October 2021 Cadet Promotions Module Guide
26 October 2021
1) Introduction
Cadet Interactive program launch introduces a number of enhancements and changes to the Cadet
Program and eServices.
2) Cadet Promotions (eServices > Cadet Programs > Cadet Promotions)
a) Data View- for individual cadet record. Enter cadet’s CAPID and select
achievement to see details.
b) Data Entry/Accomplishments- Main data entry page for Cadet
Programs Officers.
c) Approvals- Commanders can approve/disapprove cadet promotions.
d) Reports- Find Cadet Programs Reports
e) Multi-Entry- Enter credit for multiple cadets on a single date. Can be
used for Character Development, Cadet Wingman Course, Cadet
Welcome Course, participation, oath, leadership expectations, and
uniform entries.
f) QCUA Details- detailed information about the QCUA criteria by unit.
g) Healthy Fitness Zone Home- See past CPFT results. May be filtered by
cadet or test date.
h) HFZ Entry- Enter new CPFT scores.
i) Personal Goals- Cadets and/or fitness officers may enter personal fitness goals to help track
progress, particularly towards the Spaatz Fitness Test
3) Cadet Achievement Requirements
a) Leadership- Cadets in phases I & II & III may choose to fulfill the leadership requirement with a
Cadet Interactive module or the traditional chapter comprehension test. Tests completed in
order, aligns with squadron staff service.
i) Cadet Interactive
(1) Cadets will access Cadet Interactive modules through the AXIS Learning Management
(2) Cadets work through the module at their own pace. They must correctly answer
knowledge check questions at end of module (100%, unlimited, immediate
review/retest). Once the module is completed, cadet must submit the
acknowledgement. Once the acknowledgement is complete, the credit is bestowed
ii) Leadership Test
(1) Cadets will read the Learn to Lead chapter and take an online test through AXIS.
(2) May take paper test and enter score manually, see Cadets With Special Needs
(3) Tests have a time limit of 30 minutes
(4) Passing score 80%
(5) If the cadet fails the test is locked for 7 days to allow the cadet time to study.
(6) Testing officers no longer have the ability to unlock locked tests. If there’s an unusual
situation, email c[email protected]
(7) Passing tests feed scores into Accomplishments automatically.
(8) Upon launch the tests will not display the learning objectives cadets need to study, but
this enhancement will be available shortly.
iii) Drill
(1) Reference- CAPP 60-33, Civil Air Patrol Drill and Ceremonies
(2) Tests- CAPP 60-34, Drill & Ceremonies Practical Tests
(3) Enter date & scores manually
(a) Select box under Leadership- Drill & Ceremonies item
(b) Enter date & number of correct moves
(c) Submit at bottom of page
b) Aerospace- Cadets in phases I & II may choose to fulfill the aerospace requirement with a Cadet
Interactive module or the tradition comprehension test. Cadets in phases II & III will take the
Journey of Flight tests. Modules/chapter blocks may be completed in any order.
i) Cadet Interactive
(1) Cadets will access Cadet Interactive modules through the AXIS Learning Management
(2) Cadets work through the module at their own pace. They must correctly answer
knowledge check questions at end of module (100%, unlimited, immediate
review/retest). Once the module is completed, cadet must submit the
acknowledgement. Once the acknowledgement is complete, the credit is bestowed
ii) Aerospace Tests
(1) Aerospace Dimensions- 7 modules, Aerospace: Journey of Flight- 3 chapter blocks
(2) Cadets will read the module/chapters and take a test through AXIS.
(3) May take paper test, see Cadets With Special Needs
(4) Tests have a time limit of 30 minutes.
(5) Passing score 80%
(6) If the cadet fails the test is locked for 7 days to allow the cadet time to study.
(7) Testing officers do not have the ability to unlock locked tests. If there’s an unusual
situation, email c[email protected]
(8) Passing tests feed scores into Accomplishments automatically.
(9) Upon launch the tests will not display the learning objectives cadets need to study, but
this enhancement will be available shortly.
iii) Cyber Security, Aerospace Dimensions Module 7
(1) A seventh module in the Aerospace Dimensions series, “Cyber Security,” is now
(2) As with other Aerospace Dimensions modules, the cyber module may be completed in
any order.
