Community Services Training Package
Qualifications Framework
© Australian National Training Authority (ANTA), 1999
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First printed 1999
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CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
The qualifications in this document form part of the Community Services Training Package.
The Community Services Training Package has been developed by Community Services and
Health Training Australia and funded by the Australian National Training Authority.
This document must be used in conjunction with the following documents:
Assessment Guidelines
Community Services Common Competency Standards
specialisation competency standards (eg. Community Housing)
The Community Services Training Package integrates national competency standards,
qualifications and assessment guidelines in the following areas:
Aged Care Work
Alcohol and Other Drugs Work
Child Protection/Juvenile Justice/Statutory Supervision
Children’s Services
Community Work
Community Housing Work
Disability Work
Mental Health Work (non clinical)
Youth Work
Community Services Training Package users should note these qualifications cover
approximately fifty percent of the workforce in the community services industry. Areas not
fully covered at this stage include counselling, community management and welfare.
For further information relating to the Community Services Training Package please contact:
Community Services and Health Training Australia Ltd
GPO Box 9848, Sydney NSW, 2001
Phone 02 9263 3589
Fax 02 9263 3599
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Preface ....................................................................................................................................................... i
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................3
Common competencies................................................................................................................4
Specialisation competencies ........................................................................................................5
Optional competencies .................................................................................................................5
Transition to the Community Services Training Package...........................................................................7
Previously developed national competency standards.................................................................7
New national competency standards............................................................................................7
Role of the States and Territories.................................................................................................7
Customisation and Flexibility......................................................................................................................9
Contextualisation of units..............................................................................................................9
Applying the packaging rules........................................................................................................9
Customisation for units ...............................................................................................................10
Customisation and flexibility for enterprises................................................................................10
New National Competency Standards And Qualifications........................................................................11
New Apprenticeships ...............................................................................................................................12
Summary of competency areas and codes..............................................................................................13
Alignment to the Australian Qualifications Framework.............................................................................15
Qualifications titling and coding................................................................................................................16
Community Services Training Package Qualifications and Pathways .....................................................17
Aged Care Work
CHC20199 Certificate II in Community Services (Aged Care Work) .........................................19
CHC30199 Certificate III in Community Services (Aged Care Work) ........................................21
CHC40199 Certificate IV in Community Services (Aged Care Work) ........................................23
CHC50199 Diploma of Community Services (Aged Care Work) ...............................................24
CHC60199 Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Aged Care Work) ..............................25
Alcohol and Other Drugs Work
CHC20299 Certificate II in Community Services (Alcohol and Other Drugs Work) ...................26
CHC30299 Certificate III in Community Services (Alcohol and Other Drugs Work) ..................27
CHC40299 Certificate IV in Community Services (Alcohol and Other Drugs Work) ..................28
CHC50299 Diploma of Community Services (Alcohol and Other Drugs Work) .........................29
CHC60299 Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Alcohol and Other Drugs Work) ........30
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Child Protection, Statutory Supervision, Juvenile Justice
CHC30499 Certificate III in Community Services (Child Protection, Statutory
Supervision, Juvenile Justice) ...................................................................................................31
CHC40499 Certificate IV in Community Services (Child Protection, Statutory
Supervision, Juvenile Justice) ....................................................................................................32
CHC50499 Diploma of Community Services (Child Protection, Statutory
Supervision, Juvenile Justice) ...................................................................................................33
CHC60499 Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Child Protection, Statutory
Supervision, Juvenile Justice) ...................................................................................................34
Children’s Services
CHC20399 Certificate II in Community Services (Children’s Services) .....................................35
CHC30399 Certificate III in Community Services (Children’s Services) ....................................36
CHC40399 Certificate IV in Community Services (Children’s Services) ....................................37
CHC50399 Diploma of Community Services (Children’s Services) ...........................................39
CHC60399 Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Children’s Services) ..........................41
Community Housing Work
CHC30599 Certificate III in Community Services (Community Housing Work) .........................43
CHC40599 Certificate IV in Community Services (Community Housing Work) .........................44
CHC50599 Diploma of Community Services (Community Housing Work) ................................45
CHC60599 Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Community Housing Work) ...............47
Community Work
CHC20499 Certificate II in Community Services (Community Work) ........................................48
CHC30699 Certificate III in Community Services (Community Work) .......................................49
CHC40699 Certificate IV in Community Services (Community Work) .......................................50
CHC50699 Diploma of Community Services (Community Work) ..............................................51
CHC60699 Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Community Work) .............................53
Disability Work
CHC20599 Certificate II in Community Services (Disability Work) ............................................54
CHC30799 Certificate III in Community Services (Disability Work) ...........................................56
CHC40799 Certificate IV in Community Services (Disability Work) ...........................................59
CHC50799 Diploma of Community Services (Disability Work) ..................................................60
CHC60799 Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Disability Work) .................................61
Mental Health Work (non clinical)
CHC30899 Certificate III in Community Services (Mental Health Work - non clinical) ..............62
CHC40899 Certificate IV in Community Services (Mental Health Work - non clinical) ..............63
CHC50899 Diploma of Community Services (Mental Health Work - non clinical) .....................64
CHC60899 Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Mental Health Work -
non clinical) ................................................................................................................................65
Youth Work
CHC30999 Certificate III in Community Services (Youth Work) ................................................66
CHC40999 Certificate IV in Community Services (Youth Work) ................................................67
CHC50999 Diploma of Community Services (Youth Work) .......................................................68
CHC60999 Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Youth Work) ......................................69
Appendix 1
Community Services Common Competencies table of units and elements.............................................70
Appendix 2
Community Services and Health Training Network..................................................................................80
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
The Community Services Training Package Qualifications Framework has been developed in
conjunction with the Community Services Industry and with close reference to the Australian
National Training Authority Updated Guidelines for Training Package Developers March
The Framework describes the requirements for specific qualifications across the industry
sectors of:
Aged Care Work
Alcohol and Other Drugs Work
Children’s Services
Child Protection/Juvenile Justice/Statutory Supervision
Community Housing Work
Community Work
Disability Work
Mental Health Work (non clinical)
Youth Work
Qualifications for other sectors in Community Services will be added as standards are
finalised and endorsed.
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
The Community Services Qualifications Framework comprises: common competencies;
specialisation units and optional units.
Within the Qualifications Framework, pathways to a qualification are varied, enabling
recognition of the full range of workplace needs in Community Services whilst providing for
maximum transferability of skills. All qualifications have Community Services common units
which are packaged with specialisation and optional units to enable the achievement of
occupational outcomes.
Common Competencies
Common units of competency are those which exist across most sectors in Community
Some important points in relation to common competencies follow:
similar competencies across all areas of work in community services have been identified
common units have been developed according to the Australian Qualifications
Framework ie. most units are packaged at one AQF level however some units are
available at several AQF levels depending on sector or qualification requirements
common competencies are recommended as either compulsory across all sectors, or
groups developing standards may choose to include some of the common area elective
units as compulsory for that sector
common elective units are recommended for inclusion in Community Services standards
but may not be appropriate for every sector and this is for the industry groups developing
the standards to determine
it is assumed that common units will be contextualised to meet the requirements of
particular work functions eg. Case Management units will be contextualised to address
the particular client group or the specific organisational arrangements
See Appendix A for a full listing of the Community Services common units and elements.
Specialisation Competencies
Specialisation units are focused on specialist functions and/or client services.
