Booking Entity Authorisation Application/Renewal
Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994 (TOPTA)
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The following information must be read before completing a
Booking Entity Authorisation (BEA) application or renewal.
Who can apply for or renew a BEA?
A BEA can be held by an individual, a partnership, a company,
an incorporated association or the trustee of a trust.
A BEA cannot be held in a business or trading name. To have
an associated business name linked to the BEA, you can list the
details of the business name at question 3 (business or trading
names will not be displayed on the authorisation).
Please read the below requirements relevant to the type of name
the BEA is being applied to be held in:
Residential address documents Status
Contract of property purchase, lease/rental
document, mortgage/land ownership certicate
Electricity, gas or telephone account
Local government rates notice, Land Tax
valuation notice, Australian electoral document,
ocial letter from CentreLink/Department of
Human Services
Australian vehicle registration notice or
certicate, Australian Driver Licence renewal
Adult Proof of Age card – or equivalent
interstate jurisdictional card
Bank statement issued within last six months
(accompanied by corresponding bank card)
Australian Taxation Oce (ATO) Notice of
Assessment/Tax File Number conrmation
notice. The ATO recommends that you block
out your tax le number prior to presenting this
Current or
Type of
Signatures on
Evidence of name
Individuals All applicants must
sign the application.
Partnership All parties who form
the partnership must
be named on the
application (e.g.
John Smith and Mary
Citizen) and must
sign the application.
A signed, formal Deed of
Partnership document,
or another form of
partnership agreement,
which lists all involved
parties and proves the
validity of the partnership
must be submitted.
Company All current directors
must be listed on the
application and must
sign the application.
A copy of a Current
Company Extract listing
the directors of the
company (available from
the Australian Securities
and Investment
Commission (ASIC))
must be submitted.
All current
committee members
must be listed on the
application and must
sign the application.
A copy of an ocial
extract about the
incorporated association
from the register of
incorporated associations
listing the current
management committee
members (issued by the
Queensland Oce of
Fair Trading) must be
Trust Applicants who wish
to operate through a
trust or
fund must nominate
the name/s of the
trustee of the trust or
superannuation fund
(e.g. John Smith as
trustee for The Smith
Family Trust).
All trustees, including
(if the trustee is a
company), must
be listed on the
application and must
sign the application.
A copy of the Deed of
Trust document which
outlines the trustee’s
powers, lists all involved
parties and proves the
validity of the trusteeship
must be submitted.
Documents obtained from ASIC and the Queensland Oce of
Fair Trading must be current documents - that is, less than three
months old.
If you need more space to add additional persons on the
application, please complete a Booking Entity Authorisation -
Associated Person’s Statement (form F5197) and submit it with
this application.
Foreign Persons and Local Nominees
A foreign person is:
an individual who usually lives in a foreign country; or
a corporation incorporated in a foreign country.
A local nominee is:
an individual who usually lives in Australia; or
a corporation incorporated in Australia.
A foreign person must nominate one person to be its local
nominee (representative).
Foreign corporations must provide details of their structure and
the responsibility for providing booking services. They must also
include the organisational structure for the local nominee based
in Australia. The information must clearly identify the party that is
legally responsible for providing the booking service.
The documents listed in the table below will be accepted as
evidence that the local nominee usually lives in Australia.
Criminal History Check
Criminal history checks (CHC) are part of the process of
assessing the eligibility of a person to be issued with or to renew
a BEA.
You must declare all charges and convictions from Queensland,
interstate and overseas. Failure to declare criminal history is an
oence under TOPTA. Conviction includes a nding of guilt, and
the acceptance of a plea of guilty by a court, whether or not a
conviction is recorded (as dened in TOPTA). Criminal history
must be declared regardless of time elapsed. Under TOPTA,
the time limit provision, as stated under the Criminal Law
(Rehabilitation of Oenders) Act 1989 sections 5 and 6, does
not apply.
