhance the student's skills in several important areas related to occupational medicine:
occupational injury and illness prevention, epidemiology, health management for employee
populations including COVID response for employee exposures, industrial toxicology, worksite
wellness, and prevention programs. During this four week rotation, students will complete readings
related to these areas, observe surveillance exams and prospective health planning visits,
participate in lectures and seminars, learn to conduct computerized database searches concerning
industrial toxicology, and (as available) visit industrial sites. Students will also complete at least
one project involving one of the topics above. Upon completion of the rotation, students can expect
to have practical and useful skills applicable to occupational medicine and work site health
programs. Credit: 4. Two months advance notice and permission from instructor is required.
Permission is required for enrollment. Enrollment: max 1 student per month. All interested
students should contact the Coordinator of Medical Student Programs at 681-3066. Satish
Subramanium MD, Dennis Darcey, MD, Carol Epling MD
COMMFAM-433C. Community Health. This elective introduces students to the concepts
and practice of community-engaged and population health improvement. Population-based health
care is becoming increasingly important in addressing the health needs of the United States. This
elective helps students understand how Duke University Health System serves communities
through collaborative, innovative, interdisciplinary clinical services, educational programs, and
applied research. By allowing students to participate in actual programs, role modeling and
experiential learning are used to supplement and apply what is learned in the required text-based
materials of the course. Because the specific course activities depend upon the student's particular
interests and the community health activities ongoing at the time of the elective, each student's
experience will be individually designed. Participation in this course requires instructor
permission. Students must contact Dr. Anh Tran, Program Director, at least six weeks prior to the
start of the course via email at [email protected]. At that time, Dr. Tran and the student, along
with community programming faculty and staff, will plan the specific activities that will be
undertaken by that student, and establish the requirements for the student's successful completion
of the course. For more specific information about the course, students may contact Jan Willis
([email protected]), Training Coordinator in the Division of Community Health, at 919-681-
7007. Details on course meeting location, days and time will be communicated prior to the first
day of class. Credit: 4; Enrollment max: 1. Anh Tran, PhD, MPH, Course Director
COMMFAM-435C. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. This elective is an
intensive clinical experience in health promotion and disease prevention. Students see patients in
the Duke Family Medicine Center, Duke Affiliated Programs, and Duke Community Health
Programs. They will participate in a variety of activities designed to help them provide excellent
health maintenance care. Specific content areas addressed include risk assessment, counseling
skills in nutrition, safe sex practices, and smoking and alcohol cessation, as well as screening tests
and immunizations. Students will be introduced to the practical implementation of preventative
care in the clinical and community setting. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Family
Medicine Clerkship (Commfam 205C). Two months advance notice. All interested students should
contact the Coordinator of Medical Student Programs, at 919-681-3066. Permission is
required. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 2. Brian Halstater, MD and Nancy Weigle, MD
COMMFAM-448C. Introduction to Informatics. This elective provides students with an
opportunity to explore the integration of medicine and information technologies in an experiential
manner by working on an ongoing or self-initiated medical IT project. In doing so, students will
gain an understanding of the field of clinical informatics and the role it plays in the national effort
to improve quality of care and eliminate medical errors. Additionally, topics students will explore
include: Electronic medical systems (e.g. EHR, PHR, CPOE, CDS); Role of health IT in patient
safety; Health information standardization (e.g. HL7); and Medical Information
Terminologies/Taxonomies (e.g. SNOMED). For more information about the course, students
should contact the Duke Center for Health Informatics, Vivian West, PhD via email at
[email protected], or by phone, 919-668-0189. Offered during spring section 42 only.
Permission is required. Credit: 4, Non-Direct Patient Care credit. Enrollment: max: 8. Ed
Hammond, PhD
COMMFAM-449C. Community and Family Medicine Preceptorship. An individually
tailored preceptorship which allows students to observe and participate in aspects of the broad
scope of Community and Family Medicine, including delivery of care to individuals, families, and
populations within the context of the community in which they live. The rotation supplements and
complements the second-year core clerkship, and allows the student further exploration of specific
areas of interest. A variety of practice types and geographic locations are typically available based
on preceptor availability; students may choose from a list or nominate a new site. All interested
students should contact the Coordinator of Medical Student Programs at 681-3066 to arrange a
rotation in their area of interest. Because of the necessity for site approval and prior arrangements
with preceptors, it is essential that this contact be made as soon as possible and AT LEAST SIX
MONTHS prior to the desired rotation. Drops are not accepted. Prerequisites: Permission of
instructor is required. Enrollment max. 1. Credit: 4. Nancy Weigle, MD and staff
Clinical Science Electives
DERMATOL-401C. Dermatology Inpatient Consults. Dermatology Inpatient Consults
offers an option for fourth year students who are interested in a brief introduction to dermatology.
Students will participate in the evaluation and management of hospitalized patients and will have
the opportunity to work directly with the dermatology chief resident and consult attending. Please
note students are given a 4-week period to complete the clinical requirements for this is a 2-credit
course. Students select 10 weekdays to round with the consult team. This course is ideally taken
as a 2-week block, but non-consecutive days within the 4 week course are permissible. Students
will be contacted prior to the start date to Dr. Caroline Rao is the course director and may be
reached at [email protected] or 681-3590 Secondary contact: Jessica Braddock,
([email protected]). Credit: 2. Enrollment: max 1. Caroline Rao, MD; Adela Cardones,
MD; Sabrina Shearer, MD; Adam Brys, MD
DERMATOL-450C. Clinical Dermatology. The elective in clinical dermatology is
designed to prepare students to perform an accurate skin examination, formulate appropriate
differential diagnoses, and choose relevant diagnostic or therapeutic interventions. This course is
valuable to any student interested in improving their ability and confidence in the cutaneous exam.
Students in the rotation spend two weeks working in the outpatient dermatology clinics, one week
on the inpatient consult service at Duke, and one week at the Durham VA Medical Center. The
outpatient clinical experience includes general dermatology clinics as well as a variety of specialty
clinics such as pediatric dermatology, HIV dermatology, cutaneous oncology. Patient care is
supplemented with lectures designed to provide the student with a foundation in dermatologic
principles, and students are encouraged to attend weekly departmental teaching conferences.
Student evaluations are based on the development of clinical skills as assessed by faculty and
residents, and by a brief case review. Students are to report to the Dermatology Clinic, VA Medical
Center clinic 8A on 8:30 a.m. on the first day of the rotation for orientation. NOTE: Students are
responsible for ensuring access to the VA electronic medical record. Please contact (contact Clyde
Meador at [email protected]ov) no less than 60 days from the first day of the section in which
he/she is enrolled. Dr. Caroline Rao is the course director and may be reached at
[email protected]. Secondary contact: Jessica Braddock, ([email protected]).
Credit: 4. Enrollment: max. 3, except where otherwise indicated. Sole Enrollment. Students may
not enroll in any other daytime courses while enrolled in this course. Caroline Rao, MD, Sabrina
Shearer, MD; Tara Jaleel MD; Amber Fresco, MD and other staff
Free Time
Clinical Science Electives
FREETIME-450C. Free Time. Students with no classes scheduled for a particular section
should sign up for free time.
Clinical Science Electives
INTERDIS-401C. Acute Care Curriculum. Critical Care is not limited by location and
focuses on the care of patients with acute life-threatening illnesses. Every practitioner needs the
ability and fundamental knowledge to quickly recognize and initiate appropriate, timely
management which can prevent further patient deterioration and end-organ damage and recognize
when help is needed. Multidisciplinary care depends on respect and communication for the best
outcomes. The cost of health care continues to grow and much of it is spent in the intensive care
setting, often in the last months of life. The use of technology must be tempered with sound
judgment and quality versus quantity must be addressed. The course should be taken
simultaneously with the four-week, four-credit course that will satisfy the acute care course
requirement as the courses build on the clinical environment and vice versa. Offered summer 42
(minimum of 5 students/no drops); 43, and 44; fall 41, 42, and 43; spring 41, 42, and 44. Primary
Contact Dr. Nancy Knudsen ([email protected]). No Credit. Enrollment max: 18; min: 4.
Nancy Knudsen, MD
INTERDIS-402C. Introduction to Healthcare Markets and Policy for Practitioners. The
purpose of this elective is to provide students with a working understanding of the business and
policies that drive the U.S. healthcare system. The course structure is designed to be engaging with
interactive case studies, small group discussion, and visiting faculty lecturers from the Duke-
Margolis Center and Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. The 90-minute sessions will
take place on weekday evenings in the Trent-Semans Center, once per month from September to
April. Students are expected to attend or view a recording (with written summary) of 9/9 sessions.
Student may utilize the "online view and review" option no more than three times. For more
information, please contact Don Bradley ([email protected]). Credit: 1, Non-Direct Patient
Care Credit. Enrollment max: 115; min. 10. Note: credit will be awarded in the spring term. Don
Bradley, MD
INTERDIS-403C. Narrative Medicine for Medical Learners. This elective course is a
fourth year clinical elective where students will discuss selected works of literature that address
the human condition in a way that is meaningful to physicians-in-training. The course is open to
third and fourth year medical students. The aim is to incorporate literature into the medical training
experience, give students the opportunity to practice reflective writing, and the space to explore
the humanistic roots of medicine. In this course we will examine the intersection between the
domains of narrative and medicine through the study of diverse representations of medical issues.
Among the questions we will ask are: how does narrative give us greater insight into illness,
medical treatment, doctor-patient relationships, and other aspects of health and medicine? How do
illness and other experiences within the realm of medicine influence ways of telling stories? How
do doctors’ perspectives and patients’ perspectives differ, and what, if anything, should be done to
close those differences? Attendance to all sessions is mandatory. However, with advanced
approval from the course director, a student may miss one session, but the student must submit a
written reflection of the readings for the missed session, as outlined by the course director, in order
to receive credit for the course. This course will be offered during the first eight weeks of the
spring term. The course will meet once a week for eight weeks, on Wednesday evenings, starting
in January, from 5:15p - 7:15p. For questions, please contact Dr. Quaranta via email,
brian.quaranta @duke.edu. Credit: 1, Non-Direct Patient Care credit. Enrollment Max.:10; Min.
8. Brian Quaranta, MD
INTERDIS-406C. Physician Leadership: From Daily Challenges to Global Crises. This
course will be a seminar-type offering, with guest lectures, readings and video content providing
the basis for discussions on the leadership challenges physicians face at all levels during times of
crisis at the local, regional, national and international level. The course will include presentations
from local and international leaders addressing issues physician leaders will face daily and in times
of crisis. The course will contribute 40 hours to Leadership Certificate Pathway. Course schedule:
- 8 week course; meets virtually once a week (Thursdays, 6pm - 8pm), 120 min per session: Each
session will be broken down in to intro/guest lecture presentation(s), breakout sessions of 5-6
students, and sharing from breakouts. Enrollment Max.: 40; Credit: 1. Course directors: Joe Doty,
PhD and Dean Taylor, MD. Faculty: Lee Diehl, MD; Tal Lassiter, MD; Walter Lee, MD; Diana
McNeill, MD; Chan Park, MD; Cecily Peterson, MD; Lisa Pickett, MD; Fatima Syed, MD; Erica
Taylor; MD.
INTERDIS-407C. Duke Design Health Fellows Program. The Duke University Design
Health Fellows Program is an interdisciplinary, patient-focused program that discovers pressing
needs in healthcare and assembles teams from across engineering, business, medicine and other
disciplines to create solutions. The program provides an immersive learning experience to
undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate fellows who actively identify, validate, prioritize and
solve problems that have an impact on human health. At its foundation, the program seeks to
educate students in innovation through immersion and project-based learning. It also aspires to
serve as a source of identified needs and intellectual property that feeds into other design and
entrepreneurship activities at Duke and beyond. Maximum Enrollment: 10; Credit: 1-4. Eric S.
Richardson, PhD
INTERDIS-422C. Exploring Medicine: Cross-Cultural Challenges to Medicine in the
21st Century. The purpose of this course is to promote understanding the cultural background of
the people of Latin America (particularly Honduras) and how that impacts the delivery of medical
care. The course content is designed to facilitate understanding how art, history, literature, music,
geography, ethics and religion influence the practice of medicine in the Latin American Culture.
The Classes will be given by multidisciplinary faculty from Duke, the University of Colorado, and
local experts. Medical Spanish instruction is included in each class to facilitate understanding the
culture and facilitate encounters with Spanish speaking patients in our own environments as well
as in Honduras. The course will be held as a 2 hour seminar for 12 weeks (begins in early January)
with the trip to Honduras as an optional laboratory experience. There will be 20 hours of
instruction. For more information, please contact Dr. Clements via email
([email protected]) or 684-7790. Secondary contact: Rosa Solorzano,
([email protected]). Students meet for the first day of classes in the School of
Nursing Amphitheater the first Tuesday of the Spring Semester at 6:00 p.m. This fourth year
elective was approved, effective spring 2013, for third and fourth year medical students. Third year
students must obtain mentor approval. Non-direct patient care elective. Credit: 1 Enrollment - up
to 10 students. Dennis Clements, MD/PhD
INTERDIS-423C. Honduras Trip. A 10 day trip to Honduras is planned to begin the end
of April with approximately 15 students invited. Interdis 422C is a prerequisite for this trip. A
certain number of students with Spanish fluency are needed for the trip. Those traveling to
Honduras will visit a local Honduran hospital and additionally provide medical care to patients in
the Gracias area during 6 days of the trip. A trip to Copan and an indigenous Mayan community
is also planned. There is a $3000 fee that is required for this course and will be charged upon
enrollment. For more information and permission, please contact Dr. Clements at 684-7790 or
via email at [email protected]. Secondary contact: Rosa Solorzano,
[email protected]. This fourth year elective has also been approved to be taken by
third year medical students, effective spring 2013. However, third year students MUST obtain
permission from their mentor, study program director, and advisory dean, (Prior to the trip) to be
course will not be offered during spring 2021. Permission of the instructor is required for the
trip. Credit 1. Enrollment up to 15. Instructor - Dennis Clements, MD/PhD
INTERDIS-450C. Capstone. This mandatory course for all fourth year medical students
will provide important information and tools to prepare medical students for their first year of
residency. Topics covered include the following: providing compassionate and effective patient
care, learning practical intern tips, further developing medical knowledge about established and
evolving biomedical clinical and cognate sciences, honing interpersonal and communication skills
with patients/families/other health professionals, professionalism relative to responsibilities,
adherence to ethical principles, sensitivity to a diverse patient population, and understanding
systems-based practices. As part of this course, medical students will participate in an ACLS
and/or PALS provider course. For more information, students should contact Dr. Aimee Chung
([email protected]) or Dr. Stephen Bergin ([email protected]). This is a
longitudinal course. Students must enroll in the course for the Fall term and select "0" credits.
They also will need to enroll for the Spring term and select 4 credits. The final grade and credits
will be awarded in the Spring term. If you have additional questions, please contact
[email protected]. Credit: 4. Enrollment max. 125. Aimee Chung, MD and Stephen
Bergin, MD
INTERDIS-470C. MSTP Clinical Experience. Clinical experience for MSTP student's
only. 0 credit.
INTERDIS-475C. Clinical Experience. This course is designed for students that elect to
explore clinical experiences while enrolled in dual degree programs or the Community Clinic
Leadership electives at the Fremont or Holton clinics at Duke. This course is for students that wish
to refresh their clinical skills in a patient setting. This course is not for students in the Medical
Scientist Training Program (MSTP). 0 credit.
Clinical Science Electives
MEDICINE-401C. Internal Medicine Sub-Internship (Duke/VA). Course Goals: To
provide an internal medicine inpatient care experience at the intern level. (2) How Goals Are
Achieved: Students are assigned to an inpatient service at Duke or the Durham VA. These services
include the general medicine services at both hospitals, where internal medicine residents and
attendings supervise the students; students may also rotate in the medical intensive care unit, on
the cardiology service, or on the oncology service at Duke Hospital. The student functions as an
intern on that service with the exception that orders must be countersigned by a resident or
attending. Overnight duty consisting of night float responsibilities may be included over the course
of the four-week schedule. The supervising resident or attending determines the number of patients
assigned with anticipated increases over the four weeks. (3) Methods of Evaluation: Students are
evaluated by their residents, fellows, and attendings. The evaluation form is made available to each
student at the beginning of the rotation. Prerequisites: permission of instructor is required in order
to add the course and permission is required in order to drop the course. In order to drop the course,
students must provide at least 14 days advanced notice and permission of instructor are required.
Failure to do so will result in a grade of Incomplete ("I") or a Withdrawal ("W") may be assigned
. Please contact Sheila Gainey at 681-5258 or via email at [email protected] for more
information. Course is not available for visiting medical students. Credit: 5. Enrollment: max:
varies by term. Jenny Van Kirk, MD, Saumil Chudgar, MD and staff
MEDICINE-402C. Medical Sub-Internship in Hematology-Oncology. (1) Course Goals:
This is an intensive experience in the care of inpatients with serious hematologic and oncologic
disorders. The student learns to interpret peripheral blood films, how to use and interpret other
specialized laboratory tests (e.g., bone marrow aspirate/biopsy, serum electrophoresis, coagulation
studies, tumor markers, leukemia cell markers), and how to approach the evaluation and treatment
of hematologic and solid tissue malignancies and their complications. (2) How Goals Are
Achieved: Under supervision of a Hematology/Oncology fellow and a division staff member, the
student is given considerable responsibility in the care of inpatients on one of the
Hematology/Oncology or Experimental Therapeutics wards in Duke Hospital. They receive
instruction and guidance in performing diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and gain experience
in the use of chemotherapeutic drug regimens. Specific issues such as quality of life, care of the
aging patient with malignancy, and decisions regarding DNR status are addressed by the patient-
care team. In addition, students receive a series of core lectures, receive training in chemotherapy,
and attend the ongoing clinical, research and didactic divisional conferences. (3) Methods of
Evaluation: Students are evaluated by their preceptors on the basis of their ability to obtain a
history, perform a physical examination, evaluate hematologic and other laboratory data, and
propose assessments and plans of action. For more information, please contact Nyasia Lloyd at
684-2287 or via email at [email protected]. Credit: 5. Enrollment: max 1. Richard Riedel,
MD and Medical Oncology staff
MEDICINE-404C. Cardiac Care Unit Sub-Internship. (1) Course Goals: Primary - To
provide an in-depth experience in the evaluation and care of inpatients with various cardiovascular
problems. Secondary -To refine student understanding of the cardiovascular history, physical
examination and non-invasive and invasive laboratory testing in evaluating and managing patients
with known or suspected cardiovascular disease. (2) How Goals Are Achieved: Students are
assigned to the Duke CCU or to a cardiology inpatient service at Duke, and, in concert with the
house staff, cardiology fellows, and senior staff attendings, work up and manage patients admitted
to these various services. They also participate in a core curriculum experience, including
individually assigned times to work with HARVEY, the cardiology patient simulator, and various
computer assisted instruction programs. (3) Methods of Evaluation: Students are evaluated by all
resident, fellow, and senior staff with whom they work. The evaluation form is available at the
beginning of the elective. Depending on circumstances, students may also be evaluated by written
and practical examinations at the beginning and/or end of the elective. For more information,
please contact Dawne Smith at 668-1524 or via email at dawne[email protected]. Prerequisite:
Successful completion of an accredited internal medicine clerkship. Credit: 5. Enrollment: max 2.
Anna Lisa Crowley, MD/FACC and cardiology staff
MEDICINE-405C. Intensive Care Medicine Sub-Internship (Duke). Course Goals: (1)
Primary - To introduce the student to a pathophysiologic approach to critically ill adults. Secondary
- To provide an opportunity for students to perform selected procedures. (2) How Goals Are
Achieved: Students function as sub-interns in a very active intensive care unit. Students perform
patient evaluations, procedures, and develop diagnostic treatment plans under the direct
supervision of the junior assistant resident, critical care fellow, and attending physician. Night call
occurs every third night. Physiology and biochemistry based approach to critical care medicine is
stressed. Emphasis is placed on bedside teaching with easy access to attending physicians and
critical care fellows for the discussion of specific patient oriented questions. Preferences for the
month of rotation are honored, if possible. Questions should be directed to Dr. Gilstrap,
[email protected]. (3) Methods of Evaluation: Each student's performance is assessed by
the course director through direct observation of the student in the clinical and didactic
environments. Input from the residents, fellows, and other attending physicians is obtained, and
provides the primary basis for grade assignment. Requisite: Students that take Medicine 405C are
not eligible to take Medicine 432C - Intro to the Duke MICU. For more information, please contact
Donna Permar at 681-5919 or via email at [email protected]. Credit: 5. Enrollment: max
3. Daniel Gilstrap, MD and critical care staff
MEDICINE-406C. Intensive Care Medicine Sub-Internship (Durham VA Hospital). (1)
Course Goals: Primary - To provide training in clinical, physiologic, and pharmacologic principles
of the care of the critically ill. Secondary - To develop students' skills in performance and
interpretation of diagnostic procedures. (2) How Goals Are Achieved: Under the supervision of
senior assistant residents, the pulmonary fellow and the critical care attending physician, students
function as sub-interns and are responsible for patient work-ups and daily bedside presentations.
Students are given responsibilities for procedures and decision-making in direct proportion to the
development of their patient management skills. Daily radiology and bedside attending rounds
stress an integrated physiologic approach to the management of critically ill patients with emphasis
on triage, resuscitation, acute respiratory care, hemodynamic monitoring, acid-base balance,
nutritional support, palliative care, patient safety, and end-of-life care. Each student is provided a
document linking selected readings that supplement the didactic and bedside discussions on
diagnosis, pathophysiology, and recognition and management of critical illness. The student on-
call schedule is every fourth night for the duration of this four-week course. The student registered
for MEDICINE 406C may drop the course up to one month before the start date. After that time,
the student should arrange for a replacement if dropping the course. (3) Methods of Evaluation:
Student evaluations are done by the fellows and faculty attending on the MICU and are based on
observed performance. For more information, please email [email protected]. Secondary
contact: Dr. Karen Welty-Wolf, 684-4938 or via email at welty[email protected]. Students are to
meet in the VA MICU's MD workroom for orientation by the on-service fellow or attending on
the first day of the rotation at 0800 a.m., 5A (5th floor A wing), Durham VAMC, after emailing
the course director at least two weeks before as a reminder of the start date. NOTE: Students must
contact the course director at least 4 weeks before the first day of their scheduled rotation in order
to have the allotted time necessary for the VA to get them back into the system. Each student
rotating through Medicine 406C must complete the required VA "paperwork" (contact Clyde
Meador at clyde.me[email protected]) no less than 60 days from the first day of the section in which
he/she is enrolled. Credit: 5. Enrollment: max 1. Martha Carraway, MD and critical care staff
MEDICINE-407C. Sub-Internship in Internal Medicine/Psychiatry. This course is an
intensive clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of acute co-morbid medical and
psychiatric disorders requiring inpatient hospitalization. Students participating in this four-week
elective based in Duke University Hospital are expected to function at intern-level, assuming care
of a small census of complex patients. The Medicine/Psychiatry faculty on the GenMed 12 service
provides direct supervision. The goal of the elective is to refine and then clinically apply basic
knowledge from the fields of Internal Medicine and Psychiatry. Participation at selected case
conferences and didactic sessions is expected. Students are invited to attend the intern lecture series
during Psychiatry Academic Half-day and educational offerings in Internal Medicine, including
Intern Report. For more information, please contact Dr. Kristen Shirey via email,
[email protected]. Secondary Contact: Kamara Carpenter, [email protected].
Preference is given to students considering a career in combined Medicine-Psychiatry.
Prerequisite: permission of instructor and successful completion of PSYCHTRY-205C and
MEDICINE-205C. C-L PSYCHTRY 407C. Credit: 5. Enrollment: max 1. Kristen Shirey, MD
MEDICINE-412C. Hospital Medicine. The student on the Hospital Medicine elective will
help manage acutely ill patients as a member of the Hospital Medicine Service. Three major
learning areas will be emphasized. 1) Procedures including thoracentesis, paracentesis, and lumbar
puncture through participation and direct observation, simulation, and viewing of procedure
videos. 2) Management of inpatients on the Hospital Medicine service. 3) Overnight patient care
with Hospital Medicine attendings with the opportunity to participate in patient admissions, cross
cover emergencies, and transitions of care. This course is a two-week course. When contacting the
course director with interest, please indicate if you prefer the first or second two weeks of the four
week block. Prerequisite: Permission of course director is required. Contact
[email protected] for permission to enroll. Enrollment Max.: 2. Credit: 2. Saumil
Chudgar, MD, MS
MEDICINE-414C. Introduction to Outpatient Primary Care Internal Medicine. The
rotation is best suited for students interested in pursuing a career in primary care or internal
medicine due to the faster pace of clinic. Course Goals: At the end of the experience, students
should be able to 1) Diagnose and manage a number of common internal medicine and primary
care problems including a wide variety of diseases that are generally seen only in the ambulatory
setting 2) Be familiar with current USPSTF guidelines for preventive services and cancer
screening, 3) Competently and efficiently take a problem-focused history, perform a directed
physical exam and perform some office-based procedures. How Goals Are Achieved: The student
will work with faculty preceptors within Duke Primary Care, Duke Outpatient Clinic, and other
community-based offices spending one or more days per week seeing patients with a preceptor.
