GSA Should Improve
Completeness, and
Usefulness of Public
Report to the Committee on
Transportation and Infrastructure, House
of Representatives
February 2020
United States Government Accountability Office
United States Government Accountability Office
Highlights of GAO-20-135, a report to the
Committee on Transportation and
Infrastructure, House of Representatives
February 2020
GSA Should Improve Accuracy, Completeness, and
Usefulness of Public Data
What GAO Found
The General Services Administration (GSA) has worked in recent years to
improve reliability of the Federal Real Property Profile (FRPP), which tracks
federal real property assets. However, numerous errors in the database were
carried into the public version. GSA extracted data from the FRPP’s 398,000
civilian federal assets to create a public database to be used, for example, by
researchers and real estate developers. However, GSA’s data verification
process did not address key errors. GAO found that 67 percent of the street
addresses in the public database were incomplete or incorrectly formatted. For
example, the database lists “Greenbelt Road” as the address for over 200
buildings at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, but the road stretches over
6.3 miles, thereby reducing a user’s ability to locate specific buildings.
Challenges Mapping Incomplete “Greenbelt Road” Street Address
The public database is not complete because GSA and selected agencies
decided not to provide certain useful information. Specifically, GSA withheld
assets’ information without consulting those agencies managing the assets and
allowed agencies to withhold information that is already publicly available. For
example, GSA withheld the name “Goddard Space Flight Center” from the public
database, but NASA’s website lists this name and the Center’s location.
Unnecessarily withholding information limits the database’s utility and
undermines analysis.
The public database’s usefulness is further limited by how GSA presents the
information. Because the database does not identify if an asset is part of a
secure installation, the public does not know if assets, such as the unnamed
buildings at Goddard, are accessible to the public. Unless GSA improves the
public database’s accuracy, completeness, and usefulness, its benefits may not
be realized.
View GAO-20-135. For more information,
Lori Rectanus at (202) 512-9847 or
Why GAO Did This Study
The lack of reliable data on federal
assets is one of the main reasons
Federal Real Property Management
remains on GAO’s high risk list. In
2016, legislation required GSA to
publish a single, comprehensive, and
descriptive database of federal real
property that would be available to the
public. The database could be used for
research and other potential
applications. GAO was asked to study
the public database. This report
assesses (1) GSA’s efforts to improve
the reliability of FRPP’s data and the
public database, (2) the public
database’s completeness, and (3) the
presentation of the data in the public
GAO reviewed federal laws,
documents, and data, including GSA’s
fiscal years 2017 and 2018 FRPP and
public databases. GAO interviewed
officials at GSA and from six federal
agencies selected in locations with
enough questionable data in the public
database to analyze, among other
things, and studied assets in
Washington, D.C., Illinois, and New
Mexico. GAO also interviewed selected
stakeholders involved in federal real
property management, such as real
estate brokers.
What GAO Recommends
GAO is making six recommendations
to GSA, including improving the
accuracy of the database, consulting
with agencies on assets’ information
withheld from the database, and
improving the public database’s
GSA agreed with five of
the recommendations. GAO clarified
the recommendation on withholding
information on agencies’ assets, to
address GSA’s comments.
Page i GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
Letter 1
Background 5
GSA’s Efforts Have Not Effectively Addressed FRPP’s Reliability
Issues, Which Affect the Public Database 7
GSA and Agencies Withheld Information That Reduces the
Completeness of the Public Database 15
Data Presentation and Limited Stakeholder Awareness Hinder
Usefulness of the Public Database 22
Conclusions 27
Recommendations 28
Agency Comments and Our Evaluation 28
Appendix I Categories of Data Withheld from the Public Database 31
Appendix II Comments from the U.S. General Services Administration 32
Appendix III GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments 34
Table 1: Example of Information Included and Not Included in the
Public Data for a National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) Building 17
Table 2: Summary of Information Selected Agencies Withheld
from Public Database for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 20
Table 3: Summary of Selected Information All Agencies Withheld
from the Public Database for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018
across All Reporting Agencies 21
Table 4: The 15 Categories of Data in the Federal Real Property
Profile That the General Services Administration (GSA)
Withholds from the Public Database 31
Figure 1: Extent to Which Street Information Is Included in the
General Services Administration’s (GSA) Federal Real
Property Profile (FRPP) and Public Database, for Fiscal
Year 2018 8
Page ii GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
Figure 2: Incomplete “Greenbelt Road” Street Address Provides
the Public with Inaccurate Locations for Buildings at the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA)
Goddard Space Flight Center 9
Figure 3: Examples of Data Identified as Anomalous but Validated
as Correct by the Department of Energy 12
Figure 4: Examples of Federal Assets Identified as Anomalous by
the General Services Administration’s Validation and
Verification Process and Incorrectly Validated 13
Figure 5: Validation and Verification (V&V) Results for All
Agencies as of October 2019 14
Figure 6: Steps for a User to find National Aeronautics and Space
Administration’s (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center’s
Buildings in the Public Database 18
Figure 7: National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s
(NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center Buildings: Current
Reporting as Individual Assets Compared to Reporting as
a Campus 23
Figure 8: Frequency of Accessing the General Services
Administration’s (GSA) Inventory of Owned and Leased
Property Database and Public Real Property Database
from December 2017 through July 2019 27
Page iii GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DOD Department of Defense
DOE Department of Energy
DOI Department of Interior
FASTA Federal Assets Sale and Transfer Act of 2016
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FRPP Federal Real Property Profile
GIS geographic information system
GSA General Services Administration
ICE Immigration and Customs Enforcement
ISC Interagency Security Committee
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NPS National Park Service
OGP Office of Government-wide Policy
OMB Office of Management and Budget
PBS Public Buildings Service
V&V validation and verification (process)
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United States. The published product may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety
without further permission from GAO. However, because this work may contain
copyrighted images or other material, permission from the copyright holder may be
necessary if you wish to reproduce this material separately.
Page 1 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
441 G St. N.W.
Washington, DC 20548
February 6, 2020
The Honorable Peter A. DeFazio
The Honorable Sam Graves
Ranking Member
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure,
House of Representatives
The General Services Administration (GSA) reported that in fiscal year
2018 civilian federal agencies spent billions of dollars to operate about
398,000 civilian real property assets (buildings, structures, and land)
across every state, including nearly 127,000 buildings covering 1.1-billion
square feet. GSA tracks the federal governments real property assets
using a government wide database known as the Federal Real Property
Profile (FRPP) Management System, which contains data submitted
annually by agencies. We have previously reported on problems with the
reliability of the data in the FRPP, and it is one of the main reasons that
managing federal real property remains on our high-risk list.
itself is not available to the public but does not contain any classified
national security information. The lack of publicly available data and data
quality issues have posed problems for people wanting to use the federal
real property data for various purposes, such as leasing or purchasing
space that the federal government no longer needs.