National Qualifications in
Community Services
Competencies which apply
across all sectors of the
industry at a range of AQF
Competencies which apply
to a specific sector within
the industry at a range of
AQF levels.
Competencies from within
the industry and other
industries which are
packaged to meet
workplace needs.
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Client services may include units focused on the type of client, the mode of practice or issues
specialisation units are those which are fundamentally different from other areas of work
in Community Services and not covered in the common units
specialisation units are packaged with common units and the alignment reflects the
Australian Qualification Framework level of the chosen common compulsory units.
Packaging and alignment to the Australian Qualifications Framework is determined by
specialisation units are identified as compulsory or elective by the industry sector. The
compulsory units ensure consistency in service delivery within the designated area while
the electives enable flexibility to meet different organisational needs
packaging of specialisation units (including the number of units in the package) will be
determined by the sector (eg. disability) or functional area (eg. community work)
specialisation units may also become optional units at another AQF level in a package
standards developers will need to show “just cause” for the addition of new units (over
and above existing units). See page 11 for guidelines for standards developers
Specialisation compulsory units Specialisation elective units
Examples of specialisation compulsory units at
a range of AQF levels include:
Orientation to the alcohol and other drugs
work sector (CHCAOD2A)
Orientation to aged care work (CHCAC3A)
Orientation to work in the mental health
sector (CHCMH1A)
Examples of specialisation elective units
Provide alcohol and other drugs
withdrawal services (CHCAOD9A) -
alcohol and other drugs Work
Act as a witness (CHCPROT1A) - Child
Protection/Juvenile Justice/Statutory
Manage youth programs (CHCYTH5A) -
Youth Work
Optional Competencies
To ensure that the flexibility required by individual organisations can be accommodated in the
packaging of standards, additional units can be included as optional. This flexibility also
ensures that Community Services qualifications will become a central pathway for New
Apprenticeships. The qualification structures identified in the package provide the basis for
defining the content of such arrangements by establishing the competencies which need to
be achieved.
The guidelines for including optional units of competency are determined by the sector and
included in the packaging information for each qualification.
Optional units will generally include the following however specific requirements are indicated
in each qualification:
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
*Enterprise units note:
Where enterprise units are included as options within the qualification, these will need to be
submitted to Community Services and Health Training Australia for referral to the National
Training Framework Committee for endorsement (see Customisation Guidelines and the
information on the development of new standards pp. 8-9 for details).
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
If enterprise units are added as additional units over and above the packaging requirements
endorsement by National Training Framework Committee is not required.
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Transition to the Community Services Training Package
The Community Services Training Package has been developed as part of the new National
Training Framework (NTF) for vocational education and training. Under the new system all
new qualifications will be based on national Training Packages and old/existing qualifications
will be discontinued or updated (where there is an endorsed national Training Package in the
relevant area). State and Territory Training Authorities, industry training bodies and
Registered Training Organisations will play a role in the transition from old/existing to new
Previously developed national competency standards
The Community Services Training Package includes the following sectors for which
competency standards have been previously developed:
Aged Care Work
Child Protection/Juvenile Justice/Statutory Supervision
Children’s Services
Community Work
Disability Work
Youth Work
The integrity of the previously developed competency standards has been maintained within
the Community Services Training Package. To enable a smoother transition to the new
standards and qualifications, tables that map the relationship between old competency
standards (listed above) and the Community Services Training Package have been
developed and are available from Community Services and Health Training Australia.
New national competency standards
The Community Services Training Package also includes new national competency
standards for the following sectors:
Alcohol and Other Drugs Work
Community Housing Work
Mental Health Work (non clinical)
Although these are new national competency standards, previously developed training and
learning materials can still be used to deliver training and assessment services, provided
assessment is conducted against the standards themselves.
Role of the States and Territories
Priorities for training may be determined at the state level through State and Territory Training
Authorities (STA) and industry training bodies. Registered Training Organisations will be
registered by the relevant STA to deliver training and/or assessment services and to play a
role in managing the transition to the Community Services Training Package.
Transitional arrangements include:
national Training Packages provide the basis for all new qualifications within their
State and Territory Training Authorities will ensure arrangements are in place for people
completing qualifications through existing traineeships, course based learning or other
pathways. Qualifications may be completed in their existing structure or transferred to a
Community Services Training Package based qualification with recognition or credit
transfer for competencies already attained
where identified training needs fall outside the coverage of national Training Packages,
State and Territory Training Authorities may continue accrediting courses (as was the
case prior to the introduction of Training Packages), however groups seeking national
recognition of competency standards or qualifications within the Community Services
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Training Package should refer to page 11 regarding the development of new national
competency standards and qualifications.
Further information can be obtained from State and Territory Training Authorities and industry
training bodies. See Appendix 2 for contact details.
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Customisation and Flexibility
The community services competency standards identify the knowledge and skills that are
needed to deliver high quality services to meet community and individual/client needs. The
standards have been drafted so they are relevant to different organisations and are flexible
enough to address the needs of workplaces of varying size and function.
It is intended that the qualifications will be packaged to reflect specific structures, standards
and modes of service delivery within individual organisations/enterprises. Further application
for specific purposes can be achieved through customisation of units of competency.
The following advice sets the boundaries of change accepted within the qualifications
framework and where extensions or additions may be made through customising units of
Existing flexibility in the Training Package is delivered via:
contextualisation of units
application of the packaging rules
incorporation of enterprise unit/s
Customisation may be via:
additions to the units
Any customisation or contextualisation of units of competency must ensure the integrity of:
industry skill requirements
industry portability requirements
the national competency standards system and the Australian Qualification Framework
Contextualisation of units
The units of competency can be contextualised for specific uses as long as the original intent
and integrity of the unit of competency is not compromised.
An organisation can contextualise individual units for its own purposes by using workplace
relevant information. This may be achieved by changing terminology in the performance
criteria, range of variables and the evidence guides (eg. to refer to particular legislation or
work practices under which it conducts its business). These changes do not require
endorsement as long as assessment against the unit meets the outcomes identified in it.
Applying the packaging rules
The Community Services competency standards are drafted to have application across a full
range of organisations, regardless of location, type or size. Existing flexibility allows particular
organisations, enterprises and individuals to select competencies to suit their specific needs
through application of the packaging rules. This includes:
choosing electives from both the specialisation and common units of competency
choosing optional units from the Community Services Training Package or other
endorsed National Training Packages. When selecting optional units from other Training
Packages any additional assessment requirements should be incorporated
adding an enterprise unit according to the packaging rules for optional units.
If training requirements are not met by existing qualification packaging then standards users
record statements of attainment for individual competencies or groups of competencies
consult State Training Authorities regarding qualifications outside the coverage of
National Training Packages
develop new national competency standards and qualifications (see below for further
information regarding customisation for enterprises and the development of new
standards and qualifications)
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Customisation of units
Expansion of units may include the addition of elements, performance criteria, range of
variables items or evidence guide statements. Standards users should consider, when
making substantial additions or expansion to units, whether utilisation of other units or the
development of new units may be more appropriate.
Standards users should note that the addition of units and elements may increase resource
requirements for assessment and training. One example where this may be an issue is the
Federal Government’s New Apprenticeships system where qualifications will be funded
according to minimum requirements.