The student with see patients at multiple different sites with multiple preceptors. Clinical sites are
located both at Duke and in the surrounding communities. A diverse mix of patients and conditions
are seen in the outpatient setting. Patients present for preventive services, as well as, management
of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, osteoporosis, and common
mental health conditions. In addition, patients are seen for acute illnesses such as pneumonia,
pharyngitis, sinusitis and urinary tract infections on a same day basis. Patients routinely present
with symptoms that have not been previously evaluated or diagnosed, allowing students to truly
sharpen their clinical skills. The student evaluates selected patients first then presents and discusses
the case with the attending. The student must outline in writing five goals that he or she wishes to
accomplish during this rotation. The student's goals should be emailed to Dr. Waite at least three
weeks before the rotation begins. Methods of Evaluation: The faculty preceptor who works directly
with the student does the student evaluation. Grades are based on the student's interactions with
patients, his or her clinical thinking regarding diagnosis and management of their problems, and
documented records. Professionalism, fund of knowledge, and commitment to learning are highly
weighted. Prerequisites: Students must be enrolled in their fourth year of medical school at Duke
and must have completed first, second, and third year requirements as demonstrated by
advancement by the Promotions Committee to fourth year student status. Students must have
access to the Duke Maestro Care computer system to effectively function in clinic. Students must
contact Dr. Kathleen Waite via email ([email protected]) to determine time and location for
initial meeting. They must also contact Dr. Waite in advance of the course start date to create goals
and schedule. Dr. Waite can also be reached by phone at 919-660-6746 Credit: 1 (10 clinic
sessions, 4 hours each session over a four week block) or 2 (20 clinic sessions, 4 hours over a four
week block). Due to scheduling issues if in not possible to complete this elective in a 1- or 2-week
period of time. Please note that this is a 1 or 2 credits only. Enrollment: max 1 student for 2 credits.
Kathleen Waite, MD; Ranee Chatterjee, MD; Kevin Shah, MD; Sharon Rubin MD, Lynn Bowlby
MD; and other outpatient faculty
MEDICINE-415C. Clinical Management of Obesity. The unique blend of clinical and
research programs related to obesity at Duke provides an opportunity for students to learn how to
evaluate and manage obesity in many ways. This elective involves attendance in outpatient clinics
or residential programs related to obesity or obesity-related co-morbidities including Residential
Programs (Diet and Fitness Center), Bariatric Surgery, Pediatric Diabetes, Pediatric
Endocrinology, and Lifestyle Medicine. Students will have the opportunity to observe ongoing
studies and attend lectures at various clinical and research conferences. In consultation with the
course director, an independent project related to obesity will be completed. For more information
and permission, please contact Dr. Westman at 620-4061 or via email at [email protected].
Permission of instructor is required. Credit: 4. Enrollment: 1. Eric Westman, MD/MHS; Dana
Portenier, MD; William Yancy, MD/MHS
MEDICINE-416C. Effective Clinical Teaching. The course aims to make students more
effective clinical teachers in preparation for their role as teachers during residency. Strategies
include classroom discussion of adult learning theory, facilitating small-group learning, teaching
at the bedside, teaching using clinical cases, and giving effective feedback. Weekly participation
in role plays of teaching scenarios is required. The final project is an 8-10 minute video-recorded
"chalk talk" on the topic of one's choice. Students self-reflect on the talk and obtain feedback from
their classmates and instructor to develop a teaching improvement plan. Attendance at course
sessions is mandatory. Permission of instructor is required. The classes meet once weekly from
5:00p - 7:30p. Students should contact Dr. Saumil Chudgar at [email protected] to obtain
a permission number. Credit: 1. Enrollment: max 12, min 6. Saumil Chudgar, MD, MS
MEDICINE-423C. Rheumatology. (1) Course Goals: For students to learn the basics of the
evaluation and management of patients with inflammatory and non-inflammatory arthritis,
autoimmune and immunological disorders. Diseases seen include the various forms of arthritis and
other inflammatory diseases such as lupus and other connective tissue diseases, vasculitis,
scleroderma, and myositis. Students will also learn to interpret specialized laboratory studies
relating to the evaluation of patients with rheumatic and immunological disorders. Students are
exposed to joint aspiration and injection, synovial fluid analysis, musculoskeletal radiology, and
histopathological analysis. (2) How Goals Are Achieved: Two weeks of the rotation are spent in
the Duke Rheumatology faculty clinics located in Duke South Clinics and in our South Durham
or Brier Creek (Raleigh) location. Two weeks are spent as part of the rounding team on the Duke
Hospital inpatient rheumatology consultation service. Because of COVID-19 and the inability to
physically distance in clinics, there will be more consult time allotted to students. The inpatient
consultation team includes a faculty member, a fellow, and a student. Students are expected to
perform three new inpatient consultation each week. Rounds focus on oral presentation of patients
including detailed review of history, physical examination findings, pertinent laboratory, x-ray and
pathological findings. Students attend divisional conferences including weekly Rheumatology and
Immunology Grand Rounds, Rheumatology Fellows Core Curriculum Conference, Journal Club,
and Rheumatology/Radiology Conference. Students are expected to watch two introductory
videos, one on the approach to the rheumatology patient and one on the rheumatologic
musculoskeletal examination. Justification for a grade of honors includes the following: Evidence
through direct observation of house officer-level clinical skills in rheumatology;demonstrated by
completion of the log of learning points and questions; attendance at conferences listed above;
evidence of additional reading through case presentations to faculty members; faculty evaluations;
demonstration of exemplary interest and effort during the rotation. Students are assigned primary
house officer level responsibilities on the Consultation Service and the Outpatient Clinics at Duke
South/South/Durham/Brier Creek. (3) Methods of Evaluation: Students are evaluated by the
primary faculty and fellows with whom they work. Evaluations are based on students' performance
on rounds and in the clinics, including history and physical examination skills and conference
attendance. For more information, please contact Dr. Doss ([email protected]). Students
may also contact Nyasia Lloyd ([email protected]). If the course is full when you attempt to
enroll, please contact Dr. Doss ([email protected]). Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 1. Jayanth
Doss, MD/MPH;David Caldwell, MD; Megan Clowse, Ryan Jessee, MD; Atul Kapila, MD; David
Leverenz, MD; Jennifer Rogers, MD; Ankoor Shah, MD; William St. Clair, MD; Terri Tarrant,
MD; Rebecca Sadun, MD; Kai Sun, MD; Sophia Weinmann, MD. Sole Enrollment
MEDICINE-424C. Fluids and Electrolytes. The Fluids and Electrolytes Course will consist
of eight sessions on both the physiology of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base homeostasis and on
the pathophysiology of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders. Emphasis will be placed on the
clinical application of these concepts: from the rational administration of intravenous fluid, to the
interpretation of arterial blood gases, to the diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism. This course
will be of value to just about any student who plans to take care of patients. Students must verify
that there is no time conflict with other courses offered during the same time period. Course
Faculty: John Roberts, MD (Course Director) and Dr. Michael Berkoben. Enrollment is open to
all eligible students, no permission from course faculty is required to enroll. The course is offered
during the Spring section 81 only (roughly early January to end of February). We understand many
students are traveling for interviews during this section. In 2021, we will conduct the course via
Zoom, so students will be able to participate in live sessions even while traveling. You will need
a working computer/tablet/smartphone and internet access to participate in the course. We do allow
one unexcused absence. Excused absences will need to be cleared by the Course director. Classes
will be held on Wednesday evenings from 5:30p - 7:30p. Credit: 1. Minimum Enrollment: min: 8;
max: 35. To enroll after the course has filled, you will need special permission from the Course
director, please contact Dr. John Roberts at [email protected] to do so.
MEDICINE-425C. Clinical Coagulation. (1) Course Goals: Primary - To teach the clinical
and laboratory approach to patients with a hemorrhagic or thrombotic disorders. The student learns
to evaluate clinical coagulation disorders and become familiar with coagulation laboratory testing
and interpretation. Secondary - To expose the student to recent advances in the area of coagulation
research. (2) How Goals Are Achieved: The student spends four weeks on the Hematology Consult
Service under the direction of hematology division faculty. The student is expected to work up
inpatients with coagulation problems referred to the Coagulation Service as well as participate in
a half day a week Coagulation Outpatient Clinic. Patients generally present with complex
diagnostic as well as therapeutic problems. The rotation includes Coagulation lab rounds during
which the student learns to interpret lab tests and review abnormal results. The student is expected
to read standard texts regarding their patients' problems, as well as relevant reviews provided by
the attending physician. The student may also interact with the Anticoagulation Management
Service to gain a better understanding of various approaches to outpatient management of
anticoagulant therapy. Students electing to do an eight week rotation have a more extensive
laboratory and clinic research experience. (3) Methods of Evaluation: The student's performance
is evaluated by the hematology attending with input from the fellow and/or medicine resident on
the service. The evaluation is based on observation of the student's ability to do careful histories
and physical examinations, to appropriately assess the problem and develop a logical diagnostic
and therapeutic plan, and to demonstrate an increase in knowledge regarding laboratory tests and
their application to clinic problems. For more information, please call Nyasia Lloyd at
681-4510, or by email at [email protected]. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 1. Richard Riedel,
MD; and hematology staff
MEDICINE-427C. Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Hospice and Palliative Medicine is a
specialty that is focused on the treatment of patients living with serious illness. Comprehensive
care- including physical (primarily symptom management), psychological, and spiritual care- is
provided by an interdisciplinary team to patients and families to help alleviate suffering and
promote quality of life. This 2-week, 2 credit elective provides students the opportunity to observe
and work alongside palliative care practitioners in inpatient settings including the palliative care
consult services at Duke University Hospital and Duke Regional Hospital, as well as inpatient
hospice exposure through Duke Home Care & Hospice. The importance of multi-disciplinary
teamwork will be emphasized. A schedule will be sent to you by email prior to the first day. For
more information and permission to join the class contact the course director Dr. Alisha Benner
and the educational admin Jennifer Bowen via email at [email protected] &
[email protected]. Permission is required for summer 2021. Effective Fall 2021,
permission of the instructor is not required for enrollment. However, students must reach out to
Dr. Benner or Jennifer Bowen to advise as to which two weeks they are interested in within a
section. Credit: 2. Enrollment max: 2. Alisha Benner, MD; R. Morgan Bain, MD; J. Trig Brown,
MD; David Casarett, MD; Farr Curlin, MD; Anthony Galanos, MD; Nathan Gray, MD; Megan
Jordan, MD; Kristin Meade, MD; Lawrence Andy Mumm, MD; Robin Turner, MD, Sarah Gall,
MD; Karen Jooste, MD; Jennifer Gentry, DNP; Tara Coleman, PA, Paula McKinzie, NP; Lindsey
Jackson, NP and Leigh Howard, NP
MEDICINE-428C. Metabolism and Endocrinology. Course Goals: Primary - The student
has an in-depth experience in the evaluation and management of patients with endocrine disorders.
Secondary - The student learns basic principles of hormone physiology and applies these concepts
in clinical settings. (2) How Goals Are Achieved: Each student is introduced to patient problems
by working with the Endocrine faculty. The student is exposed to clinical endocrine disorders by
seeing patients in endocrine outpatient clinics (Diabetes/ General Endocrine) as well as
experiencing the inpatient Diabetes Management/General Endocrine Consult Service. The student
has the opportunity to review general literature on common endocrinologic conditions and
endocrinologic emergencies, as well as learning basic assessment skills of the patient with
diabetes, thyroid disease, and other common endocrinologic presentations. Division conferences
include Grand Rounds, Case Conference, and Inpatient Consult Rounds with opportunities to
integrate basic concepts with clinical applications. (3) Methods of Evaluation: A written critique
is provided by the student's preceptors with comments from other members of the division as
appropriate. For more information, including where to report on the first day of classes, please
contact via email Dr. Beatrice Hong at [email protected] Secondary contact: Dr. Spratt
([email protected]). Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 2. Beatrice Hong, MD, Susan Spratt, MD
and endocrinology staff
MEDICINE-430C. Pulmonary Medicine. MEDICINE-430C. Pulmonary Medicine. . (1)
Course Goals: Primary - To provide training in clinical aspects of pulmonary medicine. The
primary diseases emphasized include asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease, pulmonary
vascular diseases including pulmonary embolus, acute respiratory failure, hypersensitivity,
interstitial and immunologic lung diseases and pulmonary manifestations of systemic illnesses,
i.e., sarcoid, scleroderma, cystic fibrosis, etc. Secondary - To provide experience with pulmonary
laboratory techniques including pulmonary function testing, cardio-pulmonary exercise testing,
chest radiology, and bronchoscopy. (2) How Goals Are Achieved: Students are assigned to the
Pulmonary Inpatient and Consult Services at Duke Hospital. They have primary responsibility for
workup and presentation of selected patients on these services. All patients are presented and
followed at daily rounds with fellows and faculty. Students are expected to attend the following
conferences at Duke Hospital during their rotation unless clinical duties supersede: Tuesday
Fellows Lecture series, Wednesday Chest Conference; and Thursday ILD conference. Students are
otherwise encouraged to attend General Medicine Noon Conferences. (3) Methods of Evaluation:
Formative feedback: It is expected that students seek out personalized feedback at least weekly to
bi-monthly with both the fellow and faculty on the rotation. Also, students will take a pre and post-
test (20 questions) on Pulmonary Medicine. This will be strictly for self-assessment and will not
be factored into their final grade. Summative feedback: Student summative evaluations are done
by fellows and faculty assigned to the Consult Services during the period of the course and is based
on observed performance in regards to patient presentations, participation during rounds, and oral
presentations on self-selected pulmonary topics Questions should be directed to Shrima Jones, via
email at [email protected] or by phone at 919-684-0435. Dr. Marshall can be reached via
email at [email protected]. Credit: 4. Enrollment: min 1, max 1. Harvey Marshall, MD
and pulmonary staff
MEDICINE-431C. Adult Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Enrollment Requisite:
Students must contact Dr. Lugar prior to enrolling in the course. The adult allergy and clinical
immunology elective consists of direct patient care, didactic sessions, independent readings and
hands-on training of various clinical and laboratory test modalities that are used in clinical practice.
This elective will provide exposure to patients with various allergic and immunologic disorders
including allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, allergic conjunctivitis,
diseases associated with autoimmunity, immunodeficiencies and allergic skin diseases.
Additionally, the student will obtain hands-on practice with allergy skin testing as well as
conducting other immunology labs. The schedule and content can be individualized on the basis
of the student's needs and goals. Students must contact the course instructor, Dr. Patricia Lugar,
[email protected], to arrange meeting location. Secondary contact: Jason Bullock at 919-
613-5707. Credit: 4. Enrollment max: 1. Patricia Lugar, MD
MEDICINE-432C. Introduction to Duke Medical Intensive Care Unit. Course Goals
Introduce students to the principles of the diagnosis and care of critical illness. By the end of the
course students should be able to recognize the pathophysiologic processes underlying shock and
respiratory failure, should be able to recognize basic principles of mechanical ventilation and have
explored death and dying issues as they apply in the ICU. How Goals Are Achieved Students
perform patient evaluations and procedures as well as diagnostic and treatment planning under the
direct supervision of a junior medical resident, pulmonary fellow, and critical care attending.
Educational material is available on the Duke MICU website (sites.duke.edu/micu) but patient-
oriented, evidence-based, bedside training is the primary teaching method. Evaluation The
attending physician, critical care fellows and residents primarily assess each student's
performance. Input from junior medical residents working with each student is also obtained, as is
the input of the course director. For questions or to obtain a permission number to enroll, please
contact Dr. Gilstrap via email, [email protected]. Requisite: Students that take this course
are not eligible to enroll in MEDICINE 405C. This course does not satisfy the Acute Care Course
requirement. The course will be graded "Credit/No Credit". Permission of the instructor is required
for enrollment. Course Credit: 2; Maximum Enrollment: 2 per section. Daniel Gilstrap, MD;
Stephen Bergin, MD and Christopher Cox, MD
MEDICINE-434C. Outpatient Hematology-Oncology (Duke or Durham VA). (1)
Course Goals: To give the student experience in the diagnosis, long-term treatment, and supportive
care of patients with hematologic and oncologic disorders in the outpatient setting. The use and
interpretation of peripheral blood films and other specialized laboratory tests (e.g., bone marrow
aspirate/biopsy, serum electrophoresis, coagulation studies, tumor markers, leukemia cell
markers), as well as an approach to the evaluation and treatment of common hematologic problems
(anemias, bleeding and clotting disorders, hematologic and solid tissue malignancies) are included.
Issues such as quality of life and care of the geriatric oncology patient are addressed. (2) How
Goals Are Achieved: The student is assigned a staff member as preceptor with whom to work in
the Hematology/Oncology clinic one to three half- days per week in clinic, depending on the
student's schedule and the availability of physicians in clinic. Alternatively, the student may work
with several preceptors in the Hematology/Oncology clinic for five full days per week during a
four week block. If desired, preceptors who concentrate mainly on hematology or oncology may
be arranged. 3) Methods of Evaluation: Students are evaluated by their preceptors on the basis of
their ability to obtain a history, perform a physical examination, evaluate hematologic and other
laboratory data, and propose assessments and plans of action. NOTE: Students cannot drop the
course 2 weeks prior to the course start date. For more information, please call Nyasia Lloyd at
684-2287 or via email, [email protected]. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 2. Richard Riedel, MD,
and Hematology, Medical Oncology and Cell Therapy staff
MEDICINE-435C. Gastroenterology. (1) Course Goals: Primary - To provide an
experience from which the student can develop a fundamental approach to the diagnosis and
management of digestive diseases. (2). Goals Are Achieved: Through participation in the care of
patients under the guidance of the fellows and faculty on the GI Consult Services (Duke Hospital),
Liver Service (Duke), Biliary Service (Duke), VA Hospital GI consults and Outpatient GI Clinics.
(3) Methods of Evaluation: Evaluations are completed by the course director, attendings, and
fellows working with the student and include assessment of clinical skills, fund of medical
knowledge, and the ability to apply this knowledge to the care of patients. Course meets at 8:00
am, Monday through Friday. No holiday or weekend coverage for students. Prior to the start of
rotations, students will receive an email detailing their specific schedule, assigned supervising
fellow and meeting location. For more information, please contact Jill Rimmer at 684-2819 or via
email at jill.rimmer@duke.edu. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 2. Cecelia Zhang, MD and GI
department staff.
MEDICINE-437C. Rheumatology. This is a 2 week elective for 4th year medical students
who are looking to demystify the field of rheumatology. This rotation will be especially helpful
for future internal medicine, family medicine, dermatology and orthopedic residents. Students will
rotate through multiple rheumatology clinics, learning how to manage complex disease in an
outpatient environment. Due to COVID-19 and the inability to physically distance in clinics,
inpatient consult time may replace clinics. Students will take part in the division’s didactic and
educational activities, such as Journal Club. Other educational modalities such as instructional
videos and podcasts will be used. By the end of the rotation, students will learn (a) how to
distinguish symptoms from autoimmune diseases from other causes (b) how to perform a detailed
physical exam with emphasis on musculoskeletal exam (c) how to order and interpret common
autoimmune labs (d) basics of how rheumatologists use immunosuppression to manage
autoimmune disease. Pre-requisites: Permission of the instructor is required. Students that take the
2nd year, two credit Rheumatology selective are not eligible to enroll in this course. Students must
have taken Medicine 205C in order to be eligible. Credit: 2; Maximum Enrollment: 1. The course
is graded "Credit/No Credit". Interested students: If the course is full when you attempt to enroll,
please reach out to Dr. Doss ([email protected]). Jayanth Doss, MD; Lisa Criscione-
Schreiber, MD; Ankoor Shah, MD; William St. Clair, MD; Sophia Wienmann, MD; and Ryan
Jessee, MD
MEDICINE-438C. Clinical Hematology and Oncology Consults (Duke or Durham
VA). (1) Course Goals: Students learn how to interpret peripheral blood films, how to use and
interpret other specialized laboratory tests (e.g., bone marrow aspirate/biopsy, serum
electrophoresis, coagulation studies, tumor markers, leukemia cell markers), and how to approach
the evaluation and treatment of common hematologic problems (anemias, bleeding and clotting
disorders, hematologic and solid tissue malignancies). (2) How Goals Are Achieved: Students
receive a series of core lectures, gain familiarity with chemotherapy regimens and administration,
and attend the ongoing clinical, research, and didactic divisional conferences. Clinical duties
include the performance of inpatient consults under the supervision of a fellow and staff member.
This course may be taken for four or eight weeks. (3) Methods of Evaluation: The students are
expected to perform and present initial evaluations of consult cases including peripheral blood film
on daily rounds, and to perform limited literature searches and evaluations of chosen clinical
topics. For more information, please contact Nyasia Lloyd at 684-2287 or via email at
[email protected]. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 2. Richard Riedel, MD and
hematology/oncology staff
MEDICINE-440C. Clinical Infectious Diseases. The objectives of this course are learning
principles in Infectious Diseases and Antibiotic Stewardship and will be specifically achieved
through the consult service cases and teaching by the Infectious Disease Fellows and Attendings.
The students will be able to work-up and present cases to Fellows and Faculty and attend multiple
conferences that occur each week (Journal Clubs, Grand Rounds and Case Conferences). The basic
principles of Infection Management and Antibiotic Stewardship will be taught by Fellow and/or
Attending Physician and this education should provide a platform to utilize during house officer
training and care in most medical and surgical specialties. The teaching methods will be: case
presentations, rounding daily on the Infectious Diseases Service to hear all cases, attending
Clinical Microbiology Rounds, and attending Infectious Diseases Conferences. This course strives
to allow the student to appreciate the clinical “thought processes and principles around diagnosis
and management of Infectious Diseases”. Grading criteria are subjective and the direct
responsibility of the individual attending physician on the service. There are no objective tests to
support the grade. The student is encouraged to be involved and attempt to learn as much as
possible. This enthusiasm for learning is the expectation of Fellows and Faculty for the student.
The reward will be knowledge. The feedback for the student may be gathered by direct interaction
with the attending physician. NOTE: This elective requires students to complete some rotations at
the VA Medical Center. Please note that you must complete the required VA paperwork no later
than 30 days from the 1st day of your scheduled class in order to participate. Paperwork should be
obtained from the course director or their designated staff. Requisite: Effective Fall 2021,
permission of instructor is required for enrollment. For more information and to obtain a
permission number, please call Dawn Sikes at 668-6053 or email [email protected]. Credit:
4. Enrollment max. 6. Micah McClain, MD/PhD
MEDICINE-442C. Clinical Arrhythmia Service. (1) Course Goals: Primary - To provide
students with an in-depth exposure to the diagnosis and management of cardiac
arrhythmias, electrophysiologic studies, ablation of arrhythmias, cardiac pacemakers,
and implantable defibrillators; to help students to understand the electrophysiologic
events that result in arrhythmias and ECG changes. Special emphasis will be placed on ECG
interpretation. This course is not designed to be a substitute for the general cardiology elective
(MEDICINE 404C and 445C). Secondary - To familiarize the student with certain basic
techniques of arrhythmia diagnosis; (2)
How Goals Are Achieved: The student spends four weeks working on the Clinical Arrhythmia
Service. The student makes rounds on the inpatient Clinical Electrophysiology Service on patients
with arrhythmias. The student is encouraged to attend electrophysiologic studies and assist in the
analysis of data from these studies. Attendance at electrophysiologic surgical procedures is also
encouraged. The student is responsible for the work-up of patients admitted to the Arrhythmia
Service as well as inpatient consults and plays an important role in the follow-up of these patients
while they are in the hospital. The student may elect to see outpatients during Arrhythmia Clinics
that meet on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in the PDC (Duke Clinic). The student
assists in the evaluation of patients for permanent pacemaker and defibrillator implantation.
