July 10, 2019
ORDINANCE # 2003-06: Certain sections of Zoning & Ordinance
Special Protection District Overlay (September 17, 2003)
ORDINANCE # 2004-14: Public Land Dedication (June 16, 2004)
(Amended Public Land Dedication # 2007-44 December
19, 2007)
ORDINANCE # 2004-18: “Buildable Lot Area” “Bluff” “Lot Frontage” (August 4,
ORDINANCE # 2004-19: Creating Setbacks from Wetlands (August 4, 2004)
ORDINANCE # 2004-20: Planning Commission to hold Public Hearings (August 4,
ORDINANCE # 2004-24: Adopting Subdivision Ordinance (December 15, 2004)
ORDINANCE # 2004-25: Towers (December 2004)
ORDINANCE # 2005-26: Planning Commission Ordinance Amendment
Regarding Chairperson Voting Rights (February 9, 2005)
ORDINANCE # 2007-40: Amending Accessory Buildings (September 5, 2007)
ORDINANCE # 2007-41: Amending Construction and Continuation of Structures
Accessory Uses (December 5, 2007)
ORDINANCE # 2007-42: Restricting Water-Oriented Structures (December 5, 2007)
ORDINANCE # 2007-43: Setbacks for Industrial Zoned Property (December 5,
ORDINANCE # 2007-44: Amending Public Land Dedication (December 19, 2007)
ORDINANCE # 2008-46: Amending Section 16 “Ag-40” by deleting Subdivision 9
(Setback Requirements) and by adding it in Section 9
General Requirements under Subdivision 27 (Setback
Amending Section 17 “R-1”, Section 18 “R-2”, Section 19
“R-3” by deleting Subdivision 5 (7) and replacing it with
“Impervious Surface.
ORDINANCE # 2008-47: Amending Section 24, Subdivision 5 Use of Planned Unit
Development Is Restricted
ORDINANCE # 2008-50: Amending the Code as it applies to Shoreland Property
(September 17
ORDINANCE # 2008-51: Amending the Code by adding a section on Stormwater
Management (September 17
ORDINANCE # 2008-53: Amending Providing For Event Centers in the Agricultural
Zoning Districts (December 17
ORDINANCE # 2009-54: Amending the City Zoning Code Definitions (March 18
ORDINANCE # 2009-58: Regulations for Wind Energy Conversion Systems(July
ORDINANCE # 2009-62: Amending Sections 17, 18, & 19 Residential Districts to
include Provision for Interim Use Permit allowing farm
animals with conditions. (December 16
ORDINANCE # 2009-63: Amending Section 5 Planning Commission Membership
(December 16
ORDINANCE # 2010-64: Amending Section 1 Subdivision 12(B) of the Stormwater
(March 17
ORDINANCE # 2011-70: Allow for Rural Residential Development & amendments
to Corresponding Zoning Ordinances (May 18
ORDINANCE # 2012-74: Amending Definition, Signs, B-1 & I-1 (Used for
Residential Purposes) (June 20
ORDINANCE # 2012-76: Amending Rural Residential (October 17, 2012)
ORDINANCE # 2015-84: Amending Definition, Adding Trailer Storage
Restrictions, Adding R-1 Rear Yard Setback (July 21
ORDINANCE # 2016-85: Amending Section 9 “Opt out” temporary Family Health
Dwelling (August 17
RESOLUTION 2016-57: Transferring the Powers and Duties of the Local Board of
Appeals and Equalization to Stearns County (December
, 2016)
ORDINANCE# 2017-86: Amending Site Plan, Design & Appearance, Accessory
Buildings requirements.
ORDINANCE# 2019-99: Amending the Zoning Ordinance (July 10
, 2019)
ORDINANCE# 2020-105: Amending Certain Section (January 8, 2020)
ORDINANCE# 2020-110: Amending Section 31 (September 9, 2020)
Subdivision 1: GENERAL PURPOSE
Subdivision 1: JURISDICTION
Subdivision 3: SEPARABILITY
Subdivision 4: LOTS OF RECORD
Subdivision 1: MEMBERSHIP
Subdivision 2: DECISIONS
Subdivision 3: DUTIES
Subdivision 1: A Board of Zoning Appeals and Adjustment
Subdivision 1: SITE PERMITS
Subdivision 1: RULES
Subdivision 2: DEFINITIONS
Subdivision 1: INTENT
Subdivision 4: LANDSCAPING
Subdivision 5: TOPSOIL REMOVAL
Subdivision 8: LIGHTING
Subdivision 9: POLLUTION
Subdivision 10: SOLAR COLLECTORS
Subdivision 16: WETLAND SETBACKS
Subdivision 18: BUILDING NUMBERS
Subdivision 21: HOME OCCUPATIONS
Subdivision 23: SHORELANDS
Subdivision 24: FLOODPLAINS
Subdivision 25: FEEDLOTS
Subdivision 1: INTENT/PURPOSE
Subdivision 2: APPLICABILITY
Subdivision 1: PURPOSE
Subdivision 2: FENCE PERMIT
Subdivision 4: VIOLATIONS
Subdivision 5: VARIANCE
Subdivision 3: PERMIT REQUIRED
Subdivision 5: PARKING SPACES
Subdivision 8: LOADING AREAS
Subdivision 1: FINDINGS
Subdivision 3: EFFECT
Subdivision 4: SEVERABILITY
Subdivision 5: PERMIT REQUIRED
Subdivision 6: FEES
Subdivision 7: EXEMPTIONS
Subdivision 20: VIOLATIONS
Subdivision 5: TOWER SETBACKS
Subdivision 6: TOWER HEIGHT
Subdivision 7: TOWER LIGHTING
Subdivision 10: FENCING
Subdivision 12: MINIMUM SPACING
Subdivision 13: LICENSES
Subdivision 18: EXCEPTIONS
Subdivision 2: PROCEDURES
Subdivision 7: STANDARDS
Subdivision 9: INTERFERENCE
Subdivision 6: ABANDONMENT
Subdivision 1: AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT A-40 (A-40 District) ZONING
Subdivision 2: PERMITTED USES
Subdivision 11: LOT COVERAGE
Subdivision 1: PURPOSE AND GOALS
Subdivision 2: PERMITTED USES
Subdivision 5: INTERIM USE
Subdivision 10: LOT COVERAGE
Subdivision 2: PERMITTED USES
Subdivision 2: PERMITTED USES
Subdivision 2: PERMITTED USES
Subdivision 2: PERMITTED USES
Subdivision 5: INTERIM USES
Subdivision 2: PERMITTED USES
Subdivision 4: INTERIM USES
Subdivision 8: YARD COVER
Subdivision 2: PERMITTED USES
Subdivision 6: OPEN STORAGE
Subdivision 2: PERMITTED USES
Subdivision 6: OPEN STORAGE
Subdivision 2: EXCEPTION
Subdivision 3: APPLICATION
Subdivision 8: CASH IN LIEU OF LAND
Subdivision 10: SPECIAL PARK FUND
Subdivision 11: DEED TO PROPERTY
Subdivision 4: USES
Subdivision 6:
Subdivision 8: COMMON OPEN SPACE
Subdivision 2: PROCEDURE
Subdivision 7: REVOCATION
Subdivision 8: TIME LIMITATION
Subdivision 10: COMPLIANCE
Subdivision 2: PROCEDURE
Subdivision 5: TERMINATION
Subdivision 6: REVOCATION
Subdivision 1: PROCESS
Subdivision 2: EFFECTIVE DATE
Subdivision 3: RECORDING
Subdivision 4: ZONING MAP
Subdivision 2: VARIANCES
Subdivision 5: LAPSE OF VARIANCE
Subdivision 1: ENFORCEMENT
Subdivision 2: APPLICATION
Subdivision 7: INDUSTRIAL USES
Subdivision 15: ACCESS LOTS
Subdivision 5b: INSPECTION
Subdivision 6a: EXISTING SITE MAP
Subdivision 16: CONFLICTS
Subdivision 17c: FEE
Subdivision 17d: ENFORCEMENT
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City of Rockville, Minnesota
Subdivision 1: GENERAL PURPOSE
Pursuant to the authority conferred by the State of Minnesota in Section 462.357,
as amended, and for the purpose of:
1. promoting and protecting the public health, safety, and general welfare of
the residents of the incorporated area of the City of Rockville;
2. protecting and preserving the physical character, social, and economic
stability of agricultural, residential, commercial, industrial and other use
3. securing the most appropriate use of land;
4. preventing the overcrowding of the land and undue congestion of
5. providing adequate light, air and reasonable access;
6. facilitating adequate and economical provision of transportation, water
supply and sewage disposal;
7. planning for location of schools, recreation facilities and other public
This Ordinance which shall be known and cited as the Rockville Zoning Ordinance, an
ordinance setting minimum and maximum standards for the height and size of buildings,
the size of yards, courts and other open spaces, the density of population, the location
and use of buildings and land for trade, commerce, industry, residence and other
purposes; creating districts for said purposes and establishing the boundaries thereof;
providing for changes in regulations, restrictions and boundaries of such districts;
defining certain terms used herein; providing for enforcement and administration, and
imposing penalties for the violation of this Ordinance.
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This Ordinance shall be known as “The Zoning Ordinance of Rockville, Minnesota” and
will be referred to as “this Ordinance.”
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Subdivision 1: JURISDICTION
This Ordinance applies to all of the area within the corporate limits of the City of
1. Higher Standards Prevail. Where the conditions imposed by any
provision of this Ordinance are either more or less restrictive than
comparable conditions imposed by any law, ordinance, statute, resolution,
or regulation of any kind, the regulations which are more restrictive or
which impose higher standards or requirements shall prevail.
2. Building Permits.
A. Building Permit Required. No structure, fence or sign may be
erected, converted, enlarged, moved, demolished, reconstructed or
altered without first obtaining a Building Permit, except agricultural
fences in the A-40 and Rural Residential Districts shall not require a
building permit. The terms “Structure” and “Fence” are as defined in
Section 8, Subd. 2 of this Ordinance. No structure or land may be
used for any purpose nor in any manner which is not in conformity
with the provisions of this Ordinance. The Building Official will issue
a Building Permit only after determining that the building plans, to-
gether with the application, comply with this Ordinance. If the
Building Code does not require a Building Permit, a Site Permit
must still be obtained to ensure compliance with setback, height
and use restrictions and this Ordinance
B. Application. Building Permit Applications must be made to the
Building Official on forms to be furnished by the Zoning
Administrators office. Site Permit Applications must be submitted
to the Zoning Administrator on forms to be furnished by the Zoning
Administrators office.
C. Fee. Each applicant shall pay at the time of the application the
required fees as established by resolution of the City Council. Fees
submitted with complete applications are non-refundable.
D. Plan. Each Building Permit Application to construct or alter any
building with a foundation must be accompanied by a Certificate of
Survey, if deemed necessary, drawn to scale showing the
dimensions of the lot to be built upon and the size and location of
the building and accessory buildings to be erected as well as
existing structures, easements and ingress and egress routes.
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Building Permit Applications must also contain any other
information the Building Official or City Clerk deems necessary.
E. Municipal Improvements. Subject to a Development Agreement, all
municipal improvements serving the property must be completed
(with roadways having at least one lift of blacktop) before building
permits will be issued.
F. Certificate of Occupancy. All newly constructed buildings must
obtain a Certificate of Occupancy from the Building Official prior to
use or occupancy of the building.
Subdivision 3: SEPARABILITY
1. If any court of competent jurisdiction shall declare any provision of this
Ordinance to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect any other provision
of this Ordinance not specifically included in said judgment.
2. If any court of competent jurisdiction declare invalid the application of any
provision of this Ordinance to a particular property, building or other
structure, such judgment shall not affect the application of said provision
to any other property, building or structure not specifically included in said
Subdivision 4: LOTS OF RECORD
All lots which were separate tax parcels, were legally recorded in the office of the
County Recorder, and were of legally sufficient size to meet minimum lot size
requirements for a building at the time of this Ordinance’s adoption 04/16/2003
shall be considered lots of record and shall continue to be legally buildable. It is
the obligation of the owner of the property to demonstrate to the satisfaction of
the Zoning Administrator that the lot is a lot of record which was legally buildable
at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance.
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The City Council will appoint a Zoning Administrator who will administer and
enforce this Ordinance. The City Council may authorize the Zoning Administrator
to appoint assistants.
The Zoning Administrator will have the following powers and duties and may
delegate them to assistants.
1. To receive and review applications for Site Permits and issue Site Permits
if such Site Permit request is in full compliance with the provisions of this
2. To receive and review application requests for action by the City Council
and/or Planning Commission and provide such information, data and
testimony as may be necessary for action to be taken.
3. To make inspections to discover violations and check for compliance with
this Ordinance. If violations of this Ordinance are discovered the Zoning
Administrator will notify the violators and take such other steps as are
necessary to correct the violation.
4. To maintain records of all actions taken pursuant to the provisions of this
5. To assist the public in complying with and understanding their
responsibilities and rights under this Ordinance.
6. To identify and locate jurisdiction and zoning district boundaries and public
waters by on-site investigation, interpretation of official maps and other
appropriate methods.
7. To forward a summary of all permits applied for and issued, by date, to the
Planning Commission no less than once a month to be reviewed by the
Planning Commission at their monthly meetings.
8. To accompany Planning Commission representatives on site visits.
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Subdivision 1: MEMBERSHIP
There is hereby created, established, and continued a Planning Commission for
the City of Rockville to consist of a total of five (5) members, all members must
be residents of the City Rockville and no more than two (2) of these members
may be from the City Council. The Planning Commission shall be the City
Planning Agency authorized by Minn. Stats. § 462.354.
Subdivision 2: DECISIONS
All decisions of the Planning Commission require the affirmative vote of a simple
majority of the voting members present. Any member may be removed for cause
by majority vote of the City Council upon written charge and after a public
hearing. In the event of any vacancy, the City Council shall appoint a
Subdivision 3: DUTIES
The Planning Commission is advisory, except as other powers and duties are
imposed on it by Sections 462.351 to 462.364 of Minnesota Statutes or by other
state statute or City ordinance. The Planning Commission has the following
powers and duties:
1. At the first regular meeting of the year the Planning Commission shall
elect a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary from among its
members, each for a term of one year.
2. The Planning Commission shall hold at least one meeting each month; if
there is a lack of an agenda the Chairperson can cancel the meeting.
Special meetings may be called at any time by the Chairperson, or in the
case of Chairperson’s absence, by the Vice-Chairperson.
3. The Planning Commission shall hold the public hearings and will review
Conditional Use Permit applications and make recommendations to the
City Council as to whether or not a Conditional Use Permit should be
granted, and if so, what conditions should apply. The City Council may
hold an additional public hearing, if deemed necessary, and make the final
decision on all Conditional Use Permit applications.
4. The Planning Commission shall hold the public hearings and will review
all re-zoning applications and make recommendations on re-zonings to
the City Council. The City Council may hold an additional public hearing, if
deemed necessary, and make the final decision with regard to rezoning.
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5. The Planning Commission will assist in developing a Comprehensive Land
Use Plan for the City and will review and make recommendations on the
adoption of or amendment to the City’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
6. The Planning Commission may prepare Zoning and Subdivision
Ordinances or amendments to any zoning and subdivision ordinances and
recommend such ordinances to the City Council. The Planning
Commission will review and make a recommendation on any proposed
amendments to the City’s Zoning and Subdivision ordinances.
7. The Planning Commission shall hold the public hearing and will review
variance requests and make recommendations to the City Council as to
whether or not a variance should be granted. The City Council, acting as
the Board of Adjustment will make the final decision on all variances.
8. The Planning Commission will review appeals of decisions made by the
Zoning Administrator and make recommendations to the City Council.
The City Council, acting as the Board of Adjustment, will make the final
decision on all appeals of decisions of the Zoning Administrator.
9. The Planning Commission will have such additional duties and
responsibilities as may be assigned by the City Council.
10. The Planning Commission may appoint a viewing committee to conduct
site visits or may request that the Chair conduct site visits and report back
to the Planning Commission.
No publicly owned interest in real property within the municipality shall be
acquired or disposed of, nor shall any capital improvement be authorized by the
municipality or special district or agency thereof or any other political subdivision
having jurisdiction within the municipality until after the Planning Commission has
reviewed the proposed acquisition, disposal, or capital improvement and reported
in writing to the City Council or other special district or agency or political
subdivision concerned, its findings as to compliance of the proposed acquisition,
disposal or improvement with the comprehensive municipal plan. Failure of the
Planning Commission to report on the proposal within 45 days after such a
reference, or such other period as may be designated by the City Council shall
be deemed to have satisfied the requirements of this subdivision. The City
Council may, by resolution adopted by two-thirds vote dispense with the
requirements of this subdivision when in its judgment it finds that the proposed
acquisition or disposal of real property or capital improvement has no relationship
to the Comprehensive Plan.
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Subdivision 1: A Board of Zoning Appeals and Adjustment is hereby established and
vested with such authority as provided under Section 30 of this Ordinance. The City
Council shall serve as the Board of Zoning Appeals and Adjustment.
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Subdivision 1: SITE PERMITS
For purposes of enforcing this ordinance, a site permit shall be required of all
persons prior to:
1. Erection or construction of any structure or building.
2. Erection of signs except those exempt from permitting by this Ordinance.
3. Installation, alteration, repair or extension of any sewage disposal system
or solid waste disposal operation.
4. Shore land Alterations, including removal of trees and shore land
5. Land Alterations, including mineral extraction and landfills.
6. Erection, alteration or relocation of feedlots, holding ponds, and slurry
7. Location of all essential services.
8. Erection of fences, retaining walls and berms higher than two (2) feet,
except for agricultural fences in the A-40 and Rural Residential Districts.
9. The construction or modification of a dam or dike.
10. Within the flood plain, the erection, addition, or alteration of any building,
structure, or portion thereof; the use or change of use of a building,
structure, or land; the change or extension of a nonconforming use; and
the placement of fill, excavation of materials, or the storage of materials or
11. The addition of habitable square footage to a residence when requiring a
structural change.
1. Application. Persons requesting a Site Permit must fill out an application
available from the Zoning Administrator. Application requirements will be
established by the Zoning Administrator and may include, but are not
limited to, the following information: a site plan showing the nature,
location, and dimensions of the lot, existing and proposed structures,
locations to be filled or where materials will be stored, and the location of
the foregoing in relation to the shoreline and floodplain, if applicable.
2. Requirements. Site Permits will be issued only if the proposal is in
compliance with applicable portions of this ordinance including, but not
limited to:
A. Zoning district land uses.
B. Zoning district dimensional standards and setbacks.
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C. Performance standards provided for certain activities of this
D. Other requirements established by the Zoning Administrator, the
Planning Commission and the City Council.
3. Fee. A fee, established by the City Council must be submitted with the
permit application. An additional fee may be charged for atypical projects,
whether based on size or type of use. Such fees may include
reimbursement of the City for administrative time and professional
services costs incurred by the City.
Issuance of a Site Permit does not imply compliance with other applicable City
regulations or regulations of other agencies unless otherwise stated.
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Subdivision 1: RULES
For purposes of this Ordinance the following rules apply:
1. MEASUREMENTS. All measured distances will be to the nearest integral
foot. Unless clearly specified to the contrary, all references to height shall
be measured from “grade” as defined by this Ordinance.
2. DEFINITIONS. Whenever a word or term appears in the text of this
Ordinance, the Subdivision Code (Ord. 2004-24), as amended, the
Stormwater Management Ordinance (Ord. 2008-51) or other land use
ordinance or regulation, its meaning should be construed as defined within
this section, except:
A. Where the context of the ordinance or regulation clearly requires a
different definition;
B. Where the definition is required by statute or regulation that
preempts this Ordinance, for example as it is used within the
Building Code as adopted by the City.
Subdivision 2: DEFINITIONS
For the purpose of this Ordinance, the following terms are defined:
Unless specifically defined below, words or phrases used in this ordinance shall be
interpreted to give them the same meaning they have in common usage and to give this
ordinance its most reasonable application. For the purpose of this ordinance, the words
“must” and “shall” are mandatory and not permissive. All distances, unless otherwise
specified, are measured horizontally.
“ABANDON” The cessation of a specific use of a property for a period of 12 or more
“ABANDONED SIGN” means a Signs and Sign structures not used for signage for
twelve (12) consecutive months and/or signs and their structures which identify,
advertise or provide direction to a use, business, industry or service which has ceased
existence for ninety (90) days or more. Any sign remaining after demolition of a principal
structure shall be deemed to be abandoned. Signs which are present because of being
legally established nonconforming signs or signs which have required a conditional use
permit or a variance shall also be subject to the definition of abandoned sign.
“ABUTTING” means making direct contact with or immediately bordering.
“ACCESS LOTis a parcel of land that provides access to public waters.
“ACCESSORY BUILDING” means “Structure, Accessory.”
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“ACCESSORY STRUCTURE OR FACILITY” means any building or improvement
subordinate to a principal use.
“ACCESSORY USE” means “Use, Accessory.”
“ADDITION” means a structure added laterally to an existing building and occupying
ground. The addition of minor structural elements such as chimneys, bay windows, and
roof overhangs of two (2) feet or less shall not be considered as an addition. The
enclosure of an existing screened porch, deck, roofed deck, patio, or roofed patio shall
be considered an addition. “Addition” differs from “Alteration.”
“ADJACENT” In close proximity to or neighboring, not necessarily abutting.
“AGGREGATED PROJECT” Aggregated projects are those which are developed and
operated in a coordinated fashion, but which have multiple entities separately owning
one (1) or more of the individual WECS within the larger project. Associated
infrastructure such as power lines and transformers that service the facility may be
owned by a separate entity but are also included as part of the aggregated project.
“AGRICULTURAL BUILDING” A structure on agricultural land designed and
constructed to house farm implements, hay, grain, poultry, livestock or other
horticultural products. An agricultural building shall not be a place of human habitation
or a place of employment where agricultural products are processed, treated or
packaged; nor shall it be a place used by the public.
“AGRICULTURAL LAND USE means the cultivating or pasturing of a parcel of land or
using it for the raising of animals for non-commercial purposes other than a feedlot or
farming. Agricultural Land Use includes hobby farms.
AGRICULTURAL USE” means the use of land for the growing and/or production of
field crops, livestock, and livestock products for the production of income including but
not limited to the following:
1. Field crops including but not limited to: barley, soybeans, nursery
stock, garden crops, corn, hay, oats, potatoes, rye, sorghum, and
2. Livestock including but not limited to: dairy and beef cattle, goats,
horses, sheep, hogs, poultry, game birds and other animals including
dogs, ponies, deer, rabbits, and mink.
3. Livestock products including but not limited to: milk, butter, cheese,
eggs, meat, fur and honey.
“ALLEY” means any public or private street providing a secondary means of ingress
and/or egress to land.
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“ALTERATION” means an increase in the height or volume of a building.
1. Domestic Animals. House pets such as dogs, cats, and birds which
can be contained within a principal structure throughout the entire
year, provided that containment can be accomplished without special
modification to the structure requiring a building permit from the City.
Domestic animals shall include birds and rabbits normally sheltered
outside the home.
2. Farm Animals. Cattle, hogs, bees, sheep, goats, chickens, turkeys,
horses and other animals commonly accepted as farm animals in the
State of Minnesota.
3. Wild Animals or Exotic Animals. Any mammal, amphibian, reptile or
bird which is of a species not usually domesticated, and of a species
which, due to size, wild nature or other characteristics, is dangerous to
humans. The term includes animals and birds the keeping of which is
licensed by the state or federal government, such as wolves, and
raptors. By way of example and not of limitation, the term includes:
snakes, eagles, ocelots, jaguars, cougars, weasels, ferrets, badgers,
monkeys, chimpanzees, deer and bison. The term also includes
crossbreeds such as the cross between dogs and coyotes and dogs
and wolves.
“ANIMAL FEEDLOTmeans a lot or building or combination of lots and buildings
intended for the confined feeding, breeding, raising, or holding of animals and
specifically designed as a confinement area in which manure may accumulate, or where
the concentration of animals is such that a vegetative cover cannot be maintained within
the enclosure. For purposes of these parts, open lots used for the feeding and rearing
of poultry (poultry ranges) shall be considered to be animal feedlots. Pastures shall not
be considered animal feedlots under these parts.
“ANTENNA” means any structure or device used to collect or transmit electrical
magnetic waves, including but not limited to directional antennas such as panels,
microwave and satellite dishes, and omni-directional antennas such as whip antennas.
“AREA OF SIGN” means the area of a sign face enclosed in a frame or cabinet shall
be determined on the basis of the outer dimensions of the frame or cabinet surrounding
the sign face. Where the frame or cabinet is not in the shape of a rectangle, square,
triangle, or circle, the sign face area shall be determined by enclosing the extreme limits
of the frame or cabinet within a single continuous perimeter in a common geometric
shape. Supporting framework or bracing that is clearly incidental to the display itself
shall not be computed as sign area. Double-faced (back-to-back) freestanding signs
shall be considered as a single sign face for purposes of calculating allowable sign area
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only if the distance between each sign face does not exceed two feet and the copy is
identical on both faces. Standard formulas for common geometric shapes shall be used
for computing sign area(s). Symbols, flags, pictures, wording, figures or other forms of
graphics painted on or attached to windows, walls, awnings, free-standing structures,
suspended by balloons, or kites or on persons, animals, or vehicles are considered a
sign for purposes of in calculating the overall square footage. Nothing in the paragraph
shall be interpreted to authorize any specific type of sign. See Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Measurement of Sign Area Examples
“ARTERIAL STREET” means “Street - Arterial.
“APPLICANT” means the owner, their agent or person having legal control, ownership
and/or interest in land which the provisions of this Ordinance are being considered for or
“AWNING” means a roof-like cover, often of fabric, plastic, metal or glass designed and
intended for protection from the weather or as a decorative embellishment, and which
projects from a wall or roof of a structure primarily over a window, walk, or the like. Any
part of an awning which also projects over a door shall be counted as an awning.
“AWNING SIGN” means a building sign or graphic printed on or in some fashion
attached directly to the awning material.
“BALCONY” means a landing or porch which may project from the wall of a building
and which may serve as a means of egress.
“BALLOON SIGN” means a sign consisting of a bag made of lightweight material
supported by helium, hot, or pressurized air which is greater than twenty-four (24)
inches in diameter.
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“BASEMENT” means that floor of a building, or portion thereof, which is wholly or
partially, underground or below grade, except any portion or floor more than 50% above
grade is not a basement.
“BED AND BREAKFAST” means an owner occupied single family dwelling unit in
which rooms are rented on a nightly basis for a period of seven (7) or less consecutive
days by the same person. Meals may or may not be provided to residents or overnight
“BERM” means a mound or embankment of earth, usually two to six feet in height, used to
shield or buffer properties from adjoining uses, streets or noise.
“BIORETENTION BASIN” is a constructed stormwater management practice that accepts
and treats stormwater runoff through filtration and/or infiltration. The basin is not in a direct
flow path for runoff, but is sufficiently adjacent for efficient water diversion.
“BLOCK” means an area of land within a subdivision that is entirely bounded by streets, or
by streets and the exterior boundary or boundaries of the subdivision, or a combination of
the above with a river or lake.
“BLUFF” means a topographic feature such as a hill, cliff, or embankment having the
following characteristics:
A. Part or all of the feature is located in a shoreland area;
B. The slope rises at least 25 feet above the toe of bluff;
C. The grade of the slope from the toe of the bluff to a point 25 feet or
more above the toe of the bluff averages 30 percent or greater, except
that an area with an average slope of less than 18 percent over a distance of
at least 50 feet shall not be considered part of the bluff; and
D. The slope must drain toward the waterbody.
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“BLUFF IMPACT ZONE” means a bluff and land located within 20 feet of the top of a bluff.
“BLUFF, TOE OF” means the lower point of a 50-foot segment with an average slope
exceeding 18 percent or the ordinary high water level, whichever is higher.
“BLUFF, TOP OF” means for the purposes of measuring setbacks, the higher point of a
50-foot segment with an average slope exceeding 18 percent.
“BOARDING HOUSE” means any dwelling occupied in any such manner that certain
rooms in excess of those used by members of the immediate family and occupied as a
home or family unit, are leased or rented to persons outside of the family, without any
attempt to provide therein cooking or kitchen accommodations, providing that
accommodations are not provided for more than ten (10) persons.
“BOATHOUSEmeans a structure designed and used solely for the storage of boats.
See “Structure, Water-Oriented.”
“BUFFER YARDmeans a landscaped area along lot lines provided to separate and
partially obstruct the view of two (2) adjacent land uses or properties from one another. No
structures except fences shall be allowed in the buffer yard.
“BUILDABLE AREA” is the minimum contiguous area necessary for the construction
of water supply systems, sewage treatment systems, public utilities, structures and
driveways, while still providing for adequate setbacks. Except as otherwise provided,
the “Buildable Area is that area remaining on a parcel after all setback requirements,
bluffs, areas with slopes greater than 15 percent, easements and rights-of-way, historic
sites, wetlands, sensitive resource management areas, and land below the ordinary
high water level of public waters are subtracted. The “Buildable Area” may contain soils
with certain limiting characteristics such as shallow bedrock or high water table.
“BUILDABLE LOT AREA” means “Buildable Area.”
“BUILDING” means any structure, either temporary or permanent, having a roof, and
used or built for the sheltering or enclosure of any person, animal, or chattel or property
of any kind.
“BUILDING HEIGHTmeans the vertical distance measured from the average ground
level adjoining the building to the highest point of the roof surface if a flat roof, to the
deck line of mansard roofs, and to the mean height level between eaves and ridge of
gable, hip and gambrel roofs.
“BUILDING INSPECTOR” means the City of Rockville Building Inspector, or their
“BUILDING LINE” means a line parallel to a lot line or the ordinary high water level at
the required setback beyond which a structure may not extend.
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“BUILDING, PRINCIPAL” means a building or structure in which is conducted the main
or principal use of the lot on which said building or structure is situated.
BUILDING SIGN” means any sign attached or supported by any Building.
“BUSINESS” means any occupation, employment or enterprise wherein merchandise is
exhibited or sold, or where services are offered for compensation.
CABINET SIGN” means any wall sign that is not of channel or individually mounted
letter construction.
“CAMPER/TRAILER” means any vehicle designed for carrying property or passengers
on its own structure and for being drawn by a motor vehicle, or is designed to provide
temporary living quarters during recreation, camping, or travel.
“CAMPGROUND” means a development that is used for the purpose of providing sites
for non-permanent overnight use by campers using tents, trailers, recreational camping
vehicles, or other temporary shelters.
“CANOPY” means a roof-like cover, often of fabric, plastic, metal, or glass on a
support, which provides shelter over a doorway or entrance.
“CANOPY SIGN” means any sign that is part of or attached to a canopy, made of
fabric, plastic, or structural protective cover.
“CEMETERY” means a parcel or tract of land used or intended to be used for the burial
of the dead including columbarium’s, crematories, mausoleums and mortuaries when
operated within the boundaries of such cemetery.
“CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY” is a certificate issued by the Building Official in
accord with Building Code Section 109, as amended.
“CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY” means a legal graphic representation of the boundary
survey of a parcel of real property along with the description of the land and the signed
certification of a Minnesota licensed land surveyor. Unless waived by the Zoning
Administrator, a Certificate of Survey must show boundaries of all structures on the
parcel, and distance from lot lines and structures.
“CHANNEL” A natural or artificial depression of perceptible extent, with definite bed and
banks to confine and conduct water either continuously or periodically.
“CHURCH” A building and uses, where persons regularly assemble for religious
worship and which building, and uses, is maintained and controlled by a religious body
organized to sustain public worship.
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“CITY” The City of Rockville, Minnesota.
“CITY ATTORNEYThe person designated by the City Council to be the City Attorney for
“CITY COUNCIL” The Rockville City Council.
“CITY ENGINEER OR CONSULTING ENGINEER” means that professional engineer
as designated by the City Council.
“CLEAR-CUTTING” means the removal of an entire stand of vegetation.
“CLINIC, HUMAN” means a public or proprietary institution providing diagnostic,
therapeutic or preventive treatment of ambulatory human patients by one or more
“CLINIC, VETERINARY” means a public or proprietary institution providing for the
medical treatment of domestic and farm animals by one or more veterinary doctors.
“CLUSTERINGor “CLUSTERED” means a development pattern and technique
whereby structures or building sites are arranged in close proximity to one another in
non-linear groups, adjacent to permanently preserved common open space, so as to
make efficient and visually aesthetic use of the natural features of the landscape and
maximize visualization of permanently preserved open space.
“COMMERCIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS” means developments that provide
transient, short-term lodging spaces, rooms, or parcels and their operations are essentially
service-oriented. For example, hotel/motel accommodations, resorts, recreational vehicle
and camping parks, and other primarily service-oriented activities are commercial planned
unit developments.
“COMMERCIAL USEmeans the principal use of land or buildings for the sale, lease,
rental, or trade of products, goods, and services.
“COMMERCIAL WECS A WECS of equal to or greater than 40 kW in total name plate
generating capacity.
commercial wireless telecommunications services, including cellular, personal
communication services (PCS), specialized mobilized radio (SMR), enhanced
specialized mobilized radio (ESMR), paging, and similar services that are marketed to
the general public.
“COMMISSIONER” means the commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources.
“COMMON INTEREST COMMUNITY” means contiguous or noncontiguous real estate
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that is subject to an instrument which obligates persons owning a separately described
parcel of the real estate, or occupying a part of the real estate pursuant to a proprietary
lease, by reason of their ownership or occupancy, to pay for real estate taxes levied
against, insurance premiums payable with respect to, maintenance of, or construction,
maintenance, repair or replacement of improvements located on one or more parcels or
parts of the real estate other than the parcel or part that the person owns or occupies.
“COMMON OPEN SPACE” means a portion of a development site that is permanently
set aside for public or private use, is held in common ownership by all individual owners
within a development, and will not be developed. Common open space shall include
wetlands, upland recreational areas, wildlife areas, historic sites, and areas unsuitable
for development in their natural state. Common open space is not the space between
buildings of a cluster in a conservation subdivision and planned unit development, and it
does not include an area of twenty-five (25) feet around each structure or any
impervious surface.
“COMMUNITY WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS” means utilities systems serving a
group of buildings, lot, or any area of the community, with the design and construction of
such utility systems.
COMPREHENSIVE MUNICIPAL PLAN” means a compilation of the City’s policy
statements, goals, standards, and maps for guiding the physical, social and economic
development, both private and public, of the municipality and its environs, including air
space and subsurface areas necessary for mined underground space development
pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 469.135 to 469.141, and may include, but is
not limited to, the following: statements of policies, goals, standards, a land use plan,
including proposed densities for development, a community facilities plan, a
transportation plan, and recommendations for plan execution. The comprehensive
plan represents recommendations for the future development of the community.
“CONDITIONAL USE” means a land use or development as defined by ordinance that
would not be appropriate generally but may be allowed with appropriate restrictions upon a
finding that certain conditions as detailed in the zoning ordinance exist, the use or
development conforms to the comprehensive land use plan of the community, and the use
is compatible with the existing neighborhood.
“CONDOMINIUM” means a common interest community in which portions of the real
estate are designated as units and the remainder of the real estate is designated for
common ownership solely by the owners of the units. In addition, undivided interests in
the common elements are vested in the unit owners.
“CONTIGUOUS TRACT” the following rules shall apply when determining contiguous
A. Tracts that are geometrically touching at any one point are contiguous.
B. Contiguous tracts which cross political subdivision boundaries remain
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C. Tracts purchased under separate documents remain individual and
D. Except when determining lot coverage, property that would be contiguous
under these rules, but for the fact that the property is separated by a
public or private road, driveway, thruway etc., shall be deemed to be
“CONTRACTOR” General contractors and builders engaged in the construction of
buildings, either residences or commercial structures, as well as heavy construction
contractors engaged in activities such as paving, highway and utility construction.
“CONTROLLED ACCESS LOT” means a lot used to access public waters or as a
recreation area for owners of non-riparian lots within the same subdivision containing the
controlled access lot.
“CONSERVATION SUBDIVISION” is a method of subdivision characterized by
common open space and clustered compact lots, with the purpose of creating greater
community value through open space amenities for homeowners and protection of
natural resources, while allowing for the residential densities consistent with prevailing
densities. Site designs incorporate standards of low impact development, such as the
use of some single-load roadways and narrower rights-of-way, looped road-ways versus
cul-de-sacs, maximum road setbacks for structures, and preservation of trees,
shoreline, unique resources, and scenic vistas, and these developments use
Stormwater designs that emphasize on-site retention and infiltration through the
preservation of native vegetation within the shore impact zone, use of pervious
surfaces, rain gardens, and swales.
COVENANT (PROTECTIVE/RESTRICTIVE)” means contracts made between private
parties as to the manner in which land may be used, with the view to protecting and
preserving the physical and economic integrity of any given area, which are recorded in
the Office of the Stearns County Recorder. Protective covenants are enforced only by
the landowners involved and not by the City or other public agency.
“CONVENIENCE STORE” means a retail business with primary emphasis placed on
providing the public a convenient location to quickly purchase from a wide variety of
consumable products (predominantly food or food and gasoline) and services.
“CONVENTIONAL SUBDIVISION” means a pattern of subdivision development that
permits the division of land in the standard form where lots are spread evenly
throughout a parcel with little regard for natural features or common open space as
compared to a conservation subdivision where lots are clustered and common opens
space is provided.
“COOPERATIVE” means a common interest community in which the real estate is
owned by an association, each of whose members are entitled by virtue of the
member’s ownership interest in the association to a proprietary lease.
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“CORRUGATED METAL” A structural sheet metal, usually galvanized, shaped in parallel
furrows and ridges for rigidity with exposed fasteners systems.
“CRAWL SPACE” means any areas or rooms with 3.5 feet or less ceiling height
measured to the finished floor or grade below.
“CUL-DE-SAC” is a “Local Street” with only one outlet and having an appropriate
terminal for the safe and convenient reversal of traffic movement.
“DAY CARE” means the regular providing of care or supervision for pecuniary gain or
otherwise to one or more children for periods of less than twenty-four (24) hours per
day, conducted entirely within a dwelling and with the only employees being residents of
that dwelling.
DAY CARE, FAMILY” means the regular providing of care or supervision for pecuniary
gain or otherwise to one or more children for periods of less than twenty-four (24) hours
per day, conducted entirely within a dwelling and with the only employees being
residents of that dwelling.
“DECIBEL” A unit of measurement of the intensity of sound level.
“DECIDUOUS SHRUB” means a woody plant that ranges from three (3) to fifteen (15)
feet tall at maturity and often are multi-stemmed with low branching.
“DECIDUOUS TREE” means a shade producing woody plant of at least fifteen (15) feet
tall at maturity.
“DECK” means a horizontal, unenclosed platform with or without attached railings, seats,
trellises, or other features, attached or functionally related to a principal use or site and at
any point extending thirty (30) inches or more above ground.
“DEPOSITION” Any rock, soil, gravel, sand or other material deposited naturally or by man
into a waterbody, watercourse, floodplains, or wetlands.
“DESIGNATED TROUT STREAM” means officially designated trout streams
designated as such by order of the Commissioner of Natural Resources.
“DITCH” any depression two (2) feet or more below the surrounding land serving to
give direction to a current of water and having a bed and well-defined bank. A ditch is
generally not able to be plowed or tilled due to its depth or width.
“DISPLACEMENT (VIBRATION)” means displacement is the amount of motion involved in
a vibration.
“DRAINING” means the removal of surface water or ground water from land.
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“DREDGING” means to enlarge or clean out a waterbody, watercourse, or wetland.
“DUPLEX,” “TRIPLEX,” and “QUAD” means a dwelling structure on a single lot, having
two, three, and four units, respectively, attached by common walls and each unit equipped
with separate sleeping, cooking, eating, living, and sanitation facilities.
“DWELLING” means a building or portion thereof, designed or used exclusively for
residential occupancy, but not including hotels, motels, and garage space.
DWELLING, SINGLE FAMILY” means a building with a single dwelling occupied by
only one (1) family, and so designed and arranged as to provide cooking and kitchen
accommodations and sanitary facilities for only one (1) family.
“DWELLING SITEmeans a designated location for residential use by one or more
persons using temporary or movable shelter, including camping and recreational vehicle
“DWELLING, TWO FAMILY” means a building so designed and arranged to provide
cooking and kitchen accommodations and sanitary facilities for occupancy by two (2)
“DWELLING UNITmeans any structure or portion of a structure, or other shelter
designed as short- or long-term living quarters for one or more persons, including rental
or timeshare accommodations such as motel, hotel, and resort rooms and cabins.
“EASEMENTmeans a property interest or right of use over the property of another.
“ELEVATION” means the view of the side, front, or rear of a given structure(s).
ELEVATION AREA” means the area of all walls that face any lot line.
“EXTRACTIVE USE” means the use of land for surface or subsurface removal of sand,
gravel, rock, industrial minerals, other nonmetallic minerals, and peat not regulated
under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 93.44 to 93.51.
“ENCROACHMENT” means advancement beyond the usual or proper limits. When
used for determining animal feedlot setback requirements, encroachment is determined
by measuring from the closest point of the existing permitted or registered animal
“ERECT” means activity of constructing, building, raising, assembling, placing, affixing,
attaching, creating, painting, drawing or any other way of bringing into being or
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water control developments, and ponds which are installed to control soil erosion or
increase the habitat for wildlife, including but not limited to; erosion control structures,
dams, diversions, terraces, waterways, culverts, pits and ponds.
“ESSENTIAL SERVICES” means overhead or underground electric, gas,
communication, sewage, steam or water transmission or distribution systems and
structures, operated by public utilities or governmental departments or commissions or
as are required for protection of the public health, safety, or general welfare, including
towers, poles, wires, mains, drains, sewers, pipes, conduits, cables, fire alarm boxes,
police call boxes, and accessories in connection therewith, but not including buildings.
“EVENT CENTER” is a fixed facility or establishment meant solely for private banquets,
receptions, recitals and social functions. Food and beverage must brought on site or
prepared in an approved kitchen on site. No retail sale of food and beverage may
occur, except as accessory activity to the reserved event. Use shall be by reservation
only, and no reserved event may be held open to the public. Entertainment scheduled
in conjunction with the reserved events may be permitted as an accessory activity of the
use. A reception facility shall not be operated as a restaurant or liquor establishment,
and may not be used as such.
“EVERGREEN /CONIFER TREE” means an upright cone-bearing plant having green
needle-like foliage throughout the year and at least fifteen (15) feet at maturity.
“EVERGREEN/CONIFER SHRUB” means a woody plant having green needle-like
foliage throughout the year and ranging from three (3) to fifteen (15) feet tall at maturity
and often are multi-stemmed with low branching.
“EXCAVATION” means the mechanical removal of earth material below finish grade and
shall be limited to only those areas needing soil correction, and shall not include the
exporting of earth material from the site.
“EXISTING GRADE” means the grade prior to grading.
“EXPANSION” An increase in the floor or land area or volume of an existing building.
“EXTRACTIVE USE” means the use of land for surface or subsurface removal of sand,
gravel, rock, industrial minerals, other non-metallic minerals, and peat not regulated
under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 93.44 to 93.51.
“FALL ZONE” The area, defined as the furthest distance from the tower base, in which
a guyed tower will collapse in the event of a structural failure. This area is less than the
total height of the structure.
“FAMILY” mean those persons living together on the premises in a single dwelling unit
under one of the following conditions:
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1. Four (4) or fewer unrelated persons, or;
2. Any number of persons related by blood, marriage or legal
adoption, or;
3. Any number of persons related by blood, marriage or legal adoption, and
two (2) unrelated persons.
“FARM” means a tract of land, which is principally used for agricultural activities such
as the production of crops, and/or animals. A farm may include agricultural dwellings
and accessory buildings and structures necessary to the operation of the farm and must
meet the definition of Afarm@ under Minnesota’s Green Acres Law Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 273.111, as amended.
“FARMING” means the cultivating or pasturing of a parcel of land or using it for the
raising of livestock or fowl for commercial purposes.
“FEEDER LINEAny power line that carries electrical power from one (1) or more wind
turbines or individual transformers associated with individual wind turbines to the point
of interconnection with the electric power grid, in the case of interconnection with the
high voltage transmission systems the point of interconnection shall be the substation
serving the WECS.
“FEEDLOT means a lot or building or combination of lots and buildings intended for
the confined feeding, breeding, raising or holding of animals and specifically designed
as a confinement area in which manure may accumulate, or where the concentration of
animals is such that a vegetative cover cannot be maintained within the enclosure. For
purposes of this Ordinance, open lots used for the feeding and rearing of poultry
(poultry ranges) shall be considered to be animal feedlots. Pastures shall not be
considered animal feedlots. Manure storage areas off the site of the feedlot will be
considered as a feedlot for this Ordinance Minn. R. 7020.0300, Subp. 3.
“FENCE” means any lineal structure including walls, hedges or similar barriers used to
prevent access by persons or animals or acting as a visual or sound barrier.
“FENCE, AGRICULTURAL” means an artificially erected barrier, other than buildings,
vehicles or machinery, constructed of manmade material, or a combination of manmade
materials, erected to enclose an area of land used for agricultural purposes. An
agricultural fence may be constructed of barbed, electric, meshed, and/or woven wire.
Agricultural fences are only allowed in the A-40 and Rural Residential Districts.
“FENCE, COMMERCIAL” means a fence on a lot zoned for commercial or industrial
use. Commercial fences shall normally not exceed six (6) feet in height; however, a
Conditional Use Permit may be issued for a commercial/industrial fence providing it
does not exceed eight (8) feet in height and meets State Building Code requirements.
“FENCE, OPEN” means a Fence that permits fifty percent (50%) or greater visibility
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“FENCE, RESIDENTIAL” means a fence on a residential lot which shall not exceed six
(6) feet in height.
“FENCE, SOLID” means a fence that permits less than fifty percent (50%) visibility
“FILL” means a deposit of each material placed by artificial means so as to elevate the
grade of a site.
“FILLING” means the act of depositing any rock, soil, gravel, sand, or other material so as
to fill or partly fill a waterbody, watercourse, wetland, channel, natural or excavated hole,
trench, or other swell or depression in the earth.
“FISH HOUSE” means a structure set on the ice of state waters to provide shelter while
taking fish by angling as defined by Minnesota Statute 97A.015 Subd. 21, or by
“FLAG” means any fabric or similar lightweight material attached at one end of the
material, usually to a staff or pole, so as to allow movement of the material by
atmospheric changes and which contains distinctive colors, patterns, symbols,
emblems, insignia, or other symbolic devices.
“FLASHING SIGN” means a directly or indirectly illuminated sign which exhibits
changing light or color effect by any means, so as to provide intermittent illumination
which includes the illusion of intermittent flashing light by means of animation. Also any
mode of lighting which resembles zooming, twinkling, or sparkling.
“FLOOD” means a temporary rise in stream flow or stage which results in inundation of
the areas adjacent to the channel.
“FLOOD FRINGE AREA” means the portion of the flood plain outside of the floodway.
“FLOODPLAIN” means the areas adjoining a watercourse or water basin that have
been or may be covered by a regional flood.
“FLOODWAY” means the channel of the watercourse, the bed of water basins, and
those portions of the adjoining floodplains that are reasonably required to carry and
discharge floodwater and provide water storage during a regional flood.
“FLOOR AREA” means the area within the exterior walls of the main building or
structure as measured from the outside walls at the ground level, not including garages
or unenclosed porches.
“FOOT CANDLE means a unit of illumination intensity.
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“FOREST FLOOR DUFF LAYER” is all dead vegetation on the mineral soil surface in
the forest, including leaf litter, and unincorporated humus.
“FOREST LAND CONVERSION” means the clear cutting of forested lands to prepare
for a new land use other than reestablishment of a subsequent forest stand.
“FREESTANDING SIGN” means any sign which has supporting framework that is
placed on, or anchored in, the ground and which is independent from any building or
other structure.
“FREQUENCY” means the number of oscillations per second in a sound wave; an index of
the pitch of the resulting sound.
“FRONTAGE ROAD” is a street intended primarily to provide access to abutting
property and located adjacent and generally parallel to a thoroughfare to which access
is restricted.
“FUEL STORAGEmeans a tank for the storage of fuel that must be placed and
maintained above ground for personal use and not for resale and must comply with
Minnesota Pollution Control Standard (MPCA).
“GAZEBO” means a freestanding accessory structure or pavilion. Such structures are
characterized by partly open construction, design symmetry, and the use of ornamental
architectural features.
“GARAGE, COMMERCIAL” is any premises used for storing or caring for motor
vehicles, or premises where any such motor vehicles are equipped for operation, are
repaired or are kept for remuneration, for hire or for sale.
“GARAGE, PRIVATE” is an accessory building designed or used for the storage of
motor vehicles, boats, trailers, and recreational equipment owned and used by the
occupants of the building to which it is accessory.
“GASOLINE SERVICE STATION” is a building or structure designed or used for the
retail sale or supply of fuels, lubricants and other operating commodities for motor
vehicles, and including the customary space and facilities for the installation of such
commodities on or in such vehicles, but not including special facilities for the painting,
major repair or similar servicing thereof.
“GRADE” means the average elevation of the finished surface of the ground, paving or
sidewalk within 20 feet of the structure.
“GREEN SPACE” means areas of natural growth such as grass, trees, or shrubs.
Minimal landscaping may be permitted if it accents the Green Space.
GREENHOUSE” means an enclosure used for the cultivation or protection of plants.
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“GUEST COTTAGE” means a structure used as a dwelling unit that may contain
sleeping spaces and kitchen and bathroom facilities in addition to those provided in the
primary dwelling unit on a lot.
“HALF STREETmeans a street having only one-half of its intended right-of-way width
developed to accommodate traffic.
HARD SURFACED” means a surface that is improved and maintained with an asphalt
or portland cement binder material or such other surface as may be approved by the
City, to provide a durable and dust free surface.
“HARDSHIP” means the same as that term is defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section
462.357, Subdivision 6(2); or successor statutes.
“HEIGHT” is the vertical distance measured from the grade adjoining the subject,
structure (other than buildings) or improvement to the highest point of the same.
“HEIGHT OF BUILDING” means the vertical distance between the highest adjoining
ground level at the building or ten feet above the lowest adjoining ground level, whichever
is lower, and the highest point of a flat roof or average height of the highest gable of a
pitched or hipped roof.
HEIGHT OF SIGN” means the height of the sign shall be computed as the vertical
distance measured from the highest attached component of the sign to either the grade
or the top of the nearest curb of the street on which the sign fronts, whichever is
“HIGHWAY” Any public thoroughfare or vehicular right-of-way with a federal, state, or
county numerical route designation.
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“HOME EXTENDED BUSINESS” means an occupation or profession engaged in by
the occupant of a dwelling unit, within said unit or accessory structure, which involves
the storage of vehicles and equipment (as limited by this Ordinance and the conditions
established by the City Council upon the review and recommendation of the Planning
Commission); repair; service or assembly requiring equipment other than customarily
found in a home; or the storage of stock in trade incidental to the performance of a
service. The proposed activity shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the
residential use of the premise, and shall only include the sale of merchandise incidental
to the Home Extended Business.
“HOME OCCUPATION” means any occupation or profession engaged in by the
occupant of a dwelling, which is clearly secondary to the principal use, when carried on
within the dwelling unit and not in any accessory building, and which shows no activity
other than activity normally present in a residential dwelling unit.
“HOOP STRUCTURE” is a structure with a membrane, fabric or similar roof and/or
walls. Said structure shall be anchored in place, will be considered as another building,
will be required to go through the same procedure as accessory buildings, and must
meet setback requirements. If permanent it needs to be certified and meet wind and
snow-load requirements.
“HYDRIC SOILSis soils that are saturated, flooded or ponded long enough during the
growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part.
“HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION” Macrophytic plant life growing in water, soil or on
substrata that is at least periodically deficient in oxygen as a result of excessive water
“ILLUMINATED SIGN” means any sign which contains an element designed to
emanate artificial light internally or externally.
“IMPERVIOUS SURFACE” means a constructed hard surface that prevents or retards
entry of water into the soil and causes water to run off the surface in greater quantities
and at an increased rate of flow than prior to development, including rooftops; decks;
sidewalks; patios; swimming pools; parking lots; concrete, asphalt, or gravel driveways;
and other similar surfaces, but not including decks or platforms where at least ¼ inch
gaps are provided between deck boards that allows for water to drain/infiltrate.
“INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM” shall have the meaning given in
Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7080.0020, Subpart 21; or successor rules.
“INDUSTRIAL USE” means the use of land or buildings for the production, manufacture,
warehousing, storage, or transfer of goods, products, commodities, or other wholesale
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“INDUSTRY” An enterprise that involves the production, processing, or storage of
materials, goods or products.
“INFILTRATION TRENCH” means a type of best management practice (BMP) that is
used to manage stormwater runoff, prevent flooding and downstream erosion and
improve water. It is a shallow excavated trench filled with gravel or crushed stone that is
designed to infiltrate stormwater though permeable soils into the groundwater aquifer.
“INTENSIVE VEGETATION CLEARING” means the complete removal of trees or shrubs
in a contiguous patch, strip, row, or block.
“INTERIOR SIGN” means a sign which is located within the interior of any building, or
within an enclosed lobby or court of any building, and a sign for and located within the
inner or outer body, court or entrance of any theater.
“INTERSTATE 94 CORRIDOR” means Interstate 94 East and West of Highway 23
abutting Rockville city limits.
“JUNK YARD” means an open area where waste, used, or second hand materials are
bought, sold, exchanged, stored, baled, packed, disassembled or handled, including but
not limited to, scrap iron and other metals, paper, rags, rubber, tires, and bottles. A junk
yard includes an auto wrecking yard but does not include uses established entirely within
enclosed buildings. This definition does not include sanitary landfills.
“KENNEL, COMMERCIAL” means a structure, building or fenced area whose principal
purpose is to house or confine three (3) or more domestic animals.
“KENNEL, PRIVATE” means any premise or fenced area whose principal purpose is to
house or confine two (2) or less domestic animals over six (6) months of age owned by
the residents of the principal structure.