Customisation and flexibility for enterprises
Where enterprises have developed their own set of standards, there are a number of options
for incorporating these into national qualifications:
mapping the enterprise standards to the relevant qualification package. Where the
enterprise standards match it may be that the organisation chooses to continue to use
them for training (and other enterprise requirements such as human resources functions)
but to gain a national qualification, assessment must be against the national standards
adding enterprise specific content to the package according to the unit contextualisation
options listed above
application of the qualification packaging rules or adding units to the minimum number of
units required for a qualification as shown above
seeking endorsement as national enterprise specific standards (see below for information
on the development of new standards)
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
New National Competency Standards and Qualifications
The Community Services Training Package has coverage of major sectors in the community
services industry and will be used as the basis for all national training in those sectors. As
the Community Services Training Package is implemented, changes in the industry and
related industries will necessitate corresponding changes in Training Package itself.
Continuous improvement of the Community Services Training Package will allow for review of
existing components and for the development of new competency standards and/or
Development of new standards or qualifications may be initiated according to various industry
priorities or influences including:
enterprise specific requirements
emerging or changing work practices
work roles or functions not yet covered by the Training Package
competencies covering a sector or area of work
To gain national endorsement, any proposed competency standards, package of standards
or qualifications must be submitted to Community Services and Health Training Australia for
endorsement by the National Training Framework Committee. Submissions should include
rationale for inclusion of proposed standards in the Community Services Training Package
and demonstrate that:
equivalent standards do not exist in any endorsed Training Package; and
existing standards can not be customised to meet industry requirements (see page 9 for
Customisation Guidelines).
Standards developers must adhere to guidelines for the development of national competency
standards. National competency standards development must meet the following
adherence to National Training Framework Committee quality criteria as well as up to
date ANTA guidelines for Training Package developers
compliance with the Community Services Training Package qualifications framework and
assessment guidelines
evidence of national support for standards development and/or evidence of national
validation for standards that are already developed
standards must be referred to Community Services and Health Training Australia for
submission to the National Training Framework Committee
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
New Apprenticeships
The Community Services Training Package provides an opportunity for the development of a
range of full-time and part-time New Apprenticeships pathways. There is the potential for any
qualification level within the Training Package to be used as a structure for a traineeship or
The characteristics of New Apprenticeships in the Community Services Training Package are
New Apprenticeships must be based on packaging and qualification outcomes as listed in
the Community Services Training Package
development of New Apprenticeships pathways must occur at the state/territory level
taking into account the award structures in that state/territory and the state/territory
targeting and allocation of resources to fund New Apprenticeships
Training Agreements and the training program for New Apprenticeships must reflect the
Community Services Training Package content
New Apprenticeships in Community Services must include appropriate training and
assessment (including recognition of prior learning) and this is the responsibility of the
Registered Training Organisation
requirements for on or off-the-job assessment and training may be determined within the
Training Agreement unless specified within the competency standards
any customisation of qualifications for New Apprenticeships programs must meet the
customisation requirements of these guidelines and all pre-requisite and co-requisites
listed in the standards must be taken into account
estimation of time to complete New Apprenticeships in Community Services must be
negotiated at State and Territory level taking into account local needs
As stated above any qualification may be used to develop a New Apprenticeships pathway
however this will be limited to resources and award requirements at the state/territory level.
Further relevant and current information regarding New Apprenticeships opportunities is
available from State and Territory Training Authorities and Industry Training Bodies. See
Appendix 1 for contact details.
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Summary of competency areas and codes
Each unit of competency is coded for industry use but will align to the coding requirements of
the National Training Information Service (NTIS). The coded lettering below indicates the
area the common or specialisation unit comes from. These codes will be identifiable within
the NTIS code.
Community Services Common Competencies
Assessment and Training
Community Development
Case Management
Communication units
Client Service
Case Work Intervention
Working with groups
Information Management units
Organisational Management
Policy and Research
Specialisation Competencies
Aged Care Work
Alcohol and Other Drugs Work
Children’s Services
Child Protection/Juvenile Justice/Statutory Supervision
Community Housing
Community Work
Mental Health
Youth Work
National Training Information Service (NTIS) coding system
NTIS codes will indicate the Training Package, the unit of competency and the version of the
unit of competency. The example below shows the code for the unit of competency “Manage
youth programs” and the table demonstrates the component parts of the code.
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
CHCYTH5A Manage youth programs
Community Services
Training Package identifier
Unit of Competency
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Alignment to the Australian Qualifications Framework
To determine the relevant Australian Qualification Framework qualification, groupings or
packages of units representing work functions in the Community Services industry were
related to the AQF level descriptors.
The descriptors relate to breadth and complexity of work and include the following key
responsibility and accountability
complexity of skill and knowledge
contexts of application
choice and range of contingencies
discretion and judgement.
The development of the national Qualifications Framework for Community Services has paid
due attention to all the variables which impact on AQF alignment:
the package of units is aligned – not the individual units
qualifications assume that as the complexity of skills and knowledge increases, so does
the AQF level. This is represented by increased breadth of functions or a degree of
specialisation and associated levels of autonomy and responsibility
alignment is based on consideration of a group of units against the ‘characteristics’ of the
descriptor for each qualification in the AQF as set out in the AQF Implementation
Handbook. Differentiation of qualifications levels in the Community Service competency
standards is also reliant on the agreement of industrial parties
a greater number of units with similar content (as far as complexity, breadth of knowledge
and skills, and a degree of judgement and autonomy) will not necessarily reflect higher
qualifications. Rather, the package will need to reflect higher level competencies in the
content and outcomes of the units in accordance with the AQF descriptors
there can be a number of work levels covered within a single AQF descriptor, reflecting
enterprise differences and negotiations
The Community Services Training Package identifies qualifications levels required by the
industry, in line with employment outcomes and demand. Lower AQF levels in the
Community Services Training Package are not prerequisites to higher AQF levels for any
qualifications unless prescribed under the individual qualification packaging.
