Am. J. Hum. Genet. 65:151–157, 1999
The Gene for Cherubism Maps to Chromosome 4p16.3
Jonathan Mangion,
Nazneen Rahman,
Sarah Edkins,
Rita Barfoot,
Trang Nguyen,
Asgeir Sigurdsson,
John V. Townend,
David R. Fitzpatrick,
Adrienne M. Flanagan,
Michael R. Stratton
Section of Cancer Genetics, Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom;
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, St.
Richard’s Trust, Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom;
Human and Clinical Genetics Unit, Molecular Medicine Centre, Western General
Hospitals Trust, Edinburgh;
Department of Histopathology, Imperial College School of Medicine at St. Mary’s, London
Cherubism is a rare familial disease of childhood char-
acterized by proliferative lesions within the mandible
and maxilla that lead to prominence of the lower face
and an appearance reminiscent of the cherubs portrayed
in Renaissance art. Resolution of these bony abnor-
malities is often observed after puberty. Many cases are
inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion, although
several cases without a family history have been re-
ported. Using two families with clinically, radiologically,
and/or histologically proved cherubism, we have per-
formed a genomewide linkage search and have localized
the gene to chromosome 4p16.3, with a maximum mul-
tipoint LOD score of 5.64. Both families showed evi-
dence of linkage to this locus. Critical meiotic recom-
binants place the gene in a 3-cM interval between
D4S127 and 4p-telomere. Within this region a strong
candidate is the gene for fibroblast growth factor recep-
tor 3 (FGFR3); mutations in this gene have been im-
plicated in a diverse set of disorders of bone devel-
Cherubism (MIM 118400) is a rare, painless disfiguring
disease primarily affecting bones of the jaw (first de-
scribed by Jones [1933, 1938], with many subsequent
reports, including those by Peters [1979], Riefkohl et al.
[1985], Zachariades et al. [1985], Zohar et al. [1989],
Kaugars et al. [1992], Marck and Kudrick [1992], Vail-
Received January 15, 1999; accepted for publication April 28, 1999;
electronically published May 21, 1999.
Address for correspondence and reprints: Dr. Adrienne Flanagan,
Department of Histopathology, Imperial College School of Medicine
at St. Mary’s, Norfolk Place, London W2 1PG, United Kingdom. E-
*These authors contributed equally to this article.
q 1999 by The American Society of Human Genetics. All rights reserved.
lant et al. [1993], Penfold et al. [1993], Hitomi et al.
[1996], Valiathan and Prathanth [1997], and Southgate
et al. [1998]). The mandible and maxilla are usually
bilaterally enlarged, producing a full, round lower con-
tour of the face. The skin over the cheeks is stretched
and pulls down the lower eyelids. As a consequence, a
thin line of sclera is exposed beneath the iris and the
eyes appear to be raised heavenward in a manner rem-
iniscent of a the cherubs in Renaissance paintings (fig.
Radiologically, cherubism is characterized by multil-
ocular radiolucent areas that may be unilateral (Arnott
1978; Reade et al. 1984) (fig. 1). The disease is usually
restricted to the mandibular and maxillary regions, al-
though, occasionally, radiological abnormalities have
been observed in the ribs. Histopathological evaluation
of the lesions shows proliferating fibrous connective tis-
sue containing numerous multinucleated giant cells,
which are osteoclasts (Southgate et al. 1998). The clin-
ical and histological features of cherubism may some-
times present problems in diagnostic distinction from
giant-cell tumor, giant-cell granuloma, ossifying
fibroma, fibrous dysplasia of the jaw, and Paget disease
of bone (Kerley and Schow 1981; Flanagan et al. 1988;
Zohar et al. 1989; Kaugars et al. 1992; Penfold et al.
1993; Whitaker and Singh 1995).
Affected individuals are normal at birth. Usually, the
disease manifests in early childhood (at age 2–5 years)
and becomes more marked until puberty, at which time
the bony lesions begin to regress. However, the distortion
of the jaw during childhood leads to permanent dental
abnormalities. Other complications, such as visual dis-
turbance (due to lesions within the orbital bones) and
deafness, have also been reported but are relatively rare
(Hawes 1989; Marck and Kudrick 1992).