The Federal Assets Sale and Transfer Act of 2016 (FASTA) directed GSA
to release to the public a single, comprehensive, descriptive database of
federal real property.
In April 2018, the then-chair of the House
Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and
Emergency Management stated that a key goal for making the data public
was to provide transparency and help hold federal agencies accountable
for reporting accurate information. In response to this act, GSA created
and released a publicly available version of the FRPP in December 2017.
High-risk issues with managing federal real property include: costly leasing; data
reliability; excess and underused property; and physical security. We have stated that
among other things, OMB and GSA should continue working with federal agencies to
improve the reliability of their real property data. See GAO, High-Risk Series: Substantial
Efforts Needed to Achieve Greater Progress on High Risk Areas, GAO-19-157SP
(Washington, D. C.: March 6, 2019).
Pub. L. No. 114-287, § 21(a). (c)(2) (2016).
Page 2 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
You asked that we review GSAs new public real property database. This
report examines:
GSAs efforts to improve the reliability of FRPP data and the public
the completeness of the public database; and
how the data are presented in the public database.
For all objectives, we reviewed applicable laws and the White House’s
and the Office of Management and Budgets (OMB) directives.
Additionally, we reviewed GSA guidance to agencies on FRPP data
submissions for fiscal years 2016 through 2019.
Further, we reviewed
prior GAO reports on federal real property. We downloaded and analyzed
data in the public database for fiscal years 2017 and 2018 (the most
recent data available since FASTA was enacted) and obtained GSA’s
original FRPP data on civilian properties for this time period.
determine the reliability of this data, we evaluated the FRPP and public
data to identify what agency data were missing per GSAs annual
guidance to agencies. We found the data sufficiently reliable for the
purpose of our reporting objectives.
We interviewed GSA officials, as well as a non-generalizable selection of
officials from six selected agencies that are required to submit data to the
FRPP: the Department of Homeland Security (DHS); Department of
Energy (DOE); the Department of Interior (DOI); the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC); the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA); and GSAs office that submits its own
FRPP data. We selected these agencies because they were located in
areas with enough questionable FRPP data as identified by GSA to
analyze. We also interviewed a non-generalizable sample of 14
stakeholders from groups likely to use the public database, identified by
their frequent interaction with federal real property issues, among other
GSA, Federal Real Property Council: 2016 Guidance for Real Property Reporting,
Version 3 (Washington, D. C.: Oct. 31, 2016); 2017 Guidance for Real Property Reporting,
Version 2 (Washington, D. C.: Sept. 11, 2017); 2018 Guidance for Real Property
Reporting, Version 2 (Washington, D. C.: Aug. 27, 2018); 2019 Guidance for Real
Property Reporting, Version 1 (Washington, D. C.: Jun. 7, 2019).
FASTA allows the exclusion from reporting federal real property for reasons of (1)
national security and (2) those exempt from disclosure pursuant to section 552(b) of title 5,
United States Code. Pub. L. No. 114-287, § 21(a), (e) (3) (2016).
Page 3 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
things, and included real estate brokers, lessors, and developers.
Specifically, we identified groups to contact from the list of participants at
a congressional roundtable discussion on the uses of the public
and by asking officials at GSA and private-sector professionals
who specialize in federal real estate through a snowball-sampling
technique. We then used that list of potential users and search terms
related to real property data to conduct a web search for other groups that
indicated they used federal real property data and confirmed their use of
real property data.
To assess GSAs efforts to improve the reliability of FRPP data and the
public database, we analyzed data from fiscal years 2017 and 2018 from
GSAs Validation and Verification effort, which GSA implemented to
improve the quality of FRPP. We determined how the results of this effort
carried over to the public data. We also tested the location information in
the fiscal year 2018 public data to determine the extent to which this
information was consistent with guidance for reporting inventory GSA
provided to agencies and whether the location information was user-
friendly. Specifically, we determined if the data were machine-readable
(directly usable by a computer) and could be displayed in a map using
commercial off-the-shelf, geographic-information system (GIS) software.
We used the data to select and visit a non-generalizable sample of
properties from the six agencies mentioned above that were located in
proximity to our headquarters and Chicago, Illinois, field offices. We also
selected agency properties in the Los Alamos and Sandia, New Mexico,
areas because they had enough questionable data in those locations to
provide a basis for analysis. We determined if the properties
characteristics matched reported data and assessed the extent to which
these properties are accessed by the public, through direct observation or
review of agency photographs.
The 14 stakeholders we interviewed were Bismarck Realty, Carpenter Robbins, Colliers
International, Equus Capital Partners, Federal Real Property Association, Holland and
Knight, Jones Lang, Lasalle, PublicAssets, Public Properties LLC, Reis, RSM US LLP,
Savillis Studley, Seven Properties, and Tower Properties.
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, U. S. House of Representatives,
Roundtable Policy Discussion on Saving Taxpayer Dollars and the Federal Real Property
Database (Washington, D. C., Apr. 11, 2018).
A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system that analyzes and displays
geographically referenced information. It uses data that is attached to a unique location,
identified by longitude and latitude, referred to hereafter as geo-coordinates.
Page 4 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
To assess the completeness of the public database, we reviewed GSA
instructions to agencies and a memorandum from DHSs Interagency
Security Committee (ISC) recommending processes and criteria for
agencies to follow when determining what, if any, information to withhold
from the public database.
We also reviewed selected agenciesguidance
and processes, if any, for identifying assets to withhold from the public
database. We compared the FRPP to the public database to identify data
withheld from the public database for fiscal years 2017 through 2018 to
assess how this withholding affected the completeness and usefulness of
the database and to analyze trends and consistency in selected agencies
withholding decisions. We also interviewed GSA, DHS-ISC, and selected
agency officials on internal processes for identifying what types of data
categories and specific assets they withheld from the public database.
To assess factors that affect the usefulness of the public database, we
reviewed GSAs instructions on presenting data, specifically with regard
to how to report individual assets on secure installations that are not open
to the public. We analyzed the public database and FRPP database to
determine how agencies report assets on secure installations and how
this reporting affects the usefulness of the database. We also observed
secure federal installations in the Washington, D.C., area and in New
Mexico, to assess how the presentation of these assets in the public
database affects the usefulness of the data. These sites were among
those selected to assess GSAs efforts to improve the reliability of the
database, as described above. We interviewed GSA officials to determine
how they communicate the availability of the public database. We also
assessed GSAs website to determine how it communicates the
availability of the public database as well as three other real-property
databases as they related to the relevant provision of the Open
Government Data Act.
We analyzed GSA data on the frequency with
which the public accessed the public database from December 2017
through July 2019. We also interviewed selected agency officials to
determine their views on GSAs organization of the database, such as
reporting by individual assets rather than installations. Lastly, we
The Interagency Security Committee (ISC) develops physical security policies and
standards, promotes key management practices, and facilitates mitigation of threats to
employees and the visiting public and is chaired by the DHS Assistant Director of the
Infrastructure Security Division within the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security
Agency. Members include chief security officers and other senior executives from 60
federal agencies and departments.