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Qualification titling and coding
Each qualification title indicates the level in relation to the Australian Qualifications
Framework as follows:
AQF1 Certificate I
AQF2 Certificate II
AQF3 Certificate III
AQF4 Certificate IV
AQF5 Diploma
AQF6 Advanced Diploma
each qualification within the Community Services Training Package has been given a
title. This title will be used by all Registered Training Organisations responsible for
issuing qualifications
each qualification carries the industry title eg. Community Services
each qualification carries the industry sector title in brackets eg. Certificate III in
Community Services (Disability Work)
each qualification will be given a unique code listed on the National Training Information
Service. A code example and the way in which the code is structured is shown below:
CHC30199 Certificate III in Community Services (Aged Care Work)
Services Training
Package identifier
AQF Level Qualification
number i.e. 1
3 qualification listed
Version identifier
CHC 3 01 99
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Community Services Training Package Qualifications and Pathways
Aged Care Work
CHC20199 Certificate II in Community Services (Aged Care Work)
CHC30199 Certificate III in Community Services (Aged Care Work)
CHC40199 Certificate IV in Community Services (Aged Care Work)
CHC50199 Diploma of Community Services (Aged Care Work)
CHC60199 Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Aged Care Work)
Alcohol and Other Drugs Work
CHC20299 Certificate II in Community Services (Alcohol and Other Drugs Work)
CHC30299 Certificate III in Community Services (Alcohol and Other Drugs Work)
CHC40299 Certificate IV in Community Services (Alcohol and Other Drugs Work)
CHC50299 Diploma of Community Services (Alcohol and Other Drugs Work)
CHC60299 Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Alcohol and Other Drugs Work)
Children’s Services
CHC20399 Certificate II in Community Services (Children’s Services)
CHC30399 Certificate III in Community Services (Children’s Services)
CHC40399 Certificate IV in Community Services (Children’s Services)
CHC50399 Diploma of Community Services (Children’s Services)
CHC60399 Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Children’s Services)
Child Protection, Statutory Supervision, Juvenile Justice
CHC30499 Certificate III in Community Services
(Child Protection, Statutory Supervision, Juvenile Justice)
CHC40499 Certificate IV in Community Services
(Child Protection, Statutory Supervision, Juvenile Justice)
CHC50499 Diploma of Community Services
(Child Protection, Statutory Supervision, Juvenile Justice)
CHC60499 Advanced Diploma of Community Services
(Child Protection, Statutory Supervision, Juvenile Justice)
Community Housing Work
CHC30599 Certificate III in Community Services (Community Housing Work)
CHC40599 Certificate IV in Community Services (Community Housing Work)
CHC50599 Diploma of Community Services (Community Housing Work)
CHC60599 Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Community Housing Work)
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Community Services Training Package Qualifications and Pathways continued
Community Work
CHC20499 Certificate II in Community Services (Community Work)
CHC30699 Certificate III in Community Services (Community Work)
CHC40699 Certificate IV in Community Services (Community Work)
CHC50699 Diploma of Community Services (Community Work)
CHC60699 Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Community Work)
Disability Work
CHC20599 Certificate II in Community Services (Disability Work)
CHC30799 Certificate III in Community Services (Disability Work)
CHC40799 Certificate IV in Community Services (Disability Work)
CHC50799 Diploma of Community Services (Disability Work)
CHC60799 Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Disability Work)
Mental Health Work (non clinical)
CHC30899 Certificate III in Community Services (Mental Health Work - non clinical)
CHC40899 Certificate IV in Community Services (Mental Health Work - non clinical)
CHC50899 Diploma of Community Services (Mental Health Work - non clinical)
CHC60899 Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Mental Health Work - non clinical)
Youth Work
CHC30999 Certificate III in Community Services (Youth Work)
CHC40999 Certificate IV in Community Services (Youth Work)
CHC50999 Diploma of Community Services (Youth Work)
CHC60999 Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Youth Work)
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 6
Elective 4 (one must be an Aged Care unit)
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 11
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Only one of CHCAC1A and CHCAC2A may be included
Note 2: One elective unit in Certificate II in Community Services (Aged Care) is equivalent to 4 Ancillary/Support
units. The relevant Ancillary/Support units are listed on the next page
Note 3: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Aged Care specialisation
Compulsory Elective
CHCAC3A Orientation to aged care work
CHCAC1A Provide care support to aged people
CHCAC2A Assist with aged people’s personal
CHCAC4A Assist in the provision of an
appropriate environment
CHCAC5A Contribute to service delivery strategy
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCCS0A Deliver service to clients
CHCORG1A Follow the organisation’s
policies procedures and
CHCORG2A Work with others
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s
occupational health and safety
CHCCOM1A Communicate with people
accessing the service of the
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCADMIN1A Undertake basic administrative
CHCCD7A Support community resources
CHCCD12G Undertake work in the community
services industry
CHCCS5A Identify and address specific
client needs
CHCGROUP1A Support the activities of existing
CHCGROUP2A Support group activities
Electives from Other Community Services Sectors
CHCAOD1A Introduction to the alcohol and other drugs sector
CHCCH1A Orientation to work in the community housing sector
CHCDIS1A Orientation to disability work
CHCDIS3A Provide services to people with disabilities
CHCDIS5A Contribute to positive learning
CHCDIS8A Support people with disabilities as workers
CHCDIS10A Provide care and support
CHCMH1A Orientation to work in the mental health sector
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Electives from Ancillary/Support Units
Cleaning services
PRMCL01A Maintain hard floor surfaces
PRMCL03A Replace hard floor finish
PRMCL04A Maintain soft floors
PRMCL05A Remove stains and spillages from soft floors
PRMCL07A Remove dirt and soil from soft floors or fabric upholstery
PRMCL09A Wash and squeegee glass surfaces to remove all visible dirt and grime
PRMCL10A Maintain ceiling surfaces and fittings
PRMCL12A Wash external surfaces to remove all visible dirt and grime
PRMCL13A Undertake detailed clean of window coverings to remove all dirt and
PRMCL14A Maintain a clean room environment with no traces of visible dust
PRMCL15A Maintain furniture and fittings and dress an area or room
PRMCL11A Spot clean external surfaces to remove all visible marks
PRMCL17A Maintain wet area in an odour free, soil and hazard free condition
PRMCL19A Remove waste to maintain a tidy environment/area
Client/patient services
CHCCPS2A Handle and transport goods
CHCCPS3A Prepare a bed for occupancy
CHCCPS6A Transport specimens and deceased persons
Food services
CHCFP1A Present food
CHCFP4A Prepare appetisers, salads and sandwiches
CHCT2A Receive, transport and store food in a safe and hygienic manner
CHCT7A Wash dishes
CHCT8A Deliver food/beverages
CHCT9A Collect meal trays/beverage utensils
CHCT10A Support food services in menu processing
CHCT11A Provide support to clinical/nutrition services
CHCT12A Assist client/patient with nutrition care
Laundry services
LMXPRLAU-01A Collect, receive and sort product
LMXPRLAU-08A Repair damaged products
LMXPRLAU-02A Operate washing machines
LMXPRLAU-04A Perform linen rewash
LMXPRLAU-06A Perform conditioning and/or drying processes
LMXPRDCG-04 A Operate dry cleaning machines
LMXPRDCG-05 A Operate wet cleaning machines
LMXPRDCG-06A Operate finishing equipment
CHCOD9A Perform pre and post spotting
LMXPRDCG-10 A Prepare products for storage or dispatch
LMXPRLAU-11A Coordinate and process products for storage/dispatch
CHCPSD4A Process linen
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 6
Elective 5 (one must be an Aged Care unit)
Options 2
Total number of units of competency 13
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Only one of CHCAC1A and CHCAC2A may be included
Note 2: One elective unit in Certificate II in Community Services (Aged Care) is equivalent to 4 Ancillary/Support
units. The relevant Ancillary/Support units are listed on the next page
Note 3: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Aged Care specialisation
Compulsory Elective
CHCAC3A Orientation to aged care work
CHCAC1A Provide care support to aged people
CHCAC2A Assist with aged people’s personal
CHCAC4A Assist in the provision of an
appropriate environment
CHCAC5A Contribute to service delivery
CHCAC6A Provide services to aged people
CHCAC12A Provide services to meet aged
people’s personal needs
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCCS0A Deliver services to clients