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The applicable fees payable for a BEA must be paid at the
time of lodging this application. Information about the fee for a
BEA is available on the TMR’s website at
Please note that not all fees are refundable if the application is
Renewing a BEA
When renewing a BEA, you will be required to provide new/
current copies of all supporting documentation, for example
ASIC documents.
There may also be other documentation requirements
depending on any changes to your BEA or as required on the
renewal process.
You cannot renew a BEA if your organisation’s Australian
Company Number (ACN) or registration number has changed
or if the primary holder has changed. In these cases a new
application is required.
If your organisation or trading name has changed, evidence of
the change must be supplied, such as an ASIC change of name
document or similar.
If you are adding a new person to the BEA, a CHC fee may
When adding or removing a director or committee member, a
new company extract (from ASIC) or an ocial extract about
the incorporated association from the register of incorporated
associations (issued by the Queensland Oce of Fair Trading),
which shows the details of the change must be supplied.
Booked Hire Service Identication sign
BEA holders must not operate and drivers must not provide
ride-booking services without TMR’s approval of the booked hire
vehicle identication sign to be used to identify the authorised
booking entity providing the booking services.
The sign must be all of the following:
(a) a square of at least 146mm by 146mm; and
(b) retroreective; and
(c) unlikely to oend a reasonable person; and
(d) able to accurately identify the authorised booking entity or
the booking services for the booked hire service provided by
the entity.
Only one sign can be approved for each BEA.
You must provide a copy of your proposed BEA identication
sign if you are planning on providing ride-booking services
(unless your sign has already been approved). All vehicles used
to provide ride-booking services (excluding taxis and limousines)
must display a booked hire service identication sign approved
by TMR.
Further information about booked hire service identication signs
is available on TMR’s website at
How can I lodge this application?
The application may be lodged online or in person at a TMR
transport and motoring service centre. Details of TMR oces
can be viewed at
Online applications
Applicants who are an individual or a corporation with an ACN,
and have an existing departmental Customer Reference Number
(CRN) may lodge the application online at A CRN is your Queensland
Driver Licence number, Adult Proof of Age Card, Driver
Authorisation number or TMR issued reference number for your
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) will be
verifying the criminal history of all the persons listed on the
application before the application is nalised.
All persons (applicants, associated persons or local nominees)
listed on the application will also be required to pay a CHC fee
when lodging this application. This fee is non-refundable.
A person who holds a current Driver Authorisation (DA), or has
lodged an application for a DA, is not required to pay a fee for
the CHC as part of this application.
For new applications
A person who has lived outside Australia for more than
12 months in the last 10 years and been aged at least 18
years of age for any period during that time, must provide a
clearance form or criminal oence record from the relevant law
enforcement authority in each country. This includes directors of
a foreign company.
For renewal applications
A person who was listed on the initial application for the BEA
and who has lived outside of Australia for more than 12 months
in the last 10 years where they were aged at least 18 years
of age for any period (except for New Zealand), but has not
travelled outside Australia in the period between the approval
of the initial BEA and the date of the renewal application, must
provide one of the following documents:
a record of international travel movement from the
Commonwealth Department of Home Aairs, for the period
between the approval of the initial BEA and the date of the
renewal application as evidence that you have not travelled
outside of Australia during that period
a current clearance form or criminal oence record from
the relevant law enforcement authority in each country they
have lived in outside Australia for more than 12 months in
the last 10 years where they were aged at least 18 years of
age for any period (except for New Zealand).
Disqualifying Oence
TOPTA denes a ‘disqualifying oence’ to mean -
(a) an oence against TOPTA, whether the act relating to the
oence was or is committed before or after the
commencement of this paragraph; or
(b) an oence against a provision of the Criminal Code
mentioned in schedule 1 of TOPTA; or
(c) an oence against the Drugs Misuse Act 1986 punishable by
imprisonment for one year or more, even though a ne may
be imposed in addition or as an alternative; or
(d) an oence against the Weapons Act 1990 punishable by
imprisonment for one year or more, even though a ne may
be imposed in addition or as an alternative; or
(e) an oence prescribed by regulation; or
(f) an oence against a law of another jurisdiction, including a
jurisdiction outside Australia, that substantially corresponds
to an oence mentioned in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e).