Pub. L. No. 115-435, § 202 (2019).
Page 5 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
interviewed the 14 third party stakeholders identified earlier to determine
their familiarity with the database and its usefulness to their work.
We conducted this performance audit from September 2018 to February
2020 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for
our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. We believe
that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our findings
and conclusions based on our audit objectives.
Two GSA offices have roles in managing data related to federal real
property. The Public Buildings Service (PBS) acts as a landlord for the
federal government by acquiring new space for government agencies and
tracking data on the property it acquires. PBS manages and publishes
three databases that provide information to public stakeholders and
researchers on federally owned and leased properties, and on properties
eligible for disposal. Another office, the Office of Government-wide Policy
(OGP), collects, manages, and reports on all federal real-property data
through the FRPP database. OGP has managed the FRPP since its
inception in fiscal year 2005 by collecting data from federal agencies on
their real property assets.
OGP is also responsible for compiling and
managing the public database required by FASTA.
FRPP is the most comprehensive database of federal real property
holdings, containing details for about 398,000 assets (buildings,
structures, and land). It is not public, but it also does not contain any
classified national security information. FRPP data show the range of
agency assets, including single buildings in a given location or multiple
buildings located on installations, like a national park or research center.
The FRPP identifies whether buildings are on installations, but does not
identify whether buildings are public-facing or secure (and thus
inaccessible by the public).
Before FASTA was enacted, GSA was directed to establish a single, comprehensive,
and descriptive database, which resulted in the FRPP. Exec. Order No. 13327, 69 Fed.
Reg. 5897 (Feb. 6, 2004).
Page 6 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
We have repeatedly identified reliability issues with the FRPP,
and GSA
has taken actions to improve the reliability of FRPP data. Specifically, in
2016, GSA established its validation and verification (V&V) process. After
agencies submit their data annually to FRPP, GSA identifies questionable
entries (called anomalies) from 20 separate categories. Through these
categories, GSA flags assets that are very small in size, changed from
the previous year, or have unusual financial statistics, among other
things. GSA then provides an annual list of anomalies to the agencies
that entered the data. Agencies have 10 months to research each
anomaly and correct errors or validate that the data are correct. GSA has
provided instructions to agencies on how to respond to the V&V process.
GSA also requires agencies to certify accuracy of the data and
established database rules that require agencies to submit complete
information on assets. GSA officials said that it must ultimately rely on
agencies to submit correct data.
FASTA required GSA to publish a single, comprehensive, descriptive
database of all federal real property by December 16, 2017, while
allowing it to exclude assets for reasons of national security, such as
those that are secure installations.
FASTA also required the database to
be made public to the extent its release is consistent with national
security and procurement laws.
GSA officials said that GSA used the
FRPP as the basis for developing the database it released to the public at
the end of 2017.
GSA presents the data in two ways: as a downloadable
spreadsheet or in a searchable mapping application.
GAO, High Risk Series: Progress on Many High Risk Areas, While Substantial Efforts
Needed on Others, GAO-17-317 (Washington, D.C.: Feb. 15, 2017) and GAO: High Risk
Series: Substantial Efforts Needed to Achieve Greater Progress in High Risk Areas,
GAO-19-157SP (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 6, 2019).
GSA-OGP creates database rules for the FRPP Management System, the software
system agencies use to submit FRPP data. The database rules establish what values the
system will accept for each data category. For example, the database rules will not allow
an agency to submit a blank value for a required data category, such as the asset type
(building, land, or structure).
Pub. L. 114-287, § 21.
For example, cost information could be withheld so they dont affect procurement of
Although the public database is a subset of the FRPP, they are two separate, distinct
Page 7 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
FASTA requires that the public database be machine-readable and permit
searching or sorting of data to the extent practicable.
Further, GSA
guidance also calls for agencies to provide accurate and complete data.
Specifically, GSA requires agencies to include either a complete street
address or geo-coordinates for all 398,000 assets in the FRPP; for
example, GSAs FRPP data dictionary establishes the format agencies
are to use when inputting asset addressesnumber, street, city, zip
code. This requirement carries over to the 305,000 assets included in the
public database.
We found that almost 214,000 of the assets in the public database
included some street address information, but most of the addresses
were incomplete or incorrectly formatted. Specifically, only approximately
70,000 (33 percent) fully met the standards. Since another 91,000 assets
did not include a street address, a computer would only be able to locate
about 23 percent of the 305,000 civilian federal assets using street
addresses in the public database (See fig. 1.) GSA officials who manage
the FRPP said that they were aware that many street addresses were not
readable and have asked agency officials to review the accuracy of
address information and correct it in future submissions. They
acknowledged, however, that their efforts were not fully successful. As
discussed later, GSA is currently taking steps to ensure that agencies
provide more complete geo-coordinates when they submit data to the
Pub. L. No. 114-287, § 21. The term machine-readable,when used with respect to
data, means data in a format that can be easily processed by a computer without human
intervention while ensuring no semantic meaning is lost. See 44 U.S.C. § 3502(18).
GSA guidance pertaining to annual FRPP data submittal also applies to the public
GSAs Efforts Have
Not Effectively
Addressed FRPPs
Reliability Issues,
Which Affect the
Public Database
Most Street Addresses in
Public Data Are
Incomplete or Otherwise
Page 8 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
Figure 1: Extent to Which Street Information Is Included in the General Services
Administrations (GSA) Federal Real Property Profile (FRPP) and Public Database,
for Fiscal Year 2018
Agencies are not required to include street addresses for all locations. Agencies can submit street
addresses, geo coordinates, or both.
For the remaining 67 percent of the assets (144,000) with some street
address information that did not fully meet the standards, we found two
types of problemsincomplete addresses and addresses that were not
formatted correctly. First, more than 28,000 assets had street addresses
that were incomplete. For example, instead of having individual address
listings, we found that all 215 buildings at the Goddard Space Flight
Center had a single listing of Greenbelt Road.This road actually
stretches over 6 miles and many other buildings are located along the
road. The front gates complete address is 8800 Greenbelt Road.In
these instances, GSA officials said that its public-mapping program
selects the mid-point of the street, which in this case is over a mile from
the public entrance to the installation. (See fig. 2.) As a result, someone
using the database would not be able to determine exactly where
Goddard is.
Page 9 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
Figure 2: Incomplete Greenbelt RoadStreet Address Provides the Public with
Inaccurate Locations for Buildings at the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration’s (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center
Second, we found about 115,000 assets had street address information
that was incorrectly formatted based on FRPP instructions. While we did
not conduct a complete analysis of all these assets, we found examples
of some of the address issues, such as:
Extra descriptive information about the property in the address field.
