Metropolitan Kappa Youth Foundation
Providing scholarships and mentoring program for minority and
disadvantaged youth
Lawrence Hamm, Sr.
2020 Scholarship Packet
Empowering Youth to Achieve
Deadline to receive applications: March 1, 2020
MKYF Lawrence Hamm, Sr. Scholarship Application
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Silver Spring (MD) Alumni Chapter of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
A Chapter for Today … A Chapter for the Future
Led by the vision of Joseph F. Harris, a chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi, Fraternity was chartered in Montgomery
County, MD on October 28, 1972. The Silver Spring (MD) Alumni Chapter of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity,
Incorporated held meetings and occasional social functions at the available space within the Colesville Elementary
School facility. Eventually, the chapter moved its meetings to the Colesville Health Center on New Hampshire
Avenue where it is located to this day. In 1973, the chapter introduced its first scholarship program by starting
the process of establishing a chapter at the University of Maryland, College Park, and made contributions of
$250.00 and $50.00 to the NAACP and Suburban Maryland Fair Housing, respectively. Beginning in 1975, and
every year thereafter, the chapter has awarded scholarships ranging from $500.00 to $2,000.00 to one or two
deserving high school seniors. The chapter has sponsored a dynamic Guide Right Program with recreational,
educational, and social programs. For the last four years, the Chapter has concentrated on a teen leadership
program in conjunction with the Toast Masters of America. The Chapter’s Book Award Program, wherein an
outstanding book by a Black Author is presented to selected students in Montgomery County Schools, has been
in place since 1992 and has met with a lot of success. Some school librarians are ordering these selections for their
general purposes. Through the Chapter’s SAT Preparation Program, in sponsorship with the Montgomery County
Board of Education, community youth are prepared for SAT examinations and represent a very useful Guide Right
program. The Chapter holds two NAACP Life Memberships and has been the recipient of numerous
commendations from the Montgomery County Government for the effectiveness of its Social Action Programs.
Through the years, the Chapter has initiated various programs for fun, recreation, education, and/or profit. Among
these programs have been golf tournaments, award achievement dinner dance, a Kappa college student retention
program and a Black College Tour.
Metropolitan Kappa Youth Foundation, Incorporated
Metropolitan Kappa Youth Foundation, Incorporated (MKYF) exists as the philanthropic arm of the Silver Spring
(MD) Alumni Chapter of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. The Foundation was incorporated July 23, 1999
and granted its 501(c)3 status on May 30, 2000. The Foundation is a full-functioning non-profit, public benefit
charitable foundation, and is located in Montgomery County, Maryland. Metropolitan Kappa Youth Foundation,
Inc.’s mission is to provide scholarships and mentoring programs for minority and disadvantaged youth in the
Metropolitan Washington, DC area. The Foundation supports and conducts activities with the implicit purpose of
helping youth “Achieve.” Activities of the MKYF include scholarships, mentoring, and an urban golf initiative.
Through its activities with youth, the MKYF seeks to develop leadership skills, personal enhancement and career
achievement of the next generation.
Lawrence Hamm, Sr.
Lawrence Hamm, Sr. graduated from Good Counsel High School and later became a proud alumnus of Lincoln
University in Pennsylvania. He also earned a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from George
Washington University in Washington, DC. While at Lincoln, he was initiated into the Epsilon Chapter of Kappa
Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated, where he was President. Mr. Hamm later was President of the Silver Spring
(MD) Alumni chapter of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated. Lawrence was instrumental in securing
the initial funding for the Metropolitan Kappa Youth Foundation (MKYF), and was a strong proponent of
encouraging young people to achieve academically. Lawrence had a distinguished career in sales, marketing, and
strategic planning. At the time of his passing, he was as a Principal of The Resource Group, a management and
consulting firm in Silver Spring. Prior to that, he served as Vice President of several information technology firms.
To honor his memory and contributions, the Silver Spring (MD) Alumni Chapter of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity,
Inc. and the Metropolitan Kappa Youth Foundation named their scholarship to youth in Lawrence Hamm’s honor.