Students are responsible for reviewing the literature on subjects related to the patients that they
have seen on the clinical service. Didactic conferences are given on Monday and Wednesday
mornings; (3) Methods of Evaluation: Students are evaluated on their clinical skills in taking
histories, performing physical examinations interpretation of the ECG as well as in their
presentation and assessment of the patient's problem. They are also assessed on their ability to read
and understand the relevant literature and their ability to assume a responsible role in the care of
patients on the Clinical Arrhythmia Service. Students should meet at Conference Room 7451A
Duke North Hospital at 7:30 a.m. and page Dr. Grant (970-6656) if he is not there shortly after
please email Dr. Grant at [email protected]. Secondary Contact: Diane Mangum, 919-681-
3815. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 1. Augustus Grant, M.B., CH.B., PhD ; Ruth Greenfield, MD;
Tristram Bahnson, MD; and Sana Al-Khatib, MD/MHS
MEDICINE-444C. Clinical Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation. This course is
designed to allow the student to gain a broad experience in the fields of heart failure and cardiac
transplantation. The student will participate in both inpatient rounds and outpatient clinics. There
will also be an opportunity to participate in the surgical management of heart failure including the
use of mechanical circulatory support devices, high-risk palliative cardiac surgical procedures and
cardiac transplantation. The learning objectives of the course are supplemented by
multidisciplinary rounds, cardiac transplant listing conference and cardiac pathology rounds. For
more information, please contact Dr. Agarwal at [email protected], or by phone, 919-684-
3854. Secondary Contact: Patti Gentry (patti.gentry@duke.edu) or 919-684-3854. Credit: 4.
Enrollment: max 2. Richa Agarwal, MD and other Heart Failure Faculty
MEDICINE-445C. Consultative Cardiology. (1) Course Goals: Primary - To refine and
further develop the skills necessary for eliciting an accurate, complete CV history and for
performing an accurate, complete CV physical examination: To refine student understanding of
normal and pathologic cardiovascular physiology while functioning in the role of a consultant for
inpatients and outpatients with various cardiovascular problems; Secondary - to develop the skills
necessary to quickly and accurately interpret ECGs (both 12-lead ECGs and rhythm strips). (2)
How Goals Are Achieved: Students are assigned to the consult service at either the Durham VA
Center or Duke, where, in concert with the resident, fellow and senior staff attending, they evaluate
the operative risk for cardiac and non-cardiac surgery as well as make decisions concerning the
evaluation and treatment of patients with a wide variety of heart diseases. Students participate in
reading ECGs and a core curriculum experience including individually assigned times to work
with HARVEY, the cardiology patient simulator, and various computer assisted instruction
programs. (3) Methods of Evaluation: Students are evaluated by the resident, fellow, and senior
staff with whom they work. The evaluation form is made available at the beginning of the elective.
Depending on circumstances, students may also be evaluated by written and practical examinations
at the beginning and/or end of the elective. NOTE: Students enrolled in this course may be required
to complete their rotation at the DVAMC. The required paperwork for the DVAMC must be
completed at least 30 days prior to the first day of classes for the section/term the student is
enrolled. Contact the department to obtain required paperwork. For more information, please
contact Dawne Smith, 668-1524 or via email at [email protected]. Prerequisite: none.
Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 5 (unless otherwise noted). Anna Lisa Crowley, MD/FACC; and
cardiology staff
MEDICINE-446C. Nephrology. (1) Course Goals: Primary: To provide clinical experience
in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with kidney diseases, fluid and electrolyte disorders, and
hypertension. Secondary: To integrate physiology, immunology, pathology, and biochemistry into
the evaluation and management of patients with renal disease. (2) How Goals Are Achieved: The
students are integrated into the patient care team consisting of attending physician, nephrology
fellows, and medical residents. They will participate in both inpatient and outpatient care of
patients with a wide range of kidney diseases, fluid and electrolyte problems, and difficult to
manage hypertension. Students will round on three major nephrology services: the Acute ICU
Service which cares balanced exposure to all facets of nephrology including patients in the
intensive care units at Duke, the Transplant Service which focuses on patients with kidney or
combined kidney-pancreas transplants, and the Acute Floor Service which provides care to patient
with acute kidney injury, acid base and electrolyte disturbances. The student participates in work
rounds with the residents and fellows each day, daily rounds with the attending physician, and
weekly nephrology conferences. These conferences include Journal Club where the latest clinical
and basic science literature is reviewed, the weekly Nephrology Didactic Lecture Series focusing
on pathophysiological principles of clinical nephrology, and Grand Rounds encompassing
Pathology Conference, Clinical Case Conference, and seminars by fellows, faculty and/or visiting
professors. This combination of broad-based clinical experience, coupled with formal didactics,
provides the student with a comprehensive educational opportunity. (3) Methods of Evaluation:
Written evaluation from faculty preceptor. For more information please contact Dr. Jessica Morris
via email at [email protected]du or by phone at 681-2298. Students should meet on the first
day at Duke Hospital, Dialysis Unit, 7th floor near 7900. Unit phone: 681-7800. Please meet
promptly at 9:00 a.m. Acute Fellow page: 970-7746. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 4. Jessica Morris,
MD, and nephrology staff
MEDICINE-447C. Practitioners and Patients: The History of Clinical Medicine. How
has the physician-patient relationship changed over time, and what are its possibilities for the
future? This class will consider these questions using a variety of sources including medical
memoirs, patient narratives, short stories, and other media. We will identify the critical historical
processes (scientific, social, and cultural) that account for the structure of medical practice today,
as well as examine the ethical tensions and controversies that have resulted. Priority given to MS3
students; class may be taken individually or as part of longitudinal MS3 medical humanities
sequence. Location to report on the first day: Conference Room, Trent Center for Bioethics,
Humanities, and History of Medicine, Room 108 Seeley G Mudd Building (Medical Center
Library). Classes will meet on Tuesday evenings 5:15pm - 7:15pm. Permission of instructor is
required for enrollment - students must obtain permission number from the course director. Third
Year students must also obtain email approval from their mentor. The email approval from the
mentor should be sent to [email protected] and the course director. Enrollment Max.: 16;
Enrollment Min.: 8. Credit: 1, Non-Direct Patient Care credit. Offered during fall section 82.
Jeffrey P. Baker, MD/PhD; Margaret Humphreys, PhD
MEDICINE-449C. Geriatric Medicine. 1) Course Goals: Primary - To enable the student
to become familiar with the principles of caring for the geriatric patient. Secondary - To familiarize
the student with the physiology and diseases of aging. (2) How Goals Are Achieved: This elective
is offered by the interdepartmental faculty of the Division of Geriatric Medicine. The student
works with faculty, fellows, and housestaff in a number of settings involved in the care of the
geriatric patient. These include the Geriatric Evaluation and Treatment Clinic (Duke), Geriatrics
Consultation Service (Duke Hospital), The Forest at Duke Clinic, Community Living Center
(Durham VA Medical Center) and other subspecialty clinics. Principles to be stressed are biology
and pathophysiology of aging, multiple clinical problems in the elderly, interdisciplinary team
approach to evaluation, planning and treatment, goals of maximal functional achievement and
independence for the elderly. Specific clinical problems that students encounter include dementia,
delirium, polypharmacy, gait instability and falls, urinary incontinence, pressure sores, and chronic
pain. The student participates actively in the work-up and management of patient's inpatient
extended care and outpatient settings. Familiarity with the growing literature in geriatric medicine
is encouraged. The student participates in seminars, lectures and team meetings at the appropriate
sites. (3) Methods of Evaluation: Evaluation is by consensus of instructors and fellows at the
various training sites and the papers submitted during the rotation and at the conclusion of the
rotation. It is based on discussions and presentations throughout the course period. If students are
registering for the course within 15 days of starting the rotation, they must contact Dr. Liza Genao
at 919-970-8965 to notify her of their late registration and request permission to enroll. Permission
will be based upon availability of clinical experiences for the team identified. No students will be
accepted for registration after 4PM on the Wednesday before a Monday rotation start. As noted
above, students registering within 15 days of the rotation start are expected to call the Dr. Genao
immediately to notify her and request permission. Prerequisite: Successful completion of first and
second year of medical school. NOTE: Students taking this course may be required to complete
rotations at the Durham VA Medical Center. Please contact the department to obtain the required
paperwork. Paperwork must be completed 30 days prior to the first day of the section in which the
student is enrolled. Students that have not completed the paperwork will not be allowed to work
at the Durham VA Medical Center. Course contact: Dr. Liza Genao, ([email protected]).
Secondary contact: Dr. Gwendolen Buhr ([email protected]). Credit: 4. Enrollment: max
1. Liza Genao, MD; Gwendolen Buhr, MD; Mitchell Heflin, MD/MHS; Kenneth Lyles, MD; and
other staff
MEDICINE-452C. Clinical Medical Ethics: What Would a Good Physician Do?. What
is medicine for? What standards and norms reasonably guide physicians’ actions? This course will
consider rival answers to these questions, and then follow clinical ethical cases to grapple with
questions about: the clinician-patient relationship, the limits of medicine, the meaning of
autonomy, the place of judgment in the physician’s work, the difference between an intended effect
and a side effect, proportionality, sexuality and reproduction, the beginning of life, disability, end-
of-life care, and death. Priority given to MS3 students; class may be taken individually or as part
of longitudinal MS3 medical humanities sequence. Third year students must obtain approval of
their mentor in order to take the course. Email approvals should be sent to [email protected]
and the course director. Meeting Location: Conference Room, Trent Center for Bioethics,
Humanities, and History of Medicine, Room 108 Seeley G Mudd Building (Medical Center
held Wednesday evenings, 5:15pm, -7:15pm. Credit: 1. Enrollment Max.: 16; Enrollment
Minimum: 8. Farr A. Curlin, MD
MEDICINE-453C. Medicine, Humanities and the Arts. How do the humanities and the
arts help us understand the human experience of illness, suffering, and dying? How does skilled
storytelling improve our ability to guide families facing complicated decisions and uncertainty?
Can literature improve our ability to care for patients from different cultures and backgrounds?
Drawing on a wide range of disciplines in the humanities, this course will emphasize concrete
ways in which the humanities and the arts can teach us to be better doctors. Priority given to MS3
students; class may be taken individually or as part of longitudinal MS3 medical humanities
sequence. Pre-requisite: Permission of the Instructor is required - Instructor must provide
permission number. Third year students must also obtain email approval from their mentors in
order enroll. The email approval should be sent to the [email protected] and to the course
director. Enrollment Max.: 16; Minimum Enrollment: 8. Credit: 1. Offered spring 82. Wednesday
Evenings, 5:15pm - 7:15pm. Sneha Mantri, MD
Clinical Science Electives
NEURO-401C. Neurology Sub-Internship. (1) Course Goals: To provide a neurological
patient care experience at the intern level. Students have the opportunity to apply neurological
examination skills learned in the second year to direct patient care situations. Students are exposed
to a variety of neurological problems, procedures, and therapies. This course is recommended for
the student interested in neurology, psychiatry, internal medicine, neurosurgery, neuropathology
or ophthalmology. (2) How Goals Are Achieved: Students are assigned to a Duke Hospital
inpatient neurology service for two or four weeks with an option to be assigned to the Neuroscience
intensive Care Unit for two weeks. Students attend Neuroscience Grand Rounds, Neurology
Subspecialty Conferences and participate in all ward or NICU activities. Full time participation is
expected. (3) Methods of Evaluation: Resident and staff physicians provide a written evaluation
and grade. For more information, please contact Chris Berry via email at christine.berry@duke.edu
or by phone. Prerequisite: Neuro 205C or 402C. Permission is required. Credit: 5. Enrollment:
max 2. Jordan Mayberry, MD and neurology faculty.
NEURO-402C. Neurology Clerkship. This course is restricted to those students who did
not take a Neurology clerkship (Neuro 205C or 206C) in their second year. It provides the student
with a firm understanding of the neurological examination, formulation of clinical neurological
problems, and practice with written and oral communications in a hospital setting. The student has
the opportunity to apply the neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neurochemistry, and neuropathology
learned in the first year to the evaluation and care of his or her patients. The patients are drawn
from the neurology services at Duke Hospital or the Durham VA Medical Center. The students
elicit a history and perform a physical examination. The student records the findings in the hospital
charts and presents the findings at regular staff rounds. The student then participates with a clinical
team of faculty and house officers in the hospital evaluation of the patients. The student is
encouraged to participate in all diagnostic procedures such as lumbar puncture. The student has
the opportunity to follow patients through neuro-radiological and neuro-surgical procedures
forming part of evaluation and treatment. The specific expectations for the student are: (a) to
perform and record a competent neurological and history examination on each admitted patient;
(b) to be competent in the hospital management of neurological patients including diagnostic
evaluations such as hematological and urine evaluations, lumbar puncture and appropriate
electrical studies; (c) to assume responsibility as the primary care person for his or her patients;
(d) to participate in daily work rounds with an assigned team of house officers and faculty; (e) to
be sufficiently knowledgeable to participate in patient care decisions; (f) to attend faculty attending
rounds and to present patients to faculty within 24 hours after admission; and (g) to participate in
neurology service rounds and conferences during the course. A written evaluation is provided to
the students by faculty and house staff. For more information, please contact Christine Berry via
email at [email protected]. VA student credentialing is required prior to registration.
Permission is required. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 1. Karissa Gable, MD and neurology faculty
NEURO-403C. Clinical Neurology Subspecialties. (1) Course Goals: To provide the
student clinical exposure to a specific subspecialty in neurology. (2) How Goals Are Achieved:
The student focuses on one or more specific subspecialty in neurology and attends clinics for
approximately 4 days per week. During that time the student participates in the clinical evaluation
of patients with a member of the neurology faculty. Clinical experience in epilepsy and sleep
disorders, headache/pain, memory disorders, movement disorders, and neuromuscular disorders
are available. Appropriate reading material is utilized to complement the clinical experience.
Neuro 205C, 206C, or 402C are prerequisites for this course. (3) Method of Evaluation: Standard
written evaluation form by faculty supervisor. Approval by the course director is required in order
to ensure access to the desired neurologic subspecialty. For more information, please contact
Christine Berry via email, [email protected]. VA student credentialing is required prior to
registration. Permission is required. Credit: 1-2. Enrollment: max: 2 (if participating in different
subspecialties). Karissa Gable, MD and neurology faculty
NEURO-404C. Consultative Neurology. (1) Course Goals: To introduce senior medical
students to the diagnostic and treatment issues encountered on the consultative neurology service.
(2) How Goals Are Achieved: The student becomes part of the inpatient neurology consultation
team either at Duke Hospital or the Durham VA Medical Center. This team consists of rotating
neurology faculty as well as a neurology and/or medicine house officer. Consultations are
performed by the student under the guidance of the house staff and then are presented to the
attending on rounds. The student is responsible for performing a neurologic history and physical
as well as assisting in the interpretation of all important laboratory data. The student continues to
follow the patient's course as required. The student also attends rounds when other patients are
presented by the house officers. Appropriate reading material is utilized to compliment the clinical
experience. Attendance at Neurology Grand Rounds and various Neurologic Subspecialty
Conferences is required. (3) Method of Evaluation: Standard written evaluation by faculty
supervisor with house staff input. VA student credentialing is required prior to registration.
Permission is required. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 1. For more information, please contact
Christine Berry via email, [email protected]. Karissa Gable, MD and neurology faculty
Clinical Science Electives
NEUROSUR-401C. Sub-Internship in Neurological Surgery. This course is designed for
those students with a career interest in neurological surgery. Duties include the work-up and care
of inpatients, evaluation of clinic patients, assistance in the operating room, daily rounds, and
approximately every 3rd-night call. Students will be expected to assume intern-level
responsibilities. Students round with the neurosurgical team in the mornings then participate in the
OR or attend one of the neurosurgery clinics after rounds. Students attend the Wednesday
academic day neurosurgical conferences covering topics within neurosurgery, neurology,
neuropathology and neuroradiology, as well as twice monthly Brain School conferences. For more
information, please contact Sherolyn Patterson at 684-3053 or contact her via email,
[email protected]. First Day of Classes: Students are to meet the residents in the
neurosurgery work room at 5:45 am, 2B18, Central Duke Tower; 8 West Room 66, Duke Medical
Pavilion. Credit: 5. Enrollment max: 5. Course Director: Steven Cook, MD; Alan Friedman, MD
(Chairman); Allan Friedman, MD; John Barr, MD; Patrick Codd, MD; Peter Fecci, MD, PhD;
Herbert Fuchs, MD, PhD; Fernando Gonzalez, MD; Rory Goodwin, MD, PhD; Oren Gottfried,
MD; Michael Haglund, MD, PhD; Erik Hauck, MD; Isaac Karikari, MD; Jordan Komisarow,
MD; Nandan Lad, MD, PhD; Christopher Shaffrey, MD; Derek Southwell, MD,PhD; Khoi Than,
MD; Eric Thompson, MD; Dennis Turner, MD; Matthew Vestal, MD; Chester Yarbrough, MD;
and Ali Zomorodi, MD
NEUROSUR-402C. Intermediate Clinical Neurosurgery. Intermediate Clinical
Neurosurgery. This elective is intended as an intermediate experience that focuses on the clinical
presentation of common neurosurgical disorders, radiographic evaluation, and therapeutic options
including the indications and contraindications for surgical intervention. The student sees patients
each morning with the neurosurgical team and chooses one or two patients to evaluate in more
detail. The student attends one of the neurosurgery clinics or participates in the OR each morning
after rounds, and attends the Wednesday academic day neurosurgical conferences. Most students
attend Monday - Friday for half days beginning at 5:45 am. For more information please contact
Sherolyn Patterson at 684-3053 or via email, sherolyn.patter[email protected]. First Day of Classes:
Students are to meet the residents in the neurosurgery work room at 5:45 am, 2B18, Central Duke
Tower. Credit: 2. Enrollment max: 4. Course Director: Steven Cook, MD; Alan Friedman,
MD(Chairman); Allan Friedman, MD; John Barr, MD; Patrick Codd, MD; Peter Fecci, MD,
PhD; Herbert Fuchs, MD, PhD; Fernando Gonzalez, MD; Rory Goodwin, MD, PhD; Oren
Gottfried, MD; Michael Haglund, MD, PhD; Erik Hauck, MD; Isaac Karikari, MD; Jordan
Komisarow, MD;Nandan Lad, MD, PhD; Christopher Shaffrey, MD; Derek Southwell, MD,PhD;
Khoi Than, MD; Eric Thompson, MD; Dennis Turner, MD; Mtthew Vestal, MD; Chester
Yarbrough, MD; and Ali Zomorodi, MD
NEUROSUR-404C. Neuro-Oncology. This 4-week advanced rotation will provide medical
students an opportunity to experience to Medical Neuro-Oncology. Students will rotate in the
Brain Tumor Center (BTC) Clinic, located in Cancer Center Clinic 3-1, with medical neuro-
oncology faculty. Students will develop a clinical foundation in the care of brain tumor patients
and will have the chance to care of patients during all times of the illness trajectory (at diagnosis,
during treatment, stable disease, at tumor progression, and transitioning to palliative care).
Attendance at weekly neuro-oncology tumor board, weekly neuropathology consensus conference,
monthly journal club, monthly research educational meeting, and monthly interesting case
conference are encouraged for all students in this rotation. For more information, please contact
Dr. Peters via email at kathe[email protected] or you may contact her assistant, Kelly
Seagroves at kelly[email protected] or by phone, 919-684-6173. Permission is required.
Credit: 4 credits. Enrollment max.: 1 student. Katy Peters, MD PhD FAAN Other faculty: David
Ashley MD, Patrick Codd MD, Steven Cook MD, Annick Desjardins MD, Peters Fecci MD, Allan
Friedman MD, Henry Friedman MD, Margaret Johnson MD, Mustafa Khasraw, MD, Daniel
Landi MD, and Dina Randazzo DO. Students will also interact with staff in the Preston Robert
Tisch Brain Tumor Center, Neuropathology faculty, and Neuro-Oncology Fellows.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Clinical Science Electives
OBGYN-404C. Preparation for ObGyn Residency. This two-credit course is designed to
build on the foundation laid in the Capstone Course to further prepare students specifically for
OB/GYN residency, though it is open to other students as well. Emphasis is placed on
knowledge/skills necessary to succeed as PGY-1. Coursework includes high yield patient
management didactics, review of common obstetric and gynecologic surgeries and procedures,
critical appraisal of the literature / journal club, basic surgical skills (gowning, gloving, prepping,
draping, suturing, knot tying), simulation of obstetric emergencies, practice pages, and Resident-
as-teacher sessions, as well as time to work directly with faculty and residents. The course will be
graded Credit/No Credit. Credit 2. Enrollment max 20; Enrollment Min: 2. Students should meet
at 248 Baker House on the first day. For questions about the time to meet, and/or the class dates in
April, please contact Dr. Sarah Dotters-Katz (sarah.dotters[email protected]). Sarah Dotters-Katz,
MD, Beverly Gray, MD, and associated departmental faculty.
OBGYN-405C. Gynecologic Cancer Sub-Internship. This course presents a clinical
experience in the management of patients with a gynecologic malignancy. This will include
operating room, inpatient unit and clinic experiences. The student assumes the role of a sub-intern.
Outpatient, inpatient, and operative exposure to these patients is extensive. The student should
report to the 6300 work room at 6:00am. Credit: 5 Enrollment: max 1. Brittany Davidson, MD;
Andrew Berchuck, MD; Brittany Davidson, MD; Laura Jean Havrilesky, MD; Paula Sowon Lee,
MD; Rebecca Previs, MD; Angeles Alvarez Secord, MD; Kim Nolte, PA-C; and gynecologic
oncology fellows
OBGYN-407C. Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Sub-
Internship. For students preparing for obstetrics and gynecology, general practice, surgery, and
urology. Emphasis is placed on the outpatient assessment and inpatient or ambulatory management
of patients with acute and chronic Urogynecologic disorders including pelvic floor dysfunction,
pelvic organ prolapse, urinary and fecal incontinence, and others. Students have the opportunity
to work closely with faculty members in the Division of Urogynecology. Participation in the
operative care of Urogynecologic patients is desired. Time for independent study is planned. The
student is expected to utilize this time to review and present a specific clinical problem with
frequent guidance and input from a member of the Uroynecology Division with similar interests.
Credit: 5. Enrollment: max 1. Contact: [email protected]. Enrollment Max. 1; Credit: 5.
Prior to the first day, the student should contact Cynthia Paylor, Duke Urogynecology, 5324
McFarland Drive, Suite 310, Duke Medicine Patterson Place, Durham, NC 27707; Phone: 919-
401-1001. Students meet at the Patterson Place location at 8:30am on the first day of the rotation.
Alison Weidner, MD; Cindy Amundsen, MD; Matthew Barber, MD/MHS; John Jelovsek, MD;
Amie Kawasaki, MD; Nazema Siddiqui, MD; Anthony Visco, MD; and urogynecology fellows
OBGYN-408C. Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery. For students preparing for
obstetrics and gynecology, general practice, and surgery. Emphasis is placed on the outpatient
assessment and inpatient or ambulatory management of patients with acute and chronic
gynecologic disorders including menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, myomas, endometriosis, and others.
Students have the opportunity to work closely with faculty members in the Division of Minimally
Invasive Gynecology (MIGS). Participation in the preoperative, surgical, and post-operative
management of MIGS patients is another critical aspect of the rotation. Time for independent study
is planned. The student is expected to utilize this time to review and present a specific clinical
problem with frequent guidance and input from a member of the MIGS Division with similar
interests. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 1. Arleen Song, MD; Amy Broach, MD; Andrew Rivara, MD;
and Craig Sobolewski, MD. Contact: [email protected]
OBGYN-447C. Maternal-Fetal medicine Sub-Internship. This course is for students
preparing for general practice of medicine, pediatrics, or obstetrics and gynecology. This course
studies the relationship of clinical factors during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Emphasis is
placed on abnormal conditions of pregnancy as related to the infant. Current problems in the
maternal-fetal relationship are outlined. The student functions on an intern level and takes part in
activities of the house staff and faculty in the inpatient and outpatient arenas. Opportunities for
experience in prenatal ultrasound, diagnosis and genetic counseling available. Meet on the 5th
floor of Duke Hospital, L&D workroom at 6:45AM on the rotation's first day (rounds begin at
7:10AM). For more information, please contact Dr. Sarah Dotters-Katz at sarah.dotters-
[email protected]. Secondary Contact: Cescille Gesher (ce[email protected]). Credit: 5.
Enrollment: max 2. Dr. Sarah Dotters-Katz, MD and Brenna Hughes, MD
Clinical Science Electives
OPHTHAL-420C. Medical Ophthalmology. This lecture series emphasizes common
ophthalmic conditions. The ophthalmic signs and symptoms of ocular and systemic diseases are
presented in a lecture series. No clinic or operating room exposure or hands on experience.