For example, N220 AG Science Bldg North U of Kentuckyand
Beltsville AG Research Center, 10300 Baltimore Avenue.The data
in the address field for these two assetswhich belong to the
Department of Agriculturecould not be directly read by a computer
or displayed on a map.
Unrecognizable text. For example, 2881 F;B Roadand “1-15, Exit
172, 1 Mile East.The data for these assets, which belong to the
Department of Agriculture, could not be directly read by a computer or
displayed on a map.
GSA officials said that users may be able to interpret the individual asset
addresses in the database but that GSAs automated computer system
could not map unreadable addresses. Similarly, a private-sector user who
tried to use the public data to map federal facilities for clients said that he
was unable to map many of the assets because addresses were not
readable by his computer. As a result, he said that he excluded
incomplete or unreadable addresses from the database he created. He
noted that incomplete data would reduce clientsinterest.
Page 10 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
We also found problems with assets for which agencies provided geo-
coordinates (latitude and longitude). Specifically, GSA guidance states
that geo-coordinates must include a minimum of four decimal places. Of
the 305,000 assets included in the public database, almost 220,000
included geo-coordinates but more than halfabout 141,000did not
meet FRPP standards because they were not precise enough to map the
location of the assets.
GSA officials noted agencies are required to
enter some type of information in the field for address or geo-coordinates,
but an open dataformat did not prevent agencies from reporting
information that was not strictly a street and address number.
Consequently, some agencies may have entered incorrect values for the
geo-coordinates just to complete the field. Our analysis supports this
view; few (550 of about 131,000) of the assets with both sufficiently
detailed geo-coordinates and street addresses pointed to the same
location. In addition to the open data issue described above, officials also
explained that GSA did not have a business validation rulein place that
prevented agencies from inputting coordinates with less than four decimal
GSA has taken a number of actions to correct the issues with geo-
coordinates that they say should help address this problem for the next
release of the public data in 2020. For example, GSA added V&V
anomaly categories for fiscal year 2018 data that identified GPS
coordinates pointing to unlikely locations, such as a location in the water,
which identified about 80,000 potential anomalies. Agencies are currently
checking these. Additionally, GSA added a feature to the fiscal year 2019
FRPP submission form that will force agencies to provide geo-
coordinates that are detailed enough for their data to be accepted. GSA
officials said that they would consider taking additional steps once they
have analyzed the results of the GPS coordinate anomaly categories.
GSA has asked agencies to review addresses for accuracy, and officials
indicated that they have discussed plans to improve this data. However,
GSAs requirement that geo-coordinates be a minimum of four decimal places allows
precision to plus or minus 11.1 meters.
GSAs guidance states that street addresses must be in a geo-codableformat (i.e., an
address that can be mapped by Geographic Information System (GIS) software or used
by an overnight delivery service to deliver packages). An example of a geo-codable
address is 123 Main Street.Further, the street address data can contain any
combination of letters and numerals up to 100 characters total, which is also called an
Page 11 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
GSA has not taken specific steps to work with agencies to ensure they
input correct street addresses in the public database in light of the open
dataformat. The lack of correct street addresses can affect users who
may be interested in acquiring or leasing assets or who may be interested
in installing telecommunications devices on an asset,
from knowing
exactly where those assets are located. As a result, until the street
address information is complete and correctly formatted, the public may
unknowingly pursue assets that are not available or suited to their needs.
We found that while GSA has identified close to 30,000 potential errors in
the FRPP database over the first 2 years of the V&V process, agencies
confirmed only 5 percent as errors (1,291 of 28,572). Agencies validated
the remaining 27,281 anomalies as correct or left them unresolved.
low number of errors being identified indicates that GSAs V&V process is
not efficiently identifying errors in the data, either in terms of the anomaly
categories themselves or the thresholds at which GSA flags data as an
anomaly. This situation could ultimately mean that agencies are spending
time researching correct information that was flagged as potentially
erroneous or not fully actually researching anomalies and allowing
mistakes to remain uncorrected.
Agencies identified no anomalies as errors for five of GSAs 16 anomaly
categories in 2017, raising questions about the anomaly categories GSA
has identified. OMB guidance suggests that agencies only do extra tasks
that are justified by their cost.
GSA officials who manage the V&V
process said that the high number of anomaly categories for which
agencies found no errors could reflect that the anomaly categories are
flagging correct data as anomalies or that agencies are validating data as
correct without actively checking it.
We found examples of both. For example, we examined a selected
sample of 14 V&V data anomalies at DOE sites in New Mexico. GSA
The MOBILE NOW Act amended FASTA to require the federal real property database to
include information on the ability of the asset to support private telecommunications
infrastructure. See Pub. L. No. 115-141, div. P. § 608(a) (2018).
As mentioned previously, GSA identified questionable entries (called anomalies) and
flags assets that are very small in size, changed from the previous year, or have unusual
financial statistics, among other things.
OMB, Circular A-11: Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget
(Washington, D.C.: June 2019).
GSAs V&V Process Does
Not Efficiently Identify
Erroneous Data
Page 12 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
flagged the buildings for being very smalloffice buildings less than 400
square feet and warehouses less than 64 square feetand found that the
information in the public database was correct. Figure 3 illustrates how
such information flagged as being questionable, is actually correct
according to GSAs reporting rules for agencies, which specify data
categories, such as the types of buildings GSA considers to be
warehouses. Specifically, GSA flagged assets at DOEs Los Alamos and
Sandia National Laboratories because their square footage fell below
certain amounts. But, in reality, these assets met GSAs criteria for offices
and warehouses despite being small.
Figure 3: Examples of Data Identified as Anomalous but Validated as Correct by the
Department of Energy
We also found instances where an agency verified information as correct
that was incorrect. Figure 4 illustrates examples data validated as correct
that was actually erroneous. Specifically, an agency erroneously reported
water towers and antenna arrays as office buildings. Staff responsible for
managing the V&V process for their agencys assets said that they did not
always consult the personnel with the best knowledge of the assets in
resolving anomalies. Instead, they relied on their own judgment when
determining whether to forward the anomalies to asset managers to
ultimately check the data and correct any errors. This resulted in some
errors going uncorrected.
Page 13 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
Figure 4: Examples of Federal Assets Identified as Anomalous by the General Services Administration’s Validation and
Verification Process and Incorrectly Validated
Thresholdsthe points at which GSA flags data as anomalieslead to a
large number of data elements flagged, which can challenge the
resources of affected agencies. Officials at two of our selected agencies
said that the number of anomalies that the V&V process produces
Page 14 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
annually overwhelms their ability to validate the data. The large number of
unresolved V&V anomalies appears to support this conclusion. GSA’s
guidance allows agencies 10 months to validate the anomalous data, but
the number of anomalies that remain unresolved after 10 months has
risen sharply. Figure 5 shows that while agencies addressed all
anomalies in the first year, they have since struggled to keep up. As of
October 2019, 106,231 anomalies, or approximately 71 percent,
remained unresolved after 10 months.
