2020 MN Accessibility Code Plumbing Guidelines
2018 IBC/ANSI A117.1-2009
This document provides basic and fundamental information for accessible plumbing
fixtures, toilet rooms and bathing facilities. It is not intended to replace or substitute for
the requirements found in the Minnesota Accessibility Code, Chapter 1341.
Drinking Fountains.
If only one drinking fountain location is provided on a floor, the drinking fountain
shall provide a spout for wheelchair users and one for standing individuals.
If more than one drinking fountain location is provided on a floor, one-half of the
fountains shall be mounted at the wheelchair accessible height and one-half at the
standing height.
Signage: Where drinking fountains for persons using wheelchairs and drinking
fountains for standing persons are not located adjacent to each other, directional
signage shall be provided indicating the location of the other drinking fountains.
Wheelchair accessible height drinking fountains shall meet the following
Spout Height and Location. The spout on wheelchair accessible drinking fountains
shall be mounted no more than 36 inches above the floor. The spout shall be at the
front of the unit and direct the flow of water parallel to or nearly parallel to the front
of the unit. At least a 4 inch high flow of water shall be provided.
Operating Control. The operating controls shall be reachable from the front of the
unit. They shall be operable with one hand, not require tight grasping, pinching or
twisting of the wrist, and operate with no more than 5 lbs. of force.
Clearances. A clear floor space for a forward approach to the unit shall be provided
with toe and knee clearances provided beneath the unit.
Drinking fountains for standing persons shall meet the following criteria:
Spout Height and Location. The spout for drinking fountains for standing persons
shall be mounted between 38 inches and 43 inches above the floor. The spout shall be
no more than 5 inches from the front of the unit and direct the flow of water parallel
to or nearly parallel to the front of the unit. At least a 4 inch high flow of water shall
be provided.
Operating Control. The operating controls shall be reachable from the front of the
unit. They shall be operable with one hand, not require tight grasping, pinching or
twisting of the wrist, and operate with no more than 5 lbs. of force.
Toilet Rooms and Bathing Facilities.
Every new or altered toilet room or bathroom must be accessible (see the
Minnesota Accessibility Code for multiple unisex toilet/bath rooms). At least one
of each type fixture or amenity must be accessible (see urinals below). If multiple
toilet compartments are provided in the room, 5% of the compartments but not
less than one must be a side transfer compartment. If there are two or more toilet
compartments provided in the same room, 5% of the compartments but not less
than one must be an ambulatory toilet compartment provided in addition to the
transfer compartment.
Doors. Accessible doors must provide a 32 inch clear opening measured with the
door open 90 degrees. Door hardware must be operable with one hand and not
require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist to operate. If doors swing
into a room or compartment, there must be a 30 inch by 48 inch clear floor space
within the room that is clear of the swing of the door. Doors shall not swing into
the clear floor space for any fixture unless the room is for individual use.
Clear Floor Space. A turning space must be provided in each toilet room. The
turning space may include knee and toe clearances under fixtures and the door
may swing over the turning space. The clear floor space at fixtures, amenities and
turning space may overlap and all shall adjoin an accessible route.
Diaper Changing Table. Changing tables shall not be located inside toilet
compartments. If diaper changing tables are provided, the work surface, in
the open position, shall be no more than 34 inches above the floor. Knee and
toe clearance shall be provided beneath the open changing table.
Transfer Type Water Closets.
Clear Floor Space. A clearance around the water closet shall be provided that is
60 inches minimum in width and either 78 inches total in depth or 48 inches clear
in front of the water closet. The water closet shall be located 16 inches to 18
inches from one side wall measured to the centerline of the water closet.
No other fixtures may encroach into the clear floor space at the water closet. Clear
floor space may be arranged to allow either a left or right hand approach to the
water closet.
Seat Height. The top of the seat for an accessible water closet shall be between
17 inches and 19 inches above the floor.
Grab Bars. Grab bars shall have a diameter of 1 ¼ inches to 2 inches and be
mounted 1 ½ inches from the inside of the bar to the wall on which they are
located. Mounting locations shall be as shown in diagrams.
Flush Controls. Flush controls shall be hand operated or automatic. Hand
operated controls shall be located no more than 48 inches above the floor on the
transfer side of the water closet, operate with one hand without requiring tight
grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist, and function with no more than 5 lbs.
of force.
