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Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis as a Laboratory Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis as a Laboratory
Activity: At the Interface of Physics and the Body Activity: At the Interface of Physics and the Body
Elliot Mylott
Portland State University
Ellynne Marie Kutschera
Portland State University
Ralf Widenhorn
Portland State University
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Mylott, E., Kutschera, E., & Widenhorn, R. (2014). Bioelectrical impedance analysis as a laboratory activity:
At the interface of physics and the body. American Journal Of Physics, 82(5), 521-528.
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Bioelectrical impedance analysis as a laboratory activity: At the
interface of physics and the body
Elliot Mylott,
Ellynne Kutschera, and Ralf Widenhorn
Department of Physics, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon 97207
(Received 22 August 2013; accept ed 7 February 2014)
We present a novel laboratory activity on RC circuits aimed at introductory physics students in
life-science majors. The activity teaches principles of RC circuits by connecting ac-circuit concepts
to bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) using a custom-designed educational BIA device. The
activity shows how a BIA device works and how current, voltage, and impedance measurements
relate to bioelectrical characteristics of the human body. From this, useful observations can be
made including body water, fat-free mass, and body fat percentage. The laboratory is engaging to
pre-health and life- science students, as well as engineering students who are given the opportunity
to observe electrical components and construction of a commonly used biomedical device.
Electrical concepts investigated include alternating current, electrical potential, resistance,
capacitance, impedance, frequency, phase shift, device design, and the use of such topics in
biomedical analysis.
2014 American Association of Physics Teachers.
Drawing from the fields of physics, biology, medicine,
physiology, and fitness sciences, we have developed a
physics laboratory activity that introduces RC electric cir-
cuits in conjunction with Bioelectric Impedance Analysis
(BIA). Designed to demonstrate the electrical properties of
the human body as relevant to medical science, the activity
involves students in the dual analysis of both physical and bi-
ological systems. The concepts of impedance and frequency
dependence are explained using RC circuits and a cellular-
level analysis of body tissue. Experiments are performed on
both of these systems using an educational BIA device we
custom designed for this activity.
In the BIA laboratory described here, students acquaint
themselves with the concepts of resistance, capacitance, im-
pedance, and phase shifts in ac circuits. Circuits are con-
structed to emulate the bioelectrical behavior of the body,
and an educational BIA device is used for measurements.
Students are invited to make measurements on their own
bodies using the same device. The data are compared with
empirical fits for imped ance and body composition, which
students use to calculate their own body fat percentage and
fat-free mass. These estimates are compared with measure-
ments taken by a commercially available BIA device.
Single- and multiple-frequency analyses are performed,
exposing students to different circuit models of the body in
an active exploration of ac circuitry. Finally, student atti-
tudes were surveyed before and after the laboratory and the
results are discussed in the final section of this paper.
A. Motivation
Although students in science courses have widely varying
goals, a foundational knowledge of science and its practical
application are necessary for those entering science, technol-
ogy, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. For
life-science and pre-health students, traditional physics
courses often do not meet the objectives of an adequate phys-
ical sciences background for their intended fields.
We note
that the new guidelines of the Medi cal College Admission
Test (MCAT) stress interdisciplinary learning, and goals set
forth by the American Associati on of Medical Colleges for
future physicians include not only having a solid background
in science but also to be prepared to use new advancements
in science for ongoing professional development.
goals are enhanced with better foundational understanding of
the physics behind the wide array of medical technologies
currently employed. A working knowledge base is needed
for the continuous process of improving and applying tech-
nologies in biomedical engineering.
This laboratory exercise enhances undergraduate prepara-
tion for medical and all STEM fields by teaching physics
through the application of technology, which in this instance
is the use of electric circuit models for medical assessment.
Algebra-based introductory physics courses can make use of
this laboratory, although the subject matter is rich enough to
challenge more advanced undergraduate physics or biomedi-
cal engineering majors. There has been an ongoing discus-
sion concerning learning styles in students and their
relevance to teaching metho ds.
By giving students the op-
portunity to measure their own body’s electrical impedance
using BIA and participate in an active area of research, a
wider positive student response to learning is anticipated.