Cherubism is a familial disease in which the trait is
transmitted in an autosomal dominant fashion (Peters
1979; Zohar et al. 1989; Southgate et al. 1998), al-
though several sporadic cases have been described (Kau-
gars et al. 1992; Ayoub and El-Mofty 1993). The pen-
etrance is high (Peters 1979), but the precise estimate
will depend on whether clinical or radiological diag-
152 Am. J. Hum. Genet. 65:151–157, 1999
Figure 1 Photographs and x-ray of 19-year-old girl with cherubism who is from family CH1. A, Anterior-posterior view, demonstrating
characteristic facial disfigurement of cherubism, including visible sclera below iris because of overgrowth of maxilla. B, lateral view, emphasizing
protruding mandible and proptosis of eyes. C, X-ray, showing that pathology is restricted to bones of skull that are formed by endochondrial
nostic criteria are used. Males are more commonly and
more severely affected than females. Cherubism has been
associated with other genetic disorders, including a num-
ber of cases both of a Noonan-like syndrome (known
as the “Noonan-like/multiple giant-cell lesion syn-
drome”) (MIM 163955; Cohen et al. 1974; Dunlap et
al. 1989; Cohen and Gorlin 1991; Betts et al. 1993)
typified by short stature; low–normal intelligence; ocular
hypertelorism; prominent posterorly angulated ears; gi-
ant-cell lesions of the bones, joints, and soft tissues; pec-
tus excavatum; and pulmonic stenosis) and of Ramon
syndrome (MIM 266270; Ramon et al. 1967; Pina-Neto
et al. 1986), which is typified by short stature, mental
retardation, epilepsy, gingival fibromatosis, and hyper-
trichosis. Cherubism has also been described in an in-
dividual with fragile-X mental retardation (Quan et al.
The gene underlying cherubism has not been mapped.
We have therefore obtained samples from two large fam-
ilies with the disease and have performed a genomewide
linkage search.
Subjects and Methods
Families were interviewed and samples were collected
with full informed consent of the patients involved. The
studies were performed with the approval of the Re-
search Ethics Committee of St. Mary’s NHS Trust,
DNAs were extracted from peripheral venous blood
samples by conventional methods. Polymorphic micro-
satellite markers, predominantly from the Ge´ne´thon set,
were PCR amplified (with one primer of each pair either
radio- or fluorescently labeled) and were electrophoresed
through 4.5% denaturing polyacrylamide gels on either
an ABI377 DNA sequencer or a conventional gel rig, as
Two-point and multipoint linkage analyses were per-
formed by the MLINK suite of programs. A model was
employed in which disease alleles were given a frequency
of .0001, the penetrance was set at 90%, and no spo-
radic cases were allowed. Because of the variable severity
of the disease, strict diagnostic criteria were employed
in the assignment of disease status. The assignment of
affected status required evidence of a characteristic ra-
diological appearance (mandibular and/or maxillary
multilocular radiolucency) and/or typical histological
appearance in a biopsy. Individuals were classified as
“likely” to be affected if they had clinical features of the
disease (as indicated by information obtained from
childhood photographs or from the reports of family
members) in the absence of histological or radiological
confirmation. Linkage analyses were performed, classi-
fying “likely” affected cases as unknown. Patients
thought, on the basis of pedigree information, to be ob-
ligate gene carriers, and for whom histological or ra-
diological confirmation was not available or who were
clinically normal, were classified as affected for the pur-
poses of linkage. Allele frequencies were determined
from 24 unrelated chromosomes in families CH1 and
Families with Cherubism
Two families were used in a genomewide linkage
search for the cherubism gene (fig. 2). Details of the
Mangion et al.: Cherubism Gene on Chromosome 4p 153
Figure 2 Pedigrees of cherubism families CH1 (A) and CH2 (B). Blackened symbols denote that individual is definitely affected, on the
basis of confirmation by radiology or histology; stippled symbols denote that individual is likely affected, on the basis of clinical information,
but with no confirmation by radiology or histology; unfilled symbols denote unaffected individuals and obligate gene carriers for whom
information is not available or who were phenotypically normal.
clinical status of individuals within these families are
summarized in table 1. Three cases (403, 408, 409) in
family CH2 were known to have been treated with ra-
diotherapy during childhood, to mitigate the effects of
the disease. Of these cases, one (409) subsequently de-
veloped an osteosarcoma of the jaw, in the area which
had been irradiated, and died. None of the affected in-
dividuals in family CH1 was treated by radiotherapy.