Figure 5: Validation and Verification (V&V) Results for All Agencies as of October
Data validated represent anomalies for which agencies affirmed that the data were correct.
Unresolved anomalies represent anomalies which the agencies neither determined were errors nor
affirmed were correct.
Errors identified represent anomalies that agencies determined were errors to be corrected.
Officials who are responsible for resolving anomalies at two selected
agencies said that more realistic anomaly categories or thresholds could
reduce the number of anomalies and better target actual errors, an
approach that could help agencies better prioritize their resources when
researching anomalies. GSA staff who manage the FRPP said that they
brainstormed internally and used industry standards and policy initiatives
to develop anomaly categories. They also explained that they adjust
thresholds within each category. However, GSA officials said they had not
reviewed the anomaly categories or their thresholds to see if they
consistently capture incorrect data. This approach puts the stated goals of
the V&V processwhich are to improve data accuracy, promote data
Page 15 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
consistency among the agencies, and enable OMB to measure data
quality improvementat risk.
In the absence of better information about
the validity of categories and thresholds, the current process for V&V is
taking up limited agency resources without efficiently correcting errors in
the data.
GSA and reporting agencies decided not to provide certain useful
information from the public database in two ways, thereby reducing the
datas completeness and ultimately its utility. First, GSA withheld data
from the public database without consulting agencies about their
sensitivity. Second, selected agencies withheld information that was
already publicly available or withheld similar types of information
inconsistently within their agencies.
GSA chose to withhold 15 categories of data from the public database for
all agencies. FASTA authorized the withholding of information from the
public database for national security or procurement-related issues.
GSA officials who manage the FRPP said that GSA does not have the
security or intelligence expertise to issue guidance on national security
issues. As a result, they sought input from the ISC on what information to
withhold. ISC reviewed the security risks of FRPP data and provided
written recommendations in a memo to GSA in November 2017.
Specifically, ISC recommended that certain categories of data on assets
be withheld from the public database because of the security risk that
they could pose individually or in combination. ISC also recommended
that agencies use internal guidance on restricting the public release of
real property information and ISCs mission criticality criteria
determine any individual real property assets to withhold entirely from the
public database.
OMB, Management Procedures Memorandum M-2016-01: Improving Federal Real
Property Data Quality Required Data Validation and Verification Procedures
(Washington, D. C.; Jan. 28, 2016).
Pub. L. No. 114-287, § 21(c)(2).
ISC’s mission criticality criteriaare based on the relative risk involved with the
mission(s) carried out by a facilitys federal tenants. The mission criticality criteria are one
set of criteria derived from ISC guidance. For more information, see ISC, The Risk
Management Process for Federal Facilities: An Interagency Security Committee Standard
(Washington, D. C.: Nov. 2016).
GSA and Agencies
Withheld Information
That Reduces the
Completeness of the
Public Database
GSA Withheld Data from
the Public Database
Page 16 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
GSA implemented ISCs first recommendation by withholding 15 FRPP
data categories for all assets from the public database without consulting
the relevant agencies on this decision, considering the specific sensitivity
of these categories for all assets, or assessing the effect withholding them
would have on the database.
ISC officials acknowledged that the memo
that they prepared for GSA could have been clearer as to ISCs intent that
departments and agencies should consider the recommendations in
making a final determination. According to ISC officials, they believed that
implementation would involve GSA communicating these
recommendations and leaving decisions on what to withhold to officials
within individual departments and agencies who control real property
Specifically, the following five categories of data were among the 15
withheld by GSA:
propertys/installations name,
replacement value of an asset,
annual operating and maintenance costs for owned assets,
annual-operating and maintenance costs for leased assets, and
breakdown of annual operating and maintenance costs (e.g., utilities
costs, janitorial costs, sewage costs, etc.).
Because GSA did not consult with agencies on this decision, the
agencies did not have an opportunity to consider whether or not the 15
data categories GSA withheld included information that is sensitive or
already publicly available. As a result, the public database is incomplete
in ways that adversely affect users and limits agencies’ public
accountability for reporting accurate information. For example, identifying
assets in the public database is difficult without the propertys nameone
of the data categories GSA withheldespecially given the insufficient
location data in the database discussed earlier. Returning to the
incomplete address example discussed earlier (NASA Goddard Space
Flight Center), the public data also do not include the propertys name,
Goddard Space Flight Center,leaving users with limited information to
identify the buildings. As a result, someone using the public database
cannot identify assets on NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center campus
without using outside sources for additional information. (See table 1.)
See Appendix I for a list of the 15 withheld data categories.
Page 17 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
Table 1: Example of Information Included and Not Included in the Public Data for a National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) Building
Source: GAO analysis of General Services Administration data. | GAO-20-135
Note: This table shows a selection of data categories included and not in the Public Database. A list
of all categories withheld from the public database is in appendix I.
As discussed in the next section, we found that some of the information
from these 15 excluded data categories, such as property names, is often
already in the public sphere. For example, Goddard Space Flight Center
and its address are clearly disclosed on NASAs public website, but GSA
withheld the name for 215 NASA buildings at this address, including
Goddards public visitorscenter. Using the public database alone, a
member of the public would need to go through numerous steps to
determine if assets are part of Goddard Space Flight Center and still have
no way of being sure. (See fig. 6.)
Included in Public Database
Not Included in Public Database
Street Address
Greenbelt Road, Greenbelt, MD 20771
Real Property Type
Real Property Use
Square Feet
Legal Interest
Current Mission Need
Year of Asset Construction
Installation Name
Goddard Space Flight Center
On Secure Installation Not Open to Public
Number of Buildings at Same Installation
Operating and Maintenance Costs (actual
Replacement Value
(actual dollars)
Location of front gate
8800 Greenbelt Road
Page 18 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
Figure 6: Steps for a User to find National Aeronautics and Space Administrations (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center’s
Buildings in the Public Database
Moreover, third-party, private sector stakeholders we spoke with such as
brokers, lessors, consultants, and a non-profit organization that work in
federal real-property markets, noted that some of the data categories
GSA withheld would be among the most useful to their work. For
example, 10 of 14 stakeholders we spoke to said that financial data, such
as operating costs and annual rent, were among the most useful FRPP
data categories to their analyses of real property markets and business
opportunities. Additionally, four stakeholders cited the propertys name as
among the most important data categories for their work in analyzing
federal real property.
While GSA withheld the 15 categories of data across all agencies, it
allowed each agency to determine if any specific assets should be
withheld entirely from the public database, in accordance with ISC’s
second recommendation. ISC officials told us that this was appropriate
because individual departments and agencies that control real property
assets should determine what information to withhold.