“LAND USE PLAN” means a compilation of policy statements, goals, standards, and
maps, and action programs for guiding the future development of private and public
property. The term includes a plan designating types of uses for the entire municipality
as well as a specialized plan showing specific areas or specific types of land uses, such
as residential, commercial, industrial, public or semipublic uses or any combination of
such uses. A land use plan may also include the proposed densities for development.
“LANDFILL” means a type of operation in which earth is deposited in alternate layers of
specified depth in accordance with a definite plan on a specified portion of open land, with
each layer being compacted by force applied by mechanical equipment.
“LANDSCAPED AREA” means the area within the boundaries of a given lot consisting
primarily of plant material, including but not limited to grass, trees, shrubs, flowers,
vines, ground cover and other organic plant materials. Inorganic materials, such as
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brick, stone, or aggregate.
support structure lawfully erected prior to April 16, 2003 which fails to conform to the
requirements of this ordinance. A sign which was erected in accordance with a variance
granted prior to the adoption of this ordinance and which does not comply with this
ordinance shall be deemed to be a legal nonconforming sign. A sign which was
unlawfully erected shall be deemed to be an illegal sign.
“LOADING SPACE (OFF-STREET)” means a formally delineated space, area, or berth on
the same lot with a building, or contiguous to a group of buildings, for the temporary parking
of a vehicle or truck while loading or unloading merchandise or materials.
“LOT” means a parcel of land designated by plat, metes and bounds, registered land
survey, auditors plot, or other accepted means and separated from other parcels or
portions by said description for the purpose of sale, lease, or separation.
“LOT AREA” means “parcel area.”
“LOT, CORNER” is a parcel situated at the junction of two (2) or more intersecting
streets, or a parcel at the point of deflection in alignment of a single street, the interior
angle of which is one hundred thirty-five (135) degrees or less.
“LOT COVERAGE” means the part of percentage of the parcel covered by impervious
“LOT FRONTAGE” means the width of the front of a lot or building site measured on
the line separating it from the public street or way. The front line of corner lots shall be
considered the shortest street line. The front of a lot shall be that boundary abutting a
public right–of-way having the least width. If no public right-of-way exists, the boundary
abutting a private right-of-way leading to a public right-of-way shall be used to
determine lot frontage.
“LOT LINEis a property boundary line of any parcel held in single or separate
ownership, except that where any portion of the lot extends into the abutting street or
alley, the lot line shall be deemed to be the edge of the street or alley right-of-way.
“LOT LINE FRONT” means that boundary of a lot which abuts an exiting or dedicated
public street. Riparian lot line front is the lake side.
“LOT OF RECORD” is a parcel which is part of a subdivision, the map of which has
been recorded in the office of the Stearns County Recorder or a parcel described by
metes and bounds, the deed to which has been recorded in the office of the Stearns
County Recorder prior to April 16, 2003 and which has an individual tax parcel
identification number and which was a legally buildable lot as of May 6
, 2003.
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“LOT WIDTH” means the minimum distance between:
A. Side lot lines measured at the midpoint of the building line; and
B. Side lot lines at the ordinary high water level, if applicable.
“LOWEST FLOOR” means the lowermost floor of the lowest enclosed area, including
basement and crawl space. An unfinished or flood resistant enclosure, used solely for
parking of vehicles, building access, or storage in an area other than a basement or
crawl space area, is not considered a building’s lowest floor.
“MAJOR SUBDIVISION” means any division of a parcel of land involving the
establishment of three or more lots.
“MANUFACTURED HOME” shall have the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes,
section 327.31, subdivision 6; or successor statutes.
“MANUFACTURED HOME PARK” means any site, lot, field or tract of land upon which
two (2) or more occupied manufactured homes are located, either free of charge or for
compensation, and includes any building, structure, tent, vehicle or enclosure used or
intended for use as part of the equipment of the manufactured home park.
“MARINA” means either an island or offshore commercial mooring facility for the
concentrated mooring of seven or more watercraft or seaplanes wherein commercial
ancillary services common to marinas are provided.
“MARQUEE” means any permanent roof-like structure projecting beyond a building or
extending along and projecting beyond the wall of that building, generally designed and
constructed to provide protection from the weather.
MARQUEE SIGN” means any building sign painted, mounted, constructed or attached
in any manner, on a marquee.
“METALLIC MINERALS AND PEAT” has the meaning given under Minnesota Statutes,
Sections 93.44 to 93.51.
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“METEOROLOGICAL TOWER” For the purposes of this Chapter, meteorological
towers are those towers which are erected primarily to measure wind speed and
directions plus other data relevant to siting WECS. Meteorological towers do not include
towers and equipment used by airports, the Minnesota Department of Transportation, or
other similar applications to monitor weather conditions.
“METES AND BOUNDSmeans a description of real property which is not described
by reference to a lot or block shown on a map or a recorded plat, but is described by
starting at a known point and describing the direction and length of the lines forming the
boundaries of the property.
“MINERALS” means soil, clay, stone, sand and gravel and other similar solid material
or substance to be mined from natural deposits.
“MINING” means any Extractive Use as defined by this Ordinance.
“MINIMUM STREET LANDSCAPING” means the minimum landscaped area which
must be provided in a front yard, expressed as a percent of the total area contained
within that yard.
“MODEL HOME” is a home which is similar to others in a development and which is open
to public inspection for the purpose of selling said other homes.
“MONUMENT SIGN” means any freestanding sign with its sign face mounted on the
ground or mounted on a base at least as wide as the sign.
“MOTEL/HOTEL” is a business comprising a series of attached, semi-detached or
detached rental units with or without eating facilities for the overnight accommodation of
transient guests and travelers.
“MPCA” means the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
“MULTIPLE TENANT SITE” means any site which has more than one (1) tenant, and
each tenant has a separate ground level exterior public entrance.
“NATURALDRAINAGE SYSTEM” all land surface areas which by nature of their contour
configuration, collect, store and channel surface water runoff.
“NONCOMMERCIAL SPEECH” means dissemination of messages not classified as
Commercial Speech which include, but are not limited to, messages concerning
political, religious, social, ideological, public service and informational topics.
“NON-COMMERCIAL WECSA WECS of less than 40 kW in total name plate
generating capacity.
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“NONCONFROMING LOT” means a lot that does not comply with the minimum lot area or
frontage requirements of the district in which it is located.
“NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE” means a structure which, although it conformed
to the legal requirements at the time of its construction, no longer conforms to the
requirements of this Ordinance (including but not limited to characteristics such as
setbacks, building height, or lot coverage).
“NONCONFORMING USEmeans any use of land or a structure that was legally
established, which use is no longer permitted within that particular zoning district.
“NOXIOUS MATTER OR MATERIAL” is material capable of causing injury to living or
capable of causing detrimental effects on the physical or economic well being of
“NURSERY, RETAIL” is a parcel that is principally used for the planting and growing of
trees, flowering and decorative plants and shrubs for experimental purposes or for
transplanting, and which provides for retail sales.
“NURSERY, WHOLESALE” is a parcel that is principally used for the planting and
growing of trees, flowering and decorative plants and shrubs for experimental purposes
or for transplanting and sale at wholesale. Wholesale nurseries may not conduct on-
premises retail sales.
“OCCUPANCY” The purpose for which a building is used or intended to be used. The
term shall also include the building or room housing such use. Change of occupancy is
not intended to include change of tenants or proprietors.
“OFF-PREMISE SIGN” means a sign which directs the attention of the public to a
business, activity conducted, or product sold or offered at a location not on the same lot
where such sign is located. For purposes of this sign ordinance, easements and other
appurtenances shall be considered to be outside such lot and any sign located or
proposed to be located in an easement or other appurtenance shall be considered an
off-premise sign.
“OFFICIAL CONTROLS” are the Ordinances and regulations which control the
physical development of the City.
“OFFICIAL MAP” means a map adopted in accordance with Minnesota Statues
Section 462.359 which may show existing and proposed future streets, roads, and
highways of the municipality and county, the area needed for widening of existing
streets, roads, and highways of the municipality and county, existing and proposed air
space and subsurface areas necessary for mined underground space development
pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 469.135 to 469.141, and existing and future
county state aid highways and state trunk highway rights-of-way.
ON-PREMISE MESSAGE” means identify or advertise an establishment, person,
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activity, goods, products or services located on the premises where the sign is installed.
“OPEN SPACES” means an area of natural growth without any improvements, other
than essential services that cannot be located elsewhere.
“ORDINARY HIGH WATER LEVEL” means the boundary of public waters and wetlands,
and shall be an elevation delineating the highest water level which has been maintained for
a sufficient period of time to leave evidence upon the landscape, commonly that point
where the natural vegetation changes from predominantly aquatic to predominantly
terrestrial. For watercourses, the ordinary high water level is the elevation of the top of the
bank of the channel. For reservoirs and flowages, the ordinary high water level is the
operating elevation of the normal summer pool.
“OUTLOT” is a parcel of land, included in a plat, which is smaller than the minimum size
permitted for lots and which is thereby declared unbuildable until combined through platting
with additional land; or, a parcel of land which is included in a plat and which is at least
double the minimum size and which is thereby subject to future platting prior to
development; or a parcel of land which is included in a plat and which is designated for
public or private open space, right-of-way, utilities or other similar purposes.
“OWNER” means any individual, firm, association, syndicate, partnership, corporation,
trust or other legal entity having sufficient property interest in a property to commence and
maintain proceedings under this Ordinance, or the owner of record.
“PARCEL” is an area of land designated by metes and bounds, registered land survey,
plat or other accepted means, and separated from other parcels or portions by said
description for the purpose of sale, lease, or separation thereof. “Parcel” may be used
in the singular to identify a group of parcels which are being treated a single area of
land separate from that area not in the group.
“PARCEL AREA” means the area of a horizontal plane within the boundaries of the
“PARKING AREA” means an area subject to vehicular traffic, including but not limited
to access-ways, driveways, loading areas, service areas and parking stalls for all types
of vehicles. This definition shall not apply to covered parking structures, underground
parking lots or public streets.
“PARKING SPACEmeans an enclosed or unenclosed area of not less than two
hundred (200) (10x20) square feet, with adequate access drives to streets, but
exclusive of the access or maneuvering areas, to be used exclusively as a temporary
storage space for one (1) motor vehicle and which has a surface constructed of asphalt,
concrete or a similar permanent hard surface.
“PASTURES” are the areas where grass or other growing plants are used for grazing
and where the concentration of animals is such that a vegetative cover is maintained
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during the growing season except in the immediate vicinity of temporary supplemental
feeding or watering devices.
“PATIO” means an open recreation area that is often paved and within one (1) foot of
pre-existing grade. A patio may not have attached railings, trellises, seats, or other
features that extend more than one (1) foot above pre-existing or natural grade.
“PEDESTRIAN AND/OR BICYCLE TRAIL” an easement or land dedication given to
the City for the purpose of providing walking and/or bicycling areas to City residents.
The trails shall provide recreational opportunity and also access to parks, natural areas,
and public land in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan.
“PEDESTRIAN WAY” means a public or private right-of-way across private or public
property to provide access to be used by pedestrians and which may also be used for
the installation of utility lines.
“PERFORMANCE STANDARD” A criterion established for, but not limited to, setbacks,
fencing, landscaping, screening, drainage, accessory buildings, outside storage, off-
street parking, and to control noise, odor, toxic or noxious matter, vibration, fire and
explosive hazards, or glare or heat or other nuisance elements generated by or inherent
in use of land or buildings.
“PERSON” means any individual, corporation, firm, partnership, association,
organization or other group acting as a unit. It also includes any executor,
administrator, trustee, receiver or other representative appointed by law. Whenever the
word person is used in any section prescribing a penalty or fine, it shall include the
partners or members of any corporation, who are responsible for the violation.
“PLAN, CONCEPTis a sketch, preparatory to a formal request for the subdivision of
land, to enable the subdivider to communicate its plans with an intent to save time and
expense in reaching consensus with planning entities. The concept plan must be drawn
to scale and should show all existing buildings and site improvements. It should be
informative as to the general lot layout and approximate sizes, park location, and street
“PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT” means a type of development characterized by a
unified site design for a number of dwelling units or dwelling sites on a parcel, whether for
sale, rent, or lease, and also usually involving clustering of these units or sites to provide
areas of common open space, density increases, and a mix of structure types and land
uses. These developments may be organized and operated as condominiums, time-share
condominiums, cooperatives, full fee ownership, commercial enterprises, or any
combination of these, or cluster subdivisions of dwelling units, residential condominiums,
townhouses, apartment buildings, dwelling grounds, recreational vehicle parks, resorts,
hotels, motels, and conversions of structures and land uses to these uses.
“PLANNING COMMISSION” means the Planning Commission of the City of Rockville.
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“PLAT” is the drawing or map of a subdivision prepared for filing of record pursuant to
Minn. Statutes Chapter 505 and containing all elements and requirements set forth in
regulations adopted pursuant to Minn. Statute Section 462.358 and Chapter 505.
“PLAT, FINAL” is a drawing or map of a subdivision meeting all the requirements of the
City and in such form as required by the County for purposes of recording.
“PLATFORM” means a horizontal, unenclosed structure with or without attached
railings, seats, trellises, or other features, attached or functionally related to a principal
use or site and at any point extending less than thirty (30) inches above ground.
“PLAT, PRELIMINARY” is the preliminary map, drawing or chart indicating the
proposed layout of the subdivision to be submitted to the Planning Commission for its
“POLE BUILDING” Any structure possessing the following characteristics: structural wood
poles or timbers buried in ground on individual footings, metal wall coverings hung vertically
of less than twenty-eight (28) gauge; or any structure constructed using post-frame design.
“POLE SIGN” See Pylon Sign.
PORTABLE SIGN” means any sign which is manifestly designed to be transported,
including by trailer or on its own wheels, even though the wheels of such sign may be
removed and the remaining chassis or support is converted to another sign or attached
temporarily or permanently to the ground since this characteristic is based on the design
of such a sign.
“PREMISESmeans a lot or plot with the required front, side and rear yards for a dwelling,
structure, or other use as allowed under this Ordinance.
“PRINCIPAL BUILDINGA building or group of buildings which are permanently
affixed to the land and which are built, used, designed or intended for the shelter or
enclosure of the principal use on the property.”
“PRINCIPAL USE” The primary or predominant use of any land and/or buildings and
the main purpose for which the land and/or buildings exist.
“PROJECTING SIGN” means any sign which is affixed to a building or wall in such a
manner that its leading edge extends more than two (2) feet beyond the surface or such
building or wall face.
“PROPERTY LINE” The boundary line of the area over which the entity applying for a
WECS permit has legal control for the purposes of installation of a WECS. This control
may be attained through fee title ownership, easement, or other appropriate contractual
relationship between the project developer and landowner.
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“PROTECTIVE COVENANTS” are contracts made between private parties as to the
manner in which land may be used or developed, with the view to protect and preserve
the physical, social and economic integrity of any given area
“PUBLIC WATERCRAFT ACCESS” in this Section means an area set aside and
managed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources as a free and adequate
access site to public water resources for all citizens of Minnesota for recreational
opportunities per MN Statute 86A.
“PUBLIC CONSERVATION LANDS” Land owned in fee title by State or Federal
agencies and managed specifically for conservation purposes, including but not limited
to State Wildlife Management Areas, State Parks, State Scientific and Natural Areas,
Federal Wildlife Refuges and Waterfowl Production Areas. For the purposes of this
Chapter, public conservation lands will also include lands owned in fee title by non-profit
conservation organizations. Public conservation lands do not include private lands upon
which conservation easements have been sold to public agencies or non-profit
conservation organizations.
“PUBLIC NOTICES” means official notices posted by public officers, employees or
their agents in the performance of their duties, or as directed by such officers,
employees or agents.
“PUBLIC UTILITY” means entities supplying gas, electric, transportation, sewer, water
or land line telephone service to the general public, not including commercial wireless
telecommunication service facilities.
PUBLIC STREET RIGHT OF WAY” means the entire right of way of any public street.
“PUBLIC WATERS means any water as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section
103G.005, Subd. 15, 15a. as amended.
“PYLON SIGN” means any freestanding sign which has its supportive structure(s)
anchored in the ground and which has a sign face elevated above ground level by
pole(s) or beam(s) and with the area below the sign face open.
“RAIN BARRELS/RAINWATER TANK” is a water tank which is used to collect and
store rain water runoff, typically from rooftops via rain gutters. Rainwater tanks are
devices for collecting and maintaining harvested rain.
“RAIN GARDENS” means a depressed area landscaped with perennial native plant
materials designed to provide natural filtration of runoff.
“RECREATION, COMMERCIAL” are all uses relating to outdoor recreation uses such
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as campgrounds, hunting & shooting camps, shooting ranges, driving ranges, golf
courses that are privately owned and operated with the intention of earning a profit by
providing entertainment for the public. The definition does not include movie theaters,
bowling alleys or lodging facilities that are unrelated to an outdoor recreational activity.
“RECREATION, PUBLIC” are uses such as tennis courts, ball fields, picnic areas, and
the like that are commonly provided for the public at parks, playgrounds, community
centers, and other sites owned and operated by a unit of government for the purpose of
providing recreation.
“RECREATIONAL VEHICLE” means a vehicle used to provide temporary living
quarters including, but not limited to: motorhomes, travel trailers, campers, camping
trailers, popups, or watercraft.
“REGIONAL FLOOD” is a flood that is representative of large floods known to have
occurred generally in the state and reasonably characteristic of what can be expected to
occur on an average frequency in the magnitude of a 100-year recurrence interval.
“REFUSE” Waste products which are composed wholly or partly of such materials as
garbage, sweepings, swill, cleanings, trash, rubbish, litter, industrial solid wastes or
domestic solid wastes; organic wastes or residue of animals, fruit, or other vegetable or
animal matter from kitchen, dining room, market, food establishment or any place
dealing or handling meat, fowl, fruit, grain or vegetables; offal, animal excreta, or the
carcass of animals; tree or shrub trimmings, or grass clippings; brick, plaster, wood,
metal, roofing materials, pipe or other waste matter resulting from the demolition,
alteration or construction of buildings or structures; accumulated waste materials, cans,
used containers, boxes and packing materials, junk vehicles, ashes, tires, junk,
Christmas trees, rocks, sod, dirt, glass, jars, bottles, auto parts, cement brick, leaves,
burn barrels, household appliances, furniture, toys, floor coverings, fabric, drain oil,
solvents and fluids, or other such substances which may become a nuisance.
“RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT” means any district zoned for residential uses.
“RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT” means a use where the nature of
residency is nontransient and the major or primary focus of the development is not service-
oriented. For example, residential apartments, manufactured home parks, time-share
condominiums, townhouses, cooperatives, and full fee ownership residences would be
considered as residential planned unit developments.
“RESORThas the meaning in Minnesota Statute, Section 103F.227.
“RETAINING WALL” is a wall or terraced combination of walls used to provide barrier
or restrain lateral forces of soil or other material and not used to support, provide a
foundation for, or provide a wall for a building or structure.
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“REZONING” means changing any parcel or parcels from one zoning district to another
through procedures established by this Ordinance.
“RIGHT-OF-WAY” means the land which, by public or private easement or other
property interest, is dedicated for use by the public as a street. May also apply to other
property interests for ingress and egress, such as alleys, trails, or walkways, as
“RIPARIAN” means land that abuts the bank of a stream, river, lake, wetland, or
other natural watercourse.
“RIPARIAN BACK YARD” means land that abuts a public right-of-way affording
primary access by pedestrians and vehicles to abutting properties, whether
designated as a street, highway, thoroughfare, parkway, throughway, road,
avenue, boulevard, land, place or however otherwise designated.
“RIPARIAN FRONT YARD” means land that abuts the bank of a stream, river,
lake, wetland, or other natural watercourse.
“ROAD” means a public right-of-way affording primary access by pedestrians and
vehicles to abutting properties, whether designated as a street, highway, thoroughfare,
parkway, throughway, road, avenue, boulevard, land, place or however otherwise
designated. Ingress and egress easements shall not be considered roads.
ROOF” means the exterior surface and it supporting structure on the top of a building
or structure. The structural make-up of which conforms to the roof structures, roof
construction and roof covering sections of the Uniform Building Code.
ROOF LINE” means the upper-most edge of the roof or in the case of an extended
facade or parapet, the upper-most height of said facade.
ROOF SIGN” means any sign erected and constructed wholly on and above the roof of
a building, supported by the roof structure, and extending vertically above the highest
portion of the roof.
ROOF SIGN, INTEGRAL” means any building sign erected or constructed as an
integral or essentially integral part of a normal roof structure of any design, so that no
part of the sign extends vertically above the highest portion of the roof and so that no
part of the sign is separated from the rest of the roof by a space of more than six (6)
ROTATING SIGN” means a sign or portion of a sign which turns about on an axis.
“ROTOR DIAMETER” The diameter of the circle described by the moving rotor blades.
“SAND BLANKET” means a placement of sand above the Ordinary High Water Level.
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“SCHOOL” means an accredited learning institution which provides primary or
secondary instruction. “Schools” does not include home schools.
“SECONDARY SHORELINE BUFFER ZONE” means the land located between the
shore impact zone and the structure setback.
“SELECTIVE CUTTING” means the removal of individual or small groups of trees and
“SEMI-PUBLIC USEmeans the use of land by a private, nonprofit organization to
provide a public service that is ordinarily open to some persons outside the regular
constituency of the organization.
“SENSITIVE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT” means the preservation and management
of areas unsuitable for development in their natural state due to constraints such as
shallow soils over groundwater or bedrock, highly erosive or expansive soils, steep
slopes, susceptibility to flooding, or occurrence of flora or fauna in need of special
“SETBACK” means the minimum horizontal distance between a structure, sewage
treatment system, or other facility and an ordinary high water level, sewage treatment
system, top of a bluff, road, highway, property line, or other facility.
“SEWAGE” means any water-carried domestic waste, exclusive of footings and roof
drainage, from any industrial, agricultural, or commercial establishment, or any dwelling
or any other structure. Domestic waste includes liquid waste produced by toilets,
bathing, laundry, culinary operations, and the floor drains associated with these
sources, and specifically excludes animal waste and commercial or industrial
“SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM” has the meaning given under Minnesota Rules, part
7080.1100, Subp. 82.
exceeding the site requirements of Minnesota Pollution Control Agency individual
sewage treatment system rules, Chapter 7080, for the purpose of soil treatment or
drainfield areas and future additional sites.
“SEWER SYSTEM” means pipelines or conduits, pumping stations, and force main,
and all other construction, devices, appliances, or appurtenances used for conducting
sewage or industrial waste or other wastes to a point of ultimate disposal.
“SEWERED LAKES, RIVERS AND STREAMS” means shoreland areas that are
serviced by a publicly owned sewer system.
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“SHARED-INTEREST COMMUNITY” Real estate that is subject to an instrument which
obligates persons owning a separately described parcel of the real estate and
occupying a part of the real estate pursuant to a proprietary lease or covenant for
residential use for more than thirty (30) days within a year, by reason of their ownership
or occupancy, to pay for real estate taxes levied against insurance premiums payable
with respect to, maintenance of , or construction, maintenance, repair or replacement of
improvements located on one or more parcels or parts of the real estate other than the
parcel or part that the person owns or occupies.
“SHIMMERING SIGNS” means a sign which reflects an oscillating sometimes distorted
visual image.
“SHORE IMPACT ZONE” means land located between the ordinary high water level of
a public water and a line parallel to it at a setback of fifty (50) percent of the structure
setback, but not less than fifty (50) feet. This area serves as the primary shoreline
“SHORELAND” means land located within the following distances from public waters:
A. 1,000 feet from the ordinary high water level of a lake, pond, or flowage; and
B. 300 feet from a river or stream, or the landward extent of a floodplain designated
by ordinance on a river or stream, whichever is greater.
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“SHORELINE BUFFER” means a method of filtering stormwater runoff consisting of
natural native plants immediately adjacent to the shoreline. Refer to Ord. 2008-51,
subd. 13(d)(4).
“SHORELINE RECREATION AREA” is an area of open space or park type facilities for
recreational uses located in the shoreland with common ownership of a common-
interest community or a resort.
“SHORE RECREATION FACILITIES” means swimming areas, docks, watercraft mooring
areas, and launching ramps and other water recreation facilities.
“SHORT-TERM RENTAL UNIT” means a dwelling unit offered for trade or sale,
whether for money or exchange of goods or services, for periods of less than 31
consecutive days.
“SIDEWALK” is a “Pedestrian Way” primarily designed to move pedestrian traffic off of
a street.
“SIGN” is a name, identification, description, display, illustration or device which is
affixed to, painted, or represented directly or indirectly upon a building, structure, land,
rock, pole, fence or tree and which directs activity, or which is displayed for
informational purposes about a person, institution, organization or business and is
visible to the general public.
“SIGN, BILLBOARD” is a sign which directs attention to a business, commodity,
service or entertainment not exclusively related to the premises where such a sign is
located or to which it is affixed.
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SIGN, FACE” means the surface of the sign upon, against, or through which the
message of the sign is exhibited.
“SIGN, FREESTANDING” is a sign which is not attached to a building but is
permanently attached to the ground.
“SIGN, STRUCTURE” means any structure including the supports, uprights, bracing
and framework which supports or is capable of supporting any sign.
“SIGN, TEMPORARY” means any sign, including without limitation, banners, pennants
and private flags that is intended to be transportable or moveable, whether fixed or not
to the ground or a structure.
“SIGN, WALL” means a Sign painted on or placed against or attached to the exterior
wall surface of a building or structure.
“SIGNIFICANT HISTORIC SITE” means any archaeological site, standing structure, or
other property that meets the criteria for eligibility to the National Register of Historic
Places or is listed in the State Register of Historic Sites, or is determined to be an
unplatted cemetery that falls under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, section
307.08. A historic site meets these criteria if it is presently listed on either register or if it
is determined to meet the qualifications for listing after review by the Minnesota state
archaeologist or the director of the Minnesota Historical Society. All unplatted
cemeteries are automatically considered to be significant historic sites.
“SITE” means a lot or combination of contiguous lots which are intended, designated,
and/or approved to function as an integrated unit.
“SITE MAP” means a map showing existing conditions including all platted parcels,
streets, right-of-ways, easements and any predominant topography or natural features
such as lakes and wooded areas.
“SITE PLAN” means an illustration showing the existing conditions of the entire parcel,
including the dimensions of the parcel, easements on or adjacent to the parcel, right-of-
way on or adjacent to the parcel and any predominant topography platted parcels,
streets, right-of-ways, easements and any predominant topography or natural features
such as lakes and wooded areas.
“SLOPE” The degree of deviation of a surface from the horizontal, usually, expressed in
percent of degrees.
“SOIL” means the surface layer of earth, supporting plant life, land, country [native soil]
and ground or earth. See Stearns County Soil Survey.
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“STEEP SLOPE” means lands having average slopes over 12 percent, as measured over
horizontal distances of 50 feet or more, which are not bluffs.
“STREETmeans a public or private right-of-way affording primary access by
pedestrians and/or vehicles to abutting properties, whether designated as a street,
highway, thoroughfare, parkway, throughway, road, avenue, boulevard, land, place or
however otherwise designated.
“STREET, ARTERIAL” means a street that provides traffic movement to and from the
City and surrounding rural areas and cities, to and from regional highways and collector
streets, and between major parts of the City.
“STREET CENTER LINE” means the line running parallel and between the boundaries
of the traveled portion or, alternatively, the right-of-way, of a street.
“STREET, COLLECTOR” means a street that carries traffic from the arterial systems to
local street destinations. Provides traffic circulation within neighborhoods and within
commercial and industrial areas.
“STREET GRADEmeans the distance vertically (up or down) from the horizontal for
each one hundred feet of horizontal distance, as measured along the centerline of the
“STREET FRONTAGE” means “Lot Frontage.”
“STREET, FRONTAGE” means “Frontage Road.”
“STREET, LOCAL” means a street that serves to provide direct access to abutting
properties. Through traffic is discouraged.
“STREET YARD” means “Lot Frontage.”
“STRINGER” means a line of string, rope, cording, or an equivalent to which is
attached a number of pennants, signs or other items intended to communicate a
message or draw attention to a property.
“STRUCTURE” means any building or appurtenance, including decks, platforms,
carports, and roof overhangs, except aerial or underground utility lines, such as sewer,
electric, telephone, telegraph, gas lines, towers, poles, and other supporting facilities.
“STRUCTURE, ACCESSORY” means any building or improvement occupied by or
installed for an “Accessory Use.”
“STRUCTURAL ALTERATION” means any change in a building or structure affecting
its supporting members, including but not limited to bearing walls or partitions, beams,
girders, roof, and all exterior walls.
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“STRUCTURE, PRINCIPAL” means any building or improvement occupied by or
installed for a “Principal Use.”
“STRUCTURE, WATER ORIENTED” means a small, above ground building or other
improvement, except stairways, fences, docks and retaining walls which, because of the
relationship of its use to a surface water feature, reasonably needs to be located closer
to public waters than the normal structure setback. Examples of such structures and
facilities include utility storage buildings, gazebos, screen houses, fish houses, pump
houses and detached decks.
“SUBDIVISIONmeans land that is divided for the purpose of sale, rent, or lease, including
planned unit developments.
“SUBDIVISION, MINOR” means the division of a tract of land into two or three lots or
the relocation of the boundary between two abutting metes and bounds parcels of
property provided such relocation shall not cause the creation of an additional parcel or
parcels and the resulting parcels comply with all lot dimensional standards.
“SUBSTATIONS” Any electrical facility designed to convert electricity produced by
wind turbines to a voltage greater than 35,000 volts (35 KV) for interconnection with
high voltage transmission lines shall be located outside of the road right of way.
“SUITABILITY ANALYSIS” means an evaluation of land to determine if it is appropriate for
the proposed use. The analysis considers factors relevant to the proposed use and may
include the following features: susceptibility to flooding; existence of wetlands; soils,
erosion potential; slope steepness; water supply, sewage treatment capabilities; water
depth, depth to groundwater and bedrock, vegetation, near-shore aquatic conditions
unsuitable for water-based recreation; fish and wildlife habitat; presence of significant
historic sites; or any other relevant feature of the natural land.
“SUSPENDED SIGN” means any building sign that is suspended from the underside of
a horizontal plane surface and is connected to this surface.
“TILLABLE LAND” Any land capable of producing small grains, row crops or may with
normal tillage practices, woodland excluded.
“TOE OF THE BLUFF” means the lower point of a bluff.
“TOP OF THE BLUFF” means the higher point of a bluff.
“TOTAL HEIGHT” The highest point, above ground level, reached by a rotor tip or any
other part of the WECS.
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“TOTAL SITE SIGNAGE” means the maximum permitted combined area of all
freestanding and wall identification signs allowed on a specific property.
“TOWER” means any free-standing ground or roof-mounted pole, spire, structure or
combination of them taller than fifteen (15) feet, including supporting lines, cables,
wires, braces and masks, not wholly contained within a building or other structure and
intended primarily for the mounting of an antenna, meteorologic device, rotor blades or
similar apparatus above grade.
“TOWER, COMMERCIAL” means a Tower designed or used for Commercial Wireless
Telecommunications Services, public radio transmission or commercial television
“TOWER, MULTI-USER” means a “Tower” with antennas of more than one
Commercial Wireless Telecommunications Service provider or governmental entity
“TOWER, SINGLE-USER” means a “Tower” with only the antennas of a single user
attached, although the Tower may be designed to accommodate antennas of multiple
users as required by this Ordinance.
“TOWNHOUSEmeans a single family dwelling utilizing a cluster or row arrangement
where each dwelling unit has its own private entrance, and may have one or more
common walls. Townhouse may be located so that all dwelling units are on the same
lot or so that each dwelling unit has its own lot. Row houses and patio homes are types
of townhouses.
“TRAIL” is a “Pedestrian Way” primarily designed to connect two parks, open spaces,
recreation areas or commercial centers, or combinations thereof.
“TRANSMISSION LINE” Those electrical power lines that carry voltages of at least
69,000 volts (69 KV) and are primarily used to carry electric energy over medium to long
distances rather than directly interconnecting and supplying electric energy to retail
“UNSEWERED” means land, usually shoreland that are not serviced by a sanitary
sewer system.
“USE” means the purpose for which land or buildings thereon are designed, arranged,
or intended to be occupied or used, or for which they are occupied or maintained.
“USE, ACCESSORY” is a use on the same lot with, and of a nature customarily
incidental, auxiliary and subordinate to, the principal use.
“USE, AGRICULTURAL” includes the following activities and uses: farming, wind
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farming, dairying, pasturage, agriculture, horticulture, floriculture and animal and poultry
husbandry; provided that the use is not otherwise excluded by the ordinance.
“Agriculture” also includes the necessary accessory uses for packing, treating or storing
the produce; provided, however, that the operation of any such accessory use shall be
secondary to that of the normal agricultural activities.
“USE, COMMERCIAL” means the use of land or buildings for the sale, lease, rental, or
trade of products, goods, and services.
“USE, CONDITIONAL” is a use which, because of unique characteristics, cannot be
classified as a permitted use in any particular district. After due consideration, in each
case, of the impact of such use upon neighboring land and of the public desirability for
the particular use at the particular location a Conditional Use Permit allowing the use
may be granted.
“USE, EXTRACTIVEis the use of land for surface or subsurface removal of sand,
gravel, rock, industrial minerals, other nonmetallic minerals, and peat. Extractive Use
also includes, without limitation, mining of granite and the mining, crushing, washing,
refining or processing of sand, gravel, rock, black dirt, peat, soil and other minerals
(whether or not such materials originated on site or were transported to the site), and
the removal thereof from the site.
“USE, INDUSTRIAL” means the use of land or buildings for the production,
manufacture, warehousing, storage, or transfer of goods, products, commodities, or
other wholesale items.
“USE, INTERIM” is a temporary use of property, with conditions imposed as may be
appropriate and related to the use; until a particular date, until the occurrence of a
particular event, or until zoning regulations no longer permit it.
“USE, PERMITTED” is a use which may be lawfully established in a particular district
or districts, provided it conforms with all requirements and performance standards (if
any) of such district.
“USE, PRINCIPAL” means the primary or predominant use of any parcel. A principal
use must be a permitted, conditional, or interim use of the zoning district, and must
meet all requirements, performance standards, or conditions imposed for the use
“USE, WATER ORIENTED COMMERCIAL” means the use of land for commercial
purposes, where access to and use of a surface water feature is an integral part of the
normal conductance of business. Marinas, resorts and restaurants with transient
docking facilities are examples of such use.
“UTILITY EASEMENT” means a property interest for the use of land for the purpose of
constructing and maintaining utilities, including but not limited to sanitary sewers, water
mains, electric lines, telephone lines, storm sewer or storm drainage ways and gas
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“VARIANCE” means the waiving of a specific provision of the Zoning Ordinance in
instances where the strict enforcement of that provision would cause undue hardship
because of circumstances unique to the individual property under consideration. See
Section 30 for details on the procedure and requirements for granting a variance.
“VEGETATION” means all plant growth, including, without limitation, trees, shrubs,
mosses and grasses.
VISIBLE” means capable of being seen by a person of normal visual acuity (whether
legible or not) without visual aid.
“WALL” means any structure which defines the exterior boundaries or courts of a
building or structure and which has a slope of sixty (60) degrees or greater with the
horizontal plane.
WALL SIGN” means any building sign attached parallel to, but within two (2) feet of a
wall, painted on the wall surface of, or erected and confined within the limits of an
outside wall of any building or structure, which is supported by such wall or building, and
which displays only one (1) sign surface.
“WATERCOURSEmeans a channel in which a flow of water occurs either
continuously or intermittently in a definite direction. The term applies to either natural or
artificially constructed channels.
“WATER-DEPENDENT USE” means the use of land for commercial, industrial, public or
semi-public purposes, where access to and use of a public water is an integral part of the
normal conduct of operation. Marinas, resorts, and restaurants with transient docking
facilities are examples of commercial uses typically found in shoreland areas.
ground building or other improvement, except stairways, fences, docks, and retaining walls,
which, because of the relationship of its use to surface water, reasonably needs to be
located closer to public waters than the normal structure setback. Examples of such
structures and facilities include, watercraft and watercraft equipment storage structures,
gazebos, screen houses, fish houses, pump houses, saunas, patios, and detached decks.
Boathouses and boat storage structures given the meaning under Minnesota Statutes,
Section 103G.245 are not a water-oriented accessory structures.
“WATERSHED” The area drained by the natural and artificial drainage system, bounded
peripherally by a bridge or stretch of high land dividing drainage areas.
“WATERWAY” is a natural or constructed channel that is shaped or graded and is
established in sustainable vegetation for the stable conveyance of run-off.
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“WELLHEAD PROTECTION PLAN” means a plan developed for the protection of a
public water supply.
“WETLAND” has the meaning given under Minnesota Rule, part 8420.0111.
“WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREA” means land where the principal use is for
promotion of wildlife through raising of feed or provision of environmental conditions.
“WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEM (WECS)” An electrical generating facility
comprised of one (1) or more wind turbines and accessory facilities, including but not
limited to: power lines, transformers, substations and metrological towers that operate by
converting the kinetic energy of wind into electrical energy. The energy maybe used on-site
or distributed into the electrical grid.
"WIND TURBINE” A wind turbine is any piece of electrical generating equipment that
converts the kinetic energy of blowing wind into electrical energy through the use of
airfoils or similar devices to capture the wind.
“WINDOW SIGN” means any building sign, pictures, symbol, or combination thereof,
designed to communicate information about an activity, business, commodity, event,
sale, or service, that is placed inside a window or upon the window panes or glass and
is visible from the exterior of the window.
Figure 2.
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Select Examples of Types of Signs
“YARD” means an open space on the parcel which is unoccupied and unobstructed
from its lowest level to the sky.
“YARD, FRONTmeans that portion of the yard located between the front lot line, the
side lot lines, and the front building line.
“YARD, REAR” means that portion of the yard located between the rear building line,
the side lot lines, and the rear lot line.
“YARD, SIDE” means that portion of the yard located between the front and rear yards
and between the side building lines and the side lot lines.
“ZONING ADMINISTRATOR” As appointed by the City Council.
“ZONING AMENDMENT” A change authorized by the City, either in the allowed use within
a district or in the boundaries of the district.
“ZONING DISTRICT” An area or areas of the City (as delineated on the Zoning Map) set
aside for specific uses with specific regulations and provisions for use and development as
defined by this Ordinance.
“ZONING DISTRICT OVERLAY A zoning district containing regulations superimposed
upon other zoning district regulations and where the more restrictive district use regulations
shall apply.
“ZONING MAP” means the map setting forth the boundaries of the Zoning use Districts of
the City, which map is a part of this Ordinance.
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The purpose and intent of this Section of the Zoning Ordinance is to establish
general development performance standards. The regulations provided in this
Section shall apply equally to all districts except where special provisions provide
A. Principal Structure Required. Except where allowed as an interim use,
an accessory building may not be constructed or otherwise located on a
parcel of property until after the associated principal structure has been
completed. An accessory structure may not remain, and must be
removed, if the principal structure is removed, destroyed, or otherwise
eliminated. If no structure on a lot is employed as a permitted, conditional
or interim use, the structure is no longer a principal structure and no
structure on the parcel may be employed for any accessory use.
B. Accessory Structure as an Interim Use. In all zoning districts, the use
of a building for a use permitted as an accessory use is allowed as an
interim use, notwithstanding the absence of a principal structure, subject
to the procedures, and performance and general development standards,
set forth in this Ordinance. In addition, the City Council shall impose the
following conditions in granting any interim use under this subdivision:
1. An interim use permit under this subdivision shall expire
within one year. At the expiration of the permit, the property
owner may apply for a second interim use permit for up to
one year. No additional interim use permits shall be issued
for the same use or structure, under this subdivision.
2. An appropriate principal structure is planned for the site. A
plan requires approval of any site plan necessary under the
Zoning Code and proof that a valid building permit has been
applied for the principal structure. The building permit must
be maintained and renewed for the full term of the interim
use permit.
3. Upon expiration of the interim use permit, if a structure is not
converted into a principal structure, or is not a permitted
accessory use to an existing principal structure, the use
must be discontinued and any structure or improvement that
does not have a permitted use must be removed or
demolished, immediately.
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C. No Encroachment Over Lot Lines. Doors and windows of accessory
buildings must be constructed so that they do not extend beyond the lot
lines when they are opened.
D. Location on Property. Accessory structures must be located on the
property as provided in this paragraph:
1. In all Residential Districts (i.e. R-1, R-2 and R-3 and RR)
detached accessory buildings may only be located in the
rear yard and side yard of the lot, except as required by
Section 9, subd. 2(D)(2) or allowed by Section 9, subd.
2. No detached accessory structure may be located within the
setback from the Ordinary High Water Line (OHWL) as
established by the Shoreland Overlay District. This
restriction does not apply to stairs, paths, fences or docks,
that are otherwise permitted.
3. For property abutting a lake or navigable river, garages and
other auto-oriented structures may be located on the road
side of the lot.
E. Proximity to Principal Structure. An accessory building, unless
attached to and made a part of the principal structure shall not be closer
than ten (10) feet to the principal structure. In cases where an accessory
building is attached to the principal structure, it shall be made structurally
a part of the principal structure and shall comply in all respects with the
requirements of this Ordinance applicable to the principal structure.
F. Site Plan Required. All accessory structures shall require a building
permit and approval of a Site Plan.
G. Setbacks Requirements for Accessory Structures. Attached
accessory structures must comply with all applicable setbacks to the
principal structure. Detached accessory structures shall maintain rear and
side yard setbacks of not less than five feet, except:
1. In the B-1 District, the underlying requirements of that zoning
district shall apply; and,
2. For all corner lots, the side yard setback along a public right-
of-way shall be 15 feet, or the requirement of the underlying
zoning class, whichever is less.
No structure may be constructed over any easement, public or private,
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without written authorization of the owner of the easement.
H. Design and Appearance of Exterior. All accessory buildings greater
than 200 square feet shall be constructed so that the appearance of its
exterior is uniform and resembles the color and material of the principal
structure. For purposes of this Subdivision 2(H):
1. Appearance is measured when viewed from adjacent
property, or from water bodies, streams, rivers, roads, parks,
or other facilities open to the public.
2. Identical material is not required, but the following
characteristics should be the same or similar:
a. Orientation of boards, grooves, grains, shingles and
other exterior characteristics;
b. Color of siding
c. Color of roofing;
d. Style of siding (including, but not limited to, the
apparent length and width of boards, shakes or
panels and the texture, reflectivity, or gloss of
materials); and
e. Style of roofing (including, but not limited to, the
apparent length and width of shingles, shakes,
boards, or panels and the texture, reflectivity, or gloss
of materials).
3. Notwithstanding this subdivision, an accessory structure is
not required to match granite, brick, stone, concrete masonry
or other similar stone-like material used on the principal
structure. However, the material used must resemble the
color and material of the principal structure, and should, at a
minimum, match non-stone-like materials of the principal
I. Prohibited Materials. Unpainted, uncolored or unfinished material is
prohibited, except if the material is designed and marketed for residential
finish work, and is weather-resistant in its unpainted, uncolored or
unfinished state.
J. Number of Structures. Unless the zoning district has a stricter limit, the
number of accessory buildings in all zoning districts shall be limited to two
(2) detached accessory buildings and/or garages of any size.
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K. Hoop Structures. Hoop structures are prohibited in all districts, except
the A-40 and Rural Residential Districts. Hoop structures may be allowed
under conditional use permit in Industrial Districts but must be
structurally engineered.
L. Lot Coverage Restriction. All detached accessory buildings on a lot may
occupy no more than thirty percent (30%) of the area of the rear yard.
M. A-40 District Exemptions.
1. Subdivisions 2(G), 2(H), 2(I) and 2(J) do not apply to
structures built within the A-40 Agricultural District where the
structure is built at least 100 feet from a residential or
commercial zoning district.
2. Subdivision 2(K) does not apply to the A-40 Agricultural
N. Opt-Out Temporary Family Health Care Dwelling
1. Pursuant to authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Section
462.3593, subdivision 9, the City of Rockville opts-out of the
requirements of Minn. Stat. §462.3593, which defines and
regulates Temporary Family Health Care Dwellings.
1. Residential Uses. All outside storage of materials and equipment for
residential uses (excluding functional agricultural equipment actively used
in a farming operation on a property within the A-40 district) shall be
stored within a building or fully screened so as not to be visible from
adjoining properties, except for the following:
a. Clothes line pole and wire.
b. Parking of licensed and operable vehicles in compliance with this
Code (Off street parking).
c. Any combination of four or fewer licensed and operable recreational
vehicles (RV’s, boats, snowmobiles on a trailer, etc.) and/or
seasonal automobiles may be parked or stored on property outside
a home, provided:
i. They are not stored within the front yard, except if parked on
an approved driveway.
ii. If stored within the side or rear yard they are at least five feet
from the property line and landscaped/screened so as to be
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less visible from adjacent properties. If stored on a corner
lot said storage must not interfere with motorist’s views from
intersecting streets.
iii. Storage and/or parking of commercial vehicles and/or
equipment, or any combination thereof, greater than 22 feet
in length and ten feet in height and/or having a gross vehicle
weight rating of more than 15,000 pounds is prohibited.
iv. Standards of the City’s Abandoned Car Ordinance are met.
d. Construction and landscaping material currently being used on the
premises for a period not to exceed 6 months of any given project
start date.
e. Lawn furniture or furniture used and constructed explicitly for
outdoor use.
f. Rear or side yard exterior storage of firewood neatly stacked for the
purpose of consumption only by those inhabiting the property on
which it is stored.
2. Commercial/Industrial Uses. Except as allowed by district use provisions,
outside storage of equipment, materials and inventory as a principal or
accessory use for commercial and industrial uses shall require an interim
use permit subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and all non-
residential outside storage shall conform to the following conditions:
a. The area occupied is not within a required front yard.
b. The storage area is totally fenced, fully screened, and/or
landscaped according to a plan approved by the City. “Fully
screened” shall mean screening to seventy (70) percent opacity
c. If abutting a Residential District or a residential use a landscaped
buffer of no less than 15 feet in width is provided according to a
plan approved by the City.
d. The storage area is covered to control dust as approved by the City
and proper storm water drainage is maintained, except drive aisles
and entries/exits shall be covered with asphalt and/or cement.
e. All lighting is directed away from the public right-of-way and from
neighboring residences.
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f. All parking requirements are being met.
3. Refuse. All lots within all zoning districts shall be maintained in a neat and
orderly manner. No rubbish, salvage materials, junk, or miscellaneous
refuse shall be openly stored or kept in the open, when the same is
construed by the City Council to be a menace or nuisance to the public
health, safety, or general welfare of the City, or to have a depressing
influence upon property values in the area.
4. Waste Materials. Waste materials are to be picked up and disposed of in
accordance with any and all city standards applicable to refuse/waste
materials. Excluded waste materials must be disposed of in a safe and
appropriate manner in accordance with local, state, and federal law.
Release of excluded waste materials to public or independent sewage
treatment systems, the environment, or the solid waste stream is strictly
prohibited. The Disposal Service shall, upon collection, immediately
assume title to and liability for solid waste materials, recyclables, and
demolition debris.
Subdivision 4: LANDSCAPING
A. This Section’s purpose is to eliminate the problems of excessive
uniformity, dissimilarity, inappropriateness or poor quality of design in the
exterior appearance of structures and the lack of proper attention to site
development and landscaping in the City.
B. This Section’s standards shall promote harmonious development in the
City, increase the desirability of residence, encourage investment or
occupation in the City, optimize use and value of land and improvements,
increase the stability and value of property, provide for visual relief and
aesthetics, add to the conditions affecting the City’s peace, health and
welfare of the City and establish a proper relationship between the taxable
value of property and cost of City services.
C. Maintaining certain standards is essential to ensure compatible
relationships between land uses within the City. All permitted or
conditional uses within the City’s various zoning districts shall conform to
the following general provisions and performance standards and the
standards listed within the individual zoning classification.
D. In all zoning districts, except the A-40 District, the lot area remaining after
providing for buildings, parking areas, driveways, loading areas, sidewalks
or other structures must be planted and maintained in grass, sodding,
shrubs or other acceptable vegetation or landscaping techniques. Within
six (6) months of issuance of a certificate of occupancy, residential
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dwellings located within A-40 District must have landscaping, as provided
for above, covering the building site (as determined by the minimum lot
size for a single family dwelling located in an A-40 District) surrounding the
dwelling. All new uses other than single and two family dwelling units must
provide a landscaping plan as part of their site plan review.
E. Overall composition and location of landscaping shall complement the
scale of the development and its surroundings. In general larger, well-
placed contiguous planting areas shall be preferred to smaller,
disconnected areas.
F. Installation and Maintenance of Landscaping Materials.
1. All landscape materials shall be installed to current industry
2. Maintenance and replacement of landscape materials shall be the
responsibility of the property owner.
3. Landscape materials shall be tolerant of specific site conditions,
including but not limited to heat, drought and salt.
4. Landscape species shall be indigenous or proven adaptable to the
climate, but shall not be invasive species.
5. Existing healthy plant material may be utilized to satisfy
landscaping requirements, provided it meets the minimum plant
size specified above.
6. Landscape materials that are used for screening shall be of a size
that allows growth to the desired height and opacity within 2 years.
7. Landscape maintenance should incorporate environmentally sound
management practices, including the use of water- and energy-
efficient irrigation systems such as drip irrigation, and pruning
primarily for plant health and public safety, replacing dead materials
Subdivision 5: TOPSOIL REMOVAL
A. No person shall strip, excavate or otherwise remove topsoil for sale or for
use off premises except:
1. In connection with the construction or alteration of a building on the
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2. In connection with agricultural crop operations within the A-40
3. In connection with excavation or grading incidental to the work on
the premises; or
4. In compliance with this Ordinance.
A. The purpose of this Section is to maintain neighborhood property values
and otherwise promote health, safety, order and general welfare providing
for manufactured homes in safe, attractive, residential neighborhoods with
all urban services and desired amenities as other residential dwellings.
B. Manufactured Homes Outside Manufactured Home Parks: No single-
family manufactured home shall be located outside of a manufactured
home park (or an RR District) unless it is in compliance with this Section
and with Minnesota Statutes sections 327.31 through 327.35.
C. No cellar, garage, tent, accessory building, or basement (except when
used as an accessory portion of the living space of the family or as an
earth sheltered home as defined in Minnesota Statutes '216C.06, Subd. 2,
as amended) may be used as a residence or Dwelling Unit.
D. Basements may be used as living quarters or rooms as a portion of
residential dwellings. Rental unit(s) in basements shall be subject to
provisions of the appropriate zoning district, the building code as defined
and related codes.
E. No dwelling shall be erected or altered unless it abuts a public street.
F. Except and in the case of Planned Unit Development Districts and R-2, R-
3 Districts and Rural Residential District, no more than one (1) principal
building may be located on a lot. In the A-40 District a second dwelling
may be located on the lot by conditional use permit.
G. Developments involving Manufactured Homes and/or patio homes (single
story slab on grade homes) must provide a storm/fall out shelter (or room
if applicable) meeting guidelines adopted by Stearns County.
A. All newly constructed principal structure must be connected to the City’s
public sewer and water services when:
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1. Said sewer/water facilities are within 350 feet from the proposed
development; and/or,
2. The proposed development is located within a area guided toward
future urban development (but not transitional development) within
the Comprehensive Plan;
B. Where municipal sewers are not available all sewage facilities must be
connected to approved septic tanks and disposal fields.
C. Existing buildings which are not connected to municipal sanitary sewer
services must connect to City sanitary sewer services if City sanitary
sewer services are within three hundred fifty (350) feet of the building.
D. Existing buildings which are not connected to municipal water services
must connect to City water services if municipal water services are within
three hundred fifty (350) feet of the building. This provision does not apply
to temporary construction sites or portable units approved by the City for
temporary use. Connections along any force main section of municipal
sewer services may be excluded.
Subdivision 8: LIGHTING
A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to create standards for outdoor
lighting which will provide for nighttime safety, security and utility while
reducing light pollution, light trespass, and conserving energy. It is the
intent of this Section to require appropriate lighting levels, efficient (watts
to lumens) lighting sources, full cut-off lighting, and to minimize/discourage
lighting glare, lighting pollution and lighting trespass.
B. Exemptions. The following are exempt from the standards contained in
this section.
1. Decorative seasonal lighting.
2. Lighting for one-and two family dwellings.
3. Lighting utilized for the purpose of illuminating national, state or
local flags on flagpoles; provided no more than two luminaries are
employed, the light fixtures include a cutoff component and the light
source is directed at the flag and arranged to minimize the amount
of light pollution, trespass, or glare on to adjacent properties and
public streets.
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4. Temporary emergency lighting used by police, fire fighters, or other
emergency services, as well as all vehicular luminaries.
5. Hazard warning luminaries which are required by federal regulatory
6. Because of their unique requirement for nighttime visibility and their
limited hours of operations, ball diamonds, playing fields and tennis
courts are exempted from the general standards of this section.
Lighting for these outdoor recreational uses shall be shielded to
minimize light and glare from spilling over onto adjacent residential
7. Exterior lighting in existence on May 3, 2003 shall be exempt from
the standards of this chapter and shall be considered legally
nonconforming. Such fixtures may be repaired and maintained.
However, if any legal nonconforming luminary is moved or
damaged by any means to an extent that its total replacement is
necessary, the luminary, or replacement, shall comply with this
C. Lighting Standards. Following are general standards for lighting on
private property.
1. Lighting plans shall be submitted with site plan reviews as required
within individual multiple-family, commercial and industrial
2. No flashing lights, beacons, search lights, lights that change colors,
lights that flash on and off, lights that change intensity and/or
similar lights shall be permitted.
3. Street, parking lot, security, walkway and building lights shall be
designed to function as full cutoff luminaries which focus the light
emitted only on the area to be lit and not onto adjacent properties
or toward the sky.
4. Lighting intended for outdoor advertising which projects light into
the sky shall be prohibited.
