A completed Tax Return (FP-7/C) is required to record any Deed, Deed of Trust, Modification or
Amendment to a Deed of Trust, Trustee’s Deed or Memorandum of Lease for a term of 30 years or
more. This is not an exhaustive list; you should contact your legal or tax advisor concerning whether
you have a duty to record and file this tax return.
The Recorder of Deeds Office cannot provide legal advice or assist in completing any forms or documents. We
recommend contacting a competent legal advisor for assistance in preparing documents.
Part A- Check the box corresponding to the type of instrument/document being recorded
Part B- Complete all relevant fields as fully as possible. Enter the square, suffix and lot in the appropriate fields.
The square, suffix and lot can be found at under Real Property Services/Search Real
Property Assessment Database.
Property Use - Check the appropriate box to indicate the property use.
Interest % Conveyed - Enter into the box the percentage of interest being conveyed by the Grantor, such as 100%,
50%, 33%, etc., as applicable.
Parts C & D - Complete all the fields with necessary information.
Parts E & F - Enter the complete name, address, and telephone number of each Grantor and Grantee: Grantor
- party giving title; Grantee - party receiving title. The address provided by Grantee in Part F or G (as applicable)
will be used for mailing tax bills, assessment notices and other important notices. It is the owner’s responsibility
pursuant to DC Code 42- 405 to advise the Office of Tax and Revenue of any change of address.
You should expect to receive real property tax bills twice a year (payable by March 31 and September 15). If you
do not receive a tax bill, please contact the Office of Tax and Revenue at (202) 727-4829. Please send change of
address requests to: Office of Tax and Revenue, Real Property Tax Administration, Attn: Maps & Title Unit, 1101 4
Street, SW, 5
Floor, Washington, DC 20024. A “Change of Address” form with filing instructions is available on
the Office of Tax and Revenue’s Web site,
ROD 1 Revised 10/2023
ROD 1 Revised 10/2023
Part G - Complete with the necessary information if the billing address is different from the property address in part
Part H –
I. Deed To be completed only when there is transfer of title of the real estate, leases for 30 years or longer
including renewals, and life estates.
Line 1 “Acquisition Price”: Enter the total purchase price or consideration paid or to be paid, including cash,
mortgages, and assumed liabilities. Provide a breakdown of the Acquisition Price by entering the relevant amounts
under Cash; Deed of Trust and Assumed. For each Deed of Trust and Assumed Deed of Trust enter separately
amounts that are exempt from recordation tax and amounts that are subject to recordation tax.
Pursuant to DC Code §42-1103(b-1)(2)(D) every purchase money deed of trust must recite on its face the amount
of the purchase money it is securing. Enter the amount of purchase money shown on the face of the document in
the “Purchase Money Amount” line(s) of this form.
Line 2: “Current Tax Year Assessed Value”: Where there is no consideration paid or required to be paid for
the real property or where such consideration is nominal (consideration is deemed nominal if it is less than 30% of
the fair market value of the property), enter the fair market value (FMV) of the property using the latest total
assessed value.
Tax Exemption Application: For any amounts which an exemption from transfer and/or recordation tax is claimed
enter either the complete DC Code provision or the applicable paragraph number from Form ROD 7 and ROD 8.
Supporting documentation is required to substantiate a claim for exemption. For more information see Form ROD
4 “Required for Claiming Exemption from Recordation and/or Transfer Tax”.
II. Deeds of Trust (No transfer of title): To be completed only for security instruments that are not filed
simultaneously with a deed of title as purchase money indebtedness. A separate Form FP7/C is to be filed for
each deed of trust or mortgage. This section applies to deeds of trust which are refinances, modifications and
amendments of commercial and residential deeds of trust; or commercial or residential loans that are not filed in
conjunction with the purchase of real estate. Enter the total amount of the deed of trust; and then separately
enter amounts that are exempt from recordation tax and amounts that are subject to recordation tax.