GSA provided agencies with guidance that explained its decision to
withhold the 15 data categories and instructed agencies to consult ISC’s
mission criticality criteria and any additional internal agency criteria in
determining what information to withhold from public release. ISC’s
mission criticality criteria provide a page-long list of uses of real property
assets that warrant consideration for national security exclusion, but do
not provide other instructions for agencies to consult while making
decisions on what information to withhold. Further, OMB Circular
Management of Reporting and Data Integrity Risk also instructs agencies
to integrate a risk-based approach towards meeting reporting objectives,
Agencies Withheld
Publicly Available
Information and Withheld
Similar Assets
Inconsistently, Making
Analysis Difficult
Page 19 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
an approach that requires management practices that identify, assess,
respond, and report on risks.
However, we found that our selected
agencies did not consistently identify internal guidance to supplement
GSAs instructions within their agencies.
In September 2018, ISC recommended that GSA not withhold from the
public database newly added data categories that provide information
already in the public sphere. Additionally, the OPEN Government Data
Act requires OMB to foster greater sharing, dissemination, and access to
public information and issue guidance that, among other things, takes into
account the requirement that data must be disclosed if it would otherwise
be made available under a Freedom of Information Act request.
purposes of this report, we refer to this requirement as assuming
However, GSAs instructions to agencies lacked specifics to help
agencies apply a consistent, risk-based approach in determining which, if
any, assets or asset-specific information should be withheld from public
release. As a result, we found that some of the selected agencies
withheld asset-related information from the public database that is
available on their own public websites or from other official sources.
Withholding information that is already publicly available unnecessarily
reduces the completeness and utility of the public database that FASTA
indicated should be comprehensive. For example:
DHSs Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) withheld
buildings at five of its publicly-accessible service-processing centers
that are shown on a detention facility locator mapping system on its
own website. ICE officials told us that they did not consider what
information is already publicly available when deciding what
information to withhold from the public database.
FCC withheld all of its real property assets. FCCs own website and
regulations, however, list the locations and functions of FCC offices.
The U.S. Coast Guard withheld information on its public-recruiting
offices and lighthouses that it advertises on its public website. All
OMB, Appendix A,Management of Reporting and Data Integrity Risk, OMB Circular
No. A-123 (Washington, D.C.: June 6, 2018).
Pub. L. No. 115-435, § 202(b) (2019).
47 C.F.R § 0.121.
Page 20 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
buildings and structures that were not specifically used for the
purpose of aids to navigation were withheld from the public data set.
As a result public users can look up information on the Coast Guard’s
aids to navigation, but cannot look up some of its publicly accessible
locations, such as recruiting offices and lighthouses.
In contrast, DOE decided to withhold none of its 20,378 assets from the
public database. According to a DOE official responsible for submitting
data to FRPP, DOE does not have a specific process for assessing what
properties to make public. However, it is aware that much of the
information in the public database is also publicly available through other
sources. Table 2 shows how selected agencies took different approaches
to withholding information from the public database.
Table 2: Summary of Information Selected Agencies Withheld from Public Database for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018
Source: GAO analysis of GSA data. | GAO-20-135
Notes: We did not include our other selected agencies, the Department of Energy and General
Services Administration, because they did not withhold any assets.
Under risk-based criteria assuming openness (as mentioned earlier),
agencies may consider whether information made public in one instance
should be withheld in another instance. However, neither ISCs mission
criticality criteria nor GSAs instructions addressed the issue of
consistency within specific agencies. Specifically, we found that selected
agencies withheld
the same assets differently over time, and
similar assets inconsistently.
U.S. Coast Guard officials said that this decision caused information on lighthouses to
be released, but not information on other assets at lighthouse sites.
Withheld in FY 2018
Number of Assets
Total Number of Assets
(overall and by agency)
Total Overall
By Selected Agency
Department of Homeland Security
National Aeronautics and Space
Federal Communications Commission
Department of the Interior
Page 21 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
Table 3 shows how reporting agencies made different decisions on
whether to withhold the same types of assets. At times, some agencies
withheld certain asset types that ISCs mission criticality criteria did not
identify as warranting withholding, resulting in almost 7,000 assets such
as parking structures and disposed assets being withheld.
This led to
inconsistencies as to whether these agency assets were included or not
in the public database, limited transparency about these assets, and
prevented users from fully analyzing federal real property assets in these
Table 3: Summary of Selected Information All Agencies Withheld from the Public Database for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 across
All Reporting Agencies
Source: GAO analysis of General Services Administration (GSA) Data. | GAO-20-135
In other cases, selected agencies withheld similar assets inconsistently,
did not always follow written procedures and withheld similar assets. For
DOI headquarters provided its bureaus with GSAs instructions on
withholding assets, but individual bureaus applied the instructions
differently. For example:
The Fish and Wildlife Service reports that it has 369 publicly
accessible national wildlife refuges, but it withheld selected real
property assets at 11 of them. However, the withheld assets are
the same types as the assets the Service disclosed at other
refuges. For example, it reported all but two of 447 restrooms and
10 of 2,066 recreational structures on its national wildlife refuges.
The Fish and Wildlife Service told us it will re-evaluate its
withholding for the fiscal year 2019 FRPP database.
The National Park Service (NPS) reported that it has 374 publicly
accessible national parks, monuments, memorials, historic sites,
Disposed assets are no longer in an agencys inventory.
Withheld in FY 2018
Number of Assets
Total Number of Assets
in Category
Percent of Assets in
Category Withheld
Disposed Assets removed from agency inventory
Parking Structures
Recreational Structures
Page 22 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
and recreation areas. NPS withheld some real property assets
from 15 of those sites. For example, it reported all but 2 of 1,045
service buildings at its sites. These withheld assets are the same
types as those disclosed at other sites.
NASA withheld assets at a centralized level, but headquarters officials
told us that they have not established instructions or policies for these
decisions. NASA officials told us that they withhold real property
assets shared with agencies working in defense and/or national-
security, which led NASA to withhold 1,517 assets in fiscal year 2017.
In fiscal year 2018, however, we found that NASA withheld all assets
at certain field centers, causing the number to more than double from
1,517 in fiscal year 2017 to 3,696 in fiscal year 2018.
Finally, our comparison of the fiscal year 2018 FRPP and public
databases found that seven agencies did not identify whether data on
3,845 assets should be withheld despite GSA guidance to do so for every
asset. GSA included these assets in the public database without
consulting agencies on the assetssensitivity or risks in releasing
information on them. GSA officials said that these data should not have
been accepted and that they had implemented controls to ensure that
agencies identify whether data should be withheld.
It is difficult for a user of the public database to determine when assets
are located on a secure installation that the public cannot access. For
example, returning to the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center illustration
from earlier in the report, assets located at the Space Flight Center are
listed individually, with no indication that the assets are all located on a
secure installation. The public database lists all 215 assets at the same
locationGreenbelt Road in Greenbelt, MD, but provides no further
indication that the assets are part of a larger, secure facility. (See fig. 7.)