One may look to popular models of learning styles to under-
stand the importance of multiple types of learning activities.
For example, the VARK model of learning differentiates the
needs of visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic learning
Although the visual and read/write styles should al-
ready be stimulated by the laboratory activity, kinesthetic
learners wil l be more engaged with BIA measurements by
their preference for activities requiring interacting with the
environment. It has been suggested that fostering personally
relevant activities in education results in increased learning
Scientific “story making” that emphasizes the learn-
er’s connection wit h a personal value system has been articu-
lated in a new model for scientific learning.
By directing a
student’s personal involvement in the laboratory exercises,
our BIA laboratory works to create knowledge through con-
nection. The BIA laboratory forms an extension from perso-
nal experiences of BIA at a gym, as part of a fitness regime,
521 Am. J. Phys. 82 (5), May 2014 http://aapt.org/ajp
2014 American Association of Physics Teachers 521
as health analysis, or with the student’s opinions concerning
these issues.
B. Body compositi on
BIA exists at the interposition of body composition analy-
sis and bioelectrical analysis. The study of body composition
is already very interdisciplinary, involving mathematics,
physics, chemistry, biology, nutrition science, and other dis-
Bioelectrical analysis surveys the electrical proper-
ties of tissue and can be used to analyze body composition
models. While there are numerous methods to measure body
composition, many either suffer from having low accuracies
(caliper tests), being difficult to perform (densitometry), or
are potentially harmful (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry
BIA avoids some of these drawbacks by taking
advantage of the conductive properties of the human body.
One of the uses of BIA is to calculate the fat-free mass
(FFM), or lean mass, of a person based on measurements of
the electrical characteristics of the body and empirical data.
There are two main electrical properties that characterize body
tissues, resistance and capacitance. Cell membranes conduct-
ing an electrical current behave similar to capacitors.
to their ionic nature body fluids are good conductors, while fat
cells are not.
Bone is also considered a non-conductor under
typical BIA conditions.
The resistive measurement of BIA,
therefore, relates only to soft tissue hydration.
Total body water (TBW) can be broken down into extrac-
ellular water (ECW) and intracellular water (ICW). Since
cell membranes have a capacitive nature, body impedance is
frequency dependent. Current flows primarily through ECW
at low frequencies because cell membranes are essentially
nonconductive. At higher frequencies, the reactance of cell
membranes drops and current traverses ICW as well as
ECW, as illustrated in Fig. 1(a).
Once these components
are obtained, lean tissue mass can be calculated because
physiological constants relate the two.
These correlations
are based on large samplings of healthy individuals.
C. Single frequen cy BIA
The most validated method of obtaining TBW is single
frequency BIA (SF-BIA).
At a single frequency, the body
can be represented as a simple circuit with a resistor repre-
senting the effective resistance of TBW in series with a ca-
pacitor representing cell membranes, as shown in Fig. 1(b).
Body impedance is typically measured at 50 kHz and empiri-
cal relationships are used to derive fat-free mass (FFM) from
the measured effective resistance. SF-BIA equations are em-
pirical but are based on the relationship between the resist-
ance R, resistivity q, and the dimensions of a cylindrical
object as in
R ¼ q
¼ q
; (1)
where L, A, and V are the length, cross-sectional area, and
volume of the cylinder, respectively. If one wants to relate
the resistance to the mass one can substitute V ¼ m/d, where
d is the density of the object and get
m ¼ qd
: (2)
As a first approximation one can consider an impedance
measurement from hand-to-hand as having a cylindrical ge-
ometry. A person’s height H is approximately equal to the
distance between fingertips with outstretched arms and may
be substituted for L. The FFM follows a relationship similar
to Eq. (2) but because of the complexity of the system, the
density and resistivity of the body are replaced by an empiri-
cal constant C, so that
: (3)
A fully empirical relationship for FFM includes extra terms
dependent on weight, age, gender, electrode placement, and
other factors. An example of an empirical model for FFM
will be given in the experimental section.