Related Body Corporate
‘Related body corporate’ means -
(a) for an individual -
(i) a corporation of which the individual is a majority
shareholder, director or secretary or in which the
individual has an interest of 50% or more; or
(ii) a body corporate that is a related body corporate, within
the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001, section 50, to
a corporation mentioned in subparagraph (i); or
(b) for a corporation - a body corporate that is a related body
corporate within the meaning of the Corporations Act,
section 50.
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In person applications
Applicants who do not have a departmental CRN must lodge
the BEA application in person at a TMR transport and motoring
service centre.
To obtain a departmental CRN, you must complete a New
Customer Application (form F3503) and provide an Evidence of
Identity Requirements for Individuals and Organisations (form
The form must be completed in full, and accompanied by
Evidence of Identity (EOI) requirements, the specied supporting
documents and payment of the applicable fees.
For foreign persons, EOI documentation can include copies of
a foreign passport, foreign driver licence, healthcare card or
similar document issued by the foreign government. At least one
of the documents must include the person’s residential address.
Please note: All copied documents must be certied by a
witness such as a doctor, police ocer, solicitor, barrister or
judge, Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for Declarations,
notary public, consular or ambassadorial ocer or an overseas
Directors of an organisation or company will also need to
provide a criminal history issued by a relevant law enforcement
authority of the foreign country.
Documents must be in English
Any documents in a language other than English must be
translated into English by a person accredited by the National
Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters or an
equivalent body recognised by a foreign government.
Further information
For more information about the Personalised Transport reforms,
including BEA, please refer to
Booking Entity Authorisation Application/Renewal
Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994
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3. Organisation details and Eligibility
a. Name of company, incorporated association,
partnership, trust etc.
Name of organisation’s contact person
Organisation position (e.g. Director)
continued page 5...
For a company, an incorporated association, a partnership
or a trustee managing a trust - a copy of the relevant ocial
company extract or incorporated association extract, Deed
or partnership agreement must be attached. Refer to the
information about applying for a BEA on pages 1 and 2 for
details about the required evidence.
Organisation street address (this must be the principal
place of business and must not be a postal address)
b. Trading as (if applicable). Please provide proof
of trading name such as ASIC documents.
Entity number - ACN or Australian Business Number
Yes Please quote the organisation’s CRN
Your organisation must have a CRN in order
to submit this application. Complete a New
Customer Application (form F3503) and refer
to the Evidence of Identity Requirements for
Individuals and Organisations (form F4362).
Do you have a departmental CRN in this name?
The CRN is the TMR issued reference number for
your organisation).
2. Applicant/Renewal details
Are you –
a corporation or company
an incorporated association
a partnership
a trustee of a trust
an individual
Go to question 3
Go to question 3
Go to question 3
Go to question 3
Go to question 4
Email address
(Note: TMR may use this email address to contact you about
this application, and any future notices or changes about the
BEA. TMR may use this address instead of the postal address).
Business telephone number
Mobile telephone number
The information shown on pages 1 - 3 of this application
will assist with the completion of this form. Please read this
information before completing this application. Failure to
complete all relevant questions, or to provide information as
directed, may result in a delay in processing.
c. Have you or a related body corporate ever
been convicted of a disqualifying oence or
charged with a disqualifying oence and the
charge has not been nally disposed of?
Note: a disqualifying oence is dened in TOPTA, Schedule
3 (Dictionary). See also the information about applying for a
BEA on this form.
d. Have you or a related body corporate had
another booking entity authorisation cancelled
or suspended within the previous year?
e. Have you or a related body corporate, within
the previous 12 months, committed an oence
against provision of relevant transport
legislation relating to providing a booked hire
service, a booking service for a booked hire
service or a taxi service, or using a motor
vehicle to provide a booked hire service or taxi
Note: the relevant transport legislation means TOPTA, the
Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 and
the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994.