Data Presentation
and Limited
Awareness Hinder
Usefulness of the
Public Database
Data Presentation Issues
Limit the Usefulness of the
Public Database
Page 23 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
Figure 7: National Aeronautics and Space Administrations (NASA) Goddard Space
Flight Center Buildings: Current Reporting as Individual Assets Compared to
Reporting as a Campus
Currently, GSA requires civilian agencies to report individual assets,
including those on secure installations. Detailed, asset-specific
information could be useful for government decision makers, and GSA
applied this approach to the public database. However, asset-level
information can cause challenges for users when they are located on
secure installations because GSA withheld the installation names from
the public database.
Listing assets individually could prompt fruitless public interest in
inaccessible secure facilities. One expected use of the public database is
for the private sector to identify possible locations for installing
commercial telecommunications infrastructure, such as cell towers and
However, as this infrastructure cannot be installed on secure
installations, the public database would be more useful to such
companies if they could readily determine whether a potential location
was on a secure installation or not. For example, officials on a secure
installation we visited told us that reporting individual buildings does not
make sense because there are few, if any, legitimate reasons for public
interest in the individual assets on a secure installation.
The Mobile Now Act requires that real property database include information on the
ability of the asset to support telecommunications infrastructure. Pub. L. No.115-141, §
608 (a).
Page 24 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
FASTA required GSA to develop a comprehensive database and provide
the public with database access, but recognized the importance of
protecting national security. In that respect, a key organizational issue
faced by GSA and agencies is how to present data for reporting assets on
campuses that are not accessible to the public. While non-disclosure is
permitted, such actions to withhold this information may reduce the
usefulness of the public database as a whole.
The Department of Defense (DOD) takes a different approach for its
secure military bases in the public database. According to GSA officials,
DOD submits a separate summary-level report for public release. This
summary-level information shields sensitive information and alerts users
that those assets are not accessible or of use to private-sector interests.
Civilian agenciesassets located on closed federal installations are similar
to those on DOD bases in that the public may have less interest in or
reason for knowing about assets that are not available to the public.
Officials from NASA and two DHS bureaus said that the installation-level
approach to reporting would be more appropriate for their circumstances
than the asset-level reporting currently applied to civilian agencies and
would likely allow them to release more information to the public. Officials
from DHS added that they already release some information to the public
on the web site. We found that other selected agencies also release
information about secure installations on their public websites, including
NASA and its Goddard Space Flight Center.
In our interviews with 14 private sector stakeholders, we found varying
levels of awareness and understanding of GSAs publicly available real-
property datasets. Of the 14 private sector stakeholders we interviewed,
eight told us that they were aware of the public database. Of these, five
told us they tried to use it. Several selected stakeholdersregardless of
whether or not they had used the databasecited concerns about the
usefulness of the data, specifically with its reliability, completeness,
formatting, and organization. For example, officials from one brokerage
firm told us that, while the information could theoretically be useful for
agency consolidation efforts, the database was too cumbersome to
analyze for that purpose. Similarly, officials with a federal real-estate-
consulting firm told us that they do not refer customers to the public
database because they believe that the data are not complete, correct, or
intuitive. Moreover, one member of a federal real-property trade
association noted serious limitations in the databases completeness and
organization. In addition, one user said that he hoped the public release
would allow better access to real property data but that the poor quality,
Stakeholders Lack of
Awareness of the Public
Database and Confusion
with Other Databases
Limits Usefulness
Page 25 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
completeness, and organization of the data means access to data is no
better than it was before the release.
Further, six of the private sector stakeholders we interviewed were not
aware of the public database, including a stakeholder who confused it
with GSAs Lease Inventory database. The lack of a single location on
GSAs website that contains information about all of GSAs real property
databases may contribute to the awareness, confusion, and usefulness
issues expressed by these stakeholders. Specifically, public access to the
FRPP public database, the GSAs Lease Inventory database and two
other publicly available real-property databases is found in different
places on GSAs website:
Public FRPP http://publicfrppdata.realpropertyprofile.gov (managed by
GSAs Office of Government-wide Policy)
GSA lease inventory https://www.gsa.gov/real-estate/real-estate-
services/leasing-policy-procedures/lease-inventory (managed by
GSAs Office of Leasing)
GSA inventory of owned & leased properties
owned-and-leased-properties (managed by GSAs Public Building
GSA disposal inventory https://disposal.gsa.gov/s/ (managed by
GSAs Office of Property Disposal)
The Open Government Data Act requires the Administrator of GSA to
maintain a single public interface online as a point of entry dedicated to
sharing an agencys data assets with the public.
While the databases
serve different purposes, some asset-level data are similar, such as
location or size. According to a GSA official, these databases are
operated by different offices within GSA. This situation poses challenges
to listing the database on a consolidated webpage. Nevertheless, GSA
officials agreed that there could be clearer links and said that they plan to
add them based on our findings. Without a consolidated webpage or clear
links showing how the databases relate to each other and how to access
each database, users of the various databases may not be aware of what
databases do exist to search for assets that could be available to the
Pub. L. No. 115-435, § 202.
Page 26 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
The public databases presentation issues, combined with stakeholder
confusion and lack of awareness, could contribute to low numbers of
people who accessed the database compared to another GSA-managed
real property database. GSA data indicate that users accessed civilian
agency data from the public database 147 times per month on average
from December 2017 through July 2019 and some months fewer than 10
However, according to a GSA official, the number of times users
access the public database through the GSA website doesnt necessarily
reflect the extent to which people use the data. The official explained that,
since GSA only issues the data once a year, users only need to access
and save it once for use in a given year and that GSA usually sees a
peak in users accessing the data when GSA publishes its annual update
to the database. As indicated in figure 8, there was a peak in users
accessing the database when GSA first issued the 2016 data in
December 2017, and again in March and April 2018 when GSA published
2017 data (28 and 162 times, respectively), and in June 2019 when GSA
published the 2018 data (170 times). In comparison, users access
another real property database, GSAs Inventory of Owned and Leased
Property databasewhich is updated weeklymore often than they
access the public database. Users access the Inventory of Owned and
Leased Property database to search for properties controlled by GSA.
Specifically, since the public database was released in December 2017,
the public has continued to access GSAs Inventory of Owned and
Leased Property almost 10 times more per month than the public
database on average (see fig. 8).
The FRPP Public Database includes data for both civilian and military agencies. Our
report focuses on the civilian database and users.