D. Multi-frequency BIA and Bioelectrical Impedance
A second method used to analyze body composition is
multi-frequency BIA (MF-BIA). This method mo dels the
body more accurately as a parallel RC circuit with resistive
ECW on one branch and resistive ICW and cell capacitance
on the second branch [Fig. 1(a)]. Impedance measurements
are made over a range of frequencies, the assumption being
that ECW is measured at low frequencies when cell mem-
branes block current, and total body water is measured at
high frequencies when current passes through cell mem-
branes, traversing both ICW and ECW.
A third method is known as Bioelectrical Impedance
Spectroscopy (BIS), which makes use of the Cole model.
In this approach, body impedance is also measured over a
range of frequencies. For each frequency the series equiva-
lent circuit for the circuit in Fig. 1(a) is found and the effec-
tive reactances and resistances are graphed using a Cole-
Cole plot. Information from this graph is then used to calcu-
late bot h ECW and ICW.
Although BIA is used in general for hydration assessment
in athletes, nutritional analysis, and to characterize body
fluid levels for ill patients such as those in renal dialysis, the
method of BIA used depends on the applicati on.
For exam-
ple, ECW may be better analyzed by MF-BIA than SF-BIA,
Fig. 1. Circuit models of the body: (a) R
is the resistance of ECW, R
is the
resistance of ICW, and X
is cellular membrane reactance; (b) For a single
frequency, the effective resistance and reactance of the circuit in (a) can be
found and the body can be modeled as a series RC circuit.
522 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 5, May 2014 Mylott, Kutschera, and Widenhorn 522
while the estimation of TBW has been shown to be better
with MF-BIA than BIS for patients with particular illnesses.
E. Current sc ientific understanding of BIA
The methods of BIA are not without their shortcomings.
The calibration of BIA is accomplished using a standard ref-
erence method such as Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry
(DXA). Any errors associated with this method may be
propagated into empirical BIA fits.
Although the assump-
tion is made that current will pass through ICW only at high
frequencies, this is an idealization and is not entirely true.
Furthermore, despite strong empirical correlations between
body impedance and body composition parameters, it is not
thoroughly understood exactly why BIA works as accurately
as it does.
Rather than a drawback, however, we see this as
an opportunity for laboratory students. When confronted
with new frontiers in science that test the limits of theory,
there is the possibility to engage in open-ended inquiry.
While exploring well-understood circuit components, stu-
dents can extend these concepts and explore a real world
problem without clean and simple answers, more closely
resembling the experimental research of biomedical systems.
BIA measurements are taken by injecting a small alternat-
ing current into the body. By comparing the potential across
the body to one across a known reference resistor, it is possi-
ble to determine the equivalent electrical components that
model the body. BIA devices for consumer use are fre-
quently employed in fitness centers and integrated into some
bathroom sca les. Unlike most medical-grade equipment a
consumer BIA device is inexpensive;
however, its internal
functions represent a black box with proprietary algorithms
that output a person’s body fat percentage (BF%) or FFM.
On the other hand, standard voltage probes and data collec-
tion systems used in undergraduate laboratories are not
designed to measure the high frequencies used in BIA. The
use of an oscilloscope would not only be difficult for many
pre-health majors, it also would pose safety concerns when
leads from a wall-powered scope are connected to the body.
To eliminate this risk and to explore the mechanism of how
ac current is used in BIA, we designed our ow n battery pow-
ered educational BIA device, which is shown in Fig. 2.
While a typical consumer device operates at a fixed fre-
quency of 50 kHz, the educational device allows for a vari-
able frequency (20 Hz to 450 kHz) and the exploration of
both BIS and MF-BIA. As part of the activity, students use
an inexpensive frequency counter
to measure the frequency
settings of the device. A safety requirement of BIA devices
is that the maximum current produced never exceeds
800 lA.
The educational BIA device outputs a constant
current amplitude of 100 lA. The total cost to build the
described educational BIA device is less than $75. Reference
17 provides full specifications and circuit diagrams of the
The BIA device is based on the AD8302 Gain and Phase
Detector (Fig. 3), which can be used to find the impedance
and phase of an RC circuit
and has already been shown to
work in a BIA device.