5. All luminaries located on commercial, industrial, or institutional
property shall be designed so that the light source (bulb or lamp) is
completely shielded from direct view of adjacent lot lines, a
transitional yard or at any location on residentially zoned property.
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6. All luminaries located on private property shall be designed or
positioned so that the maximum illumination at the property line
shall not exceed one-half (1/2) foot candle.
7. As part of the approval of public street or sidewalk projects, the City
Council may vary from the requirements of this Section.
Subdivision 9: POLLUTION
A. Smoke Emissions. The emission of smoke by any use shall be in
compliance with and regulated by the Minnesota Pollution Control
Standards, as amended.
B. Dust and Other Particulate Matter. The emission of dust, fly ash or other
particulate matter by any use shall be in compliance with and regulated by
the Minnesota Pollution Control Standards, as amended.
C. Odors. The emission of odorous matter in such quantity as to be offensive
shall not be permitted. The emission of odor by any use shall be in
compliance with and regulated by the Minnesota Pollution Control
Standards, as amended.
D. Noise. All noise shall be muffled so as not to be objectionable due to
intermittence, beat frequency or shrillness and as measured at any
property line, shall not exceed the minimum standards established by the
State of Minnesota.
E. Fuel Storage. No tank for the storage of fuel shall be placed or
maintained above ground unless complying with all applicable MPCA
Subdivision 10: SOLAR COLLECTORS
Solar collectors must adhere to the setback requirements of the district in which
they are placed. When placed on the roof of structures, solar collectors are
subject to the height requirements of the district in which they are located. When
considering a variance for the placement of solar collectors, the City Council shall
consider inadequate access to direct sunlight as a legitimate hardship pursuant
to Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357, Subd. 6, as amended.
This Ordinance’s height limitations do not apply to chimneys, cooling towers,
elevator bulk heads, fire towers, grain elevators, silos, stacks, flag poles, tanks,
water towers, pumping towers, permitted radio or television towers, monuments,
cupolas, steeples and mechanical appurtenances pertaining to and necessary to
the permitted use of the district in which they are located.
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A. The following are not considered encroachments on setback
requirements: Boiler flues, chimneys, fireplaces, belt courses, leaders,
sills, pilasters, lintels, steps, landings, cornices, eaves and gutters (all of
which may not project more than thirty-six (36) inches into the setback),
stone or cement patios and non-barrier creating landscape plantings.
B. For clarification purposes, the following is a list of features that are not
exempt and may not be located within the setback area: outside stairways,
fire escapes, porches, platforms, decks, balconies and other similar
Each location of a relocated building requires a building permit. Relocated
buildings must conform to the Building Code, must be situated in a properly
zoned area, and must meet all other requirements of this Ordinance.
No structure may be placed in a location which will interfere with future street or
road construction as shown on the City’s street plan or Official Map.
No temporary structure, trailer, tent or shack may be constructed, placed or
maintained except as an accessory to and during construction of permanent
buildings. In no event will any such structure be permitted for longer than one (1)
Subdivision 16: WETLAND SETBACKS
A. Purpose. The purpose of this subdivision is to prevent negative impacts to
the function, value, and quality of wetlands by establishing setbacks for
structures, decks, driveways, patios, fences or other improvements.
B. Setbacks. In addition to the setbacks established by the Zoning
Ordinance, no structure, deck, driveway, patio, fence, or other
improvement shall be located in any zoning district within the following
1. 10 feet from the limit of a wetland 0 – 5 acres.
2. 20 feet from the limit of a wetland greater than 5 acres.
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The owner of the property shall be responsible for submitting proof in a form
acceptable to the City of the limit of the wetland. The City may require surveying,
staking, and/or a certified delineation approved by Stearns County.
When applicable, structures and/or facilities, including their exterior environment,
must meet the accessibility portion of the State Building Code, Minnesota Rules
Chapter 1341, or successor rules.
Subdivision 18: BUILDING NUMBERS
Every building shall have a proper building address number(s) made of durable
material affixed to the building and clearly posted and placed to be easily seen
from the public street. Building addressing and identification must comply with
Stearns County’s 911 policies.
A. Applicability: This section applies to all zoning classifications. In the case
where more restrictive language applies, the more strict standard shall be
B. All structures, plantings, landscaping, fences and similar items shall be set
back from pipeline, drainage and utility easements except as provided for
in subsection (C) below.
C. Plantings such as trees and bushes may be placed in utility easements
(but not drainage easements) at the risk of the property owner. The city
does not encourage extensive plantings or landscaping in the easement
area because of the possibility of utility work in the easements. The city or
utility service providers shall not be required to replace plantings or
landscaping removed or damaged during work within the easement area.
A. Required Permits. When permitted as an interim use in any applicable
zoning district, mining/Extractive Use operations may be allowed as an
interim use subject to the procedures set forth in this Ordinance. Unless a
different time is specified in the interim use permit, one year shall be the
presumptive term of any interim use permit allowing an Extractive Use.
B. Operations Regulated. Operations regulated by this Subdivision shall be
Extractive Uses, including without limitation, mining of granite and the
mining, crushing, washing, refining or processing of sand, gravel, rock,
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black dirt, peat, soil and other minerals, and the removal thereof from the
C. Application Requirements. The following information shall be provided
by the person requesting an interim use permit for a mining operation:
1. The name and address of the applicant.
2. The name and address of the owner of the land.
3. The address and legal description of the land involved.
4. The following maps, drawn at a scale of one (1) inch to one
hundred (100) feet, unless otherwise stated below:
a. Map A - Existing condition to include:
(1) Contour map in two (2) foot intervals
(2) Existing vegetation
(3) Wetlands and existing surface water drainage
(4) Existing structures
(5) Existing wells
b. Map B - Proposed operation to include:
(1) Structures to be erected (including 911 addressing)
(2) Location of sites to be mined showing depth of
proposed excavation
(3) Location of machinery to be used in the mining
(4) Location of storage of mined materials, showing
maximum height of storage deposits
(5) Location of vehicle parking, access roads and local
routes to truck routes
(6) Location of storage of explosives
(7) Erosion and sediment control structures
c. Map C - End use plan to include:
(1) Final grade of proposed site showing elevations and
contour lines at two foot intervals
(2) Location and species of vegetation to be replanted
(3) Reclamation staging plan
5. A soil erosion and sediment control plan.
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6. A plan for dust and noise control.
7. A complete description of all phases of the proposed operation to
include an estimate of duration of the mining operation, location
and approximate acreage of each state and time schedule for
8. The highway, street or streets, or other public ways in the City upon
and along which any material is to be hauled or carried.
9. A security statement by the applicant demonstrating the proposed
activity will in no way jeopardize the public health, safety and
welfare or is appropriately fenced to provide adequate protection.
10. A statement by the applicant for compliance with all conditions of
the interim use permit.
11. A written right-of-entry given to the City or the City’s agent to enter
the land for the purpose of determining compliance, any time, with
all applicable conditions imposed on the operation.
D. Performance Standards. The following performance standards shall
apply to all mining operations approved after the effective date of this
1. General provisions. All equipment used for mining operations shall
be constructed, maintained and operated in a manner as to
minimize, as far as practical, noise, dust and vibrations adversely
affecting the surrounding property. Additionally, the excavation shall
be properly fenced.
2. Water Resources. The mining operation shall be conducted in such
a manner as to minimize interference with the surface water
drainage outside the boundaries of the mining operation.
3. Safety Fencing. Safety fencing may be required around all or
portions of the mining operation at the discretion of the Planning
4. Mining Access Roads. The location of the intersection of mining
access roads with any public roads shall be selected such that
traffic on the access roads will have a sufficient distance of public
road in view so that any turns onto the public road can be
completed within a margin of safety as determined by the Public
Works Director.
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5. Screening Barrier. To minimize problems of dust and noise and to
shield mining operations from public view, a screening barrier
(vegetative or non-vegetative) may be required between the mining
site and adjacent properties or public roads as provided for in this
6. Setback. The following setback requirements shall apply to mining
a. The processing of mined materials shall not be conducted
closer than one hundred (100) feet to the property line, nor
closer than five hundred (500) feet to any residential dwelling
b. Mining of any materials shall not be conducted closer than
two hundred (200) feet of any residential dwelling unit or
residential zoning district boundary.
c. Mining of any materials shall not be conducted closer than
thirty (30) feet to any property line or within thirty (30) feet of
any public road right of way.
7. Hours of Operation. All hours of operation shall be set in the Interim
Use Permit as approved by the Planning Commission. Hours of
operation (including without limitation excavation, crushing,
washing and hauling) shall be presumptively limited to 7:00 a.m. to
9:00 p.m. The City Council after review and recommendation by the
Planning Commission may further limit the hours of operation.
8. Access Roads and Roadway Restoration. All access roads from
mining operations to public highways, roads or streets or to
adjoining property shall be paved or otherwise maintained to control
dust. The City may require that the applicant pave or upgrade roads
used for hauling from the property. The City may also require the
applicant to provide financial security to ensure that any damage or
excessive wear caused by hauling to or from the property is
repaired by the owner and/or operator.
9. Land Reclamation. All mining sites shall be reclaimed immediately
after mining operations cease. Reclamation shall be completed
within one (1) year. The following standards shall apply:
a. Within a period of three (3) months after final termination of a
mining operation, or within three (3) months after
abandonment of such operation for a period of six (6)
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months, or within three (3) months after expiration of an
interim use permit for a mining operation, all buildings,
structures and plants incidental to such operation shall be
dismantled and removed by, and at the expense of, the
mining operator last operating such buildings, structures and
b. The peaks and depressions of the mined area shall be
graded and back filled to a surface which will result in a
gently rolling topography in substantial conformity to the land
area immediately surrounding, and which will minimize
erosion due to rainfall. No finished slope shall exceed
eighteen percent (18%) grade.
c. Reclaimed areas shall be surfaced with soil of a quality at
least equal to the topsoil of land areas immediately
surrounding, and to a depth of at least six (6) inches. The
topsoil shall be seeded, sodded or planted.
d. The finished grade shall be such that it will not adversely
affect the surrounding land or future development of the site.
The finished plan shall restore the mining site to a condition
whereby it can be utilized for the type of land use proposed
to occupy the site after mining operations cease.
10. Security/Bond. A bond or other financial security acceptable to the
City Council shall be provided by the applicant to ensure
compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance, to ensure
completion of the land reclamation, and to ensure compliance of
any conditions imposed as part of the interim use permit issued for
any Extractive Use.
Subdivision 21: HOME OCCUPATIONS
A. A Home Occupation in the R-1, R-2, and R-3 Districts and a Home
Occupation in a residential unit in a Commercial District shall comply
with the following standards:
1. The home occupation shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to
the residential use of the property.
2. The home occupation shall be conducted only by persons residing
on the premises. No person other than the residents of the
premises shall be employed or engaged in such home occupation.
3. Operation of the home occupation shall be limited to the residential
dwelling and any attached garage.
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4. The use of any accessory or agricultural buildings for storage or
business activity is prohibited.
5. The outdoor display or storage of goods, equipment or other
materials used for the home occupation is prohibited.
6. The home occupation shall not generate excessive customer or
client traffic that is detrimental to the character of the surrounding
7. There shall be no indication of offensive noise, vibration, smoke,
dust, odors, heat or glare at or behind the property line.
8. The home occupation shall not generate hazardous waste unless a
plan for off-site disposal of the waste is approved.
9. The home occupation at a dwelling with an on-site sewage
treatment system shall only generate normal domestic household
waste unless a plan for off-site disposal of the waste is approved.
10. Signs shall meet the requirements of this Ordinance.
11. Parking shall meet the requirements of this Ordinance.
A. A Home Extended Business shall comply with the following standards:
1. The home extended business shall be clearly incidental and
subordinate to the residential use of the property.
2. The home extended business shall be conducted only by persons
residing on the premises. No person other than the residents of the
premises shall be employed or engaged in such home extended
business unless specifically approved as part of the conditional use
permit. (Different from Home Occupation)
3. Operation of the home extended business shall be limited to the
residential dwelling and accessory or agricultural buildings on the
same parcel. (Different from Home Occupation)
4. Areas used for the outdoor display or storage of goods, equipment,
vehicles, or other materials used for the home extended business
shall be located to the rear of the structure and further buffered
from adjacent residential uses with landscaping, fencing or other
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acceptable methods of screening in accordance with this
5. The home extended business shall not generate excessive
customer or client traffic that is detrimental to the character of the
surrounding properties.
6. There shall be no indication of offensive noise, vibration, smoke,
dust, odors, heat or glare at or beyond the property line.
7. The home extended business shall not generate hazardous waste
unless a plan for off-site disposal of the waste is approved.
8. The home extended business at a dwelling with an on-site sewage
treatment system shall only generate normal domestic household
waste unless a plan for off-site disposal of the waste is approved.
9. Signs shall meet the requirements of this Ordinance.
10. Parking shall meet the requirements of this Ordinance.
Subdivision 23: SHORELANDS
Section 10.2 of the Stearns County, Minnesota Zoning Ordinance (as amended)
relating to the Shoreland overlay district is hereby adopted by reference in its
Subdivision 24: FLOODPLAINS
Section 10.1 of the Stearns County, Minnesota Zoning Ordinance (as amended)
relating to the floodplain overlay district is hereby adopted by reference in its
Subdivision 25: FEEDLOTS
Section 6.7 of the Stearns County, Minnesota Zoning Ordinance (as amended)
relating to feedlots is hereby adopted by reference in its entirety except for
setback requirements. Existing feedlots cannot sub-divide their property and be
closer than 700’ from a new sub-divided lot.
Stearns County Ordinance 198 (as amended) relating to independent sewage
treatment systems is hereby adopted by reference in its entirety.
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Except where more strict standards are provided in this Ordinance, the following
setback requirements shall apply:
1. Minimum Building Setbacks
A. Roadway:
Classified Setback from Road Setback from Road
Roads Centerline* Right-of-Way*
Principal Arterial 150 75
Minor Arterial 120 60
Major Collector 100 50
Minor Collector 100 50
Un-Classified Setback from Road Setback from Road
Roads Centerline* Right-of-Way*
County Road 100 50
City Road 63 30
Private Road Easement 63 30
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Subdivision 1: INTENT/PURPOSE
The landscaping and screening regulations are intended to improve the physical
appearance of the community; to improve the environmental performance of new
development by contributing to the abatement of heat, glare, and noise and by
promoting natural percolation of storm water; reducing the visual impact of
parking lots, unsightly equipment, or materials from the view of persons on the
public streets or adjoining properties and buffering from uncomplimentary land
uses and by improving the quality of air, to buffer potentially incompatible land
uses from one another and to conserve the value of property and neighborhoods
within the City.
The scale and nature of landscaping materials shall be appropriate to the size of
the structures and the available space. Materials shall be located to avoid
interference with overhead or underground utilities and utility easements or
vehicular and pedestrian movement and visibility. Growth characteristics should
be considered.
Subdivision 2: APPLICABILITY
A. Landscaping and Buffering Standards shall apply to development within all
commercial and industrial Districts. In addition the following standards
shall apply to all residential lots to which urban utility service (either/both
sanitary sewer, drinking water) is available.
B. Exemptions: Unless specifically noted agricultural property is exempt from
this requirement.
C. The landscaping and screening requirements standards shall apply to:
1. New development, including principle and accessory structures on
property located with the Districts listed in this Section.
2. Expansion and reconstruction of parking lots with fifty (50) or more
parking spaces.
3. Expansion and major renovation of an existing building that
includes significant site modification where the proposed
modifications exceed thirty (30) percent of the floor area of said
structure or ten-thousand (10,000) square feet, whichever is less.
D. The landscaping and screening requirements include a number of design
elements as identified in this Section. These elements will have varying
applicability depending on the Zoning District and adjoining land uses.
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Design Element
ble Districts
Street Front
Multiple family, general commercial and industrial
Native Landscaped
Commercial and industrial lots abutting T.H. 23
Buffer yards All nonresidential uses adjacent to areas guided for
residential use within the Comprehensive Plan,
except nonresidential uses within the central
business district.
Areas of Low Visual
Multiple family, general commercial and industrial
Landscaping and Screening requirements shall be subject to the following
general requirements:
A. Landscaping shall be provided as part of the site plan review process. It
shall be conceived in a total pattern throughout the site, integrating the
various elements of site design, preserving and enhancing the particular
identity of the site, and creating a pleasing site character.
B. To enable the City to conduct a thorough yet expedient review the
required landscaping plan shall include the following:
1. Names and addresses of the applicant and owner.
2. The street address and legal description of the property.
3. Zoning classification of site and all adjoining property(ies).
4. Footprints and dimensions of all lot lines, structures,
parking/driveway surfaces, easements, drainage ways/surface
water controls and rights-of-way.
5. Location and description of existing plant materials and designation
of all vegetation to remain and/or be removed.
6. Proposed landscaped planting by location and scientific name and
common name.
7. Other information or documentation as the Zoning Administrator
may deem necessary to allow a full and proper consideration and
disposition of the particular plan.
C. Placement of trees and shrubs shall be designated to meet City
requirements regarding minimum sight lines from driveways and
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intersections, proximity to utility lines and utility easements. These factors
shall be addressed as part of the landscaping plan review.
D. Existing appropriate mature trees and vegetation may be incorporated into
overall site design and shall be considered in meeting the requirements of
this Ordinance. The extent that such existing vegetation meets the
requirements of these standards shall be reviewed and approved by the
E. Buffer yards between various types of land use and residential areas, both
existing and planned shall include design elements in a combination to
provide effective buffering with consideration of existing topography and
site conditions. Buffer yards shall employ plant materials and/or screening
materials so as to lessen the view of land uses between said lots. Buffer
yards are subject to review/approval by the Zoning Administrator and
Planning Commission.
F. Installation. All landscaping required by this section shall be installed prior
to occupancy or commencement of a use. If the landscaping cannot be
installed prior to occupancy or commencement of a use because of
climatic conditions, the building inspector may issue a temporary
certificate of occupancy and grant a delay of landscaping installation until
the calendar date of June 1 immediately following the date of said
temporary certificate of occupancy.
G. Maintenance of Required Landscaping. Trees and vegetation, irrigation
systems, fences, wall and other landscaping elements shall be considered
as elements of the project in the same manner as parking, building
materials and other site details. The applicant, landowner or successors
in interest shall be responsible for the regular Maintenance of all
landscaping elements in good condition. All landscaping shall be
maintained free from disease; pests, weeds and litter, and all landscape
structures such as fences and walls shall be repaired and replaced
periodically to maintain a structurally sound condition in order to maintain
the required landscaping of the site.
H. Rights-Of-Way, Easements, and Drainage. Required landscaping shall
not disturb drainage systems or be placed upon easements of rights-of-
I. Changes to Approved Landscape Plan. The landscaping shall be installed
and maintained according to the approved landscape plan except where
authorized changes are permitted. The approved landscape plan and
supporting data shall be binding on the applicants, their successors, and
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1. All lots are subject to the following requirements.
a. All exposed ground area surrounding the principal building and
accessory buildings which are not driveways, sidewalks or patios shall
be landscaped with grass, shrubs, trees or other ornamental landscape
b. In addition, a minimum of two (2) trees shall be required per lot area
covered by buildings, parking lots, and exterior storage. Trees
proposed to satisfy buffer requirements and/or landscaping within
parking lots, may also be applied toward meeting this requirement but
those required for front landscaping shall not be used to satisfy this
2. Street front landscaping for multiple family, general commercial and
industrial districts shall be subject to the following standards.
i. All areas adjoining public or private street frontage shall be landscaped
to include trees, shrubs, and/or living ground cover.
ii. Landscape areas between the public or private street and parking
areas are strongly encouraged.
iii. Required landscaping based on street frontage.
a. Trees: One hearty, native tree per thirty (30) feet of street
frontage, or fraction thereof, shall be required within the front
setback area. The trees may be arranged in a clustered fashion
and need not be placed at even intervals except where such
placement would complement existing landscape design
patterns for the area. A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the
required trees shall be at least two inch (2”) diameter shade
trees. The remaining trees may be any combination of shade
trees, flowering trees and or evergreen trees.
b. Shrubs: Six hearty, native (6) shrubs per one hundred feet
(100’) of street frontage where parking does not adjoin street.
Required shrubs may be replaced by ornamental grasses or
hardy, perennial flowers at a rate of five (5) such plants per
shrub replaced. Where parking adjoins the street sufficient
shrubs to provide sixty-six percent (66%) screening to a height
of three and one half feet (3.5’) where parking adjoins a street.
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c. Street front landscaping shall include all areas along public or
private street frontage, public or private street side setbacks,
and setbacks along other property lines boarding a public or
private side setback, and setbacks along other property lines
bordering a public or private street.
d. Ground Cover: Living ground cover, such as grass, shall be
provided within all required street frontage landscaped areas.
Non-living materials (such as walk-on bark, mulch, and
ornamental rock) may be used for up to twenty-five percent
(25%) of the landscaped area.
e. The specific location of trees and landscaping within the
required setback area shall be approved by the Planning
Commission based on site characteristics.
3. Native landscape buffer for commercial and industrial developments
abutting T.H. 23. A buffer a minimum of forty (40) feet in width shall be
maintained in its natural state adjacent to all property lines abutting T.H.
23. The purpose of the buffer is to maintain a natural viewing corridor
adjacent to T.H. 23. Lots with existing and operable commercial/industrial
uses at the time of this ordinance shall provide as wide a native
landscaped buffer as possible. The native landscape buffer shall remain
as much as possible in its natural state however removal of deceased
and/or diseased vegetation is allowed. The buffer yard shall be construed
to be part of the required yard setback and not an additional setback.
4. Buffer yards. Where a nonresidential use is adjacent to property guided to
residential use as illustrated on the Future Land Use map contained in the
Comprehensive Plan a landscaped buffer shall be provided. It is the
objective of the landscaped buffer to lessen, rather than completely
eliminate land use conflicts between such uses. It is not expected that
landscaped buffers will totally screen such uses. It is expected that the
landscaped buffer design elements identified below will provide immediate
lessening of land use conflicts and such buffering will be enhanced over
time as landscaping matures. Landscaped buffers may include a
combination of elements including setback distances as separation, tree
and shrubs, solid fencing, and/or berming. It is encouraged that existing
topography and vegetation be included in the design of the landscaped
buffer as approved by the City. Retention of existing mature trees is
strongly encouraged in meeting the requirements of this Section. Rear
and side yard landscaped buffers shall have a minimum depth of fifteen
feet (15’).
5. Areas of Low Visual Interest. For all uses except agricultural and single or
two family residential, landscaping shall be used to screen areas of low
visual interest or visually intrusive site elements (such as trash collection,
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open storage, HVAC, service areas, loading docks and blank walls) from
off-site view. Such screening shall be established on all sides of such
elements except where an opening is required for access. If access is
possible only on a side that is visible from a public street, a removable or
operable screen shall be required.
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1. For purposes of enforcing this ordinance, a site plan shall be required of
all persons prior to:
i. The erection or construction of any principal structure or building
and/or any accessory structure within any zoning classification
require submittal of a site plan to the City; except that single/two
family residential units on lots within approved subdivisions shall be
exempt providing they adhere to elevations and building types as
approved with the grading/drainage plan.
ii. Shoreland Alterations exceeding 50 cubic feet within the Shoreland
structure setback, including removal of trees and Shoreland
vegetation, as per Stearns County Zoning Ordinance Section 10.2
as may be amended.
iii. Land disturbing activities including any extraction, mining, landfills,
excavating, grading, clearing, filling, or other earth change which
may result in:
a. The movement of more than ten thousand (10,000) cubic yards
of soil;
b. Any alteration of land by more than one foot from the existing
contour of the ground on any contiguous four hundred fifty (450)
square feet of ground;
c. Any other activity that changes the existing or natural contour of
the land which changes drainage.
d. For purposes of this Chapter, excavation or grading for
agricultural purposes on agriculturally zoned property shall not
constitute land disturbing activity.
iv. Erection, alteration or relocation of feedlots, holding ponds, and
slurry systems.
v. Fences, retaining walls and berms higher than two (2) feet except
for agricultural fences in the A-40 and Rural Residential Districts.
vi. The construction or modification of a dam or dike.
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vii. Within the flood plain (as per Section 10.1 of the Stearns County
Zoning Ordinance, as may be amended), the erection, addition, or
alteration of any building, structure, or portion thereof; the use or
change of use of a building, structure, or land; the change or
extension of a nonconforming use; and the placement of fill,
excavation of materials, or the storage of materials or equipment.
viii. The addition of a bedroom to a residence when requiring a
structural change.
1. Application. Persons requesting Site Plan approval must fill out an
application available from the Zoning Administrator. Application
requirements will be established by the Zoning Administrator and may
include, but are not limited to, the following information: aerial photos, a
site plan showing the nature, location, and dimensions of the lot, existing
and proposed structures, locations to be filled or where materials will be
stored, itemization of vegetation to be removed/retained, location of
significant trees (coniferous greater than six inches; deciduous greater
than ten inches at a point one foot above the average grade) with
identification of which trees are to be removed and which are to be
retained and the location of the foregoing in relation to the shoreline and
floodplain, if applicable.
2. Submittal Requirements.
A. R-1 Single Family and R-2 Two Family Residential Districts.
a. Building permit applications for the construction of principal
structures and/or accessory structures in the R-1 single
family and R-2 two family district shall illustrate the location
of the proposed building(s) relative to property lines,
easements (public and private), elevations and the uses of
all remaining land.
b. The site plan shall be reviewed by the Building Official prior
to the issuance of a building permit.
c. The building official may refer the site plan to other City
representatives (i.e. City Engineer, City Administrator) if
concerns are identified with said site plan. The building
official shall compare the proposed site plan with
development plans approved for the subject parcel.
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d. The building official may require the applicant to either
submit a certificate of survey or execute a waiver prior to the
issuance of a certificate of occupancy which certifies the
finished landscaped grade complies with the approved
grading plan for the subject parcel as represented in as-built
drawings of said parcel. If the finished landscaped grade is
not known at the time of the request for a certificate of
occupancy, the building official shall require the applicant (as
a condition of issuance of the certificate of occupancy) to
furnish a certificate of survey upon completion of the finished
landscape grade.
B. A-40 Agricultural District.
a. Building permit applications for the construction of principal
and accessory structures in the A-40 Agricultural District
shall illustrate the location of the proposed building(s)
relative to property lines, easements (public and private),
elevations and the uses of all remaining land.
b. The site plan shall be reviewed by the Building Official prior
to the issuance of a building permit.
c. The building official may refer the site plan to other City
representatives (i.e. City Engineer, City Administrator,
Planning Commission) if concerns are identified with said
site plan. The building official shall compare the proposed
site plan with development plans approved for the subject
C. R-3 Multiple Family District.
a. No building permit for any structure shall be issued until the
Zoning Administrator reviews a site plan to determine that
the use and development is compatible with adjacent land
uses, compatible the requirements of this Ordinance and
consistent with the stated intent of this zone. Upon the
request of the Zoning Administrator and/or the Applicant, the
Planning Commission and/or the City Council may review
the development plan.
b. The developer shall provide the following items to the
Planning Commission for any development located in the R-
3 Multiple Family Residential District:
1. Aerial photo of site/building locations.
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2. Building location on the lot, drawn to scale.
3. Building elevations; front, rear and side.
4. Building exterior materials and color.
5. Locations of ingress and egress points.
6. Dumpster and solid waste pick-up areas and
proposed screening material.
7. Sign location and dimensions.
8. Lighting standard and hood detail.
9. Parking and loading areas identified.
10. Drainage by the use of contours.
11. Screening of heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and
similar facilities.
12. Landscaping material including the location, type of
plant and size; itemization of vegetation to be
removed/retained; location of significant trees
(coniferous greater than six inches, deciduous greater
than ten inches at a point one foot above the average
grade) with identification of which trees are to be
removed and which are to be retained.
13. Fire hydrant and fire lane locations.
14. Utility locations.
15. A description of provisions which shall be made on
the site for adequate open space, recreational areas,
transit options, etc. to properly serve residents of the
facility including a discussion of the perceived needs
of the residents (i.e. senior citizens, students, families
with children).
16. A copy of proposed covenants and/or homeowner’s
association agreement(s).
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17. Any other fencing, screening, or building accessories
to be located in the development area.
18. When required, evidence of completion of National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
permitting program and/or the City of Rockville Storm
Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP).
19. If applicable, evidence of compliance with federal,
state and local pollution and nuisance laws and
regulations, including, but not limited to glare, smoke,
dust, odors and noise. The burden of proof for
compliance with appropriate standards shall lie with
the applicant.
c. Required Fee/Agreement.
a. Development Agreement. In the event additional
review by the City or its assigns is anticipated and/or
needed during implementation of the Development
Plan, or other similar circumstance, the City shall
require the property owner(s) and/or developer(s)
enter into a development agreement with the City.
The development agreement shall stipulate the
conditions for approval and the City's authority to
inspect the development. The agreement shall further
require the owner or developer, as the case may
require, furnish a cashier's check, escrow account or
irrevocable letter of credit in favor of the City in an
amount equal to 100% of all costs associated with
City’s review of the development, including but not
limited to, engineering, legal, fiscal and administrative,
as estimated by the City. Such escrow or letter of
credit shall be in the form approved by the City
Attorney, shall be conditioned upon the approval of
the development plan.
b. Payment Required. Any person filing a petition
requesting development plan review shall pay a fee
according to the schedule established by the City
c. Amount. Fees payable under this section for
development plan review shall be in an amount as
established by resolution of the City Council.
Preparation and review of all elements of the required
development plan, as listed and described above, is
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to be at the sole expense of the developer and at no
expense to the public. The fee is payable at the time
of filing a petition and is not refundable. In addition to
the above fees and in the event the City incurs
professional fees, either legal, engineering or
professional planners, or any other cost, including but
not limited to, postage and publication expenses, the
applicants shall reimburse the City for those fees, and
the City officials may require an escrow deposit,
cashier’s check or letter of credit for these fees prior
to the final action on the application for development
plan review. Such escrow or letter of credit shall be in
the form approved by the City Attorney.
D. Commercial/Industrial Districts.
a. No building permit for any structure shall be issued until the
Zoning Administrator (in consultation with the Planning
Commission Chair) reviews a development plan drafted by a
professional in a corresponding discipline to determine that
the use and development is compatible with adjacent land
uses, consistent with the stated intent of this zone and
consistent with existing ordinances/laws. Upon the request
of the Zoning Administrator or the Developer, the
development plan may be referred to the Planning
Commission and the City Council who will make the final
determination on site plan approval.
b. The developer shall provide the following items to the Zoning
Administrator for any development located in a commercial
or industrial district:
1. Building location on the lot, drawn to scale.
1. Aerial photo with building locations depicted.
2. Building elevations; front, rear and side.
3. Building exterior materials and color.
4. Locations of ingress and egress points.
5. Dumpster and solid waste pick-up areas and
proposed screening material.
6. Sign location and dimensions.
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7. Lighting standard and hood detail.
8. Parking and loading areas identified.
9. Drainage by the use of contours.
10. Screening of heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and
similar facilities.
11. Landscaping material including the location, type of
plant and size; itemization of vegetation to be
removed/retained, location of significant trees
(coniferous greater than six inches; deciduous greater
than ten inches at a point one foot above the average
grade) with identification of which trees are to be
removed and which are to be retained.
12. Fire hydrant and fire lane locations.
13. Utility locations.
14. A description of provisions which shall be made on
the site for adequate open space, recreational areas,
transit options, etc. to properly serve patrons of the
facility(ies) including a discussion of the perceived
needs of the patrons (i.e. senior citizens, students,
families with children).
15. If applicable, a copy of proposed covenants and/or
association agreement(s).
16. Any other fencing, screening, or building accessories
to be located in the development area.
17. When required, evidence of completion of National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
permitting program and/or the City of Rockville Storm
Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP).
18. If applicable, evidence of compliance with federal,
state and local pollution and nuisance laws and
regulations, including, but not limited to glare, smoke,
dust, odors and noise. The burden of proof for
compliance with appropriate standards shall lie with
the applicant.
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c. Required Fee/Agreement.
a. Development Agreement. In the event additional
review by the City or its assigns is anticipated and/or
needed during implementation of Development Plan,
or other similar circumstance, the City shall require
the property owner(s) and/or developer(s) enter into a
development agreement with the City. The
development agreement shall stipulate the conditions
for approval and the City's authority to inspect the
development. The agreement shall further require the
owner or developer, as the case may require, furnish
a cashier's check, escrow account or irrevocable letter
of credit in favor of the City in an amount equal to
100% of all costs associated with City’s review of the
development, including but not limited to, engineering,
legal, fiscal and administrative, as estimated by the
City. Such escrow or letter of credit shall be in the
form approved by the City Attorney, shall be
conditioned upon the approval of the development
b. Payment Required. Any person filing a petition
requesting development plan review shall pay a fee
according to the schedule established by the City
c. Amount. Fees payable under this section for
development plan review shall be in an amount as
established by resolution of the City Council.
Preparation and review of all elements of the required
development plan, as listed and described above, is
to be at the sole expense of the developer and at no
expense to the public. The fee is payable at the time
of filing a petition and is not refundable. In addition to
the above fees and in the event the City incurs
professional fees, either legal, engineering or
professional planners, or any other cost, including but
not limited to, postage and publication expenses, the
applicants shall reimburse the City for those fees, and
the City officials may require an escrow deposit,
cashier’s check or letter of credit for these fees prior
to the final action on the application for development
plan review. Such escrow or letter of credit shall be in
the form approved by the City Attorney.
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3. Site Plan Approval will be issued only if the proposal is in compliance
with applicable portions of this ordinance including, but not limited to:
a. Zoning district land uses.
b. Zoning district dimensional standards and setbacks.
c. Performance standards provided for certain activities of this Ordinance.
d. Other requirements established by the Zoning Administrator, the
Planning Commission and the City Council.
Site Plan Approval does not imply compliance with other applicable City
regulations or regulations of other agencies unless otherwise stated.
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Subdivision 1: PURPOSE
The purpose of this Section is to regulate fences in the City, to prevent fences
being erected that would be a hazard to the public, or an unreasonable
interference with the use and enjoyment of neighboring property and are
compatible with existing land uses and other zoning restrictions.
Subdivision 2: FENCE PERMIT
1. Permit. No person may construct, erect or cause to be constructed or
erected any Fence within the City without first obtaining the required site
permit, except that Agricultural Fences in the A-40 and Rural Residential
District shall not require a permit.
2. Application. Every application must contain a plot plan clearly describing
the proposed Fence’s type, location, construction materials, height,
proximity to lot lines, anchoring methods and any other information the
Zoning Administrator or Building Inspector reasonably requires.
3. Fee. Each applicant must pay a Fence permit fee that the City Council
establishes by ordinance.
Fences are permitted in all yards, subject to the following:
1. Agricultural Districts. Wire partition fences located within A-40 Districts
and/or fences located in A-40 Districts and used solely for farm animal
containment shall be governed by the requirements of state statutes and
shall be exempt from the standards set out in this Subdivision 3.
2. Residential Districts.
A. Height. Fences may not exceed six (6) feet above adjacent-ground
B. Within Lot Boundaries. Fences and all supporting structure must
be completely within the boundaries of the owner’s lot.
C. Front Corner Fences. All Fences erected to the front of the front
corner of a dwelling can be no more than forty-eight (48) inches in
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height for Open Fences and thirty (30) inches in height for Solid
D. Corner Lot Fences. Fences erected on a corner lot must have two
E. Property Line Setback. A Fence within two (2) feet of the property
line will require the abutting neighbor’s consent.
3. Corner Lot Limitations. No Fence, wall, structure, hedge, shrubs, trees
or other obstruction, other than chain link fences with openings of one and
five-eights (1 5/8") to two (2") inches not exceeding forty eight (48") inches
in height, may be erected, established or maintained on a corner lot within
a triangular area bounded by the lot lines and a line connecting points on
each lot line twenty (20) feet from the intersection of the lot lines. An
object within this area not exceeding thirty (30") inches in height as
measured from the centerline elevation of the street will not be considered
as an obstruction to vision. Fences that will obstruct or impede the clear
view of an intersection by approaching traffic may not be erected on
corner lots. This paragraph does not apply to the B-1" District.
4. Fence Face. The side of the fence considered to be the face (finished
side as opposed to structural supports) must face abutting property. If
located along a boundary the completed face must be toward the
adjoining property.
5. Public Right-of-Way. Fences are not permitted on public right-of-way, or
on boulevard areas without the City Council’s prior written permission.
6. Fence Height Limits. In Non-Residential Districts, no fence may exceed
eight (8) feet in height and in the case of grade separation, the height of a
fence will be determined on the basis of measurement from the average
point between the highest and lowest grade.
7. Fences on Property Line. A Fence may be erected on the property line
upon mutual agreement in writing of both property owners. The written
agreement must be provided to the City Zoning Administrator.
8. Construction. Every Fence must be constructed in a substantial,
workmanlike manner. All construction materials must be of high quality
and new or like new, and must be reasonably suited for the purpose for
which the Fence is proposed to be used.
9. Maintenance and Repair. All Fences must be maintained in a condition
of reasonable repair and will not be allowed to become a nuisance, either
public or private. Any Fence which is dangerous to the public safety,
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health, or welfare is a public nuisance and the City may commence
proceedings for its abatement. See Minn. Stat. 344.02, Partition Fences.
Subdivision 4: VIOLATIONS
3. No existing Fence in violation of this Section may be replaced or rebuilt. If
an existing Fence is replaced or rebuilt, it must come under this Section’s
4. Violation of this Section may be enforced by injunction and the City will be
entitled to the remedy of abatement in order that a Fence erected in
violation of this Ordinance may be removed.
Subdivision 5: VARIANCE
Any requested variance from this Section’s requirements will be governed by this
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This Section is intended to assist in alleviating or preventing congestion of the
public right-of-way and to promote the safety and general welfare of the public by
establishing minimum requirements for off-street parking of motor vehicles in
accordance with the intensity of utilization of the various parcels of land or
structures. The intent of this section of the zoning ordinance is to establish
general standards for off-street parking. The regulations provided herein shall
apply equally to all districts except where special provisions provide otherwise.
In all zoning districts, off-street parking facilities for the storage of motor vehicles
for the use of occupants, employees and patrons of the buildings or structures
hereafter erected, altered or extended after the effective date of this Ordinance
shall be provided and maintained as herein prescribed.
Subdivision 3: PERMIT REQUIRED
1. No person shall construct, enlarge or change the dimensions of a parking
area or driveway, unless and until a permit is secured from the City,
except that a separate driveway permit shall not be required if the
proposed driveway is constructed as shown on the approved residential
subdivision grading plan.
2. A permit shall not be required for the routine maintenance/repair of an
existing driveway. However, any expansion, addition or upgrade of an
existing driveway shall be compliant with the performance standards of
this Article.
1. Rounding Up. When the determination of the number of required parking
spaces results in a fractional space that fraction, if one-half (1/2) space or
greater, shall be rounded up to equal one (1) space.
2. The term “floor area” for the purpose of calculating the number of off-
street parking spaces required shall be determined on the basis of the
exterior floor area dimensions of the buildings, structure or use times the
number of floors, minus ten (10) percent, except as may be hereinafter
3. Except for shopping centers, should a structure contain two (2) or more
types of uses, the gross floor area of each use shall be calculated and a
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ten (10%) percent reduction shall be made for non-productive space. The
resulting net useable floor space figure shall be utilized to determine the
off-street parking requirement.
4. Provision shall be made in the parking area for adequate snow storage or
removal to ensure that the required number of spaces is available at all
times during the year.
5. The City Council may consider a reduction in the amount of parking space
required for joint or mixed uses (other than purely residential) where it is
sufficiently demonstrated and documented that a specific timing element
(e.g. differing hours of operation are perpetually maintained; mixed
storefront and multiple family residential uses in a single structure) or the
nature of the use (e.g. senior housing; proximity to transit
terminals/stations, etc.), will demonstrably affect the demand for parking.
6. Within the Central Business District, when strict compliance with the
standards relating to parking lot calculation herein will prohibit the
rehabilitation and/or reconstruction of a facility within the downtown and
providing the amount of required off-street parking for commercial or
mixed uses do not increase as a result of the project, the City Council may
reduce the number of parking spaced required. In such an instance, the
amount of parking space required shall be based on: the anticipated
demand for parking; the distance to proposed parking which shall not at
any time exceed four hundred lineal feet; the length of visits generated by
the particular business; and, the availability of other parking spaces in the
area. In addition, joint parking facilities may be considered provided the
applicant provides a rational basis for the sharing or facilities (i.e. differing
hours of business, population doesn’t use passenger automobiles, etc.)
and all owners of the facility sign the parking plan application.
7. Use Not Listed. Where a use is not specifically mentioned, off-street
parking requirements are the same as for similar uses as determined by
the Zoning Administrator.
8. On-street parking is not to be counted when calculating the off-street
parking requirements in this Section.
9. Garages. Garage spaces may be counted as parking spaces provided
that, a garage space may not be counted if blocked by another space.
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Subdivision 5: PARKING SPACES
The amount of required off-street parking for new uses or buildings and additions
to existing buildings will be determined using the following table. The number of
spaces specified below must be irrevocably reserved for parking purposes for the
specified use.
1. Single family, two family and townhouse units. Two (2) spaces per
Dwelling Unit.
2. Boarding house. At least two (2) parking spaces for each three (3)
persons for whom accommodations are provided for sleeping.
3. Multiple family dwellings. Two (2) spaces per Dwelling Unit.
4. Motels, motor hotels, hotels. One (1) space per each rental unit plus one
(1) additional space for each ten (10) units and one (1) space for each
employee on any shift.
5. Church, theater, auditorium. At least one (1) parking space for each four
(4) seats based on the design capacity of the main assembly hall.
6. Hospitals. Two (2) spaces per each bed.
7. Medical, dental or hospital out-patient clinics. One (1) space for each one
hundred ten (110) square feet of net floor area or seven and one-half (7 2)
spaces per doctor, whichever number of parking spaces is greater.
8. Rest home, nursing home or day nurseries. Four (4) spaces plus one (1)
for each three (3) beds for which accommodations are offered.
9. Elderly (senior citizen) housing. One (1) space per unit.
10. Drive-in establishment and fast food. At least one (1) parking space for
each thirty-five (35) square feet of gross floor area but not less than fifteen
(15) spaces.
11. Office buildings and professional offices. One (1) space for each two
hundred (200) square feet of floor area.
12. Bowling alley. At least five (5) parking spaces for each alley, plus
additional spaces as may be required herein for related uses contained
within the principle structure.
13. Motor fuel station. At least four (4) off-street parking spaces plus two (2)
off-street parking spaces for each service stall. Those facilities designed
for sale of other items than strictly automotive products, parts and/or
X:\Council\ORDINANCES\Final Zoning Code\2019-99 Final Rockville Zoning.doc
service will be required to provide additional parking in compliance with
other applicable sections of this Ordinance. Auxiliary uses to a motor fuel
station such as a fast-food restaurant must comply with the requirements
of this ordinance relative to that type of use.
14. Retail store (including convenience stores) and service establishment. At
least one (1) off-street parking space for each two hundred (200) square
feet of sales floor area.
15. Retail sales and service business with fifty percent (50%) percent of gross
floor area devoted to storage, warehouses and/or industry. One (1) space
for each two hundred (200) square feet devoted to public sales and/or
service plus one (1) space for each one thousand (1000) square feet of
storage area or one (1) space for each employee on the maximum shift
which is appropriate.
16. Restaurants, cafes, private clubs serving food and/or drinks bars, taverns,
nightclubs. At least one (1) space for each sixty (60) square feet of gross
floor area. Restaurants with drive thru windows shall submit a vehicular
and pedestrian circulation sketch and allow adequate stacking space for
drive thru customers.
17. Funeral Homes. At least twenty (20) parking spaces for each chapel or
parlor, plus one (1) parking space for each funeral vehicle maintained on
the premises. Aisle space may also be provided off the street for making
up a funeral procession.
18. Auto repair, bus terminal, boats and marine sales and repair, bottling
company, shop for a trade employing six (6) or less people, garden supply
store, building material sales in structure. Eight (8) off-street parking
spaces, plus one (1) additional space for each six-hundred (600) square
feet of space.
19. Manufacturing, fabricating or processing of a product or material;
warehouse, storage, handling of bulk goods, post offices. At least eight (8)
spaces, plus one (1) space for each two (2) employees on each shift
based on maximum planned employment or at a minimum one (1) space
for each six hundred (600) square feet of floor area.
20. Car wash. (In addition to required magazine or stacking space.)
a. Automatic drive through, serviced. A minimum of ten (10) spaces,
or one (1) space for each employee on the maximum shift,
whichever is greater.
b. Self-service. A minimum of two (2) spaces per wash bay.
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c. Motor fuel station car wash. Zero (0) in addition to that required for
the station.
In all districts where off-street parking is permitted or required, the off-street
parking area must be constructed and maintained subject to the following
1. City Council Approval Required. Prior to starting construction on any off-
street parking lot the plans must be approved by the City Council after
review and recommendation of the Planning Commission.
2. Off-street parking spaces, parking lots and loading spaces shall not be
reduced in number or size unless said number or size of existing facilities
exceeds the requirements set forth within this Title for a similar use.
3. No change of use or occupancy of land already dedicated to off-street
parking or loading areas shall reduce the area necessary for parking
below the minimum described herein.
4. Dwelling Off-street Parking. Off-street parking facilities for residential
dwellings must be provided and located on the same lot or parcel of land
as the building they are intended to serve.
5. Within urban areas (those with a City utility service available), off-street
parking facilities accessory to residential uses shall be comply with
observed setbacks unless part of a traditional neighborhood development
(parking designed to be in rear of lot). Said parking facilities shall also
feature ‘improved’ surfaces (i.e. cement, asphalt and the like), be
connected to driveways and be utilized solely for the parking of licensed
and operable passenger automobiles. No more than one (1) truck not to
exceed a gross weight rating of eighteen thousand (18,000) pounds as
rated by the manufacturer; and recreational vehicles and equipment.
Under no circumstances shall parking facilities accessory to residential
structures be used for the storage of commercial vehicles or equipment
such as semi trucks/trailers and/or excavation equipment. The standards
of this ordinance relating to Outdoor Storage (Section 9) also apply.
6. Shared Parking Areas. Nothing in this Section should be construed to
prevent shared off-street parking facilities for two (2) or more buildings;
however, the total spaces must be equal to or greater than the sum of the
requirements for the various individual uses.
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7. Building Expansions Require Compliance with Parking Requirements. If a
use requiring off-street parking is increased in floor area, and the use is
located in a building existing on or before this Ordinance’s effective date,
additional parking space for the additional floor area must be provided as
required by this Section.
8. Building Expansions Into Parking Areas. Nothing in this Section is
intended to prevent the extension of or an addition to a building or
structure into an existing parking area when the same amount of space
taken by the extension or addition is provided by an enlargement of the
existing parking area or is replaced by an additional area within three
hundred (300) feet of the building.
1. Adequate Ingress and Egress. All off-street parking areas must provide
adequate ingress and egress to at least one public street.
2. Site Plan. The application for a multiple family, institutional, commercial or
industrial building permit shall be accompanied by a site plan, which in
addition to other information, shall show the location of the off-street
parking area provided for such building.
3. Hard Surface Required. In Urban Areas (with municipal water and/or
sewer service available) off-street parking areas, including parking lots
and driveways, must be constructed of concrete or blacktop which must
be designed to properly drain surface water and prevent water drainage
onto adjacent properties or walkways. Gravel and crushed granite type
surfaces for parking in industrial areas may be permitted through the
issuance of an interim use permit, however all ingress/egress and drive
isles shall be asphalt or concrete.
4. Setback From Adjoining Residential Uses. Whenever the boundary of an
off-street parking area containing more than five (5) parking spaces
adjoins property guided for residential use within the Comprehensive Plan
a setback of fifteen (15) feet from the lot line is required. This setback also
applies to driveways to and from parking areas. The setback area shall be
fully screened to a height of three and one-half (3½) feet above the
parking grade using screening and/or plant materials as directed/approved
by the City.
5. Curbing Required Protecting Adjoining Properties. Curbs or other
protections against damage to adjoining properties, streets and sidewalks
must be provided and maintained as directed by the City Engineer.
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6. Parking Space Size. The chart and diagrams below identify parking
space/drive aisle requirements. For parking at angles other than those
specified, space will be calculated by averaging the closest standards.
Where not specified in this Ordinance, parking spaces must contain an
area of at least two hundred (200) square feet and must be at least 10 x
20 square feet.
stall width
(one/ two
Avg. width of
one tier of
spaces plus one
drive aisle
o way)
Avg. width of
two tiers of
spaces plus
one drive aisle
(one/two way)
90 degree
60 degree
45 degree
Parallel to curb
Special designs will be considered for unique situations, and are subject t
o approval of
the City Engineer. Handicap stalls shall be provided in accordance with current ADA
requirements. Where bumpers overhang sidewalks see diagram for overhang space
requirements before considering useable sidewalk width. Where not specified, angle
parking must allow a minimum of 2.5 feet of bumper overhang space before
considering usable sidewalk width.
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45 Degree
feet (each side of
NOTE: If drive aisles are two lanes stalls must be positioned to accommodate entry to stall.
feet (each side of
NOTE: If drive aisles are two lanes stalls must be positioned to accommodate entry to stall.
60 Degree
90 Degree
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7. Industrial District - Front Yard Parking. Parking lots for automobiles and
other motor vehicles are permitted in the front and side yards in Industrial
Districts if screened by landscaping of at least eight (8) feet in width.
Industrial Districts adjacent to residentially zoned property have a greater
setback as established in specific districts. Screening of a minimum height
of three feet (3’) and as approved by the City shall be installed by the
developer/property owner to prevent headlights from shining onto adjacent
properties when abutting a local street.
8. Non-dwelling off-street parking spaces and parking spaces servicing
multiple family dwellings must be located within three hundred (300) feet
of the building they are intended to serve, as measured from the nearest
point of the off-street parking facilities and the nearest point of the
9. No sign shall be so located as to restrict the sight, orderly operation and
traffic movement within any parking area. Only signs necessary for the
orderly operation of traffic movement or parking regulation shall be
permitted in any parking area (e.g. visitor parking, deliveries, handicap
parking). Such signs shall not be considered part of the permitted
advertising space and shall be subject to signage regulations.
10. Except in the case of single-family, two-family, and townhouse
developments, parking areas and driveways shall be designed to prevent
the backing out onto a right-of-way, however, all lots having direct
driveway access onto collector or arterial roads, regardless of use shall
provide turn around facilities on the lot to eliminate vehicles backing onto
the collector or arterial roads.
Parallel to
Curb -
(No Angle)
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11. Shared driveways with adjacent lots where practical or required by the
City, County or State, shall be installed as a means of minimizing the
number of access points along collector or arterial road.
12. No curb cut access shall be located less than twenty (20) feet from the
intersection of two (2) or more street right-of-ways for residential uses, and
thirty (30) feet for commercial and industrial areas. This distance shall be
measured from the intersection of lot lines. Within intersections of
highways this standard shall yield to requirements of Stearns County or
the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
13. Curb cut openings and/or driveway accesses shall be a minimum of five
(5) feet from the side property line.
14. All properties shall be entitled to at least one (1) curb cut or driveway
access. Urban lots subject to single-family uses shall be limited to one (1)
curb cut access per property. Residential curb cuts shall not measure
more than 24 feet in width. Commercial/industrial curb cuts shall not
exceed 26 feet in width unless specific circumstances are documented to
15. Driveway aprons shall be surfaced in concrete in urban areas (lots with
municipal service available).
16. Any off-street parking area containing five (5) or more parking spaces
shall be striped (painted) so as to illustrate the organizational pattern of
17. All parking and loading areas shall provide for proper drainage of surface
water to prevent the drainage of water onto adjacent properties or
18. Screening. Any off-street parking area containing five (5) or more parking
spaces adjacent to a residential zoning district or residentially developed
property must be completely screened to a height of at least three and
one-half feet (3.5‘) above the parking grade using approved screening
and/or plant materials.
19. Maintenance. All parking areas must be maintained in good condition
without holes and free of all dust, trash and other debris.
20. Drainage. All parking and loading areas shall provide for proper drainage
of surface water to prevent the drainage of water onto adjacent properties
or walkways.
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21. Lighting. All parking area lighting must be directed away from adjacent
property and must conform to the lighting requirements of this Ordinance.
22. Handicapped Parking. If required by the State Building Code,
Handicapped parking must be provided according to State Building Code
requirements and meet the requirements of this Ordinance.
23. Driveways and parking lots shall not adversely affect stormwater drainage
structures including culverts and/or the rate of stormwater discharge.
Subdivision 8: LOADING AREAS
On the same premises with every building devoted to retail trade, retail and
wholesale food markets, warehouses, supply houses, wholesale or
manufacturing trades, laundry, dry-cleaning establishments or other buildings
which do not rely primarily on railroad transfer and where large amounts of goods
are received or shipped, erected in any district after the City adopts this
Ordinance, loading and unloading space shall be as follows:
1. General Business Districts. In general business districts two (2) off-street
loading and unloading spaces shall be provided for each store unit having
a gross area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet. One (1) additional
space shall be provided for each additional fifteen thousand (15,000)
square feet of floor space.
2. Central Business Districts. In neighborhood business districts, one (1) off-
street loading and unloading space shall be provided for each store unit.
3. Industrial Districts. In industrial districts, the use of any building requiring
loading or unloading of materials to or from trucks shall require two (2) off-
street loading spaces for the first ten thousand (10,000) square feet of
floor space and an additional space for each additional fifteen thousand
(15,000) square feet of floor space.
4. No required off-street loading space shall be less than one hundred feet
(100’) from any residential district boundary line.
5. Off-street loading spaces adjacent to collector or arterial streets shall be
screened from the view from the adjacent roadway.
6. Loading space will not be construed as supplying off-street parking space
7. For new construction occurring after the date of the adoption of this
Ordinance, truck loading and receiving areas may not be on the front side
of a building facing the street (this does not include truck entrances).