ROD 1 Revised 10/2023
REFINANCES AND MODIFICATIONS” (see ROD’s website for the complete text of the Notice), if the deed of trust is
a commercial refinance, modification and/or amendment of a previously recorded deed of trust, where
exemption from recordation tax is claimed, the following information and documentation must be attached to this
Statement to the FP-7. The statement at a minimum MUST contain the following information and the
information MUST be presented in the following order:
The principal face amount of the debt being refinanced or amended/modified;
Instrument number, date of recordation, amount of tax paid as indicated on the recording stamp, and if
applicable the exemption claimed on the prior instrument(s);
Outstanding principal balance of the existing debt being refinanced or modified/amended;
In case of modification, amount of advances in the previous 12 months;
New loan amount;
Taxable amount, resulting from the difference between the new loan amount, plus the amount of advances
in case of modifications, less the outstanding principal balance of the existing deed. Please enter the taxable
amount in Line 3 Part H of the revised FP-7;
Amount of recordation tax due. Please enter this amount in Line 6 Part I of the revised FP-7/C;
For refinances, a statement as to whether the obligor of the debt being retired and grantor of the deed of trust
securing it is the same as the obligor on the replacement debt and grantor of the deed of trust securing it;
For refinances, a statement as to whether the real property securing the debt being retired is the same as the real
property securing the replacement debt.
Letter from lender stating the outstanding principal amount of the existing debt;
Copy of HUD 1;
Copies of previously recorded security instruments subject to the refinance or modification;
Original new security instrument containing a recital on its face as to the instrument number of the deed of trust
being refinanced, modified or amended.
Line 3: enter total amounts of taxable (nonexempt) deeds of trust from sub part I (Deed) and/or sub part II
(Deeds of Trust-no transfer of title).
Tax Exemption Application: For any amounts which an exemption from recordation tax is claimed, enter either the
complete DC Code provision or the applicable paragraph number from Form ROD 7. Supporting documentation is
required to substantiate a claim for exemption. For more information, see Form ROD 4 “Required for Claiming
Exemption from Recordation and/or Transfer Tax”.
ROD 1 Revised 10/2023
Part I - Computation of Tax
For recordation tax on residential deed transfers by qualified first-time homebuyers, use Line 1. Multiply the rate
of tax .725% by the amount from Part H, Line 1 or Line 2. If this tax rate is selected, attach form ROD 11.
For residential deed transfers where total consideration is less than $400,000.00, use Lines 2 and 3 by entering the
amount from Part H, Line 1 or Line 2.
For residential deed transfers where total consideration is $400,000.00 and higher, use lines 4 and 5 by entering
the amount from Part H, Line 1 or Line 2.
For commercial deed transfers (Class 2 and Mixed-Use properties) use Lines 4 and 5 by entering the amount from
Part H, Line 1 or Line 2.
For all taxable (nonexempt) deeds of trust other than those reportable on line 9, use line 6 by entering the
amount from Part H Line 3.
Part J - Names of all grantors (party(ies) giving title) and grantees (party(ies) receiving title) must be listed in
the tax return and those names must be printed. All signatures must be acknowledged and notarized.
Form ROD
2 “Affidavit Addendum/FP7CA” may be used when additional space is required for the SIGNATURES by
all parties to the deed to the real property(ies). All signatures must be under oath, and this form must be
attached to the Form FP-7/C.
ROD 1 Revised 10/2023
Government of the
District of Columbia
Office of Tax and
Recorder of Deeds
1101 4th St. Street, SW
Washington, DC 20024
Phone (202)727-5374
Real Property Recordation and Transfer Tax Form FP-7/C
PART A - Type of Instrument
Deed Deed of Trust Lease for a Term of 30 years or more
Re-recording Other:
PART B - Property Description/Data/Property Being Conveyed
Square Suffix Lot Square Suffix Lot
If more than one lot, list Square/Suffix/Lots below or attach addendum:
Square and/or Parcel Lot(s)
Property Address: Unit No.
