Enterprise Manager
Managing and Monitoring Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR)
Assets User's Guide
13c Release 2
June 2016
Oracle Enterprise Manager Managing and Monitoring Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) Assets User's
Guide, 13c Release 2
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Preface................................................................................................................................................................. v
Audience ........................................................................................................................................................ v
Documentation Accessibility ...................................................................................................................... v
Related Documents....................................................................................................................................... v
Conventions................................................................................................................................................... v
What's Changed ........................................................................................................................................... vi
1 Introduction and Prerequisites for Oracle ASR
1.1 Introduction to Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) .................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Prerequisites for Using Oracle ASR in Enterprise Manager...................................................... 1-1
1.3 ASR Asset Life Cycle in Enterprise Manager .............................................................................. 1-2
1.4 Known Issues ................................................................................................................................... 1-3
2 Configuring Enterprise Manager and ASR Targets
2.1 Configure Fault Telemetry for Qualified Hardware Targets .................................................... 2-1
2.1.1 Manually Register and Activate ASR Assets ................................................................... 2-2
2.1.2 Unregister ASR ..................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2 Configure SNMP Subscriber for HALRT..................................................................................... 2-3
2.3 Customize Target Activation in ASR............................................................................................ 2-3
3 Managing Oracle ASR with EMCLI Commands
3.1 Enable Oracle ASR for Enterprise Manager................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Update Activation Credentials ...................................................................................................... 3-2
3.3 Manage the ASR Activation Job .................................................................................................... 3-2
3.4 Disable Oracle ASR for Enterprise Manager ............................................................................... 3-2
3.5 Manage ASR Assets......................................................................................................................... 3-3
4 Oracle ASR Reports and Incidents in Enterprise Manager
4.1 Oracle ASR Reports ......................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Viewing ASR Incidents in Enterprise Manager .......................................................................... 4-2
4.3 Viewing Service Requests in My Oracle Support ....................................................................... 4-3
5 Troubleshooting Oracle ASR
5.1 View Status from My Oracle Support........................................................................................... 5-1
This document describes how to use Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) to manage
and monitor assets within Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.
This document is intended for system administrators who want to manage and
monitor ASR assets with Enterprise Manager.
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit
topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.
Related Documents
For more information, see the Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) documentation
The following text conventions are used in this document:
Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.
What's Changed
This table provides a brief overview of the document changes for the latest publication
of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Managing and Monitoring Oracle ASR Assets User's
Change Summary
E62985-01 Initial release in support of Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c.
Introduction and Prerequisites for Oracle
This chapter describes the Oracle ASR service and provides the prerequisites you will
need to use it with Oracle Enterprise Manager.
The following sections are described:
Introduction to Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR)
Prerequisites for Using Oracle ASR in Enterprise Manager
ASR Asset Life Cycle in Enterprise Manager
Known Issues
1.1 Introduction to Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR)
Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) is a feature of Oracle Premier Support for Systems
and Oracle/Sun Limited Warranty support that provides auto-case generation when
specific hardware faults occur. The ASR Manager software and system, which is an
implementation of ASR for Oracle, accepts fault telemetry data sent from one or more
1.2 Prerequisites for Using Oracle ASR in Enterprise Manager
Review the list of prerequisites below and verify your ASR assets and Enterprise
Manager environments:
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c ( or later is installed.
My Oracle Support (MOS) details:
Provide contact information for your assets.
Enable ASR assets and associate them with a valid Customer Service Identifier
(CSI) with rights over the asset.
Provide valid MOS credentials.
The provided MOS user must have administrator or asset administrator
Hardware requirements:
Since ASR is included as part of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c, any
ASR hardware requirements are part of the Enterprise Manager requirements.
See the Preinstallation Requirements for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control section of
the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide:
Introduction and Prerequisites for Oracle ASR
The hardware targets (Exadata and Solaris host) must be discovered by
Enterprise Manager.
Root privilege is required in order to configure FMA on Solaris to send traps to
the Enterprise Manager agent.
This must be done by the administrator as part of agent deployment as a one
time configuration step.
Verify that the asset is qualified for ASR, which are configured to report its
hardware telemetry to an ASR Manager. For a complete list of hardware
qualified for ASR, see:
For ASR activation to complete, the asset has to be Inactive or not monitored by
ASR or any other client. For example, if the ASR Manager or another instance of
Enterprise Manager is monitoring the asset, then this instance of Enterprise
Manager will not be able to activate it.
Software requirements:
Since ASR is included as part of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c, any
ASR software requirements are part of the Enterprise Manager requirements.
See the Preinstallation Requirements for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control section of
the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide:
Oracle Java 8 (1.8.0_25) or later.