Oriented for those students interested primarily in family medicine, pediatrics, internal medicine,
or ophthalmology. This clinical science course can be audited. Lectures will be given every
Tuesday and Thursday from 12 to 1pm. This course is offered during sections 41-42 (over 8
weeks); students are expected to attend 16 lectures over the 8-week period. For more information
students may contact Alethea Barnette (alethea.barnette@duke.edu) Credit: 1. Enrollment: min 8,
max 20. Jullia Rosdahl, MD/PhD
OPHTHAL-422C. General Ophthalmology. A clinical preceptorship in which the student
participates and observes the regular house staff activities including night call, conferences,
lectures, patient care, and treatment including surgery. The use of specialized ophthalmic apparatus
is emphasized. Students should report to the 2nd floor lobby of the Duke Eye Center, Hudson
Building @ 8:30am to see Alethea Barnette([email protected]). Credit: 4. Enrollment:
max 4. Jullia Rosdahl, MD/PhD
OPHTHAL-425C. Pediatric Ophthalmology. A clinical preceptorship in which the student
participates in the outpatient pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus clinic. The student will
encounter the more common ocular disorders of childhood including ocular motility disturbances
(strabismus), amblyopia, congenital cataracts, glaucoma, and congenital genetic and metabolic
disorders. In addition, adult motility disorders such as those related to childhood strabismus,
stroke, thyroid eye disease and cranial nerve palsies will be encountered. The diagnosis and
treatment aspects are emphasized heavily and opportunities to observe surgery are provided. The
course meets by arrangement and requires a minimum of 5 days per credit. For more information,
please call Brittany Jones, 919-684-4584 or via email, Brittany[email protected]. Credit: 1 or
2. Enrollment: max 2. Sharon Freedman, MD; Edward Buckley, MD; Laura Enyedi, MD; Grace
Parkalapakorn, MD; and Federico Velez, MD
Clinical Science Electives
ORTHO-421C. Fractures/Musculoskeletal Trauma. Students participate in the
emergency management of patients through the Duke Emergency Room. Principles of fractures
and trauma are given during emergency room assignment. Requirements are attendance at one
outpatient clinic per week, two nights per week on call in the emergency room, and conference
attendance. Students planning to apply for orthopaedic residency are required to complete 429C
prior to taking this elective. For more information and to obtain a permission number, please
contact Wendy Thompson at we[email protected] or 684-3170. Permission is required.
Credit: 3. Enrollment: maximum 2 students per four week section. Elizabeth Hubbard, MD; Robert
Fitch, MD and Duke Orthopaedic Staff
ORTHO-429C. Sub-Internship in Orthopaedic Surgery. A full educational experience in
orthopaedic surgery with duties and responsibilities similar to a first year resident. Students will
have the opportunity to rotate through various orthopaedic subspecialties including trauma, joint
arthroplasty, sports medicine, and foot and ankle. Inpatient care, outpatient examination, operating
room experience, and emergency room call are expected. Individual or group discussions are
conducted each day with attending staff/residents. Conference attendance and emergency room
call are required. For more information and to obtain a permission number, please contact Wendy
Thompson at [email protected] or 684-3170. NOTE: This course requires that students
complete one week of rotations at the VA Medical Center. Students must complete the required
paperwork no later than 30 days prior to the first day of the section in which they are enrolled.
Failure to do so may result in the student not being eligible to participate in the elective or sub-
internship experience. Permission is required. Credit: 5. Enrollment: max 4 for 4 weeks. Summer
section 41, maximum of 2 students. Interested visiting students must contact the Visiting Student
Coordinator, [email protected], to inquire about the process for applying. Elizabeth W.
Hubbard, MD and orthopaedic staff and house staff
ORTHO-430C. Orthopaedic Sports Medicine. This elective is ideal for students interested
in orthopaedic surgery, but also relevant to occupational medicine, and rehabilitation. Students
participate in clinic and operating room. They learn about anatomy, pathology, physical exam, and
treatment of a wide range of musculoskeletal presentations in patients from young to old, including
athletes. Attendance at educational conferences is required. Students are also encouraged to
participate in school physicals and game coverage to gain a full experience. For more information
and to obtain a permission number, please contact Wendy Thompson at
[email protected] or 684-3170. Permission required. Credit: 4; Enrollment max: 1.
Prerequisite: Ortho 429C. Dean Taylor, MD; Ned Amendola, MD; Oke Anakwenze, MD; Richard
Mather, MD; and Alison P. Toth, MD
ORTHO-431C. Hand/Upper Extremity Surgery. This elective is especially suitable for
students interested in orthopaedic surgery, but also relevant to plastic surgery and emergency
medicine. Trauma and microvascular are emphasized. Students participate in all aspects from
outpatient visits to operative procedures and inpatient rounds. They also spend time in the Hand
and Upper Extremity Anatomy Lab. Attendance at educational conferences is required. For more
information and to obtain a permission number, please contact Wendy Thompson at
[email protected] or 684-3170. Permission Required. Credit: 4. Prerequisite: Ortho
429C. Enrollment max: 1. David Ruch, MD; Richard Goldner, MD; and Marc Richard, MD
ORTHO-432C. Musculoskeletal Oncology. Students gain an understanding of benign and
malignant musculoskeletal neoplasms in an interdisciplinary team approach. They learn relevant
anatomy, histopathology, radiology, and clinical skills related to the evaluation and management
of patients from children to adults. Students participate fully in the daily activities of the
orthopaedic oncology service including outpatient visits, operative procedures, and inpatient
rounds. Attendance at clinical and basic science conferences is required. For more information and
to obtain a permission number, please contact Wendy Thompson at [email protected]
or 684-3170. Prerequisite: Ortho 429C. Permission is required. Credit: 4. Enrollment max: 1. Brian
Brigman, MD and William Eward, DVM, MD
ORTHO-433C. Pediatric Orthopaedics. Students learn about a wide range of pediatric
orthopaedic conditions from birth defects to sports injuries and fractures. Emphasis is placed on
understanding the pediatric skeletal anatomy, acquisition of physical examination skills, and
relating pathology to structure/function relationship in the pediatric patient. Students participate
fully in all aspects of care including outpatient visits, operative procedures, and inpatient rounds.
Attendance at educational conferences is required. For more information and to obtain a
permission number, please contact Wendy Thompson at [email protected] or 684-3170.
Prerequisite: Ortho 429C. Permission is Required. Credit: 4. Enrollment max: 1 Robert Fitch, MD;
and Robert Lark, MD, Elizabeth Hubbard, MD, and Benjamin Alman, MD
Clinical Science Electives
OTOLARYN-401C. Sub-Internship in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. This
course is a full educational experience in OHNS with duties and responsibilities similar to a first
year resident. This course provides the student with a comprehensive survey of clinical activities,
inpatient care, assisting in the operating room and emergency room call. The student participates
in ward rounds and in various conferences held by the Department. At the end of the rotation, the
student will present at Grand Rounds Conference a 20-30 minute presentation on the topic of
his/her choice (usually based on a patient the student has taken care). For more information on
where to report or questions, please email Dr Kahmke ([email protected]). Credits: 5.
Enrollment max: 2. Russel Kahmke, MD
OTOLARYN-402C. Communication Sciences within Otolaryngology - Head & Neck
Surgery. The purpose of this course is to provide exposure to the multidisciplinary teams that play
an integral role in the care of Otolaryngology patients. The complex interplay of disease processes
with smell, vision, hearing, balance, speech, swallowing, and physical appearance make
Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery a unique subspecialty. This elective allows a more in-
depth interaction with our colleagues in audiology, vestibular therapy, speech and language
pathology, nutrition, and care management for both adults and children. The elective will be graded
"Credit/No Credit." If you have questions, please email Dr. Kahmke, [email protected].
Enrollment Max. 2; Credit: 2. Russel Kahmke, MD
OTOLARYN-403C. Clinical Otolaryngology. This 4-week course provides the senior
student with a comprehensive survey of clinical otolaryngology, from oncology to pediatrics to
otology to laryngology. Duties include intern-level participation in both outpatient clinic activities
and inpatient care, including assisting in the operating room. The student participates in daily ward
rounds and in weekly conferences held by the division. Students are expected to schedule call each
week and give a 15-20 minute grand rounds style presentation on their selected OHNS topic at the
end of the rotation. Students should report at 6:30 a.m. on 6300 for the first day of classes. For
more information on where to report or basic questions, please refer to the OHN consult pager,
970-1320 or contact Lori Allsbrook ([email protected]) or 919-681-6588. Credit: 4.
Enrollment: max: 2. Russel Kahmke, MD
Required Courses
PATHOL-423C. Autopsy Pathology. The course is intended to introduce students to the
autopsy as an investigative tool. Anatomic-clinical correlation is emphasized. Students work
directly with one or more members of the pathology department. They first view autopsies and
then assist in the performance of autopsies under supervision. They work up these cases with
particular attention to correlations with clinical and experimental medicine, help prepare the final
autopsy reports, and work essentially at the level of a house officer. Students are expected to write
up one full autopsy report for an autopsy they participated in as their final project. For more
information, please contact: Meridith Hennessey, M.H.S., [email protected]. Credit:
4. Enrollment: max 2. Carolyn Glass, MD
PATHOL-448C. Practical Surgical and Cytopathology. This course is intended as an
introduction to the practice of diagnostic surgical pathology. Clinical and morphologic aspects of
disease are emphasized in rotations through the different specialty services (GI, Gyn path
Hemepath, Neuropath, etc.) Students will participate (with residents and staff) in the evaluation of
gross specimens, interpretations of glass slides (with ancillary studies), and the preparation of the
final report. The course can be tailored to individuals planning a career in pathology or those
pursuing other specialties. Rotations through the Fine Needle Aspiration and Exfoliative Cytology
services can be scheduled depending on the student's interest. Please contact Dr. Hall at least two
weeks prior to starting the rotation, at [email protected]. Secondary contact: Jawanna Bell
([email protected]). Students meet on the first day in the pathology department at 9:00 a.m.
Credits: 4. Enrollment: max 2. Allison Hall, MD and staff
Clinical Science Electives
PEDS-401C. Pediatric Sub-Internship. This course is designed to provide the student with
an intensive, in-depth exposure to the diagnosis and management of pediatric patients hospitalized
at Duke. Students are responsible for admissions, management throughout the hospitalization, and
discharge planning. The student functions as an intern throughout the rotation; however, notes and
orders must be co-signed by the resident or attending physician on the team. Students are evaluated
by their residents and attending physicians. This course cannot be taken in conjunction with any
other course. Students must obtain the permission of Dr. Dana Clifton ([email protected]) to
register for or to drop this course. Prior to the start of the sub-internship, the assigned inpatient
team will be provided to the student as well as details regarding sub-internship orientation
activities. Secondary Contact: Julia Marrone, [email protected]. Credit: 5. Enrollment:
Max: 4. Dana Clifton, MD; Aditee Narayan, MD and faculty
PEDS-402C. Pediatric Gastroenterology. This course offers an excellent clinical and
endoscopic exposure in the field of pediatric gastroenterology with significant opportunity for one
to one interaction with the pediatric GI faculty. The student spend majority of the time in the
outpatient setting and the interested student will be exposed to the inpatient setting. For more
information, please call Dr. Venkat 684-5068. Administrative contact is Cheryl Chervinko, 919-
684-4831 or 919-668-2577. Credit: 3-4. Enrollment max: 1. Note: Students that have previously
taken the two-week selective, PEDS 228C, are not eligible to enroll in PEDS 402C. Narayan
Venkatasubramani, MD/MRCPH/ MBBS; Richard Noel, MD/PhD; Leon Reinstein, MD; Megan
Butler, MD, Nancy McGreal, MD; Mary Boruta, MD; Rajitha Venkathesh, MD
PEDS-403C. Med-Peds Ambulatory Rotation. - Full immersion experience in outpatient
adult and pediatric medicine. - Students will see patients of all ages for a variety of visit types
(follow-ups, physicals/well child checks, urgent care visits), hone their history and PE skills,
formulate assessment and plans for common outpatient problems, gain an understanding of
healthcare maintenance/preventive care, experience continuity of care, and learn about community
resources in the outpatient setting. Enrollment Max: 1. Credit 3-4. Permission of instructor is
required. Students should report to Duke Health Center, 4020 N. Roxboro Street, Durham, NC
27704 on the first day. Please contact Dr. Aimee Chung ([email protected]) to confirm start
time. Aimee Chung, MD
PEDS-404C. Advanced Adolescent Medicine. This elective will provide medical students
with a foundational experience in the care of adolescents and young adults -- a unique blend of
acute care, chronic disease management, prevention, and consultative assessments. A distinct
priority is placed on effective interpersonal interactions, patient-centered interviewing, and patient
education and counseling. Adolescent Medicine by nature is exquisitely multi-disciplinary, and
this selective will provide students with a view into the intricacies of such interdisciplinary care
across a variety of outpatient settings. Clinical experiences will be complemented by case-based
didactic sessions and supervised study. Enrollment Max: 1; Credit. 2. Permission of instructor is
required. On the first day of classes, students should meet at Duke Health Center, 4020 N. Roxboro
Street. Please contact Dr. Richard Chung ([email protected]) to confirm meeting time.
Richard Chung, MD; Naomi Duke, MD PHD, Nirmish Shah, MD; John Moses, MD; Betty Staples,
MD, Gary Maslow, MD, and Charlene Wong, MD
PEDS-409C. Pediatric Palliative Care and Quality of Life. This course provides an
introduction to pediatric palliative care for 4th year medical students. The course aims to help
students to hone their skill in providing patient and family centered care, in particular
communication (breaking bad news) and medical decision making. This course will also provide
an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of symptom management such as pain, nausea and
constipation. It enables students to identify psychosocial and spiritual distress as well as cultural
beliefs that will affect health care decisions. Students meet on the first day of class in 2W98c at
8:45am at 8:50am for table rounds - page attending at 970-4357 to verify meeting location.
Enrollment max; 2 per four week block. Schedule determined by course director and Jennifer
Bowen. For more information, please contact Jennifer Bowen at 919-668-2362 or
[email protected]. Credit 2. Megan Jordan, MD; Other faculty: Ray Barfield, MD, PhD;
Margarita Bidegain, MD; Sarah Gall, MD; Karen Jooste, MD; Kristen Lakis, CSW; and Rose
Sharpe, NP
PEDS-411C. Pediatric Emergency Medicine. The 4th fourth-year elective in Pediatric
Emergency Medicine is designed to enhance the medical student's learning by allowing the student
to develop a proficient and rational approach to the sick child pediatric patient. The student will
become familiar with the rapid assessment of ill patients and the development of a knowledge base
and technical skills allowing for the management of pediatric emergencies. Also, the student will
learn how to prioritize patient care, to recognize patients requiring emergent interventions, and to
decide which patients need admission or outpatient care. By the end of the rotation, the student
will be capable of (1) obtaining an appropriate problem-oriented history and physical, (2) creating
a differential diagnosis based on available information, and (3) developing an appropriate
management plan. Students will be contacted by Dr. Ellis via email approximately 1-to-2 one-to-
two weeks prior to the start date of their rotation with orientation materials. Prompt reply to this
email is expected as time-sensitive information will be included. Students are to report to the
Pediatric Emergency Department at Duke University Medical Center no later than the time of
his/her first scheduled shift. Students will be expected to work four 8-hour shifts per credit hour
requested with each shift being eight hours. Students are expected to attend required didactic
sessions/activities during the entire four-week 4-week block, even if scheduled for fewer than 4
four credits. Required activities have historically included simulation and didactic lectures on
various mornings (depending on the particular month). If students are unable to attend these
sessions, additional assignments must be completed in order to pass the rotation. Students are
allowed to ask for 3 three off-days during their month (with an additional 2 two requests during
interview season). These are by no means guaranteed, but every effort will be made to
accommodate these requests. Schedule requests for time away must be cleared by the elective
course director four FOUR weeks before the start date of the rotation. Permission of the instructor
is required for enrollment. Requests to drop the course must be approved at least four FOUR weeks
prior to the start of the scheduled rotation. Failure to do so may result in a failing grade for the
course. Please contact Dr. Donald Ellis (course director) for questions. NOTE: It is sometimes
possible that the course director may be able to accommodate an additional student for any single
term. If the course is shown as "full" in DukeHub and you are interested, you are encouraged to
contact Dr. Ellis ([email protected]) to inquire. Permission is required. Variable Credit: 3-4
credits. Enrollment max: 2. Donald Ellis, MD; W. Clay Bordley, MD, MPH; Kyle Cecil, MD;
James Fox, MD; Emily Greenwald, MD; Rachel O'Brian, MD; MD; Emily Sterrett, MD, MS-CTR;
Neel Subramanian, MD; and Linton Yee, MD
PEDS-412C. Introduction to Pediatric Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine. This course
provides two weeks of experience in the evaluation, diagnosis, and management of patients with
respiratory and sleep related problems. Students will work closely with the pediatric pulmonary
team both in the clinic and on the inpatient service. Students will have the opportunity to provide
the initial assessment and management plans for patients referred for pulmonary or sleep problems.
Please contact Dr. Richard Kravitz, ([email protected]) if you have questions. Pre-
requisite: Permission of instructor is required. Credit: 2; Enrollment max: 1. Richard Kravitz, MD
and faculty in the Division of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine
PEDS-413C. Pediatric Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine. This course provides three to four
weeks of experience in the evaluation, diagnosis, management of patients with respiratory and
sleep related problems. Students will work closely with the pediatric pulmonary team both in the
clinic and the inpatient services. Students will have the opportunity to provide the initial
assessment and management plans for patients referred for pulmonary or sleep problems. For more
information or questions, please contact Dr. Richard Kravitz, ([email protected]). Pre-
requisite: Permission of the instructor is required for enrollment. Credit: 3-4; Maximum
Enrollment: 1. Richard Kravitz, MD and faculty in the Division of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine
PEDS-420C. Introduction to Pediatric Infectious Diseases. This two-week course
provides an exposure to the evaluation, diagnosis, management, and follow-up of patients with
possible infectious diseases. Students will work closely with the pediatric infectious diseases team
on the general infectious diseases service, especially the fellow and attendings, both in the clinic
and inpatient service. They will have the opportunity to provide the initial assessment and
management plans for patients referred to pediatric infectious diseases. Students that elect to take
this two credit option are not eligible to enroll in PEDS 421C for the 3-4 credit option. For more
information, please contact Dr. Robert Drucker ([email protected]). Secondary contact:
Dr. Steinbach, 684-6335. Administrative contact is Betsy Faust (bets[email protected]), 684-
6335. Students should meet on the first day at Dr. Drucker's Office T0919, Children's Health
Center) at 8:00 a.m. Peds ID fellow pager: 970-7420. Permission is required. Credit: 2. Enrollment
Max: 2. Robert Drucker, MD, Amelia Thompson, MD; and division faculty
PEDS-421C. Pediatric Infectious Diseases - Comprehensive. This course provides three
to four weeks of experience in the evaluation, diagnosis, management and follow-up of patients
with possible infectious diseases. Students will work closely with the infectious disease team on
the general infectious diseases service, especially the fellow and attendings, both in the clinic and
inpatient service. They will have the opportunity to provide the initial assessment and management
plans for patients referred to pediatric infectious diseases. There may be an opportunity to spend
some time with the transplant infectious diseases term. Students that take this course are not
eligible to enroll in PEDS 420C. For more information, please contact Dr. Drucker at
[email protected]. Secondary contact: Dr. Steinbach, 684-6335. Administrative contact
is Betsy Faust ([email protected]), 684-6335. Students should meet on the first day at Dr.
Drucker's Office T0919, Children's Health Center) at 8:00 a.m. Peds ID fellow pager: 970-7420.
Permission is required. Credit: 3 to 4. Enrollment: max 2. Robert Drucker, MD, Amelia Thompson,
MD; and division faculty
PEDS-424C. Introduction to Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes. Students attend in
the Pediatric Endocrine, Diabetes, Lipid, Transgender and Insulin Resistance/Obesity Clinics and
assume active roles in the evaluation and management of in-patients admitted to the Endocrine
Service. Emphasis is placed upon the evaluation of growth and sexual development, thyroid
function, and diabetes mellitus. Students will complete a pediatric endocrine handout during their
rotation, which will cover core topics. Students also participate in a weekly endocrine division
conference and monthly diabetes journal club. Students will start the rotation at Lenox Baker
Hospital on their first Monday, at 9AM. They should email Dr. Robert Benjamin, course director,
to confirm this the week prior to their rotation. His contact email is [email protected].
Enrollment Max: 1; Credit: 1-2, with 1 credit for every week of the course. Robert Benjamin, MD;
Michael Freemark, MD; Deanna Adkins, MD; Nancie J. MacIver, MD/PhD; Laura Page, MD;
and Pinar Gumus, MD
PEDS-425C. Endocrine Disorders in Children. Students participate in the Pediatric
Endocrine, Diabetes, Lipid, Transgender and Insulin Resistance/Obesity Clinics and assume active
roles in the evaluation and management of in-patient consultations and of in-patients admitted to
the Endocrine Service. Emphasis is placed upon the evaluation of several endocrine issues,
including diagnosis and management of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, growth and sexual
development, transgender management, lipid disorders, thyroid disorders, pituitary disorders, and
calcium and vitamin D disorders. Students will complete a pediatric endocrine handout during
their rotation, which will cover core topics. Students also participate in a monthly diabetes journal
club and in weekly intra- and interdepartmental endocrine clinical and research conferences.
Students will make a presentation to the endocrine group at the end of the rotation. Students will
start the rotation at Lenox Baker Hospital on their first Monday, at 9AM. They should email Dr.
Robert Benjamin, course director, to confirm this the week prior to their rotation. His contact email
is [email protected]. Credit: 3 to 4, with 1 credit for every week of the course.
Enrollment: max 1. Robert Benjamin, MD; Michael Freemark, MD; Deanna Adkins, MD; Nancie
J. MacIver, MD/PhD; Laura Page, MD; and Pinar Gumus, MD
PEDS-426C. Neonatology. Students have patient care responsibilities as well as exposure to
a broad range of clinical problems in the Duke Intensive Care Nursery. The course involves direct
participation in patient care under the supervision of the faculty and house staff. Emphasis is placed
understanding the pathophysiologic approach to the assessment and management of the critically
ill neonate, with special attention to ethical and psychosocial issues surrounding their care. This is
a sole-enrollment course and, as such, cannot be taken in conjunction with any other course. The
exception is INTERDIS 401C - Acute Care Curriculum. Prerequisite: PEDS and contact Dr. Susan
Izatt at [email protected] or by phone at 919-681-6024. Secondary contact: Dr. Ronald
Goldberg, 681-6024. Students are to meet on the first day at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,
Duke North, 5th floor. Meet promptly at 7:00 a.m. The course director will contact the student
prior to the start date to clarify meeting location, attending service, and additional information.
Credit: 5. Enrollment: max 1. Susan Izatt, MD; Ronald Goldberg, MD; Kamlesh Athavale, MD;
Eric Benner, MD/PhD; Margarita Bidegain, MD; C. Michael Cotten, MD; Jeffrey Ferranti,
MD/MS; Rachel Greenberg, MD; Lawrence Ku, MD; Jennifer Peterson, MD; Brian Smith, MD;
David Tanaka, MD; and Noelle Younge, MD
PEDS-427C. Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. This course includes all aspects of clinical
and laboratory hematology (with a focus on sickle cell disorders) as well as the diagnostic
evaluation, care, and treatment of patients with malignant diseases (childhood leukemia,
lymphoma, osteosarcoma, neuroblastoma, Wilm's tumor). Emphasis will be placed on
fundamental concepts of pediatric hematology/oncology. Students will spend their time in the
pediatric hematology-oncology and pediatric neuro-oncology outpatient clinics evaluating new
patients and seeing established patients. Students will be expected to attend divisional teaching
conferences. Students will be asked to research a specific topic of their choice and deliver a short
presentation at the end of their rotation. Location: Hanes House, room 382; Box number 102382.
For more information please contact Dr. Kreissman via email at [email protected].
Prerequisite: Interested students must contact the course director. For questions, please contact
Chenelle Headley ([email protected]). Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 1. Susan Kreissman,
MD; Dan Landi MD; Corinne Linardic MD/PhD; Kristi Pahl, MD; Jennifer Rothman MD;
Nirmish Shah MD, Kristin Schroeder MD; Jessica Sun MD; David Van Mater, MD/PhD; and Lars
Wagner, MD
PEDS-428C. Introduction to Pediatric Rheumatology. This course provides a two-week
introduction to the evaluation, diagnosis, management, and follow-up of patients with possible
rheumatologic diseases. Students will work closely with the pediatric rheumatology team,
especially the fellow and attendings, both in the clinic and inpatient service. They will have the
opportunity to provide the initial assessment and management plans for patients referred to
pediatric rheumatology. Enrollment Max.: 2; Credit: 2. Pre-requisite: Permission of Instructor is
required for Enrollment. Two-credit course is graded Credit/No Credit. Students should meet at
8:00am the first morning. They must contact Dr. Dvergsten for the location. The class meets M-F.