Street Number Street Name Quadrant
Property Use: Dwelling Units 5 Apartment Commercial
Does the transfer include Condo Parking?
If YES, what is the parking account?
Square Suffix Lot
Fee Interes
t % Conveyed: %
Was personal property included in this transfer? Yes* No
*If Yes, what type? Estimated Value $
PART C - Instrument Submitted by or Contact Person
Name Firm
City State Zip
PART D - Return Instrument To
Name Firm
Address Phone No.
City State Zip
PART E Grantor(s) Information
Grantor Grantor
Grantor Grantor
Address Phone No.
City State Zip
Grantor(s) Tenancy Tenants in Common Joint Tenants Trustee
Tenants by Entirety Sole
ROD 1 Revised 10/2023
Government of the
District of Columbia
Office of Tax and
1101 4th St. Street, SW
Washington, DC 20024
Phone (202)727-5374
PART F – Grantee(s) Information
Grantee Grantee
Grantee Grantee
Address Phone No.
City State Zip
Grantee(s) Tenancy Tenants in Common Joint Tenants Trustee
Tenants by Entirety Sole
PART G - Mailing Address for Grantee
(If different from Part F)
Last Name First Name Middle Name
Address Unit No.
City State Zip
PART H- Consideration and Financing
"complete all items; insert zero if no amount"
Tax Exemption Application
Recordation Tax/Transfer Tax
(Cite to Specific DC Code Provision)
Acquisition Price /
Cash /
Amount of 1
Deed of Trust
Purchase Money Amount
Other Exempt Amount
Nonexempt Amount:
Amount of 2
Deed of Trust
Purchase Money Amount
Other Exempt Amount
Nonexempt Amount:
Assumed or 3
Deed of Trust
Purchase Money Amount
Other Exempt Amount
Nonexempt Amount:
2. Current Tax Year Assessed Value
(If No or Nominal Consideration)
Government of the
Deeds of Trust (no transfer of title)
Amount of Deed of Trust
Tax Exemption Application
Recordation Tax
(Cite to Specific DC Code Provision)
District of Columbia
Office of Tax and
1101 4th St. Street, SW
Washington, DC 20024
Phone (202)727-5374
Exempt Amount (s)
Nonexempt Amount(s)
3. Total Amount of all Nonexempt Deeds of Trust (I & II)
Suffix Lot
PART I: Computation of Tax
For recordation tax on residential deed transfers by qualified first-time homebuyers, use Line 1. For residential deed transfers
with a total consideration of less than $400,000.00, use Lines 2 and 3. For residential deed transfers with a total consideration of
$400,000.00 and higher, use Lines 4 and 5. For commercial deeds and nonexempt security interest instruments, use Lines
4, 5 and 6. (See instructions)
Recordation Tax
0.725% of Line 1, Part H (attach form ROD 11)
Recordation Tax
1.1% of Line 1 or Line 2, Part H
Transfer Tax
1.1% of Line 1 or Line 2, Part H
Recordation Tax
1.45% of Line 1 or Line 2, Part H
Transfer Tax
1.45% of Line 1 or Line 2, Part H
Recordation Tax
1.45% of Line 3, Part H
7. Total Due $
PART J: Affidavit (Part A to J)
I/We hereby swear or affirm under penalty of perjury that this return, including any accompanying
schedules/documents/and statements, has been examined by me/us and to the best of my/our knowledge and
belief, the statements and representations are correct and true. I/We hereby acknowledge that any false
statement or misrepresentations I/We made on this return is punishable by criminal penalties under the laws of
the District of Columbia.
Typed Name
Typed Name
Subscribed to and sworn to before me
Subscribed to and sworn to before me
by Grantor(s) this day of by Grantee(s) this day of
, 20 . , 20 .
Notary Public Notary Public
My Commission Expires:
My Commission Expires:
ROD 1 Revised 10/2023
This information is subject to audit.
Please keep all supporting documentation.