Exadata Storage Server software Release 12.1.2 or higher.
Telemetry requirements:
Enable Solaris FMA.
1.3 ASR Asset Life Cycle in Enterprise Manager
Table 1-1 shows the typical life cycle for ASR and describes the different phases:
Table 1-1 ASR Asset Life Cycle
ASR Action What It Means...
Activation Ensures that:
The ASR asset is under a service contract.
The ASR asset is qualified.
The user is authorized to run ASR.
Heartbeat Checks connectivity daily to the ASR client and/or asset still in
place. A warning e-mail is sent to you if the heartbeat is not
ASR Asset Life Cycle in Enterprise Manager
1-2 Managing and Monitoring Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) Assets User's Guide
Table 1-1 (Cont.) ASR Asset Life Cycle
ASR Action What It Means...
Auto Create Service
Requests (SRs)
Creates SRs automatically for hardware faults known to require
Oracle Service action.
Include/Exclude Enables you to refine which assets are auto creating SRs.
Deactivation Removes ASR status and disables ASR heartbeat monitoring.
1.4 Known Issues
Serial Information From a Solaris Host
Problem: If the Enterprise Manager monitoring agent user does not have the required
privileges to get the serial number information from a Solaris host, then ASR is not
able to get it from the Enterprise Manager repository.
As a result, Oracle ASR will not be supported for that host.
Resolution: In Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c, if you encounter this error, then
add the required privilege on the Solaris host to the agent user.
Known Issues
Introduction and Prerequisites for Oracle ASR 1-3
Known Issues
1-4 Managing and Monitoring Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) Assets User's Guide
Configuring Enterprise Manager and ASR
This chapter describes how to configure Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to
enable Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) functionality. For qualified hardware
targets monitored by Enterprise Manager, ASR will automatically file a service
request, as needed.
The following topics are provided:
Configure Fault Telemetry for Qualified Hardware Targets
Configure SNMP Subscriber for HALRT
Customize Target Activation in ASR
2.1 Configure Fault Telemetry for Qualified Hardware Targets
All hardware should already be discovered by Oracle Enterprise Manager
Cloud Control. For details about adding hardware, see the Oracle
Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide:
When a fault occurs on a qualified hardware target, the target has the ability to collect
fault information and send it based on the fault telemetry available. For ASR,
Enterprise Manager recognizes the following three fault telemetry types:
Fault Management Architecture (FMA): Provides CPU and memory fault
information from the host.
Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM): Provides fault information, power and
environmental, and CPU and memory fault information from the service processor.
Exadata-detected Events (HALRT): Provides fault coverage for disks, flash, and
PCI cards within Oracle Exadata Database Machine.
Table 2-1 shows the target types for Oracle ASR and their corresponding fault
Table 2-1 Oracle ASR Target Types and Fault Telemetry
Configuring Enterprise Manager and ASR Targets 2-1
Table 2-1 (Cont.) Oracle ASR Target Types and Fault Telemetry
Target Type Fault Telemetry
Exadata Cell Node ILOM
Exadata Compute Node ILOM
Exadata InfiniBand Switch ILOM
Standalone Solaris host FMA
Follow the steps below to register and activate ASR for all your qualified hardware
targets monitored by Enterprise Manager:
Register with Oracle ASR. From the EMCLI console, enter the following command:
$OMS_ROOT/bin/emcli em_asr_register –mosid=<MOS_USER_ID>
The activation request is sent automatically for all available targets.