Genetic-Linkage Analysis
A framework genomic-linkage map of polymorphic
microsatellite markers spaced at 15–20-cM intervals was
used to perform the genomewide search. Initial evidence
of linkage to cherubism was obtained by use of D4S412,
for which an LOD score of 3.57 was obtained at a re-
combination fraction (v) of .05 (table 2). Subsequently,
LOD scores obtained by use of additional markers an-
alyzed in the vicinity of D4S412 confirmed linkage to
this region, in both families. The highest two-point LOD
score obtained was 5.06 at v 5 0 from D4S3360. With
D4S3360 and D4S2936, maximum three-point LOD
scores of 1.16 and 4.48 (total 5.64) were obtained from
families CH1 and CH2. Linkage was confirmed by a
haplotype of marker alleles segregating with the disease
in both pedigrees (fig. 2). The two individuals (405 and
408) in family CH2 previously designated as “likely”
affecteds (table 1) carried the haplotype linked to the
disease in this family. When these were included as def-
154 Am. J. Hum. Genet. 65:151–157, 1999
Table 2
Total Two-Point LOD Scores for Cherubism Families CH1 and CH2
at Values of Theta from Markers on Chromosome 4p
v 5
0 .05 .1 .15 .2 .25 .3 .35 .4
D4S2936 4.05 3.61 3.17 2.72 2.26 1.81 1.37 .95 .57
D4S3038 3.18 2.83 2.48 2.12 1.76 1.41 1.06 .74 .44
PDE6B 2.51 2.18 1.86 1.55 1.25 .97 .72 .49 .29
D4S3360 5.06 4.55 4.03 3.5 2.95 2.40 1.86 1.32 .82
D4S1614 2.86 2.53 2.20 1.86 1.54 1.22 .92 .64 .38
D4S43 2.62 2.29 1.96 1.64 1.33 1.03 .76 .52 .31
D4S127 22.27 .76 .82 .77 .67 .55 .44 .32 .21
D4S3034 .91 .79 .67 .56 .45 .35 .26 .18 .11
D4S412 .66 3.57 3.36 3.03 2.63 2.20 1.75 1.30 .85
Table 1
Clinical Information and Disease Status for Families CH1 and CH2
Individual Information on Disease Status
Disease Status
CH1-101 Photo, PMH Obligate carrier, likely affected
CH1-103 Photo, PMH Obligate carrier, likely affected
CH1-201 Clinical, radiology, histology Definitely affected
CH1-202 Clinical, radiology Definitely affected
CH1-203 Clinical, radiology Definitely affected
CH1-204 Clinical, radiology Definitely affected
CH2-202 No information, DNA unavailable Obligate carrier
CH2-204 No information, DNA unavailable Obligate carrier
CH2-301 No evidence of cherubism Obligate carrier
CH2-303 No information, DNA unavailable Obligate carrier
CH2-308 No evidence of cherubism Obligate carrier
CH2-403 PMH, radiotherapy Obligate carrier, likely affected
CH2-405 PMH Likely affected
CH2-406 PMH Obligate carrier, likely affected
CH2-408 Radiotherapy, photo Likely affected
CH2-409 Radiotherapy, photo Likely affected
CH2-410 PMH Obligate carrier, likely affected
CH2-412 No information, DNA unavailable Obligate carrier
CH2-414 PMH Obligate carrier, likely affected
CH2-501 Clinical, histology, radiology Definitely affected
CH2-503 Clinical, histology, radiology Definitely affected
CH2-504 Histology Definitely affected
CH2-510 Radiology Definitely affected
CH2-511 Clinical, radiology Definitely affected
CH2-601 Clinical, radiology Definitely affected
Photo 5 suggestive childhood photograph; Clinical 5 clinical examination during child-
hood; PMH 5 patient told in the past by medical professional he or she was affected.