CHCCOM2A Communicate appropriately with
clients and colleagues
CHCINF1A Process and provide information
CHCORG3A Participate in the work
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s
occupational health & safety
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCADMIN2A Provide administrative support
CHCCD7A Support community resources
CHCCD12A Undertake work in the community
services industry
CHCCM1A Undertake case management
CHCCS6A Assess and deliver services to
clients with complex needs
CHCCWI1A Operate under a case work
CHCGROUP2A Support group activities
CHCNET1A Participate in networks
CHCP&R1A Participate in policy development
Electives from Other Community Services Sectors
CHCAOD2A Orientation to the alcohol and other drugs sector
CHCCH1A Orientation to work in the community housing sector
CHCDIS1A Orientation to disability work
CHCDIS3A Provide services to people with disabilities
CHCDIS5A Contribute to positive learning
CHCDIS8A Support people with disabilities as workers
CHCDIS10A Provide care and support
CHCMH1A Orientation to work in the mental health sector
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Electives from Ancillary/Support Units
Cleaning services
PRMCL01A Maintain hard floor surfaces
PRMCL03A Replace hard floor finish
PRMCL04A Maintain soft floors
PRMCL05A Remove stains and spillages from soft floors
PRMCL07A Remove dirt and soil from soft floors or fabric upholstery
PRMCL09A Wash and squeegee glass surfaces to remove all visible dirt and grime
PRMCL10A Maintain ceiling surfaces and fittings
PRMCL12A Wash external surfaces to remove all visible dirt and grime
PRMCL13A Undertake detailed clean of window coverings to remove all dirt and
PRMCL14A Maintain a clean room environment with no traces of visible dust
PRMCL15A Maintain furniture and fittings and dress an area or room
PRMCL11A Spot clean external surfaces to remove all visible marks
PRMCL17A Maintain wet area in an odour free, soil and hazard free condition
PRMCL19A Remove waste to maintain a tidy environment/area
Client/patient services
CHCCPS2A Handle and transport goods
CHCCPS3A Prepare a bed for occupancy
CHCCPS6A Transport specimens and deceased persons
Food services
CHCFP1A Present food
CHCFP4A Prepare appetisers, salads and sandwiches
CHCT2A Receive, transport and store food in a safe and hygienic manner
CHCT7A Wash dishes
CHCT8A Deliver food/beverages
CHCT9A Collect meal trays/beverage utensils
CHCT10A Support food services in menu processing
CHCT11A Provide support to clinical/nutrition services
CHCT12A Assist client/patient with nutrition care
Laundry services
LMXPRLAU-01A Collect, receive and sort product
LMXPRLAU-08A Repair damaged products
LMXPRLAU-02A Operate washing machines
LMXPRLAU-04A Perform linen rewash
LMXPRLAU-06A Perform conditioning and/or drying processes
LMXPRDCG-04 A Operate dry cleaning machines
LMXPRDCG-05 A Operate wet cleaning machines
LMXPRDCG-06A Operate finishing equipment
CHCOD9A Perform pre and post spotting
LMXPRDCG-10 A Prepare products for storage or dispatch
LMXPRLAU-11A Coordinate and process products for storage/dispatch
CHCPSD4A Process linen
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 10
Elective 3
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 14
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Aged Care specialisation
Compulsory Elective
CHCAC3A Orientation to aged care work
CHCAC6A Provide services to aged people
CHCAC8A Monitor services to aged people
CHCAC12A Provide services to meet aged
people’s personal needs
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN3A Undertake administrative work
CHCCOM3A Utilise specialist
communication skills
CHCCS2A Deliver and develop client
CHCINF2A Maintain organisation’s
information system
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s
occupational health & safety
CHCORG5A Maintain an effective work
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCCD1A Support community
CHCCD2A Provide community education
CHCCD3A Meet information needs of the
CHCCD4A Develop and implement community
CHCCD5A Develop community resources
CHCCS6A Assess and deliver services to
clients with complex needs
CHCGROUP3A Plan and conduct group activities
CHCNET2A Maintain effective networks
CHCP&R2A Contribute to policy
CHCP&R3A Undertake research activities
BSZ404A Train small groups
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 12
Elective 3
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 16
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Aged Care specialisation
Compulsory Elective
CHCAC7A Ensure duty of care is provided
CHCAC9A Co-ordinate service provision
CHCAC10A Develop a service delivery
CHCAC11A Safeguard the rights and needs
of aged people
CHCAC13A Coordinate work in the aged
care sector
CHCAC6A Provide services to aged people
CHCAC12A Provide services to meet aged
people’s personal needs
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN3A Undertake administrative work
CHCCOM3A Utilise specialist
communication skills
CHCCOM4A Develop, implement and
promote effective
communication techniques
CHCCS3A Coordinate the provision of
client services and programs
CHCINF5A Meet statutory and
organisational information
CHCORG6A Coordinate the work
CHCORG17A Implement and monitor
occupational health & safety
policies, procedures and
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCADMIN4A Manage the organisation’s finances,
accounts and resources
CHCCD2A Provide community education
CHCCD4A Develop and implement
community programs
CHCCD5A Develop community resources
CHCCM3A Develop, facilitate and monitor
all aspects of case management
CHCCS7A Coordinate the assessment and
delivery of services to clients
with particular needs
CHCGROUP3A Plan and conduct group activities
CHCINF3A Coordinate information systems
CHCNET3A Develop new networks
CHCP&R4A Develop and implement policy
CHCP&R5A Manage research activities
*BSZ401A Plan assessment
*BSZ402A Conduct assessment
*BSZ403A Review assessment
**BSZ405A Plan and promote a training program
**BSZ406A Plan a series of training programs
**BSZ407A Deliver training sessions
**BSZ408A Review training
* These 3 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
** These 4 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 12
Elective 3
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 16
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Aged Care specialisation
Compulsory Elective
CHCAC7A Ensure duty of care is provided
CHCAC10A Develop a service delivery
CHCAC11A Safeguard the rights and needs
of aged people
CHCAC13A Coordinate work in the aged
care sector
CHCAC6A Provide services to aged people
CHCAC12A Provide services to meet aged
people’s personal needs
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN4A Manage the organisation’s
finances, accounts and
CHCCOM3A Utilise specialist
communication skills
CHCCOM4A Develop, implement and
promote effective
communication techniques
CHCCS4A Manage the delivery of quality
client service
CHCINF4A Manage the organisation’s
CHCORG7A Manage workplace issues
CHCORG11A Lead and develop others
CHCORG17A Implement and monitor
occupational health and safety
policies, procedures and
CHCCD6A Establish and develop community
CHCCM4A Promote high quality case
CHCCM5A Develop practice standards
CHCCS7A Coordinate the assessment and
delivery of services to clients
with particular needs
CHCINF5A Meet statutory and
organisation information
CHCINF6A Manage information strategically
CHCORG8A Establish and manage new
programs or services
CHCORG9A Manage projects and strategies
CHCORG10A Manage organisational change
CHCORG12A Review organisational
CHCORG13A Manage organisational strategic
and business planning
CHCORG14A Manage a service organisation
CHCORG15A Promote the organisation
CHCORG16A Manage training
CHCP&R6A Coordinate policy development
CHCP&R7A Manage policy development
*BSZ401A Plan assessment
*BSZ402A Conduct assessment
*BSZ403A Review assessment
* These 3 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 7
Elective 1
Total number of units of competency 8
Alcohol and Other Drugs Specialisations
Compulsory Elective
CHCAOD1A Introduction to the alcohol and
other drugs sector
CHCAOD4A Support people with alcohol and/or
other drugs issues
CHCAOD3A Provide first point of contact
for potential clients
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN1A Undertake basic administrative
CHCORG1A Follow the organisation’s policies
procedures and programs
CHCORG2A Work with others
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s
occupational health and safety
CHCCOM1A Communicate with people
accessing the services of the
CHCGROUP1A Support the activities of
existing groups
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 9
Elective 2 (one of these may be from Certificate II)
Options 2
Total number of units of competency 13
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see
introduction regarding new units and customisation)
Alcohol and Other Drugs Specialisations
Compulsory Elective
CHCAOD2A Orientation to the Alcohol and
Other Drugs sector
CHCAOD5A Provide services to clients with
alcohol and/or other drugs issues
CHCAOD6A Work with clients who are intoxicated
CHCAOD7A Provide needle exchange services
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN2A Provide administrative support