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Subdivision 1: FINDINGS
The City Council hereby finds as follows:
A. Exterior signs have a substantial impact on the character and quality of
the environment.
B. Signs provide an important medium through which individuals may convey
a variety of messages.
C. Signs can create traffic hazards, aesthetic concerns and detriments to
property values, thereby threatening the public health, safety and welfare.
D. The city's zoning regulations, and those of its predecessor entities, have
historically included the regulation of signs in an effort to provide adequate
means of expression and to promote the economic viability of the
business community, while protecting the City and its citizens from a
proliferation of signs of a type, size, location and character that would
adversely impact upon the aesthetics of the community and threaten the
health, safety and welfare of the community. The regulation of the physical
characteristics of signs within the City has had a positive impact on traffic
safety and the appearance of the community.
It is not the purpose or intent of this sign ordinance to regulate the message
displayed on any sign; nor is it the purpose or intent of this ordinance to regulate
any building design or any display not defined as a sign, or any sign which
cannot be viewed from outside a building. The purpose and intent of this
ordinance is to:
A. Regulate the number, location, size, type, illumination and other physical
characteristics of signs within the city in order to promote the public health,
safety and welfare.
B. To establish standards which permit property owners the opportunity to
identify and advertise themselves, goods, or services; to preserve and
protect the value of land, buildings and landscapes and promote the
attractiveness of the community; to ensure that signs in the City are not a
safety hazard to lives and/or property; to eliminate confusion in locating
goods, services and facilities, and to preserve order and to encourage
business to erect permanent signs and discourage temporary and/or
portable signs.
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C. Improve the visual appearance of the City while providing for effective
means of communication, consistent with constitutional guarantees and
the City's goals of public safety and aesthetics.
D. Provide for fair and consistent enforcement of the sign regulations set for
herein under the zoning authority of the City.
Subdivision 3: EFFECT
A sign may be erected, mounted, displayed or maintained in the city if it is in
conformance with the provisions of this ordinance. The effect of this ordinance,
as more specifically set forth herein, is to:
A. Allow a wide variety of sign types in commercial zones, and a more limited
variety of signs in other zones, subject to the standards set forth in this
sign ordinance.
B. Allow certain small, unobtrusive signs incidental to the principal use of a
site in all zones when in compliance with the requirements of this sign
C. Prohibit signs whose location, size, type, illumination or other physical
characteristics negatively affect the environment and where the
communication can be accomplished by means having a lesser impact on
the environment and the public health, safety and welfare.
D. Provide for the enforcement of the provisions of this sign ordinance.
Subdivision 4: SEVERABILITY
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Sign Ordinance is
for any reason held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or
enforceability of the remaining portions of this Sign Ordinance. The City Council
hereby declares that it would have adopted the Sign Ordinance in each section,
subsection, sentence, or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or
more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid.
Subdivision 5: PERMIT REQUIRED
Except when exempted, no sign shall be erected, altered, reconstructed,
maintained or moved in the city without first securing a permit from the city. The
content of the message or speech displayed on the sign shall not be reviewed or
considered in determining whether to approve or deny a sign permit. Application
for a permit shall be in writing addressed to the zoning administrator and shall
contain the following information:
A. Names, addresses and phone numbers of the applicant, owners of the
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sign and lot and the contact person from firm erecting signage;
B. The address and the lot, block and addition at which any signs are to be
C. The street on which any signs are to front;
D. A complete set of plans showing the necessary elevations, distances,
size, location on lot and/or on building, all existing signage on the
premises and details to fully and clearly represent the proposed sign
E. Photographs of existing topography and any existing signage in the
F. A photo quality color rendering of all proposed signage showing its
dimensions and describing materials, lettering, colors, illumination and
support structure;
G. The cost of the sign;
H. Type of sign (i.e. wall sign, monument sign, etc.);
I. Certification by applicant indicating the application complies with all
requirements of the sign ordinance;
J. If the proposed sign is along state trunk highway or interstate highway, the
application shall be accompanied by proof that the applicant has obtained
a permit from the state for the sign;
K. Underwriter Laboratories label, if an electrical sign;
L. If requested, engineering data showing the structure is designed to
accommodate dead load and wind pressure, in any direction; and
The zoning administrator shall approve or deny the sign permit in an expedited
manner no more than 60 days from the receipt of the complete application,
including applicable fee. All permits not approved or denied within 60 days shall
be deemed approved. If the permit is denied, the issuing authority shall prepare a
written notice of denial within 10 days its decision, describing the applicant's
appeal rights, and send it by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the
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Subdivision 6: FEES
Sign permit fees are set by council resolution or ordinance each year, or as often
as the City Council determines is necessary. Where work for which a permit is
required by this Ordinance is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining a
permit, the fee as provided by the City Council shall be doubled. Payment of
such double fee shall neither relieve any persons from fully complying with the
requirements of this Ordinance in the execution of the work nor from any other
penalties prescribed herein. The City may assign a fee per sign for persons
wishing to retrieve signs removed by City personnel as identified in the fee
schedule. The City may also charge the costs of removal to the individual or
enterprise responsible or property owner.
Subdivision 7: EXEMPTIONS
The following signs shall not require a permit. These exemptions, however, shall
not be construed as relieving the owner of the sign from the responsibility of its
erection and maintenance, and its compliance with the provisions of this
ordinance or any other law or ordinance regulating the same, including size, area
and location restrictions.
A. The changing of the display surface on a painted or printed sign only. This
exemption, however, shall apply only to poster replacement and/or on-site
changes involving sign painting elsewhere than directly on a building.
B. One sign up to sixteen (16) square feet in size per lot.
C. Governmental signs, including but not limited to, traffic control and other
regulatory purpose signs, street signs, informational signs, danger signs,
and railroad crossing signs.
D. Any public sign (directional, safety, danger, trespassing, traffic, warning or
public information) whose primary purpose is to communicate community
events erected by, or on the order of, a duly constituted public office of
City, County, State or Federal governments in pursuance of their public
duties and provided signs are erected by or on order of a public officer or
employee in the performance of official duty.
E. Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings and date of erection, when
cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of bronze or other
incombustible material.
F. Window signs, provided that no more than half of an individual window is
covered with signs or painting.
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G. Flags of the United States, the state, the City, foreign nations having
diplomatic relations with the United States, and any other flag adopted or
sanctioned by an elected legislative body of competent jurisdiction,
provided that such a flag shall not exceed 60 square feet in area and shall
not be flown from a pole more than 40 feet in length. These flags must be
flown in accordance with protocol established by the Congress of the
United States for the Stars and Stripes. Any flag not meeting any one or
more of these conditions shall be considered a banner sign and shall be
subject to regulations as such.
H. Decorative lighting meeting this entire Ordinance’s other requirements.
Unless otherwise noted, no such sign shall be placed on fences, trees or other
vegetation, public street/traffic signs, utility poles or City/public property. Signs in
violation of this Subdivision may be removed by City personnel at their discretion,
without advance notice to the sign owner.
Portable, off-premises signs, and signs otherwise allowed, may secure a
temporary sign permit by meeting the following requirements:
A. Sign will only be displayed for one (1) week or less, the sign has not been
previously displayed in the City during the past three (3) months, and the
lot has not received three (3) or more temporary permits within the past
twelve (12) months.
B. Signs shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet.
C. With the temporary sign, the lot or premises will not exceed the maximum
aggregate sign area allowed.
D. Signs shall be affixed to a structure in a weather resistant (wind, rain,
snow, etc.) manner. Signs which do not remain affixed shall be
immediately removed or re-secured.
E. Signs shall maintain a ten (10) foot setback from all property lines and be
located on private property.
F. There shall be no more than two (2) temporary signs per lot at any one time.
G. Sign must be removed by the expiration date of the permit.
The Zoning/City Administrator may waive those application requirements of
Subdivision 6 not applicable for a temporary or portable sign. The Zoning/City
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Administrator or his/her designee may remove any temporary sign for failure to
comply with any of these provisions without notice to the sign owner.
A. Extension from Building. Except as specifically provided herein, no signs
shall be erected or maintained at any angle to a building or structure which
sign extends or projects over the sidewalk, street or highway. No sign
which is erected or maintained flat against any building or structure shall
extend or project more than fifteen inches over the sidewalk, street or
highway. The provisions of this subsection do not prohibit the erection
and maintenance of awning, canopy or marquee signs, pursuant to
Subdivision 13.
B. Height. The top of a sign, including its superstructure, if any, shall be no
higher than the roof of the building to which such sign may be attached or
22 feet, whichever height is less. Freestanding Signs, including any
superstructure, shall not exceed an overall height of 22 feet, and shall be
located on land in an area which is landscaped or if such land is part of an
approved parking area, it shall be surfaced or paved as required in the
zoning code. In addition to other applicable regulations of this Ordinance,
no freestanding sign shall exceed fifteen (15) feet in height at the base of
the sign.
C. Electronic Variable Message Signs. The preferred sign type relating to the
electronic message sign is a monument type. If the EVM is displayed in a
pylon sign type said sign shall include a landscaped base wherein planter
boxes, shrubs, flowers, etc. are preferred. Electronic message signs may
be allowed under applicable provisions of this Ordinance provided that:
1. The message does not change more than once in Six (6) seconds,
excluding time and temperature;
2. The sign shall be at least fifty (50) feet from any residential district
or use;
3. The variable message sign shall not exceed twenty-five (25)
percent of the maximum allowable aggregate sign area for the use
to which it pertains;
4. The following modes of displaying the message shall be permitted,
all other modes are prohibited:
a. Fade in/fade out
b. Left to right or right to left
c. Top to bottom or bottom to top
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5. Modes which cause the message to flash are prohibited;
6. The sign may only be used to promote activities, products, or
services pertaining to the subject property; time and temperature;
or other public service oriented messages;
7. Landscaping shall be provided around the base of the monument
D. Number of sign facings. A Sign may not contain more than two (2)
surface facings or areas facing the public right-of-way.
E. Notwithstanding any other provision of this ordinance, no sign shall
exceed 250 square feet in area.
All signs shall be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with the
following standards:
A. Signs shall be consistent and harmonious with the architectural style of
the subject and surrounding properties.
B. The size and style of graphics, its scale, proportion, design, material and
texture as well as the size and style of the letter shall relate to the building
to which it refers and/or is attached and with the property and with the
district that surrounds it.
C. The architecture of the building should allow for specific locations for signs
and signage should be limited to those areas.
D. Signs should be an integral part of the design of storefront alterations and
new constructions. Signs should not obscure architectural elements of
E. The design and alignment of signs on multiple use buildings shall be
coordinated so as to achieve a unified appearance.
F. All signs shall comply with applicable provisions of any applicable Building
Code and Electrical Code. Freestanding signs are considered structures
and shall meet requirements of the Building Code, including inspection by
the Building Inspector.
G. Unless otherwise noted all signs shall be constructed of permanent
materials and shall be permanently attached. Signs constructed with high-
quality, natural materials such as stone, glass, wood, brick and similar
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materials are preferred.
H. Unless stated otherwise in this ordinance, permanent signs shall be
setback at least ten (10) feet from all property lines. The City may require
a greater setback because of public safety reasons that may include, but
not be limited to, the following concerns: vehicle sight-distances, distance
from an intersection, or function of the adjoining right-of-way.
I. All signs shall contain current information. Outdated signs or signs
outdated with information shall be removed by the property owner.
J. Painting, repainting, cleaning, and normal maintenance and repair of a
sign or sign structure is required to protect the sign and prevent its
deterioration and maintain its neat appearance. Such maintenance is
allowed without permit unless a structural change is made.
K. All signs shall be maintained in good condition and areas within six (6) feet
around the sign shall be kept free from debris, high weeds and from
anything else that would constitute a nuisance.
L. Electrical signs may not be powered by overhead wiring.
The following signs are unauthorized signs and are prohibited by this Section:
A. Any sign, signal, marking or device which purports to be or is an imitation
of or resembles any official traffic control device or railroad sign or signal,
or emergency vehicle signal.
B. Off-premise signs, except as provided in Subdivision 9.
C. Signs in Public Right-of-Way. Signs erected or temporarily placed within
any street right-of-way or upon public lands or easements or other public
right-of-ways (except for governmental Signs) except as this Section
specifically provides or the City Council approves. The City may grant a
permit to locate Signs or decorations on, over or within the right-of-way for
a specified period of time in its discretion.
D. Signs Obstructing Ingress or Egress. A Sign or Sign structure erected or
maintained that prevents free ingress or egress from any door, window,
fire escape, stairway or other opening.
E. Fire Escapes. A Sign or Sign structure attached to a standpipe or fire
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F. Abandoned Signs. Such signs shall be removed within thirty (30) days
after written notice from the City.
G. Traffic Obstruction. Any Sign that obstructs the vision of drivers or
pedestrians or detracts from the visibility of any official traffic control
H. Flashing Signs. Any Sign displaying any moving parts, illuminated with
any flashing or intermittent lights, or any animated Sign, except Electronic
Variable Message Signs in B-1 Central Business and B-2 General
Business Districts.
I. Roof Mounted Signs. Signs erected, constructed or attached wholly or in
part upon or over a building’s roof, including without limitation Signs that
project over the building’s eave line.
J. Temporary/Portable Signs. Except as permitted by a temporary sign
K. Signs on Rocks, Trees or Fences. Signs painted, attached or in any other
manner affixed to trees, rocks, or similar natural surfaces, or attached to
public utility poles, bridges, towers, or similar public structures.
L. Power Line Obstruction. Signs that will interfere with any electric light,
power, telephone wires or their supports.
M. Signs supported by guy wires.
N. Hot air or gas-filled balloons;
O. Bench signs or signs affixed to amenities such as trash receptacles etc.
P. Illuminated signs in which light is directed onto adjacent property or public
streets. This includes search lights and beacons, and all methods of
attracting attention by directing light radiation away from a sign surface.
Q. Any sign which becomes structurally unsafe or endangers the safety of a
building or premises or endangers the public safety, must be taken down
and removed by the owner, agent, or person having the beneficial use of
the building, structure or land upon which the sign is located.
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Canopies, marquees and fixed awnings are an integral part of the structure to
which they are attached. They are allowed in the Business Districts if they meet
following requirements and the applicable square footage requirements:
A. An awning, canopy or marquee may not project into the public right-of-way
more than six (6) feet over a public sidewalk;
B. Awnings, canopies or marquees may have no part of the structure other
than supports nearer the ground surface than eight (8) feet above the
ground and not impeding pedestrians’ free and complete use of the
C. The architectural style of the awning, canopy or marquee shall be
consistent with the building being served;
D. Awnings, canopies or marquees built over the public right-of-way must be
included in a liability insurance policy holding the city free of all
E. Awnings and Canopies Signs. One (1) awning and one (1) canopy sign
per tenant or occupant, provided:
1. The gross surface of an awning or canopy sign may not exceed
50% of the gross surface area of the smallest face of the awning or
canopy to which the sign is to be affixed.
2. The sign may not project higher than the top of the awning or
canopy or below the awning or canopy.
3. Canopy and awning signage area shall be included in the
calculation for determining the total aggregate signage area
permitted on a property.
4. The awning/canopy sign shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent
of the maximum allowable aggregate sign area for the use to which
it pertains.
F. Marquee Signs. A building with a marquee may erect a marquee sign,
1. The sign may not project higher than the top of the marquee or
below the marquee.
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2. Marquee signage area shall be included in the calculation for
determining the total aggregate signage area permitted on a
Except as provided in Section 12, all signs must comply with the requirements of
the underlying zoning district.
A. Permitted signage. Except as included below, all sign types are
prohibited. No signs may have moving parts, rotate, be illuminated,
shimmer or otherwise reflect or direct light. The following sign types are
1. Freestanding signs (including monument and pole/pylon),
2. Wall signs, and
3. Window signs.
B. Maximum sign area. No sign or combinations thereof may exceed sixteen
(16) square feet of aggregate sign area per lot.
C. Maximum height. No sign may have a height greater than eight (8) feet.
D. Minimum setback. Signs shall maintain a ten (10) foot setback from all
property lines and be located on private property.
Except as provided in Section 12, all signs must comply with the requirements of
the underlying zoning district.
A. Permitted signage. Except as included below, all sign types are prohibited.
The following sign types are permitted:
1. Monument signs.
B. Maximum sign area.
1. Maximum aggregate area for lot. No more than sixty-four (64)
square feet per apartment complex or one monument sign per
vehicle entrance, whichever is greater.
2. Maximum sign area of Monument Signs. No more than thirty-two
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(32) square feet.
C. Maximum height of freestanding signs. No more than eight (8) feet.
D. Minimum setback. Signs shall maintain a ten (10) foot setback from all
property lines and be located on private property.
E. Other. Signage shall compliment exterior finish of principal structure on
the lot and blend into the neighborhood. Landscaping around monument
sign is required.
Except as provided in Section 12, all signs must comply with the requirements of
the underlying zoning district.
A. Permitted signage. Except as included below, all sign types are prohibited.
The following sign types are permitted:
1. One Monument sign,
2. Wall signs,
3. One Projecting sign,
4. Window signs,
5. Awning and canopy signs, and
6. Sandwich board signs.
B. Maximum sign area.
1. Maximum aggregate area for lot.
a. Single entity occupant property – One (1) square foot per
lineal front foot or ten percent (10%) of front facade,
whichever is greater.
b. Multiple entity occupant property – One (1) square foot per
lineal front foot or fifteen (15%) of front façade, whichever is
2. Maximum sign area of Window Signs. Not to exceed fifty percent
(50%) of the window area.
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C. Maximum height of freestanding signs. No more than eight (8) feet.
D. Minimum setback. Signs shall comply with the setback requirements of
Section 20, except that side yard setbacks shall be ten (10) feet.
E. Design Standards for B-1 Central Business District. The following
standards pertain to signs within the B-1 Central Business District and are
in addition to other standards contained herein:
1. The City finds that the unique character, aesthetics and history of
the Downtown and Central Business District are valid public
resources to preserve, and wishes to balance the needs of property
owners and the maintenance of this valuable aesthetic and
historical quality, to minimize visual confusion, clutter and
distraction and guarantee a well-planned design for the City’s
traditional business district.
2. Signs shall be architecturally compatible with the style,
composition, materials, colors and details of the building to which it
relates and other signs on other buildings within the B-1 District.
3. Signage should be simple and while advertising the use of the
structure, the signage should not overshadow or dominate the
character of the structure.
4. If a sign is illuminated, the illumination must be directed toward and
limited to the sign’s surface. The light source may not shine upon
any part of a residence or roadway or in any way distract or
obstruct traffic. All displays must be shielded to prevent any light to
be directed at oncoming traffic in such brilliance as to impair any
driver’s vision. No device may be illuminated to interfere with or
obscure indoor signs that are visible from public streets. Illuminated
signs may not give off any intermittent, rotating, concentrated or
direction beam, or flashing light of any kind. Signs capable of being
lit in the evening must limit the view of such lights from motorists
and pedestrians.
5. The overall design of all signage including the mounting framework
shall relate to the design of the principal building on the property.
For buildings without a recognizable style, the sign shall adopt the
decorative features of the building, utilizing the same materials and
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6. Projecting signs are limited to areas directly adjacent to Broadway
Street and must comply with the following:
a. The projecting sign does not extend beyond the first floor of
the building.
b. No less than ten feet of clearance is provided between the
highest point of the sidewalk and the lowest point of the
projecting sign.
c. Cumulative projecting sign area is not greater than twelve
square feet and maximum sign width not greater than three
d. Maximum distance between a projecting sign and the
building face doesn’t exceed one foot.
7. Sandwich Board Signs are limited to areas directly adjacent to
Broadway Street and must comply with the following:
a. No more than one sandwich board sign per business shall
be allowed.
b. The sandwich board sign does not exceed 36” in height or
30” in width.
c. The sign is displayed only during store hours.
d. The sign does not require any form of electricity or display
lights or moving parts.
e. That such signs do not block driveways, entryways or
pedestrian accesses, do not significantly occlude the
sidewalk and/or do not impact sightlines/view at street
f. The sign is made of superior quality, weather/wind resistant
g. The sign is not affixed to the sidewalk, other signage or
temporary or permanent structure.
h. A valid sign permit is secured from the zoning/city
administrator and/or his/her designee.
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i. The sign owner provides proof of liability insurance listing the
City as an additional insured and holding the City harmless.
Except as provided in Section 12, all signs must comply with the requirements of
the underlying zoning district.
A. Permitted signage. Except as included below, all sign types are prohibited.
The following sign types are permitted:
1. One Freestanding sign per lot, except Interstate 94 corridor two (2)
freestanding per lot no closer than Five hundred (500) and
2. Wall signs.
B. Maximum sign area.
1. Maximum aggregate area for lot.
a. Single entity occupant property – Two (2) square foot per
lineal front foot.
b. Multiple entity occupant property – Two and a half (2.5)
square feet per lineal front foot.
2. Maximum sign area of Wall signs. Not to exceed fifteen percent
(15%) of the area of the façade to which it is affixed.
3. Maximum sign area of Freestanding signs.
a. If abutting Trunk Highway 23 – Three hundred (300) square
b. If abutting other arterial or collector street – One hundred-
twenty-five (125) square feet.
c. If abutting local street – One hundred (100) square feet.
d. Interstate 94 corridor Eight hundred (800) square feet
C. Maximum height of freestanding signs.
1. If abutting Trunk Highway 23 – Thirty (30) feet .
2. If abutting other arterial or collector street – Twenty (20) feet.
3. If abutting local street – Eighteen (18) feet.
4. Interstate 94 corridor Eight-five (85) feet.
D. Minimum setback. Signs shall maintain a ten (10) foot setback from all
property lines and be located on private property.
E. Design Standards for Properties with Highway/Freeway Visibility. The
following standards pertain to signs within the B-2 General Business
District which are visible from T.H. 23. These standards are in addition to
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other standards contained herein.
1. The City wishes to balance the need to direct persons and provide
commercial/industrial establishments with opportunities for the
employment of useful signage; and, to minimize visual confusion,
clutter and distraction within commercial and business park
districts. The standards contained in this subdivision relate to signs
on parcels adjacent to or visible from principal arterials, minor
arterials and collector streets.
2. Signs shall employ superior-quality, permanent materials. Natural
materials such as wood, brick, stone, glass, etc are highly
3. Signs shall be architecturally compatible with the style,
composition, materials, color and details of the building to which it
relates and other structures within the applicable zoning
4. Signage should be simple and non-obtrusive and, while advertising
the use of the structure it should not overshadow or dominate the
character of the structure.
5. The use of natural color palettes in freestanding signage is highly
6. All freestanding signs shall employ landscaping that is aesthetically
pleasing and complimentary to the quality of uses within the area.
Except as provided in Section 12, all signs must comply with the requirements of
the underlying zoning district.
A. Permitted signage. Except as included below, all sign types are prohibited.
The following sign types are permitted:
1. One Freestanding sign per lot, except Interstate 94 corridor two (2)
freestanding per lot no closer than Five hundred (500) feet, and
2. Wall signs,
B. Maximum sign area.
1. Maximum aggregate area for lot.
a. Single entity occupant property – Two (2) square foot per
lineal front foot.
b. Multiple entity occupant property – Two and half (2.5) square
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feet per lineal front foot.
2. Maximum sign area of Wall Signs. Not to exceed fifteen percent
(15%) of the area of the façade to which it is affixed.
3. Maximum sign area of Freestanding signs.
a. If abutting Trunk Highway 23 – Three hundred (300) square
b. If abutting other arterial or collector street – One hundred
twenty-five (125) square feet.
c. If abutting local street – One hundred (100) square feet.
d. Interstate 94 corridor Eight hundred (800) square feet.
C. Maximum height of freestanding signs.
1. If abutting Trunk Highway 23 – Thirty (30) feet.
2. If abutting other arterial or collector street – Twenty (20) feet.
3. If abutting local street – Eighteen (18) feet.
4. Interstate 94 corridor Eighty-five (85) feet.
D. Minimum setback. Signs shall maintain a ten (10) foot setback from all
property lines and be located on private property.
E. Design Standards for Properties with Highway/Freeway Visibility. The
following standards pertain to signs within the Industrial District which are
visible from T.H. 23. These standards are in addition to other standards
contained herein.
1. The City wishes to balance the need to direct persons and provide
commercial/industrial establishments with opportunities for the
employment of useful signage; and, to minimize visual confusion,
clutter and distraction within commercial and business park
districts. The standards contained in this subdivision relate to signs
on parcels adjacent to or visible from principal arterials, minor
arterials and collector streets.
2. Signs shall employ superior-quality, permanent materials. Natural
materials such as wood, brick, stone, glass, etc are highly
3. Signs shall be architecturally compatible with the style,
composition, materials, color and details of the building to which it
relates and other structures within the applicable zoning
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4. Signage should be simple and non-obtrusive and, while advertising
the use of the structure it should not overshadow or dominate the
character of the structure.
5. The use of natural color palettes in freestanding signage is highly
6. All freestanding signs shall employ landscaping that is aesthetically
pleasing and complimentary to the quality of uses within the area.
A. A master signage plan shall be included in any non-residential
development plan, site or plot plan and/or non-residential planned unit
development with more than one individual business or tenant. No permit
shall be issued for an individual sign requiring a permit in a commercial
and/or industrial zoning district where more than one business or industry
will be located until a master signage plan has been approved by the City.
B. The owner/agent shall submit a master signage plan containing the
following information:
1. A scaled site plan showing location of buildings, parking lots,
driveways and landscaped areas and an accurate indication on the
site plan of the proposed location of present and future signs of any
type, whether requiring a permit or not.
2. Scaled color drawings clearly showing location of sign on building
3. Computation of the maximum total sign area, the maximum area for
individual signs and the height of signs.
C. The maximum numbers of signs affixed to a building by each business
within the building shall be controlled by the master signage plan.
D. Other provisions of the plan may contain such other restrictions as the
owner of the development or building may reasonably determine.
E. The plan shall be signed by all owners or their authorized agents in such
form as required by the City or as a part of applicable and active restrictive
F. A master signage plan may be amended by filing administratively a new
master signage plan that conforms to all requirements of this Ordinance.
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G. After approval of a master signage plan, no sign shall be erected, placed,
painted or maintained, except in conformance with approved master
signage plan and such plan may be enforced in the same way as
provisions of this Ordinance. In case of any conflict between the
provisions of such a plan and this code, the code
shall govern.
It is recognized that signs exist within the zoning districts which were lawful
before this sign ordinance was enacted, but will be prohibited under the terms of
this section. It is the intent of this sign ordinance that nonconforming signs shall
not be enlarged upon or expanded, nor be used as grounds for adding other
signs or uses prohibited elsewhere in the same district. It is further the intent of
this sign ordinance to permit legal nonconforming signs existing on the effective
date of this sign ordinance to continue as legal nonconforming signs provided
such signs are safe, are maintained so as not to be unsightly, and have not been
abandoned or removed subject to the following provisions:
A. No sign shall be enlarged or altered in a way which increases its
B. If the use of the nonconforming sign or sign structure is discontinued for a
period of one year, the sign or sign structure shall not be reconstructed or
used except in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance.
C. Should such nonconforming sign or sign structure be damaged or
structure be destroyed by any means to an extent greater than fifty (50)
percent of its market value and all required permits for its reconstruction
have not been applied for within 180 days of when the sign or sign
structure was damaged, it shall not be reconstructed or used except in
conformity with the provisions of this ordinance.
D. Should such sign or sign structure be moved for any reason for any
distance whatsoever, it shall thereafter conform to the regulations for the
zoning district in which it is located after it is moved.
E. No existing sign devoted to a use not permitted by the zoning code in the
zoning district in which it is located shall be enlarged, expanded or moved
except in changing the sign to a sign permitted in the zoning district in
which is it located.
F. When a building loses its nonconforming status all signs devoted to the
structure shall be removed and all signs painted directly on the structure
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shall be repainted in a neutral color or a color which will harmonize with
the structure.
The provisions of this subdivision are in addition to the definitions set forth in
Section 14, which shall apply, except that in the event of a conflict, the provisions
in this paragraph shall apply.
Subdivision 20: VIOLATIONS
Violation of this section is a violation as a misdemeanor, and enforced under
Section 31. Each day that the violation continues is a separate offense.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this sign ordinance, all signs of any size
containing Non-Commercial Speech may be posted from August 1 in any general
election year until ten (10) days following the general election and thirteen (13)
weeks prior to any special election until ten (10) days following the special
election. These signs shall be subject to any applicable restrictions on
campaigning in and around polling places.
The owner of any sign which is otherwise allowed by this sign ordinance may
substitute non-commercial speech in lieu of any other commercial speech or non-
commercial speech. This substitution of copy may be made without any
additional approval or permitting. The purpose of this provision is to prevent any
inadvertent favoring of commercial speech over non-commercial speech, or
favoring of any particular non-commercial speech over any other non-commercial
speech. This provision prevails over any more specific provision to the contrary.
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To accommodate the communication needs of residents and business while
protecting public health, safety, and general welfare, the City finds that these
regulations are necessary to:
1. Facilitate wireless telecommunication services to City residents and
2. Minimize adverse visual effects of Towers through careful design and
siting standards;
3. Avoid potential damage to adjacent properties from Tower failure through
structural standards and setback requirements; and
4. Maximize the use of existing and approved Towers and buildings to
accommodate new wireless telecommunication antennas to reduce the
number of Towers needed to serve the community.
All Commercial Wireless Telecommunication Towers erected, constructed, or
located within the City must comply with the following requirements:
1. The City Council will not approve a new Commercial Wireless
Telecommunication Service Tower unless it finds that the
telecommunications equipment planned for the proposed Tower cannot be
accommodated on an existing or approved Tower or building within a one
(1) mile search radius (one half (2) mile search radius for towers one
hundred twenty (120) feet or less in height and one quarter (1/4) mile
search radius for towers eighty (80) feet or less in height) of the proposed
Tower due to one (1) or more of the following reasons:
A. The planned equipment would exceed the structural capacity of the
existing or approved Tower or building, as documented by a qualified
and licensed professional engineer, and the existing or approved
Tower cannot be reinforced, modified, or replaced to accommodate
planned or equivalent equipment at a reasonable cost.
B. The planned equipment would cause interference materially
impacting the usability of other existing or planned equipment at the
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Tower or building as documented by a qualified and licensed
professional engineer, and the interference cannot be prevented at a
reasonable cost.
C. Existing or approved Towers and buildings within the search radius
cannot accommodate the planned equipment at a height necessary
to function reasonably as documented by a qualified and licensed
professional engineer.
D. Other unforeseen reasons that make it not feasible to locate the
planned telecommunications equipment upon an existing or
approved Tower or building.
E. The proposer must establish their case to the City Council by
providing clear easy to interpret evidence.
2. Any proposed Commercial Wireless Telecommunication Service Tower
which is over one hundred (100) feet in height must be designed,
structurally, electrically, and in all other respects, to accommodate both
the applicant’s antennas and comparable antennas, for at least two (2)
additional users.
3. Towers must be designed to allow for future rearrangement of Antennas
upon the Tower and to accept Antennas mounted at varying heights.
All Towers and Antennas erected, constructed, or located within the City, and all
wiring, must comply with the requirements of the City Building Code, State
Electrical Code and any other applicable codes or regulations.
Proposed or modified Towers and Antennas must meet the following design
1. Appearance. Towers and Antennas must be designed to blend into the
surrounding environment through the use of color and camouflaging
architectural treatment, except in instances where the color is dictated by
federal or state authorities such as the Federal Aviation Administration.
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2. Monopole Design. Commercial Wireless Telecommunication Service
Towers must be of a monopole design unless the City Council determines
that an alternative design would better blend in to the surrounding
environment or better accommodate multiple use of the Tower.
Subdivision 5: TOWER SETBACKS
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the regulations applicable to a
specific zoning district, Towers must conform with each of the following minimum
setback requirements:
1. Underlying Zoning District Setbacks. Unless this Section specifies
otherwise, Towers must meet the setbacks of the applicable underlying
zoning district.
2. Residential Property. In all non-residential zones, at a minimum, all
Towers shall be set back from residentially zoned property and all
structures (except structures accessory to Towers) a minimum of one
hundred fifty percent (150%) of the Tower’s height.
3. Public Right-of-Way. Towers must be set back from existing or planned
public rights of way by a minimum distance equal to one half (1/2) of the
Tower’s height including all Antennas and attachments. No part of any
Tower, Antenna, support structure, lines, cables, equipment, wires or
braces must extend across or over any part of a public right-of-way, public
street, highway or sidewalk.
4. Between Principal Structures and Streets. Towers may not be located
between a principal structure and a public street, with the following
A. In industrial zoning districts, Towers may be placed within a side
yard abutting an internal industrial street.
B. On sites with adjacent public streets on all sides, Towers may be
placed within a side yard abutting a local street.
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5. Variance. A Tower’s setback may be reduced or its location in relation to
a public street varied, at the City Council’s sole discretion, to allow a
Tower’s integration into an existing or proposed structure such as a
church steeple, light standard, power line support device, or similar
Subdivision 6: TOWER HEIGHT
Height Determination. A Tower’s height must be determined by
measuring the vertical distance from the Tower’s point of contact with the
ground to the Tower’s highest point, including all Antennas or other
attachments, and if the Tower is mounted upon another structure, the
height of that structure plus the vertical distance from the Tower’s point of
contact with the structure must be added together to determine the
Tower’s height.
2. Height Restrictions. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the
regulations applicable to a specific zoning district, Towers are subject to
the following height restrictions:
A. In all residential districts, a Tower’s maximum height is thirty-five
(35) feet.
B. In all non-residential districts, a Tower’s maximum height shall be
one hundred-fifty (150) feet, except that in the Ag-40 districts a
Tower may not exceed a maximum height of one hundred
ninety-nine (199) feet.
Subdivision 7: TOWER LIGHTING
Towers may not be illuminated by artificial means and may not display strobe
lights unless the lighting is specifically required by the Federal Aviation
Administration or other federal or state authority for a particular Tower or
otherwise approved by the City Council. When incorporated into the Tower’s
approved design, light fixtures used to illuminate ball fields, parking lots, or
similar areas may be attached to the Tower.
The use of any portion of a Tower for signs other than warning or equipment
information signs are prohibited.
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All utility buildings and structures accessory to a Tower must be architecturally
designed to blend in with the surrounding environment and must meet the
minimum setback requirements and all other requirements of the underlying
zoning district in which the building is located. Ground mounted equipment must
be screened from view by suitable vegetation, except where a design of non-
vegetative screening better reflects and compliments the architectural character
of the surrounding neighborhood.
Subdivision 10: FENCING
All Commercial Towers and accessory buildings must be enclosed with an
aesthetically acceptable fence between eight (8) and ten (10) feet in height with a
locked gate to prevent unauthorized entry.
As a condition to approving a Commercial Tower, the City Council will establish
reasonable requirements relating to landscaping and screening to improve the
aesthetic appearance of the Tower’s base and accessory buildings. Existing on-
site vegetation should be preserved to the maximum extent possible.
Subdivision 12: MINIMUM SPACING
Commercial Tower locations must be at least one-fourth (1/4) mile apart.
Antennas wholly contained within a building or other structure and not visible to
the general public are exempt from this spacing regulation as determined by the
City Council.
Subdivision 13: LICENSES
All proposals to erect any new Tower must be accompanied by all required
federal, state or local agency licenses or proof of application for them.
Abandoned or unused Towers or portions of Towers must be removed as
1. All abandoned or unused Towers and associated facilities must be
removed within twelve (12) months after the cessation of operations at the
site unless the City Council approves a time extension. If a Tower is not
removed within twelve (12) months after the cessation of operations at a
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site, the City may remove the Tower and associated facilities and assess
the removal costs against the property.
2. Unused portions of Towers above a manufactured connection must be
removed within six (6) months of the time of Antenna relocation. The
replacement of portions of a Tower previously removed requires the
issuance of a new conditional use permit.
The City Council may approve the placement of wireless telecommunication
Antennas on roofs, walls, and existing Towers if the Antennas meet this
Ordinance’s requirements and after submittal of: 1) a final site and building plan;
and 2) a report prepared by a qualified and licensed professional engineer
indicating the existing structure or Tower’s suitability to accept the Antenna and
the proposed method of affixing the Antenna to the structure. The report must
indicate complete details of all fixtures and couplings and the precise point of
No new or existing telecommunications service may interfere with public safety
telecommunications. All applications for new service must be accompanied by
an intermodulation study which provides a technical evaluation of existing and
proposed transmissions and indicates all potential interference problems. Before
the introduction of new service or changes in existing service, telecommunication
providers must notify the City at least ten (10) calendar days in advance of such
changes and allow the City to monitor interference levels during the testing
In addition to the information required elsewhere in this Ordinance, all
applications to construct Towers must include the following supplemental
1. A report from a qualified and licensed professional engineer which does
the following:
A. Describes the Tower height and design including a cross section
and elevation;
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B. Documents the height above grade for all potential mounting
positions for co-located Antennas and the minimum separation
distances between Antennas;
C. Describes the Tower’s capacity, including the number and type of
Antennas that it can accommodate;
D. Documents what steps the applicant will take to avoid interference
with established public safety telecommunications;
E. Includes an engineer’s stamp and registration number; and
F. Includes other information necessary to evaluate the request.
2. For all Commercial Wireless Telecommunication Service Towers, a letter
of intent committing the Tower owner and his or her successors to allow
the shared use of the Tower if an additional user agrees in writing to meet
reasonable terms and conditions for shared use.
3. Before a site or building permit may be issued, the following supplemental
information must be submitted:
A. Proof that the proposed Tower complies with regulations
administered by Federal Aviation Administration; and
B. A report from a qualified and licensed professional engineer which
demonstrates the Tower’s compliance with the applicable structural
and electrical standards.
4. A site plan showing the boundaries of the property where the Tower is
located, adjacent land uses, the Tower’s location and any Accessory
Buildings within the property, distance of setbacks from property lines for
the Tower and all Accessory Buildings, Fence locations and proposed
landscaping and screening.
Subdivision 18: EXCEPTIONS
This Section’s requirements apply to all structures and developments otherwise
permitted under this Ordinance except:
1. Planned Unit Developments, when approved as a part of a preliminary
and final development plan under this Ordinance.
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2. Public utility structures, including but not limited to water towers, lights and
signals, power and telephone poles, and poles supporting emergency
warning devices.
3. Church sanctuaries, steeples and bell towers.
4. In accordance with the Federal Communications Commission’s
preemptive ruling, Towers erected for the primary purpose of supporting
amateur radio Antennas may exceed thirty (30) feet in height if the City
Council determines that the proposed Tower height is technically
necessary to successfully engage in amateur radio communications.
5. A Tower or Antenna not more than thirty (30) feet in height used for
residential television reception that is used to receive television signals
exclusively for the occupants of the property where the Tower or Antenna
is located.
6. A satellite or microwave dish that is one (1) meter or less in diameter used
to receive signals exclusively for the occupants of the property where the
dish is located.
7. Birdhouses.
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The purpose and intent of this chapter is regulate the installation and operation of
Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) within the City not otherwise subject
to siting and oversight by the State of Minnesota under the Minnesota Power
Plant Siting Act (MS 116C.51 – 116C.697).
Subdivision 2: PROCEDURES
Land Use/Building Permits, Conditional Use Permits and Variances shall be
applied for and reviewed under the procedures established in this Ordinance.
1. The application for all WECS shall include the following information:
A. The names of project applicant.
B. The name of the project owner.
C. The legal description and address of the project.
D. A description of the project including: Number, type, name plate
generating capacity, tower height, rotor diameter, and total height of
all wind turbines and means of interconnecting with the electrical
E. Site layout, including the location of property lines, wind turbines,
electrical wires, interconnection points with the electrical grid, and
all related accessory structures. The site layout shall include
distances and be drawn to scale.
F. Engineer’s certification.
G. Documentation of land ownership or legal control of the property.
2. The application for Commercial WECS shall also include:
A. The latitude and longitude of individual wind turbines.
B. A USGS topographical map, or map with similar data, of the
property and surrounding area, including any other WECS within
ten (10) rotor diameters of the Proposed WECS.
C. Location of all known Communications Towers within one mile of
the proposed WECS.
D. Decommissioning Plan.
E. Description of potential impacts on nearby WECS and wind
resources on adjacent properties.
F. Any additional information as may be requested by the Zoning
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Aggregated Projects may jointly submit a single application and be reviewed
under joint proceedings, including notices, hearings, reviews and as appropriate
approvals. Permits will be issued and recorded separately. Joint applications will
be assessed fees as one project. Aggregated projects having a combined
capacity equal to or greater than the threshold for State oversight as set forth in
MS Statute 116C.691 through 116C.697 shall be regulated by the State of
WECS will be permitted, conditionally permitted or not permitted based on the
generating capacity and land use district as established in the table below:
District Non-
Commercial Meteorological
Agriculture Preservation Permitted Conditionally
General Agricultural A-
Permitted Conditionally
Industrial I-1 & I-2 Conditionally
Shoreland Residential
Management R1
Not permitted
Unless on 5 Acres
Not permitted
Unless on 5
Acres or more
Not permitted
Unless on 5 Acres
or more CUP
Shoreland Resource
Management RM
Not Permitted Permitted
Community Residence
R1, R2, R3
Not Permitted
unless on 5 Acres
or more CUP
Not Permitted
unless on 5 acres
or more CUP
Not Permitted
unless on 5 Acres
or more
Central Business District
B1 & B2
Not Permitted Not Permitted Not Permitted
Non-Commercial WECS and Meteorological Towers shall require a
Conditional Use Permit if over two hundred (200) feet in height.
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All towers shall adhere to the setbacks established in the following table:
Wind Turbine
Non- Commercial
Wind Turbine -
Commercial WECS
Property lines
The fall zone, as
certified by a
engineer plus 10
feet or 1.1 times the
total height.
The fall zone, as
certified by a
engineer plus 10
feet or 1.1 times the
The fall zone, as
certified by a
professional engineer
plus 10 feet or 1.1
times the total height.
Dwellings* NA 1.5 x Total Height The fall zone, as
certified by a
professional engineer
plus 10 feet or 1.1
times the total height.
Rights-of-Way ** The fall zone, as
certified by a
engineer plus 10
feet or 1.1 times the
total height.
The fall zone, as
certified by a
engineer plus 10
feet or 1.1 times the
total height.
The fall zone, as
certified by a
professional engineer
plus 10 feet or 1 times
the total height.
NA 600 feet 600 feet
Wetlands, on the
Protected Waters
Inventory Map for
the City
NA 600 feet 600 feet
Other Existing
NA To be considered
based on:
* The setback for dwellings shall be reciprocal in that no dwelling shall be
constructed within five hundred feet of a commercial wind turbine.
The setback from any non-permitted districts R-1, R-2, B1 & B2 SRM or where a
conditional use permit is needed shall not be less than 500’ from the property
** The setback shall be measured from future rights-of-way if a planned changed or
expanded right-of-way is known.
*** - Relative size of the existing and proposed WECS
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- Alignment of the WECS relative to the predominant winds.
- Topography
- Extent of wake interference impacts on existing WECS.
- Property line setback of existing WECS.
- Other setbacks required.
- Waived for internal setbacks in multiple turbine projects including aggregated
1. Engineering Certification – For all WECS, the manufacture’s engineer or
another qualified engineer shall certify that the turbine, foundation and
tower design of the WECS is within accepted professional standards,
given local soil and climate conditions.
2. Clearance – Rotor blades or airfoils must maintain at least thirty-five feet
of clearance between their lowest point and the ground.
3. Warnings:
a. For all Commercial WECS, a sign or signs shall be posted on the
tower, transformer and substation warning of high voltage. Signs
with emergency contact information shall also be posted on the
turbine or at another suitable point.
b. For all guyed towers, visible and reflective objects, such as plastic
sleeves, reflectors or tape, shall be placed on the guy wire anchor
points and along the outer and innermost guy wires up to a height
of eight (8) feet above the ground. Visible fencing shall be installed
around anchor points of guy wires. Consideration shall be given to
painted aviation warnings on metrological towers of less than two
hundred (200) feet.
Subdivision 7: STANDARDS
1. Total Height – Non-Commercial WECS shall have a total height of less
than two hundred (200) feet. Section 27 of this ordinance requires a
conditional use for all structures over two hundred (200) feet in total
2. Tower Configuration – All wind turbines, which are part of a commercial
WECS, shall be installed with a tubular, monopole type tower.
Meteorological towers may be guyed.
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3. Color and Finish – All wind turbines and towers that are part of a
commercial WECS shall be white, grey or another non-obtrusive color.
Blades may be black in order to facilitate deicing. Finishes shall be matt or
non-reflective. Exceptions may be made for metrological towers, where
concerns exist relative to aerial spray applicators.
4. Lighting – Lighting, including lighting intensity and frequency of strobe,
shall adhere to but not exceed requirements established by Federal
Aviation Administration permits and regulations. Red strobe lights are
preferred for night-time illumination to reduce impacts on migrating birds.
Red pulsating incandescent lights should be avoided. Exceptions may be
made for metrological towers, where concerns exist relative to aerial spray
5. Other Signage – All signage on site shall comply with Section 12 of this
Ordinance. The manufacturers or owner’s company name and/or logo
may be placed upon the nacelle compartment containing the electrical
generator, of the WECS.
6. Feeder Lines – All communications and feeder lines, equal to or less than
34.5 kV in capacity, installed as part of a WECS shall be buried where
reasonably feasible. Feeder lines installed as part of a WECS shall not be
considered an essential service. This standard applies to all feeder lines
subject to the City of Rockville authority.
7. Waste Disposal – Solid and Hazardous wastes, including but not limited to
crates, packaging materials, damaged or worn parts, as well as used oils
and lubricants, shall be removed from the site promptly and disposed of in
accordance with all applicable local, state and federal regulations.
8. Discontinuation and Decommissioning - A WECS shall be considered a
discontinued use after one (1) year without energy production, unless a
plan is developed and submitted to the City of Rockville Zoning
Administrator outlining the steps and schedule for returning the WECS to
service. All WECS and accessory facilities shall be removed to four (4)
feet below ground level within ninety (90) days of the discontinuation of
Each Commercial WECS shall have a decommissioning plan
outlining the anticipated means and cost of removing WECS at the end of
their serviceable life or upon becoming a discontinued use. The cost
estimates shall be made by a competent party; such as a Professional
Engineer, a contractor capable of decommissioning or a person with
suitable expertise or experience with decommissioning. The plan shall
also identify the financial resources that will be available to pay for the
decommissioning and removal of the WECS and accessory facilities.
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9. Orderly Development – Upon issuance of a conditional use permit, all
Commercial WECS shall notify the Environmental Quality Board Power
Plant Siting Act program Staff of the project location and details on the
survey form specified by the Environmental Quality Board.
1. Noise – All WECS shall comply with Minnesota Rules 7030 governing
2. Electrical Codes and Standards – All WECS and accessory equipment
and facilities shall comply with the National Electrical Code and other
applicable standards.
3. Federal Aviation Administration– All WECS shall comply with FAA
standards and permits.
4. Uniform Building Code – All WECS shall comply with the Uniform Building
Code adopted by the State of Minnesota.
Subdivision 9: INTERFERENCE
The applicant shall minimize or mitigate interference with electromagnetic
communications, such as radio, telephone, microwaves, or television signals
caused by any WECS. The applicant shall notify all communication tower
operators within one mile of the proposed WECS location upon application to the
City of Rockville for permits. No WECS shall be constructed so as to interfere
with City or Minnesota Department of Transportation microwave transmissions.
1. Roads – Applicants shall: Identify all County, City or State roads to be
used for the purpose of transporting WECS, substation parts, cement,
and/or equipment for construction, operation or maintenance of the WECS
and obtain applicable weight and size permits from the impacted road
authority (ies) prior to construction. Conduct a pre-construction survey, in
coordination with the impacted local road authority (ies) to determine
existing road conditions. The survey shall include photographs and a
written agreement to document the condition of the public facility. Be
responsible for restoring or paying damages as agreed to by the
applicable road authority (ies) sufficient to restore the road(s) and bridges
to preconstruction conditions.
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2. Drainage System – The applicant shall be responsible for immediate
repair of damage to public drainage systems stemming from construction,
operation or maintenance of the WECS.
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Within the City’s Zoning Districts established by this Ordinance or later
amendments, there may exist lots, structures or land uses that were lawful before
this Ordinance was passed or amended but which are prohibited, regulated or
restricted under the Ordinance or a future amendment of this Ordinance. The
City intends to permit nonconformities to continue until they are removed but not
to encourage their survival. This Sections intent is that non-conforming uses not
be enlarged, extended, or expanded, and that additions not be used as a basis
for adding other prohibited uses.
The lawful use of a building or structure existing at the time of this Ordinance’s
adoption or amendment that does not conform with the applicable district’s
provisions may be continued if it remains otherwise lawful subject to the following
1. No Structural Alteration. No existing structure devoted to a use not
permitted by this Ordinance in the District in which it is located, shall be
enlarged, extended, constructed, reconstructed, moved or structurally
altered except in changing the use of the structure to a use permitted in
the district in which it is located.
2. Extended Use. A non-conforming use may be extended throughout the
building or structure, provided no structural alterations or changes are
made to the building, except those required by law or ordinance or that
may be required for safety or necessary to secure or insure the buildings
continued advantageous use during its natural life.
3. Change to Another Nonconforming Use. If no structural alterations are
made to any structure or premises involving a nonconforming use, the use
may be changed to another nonconforming use if the City Council, either
by general rule or by making findings in the specific case, finds that the
proposed use is as appropriate or more appropriate to the District. In
permitting the change, the City Council will consider the Planning
Commission’s recommendations and may require appropriate conditions
and safeguards.
4. Replacement by Permitted Use. If a structure’s nonconforming use is
replaced by a permitted use, the nonconforming use may not be resumed.
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5. Discontinued Use. If a nonconforming use is discontinued for twelve (12)
consecutive months, the use must not be resumed except in conformance
with the regulations of the District where the use is located.
6. Removal or Destruction. Where nonconforming use status applies to a
structure or structure and land in combination, the removal or destruction
to the extent of greater than fifty percent (50%) of the estimated market
value of the structure (as indicted in the records of the county assessor at
the time of damage) will eliminate the non-conforming status of the land
and/or building, and the structure may not be reconstructed as a
nonconforming use or structure unless a building permit has been applied
for within 180 days of the property damage. The City may impose
mitigating conditions or increase setbacks in accordance with Minn. Stat.
462.357, Subd.1e.
7. Floodplain District Special Considerations. In the case of a non-
conforming use or structure within a Floodplain District, additional
conditions will apply as set out in the Floodplain Ordinance.
8. Shore land District Special Considerations. In the case of a non-
conforming use or structure within a Shore land District, additional
conditions will apply as set out in the Shore land Ordinance.
On any building devoted in whole or in part to any nonconforming use, normal
maintenance, including but not limited to the repair or replacement of non-
bearing walls, fixtures, wiring, and plumbing, may be performed if the
maintenance, repairs or replacement does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the
building’s current assessed value (as determined for property tax purposes) in
any five (5)-year period. No load-bearing walls may be replaced nor may the
cubic content of the building be increased.
Where a lawful structure exists that could not be built under this Ordinance
because of restrictions on area, lot coverage, height, setbacks or other
characteristics of the structure or its location on the lot, the structure may remain
and continue to be used so long as it remains otherwise lawful, subject to the
following provisions:
1. No Increased Nonconformity. A nonconforming structure may not be
enlarged or altered in a way which increases its non-conformity.
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2. Damage. Any non-conforming building or structure damaged more than
fifty percent (50%) of its then assessed value (as determined for property
tax purposes), exclusive of foundations at the time of damage by fire,
collapse, explosion or acts of God or public enemy, may not be restored or
reconstructed and used as before such happening; however, if less than
fifty percent (50%) of the building’s value (based upon assessed value) is
destroyed, the building may be restored, reconstructed or used as before
provided that it is reconstructed within twelve (12) months of such
happening and that it is reconstructed using similar materials and
architectural design. Alternative materials or design may, however, be
used provided Planning Commission approval is obtained. The Building
Official will determine if a building remains habitable after any damage to a
Where land uses exist that are not permitted under this Ordinance’s terms as
enacted or amended, the use may be continued if it remains otherwise lawful,
subject to the following:
1. No Increased Nonconformity. A non-conforming use may not be
enlarged or increased, nor extended to occupy a greater area of land.
2. Discontinued Use. If any non-conforming use of land ceases, for any
reason, for a period of more than thirty (30) days, any subsequent use of
the land must conform to the requirements of this Ordinance.
3. Moving Use. A non-conforming use may not be moved in whole or in part
to any other portion of the lot or parcel not occupied by the use at the
effective date of this Ordinance’s adoption or amendment.
Subdivision 6: ABANDONMENT
A non-conforming use of a building or premises which has been abandoned must
not be returned to the non-conforming use. A non-conforming use will be
presumed abandoned when all or substantially all of the equipment and/or
furnishings have been removed from the premises and have not been replaced
or the use ceases, for any reason, for a period of more than one year.
Nothing in this Ordinance is intended to prevent the strengthening or restoring to
a safe condition any portion of a building or structure declared unsafe by the City
Building Inspector.
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Any proposed structure which will, under this Ordinance, become non-
conforming but for which a building permit has been lawfully granted prior to the
effective date of this Ordinance, may be completed in accordance with the
approved plans; provided construction is started within sixty (60) days of the
effective date of this Ordinance, is not abandoned for a period of more than one
hundred twenty (120) days, and continues to completion within one (1) year.
Such structure and use must thereafter be a legally non-conforming structure and
No structure existing at this Ordinance’s adoption may be expanded,
enlarged, or reconstructed to increase its floor area by twenty-five percent
(25%) or more without bringing the site into compliance with this
Ordinance’s requirements, including but not limited to businesses and
industrial properties providing sufficient parking for the entire building,
paving the parking lot area if not previously paved, providing fencing as
may be required by this Ordinance, and providing screening for refuse
storage. The term “site” as used in this Subdivision does not include a
legal, non-conforming lot of record in existence when this Code was
adopted, and this Subdivision does not apply to a situation where a
structure on such a legal, non-conforming lot is being expanded, enlarged
or reconstructed to increase the structure’s floor area by twenty-five
percent (25%) or more.