The Gain and Phase Detector takes
two sinusoidal signals as inputs and outputs two dc poten-
tials, V
and V
. Here V
is proportional to the phase
shift Du between the inputs, and V
is proportional to the
logarithm of the ratio of the connected impedance Z to the
reference resistance R
. Thus, we have V
/ Du and
/ log
Þ. (See Ref. 18 for the full conversion
There are multiple methods of electrode placement in BIA
including hand-to-hand, foot-to-foot, and hand-to-foot.
device uses hand-to-hand electrodes that are designed with
conductive tape on plastic tubing (Fig. 2). Four electrodes
are needed for BIA, two electrodes to carry current and two
to measure the potential across the body. Tetrapolar voltage
probes minimize the effect of the skin-electrode impedance
on the measurement of the body’s impedance Z
(Fig. 4).
The major goals of the laboratory exercises are to develop
a foundational understanding of how resistors and capacitors
Fig. 2. The custom built, educational BIA device and hand-held electrodes
used in the laboratory activity. The electrodes are made from conducting
tape, banana jacks, and plastic tubing. During a measurement students hold
the two electrodes, which are connected with long leads to the device, with
their arms outstretched at chest level. A battery-powered voltmeter is con-
nected to ground and either V
or V
. (See Fig. 3 for the block diagram
of the device.)
Fig. 3. Block diagram of the educational BIA device designed and con-
structed for this laboratory. The inverting amplifier acts as a buffer to the
input of the Gain and Phase Detector. (See Ref. 17 for more information.)
523 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 5, May 2014 Mylott, Kutschera, and Widenhorn 523
behave in ac circuits, to demonstrate how the body can be
modeled as an RC circuit, and to show how the electrical
characteristics of the body are used to elicit physiological in-
formation. Specifically, students explore the frequency de-
pendence of resistance, reactance, imped ance, and phase
angle in RC circuits using tools like phasor diagrams or, for
more advanced students, complex analysis of impedances.
These concepts are introduced and demonstrated with a se-
ries RC circuit. The equations expressing impedance and
phase angle for a series RC circuit with a resistor and capaci-
tor are given by Z ¼
þ X
and tan u ¼ X
=R, where Z
is impedance, R is resistance, X
is capacitive reactance, and
u is phase angle. These equations can be solved for R and
, resulting in R ¼
=ð1 þ tan
and X
¼ R tan u.
A. BIA for a simple RC circuit
During the first part of the laboratory, experimentation
with a series RC circuit is undertaken to confirm the fre-
quency dependence of phase angle and impedance. This also
serves as an introduction to the functionality of the educa-
tional BIA device. Students analyze the potentials across cir-
cuit components when a resistor and capacitor are connected
in series to the educational BIA device (Fig. 5). At low fre-
quencies (<5 kHz) students observe the alternating signals
directly and in real time using Vernier differential voltage
and LoggerPro (Fig. 6). Alternatively, one can use
equipment from other manufactures, such as PASCO, or an
oscilloscope, which has the disadvantage of additional com-
plexity for students. At high frequencies (>5 kHz) students
measure the vol tage ratios and phase differences from the dc
outputs of the educational BIA device [Fig. 5(b)]as
described above by V
and V
1. Impedance and phase shift from the time resolved ac
signal at low frequencies
To take measurements in the low-frequency range (20–500
Hz), differential voltage probes are placed across the series
circuit and the reference resistor internal to the educational
BIA device, as shown in Fig. 5(a). The best curve fits of the
potentials are used to measure the phase difference and gain
of the two signals (Fig. 6). Since the resistors and capacitor
are in series, all three components carry the same current and
the impedance and phase shift can be calculated according to
Z ¼ R
and Du ¼ju
j, where theoretical val-
ues for Z and Du are calculated according to their definitions
given above.
2. Impedance and phase shift from dc output at high
Above 5 kHz, the educational BIA device is used to obtain
values for impedance and phase as described in Sec. III, con-
necting the BIA device as shown in Fig. 5(b). Students plot
Fig. 4. Circuit representation of the human body connected to the educa-
tional BIA device; Z
represents the impedance of the body and Z
the impedance at the skin-electrode interface.