initely affected cases in the linkage analysis, the maxi-
mum total two-point LOD score was 6.01 at v 5 0 from
D4S3360, and, with D4S3360 and D4S2936, a three-
point LOD score of 5.51 was obtained from family CH2
(total LOD score, from both families, was 6.67). Three
individuals who previously had been phenotypically
classified as “unaffected,” who were not obligate gene
carriers, and who had a 50% chance of inheriting the
linked haplotype, did not inherit it, suggesting that the
penetrance of the disease is relatively high, as assumed
in the model (data not shown, to preserve con-
The marker order and the sex-averaged genetic dis-
tances within this interval from the Ge´ne´thon map are
4pter D4S2936, D4S30381.8 cM D4S1614
1.9 cMD4S3034, D4S412. On the basis of both ad-
ditional information from the Genetic Location Da-
tabase and mapping data from this study, we have in-
ferred the following marker order: 4pterD4S2936,
D4S3038PDE6B D4S3360D4S1614 D4S43
D4S127D4S3034, D4S412. Critical meiotic recom-
binants in family CH2 place the gene between D4S127
and 4p-telomere. D4S127 is physically located within
band 4p16.3, the terminal cytogenetic band on the
short arm of chromosome 4. All published polymorphic
short tandem repeats located within the region of link-
age defined by the recombinant at D4S127 in family
CH2 have been analysed in families CH1 and CH2 and
in five additional families with cherubism. There is no
clear evidence of a segregating haplotype common to
more than one family with cherubism.
We have provided strong evidence for the localization
of the gene for cherubism to chromosome 4p16.3, be-
tween D4S127 and 4p-telomere, an interval of 3 cM.
Both families analyzed show linkage to this region, so,
on the basis of this small series, there is no evidence for
Mangion et al.: Cherubism Gene on Chromosome 4p 155
genetic heterogeneity. These families have classic cher-
ubism, on the basis of strict, objective clinical criteria.
In this form, the disease is restricted to the bony tissues
of the lower face. However, aspects of the cherubism
phenotype are present in other diseases. For example,
some features of cherubism have been reported in as-
sociation with a Noonan-like syndrome (Dunlap et al.
1989; Betts et al. 1993). The classic form of Noonan
syndrome has previously been mapped to chromosome
12. If cases of the Noonan-like/multiple giant-cell lesion
syndrome are due to the Noonan syndrome gene on
chromosome 12, the genetic basis of this form of cher-
ubism must be different from that of the classic cher-
ubism present in families CH1 and CH2. There are no
published data pertaining to this issue. However, it is
also possible that Noonan syndrome with cherubism ei-
ther is allelic with respect to the cherubism gene on chro-
mosome 4 (perhaps as a result of a contiguous-gene syn-
drome) or is due to an entirely different gene. Cherubism
has also been reported as part of Ramon syndrome (Ra-
mon et al. 1967; Pina-Neto et al. 1986), which has not
yet been genetically mapped. However, the published
pedigrees are consistent with autosomal recessive inher-
itance. If this interpretation is correct, the genetic basis
of Ramon syndrome is also likely to differ from that of
classic cherubism, which is clearly due to an autosomal
dominant trait. It is therefore possible that the bony
lesions that characterize cherubism constitute a pheno-
typic picture common to a number of disease processes
that arise from multiple, distinct, initiating pathogenetic
events, and it would not be surprising if genetic heter-
ogeneity in classic cherubism is ultimately encountered.
Within the currently defined interval there is one ma-
jor plausible candidate for the cherubism gene, fibroblast
growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) (MIM 134934).
FGFR3 is composed of three glycosylated extracellular
immunoglobulin-like domains, a transmembrane do-
main, an intracellular kinase domain that is split, and a
carboxyl terminus. Mutations in FGFR3 are known to
cause a remarkably diverse set of diseases associated
with disordered growth of cartilage and bone. Achon-
droplasia is predominantly due to a single mutation in
the transmembrane domain (Rousseau et al. 1994;
Shiang et al. 1994). Hypochondroplasia is attributable
to missense mutations in the tyrosine kinase domain
(Bellus et al. 1995). Thanatophoric dysplasia type 1 is
caused by missense mutations which create cysteine res-
idues in the linker region between between immuno-
globulin domains 2 and 3 (Tavormina et al. 1995), than-
atophoric dysplasia type 2 by a mutation in the kinase
domain (Tavormina et al. 1995). Crouzon syndrome in
association with acanthosis nigricans is caused by mis-
sense mutations within the transmembrane domain
(Meyers et al. 1995). A mutation in the extracellular
domain causes non-syndromic craniosynostosis
(Muenke et al. 1997). Many of these mutations consti-
tutively activate the kinase activity of FGFR3, which, in
turn, is believed to inhibit normal development of car-
tilage. By contrast, homozygous disruption of FGFR3
in mice results in both deafness and bony abnormalities
associated with overgrowth of long bones (Colvin et al.