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The following zoning district classifications are established within the City of
1. A-40" Agricultural District
2. RR” Rural Residential District
3. R-1" Single Family Residential District
4. R-2" Two Family Residential District
5. R-3" Multiple Family Residential District
6. B-1" Central Business District
7. B-2" General Business District
8. I-1" Industrial District
9. I-2" General Industrial District (Sewered)
1. Official Zoning Map. The boundaries of the districts identified in this
Section are established and adopted as shown upon the Official
Zoning Map on file in the City Clerk’s office, designated The Official
Zoning Map of the City of Rockville, Minnesota, and bearing the
signatures of the Mayor, and City Clerk. The Official Zoning Map, with
all notations, references, data and other information, is made part of
this Ordinance as if it were fully set forth in this Ordinance.
2. Amending Official Zoning Map. The Zoning Administrator will
maintain the Official Zoning Map and make any necessary
amendments as authorized by law and this Ordinance. The Zoning
Administrator will record all amendments to the Official Zoning Map on
the Official Zoning Map within thirty (30) days after adoption by the City
Council. The Official Zoning Map will be available for public inspection
at all reasonable times during which the City Hall is customarily open.
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3. Annexed Land. All land which may later become a part of the City of
Rockville through annexation will be classified as A-40 "Agricultural
District” unless otherwise classified upon annexation and/or until
otherwise changed by amendment procedure as prescribed in this
The boundaries of districts are the center lines of streets and alleys; the center of
streams; the shorelines of rivers and lakes; the rear lot lines where there are not
alleys; the side lines of recorded lots or designated distances where land is
1. Prohibited if not permitted. Whenever in any zoning district a use is not
specifically permitted the use is considered prohibited.
2. Uses not listed. The City Council, the Planning Commission, or a
property owner may request a study by the City to determine if the use is
acceptable and if so what zoning district would be most appropriate and
the determination as to conditions and standards relating to development
of the use. The City Council and/or Planning Commission upon receipt of
the staff study may, if appropriate, initiate an amendment to the Zoning
Ordinance to provide for the particular use under consideration or may
find that the use is not compatible for development within the City. The
Planning Commission and the City Council may also determine that a use
which is not listed is essentially the same as a listed use and treat a use
as the same as the listed use.
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Subdivision 1: AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT A-40 (A-40 District)
The purpose of this District is to preserve the agricultural and rural character of
land within the A-40 District. Agriculture is the predominate land use, however
many single family dwellings and hobby farms exist within this district. Because
of the proximity to growing suburban areas with their continued pressure,
additional residential development may be allowed at a low density of not more
than one residence per 40 acres. This district is intended to meet the goals of
the City of Rockville Comprehensive Plan by providing a distinct separation
between animal agriculture and non-farm residential land uses.
Subdivision 2: PERMITTED USES
The following uses are permitted subject to any applicable performance and
general development standards contained herein:
1. Agricultural operations
2. Family day care
3. Wholesale Greenhouses and wholesale nurseries
4. Licensed Nonresidential Programs with a licensed capacity of 12 or fewer
persons and a group family day care facility licensed under Minnesota
Rules, parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445; or successor rules, to serve 14 or
fewer children pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 245A.14; or
successor statute
5. Licensed Residential Programs, including housing with services
established under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 144D; or successor
statutes, serving 6 or fewer persons, except that a Residential Program
licensed on or after July 1, 1995, whose primary purpose is to treat
juveniles who have violated criminal statutes relating to sex offenses or
have been adjudicated delinquent on the basis of conduct in violation of
criminal statutes relating to sex offenses shall not be considered a
permitted use pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 245A.11; or
successor statute
6. Public and private forest and game management areas
7. Public parks and trails
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8. Single family residential dwelling unit
9. Small-scale family operated seasonal produce stands which are
accessory to agricultural operations
10. Kennels – Private
11. Storage of equipment, materials or items of a residential or
agricultural nature. The storage may not be in exchange for any
compensation. The owner may make incidental use of such stored
items on-site for non-commercial purposes.
12. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar to those
listed in this zoning district and not detrimental to the City’s general health
and welfare.
The following accessory uses and structures are permitted subject to the
performance and general development standards contained in of this
1. Accessory agricultural buildings that are accessory to an
Agricultural Operation
2. Residential accessory buildings
3. Kennels – Private
4. Hoop Structures-Permanent hoop structures needs to be
5. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar to
those listed in this zoning district and not detrimental to the City’s
general health and welfare.
The following uses may be allowed as conditional uses following the procedures
set forth in this Ordinance and further subject to the performance and general
development standards contained in this Ordinance:
1. Agriculturally oriented businesses
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2. Animal Feedlots subject to the provisions of Stearns County’s Ordinances
relating to Feedlots.
3. Aquaculture
4. Worm Farming
5. Churches
6. Community buildings
7. Hunting clubs and shooting preserves
8. Kennels - Commercial
9. Private Airstrips
10. Schools public or private - bus garages
11. Wind Turbines
12. Bed and Breakfast Inns
13. Cemeteries
14. Government administrative and service buildings
15. Home Occupations
16. Home Extended Businesses
17. Outdoor recreational facilities
18. Business uses which were legally existing conforming uses as of April 16,
2003, the date of the adoption of this Ordinance. Any expansion,
intensification of use, additions or rebuilding of structures (except as
permitted by existing special use permits) relating to such businesses will
require the issuance of a conditional use permit.
19. Commercial Wireless Telecommunication Service Towers subject to
Section 13 of the City Zoning Code.
20. Event Centers, provided:
A. The capacity of all structures used in the operation of event center
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is less than 200 persons;
B. The event center has sufficient improved parking spaces for the
use. All parking spaces must be located at least 30 feet from any
neighboring property and at least 150 feet from any neighboring
residential structure, no unimproved areas may be utilized for
parking, and facility is designed to prevent vehicle headlights from
shining on neighboring property;
C. Access to the property is provided by a paved public road, or
access is provided by a gravel road, and no residential building is
located within 200 feet of the gravel road providing access from
the nearest paved public road;
D. The driveway and parking surface are paved, or they are
maintained to prevent dust;
E. The hours of operation is prohibited between the hours of 1:00 am
to 10:00am, and any other time which operation of a liquor
licensed premises is prohibited;
F. No service or operation is allowed outside of the enclosed
premises after sunset. At no time may the attendance at events
located on the property exceed the capacity of the premises used
in the operation;
G. No sound from the operation is discernible at the property
H. No light is directed off of the property, no flashing or blinking lights
are visible from any property line, and no light is brighter than 0.1
footcandles at the property boundary;
I. The facility complies with all existing building, zoning and health
code regulations.
J. All structures are setback at least 30 feet from any neighboring
property, at least 150 feet from any neighboring residential
structure, and at least 100 feet from the road right-of-way;
K. The facility maintains the essential rural character of the district;
L. No existing event center is located within one mile of the boundary
of the property seeking the conditional use permit.”
21. Solar Farms
22. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar to those
listed in this zoning district and not detrimental to the City’s general health
and welfare.
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The following uses may be allowed as interim uses subject to the procedures
set forth in this Ordinance and further subject to the performance and general
development standards contained in this Ordinance:
1. One temporary singe family dwelling unit that is to be located in the
existing farmyard to house farm labor, consisting of either individual(s) or
a family.
2. Migrant and/or seasonal worker housing.
3. Temporary hot mix and concrete recycling plants.
4. Temporary storage or operation of equipment.
5. Extractive Uses.
6. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar to those
listed in this zoning district and not detrimental to the City’s general health
and welfare.
1. Except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, only one (1) Single
Family Residential Dwelling unit shall be allowed per forty (40) acres.
1. Tracts that are contiguous and under common ownership on the effective
date of this Ordinance shall be considered one tract. <Lots of Record
not containing forty (40) acres may be allowed as residential
building sites.>
2. An eligible forty (40) acre tract shall be any tract that does not contain
any existing residential dwelling and meets one of the following:
A. The tract contains forty (40) acres more or less and is described,
for example, as quarter-quarter according to the Government Land
Office survey grid system.
B. The tract is described as an entire Government Lot and contains
enough land to constitute a buildable site as determined by the
Planning Commission considering the minimum area requirements
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necessary for a septic system site and alternative site and
necessary to meet building setback requirements.
C. The tract contains forty (40) acres or more and is described by
metes and bounds description. The right of way of any public road
adjacent to and included in the description of said tract may be
used for the forty (40) acre calculation.
3. Determining eligibility for a residential dwelling site shall be as follows:
A. The property owner(s) total acreage owned within the A-40 District
shall be calculated. In the absence of a certificate of survey, the
acreage listed in the Stearns County Auditor-Treasurer’s Office
property transfer records shall be used.
B. Forty (40) acres for each existing Residential Dwelling and any
equivalent land area previously restricted under provisions of this
Ordinance and/or City of Rockville Subdivision Ordinance, shall be
subtracted from the total acreage owned.
C. The results from 3.A. and 3.B. above, if the difference is at least
forty (40) acres, shall be divided by forty (40) acres and the
quotient will be the number of eligible divisions that are permitted
for the parcel. Decimals Fractions of less than eight and one half
(8 2) shall be reduced to the nearest whole number and decimals
fractions of point eight and one half (.8 2) or greater shall be
increased to the nearest whole number.
4. Subdivisions that are for agricultural or other purposes and do not
increase the density of the number of residential building sites shall be
allowed. The deed shall be accompanied by a Declaration of Restriction
stating that the conveyance is for agricultural or other purposes which do
not increase residential dwelling site density and that the property being
conveyed shall not be used in the calculation of any permitted residential
dwelling site division pursuant to this Ordinance.
5. The owners of an eligible parcel who apply for a subdivision for use as a
Residential Dwelling site shall execute a Declaration of Restriction for a
forty (40) acre equivalent land area which is defined as forty (40) acres
less the acreage of the Residential Dwelling site that is to be conveyed.
The Declaration of Restriction shall prohibit any additional development
of the equivalent land area unless rezoned. No property conveyance
shall occur unless the Declaration of Restriction is first recorded in the
Office of the County Recorder.
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6. The equivalent land area shall have frontage on a public road, or must be
held in common ownership and attached to contiguous land that has
public road frontage. Any residual lot or parcel shall have access to a
public road.
7. The intent of the A-40 District is to restrict residential density to an
average of one Residential Dwelling per forty (40) acres. In order to
provide an opportunity to landowners that own large tracts of land to
combine their eligible density into a cluster development, the transfer of
residential development from one (1) forty (40) acre tract to another forty
(40) acre tract shall be allowed subject to the following:
A. Residential Dwelling site transfers that are exempt from the
Subdivision requirements of this Ordinance shall be approved by
the Zoning Administrator after review by the Planning Commission.
B. When the cumulative number of Residential Dwelling site transfers
totals two (2) or more, the sites shall be clustered and meet the
Planned Unit Development Standards of this Ordinance.
C. Requests for Residential Dwelling site transfers shall not be
approved unless accompanied by a Declaration of Restriction
prohibiting any residential development on the forty (40) acre
tracts from which the residential development rights were
transferred unless and until the restricted property is rezoned to
allow for additional development. No property conveyance
involving a transfer of a Residential Dwelling site shall occur
unless the Certification of Transfer of Development Rights for the
equivalent land area is first recorded in the Office of the County
1. A Lot of Record that is determined as such pursuant to this Ordinance
that is less than forty (40) acres in size shall be allowed as a residential
building site.
2. For lots or tracts created in the A-40 District after April 16, 2003 :
A. The minimum buildable lot size for a Single Family Residential
Dwelling shall be one (1) acre.
B. The minimum median lot width shall be one hundred fifty (150) feet.
C. For uses other than residential uses, the minimum lot size shall be
sufficient to meet the applicable performance standards of this
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Ordinance for the proposed use, setback requirements of this
Ordinance, and the sewage treatment system standards of Stearns
D. The location of any lot in the A-40 District that is to be used as a
residential dwelling site shall be located so that the Residential
Dwelling can meet the animal feedlot setback provisions of Stearns
County’s Ordinances relating to feedlot setbacks.
E. The minimum lot frontage shall be 75 feet.
Except as provided in the Ordinance, the following setback requirements shall
1. Minimum Building Setbacks Principal Structure
A. Side yard: 50 feet from side lot line or boundary.
B. Rear yard: 50 feet from rear lot line or boundary.
C. Animal Feedlots and manure storage facilities shall meet the
setback provisions of this Ordinance or Stearns County’s
Ordinances whichever is more restrictive.
1. Buildings, other than agricultural buildings, shall not exceed thirty-five
(35) feet in height except as provided in this Ordinance.
2. Agricultural buildings shall be exempt from the height requirements.
Subdivision 11: LOT COVERAGE
The maximum lot coverage shall be twenty-five percent (25%).
All plats within the Agricultural District shall be by Planned Unit Development.
Planned Unit Developments within an A-40 District may not in any event have a
density of greater than one (1) dwelling unit per two (2) acres, and must have a
minimum lot size of one (1) acre.
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Subdivision 1 – PURPOSE AND GOALS
1. Purpose:
This district is established to provide areas for low density, rural residential
structures in agricultural/rural areas on lands that due to substantial coverage by
wooded areas, rock outcroppings, marginal soils, steep topographies where soil
erosion is of risk and not conducive to long-term agricultural use; or negative
impact on waterways from higher density residential is likely, etc. Some areas in
this district are currently under agricultural production and can remain so.
Residential development may be allowed in this district at an overall density up
to 8 dwellings per 40 acres. Land within this district is not highly valued farmland
nor is land located within any growth or expansion area of the City of Rockville.
This district is likely located adjacent to agricultural areas and efforts to minimize
land use conflict shall be a primary tool in approving development.
This R-R District will be identified on the City’s Future Land Use map but will not
be on the current zoning map until an area has been re-zoned to this district
following a request for the same from the property owner(s).
2. Goals of the R-R District:
a. Minimize land use conflict between agricultural and other land uses.
1. Maintain suitable boundaries for urban, rural residential and
agricultural areas.
b. Manage the impacts of growth and development on the City’s rural
1. Discourage incompatible land uses through effective land use
2. Identify appropriate areas for commercial, industrial and non-farm
rural residential developments.
c. Provide a variety of residential opportunities.
1. Provide a diversity of housing prices and styles, meeting the
needs of different ages, incomes and lifestyles.
Subdivision 2 – PERMITTED USES:
The following uses are permitted subject to any applicable performance and general
development standards contained herein:
a. Agricultural land uses providing that farm animals are not kept on parcels
smaller than 5 acres with an animal unit density not greater than 1 per 5
acres, 2 per 10 acres, 3 per 11 acres, 4 per 12 acres, 5 per 13 acres. etc,
b. Family, group, “program”, daycare facilities serving 12 or less.
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c. Single family residential dwelling unit
d. Forestry
e. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar to those
listed in this zoning district and not detrimental to the City’s general
health and welfare.
The following accessory uses and structures are permitted subject to the performance
and general development standards contained in of this Ordinance.
a. Accessory buildings (For Residential Accessory Uses)
1) ACCELERATED ACCESSORY STRUCTUREAre permitted in all residential districts and
rural residential (RR) based on the following accelerated structure and providing the exterior
materials on the roof and side walls are visually similar to, comparable in quality/durability,
and harmonious with the roof and side walls materials on the principal structure.
10,200 SF to 13,000 SF = 600 SF Building with Maximum 8’ Side Walls
13,000 SF to 18,000 SF = 900 SF “ 10’
18,000 SF to 25,000 SF = 1,100 SF “ 10’ “
25,000 SF to 35,000 SF = 1,200 SF “ 12’ “
35,000 SF to 45,000 SF = 1,500 SF “ 12’ “
with 15’ setback from main structure
45,000 SF to 65,000 SF = 1,800 SF “ 14’ “
with 20’ setback from main structure
65,000 SF to 70,000 SF = 2,000 SF “ 14’ “
(because of higher side walls)
70,000 SF to 85,000 SF = 2,400 SF “ 14’ “
b. Decorative landscaping features
c. Home occupations
d. Private swimming pools
e. Private tennis courts
f. Residential garages, parking spaces, carports
g. Roadside stands for sale of home occupations, or horticultural products,
provided off-street parking is provided
h. Signs as regulated by ordinance
i. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar to those
listed in this zoning district and not detrimental to the City’s general
health and welfare.
Subdivision 4 – CONDITIONAL USES
The following uses may be allowed as conditional uses following the procedures set
forth in this Ordinance and further subject to the performance and general development
standards contained in this Ordinance:
a. Airports or airplane runways
b. Alcohol fuel plants
c. Animal hospital
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d. Bed and breakfast inns
e. Bulk liquid storage
f. Churches, cemeteries
g. Commercial Wireless Towers– personal wireless, microwave
h. Contractor shops-cabinet, excavation, etc.
i. Essential services, transmission services, utilities substations
j. Event Centers, provided:
1) The capacity of all structures used in the operation of event center
is less than 200 persons;
2) The event center has sufficient improved parking spaces for the
use. All parking spaces must be located at least 30 feet from any
neighboring property and at least 150 feet from any neighboring
residential structure, no unimproved areas may be utilized for
parking, and facility is designed to prevent vehicle headlights from
shining on neighboring property;
3) Access to the property is provided by a paved public road, or
access is provided by a gravel road, and no residential building is
located within 200 feet of the gravel road providing access from
the nearest paved public road;
4) The driveway and parking surface are paved, or they are
maintained to prevent dust;
5) The hours of operation is prohibited between the hours of 1:00 am
to 10:00am, and any other time which operation of a liquor
licensed premises is prohibited;
6) No service or operation is allowed outside of the enclosed
premises after sunset. At no time may the attendance at events
located on the property exceed the capacity of the premises used
in the operation;
7) No sound from the operation is discernible at the property
8) No light is directed off of the property, no flashing or blinking lights
are visible from any property line, and no light is brighter than 0.1
footcandles at the property boundary;
9) The facility complies with all existing building, zoning and health
code regulations.
10) All structures are setback at least 30 feet from any neighboring
property, at least 150 feet from any neighboring residential
structure, and at least 100 feet from the road right-of-way;
11) The facility maintains the essential rural character of the district;
12) No existing event center is located within one mile of the boundary
of the property seeking the conditional use permit.”
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k. Farm implement sales, fertilizer plants, grain elevators, greenhouses
l. Farming, providing animal unit density is not greater than 3 units per acre
and parcels are 10 acres and greater.
m. Governmental buildings and structures
n. Horticultural uses and structures designed for storage of products and
machinery pertaining and necessary thereto.
o. Outdoor recreational facilities-golf courses
p. Schools – private and public
q. Storage building as a principal use on a parcel of 10 acres or more.
r. Wastewater treatment facilities
s. Wind energy conversion systems (in accordance with other provisions in
our existing ordinance).
t. Solar Farm.
u. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar to those
listed in this zoning district and not detrimental to the City’s general
health and welfare.
Subdivision 5 – INTERIM USES
The following uses may be allowed as interim uses subject to the procedures set forth
in this Ordinance and further subject to the performance and general development
standards contained in this ordinance:
a. Extractive uses
b. Temporary buildings located for purposes of construction on the
premises for a period of time not to exceed normal, necessary
construction time.
c. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar to those
listed in this zoning district and not detrimental to the City’s general
health and welfare.
a. Parcels of Record: Certain parcels of record recorded under separate
deed and not containing five (5) acres may be allowed as residential
dwelling building sites and shall be determined as follows:
1) Any contiguous tract or parcel that is in common ownership with
any other contiguous tract or parcel on May 1, 2011 but was
recorded under separate deed prior to May 1, 2011 shall be
considered a parcel of record and shall be eligible as a residential
building site. At the owner’s option, any tract or parcel determined
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herein to be a parcel of record may be combined with other tracts
or parcels for determining the number of permitted residential
dwelling sites.
2) Any non-contiguous tract or parcel that is in common ownership
on May 1, 2011 but was recorded under separate deed prior to
May 1, 2011 shall be considered a parcel of record and shall be
eligible as a residential dwelling site.
b. Residential dwelling site eligibility: An eligible five (5) acre tract shall be
any tract that does not contain any existing residential dwelling and
meets either of the following:
1. The tract contains five (5) acres more or less, may be split by the
a. If splitting one lot into two lots – Qualified Minor Subdivision
b. If splitting into more than two lots – must be platted using the
Lot and Block system.
c. The right of way of any public road adjacent and included in the
description of said tract may be used for the 5 acres
c. Density calculation: Determining eligibility for a residential dwelling site on
a parcel or parcels within the R-R District shall be as follows:
1) The property owner’s total acreage owned on the parcel or parcels
all within this district, less and except any land under the OHWL,
shall be calculated.
2) 5 acres for each existing residential dwelling and any equivalent
land area previously restricted shall be subtracted from the total
acreage owned.
3) The results from (1) and (2) above shall be divided by five (5)
acres and the quotient shall be the number of eligible divisions
that are permitted for the parcel. Decimals of less than 0.80 shall
be reduced to the nearest whole number and decimals 0.80 or
greater shall be increased to the nearest whole number.
As an example of how unbuildable/buildable land would be handled by this
provision, if 8 acres of a 20-acre parcel is unbuildable, 4 dwelling units would
be allowed on the remaining 12 buildable acres; thereby maintain the required 1
dwelling unit per 5 acres density.
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d. Lot access requirements: Every tract or parcel, including outlots shall
abut or have direct vehicular access to a public road and have a
minimum road frontage equal to the required lot width. This public road
may be an interior dedicated public right of way that is built by and
maintained by the property owners and not by the city, provided the
dedicated public right of way meets the minimum road width and other
requirements of the city.
a. The minimum lot size for a single-family residential dwelling shall be 5.0
acres of which 2.5 acres must be buildable.
Except as provided in Section 9 – General Requirements Ordinance, the following
setback requirements shall apply:
a. Residential structures setbacks from side yard or rear yard: 50 feet
b. Minimum width and depth of lots: minimum median lot width of not less
than 250 feet and minimum median lot depth of not less than 300 feet.
a. Buildings other than agricultural buildings; shall not exceed thirty-five (35)
feet in height except as provided in this Ordinance.
b. Agricultural buildings shall be exempt from the height requirements.
Subdivision 10 – LOT COVERAGE
The maximum lot coverage shall be twenty-five percent (25%).
1. Purpose:
To allow flexibility and creativity in design by offering alternative standards in
what is currently designated A-40 zoning districts. This would allow property
owners in agricultural areas within these 2 districts to develop non-productive
land areas with residential dwellings with similar density and other standards as
is allowed in the R-R District. In designing an RR-PUD the natural features such
as wetlands, existing topography, soil types, woodlands and natural
communities shall be considered to preserve rural character, enhance scenic
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vistas and protect sensitive environmental resources and provide areas for
recreational use. A Rural Residential PUD may allow for the creation of
distinctive neighborhoods by encouraging clustered residential development.
The RR-PUD is only allowed in overlay districts that have been designated on the City
of Rockville Zoning Map. The RR-PUD must be approved through a Conditional Use
2. Objectives:
a. Locate residential lots to avoid hydric and restrictive soils.
b. Plat designs shall avoid lot locations that impact steep slopes, wetlands,
floodplains, and other environmentally sensitive areas.
c. Consider structures of historical significance, prime agricultural lands,
endangered species protection, mature tree stands, and rare plant
communities when designing layouts. Lots should be designed in a
manner that offers highest preservation for natural corridors that are
valuable for wildlife habitat, scenic enjoyment or agricultural production.
d. Reduce the cost of construction and maintenance of public facilities,
infrastructure and services.
e. Provide a lot layout that maintains a low visual impact, particularly from
arterial roadways and abutting properties.
f. Facilitate road connections from one subdivision to another.
g. Connect existing and potential open space lands, natural corridors and
trail-ways whenever possible.
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The purpose and intent of the R-1 District is to permit the development of single
family dwellings in the community; to provide reasonable standards for such
development; to avoid overcrowding; and to prohibit the use of land which would
be incompatible with or detrimental to the essential residential character of such
a district.
Subdivision 2: PERMITTED USES
1. Single family dwellings.
2. State licensed residential facilities or housing with services establishment
registered under Minnesota Statues Chapter 144D, as amended, serving
six (6) or fewer persons at one time.
3. State licensed day care or nursery school facilities serving twelve (12) or
fewer persons at one time.
4. Group family day care facilities properly licensed under Minnesota Rules
serving fourteen (14) or fewer children except a residential facility whose
primary purpose is to treat juveniles who have violated criminal statutes
relating to sex offenses or have been adjudicated delinquent on the basis
of conduct violating criminal statutes relating to sex offenses.
5. Public Parks and playgrounds.
6. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar in nature to
the conditional uses listed above and not detrimental to the City’s general
health and welfare.
permitted in all residential districts based on the following accelerated
structure and providing the exterior materials on the roof and side walls are
visually similar to, comparable in quality/durability, and harmonious with the
roof and side walls materials on the principal structure.
10,200 SF to 13,000 SF = 600 SF Building with 8’ Side Walls
13,000 SF to 18,000 SF = 900 SF “ “ 10’ “
18,000 SF to 25,000 SF = 1,100 SF “ “ 10’ “
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25,000 SF to 35,000 SF = 1,200 SF “ “ 12’ “
35,000 SF to 45,000 SF = 1,500 SF “ “ 12’ “
with 15’ setback from main structure
45,000 SF to 65,000 SF = 1,800 SF “ “ 14’ “
with 20’ setback from main structure
65,000 SF to 70,000 SF = 2,000 SF “ “ 14’ “
(because of higher side walls)
70,000 SF to 85,000 SF = 2,400 SF “ “ 14’ “
2. Home Occupations.
3. Private swimming pools and tennis courts with fencing that prohibits
unauthorized entry.
4. Accessory Buildings (not exceeding two hundred (200) square feet in
area) for storing domestic equipment and non-commercial recreational
5. Boarding and renting of rooms to not more than two (2) persons.
6. Gazebos and decks serving the principal residential structure.
7. Playhouses.
8. Kennels used for pets of occupants of the principal structure.
9. Fences as regulated by this Ordinance.
10. Off-street parking spaces as regulated by this Ordinance.
11. Signs as permitted and regulated by this Ordinance.
12. Temporary buildings during periods of construction of principal structures
and located on the property no longer than one (1) year.
13. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar in nature to
the conditional uses listed above and not detrimental to the City’s general
health and welfare.
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The following uses require a Conditional Use Permit based on the procedures
set forth in this Ordinance:
1. Governmental, municipal and public utility buildings and structures
necessary for the community’s health, safety, and general welfare.
2. Public or semi-public recreational buildings and community centers.
3. Churches, public libraries, museums, primary and secondary schools
which are accredited by the State Department of Education, and
4. Townhouses containing four (4) or fewer units whether in a single unit or
on a combination of lots.
5. Essential Services structures.
6. Towers and Antennas as regulated by this Ordinance.
7. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar in nature to
the conditional uses listed above and not detrimental to the City’s general
health and welfare.
8. Animal Feedlots subject to provisions of Stearns County Feedlot
Ordinance and further farm animals may be allowed on lots that are 5
Acres or more in size subject to an Interim Use Permit and at a maximum
density of .50 animals per acre. Any building where farm animals are
kept shall be setback a distance of 100 Feet from the property line or
road easement.
1. Farm animals.
1. Minimum Buildable Lot Area.
A. Single Family Dwelling. Buildable lot area for lots with a single-
family dwelling must be at least ten thousand two hundred
(10,200) square feet.
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B. Other Uses. Lot area for lots for other uses must be determined
based upon meeting the maximum floor area ratio.
2. Lot Width. Lot width must be at least eighty-five (85) feet at the
established building line.
3. Lot Depth. Lot depth must be at least one hundred twenty (120) feet.
4. Minimum Lot Frontage. The minimum lot frontage shall be 75 feet.
5. Setbacks.
A. Front Yard Setback. The front yard setback must be at least
twenty-five (25) feet.
B. Side Yard Setback. The side yard setback must be at least ten
(10) feet, except that the side yard setback on corner lots must be
at least fifteen (15) feet.
C. Rear Yard Setback. The rear yard setback must be at least thirty-
five (35) for the house and garage foundation.
D. Rear Yard Setback. For clarification purposes, the following is a list
of features that are exempt and may be located within the thirty-
five (35’) foot setback but no closer than twenty-five (25) feet:
outside stairways, fire escapes, porches, platforms, decks,
balconies and other similar projections. (This does not apply to the
riparian lake lots).
6. Building Height.
A. Principal Structure. All principal residential structures may not
exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height.
B. Accessory Buildings. Accessory Buildings may not exceed twenty-
five (25) feet in height.
7. Impervious Surface. Per Section 33 of this Ordinance.
8. Exterior Finish. Galvanized or unpainted metal siding is not permitted.
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Prior to the issuance of a permit for any building other than a single family
dwelling on a platted lot, a site plan for the property must be approved by the
City Council after review and recommendation by the Planning Commission.
The site plan must contain at a minimum the following:
1. The current and proposed use of the property;
2. A Certificate of Survey if deemed necessary by the Zoning Administrator
or the Planning Commission;
3. All structures and their dimensions and location;
4. Location of waste facilities including measures used for enclosure and
5. Location of the water supply and utilities;
6. Elevations and drainage facilities;
7. Streets and ingress and egress;
8. Parking (including typical size and locations of handicap spaces);
9. Landscaping (including features and types of materials to be used);
10. Lighting locations and types of fixtures;
11. Location and dimensions of required green space;
12. Screening and fences (including types and heights of fencing);
13. Location and size of signs;
14. Distances to surrounding buildings, and surrounding land uses; and
15. Any other information deemed necessary by the Zoning Administrator or
Planning Commission.
As part of the site plan review and approval the Planning Commission may
recommend and the City Council may, on the recommendation of the Planning
Commission or on its own, require that changes be made to a site plan. Such
changes may include, without limitation, limiting the size and number of street
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accesses, requiring fencing or screening, requiring changes to the landscape
plan, requiring alterations of the location and types of lighting and signage,
altering parking lot design and layout, altering building layout, and other
alterations and adjustments to ensure a design which is in conformance with this
Ordinance and is in the best interest of the City.
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The purpose intent of the R-2 District is to permit the development of single and
two family dwellings in the community; to provide reasonable standards for such
development; to avoid overcrowding; and to prohibit the use of land which would
be incompatible with or detrimental to the essential residential character of such
a district.
Subdivision 2: PERMITTED USES
1. Single and two family dwellings.
2. State licensed residential facilities or housing with services establishment
registered under Minnesota Statues Chapter 144D, as amended, serving
six (6) or fewer persons at one time.
3. State licensed day care or nursery school facilities serving twelve (12) or
fewer persons at one time.
4. Group family day care facilities properly licensed under Minnesota Rules
serving fourteen (14) or fewer children except a residential facility whose
primary purpose is to treat juveniles who have violated criminal statutes
relating to sex offenses or have been adjudicated delinquent on the basis
of conduct violating criminal statutes relating to sex offenses.
5. Public Parks and playgrounds.
6. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar in nature to
the conditional uses listed above and not detrimental to the City’s general
health and welfare.
permitted in all residential districts based on the following accelerated
structure and providing the exterior materials on the roof and side walls are
visually similar to, comparable in quality/durability, and harmonious with the
as the roof and side walls materials on the principal structure.
10,200 SF to 13,000 SF = 600 SF Building with 8’ Side Walls
13,000 SF to 18,000 SF = 900 SF “ “ 10’ “
18,000 SF to 25,000 SF = 1,100 SF “ “ 10’ “
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25,000 SF to 35,000 SF = 1,200 SF “ “ 12’ “
35,000 SF to 45,000 SF = 1,500 SF “ “ 12’ “
with 15’ setback from main structure
45,000 SF to 65,000 SF = 1,800 SF “ “ 14’ “
with 20’ setback from main structure
65,000 SF to 70,000 SF = 2,000 SF “ “ 14’ “
(because of higher side walls)
70,000 SF to 85,000 SF = 2,400 SF “ “ 14’ “
2. Home Occupations.
3. Private swimming pools and tennis courts with fencing that prohibits
unauthorized entry.
A. Accessory Buildings (not exceeding two hundred (200) square feet in
area) for storing domestic equipment and non-commercial
recreational equipment.
B. Boarding and renting of rooms to not more than two (2) persons.
C. Gazebos and decks serving the principal residential structure.
D. Playhouses.
E. Kennels used for pets of occupants of the principal structure.
F. Fences as regulated by this Ordinance.
G. Off-street parking spaces as regulated by this Ordinance.
H. Signs as permitted and regulated by this Ordinance.
I. Temporary buildings during periods of construction of principal
structures and located on the property no longer than one (1) year.
J. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar in nature
to the conditional uses listed above and not detrimental to the City’s
general health and welfare.
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The following uses require a Conditional Use Permit based on the procedures
set forth in this Ordinance:
1. Governmental, municipal and public utility buildings and structures
necessary for the community’s health, safety, and general welfare.
2. Public or semi-public recreational buildings and community centers.
3. Churches, public libraries, museums, primary and secondary schools
which are accredited by the State Department of Education, and
4. Townhouses containing four (4) or fewer units whether in a single unit or
on a combination of lots.
5. Essential Services structures.
6. Towers and Antennas as regulated by this Ordinance.
7. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar in nature to
the conditional uses listed above and not detrimental to the City’s general
health and welfare.
8. Animal Feedlots subject to provisions of Stearns County Feedlot
Ordinance and further farm animals may be allowed on lots that are 5
Acres or more in size subject to an Interim Use Permit and at a maximum
density of .50 animals per acre. Any building where farm animals are
kept shall be setback a distance of 100 feet from the property line or road
1. Farm animals
1. Minimum Buildable Lot Area.
A. Single Family Dwelling. Buildable lot area for lots with a single-
family dwelling must be at least ten thousand two hundred
(10,200) square feet.
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B. Two-family Dwelling. Buildable lot area for lots with a two-family
dwelling must be at least eleven thousand two hundred and fifty
(11,250) square feet.
C. Other Uses. Buildable lot area for lots for other uses must be
determined based upon meeting the maximum floor area ratio.
2. Lot Width. Lot width must be at least ninety (90) feet at the established
building line.
3. Lot Depth. Lot depth must be at least one hundred and twenty-five (125)
4. Minimum Lot Frontage. The minimum lot frontage shall be
75 feet.
5. Setbacks.
A. Front Yard Setback. The front yard setback must be at least twenty-
five (25) feet.
B. Side Yard Setback. The side yard setback must be at least ten (10)
feet, except that the side yard setback on corner lots must be at least
fifteen (15) feet.
C. Rear Yard Setback. The rear yard setback must be at least thirty-five
(35) feet.
6. Building Height.
A. Principal Structure. All principal residential structures may not
exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height.
B. Accessory Buildings. Accessory Buildings may not exceed thirty (30)
feet in height.
7. Impervious Surface. Per Section 33 of this Ordinance.
8. Exterior Finish. Galvanized or unpainted metal siding is not
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Prior to the issuance of a permit for any building with a foundation, a site plan for
the property must be approved by the City Council after review and
recommendation by the Planning Commission. The site plan must contain at a
minimum the following:
1. The current and proposed use of the property;
2. A Certificate of Survey if required by the Zoning Administrator or Planning
3. All structures and their dimensions and location;
4. Location of waste facilities including measures used for enclosure and
5. Location of the water supply and utilities;
6. Elevations and drainage facilities;
7. Streets and ingress and egress;
8. Parking (including typical size and locations of handicap spaces);
9. Landscaping (including features and types of materials to be used);
10. Lighting locations and types of fixtures;
11. Location and dimensions of required green space;
12. Screening and fences (including types and heights of fencing);
13. Location and size of signs;
14. Distances to surrounding buildings, and surrounding land uses; and
15. Any other information deemed necessary by the Zoning Administrator or
Planning Commission.
As part of the site plan review and approval the Planning Commission may
recommend and the City Council may, on the recommendation of the Planning
Commission or on its own, require that changes be made to a site plan. Such
changes may include, without limitation, limiting the size and number of street
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accesses, requiring fencing or screening, requiring changes to the landscape
plan, requiring alterations of the location and types of lighting and signage,
altering parking lot design and layout, altering building layout, and other
alterations and adjustments to ensure a design which is in conformance with this
Ordinance and is in the best interest of the City.
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Subdivision 1: PUPOSE AND INTENT
It is the purpose and intent of the R-3 District to provide for multiple-family
dwellings and related complementary uses.
Subdivision 2: PERMITTED USES
1. All permitted uses as allowed in an “R-1" and “R-2" Single and Two
Family Residential District.
2. Multiple-family dwelling units including Apartments, Townhouses and
attached patio homes.
3. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar in nature to
the conditional uses listed above and not detrimental to the City’s general
health and welfare.
1. All permitted accessory uses as allowed in an “R-l” and “R-2" Single and
Two Family Residential District.
2. Off-street loading and parking as regulated by this Ordinance.
3. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar in nature to
the conditional uses listed above and not detrimental to the City’s general
health and welfare.
The following uses require a Conditional Use Permit based on the procedures
set forth in this Ordinance.
1. All conditional uses, subject to the same provisions as allowed in the R-1"
and R-2" Single and Two Family Residential District.
2. Manufactured Home Parks as regulated by this Ordinance.
3. Nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and rest homes.
4. Medical clinics and other buildings used for the treatment of human
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5. State licensed residential facilities serving from seven (7) through sixteen
(16) persons.
6. Licensed day care facilities serving from thirteen (13) through sixteen (16)
7. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar in nature to
the conditional uses listed above and not detrimental to the City’s general
health and welfare.
8. Animal Feedlots subject to provisions of Stearns County Feedlot
Ordinance and further farm animals may be allowed on lots that are 5
Acres or more in size subject to an Interim Use Permit and at a maximum
density of .50 animals per acre. Any building where farm animals are
kept shall be setback a distance of 100 feet from the property line or road
1. Farm animals
1. Minimum Buildable Lot Area.
A. Single Family Dwelling. Buildable lot area for lots with a single-
family dwelling must be at least ten thousand two hundred
(10,200) square feet.
B. Two-family Dwelling. Buildable lot area for lots with a two-family
dwelling must be at least eleven thousand two hundred and fifty
(11,250) square feet.
C. Three-family Dwelling or more. Buildable lot area for lots with a
three-family Dwelling or more must be at least thirteen thousand
(13,000) square feet for the first three (3) units and an additional
two thousand (2,000) square feet for each unit after three (3).
2. Lot Width. Single and two family structures must meet the requirements of
R-1 and R-2 Districts. For all other structures, Lot width must be at least
one hundred (100) feet at the established building line.
3. Lot Depth. Single and two family dwellings must meet the requirements for
those dwelling types contained in the R-1 and R-2 Districts. Other structures
shall have no minimum lot depth.
4. Minimum Lot Frontage. The minimum lot frontage shall be 75 feet.
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5. Setbacks.
1. Front Yard Setback. The front yard setback for all structures must be
at least twenty-five (25) feet.
2. Side Yard Setback.
A. Single and Two Family Structures. The side yard setback
must be at least ten (10) feet, except that the side yard
setback on corner lots must be at least fifteen (15) feet.
B. Multi-family and Other Uses. Multi-family and other uses, if
approved, must have a side yard setback of at least twenty
(20) feet.
3. Rear Yard Setback.
A. Principal Structures. Principal structures must have a rear
yard setback of at least forty (40) feet.
B. Garages Facing Rear Lot Line. Garages with vehicle
entrances facing the rear lot line must have a rear yard
setback of at least forty (40) feet.
4. Existing Lots. Notwithstanding anything in this Section apparently to
the contrary, for Lots platted before this Ordinance’s effective date,
the setbacks will be as follows:
A. Front Yard = fifteen (15) feet
B. Side Yard = fifteen (15) feet
6. Building Height.
A. Single and Two Family Dwellings. Single-family and two-family
dwellings may not exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height.
B. Other Principal Buildings. Principal buildings other than single and
two family dwellings may not exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height.
C. Accessory Buildings. Accessory Buildings may not exceed twenty-
five (25) feet in height.
7. Impervious Surface. Per Section 33 of this Ordinance
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8. Green Space. For buildings containing three (3) or more dwelling units
there must be a minimum of four hundred and fifty(450) square feet of
contiguous and useable green space per dwelling unit. Setback areas may
not be counted toward the required green space.
9. Exterior Finish. Galvanized or unpainted metal siding is not
Prior to the issuance of a permit for any building with a foundation, a site plan for
the property must be approved by the City Council after review and
recommendation by the Planning Commission. The site plan must contain at a
minimum the following:
1. The current and proposed use of the property;
2. A Certificate of Survey if required by the Zoning Administrator or Planning
3. All structures and their dimensions and location;
4. Location of waste facilities including measures used for enclosure and
5. Location of the water supply and utilities;
6. Elevations and drainage facilities;
7. Streets and ingress and egress;
8. Parking (including typical size and locations of handicap spaces);
9. Landscaping (including features and types of materials to be used);
10. Lighting locations and types of fixtures;
11. Location and dimensions of required green space;
12. Screening and fences (including types and heights of fencing);
13. Location and size of signs;
14. Distances to surrounding buildings, and surrounding land uses; and
15. Any other information deemed necessary by the Zoning Administrator or
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Planning Commission.
As part of the site plan review and approval the Planning Commission may
recommend and the City Council may, on the recommendation of the Planning
Commission or on its own, require that changes be made to a site plan. Such
changes may include, without limitation, limiting the size and number of street
accesses, requiring fencing or screening, requiring changes to the landscape
plan, requiring alterations of the location and types of lighting and signage,
altering parking lot design and layout, altering building layout, and other
alterations and adjustments to ensure a design which is in conformance with this
Ordinance and is in the best interest of the City.
To ensure site plan improvements, including without limitation landscaping and
waste enclosures, are completed in accordance with the approved site plan, a
performance bond or other approved security in the amount deemed sufficient
by the City Council may be required to be deposited with the City before the
issuance of a building permit for the project.
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It is the intent of the B-1 District to provide for the establishment of commercial
and service activities which draw from and serve customers from the community
and its surrounding areas within the historic Main Street area of the City. The B-
1 Central Business District is intended to provide areas appropriate for
pedestrian oriented retail uses, professional office uses, professional services
uses, single family uses, multiple family uses and mixed commercial/residential
uses particularly in transitional situations between zones of varying intensities,
within the original town site near the Broadway Street corridor and adjacent to
intersections of collector/arterial streets in predominantly residential zones. This
zone is appropriate for areas guided to Central Business development in the
Comprehensive Plan. Furthermore, it is the intent of the City is to preserve and
promote a traditional "Main Street" appearance with storefronts adjacent to
sidewalk and parking in the rear or side of the buildings.
Subdivision 2: PERMITTED USES
1. Single family detached dwelling units, existing at the time of ordinance
2. Public uses including but not limited to government services, schools,
libraries, transit services/terminals, etc.
3. Public parks/playgrounds.
4. Specialized retail establishments primarily intended to appeal to
pedestrians (rather than through traffic) which may include, but are not
limited to: artisan shops, hardware stores, fruit/vegetable/meat market(s),
bakeries, candy store, ice cream shops, grocery stores, coffee shop, deli,
drug store, self-service laundry, dry cleaning, florist shop, gift shop, soda
shop, book store, hobby store, pet store (fully contained within the
structure), apparel store, shoe store, audio/video media sales, variety
store, sports store, café, taverns, pubs, bar/restaurant, and other similar
5. Freestanding Daycare Facility.
6. State licensed residential facility or a housing with services establishment
registered under MN Statutes serving six (6) or fewer persons. (MN Stat.
462.357, Subd. 7b).
7. Licensed day care facilities serving 12 or fewer persons. (MN Stat.
462.357 Subd. 7b).
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8. State licensed residential facilities serving six (6) or fewer persons at one time.
9. Group family day care facilities serving fourteen (14) or fewer children,
licensed under MN Rules 9502.0315 to 9502.0445 except a residential
facility whose primary purpose is to treat juveniles who have violated
criminal statutes relating to sex offenses or have been adjudicated
delinquent on the basis of conduct. (MN Stat. 462.357 Subd. 7b).
10. Mixed specialized retail and multiple family residential uses within a
single structure provided residential uses do not occupy the street level
storefront of the structure (street level residential units are permitted in
the rear portion of said street level). Specialized retail shall include, but
may not be limited to: artisan shops, hardware stores,
fruit/vegetable/meat market(s), bakeries, camera shops, candy store, ice
cream shop, grocery store, deli, drug store, self-service laundry, dry
cleaning, florist shops, gift shops, soda shop, book store, hobby store, pet
store (fully contained within the structure), apparel store, shoe store,
audio/video media sales, electronic store, variety store, sports store, café,
neighborhood restaurants but not drive-thru types, and other similar uses.
11. Medical, optical and dental offices and services.
12. Offices or studios of business, professional and service occupations,
including but not limited to banks, accountants, brokers, engineers,
insurance agents, lawyers, physicians, realtors, chiropractors, travel
agents, real estate title/closing services and the like.
13. Business and professional lease space.
14. Personal services, including but not limited to: barber/beauty shops,
salons, manicurists, cosmetology services, photography studio and
similar uses.
15. Household repair services, including but not limited to: small appliance
repair service, radio/television/computer repair, bicycle repair service,
jewelry repair and similar uses but not including automotive repair.
16. Minor automobile repair of passenger vehicles excluding buses and
limited to the replacement of any part or repair of any part which does not
require removal of the engine head or pan, engine transmission or
differential; incidental body and fender work, minor painting and
upholstering service but not including rebuilding or reconditioning of
engines, body work, framework, welding and major painting service.
17. Public utility buildings.
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18. Museums.
19. Bed and Breakfast Establishments.
20. Bait shops, recreational equipment rental shops and similar tourism
related facilities/activities.
21. Private non-profit clubs and lodges.
22. Food services including whose products are sold only at retail on the
23. Indoor showrooms for articles to be sold at retail.
24. Recreational services contained within an enclosed structure including
theaters and bowling lanes.
25. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar in nature to
the conditional uses listed above and not detrimental to the City’s general
health and welfare.
1. The following in buildings primarily occupied by medical, optical and
dental services: retail sales of drugs, prescription items, patent
medicines, sickroom supplies, prosthetic devices or items related to the
aforementioned and coffee shops, cafeterias, licensed therapeutic
massage enterprises, etc provided the use is definitively incidental to an
allowed commercial or business use.
2. Non in-home daycare facilities.
3. Private garages and parking spaces when clearly incidental to an allowed
principal use provided said accessory building structure footprint is no
more than 20% of the principal building footprint and the accessory
building height is no greater than the average height of the principal
4. The following in conjunction with residential uses: home occupations
regulated by Section 9 of this ordinance; gazebos and screen
porches/houses provided the maximum lot coverage standard is not
exceeded; and playhouses, play structures, play features, trampolines
and items similar in nature that are of a type typical of home use.
5. Personal satellite antenna of a nature typical to residential uses.
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6. Courtyards, outdoor dining areas, outdoor areas of assembly and the like
provided: public sidewalks are not negatively impacted, appropriate trash
receptacles are provided, alcoholic beverages served only in enclosed
areas and/or activities are limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11 p.m.
7. Fences as regulated by this Ordinance.
8. Off street parking and loading areas as regulated by this Ordinance. Off
street parking and loading areas located in the rear or side of the
structure are preferred and highly recommended.
9. Signs as regulated by this Ordinance.
10. Accessory uses not specifically permitted by this paragraph shall be
prohibited unless authorized by an interim use permit granted pursuant to
Section 28 of this Ordinance.
The following uses require a Conditional Use Permit based on the procedures
set forth in this Ordinance:
1. Private colleges and institutions.
2. Mortuaries/crematoriums.
3. Commercial parking or fee for parking lots adjacent to commercial uses
or mixed uses.
4. Churches.
5. State licensed residential facility serving more than six (6) persons at one
time provided that: Adequate off-street parking and loading is provided;
and The facility meets all State licensing requirements pursuant to
Minnesota Statutes 245A.02 and 245A.11, as amended, except a
residential facility whose primary purpose is to treat juveniles who have
violated criminal statutes relating to sex offenses or have been
adjudicated delinquent on the basis of conduct.
6. State licensed day care or nursery school facility serving more than
twelve (12) persons at one time provided: Sufficient off-street parking
and loading facilities are provided; and the facility meets all State
licensing requirements pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 245A.02 and
245A.11, as amended.
7. State licensed residential facility serving from 7 through 16 persons or a
licensed day care facility serving from 13 through 16 persons, except a
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residential facility whose primary purpose is to treat juveniles who have
violated criminal statutes relating to sex offenses or have been
adjudicated delinquent on the basis of conduct.
8. Freestanding multiple family dwellings unit structures provided they are
not on lots abutting Broadway Street between Pine Street and County
Road 8 and provided they are designed to match with the “Main Street”.
9. Multiple family units located above retail or other store fronts containing
more than two (2) dwelling units.
10. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar to those
listed in this zoning district and not detrimental to the City’s general
health, welfare and safety.
Subdivision 5: INTERIM USES
The following uses require an Interim Use Permit based on the procedures set
forth in this Ordinance.
1. Temporary uses such as Christmas tree lots, newsstands, sidewalk
display sales, fireworks, etc.
2. Temporary buildings for construction purposes, for a period not to exceed
3. Outdoor storage.
1. The minimum lot depth shall be 100 feet and the minimum lot width 50
feet, except lots fronting on Broadway Street shall be exempt from depth
and width requirements.
2. Setbacks:
iii. Front yard setback shall be thirty (30) feet or the average setback
of structures on abutting lots, except if abutting Broadway Street,
where setbacks may be reduced providing the parcel fronts on an
improved public pathway/sidewalk of sufficient width and adequate
site distance is available at street intersections.
iv. Side yard setback shall be ten (10) feet, plus one-half (1/2) foot for
every one (1) foot of structure height in excess of two (2) stories or
thirty-five (35) feet whichever is less except for interior lots abutting
Broadway Street wherein no minimum setbacks are required provided
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fire suppression techniques are incorporated to the satisfaction of the
building official and fire marshal.
v. The rear yard setback shall be five (5) feet, except that:
i. If the lot directly abuts a residential district the setback shall
be twenty (20) feet.
ii. If the lot directly abuts an alley the setback shall be ten (10)
vi. Maximum Building Height: Two (2) stories or thirty (30) feet
whichever is less, unless he parcel abuts Broadway Street in
which case the City may allow the building height to be increased
providing proper fire suppression techniques are incorporated to
the satisfaction of the building official and the fire marshal.
vii. Lot Coverage: Per Section 33 of this Ordinance.
3. Exterior Finish. All new construction and alterations to an existing building
or structure must meet the following requirements. Steel is acceptable
provided the lower four (4) feet of the building’s face (excluding windows
and doors) consists of a material other than steel unless it’s a different
4. Used for Residential Purposes:
R-1 Single Family Residential District – refer to procedure set forth
in Section 17.
R-2 Two Family Residential District – refer to procedures set forth
in Section 18.
R-3 Multiple Family Residential District – refer to procedures set
forth in Section 19.
1. A high level of design and architectural detail are required for structures
within the B-1 District. Building designs should balance the need to serve
their purpose and while being oriented to the outside, striving to create a
coordinated ‘sense of place’ which adds to the quality of life.
Architectural features such as windows, doorways, balconies and
cornices help ensure buildings and the uses they showcase relate to
people. Uniform or complimentary window shapes, cornice lines,
doorways and façade materials and colors are desired. The City may
appoint an Architectural Review Panel to review and comment on
proposed building or development plans prior to their consideration by the
Planning Commission and/or City Council.
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2. Buildings shall be designed to prevent the appearance of straight,
unbroken lines in their horizontal surface. Structures more than forty (40)
feet in width shall feature breaks/divisions in materials, separate
entrances/entrance treatments, variations in roof lines and/or variations in
building setbacks.
3. Common areas and places for people to congregate are highly
encouraged. Such common areas such as courtyards, squares,
fountains, gardens and the like should offer a variety of activities for
persons to sit outside, walk, meet friends, enjoy a meal, etc. All common
areas shall be maintained by the property owner or other method,
development agreement, homeowners assoc. etc.
4. Provision shall be made for possible decks, balconies or additions as part
of the initial dwelling unit building plan. Balconies are encouraged for
residential portions of mixed use structures.
5. On-site circulation systems should encourage safe, efficient
passageways for cars, pedestrians and other transportation options. Off-
street parking, when required, should be located to the rear of the
building. Parking lots may be located in side yards in areas; however,
rear yard parking is preferred. Parking lots with landscaped amenities
are highly recommended.
6. Landscaping treatments along walkways, in courtyards, in areas
complementary to the building design and within parking areas which
enhance pedestrian’s experience and which are complimentary to the
area are highly encouraged.
7. Awnings constructed of durable, pliable, protective and water repellant
materials in complimentary colors are highly encouraged for street level
commercial/office facilities. Awnings shall not extend across multiple
storefronts or buildings.
8. Required Side/Rear Yard Screening. Where a nonresidential use is
adjacent to property guided for residential use as illustrated on the Future
Land Use map contained in the Comprehensive Plan a landscaped buffer
shall be provided. It is the objective of the landscaped buffer to lessen,
rather than completely eliminate land use conflicts between such uses. It
is not expected that landscaped buffers will totally screen such uses. It is
expected that the landscaped buffer design elements identified below will
provide immediate lessening of land use conflicts and such buffering will
be enhanced over time as landscaping matures. Landscaped buffers may
include a combination of elements including setback distances as
separation, tree and shrubs, solid fencing, and/or berming. It is
encouraged that existing topography and vegetation be included in the
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design of the landscaped buffer as approved by the City. Retention of
existing mature trees is strongly encouraged in meeting the requirements
of this Section. Rear and side yard landscaped buffers shall have a
minimum depth of fifteen feet (15’).
9. Building and signage lighting shall be indirect with light source(s) hidden
from direct pedestrian and motorist view. Uniform or complimentary
lighting styles are preferred and encouraged.
10. Franchise architecture at the City’s discretion may be required to be
altered so as to remain compatible with adjacent structures and/or the
goals of this section.