CHCCOM2A Communicate appropriately with
clients and colleagues
CHCCS1A Deliver and monitor service to
CHCINF1A Process and provide information
CHCNET1A Participate in networks
CHCORG3A Participate in the work environment
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s
occupational health and safety
CHCP&R1A Participate in policy development
CHCGROUP2A Support group activities
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 8
Elective 2 (one of these may be from Certificate III)
Options 2
Total number of units of competency 12
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see
introduction regarding new units and customisation)
Alcohol and Other Drugs Specialisations
Compulsory Elective
CHCAOD2A Orientation to the alcohol and
other drugs sector
CHCAOD8A Work with clients who have
alcohol and/or other drugs
CHCAOD9A Provide alcohol and/or other
drug withdrawal services
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN3A Undertake administrative work
CHCCOM3A Utilise specialist communication
CHCCS2A Deliver and develop client service
CHCINF2A Maintain organisation’s information
CHCNET2A Maintain effective networks
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s
occupational health and safety
CHCORG5A Maintain an effective work
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCCD1A Support community
CHCCD2A Provide community
education programs
CHCCD5A Develop community
CHCGROUP3A Plan and conduct group
CHCP&R2A Contribute to policy
CHCP&R3A Undertake research activities
BSZ404A Train small groups
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 7
Elective 4 (one of these may be from Certificate IV)
Options 2
Total number of units of competency 13
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see
introduction regarding new units and customisation)
Alcohol and Other Drugs Specialisations
Compulsory Elective
CHCAOD2A Orientation to the alcohol and
other drugs sector
CHCAOD8 Work with clients who have
alcohol and other drugs issues
Common Areas
Compulsory Elective
CHCCOM4A Develop, implement and promote
effective communication
CHCCS3A Coordinate the provision of client
CHCINF5A Meet statutory and organisational
information requirements
CHCNET3A Develop new networks
CHCORG6A Coordinate the work environment
CHCORG17A Implement and monitor
occupational health & safety
policies, procedures and programs
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCCD2A Provide community education
CHCCD5A Develop community resources
CHCCM3A Develop, facilitate and monitor
all aspects of case management
CHCGROUP3A Plan and conduct group
CHCINF3A Coordinate information
CHCP&R4A Develop and implement policy
CHCP&R5A Manage research activities
*BSZ401A Plan assessment
*BSZ402A Conduct assessment
*BSZ403A Review assessment
**BSZ405A Plan and promote a training
**BSZ406A Plan a series of training
**BSZ407A Deliver training sessions
**BSZ408A Review training
* These 3 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
** These 4 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 12
Elective 3
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 16
Optional competencies
elective units at this level
compulsory units at the Diploma level
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see
introduction regarding new units and customisation)
Alcohol and Other Drugs Specialisations
Compulsory Elective
CHCAOD2A Orientation to the Alcohol and
Other Drugs sector
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN4A Manage the organisation’s
finances, accounts and resources
CHCCOM4A Develop, implement and promote
effective communication
CHCCS4A Manage the delivery of quality
client service
CHCINF4A Manage the organisation’s
information systems
CHCORG7A Manage workplace issues
CHCORG8A Establish and manage new
programs or services
CHCORG9A Manage projects and
CHCORG11A Lead and develop others
CHCORG14A Manage a service organisation
CHCORG17A Implement and monitor
Occupational Health & Safety
policies, procedures and programs
CHCP&R6A Coordinate policy development
CHCCD6A Establish and develop
community organisations
CHCCM4A Promote high quality
case management
CHCCM5A Develop practice standards
CHCINF6A Manage information
CHCORG10A Manage organisational
CHCORG12A Review organisational
CHCORG13A Manage organisational
strategic and business
CHCORG15A Promote the organisation
CHCORG16A Manage training
CHCP&R7A Manage policy development
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 8
Elective 3
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 12
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed
(see introduction regarding new units and customisation)
Child Protection, Juvenile Justice and Statutory Supervision Specialisations
Compulsory Elective
CHCPROT2A Operate within a statutory
CHCPROT1A Act as a witness
CHCPROT3A Prepare for provision of primary care
CHCCHILD1A Work within legislative and
ethical requirements
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN2A Provide administrative
CHCCOM2A Communicate Appropriately
with clients and colleagues
CHCCS1A Deliver and monitor service to
CHCINF1A Process and provide
CHCORG3A Participate in the work
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s
occupational health and safety
CHCP&R1A Participate in policy
CHCCM1A Undertake case management
CHCCWI1A Operate under a case work
CHCGROUP2A Support group activities
CHCNET1A Participate in networks
Electives from Other Community Services Sectors
CHCYTH1A Work effectively with young people
CHCYTH2A Provide appropriate assistance to young people
CHCCHILD2A Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 8
Elective 5
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 14
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed
(see introduction regarding new units and customisation)
Child Protection, Juvenile Justice and Statutory Supervision specialisations
Compulsory Elective
CHCPROT4A Prepare for Court Processes
CHCPROT5A Provide protective service
CHCPROT6A Facilitate court orders
CHCPROT7A Provide supervision and security
CHCPROT8A Establish care and protection
for people in situations of specific
CHCPROT9A Provide primary care
CHCPROT10A Identify, design and deliver
programs for court orders
CHCPROT11A Provide for care and protection of
clients in specific need
CHCCHILD1A Work within legislative and ethical
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN3A Undertake administrative work
CHCCOM3A Utilise specialist communication
CHCCS2A Deliver and develop client
CHCINF2A Maintain organisation’s
information systems
CHCNET2A Establish and maintain
effective networks
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s
occupational health and safety
CHCORG5A Maintain an Effective Work
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCCD1A Work with the community
CHCCD2A Provide community education
CHCCD3A Meet the Information needs of
the community
CHCCM2A Establish, implement and monitor a
case management strategy
CHCCWI2A Implement a case work strategy
CHCGROUP3A Plan and conduct group activities
CHCP&R2A Contribute to policy
CHCP&R3A Undertake research activities
BSZ404A Train small groups
Electives from Other Community Services Sectors
CHCYTH3A Support young people to take collective action
CHCYTH4A Assist young people in responding to crisis
CHCCHILD1A Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 7
Elective 4
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 12
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed
(see introduction regarding new units and customisation)
Child Protection, Juvenile Justice and Statutory Supervision Specialisations
Compulsory Elective
CHCPROT12A Co-ordinate work integrating
statutory requirements and
CHCCHILD2A Support the rights and safety of children
within duty of care requirements
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCCOM4A Develop, implement and
promote effective
Communication techniques
CHCCS3A Coordinate the provision of
client services
CHCINF3A Coordinate information
CHCNET3A Develop new networks
CHCORG6A Co-ordinate the work
CHCORG17A Implement and monitor
occupational health and safety
policies, procedures and
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients 1
CHCCD4A Develop and implement community
CHCCD5A Develop information and community
CHCCM3A Develop, facilitate and monitor
all aspects of case
CHCCWI3A Work with clients intensively
CHCGROUP3A Plan and conduct group activities
CHCP&R4A Develop and implement policy
CHCP&R5A Manage Research Activities
BSZ404A Train small groups
*BSZ401A Plan assessment
*BSZ402A Conduct assessment
*BSZ403A Review assessment
**BSZ405A Plan and promote a training program
**BSZ406A Plan a series of training programs
**BSZ407A Deliver training sessions
**BSZ408A Review training
Electives from Other Community Services Sectors
CHCYTH 5A Manage youth programs
CHCYTH 6A Provide appropriate services for young people
CHCYTH 7A Respond to critical situations including risk of violence
CHCSD10A Develop new approaches for providing service
* These 3 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
** These 4 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 8
Elective 5
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 14
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed
(see introduction regarding new units and customisation)