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MKYF Lawrence Hamm, Sr. Scholarship Guidelines
In order to be eligible for the Lawrence Hamm, Sr. Scholarship, students must:
1. Attend a high school in Montgomery County, MD and be classified as a high school senior
2. Demonstrate volunteer and community service involvement
3. Apply and receive acceptance to a college or university.
In order to be considered for the award, all applicants must submit the following information:
From Applicant:
1. Completed application typed and signed, include the 6 pages labeled “Submitted Application”
2. Four (4) completed application essays typed
3. Student resume (1-2 pgs) - outlines leadership, extracurricular activities, work experience, awards
4. College information sheet includes list of schools applied to, intended major, career interests
5. Proof of US citizenship and residency in Montgomery County, MD with copy of photo ID
6. A copy of your most recent grade report card must be forwarded or included with your application
7. Signed media release and authorization Page 1 of Submitted Application form
Applicant should send PDF materials to MKYF Scholarship Committee at [email protected]
or MKYF Scholarship Committee, PO Box 10848, Silver Spring, MD 20914.
From School:
1. Official high school transcript in a sealed envelope * or transmitted electronically from school
2. An academic letter of recommendation
* Letter from a teacher, school counselor, or school
administrator addressing the applicant’s academic achievement, character and potential for success
in college and beyond.
From Other Recommender such as Church, Community, Service or Related Activity:
1. A service letter of recommendation
* verifying applicant’s participation in school-based or
community-based service organization(s) with generalized dates of participation in volunteer
activities, activities performed by the applicant.
In order to be eligible for review, all Materials MUST be received by March 1, 2020 to MKYF
Scholarship Committee at Scholarshi[email protected] or the mailing address above. You will receive an
email acknowledgment once MKYF has received your completed application.
Acceptable forms of identification include federal, state, county issued, (passport, driver’s license, school
identification card with picture). If the applicant is not a U.S. citizen, proof of his/her status as a legal
permanent resident or other lawful status.
Letter must be on letterhead, signed and dated, and include the representative’s contact information
(i.e., email address and phone number).
Materials marked with (*) should be sent directly to MKYF Scholarship Committee at
[email protected] or MKYF Scholarship Committee, PO Box 10848, Silver Spring, MD 20914.
Materials may be included in application submission by mail if received in a sealed envelope.
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(Applicant, this letter should be provided to your Recommender.)
TO: Teacher / Counselor / Principal / Mentor / Volunteer Activity Leader
RE: Applicant Name: ________________________________________________________________
The student listed above is applying for a scholarship from the Metropolitan Kappa Youth Foundation
(MKYF), a non-profit affiliated with the Silver Spring (MD) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi
Fraternity, Incorporated. The student has selected you to provide a recommendation in support of
his/her application. We ask that you provide a candid assessment of the student’s academic
performance, personal development and maturity, oral and written communication skills, leadership
ability among peers, and anything else you believe is relevant to evaluate the student.
Please note the length of time you have known the student, in what capacity (classes taught or
activity/club supervised). The letter of recommendation should be written on official stationary, and
include your signature and phone number.
The letter of recommendation should be submitted by March 1, 2020 in one of the three ways:
1. Email to [email protected] (preferred)
2. Mailed to MKYF Scholarship Committee, PO Box 10848, Silver Spring, MD 20914 (preferred)
3. Given to student in a sealed envelope to be included in the applicant packet
MKYF Lawrence Hamm, Sr. Scholarship Application
Applicant Information
Name _________________________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________
City ______________________________________ State __________ Zip Code __________
Home phone ___________________ Cell phone ___________________
Email address _____________________________________
Date of Birth ___________________ Gender ___________________
Current High School _____________________________________
Primary Language __________ Secondary Language __________
Are you a US Citizen? Yes No If not, how long have you lived in the USA __________
Name, Title and Phone Number of Scholarship References:
1. ________________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________
Parent / Guardian information
Mother’s Name ________________________________________________________________________
Father’s Name _________________________________________________________________________
No. of individuals living in household where applicant resides (including student) __ Adults ___ Children
Family Total Household Income Place an X in Section A and a X in the corresponding box in Section B
Section A
Place a X or
highlight one row
Section B
Please a X next to the one box that corresponds to your family’s total household
income related to the Family Size Total selected in the far left column.