Provide full details
Provide full details, including the BEA number
(if known)
Provide full details
Yes BEA number
Name of BEA
1. Do you have an existing BEA?
Postal address (if the same as street address, write ‘as
Print Form
Reset Form
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Booking Entity Authorisation Application/Renewal ... continued page 5 of 11
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Family name
Given name/s
Residential address
Postal address (if the same as residential address, write ‘as
Business telephone number
Mobile telephone number
Town/City of birth*
Country of birth
Date of birth
State of birth*
/ /
Email address
(Note: TMR may use this email address to contact you about this
application, and any future notices or changes about the BEA.
TMR may use this address instead of the postal address).
*Town/City and state of birth details must be supplied if born
in Australia.
No If you are not a foreign entity, go to question 5.
Yes Go to question 4c.
Go to question 4b.
a. Are you an individual who usually lives in a
foreign country?
No Your application cannot be processed unless
you nominate a local nominee.
Yes Please complete a Booking Entity Authorisation
- Local Nominee Consent (form F5196) and
submit it with this application.
Yes You must provide the following information.
A certied copy of a Company Extract
identifying the current directors or an
equivalent document from the country the
corporation is incorporated/registered in
Details of the corporation structure and
the responsibility for the provision of the
booking services under TOPTA, including
the organisational structure based in
Personal details for each director of the
corporation in question 5.
Applicants who are a foreign person must nominate one
person to be its representative (the entity’s ‘local nominee’)
for the purposes of TOPTA. Refer to page 1 of this
application for further details.
Are you, as the applicant, a foreign person?
Yes Go to question 4a.
Go to question 5
This section is to be completed by an individual applicant,
or if the applicant is an organisation, by each director/
management committee member, partner or trustee (or
directors/executives if the trustee is a company).
If there are more than two individuals associated with this
application, please complete and attach a Booking Entity
Authorisation - Eligibility Criteria (form F5206) for each
5. Individual details and eligibility
b. Are you a corporation incorporated in a foreign
c. Have you appointed a local nominee to be your
b. Personal details
f. Have you or a related body corporate ever been
convicted of a criminal, drug, weapons oence,
or been charged with any of these oences and
the charge has not been nally disposed of?
Yes Provide full details
First person’s details
Note: TMR will recognise the rst person on this application as the
contact person for all correspondence and telephone enquiries. This
includes the primary trustee of a trust.
The CRN is your Queensland Driver Licence number,
Adult Proof of Age Card number or Industry Authority
number (e.g. DA).
Note: this CRN is your individual CRN and not your
organisational CRN.
a. Do you have a departmental CRN?
You must have a CRN in order to submit this
application. Complete a New Customer Application
(form F3503) and refer to the Evidence of Identity
Requirements for Individuals and Organisations
(form F4362).
Yes Please quote your CRN
4. Foreign person
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j. Have you ever been convicted of a disqualifying
oence or charged with a disqualifying oence
and the charge has not been nally disposed of?
Note: a disqualifying oence is dened in TOPTA, Schedule 3
(Dictionary). Refer also to the information on pages 1 of this form.
Yes Provide full details
i. Have you, within the previous 12 months,
committed an oence against a provision of
relevant transport legislation relating to providing
a booked hire service, a booking service for a
booked hire service or a taxi service, or using a
motor vehicle to provide a booked hire service or
taxi service?
Note: the relevant transport legislation means TOPTA, the
Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act, the Motor
Accident Insurance Act.
Yes Provide full details
Yes Provide other name/new
If your name has changed from what is recorded
on your CRN you will need to complete a Change
of Customer Details (form F4214) and submit with
this application/renewal.
e. Have you lived in New Zealand?
f. Have you lived outside Australia for more than 12
months in the last 10 years and been aged at least
18 years of age for any period during this time?
Yes Provide full details
When (years)
g. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal, drug,
weapons oence, or have you been charged with
any of these oences and the charge has not
been nally disposed of?
Yes Provide full details
h. Have you had another BEA cancelled or
suspended within the previous year?
Yes Provide full details
d. Have you ever been known by any other name?