Toilet Paper Dispenser Operable parts of dispensers and sanitary product
receptacles shall be located within an area 24 inches minimum and 42 inches
maximum from the rear wall, and 18 inches minimum above the floor and 1-1/2
inches minimum below the horizontal grab bar. Dispensers that control delivery
or do not permit continuous paper flow shall not be used.
Ambulatory Water Closet Compartments.
Clear Floor Space. A clearance around the water closet shall be provided that is
36 inches in width and 60 inches minimum in depth. The water closet shall be
located 17 inches to 19 inches from one side wall measured to the centerline of
the water closet.
Grab Bars. Grab bars shall have a diameter of 1 ¼ inches to 2 inches and be
mounted 1 ½ inches from the inside of the bar to the wall on which they are
located. Grab bars shall be located on both side walls as shown in the diagram
above. A rear wall grab bar is not required.
Where more than one urinal is provided in a room, at least one shall be accessible.
Height. Urinals may be stall type extending to the floor or wall mounted. If wall
mounted, the rim of the urinal must be no more than 17 inches above the floor.
Clear Floor Space. A clear floor space 30 inches by 48 inches must be provided
for forward approach to the urinal.
Flush controls. Flush controls shall be hand operated or automatic. Hand
operated controls shall be located no more than 48 inches above the floor, operate
with one hand without requiring tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist,
and function with no more than 5 lbs. of force.
Lavatories and Mirrors.
Height and Clearances. A clear floor space 30 inches by 48 inches shall provide
a forward approach to the fixture. The clear floor space shall extend a minimum
8 min
9 min
6 max
11 min
of 17 inches beneath the lavatory. The higher of the rim or counter shall be 34
inches maximum above the floor. Knee and toe clearance shall be provided as
shown in diagrams.
Exposed Pipes. Hot water and drain pipes under lavatories shall be insulated or
otherwise configured to protect against contact. There shall be no sharp or
abrasive surfaces under the lavatory.
Faucets. Faucet controls shall be operable with one hand, not require tight
grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist, and function with no more than 5 lbs.
of force.
Mirrors. Mirrors located above lavatories shall be mounted with the bottom edge
of the reflecting surface no higher than 40 inches above the floor. Mirrors not
located above lavatories, sinks or counters shall be mounted with the bottom edge
of the reflecting surface 35 inches maximum above the floor.
Clear Floor Space. A clear floor space 30 inches wide shall be provided adjacent
to the tub for the entire length of the tub.
Seat. An in-tub seat or a seat at the head end of the tub shall be provided. Seats
shall be mounted securely and shall not slip during use.
Grab Bars. Grab bars shall have a diameter of 1 ¼ inches to 2 inches and be
mounted 1 ½ inches from the inside of the bar to the wall on which they are
located. Mounting locations shall be as shown in diagrams.
Controls. Faucets and other controls shall be operable with one hand, not require
tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist, and operate with no more than 5
lbs. of force. A shower spray unit with a hose at least 60 inches long that can be
used as both a fixed shower head and as a hand-held shower shall be provided.
Bathtub Enclosures. If enclosures for bathtubs are provided they shall not
obstruct controls or transfer into the tub. The enclosure shall not have tracks
mounted on the rim of the tub.
Shower Compartments.
Size and Clearances. Transfer type shower compartments shall have an inside
finished dimension of 36 inches by 36 inches. Roll-in type showers shall be 30
inches minimum by 60 inches minimum. See Minnesota Accessibility Code for
alternate roll-in type shower.
Seat. A folding or non-folding seat shall be provided in the transfer type shower.
A folding seat is required in the roll-in shower. Seats shall be mounted between
17 inches and 19 inches above the shower floor.
Grab Bars. Grab bars shall have a diameter of 1 ¼ inches to 2 inches and be
mounted 1 ½ inches from the inside of the bar to the wall on which they are
located. Mounting locations shall be as shown in diagrams.
Controls. Faucets and other controls shall be operable with one hand, not require
tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist, and operate with no more than 5
lbs. of force. A shower spray unit with a hose at least 60 inches long that can be
used as both a fixed shower head and as a hand-held shower shall be provided.
Curbs. If provided, curbs shall be 1/2 inch in height maximum. In roll-in type
showers, the edges shall be beveled no more than 1:2.
Shower Enclosures. If provided, shower enclosures shall not obstruct controls or
transfer onto shower seat.
Possible design option for single use toilet room
Possible design option for single use toilet room