12. When a redevelopment project disturbs the existing streetscape,
proposed replacement streetscape elements shall be reviewed by the by
the Planning Commission.
13. Development Plan Required. No building permit shall be issued until the
Zoning Administrator reviews the development plan to determine that the
use and development is compatible with adjacent land uses, consistent
with the stated intent of this zone and consistent with existing
ordinances/laws. Upon the request of the Zoning Administrator or the
Developer, the development plan may be referred to the Planning
Commission and the City Council who will make the final determination
on site plan approval. Single family homes are exempt from this
requirement. The developer shall provide the following items to the
Zoning Administrator for any development located in the B-1 Central
Business District:
a. Building location on the lot, drawn to scale.
b. A Certificate of Survey if required by the Zoning Administrator or
Planning Commission.
c. Building elevations; front, rear and side.
d. Building exterior materials and color.
e. Locations of ingress and egress points.
f. Dumpster and solid waste pick-up areas and proposed screening
g. Sign location and dimensions.
h. Lighting standard and hood detail.
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i. Parking and loading areas identified.
j. Drainage by the use of contours.
k. Screening of heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and similar
l. Landscaping material including the location, type of plant and size.
m. Fire hydrant and fire lane locations.
n. Utility locations.
o. If required, a copy of proposed covenants and/or association
p. Any other fencing, screening, or building accessories to be located
in the development area.
q. When required, evidence of completion of National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting program and/or
the City of Rockville Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program
r. If applicable, evidence of compliance with federal, state and local
pollution and nuisance laws and regulations, including, but not
limited to glare, smoke, dust, odors and noise. The burden of
proof for compliance with appropriate standards shall lie with the
s. Required Fee/Agreement.
i. Development Agreement. In the event additional review by
the City or its assigns is anticipated and/or needed during
implementation of Development Plan, or other similar
circumstance, the City shall require the property owner(s)
and/or developer(s) enter into a development agreement
with the City. The development agreement shall stipulate
the conditions for approval and the City's authority to
inspect the development. The agreement shall further
require the owner or developer, as the case may require,
furnish a cashier's check, escrow account or irrevocable
letter of credit in favor of the City in an amount equal to
100% of all costs associated with City’s review of the
development, including but not limited to, engineering, legal,
fiscal and administrative, as estimated by the City. Such
escrow or letter of credit shall be in the form approved by
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the City Attorney, shall be conditioned upon the approval of
the development plan.
ii. Payment Required. Any person filing a petition requesting
development plan review shall pay a fee according to the
schedule established by the City Council.
iii. Amount. Fees payable under this section for development
plan review shall be in an amount as established by the City
Council. Preparation and review of all elements of the
required development plan, as listed and described above,
is to be at the sole expense of the developer and at no
expense to the public. The fee is payable at the time of
filing a petition and is not refundable. In addition to the
above fees and in the event the City incurs professional
fees, either legal, engineering or professional planners, or
any other cost, including but not limited to, postage and
publication expenses, the applicants shall reimburse the
City for those fees, and the City officials may require an
escrow deposit, cashier’s check or letter of credit for these
fees prior to the final action on the application for
development plan review. Such escrow or letter of credit
shall be in the form approved by the City Attorney.
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The B-2 General Business District provides space for concentrated general
business and commercial activities dependent upon high volumes of vehicular
traffic. The purpose and intent of this section is to provide locations where the
vehicular-oriented activities can be maximized with minimal infringement on
residential neighborhoods and with minimal conflicts with uses allowed in the
Central Business District. This district is suitable for areas guided to general
commercial/business in the Comprehensive Plan.
Subdivision 2: PERMITTED USES
1. Individual retail establishments (sales of goods to individual consumers,
usually in small quantities and not to be placed in inventory for resale)
and individual wholesale establishments (sale of goods to retailers or
jobbers, rather than the sale of goods to individual consumers, usually in
large quantities to be placed in inventory for resale to the individual
consumer) involved in the trade of goods such as automobile
parts/accessories, building materials, consumer electronics, furniture and
flooring, paint/wallpaper, hardware, household appliance sales/service,
clothing/apparel, garden supplies, new passenger automobiles, used
passenger automobiles, farm equipment and marine, motor sport and
boating equipment provided: The gross floor area of an individual retail
sales or wholesale establishment shall not exceed thirty-five thousand
(35,000) square feet. This limitation shall be applied as follows:
a. For purposes of this section, the term "gross floor area" shall
include indoor space utilized for retail and/or wholesale display,
storage and sale of goods, wares or merchandise and the area of
all portions of the site outside of the exterior walls of building(s)
used for the display, storage, or sale of any goods, wares or
merchandise, except that the gross floor area of a retail store shall
not include exterior areas of not more than three thousand (3,000)
square feet used for seasonal or temporary sales events under
appropriate city permits or approvals.
b. The thirty-five thousand (35,000) square foot limitation shall apply
to individual retail or wholesale establishments for which permits
are sought and also to the cumulative sum of related or successive
permits for retail or wholesale establishments that are part of a
larger project, such as piecemeal additions to a building or multiple
buildings on a lot or adjacent lots.
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c. The gross floor area of adjacent stores shall be aggregated in
cases where the stores (1) are engaged in the selling of similar or
related goods, wares or merchandise and operate under common
ownership or management; (2) share check stands, a warehouse,
or a distribution facility; (3) are owned, leased, possessed or
otherwise controlled, in any manner, directly or indirectly, by the
same individual(s) or entity(ies), including but not limited to
corporation(s), partnership(s), limited liability company(ies) or
trust(s), or by different individuals or entities, including but not
limited to corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies or
trusts where such individual(s) or entity(ies) have a controlling
ownership or contractual right with the other individual(s) or
entity(ies), or the same individual(s) or entity(ies) act in any
manner as an employee, owner, partner, agent, stockholder,
director, member, officer or trustee of the entity(ies), and are
located within one or more separate buildings or structures within
800 feet of one another, regardless whether they are attached or
detached; or (3) otherwise operate as associated, integrated or co-
operative business enterprises.
2. Grouped Retail/Wholesale Trade. A combination of two or more
individual retail and/or wholesale trade establishments (i.e. a multiple
tenant commercial/shopping center) of goods such as automobile
parts/accessories, building materials, consumer electronics, furniture and
flooring, paint/wallpaper, hardware, household appliance sales/service,
clothing/apparel, garden supplies, new passenger automobiles, used
passenger automobiles, farm equipment and marine, motor sport and
boating equipment provided: The aggregate gross floor area of an
individual retail/wholesales establishment shall not exceed thirty-five
thousand (35,000) square feet and provided the building(s) or structure(s)
containing the grouped retail/wholesale trade establishments shall be
limited to an aggregate gross floor area of 72,000 square feet. These
limitations shall be applied as follows:
a. For purposes of this section, the term "gross floor area" shall
include indoor space utilized for retail and/or wholesale display,
storage and sale of goods, wares or merchandise and the area of
all portions of the site outside of the exterior walls of building(s)
used for the display, storage, or sale of any goods, wares or
merchandise, except that the gross floor area of a retail store shall
not include exterior areas of not more than three thousand (3,000)
square feet used for seasonal or temporary sales events under
appropriate city permits or approvals.
b. The square foot limitations shall apply to individual retail/wholesale
establishments and structures for which permits are sought and
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also to the cumulative sum of related or successive permits for
retail/wholesale establishments or structures that are part of a
larger project, such as piecemeal additions to a building or multiple
buildings on a lot or adjacent lots.
c. The gross floor area of adjacent establishments and structures
shall be aggregated in cases where the stores (1) are engaged in
the selling of similar or related goods, wares or merchandise and
operate under common ownership or management; (2) share
check stands, a warehouse, or a distribution facility; (3) are owned,
leased, possessed or otherwise controlled, in any manner, directly
or indirectly, by the same individual(s) or entity(ies), including but
not limited to corporation(s), partnership(s), limited liability
company(ies) or trust(s), or by different individuals or entities,
including but not limited to corporations, partnerships, limited
liability companies or trusts where such individual(s) or entity(ies)
have a controlling ownership or contractual right with the other
individual(s) or entity(ies), or the same individual(s) or entity(ies)
act in any manner as an employee, owner, partner, agent,
stockholder, director, member, officer or trustee of the entity(ies),
and are located within one or more separate buildings or
structures within 800 feet of one another, regardless whether they
are attached or detached; or (3) otherwise operate as associated,
integrated or co-operative business enterprises.
3. Freestanding day care facilities.
4. Cabinet and carpentry shops, electrical service, heating, plumbing, soft water
5. Upholstery or air conditioning service shop.
6. Convenience store without fuel facilities.
7. Drive through establishments such as restaurants and frozen desserts.
8. Restaurants with and/or without incidental liquor licenses.
9. On and off-sale liquor establishments.
10. Motels and hotels.
11. Public buildings and public uses.
12. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar in nature to
the conditional uses listed above and not detrimental to the City’s general
health and welfare.
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The following uses require a conditional use permit within the B-2 District under
the process described in this Title.
1. Animal Hospitals or Kennels.
2. Car wash.
3. Convenience stores with motor fueling stations or stand-alone motor
fueling stations but not automobile repair shops provided:
a. The subject property abuts an intersection two arterial streets or
an arterial and a collector street.
b. The sale of food items is in compliance with state and county
standards and subject to the approval of a Health Inspector who
shall provide specific written sanitary requirements for each
proposed sale location.
c. The approximate area and location devoted to non-automotive
merchandise sales shall be specified in general terms in the
d. Motor fuel facilities are installed in accordance with state
e. Adequate space shall be provided to access gas pumps and allow
maneuverability around the pumps. Underground fuel storage tanks
are to be positioned to allow adequate access by motor fuel transports
and unloading operations minimize conflict with circulation, access and
other activities on the site.
f. Wherever fuel pumps are to be installed, pump islands shall be
g. A protective canopy located over the pump island(s) may be an
accessory structure on the property however adequate visibility
both on and off site shall be maintained.
h. An internal site pedestrian circulation system shall be defined and
appropriate provisions made to protect such areas from
encroachments by parked cars or moving vehicles.
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4. Commercial planned unit developments subject to facility size standards
in Section 26 of this ordinance.
5. Commercial parking lots.
6. Churches and private schools, including music and dance schools, day-
care centers, and nurseries when located within a church.
7. New passenger motor vehicle sales, powers sports vehicle sales (four
wheelers, snowmobiles, jet skis) or marine sales when part of a planned
development pursuant to Section 26 of this Code.
8. Bicycle sales, canoe sales, ski shops, etc pursuant to Section 26.
9. Used motor vehicle sales pursuant to Section 26 of this Code.
10. Minor automobile repair of passenger vehicles excluding buses and
limited to the replacement of any part or repair of any part which does not
require removal of the engine head or pan, engine transmission or
differential; incidental body and fender work, minor painting and
upholstering service but not including rebuilding or reconditioning of
engines, body work, framework, welding and major painting service.
11. Rental of equipment or tools (storage areas must be screened from public
12. Uses the City Council determines to be similar in nature to the listed
permitted and conditional uses above and not detrimental to the City’s
general health and welfare.
Subdivision 4: INTERIM USES
The following uses are permitted subsequent to the issuance of an interim use
1. Outdoor seasonal sales.
2. Exterior displays intended to persist for more than 24 hours provided:
a. Exterior displays do not interfere with accessibility to the principal
b. Exterior displays do not block fire lanes.
c. Exterior displays do not interfere with required parking areas
and/or drive isles.
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d. Exterior displays do not interfere with pedestrian traffic.
e. Exterior displays do not create litter/garbage.
f. Exterior displays are maintained in a neat manner.
g. The display is compliant with other provisions of this Ordinance.
3. Exterior/Outdoor storage of materials under Section 9 of this Ordinance.
4. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar in nature to
the conditional uses listed above and not detrimental to the City’s general
health and welfare.
1. Off-street parking and loading areas this Ordinance permits or requires.
2. Used motor vehicle sales incidental/ancillary to new motor vehicle sales.
3. Exterior displays intended to persist for less than 24 hours provided:
a. Exterior displays do not interfere with accessibility to the principal
b. Exterior displays do not block fire lanes.
c. Exterior displays do not interfere with required parking areas
and/or drive isles.
d. Exterior displays do not interfere with pedestrian traffic.
e. Exterior displays do not create litter/garbage.
f. Exterior displays are maintained in a neat manner.
g. The display is compliant with other provisions of this Ordinance.
4. Minor repair of motor vehicles accessory to Class I motor vehicle sales.
5. Signs per the requirements of Section 12 of this Ordinance.
6. Temporary buildings for construction purposes for a period not to exceed
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7. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar in nature to
the conditional uses listed above and not detrimental to the City’s general
health and welfare.
1. Lot Area: Minimum lot size shall be 20,000 square feet.
2. Lot Width. Lot width must be at least one hundred fifty (150) feet at the
established building line.
3. Minimum Lot Frontage. The minimum lot frontage shall be 75 feet.
3. Setbacks.
A. Front Yard Setback. The front yard setback must be at least forty
(40) feet.
B. Side Yard Setback. The side yard setback must be at least fifteen
(15) feet, except that the side yard setback on corner lots must be at
least twenty (20) feet.
C. Rear Yard Setback. The rear yard setback must be at least twenty
(20) feet.
D. Lot Coverage: Per Section 33 of this Ordinance.
4. Setbacks Adjoining Residentially Zoned Property. All B-2 uses must be
setback at least one hundred (100) feet from adjoining residentially zoned
5. Building Height. Structures may not exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height.
6. Floor-area-ratio. The floor-area-ratio may not exceed one point zero (1.0).
7. Exterior Finish. All new construction and alterations to an existing
building or structure must meet the following requirements. Steel is
acceptable provided the lower four (4) feet of the building’s face
(excluding windows and doors) consists of a material other than steel
unless it’s a different color.
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1. A high level of design and architectural detail are preferred for structures
in the B-2 General Business District. Complimentary architectural quality,
façade materials and colors are desired in comparison to adjacent
2. Buildings shall be designed to prevent the appearance of straight,
unbroken lines in their horizontal and vertical surface. There shall be no
more than two structures in a row without a break in the horizontal and/or
vertical elevations. Structures more than forty (40) feet in width shall
feature breaks/divisions in materials, separate entrances/entrance
treatments, variations in roof lines and/or variations in building setbacks.
3. Provision for handling all freight shall be on those sides of any buildings
which do not face on any street or proposed street. In the event loading
docks must face a public street the dock shall be fully screened from the
view the roadway.
4. Landscaping. Per Section 9A of this Ordinance.
5. Required Side/Rear Yard Screening. Where a nonresidential use is
adjacent to property guided for residential use as illustrated on the Future
Land Use map contained in the Comprehensive Plan a landscaped buffer
shall be provided. It is the objective of the landscaped buffer to lessen,
rather than completely eliminate land use conflicts between such uses. It
is not expected that landscaped buffers will totally screen such uses. It is
expected that the landscaped buffer design elements identified below will
provide immediate lessening of land use conflicts and such buffering will
be enhanced over time as landscaping matures. Landscaped buffers may
include a combination of elements including setback distances as
separation, tree and shrubs, solid fencing, and/or berming. It is
encouraged that existing topography and vegetation be included in the
design of the landscaped buffer as approved by the City. Retention of
existing mature trees is strongly encouraged in meeting the requirements
of this Section. Rear and side yard landscaped buffers shall have a
minimum depth of fifteen feet (15’).
6. Non-vegetative screening shall not be permitted to extend within the front
7. Common Areas. All common areas shall be maintained by the property
8. Development Plan Required. No building permit shall be issued until the
Zoning Administrator reviews a development plan drafted by a
professional in a corresponding discipline to determine that the use and
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development is compatible with adjacent land uses, consistent with the
stated intent of this zone and consistent with existing ordinances/laws.
Upon the request of the Zoning Administrator or the Developer, the
development plan may be referred to the Planning Commission and the
City Council who will make the final determination on site plan approval.
The developer shall provide the following items to the Zoning
Administrator for any development located in the B-2 General Business
a. Building location on the lot, drawn to scale.
b. A Certificate of Survey if required by the Zoning Administrator or
Planning Commission.
c. Building elevations; front, rear and side.
d. Building exterior materials and color.
e. Locations of ingress and egress points.
f. Dumpster and solid waste pick-up areas and proposed screening
g. Sign location and dimensions.
h. Lighting standard and hood detail.
i. Parking and loading areas identified.
j. Drainage by the use of contours.
k. Screening of heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and similar
l. Landscaping material including the location, type of plant and size.
m. Fire hydrant and fire lane locations.
n. Utility locations.
o. A description of provisions which shall be made on the site for
adequate open space, recreational areas, transit options, etc. to
properly serve patrons of the facility including a discussion of the
perceived needs of the patrons (i.e. senior citizens, students,
families with children).
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p. If applicable, a copy of proposed covenants and/or association
q. Any other fencing, screening, or building accessories to be located
in the development area.
r. When required, evidence of completion of National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting program and/or
Stearns County Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program
s. If applicable, evidence of compliance with federal, state and local
pollution and nuisance laws and regulations, including, but not
limited to glare, smoke, dust, odors and noise. The burden of proof
for compliance with appropriate standards shall lie with the
10. Required Fee/Agreement.
a. Development Agreement. In the event additional review by the City
or its assigns is anticipated and/or needed during implementation
of Development Plan, or other similar circumstance, the City shall
require the property owner(s) and/or developer(s) enter into a
development agreement with the City. The development
agreement shall stipulate the conditions for approval and the City's
authority to inspect the development. The agreement shall further
require the owner or developer, as the case may require, furnish a
cashier's check, escrow account or irrevocable letter of credit in
favor of the City in an amount equal to 110% of all costs
associated with City’s review of the development, including but not
limited to, engineering, legal, fiscal and administrative, as
estimated by the City. Such escrow or letter of credit shall be in the
form approved by the City Attorney, shall be conditioned upon the
approval of the development plan.
b. Payment Required. Any person filing a petition requesting
development plan review shall pay a fee according to the schedule
established by the City Council.
c. Amount. Fees payable under this section for development plan
review shall be in an amount as established by resolution of the
City Council. Preparation and review of all elements of the
required development plan, as listed and described above, is to be
at the sole expense of the developer and at no expense to the
public. The fee is payable at the time of filing a petition and is not
refundable. In addition to the above fees and in the event the City
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incurs professional fees, either legal, engineering or professional
planners, or any other cost, including but not limited to, postage
and publication expenses, the applicants shall reimburse the City
for those fees, and the City officials may require an escrow
deposit, cashier’s check or letter of credit for these fees prior to the
final action on the application for development plan review. Such
escrow or letter of credit shall be in the form approved by the City
Subdivision 8: YARD COVER
All landscaping required by this ordinance shall be installed prior to occupancy
or commencement of a use. If the landscaping cannot be installed prior to
occupancy or commencement of a use because of climatic conditions, the
building inspector may issue a temporary certificate of occupancy and grant a
delay of landscaping installation until the calendar date of July 1 immediately
following the date of said temporary certificate of occupancy. Every yard on a
premise shall be provided with lawn or combined lawn cover of vegetation,
gardens, hedges, shrubbery, and related decorative materials and such yards
shall be maintained consistent with prevailing community standards. Motor
vehicles may not be left parked or unattended on or within a yard. Grass shall
be maintained in compliance with the weed ordinance and so not to exceed a
height of eight (8) inches.
Uses may be subject to additional requirements contained in this Ordinance
including, but not limited to the sections governing parking, home occupation,
floodplain, signs, etc.
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It is the purpose and intent of this district to provide for and allow light industrial,
warehousing and commercial activities.
Subdivision 2: PERMITTED USES
1. Distribution Centers (non-petroleum, non-chemical, non-hazardous
2. Building material, sales and storage provided all products are fully
enclosed by fencing or screening.
3. Cabinet Shops.
4. Camera and photographic supplies manufacturing.
5. Cartage and express facilities.
6. Stationary, book binding and other types of manufacturing of paper and
related products, but not processing of raw materials for paper
7. Printing (non-retail).
8. Governmental use.
9. Engraving, printing and publishing.
10. Farm Implement Sales/Service
11. Jewelry manufacturing.
12. Medical, dental and optical laboratories.
13. Stone milling and granite processing.
14. Storage and warehousing, including mini-storage.
15. Electrical service shops.
16. Taxidermy.
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17. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar to those
listed and commercial nature in this zoning district and not detrimental to
the City’s general health and welfare.
1. Open and outdoor storage when fully enclosed by fencing and screening.
2. Offices accessory to a principal use.
3. Fences as regulated by this Ordinance.
4. Off street parking and loading regulated by this Ordinance.
5. Signs as regulated by this Ordinance.
6. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar to those
listed in this zoning district and not detrimental to the City’s general health
and welfare.
1. Auto body repair shops.
2. Electric light or power generating stations.
3. Electronic products manufacturer. Any light and clean manufacturing,
production, processing, wholesale, retail, cleaning, storage, servicing,
repair and testing of materials, goods or products providing no noxious or
offensive trade or activity may be carried on, nor may anything be done
thereon which may be or become an annoyance or a nuisance or
constitute a hazardous or dangerous condition or activity to the City of
Rockville by reason of unsightliness or excessive emission of odors, dust,
fumes, smoke, or noise, vibrations or otherwise.
4. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar to those
listed in this zoning district and not detrimental to the City’s general health
and welfare.
5. Open and outdoor storage with or without fencing.
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1. Setbacks.
A. Front yard setback. There shall be a twenty-five foot front setback.
B. Side yard and rear yard setback. There shall be a twenty foot side
or rear setback, except as provided below.
1. Setbacks from R-2 and R-3 Zoning Districts, Churches and
Schools. A landscaped strip of at least sixty (60) feet in width
shall be provided along the boundary of any adjoining property
guided to duplex or multi-family residential development, in the
future land use map, or where a multi-family residence, church
or school is located
2. Setbacks from R-1 Zoning Districts. A landscaped strip of at
least one-hundred (100) feet in width shall be provided along
the boundary of any adjoining property guided single-family
residential development, in the future land use map, or where a
single-family residence is located.
3. Residential Setback Standards. This landscaped strip shall be
landscaped as a Buffer Yard, pursuant to Section 9A, Subd.
Application to Section 9A. Nothing in the paragraph shall
exempt the property from a greater setback if required to meet
the requirements of Section 9A.
C. Lot Coverage: Per Section 33 of this Ordinance.
2. Building Height. Structures may not exceed thirty-five (35) feet in
Subdivision 6: OPEN STORAGE
1. Outdoor Storage and Open Sales Prohibited. Except as provided for
in this Subdivision, outdoor storage and open sales are prohibited.
2. Exception to Prohibition. The following may be permitted for outdoor
storage after review and approval by the Planning Commission and the
City Council:
A. Currently licensed vehicles used by the business for transport or
manufactured or serviced by the business (not including junked
B. Heavy machinery mounted on wheels; and
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C. Movable finished products mounted on wheels.
D. Storage containers painted the same color of primary building are
3. Review and Approval Required for Exception to Apply. The above
exempt outdoor storage will only be permitted if approved by the City
Council after review and recommendation by the Planning Commission.
In any case, the area used for such storage must be screened from view
from outside the premises by a fence of one hundred percent (100%)
opacity, of a minimum height of eight (8) feet, with the maximum height to
be determined by the City. Under no circumstances will open or outside
storage be allowed within the setback areas. Storage shall not be allowed
in a truck, trailer, or similar container.
4. Exterior Finish. All new construction and alterations to an existing
building or structure must meet the following requirements. Steel is
acceptable provided the lower four (4) feet of the building’s face
(excluding windows and doors) consists of a material other than steel or
corrugated metal.
The site plan must contain at a minimum the following:
1. The current and proposed use of the property;
2. All structures and their dimensions and location;
3. Location of waste facilities including measures used for enclosure and
4. Location of the water supply and utilities;
5. Elevations and drainage facilities (including storm sewers and ponds);
6. Streets and ingress and egress;
7. Parking (including typical size and locations of handicap spaces) and
loading areas;
8. Landscaping (including features and types of materials to be used);
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9. Screening and fences (including types and heights of fencing);
10. Lighting locations and types of fixtures;
11. Location and size of signs;
12. Distances to surrounding buildings and surrounding land uses;
13. Certificate of Survey if required by the Zoning Administrator or Planning
Commission; and
14. Any other information deemed necessary by the Zoning Administrator or
Planning Commission.
As part of the site plan review and approval the Planning Commission may
recommend and the City Council may, on the recommendation of the Planning
Commission or on its own, require that changes be made to a site plan. Such
changes may include, without limitation, limiting the size and number of street
accesses, requiring fencing or screening, requiring changes to the landscape
plan, requiring alterations of the location and types of lighting and signage,
altering parking lot design and layout, altering building layout, and other
alterations and adjustments to ensure a design which is in conformance with this
Ordinance and is in the best interest of the City.
To ensure site plan improvements, including without limitation landscaping and
waste enclosures, are completed in accordance with the approved site plan, a
performance bond or other approved security in the amount deemed sufficient
by the City Council will be required to be deposited with the City before the
issuance of a building permit for the project.
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It is the purpose and intent of this district to provide for and allow light industrial,
warehousing and commercial activities, that are self sufficient with on site waste
disposal facilities.
Subdivision 2: PERMITTED USES
1. Distribution Centers (non-petroleum, non-chemical, non-hazardous
2. Building material, sales and storage provided all product is fully enclosed
by fencing or screening.
3. Cabinet Shops.
4. Camera and photographic supplies manufacturing.
5. Cartage and express facilities.
6. Stationary, book binding and other types of manufacturing of paper and
related products, but not processing of raw materials for paper
7. Printing (non-retail).
8. Governmental use.
9. Engraving, printing and publishing.
10. Farm Implement Sales/Service
11. Jewelry manufacturing.
12. Medical, dental and optical laboratories.
13. Stone milling and granite processing.
14. Storage and warehousing, including mini-storage.
15. Electrical service shops.
16. Brick, tile and terra cotta manufacturing.
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17. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar to those listed
in this zoning district and not detrimental to the City’s general health and
1. Open and outdoor storage when fully enclosed by fencing and screening.
2. Offices accessory to a principal use.
3. Fences as regulated by this Ordinance.
4. Off street parking and loading regulated by this Ordinance.
5. Signs as regulated by this Ordinance.
6. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar to those
listed in this zoning district and not detrimental to the City=s general
health and welfare.
1. Auto body repair shops.
2. Electric light or power generating stations.
3. Electronic products manufacturer.
4. The entirely enclosed, in a roofed structure with concrete floor, storage of
junk and salvage including automobile salvage, scrap metal, paper, rags,
household appliances, or recyclables.
5. Any light and clean manufacturing, production, processing, wholesale,
retail, cleaning, storage, servicing, repair and testing of materials, goods
or products providing no noxious or offensive trade or activity may be
carried on, nor may anything be done thereon which may be or become
an annoyance or a nuisance or constitute a hazardous or dangerous
condition or activity to the City of Rockville by reason of unsightliness or
excessive emission of odors, dust, fumes, smoke, or noise, vibrations or
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6. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar to those
listed in this zoning district and not detrimental to the City’s general health
and welfare.
7. Open and outdoor storage with or without fencing.
1. Setbacks.
A. Front yard setback. There shall be a twenty-five foot front
B. Side yard and rear yard setback. There shall be a twenty
foot side or rear setback, except as provided below.
1. Setbacks from R-2 and R-3 Zoning Districts, Churches and
Schools. A landscaped strip of at least sixty (60) feet in
width shall be provided along the boundary of any adjoining
property guided to duplex or multi-family residential
development, in the future land use map, or where a multi-
family residence, church or school is located
2. Setbacks from R-1 Zoning Districts. A landscaped strip of
at least one-hundred (100) feet in width shall be provided
along the boundary of any adjoining property guided single-
family residential development, in the future land use map,
or where a single-family residence is located.
3. Residential Setback Standards. This landscaped strip shall
be landscaped as a Buffer Yard, pursuant to Section 9A,
Subd. 5(D).
4. Application to Section 9A. Nothing in the paragraph shall
exempt the property from a greater setback if required to
meet the requirements of Section 9A.
C. Lot Coverage: Per Section 33 of this Ordinance.
2. Building Height. Commercial structures may not exceed thirty-five (35)
feet in height.
Subdivision 6: OPEN STORAGE
1. Outdoor Storage and Open Sales Prohibited. Except as provided for
in this Subdivision, outdoor storage and open sales are prohibited.
2. Exception to Prohibition. The following may be permitted for outdoor
storage after review and approval by the Planning Commission and the
City Council:
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A. Currently licensed vehicles used by the business for transport or
manufactured or serviced by the business (not including junked
B. Heavy machinery mounted on wheels; and
C. Movable finished products mounted on wheels.
D. Storage containers painted the same color of primary building are
3. Review and Approval Required for Exception to Apply. The above
exempt outdoor storage will only be permitted if approved by the City
Council after review and recommendation by the Planning Commission.
In any case, the area used for such storage must be screened from view
from outside the premises by a fence of one hundred percent (100%)
opacity, of a minimum height of eight (8) feet, with the maximum height to
be determined by the City. Under no circumstances will open or outside
storage be allowed within the setback areas. Storage shall not be allowed
in a truck, trailer, or similar container.
4. Exterior Finish. All new construction and alterations to an existing
building or structure must meet the following requirements. Steel is
acceptable provided the lower four (4) feet of the building’s face
(excluding windows and doors) consists of a material other than steel or
corrugated metal.
The site plan must contain at a minimum the following:
1. The current and proposed use of the property;
2. All structures and their dimensions and location;
3. Location of waste facilities including measures used for enclosure and
4. Location of the water supply and utilities;
5. Elevations and drainage facilities (including storm sewers and ponds);
6. Streets and ingress and egress;
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7. Parking (including typical size and locations of handicap spaces) and
loading areas;
8. Landscaping (including features and types of materials to be used);
9. Screening and fences (including types and heights of fencing);
10. Lighting locations and types of fixtures;
11. Location and size of signs;
12. Distances to surrounding buildings and surrounding land uses;
13. Certificate of Survey if required by the Zoning Administrator or Planning
Commission; and
14. Any other information deemed necessary by the Zoning Administrator or
Planning Commission.
As part of the site plan review and approval the Planning Commission may
recommend and the City Council may, on the recommendation of the Planning
Commission or on its own, require that changes be made to a site plan. Such
changes may include, without limitation, limiting the size and number of street
accesses, requiring fencing or screening, requiring changes to the landscape
plan, requiring alterations of the location and types of lighting and signage,
altering parking lot design and layout, altering building layout, and other
alterations and adjustments to ensure a design which is in conformance with this
Ordinance and is in the best interest of the City.
To ensure site plan improvements, including without limitation landscaping and
waste enclosures, are completed in accordance with the approved site plan, a
performance bond or other approved security in the amount deemed sufficient
by the City Council will be required to be deposited with the City before the
issuance of a building permit for the project.
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The intent and purpose of this Section is to assure quality development equal to
that found in other types of residential areas throughout the City. Excellence of
design, usability, development and maintenance that support a quality
residential environment is the desired objective.
Subdivision 2: EXCEPTION
Manufactured home parks constructed prior to January 1, 1995, that when
constructed, complied with density, lot-size and manufactured home setback
requirements, shall be excluded from density, lot-size and setback requirements
contained herein. However, expansions of manufactured home parks shall be
subject to and comply with all requirements of this Ordinance.
Subdivision 3: APPLICATION
No person shall attempt to develop or operate a manufactured home park within
the City without obtaining primary and subsequent renewal license(s) from
Stearns County and a conditional use permit from the City of Rockville. The
Stearns County license provides for inspections and revocation or suspension
under the terms specified within the Stearns County Manufactured Home Park
ordinance which are hereby adopted by reference. The requirements of a permit
shall prevail over all other standards and requirements notwithstanding the more
restrictive subdivisions of this Ordinance. A permit for a manufactured home
park may contain other requirements beyond those mentioned in this
The applicant for a permit, in addition to other requirements, shall include the
name and address of the Developer and a general description of the
construction schedule and construction cost. The application for a permit shall
be accompanied by one (1) copy of plan that indicate the following:
A. Location and site of the manufactured home park on an aerial
B. Location, size and character of all manufactured home lots, manufactured
home stands (i.e. what structure is to be placed on), storage areas,
recreational areas, pedestrian walkways/pathways, central refuse
disposal, roadways, parking spaces and sites, proposed vegetation,
proposed screening and all setback dimensions.
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C. Detailed landscaping plans and specifications.
D. Location and width of sidewalks/pathways.
E. Plans for sanitary sewage disposal, surface drainage, water supply,
electrical service, telephone service and gas service.
F. Plans for an overhead street lighting system shall be submitted for
approval by the City Engineer.
G. Plans for drainage, including each lot and the entire manufactured home
park, shall be submitted for approval by the City Engineer.
H. The proposed method of disposing of garbage and refuse shall be
identified and described.
I. Location and size of all streets abutting the manufactured home park, and
all driveways from such streets to the park. Access to the manufactured
home park must be provided from a public street.
J. Plans and specifications for all road construction either within the
manufactured home park or directly related to park operation.
K. Floor plans of all service buildings to be constructed within the
manufactured home park.
L. Detailed description of maintenance procedures and grounds supervision,
including but not limited to, lawn maintenance, snow removal and
garbage collection and removal. The proposed procedures shall be as
restrictive as those of the City.
M. An acknowledgment wherein the owner of the park grants the City access
to the public areas of the park for purposes including, but not limited to,
fire protection, emergency assistance and routine patrol/police actions.
N. Plans and specifications for severe weather shelters that shall be
designed in accordance with state laws.
O. Other information which may be required by the City.
A. Total Land Area Required: Minimum total manufactured home park area
shall be ten (10) acres and not less than 500 feet in width.
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B. No manufactured home park shall be located so that drainage from the
park will endanger any water supply, surface water or wetland. All
portions of the park shall be subject to a grading/drainage plan submitted
by the applicant and approved by the City Engineer. No portion of the
park shall be located in an area subject to flooding.
C. Distinctive design elements and/or themes common throughout the
manufactured home park are strongly encouraged.
D. All manufactured homes shall be properly connected to the municipal
water supply and the municipal sanitary sewer system when available.
All water and sewer systems shall be constructed in accordance with
plans and specifications approved by the Planning Commission and City
Council. Where municipal sanitary sewer and/or water is not available,
the requirements of the Stearns County ordinance regulating
manufactured home parks shall apply.
E. The City shall determine/approve ingress and egress (including the
number of ingress/egress points) to manufactured home parks. Access
from a roadway supervised by another political subdivision shall be
approved in writing by the applicable political subdivision. Said ingress
and egress to manufactured home parks shall be designed to minimize
congestion and hazards and allow free movement of traffic on adjacent
streets. Distinctive design elements/themes are strongly encouraged for
manufactured park entrances.
F. Internal Streets. Roadways shall be of adequate width to accommodate
anticipated traffic, and in any case shall meet the following minimum
1. All internal streets shall be a minimum of 24 feet in width from
face-of-curb to face-of-curb.
2. All streets shall be provided with a paved concrete or bituminous
3. Street surfaces shall be maintained free of holes and other
4. Maximum speed limits within the park shall not exceed ten (10)
miles per hour.
5. No parking shall be allowed on internal streets.
6. Dead-end streets shall be prohibited, except cul-de-sacs.
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7. The Manufactured Home Park owner shall be responsible for
causing all streets to be continually posted with no parking signs.
G. Open Space Required: A minimum of 500 square feet per manufactured
home lot shall be provided for definable play areas with playground
facilities/features and open space within the manufactured home park.
Such areas of open space and/or play area shall not be areas included
within any setback nor shall they include any areas of less than twenty
(20) feet in length or width. Open space areas are subject to approval by
the City. The City may reduce the play area square footage requirement
by a maximum of thirty (30) percent of the total square feet required, if the
Park Owner/Developer installs trail facilities within the manufactured
home park.
H. Off-street Overload Parking Required. The Manufactured Home Park
Owner shall provide/maintain off-street overload parking lot for guests of
occupants in the amount of one (1) space for each three (3) sites.
Overload parking lots shall be located within three-hundred (300) feet of
the unit(s) to be served and in compliance with the parking lots standards
contained in Section 11 of this Ordinance.
I. Patio required. Each manufactured home lot shall have a four-inch thick
concrete patio with a minimum total square footage of 150 feet. All sides
of the patio shall exceed nine (9) feet in length.
J. Pedestrian Access Required. All parks shall be provided with safe
convenient all-season pedestrian access of adequate width for intended
use, durable and convenient to maintain, between individual
manufactured homes, the park streets and all community facilities
provided for park residents.
1. A common walk system shall be provided and maintained between
locations where pedestrian traffic is concentrated. Such common
walks shall have a minimum width of 4½ feet and shall be located
on at least one side of the street.
2. All manufactured homes shall be connected to common walks, to
paved streets, or to paved driveways or parking spaces connecting
to a paved street. Such individual walks shall have a minimum
width of two (2) feet. Common walkways shall connect to
municipal trails where feasible.
K. Tree Planting Required. A minimum of one tree per lot shall be required.
In open areas and park areas, a minimum of twenty trees per acre is
required. Tree varieties shall be native to the Rockville area. Trees shall
be bound and bur lapped with a minimum trunk diameter of two (2)
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inches. Tree varieties and sizes proposed are subject to approval by the
L. Storm Shelter and Severe Weather Evacuation Plan Required. All
manufactured home parks shall provide a storm shelter and a severe
weather evacuation plan or sheltering all residents of the park in times of
severe weather conditions such as tornadoes, high winds and floods.
Storm shelters and severe weather evacuation plans shall be developed
with the input and approval from Stearns County and shall reflect the
standards contained in the Stearns County Manufactured Home Park
M. The corners of each manufactured home lot shall be clearly marked.
N. All utilities, such as sewer, water, fuel, electric, telephone, etc. shall be
buried to a depth specified by the City Engineer, and there shall be no
overhead wires or support poles except those essential for street or other
lighting purposes.
O. Screening Required. All manufactured home parks shall be completely
screened along all manufactured home park property boundary lines
separating the park from adjacent properties and/or right-of-ways by a
complete perimeter fence consisting of wood, brick or stone and/or
natural growth screening. Such fencing and/or screening shall be
maintained in excellent condition at all times and in all other respects
comply with the standards applicable to fencing and/or screening setforth
within this ordinance.
P. A properly landscaped area shall be adequately maintained around all
public areas, adjacent to all roadways and on each manufactured home
Q. Every structure in the manufactured home park shall be developed and
maintained in a safe, approved and substantial manner. The exterior of
every such structure shall be kept in good repair. All of said structures
must be constructed to meet existing city codes, state and federal laws.
R. Portable fire extinguishers rated for electrical and liquid fires shall be kept
in all service buildings and other locations conveniently and readily
accessible for use by all occupants.
S. Toilet, Bathing and Laundry Facilities. In manufactured home parks,
where laundry and bathing facilities are provided, such facilities shall be
in buildings which are well constructed, in good repair and have adequate
heating and ventilation, good lighting and floors of impervious material
sloped to provide proper drainage. Walls shall be washable material.
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There shall be no exposed studs or rafters.
T. All systems of plumbing shall be installed in accordance with the
Minnesota Plumbing Code
U. All structures shall require a building permit.
V. Manufactured home parks shall be maintained free of accumulations of
debris which may provide rodent harborage or breeding places for flies,
mosquitoes, and other pests. Storage areas shall be so maintained as to
prevent rodent harborage. Lumber, pipe, and other building materials
shall be stored at least one foot above the ground. Areas shall be so
maintained as to prevent the growth of ragweed, poison ivy, poison oak,
poison sumac, and other noxious weeds considered detrimental to health.
W. The storage, collection, and disposal of refuse and garbage in the
manufactured home parks shall be so conducted as to create no health
hazards, rodent harborage, insect breeding areas, accident or fire hazards,
or air pollution. All refuse and garbage shall be stored in fly-tight, watertight,
rodent-proof containers which shall be located convenient to any mobile
home site. Refuse and garbage collection shall be made at least once each
week and more often where necessary to prevent nuisance conditions. Final
disposal of refuse and garbage by landfill methods shall be accomplished in
accordance with the criteria and standards established by the Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency and the Stearns County Solid Waste Management
X. Night lighting. The walkways, drives, and other used portions of
manufactured home parks shall be lighted during the hours of darkness.
Y. Community kitchens and dining rooms. When community kitchens and
dining rooms are provided, such facilities and equipment shall be
maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times, and shall be
constructed and equipped in compliance with state laws and rules
applicable to food-handling establishments.
Z. Bottled gas. Where bottled gas is used, the container shall be firmly
connected to the appliance by tubing of copper or other suitable metallic
material. Cylinders containing bottled gas shall not be located within five
feet of any manufactured home. The container shall not be installed or
stored even temporarily inside any manufactured home. No container
may be permitted to stand free, but must be firmly mounted in an upright
AA. Fuel oil supply systems. All piping from outside fuel storage tanks or
cylinders to manufactured homes shall be permanently installed and
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securely fastened in place. All fuel oil storage tanks or cylinders shall be
securely fastened in place and shall not be located inside or beneath any
manufactured home less than five feet from any other manufactured
home exit. All fuel oil containers shall be mounted upon a stand or rack
constructed of a noncombustible material.
BB. Barbecue pits, fireplaces and stoves. When provided in manufactured
home parks cooking shelters, barbecue pits, fireplaces and woodburning
stoves shall be so located, constructed, maintained, and used as to
minimize fire hazards and smoke nuisance both on the property on which
used and on neighboring property. No open fire shall be permitted except
in facilities provided. No open fire shall be left unattended. No fuel shall
be used and no material burned which emits dense smoke or
objectionable odors. At no time shall garbage or refuse be burned on the
CC. Domestic animals. No domestic animals or house pets shall be allowed to
run at large or commit any nuisance within the limits of a mobile home
park or recreational camping area. Any kennels, pens, or other facilities
provided for such pets shall be maintained in a sanitary condition at all
times. The standards within the Rockville zoning ordinance relating to the
maximum amount of domestic animals allowed apply.
DD. Fire protection. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the
requirements of the state fire marshal.
EE. Skirting. Manufactured homes shall be skirted between the bottom of the
manufactured home and the ground with a fireproof material harmonious
with the appearance of the manufactured home within three months of
the placement of the manufactured home. Plywood, hardboard,
cardboard or baled hay/straw shall be prohibited.
FF. It shall be the duty of the operator of the manufactured housing park to
keep a record of all homeowners and occupants located within the park.
The park operator shall keep the record available for inspection at all
times by authorized City officials and other public officials whose duty
necessitates acquisition of the information contained in the record. The
record shall not be destroyed until a period of three years following the
date of departure of the registrant from the park. The record shall
1. The name and address of each unit occupant.
2. The name and address of the owner of each unit.
3. The make, model and year of the unit.
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4. The date of arrival and departure of each unit.
GG. The operator of any manufactured housing park or a duly authorized
attendant and/or caretaker shall be responsible at all times for keeping
the park, its facilities and equipment in a clean, orderly, operable and
sanitary condition. An authorized attendant or caretaker shall remain
within twenty-five (25) miles of the manufactured home park at all times
and shall be answerable, along with said operator, for the violation of any
provisions of these regulations to which said operator is subject.
HH. All land area shall be adequately drained, landscaped to control dust,
clean and at all times free from refuse, garbage, rubbish or debris.
II. The storage, collection and disposal of refuse in the manufactured home
park, storage areas, grounds, buildings and structures shall be so
conducted as to avoid accumulations of debris and in a manner free of
health hazards, rodent harborage, insect breeding, accident or fire
hazards or air pollution.
JJ. The growth of brush, weeds and grass shall be controlled at all times.
KK. All provisions of this Ordinance relative accessory structures and outdoor
storage shall be adhered to at all times.
LL. Manufactured Home Parks may be subject to additional requirements
contained in this Ordinance including, but not limited to the sections
governing parking, home occupations, flood plain/Shoreland, signs, etc.
A. Each manufactured home site/lot shall contain at least five thousand
(5,000) square feet of land area for the exclusive use of the occupant and
shall be at least fifty (50) feet wide.
B. Manufactured homes shall be placed upon manufactured home lots so
that there shall be at least a twenty (20) foot clearance between
manufactured homes and twenty-five (25) feet between the front of the
manufactured home and the front lot line and twenty (20) feet between
the rear of the manufactured home and the rear lot line.
C. All structures shall require a building permit.
D. The area occupied by a manufactured home shall not exceed fifty percent
(50%) of the total area of a manufactured home lot.
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E. All manufactured homes installed in a manufactured home park shall be
placed upon stands approved by the City and properly anchored to the
ground. The anchoring system shall be installed in conformance with
applicable sections of the State Building Code.
F. A minimum of one healthy tree per lot shall be maintained at all times.
Tree varieties shall be native to the Rockville area. Trees shall be bound
and bur lapped with a minimum trunk diameter of two (2) inches. Tree
varieties and sizes proposed are subject to approval by the City.
G. All yards shall be landscaped except for necessary driveways which shall
not exceed twenty (20) feet.
H. Each manufactured home lot shall have off-street parking space for at
least two (2) automobiles. Each space shall be nine (9) feet by twenty
(20) feet minimum and located in the front of the lot.
I. Each site shall be numbered.
J. Fire extinguishing systems shall comply with the Uniform Fire Code.
K. Each manufactured home lot shall be so designed that automobiles may
not be parked within five (5) feet of the front of the manufactured home.
Parking of vehicles on the side or rear portions of an individual lot(s) is
L. All manufactured homes moved into the park shall have a construction
seal of code and construction compliance and installation seal as issued
by the State of Minnesota as required under the State Building Code. No
manufactured home may be used or occupied until the city building
official has issued a certificate of occupancy as provided in the City
Building Code.
M. All manufactured homes located in manufactured home parks shall be
provided with a landing and steps complying with the building code from
each doorway leading from a manufactured home.
N. All buildings or portions thereof which are determined to be substandard
as defined by the Building Inspector are declared to be public nuisances
and shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal in
accordance with the procedure specified by the Building Inspector.
O. Manufactured homes that are rented shall at all times be subject to and in
compliance with the City’s Rental Ordinance.
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P. Manufactured homes may be subject to additional requirements
contained in this Ordinance including, but not limited to the sections
governing parking, home occupations, flood plain/Shoreland, signs, etc.
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All residential subdivisions shall dedicate land for public use such as parks,
playgrounds, open spaces, natural sites, or other uses according to the following
(A) 1,800 square feet of land shall be dedicated for each single family
residential lot.
(B) 1,800 square feet of land shall be dedicated for each multi-family
residential unit.
The following criteria will adjust the above schedule:
(A) For subdivisions that create a maximum of two lots, and that have one
existing single family home on the property, no public use dedication will
be required for the lot with the existing single family home, regardless if
the single-family lot is credited with previously dedicating land for public
(B) If the subdivision, or any portion thereof, was previously required to
dedicate land for public use, the public use dedication required will be
adjusted as follows:
(1) By reducing the number of single-family lots which are subject to
the schedule in Subdivision 2 by the number of previous single-
family lots eliminated by the new subdivision. If more single-family
lots are eliminated than are included in the new subdivision, the
difference is subtracted from the number of multi-family units
included in the new subdivision on a one-for-one basis, and
(2) By reducing the number of multi-family units subject to the
schedule in Subdivision 2 by the number of multi-family units
eliminated by the new subdivision. If more multi-family units are
eliminated than are included in the new subdivision, the difference
is subtracted from the number of single-family lots included in the
new subdivision based on a ratio of six units-to-five lots ratio.
(C) If no portion of the subdivision was required to dedicate land, the entire
subdivision will be subject to the requirements of this Section 25.
(D) In no event will a new subdivision result in a return of previously
dedicated land, or a refund of funds paid in-lieu of dedication.
For subdivisions incorporating a mixture of uses and/or densities, the public use
areas shall be determined by applying the appropriate dedication requirement
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proportionate for each use listed in this Section.
Where a proposed public site or open space is identified in the Master Park Plan
or Comprehensive Plan of the City for public site or open space and is located in
whole or in part in a subdivision, the Planning Commission may require the
dedication of this land within the subdivision in complying with the dedication
requirements of this Section 25. The subdivision must provide access by public
street to the dedicated land, unless other access is acceptable to the Planning
Where the subdivision proposes to dedicate land for public use to comply with
the requirements of this Section 25 that is not identified in the Master Plan or
Comprehensive Plan of the City for public site or open space, the land must:
(A) Have frontage on one (1) or more streets, unless otherwise approved by
the City Council after recommendation of the Planning Commission, and
(B) Be of a character and location suitable for the intended use as
determined by the Planning Commission.
The City shall require the dedication of all land identified in the preliminary plat
within the first final plat (first phase) adopted for the subdivision. In addition, the
subdivision must dedicate sufficient proposed right-of-way to access the
dedicated land.
Subdivision 8: CASH IN LIEU OF LAND
(A) The Planning Commission may require the subdivision to pay to the City
the equivalent cash value of the land which would otherwise be
dedicated. Such amount shall be made pursuant to the requirements of
Minn. Stat. § 462.358 Subd 2(b), as amended, and shall be based on the
value of the land at the time the subdivision, or any first phase, is
(B) In determining whether to require a cash in lieu of land payment includes,
the Planning Commission must consider whether: (1) a subdivision is too
small, (2) the subdivision does not include any land shown on the Master
Park Plan or Comprehensive Plan, (3) the proposed land to be dedicated
doesn’t meet the requirements of Subdivision 6, and (4) the need for
funds to develop existing park land or acquire higher-priority park land in
the area.
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The City may, by resolution, adopt a park dedication fee, in accordance with the
(A) The fee shall be based on the average value of land within the City. The
City may use the values as determined by the County Assessor, or any
licensed or approved appraiser.
(B) Such resolution shall be reviewed at least annually.
(C) The City may adopt various park dedication fees specific to an area or
portion of the City which are based on the values of the land located
within the area.
(D) The park dedication fee will be the cash in lieu of land payment, unless:
(1) The subdivision opts to have the City calculate the cash in lieu of
land payment based on its actual value;
(2) The subdivision pays for the costs to the City to determine the
value of the cash in lieu of land payment pursuant to Subdivision
8; and
(3) The City may require security of its choosing to ensure payment of
the costs of Subdivision 9(D) (3).
The subdivision must pay the cash in lieu of land payment as determined by the
City, if this process is followed.
Subdivision 10: SPECIAL PARK FUND
The City shall establish a separate fund into which all cash contributions
received from owners and developers in lieu of conveyance of dedication of land
for such public purposes shall be deposited. Said funds shall only be used only
for the acquisition and development or improvement of parks, recreational
facilities, playgrounds, trails, wetlands, or open space. Cash contributions must
not be used for ongoing operation or maintenance.
Subdivision 11: DEED TO PROPERTY
Such dedication of land for public use shall be without restrictions or
reservations and shall be transferred to the City by Warranty Deed or
unrestricted plat dedication.
Property taxes due and payable on dedicated properties must be paid by
subdivision prior to recording of the subdivision.
The subdivision shall be responsible for the cost of all street, storm sewer, water
and sewer and other municipal improvements which run in front of or through
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land dedicated as part of a subdivision. Such costs shall be paid by the
subdivision directly if the improvements are privately installed. If the
improvements are publicly installed such costs shall be equally assessed to the
subdivision lots.
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The purpose and intent of the Planned Unit Development District is to
encourage flexibility in the design and development of land in order to promote
its appropriate use; to facilitate the adequate and economical provisions of
streets and utilities; and to preserve natural and scenic qualities. A PUD shall
be an overlay district; however, it shall apply only to specific projects which have
been approved through the procedures outlined herein. Because of the
flexibility allowed through the approval of a planned unit development it is
important that the City Council retain absolute authority over the approval or
disapproval of a planned unit development. The approval of a planned unit
development is a legislative decision of the City Council. No property owner has
an affirmative right to develop their property using the planned unit development
overlay district.
A PUD must contain a minimum of twenty (20) acres of contiguous land to be
treated as a unified project. However, existing lots of record within the A-40
District are eligible for a PUD and can be further subdivided; the intent here is to
allow additional single family residences on these plots while maintaining rural
residential quality.
In addition to the general standards for zoning amendments, the Planning
Commission may recommend and the Council will approve the establishment of
a PUD only if it finds that the proposal satisfies the following criteria:
A. The planned unit development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan
of the City;
B. The planned unit development is an effective and unified treatment of the
development possibilities on the project site and the development plan
provides for the preservation of unique natural amenities such as
streams, stream banks, wooded cover, rough terrain, and similar areas or
provides other significant benefits to the City;
C. The planned unit development harmonizes with existing and proposed
development in the areas surrounding the project site;
D. The planned unit development has or will have when completed
adequate sewer and water facilities;
E. The planned unit development will not be an impediment to the further
extension of municipal sewer and water services;
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F. The planned unit development will have adequate roads leading to the
property (considering but not limited to, road size, road construction type,
turn lanes, and traffic capacity);
G. The planned unit development can adequately be serviced by municipal
fire, police and rescue services without the expenditure of taxpayer funds
in excess of what would be expected from otherwise permissible
It is the intention of the PUD to provide a means to allow variances from the
provisions of this Ordinance and the Subdivision Ordinance including variances
regarding lot sizes, setbacks, height and similar restrictions. Variances may be
granted as part of the approval of the planned unit development under the
following conditions:
A. Certain regulations contained in this Ordinance may not realistically apply
to the proposed development due to its unique nature.
B. The variances, if granted, would be consistent with the general intent and
purposes of this Ordinance, the Subdivision Ordinance and other
ordinances of the City.
C. The planned unit development would produce development of equal or
superior quality to that which would result from strict adherence to the
provisions of this Ordinance and the Subdivision Ordinance.
D. The variance will not constitute a threat to the property values, safety,
health, and general welfare of the owners or occupants of adjacent or
nearby land, not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general
welfare of the people of the City.
E. It shall be determined that the variances are required for a reasonable
and practical physical development according to a comprehensive
development plan and are not required solely on the basis of financial
F. The variances are specifically referenced in the ordinance approving the
planned unit development.
