Point of View
Death wish or suicidal ideation: Implications for management
Amin A. Muhammad Gadit
Department of Psychiatry, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NL, A1B 3V6, Canada.
In the process of psychiatric consultation, the issue of suici-
dal thought, planning and attempt carry high significance in
terms of management and prognosis. However, both these
terms are not well understood by many mental health pro-
fessionals and often the residents fail to detect whether the
patient has expressed suicidal thoughts or it was merely a
death wish.
Many psychiatric admissions are done on the
basis of seriousness of the issue of suicidality and that both
the expression of death wish as well as suicidal thoughts is
held in the same magnitude in terms of its significance.
Freud has described this as "thanatos" which is a death drive
representing the organic need to return to lifelessness and
stasis, the ultimate calm of lifeless non-conflict attributing
all aggressive and destructive activity to this notion. Death
wish is a general expression when some life events assume
severe proportions and start taking their toll on the mental
health or it is a casual cultural expression when some social
hardships cause trouble. It has been observed that some
women folk would express this wish when domestic pres-
sures becomes overwhelming, with child rearing difficul-
ties, financial problems and turbulent relationship with the
spouse. In some cultures, expression of death wish is a
taboo; some religions disapprove such thoughts and expres-
sions. However, death wishes are noted in terminally ill
patients who are fed up with their long term misery. Even in
these instances, assessment of psychological and social
issues need to be ruled out. It has also been demonstrated
that death wish in very old is likely to be associated with
occurrence of a psychiatric disorder, especially major
depression with negative life conditions.
It is important
that some areas should be explored like: difficulties in the
patient's relationships with family, friends, and health work-
ers, psychological disturbances, especially, grief, depres-
sion, anxiety, organic brain disorders, personality disorder,
and the patient's personal orientation to the meaning of life
and suffering. In a study conducted in a community on res-
idents aged 65 and over, it was confirmed that expressed
wish for death was a predictor of mortality, controlling for
age, sex, and cognitive impairment.
Thoughts of suicide
may be a part of normal adolescence, and suicidal act a
manifestation of pathological development specific to this
stage in life, the wish to die has no age restrictions and may
accompany life as a shadow, devoid of any suicidal act, for
years. The imbalance between these two wishes calls for
concern and need separate evaluation.
It is said that death
wish may not necessary be a feature of depression as in a
study, patients expressing death wish reported less opti-
mism, less comfort in religion, and greater hopelessness, yet
the conclusion about presence of depressive illness cannot
be made.
There is a debate on whether death wish can be con-
verted or is progressed to suicide intention, or is death wish
a predictor of suicidal thought and eventual act, is the brain
chemistry common, likewise, should one get alarmed and
adopt preventive measures on expression of death wish to
the extent of commencing biological treatment. The ques-
tion arises if there were some overlapping factors in these
two entities? Several psycho-social factors are associated
with this, genetic factors as well as impulsive-aggressive
behavior also plays a critical role in suicide predisposition.
The role of CSF-HIAA levels
, increased density of sero-
tonin binding sites in frontal cortex, fewer presynaptic sero-
tonin transporter sites and upregulated levels of the 5-HT1A
receptor in ventromedial prefrontal cortex, possible impli-
cation of protein kinase A and C are worth debating.
cholesterol has been discussed as an important factor pre-
disposing to suicidal behavior.
It is a likely possibility that
same biological application may be valid both for death
wish and suicidal thought. Death wish can also be taken as
a precursor for active suicidal thoughts and subsequent act.
Those people who express death wish in clinical setting
must be explored for the presence of dysthymia, chronic
boredom in association with a borderline personality disor-
der or presence of sub threshold depression.
From a clini-
cal management perspective, suicidal thoughts need imme-
diate attention whereas death wish needs detection of under-
lying pathology whether it is social or psychological.
Presence of death wish among patients presenting to emer-
gency department should not be dismissed as such without
careful mental state examination as this may be a 'cry for
help' which if ignored may result in devastation. Effective
communication skills, thorough understanding of the under-
lying cause and knowledge of cultural background is of
paramount importance as simple death wish may be a warn-
ing in disguise and a strong predictor of more serious sui-
cide intent.
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