New application
You must provide a current clearance form or
criminal oence record from the relevant law
enforcement authority in each country where you
Renewal application
If you were listed on the initial application for
the BEA and you have not travelled outside of
Australia in the period between the approval of the
initial BEA and the date of the renewal application,
you must provide one of the following documents:
a record of international travel movement
from the Commonwealth Department of
Home Aairs, for the period between the
approval of the initial BEA and the date of
the renewal application as evidence that you
have not travelled outside of Australia during
that period
a current clearance form or criminal oence
record from the relevant law enforcement
authority in each country where you lived.
Yes Please quote your DA number
No If you intend to drive a public passenger vehicle
you need to complete a Driver Authorisation
Application (form F2978).
If you hold current DA, a CHC is not required, and
the CHC fee is not payable.
Or provide details of your DA application.
c. Do you hold, or have you applied for, a DA to drive
a public passenger service?
Lodgement centre
Lodgement date
/ /
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Town/City of birth*
Country of birth
State of birth*
*Town/City and state of birth details must be supplied if born
in Australia.
continued page 8...
Date of birth
/ /
f. Have you lived outside Australia for more than 12
months in the last 10 years and been aged at least
18 years of age for any period during this time?
Yes Provide full details
When (years)
If you hold current DA, a CHC is not required, and
the CHC fee is not payable.
Or provide details of your DA application.
c. Do you hold, or have you applied for, a DA to drive
a public passenger service?
Yes Please quote your DA number
No If you intend to drive a public passenger vehicle
you need to complete a Driver Authorisation
Application (form F2978).
Lodgement date
Lodgement centre
/ /
Yes Provide other name
If your name has changed from what is recorded
on your CRN you will need to complete a Change
of Customer Details (form F4214) and submit with
this application/renewal.
d. Have you ever been known by any other name?
e. Have you lived in New Zealand?
Email address
(Note: TMR may use this email address to contact you about this
application, and any future notices or changes about the BEA. TMR
may use this address instead of the postal address).
Mobile telephone number
Business telephone number
Postal address (if the same as residential address, write ‘as
a. Do you have a departmental CRN?
The CRN is your Queensland Driver Licence number,
Adult Proof of Age Card number or Industry Authority
number (e.g. DA).
Note: this CRN is your individual CRN and not your
organisational CRN.
You must have a CRN in order to submit this
application. Complete a New Customer Application
(form F3503) and provide an Evidence of Identity
Requirements for Individuals and Organisations
(form F4362).
Yes Please quote your CRN
b. Personal details
Family name
Given name/s
Residential address
New application
You must provide a current clearance form or
criminal oence record from the relevant law
enforcement authority in each country where you
Renewal application
If you were listed on the initial application for
the BEA and you have not travelled outside of
Australia in the period between the approval of the
initial BEA and the date of the renewal application,
you must provide one of the following documents:
a record of international travel movement
from the Commonwealth Department of Home
Aairs, for the period between the approval
of the initial BEA and the date of the renewal
application as evidence that you have not
travelled outside of Australia during that period
a current clearance form or criminal oence
record from the relevant law enforcement
authority in each country where you lived.
Second person’s details
If there are more than two persons associated with this
application, please complete a Booking Entity Authorisation
- Eligibility Criteria (form F5206) for each person before
proceeding to question 6.
Note: TMR will recognise the rst person on this application as the
contact person for all correspondence and telephone enquiries. This
includes the primary trustee of a trust.
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6. Related body corporate details
Do you, as the applicant, have a related body corporate?
For example, if you are a majority shareholder or director of
a company.
Note: a related body corporate is dened in the Transport
Operations (Passenger Transport) Regulation 2018, Schedule 9.
Refer also to the information on page 2 of this form
Related body corporate details
This column has been left blank intentionally.
Please go to question 7 on the next page to
continue completing the form.
Name Registration number
(ACN, ABN, etc.)
j. Have you ever been convicted of a disqualifying
oence or charged with a disqualifying oence and
the charge has not been nally disposed of?
Note: a disqualifying oence is dened in TOPTA, Schedule 3
(Dictionary). Refer also to the information on page 1 of this form.