Subdivision 4: USES
A PUD may provide for uses which are permitted, accessory or conditional uses
within the underlying zoning district. In addition, a PUD may specifically permit
other uses in the sole discretion of the City Council after review and
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recommendation by the Planning Commission. All uses proposed must be
compatible and must be in accord with the goals and objections of the City
Comprehensive Plan.
A. General procedures for the establishment of a PUD shall be the same as
for plat review and zoning amendment.
B. A Preliminary Development Plan submittal must include both maps and
written statements, and must show enough of the area surrounding the
proposed planned unit development to demonstrate the relationship of
the planned unit development to adjoining uses. The use of Digital
Ortho-photography is required. All maps shall be submitted electronically
in Arc Info Export format, NAD83, UTM Zone 15, metric showing the
entire graphic portion of the plat and shall have metadata in the format
recommended by LMIC.
C. The maps which are part of the Preliminary Development Plan may be in
general schematic form, and must contain the following information:
1. The general topographic character of the land, the use of digital
raster graphics overlaid on digital ortho-photographs is required for
area analysis. For site specific design, a boundary survey and
current, detailed topographic mapping with two (2) foot contours is
2. Existing and proposed land uses and the approximate location of
building, lots, utilities, and unique development features of the site.
3. The location of existing and proposed roads.
4. Public uses, including schools, parks, playgrounds, trails, and
other open spaces.
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5. The characteristic of soils, by category of soils, as determined by
the Land Evaluation/Site Assessment (LESA) for the City.
6. The location of all wetlands as determined by; the Soil Survey of
Stearns County; the National Wetland Inventory; and, land use.
7. Other natural site specific resource amenities as required by the
Planning Commission.
All matters required for site plan approval for uses which would
otherwise require site plan approval within any underlying zoning
D. The written statement to accompany the Preliminary Development Plan
must contain the following information:
1. An explanation of the character of the planned development and
the manner in which it has been planned to take advantage of the
PUD concept.
2. A statement of the present ownership of all of the land included
within the planned unit development.
3. A general indication of the expected schedule of development
including progressive phasing and time schedules.
4. Proposed road design.
5. Proposed uses and ownership of undeveloped land and common
open space.
E. After review by the Planning Commission, the Preliminary Development
Plan shall be submitted to the City for its final decision on establishment
of the PUD.
A. General procedures for the approval of a Preliminary Development Plan
shall be the same as for the approval of a plat, as outlined in the City
Subdivision Regulations and a zoning amendment as set out in this
Ordinance (public hearings will be combined).
B. The Preliminary Development Plan must include all of the following
information, in addition to that required for a plat:
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1. Proposed uses and location of common open space and restricted
2. Areas proposed to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for parks,
parkways, trails, playgrounds, public buildings, and similar public
and semi-public uses.
3. A plot plan for each building site and common open area, showing
the location of all buildings, structures, and improvements.
4. A development schedule indicating:
a) The approximate date when construction of the project can
be expected to begin.
b) The stages in which the project will be built and the
approximate date when construction of each stage can be
expected to begin.
c) The approximate dates when the development of each of
the stages in the development will be completed.
d) The area and location of common open space that will be
provided at each stage.
e) The well and onsite waste disposal system locations.
5. Agreements, provisions, or covenants which govern the use,
maintenance, and continued protection of the planned unit
development and any of its common open areas or restricted
6. A drainage report and erosion control plan along with soil boring
and groundwater table information.
C. In its approval of a Preliminary Development Plan, the Planning
Commission may include conditions which must be met before approval
of a final development plan, and also conditions which are permanent.
Any permanent conditions shall be recorded at the Office of the County
D. The Planning Commission members may request a site visit to the
proposed PUD prior to final approval of the Preliminary Development
Plan. The site visit may or may not include the PUD proposer, access to
the site shall be granted as a condition of approval. Any site visit shall be
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by individual Planning Commission members; this visit shall not constitute
a quorum or Planning Commission meeting.
A. A Final Development Plan, together with the proposed final plat, shall be
submitted which meets the requirements of a final plat in the City
Subdivision Regulations and an amendment to the zoning map.
B. If no Final Development Plan is submitted within one (1) year of approval
of the Preliminary Development Plan, the Preliminary Development Plan
is revoked.
C. The Final Development Plan shall comply in all respects with the
approved Preliminary Development Plan. Changes in the approved
Preliminary Development Plan shall require a Conditional Use Permit.
D. Roads and other improvements, including improvements to common
open spaces, must be completed prior to recording the Final
Development Plan and the final plat, unless adequate financial
guarantees are provided in accord with the Subdivision Regulation
E. After recording the Final Development Plan, no alterations of the
approved Preliminary Development Plan may be made by the developer
unless approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council.
Minor changes in the siting of single-family dwellings and accessory
structures may be approved by the Chair of the Planning Commission
and Zoning Administrator.
F. A development agreement must be entered into by the property owner to
assure completion of municipal improvements and compliance with the
requirements of the planned unit development.
Subdivision 8: COMMON OPEN SPACE
A. Lands shown on the Final Development Plan as common open space
must be conveyed under one of the following options. Under no
circumstances may lands used to calculate the number of units be
transferred or used for any purpose not included in the approved Final
Development Plan. Regardless of method, common open space
covenants and any other method used shall be recorded with the County
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1. It may be conveyed to a public agency which will agree to maintain
the common open space and any buildings, structures, or
improvements which have been placed on it.
2. It may be conveyed to trustees provided in an indenture
establishing an association or similar organization for the
maintenance of the planned development. The common open
space must be conveyed to the trustees subject to covenants to be
approved by the Planning Commission which restrict the open
space to the uses specified on the Development Plan, and which
provide for the maintenance of the common open space in a
manner which assures its continuing use for its intended purpose.
B. The following standards shall be used by the Planning Commission and
City Council to review the provisions of common open spaces.
1. The location, shape, size and character of the common open
space must be suitable for the planned unit development.
2. Common open space must be used for amenity or recreational
purposes. The uses authorized for the common open space must
be appropriate to the scale and character of the planned unit
development, considering its size, density, expected population,
topography, and the number and type of dwellings to be provided.
3. Common open space must be suitably improved for its intended
use, but common space containing natural features worthy of
preservation may be left unimproved. The buildings, structures
and improvements which are permitted in the common open space
must be appropriate to the uses which are authorized for the
common open space and must conserve and enhance the
amenities of the common open space having regard to its
topography and unimproved condition.
4. The development schedule which is part of the Preliminary
Development Plan must coordinate the improvement of the
common open space, the construction of buildings, structures, and
improvements in the common open space, and the construction of
residential dwellings in the planned unit development.
5. If the Preliminary Development Plan provides for buildings,
structures, or improvements in the common open space the
developer must provide a bond or similar adequate financial
assurance that the buildings, structures, and improvements will be
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A. In general, the creation of restricted lands shall be for the purpose of
preserving productive agricultural land while providing for the clustering of
residential sites on non-productive land.
B. Restricted land may be transferred and/or used for private purposes
unrelated to the PUD. However, restricted lands may not be developed
for residential or commercial uses, but shall be strictly limited to
agricultural or open space uses. Restrictions upon such lands shall be
required by the Planning Commission at the time of Final Development
Plan and shall be recorded with the County Recorder. <Option:
Restricted lands may not be used for Extractive Uses.>
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The purpose of this Section of the Zoning Ordinance is to provide the City with a
reasonable degree of discretion in determining the suitability of certain
designated uses upon the general welfare and public safety.
Subdivision 2: PROCEDURE
1. Application. A person applying for a Conditional Use Permit must fill out
and submit to the Zoning Administrator a Conditional Use Permit
Application form, accompanied by the required fee and detailed material
fully explaining the specific request together with such information as is
necessary to show compliance with this Ordinance. The application must
include a site plan showing the following, as applicable:
A. Site description (legal description).
B. A Certificate of Survey.
C. Site plan drawn to scale showing the parcel and building
dimensions, area and setbacks.
D. Location of all existing and proposed buildings and their square
E. Curb cuts, driveways, access roads, parking spaces, off-street
loading areas, sidewalks, vehicular circulation, and snow storage
F. Landscaping and screening plans.
G. Waste facilities including enclosure and screening.
H. Drainage and grading plan.
I. Sanitary sewer and water plan with estimated use per day.
J. Soil type.
K. Any additional written or graphic information reasonably required by
the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission.
L. Uses the City Council determines to be substantially similar to those
listed in this zoning district and not detrimental to the City’s general
health and welfare.
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2. Application Deadline. The Zoning Administrator must receive completed
applications at least seven (7) days prior to the Planning Commission’s
next scheduled meeting.
3. Fees. A fee the City Council shall establish by resolution must
accompany the application. An additional fee may be charged for atypical
projects, which in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator will require
additional staff time and/or City Expenditures. In such case, the applicant
will be required to reimburse the City for administrative time, professional
services and costs incurred by the City.
4. Public Hearing & Notice. The Zoning Administrator will set a date for the
official public hearing.
A. Published Notice. The City will publish notice of the public
hearing’s time, place and purpose at least once in the City’s official
newspaper at least ten (10) days before the public hearing.
B. Mailed Notice to Property Owners. The City will also mail notice of
the public hearing’s time, place and purpose not less than ten (10)
days and not more than thirty (30) days before the hearing date to
all individual property owners within three hundred fifty (350) feet
or the ten (10) closest property owners, whichever is greatest, of
the parcel included in the request. The Zoning Administrator must
attest and make a part of the proceeding’s records a copy of the
notice and list of the owners and addresses to which the notice
was sent. A property owner’s failure to receive notice or a
defective notice shall not invalidate any proceedings.
5. Referral to Planning Commission. After the Zoning Administrator has
reviewed the application and the date has been set for the public hearing,
the Zoning Administrator shall refer the application to the Planning
Commission, together with the Zoning Administrator’s review and
recommendations regarding the application.
6. Planning Commission Review. The Planning Commission shall
consider the request at their next regularly scheduled meeting and shall
make a recommendation and report to the City Council.
A. Appearance by Applicant. The applicant or the applicant’s
representative(s) must appear before the Planning Commission in
order to answer questions concerning the Conditional Use Permit
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7. Recommendation by the Planning Commission. After reviewing the
Conditional Use Permit application, the Planning Commission will make a
written recommendation to the City Council within forty-five (45) days
after the Zoning Administrator receives the application as to whether the
City Council should approve or deny the application. If approval is
recommended, the Planning Commission may suggest conditions to be
attached to the Conditional Use Permit.
8. City Council’s Review. Upon receiving the Planning Commission’s
report and recommendation, the City Council may hold an additional
public hearing, if deemed necessary, and make the final decision on all
Conditional Use Permit applications.
A. Appearance by Applicant. The applicant or the applicant’s
representative(s) must appear before the City Council in order to
answer questions concerning the Conditional Use Permit
9. Vote Required. Approval of a Conditional Use Permit will require
passage by a majority of the votes cast.
10. Conditions. If the City Council grants the Conditional Use Permit, it may
impose conditions to it, or the Planning Commission, considers
necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare.
11. Written Findings. The City Council will issue written findings stating the
reasons for its decision and any conditions imposed, and will serve a
copy of its decision on the applicant by U.S. mail, within ten (10) days
after its decision. In any event, the City Council will make a decision on
each Conditional Use Permit application within sixty (60) days after the
Zoning Administrator receives the application or may extend the time for
consideration under state law.
12. Appeal. An applicant may appeal the City Council’s decision to the
Stearns County District Court as provided by law.
13. Amendments. An application for an amendment to a Conditional Use
Permit will be administered in the same manner as a Conditional Use
15. Resubmission. No application, which is substantially the same as and
application of a denied Conditional Use Permit shall be resubmitted for a
period of one (1) year from the date of denial. The City Council may
permit a new application if, in its opinion, new evidence or a change of
circumstances warrant reconsideration.
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In granting a Conditional Use Permit, the City Council will consider the advice
and recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the
proposed use upon the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of occupants
of surrounding land, including land values. Among other things, the City Council
must make the following findings when applicable.
1. Not a Burden on Public Facilities. The use will not create an excessive
burden on existing parks, schools, streets and other public facilities and
utilities which serve or are proposed to serve the area.
2. Compatible with Existing and Planned Adjacent Uses. That the
establishment of the Conditional Use will not impede the normal and
orderly development and improvement of surrounding vacant property for
existing and planned uses in the area.
3. No Adverse Affect on Adjacent Properties. The structure and site will
not have an appearance, traffic, noise, odors, fumes, dust, vibration, light
or emission levels or other features that will have an adverse effect upon
adjacent properties for purposes already in use or permitted.
4. Related to the Needs of the City. The use is reasonably related to the
overall needs of the City and to existing land uses.
5. Consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use is in
compliance with the Land Use Plan and other portion of the
Comprehensive Plan adopted by the City.
6. Not a Traffic Hazard. The use will not cause a traffic hazard or
7. Adequate Parking and Loading. That maximum measures have been
or will be taken to provide maximum off-street parking and loading space
to serve the proposed use.
8. Not detrimental to Health, Safety and Welfare. The proposed use will
not be detrimental to the public health, safety, comfort and general
welfare of the City.
9. Floodplain. For property located in Floodplain districts, the criteria set
out in the Floodplain Ordinance will be met.
10. Shore land. For property located in Shore land districts, the criteria set
out in the Shore land Ordinance will be met.
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11. Feedlots. Feedlots will meet the requirements of this Ordinance and all
other applicable ordinances.
In permitting a new conditional use or the alteration of an existing conditional
use, the Planning Commission may recommend the imposition of and the City
Council may impose conditions considered necessary to protect the best
interest of the surrounding area or the City as a whole, in addition to the
standards and requirements expressly specified by this Ordinance. These
conditions may include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Increasing the required lot size or yard dimensions.
2. Limiting the height, size, number or location of buildings.
3. Controlling the location and number of vehicle access points.
4. Increasing the street width.
5. Increasing the number of required off-street parking spaces.
6. Limiting the number, size, location or lighting of signs.
7. Requiring diking, berming, fencing, screening, landscaping or other
facilities to protect adjacent or nearby property.
8. Designating sites for open space.
9. Designating operating hours and noise levels.
10. A time limit on the use.
11. Any other condition the Planning Commission or City Council deems
necessary to protect the public interest.
12. Additional Conditions may be imposed on property located in a floodplain
in accord with the Floodplain Ordinance.
13. Additional Conditions may be imposed on property covered by the Shore
land Ordinance.
15. Additional Conditions may be imposed on feedlots in accord with other
applicable ordinances including without limitation Stearns County’s
Ordinances relating to feedlots.
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Any change involving structural alteration, enlargement, intensification of use, or
similar change not specifically permitted by the Conditional Use Permit issued
shall require an amended Conditional Use Permit and all procedures shall apply
as if a new permit were being issued. The Zoning Administrator will maintain a
record of all Conditional Use Permits issued including information on the use,
location, and conditions imposed by the City Council and time limits, review
dates, and such other information as may be appropriate.
A certified copy of any Conditional Use Permit shall be filed with the Stearns
County Recorder. The Conditional Use Permits shall include the legal
description of the property involved.
Subdivision 7: REVOCATION
In the event that the applicant violates any of the conditions set forth in this
permit, the City Council shall have the authority to revoke a Conditional Use
Subdivision 8: TIME LIMITATION
A Conditional Use Permit may include an expiration date and the property owner
will be responsible to submit the application for renewal of the permit. The City
Council will review and approve all renewal applications, which must be
submitted at least sixty (60) days before the expiration date. The criteria for
renewal will be the same as for a new permit. The owner of the land will not be
required to pay a fee for said review.
If within one (1) year after granting a Conditional Use Permit the use permitted
has not been started, then the permit will become null and void unless the City
Council has approved a petition for an extension. Conditional Use Permits
expire if the authorized use ceases for any reason for more than six (6) months.
Conditional Use Permits expire if the use is abandoned. A use is considered
abandoned if the use is replaced by another use or discontinued for more than
six (6) months.
Subdivision 10: COMPLIANCE
1. Revocation. The City Council may revoke a conditional use permit if it
determines that the permit’s terms and conditions are not being complied
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2. Procedure. The Building Inspector, Zoning Administrator, any Council
member or the Mayor may bring before the City Council notice of a
potential violation involving the terms or conditions of a Conditional Use
Permit which has been issued in the City. In such event the Building
Inspector or Zoning Administrator shall investigate the violation and
report back to the Council. If the Council determines that proceedings to
consider revocation of the permit are warranted, the Council shall provide
five (5) days written notice to the owner of the property, as shown on the
property tax records for which the Conditional Use Permit has been
issued, of the time and place at which the Council will consider the
revocation. The property owner shall have an opportunity to be heard
after which time the Council may take all appropriate actions including the
revocation and termination of the Conditional Use Permit.
3. Costs of Enforcement. It shall be a term of any Conditional Use Permit
issued by the City, whether or not specifically stated, that the property
owner(s) shall pay all staff and reasonable attorney’s fees associated
with enforcement of the terms of the Conditional Use Permit.
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The purpose and intent of allowing interim uses is:
1. To allow a use for a brief period of time until a permanent location is
obtained or while the permanent location is under construction.
2. To allow a use that is presently judged acceptable by the City, but that,
with anticipated development or redevelopment, will not be acceptable in
the future.
3. To allow a use that otherwise may not be allowed under the zoning
regulations but because of its temporary nature may be acceptable.
Subdivision 2: PROCEDURE
Interim Use Permits will be processed according to the procedures for
Conditional Use Permits.
An interim use must comply with the following:
1. The use must meet the Conditional Use Permit standards set forth in this
2. The use must conform to all applicable zoning regulations.
3. The date or event that will terminate the use must be identified with
4. The use must not impose additional, unreasonable costs on the public if it
is necessary for the public to take the property in the future.
5. The applicant must agree to any conditions deemed appropriate by the
City Council (after recommendation by the Planning Commission) for
permitting the use.
In permitting an interim use, the City Council may, on its own or based upon the
Recommendation of the Planning Commission, impose, in addition to the
Standards and requirements expressly specified by this Ordinance, additional
Conditions the City Council considers necessary to protect the interests of the
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Surrounding area.
Subdivision 5: TERMINATION
An interim use will terminate and become void upon the occurrence of any of the
following events:
1. The date stated in the permit.
2. A violation of any condition under which the City Council issued the
3. A change in the applicable zoning regulations, which no longer allows the
4. The operator/owner or the use changes.
5. The permit is not utilized for a period of one (1) year from the date issued.
Subdivision 6: REVOCATION
The City Council may revoke the interim use permit if any of the permit’s
conditions are violated.
Before the City Council approves an interim use permit application, the City
Council may request that the applicant provide certification that there are not
delinquent property taxes, special assessments, interest, or utility fees due upon
the parcel of land to which the interim use permit application relates.
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Subdivision 1: PROCESS
1. Initiation of Process/Application. An amendment to the Zoning
Ordinance or Zoning Map may be initiated by the City Council, the
Planning Commission or by a petition of affected property owners (as
described below).
A. Petition. The owner of the subject property in the City may propose
a zoning amendment or change, including a rezoning, by
submitting one (1) copy of a verified petition to the Zoning
2. Application. A person proposing a zoning amendment or change,
including a rezoning, must fill out and submit to the Zoning Administrator
a Zoning Application form, accompanied by the required fee and detailed
materials fully explaining the proposal for an amendment to this
Ordinance. The application must include a site plan showing the
following, as applicable:
A. Site Description (legal description).
B. A Certificate of Survey.
C. Site plan drawn to scale showing the parcel and building
dimensions, area and setbacks.
D. Location of all existing and proposed buildings and their square
E. Curb cuts, driveways, access roads, parking spaces, off-street
loading areas, sidewalks, vehicular circulation, and snow storage
F. Landscaping and screening plans.
G. Waste facilities including enclosure and screening.
H. Drainage and grading plan.
I. Sanitary sewer and water plan with estimated use per day.
J. Soil type.
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K. Any additional written or graphic information reasonably required
by the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission.
3. Application Deadline. The Zoning Administrator must receive completed
applications at least seven (7) days prior to the Planning Commission’s
next scheduled meeting.
4. Fees. A fee the City Council shall establish by resolution must
accompany the application. An additional fee may be charged, for
atypical projects, which in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator will
require additional staff time and/or City Expenditures. In such case, the
applicant will be required to reimburse the City for administrative time,
professional services and costs incurred by the City.
5. Public Hearing. The Zoning Administrator will set a date for the official
public hearing.
A. Published Notice. The City will publish notice of the public
hearing’s time, place and purpose at least once in the City’s official
newspaper at least ten (10) days before the public hearing.
B. Mailed Notice to Property Owners. The City will also mail notice of
the public hearing’s time, place and purpose not less than ten (10)
days and not more than thirty (30) days before the hearing date to
all individual property owners within three hundred fifty (350) feet,
or the ten (10) closest property owners, which ever is greatest, of
the parcel included in the request. The Zoning Administrator must
attest and make a part of the proceeding’s records a copy of the
notice and list of the owners and addresses to which the notice
was sent. A property owner’s failure to receive notice or a
defective notice shall not invalidate any proceedings.
6. Referral to Planning Commission. An amendment not initiated by the
Planning Commission will be referred to the Planning Commission for
study and report and may not be acted upon by the City Council prior to
the recommendation of the Planning Commission, unless the Planning
Commission fails to make a recommendation within sixty (60) days. The
Zoning Administrator may review the proposed amendment and provide
the Planning Commission with a staff report and staff recommendation.
7. Planning Commission Review. The Planning Commission shall
consider the request at their next regularly scheduled meeting and shall
make a recommendation and report to the City Council.
A. Appearance by Applicant. The applicant or the applicant’s
representative(s) must appear before the Planning Commission in
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order to answer questions concerning the zoning amendment
8. Recommendation by the Planning Commission. After reviewing the
proposed zoning amendment or rezoning application the Planning
Commission will make a written report and recommendation to the City
9. City Council’s Review. Upon receiving the Planning Commission’s
report and recommendation, the City Council may hold an additional
public hearing, if deemed necessary, and make the final decision with
regard to rezonings. In any event, the City Council will act on an
amendment request by petition within sixty (60) days after the Zoning
Administrator receives the petition or the City may extend the time for
consideration under state law.
A. Appearance by Applicant. The applicant or the applicant’s
representative(s) must appear before the City Council in order to
answer questions concerning the zoning amendment application.
10. Vote Required. Approval of any amendment to this Ordinance will
require passage by a majority vote of the full City Council, except that the
adoption or amendment of any portion of this Ordinance which changes
all or part of the existing classification of a zoning district from residential
to either commercial or industrial requires a two-thirds majority vote of the
full City Council.
11. Resubmission. No application of a property owner, which is substantially
the same as an application of a denied rezoning request, shall be
resubmitted for a period of one (1) year from the date of denial. The City
Council may permit a new application if, in its opinion, new evidence or a
change or circumstances warrant reconsideration.
12. Appeal. A petitioner may appeal the City Council’s decision to the
Stearns County District Court as provided by law.
Subdivision 2: EFFECTIVE DATE
Unless the City Council provides otherwise, a zoning amendment will not
become effective until after the City Council approves and publishes an
Ordinance reflecting the amendment.
Subdivision 3: RECORDING
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A certified copy of all Ordinances amending the Zoning Ordinance or rezoning
any property shall be filed with the Stearns County Recorder. The rezoning of
any abstract or registered property shall include the legal description of the
property involved.
Subdivision 4: ZONING MAP
The Zoning Administrator shall revise the City’s Official Zoning Map each time
property within the City is rezoned. The applicant shall pay all costs of changes
to the Official Zoning Map.
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Appeals of decisions of the Zoning Administrator will be heard by the City
Council provided that the person making the appeal files an application for a
hearing within thirty (30) days after the decision to be appealed was delivered to
the applicant by the Zoning Administrator. The following procedure will be
1. Application. The person making the appeal must apply for a hearing
before the City Council on forms provided by the Zoning Administrator.
2. Notice and Hearing. The City Council will schedule a hearing on the
A. At least ten (10) days prior to the hearing a notice will be published
in the official county newspaper.
B. The City Council will make their decision within thirty (30) days of
the public hearing or may extend the time for consideration as
permitted by state law.
3. Notice for Floodplain Properties. If the applicant is requesting a
variance from floodplain elevation, the Zoning Administrator should
inform the applicant that: 1) The issuance of a variance to construct a
structure below the base flood level will result in increased premium rates
for flood insurance; and 2) Such construction below the 100-year or
regional flood level increases risks to life and property. Such notification
shall be maintained with a record of all variance actions.
Subdivision 2: VARIANCES
No variance in the provisions or requirements of this Ordinance shall be
authorized by the City Council unless it finds evidence that the following facts
and conditions exist:
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1. Unique Circumstances. That there are exceptional or extraordinary
circumstances or conditions applying to the property in question as to the
intended use of the property that do not apply generally to other
properties in the same zoning district. The unique circumstances did not
result from the acts of the property owner.
2. Necessary to Preserve reasonable use of the property. The property
cannot be put to a reasonable use without the variance. That such
variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial
property right similar to that possessed by other properties in the same
district and in the same vicinity.
3. Not merely economic. The possibility of increased financial return or
economic consideration will not in itself be deemed sufficient to warrant a
variance if a reasonable use for the property exists under this
Ordinance’s terms. This means that cost or money savings cannot be the
only reason for the variance.
4. Maintains the Character of the Neighborhood. The variance will not
alter the area’s essential character of the neighborhood.
5. Meets the Spirit of this Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. The
variance maintains the spirit and intent of this Ordinance and the
Comprehensive Plan.
1. Solar Energy Systems. Undue hardship shall include, but not be limited
to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems.
2. Earth Sheltered Homes. Variances shall be granted for earth sheltered
construction as defined in Minn. Stat. '116J.06, Subd. 2, when in
harmony with this Ordinance.
3. Non-permitted Use. The City Council may not permit as a variance any
use that is not permitted under this Ordinance for property in the zone
where the affected person’s land is located.
4. Temporary Use for one family dwelling. The City Council may permit
as a variance the temporary use of a one (1) family dwelling as a two (2)
family dwelling.
5. Variances in Floodplain Districts. No variance shall have the effect of
allowing a Floodplain District a lower degree of flood protection than the
Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation for the particular area or permit
standards lower than those required by state law.
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6. Conditions. The City Council may impose conditions in granting
variances to insure compliance and protect adjacent properties.
1. Application Filing Required. A person applying for a variance must fill
out and submit to the Zoning Administrator a Variance Application form,
accompanied by the required fee and detailed material fully explaining
the specific variance request. The application must include a site plan
showing the following, as applicable:
A. Site description (legal description).
B. A Certificate of Survey.
C. Site plan drawn to scale showing the parcel and building
dimensions, area and setbacks.
D. Location of all existing and proposed buildings and their square
E. Curb cuts, driveways, access roads, parking spaces, off-street
loading areas, sidewalks, vehicular circulation, and snow storage
F. Landscaping and screening plans.
G. Waste facilities including enclosure and screening.
H. Drainage and grading plan.
I. Sanitary sewer and water plan with estimated use per day.
J. Soil type.
K. Any additional written or graphic information reasonably required
by the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission.
2. Application deadline. The Zoning Administrator must receive completed
applications at least seven (7) days prior to the Planning Commission’s
next scheduled meeting.
3. Fees. A fee the City Council shall establish by resolution must
accompany the application. An additional fee may be charged for atypical
projects, which in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator will require
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additional staff time and/or City expenditures. In such case, the applicant
must reimburse the City for administrative time and professional services
and costs incurred by the City.
4. Public Hearing. The Zoning Administrator shall set a date for the official
public hearing.
A. Published Notice. The City will publish notice of the Public
Hearing’s time, place and purpose at least once in the City’s
official newspaper at least ten (10) days before the public hearing.
B. Mailed Notice to Property Owners. The City will also mail notice of
the public hearing’s time, place and purpose not less than ten (10)
days and not more than thirty (30) days before the hearing date to
all individual property owners within three hundred fifty (350) feet
or nearest ten (10) property owners, which ever is greater, of the
parcel included in the request. The Zoning Administrator must
attest and make a part of the proceeding’s records a copy of the
notice and list of the owners and addresses to which the notice
was sent. A property owner’s failure to receive notice or a
defective notice shall not invalidate any proceedings.
5. Referral to Planning Commission. After the Zoning Administrator has
reviewed the application and the date has been set for the public hearing,
the Zoning Administrator shall refer the application to the Planning
Commission, together with the Zoning Administrator’s review and
recommendations regarding the application.
6. Planning Commission Review. The Planning Commission shall
consider the request at their next regularly scheduled meeting and shall
make a recommendation and report to the City Council
A. The applicant or the applicant’s representative(s) must appear
before the Planning Commission in order to answer questions
concerning the Variance application.
7. Recommendation by the Planning Commission. After reviewing the
Variance, the Planning Commission will make a written report and
recommendation to the City Council.
8. Decision by City Council. Upon receiving the Planning Commission’s
report and recommendation to the City Council as to whether or not a
variance should be granted. The City Council, acting as the Board of
Adjustment will make the final decisions on all variances.
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A. Appearance by Applicant. The applicant or applicant’s
representative(s) must appear before the City Council in order to
answer questions concerning the variance application.
9. Vote Required. Approval of any Variance to this Ordinance will require
passage by a majority of the votes cast.
10. Conditions and/or Revisions. If the City Council grants the Variance, it
may impose conditions it considers necessary to protect public health,
safety and welfare. The City Council may also revise the variance to
ensure that it is the minimum variance required.
11. Written Findings. The City Council will issue written findings stating the
reasons for its decision and any conditions imposed, and will serve a
copy if its decision on the applicant by U.S. mail, within ten (10) days
after its decision. In any event, the City Council will make a decision on
each Variance application within sixty (60) days after the Zoning
Administrator receives the application or will extend the time for
consideration under state law.
12. Recording. A certified copy of every Variance to abstract or registered
property shall be filed with the Stearns County Recorder. The variance
shall include the legal description of the property involved.
13. Resubmission. No application, which is substantially the same as and
application of a denied Variance shall be resubmitted for a period of one
(1) year from the date of the denial. The City Council may permit a new
application if, in its opinion, new evidence or a change in circumstances
warrant reconsideration.
Subdivision 5: LAPSE OF VARIANCE
If within one (1) year after granting a Variance the work permitted is not started,
such variance shall become null and void unless a petition for an extension has
been approved by the City Council.
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This Ordinance shall be administered and enforced by the City Building
Inspector or Zoning Administrator and City Council of Rockville, Minnesota. The
Building Inspector or Zoning Administrator may institute appropriate Legal or
Court action for any violations of this Ordinance at the direction of the City
Council and through the City Attorney as deemed necessary.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions hereof or
who shall fail to comply with any of the provisions hereof or who shall make any
false statement in any document required to be submitted under the provisions
hereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined and
imprisoned accordingly. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall
constitute a separate offense. Persons violating this Ordinance shall be
responsible to pay for all staff time and reasonable attorneys fees associated
with enforcement of the Ordinance.
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Statutory Authorization. This shoreland ordinance is adopted pursuant to the
authorization and policies contained in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 103F, Minnesota
Regulations, Parts 6120.2500 - 6120.3900, and the planning and zoning enabling
legislation in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462.
Policy. The Legislature of Minnesota has delegated responsibility to local governments
of the state to regulate the subdivision, use and development of the shorelands of
public waters and thus preserve and enhance the quality of surface waters, conserve
the economic and natural environmental values of shorelands, and provide for the wise
use of waters and related land resources. This responsibility is hereby recognized by
the City of Rockville.
Jurisdiction. The provisions of this ordinance apply to the shorelands of the public
water bodies as classified in Section 10.2.3 of Stearns County Ordinance 439.
Pursuant to Minnesota Regulations, Parts 6120.2500 - 6120.3900, no lake, pond, or
flowage less than 10 acres in size in municipalities need be regulated in a local
government’s shoreland regulations. A body of water created by a private user where
there was no previous shoreland may, at the discretion of the governing body, be
exempt from this ordinance.
Enforcement. The City of Rockville is responsible for the administration and
enforcement of this ordinance. Any violation of the provisions of this ordinance or
failure to comply with any of its requirements (including violations of conditions and
safeguards established in connection with grants of variances or conditional uses
constitutes a misdemeanor and is punishable as defined by law. Violations of this
ordinance can occur regardless of whether or not a permit is required for a regulated
activity listed in this ordinance.
Severability. If any section, clause, provision, or portion of this ordinance is adjudged
unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this
ordinance shall not be affected thereby.
The purpose of the Shoreland Overlay District is to protect and enhance the quality
of surface waters by promoting the wise utilization of public waters and related land
resources. All shoreland located in City of Rockville is hereby designated as a
Shoreland Overlay District and the standards set forth in Section 32 and Sections
14, 27, and 33 shall regulate development and other activities within the Shoreland
Overlay District.
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Subdivision 2: APPLICATION
The Shoreland Overlay District shall be an overlay district and shall be
superimposed on all zoning districts and the Shoreland Overlay District shall be the
Shoreland of the Public Water bodies as classified in Section 10.2.3 of Stearns
County Ordinance 439. The standards contained in the Shoreland Overlay District
shall be in addition to any other requirements set forth in this Ordinance. If the
district standards are conflicting, the more restrictive standards shall apply. In
cases where the shoreland overlay district applies to only a portion of a parcel, the
shoreland overlay standards are applicable to the affected portion of the parcel
only. The boundaries of the Shoreland Overlay District are defined as follows:
A. 1,000 feet from the ordinary high water level of the classified lakes.
B. 300 feet from the ordinary high water level or the lateral extent of the
floodplain when the floodplain extends beyond 300 feet from the ordinary
high water level of the classified rivers and streams.
The following standards and requirements shall apply to all uses in the Shoreland
Overlay District:
A. Boathouses and additions thereto are prohibited in the Shoreland Overlay
B. Easements, controlled access lots or other means for non-riparian lot
owners to allow access to public waters shall be prohibited. The use of any
riparian lot, tract or parcel of land, however designated or described, other
than as an access lot as defined in Subdivision 15 to provide access to
public waters for owners of non-riparian lots, including, but not limited to, by
easement, share, license or any other legal or illegal arrangement, scheme
or plan, shall be prohibited.
C. Outdoor storage of trailers (including, but not limited to, house trailers,
fish house trailers, boat trailers, storage trailers, utility trailers, storage
containers) is prohibited within 50 feet from the ordinary high water level.
D. All amendments to this shoreland ordinance must be submitted to the
Department of Natural Resources for review and approval for compliance with
the statewide shoreland management rules. The Rockville City Administrator
will submit the proposed ordinance amendments to the commissioner or the
commissioner’s designated representative at least 30 days before any
scheduled public hearings.
E. All notices of public hearings to consider variances, ordinance amendments, or
conditional uses under shoreland management controls must be sent to the
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commissioner or the commissioner’s designated representative at least ten (10)
days before the hearings. Notices of hearings to consider proposed
subdivisions/plats must include copies of the subdivision/plat.
F. All approved ordinance amendments and subdivisions/plats, and final decisions
approving variances or conditional uses under local shoreland management
controls must be sent to the commissioner or the commissioner’s designated
representative and postmarked within ten (10) days of final action. When a
variance is approved after the Department of Natural Resources has formally
recommended denial in the hearing record, the notification of the approved
variance shall also include the summary of the public record/testimony and the
findings of facts and conclusions which supported the issuance of the variance.
The regulations of the primary zoning district shall apply, except as modified below:
A. Public and semi-public uses which are otherwise permitted in the underlying
zoning district shall be only allowed as a conditional use following the
procedures of Section 27 of this Ordinance.
B. The legal, conforming use of any tract for public or semipublic purposes at
the adoption of this Ordinance shall be considered a permitted use
regardless of the primary zoning district, except that any expansion, addition
or change in use shall only be allowed as a conditional use following the
procedures set forth in Section 27 of this Ordinance.
C. The legal, non-conforming use of any tract for public or semipublic purposes
at the adoption of this Ordinance may be continued as a legal, non-
conforming use, but may not be expanded in any way that will increase the
impact on the public waters or related land resources, or will increase the
D. All public and semipublic uses shall meet the requirements of Subdivision
The regulations of the primary zoning district shall apply, except as modified below:
A. New residential uses which are not permitted in the R-1 District but are
otherwise permitted in the underlying zoning district shall be only allowed as
a conditional use following the procedures of Section 27 of this Ordinance.
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B. Residential Lot Standards. The minimum lot dimensions, average lot size
and buildable lot area for riparian and non-riparian residential developments
are provided in Exhibit A, Residential Lot Standards.
C. The legal, non-conforming use of any tract may not be expanded in any way
that will increase the impact on the public waters or related land resources
or will increase the non-conformity. Expansion of structure must conform to
Section 14, Subdivision 9.
Subdivision 6: COMMERCIAL USES
A. Commercial uses which are otherwise permitted in the underlying zoning
district shall be only allowed as a conditional use following the procedures of
Section 27 of this Ordinance.
B. The legal, conforming use of any tract for commercial purposes at the
adoption of this Ordinance shall be considered a permitted use regardless of
the primary zoning district, except that any expansion, addition or change in
use shall only be allowed as a conditional use following the procedures set
forth in Section 27 of this Ordinance.
C. The legal, non-conforming use of any tract for commercial purposes at the
adoption of this Ordinance may be continued as a legal, non-conforming
use, but may not be expanded in any way that will increase the impact on
the public waters or related land resources, or will increase the non-
conformity. Expansion of structure must conform to Section 14, Subdivision
D. New commercial uses which are otherwise permitted in the underlying
zoning district and are located on a riparian parcel shall be designed to
provide water-oriented services or products.
E. All commercial uses shall meet the requirements of Subdivision 10.
Subdivision 7: INDUSTRIAL USES
A. Industrial uses which are otherwise permitted or permitted as a conditional
use in the underlying zoning district shall be only allowed as an interim use
following the procedures of Section 28 of this Ordinance, and only if the use
demonstrates a need. Industrial uses are prohibited in NE (Natural
Environmental) lake classifications.
B. The legal, conforming use of any tract for industrial purposes at the adoption
of this Ordinance shall be considered a permitted use regardless of the
primary zoning district, except that any expansion, addition or change in use
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shall only be allowed as a interim use following the procedures set forth in
Section 28 of this Ordinance.
C. The legal, non-conforming use of any tract for industrial purposes at the
adoption of this Ordinance may be continued as a legal, non-conforming
use, but may not be expanded in any way that will increase the impact on
the public waters or related land resources, or will increase the non-
conformity. Expansion of structure must conform to Section 14, Subdivision
D. New industrial uses which are otherwise permitted in the underlying zoning
district and are located on a riparian parcel shall be designed to provide
water-oriented services or products.
E. All industrial uses shall meet the requirements of Subdivision 10.
F. The use of any area for industrial purposes as a conditional use at the time
of adoption of this Ordinance shall be considered a conditional use, except
that any expansion, addition or change in use shall only be allowed as an
interim use following the procedures of Section 28 of this Ordinance.
A. The use of any tract as an animal feedlot at the adoption of this Ordinance
shall be considered a permitted use within the A-40 District, except that any
expansion, addition or change in use shall only be allowed as a interim use
following the procedures set forth in Section 28 of this Ordinance.
B. New animal feedlots are prohibited in the Shoreland Overlay District.
In all districts, accessory uses and structures in the Shoreland Overlay District shall
be the same as those accessory uses allowed in the primary zoning district, subject
to the requirements of this Section.
A. Size and Area. Minimum standards for all development must be as provided
in Exhibit A, Lot Standards.
B. Shoreline Setback. Minimum standards for setbacks from the Ordinary High
Water Line, must be as provided in Exhibit A, Lot Standards.
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C. Width. Minimum lot or parcel widths must be as provided in Exhibit A, Lot
Standards. Width standards must be met at the Ordinary High Water Line,
as well as the non-riparian building line.
D. Road Right-of-Way. Minimum structure setbacks from road right-of-way
shall be as provided in the underlying zoning district.
E. Side Yard. Minimum structure setbacks from side yard boundaries shall be
as provided in the underlying zoning district.
F. Rear Yard. Minimum structure setbacks from rear yard boundaries, where
lot is non-riparian or otherwise has a rear yard not subject to a structure
setback from ordinary high water levels, shall be as provided in the
underlying zoning district.
G. Bluffs. Minimum structure setbacks from top of bluff shall be 30 feet, or as
calculated as the Established Building Line as provided in Subdivision 10.
H. Other setbacks. All other setbacks of the underlying zoning district apply.
I. Maximum coverage by all impervious surfaces shall be as provided in
Section 33 <<Stormwater Management Section>> Subdivision 12(b). If no
standard applies, the maximum impervious surface shall be twenty-five
J. Structure Height. Maximum height restrictions of structures shall be as
provided in the underlying zoning district, or as provided in this Section.
Notwithstanding, no structures, except churches, telecommunication towers
and antenna, and nonresidential agricultural structures, shall exceed 30 feet
in height of building.
K. Fence Height. Maximum fence height shall be as provided in the underlying
zoning district, except:
(1) A fence on a riparian lot shall not be higher than six (6) feet, unless
any part above such height has at least 50 percent of the surface
uniformly open and unobstructed, unless the adjoining lot is in a
Commercial or Industrial District or abuts a public park or public
(2) A fence on a riparian lot erected from the riparian building line to the
ordinary high water level shall not exceed a height of four (4) feet and
have at least 90 percent of the surface uniformly open and
unobstructed unless the adjoining lot is in a Commercial or Industrial
District or abuts a public park or public access.
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L. The minimum lot size and width requirements for commercial and industrial
uses is the lot size and width requirements for the primary zoning district,
but in no case shall the lot area and width be less than the duplex lot area
and width requirement for the applicable lake or river classification.
M. The minimum lot size and width requirements for residential uses with more
than two units are the lot size and width requirement for a duplex lot, plus 25
percent for each unit greater than two.
N. Application of Standards. All lots, except a Lot of Record, must meet the
applicable lot standards. No parcel shall be subdivided in any manner,
unless all resulting lots comply with the applicable lot standards.
O. Street Frontage Requirements. The minimum street frontage requirements
shall be those of the underlying zoning district. If none exist, the minimum
shall be 75 feet, except for lots created by conservation subdivision or PUD
which may vary from this minimum in order to reduce the impact of the road
on the shoreland district.
For shoreline and bluff setbacks, where conditions exist that meet all of the
following criteria, the Zoning Administrator may depart from setback requirements
of Subdivision 10 to the extent provided. In any case in which such a departure
may substantially harm any public waters, adjoining properties or the health, safety
or welfare of the City, the Zoning Administrator may deny departure from the
standard setback requirements.
A. Principal Structures. In locations where a principal structure exists on both
sides of a proposed building site and a building line can be reasonably
established, the principal structure may be constructed up to the established
building line.
1. For new residential dwellings, the building line shall be established
(a) Calculating the average building line setback for the dwelling
located on either side of the proposed residential dwelling,
(b) Establishing the building line by using the sight line method from
the nearest corner of each dwelling located on either side of the
proposed residential dwelling, and
(c) Adopting the more restrictive of the two building lines.
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2. For additions, the building line may be established by using a string
line between the corner of the dwelling for which the addition is being
sought and the lakeward corner closest to the dwelling nearest the
proposed addition, by using a sight line, or by calculating the average
setback of the dwellings located on either side of the proposed
addition, or by other reasonable methods which may be employed.
3. Structures located wholly or partly within the shore impact zone shall
not be used to establish a building line. In this situation, the landward
extension of the shore impact zone and its intersection with the
adjacent property line shall be used as the point of reference to
establish a building line in instances where a principal structure is
located partially or wholly within the shore impact zone.
4. In no case shall the calculated setback be greater than the building
line setback established for the applicable lake classification.
5. In no case, shall any principal structures be permitted closer than the
following distances:
(a) On Natural Environment Lakes and Designated Trout Streams;
no closer than 100 feet.
(b) On Recreational Development Lakes; no closer than 50 feet.
(c) On General Development Lakes; no closer than 50 feet.
(d) On Transition Rivers; no closer than 75 feet.
(e) On Agriculture, Urban and Tributary Rivers; no closer than 50
(f) Within 20 feet of the top of a bluff.
(g) On Designated Trout Streams; no closer than 100 feet.
B. Decks. Decks and platforms that do not meet setback requirements from
public waters may be allowed to be added to structures existing on the date
of adoption of this ordinance, without a variance, if all of the following criteria
and standards are met:
1. The deck does not encroach more than 15 percent into the applicable
setback of the dwelling unit or principal structure to which it is being
2. Notwithstanding subdivision 11(B)(1), no deck may encroach into the
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shore or bluff impact zone;
3. The deck is constructed of wood, plastic or other rot-resistant
material, painted or stained in colors compatible with the character of
the neighborhood, and attached to a legal dwelling unit or principal
4. The deck shall not be screened in, enclosed or roofed; and
5. Decks constructed under the provisions of this departure shall not be
used as the basis for the establishment of any future building line.
A. High Water Elevations. Structures shall be placed in accordance with
Section 10.1, if applicable to the site. If Section 10.1 of that Ordinance does
not apply to the site, the elevation to which the lowest floor, including
basement, is placed or flood proofed shall be determined as follows:
1. For lakes, by placing the lowest floor at a level no lower than the
regulatory flood protection elevation or at least three feet above the
highest known water level, or at least three feet above the ordinary
high water level, whichever is higher. When upon inspection, the
Building Official determines, with the use of a hand level or similar
method, that the bottom floor elevation of a proposed residential
dwelling or addition to a residential dwelling will be 6 feet or less
above either the highest known water level, ordinary high water mark
or regulatory flood protection elevation, whichever is applicable, the
owner of a riparian lot shall be required to submit certification by a
registered engineer, registered architect or registered land surveyor
that the lowest floor elevation of any dwelling unit or addition thereto,
including basement, is placed at least three (3) feet above the
ordinary high water level, or no lower than the regulatory flood
protection elevation, whichever is higher.
2. For rivers and streams, by placing the lowest floor at least three (3)
feet above the flood of record, if data is available. If data is not
available, by placing the lowest floor at least three (3) feet above the
ordinary high water level or by conducting a technical evaluation to
determine effects of proposed construction upon flood stages and
flood flows and to establish a flood protection elevation. Under all
three approaches, a qualified engineer or hydrologist consistent with
Minnesota Rules, parts 6120.5000 to 6120.6200; or successor rule,
governing the management of flood plain areas shall do technical
evaluations. If more than one approach is used, the highest flood
protection elevation determined shall be used for placing structures
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and other facilities;
3. Water-oriented accessory structures may have the lowest floor
placed lower than the elevation determined in this section if the
structure is constructed of flood-resistant materials to the elevation,
electrical and mechanical equipment is placed above the elevation
and, if long duration flooding is anticipated, the structure is built to
withstand ice action and wind-driven waves and debris.
B. Stairways, lifts, and landings. Stairways, lifts and landings must meet the
following design requirements:
1. Stairways and lifts must not exceed four feet in width on residential
lots. Stairways and lifts must not exceed six (6) feet in width for
commercial properties, and public or semi-public open-space
recreational properties, including recreational facilities shared by an
association or similar entity.
2. Landings for stairways and lifts on residential lots must not exceed 32
square feet in area. Landings for stairways and lifts must not exceed
48 square feet for commercial properties, public or semi-public open-
space recreational properties, including recreational facilities shared
by an association or similar entity.
3. Canopies or roofs are not allowed on stairways, lifts, or landings.
4. Stairways, lifts, and landings may be either constructed above the
ground on posts or pilings, or placed into the ground, provided they
are designed and built in a manner that ensures control of soil
5. Stairways, lifts, and landings must be located in the most visually
inconspicuous portions of lots, as viewed from the surface of the
public water assuming summer, leaf-on conditions, whenever
6. Facilities such as ramps, lifts, or mobility paths for physically
handicapped persons are also allowed for achieving access to shore
areas, provided that the dimensional and performance standards of
sub-items (1) to (5) are complied with in addition to the requirements
of Minnesota Rules, chapter 1341; or successor rule.
7. Boardwalks shoreward of the ordinary high water level shall be used
in place of fill to bridge wetland areas to reach the shore. These
boardwalks must be elevated at least 16 inches above the surface of
the wetland.
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C. Placement and design of roads, driveways, and parking areas. Public and
private roads, driveways, and parking areas must be designed to take
advantage of natural vegetation and topography to achieve maximum
screening from view from public waters. They must be designed and
constructed to minimize and control erosion to public waters consistent with
the field office technical guides of the local soil and water conservation
district, or other applicable technical materials.
1. Roads, driveways, and parking areas must meet structure setbacks
and must not be placed within bluff and shore impact zones, when
other reasonable and feasible placement alternatives exist. If no
alternatives exist, they may be placed within these areas, and must
be designed to minimize adverse impacts.
2. Only DNR watercraft access ramps, approach roads, and access-
related parking areas may be placed within shore impact zones.
D. Bluff impact zones. Structures and accessory facilities, except stairways
and landings, must not be placed within bluff impact zones.
E. Steep slopes. When determined necessary by the Zoning Administrator,
conditions must be attached to issued permits to prevent erosion and to
preserve existing vegetation screening of structures, vehicles, and other
facilities as viewed from the surface of public waters, assuming summer,
leaf-on vegetation.
F. Shoreline recreation facilities. Shoreline recreation facilities must be
clustered or grouped in suitable areas. Evaluation of suitability must include
consideration of land slope, water depth, aquatic and shoreland vegetation,
soils, depth to groundwater and bedrock, or other relevant factors to
maintain functions and values of existing natural features. Access lots must
be used where direct riparian access is not appropriate due to the presence
of protected vegetation, wetlands, or other critical fish or wildlife habitat.
Boating facilities shall be located adjacent to the deepest water available.
Shoreline facilities must also comply with all rules of the Department of
Natural Resources.
Subject to the restrictions provided for in this Section, surface water-oriented
commercial uses and industrial, public or semipublic uses with needs to have
access to and use of public waters may be located on parcels or lots with frontage
on public waters. Those uses with water-oriented needs shall meet the following
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A. In addition to meeting impervious coverage limits, setbacks and other zoning
standards in this Ordinance, the uses shall be designed to incorporate
topographic and vegetative screening of parking areas and structures;
B. Uses that require short-term watercraft mooring for patrons shall centralize
these facilities and design them to avoid obstructions of navigation and to be
the minimum size necessary to meet the need; and
C. Uses that depend on patrons arriving by watercraft may use signs and
lighting to convey needed information to the public subject to the following
general standards:
1. No signs or supporting facilities for signs may be placed in or upon
public waters. Signs conveying information or safety messages may
be placed in or on public waters by a public authority or under a
permit issued by the City;
2. Signs may be placed, when necessary, within the shore impact zone
if they are designed and sized to be the minimum necessary to
convey needed safety and directional information, and may only
convey the location and name of the establishment and the general
types of services available. The signs shall not contain detailed
information such as product brands and prices, shall not be located
higher than ten feet above the ground, and shall not exceed 32
square feet in size. If illuminated by artificial lights, the lights shall be
shielded or directed to prevent illumination out across public waters;
3. Other outside lighting may be located within the shore impact zone or
over public waters if it is used primarily to illuminate potential safety
hazards and is shielded or otherwise directed to prevent direct
illumination out across public waters. This does not preclude use of
navigational lights.
Those uses without water-oriented needs shall be located on lots or parcels without public
waters frontage or, if located on lots or parcels with public waters frontage, shall either be
setback double the normal ordinary high water level setback or be substantially screened
from view from the water by vegetation or topography, assuming summer, leaf-on
A. Agricultural Use. Agricultural uses shall be conducted so that steep slopes,
shore and bluff impact zones are maintained in permanent vegetation or
operated under an approved conservation plan consistent with the field
office technical guides of the local Soil and Water Conservation District or
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the Natural Resource Conservation Service or as provided by a qualified
individual or agency. The shore impact zone for parcels with permitted
agricultural land uses is equal to a line parallel to and 50 feet from the
ordinary high water level. Use of fertilizer, pesticides, or animal wastes
within shorelands must be done in such a way as to minimize impact on the
shore impact zone or public water by proper application or use of earth or
vegetation, and may not be directly applied within the shore impact zone.
B. Forest Management. The harvesting of timber and associated reforestation
shall be conducted consistent with the provisions of Water Quality in Forest
Management “Best Management Practices in Minnesota”, which is hereby
incorporated by reference, a copy of which is on file in the Stearns County
Environmental Services Department, St. Cloud, Minnesota, and is not
subject to frequent change.
C. Extractive Use. An extractive use site development and restoration plan
shall be developed, approved, and followed over the course of operation of
the site as part of the interim use permit required by Section 9, and subject
to the following:
1. Site Development and Restoration Plan Requirements. The plan
shall address dust, noise, possible pollutant discharges, hours and
duration of operation and anticipated vegetation and topographic
alterations. It shall also identify actions to be taken during operation
to mitigate adverse environmental impacts, particularly erosion and
shall clearly explain how the site will be rehabilitated after extractive
activities end.
2. Setbacks for Processing Machinery. Processing machinery shall be
located consistent with setback standards for structures from ordinary
high water levels of public waters and from bluffs.
Subdivision 15: ACCESS LOTS
Access lots, or parcels of land that provide access to public waters for owners of
riparian lots within subdivisions, may be allowed as part of a planned unit
development where direct riparian access is not feasible due to the presence of
protected vegetation, wetlands, or other critical fish or wildlife habitat. Access lots
that provide riparian access for owners of non-riparian lots or parcels shall be
prohibited. Where allowed, access lots shall meet or exceed the following
A. Access lots shall be governed by a covenant recorded on the title of every
lot or parcel of land, and be jointly owned by all of those purchasers, which
are allowed to use the access lot.
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B. These access lots shall also comply with all of the dimensional standards of
as identified on Exhibit A. Where more than six subdivision lots are served,
the width of the access lot shall be increased by 25 percent for each
additional subdivision lot in excess of six served.
C. Access lots shall be suitable in its natural state for the intended activities. All
facilities shall be centralized and located in areas suitable for them.