2. Activate the asset. From the EMCLI console, enter the following commands:
Add Global Activation credential:
$OMS_ROOT/bin/emcli em_asr_asset_actcred -mosid="<MOS_USER_ID>"
Add Target Activation credential:
$OMS_ROOT/bin/emcli em_asr_asset_actcred -targetName="<ILOM_TARGET_NAME>" -
targetType="<TARGET_TYPE>" -mosid="<MOS_USER_ID>"
2.1.1 Manually Register and Activate ASR Assets
If necessary, you can manually schedule a time for the registration and activation jobs
to run in Enterprise Manager. From the EMCLI console, run the following commands:
1. Run the activation job:
$OMS_ROOT/bin/emcli em_asr_asset_activation_job –rescheduleNow
Check the activation job status:
$OMS_ROOT/bin/emcli em_asr_asset_activation_job
Check activation status details for targets:
$OMS_ROOT/bin/emcli em_asr_asset_activation_details
2.1.2 Unregister ASR
If you need to disable and unregister ASR, run the following command from the
EMCLI console:
Configure Fault Telemetry for Qualified Hardware Targets
2-2 Managing and Monitoring Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) Assets User's Guide
$OMS_ROOT/bin/emcli em_asr_deregister
2.2 Configure SNMP Subscriber for HALRT
Complete the following steps to configure SNMP subscriber for HALRT faults in
Enterprise Manager:
These steps are only required for the DB node that is part of Exadata Database
2.3 Customize Target Activation in ASR
By default, all qualified targets associated with the My Oracle Support (MOS) user
name are activated for Oracle ASR. You can customize the list of monitored targets:
Add all targets to the include list:
$OMS_ROOT/bin/emcli em_asr_asset_include_list –add -all
Remove all targets from the include list:
$OMS_ROOT/bin/emcli em_asr_asset_include_list –remove -all
Add a single target to the include list:
$OMS_ROOT/bin/emcli em_asr_asset_include_list –add -targetName="<TARGET_NAME>" -
Remove a single target from the include list:
$OMS_ROOT/bin/emcli em_asr_asset_include_list –remove -
targetName="<TARGET_NAME>" -targetType="<TARGET_TYPE>"
Add all targets to the exclude list:
$OMS_ROOT/bin/emcli em_asr_asset_exclude_list –add -all
Remove all targets from the exclude list:
$OMS_ROOT/bin/emcli em_asr_asset_exclude_list –remove -all
Add a single target to the exclude list:
$OMS_ROOT/bin/emcli em_asr_asset_exclude_list –add -targetName="<TARGET_NAME>" -
targetType ="<TARGET_TYPE>"
Remove a single target from the exclude list:
Configure SNMP Subscriber for HALRT
Configuring Enterprise Manager and ASR Targets 2-3
$OMS_ROOT/bin/emcli em_asr_asset_exclude_list –remove -targetName="<TARGET_NAME>"
-targetType ="<TARGET_TYPE>"
Customize Target Activation in ASR
2-4 Managing and Monitoring Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) Assets User's Guide
Managing Oracle ASR with EMCLI
This chapter describes how to manage Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) using the
EMCLI commands.
From the EMCLI console, the following Oracle ASR commands are available:
With these commands, you can perform the following tasks:
Enable Oracle ASR for Enterprise Manager
Update Activation Credentials
Manage the ASR Activation Job
Disable Oracle ASR for Enterprise Manager
Manage ASR Assets
3.1 Enable Oracle ASR for Enterprise Manager
This command enables ASR Manager functionality in Enterprise Manager. My Oracle
Support (MOS) credentials are used to activate any new asset discovered for ASR.
Only the Enterprise Manager super user can do this operation.
emcli em_asr_register -mosid="My Oracle Support (MOS) user name" [-passwd="MOS user
password"] [-dontStartJob]
-mosid - Identifies the MOS user name.
-passwd - Identifies the MOS user password. If the password is not provided, then
you will be prompted for it at the command line.
-dontStartJob - Sets a flag so that the ASR activation job is not started as part of
registration. If this parameter is not used, then the activation job will start
automatically for all eligible targets in the include list.
Managing Oracle ASR with EMCLI Commands
3.2 Update Activation Credentials
This command adds or removes the ASR asset activation credential.
emcli em_asr_asset_actcred [-add] [-remove] [-targetName="target name"] [-
targetType="target type"] [-mosid="My Oracle Support (MOS) user name"] [-passwd="MOS
user password"]
-add - Adds an ASR asset activation credential.
-remove - Removes an ASR asset activation credential.
-targetName - Identifies the target name.
-targetType - Identifies the target type.
-mosid - Identifies the My Oracle Support (MOS) user name.
-passwd - Identifies the MOS user password.
You may be prompted to enter your MOS user password.
3.3 Manage the ASR Activation Job
This command manages the ASR asset activation job and shows the job status. Use this
command to start or reschedule the job:
emcli em_asr_asset_activation_job [-start] [-rescheduleNow]
-start - Starts the ASR asset activation job to run daily (including today) at the
current time, if it is not already started.
-rescheduleNow - Reschedules the ASR asset activation job to run daily (including
today) at the current time, if it is already scheduled.
3.4 Disable Oracle ASR for Enterprise Manager
This command disables ASR Manager functionality from Enterprise Manager by
removing the ASR registration.
emcli em_asr_deregister [-all] [-default]
Only the Enterprise Manager super user can do this operation.
-all - Removes the user ASR registration and all incident rules associated to ASR.
-default - Removes the user ASR registration. Does not remove the incident rules
associated to ASR.
Update Activation Credentials
3-2 Managing and Monitoring Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) Assets User's Guide
3.5 Manage ASR Assets
This command adds or removes target(s) to the ASR exclude list:
emcli em_asr_asset_exclude_list [-add] [-remove] [-all] [-targetName="target name"]
[-targetType="target type"]
-add - Adds a target(s) to the ASR exclude list.