(3) Accordingly, effective 26 October 2021, to fulfill Achievement 8 requirements, cadets
must pass an Aerospace Dimensions written test or complete the Cadet Interactive
(4) The cyber module’s content will be included on the Mitchell Award exam effective 1
January 2022, and the Spaatz Award exam effective 1 January 2023, regardless of the
cadet having completed the module on the path to the Mitchell Award or not.
c) Staff Duty Analysis
i) Reference- CAPP 60-32, SDA Curriculum Guide
ii) Service Learning. The cadet serves for at least 8 weeks (56 days) in any support staff position
available to cadets, as approved by the unit commander.
iii) Oral Presentation. Cadets convert their service learning experience and technical document
into an oral presentation, and make themselves available for questions and answers before
an audience designated by the senior mentor.
(1) Data Entry- enter under Leadership SDA Service & Presentation.
iv) Technical Writing. The cadet drafts a technical document that is relevant to leadership and
managerial challenges they encounter as leaders in their organization. Along the way they
develop competencies in critical thinking and written communications.
(1) There are eight technical document options, each may be used one time and not
(2) Data Entry- enter under Leadership SDA Writing
d) Fitness
i) Reference- CAPP 60-50, Active Cadet Fitness Guide
ii) CPFT- Test conducted quarterly or as needed. HFZ credential good for 180 days.
iii) Enter scores in HFZ module, no manual entry in accomplishments
e) Character
i) Reference- www.gocivilairpatrol.com/character
ii) Forums- enter for individuals or with bulk entry
iii) Cadet Wingman Course- enter date for individuals or with bulk entry
f) Other
i) Cadet Welcome Course- Typically completed in AXIS using Cadet Interactive.
alternative lesson plan here.
ii) Cadet Wingman Course- In person class. Lesson plan here.
iii) Armstrong Speech & Essay- Topics & critique forms.
iv) Eaker Speech & Essay- Topics & critique forms.
v) Encampment- Credited by the encampment participation report. Submit alternatives for
credit to registrars@capnhq.gov.
vi) Leadership Academy- COS and RCLS credited through participation reports. Submit
alternatives for credit to registrars@capnhq.gov.
g) Milestone Exams- No change in form, still completed in LMS
i) Wright Brothers- two part exam
(1) Part A- Leadership exam, covering Learn to Lead, Vol. 1
(2) Part B- Drill- enter number of passing moves
ii) Mitchell
(1) Leadership exam, covering Learn to Lead, Vol. 2
(2) Aerospace exam, covering Aerospace Dimensions, Modules 1-6
(a) The cyber module’s content will be included on the Mitchell Award exam effective 1
January 2022
iii) Earhart
(1) Leadership exam, covering Learn to Lead, Vol. 3
iv) Spaatz
(1) Leadership exam, covering Learn to Lead, Vols. 1-4
(2) Aerospace exam, covering Aerospace: The Journey of Flight
(3) Character Essay
(4) Fitness Test
I - Wright Bros. Award
Learn to Lead, Vol. 1
No milestone exam required
II - Mitchell Award
Learn to Lead, Vol. 2
Aerospace Dimensions, Vols. 1-7*
III - Earhart Award
Learn to Lead, Vol 3
No milestone exam required
IV- Eaker Award
No milestone exam required
No milestone exam required
Spaatz Award
Learn to Lead, Vols. 1-4
Aerospace: The Journey of Flight
4) Accomplishments
a) To look up a cadet, enter their name or CAPID and select the magnifying glass to search.
b) The cadets current achievement will display be default. To see completed achievements, select
from the Achievement dropdown on the right.
c) Each blue bar displays an individual promotion item and how many items within the task are
i) When an item is completed, a green checkmark will appear to the left of the item name.
ii) Note that some items are not required for every promotion, these will have [X/0] for the
iii) Note that cadets may complete more than the one requirement for leadership and
aerospace tasks, earning honor credit e.g. [2/1]
d) Items taken in eServices will automatically populate on the Cadet Achievements page.
i) Some items must be entered manually, such as paper tests, drill and ceremonies tests, and
in person classes such as wingman and character forums.
ii) To enter, select the box to the left of the item to be entered. Enter the date completed and
score, for a test. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Select.”
e) A yellow exclamation mark next to an item indicates that it requires verification from a testing
officer. It has no effect at this stage, as in practice, entering the item is verifying it.
f) Fitness items are submitted through the HFZ module, cannot be entered on the
Accomplishments page.