For more information, please contact Dr. Dvergsten at [email protected]du. Jeffrey
Dvergsten, MD and faculty in the Division of Pediatric Rheumatology
PEDS-429C. Pediatric Rheumatology Comprehensive. This course provides three to four
weeks of experience in the evaluation, diagnosis, management, and follow-up of patients with
possible rheumatologic diseases. Students will work closely with the pediatric rheumatology team,
especially the fellow and attendings, both in the clinic and inpatient service. They will have the
opportunity to provide the initial assessment and management plans for patients referred to
pediatric rheumatology. Enrollment Max: 2; Credit: 3-4. Permission of the Instructor is required
for enrollment. Students should meet at 8:00am on the first day and they must contact Dr.
Dvergsten in advance to confirm meeting location. The class meets M-F. For more information,
students must contact Dr. Dvergsten at jeffrey.dvergsten@duke.edu. Jeffrey Dvergsten, MD;
Rebecca Sadun MD; and all faculty in the Division of Pediatric Rheumatology
PEDS-430C. Healthy Lifestyles Program: A Clinical, Family-Based Approach to
Pediatric Obesity. Comprehensive outpatient treatment for childhood obesity. Through observed
and direct interactions with families, children and adolescents in an outpatient clinical setting,
students will learn the causes and complications of pediatric obesity, and the approach to
management. Healthy Lifestyles is a multidisciplinary clinic which allows students to interact with
and observe pediatricians, nutritionists, physical therapists and mental health providers. Students
are expected to attend clinic Monday through Friday, according to a calendar which will be
provided by the course director at the start of the rotation. While students will receive training in
motivational interviewing (MI), an evidence-based communication technique to achieve effective
behavior change during this rotation, a familiarity with MI and good communication skills are
strongly preferred as the clinical environment is considered an advanced communication skills
rotation. Students will be expected to participate actively in weekly noon team learning seminar
(Thursdays) and to present a topic of the student's choice near the end of the rotation. Lastly, the
course director will provide students with a reading list on pertinent topics to be completed by the
end of the rotation and discussed with course director during final feedback session. Report to
Duke Children's Primary Care Clinic, 4020 Roxboro Road, second level. Students will be required
to attend and participate in ONE session of a community fitness program for children, called Bull
City Fit. Students will play games, sports, and/or participate in cooking classes with families. From
this experience, students will gain an understanding of community engagement, health advocacy
and program planning. For questions, email the course director, Dr. Sarah Armstrong
([email protected]) and secondary contact, Team Lead Katherine Caro PA-C
([email protected]), support staff Kim Yancey ([email protected]) Credit: 4.
Enrollment: max. 1. Sarah Armstrong, MD; Gabriela Maradiaga Panayotti, MD; Martha Nelson,
PA-C; Katherine Caro, PA-C; Jenny Favret, MS, RD, LDN; Stephanie Bryant, MPH, RD, LDN;
Andrea Hartzell, PT, DPT, MHS; Heidi Pongracz, MPH, PT; Victoria Smith, PT, DPT, PCS; Lisa
Honeycutt, LPC
PEDS-431C. Clinical Pediatric Cardiology. This Medical Student rotation provides a
learning experience in the clinical diagnosis and management of heart disease in children. The
student will have the opportunity to see and participate in the management of children referred for
cardiology evaluation or follow-up via clinic or consultation. There are also experiences available
observing cardiovascular procedures in the Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization and
Electrophysiology Laboratory, the Pediatric Echocardiography Laboratory and the operating
room. Cardiology clinics are located in Raleigh, Apex, Greensboro, in addition to the Children’s
Health Center, and assignments can be expected in many of these clinics to create a diverse
experience. This is primarily an outpatient rotation, but there is the option of attending inpatient
rounds in the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit if desired. Experiences in subspecialty clinics
such as Pediatric Heart Failure/Transplant and Inherited Arrhythmia clinic are generally available
if interested. Please note that procedural experiences are all observational due to complexity
(participation is generally a Fellow level experience). Scope: history, physical examination, and
special diagnostic techniques (echocardiography, electrocardiography, cardiac catheterization, and
cineangiography). Students participate in outpatient clinics or procedural observational
experiences five days per week as well as weekly cardiology/cardiovascular surgery conference.
Prerequisite: PEDS 205C. For more information please call the course director, Dr. Zebulon
Spector, at 919-681-6772 or by email, [email protected]. Secondary Contact: Dr.
Michael J. Campbell, [email protected], or 919-684-3574. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max
1. Zebulon Spector, MD; Other faculty: Piers C.A. Barker, MD; Richard J. Boruta, MD; Michael
G.W. Camitta, MD; Michael J. Campbell, MD; Michel P. Carboni, MD; Gregory Fleming, MD;
Kevin Hill, MD; Salim F. Idriss, MD/PhD; Sonja Kirmaini, MD; Andrew Landstrom, MD, PhD;
Jennifer S. Li, MD; Andrew McCrary, MD; Angelo Milazzo, MD; Stephen Miller, MD; Patsy Park,
MD; Gregory Tatum, MD; and Rachel Torok, MD
PEDS-433C. Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Clinical appraisal and practice in use of
methods of diagnosis and treatment of allergic and immunologic disorders including the atopic
diseases, immunologic deficiency states, and bone marrow transplantation. Scope: in-depth
seminars, history, physical examination, skin testing, a variety of clinical immunologic tests, and
Clinical Research Unit experience. For more information please contact the Program Director, Dr.
Amy Stallings via email at amy.stallings@duke.edu. An alternate contact is Debra Preddy. You
may reach her via email at debra.predd[email protected].edu. Please contact Debbie Preddy at least one
week prior to your rotation to set up a meeting to receive information packet and information about
where to go on first day Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 2. John Sleasman, MD (Division Chief), Amy
Stallings, MD; Rebecca Buckley, MD; Talal Mousallem, MD, M. Louise Markert, MD/PhD, and
Julie Kim-Chang, MD
PEDS-434C. Clinical Genetics/Metabolism. The student becomes familiar with evaluation
and management of various genetic disorders including malformation syndromes and biochemical
disorders. History-taking, pedigree construction and analysis, specialized aspects of the
dysmorphological physical examination, diagnostic techniques, routine and specialized laboratory
methods (cytogenetic, biochemical, molecular), and reference materials (texts and computer
programs) are covered. Students participate in weekly teaching and clinical conferences. For more
information please call 684-2036. First Day of Classes: Students should meet at the Genetics Clinic
at 8:00 a.m., CHC level 2, Room 2924A. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 2. Marie McDonald, MD
PEDS-436C. Pediatric Neurology. Students will partake in the evaluation and management
of both hospitalized and ambulatory pediatric patients with neurological disorders. Emphasis is
placed on the neurodevelopmental history, neurological examination, the use of laboratory tests
and radiological tools and pharmacotherapy in the diagnosis and management of childhood
neurological disorders. Administrative contacts: Kristin Johnson ([email protected])
at 681-4658. Students should report to the PEDS Neuro office in the CHC room T0913. Please
meet promptly at 8:00 a.m. Pre-requisite: students must contact Dr. Kansagra
([email protected]) prior to enrollment. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 2. Sujay Kansagra,
PEDS-440C. Advanced General Pediatrics-Intensive Care. This advanced course is
designed to allow students a four-week experience in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU).
Clinically, students will first have a several day period of shadowing non-physician ICU staff
(RNs, RTs, SWs), followed by several weeks of participating in the physician team caring for
PICU patients. Overnight and weekend call is not expected. Academically, students are asked to
choose a project (written case presentation or critical appraisal of a published study) to be
completed by the end of the rotation. Emphasis is placed on the development of the
pathophysiologic approach to the diagnosis and therapy of a broad spectrum of pediatric illnesses
as they present in acute care settings. Pre-requisite: PEDS 205C. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 1. For
more information, please contact Dr. Rehder via email at kyle[email protected]. Dr. Rehder can
also be paged at 970-7195, or if unable to reach Dr. Rehder, students may contact Alicia (Lisa)
Bynum ([email protected], at 681-3550. Kyle Rehder, MD; Sameer Kamath, MD; Karan
Kumar, MD; Palen Mallory, MD; Caroline Ozment, MD; David Turner, MD; Kevin Watt, MD;
and Kanecia Zimmerman, MD, MPH
PEDS-441C. Pediatric Nephrology. Students actively participate in assigned patient care,
and prepare didactic presentations as a part of instruction. Clinical work provides the students with
exposure to clinical nephrology and basic renal physiology. The course will provide experience in
diagnosis, interpretations of laboratory tests, natural history, and treatment of acute and chronic
disorders of the kidney in children. The student will participate in the management of fluid and
electrolyte disorders in infants and children. Consultative services are provided for inpatients and
outpatients from general and subspecialty disciplines in pediatrics, intensive care units, and the
transplant services. For more information, please contact Dr. Wigfall at 684-4246 or via email at
[email protected]. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 1. Delbert Wigfall, MD; Eileen Chambers,
MD; Annabelle Chua, MD; R. Gbadegesin, MD; Reeti Kumar, Md; and Shashi Nagaraj,
PEDS-446C. Pediatric Stem Cell Transplant Unit. This four week elective is designed to
give medical students experience in all aspects of clinical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
including the diagnostic evaluation, care, and treatment of transplant patients. Emphasis is placed
on fundamental concepts of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Students will accompany the
inpatient team on the ward rounds for 3 weeks of the rotation with the remaining time spent in the
clinic evaluating new patients and seeing established patients. Students also are expected to attend
divisional teaching conferences and give informal presentations on topics in hematopoietic stem
cell transplantation. Students should join the Division meeting on Monday at 8:00 a.m. in the
Division offices on the first floor of the Old Duke Credit Union (1400 Morreene Rd) on the first
day of classes. For more information, contact Dr. Martin at [email protected], or pager, 970-
3758. Secondary contact: Tim Driscoll, 668-1120. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 2. Paul Martin,
MD/PhD; Joanne Kurtzberg, MD; Tim Driscoll, MD; Suhag Parikh, MD; Vinod Prasad, MD; and
Kristin Page, MD
Clinical Science Electives
PSYCHTRY-401C. Sub-Internship in Psychiatry. This course is an intensive
clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of severe and incapacitating psychiatric
disorders. The student is given more clinical responsibility than the comparable second year
inpatient rotation. Patient care responsibilities include management of ward milieu.
Treatment approaches emphasizing psychotropic medication, individual, and family
psychotherapy are part of the clinical experience. Participation at patient care conferences and
didactic lectures is expected. Call is taken on the weekend. For more information, please
contact Dr. Shelley Holmer via email at shell[email protected]. Pre-requisites:
instructor approval and satisfactory completion of PSC-205C (or equivalent for visiting
students). Secondary contact: Kamara Carpenter, email at [email protected] or
phone at 681-9632. Credit: 5. Enrollment: max 2. Shelley Holmer, MD
PSYCHTRY-407C. Sub-Internship in Internal Medicine-Psychiatry. This course is
an intensive clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of acute co-morbid medical
and psychiatric disorders requiring acute hospitalization. Students participating in this four-
week elective based in Duke University Hospital are expected to function at intern-level,
assuming care of a small census of complex patients. The Medicine/Psychiatry faculty on the
GenMed 12 service provides direct supervision. The goal of the elective is to refine and then
clinically apply basic knowledge from the fields of Internal Medicine and Psychiatry.
Participation at selected case conferences and didactic sessions is expected. Students are invited
to attend the intern lecture series during Psychiatry Academic Half-day and educational offerings
in Internal Medicine, including Intern Report. Call is taken in both Medicine and Psychiatry in
alternating fashion every fifth night. For more information, please contact Dr. Kristen Shirey,
[email protected]; Secondary Contact: [email protected]) 681-9632.
Preference is given to students considering a career in combined Medicine-Psychiatry.
Prerequisite: successful completion of PSYCHTRY-205C and MEDICINE-205C. C-L
MEDICINE 407C. Permission is required. Credit: 5. Enrollment: max 1. Kristen Shirey,
PSYCHTRY-443C. Addiction Psychiatry. Students are based at the Durham VA Health
Care System’s Substance Use Disorders Clinic. Experiences include diagnostic evaluation,
pharmacological management, and individual, group, and family psychotherapy. Emphasis is
placed on motivational interviewing, medication-assisted treatment for alcohol- and opioid-use
disorders and understanding the relationships between addictive disorders and other psychiatric
and medical conditions. Students function as members of the multidisciplinary treatment team. For
more information and for approval, please contact Psychiatry UME Coordinator, Kamara
Carpenter, kamara.carpenter@duke.edu and Dr. Teresa Purdy, teresa.purdy@va.gov. Credit: 4.
Enrollment max 1. Teresa Purdy, MD
PSYCHTRY-445C. Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry. The Psychiatry Consultation-
Liaison Service at Duke University Hospital offers a clinical clerkship in the evaluation and
management of psychiatric disorders in the medical and surgical setting. The student performs
psychiatric consultations for medical and surgical services under direct supervision of residents
and senior staff. Topics in psychosomatic medicine, psychopharmacology and medico-legal issues
are discussed. Unique issues in psychiatric presentations of medical illness and adaptation to
illness are reviewed. Students may attend an outpatient psychiatric consultation clinic in addition,
upon request and pending availability. Students attend the weekly MedPsych conference and
Psychiatry Academic Half-day educational offerings. Hours are generally 8am-6pm M-F. Call the
consult pager to arrange meeting place on first day (970-PSYC). Students need to check with Dr.
Shirey in advance via email at [email protected] or the secondary contact, Kamara
Carpenter, [email protected]., to confirm the availability of this rotation. Prerequisites:
instructor approval and satisfactory completion of PSC-205C. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 1.
Kristen Shirey, MD and Shelley Holmer, MD
Radiation Oncology
Clinical Science Electives
RADONC-415C. Clinical Radiation Oncology. Radiation oncology plays a crucial role in
the management of patients with cancer. The student begins this course with lectures, individual
tutorials, and audio-visual education programs to review the crucial elements of radiation biology,
medical radiation physics, and dosimetry. This is followed by clinical instruction based in the
ambulatory clinics of the Radiation Oncology Department as well as participation in brachytherapy
procedures, care of inpatients, and new patient consultations. This course provides an introduction
to the role of radiation therapy in the treatment of malignant disease. For more information please
contact Dr. Larrier at 668-7342 or via email at la[email protected]. Secondary contact: Bette
W. Clack, email, [email protected] or phone, 668-6693. NOTE: This elective does require
student to complete rotations at the VA Medical Center. Students applying for this rotation MUST
complete all VA paperwork no later than one month prior to the first day of classes. Students
should report to Room 005113 [Sub-basement, White Zone, Duke Clinic] at 7:45am on the first
day of the rotation. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 2. Nicole Larrier, MD and staff
Clinical Science Electives
RADIOL-402C. Breast Imaging. The 4th year elective in Breast Imaging is designed to
enhance the medical student's learning by teaching a rational approach to symptoms and concerns
involving the breast, and the implementation of oncologic and surgical care after biopsy proven
pathology is identified. The student will be exposed to full field digital mammography, breast
ultrasound, breast MRI, and image guided interventional procedures such needle localization prior
to surgical biopsy, and stereotactic, ultrasound, and MRI-guided core biopsies. Students will also
observe and have opportunity to practice skills at providing compassionate patient care through
patient interactions to promote breast health, during tense encounters such as breast biopsy, and
potentially high-anxiety situations such as discussing potentially abnormal mammographic results.
The elective can be customized based on the student's interests and plans for residency. This course
would be beneficial to students interested in Radiology, Family Medicine, or Obstetrics &
Gynecology. For questions please contact Dr. Kim via email at [email protected] or
Beverly Harris (beverl[email protected]), 919-684-7645. Credits: 2. Enrollment max: 2 (1
student per two week period). This two-week course is not available to visiting students. Connie
Kim, MD; Jay A. Baker, MD; Sujata Ghate, MD; Lars Grimm, MD; Karen S. Johnson, MD; Mary
Scott Soo, MD; Michael Taylor Cho, MD; Ruth Walsh, MD; and Sora Yoon, MD
RADIOL-403C. Genitourinary Imaging. The 4th year elective in Genitourinary Imaging
(GUI) is designed to educate medical students pursuing a career in urology about the most common
procedures within the field of GUI. The students will be involved in: (1) education about the
diverse imaging modalities used in GUI; (2) imaging indications and techniques unique to GUI;
and (3) review and interpretation of various studies. Documentation skills will be taught. By the
end of the rotation, the student should be capable of preliminary interpretation of GU imaging
studies. Permission of the instructor is required for enrollment. Credit: 4. Enrollment max: 1.
Direct questions about the course to Dr. Leder, [email protected]. Secondary contact:
Deborah Griffin ([email protected]). Richard Leder, MD; Other Abdominal Imaging
RADIOL-404C. Vascular and Interventional Radiology. All physicians will encounter
patients who will undergo interventional procedures. The 4th year elective in Vascular and
Interventional Radiology (VIR) is designed to educate medical students about the most common
procedures performed by VIR. The students will be involved in: (1) pre-procedural patient care:
focused patient assessment (in a clinic setting, as well as in the inpatient consult setting), review
of imaging, and informed consent process; (2) intra-procedural care: devices, terminology, and
technique; and (3) post-procedural patient care: focused patient assessment (in the radiology
recovery room, as well as in the patient setting), procedural documentation/reporting, and patient
follow-up plan. Documentation skills will be taught. By the end of the rotation, the student should
be capable of determining whether a procedure is needed routinely, urgently, or emergently; will
be able to select the most indicated procedure based on patient presentation (develop a
management plan); and will be knowledgeable about pre- and post-procedure patient care. This
two-week, two-credit course is not available to visiting medical students. For more information
about the course or if you have registered for the course, please contact Course Director: Jonathan
G Martin, MD, jon[email protected]. Secondary Contact: Deborah Griffin,
[email protected]. Students that took Radiol 222C during the second year are not eligible
to take RADIOL 404C. Credits: 2. Enrollment max: 1. Jonathan G. Martin, MD; Nicholas Befera,
MD; Charles Kim, MD; Waleska Pabon-Ramos MD/MPH; James Ronald, MD/PhD; Alan Sag,
MD; Tony Smith, MD; and Paul Suhocki, MD
RADIOL-405C. Fourth Year Subspecialty Radiology Rotation for the Longitudinal
Integrated Curriculum. This course completes the LIC student’s final two weeks of the
educational requirement in the area field of radiology. The student will select a subspecialty area
for study and clinical experience based on their personal interest. Choices include imaging of the
following systems or modalities: Abdomen (Adult CT/MRI/US/GI fluoroscopy), Breast,
Cardiothoracic, Musculoskeletal, Neurologic, Pediatric, Nuclear Medicine, and Vascular
Interventional. Students will have two weeks of clinical experience in which they will participate
in imaging examination preparation, acquisition and interpretation. A formal case presentation will
be prepared and presented. An examination will test knowledge gained from the clinical
experience and required readings. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor is required. Students
should meet at 8:30am on their first day in the specialty area reading room at Duke North, DMP,
or the cancer center, depending on the specialty. Course Directors: Jonathan G Martin, MD,
[email protected] and Robert French, MD [email protected]. Secondary
Contact: Deborah Griffin,[email protected] Contact: Marcene Jack,
[email protected]. Credit: 2; Maximum enrollment: 2. Course Directors: Jonathan Martin,
MD; Robert French, MD Caroline Carrico: Logan Bisset, Pediatrics; Lisa Ho and Chad Miller,
Adult abdominal imaging; Joe Mammarappallil, Cardiothoracic imaging; Michael Malinzak,
Neuroradiology; Chuck Spritzer, Musculoskeletal imaging; Brandon Howard, Nuclear Medicine
imaging; Jonathan Martin, Vascular and Interventional; Connie Kim, Breast imaging
RADIOL-406C. Advanced Vascular and Interventional Radiology. All students will
encounter patients who will undergo interventional procedures. The 4th-year elective in Vascular
and Interventional Radiology (VIR) is designed to educate medical students about the most
common procedures performed by VIR. The students will be involved in: (1) pre-procedural
patient care: focused patient assessment (in a clinic setting, as well as in the inpatient consult
setting), review of imaging, and informed consent process; (2) intra-procedural care: devices,
terminology, and technique; and (3) post-procedural patient care: focused patient assessment (in
the radiology recovery room, as well as in the inpatient setting), procedural
documentation/reporting, and patient follow-up plan. Documentation skills will be taught. By the
end of the rotation, the student should be capable of determining whether a procedure is needed
routinely, urgently or emergently; will be able to select the most indicated procedure based on
patient presentation (develop a management plan); and will be knowledgeable about pre- and post-
procedure patient care. Pre-requisites: Permission of the instructor is required. Students that take
the two-credit Vascular & Interventional Radiology (VIR) course are not eligible to take this four
credit elective. Enrollment Max. 2; Credit: 4. Course Director: Jonathan G Martin, MD,
[email protected]. Secondary Contact: Deborah Griffin, deborah.griff[email protected].
Jonathan G. Martin, MD; Nicholas Befera, MD; Charles Kim, MD; Waleska Pabon-Ramos
MD/MPH; James Ronald, MD/PhD; Alan Sag, MD;Tony Smith, MD; and Paul Suhocki, MD
RADIOL-420C. Pediatric Radiology. Pediatric radiology is unique from other radiology
subspecialties in that almost all imaging modalities (plain film, ultrasound, fluoroscopy, CT, MR
examinations) and organ systems (e.g. brain and spine, chest, gastrointestinal tract,
musculoskeletal system) are evaluated on a daily basis. Moreover, there are many disease
processes and presentations that are unique to children. The importance of understanding normal
vs abnormal development is also unique to pediatric imaging. Students can learn by observing
patients, nurses, technologists and radiologists during image acquisition in pediatric fluoroscopy,
ultrasound, CT and MRI as well as in the reading room observing and helping the radiology
residents, fellows and attendings protocol, interpret, and discuss pediatric imaging cases. The
imaging modalities used to evaluate a child's injury or illness are openly discussed, during film
interpretation. Each history is reviewed, clinical question addressed, and the exams are formulated
to optimize obtainable information while minimizing patient risks (e.g. radiation exposure or need
for sedation). Other learning tools include computer access to teaching file cases, online teaching
files, daily case conferences and subspecialty multispecialty case conferences. Medical students
are encouraged to ask questions and participate in preliminary film interpretation and to dictated
several live cases that will be staffed by an attending radiologist. Two cases are to be selected and
briefly presented at an interesting case conference. A rubric for the case presentation expectations
will be provided. This case will be added to the division's electronic teaching file. There is an
extensive "to do" list to guide study and encourage physician and patient interaction. This "to do"
list is to be completed and turned in for assessment. A copy of Pediatric Radiology by Lane
Donnelly is available for loan during the rotation, assigned reading also includes some selected
articles from the pediatric radiology literature. An introductory text is available on loan from the
pediatric radiology division. A written or oral exam may be given at the end of the course. Two
days of absence are allowed. For more information please contact Dr. Caroline Carrico at
919-684-7514 or [email protected] or her assistant Candie Stewart. Course begins at 8:30 a.m.
in Pediatric Radiology Division, 1st Floor Children's Health Center - 1905B. Credit: 4.
Enrollment: max 1 (more than one is possible with special permission some months). Pediatric
Radiology Faculty include: Caroline Carrico, MD (course director); Charles Maxfiield, MD
Division Chief, Donald Frush, MD, Logan Bisset, MD, Ana Gaca, MD
RADIOL-421C. Clerkship in Neuroradiology. A specialized program of detailed
instruction in neuroradiology. The program includes participation in many interdepartmental
conferences and the performance and interpretation of a variety of examinations including cerebral
angiography, computerized axial tomography, magnetic resonance images, and myelography. This
is mainly an observational rotation. There is an optional honors presentation available for credit.
Grade is based on reading room attendance and conference attendance. For more information
please contact Dr. James Eastwood at (919)684-7466 or via email at [email protected].edu.
Secondary contact: Babbie Williams, (919) 684-7406. Due to Covid-19, the course will be virtual
for now. Students will be doing virtual readouts and conferences. For more information and
meeting times, please reach out to Babbie Williams (babbie.williams@duke.edu. Credit: 4.
