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Biology Teachers
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Lab issue date: 08/01/2014
Lichens and Mosses and Water Bears…Oh my!
Amanda Schraeder, Greater Nanticoke Area High School, Nanticoke, PA
Megan Wieboldt, Port Jervis Middle School, Port Jervis, NY
Middle School Science: Grades 6-8
NYS Standards:
See pages 6-7.
Students will explore the microscopic world found living on lichens and mosses.
Using a simple collection and extraction process, students will observe
extremophiles called tardigrades. This lab includes a reading activity with
questions as well as an anticipation guide handout for use with a YouTube video.
Time Required:
This activity will take approximately 2 standard periods to complete depending on
student level and class size.
Ziplock bags, water, plastic liquid transfer pipettes, compound light microscopes,
moss and/or lichens, student handouts.
Teacher Section Contents
Background information ............................................................................................................2
Time required .............................................................................................................................3
Equipment and supplies .............................................................................................................3
Notes/Recommendations ...........................................................................................................3
Answers to student lab questions .......................................................................................... .3-4
Other resources ...................................................................................................................... 4-5
NYS Learning Standards ...................................................................................................... .6-7
2014 CIBT Lichens and Mosses and Water Bears…Oh My! – Teacher Section Page 2
Background Information
2014 CIBT Lichens and Mosses and Water Bears…Oh My! – Teacher Section Page 3
Required Time
This lesson takes two 40–minute periods.
Day 1- Collect Mosses and/or lichens, and let the samples set for at least 24 hours.
Day 2- Students can observe the samples under the microscopes.
Equipment and Supplies
Ziplock bags
Plastic liquid transfer pipettes
Compound Light Microscopes
Moss and/or Lichens
Student handouts
We had better success using the lichens to observe Tardigrades after a 12 hour period. We would
recommend soaking the samples longer for more success in finding Tardigrades (at least 24
Tardigrades may need to be purchased if students are unable to find them from their samples.
Carolina Biological Supply Company sells them for $11.75 (this includes a living culture for a
class of 30) (
Students or teacher may need a scraping tool to obtain the lichen samples.
Students can take pictures of where they obtained their samples and while observing Tardigrades
under the microscope.
Answers to Student Lab Questions
Answers to Pre-Lab Questions
Answers will vary based on student creativity.
Answers to Post-Lab Questions
1. Fill in the chart:
2. Compare and contrast your original drawing of the organism to what the Tardigrades look like. Will
vary. Students should state that tardigrades are microscopic and appear to have a simple body plan.
2014 CIBT Lichens and Mosses and Water Bears…Oh My! – Teacher Section Page 4
3. Tardigrades have been given the common name as “water bears”. What evidence from your
micrscope observation would support using this name ? They rehydrate so water is necessary for
them to resume activity. They have claws, a big body compared to the size of their little legs, and
they tough, strong organisms that are resistant to a harsh environment.
Tardigrade Reading Answer Key:
1.) C
2.) False
3.) B
Short answer response- students’ answers will vary.
Anticipation Guide for Tardigrade Science Friday YouTube Video: “Behold the Mighty Water
1.) True
2.) False
3.) True
4.) True
5.) True
6.) False
Other Resources
Bilateral symmetry: symmetrical arrangement, as of an organism or a body part, along a central axis,
so that the body is divided into equivalent halves.
Cryptobiosis: the metabolic state some organisms enter in response to adverse environmental
conditions such as freezing, drying, or oxygen deficiency. In this state, all metabolic processes stop,
preventing reproduction, development, and repair until environmental conditions return to being
hospitable. When this occurs, the organism will return to its metabolic state of life as it was prior to
Eutardigrada: a class of Tardigrada without lateral appendices. These species are primarily found in
lichens, mosses, and leaf litter, but many species are found in freshwater habitats such as lakes, rivers,
and streams.
Extremophile: an organism that thrives in and even may require physically or geochemically extreme
conditions that are detrimental to the majority of life on Earth.
Heterotardigrada: a class of tardigrades comprised of two orders: the armored terrestrial tardigrades
and the marine tardigrades. Heterotardigrades have a lateral appendage between the head and the
shoulder plate.
Meiofauna: animals inhabiting the bottom of a river, lake, or sea that are nearly invisible to the naked
eye with dimensions in the range 0.1 to 1 mm.
Micrometazoa: extremely small multicellular animals.