Fig. 5. Series RC circuit connected to the educational BIA device. The dashed box is the total impedance Z of the RC series circuit. (a) Use of external differen-
tial voltage probes to measure the time-resolved potentials V
and V
at low frequencies; (b) Use of a dc voltage probe to measure impedance and phase at
high frequencies.
524 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 5, May 2014 Mylott, Kutschera, and Widenhorn 524
the experimental and theoretical values for impedance vs fre-
quency and phase shift vs frequency (Fig. 7). One can
observe the characteristic inverse relationship of the imped-
ance vs frequency and the leveling off of the resistance of
the circuit for high frequencies. Students can also observe
how the phase shift decreases with increasing frequency.
This part of the laboratory explores many of the key concepts
of ac circuits taught in introductory physics and helps stu-
dents get familiar with the educational BIA device.
B. Single frequency BIA of the human body
1. Empirical calibration of the educational BIA device
In the next section of the laboratory, bioelectrical imped-
ance analysis of the human body is introduced. Equation (1)
is presented to students and the dependence of resistance on
length, or in this case height of the body, is discussed. If the
instructor has time, this concept can be explored with stu-
dents by measuring the resistance of cylinders of different
geometries and resistivities. As stated in the BIA background
section, Eq. (3) is only suitable as a first approximation for
FFM. Published studies of BIA use fitting factors to improve
the correlation between impedance and FFM. Fitting factors
are found by plotting BIA measurements against a “gold
standard” for body composition analysis, such as DXA.
To find appropriate fitting factors for our educational BIA
device, we surveyed 32 volunteers who provided their
height, age, and gender. The participants’ weights were
measured using a force plate. Impedance and phase informa-
tion was obtained using the BIA device, and R was found
using the equations in Sec. IV. An estimate for FFM for each
participant was found using the collected data and a pub-
lished BIA equation for FFM chosen based on its high corre-
lation coefficient.
Because our device measures hand-to-
hand impedance, it was not sufficient to use the published
equation, which was generated based on hand-to-foot imped-
ance measurements. Therefore, the participant’s FFM was
also measured with a commercially manufactured hand-to-
hand BIA device, the OMRON HBF-306C,
which acted as
our “gold standard.” The equation that is programmed into
the OMRON to calculate FFM is proprietary and therefore
The measurements from the OMRON were
plotted versus the published equation, and the slope and the
offset from the linear fit of this plot were used to modify the
published equation to yield a new empirical equation for
FFM based on the impedance and phase measurements from
the educational BIA device. The resulting equation is
FFM ¼ 0:360
þ 0:162 Height þ 0:289
Weight 0:134 Age þ 4:83 Gender 6:83;
where FFM is measured in kg, height in cm, weight in kg,
age in years, and gender is either 1 for men or 0 for women.
This modified FFM equations had good agreement with the
OMRON device, as shown in Fig. 8. Published BIA equa-
tions commonly do not report the units of the coefficients,
though it may be a useful exercise for students to determine
what they should be. As with any empirical relationship, the
equation may be modified and improved upon as more peo-
ple are included in the calibration. Students are encouraged
to explore how the individual factors affect the correlation
and it may be an interesting student project to explore other
empirical relationships for the given input parameters.
2. Measuring body fat percentage and fat-free mass
Students use the empirical fit in Eq. (4) to measure the
body impedance of a volunteer. One electrode pair (Fig. 2)is
held in each hand so that a complete circuit is created across
the body. It is important to note that the electrodes must be
held with arms outstretched and held at chest level, to obtain
Fig. 7. Measurements of a series RC circuit using the educational BIA de-
vice (R ¼ 470 X and C ¼ 10 nF): (a) Impedance Z vs frequency; (b) Phase
shift Du vs frequency.
Fig. 6. Plot of the potentials across the series RC circuit (V
) and the refer-
ence resistor (V
). The amplitudes (A) and phases (C) from the fits are used
to calculate Z and Du for the RC circuit according to the equations in
Sec. IV. For the signals shown, Z ¼ 1160 X and Du ¼ 61
. Note that due to
the low current amplitude of the device, the potentials have small magni-
tudes and digitization errors are visible. The components of the circuit are
R ¼ 470 X and C ¼ 6 lF.