Child Protection, Juvenile Justice and Statutory Supervision Specialisations
Compulsory Elective
CHCPROT13A Manage and Interpret
Statutory Requirements and
CHCCHILD2A Support the rights and safety of
children within duty of care
CHCPROT14A Develop Protocols for Operating
within a Statutory Environment
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN4A Manage the organisation’s
finances, accounts and
CHCCOM4A Develop, implement and
promote effective communication
CHCCS4A Manage the delivery of quality
client service
CHCINF4A Manage the organisation’s
information systems
CHCINF5A Meet statutory and
organisational requirements
CHCORG7A Manage workplace issues
CHCORG17A Implement and monitor
occupational health and safety
policies, procedures and
CHCCD6A Establish and develop
community organisations
CHCCM4A Promote high quality case
management practice
CHCORG8A Establish and manage new
programs or services
CHCORG9A Manage projects and strategies
CHCORG11A Lead and develop others
CHCORG12A Review organisational
CHCORG13A Manage organisational strategic and
business planning
CHCORG14A Manage a service
CHCORG15A Promote the organisation
CHCORG16A Manage training
CHCP&R6A Co-ordinate policy development
*BSZ401A Plan assessment
*BSZ402A Conduct assessment
*BSZ403A Review assessment
**BSZ405A Plan and promote a training program
**BSZ406A Plan a series of training programs
**BSZ407A Deliver training sessions
**BSZ408A Review training
Electives from Other Community Services Sectors
CHCYTH8A Manage Service Response to Young People in Crisis
CHCDS10A Develop new approaches for providing service
* These 3 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
** These 4 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 7
Electives 2
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 10
Optional Units
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
Children’s Services Specialisation
Compulsory Elective
CHCCN1A Maintain a healthy and safe
CHCCN2A Provide physical care
CHCICAA Communicate with children
CHCCHILD1A Work within legislative and ethical
CHCFC1A Support the development of children
in the service
CHCCNAA Support babies needs**
CHCCN4A Respond to illness, accidents and
CHCCN7A Foster children’s self help skills
CHCIC1A Interact positively with children
CHCIC2A Guide children’s behaviour
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s occupational
health and safety policies
CHCORG2A Work with others
CHCCOM1A Communicate with people accessing
the services of the organisation
CHCADMIN1A Undertake basic administrative
** compulsory units for Centre Based care workers
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
NOTE: If prerequisites are required for units of competency in this qualification they are identified in the content of
the units themselves
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 12
Electives 4
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 17
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
Children’s Services Specialisation
Compulsory Elective
CHCFC1A Support the development of children
CHCCN4A Respond to illness, accidents and
CHCCN6A Travel with children safely
CHCCN7A Foster children’s self help skills
CHCIC1A Interact positively with children
CHCIC2A Guide children’s behaviour
CHCIC4A Work collaboratively with children
CHCRF1A Communicate with family members
about their child
CHCPR1A Facilitate play and leisure
CHCPR2A Organise experiences for children
CHCPR3A Observe children
CHCAL7A Fulfil Family Day Care
administration requirements ##
CHCFC2A Foster the physical development of
CHCFC3A Foster the social development of
children ++
CHCFC4A Foster the emotional and
psychological development of
CHCCNAA Support babies needs ##**
CHCCN3A Prepare food ##
CHCCN5A Support the emotional wellbeing of
babies/infants **
CHCCN10A Support the emotional needs of
children ##
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCORG3A Participate in the work environment
CHCADMIN2A Provide administrative support
CHCGROUP2A Support group activities ++
** compulsory units for Centre Based care workers
++ compulsory units for Out of School Hours Care workers
## compulsory units for Family Day Care workers
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
NOTE: If prerequisites are required for units of competency in this qualification they are identified in the content of
the units themselves
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 3
Electives 9
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 13
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
Children’s Services Specialisations
Compulsory Elective
CHCFC2A Foster the physical development of children
CHCFC3A Foster the social development of children
CHCFC4A Foster the emotional and psychological
development of children
CHCFC5A Foster children’s cognitive
CHCFC6A Foster children’s language
CHCFC7A Foster children’s aesthetic and
creative development
CHCFC20A Promote the ethical understandings
of children
CHCCNAA Support babies needs ** ##
CHCCN3A Prepare food ##
CHCCN5A Support the emotional wellbeing of
babies/infants ## **
CHCCN8A Plan care routines ##
CHCCN10A Support the emotional needs of
children **##
CHCIC14A Facilitate children’s communication
skills ++
CHCRF11A Work in partnership with families to
care for the child ##
CHCPR4A Provide opportunities and
experiences to enhance children’s
development** ##
CHCPR5A Enhance children’s play and leisure
CHCPR9A Use observations and records
CHCPR10A Facilitate the design of programs of
the service
CHCPR11A Coordinate the implementation of
CHCPR12A Monitor and evaluate programs
CHCAL7A Fulfil Family Day Care
administration requirements ##
CHCCHILD2A Support the rights and safety of
children within duty of care
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN2A Provide administrative support
CHCADMIN3A Undertake administrative work
CHCCD3A Meet information needs of the
CHCGROUP2A Support group activities ++
CHCGROUP3A Plan and conduct group
** compulsory units for Centre Based care workers
++ compulsory units for Out of School Hours care workers
## compulsory units for Family Day Care workers
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Note 1: If prerequisites are required for units of competency in this qualification they are identified in the content
of the units themselves.
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 15
Electives 13
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 29
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
Children’s Services Specialisation
Compulsory Elective
CHCFC5A Foster children’s cognitive
CHCFC6A Foster children’s language
CHCFC7A Foster children’s aesthetic and creative
CHCCN8A Plan care routines
CHCCN10A Support the emotional needs of
CHCCN11A Guide the establishment and
maintenance of a safe environment
CHCIC10A Establish plans for developing
responsible behaviour
CHCIC11A Implement and promote inclusive
practices and policies
CHCIC12A Plan the inclusion of children with
additional needs
CHCIC14A Facilitate children’s communication
CHCPR4A Provide opportunities and experiences
to enhance children’s development
CHCPR5A Enhance children’s play and leisure
CHCPR9A Use observations and records
CHCCHILD2A Support the rights and safety of
children within duty of care
CHCSD10A Develop new approaches for providing
CHCFC10A Enhance the emotional and
psychological development of
CHCFC11A Enhance the development of
children’s language
CHCFC20A Promote the ethical understandings
of children
CHCCN3A Prepare food **##
CHCCN5A Support the emotional well being of
babies/infants **##^^
CHCCN20A Advocate for the rights and needs of
children ##^^
CHCRF11A Work in partnership with families to
care for the child **++##
CHCPR10A Facilitate the design of programs for
the service ** ++ ^^
CHCPR11A Coordinate the implementation of
programs **++
CHCPR12A Monitor and evaluate programs **
++ ^^
CHCPR13A Facilitate the development of
programs for children with additional
needs ** ++ ^^
CHCPR14A Observe children and interpret
observations ##^^**
CHCAL7A Fulfil Family Day Care
administration requirements ^^##
CHCRF21A Promote equity in access to the
CHCRF23A Respond to problems and
complaints about the service
CHCSD12A Act as a resource to workers ^^
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
None CHCADMIN2A Provide administrative support
CHCADMIN3A Undertake administrative work
CHCINF2A Maintain organisation’s
information system ++##
CHCORG5A Maintain an effective work
environment **
CHCORG7A Manage workplace issues ** ^^
CHCORG17A Implement and monitor
Occupational health & safety
policies, procedures and
programs **++^^
CHCGROUP2A Support group activities ##
CHCGROUP3A Plan and conduct group
activities ++
CHCCD3A Meet information needs of the
community** ++
CHCCD7A Support community resources
BSZ404A Train small groups ^^
*BSZ401A Plan assessment
*BSZ402A Conduct assessment
*BSZ403A Review assessment
** compulsory units for Centre Based care workers
++ compulsory units for Out of School Hours Care workers
## compulsory units for Family Day Care providers
^^ compulsory units family Day Care field workers
* These 3 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Note 1: If prerequisites are required for units of competency in this qualification they are identified in the content
of the units themselves.