Family Size Total
Up To
Up To
$ 24,650
$ 41,050
$ 54,250
$ 54,250+
$ 28,150
$ 46,900
$ 62,000
$ 62,000+
$ 31,650
$ 52,750
$ 69,750
$ 69,750+
$ 35,150
$ 58,600
$ 77,450
$ 77,450+
$ 38,000
$ 63,300
$ 83,650
$ 83,650+
$ 40,800
$ 68,000
$ 89,850
$ 89,850+
$ 43,600
$ 72,700
$ 96,050
$ 96,050+
$ 46,400
$ 77,400
$ 102,250
$ 102,250+
MKYF Lawrence Hamm, Sr. Scholarship Application
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College Information Sheet
College or University Name
Yes / No
Intended Field of Study or
Provide your ACT / SAT Scores
ACT Date Taken Scores
SAT Date Taken Scores Math Verbal
Provide your High School Grades
Semester GPA Cumulative GPA
List the Scholarships You Have Received or Have Applied For
Scholarship Name and Awarding
Scholarship Amount, If Known
If for tuition, room and board,
books, etc. please list
Received or
Please describe your career goals
MKYF Lawrence Hamm, Sr. Scholarship Application
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Applicant Activities
Have you volunteered during high school? _______ Have you worked during high school? ________
List the approximate number of hours you did volunteer activities and paid work.
Volunteer Activities
Paid Work
Freshman Year
Sophomore Year
Junior Year
Senior Year
List, in order of importance to you, the volunteer activities or clubs / organizations that included a
service component. Activities should only span from your freshman through senior year in high
Give a brief description of a volunteer experience that you believe has been most meaningful and
impactful to your life.
Applicant Honors and Achievements
List your personal honors and achievements beginning with the accolades most important to you:
Honors and Achievements
Freshman Year
Sophomore Year
Junior Year
Senior Year
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Please complete the 4 essay questions using the space provided. Answers should be typed and each
essay should not exceed 500 words.
1. Why are you interested in applying for the Metropolitan Kappa Youth Foundation scholarship?
2. Tell us about the most inspirational person in your life, and how that person has influenced your
MKYF Lawrence Hamm, Sr. Scholarship Application
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3. Please share a memorable experience in your life and note how it has shaped your perspective on
the global community or your local community.
4. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated member, Colin Kaepernick began to "take a knee" during
the playing of the National Anthem in the 2016 National Football League (NFL) season to draw
attention to what he viewed as oppression of people of color. Mr. Kaepernick pledged $1 million
through this foundation to fight global oppression through education and social activism. What do
you think about the oppression of people of color, on a national or international scale, or both?
What are ways you can be involved in fighting oppression?
(There is no right or wrong position to take in answering this question. Your essay will be evaluated
on the quality of your writing and your ability to take a position.)
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Media Release and Authorization
I provide permission for the Metropolitan Kappa youth Foundation, Inc. (MKYF) to film, record, and use
the likeness and image of my child,
_________________________________________________________, in conjunction with his/her
application to the MKYF Scholarship. I understand that photographs, films, recordings in electronic,
digital and print form may be taken and used, will remain MKYF’s property for publication, duplication,
reproduction, placement on the Internet. I have legal custody of said child, and I am authorized to provide
this release.
Student Signature _______________________________________ Date _______________________
Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________ Date ________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________ Date ________________________
My signature certifies that all information contained herein is accurate and complete to the best of my
knowledge. By signing, I acknowledge that all documents become the property of Metropolitan Kappa
Youth Foundation. Submitting false or inaccurate information or claims are subject to forfeiture of any
scholarship monies awarded.
Student Signature _______________________________________ Date _______________________
Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________ Date ________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________ Date ________________________