Parthenogenesis: form of reproduction in which an unfertilized egg develops into a new individual; no
males are present in the population.
Polyextremophiles: an organism which has several extremophilic features.
Tun: cryoptobiotic state of the tardigrade in which the appendages are drawn inward and metabolism
*Vocabulary terms acquired from Parks as Class rooms Great Smoky Mountains National Park
2014 CIBT Lichens and Mosses and Water Bears…Oh My! – Teacher Section Page 5
Animal Planet YouTube Video: “The water bear (tardigrade), the most extreme animal on our
“Behold the Mighty Water Bear” Science Friday Video (See anticipation guide handout.)
Hunting for Tardigrades! Unusual Creatures; PBS Studios (shows lichen collection in action)
Tardigrades and Bonus Leeuwenhoek: Bite Sci-zed (first half of video; watch up to 3:25)
Water Bear Don’t Care! – SciTunes #14 (catchy song with lyrics)
Tardigrades: Adorable Extremophiles Sci ShowYouTube Video
Other Links:
Tardigrades: The Living Gummy Bears (10-question interactive quiz)
Species Distribution Project: Key to Tardigrade Genera (Interactive Dichotomous Key)
Microbial Life Educational Resources: Tardigrade Collection (Extensive list of resources)
Chris Wilson: “Bdelloid Rotifer Protocol for Teachers CGW 2010b” CIBT MS Word file
Goldstein Lab Article; UNC Chapel Hill: Quick Guide: Tardigrades (See Background
Planet Earth Online Article: “New water bear found in Antarctica” (June 2014)
Parks as Classrooms Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Pre-Site Activity; Tardigrade
2014 CIBT Lichens and Mosses and Water Bears…Oh My! – Teacher Section Page 6
Lichens and Mosses and Water Bears…Oh My!
New York State Learning Standards
Standard 2: Information Systems
Students will access, generate, process, and transfer information, using appropriate technologies.
Key Idea 1:
Information technology is used to retrieve, process, and communicate information as a tool to enhance
Performance Indicator 1.4: Collect data from probes to measure events and phenomena.
Major Understandings
1.4a. collect the data, using the appropriate, available tool
1.4b. organize the data
1.4c. use the collected data to communicate a scientific concept
Standard 4: The Living Environment
Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical
setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science.
Key Idea 1:
Living things are both similar to and different from each other and from nonliving things.
Performance Indicator 1.1: Compare and contrast the parts of plants, animals, and one-celled
Major Understandings
1.1a. Living things are composed of cells. Cells provide structure and carry on major
functions to sustain life. Cells are usually microscopic in size.
1.1d. Some organisms are single cells; others, including humans, are multicellular.
1.1h. Living things are classified by shared characteristics on the cellular and organism level. In
classifying organisms, biologists consider details of internal and external structures. Biological
classification systems are arranged from general (kingdom) to specific (species).
Key Idea 3:
Individual organisms and species change over time.
Performance Indicator 3.1: Describe sources of variation in organisms and their structures and relate
the variations to survival.
Major Understandings
3.1b Changes in environmental conditions can affect the survival of individual organisms with a
particular trait. Small differences between parents and offspring can accumulate in successive
generations so that descendants are very different from their ancestors. Individual organisms with certain
traits are more likely to survive and have offspring than individuals without those traits.
2014 CIBT Lichens and Mosses and Water Bears…Oh My! – Teacher Section Page 7
Key Idea 5:
Organisms maintain a dynamic equilibrium that sustains life.
Performance Indicator 5.1: Compare the way a variety of living specimens carry out basic life
functions and maintain dynamic equilibrium.
Major Understandings
5.1a Animals and plants have a great variety of body plans and internal structures that contribute to their
ability to maintain a balanced condition.
5.1b An organisms overall body plan and its environment determine the way that the organism carries
out the life processes.
5.1g The survival of an organism depends on its ability to sense and respond to its external environment.
2014 CIBT Lichens and Mosses and Water Bears…Oh My! – Student Section Page 1
Name: _________________________ Date: _______________ Class: _______________
You will explore the microscopic world found living on lichens and mosses. Using a simple
collection and extraction process, youll observe extremophiles called tardigrades.
Pre-Lab Activity
Draw an illustration and fill in the chart about an organism based on the information listed
Information about the Organism:
1.) Toughest organism on the planet.
2.) Can survive very low temperatures.
3.) Can survive very high temperatures.
4.) Can survive through radioactive materials.
