Studying Global Health & Medicine Off-Campus
DIS Copenhagen or Stockholm:
--Public Health // Medical Practice & Policy // Biomedicine // Neuroscience--
DIS offers two programs, the flagship location of Copenhagen and a new campus in Stockholm. Both offer a
core course track in Public Health; the Stockholm location looks at Public Health & Migration (refugees, asylum
seekers, and economic migrants) and the Copenhagen program explores Health Delivery and Prioritization
across different European healthcare systems. The Medical Practice & Policy track at both locations bridges
research in medicine and working with patients, breaking down silos in the medical field to deliver care
through innovation. Students can also study Biomedicine or Neuroscience. All core courses at DIS include a
week-long comparative study tour trip to another country as part of the class. In addition to a required
language & culture class, students round out their semester with a variety of elective courses, including
development, medicine, and policy-related options.
SIT & IHP Semester Programs: Global Health focus
CC approves all SIT and IHP comparative semester study abroad programs, offered in both the fall and spring
semester. Explore the strengths and limitations of diverse wellness systems, healthcare delivery models, and
related healthcare policies on any of these programs. All SIT programs end with a month-long independent
study program or, in many of these programs, an internship placement option. See their website for details on
these programs:
- Argentina: Public Health in Urban Environments
- Chile: Public Health, Traditional Medicine, and Community Empowerment
- China: Health, Environment, and Traditional Chinese Medicine
- India: Public Health, Gender, and Community Action
- Jordan: Refugees, Health, and Humanitarian Action
- Kenya: Urbanization, Health, and Human Rights
- South Africa: Community Health and Social Policy
- Switzerland: Global Health and Development Policy
- IHP: Health and Community: Globalization, Culture, and Care (comparative 4-country program with a
month each studying in Argentina, South Africa, Vietnam, and Washington D.C. in the Spring semester
ORin Brazil, India, South Africa, and Washington DC in the Fall semester)
Washington Semester (American University) Public Health Policy track
Spend a semester in Washington DC, studying and interning in the center of policy for the U.S. This program
will enable students to study domestic and global health issues, scientific innovations in the field with a focus
on bioethics, and to explore relevant public health topics of interest to them. An interdisciplinary course
seminar taught by local, national, and global experts explores key issues in your field, and all students
complete an internship for the entire semester duration at a variety of organizations, including governmental
offices and policy hubs related to global health.
Many%opportunities%exist%for%students%who%a re%interested%in%global%health%to%study%in%another%part%of%the%world.%In%addition%to%blocks%which%
may%be%taught%off-campus%by%CC%professors%during%the%year%or%in%the%summer,%many%options%exist%on%other%C C-approved%semester%and%year-
long%programs%around%the%worl d.%Here%are%some%of%the%options%that%you%might%consider;%this%list%is%not%exhaustive.%%%
If%you%have%questions%about% participating%in%one %of%these%programs,%please%visit%the%website%for%CC’s%Center%for%Global%Education%&%Field%
Study%( globalandfield),%where%you%c an %learn%how$to$apply,$a$guide$to$credit$transfer$pro cesses,%and%also%
search%the%course$approval$database%to%see% previous%approvals%from%past%semesters.%%For%additional%questions%about%credit%transf er%to%
the%Global%H ealth%minor,%or%specific%questions%about%academic%planning%and%goals,%check%with%your%academic%adviso r(s)%o r%department%
IFSA-Butler direct enrollment
When you study abroad for a semester or year with IFSA-Butler, they will facilitate your direct enrollment at
world universities, and you can choose from thousands of courses. Many of the CC-approved university
programs through IFSA-Butler in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Argentina & Chile
offer coursework in Global Health-related areas. Their departments abroad may be called something different,
so make sure to search thoroughly on the IFSA-Butler website for example, try Public Health, Social Policy,
Premedical, Pharmacy, Midwifery, etc.
Boston University Science Semester: France or Spain (Fall only)
For pre-med students planning ahead as freshmen, who are interested in studying abroad in the fall semester
of their sophomore year, the BU Science Semesters offer opportunities to blend some pre-med prerequisites
and science courses in English with traditional elements of study abroad (homestay, language study, cultural
All students take a language course (equivalent to one block of the language requirement at CC), and then
take the following courses (with CC equivalent noted):
- Organic Chemistry (Orgo 1 at CC)
- Basic Statistics and Probability (MA117 at CC)
- Approaches to Contemporary French Society & Culture /or/ Spanish Civilization
- Introduction to Scientific Research (1/2 unit at CC, and does not fulfill any major requirement, but is an
interesting introduction and exploration course to build connections in research and labs in other
(Students are not recommended to take the Cell Biology option on this program, but rather to take BY 131 here
at CC).
Research Opportunities in Global Health / Medicine
A large variety of different research projects are available to students interested in the field of healthcare and
global health, working in a lab with researchers at top universities in Sweden, The Netherlands, Germany,
Switzerland, Finland, Belgium, and Italy. You can search the database of current projects and opportunities on
the Euroscholars website.
ACM Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA)
This research semester enables students to join ongoing investigations at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in
Tennessee, in research areas as diverse as astrophysics, cell biology, DNA sequencing, genetic mutagenesis,
parallel computing, robotics, toxicology, and much more.
Rothberg International School, Hebrew University Jerusalem
Home to eight Nobel Prize laureates, Hebrew University has a tradition of excellence in STEM that dates to our
foundingshaped by such luminaries as Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud. Students at HebrewU’s Rothberg
International School (RIS) have access to a variety of specialized programs in STEM, including research opportunities
at over 100 HebrewU research centers.
For more information about any of these programs, or to explore other options, please visit