525 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 5, May 2014 Mylott, Kutschera, and Widenhorn 525
consistent results.
Students measure the volunteer’s V
and V
at a frequency of 50 kHz and calculate Z and Du
using the equations in Sec. IV, as they did for the RC circuit.
From Z and Du, the effective R and X
are then calculated
for the single-frequency series-equivalent circuit of Fig.
1(b). The student enters the value for R obtained with the
custom BIA device, along with the height, weight, age, and
gender into Eq. (4). Figure 9 shows the sequence of these
calculations. (If time is a constraint, these calculations can
be pre-coded into a spreadsheet.) The OMRON BIA device
(which also operates at 50 kHz) is then used to measure BF%
for the vol unteering student, and the two values are com-
pared (Table I). The BIA device returns a value for FFM, but
the OMRON returns a person’s BF%. Either measuremen t
can be converted using the individual’s weight. It should be
noted that the empirical models assume normal body hydra-
tion levels and that the measurement is taken several hours
after eating. Because students are not asked to follow the
strict regimen required for highly accurate FFM measure-
ments, some variation in the results from a person’s true
FFM are possible.
Alternatively, instructors can also use known components
to model the human body including skin-electrode impedan-
ces Z
as shown in Fig. 4. This circuit allows for a quan-
titative and more in-depth analysis of the tetrapolar electrode
C. Multi-frequency BIA and bioelectrical impedance
A BIA measurement as taken by a consumer device such
as the OMRON is performed at a single frequency. Multi-
frequency BIA is first examined using a more accurate
circuit representation of the body as shown in the parallel
circuit of Fig. 1(a). Students measure Z and Du over a range
of frequencies and calculate the effective resistance and re-
actance of the series equivalent circuit using Sec. IV equa-
tions. These values are graphed with reactance on the y-axis
and resistance on the x-axis; such a graph is often referred to
as a Cole-Cole plot. The result is a semi-circular curve
whose center is depressed below the x-axis (Fig. 10). The
resistances R
and R
, the low- and high-frequency
extremes, are the intersections of the curve with the x -axis.
In BIS, these resistances are used to calculate ECW and
The peak of the semicircle for an average human
body occurs near 50 kHz.
At this frequency, current passes
through both ICW and ECW. Since the measured values for
these variables will be compared against the theoretical val-
ues, R
and X
have to be found for each frequency.
Complex analysis can be used with upper-level physics or
biomedical engineering students to derive these expressions
or the results can be stated and used by introductory students.
The effective resistance and reactance are given by
þ R
þ R
þ X
þ R
þ X
: (6)
Whether or not the students perform the complex analysis
necessary to derive these equations, they can analyze the sa-
lient features of the graph. Figure 10(a) shows the Cole-Cole
plot fo r an RC parallel circuit such as shown in Fig. 1(a).
Students will find that at low frequencies, the capacitor acts
as a break in the circuit and the effective resistance essen-
tially becomes R
¼ R
ef f
¼ R
. At high frequencies, the ca-
pacitor acts as a short and the circuit becomes a parallel
resistive circuit, described by the equation
¼ R
: (7)
Next, a student volunt eer repeats the set of MF-BIA meas-
urements with the hand-held electrodes over a range of fre-
quencies. Using the measured resistances and reactances of
the human body, a new Cole-Cole plot is constructed, as
shown in Fig. 10(b). Students compare the salient features of
this plot with that of the parallel circuit. The peak of the
semi-circular arc for the human body is near 50 kHz, thus
indicating to students why SF-BIA uses that frequency.
Students also find the resistances R
and R
for their own
bodies based on their Cole-Cole plot and calculate R
and R
for the parallel-circuit model [Fig. 1(a)] using R
¼ R
and Eq. (7).
D. Stude nt responses
Before we implemented the lab for the first time, we con-
ducted an anonymous survey of 292 general physics students
Fig. 8. Correlation of FFM as measured by the OMRON and by the educa-
tional BIA device. Twenty-three men and nine women were tested.
Fig. 9. Summary of the measurements and calculations used to find the FFM in Table I.