5.) Can survive without water.
6.) Can live on land or in water.
7.) Can survive in space.
Lichens and Mosses and Water Bears…
Oh My!
Name of Organism
Characteristics of
Adaptations for
Drawing Based on Information
2014 CIBT Lichens and Mosses and Water Bears…Oh My! – Student Section Page 2
Collecting and Viewing Tardigrades
You will need:
Ziplock bags
Plastic liquid transfer pipette
Compound Light Microscope
1. Go outside (you needn’t go far!). Look on trees, stones, or walls for patches of moss
and lichens. Almost any moss will work, even if dry or dead.
2. Place about 2g (1 tsp) into the plastic bag and return to the lab/classroom.
3. Add about 10mL of water to the bag and re-seal it.
4. Shake gently to wet the moss and/or lichens, then wait at least 24 hours (longer is
better, even several days).
Next Class:
5. Shake bag vigorously to crumble the moss and/or lichens and mix it thoroughly into
the water.
6. Using a plastic pipette, take up approximately 2-3 drops of the moss and/or lichens
water mixture from the bag.
7. Place this onto the middle of a depression slide or microscope slide and locate the
8. Once you locate a tardigrade, observe and draw the organism in the box below.
9. The grid slide is a prepared slide of a tiny piece of graph paper. The lines of the graph
paper are all spaced 1.0 mm apart.
10. Place the grid slide on the microscope stage and bring the graph paper into focus,
using the lowest power.
Drawing of Tardigrade
Total Magnification _________ x
2014 CIBT Lichens and Mosses and Water Bears…Oh My! – Student Section Page 3
11. When you look into the microscope, the whole area you see is called the “field of
view.” Knowing that the lines of the graph paper are 1.0 mm apart, estimate the
diameter of the lowest power’s field of view to the nearest 0.25 mm.
12. Estimated diameter of the lowest power’s field of view: ___________ mm
13. Return the grid slide to the table.
14. Place the Tardigrade slide on the microscope and bring it into focus under the lowest
power. Look closely at the Tardigrade.
15. Based on the microscope field of view, determine the average length of the
tardigrade to the nearest 0.1 mm. ________ mm/organism
Post-lab Questions
4. Fill in the chart:
Name of Organism
Characteristics of
Adaptations for
5. Compare and contrast your original drawing of the organism to what the Tardigrades
look like. _____________________________________________________________
6. Tardigrades have been given the common name as “water bears”. What evidence from
your micrscope observation would support using this name ? ____________________
2014 CIBT Lichens and Mosses and Water Bears…Oh My! – Student Section Page 4
2014 CIBT Lichens and Mosses and Water Bears…Oh My! – Student Section Page 5
Name: ______________________ Date: _________________
Period: ______________________ Tardigrade Reading
Directions: CIRCLE the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. How many known species of tardigrades exist?
A.) 75 species
B.) 500 species
C.) 1000 species
D.) 1777 species
2. The sun’s surface temperature reaches 5600°C. Tardigrades will be able to survive there.
True or False
3. Commonly where are most tardigrades found?
A.) Dry habitats
B.) Mosses and lichens
C.) The refrigerator
D.) Atlantic Ocean
Directions: After reading the article, complete the following short response. Please write in
complete sentences and be sure to include a claim and evidence from the text. You will be
graded on content and correct use of grammar and mechanics. Claim: Tardigrades are
known as extremophiles. Extremophiles are organisms that can survive in extreme
conditions. Using details from the text, support your claim. You must use at least two details
or evidence from the text.
2014 CIBT Lichens and Mosses and Water Bears…Oh My! – Student Section Page 6
Name: ______________________ Date: _________________
Period: ______________________ Tardigrade Video Anticipation
1. Read the statements below BEFORE viewing the YouTube video. Decide whether you
think each statement is true or false, and put an “X” in either the TRUE or FALSE box
before the statement number.
2. AS you are viewing the YouTube video, place an “X” in the box of the correct answer,
either TRUE or FALSE. The answers are chronological for this activity.
Anticipation Guide for Tardigrade Science Friday YouTube Video
“Behold the Mighty Water Bear”
AS you are
Tardigrades live in your backyard.
Tardigrades have six legs.
Tardigrades go through a stage where they can go
into extreme hibernation.
Tardigrades can survive in the vacuum of space.
Tardigrades can be rehydrated after a decade.
Tardigrades’ closest relatives are fruit flies and