Yes Provide full details
g. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal, drug,
weapons oence, or have you been charged with
any of these oences and the charge has not been
Yes Provide full details
h. Have you had another BEA cancelled or
suspended within the previous year?
Yes Provide full details
i. Have you, within the previous 12 months,
committed an oence against a provision of
relevant transport legislation relating to providing
a booked hire service, a booking service for a
booked hire service or a taxi service, or using a
motor vehicle to provide a booked hire service or
taxi service?
Note: the relevant transport legislation means TOPTA, the
Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act, the Motor
Accident Insurance Act.
Yes Provide full details
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7. Fleet details
Provide details of the booking services that you intend to provide below in the table. Please nominate separate details for:
each eet category (e.g. taxis, limousines, booked hire vehicles)
each area of operation for a booking service. For taxis you should nominate the relevant taxi service area. For limousines and
booked hire vehicles, you should nominate Queensland, or if you operate within specic areas of Queensland, nominate the
relevant area/s
booking services that you provide under a subcontract arrangement for other booked hire service providers (e.g. you provide
a booking service for XYZ Taxis because they don’t have their own booking system).
Note: If there is insucient space, please attach a copy of the Booking Entity Authorisation - Fleet Details (form F5205)
Service area of
Number of
Number of
Number of
Number of
(taxis only)
Number of
aliated vehicles
not including
substitute vehicles
(but including
Booking services -
Provide details
Booking services -
Provide details
Booking services -
booked hire vehicles
Provide details
Booking services
provided for other
service providers (e.g.
bureau or subcontract
services). Please list
the number of aliated
licence holders,
drivers and vehicles
for the subcontracted
Total number of aliated vehicles
Are you attaching a booked hire service identication sign
for approval by TMR?
8. Booked Hire Service Identication sign
Yes Attach a copy of the identication sign and answer
the questions below to conrm the identication
sign meets requirements.
I conrm that my booked hire service identication
sign meets the following requirements:
it is square and at least 146mm x 146mm
it is retroreective
it is clearly visible from at least 20m away from
the windscreen
it does not contain oensive words and words
such as ‘taxi’, ‘taxi-cab’, ‘cab’, ‘limousine’, ‘limo’
or a similar expression
it accurately identies the booking entity and
the booking services to be provided.
continued next column...
No You must attach a copy of your proposed
identication sign, unless your sign has already
been approved. BEA holders must not operate
ride-booking services without TMR’s approval of
the booked hire vehicle identication sign.
A BEA may be issued for a term of up to ve years.
Please nominate the preferred term for the issue of the
9. Term of BEA
1 year
3 years
2 years
4 years
5 years
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10. Applicant’s Statement
By signing this form, I/We acknowledge and agree to the
following statements:
I/We state the information provided in this application
is complete, true and correct
I/We understand that providing a false statement will
attract a penalty
I/We conrm that the applicant will be responsible for
providing the booking services for this BEA
I/We consent to TMR carrying out such enquiries
it deems necessary to determine if I/We meet the
suitability requirements for a BEA and to conduct
further enquiries during the period of the authorisation
to assess my/our ongoing suitability to hold the
I/We consent to the email address provided in this
application to be used for sending information, notices,
reminders or updates on TMR products and services.
Signature of applicant/s
All individuals, or if the applicant is an organisation, each
director, management committee member, trustee (or directors/
executives if the trustee is a company) or partners must sign the
If there is insucient space for all applicants’ or associated
persons’ signatures, please attach a Booking Entity
Authorisation - Associated Person’s Statement (form F5197).
Name of rst person
Signature of rst person
Privacy statement: TMR is collecting the information on this form under the
authority of the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act for the purposes
of assessing your suitability to hold a booking entity authorisation and to
maintain a register of booking entity authorisations. This information is used
for the generation of correspondence and the monitoring of authorisations.