-remove - Removes a target(s) from the ASR exclude list.
-all - Sets a flag to select all eligible targets.
-targetName - Identifies the target name.
-targetType - Identifies the target type.
This command adds or removes a target(s) to the ASR include list.
emcli em_asr_asset_include_list [-add] [-remove] [-all] [-targetName="target name"]
[-targetType="target type"]
-add - Add a target(s) to the ASR include list.
-remove - Removes target(s) from the ASR include list.
-all - Sets a flag to select all eligible targets.
-targetName - Identifies the target name.
-targetType - Identifies the target type.
Manage ASR Assets
Managing Oracle ASR with EMCLI Commands 3-3
Manage ASR Assets
3-4 Managing and Monitoring Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) Assets User's Guide
Oracle ASR Reports and Incidents in
Enterprise Manager
This chapter describes how to access the Oracle ASR report and any associated
incidents in Enterprise Manager.
The following topics are provided:
Oracle ASR Reports
Viewing ASR Incidents in Enterprise Manager
Viewing Service Requests in My Oracle Support
4.1 Oracle ASR Reports
To access the Oracle ASR report:
1. From the Enterprise menu, select Reports, then select BI Publisher Enterprise
2. On the BI Publisher Enterprise Reports page, search for ASR. The ASR reports page
should display as shown in Figure 4-1:
Oracle ASR Reports and Incidents in Enterprise Manager
Figure 4-1 ASR Reports
From this report, information about each asset registered with ASR is displayed,
including the target's activation status.
4.2 Viewing ASR Incidents in Enterprise Manager
If a fault occurs, an incident is entered in Enterprise Manager. To view the incident:
1. From the Enterprise menu, select Monitoring, then select Incident Manager.
2. The Incident Manager displays, which shows all unassigned incidents (Figure
Figure 4-2 Unassigned Incidents
Select the ASR incident from the list to view details about the incident. You can
also view the Service Request (SR) number column. If not already displayed, then
select View, then select Columns, and finally select Service Request #.
Viewing ASR Incidents in Enterprise Manager
4-2 Managing and Monitoring Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) Assets User's Guide
4.3 Viewing Service Requests in My Oracle Support
If a Service Request (SR) is created by Oracle ASR as a result of a fault, you can access
the SR from the incident in Enterprise Manager. You can also access the SR directly
from My Oracle Support (MOS).
Once you access the SR in MOS, you can add additional information (such as
secondary contact information), or you can close the SR.
Viewing Service Requests in My Oracle Support
Oracle ASR Reports and Incidents in Enterprise Manager 4-3
Viewing Service Requests in My Oracle Support
4-4 Managing and Monitoring Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) Assets User's Guide
Troubleshooting Oracle ASR
This chapter describes some common troubleshooting tasks for diagnosing problems
with Oracle Auto Service Request in Enterprise Manager.
This chapter covers the following topics:
View Status from My Oracle Support
5.1 View Status from My Oracle Support
To view the status of all ASR Assets, log in to My Oracle Support (https:// In the My Oracle Support Dashboard, click the "Systems..."
In the Settings pane on the left of the window, select Assets (located under the
Administrative submenu). A complete list of all ASR Assets is displayed. See the ASR
Status column for the status of all ASR assets. Select an asset to view details about the
asset, as shown in Figure 5-1:
Figure 5-1 Manage Assets in My Oracle Support (MOS)
Troubleshooting Oracle ASR
View Status from My Oracle Support
5-2 Managing and Monitoring Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) Assets User's Guide
Activation, 1-2
disable, 3-2
known issues, 1-3
lifecycle, 1-2
manage assets, 3-3
overview, 1-1
register, 2-2
target activation, 2-3
target types, 2-1
unregister, 2-2
view incidents, 4-2
change summary, vi
SNMP subscriber, 2-3
configure telemetry, 2-1
Deactivation, 1-3
disable ASR, 3-2
document update summary, vi
enable ASR, 3-1
Enterprise Manager
ASR target types, 2-1
view ASR incidents, 4-2
Exclude, 1-3
Heartbeat, 1-2
Include, 1-3
known issues, 1-3
manage assets, 3-3
My Oracle Support (MOS)
prerequisites, 1-1
view SRs, 4-3
Oracle ASR commands, 3-1
telemetry, 1-2
register ASR, 2-2
reports, 4-1
SNMP subscriber
configure, 2-3
target activation, 2-3
target types, 2-1
configure, 2-1
requirements, 1-2
unregister ASR, 2-2
update activation credentials
activation credentials
update activation credentials (continued)
activation credentials (continued)
activate, 3-2
view incidents, 4-2
view service requests, 4-3
what’s changed, vi