1996; Deng et al. 1996). A further candidate for cher-
ubism is MSX1 (also known as “Hox7”; MIM 142983).
A mutation in MSX1 is responsible for an autosomal
dominant syndrome of agenesis of second premolars and
third molars (MIM 106600; Vastardis et al. 1996), and
mice rendered homozygous for a nonfunctioning MSX1
gene show cleft palate with other facial and dental ab-
normalities (Satokata and Maas 1994). On the basis of
published genetic and physical maps, MSX1 is located
centromeric to the currently defined cherubism region,
but minor changes in the map order would include it.
A polymorphic microsatellite marker located within
MSX1 was not informative in family CH2 (data not
It is interesting that the pedigrees in both families
show some clinical evidence of anticipation. This is par-
ticularly intriguing in family CH2, in which at least two
branches (301, 403, and 501 and 308, 410, and 504)
provide reasonable evidence for progressive worsening
of the phenotype over three generations. However, in
view of the age-dependent phenotype in this disease, it
is difficult to assess this formally. There have been no
previous reports of anticipation in cherubism, and this
observation may represent a bias of ascertainment of the
younger—and thus obviously affected—individuals.
Although an increased risk of frank neoplastic change
associated with cherubism has been alluded to in the
published literature (Caballero Herrera et al. 1998), this
is clearly rare. Of three individuals in our series of fam-
ilies who were known to have been treated with radi-
otherapy to mitigate the effects of the disease, one de-
veloped an osteosarcoma of the mandible. It is highly
likely that the radiation treatment was causally impli-
cated in the development of this tumor. Whether the
presence of cherubism increased the likelihood of neo-
plastic change in response to the radiation dose is less
clear. However, it is plausible, given the proliferative na-
ture of the disease, the rarity of osteosarcoma (even after
irradiation), and the fact that other diseases character-
ized by bone remodeling (such as Paget disease or fibrous
dysplasia) are also associated with an elevated risk of
osteosarcoma. Indeed, the existence of unilateral and
asymmetric cases of cherubism, the localized nature of
the changes within bone even when it is bilateral, and
the histological similarity to other presumed neoplastic
conditions (such as giant-cell tumor) suggest that the
proliferative lesions of cherubism may themselves con-
stitute multiple neoplastic clones. On the other hand, a
striking feature of the disease is its resolution after pu-
156 Am. J. Hum. Genet. 65:151–157, 1999
berty, which is more suggestive (although not definitive)
of a hyperplastic than of an autonomous neoplastic pro-
cess. Although we currently have no insight into the
mechanism of action of the cherubism gene, it should
now be possible to evaluate some of these hypotheses
further—for example, by examinination of biopsy sam-
ples from the bony lesions of cherubism for evidence of
loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 4p, and ulti-
mately by structural and functional analyses of the cher-
ubism gene itself.
We would like to thank the families with cherubism, for
their enthusiastic help and encouragement, and the following
medical practitioners, for their help in contacting the families
and obtaining the samples; Dr. J. A. Jones, The Health Centre,
Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan, United Kingdom; Mr. J. C.
Lowry, Royal Infirmary, Blackburn, Lancs., United Kingdom;
Mr. M. C. Gregory, Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, Gwent,
United Kingdom; Mr. G. D. D. Roberts, York District Hospital,
York, United Kingdom; Miss B. Jones, West Hill Hospital,
Dartford, Kent, United Kingdom; Dr. M. Ireland, Royal Vic-
toria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne; Mr W. Peters, Poole
General Hospital, Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom. This work
was supported by the Cancer Research Campaign, the Medical
Research Council, and the Institute of Cancer Research. N.R.
is an MRC Clinical Research Fellow.
Electronic-Database Information
Accession numbers and URLs for data in this article are as
Ge´ne´thon map,
human_STS_releases/july97/genmap/Chr4.genmap (for ge-
netic map)
Genetic Location Database,
public_html/ (for physical and genetic marker maps)
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM), http://www (for Cherubism [MIM 118400],
Noonan-like syndrome [MIM 163955], Ramon syndrome
[MIM 266270], FGFR3 [MIM 134934], MSX1 [MIM
142983], autosomal dominant syndrome of agenesis of sec-
ond premolars and third molars [MIM 106600])
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