Information such as the authorised booking entity’s name and business name,
the name and business name of the entity’s local nominee (if any), and the
identifying number of a booking entity authorisation may be published on the
TMR’s website. Some of the information may also be disclosed to relevant
government agencies including the Queensland Police Service and interstate
licencing authorities. Your personal information will not be disclosed to any other
third party without your consent unless required or authorised to do so by law.
Name of second person
Signature of second person
Corporations - a copy of a Current Company
Extract listing the directors of the corporation
Incorporated Associations - a copy of an ocial
extract about the incorporated association from
the register of incorporated associations listing
the current management committee members
Trust or superannuation fund - a copy of the
Deed of Trust which outlines the trustee’s
powers and lists all individual parties
Partnership - a copy of a signed, formal
Deed of Partnership document, or another
form of partnership agreement, which lists all
involved parties and proves the validity of the
For foreign entities that are corporations, has
a certied copy of the equivalent company
documentation from the country the corporation is
incorporated in been provided? Refer question 4b.
For foreign entities that are corporations, have
details of the corporation structure been provided?
Refer question 4b.
For foreign entities that are corporations, has a
copy of the Australian Registered Body Extract
from ASIC been provided?
If the applicant has answered yes to question 5f.,
have they provided:
for a new application: a current clearance form
or criminal oence record from the relevant law
enforcement authority in each country where
they lived?
for a renewal application: either
a record of international travel movement
from the Commonwealth Department of
Home Aairs (covering the period between
the approval of the initial BEA and the date of
the renewal application)
a current clearance form or criminal oence
record from the relevant law enforcement
authority in each country where they lived.
Please also check any attached Booking Entity
Authorisation - Eligibility Criteria (form F5206)
For local nominees who are an individual, has
evidence of the nominee’s residence within
Australia been provided? Refer question 4c.
Has the local nominee’s signed written consent
to the nomination (F5196) been attached? Refer
question 4c.
Has each applicant (including associated persons
of corporations) signed the ‘Applicant’s
Statement’? Refer question 10
Yes No
Have you sighted the applicant’s current proof of
identity? If there are more than two directors or
executives, a list identifying each individual must
be attached to this application
For organisations, is the specied ASIC Current
Company Extract or incorporation of business
name attached?
Customer Services Branch Oce Use Only
Application checklist - please tick (ü)
Refer to DocBase for reference material.
continued page 11...
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Booking Entity Authorisation Application/Renewal ... continued page 11 of 11
Have the relevant fees (CHC per person + annual
BEA fee) been paid? The fees must be paid at the
time of lodgement
Fees receipted.
Yes No
Has a booked hire service identication sign been
attached for approval?
(Note: this is not a mandatory
Receipt number Operator User ID
Second person
Have any of the associated persons had -
a previous BEA suspension or cancellation
a conviction of a disqualifying oence or been
charged with disqualifying oence and the
charge has not been nally disposed of
BHSL Hub Oce Use Only
Application Assessment
No N/A
First person
CHCs/results for each associated person
continued next column...
an oence against a provision of relevant
transport legislation relating to providing a
booked hire service, a booking service for a
booked hire service or a taxi service, or using
a motor vehicle to provide a booked hire service,
within the previous 12 months
Foreign entity
Has the necessary documentation for foreign
entities been provided and reviewed? CHC
clearance, certied copy of a company extract,
company structure, Australian Registered
Business Name.
Local Nominee
Has the necessary documentation for local
nominees been provided and reviewed? For
individuals - evidence of usually residing in
Australia. For corporations - evidence of company
certication of registration and company structure.
Have the eet details for each eet category and
area of operation been completed?
Has a booked hire service identication sign been
attached for approval
(Note: this is not a mandatory
Have the correct fees (CHC and annual fees)
been paid? Provide details
Total number of aliated vehicles
Has the local nominee’s signed written consent to
the nomination been attached?
Is a request for further information required?
No N/A
Application decision
Is the BEA application granted?
Yes BEA number
No Complete refusal decision details below
Issue refusal notice
Yes Provide full details
Is the BEA application refused or withdrawn?
Is a refund applicable?
Yes Specify amount to be refunded
/ /
Approving ocer’s signature
Approving ocer’s name Position title