Datas Presentation Issues
May Affect the Level of
Page 27 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
Figure 8: Frequency of Accessing the General Services Administrations (GSA) Inventory of Owned and Leased Property
Database and Public Real Property Database from December 2017 through July 2019
Federal agencies spend billions of dollars annually to operate and
maintain hundreds of thousands of real property assets. GSAs public
database, extracted from FRPP data, is a comprehensive, descriptive,
database of federal real property. Through the database, the public
should be able to learn about federal assets, whether people are
conducting research or interested in potential uses such as leasing or
purchasing. Issues with the data, however, undermine these uses. GSA
has taken a number of actions to improve the accuracy of the data, such
as implementing the V&V process for identifying and correcting possible
errors. But until GSA has better processes to ensure accuracy of street
address information and identify anomalies, the public data will continue
to lack the type of database most useful to the public. Moreover, the
absence of a risk-based, consistent approach for withholding assets from
the public database or reporting assets to it further erodes its utility.
Finally, utilization of the data base is low; GSA’s choices on how the
Page 28 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
database information is presented and how users find out about and
access the public database and other real-property databases may
contribute to this lack of use. Unless GSA improves the accuracy,
completeness, and usefulness of the public database, its intended
benefitsto the public and the federal governmentwill remain
We are making the following six recommendations to GSA:
The Administrator of GSA should coordinate with agencies to ensure that
street address information in the public database is complete and
correctly formatted. (Recommendation 1)
The Administrator of GSA should coordinate with agencies to review V&V
anomaly categories to better target incorrect data. (Recommendation 2)
The Administrator of GSA should work in consultation with agencies to
determine which, if any, data should be withheld from public release.
(Recommendation 3)
The Administrator of GSA should instruct each agency to apply a
consistent, risk-based approach in determining which, if any, assets or
asset-specific information should be withheld from public release.
(Recommendation 4)
The Administrator of GSA should allow agencies to provide summary
data for secure installations. (Recommendation 5)
The Administrator of GSA should link all of GSAs publicly available real-
property data sources. (Recommendation 6)
We provided a draft of this report to GSA, DHS, DOE, DOI, FCC and
NASA for comment. GSA provided written comments, which are reprinted
in appendix II and summarized below. We received, via email from DOI,
technical comments, which we incorporated as appropriate. DOI, in its
email comments, also suggested revisions to two recommendations,
which we clarified as appropriate. DHS and NASA provided, in email,
technical comments, which we incorporated as appropriate. DOE and
FCC told us they had no comments.
Agency Comments
and Our Evaluation
Page 29 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
GSA agreed with five of our six recommendations but disagreed with our
third recommendation. GSA wrote that allowing agencies to unilaterally
determine which categories of data to withhold from the public would not
be useful and would complicate comparisons among agencies.
We did not intend that our recommendation allow agencies to decide
without consulting with GSA, and we have clarified our recommendation
accordingly. We continue to believe this recommendation, as clarified, is
As we reported, GSA currently withholds 15 variablescategories of
datafor all federal assets, including the name of every federal building
and structure. While this approach is consistent for all assets, it reduces
the overall usefulness of the data by withholding information that federal
agencies already make public.
In addition, the ISC told us that the landholding agencies, not GSA, are in
the best position to know what data about their assets are sensitive. We
amended the recommendation by removing the reference to categories of
data and adding that GSA work in consultation with agencies to
determine what data to withhold. This change would create a consistent
way for agencies to release useful data while withholding sensitive data
for individual assets, a step they already take by withholding assets from
the public database. GSA plans to work with the ISC and federal
agencies to review related guidance and modify it as needed. We
support these plans.
In addition, DOI suggested in email comments that we revise our second
recommendation to include coordinating with agencies to review V&V
anomaly categories to better target incorrect data. Our original
recommendation did not preclude coordination, and since we agree that
such coordination would help improve the V&V process, we clarified the
recommendation accordingly.
We are sending copies of this report to the appropriate congressional
committees, the Administrator of the General Services Administration, the
Acting Secretary of Homeland Security, the Secretary of Energy, the
Secretary of the Interior, Chair of the Federal Communication
Commission, the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, and other interested parties. In addition, the report is
available at no charge on the GAO website at http://www.gao.gov.
Page 30 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
If you or your staff have any questions about this report, please contact
me at (202) 512-2834 or r[email protected]. Contact points for our
Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found on
the last page of this report. GAO staff who made key contributions to this
report are listed in appendix III.
Lori Rectanus
Director, Physical Infrastructure
Appendix I: Categories of Data Withheld from
the Public Database
Page 31 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
Table 4: The 15 Categories of Data in the Federal Real Property Profile That the
General Services Administration (GSA) Withholds from the Public Database
GSA withholds these categories for all agencies’ real property assets
Data Category Description
Reporting bureau The bureau (within an agency) that reports
the asset
Using organization The entity that uses the asset
Replacement value The cost to replace an existing asset
Repair needs Non-recurring costs necessary to restore
asset to original state
Condition index Condition of the asset based the
replacement value and repair needs
Owned and otherwise managed annual
operating and maintenance costs
Costs related to the everyday functions of
an asset owned and/or managed
Leased annual rent to lessor Rent paid to lessor minus the annual
operating and maintenance costs
Leased annual operating and maintenance
Costs related to the everyday functions of a
leased asset
Annual operating and maintenance costs Costs related to the everyday functions of
an asset
Installation identifier Code to identify an installation (i.e.
buildings, structures, land or any
combination of these)
Sub-installation identifier Code to identify a part of an installation (i.e.
buildings, structures, land or any
combination of these)
Installation name Building name or the name of an entire
installation (such as an agency campus)
Number of federal employees Total number of full and part time federal
Number of federal contractors Total number of full and part time contract
Field office Identifies whether an asset is part of a field
office (any location that is not the
headquarters location for the agency)
Source: GAO Analysis of GSA’s federal real property reporting requirements | GAO-20-135
Appendix I: Categories of Data Withheld
from the Public Database
Appendix II: Comments from the U.S. General
Services Administration
Page 32 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
Appendix II: Comments from the U.S.
General Services Administration
Appendix II: Comments from the U.S. General
Services Administration
Page 33 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
Appendix III: GAO Contact and Staff
Page 34 GAO-20-135 Federal Real Property
Lori Rectanus, (202) 512-2834 or rectanusl@gao.gov
In addition to the contact named above, Keith Cunningham (Assistant
Director), Lynn Filla-Clark (Analyst-in-Charge), Melissa Bodeau, George
Depaoli, James Duke, Rami Khalfani, Terence Lam, John Mingus,
Joshua Ormond, Crystal Wesco, and Elizabeth Wood made key
contributions to this report.
Appendix III: GAO Contact and Staff
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Orice Williams Brown, Managing Director, WilliamsO@gao.gov, (202) 512-4400,
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Washington, DC 20548
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U.S. Government Accountability Office, 441 G Street NW, Room 7149
Washington, DC 20548
James-Christian Blockwood, Managing Director, spel@gao.gov, (202) 512-4707
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