Enrollment: max 2. James Eastwood, MD and staff
RADIOL-429C. Basic Radiology Clerkship. This course is designed to provide an
overview of the various imaging modalities of diagnostic and interventional radiology and their
clinical utility. The elective consists of: (a) a high-quality lecture series (b) review of preselected
teaching cases, (c) participation in multispecialty conferences and grand rounds, and (d) rotation
time in subspecialty areas in diagnostic and interventional radiology. On these sub-rotations,
students are allowed an opportunity to participate in imaging examination acquisition and
interpretation. Through this they can gain empathy for patients undergoing imaging procedures
and can learn the indications/contraindications and utility of a large variety of diagnostic and
therapeutic imaging procedures There is extensive required reading, materials are provided by the
department. Students will be assessed in large part on their clinical performance and formal
PowerPoint case presentation. For more information, please contact the course coordinators, Peg
Helminski ([email protected]) and Debbie Griffin ([email protected]) via email.
If pertinent, you can contact the course directors Dr. Robert French (robert.french@duke.edu) and
Dr. Jonathan Martin ([email protected]) via email. Enrolled students will receive an
email regarding orientation time and meeting details. NOTE: STUDENTS THAT HAVE TAKEN
permission from the course director is required to enroll in the course during Fall Section 44, and
Spring Sections 41 and 42. Credit: 4. Enrollment: min 1, max 3
RADIOL-437C. Musculoskeletal Imaging. During this four week elective, the student will
be exposed to conventional x-rays in bone radiology, emergency room bone films, bone tumor
films and musculoskeletal MRI. At the conclusion, the student will be able to identify fractures
and have a working knowledge of musculoskeletal radiology. A case presentation will be required.
There is a test at rotation's end. For more information please contact Dr. Charles Spritzer via email
at [email protected]. Secondary Contact: Kisha Young (kisha.[email protected]). Credit
4. Enrollment: max. 2. Charles Spritzer, MD; Caroline Carrico, MD; Drs. R. Lee Cothran, Jr.,
MD; Clyde Helms, MD; Erin McCrum, MD; Nick Said, MD; and Emily Vinson, MD
Study Away
Clinical Science Electives
STDYAWAY-410C. Extra-Mural Clinical. Approved fourth year experience at another
STDYAWAY-411C. Study Away at UNC. Fourth year clinical elective at UNC. Upon
receipt of the acceptance letter from UNC, the Registrar's Office at Duke University School of
Medicine will process the enrollment for study away at UNC.
STDYAWAY-421C. Study Away at Wake Forest University School of
Medicine. Fourth year clinical elective at WFU. Upon receipt of the acceptance letter from
WFU, the Registrar's Office at Duke University School of Medicine will process the enrollment
for study away at WFU.
STDYAWAY-431C. Study Away at East Carolina University School of
Medicine. Fourth year clinical elective at ECU. Upon receipt of the acceptance letter from ECU,
the Registrar's Office at Duke University School of Medicine will process the enrollment for
study away at ECU.
STDYAWAY-440C. Externship in Inpatient Care at Teaching Hospital Karapitiya
and Mahamodara Galle in Sri Lanka. Management of patients admitted to the
Medicine/Surgical wards at Teaching Hospital Karapitiya and Teaching Hospital Mahamodara
Galle in Sri Lanka. The student will function under the guidance of Professor P.L. Ariyananda.
The extern would assist with admissions, and day to day care of patients. Outpatient care will
also be important. Independence and innovation by the student will be particularly important.
Credit: 4 Max: 2. Truls Ostbye, MD, MPH, MBA, PhD.
Clinical Science Electives
SURGERY-401C. Advanced Surgical Clerkship. The course aims to provide an intense
educational experience with graded responsibility of surgical care. The student selects a specific
surgeon mentor and is expected to attend multidisciplinary conferences, e.g. gastrointestinal,
vascular, transplant, endocrine, oncology, etc. The student is expected to evaluate surgical patients
in an outpatient setting as well as participating in inpatient and operative patient care. Attendance
at clinical research conferences, case conferences, grand rounds, and sub-specialty conferences is
required. Graded patient care responsibility under supervision is encouraged to prepare the student
for future assumption of duties as a house officer able to diagnose and treat surgical diseases.
Students must verify with the specific attending that he/she is available during the time the student
wishes to enroll in Surgery 401C. Only one student can work with a specific attending during any
one time period. Permission of instructor is required. For information about the course, please
contact Dr. Trey Blazer at tre[email protected] or by phone at 684-6553. To obtain permission
(and permission numbers) to enroll in the course, students should contact Ben Latta via email at
tho[email protected]. Credit: 5. Enrollment: min. 1, max 8. Trey Blazer, MD. Available
mentors: Suresh Agarwal, MD; Peter Allen, MD; Andrew Barbas, MD; Benjamin Bryner, MD;
Mitchell Cox, MD; Thomas D'Amico, MD; Georgia Beasley, MD; Jeffrey Gaca, MD; Donald
Glower, MD; Rachel Greenup, MD; John Haney, MD; David Harpole, Jr., MD; Sandhya Lagoo,
MD/PhD; Shelly Hwang, MD/MPH; Stuart Knechtle, MD; Michael Lidsky, MD; Andrew Lodge,
MD; Christopher Mantyh, MD; John Migaly, MD; Theodore Pappas, MD; Dana Portenier, MD;
Kadiyala Ravindra, MD; Henry Rice, MD; Laura Rosenberger, MD; Randall Scheri, MD; Jacob
Schroder, MD; Kevin Shah, MD; Cynthia Shortell, MD; Julie Thacker, MD; Elisabeth Tracy, MD;
Betty Tong, MD; Steven Vaslef, MD/PhD; Cory Vatsaas, MD; and Sabino Zani, MD
SURGERY-402C. Emergency Medicine Sub-Internship. This sub-internship is designed
for students with a career interest in emergency medicine. Students will hone their approach to the
emergency medical patient, including essential diagnostic and therapeutic measures. The
experience will encourage the development of skills important to the practice of emergency
medicine including differential diagnosis, managing multiple patients, communicating with
consultants, and making appropriate dispositions. Efforts are made to coordinate the majority of a
student's shifts with a core group of faculty to provide mentorship. Students will attend weekly
medical student lectures, Thursday morning resident conferences, and deliver a final case
presentation. For more information please contact Dr. David Gordon at 681-2820 or via email,
[email protected]. Secondary Contact: Shawna Alkon ([email protected]) at 919-
681-0196. Prerequisites: Students must have already completed a prior emergency medicine
rotation and permission of the instructor is required. Please try to contact the course director at
least several weeks in advance of enrollment to help guarantee availability. First day meeting: 1:00
p.m. in the conference room located in the emergency services administrative suite above the
emergency department. Credit: 5. max: variable. Offered in summer 43 only, summer 44 only, and
all fall sections. David Gordon, MD
SURGERY-403C. Sub-Internship Plastic Surgery Integrated Program. This course is
designed for students who have an interest in plastic surgery as a career. Duties are similar to a
first year resident. This course provides the student with an in-depth overview of clinical activities,
emergency room call, inpatient care and assisting in the operating room, ward rounds and
conference participation. This course will also provide primary responsibility for patient care
similar to an internship in a supervised fashion. This rotation will involve more time commitment
than our regular rotation with additional call and work responsibilities of up to 80 hours a week.
Pre-requisite: Permission of instructor is required. For more information and/or to obtain a
permission number, students should contact Colleen McDowell ([email protected]).
Clinical Contact for Students: Erika Sudyk (erika.sudy[email protected]) Enrollment Max: 3. Credits:
5. David A. Brown, MD and Erika Sudyk, PA-C
SURGERY-405C. Introduction to Point of Care Ultrasound. The 4th year elective in
Point of Care Ultrasound aims to educate medical students in the core applications of bedside
ultrasound. The students will be introduced to both the skills of image acquisition and image
interpretation. The course will consist of: (1) education about uses and indications for point of care
ultrasound with didactics; (2) hands on teaching about the acquisition of images with both
simulators and live emergency department patients; (3) time dedicated to learning image
interpretation of bedside ultrasounds. By the end of rotation, the student will have an introductory
understanding of the indications for, skills to perform, and the clinical integration of bedside
ultrasound into patient care. During spring 2020 section 42, the course will be offered in one-week
periods. Students will rank their preferred weeks once enrollment has ended to determine their
final schedules. For more information, please contact Dr. Peethumnongsin via email,
[email protected]. Credit: 1. Enrollment: max:6; min: 2. If the minimum number
of students do not enroll in the course, that section or sections will be cancelled. Course is graded
"Credit/No Credit". Erica Peethumnongsin, MD, PhD; Kevin Gurysh, MD; Rebecca Theophanus,
SURGERY-406C. Endocrine Surgery. The Endocrine Surgery Elective will allow fourth
year medical students to be exposed to and participate in the preoperative, intraoperative and
postoperative care of endocrine surgery patients. This patient population encompasses a wide
variety of benign, malignant, hormonally active, and hereditary endocrine diseases of the thyroid,
parathyroid, adrenal and neuro-endocrine pancreas/systems which are evaluated in a
multidisciplinary clinic along with medical endocrinology, oncology, pathology, genetics, and
radiology. A working knowledge of these diseases and their multidisciplinary management is
critical to a career in internal medicine or surgery. Permission of the instructor is required. For
more information about the course students should contact Dr. Randall Scheri at
[email protected]. Students should report to Dr. Scheri's office located at 463 Seeley Mudd
Building on the first day of class. Credit: 4. Enrollment max: 2. Randall P. Scheri, MD; Hadiza
Kazaure, MD; Jennifer Perkins, MD; and Michael Stang, MD
SURGERY-407C. Direct Observation and IPE Student Clinic Leadership Elective
I. Senior students provide leadership to the direct observation and IPE student clinic. Students will
help define goals for the clinic, barriers to achieving these goals, and solutions to these barriers.
Main roles will include leading the clinical team (responsibility for direct clinical operations, such
as opening the clinic each night, selection of clinic patients, teaching and providing feedback to
other learners in clinic) and engaging in quality improvement that impacts the learners (i.e.
developing formal teaching modules/videos/simulations) and that impacts patients (patient access
to health care, patient flow, patient satisfaction, patient outcomes and or learner). This elective will
give students a direct role in shaping a clinic for patient care. Students will gain insight into
important aspects of systems-based practice: from laws governing care to patients with possible
emergent/urgent medical conditions, to health care finance and reform, and healthcare
reimbursement. The elective will run through the entire semester and the clinic sessions are not
expected to be consecutive. For one credit the students will be expected to: • 7 IPE sessions •
Patient follow up activity/academic research endeavor: 2 hours, to be scheduled with Drs.
Leiman/Waite. • One Multimedia Educational Project with presentation to fellow students and
faculty at end of rotation. • For 2 credits the student will be expected to: • 12 IPE sessions • Patient
follow up activity/academic research endeavor: 4 hours, to be scheduled with Drs. Leiman/Waite.
• One Multimedia Educational Project with presentation to fellow students and faculty at end of
rotation. • One significant QI project to be done longitudinally through rotation and presented at
conclusion of rotation. Expectation is that this will need to be semester long in order to complete
a PDSA cycle. For more information please contact Dr. Waite at [email protected] or Dr.
Leiman at [email protected]. Credit. 1-2; Enrollment Max: 2; Kathleen Waite, MD and Erin
Leiman, MD
SURGERY-408C. Direct Observation and IPE Student Clinic Leadership Elective
II. Senior students provide leadership to the direct observation and IPE student clinic. Students
will help define goals for the clinic, barriers to achieving these goals, and solutions to these
barriers. Main roles will include leading the clinical team (responsibility for direct clinical
operations, such as opening the clinic each night, selection of clinic patients, teaching and
providing feedback to other learners in clinic) and engaging in quality improvement that impacts
the learners (i.e. developing formal teaching modules/videos/simulations) and that impacts patients
(patient access to health care, patient flow, patient satisfaction, patient outcomes and or learner).
This elective will give students a direct role in shaping a clinic for patient care. Students will gain
insight into important aspects of systems-based practice: from laws governing care to patients with
possible emergent/urgent medical conditions, to health care finance and reform, and healthcare
reimbursement. The elective will run through the entire semester and the clinic sessions are not
expected to be consecutive. For 3 credits the student will be expected to: • 17 IPE sessions • Patient
follow up activity/academic research endeavor: 6 hours, to be scheduled with Drs. Leiman/Waite.
• One Multimedia Educational Project with presentation to fellow students and faculty at end of
rotation. • One significant QI project to be done longitudinally through rotation and presented at
conclusion of rotation. Expectation is that this will need to be semester long in order to complete
a PDSA cycle. For 4 credits the student will be expected to: • 22 IPE sessions • Patient follow up
activity/academic research endeavor: 8 hours, to be scheduled with Drs. Leiman/Waite. • One
Multimedia Educational Project with presentation to fellow students and faculty at end of rotation.
• One significant QI project to be done longitudinally through rotation and presented at conclusion
of rotation. Expectation is that this will need to be semester long in order to complete a PDSA
cycle. For more information please contact Dr. Waite at Kathleen.waite@duke.edu or Dr. Leiman
at [email protected]. Credit: 3-4; Enrollment Max: 1. Kathleen Waite, MD and Erin Leiman,
SURGERY-409C. Surgical Technique and Review Course (STAR). Surgical Technique
and Review (STAR) Course. This course will provide formal instruction to prepare 4th year
medical students for their upcoming duties as interns in general surgery. Students will be exposed
to common diagnostic scenarios, pre- and post-operative patient care, extensive technical skill
training, surgical anatomy, wound management, and how to interpret surgical literature critically.
This course will also feature mock pages to challenge students to respond to common surgical
scenarios. It concludes with two full days performing surgery on fresh frozen human tissue under
resident and attending guidance. The Department of Surgery fully funds this course with housestaff
and faculty serving as instructors throughout the two weeks. Students will receive a welcome email
detailing the schedule and locations including where to meet on the first day of classes. The course
will be offered during spring section 44. Permission is required for enrollment. To obtain a
permission number during registration for spring 2021, please email Konstantinos Economopoulos
([email protected]) and include the following information: name, email
address, cell phone number and wireless company, (e.g. Verizon, AT&T, etc.) - needed for the
mock pages, and include what residency you applied for or will apply for (e.g. general surgery,
urology, etc.) Credit: 2. Enrollment max.: 20. John Migaly, MD and Elisabeth Tracy, MD
SURGERY-412C. Emergency Medicine. The American College of Emergency Physicians
defines emergency medicine as "the medical specialty with the principal mission of evaluating,
managing, treating and preventing unexpected illness and injury." Course Goals: 1) Students will
see patients with the full range of chief complaints that present to the Duke Hospital Emergency
Department. 2) Students will gain experience in making initial evaluations as well as diagnostic
and treatment plans with an emphasis on detecting and treating immediate life threatening
conditions. 3) Students' ability to rapidly obtain critical facets of a history and physical
examination will improve. 4) Students will mature as clinical problem-solvers by seeing several
patients per day with undifferentiated chief complaints. How Goals Are Achieved: 1) Students will
work with attendings and residents during approximately 13 eight-hour shifts per month. A
mixture of day, evening, and overnight shifts will be assigned that include both weekdays and
weekends. 2) Medical student lectures will be held each week. 3) Students will attend resident
conferences on Thursday mornings, 8am to 1pm. Methods of Evaluation: Attendings and residents
will give feedback to students verbally and through shift evaluation cards. For more information
please contact Dr. David Gordon at 919-681-2820 or by email, davidc.g[email protected].
Secondary Contact: Shawna Alkon ([email protected]) at 919-681-0196 . Prerequisites:
none. First day meeting: 1:00 p.m. in the conference room located in the emergency services
administrative suite above the emergency department. Duke medical students must make sure that
their VA credentials are active prior to the course as they may be assigned a shift at the Durham
VA Medical Center. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max varies by term. David Gordon, MD
SURGERY-420C. General Surgical Oncology. The course is designed for the student
interested in surgical oncology. Students will typically spend 1-2 weeks on 2-3 different services.
Students will rotate on services with a focus on Hepatobiliary, Pancreas, Breast, Endocrine,
Colorectal, Soft Tissue Sarcoma, and Melanoma disease sites. The students are involved in patient
care with a specific surgeon but, in addition, are expected to attend multidisciplinary conferences
related to the disease site of interest that week. These multidisciplinary conferences involve
medical and radiation oncology as well as surgical oncology. The student is also expected to
evaluate surgical patients in an outpatient setting as well as participating in inpatient and operative
patient care. There is no overnight call responsibility. For more information please contact Dr.
Trey Blazer via email, [email protected] or contact Ben Latta at ([email protected]) or
Peggy Moore (peggy [email protected]). Permission is required. Credit: 4. Enrollment: min 1,
max 2. Trey Blazer, MD
SURGERY-423C. Advanced Surgery-Emphasis Cardiovascular/Thoracic. Advanced
concepts in surgery are presented in seminars and in ward, clinic, and operating room experiences.
Fifty to 75 percent of the time is devoted to cardiovascular/thoracic surgery and related basic topics
and the remainder to surgery generally. For more information please contact Dr. D'Amico at 681-
0491. Credit: 4. Enrollment: min 1, max 5. Thomas D'Amico, MD; Jeffrey G. Gaca, MD; Donald
Glower, MD; John C. Haney MD, David Harpole, MD; Matthew G. Hartwig, MD; Chad Hughes,
MD; Joseph Klapper, MD; Andrew Lodge, MD; Carmelo Milano, MD; Ryan Plichta, MD Jacob
Schroder, MD; Peter K. Smith, MD; and Betty C. Tong, MD
SURGERY-426C. Advanced Clerkship in Pediatric Surgery. This course is designed to
familiarize the student with the whole range of surgical problems in children, but with emphasis
on the pathophysiology of surgical and related problems in the newborn infant and the total care
of the child with a malignancy. The student is encouraged to participate fully in the patient care
aspects of the service and is considered an integral part of the patient care team. At the end of the
clerkship, the student is required to give a formal presentation of a pediatric surgical topic of his
or her choice. The student may tailor the clerkship month to include various aspects of pediatric
surgery (neonatology, cardiac surgery, etc.) depending on the interests of the student. For more
information please contact Maria Fryar at 681-5077 or via email at maria.fryar@duke.edu. Credit:
4. Enrollment: max 1. Tamara Fitzgerald, MD/PhD; Henry Rice, MD; Obinna Adibe, MD;
Elisabeth Tracy, MD
SURGERY-441C. Sub-Internship in Surgical Intensive Care. This course is designed to
broaden the student's knowledge and experience in dealing with a wide array of critically ill
patients. Under supervision, students function as sub-interns in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit
(SICU). Students are assigned their own patients and actively participate in daily rounds as part of
the SICU team which includes intensivists, fellows, APPs, and residents. There are on-line didactic
lectures which are expected to be completed during the month on core aspects of critical care, as
well as weekly Critical Care Grand Rounds and ICU fellow conferences. Students rotate among
the different teams with typically 3 weeks of daytime service coverage and a week of overnight
coverage to maximize your education and experience. Shifts are 12 hours not including sign out
of the service to the oncoming team. Students will work with SICU fellows and house staff in the
supervised management of critically ill patients. Four weeks are spent in the SICU at Duke
University Medical Center (trauma, vascular surgery, liver-kidney-pancreas transplantation,
general surgery, surgical subspecialties, MICU and NICU overflow). There is emphasis on
teaching of procedures and techniques necessary for the management of all critically ill patients
including hemodynamic assessment and monitoring, cardiovascular resuscitation and use of
vasoactive drugs, ventilator management including ARDS, prevention and management of
nosocomial infections, and nutritional support. Students are formally evaluated by the SICU house
staff and the attending physician. For more information please contact Dr. Cory Vatsaas at 684-
3636 or via email, [email protected]. Further information and direction may be provided by
the SICU fellow and attending of the week. The schedule is available in the SICU or by calling
the SICU at 681-2241 to find out who is rounding that week. House staff sign out begins at 6:00
a.m. in the SICU. C-L: ANESTH-441C. Credit: 5. Enrollment: max 3. Cory J. Vatsaas, MD;
administrative assistant Gela Duke; and staff
SURGERY-443C. Trauma Service. This course is designed to provide students interested
in trauma care and emergency general surgery with further experience both in the Emergency
Department and on the Inpatient Trauma Service. The course emphasizes both triage and
resuscitation for major and minor emergency problems in the Emergency Department and also
pre- and postoperative care on the Inpatient Trauma Service. There are opportunities to enhance
the student’s education by participating with the acute care surgery service, emergency general
surgery consultation, and coverage of acute care general surgery operations. The student has a full-
time experience by assuming duties and responsibilities similar to a sub-intern. Emphasis is placed
on developing skills in the care of patients with multi-system injuries in the Emergency
Department, Inpatient Service, and Operating Room. Students work in conjunction with the
attending staff, residents on the Trauma Service, and our advanced practice providers. Students
will typically spend three weeks covering daytime trauma service obligations and one week of
night coverage to maximize your education and experience. For more information please contact
Dr. Cory Vatsaas at 684-3636 or via email at cor[email protected]. Additional information can
be obtained by the Trauma Chief, who is the senior resident on the service, pager 970-9995.
Students should meet in the General Surgery Resident bunker/lounge on the 3rd floor DMP across
from the DMP OR entrance at 6:00 a.m. on the first day of the rotation. Credit: 4. Enrollment: max
3. Cory Vatsaas, MD; administrative assistant Gela Duke; and staff
SURGERY-444C. Introduction to Plastic, Reconstructive and Maxillofacial
Surgery. This course is designed for students who may have a future interest in plastic surgery.
Duties include the preoperative evaluation of patients, assisting in the operating room, making
daily ward rounds, and participation in conferences. Permission of instructor is required for
enrollment. For more information and permission numbers, please contact Colleen McDowell via
email [email protected]. Clinical Contact for Students: Erika Sudyk
([email protected]). Credit: 4. Enrollment: max 2. David A. Brown, MD and Erika Sudyk,
SURGERY-451C. Sub-Internship in Urologic Surgery. Students will participate in the
diagnosis, management, and surgical treatment of a broad range urologic disorders in adults and
children. In addition to a busy general urology practice, Duke provides state-of-the-art, specialized
care for urinary stones, infertility, reconstruction, oncology and pediatric urology. Surgical
experiences include open, endoscopic, robotic, microscopic, and minimally invasive surgical
techniques. The goal of our sub-internship is to provide motivated students with a rich and
authentic experience in the breadth and rewards of a Urology career. To that end, students will
assume intern-level responsibilities to include managing inpatients, seeing clinic, actively
participating in surgery, and evaluating, treating and dispositioning consult and on-call patients.
Please contact Dr. Baker at Ka[email protected] for more information and to obtain your
permission number. Secondary contact: Jonna Clark ([email protected]). Prerequisite:
Permission is required. Credit: 5. Enrollment max: 3. Karen Baker, MD and urology staff
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
NESTH 401C 41:42 (5 cr) TBD Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Sub-I
Quinones, Quintin TBD
NESTH 402C 41:42 (4 cr) TBD Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Elective
Quinones, Quintin TBD
NESTH 430C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 7:30a.m Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine
Piantadosi, Claude M-F and as Hyperbaric Center Library
determined by faculty 0588 White Zone, CR II Bldg.