526 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 5, May 2014 Mylott, Kutschera, and Widenhorn 526
at Portland State University and found that 58.6% said they
would volunteer for the body fat percentage measurement,
17.1% said they would volunteer if nobody else in the group
would, and 22.9% said they would not want to volunteer
(1.4% did not respond to the survey). The percentages were
similar when broken up into algebra-based and calculus-
based physics students and also when separated into female
and male students.
The BIA laboratory was conducted first at PSU in a bio-
medical physics course (see Refs. 2 and 24 for course
details). The students consisted of 21 pre-health and
biomedical-physics students working in groups of two to
four, and the instruction took place over two 130-min class
periods. During the first session, the instructor spent one
hour discussing the various methods to measure a person’s
body composition. This was followed by a half-hour review
of ac circuits and a half-hour theoretical introduction of the
BIA device. Most students had seen ac circuits in a previous
general physics course. The following class period was spent
on the laboratory activity, and we provided a spreadsheet to
students that had many of the longer equations pre-coded. It
was emphasized that the body fat percentage measurements
were voluntary. We found that the gr oup dynamics were
very positive. At least one student from every group volun-
teered for the measurement and many groups had multiple
students take their own measurements even though the pro-
vided spreadsheet had space for only one measurement per
At the end of the term, a survey was completed by 18 of
21 students. The results showed that 15 students checked “I
was interested in volunteering for this part and felt comforta-
ble with it,” 2 checked “I volunteered for this part because
no one else in my lab group would do it,” and one checked
“I did not feel comfortable volunteering for this part.” Nine
of 18 students had used a BIA device before to measure their
body fat percentage.
We recognize that sensitivity is required on the part of the
instructor to make sure body consciousness is respected and
generating an environment where students feel comfortable
is of the utmost importance. The response from our students
was very positive and it appears that they found the per sonal
involvement very engaging.
Deconstructing BIA in an undergraduate physics labora-
tory gives students both conceptual and practical exposure to
the importance of physics in medicine beyond a traditional
physics laboratory. Conceptually, students are exposed to
principles of RC circuits by connecting medical inquiry with
the function of a common device. Students practice circuit
analysis by relating body impedance to simple electrical
components. Outcomes range from an increased understand-
ing of concepts needed for a solid physics background for
STEM majors to an integrated, real-world appreciation for
the necessity of that understanding. In addition, RC circuits
with ac signals, resistance, capacitance, impedance, fre-
quency, electrical properties of biological tissue, and device
construction are explained and practiced to varying degrees.
The complexity of the BIA laboratory is at an introductory
physics level but can be expanded to challenge those in
upper division courses. This laboratory activity allows stu-
dents to relate in a personal manner to an otherwise abstract
Electronic mail: [email protected]
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Table I. Comparison of FFM and BF% measurements by the custom BIA device and the OMRON. Coincidentally, both students had the same BF% despite
having different input parameters.
Student f (kHz) V
(V) V
(V) Z (X) D/ (degree) R
(X) X
C eff
(X) FFM (kg) BF % FFM (kg) BF %
50.4 1.836 1.040 685.5 4.7 683.2 56.5 62.8 24.7 63.8 23.5
50.4 1.857 1.081 800.3 2.8 799.3 39.3 46.1 24.7 46.8 23.6
Height ¼ 175.3 cm, Weight ¼ 83.5 kg, Age ¼ 29 yrs., and Gender ¼ 1 (male).
Height ¼ 167.6 cm, Weight ¼ 61.2 kg, Age ¼ 34 yrs., and Gender ¼ 0 (female).
Fig. 10. BIS measurements by the educational BIA device. (a) Cole-Cole
plot of a parallel circuit as in Fig. 1(a) using R
¼ 470 X, R
¼ 100 X, and
C ¼ 10 nF. Differential voltage probes were used for the 50-Hz data point.
The measured R
and R
are in good agreement with R
¼ R
¼ R
Eq. (7). (b) Cole-Cole plot of body impedance. Note that at the peak of the
curve f ¼ 50 kHz, which is the frequency normally used by SF-BIA.
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