g) Accelerated promotion waivers must only be entered for cadets who meet the qualifying
requirements, see CAPR 60-1, Selecting this waiver will allow promotions after 28 days
instead of 56.
h) Character Development Forum participation, active participation, cadet oath, uniform, and
leadership expectations can all be entered individually or using the Bulk Entry module to save
i) Accomplishments also checks for the formal leadership feedback session using the CAPF 60-90
series at least once per phase.
j) If you enter an item incorrectly it can be deleted by selecting the box at the left of the item and
clicking delete at the bottom of the page. Only manual entry items can be deleted. If there was
a problem or error with a different item, please put in a helpdesk ticket for assistance with
k) Approvals.
i) When a cadet has completed all items, a blue bar will appear on their Accomplishments
page. You must click to submit the achievement for approval.
ii) Submission moves the achievement to pending status.
iii) Cadets in the Approvals page without the required 56
days time in grade will display the no symbol and the
date the promotion can be approved.
iv) To approve a pending promotion select the green
v) Approval date may be adjusted on the approval popup,
but cannot be before the cadet completed the last
promotion item.
vi) To disapprove a promotion select the red X. The
commander must detail the reason for disapproval, how
the cadet may meet the expectation, and the date for a
follow up review. See CAPR 60-1, 5.7.3 for more
vii) Once a cadet who was sustained in grade has met the
leadership expectation, the achievement may be
resubmitted for approval.
5) Bulk Entry
a) eServices > Cadet Programs > Cadet Promotions > Multi-Entry
> Bulk Entry, Cadet Promotions
i) Enter date
ii) Select Task to enter
(1) Active Participation
(2) Cadet Welcome Course
(3) Cadet Oath
(4) Character Development
(a) Cadet Wingman Course
(b) Character Forum
(5) Leadership Expectations
(6) Uniform
iii) Search by CAPID or Organization
iv) Organization will show cadets that need credit for the item for their current achievement.
v) Select box at left for applicable cadets
vi) Click Give Credit
6) Honor Credit
a) Cadets may earn special recognition by going above and beyond the basic requirement and
completing all available options for leadership and aerospace in phases 1, 2 & 3.
b) Cadets may earn honor credit for their current achievement. They may also go backand earn
honor credit for previously completed achievements. These back itemsare located in the
cadets AXIS under the Honor Credittab.
c) Honor credit is denoted in the Cadet Promotions Track report with a graduation cap next to the
achievement, as well as in Member Search.
d) Honor Credit Awarded by Date report available in Professional Levels, to track cadets earning
honor credit.
7) Records & Reports
a) Cadet Promotions Track in Professional Levels
i) Filter by CAPID or Unit
ii) To print, select Export to Excel
iii) Cadets can view their own individual track to monitor their official record in eServices
b) Reports (eServices > Cadet Programs > Cadet Promotions > Reports)
i) Achievements by Date
ii) Aerospace Mods and Tests
iii) CLA Requirement Report
iv) Cadet Phases
v) Cadet Physical Fitness Training Report
vi) Cadets Membership Lapse 90 Days
vii) Curry Blues Voucher Report
viii) Encampments Report
ix) Milestone Awards by Date
x) No Promotions in Past 120 Days
xi) Promotions in Past 30/60 Days
8) Cadets with Special Needs
a) Printing paper tests
i) Hard copy achievement tests and milestone exams may be printed from the Learning
Management System under Download Quiz.
b) Administering paper tests
i) Tests given in hard copy should follow the same testing procedures as the online version,
(open-book or closed-book, timed) unless the cadet is using the hard copy to accommodate
special educational needs.
c) Test manual entry- select task to submit. Add date completed & score. You may upload a
document or leave a comment. Scroll to bottom of page and click submit. Failing scores will not
be saved.
9) Accelerated promotions
a) Cadets who have earned Service Academy, ROTC or Junior ROTC course credit may advance at
twice the normal rate, with just four weeks (28 days) between achievements and awards. See
CAPR 30-1, for details.
b) To apply the accelerated promotion waiver, select it in Data Entry/Accomplishments and submit.
System will allow for 28 days between achievements as long as all other requirements are met.
10) Support
a) www.gocivilairpatrol.com/cadetinteractive
will have the most up-to-date information and
training on the changes to the Cadet Program. If you have questions or encounter difficulties,
please email us at
cadets@capnhq.gov for assistance. Thank you for supporting the cadets!