ESTH 440C 41:42:44 (4 cr) 6:30 am Clinical Anesthesiology
Malinzak, Elizabeth M-F Schedules will be emailed
ESTH 441C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) 6:30 am Sub-I in Surg. Intensive Care Unit (SICU)
Young,Christopher M-F SICU 6 West DMP
ESTH 446C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:30 am- 5:30 pm Acute & Chronic Pain Management
Roy, Lance FT Contact Dr. Roy 1 week prior
to start of rotation
OMMFAM 401C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) FT Subinternship in Family Medicine
Sease, Lorraine Family Medicine
OMMFAM 403C 16 (1 cr) TBD Community Clinic Leadership
TBD longitudinal Holton Clinic
OMMFAM 404C 16 (1cr) TBD Community Clinic Leadership
Sheline, Barbara longitudinal Fremont Clinic
OMMFAM 423C 42 TBD Community and Family Medicine
OMMFAM 435C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Health Promotion & Disease Prevention
Sease, Lorraine Family Medicine
ERMATOL 401C 41 (2 cr) FT Dermatology Inpatient Consults
Rao, Caroline TBD TBD
ERMATOL 450C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:30am-6:00pm Clinical Dermatology
Rao, Caroline M-F Dermatology Clinic VAMC
Room C8013
FREETIME 450C 41:42:43:44 (0 cr) TBD Free Time
TERDIS 400C 16 (0 cr) TBD Independent Study
TERDIS 401C 42:43:44 (0 cr) TBD Acute Care Curriculum
Knudsen, Nancy TBD
TERDIS 470C 16 (0 cr) TBD Clinical Experience (MSTP)
Staff (longitudinal) TBD
TERDIS 475C 16 (0 cr) TBD Clinical Experience
Staff (longitudinal) TBD
EDICINE 401C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) 6:30am, 6 days/wk Internal Medicine Sub-I (Duke-DRH)
VanKirk, Jenny FT TBD
EDICINE 404C 42: 44 (5 cr) FT Cardiac Care Unit Sub-I
rowley, Annalisa 7400 Duke Hospital
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
EDICINE 405C 41 (5 cr) FT Intensive Care medicine Sub-I (Duke)
Gilstrap, Daniel TBD
EDICINE 406C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) FT Intensive Care Med. Sub-I at DVAMC
Carraway, Martha VA Ward 5
EDICINE 407C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) 7:30am-5:30pm Sub-I Internal Medicine/Psychiatry
Shirey, Kristen M-F, plus call TBD
MEDICINE 414C 41:42:43 (1-2 cr) FT Introduction to Outpatient Primary Care
Waite, Kathleen Students must contact
Dr. Waite for Schedule
EDICINE 415C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:00am-5:00pm Clin. Management of Obesity
Westman, Eric FT TBD
EDICINE 423C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:00am-5:00pm Rheumatology
Doss, Jayanth FT 34229 Duke Clinics
MEDICINE 425C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 7:00 am Clinical Coagulation
Riedel, Richard. M-F TBD
EDICINE 427C 41:42: 44 (2 cr) Hospice and Palliative Medicine
Benner, Alisha FT
Durham VA Medical
Center CLC
EDICINE 428C 41:42:43 (4 cr) M-F Metabolism & Endocrinology
ong, Beatrice TBD TBD
EDICINE 430C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Pulmonary Medicine
Marshall, Harvey 7453 Duke Hospital
MEDICINE 431C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Adult Allergy & Clinical Immunology
Lugar, Patricia TBD
EDICINE 434C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) TBD Outpatient Hem-Onc Duke or DVAMC
Riedel, Richard TBD
EDICINE 435C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) promptly @8:00am Gastroenterology
Zhang, Cecelia M-F Tyor Conference Room, Duke
Gastroenterology Clinical Suite,
Orange Zone, room 0343
EDICINE 437C 41:42 (2 cr) FT Rheumatology
Doss, Jayanth 8:00am (M-F) Duke Clinics, J1
EDICINE 438C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) M-F Clinical Hem/Onc-Duke or DVAMC
Riedel, Richard wkends optional TBD
EDICINE 440C 42:43:44 (4 cr) M-F, wkends opt. Clinical Infectious Diseases
McClain, Micah F-T 1558 Duke Clinics
MEDICINE 442C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Clinical Arrhythmia Service
Grant, Augustus Students must check
In with Dr. Grant
MEDICINE 444C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation
Agarwal, Richa TBD
EDICINE 445C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Consultative Cardiology
Crowley, Anna Lisa TBD
EDICINE 446C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Nephrology
Morris, Jessica Duke Hosptial Dialysis Unit
Floor, Near 7900
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
CINE 449C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:00am-5:00pm Geriatric Medicine
Genao, Liza 5 days/wk TBA
401C 43:44 (5 cr) 7:00am-6:00am Neurology Sub-I
Mayberry, Jordan on call/faculty TBD
402 41,42,43,44 (4 cr) TBD Neurology Clerkship
Gable, Karissa
1 day in 7 off
NEURO 403C 41:42:43:44 (1-2 cr) 8:00am-5:00pm Clin Neuro Subspecialities
Gable, Karissa on call per faculty TBD
RO 404C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) TBD Consultative Neurology
UR 401C 41: 42:43:44 (5 cr) 5:30am 5:00pm Sub-I in Neurological Surgery
Cook, Steven (call per faculty) 8W40A Duke North Pavilion
UR 402C 41:42 (2 cr) 5:30am Intermediate Clinical Neurosurgery
Cook, Steven 8W40A Duke North Pavilion
UR 404C 43:44 (4 cr) TBD Neuro-Oncology
Peters, Katy Brain Tumor Center Clinic
Cancer Center Clinic 3-1
5C 42:43:44 (5 cr) 6:00am end of day Gynecological Cancer Sub-Internship
Davidson, Brittany M-F, some wkends 7700 Duke Hospital
07C 41:42:42:44 (5 cr) 7:00am-5:00pm Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive
Weidner,Alison C M-F, some wkends Surgery Sub-I
OBGYN 447C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) 7:00am-5:00pm
OBGYN Clinic-Duke
Maternal-Fetal Medicine Sub-I
ters-Katz, Sarah M-F, some wkends
5th Floor –Duke Hospital
L&D Workroom
OPHTHAL 422C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:00am General Ophthalmology
Rosdahl, Jullia FT AERI Blding (behind Eye Ctr)
Cube #3
AL 425C 41:42:43:44 (1-2 cr) 7:30am-5:00pm Pediatric Ophthalmology
Freedman, Sharon M-F TBD
21C 41:42:43:44 (3 cr) FT Frac & Musculoskeletal Trauma
Hubbard, Elizabeth TBD
ORTHO 429C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) FT Sub-I in Orthopaedic Surgery
Hubbard, Elizabeth TBD
30C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) Mon-Fri Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
Taylor, Dean FT Finch Yeager Building – 3
31C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) Mon-Fri Hand//Upper Extremity Surgery
Ruch, David FT Duke Clinics and Durham VA
Medical Center
32C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) Mon-Fri Muskuloskeletal Oncology
Brigman, Brian FT 1
day 6:00 am
Orthopaedic Replant Office
floor, HAFS Bldg.
33C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) Mon-Fri Pediatric Orthopaedics
Fitch, Robert FT 1
day 6:00 am
Orthopaedic Replant Office
floor, HAFS Bldg.
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
LARYN 401C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) FT Sub-Internship in Otolaryngology Head
Kahmke, Russel and Neck Surgery
LARYN 402C 41:42:43:44 (2 cr) FT Communication Sciences within
Kahmke, Russel Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
LARYN 403C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 6:30am Clinical Otolaryngology
Kahmke, Russel FT 6300
PATHOL 423C (4 cr) FT Autopsy Pathology
Glass, Carolyn Autopsy Room Davison Bldg.
HOL 448C 42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:00am Practical Surgical Pathology
Hall, Allison M-F Davison Building, room M216A
Davison Bldg.
DS 401C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) FT Adv Clerkship/Pediatrics
Clifton, Dana 5100 and 5300 Duke Hosp.
PEDS 402C 42:44 (4 cr) TBD Pediatric Gastroenterology
Venkatasubramnai, M-F TBD (students that take Peds
Narayanan 228C are not eligible to enroll)
DS 404C 42:44 (2 cr) 8:45am Advanced Adolescent Medicine
Chung, Richard FT Duke Hlth Ctr, 4020 N. Roxboro St
PEDS 409C 41:42:43:44 (2 cr) TBD Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Jordan, Megan PICU 2W98c
PEDS 411C 41:42:43:44 (3-4 cr) Based on Shifts Pediatric Emergency Medicine
is, Donald FT Pediatric Emergency Department
DS 412C 41:42:43:44 (2 cr) 8:00am 5:00pm Introduction to Peds Pulmonary & Sleep
Kravitz, Richard FT TBD
PEDS 413C 41:42:43:44 (3-4 cr) 8:30am 5:00pm Peds Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine
Kravitz, Richard TBD
420C 41:42:43:44 (2 cr) 8:00am Intro Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Drucker, Robert M-F Duke Hospital, T915 CHC
DS 421C 41:42:43:44 (3-4 cr) 8:00am Pediatric Infectious Diseases - Comp
Drucker, Robert M-F Duke Hospital, T915 CHC
DS 424C 41:42:43:44 (1-2 cr) FT Intro Endocrine Disorders Children
Benjamin, Robert CHC Lenox Baker
DS 425C 41:42:43:44 (3-4 cr) FT Endocrine Disorders - Children
Benjamin, Robert CHC Lenox Baker
PEDS 426C 41:42 (5 cr) TBD Neonatology
Izatt, Susan
DS 427C 41:42:43 (4 cr) 8:00am Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Kreissman, Susan 382 Hanes House
DS 428C 41:42:43:44 (2 cr) 8:00am 5:00pm Intro to Peds Rheumatology
Dvergsten, Jeffery TBD TBD
DS 429C 41:42:43:44 (3-4 cr) 8:00am 5:00pm Intro to Peds Rheumatology
Dvergsten, Jeffery TBD TBD
DS 431C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 7:00 a.m. Clinical Pediatric Cardiology
Spector, Zebulon FT 7617 Duke Hospital
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
EDS 433C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:30am-5:00pm Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Stallings, Amy M-F 4
Fl., CHC Allergy &
Immunology Clinic
EDS 434C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:00am-5:00pm Clinical Genetics- Metabolism
McDonald,Marie M-F Genetics Clinic CHC
Level 2, room 2924A
EDS 436C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Pediatric Neurology
Kansagra, Sujay Peds Neuro. T0913-CHC
PEDS 440C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 7:30am-5:30pm Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
Rehder, Kyle plus on-call PICU Duke Hospital
EDS 441C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:30am Pediatric Nephrology
Wigfall, Delbert M-F 0909 CHC
EDS 446C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) Full Time Pediatric Stem Cell
Martin, Paul Transplant Unit
Old Duke Credit Union
1400 Morreene Road
SYCHTRY 401C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) 7:30am-5:30pm Sub-I in Psychiatry
Holmer, Shelley plus 1 wkend day & Duke Clinics, Williams Ward
call can be taken 4
Floor Red Zone
ery 5
PSYCHTRY 407C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) 7:30am-5:30pm Sub-I in Internal Med/Psychiatry
Shirey, Kristen +
E day
, D
uke Hospital
Call Q5 6pm-12am
PSYCHTRY 445C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 7:30am-5:30pm Consultative-Liaison Psychiatry
Shirey, Kristen M-F 4098 Duke Hospital
ADIOL 402C 42:43 (4 cr) TBD Breast Imaging
Kim, Connie TBD
ADIOL 403C 41:42 (4 cr) FT Genitourinary Imaging
Leder, Richard Body CT Reading Room
Duke North
RADIOL 404C 41:42:43:44 (2 cr) TBD Vascular Interventional Radiology
Martin, Jonathan G. TBD
ADIOL 420C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:30am Pediatric Radiology
Carrico, Caroline FT Peds Radiol Division
FL CHC 1905A
ADIOL 421C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:30am Clerkship Neuroradiology
Eastwood,James Neuroradiology CT Reading Room
DMP 1W98
ADIOL 429C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) TBD Basic Radiology Clerkship (For students
Martin, Jonathan that have not taken Radiol 205C)
Morris Building
ADIOL 437C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Musculoskeletal Imaging
Spritzer, Charles Bone Reading Room Duke Hospital
ADONC 415C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 7:45am (1
day) Clinical Radiation Oncology
Larrier, Nicole Morris Building/RADONC
Room 005113Sub-Basement
White Zone Duke Clinics
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
TDYAWAY 410C 41:42:43:44 (1-4 cr) TBD Extra-Mural Clinical
Staff TBD
TDYAWAY 411C 41:42:43:44 (1-4 cr) TBD Study Away at UNC
TDYAWAY 421C 41:42:43:44 (1-4 cr) TBD Study Away at WFU
STDYAWAY 431C 41:42:43:44 (1-4 cr) TBD Study Away at ECU
TDYAWAY 440C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) TBD Study Away at Sri Lanka
URGERY 401C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) TBD Advanced Surgical Clerkship
Blazer, Trey TBD
URGERY 402C 43:44 (5 cr) TBD Emergency Medicine Sub-I
Gordon, David TBD
URGERY 403C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) TBD Sub-I Plastic Surgery Integrated Prog.
Brown, David TBD
SURGERY 406C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) TBD Endocrine Surgery
Scheri, Randall 463 Seeley Mudd Bldg
Dr. Scheri’s Office
URGERY 412C 43:44 (4 cr) 9:00am 1
day Emergency Medicine Elective
ordon, David TBD
URGERY 420C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 6:00amuntil end General Surgical Oncology
Blazer, Trey of OR sched.; FT TBD
plus some wkend &
overnight call
URGERY 423C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Advanced Surgical Cardiovas. Thoracic
D’Amico,Thomas TBD
SURGERY 426C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Advanced Clerkship Pediatrric Surgery
Fitzgerald, Tamara TBD
URGERY 441C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) FT Surgical Intensive Care
Vatsaas, Cory 2200 Duke Hospital
URGERY 443C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) Daily @ 6a.m., Trauma Service
Vatsaas, Cory Mon.-Fri on call General Surgery Resident
determined by bunker/lounge, 3
faculty w/1 day in 7 off
URGERY 444C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Intro to Plastics- Recon. Max Surgery
Brown, David TBD
RGERY 451C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) FT Sub-I in Urologic Surgery
Baker, Karen TBD
(Schedules are Subject to Change)
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
NESTH 401C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) TBD Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Sub-I
Quinones, Quintin TBD
NESTH 402C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) TBD Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Elective
Quinones, Quintin TBD
NESTH 430C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 7:30am Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine
Piantadosi, Claude M-F, as determined Hyperbaric Center Library
0588 White Zone, CR II Bldg.
ESTH 440C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 6:30am Clinical Anesthesiology
Malinzak, Elizabeth M-F Schedules will be emailed
ESTH 441C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) 6:30am Sub-I in Surg.l Intens. Care Unit (SICU)
Young,Christopher M-F SICU- 6 West DMP
ESTH 446C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:30a5:30p Acute & Chronic Pain Management
Roy, Lance FT Contact Dr. Roy 1 week
Prior to start of rotation
OMMFAM 401C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) M-F Sub-I in Family Medicine
Sease, Lorraine FT Family Medicine
OMMFAM 403C 16 (0 cr) TBD Community Clinic Leadership
TBD (longitudinal) Holton Clinic
OMMFAM 404C 16 (0 cr) TBD Community Clinic Leadership
Barbara Sheline (longitudinal) Fremont Clinic
OMMFAM 410C 43:44 (2 cr) TBD Travel Medicine at Duke
Trost, Melanie Student Health Ctr.
305 Towerview Dr.
COMMFAM 423C 42 (4 cr) TBD Occupational & Enviornmental Medicine
Epling, Carol TBD
OMMFAM 433C 42:43:44 (4 cr) TBD Community Health
Tran, Anh TBD
OMMFAM 435C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Health Promotion & Disease Prevention
Sease, Lorraine Family Medicine
DERMATOL 401C 43:44 (2 cr) FT Dermatology Inpatient Consults
Rao, Caroline TBD
ERMATOL 450C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:30am-6:00pm Clinical Dermatology
Rao, Caroline M-F Dermatology Clinic - VAMC
Room C8013
REETIME 450C 41:42:43:44 (0 cr) TBA Free Time
INTERDIS 400C 41:42:43:44 (0 cr) TBA Independent Study
TERDIS 401C 41:42:43 (0 cr) TBA Acute Care Curriculum (taken
Knudsen, Nancy simultaneously with Acute Care Course)
TERDIS 402C 16 (0) TBA Introduction to Healthcare Markets
radley, Don (longitudinal) once a month and Policy for Practioners
Trent Semans Center
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
ERDIS 450C 16 (0 cr) TBA Capstone
Chung, Aimee (longitudinal) TBD
ERIDS 470C 16 (0 cr) TBA Clinical Experience (MSTP)
ERDIS 475C 16 (0 cr) TBA Clinical Experience
Staff TBD
MEDICINE 401C 41:42 (5 cr) 6:30am, 6 days Internal Med Sub-I (Duke or Duke Reg)
VanKirk, Jenny per week, FT TBD
DICINE 402C 42:43:44 (5 cr) 7:00 am Medicine Sub-I in Hematology/Oncology
Riedel, Richard FT TBD
DICINE 404C 42:43:44 (5 cr) FT Cardiac Care Unit Sub-I
Crowley, Annalisa 7400 Duke Hospital
DICINE 405C 42:43:44 (5 cr) FT Intensive Care Med Sub-I at Duke
Gilstrap, Daniel MICU Duke Hospital
DICINE 406C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) FT Intensive Care Med. Sub-I at DVAMC
Callaway, Martha VA Ward 5
MEDICINE 407C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) 7:30am-5:30pm Sub-I in Internal Medicine/Psychiatry
Shirey, Kristen M-F, plus call TBD
DICINE 412C 42:43:44 (2 cr) TBD Hospital Medicine
dgar, Saumil TBD
DICINE 414C 41:42:43:44 (1-2 cr) Intro to Outpatient Primary Care
Waite, Kathleen Students must contact
Dr. Waite for schedule
DICINE 415C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) Clinical Management of Obesity
Westman,Eric TBD
DICINE 423C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) Rheumatology
Doss, Jayanth 34229 Duke Clinics
DICINE 425C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) Clinical Coagulation
Riedel, Richard . 0546 Hospital
MEDICINE 427C 41:42:43:44 (2 cr) Hospice and Palliative Medicine
Benner, Alisha DVAMC- CLC
DICINE 428C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) Metabolism & Endocrinology
Hong, Beatrice TBD
DICINE 430C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr)
Marshall, Harvey
DICINE 431C 41:42:43 (4 cr)
Lugar, Patricia
MEDICINE 434C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr)
Pulmonary Medicine
7453 Duke Hospital
Adult Allergy & Clinical Immunology
Outpatient Hematology-Duke or DVAMC
iedel, Richard . TBD
MEDICINE 435C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) Gastroenterology
Zhang, Cecelia
(or until
clinic is closed)
M-F, Full time
promptly @8:00am-
6:00pm; M-F
Tyor Conference Room, Duke
Gastroenterology Clinical Suite,
Orange Zone, room 0343
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
EDICINE 437C 41:42:44 (2 cr) TBD Rheumatology
Doss, Jayanth TBD
EDICINE 438C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) weekends optional Clin Hem/Oncology-Duke or DVAMC
Riedel, Richard . M-F Duke or DMVAMC
EDICINE 440C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) M-F; wkends opt. Clin Infectious Diseases
McClain, Micah FT 1558 Duke Hospital
MEDICINE 442C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Clin Arrhythmia Service
Grant, Augustus Students must check in
with Dr. Grant on 1
EDICINE 444C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Heart Failure & Transplants
Agarwal, Richa TBD
MEDICINE 445C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Consultative Cardiology
Crowley, Anna Lisa TBD
EDICINE 446C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Nephrology
Morris, Jessica Duke Hospital Dialysis Unit
Floor, Near 7900
EDICINE 447C 82 (1 cr) 5:15pm 7:15pm Practitioners & Patients: The History
Baker, Jeffrey TBD of Clinical Medicine
Conf. Room, Trent Center for
Bioethics, Hunamities &
History of Med., Rm 108
Seeley Mudd Bldg,
MEDICINE 449C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:00am-5:00pm Geriatric Medicine
Genao, Liza 5 days/week TBD
URO 401C 41:42:43 (5 cr) 7:00a-6:00p Neurology Sub-I
Gable, Karissa 1 day in 7 off 122 Baker House
EURO 402C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) TBD Neurology Clerkship
Gable, Karissa
NEURO 403C 41:42:43:44 (1-2 cr) 8:00a-5:00p Clinical Neuro Subspecialties
Gable, Karissa M-F; on call/faculty TBD
URO 404C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:00am-5:00pm Consultative Neurology
Gable, Karissa M-F TBD
UROSUR 401C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) 5:30am 5:00pm Sub-I in Neurological Surgery
Cook, Steven daily +call/faculty, 8W40A Duke North Pavilion
Approx. 2 times/week
NEUROSUR 402C 43:44 (2 cr) 5:30am 5:00pm; Intermedical Clinical Neurosurgery
Cook, Steven one day in 7 off; FT 8W40A Duke North Pavilion
UROSUR 404C 41:42:43 (4 cr) TBD Neuro-Oncology
Peters, Katy TBD
N 405C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) 6:00am-until end of Gynecological Cancer Sub-Internship
Davidson, Brittany day; M-F +some TBD
OBGYN 407C 41:43:44 (5 cr) 7:00am-5:00pm Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive
Weidner,Alison M-F; some weekends Surgery Sub-I
OBGYN ClinicDuke Clinics
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
OBGYN 447C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) 7:00am-5:00pm Maternal-Fetal Medicine Sub-I
ters-Katz, Sarah M-F and some weekends 5
Floor Duke Hospital
L&D Workroom
OPHTHAL 422C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:00am General Ophthalmology
Rosdahl, Jullia FT AERI Bldg. (behind Eye Ctr.)
Cube #3
AL 425C 41:42:43:44 (1-2 cr) 7:30am-5:00pm Pediatric Ophthalmology
Freedman, Sharon M-F TBD
ORTHO 421C 41:42:43:44 (3 cr) FT Frac & Musculoskeletal Trauma
Hubbard, Elizabeth TBD
29C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) FT Sub-I in Orthopaedic Surgery
Hubbard, Elizabth TBD
30C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) Mon-Fri Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
Taylor, Dean FT Finch Yeager Building – 3
31C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) Mon-Fri Hand//Upper Extremity Surgery
Ruch, David FT Duke Clinic & Durham VA Med. Ctr.
ORTHO 432C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) Mon-Fri Muskuloskeletral Oncology
Brigman, Brian FT 1
day 6:00 am Orthopaedic
eplant Office, 7
floor, HAFS Bldg.
33C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) Mon-Fri Pediatric Orthopaedics
Fitch, Robert FT 1
day 6:00 am
Orthopaedic Replant Office
floor, HAFS Bldg.
RYN 401C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) FT Sub-I in Otolaryngology
Kahmke, Russel Head & Neck Surgery
RYN 402C 41:42:43:44 (2 cr) 8:30am Communication Sciences within
Kahmke, Russel TBD Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
Duke Clinic, 1F
OTOLARYN 439C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 6:30am 5pm Clinical Otolaryngology
Khamke, Russel M-F, full time 1530 D & T
8:00am-5:00pm Autopsy Pathology
lass, Carolyn M-F Autopsy Room Davison Bldg.
L 448C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:00am Practical Surgical Pathology
Hall, Allison M-F Davison Building, room M216A
01C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) FT Adv Clerkship in Pediatrics
Clifton, Dana 5100 & 5300 Duke Hospital
02C 42:43:44 (2-4 cr) TBD Pediatric Gastroenterology
katasubramani, Narayan M-F TBD(students that take Peds 228C
are not eligible to enroll)
PEDS 403C 42 (3-4 cr) TBD Med-Peds Ambulatory Rotation Duke
Chung, Aimee Health Center 4020 N. Roxboro St.
Durham 27704
04C 41:42:43 (2 cr) TBD Advanced Adolescent Med - Duke
Chung, Richard Health Center4020 N. Roxboro St.
Durham, 27704
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
PEDS 409C 41:42:43:44 (2 cr) TBD Peds. Palliative Care & Quality of Life
Jordan, Megan PICU 2W98c
PEDS 411C 41:42:43:44 (3-4 cr) Based on Shifts Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Ellis, Donald Pediatric Emergency Dept.