Evaluation of suitability shall include, but not limited to, consideration of land
slope, water depth, aquatic and shoreland vegetation, the presence of
important fish and wildlife habitat, soils, depth to groundwater and other
relevant factors.
D. Permitted activities may include watercraft, beaching, mooring, or docking,
but shall not include residential or commercial uses. A single dock may be
permitted and no owner shall own an individual dock. Boating facilities must
be located adjacent to the deepest water available. Continuous boat
mooring shall be limited to one watercraft per lot served.
E. Covenants governing access lots shall limit the total number of vehicles
allowed to be parked, and must require centralization of all common facilities
and activities in the most suitable locations on the lot to minimize
topographic and vegetation alterations. All parking areas, storage buildings,
and other facilities are to be screened by vegetation or topography as much
as practical from view from the public water, assuming summer, leaf-on
conditions. The covenants shall also specify the permitted activities allowed
on the access lot. These activities shall not conflict with general public use
of the public water or the enjoyment of normal property rights by adjacent
property owners. The covenants shall benefit the City, and provide for
enforcement by the City.
F. Access lots shall meet or exceed the standards of Subdivision 16,
Vegetation and Topography.
Natural vegetation and topography shall be regulated and maintained to prevent
erosion into public waters, fix nutrients, infiltration rainwater runoff, preserve
shoreland aesthetics and historic values, prevent bank slumping, limit direct and
indirect impacts on water quality, and protect fish and wildlife habitat.
A. All existing shoreline buffers, including trees, shrubs, and ground cover of
native plants and understory, shall not be disturbed, except as provided
below, and only to the extent necessary to accomplish the allowed
exception. Except as a condition of a variance or other land use approval,
or as voluntarily agreed to by the property owner, disturbed areas, including
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sand beaches, that can be shown to exist as of the adoption of this
ordinance, may not be required to be restored. If there is a violation
waterward of the OHWL, restoration may be required (by the DNR).
1. Pursuant to valid permits; utilities, governmental entities, construction
entities and property owners may install, extend or maintain essential
2. Public roads and parking areas.
3. Public parks, areas, trails and structures.
4. Pursuant to a valid building permit, property owners may install and
maintain stairways and landings, provided the permit application has
sufficiently identified the vegetation proposed for disturbance.
5. Pursuant to a valid shoreland alteration permit.
6. Removal of trees and branches that pose a safety hazard.
7. A single access path, provided it is:
a. No wider than 6 feet,
b. Generally perpendicular to the shoreline, and
c. Designed to prevent erosion.
8. A single shoreline recreational area, as provided by Subdivision
B. All existing important topographical features, including natural swales,
depressions, steep slopes and topsoil, shall not be disturbed, except as
provided below, and only to the extent necessary to accomplish the allowed
1. Pursuant to valid permits; utilities, governmental entities, construction
entities and property owners may install, extend or maintain essential
2. Public roads and parking areas.
3. Public parks, areas, trails and structures.
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4. Pursuant to a valid building permit, property owners may install and
maintain stairways and landings, provided the permit application has
sufficiently identified the vegetation proposed for disturbance.
5. Pursuant to a valid shoreland alteration permit.
C. Use of fertilizer and pesticides shall not be allowed within the shore impact
zone. Other use within the shoreland district must be designed to minimize
runoff into the impact zone and public waters.
D. Vegetation within the shore impact zone must be maintained to screen
structures with trees and shrubs, to the extent possible.
E. Riprap and retaining walls used for ornamental purposes or for terracing
natural slopes shall be prohibited within the shore and bluff impact zones.
Natural rock riprap may only be used for the correction of an established
erosion problem that cannot be controlled through the use of native
vegetation, slope stabilization using mulch, biomat, or similar bioengineered
means. Placement of natural rock riprap and retaining walls, where allowed,
shall comply with regulations adopted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes,
section 103G.245.
Shoreline recreational areas are an exception from the general prohibition from
disturbing vegetation and topography with the shore impact zone. Shoreline
recreational areas are allowed, provided:
1. Only one shoreline recreation use area shall be allowed on each residential
lot, multiple lots under common ownership can only have one shoreline
recreational use area, except that, if the lot is part of a PUD, conservation
subdivision, resort, homeowners association, and has access to a common
shoreline recreational area, then no shoreline recreational area is allowed.
2. Residential recreational areas are limited to the dimensions outlined in
Exhibit B for the class of lake or river.
3. The entire area must be landscaped, maintained and constructed, to the
extent possible, so that no bare soil or other ground subject to erosion
4. The standards of common shoreline recreational areas apply to access lots
and other semi-public lots available to members of an area, homeowners
association or resort located within the shoreland district. This subdivision
does not apply to public facilities owned and operated by the city, county,
state or other political subdivision, which have received a conditional use
permit, or are exempt therefrom, pursuant to Subdivision 4. This subdivision
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does not create a right for an access lot, if not available under Subdivision
1. No docks are allowed in common shoreline recreational areas, except
if the area qualifies as an Access Lot pursuant to Subdivision 15.
2. No watercraft loading or unloading may be allowed in common
shoreline recreational areas.
3. Use of a common shoreline recreational areas for swimming, is
allowed, provided any shoreline, topography and vegetation complies
with all applicable ordinances, statutes, and state rules.
4. Common shoreline recreational areas are limited to 20 feet in width
along the shoreline for each 100 feet of shoreline for the entire PUD,
conservation subdivision, resort, or homeowners association. The
maximum depth landward from the ordinary high water line is 25 feet.
5. No common shoreline recreational areas may exceed 5,000 square
Class or District
Riparian Nonriparian Sewered
Lot Width
Lot Size
(sq ft)
Lot Area
(sq ft)
Lot Width
Lot Size
(sq ft)
(sq ft)
Lot Width
Lot Size
(sq ft)
Special Protection 400 217,800 23,400 200 400 217,800 23,400
Natural Environment
and Sensitive Area
General Development
River – Remote
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River – Forested
River – Transitional
River – Agricultural
River – Urban
River – Tributary
Lake or River Class Width (feet)
(along the shoreline)
Depth (feet)
(landward from OHWL)
Special Protection 10 15
Sensitive Area 10 15
Natural Environment 10 15
Recreational Development 20 15
General Development 30 15
Remote River/streams
10 15
Forested and Transition
s Segments
A. Purpose. To protect and enhance the natural and scenic qualities of
shoreland areas during and after development and redevelopment of high
density residential and commercial uses.
B. Types of PUDs Permissible. Planned unit developments (PUDs) are
allowed for new projects on undeveloped land, redevelopment of previously
built sites, or conversions of existing buildings and land. Deviation from the
minimum lot size standards of Section 6.2 of this ordinance is allowed if the
standards in this Section are met.
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C. Processing of PUDs. Planned unit developments must be processed as a
conditional use. An expansion to an existing commercial PUD involving 6 or
less new dwelling units or sites since the date this ordinance was adopted is
permissible as a permitted use provided the total project density does not
exceed the allowable densities calculated in the project density evaluation
procedures in Section 10.5. Approval cannot occur until all applicable
environmental reviews are complete.
D. Application for a PUD. The applicant for a PUD must submit the following
documents prior to final action on the application request:
1. Site plan and/or plat showing:
a) Locations of property boundaries;
b) Surface water features
c) Existing and proposed structures and other facilities;
d) Land alterations;
e) Sewage treatment and water supply systems (where public
systems will not be provided);
f) Topographic contours at ten-foot intervals or less; and
g) Identification of buildings and portions of the project that are
residential, commercial, or a combination of the two (if project
combines commercial and residential elements).
2. A property owners association agreement (for residential PUD’s) with
mandatory membership, and consistent with Section 18.6 of this
3. Deed restrictions, covenants, permanent easements or other
instruments that:
a) Address future vegetative and topographic alterations,
construction of additional buildings, beaching of watercraft,
and construction of commercial buildings in residential
PUDs; and
4. Ensure the long-term preservation and maintenance of open space in
accordance with the criteria and analysis specified in Section 18.6 of
this ordinance.
5. A master plan/site plan describing the project and showing floor plans
for all commercial structures.
6. Additional documents necessary to explain how the PUD will be
designed and will function.
E. Density Determination. Proposed new or expansions to existing planned
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unit developments must be evaluated using the following procedures.
F. Step 1. Identify Density Analysis Tiers. Divide the project parcel into tiers
by drawing one or more lines parallel to the ordinary high water level at the
following intervals, proceeding landward
Classification Tier Depth
No Sewer (ft) Sewer (ft)
General Development Lakes – 1st tier 200 200
General Development Lakes – all other tiers 267 200
Recreational Development Lakes 267 267
Natural Environment Lakes 400 320
All Rivers 300 300
G. Step 2. Calculate Suitable Area for Development. Calculate the suitable
area within each tier by excluding all wetlands, bluffs, or land below the
ordinary high water level of public waters.
H. Step 3. Determine Base Density:
1. For residential PUDs, divide the suitable area within each tier by the
minimum single residential lot area for lakes to determine the
allowable number of dwelling units, or base density, for each tier. For
rivers, if a minimum lot area is not specified, divide the tier width by
the minimum single residential lot width
2. For commercial PUDs:
a) Determine the average area for each dwelling unit or dwelling
site within each tier. Include both existing and proposed
dwelling units and sites in the calculation.
i. For dwelling units, determine the average inside living
floor area of dwelling units in each tier. Do not include
decks, patios, garages, or porches and basements,
unless they are habitable space.
ii. For dwelling sites (campgrounds), determine the area
of each dwelling site as follows:
iii. For manufactured homes, use the area of the
manufactured home, if known, otherwise use 1,000 sf.
b) For recreational vehicles, campers or tents, use 400 sf.
c) Select the appropriate floor area/dwelling site area ratio from
the following table for the floor area or dwelling site area
determined in Section18.53 B. 1.
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Living Floor
Area or
Site Area
Floor Area/Dwelling Site
Area Ratio
General Development
Lakes w/Sewer –
all tiers
General Development
Lakes w/no sewer – 1st tier
Agricultural, Urban and
Tributary R
General Development
Lakes w/no sewer all
other tiers
Development Lakes
Forested and Transition
< 200
> 1,500
Multiply the suitable area within each tier determined in Section 18.52 by the floor area
or dwelling site area ratio to yield the total floor area or dwelling site area for each
tier to be used for dwelling units or dwelling sites.
Divide the total floor area or dwelling site area for each tier calculated in Section 18.53
B. 3 by the average inside living floor area for dwelling units or dwelling site area
determined in 18.53 B 1. This yields the allowable number of dwelling units or dwelling
sites, or base density, for each tier.
1. Allowable densities may be transferred from any tier to any other tier further
from the waterbody, but must not be transferred to any tier closer to the
2. All PUDs with densities at or below the base density must meet the design
standards in Section 18.6
I. Step 4. Determine if the Site can accommodate increased density:
A. The following increases to the dwelling unit or dwelling site base densities
determined Section 18.53 are allowed if the design criteria in Section 18.6 of this
ordinance are satisfied as well as the standards in Section 18.54, item B:
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Shoreland Tier Maximum density increase within each tier (percent)
Structure setbacks from the ordinary high water level:
Are increased to at least 50 percent greater than the minimum setback; or
The impact on the waterbody is reduced an equivalent amount through vegetative
management, topography, or additional acceptable means and the setback is at least
25 percent greater than the minimum setback.
J. Design Criteria. All PUDs must meet the following design criteria.
K. General Design Standards.
1. All residential planned unit developments must contain at least five dwelling
units or sites.
2. On-site water supply and sewage treatment systems must be centralized.
3. Dwelling units or dwelling sites must be clustered into one or more groups and
located on suitable areas of the development.
4. Dwelling units or dwelling sites must be designed and located to meet the
dimensional standards:
a) Shore recreation facilities:
i. Must be centralized and located in areas suitable for them
based on a suitability analysis.
ii. The number of spaces provided for continuous beaching,
mooring, or docking of watercraft must not exceed one for
each allowable dwelling unit or site in the first tier
(notwithstanding existing mooring sites in an existing
commercially used harbor).
iii. Launching ramp facilities are prohibited.
iv. Structures, parking areas, and other facilities must be treated
to reduce visibility as viewed from public waters and adjacent
shorelands by vegetation, topography, increased setbacks,
color, or other means acceptable to the local unit of
government, assuming summer, leaf-on conditions.
Vegetative and topographic screening must be preserved, if
existing, or may be required to be provided.
v. Accessory structures and facilities, except water oriented
accessory structures, must meet the required structure
setback and must be centralized.
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M. Open Space Requirements.
1. Open space must constitute at least 50 percent of the total project area and
must include:
a) Areas with physical characteristics unsuitable for development in
their natural state;
b) Areas containing significant historic sites or unplatted cemeteries;
c) Portions of the shore impact zone preserved in its natural or existing
state as follows:
d) For existing residential PUD’s, at least 50 percent of the shore impact
i. For new residential PUDs, at least 70 percent of the shore
impact zone.
ii. For all commercial PUD’s, at least 50 percent of the shore
impact zone.
2. Open space may include:
a) Outdoor recreational facilities for use by owners of dwelling units or
sites, by guests staying in commercial dwelling units or sites, and by
the general public;
b) Subsurface sewage treatment systems if the use of the space is
restricted to avoid adverse impacts on the systems; and
c) Non-public water wetlands.
3. Open space shall not include:
a) Dwelling sites or lots, unless owned in common by an owners
b) Dwelling units or structures, except water-oriented accessory
structures or facilities;
c) Road rights-of-way or land covered by road surfaces and parking
d) Land below the OHWL of public waters; and
e) Commercial facilities or uses.
N. Open Space Maintenance and Administration Requirements.
1. Open space preservation. The appearance of open space areas, including
topography, vegetation, and allowable uses, must be preserved and
maintained by use of deed restrictions, covenants, permanent easements,
public dedication, or other equally effective and permanent means The
instruments must prohibit:
a) Commercial uses (for residential PUD’s);
b) Vegetation and topographic alterations other than routine
c) Construction of additional buildings or storage of vehicles and other
materials; and
d) Uncontrolled beaching of watercraft.
2. Development organization and functioning. Unless an equally effective
alternative community framework is established, all residential planned unit
developments must use an owners association with the following features:
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a) Membership must be mandatory for each dwelling unit or dwelling
site owner and any successive owner;
b) Each member must pay a pro rata share of the association’s
expenses, and unpaid assessments can become liens on units or
dwelling sites;
c) Assessments must be adjustable to accommodate changing
conditions; and
d) The association must be responsible for insurance, taxes, and
maintenance of all commonly owned property and facilities.
O. Erosion Control and Stormwater Management.
1. Erosion control plans must be developed and must be consistent with the
Stormwater Ordinance Section 33.
2. Stormwater management facilities must be designed and constructed to
manage expected quantities and qualities of stormwater runoff. For commercial
PUDs, impervious surfaces within any tier must not exceed 25 percent of the
tier area, except that 35 percent impervious surface coverage may be allowed
in the first tier of general development lakes with an approved stormwater
management plan and consistency with Section 33 of this ordinance.
P. Conversions. Local governments may allow existing resorts or other land uses
and facilities to be converted to residential PUDs if all of the following standards are
met: 18.71 Proposed conversions must be evaluated using the same procedures
for residential PUDs involving new construction. Inconsistencies between existing
features of the development and these standards must be identified;
Q. Deficiencies involving water supply and sewage treatment, structure color,
impervious coverage, open space, and shore recreation facilities must be corrected
as part of the conversion or as specified in the conditional use permit;
R. Shore and bluff impact zone deficiencies must be evaluated and reasonable
improvements made as part of the conversion. These improvements must include,
where applicable, the following:
1. Removal of extraneous buildings, docks, or other facilities that no longer
need to be located in shore or bluff impact zones;
2. Remedial measures to correct erosion, improve vegetative cover and
improve screening of buildings and other facilities as viewed from the water;
3. Conditions attached to existing dwelling units located in shore or bluff impact
zones that preclude exterior expansions in any dimension or substantial
alterations. The conditions must also provide for future relocation of dwelling
units, where feasible, to other locations, meeting all setback and elevation
requirements when they are rebuilt or replaced.
S. Existing dwelling unit or dwelling site densities that exceed standards in Section
18.5 of this ordinance may be allowed to continue but must not be allowed to be
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increased, either at the time of conversion or in the future. Efforts must be made
during the conversion to limit impacts of high densities by requiring seasonal use,
improving vegetative screening, centralizing shore recreation facilities, installing
new sewage treatment systems, or other means.
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The purpose and intent of this section is to prevent or reduce, to the most
practicable extent, the negative effects of stormwater runoff and to protect the
water and soil resources of the City through the use of best management
practices and/or stormwater management facilities.
A Stormwater Management Plan is required for every applicant for any
subdivision approval, PUD approval, building permit, or commercial, multiple
family residential or industrial land use permit, unless exempted in Subdivision
A Stormwater Management Plan is not required for:
A. Any part of a platted subdivision approved by the City on or before the
effective date of this Ordinance;
B. A lot for which all land use permits has been approved on or before the
effective date of this Ordinance.
C. Installation of a fence, sign, telephone and electric poles and other kinds
of posts or poles.
D. Emergency work to protect life, limb or property.
E. A subdivision resulting in less than three lots or outlots, unless any part of
it is in the shoreland district.
F. A residential use in a residential or agricultural zone, but not in the
shoreland district, on a lot of record created on or before the effective
date of this Ordinance, if the proposed use meets impervious surface
requirements, and will result in a cumulative addition of less than 10,000
square feet of impervious surface.
G. A permitted or conditional residential use on a lot that was created by a
subdivision which has an approved Stormwater Management Plan.
H. An applicant is seeking a building permit limited to electrical, plumbing,
window replacement, residing, or reroofing, and the impervious surface
will not be increased.
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The Zoning Administrator may require any development activity that it
determines may significantly increase downstream runoff rates or volumes,
flooding, soil erosion, water pollution or property damage or significantly impact
a lake, stream, river or wetland to obtain a Stormwater Management Plan.
The City, upon recommendation of the Planning Commission, may waive any
requirement of this ordinance upon making a finding that compliance with the
requirement will involve an unnecessary hardship and the waiver of such
requirement will not adversely affect the standards and requirements set forth
herein. The City may require, as a condition of the waiver, such dedication or
construction, or agreement to dedicate or construct physical improvements,
facilities, property and/or easements as may be necessary to adequately meet
said standards and requirements.
A. A written application for Stormwater Management Plan shall be filed with
the City Administrator prior to any work proceeding, and shall include:
1. A statement indicating the grounds upon which the approval is
2. Name, address, and telephone number for the property owner and
the applicant, if different;
3. Address, Parcel Identification Number and Legal Description of the
4. A site map of the property as it exists, as set forth in Subdivision
5. A site construction plan, as set forth in Subdivision 6(b);
6. A drawing of the final site conditions, as set forth in Subdivision
7. Receipt evidencing payment of fees (if applicable), and;
8. Documentation for the sufficient financial security, if required, as
set forth in Subdivision 5(c).
B. An application shall also include a statement indicating:
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1. The applicant will be responsible for the design and construction of
any stormwater management facilities or improvements proposed
by the applicant or required as a condition of approval.
2. The applicant will be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep
of all elements of any proposed stormwater management practice
or stormwater management facilities or improvements proposed by
the applicant or required as a condition of approval in perpetuity.
3. The proposed use is permitted, or the applicant has received, or
applied for, all permits and approvals required for the proposed
C. Applicant must provide five sets of clearly legible blue or black lined
copies of all drawings, maps or plans required. Drawings shall be
prepared to a scale appropriate to the site of the project and suitable for
the review to be performed.
Except when properly transferred to a subsequent owner, all stormwater
facilities or improvements proposed by the applicant, or required as a condition
of approval, for meeting the requirements of this section, must be completed
prior to any sale or transfer of the property. An approved Stormwater
Management Plan may be transferred to a subsequent owner, upon the
subsequent owner requesting transfer, assuming legal responsibility for
complying with the terms and conditions of the original Stormwater Management
Plan, and providing any financial security required. The Zoning Administrator
may, include additional conditions or increase the financial security, in granting
the transfer. No transfer will be required if all stormwater facilities or
improvement, and all conditions, have been completed. The application for
transfer need not be submitted to the Planning Commission or City Council.
The City may take action to install, or to correct or repair, an improvement
required by this section. The cost of any such improvement or repair, including
the costs of enforcement, including attorney and engineering fees, shall be
charged to the property, and if not paid, may be assessed against the
responsible property as a special charge pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 429.101, or
other authority. Except in the event of an emergency to person or property
which precludes judicial review, the City will gain access to the property by
obtaining a summary abatement order as outlined in Minn. Stat. § 463.15-
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Subdivision 5(b): INSPECTION
The City may inspect any property for compliance with the terms of this section,
or the terms or conditions of a Stormwater Management Plan. If property owner
fails or refuses to permit free access and entry to the property, or any part
thereof, for an inspection, the City may, upon a showing that probable cause
exists for the inspection, petition and obtain an order to inspect and/or search
warrant from a court of competent jurisdiction.
The Zoning Administrator may require a financial guarantee for any approval
under this section in order to ensure stormwater management improvements, or
related grading to treat or control stormwater, is performed as approved. The
financial guarantee may be in the form of a letter of credit, cash deposit or bond
in favor of the City equal to, up to 125% of all costs of all proposed stormwater
management improvements, and related grading to treat or control stormwater
and prevent negative erosion and sediment impacts. The form of the guarantee
is at the City’s option. Release of the financial guarantee is contingent on
approval by the City Engineer that as-built conditions and erosion and sediment
control measures meet specifications of the stormwater management plan.
Subdivision 6(a): EXISTING SITE MAP
A. At a minimum, the existing site map must show existing conditions of the
site and immediately adjacent areas, including:
1. The name and address of the applicant, the section, township and
range, north point, date, and number of sheets;
2. Location and dimensions of all impervious surfaces, including
driveways and roadways;
3. Location and dimensions of existing stormwater drainage systems
and natural drainage patterns on and immediately adjacent to the
site delineating in which direction stormwater is conveyed from the
site, identifying the receiving stream, river, public water, or
wetland, and setting forth those areas of the unaltered site where
stormwater collects;
4. An approximate delineation of all streams, rivers, public waters
and wetlands located on and immediately adjacent to the site the
classification given to the water body as provided in the Shoreland
Overlay District;
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5. A general description of the soils of the site, as well as a statement
containing information on the suitability of the soils for the type of
development proposed, and describing any remedial steps to be
taken by the developer to render the soils suitable. Soils
information can be obtained and printed in report format from Soil
Data Mart website (http://soildatamart.nrcs.usda.gov/);
6. Location and dimensions of subsurface sewage treatment systems
7. Vegetative cover and clearly delineating any vegetation proposed
for removal; and
8. Setbacks, easements and right-of-ways.
B. Upon request by the City Engineer or Zoning Administrator, the existing
site map must show the following:
1. Plan drawn to scale;
2. 100-year flood plains, flood fringes, floodways, and shoreland
3. Location of the tract by an insert map at a scale sufficient to clearly
identify the location of the property and giving such information as
the names and numbers of adjoining roads, railroads, utilities,
subdivisions, towns and districts or other landmarks;
4. Existing topography with a contour interval appropriate to the
topography of the land but in no case having a contour interval
greater than two (2) feet;
5. An official delineation of all streams, rivers, public waters and
wetlands located on and immediately adjacent to the site, including
depth of water, a description of all vegetation which may be found
in the water, a statement of general water quality and classification
given to the water body or wetland pursuant to the Shoreland
Ordinance, Stearns County, the Minnesota Department of Natural
Resources, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency or the US
Army Corps of Engineers;
6. Any hydrological measurements or related calculations for both on
and off the site in accordance with Subdivision 11;
7. A description of the soils of the site, including a map indicating soil
types of areas to be disturbed as well as a soil report containing
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information on the suitability of the soils for the type of
development proposed and describing any remedial steps to be
taken by the developer to render the soils suitable;
8. Certification by a licensed engineer;
9. Certification by a licensed surveyor; or
10. Any additional information necessary to evaluate the application.
A. At a minimum, the site construction plan for the proposed improvements
or use must include:
1. Locations and dimensions of all proposed land disturbing activities
and any phasing of those activities;
2. Locations and estimated dimensions of all temporary soil or dirt
3. Locations and dimensions of all construction site erosion control
measures necessary to meet the requirements of this ordinance;
4. Schedule of anticipated starting and completion date of each land
disturbing activity including the installation of construction site
erosion control measures needed to meet the requirements of this
5. Provisions for maintenance of the construction site erosion control
measures during construction;
6. Work and materials list for all proposed site grading, stormwater
management, and erosion and sediment control related
7. Provisions for protection (barricades, etc) of SSTS sites during
construction to avoid accidental compaction,
B. Upon request by the City Engineer or Zoning Administrator, the existing
site map must show the following:
1. Plan drawn to scale;
2. Certification by a licensed engineer;
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3. Certification by a licensed surveyor; or
4. Any additional information requested by the City Engineer or
Zoning Administrator necessary to evaluate the application.
A. At a minimum, the plan of the final site conditions must be drawn on the
same scale as the existing site map and show the site changes,
1. A drainage plan of the developed conditions delineating in which
direction stormwater will be conveyed from the site and setting
forth the areas of the site where stormwater will be allowed to
collect (if applicable);
2. The proposed size, alignment and intended use of any structures
to be erected on the site;
3. A clear delineation and tabulation of all impervious areas;
4. A landscape plan, drawn to an appropriate scale, including
dimensions and distances and the location, type, size and
description of all proposed landscape materials which will be
added to the site as part of the development; and
5. Any additional information pertinent to the particular project, which
in the opinion of the applicant is necessary for the review of the
B. Upon request of the City Engineer or the Zoning Administrator, the plan
of final site conditions must show the following:
1. Plan drawn to scale
2. Finished grading shown at contours at the same interval as
provided above or as required to clearly indicate the relationship of
proposed changes to existing topography and remaining features;
3. Any hydrological measurements or related calculations for both on
and off the site in accordance with Subdivision 11;
4. Certification by a licensed engineer;
5. Certification by a licensed surveyor; or
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6. Any additional information necessary to evaluate the application.
A. Process. Applications shall be submitted by the City Administrator who
shall consult with the City Engineer, for review, and shall be reviewed
along with any associated site plan for the property, or as a site plan
would be reviewed, if no site plan is required.
B. Duration. Approval of a Stormwater Management Plan will expire one
year after the date of approval unless construction has commenced in
accordance with the Stormwater Management Plan. If all improvements
proposed in the application, or required as a condition to approval, are
not completed within two years, the Stormwater Management Plan will
C. An application may be approved subject to compliance with conditions
reasonable and necessary to insure that the requirements contained in
this Section are met. Such conditions may, among other matters, limit the
size, kind or character of the proposed development, require the
construction of structures, drainage facilities, storage basins and other
facilities, require replacement of vegetation, establish required monitoring
procedures, stage the work over time, require alteration of the site design
to insure buffering, and require the conveyance to the City of Rockville or
other public entity of certain lands or interests therein.
D. A combination of conditions may be used to achieve the requirements of
this Section.
All properties, regardless of whether a Stormwater Management Plan is
required, must conform with the following standards:
A. Development must be planned and conducted in a manner that will
minimize the extent of disturbed areas, runoff velocities, erosion potential,
and reduce and delay runoff volumes. Disturbed areas must be stabilized
and protected as soon as possible and facilities or methods used to retain
sediment on the site.
B. Consideration shall be given to reducing the need for stormwater
management facilities by incorporating the use of natural drainage ways,
topography and land cover; such as wetlands, ponds, natural swales,
depressions and vegetated soil surfaces as they exist before
development to the degree that they can accommodate the additional
flow of water without compromising the integrity of the natural features.
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C. When new stormwater management facilities are required, preference will
be given to above ground conveyances and restoration or establishment
of natural drainage ways, topography and land cover before discharge to
public waters, when possible.
D. When development density, topographic features, and soil and vegetation
conditions are not sufficient to adequately handle stormwater runoff using
natural features and vegetation, preference will be given to constructed
facilities designed using surface drainage, vegetated filter strips,
bioretention areas, rainwater gardens, enhanced swales, off-line retention
areas, and natural depressions for infiltration rather than buried pipes and
human-made materials and facilities.
E. The following practices shall be investigated in developing a plan, in the
following descending order of preference:
1. Natural infiltration of precipitation on-site;
2. Flow attenuation by use of open vegetated swales and/or natural
3. Retention facilities; and
4. Detention facilities.
F. Stormwater facilities shall be designed assuming that existing drains,
drain tiles and other inaccessible drainage facilities, whether natural or
manmade, no longer function, unless:
1. An easement is supplied to provide sufficient access for future
2. The applicant demonstrates that the drain or tile has the capacity
and service condition to make it a suitable component of the
stormwater management system;
3. The City accepts the dedication of the easement, or a property
owners association is established and assumes the maintenance
of the components and the City approves of the transfer to the
4. This Subdivision 8(F) may not be interpreted to require the City to
accept dedication of any stormwater facility.
G. Where there is discharge to an existing roadway, ditch, storm sewer or
other public facility, the stormwater may not degrade or negatively impact
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the safety, maintenance or function of any such public facility.
H. New constructed stormwater outfalls to any public water or wetland must
provide for filtering or settling of suspended solids and skimming of
surface debris before discharge.
All properties, regardless of whether a Stormwater Management Plan is
required, must conform with the following standards:
A. Site Erosion Control. The following criteria apply to construction activities
that result in runoff on and/or leaving the site.
1. Channeled runoff from adjacent areas passing through the site
shall be diverted around disturbed areas, if practical. Otherwise,
the channel shall be protected as described below. Sheetflow
runoff from adjacent areas greater than ten thousand (10,000)
square feet in area shall also be diverted around disturbed areas,
if practical. Diverted runoff shall be conveyed in a manner that will
not erode the conveyance and receiving channels.
2. All activities on the site shall be conducted in a logical sequence to
minimize the area of bare soil exposed at any one time.
3. Runoff from the entire disturbed area on the site shall be controlled
by meeting either Items (a) and (b) or (a) and (c).
(a) All disturbed ground left inactive for fourteen (14) or more
days (seven (7) days for discharges within one (1) mile of
and flow to Special Waters and Impaired Waters as defined
by NPDES General Stormwater Permit for Construction
Activity from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency) shall
be stabilized by seeding or sodding (only available prior to
September 15), or by mulching or covering or other
equivalent control measure.
(b) For sites with more than ten (10) acres disturbed at one
time (five (5) acres for discharges within one (1) mile of and
flow to Special Waters and Impaired Waters as defined by
NPDES General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity
from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency), or if a
channel originates in the disturbed area, one or more
temporary or permanent sedimentation basins shall be
constructed. Each sedimentation basin shall have a surface
area of at least one (1%) percent of the area draining to the
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basin and at least three (3) feet of depth and constructed in
accordance with accepted design specifications. Sediment
shall be removed within twenty four (24) hours of discovery
to maintain a depth of three (3) feet. The basin discharge
rate shall also be sufficiently low as to not cause erosion
along the discharge channel or the receiving water.
(c) For sites with less than ten (10) acres disturbed at one time
(five (5) acres for discharges within one (1) mile of and flow
to Special Waters and Impaired Waters as defined by
NPDES General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity
from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency), silt fences,
biorolls, or equivalent control measures shall be placed
along all sideslope and downslope sides of the site. If a
channel or area of concentrated runoff passes through the
site, silt fences shall be placed along the channel edges to
reduce sediment reaching the channel. The use of silt
fences, biorolls, or equivalent control measures must
include a maintenance and inspection schedule.
4. Any soil or dirt storage piles containing more than ten (10) cubic
yards of material should not be located with a downslope drainage
length of less than twenty-five (25) feet from the toe of the pile to a
roadway or drainage channel. If remaining for more than fourteen
(14) days (seven (7) days for discharges within one (1) mile of and
flow to Special Waters and Impaired Waters as defined by NPDES
General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity from the
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency), they shall be stabilized by
mulching, vegetative cover, tarps, or other means. Erosion from
piles which will be in existence for less than fourteen (14) days
(seven (7) days for discharges within one (1) mile of and flow to
Special Waters and Impaired Waters as defined by NPDES
General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity from the
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency) shall be controlled by placing
biorolls or silt fence barriers around the pile. In-street utility repair
or construction soil or dirt storage piles located closer than twenty-
five (25) feet of a roadway or drainage channel must be covered
with tarps or suitable alternative control, if exposed for more than
seven days.
5. “Stabilized” means
B. Site Dewatering. Water pumped from the site shall be treated by
temporary sedimentation basins, grit chambers, sand filters, upflow
chambers, hydro-cyclones, swirl concentrators or other appropriate
controls as appropriate. Water may not be discharged in a manner that
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causes erosion or flooding of the site or receiving channels or a wetland.
C. Waste and Material Disposal. All waste and unused building materials
including but not limited to garbage, cleaning wastes, debris, wastewater,
toxic materials or hazardous materials, shall be properly disposed of off-
site and not allowed to be carried by runoff into a receiving channel or
surface (storm) sewer system.
D. Sediment Tracking. Each site shall have graveled roads, access drives
and parking areas of sufficient width and length to prevent sediment from
being tracked onto public or private roadways. Any sediment reaching a
public or private road shall be removed by street cleaning (not flushing)
before the end of each workday.
E. Drain Inlet Protection. All surface (storm) drain inlets shall be protected
during construction until control measures are in place with a straw bale,
silt fence or equivalent barrier meeting accepted design criteria,
standards and specifications contained in the Minnesota Pollution Control
Agency publication "Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas."
F. Final Stabilization: Final stabilization requires that all soil disturbing
activities at the site have been completed and all soils must be stabilized
by a uniform perennial vegetative cover with a density of 70% over the
entire pervious surface area, or other equivalent means necessary to
prevent soil failure under erosive conditions.
Within the shoreland district, development activity that results in the disturbance
of 10,000 square feet or more on general development lakes, recreational
development lakes and all river/streams classes, and 5,000 square feet on
natural environment lakes, special protection lakes, and sensitive area districts
must meet the Pollution Control Agency General Stormwater Permit for
Construction Activity requirements for Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control.
These requirements must be incorporated into the project plans and
All properties for which a Stormwater Management Plan is required must
conform with the following standards:
A. Design. Stormwater management facilities shall be designed according
to the most current technology, and must comply with the design
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guidelines provided in the publications of the Minnesota Pollution Control
Agency, “Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas” (2000) and
“Minnesota Stormwater Manual” (2005), as they may be amended. At a
minimum, facilities and improvements must be constructed pursuant to
the designs and specifications approved by the City Engineer including
the following:
1. Rainfall amounts for design storms can be found using the U.S.
Weather Bureau Technical Paper No. 40 (TS 40) rainfall intensity
duration curves for Type II rainfall distribution.
2. Peak discharge rates shall be derived using the standard methods
of the Natural Resources Conservation Service TR 55 or TR 20 as
defined in the current Hydrology Guide for Minnesota.
3. Sheet flow shall be limited to 100 feet for Time of Concentration
4. The following runoff curve numbers based on hydrologic soil type
shall be used to analyze existing conditions:
(a) A – 30
(b) B – 55
(c) C – 71
(d) D – 77
5. Total volume discharges shall be derived using the standard
methods of Natural Resources Conservation Service TR 55 or TR
20 as defined in the current Hydrology Guide for Minnesota.
6. All wet detention and retention facilities shall be designed and
constructed in accordance with the W.W.Walker Method (1987).
7. For evaluation of post-development runoff, drained hydric soils
shall be assumed to revert to an undrained condition unless the
applicant demonstrates that publicly owned and maintained
facilities will be adequate to maintain the drained condition.
8. Stormwater management infiltration facilities shall be designed to
infiltrate 0.5 inch of runoff from impervious surfaces (Water Quality
Volume) within forty eight (48) hours.
9. Infiltration volume and facility sizes shall be calculated using the
appropriate hydrologic soil group calculation and saturation
infiltration rates from the Minnesota Stormwater Manual.
10. Infiltration facilities shall be designed and constructed in
accordance with the Minnesota Stormwater Manual.
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B. Inspection and Maintenance. All stormwater management practices and
facilities shall be designed to minimize the need of maintenance, to
provide access for maintenance purposes and to be structurally sound.
All stormwater management facilities shall have a plan of operation and
maintenance that assures continued effective removal of pollutants
carried in stormwater runoff. The director of public works, or designated
representative, may inspect all stormwater management facilities during
construction, during the first year of operation, and once every five (5)
years thereafter. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain
any necessary easements or other property interests to allow access to
the stormwater management facilities for inspection and maintenance
C. Documentation Required. When constructed facilities are used for
stormwater management, documentation must be provided by a qualified
individual that they are designed and installed consistent with applicable
local, state and federal standards, and constructed to the specifications
originally approved. In most cases this would be certification by the
engineer of record for the project.
The coverage of any parcel by impervious surfaces may not exceed the
maximum provided in Subdivision 12(b), or the zoning district standards,
whichever is more restrictive. The coverage is determined as a ratio of the
impervious surface to the area of the entire parcel. The area of the entire parcel
does not include that part of a parcel that is below the Ordinary High Water Mark
of a lake or river. Wetlands shall be included in the total area of the parcel.
No parcel may exceed the associated impervious surface coverage limits, as
described below:
A. Residentially zoned property:
1. Not located in the Shoreland overlay district, 25%, except that a lot
of record may contain up to 30% impervious surface, without a
variance, if the parcel owner provides a plan to the City that treats
surface water runoff for water quality, as provided in 13 (b).
2. Located in the shoreland overlay district, 12%, except on a
General or Recreational Development lake.
3. On a General or Recreational Development lake, 15%, except that
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a lot of record may contain up to 25% impervious surface. If the
parcel provides a plan to the City that treats surface water runoff
for water quality, as provided in 13(b).
B. Commercial and Industrial zoned property:
1. Not located in the shoreland overlay district, 50%.
2. Located in the shoreland overlay district, 25%.
3. Notwithstanding, if the parcel is served by municipal stormwater
sewers and other infrastructure with adequate capacity, the
coverage limit may be increased up to 100%, without a variance,
as approved by the City Engineer. A request for such a waiver
must demonstrate that the stormwater is adequately treated.
C. Planned Unit Developments, where allowed, must not exceed 15%
impervious surface as measured for the total project area and within the
first 200 feet from the OHWL.
A. In determining the impervious area of a surface, the square footage of the
structure or surface, as viewed from above, will be used. This area will
be adjusted as provided below.
B. All structures, driveways (including gravel), parking areas, sidewalks,
trails, decks, patios, stairs, and similar improvements are considered
100% impervious, except as provided:
1. Decks, or other elevated structures, that are designed with gaps of
at least 0.5 inches between the flooring elements, and which have
uncompacted soils under the flooring, are treated as 75%
2. Properly installed manufactured pervious materials, such as
pervious pavers or concrete, are treated as 50% impervious.
3. Overhangs, eaves and similar extensions from the footprint of the
structure that are at least 24 inches above the ground.
All subdivisions, planned unit developments and industrial and commercial land
uses, which are not exempted by Subdivision 2(b) shall demonstrate compliance
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with the following:
A. Peak Rate of Discharge Standards. Stormwater runoff must be managed
so that the two (2), ten (10), and one hundred (100)-year twenty four (24)
hour storm event peak discharge rates from the property existing before
the proposed land disturbing or development activity (pre-developed
condition) shall not be increased, and accelerated channel erosion will
not occur, as a result of the proposed land disturbing or development
activity (post developed condition).
B. Volume Discharge Standards. Applicant must demonstrate rights to
permanent public easements from the land disturbing or development
activity to the public waters. Where a continuous public easement does
not exist, the City may approve the stormwater management plan
1. All discharges are managed so the discharge volume of runoff
from the two (2), ten (10), and one hundred (100) year twenty four
(24) hour storm event from the property existing before the
proposed land disturbing or development activity (pre-developed
condition) is not increased, and downstream flooding is unlikely to
occur, as a result of the proposed land disturbing or development
activity (post developed condition).
2. The City determines that the drainage way from the proposed land
disturbing or development activity is of a type that is not likely to
need maintenance in the future and the flow of stormwater through
such a drainage way is not likely to become obstructed in the
Due to the sensitive nature of the surface waters of the City, and to protect the
health, welfare and safety of the public, runoff originating from impervious
surfaces on the property must be treated for water quality. All properties for
which a Stormwater Management Plan is required, must treat, before leaving
the site or entering surface waters, at least the Water Quality Volume of surface
water runoff from new impervious surfaces on the property. Water Quality
Volume is the volume amount equal to 0.5 inch of runoff from impervious
A. In the shoreland district, the Water Quality Volume from new impervious
surfaces created, plus a percentage of the existing impervious surfaces
must be treated, as provided in Subd. 13(b)(B) and (C).
B. In the shoreland district, it is the goal of this ordinance to remedy existing
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problems by treating the runoff from existing impervious surfaces, in
addition to the new impervious surfaces. Therefore, if the parcel:
1. Has existing impervious surfaces that are not being treated for
water quality;
2. Is entirely or partially in the shoreland district; and
3. The amount of impervious surface on the parcel is increasing;
Then, the stormwater permit must provide for treatment for water quality
for a percentage of the existing impervious surfaces, as provided in Subd.
C. In the shoreland district, the amount of existing impervious surfaces that
must be treated, in addition to the new impervious surface, is:
1. All of the existing surfaces, if
(a) Any single addition or new improvement, or the cumulative
area of all additions and improvements since the adoption
of this ordinance, exceeds 700 square feet.
(b) If the parcel requires a variance from the impervious surface
2. One-fifth of all existing surfaces, if, the parcel has a total
impervious surface area greater than 12%, but no variance is
3. Otherwise, the stormwater permit must provide for treatment for
water quality of 5% of all existing impervious surfaces.
D. In all areas of the City, runoff is considered treated for water quality if:
1. Site runoff volume is reduced by the Water Quality Volume; or
2. One of the methods outlined in the NPDES General Stormwater
Permit for Construction Activity Part III.C.1 through Part III.C.5
from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is followed. The
NPDES General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity can
be obtained from MPCA website:
(http://www.pca.state.mn.us/water/stormwater/); or
E. In the shoreland district, where a NPDES General Stormwater Permit for
Construction Activity from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency does
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not require a permanent stormwater management system, runoff is also
considered treated for water quality if:
1. Runoff is treated by one of the methods provided in Subdivision
13(d)(C); or
2. Runoff is treated through other means approved by the City
The City Engineer may provide credit for existing site conditions that adequately
treat the Water Quality Volume of runoff of the subject property. The amount of
the credit may be any portion or may waive the treatment requirement.
Except for subdivisions, planned unit developments and industrial and
commercial land uses, which are not exempted by Subdivision 2(b), and where
a NPDES General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity from the
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency does not require a permanent stormwater
management system, any applicant in the shoreland district that meets the
following standards will receive expedited review, as these methods are
approved to meet the requirements of Subdivision 13(b). Alternatively, the City
Engineer may approve another method. Use of these methods does not
guarantee approval, and failure to meet these options does not indicate rejection
of the application for Stormwater Management Plan, but prevents the expedited
review anticipated herein.
A. Impervious surfaces required to be treated are designed to direct all
runoff to approved stormwater facilities through use of rain gutters,
swales, or other means.
B. An approved stormwater facility must:
1. Be designed for the capacity directed to it,
2. Have berms or other protections which insures overflow is directed
away from buildings, streets, driveways or walkways,
3. Is placed between 10 - 30 feet from structures,
4. Use a means of conveyance designed for ease of maintenance,
and cannot have extensive underground or obstructed portions,
5. Has provisions to prevent erosion where excess runoff is
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C. To receive expedited review, one of the following approved methods
must be followed:
1. Rainwater Gardens
(a) A depression with a final grade depth of 8 inches below
surrounding topography,
(b) A minimum surface area (measured at the bottom) that is,
the greater of the following values, 25 square feet or 10% of
the area of the impervious surface being controlled per
Subdivision 13(b),
(c) Soil amendment mix of 70% compost and 30% sand to be
tilled evenly 3-inches into base of depression. The amount
added shall be, at a minimum, equal to the impervious
surface area, as determined in Subdivision 13(b), divided by
1,000 times 9.36. Existing soils may be used in-lieu of soil
amendment mix if demonstrated to be adequate (water
infiltrates within 48 hours),
(d) Live plant species installed follow Board of Water and Soil
Resources (BWSR) Native Sedge/Wet Meadow- W2 seed
mix. Plant list is available at City Hall.
(e) Maintain separation from ground water table.
(f) Not allowed in areas that have exposed significant materials
(clogging), or near vehicle fueling and maintenance areas.
2. Rain Barrels
(a) A minimum storage capacity equal to the Water Quality
Volume. This storage capacity in gallons is equal to the
area of impervious surface, as determined in Subdivision
13(b), in square feet times 0.312. This storage capacity in
cubic yards is equal to the area of impervious surface, as
determined in Subdivision 13(b), in square feet divided by
(b) Has safety provisions to prevent drowning, and
(c) Has provisions to prevent breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
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(d) City may limit the number of individual barrels allowed for
aesthetic reasons.
3. Soakaway Pit / Infiltration Trench
(a) A minimum storage capacity equal to the Water Quality
Volume. This storage capacity in gallons is equal to the
area of impervious surface, as determined in Subdivision
13(b), in square feet times 0.312. This storage capacity in
cubic yards is equal to the area of impervious surfaces, as
determined in Subdivision 13(b), in square feet divided by
(b) Must consist of 1.5 to 3.0 inch clean-washed rock wrapped
in filter fabric buried below surface a maximum of 5 feet
deep. The amount of rock required in cubic yards is equal to
the storage capacity determined in cubic yards above
divided by 0.4. This formula is based on approximately 40%
void space yield between individual rocks,
(c) Bottom shall be a minimum of 3 feet above the seasonal
high groundwater table to prevent the possibility of
groundwater contamination,
(d) Roof leaders/downspouts directed below ground to
Soakaway Pit shall have above ground overflow pipe to a
splash pad, and a removable above ground section with
filter below the overflow pipe,
(e) Non-roof runoff directed to Soakaway Pit shall be filtered by
vegetated filter strip or other acceptable means prior to
entering Soakaway Pit to prevent clogging,
(f) Not allowed in high silt or clay content soils, for industrial
uses, areas with exposed significant materials, vehicle
fueling and maintenance areas, or other uses that risk
introducing pollutants into the groundwater.
4. Shoreline Buffer
(a) Must be constructed adjacent to shoreline, and is not
available for non-riparian properties.
(b) Runoff being treated must be sheet flow as it enters the
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(c) The buffer must be 25 feet wide over 75% length of
shoreline. Buffer vegetation must be comprised of BWSR
W2 mix, and left unmowed or otherwise undisturbed.
Within the shoreland district, no building permit may be issued unless the
proposed improvement provides for the maintenance of existing vegetation, as
required by the Shoreland Overlay District.
A. Models/Methodologies. Hydrologic models and design methodologies
used for the determination of runoff and analysis of stormwater
management structures shall be approved by the City Engineer. Plan,
specification and computations for stormwater management facilities
submitted for review shall be sealed and signed by a registered
professional engineer. All computations shall appear on the plans
submitted for review, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer.
B. Watershed Management Plans/Groundwater Management Plans.
Approvals under this section must be consistent with adopted watershed
management plans and groundwater management plans prepared in
accordance with Minnesota Statutes section 123B.231 and 103B.255
respectively, and as approved by the local watershed authority as
required by state law.
C. Easements. If a stormwater management plan involves direction of some
or all runoff off of the site, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to
obtain from adjacent property owners any necessary easements or other
property interests concerning flowage of water such that a continuous
public easement acceptable to the City Engineer and City Attorney from
the proposed land disturbing or development activity to public waters.
Subdivision 16: CONFLICTS
In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this ordinance and the
provisions of an erosion control, shoreland protection or other ordinance
adopted, or watershed district, state or federal permits, the more restrictive
standard prevails.
Zoning Administrator may establish or adopt a certificate or form for the
documentation of compliance with this section and the approval of a Stormwater
Management Plan.
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Zoning Administrator may establish or adopt a form for the application for a
Stormwater Management Plan.
Subdivision 17(c): FEE
The City Council may establish a fee for the application for Stormwater
Management Plan and the transfer of a Stormwater Management Plan. The fee
must be by ordinance, but may be amended from time to time, and may be
adopted with other land use fees. The fee may provide for different rates, if
reasonably related to the application and proposed development, including
variations based on the time and resources necessary from City staff and
consultants to review, the type of land use, the density of development or the
ratio or amount of impervious surface created.
Subdivision 17(d): ENFORCEMENT
The requirements of this ordinance may be enforced as any zoning control.
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Short Term Rental Unit – a dwelling unit, as defined by this Chapter, offered for trade
or sale, whether for money or exchange of goods or services, for periods of less than
31 consecutive days.
Subdivision 2: APPLICATION DEADLINE The Zoning Administrator must receive
completed applications at least seven (7) days prior to the Planning Commission’s next
scheduled meeting.
The following standards apply to Short Term Rentals when money or exchange of
goods or services apply.
1. The maximum rental period shall not be more than 31 consecutive nights.
2. The permit holder (owner) of a short-term rental must apply for and receive an
Interim Use Permit. Owner occupied dwellings during a short- term rental period
do not require an Interim Use Permit.
3. The permit holder must be a natural person, not an LLC, Corporation,
Management Company, rental agent, or Website Company.
4. Only one short-term rental will be allowed per natural person.
5. The application for an Interim Use Permit shall include:
A. All information required for a Interim Use Permit
B. Floor plan of the structure, including the number of bedrooms with
dimensions and all other sleeping accommodations
C. A to-scale site plan which shows locations and dimensions of property
lines, the dwelling unit intended for licensing, accessory structures,
parking areas and shoreland recreational facilities.
D. Lot size must be a conforming lot.
E. A plan for garbage disposal by the permit holder.
F. A pet policy.
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6. The permit holder shall post emergency contact information (police, fire,
hospital) and show renters the location of fire extinguishers in the short-term
7. A permit holder must provide the name, address, and phone number for the
managing agent or local contact (within 25 miles) to all property owners within
300’ of the property boundary. The permit holder shall notify all property owners
within 300’ of the property boundary within 10 days of a change in the managing
agent or local contact’s contact information.
8. A permit holder must disclose in writing to their renters the following information:
A. The managing agent or local contact’s name, address, and phone
B. The maximum number of guests allowed at the property
9. The maximum number of vehicles, recreational vehicles, and trailers allowed at the
property and where they are to be parked as detailed in the Interim use permit.
10. Property rules related to use of exterior features of the property, such as decks,
patios, grills, recreational fires, pools, hot tubs, saunas and other outdoor
recreational facilities
11. Applicable sections of City ordinances governing noise, parks, parking and pets
12. The occupancy of a short-term rental shall be limited to not more than two (2)
people per bedroom plus two (2) additional persons per building.
13. Each Applicant shall indicate the number of bedrooms which are contained in the
Short Term Home Rental. No Applicant shall advertise the Short Term Home
Rental as containing any more than the identified number of bedrooms. The
number of bedrooms, as indicated on the license, shall be used for all calculations
required herein.
14. Rooms used for sleeping shall be provided with egress windows and smoke
detectors in locations that comply with the Minnesota state building code or the
requirements of the Building Department, whichever is stricter.
15. The short-term rental septic system must be tested prior to issuing of short- term
rental permit to meet all city, county and state requirements.
16. A short-term rental bathroom shall have as a minimum (sink, toilet, tub or shower).
17. Additional occupancy by use of recreational vehicles, tents, and accessory
structures or fish houses is not permitted.
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18. Events are not allowed to be hosted by transient guests on the premises. For
purposes of this Section, an event means a gathering on the premises of the total
number of people permitted to stay on the premises plus five. Events hosted by the
property owner are allowed, but must abide by all applicable city ordinances and
19. No commercial signage is allowed on the property of any Short Term Home Rental.
20. No physical alterations of a the Short Term Home Rental shall be permitted in
conjunction with the operation of a Short Term Home Rental, except that additional
on- site parking may be provided, to the extent that such parking is otherwise
permitted by the applicable provisions of the city's code.
21. As a condition of permit approval, the City may require additional off-street parking
be provided equivalent to one (1) off-street spot per bedroom.
22. The permit holder shall provide a physical visual demarcation of the property lines.
23. The permit holder shall keep a report; detailing use of the short-term rental by
recording the full name, address, phone number and vehicle license number of
guests using the rental. A copy of the report shall be provided to the City
Administrator upon request.
24. A short-term rental shall be a licensed rental unit by the City and shall meet the
requirements of all statutes, rules, regulations, and ordinances including, but not
limited to the City of Rockville rental housing maintenance code. Each unit shall be
inspected annually by the rental housing inspector and the fire Marshall.
25. The Planning Commission may impose conditions that will reduce the impacts of
the proposed use on neighboring properties, public services, nearby water bodies,
public safety and safety of renters. Said conditions may include but not be limited to
fencing or vegetative screening, native buffer along the shoreline, noise
standards, duration of permit, restrictions as to the docking of watercraft, and
number of renters.
26. A permit holder must post their permit number on all print, poster or web
27. A permit holder must apply for and be granted state and local sales tax numbers,
including hotel and motel use sales tax.
28. Insurance requirements will be detailed in the Interim Use permit. The Applicant
must provide a Certificate of Property Insurance at the time of license issuance.
The City may request proof of such insurance at any point during which the license
is active, and the Applicant must provide evidence that the coverage as remained
in effect during the entire license period within one week of the city's request for
confirmation. Such obligation shall exist during all times at which a valid license is
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issued for the property.
29. Fees and enforcement will be in compliance with the City of Rockville policies and
30. The Interim Use Permit may be revoked for violations of any of the ordinance
requirement contained herein, for violations of specific conditions imposed by the
Interim Use Permit or for legitimate excessive service calls to the property.
Legitimate excessive service calls shall be defined as 2 or more service calls (fire,
police, public works) within a sixty (60) day period or 4 or more service calls within
a 12 month period.
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This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and
publication as provided by law.
Passed by the Council this 10
day of July, 2019.
Zoning Administrator