PEDS 412C 41:42:43:44 (2 cr) 8:00am 5:00pm Introduction to Peds Pulmonary & Sleep
Kravitz, Richard FT TBD
PEDS 413C 41:42:43:44 (3-4 cr) 8:30am 5:00pm Peds Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine
Kravitz, Richard TBD
PEDS 420C 41:41:43:44 (2 cr) 8:00am Intro Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Drucker, Robert M-F Duke Hospital T915 CHC
PEDS 421C 41:42:43:44 (3-4 cr) 8:00a.m. Pediatric Infectious Diseases - Comp
Drucker, Robert M-F Duke Hospital T915 CHC
PEDS 424C 41:42:43:44 (1-2 cr) 9:00a.m. Intro to Peds Endocrinology & Diabetes
Benjamin, Robert TBD CHC Lenox Baker
PEDS 425C 41:42:43:44 (3-4 cr) 9:00a.m. Endocrine Disorders Children
Benjamin, Robert TBD CHC Lenox Baker
PEDS 426C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) FT Neonatology
Izatt, Susan ICN Duke Hospital
PEDS 427C 42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:00am Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Kreissman, Susan FT 382 Hanes House
PEDS 428C 41:42:43:44 (2 cr) 8:00am 5:00pm Intro to Peds Rheumatology
Dvergsten, Jeffery TBD TBD
PEDS 429C 41:42:43:44 (3-4 cr) 8:00am 5:00pm Intro to Peds Rheumatology
Dvergsten, Jeffery TBD TBD
PEDS 430C 42:43 (4cr) FT Healthy Lifestyles Program
Armstrong, Sarah TBD
PEDS 431C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 7:00a.m. Clinical Pediatric Cardiology
Spector, Zebulon FT 7617 Duke Hospital
PEDS 433C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:30am-5:00pm Allergy & Clinical Immunology
Stallings, Amy M-F 4
Fl, CHC Allergy &
Immunology Clinic
PEDS 434C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Clinical Genetics-Metabolism
McDonald,Marie Genetics Clinic- CHC level 2
Room 2924A
PEDS 436C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Pediatric Neurology
Kansagra, Sujay Peds Neuro. T0913-CHC
PEDS 440C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 7:30am-5:30pm Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
Rehder, Kyle (on call); FT Duke North
PEDS 441C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 8:30am Pediatric Nephrology
Wigfall, Delbert M-F 0909 CHC
PEDS 446C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) TBD Pediatric Stem Cell Transplant Unit
Martin, Paul FT Old Duke Credit Union,
1400 Mooreene Road
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
PSYCHTRY 401C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) 7:30am-5:30pm Sub-I in Psychiatry
Holmer, Shelley plus 1 wkend day & Duke Clinics, Williams Ward
call can be taken 4
Floor, Red Zone
every 5
PSYCHTRY 407C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) TBD Sub-I in Internal Medicine/Psychiatry
Shirey, Kristen TBD
PSYCHTRY 443C 41:42:43 (4 cr) 8:00am-5:00pm Addiction Psychiatry
Purdy, Teresa M-F, Full time Durham VA Medical Center
PSYCHTRY 445C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 7:30am-5:30pm Consult-Liaison Psychiatry
Shirey,Kristen M-F, Full Time 4098 Duke Clinics
RADIOL 402C 41:42:43 (2 cr) FT Breast Imaging
Kim, Connie TBD TBD
RADIOL 403C 41:42 (4 cr) FT Genitourinary Imaging
Leder, Richard TBD Body CT Reading Room
Duke North
RADIOL 404C 41:42:43:44 (2 cr) FT Vascular Imaging
Martin, Jonathan G. TBD TBD
RADIOL 405C 41:42:43:44 (2 cr) TBD LIC Radiology Subspecialty
Martin, Jonathan G.
RADIOL 406C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) TBD ADV Vasc & Interven Radiol
Martin, Jonathan G.
RADIOL 420C 41:42:43 (4 cr) FT Pediatric Radiology
Carrico, Caroline Peds Radiol Division
FL CHC 1905A
RADIOL 421C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Clerkship Neuroradiology
Eastwood, James Neuroradiology CT Reading
Room, DMP 1W98
RADIOL 429C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Basic Radiology Clerkship (For students
Martin, Jonathan G. that have not taken
205C) Morris Building
RADIOL 437C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Musculoskeletral Imaging
Spritzer, Charles Bone Reading Room
Duke Hospital
RADONC 415C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Clinical Radiation Oncology
Larrier, Nicole Morris Building/RADONC
Room 005113
STDYAWAY 410C 41:42:43:44 (1-4 cr) TBD Extra-Mural Clinical
Staff TBD
STDYAWAY 411C 41:42:43:44 (1-4 cr) TBD Study Away at UNC
STDYAWAY 421C 41:42:43:44 (1-4 cr) TBD Study Away at WFU
STDYAWAY 431C 41:42:43:44 (1-4 cr) TBD Study Awa at ECU
STDYAWAY 440C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) TBD Study Away at Sri Lanka
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
URGERY 401C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) TBD Advanced Surgical Clerkship
Blazer, Trey TBD
URGERY 402C 41:42:43:44 (5cr) TBD Emergency Medicine Sub-I
Gordon, David C. TBD
URGERY 403C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) TBD Sub-I in Plastic Surgery Integrated Prog.
Brown, David TBD
SURGERY 406C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) TBD Endocrine Surgery
Scheri, Randall 463 Seeley Mudd Building
(Dr. Sheri’s Office)
URGERY 407C 16 (1-2 cr) TBD IPE Student Clinic Leadership Elective I
Waite, Kathleen TBD
URGERY 408C 16 (3-4 cr) TBD IPE Student Clinic Leadership Elective II
Waite, Kathleen TBD
SURGERY 412C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Emergency Medicine Elective
Gordon, David C. TBD
URGERY 420C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 6:00am FT General Surgical Oncology
Blazer, Trey M-F; hours determined TBD
By ER schedule; some
overnight & wkends
URGERY 423C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Advanced Surg. Cardiovas/Thoracic
D’Amico, Thomas TBD
SURGERY 426C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Advanced Clerkship Pediatric Surgery
Fitzgerald, Tamara TBD
URGERY 441C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) FT Surgical Intensive Care
Vatsaas, Cory SICU 2200 Duke Hospital
URGERY 443C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) 6a.m.-5:00p, Trauma Service
Vatsaas, Cory (call per faculty) General Surgery Resident
bunker/lounge, 3
Fl., DMP
RGERY 444C 41:42:43:44 (4 cr) FT Intro. Plastics- Reconstruct. Max. Surgery
Brown, David TBD
SURGERY 451C 41:42:43:44 (5 cr) FT Sub-I in Urological Surgery
Baker, Karen TBD
(Schedules Subject to Change)
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
ESTH 401C 41:42:44 (5 cr) TBD Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Sub-I
Quinones, Quintin TBD
ESTH 402C 41:42:44 (4 cr) TBD Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Elective
Quinones, Quintin TBD
ESTH 430C 41:42:44 (4 cr) 7:30am Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Piantadosi, Claude FT Hyperbaric Center Library
0588 White Zone, CR II Bldg.
ESTH 440C 41:42: 44 (4 cr) FT Clinical Anesthesiology
Malinzak, Elizabeth Schedules will be emailed
ESTH 441C 41:42:44 (5 cr) 6:30am Sub-I in Surgical Intensive Care Unit
Young,Christopher M-F SICU Duke Hospital
ESTH 445C 16 (3 cr) TBD Physical & Medicine of Extreme Environ
Freiberger, John Hyperbaric Center Library
ANESTH 446C 41:42:44 (4 cr) 8:30am-5:30pm Acute & Chronic Pain Management
Roy, Lance M-F Contact Dr. Roy 1 week prior
to start date
OMMFAM 401C 41:42:44 (5 cr) FT Sub-I in Family Medicine
Sease, Lorraine Family Medicine
OMMFAM 403C 16 (1 cr) TBD Community Clinic Leadership
Clay, Alison (longitudinal) Holton Clinic
OMMFAM 404C 16 (1cr) TBD Community Clinic Leadership
Sheline, Barbara (longitudinal) Fremont Clinic
OMMFAM 410C 42:44 (2 cr) 8:00am Travel Medicine at Duke
Trost, Melanie FT Student Health Ctr.
305 Towerview Drive
OMMFAM 423C 42 (4 cr) 8a-5p Occupational & Environmental Medicine
Epling,Carol M-F TBD
OMMFAM 433C 41 (4 cr) TBD Community Health
Tran, Anh TBD
OMMFAM 435C 41:42:44 (4 cr) FT Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Sease, Lorraine Family Medicine
OMMFAM 448C 42 (4 cr) 7:00am 5:00pm Intro.toMedical Informatics
Hammond, Ed (contact Vivian West) Duke Center for Health
ERMATOL 401C 41:42:44 (2 cr) FT Dermatology Inpatient Consults
Rao, Caroline TBD
ERMATOL 450C 41:42:44 (4 cr) 8:30am-6:00pm Clinical Dermatology
Rao, Caroline M-F Dermatology Clinic,
Room 08013 VAMC
REETIME 450C 41:42:44 (0 cr) TBD Free Time
INTERDIS 400C 41:42:44 (0 cr) TBD Independent Study
Staff 81:82:16
TERDIS 401C 41:42:44 (0 cr) TBD Acute Care Curriculum (should be taken
Knudsen, Nancy simultaneously with approved acute care
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
TERDIS 403C 81 (1 cr) TBD Narrative Medicine
Vaughn, John TBD
TERDIS 422C 16 (1 cr) TBA Exploring Medicine
Clements,Dennis TBD
TERDIS 423C 43 (1 cr) TBA Honduras Trip
Clements, Dennis TBD
TERDIS 450C 43 (4 cr) 8:00am-5:00pm Capstone - Required
Chung, Aimee M-F TBD
INTERDIS 470C 16 (0 cr) Clinical Experience
Staff TBD
TERDIS 475C 16 (0 cr) TBD Clinical Experience (MSTP)
Staff TBD
EDICINE 402C 41:42:44 (5 cr) FT Medicine Sub-I in Hematology/Oncology
DeCastro, Carlos TBD
EDICINE 404C 41:42:44 (5 cr) FT Cardiac Care Unit Sub-I
Crowley, Anna Lisa 7400 Duke Hospital
EDICINE 405C 41:42:44 (5 cr) FT Medical Intensive Care Unit Sub-I -Duke
Gilstrap, Daniel MICU-Duke Hospital
MEDICINE 406C 41:42:44 (5 cr) FT Med Intensive Care Unit Sub-I- DVAMC
allaway, Martha VA Ward 5
EDICINE 407C 41:42:44 (5 cr) 7:30am-5:30pm Sub-I Internal Medicine/Psychiatry
Shirey, Kristen TBD
MEDICINE 412C 41:42:44 (2 cr) TBD Hospital Medicine
Chudgar, Saumil TBD
EDICINE 414C 41:42:44 (1-2 cr) TBD Introduction to Outpatient Primary Care
Waite, Kathleen Students must contact
Dr. Waite for schedule
EDICINE 415C 41:42:44 (4 cr) FT Clinical Management of Obesity
Westman,Eric TBD
MEDICINE 416C 81 (1 cr) TBD Effective Clinical Teaching
Chudgar, Saumil TBD
EDICINE 423C 41:42:44 (4 cr) 8:00am-5:00pm Rheumatology
Doss, Jaynath M-F 34229 Duke Clinics
EDICINE 424C 81 (1 cr) 5p-7p Fluids and Electrolytes
Berboken, Michael TBD
EDICINE 425C 41:42:44 (4 cr) FT Clinical Coagulation
DeCastro, Carlos 0546 Hospital
EDICINE 427C 41:42:44 (2 cr) FT Hospice and Palliative Medicine
EDICINE 428C 41:42:44 (4 cr) FT Metabolism and Endocrinology
Hong, Beatrice TBD
EDICINE 430C 41:42:44 (4 cr) FT Pulmonary Medicine
Marshall, Harvey 7453 Duke Hospital
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
EDICINE 431C 41 (4cr) FT Adult Allergy & Clinical Immunology
Lugar, Patricia TBD
EDICINE 432C 41:42:44 (2 cr) 7:30am Introduction to the MICU
Gilstrap, Daniel FT DMP 6E, outside of MICU bed 16
MEDICINE 434C 41:42:44 (4 cr) 8:00am Outpatient Hematology/Oncology
DeCastro, Carlos FT Duke or DVAMC
MEDICINE 435C 41:42:44 (4 cr) 8:00am-6:00pm Gastroenterology
Dufault, Darin M-F, Full time Tyor Conference Room, Duke
Gastroenterology Clinical Ste,
Orange Zone, room 0343
MEDICINE 437C 41:42:44 (2 cr) TBD Rheumatology
Doss, Jayanth FT TBD
EDICINE 438C 41:42:44 (4 cr) 7:00am Clinical Hematology/Oncolgoy
DeCastro, Carlos FT DUKE OR DVAMC
MEDICINE 440C 41:42:44 (4 cr) M-F; wkends opt. Clinical Infectious Diseases
McClain, Micah F-T 1558 Duke Clinics
EDICINE 442C 41:42:44 (4 cr) TBD Clinical Arrhthmia Service
Grant, Augustus Students MUST check in
with Dr. Grant on 1
EDICINE 444C 41:42:44 (4 cr) TBD Heart Failure and Transplant.
garwal, Richa TBD
EDICINE 445C 41:42:44 (4 cr) FT Consultative Cardiology
Crowley, Annalisa TBD
MEDICINE 446C 41:42:44 (4 cr) 8:00am-5:30pm Nephrology
Evans, Kimberley M-F, full time Duke Hospital Dialysis Unit
Floor, Near 7900
EDICINE 449C 42:44 (4 cr) 8:00am-5:00pm Geriatric Medicine
Genao, Liza 5 days/week TBD
MEDICINE 452C 81 (1 cr) 5:15p 7:15p Clinical Medical Ethics: What Would
Curlin, Farr TBD A Good Physician Do?
Room 108, Seeley Mudd Bldg
EDICINE 453C 82 (1 cr) 5:15p 7:15p Medicine, Humanities & the Arts
Barfield, Raymond TBD TBD
URO 402C 44 (4 cr) TBD Neurology Clerkship (only for students
Juel, Vern that did not take Neuro 205C or
Medicine 207)
URO 403C 42:44 (1-2 cr) 8:00am-5:00pm Clinical Neuro Subspecialties
Juel, Vern on call per faculty TBD
UROSUR 401C 41:42:44 (5 cr) 5:30am-5:00pm; Sub-I in Neurological Surgery
Cook, Steven plus on-call 8W40A Duke North Pavilion
UROSUR 402C 41:42:44 (2 cr) 5:30am Intermediate Cliniccal Neuro
Cook, Steven 8W40A Duke North Pavilion
UROSUR 404C 41: 42 (4 cr) TBD Neuro-Oncology
Peters, Katy TBD
GYN 404C 44 (2 cr) TBD Preparation for OBGYN Residency
Dotters-Katz, Sarah TBD
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
YN 405C 41:42:44 (5 cr) 6:00am-until end Gynecological Cancer Sub-Internship
Davidson, Brittany of day; some weekends 7700 Duke Hospital
YN 407C 41:42:44 (5 cr) 7:00am-5:00pm Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive
Weidner,Alison M-F; some weekends Surgery Sub-I
OBGYN Clinic
OBGYN 447C 41:42:44 (4 cr) 7:00am
Maternal-Fetal Medicine Sub-I
Dotters-Katz, Sarah M-F; some weekends 5
Floor Duke Hospital
L&D Workroom
HAL 420C 81 (1 cr) TBA Medical Ophthalmology
Rosdahl, Jullia 12p-1p AERI Bldg. (behind Eye Ctr.)
Resource Ctr., Rm 1002 (lecture)
HAL 422C 41:42:44 (4 cr) FT General Ophthalmology
Rosdahl, Jullia 8:00a AERI Bldg. (behind Eye Ctr.)
Cube #3
HAL 425C 41:42:44 (1-2 cr) 7:30am-5:00pm Pediatric Ophthalmology
Freedman, Sharon M-F TBD
HO 421C 41:42:44 (3 cr) TBD Frac & Musculoskeletral Trauma
Hubbard, Elizabeth TBD
HO 429C 41:42:44 (5 cr) FT Sub-I in Orthopaedic Surgery
bard, Elizabeth TBD
HO 430C 41:42:44 (4 cr) Mon-Fri Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
Taylor, Dean FT Finch Yeager Building –3
HO 431C 41:42:44 (4 cr) Mon-Fri Hand/Upper Extremity Surgery
Ruch, David FT Duke Clinic and Durham VA
ORTHO 432C 41:42:44 (4 cr) Mon-Fri Musculoskeletal Oncology
Brigham, Brian FT 1
day 6:00 am
Orthopaedic Replant Office
HO 433C 41:42:44 (4 cr) Mon-Fri Pediatric Orthopaedics
Fitch, Robert FT 1
day 6:00 am
Orthopaedic Replant Office
floor, HAFS Bldg.
LARYN 401C 41:42:44 (5 cr) FT Sub-I in Otolaryngology-
Kahmke, Russel Head and Neck Surgery
LARYN 402C 41:42:44 (2 cr) 8:30am Communiation Sciences with
Kahmke, Russel TBD Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
Duke Clinic, 1F
OTOLARYN 403C 41:42:44 (4 cr) FT Clinical Otolaryngology
Kahmke, Russel 1530 D & T
HOL 423C 42:44 (4 cr) 8:00am-5:00pm Autopsy Pathology
Glass, Carolyn M-F Autopsy Rm Davison Bldg.
HOL 448C 41:42:44 (4 cr) 8:00am Practical Surgical Pathology
Hall, Allison M-F Davison Bldg., room M216A
DS 402C 42:43:44 (3-4 cr) TBD Pediatric Gastroentrology
Venkatasubramani, Narayan M-F (Students that take PEDS 228C
are not eligible to enroll)
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
PEDS 404C 41:42:44 (2 cr) TBD Advanced Adolescent Medicine
Chung, Richard Duke Health Center 4020 N.
Roxboro Rd., Durham, 27704
PEDS 409C 41:42:44 (2 cr) 9:00am Pediatric Palliative Care and Quality
Jordan, Meghan TBD of Life
PICU 2W98c
PEDS 412C 41:42:43:44 (2 cr) 8:00am 5:00pm Introduction to Peds Pulmonary & Sleep
Kravitz, Richard FT TBD
PEDS 413C 41:42:43:44 (3-4 cr) 8:30am 5:00pm Peds Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine
Kravitz, Richard TBD
PEDS 411C 41:42:44 (3-4 cr) Based on Shifts Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Ellis, Donald Pediatric Emergency Dept.
PEDS 420C 41:42:44 (2 cr) TBD Intro to Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Drucker, Robert Duke Hosp; T915 CHC
PEDS 421C 41:42:44 (3-4 cr) 8:00am Pediatric Infectious Diseases - Comp
Drucker, Robert M-F Duke Hospital; T915 CHC
PEDS 424C 41:42:44 (1-2 cr) TBD Introduction to Endocrie Discorders and
Benjamin, Robert Diabetes
CHC Lenox Baker
PEDS 425C 41:42:44 (3-4 cr) TBD Endocrine Disorders - Children
Benjamin, Robert CHC Lenox Baker
PEDS 426C 41:42:44 (5 cr) 7:00am-5:00pm Neonatology
Izatt, Susan M-F, plus call per faculty ICN Duke Hospital
PEDS 427C 41:42:44 (4 cr) 8:00am, M-F, plus Pediatric Hematology & Oncology
Kreissman, Susan rounding 1 or 2 weekend days 381 Hanes House
PEDS 428C 41:42:43:44 (2 cr) 8:00am 5:00pm Intro to Peds Rheumatology
Dvergsten, Jeffery TBD TBD
PEDS 429C 41:42:43:44 (3-4 cr) 8:00am 5:00pm Intro to Peds Rheumatology
Dvergsten, Jeffery TBD TBD
PEDS 430C 44 (4cr) FT Healthy Lifestyle Program
Armstrong, Sarah TBD
PEDS 431C 41:42:44 (3-4 cr) 7:00a.m. Clinical Pediatric Cardiology
Spector, Zebulon FT 7617 Duke Hosptial
PEDS 433C 41:42:44 (4 cr) 8:30am-5:00pm Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Stallings, Amy M-F 4
Fl, CHC Allergy &
Immunology Clinic
PEDS 434C 41:42:44 (4 cr) 8:30am-5:00pm Clinical Genetics - Metabolism
McDonald, Marie M-F Genetics Clinic,
CHC level 2, Rm T924A
PEDS 436C 41:42:44 (4 cr) FT Pediatric Neurology
Kansagra, Sujay Peds Neuro. T0913-CHC
PEDS 440C 41:42:44 (4 cr) 7:30am-5:30pm Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
Rehder, Kyle plus on-call PICU Duke North
PEDS 441C 41:42:44 (4 cr) 8:30am Pediatric Nephrology
Wigfall, Delbert M-F 0909 CHC
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
PEDS 446C 41:42:44 (4 cr) Full Time Pediatric Stem Cell Transplant Unit
Martin, Paul Old Duke Credit Union, Morreene Rd
PSYCHTRY 401C 41:42:44 (5 cr) 7:30am-5:30pm, M-F Sub-I in Psychiatry
Holmer, Shelley plus 1 weekend day & call Duke Clinics, Williams Ward
every 5
night 4
Floor, Red Zone
PSYCHTRY 407C 41:42:44 (5 cr) TBD Sub-I in Internal Medicine/Psychiatry
Shirey, Kristen TBD
PSYCHTRY 443C 41: 44 (4 cr) 8:00am-5:00pm Addiction Psychiatry
Purdy, Teresa FT Durham VA Med. Ctr.
PSYCHTRY 445C 41:42:44 (4 cr) FT Consult-Liaison Psychiatry
Shirey, Kristen 4098 Duke Clinics
RADIOL 402C 41:42:44 (2 cr) FT Breast Imaging
Kim, Connie TBD
RADIOL 403C 41:42:44 (4 cr) FT Genitourinary Imaging
Leder, Richard Body CT Reading Room
Duke North
RADIOL 404C 41:42:44 (2 cr) FT Vascular Intern. Radiology
Martin, Jonathan G. TBD
RADIOL 420C 44 (4 cr) FT Pediatric Radiology
Carrico, Caroline Peds Radiology Division
FL, CHC 1905A
RADIOL 421C 41:42:44 (4 cr) FT Clerkship in Neuroradiology
Eastwood, James Neuroradiology CT Reading
Room, DMP 1W98
RADIOL 429C 44 (4 cr) FT Basic Radiology Clerkship (For students
Carrico, Caroline that have not taken RADIOL
205C) Morris Building
RADIOL 437C 42:44 (4 cr) FT Musculoskeletral Imaging
Spritzer, Charles Bone Reading Room-Duke Hospital
RADONC 415C 41:42:44 (4 cr) FT Clinical Radiation Oncology
Larrier, Nicole Morris Building/RADONC;
Rm 005113
STDYAWAY 410C 41:42:44 (1-4 cr) TBD Extra-Mural Clinical
Staff TBD
STDYAWAY 411C 41:42:44 (1-4 cr) TBD Study Away at UNC
STDYAWAY 421C 41:42:44 (1-4 cr) TBD Study Away at WFU
STDYAWAY 431C 41:42:44 (1-4 cr) TBD Study Away at ECU
STDYAWAY 440C 81:82 (4 cr) TBD Study Away at Sri Lanka
SURGERY 401C 41:42:44 (5 cr) TBD Advanced Surgical Clerkship
Blazer, Trey TBD
SURGERY 403C 41:42:44 (5 cr) TBD Sub-I in Plastic SurgeryIntegrated Prog.
Hollenbeck, Scott TBD
Please refer to the course description in DukeHub for more information
SURGERY 405C 42 (1 cr) TBD Introduction to Point of Care Ultrasound
Peethumnongsin, Erica TBD
SURGERY 406C 41:42:44 (4 cr) TBD Endocrine Surgery
Scheri, Randall Dr. Scheri’s Office
463 Seeley Mudd Building
SURGERY 407C 16 (1-2 cr) TBD Direct Observation and IPE Student
Waite, Kathleen Clinic Leadership I
SURGERY 408C 16 (3-4 cr) TBD Direct Observation and IPE Student
Waite, Kathleen Clinic Leadership II
SURGERY 409C 44 (2 cr) TBD Surgical Techniques and Review (STAR)
Migaly, John TSCHE
SURGERY 412C 41:42:44 (4 cr) TBD Emergency Medicine Elective
Gordon, David C. TBD
SURGERY 420C 41:42:44 (4 cr) 6:00am-until; General Surgical Oncology
Blazer, Trey plus on call TBD
SURGERY 423C 41:42 (4 cr) FT Advanced Surgical Cardiovas Thoracic
D’Amico, Thomas TBD
SURGERY 426C 41: 42:44 (4 cr) FT Advanced Clerkship Pediatric Surgery
Fitzgerald, Tamara TBD
SURGERY 441C 41:42:44 (5 cr) FT Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU)
Vatsaas,Cory SICU 2200 Duke Hospital
SURGERY 443C 41:42:44 (4 cr) Daily @ 6a.m., Trauma Service
Vatsaas, Cory Mon.-Fri. on-call General Surgery Resident
Determined by faculty bunker/lounge, 3
SURGERY 444C 41:42:44 (4 cr) FT Intro Plastic Reconstruc. Max. Surgery
Hollenbeck, Scott TBD
SURGERY 451C 41:42:44 (5 cr) FT Sub-I in Urological Surgery
Baker, Karen TBD
(Schedules Subject to Change)
Cover photo credit: Marcie Ellis
The Electives Book is compiled and published by the Office of the Registrar of the Duke University School of Medicine.
The information in this book currently is accurate to the best of our knowledge. However, policies, procedures,
schedules, departments, course descriptions, enrollment limits, and faculty listings change periodically. For such updates,
please refer to the Registrar’s Office website: https://medschool.duke.edu/education/student-services/office-registrar
Faculty and students may also refer to the online course descriptions in DukeHub, dukehub.duke.edu/. Errors and
revisions to the Electives Book should be reported to the School of Medicine Registrar's Office, Box 3878, DUMC,
Durham, North Carolina 27710, (919) 684-2304 or email: medreg@dm.duke.edu.
February, 2021