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 15
Electives 12
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 28
Optional competencies
elective units at this level
compulsory units at the Diploma level
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
Children’s Services Specialisation
Compulsory Elective
CHCIC11A Implement and promote inclusive policies
and practices
CHCIC12A Plan the inclusion of children with
additional needs
CHCIC14A Facilitate children’s communication skills
CHCRF11A Work in partnership with families to care
for the child
CHCRF23A Respond to problems and complaints
about the service
CHCPR10A Facilitate the design of programs of the
CHCPR12A Monitor and evaluate programs
CHCPR13A Facilitate the development of programs
for children with additional needs
CHCSD12A Act as a resource to workers
CHCAL7A Fulfil Family Day Care
administration requirements ##
CHCAL23A Manage Family Day Care
CHCCN3A Prepare food
CHCCN5A Support the emotional wellbeing of
babies/infants **
CHCCN20A Advocate for the rights and needs of
children **##
CHCFC10A Enhance the emotional and
psychological development of
CHCFC11A Enhance the development of
children’s language
CHCFC20A Promote the ethical understandings
of children
CHCIC20A Manage complex behavioural
CHCPR11A Coordinate the implementation of
programs **##
CHCPR14A Observe children and interpret
CHCRF21A Promote equity and access to the
CHCRF22A Plan child care provision with
families++ ##
CHCRF23A Respond to problems and
complaints about the service
CHCRF24A Support parents in their parenting
CHCSD11A Facilitate the inclusion of children
with additional needs
CHCSD24A Develop a model for the service
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCCD3A Meet information needs of the
CHCCD7A Support Community resources
CHCCOM4A Develop, implement and promote
effective communication techniques
CHCINF2A Maintain organisation’s information
CHCORG5A Maintain an effective work environment
CHCORG7A Manage workplace issues
CHCORG11A Lead and develop others
CHCORG17A Implement and monitor occupational
health and safety policies, procedures
and programs
CHCORG19A Develop and maintain the quality of
service outcomes
CHCADMIN3A Undertake administrative work**
CHCADMIN4A Manage the organisation’s
finances, accounts and
CHCINF3A Coordinate information systems
CHCGROUP2A Support group activities ++
CHCGROUP3A Plan and conduct group
activities ++
CHCNET2A Maintain effective networks ++
CHCCD1A Support community participation
CHCORG18A Establish, maintain and evaluate
the organisation’s occupational
health and safety system
CHCORG20A Promote and represent the
CHCORG21A Act as a resource to other
CHCP&R4A Develop and implement policy
BSZ404A Train small groups ##
*BSZ401A Plan assessment
*BSZ402A Conduct assessment
*BSZ403A Review assessment
***BSZ405A Plan and promote a training
***BSZ406A Plan a series of training
***BSZ407A Deliver training sessions
***BSZ408A Review training
** compulsory units for Centre Based care workers
++ compulsory units for Out of School Hours Care workers
## compulsory units for Family Day Care personnel
* These 3 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
*** These 4 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 9
Elective 2
Options 1
total number of units of competency 12
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Community Housing Specialisations
Compulsory Elective
CHCCH1A Orientation to work in the community housing
CHCCH2A Provide first point of contact
CHCCH3A Provide support
CHCCH4A Work with other services
CHCCH17A Respond to property
maintenance or purchase
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADM2A Provide administrative support
CHCCOM2A Communicate appropriately with clients
and colleagues
CHCCS1A Deliver and monitor service to clients
CHCINF1A Process and provide information
CHCORG3A Participate in the work environment
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s occupational
health and safety policies
CHCP&R1A Participate in policy development
CHCGROUP1A Support the activities of existing
CHCNET1A Participate in networks
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 10
Elective 4
Options 1
total number of units of competency 15
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Note 2. Units below coded PRD are from the Property Services Asset Development and Operations Training
Package and have mutual recognition with the Community Services Training Package
Community Housing Specialisations
Compulsory Elective
CHCCH1A Orientation to work in the Community
Housing sector
CHCCH3A Provide support
CHCCH4A Work with other services
PRDRE19A Provide property management
PRDRE14A Market property
PRDRE18A Lease property
CHCCH10A Manage and maintain tenancies
CHCCH11A Manage housing applications
CHCCH12A Manage housing allocations
CHCCH13A Manage tenancy rent
CHCCH14A Manage rental assistance process
CHCCH16A Manage vacant properties
PRDPD33A Undertake property inspection
CHCCH19A Manage property maintenance
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN3A Undertake administrative work
CHCCOM3A Utilise specialist communication skills
CHCCS2A Deliver and develop client service
CHCINF2A Maintain organisation’s information
CHCNET2A Maintain effective networks
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s occupational
health and safety policies
CHCORG5A Maintain an effective work environment
CHCP&R2A Contribute to policy development
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCCD1A Support community participation
CHCCD2A Provide community education
CHCCD3A Meet information needs of the
CHCGROUP3A Plan and conduct group
CHCP&R3A Undertake research activities
CHCCM1A Undertake case management
CHCCM2A Establish and monitor a case
CHCCWI1A Operate under a casework
CHCCWI2A Implement a casework strategy
BSZ404A Train Small Groups
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 12
Elective 4
Options 1
total number of units of competency 17
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Note 2. Units below coded PRD are from the Property Services Asset Development and Operations Training
Package and have mutual recognition with the Community Services Training Package.
Community Housing Specialisations
Compulsory Elective
CHCCH1A Orientation to work in the community
housing sector
CHCCH4A Work with other services
CHCCH5A Undertake systems advocacy
CHCCH6A Facilitate client participation in the
CHCCH7A Recruit and co-ordinate volunteers
CHCCH8A Represent the client in court
CHCCH9A Represent the organisation in
CHCCH20A Acquire properties by purchase or
PRDPD32A Provide facilities and amenities to
property users
CHCCH18A Manage property maintenance
PRDPD24A Develop a tenancy mix strategy
PRDRE29A Develop and implement a property
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCCOM4A Develop, implement and promote
effective communication techniques
CHCCS3A Coordinate the provision of client
services and programs
CHCINF5A Meet statutory and organisational
information requirements
CHCNET3A Develop new networks
CHCORG6A Coordinate the work environment
CHCORG17A Implement and monitor occupational
health and safety policies, procedures
and programs
CHCP&R4A Develop and implement policy
CHCP&R5A Manage research activities
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCCD5A Develop community resources
CHCGROUP2A Support group activities
CHCINF3A Coordinate information systems
CHCCM3A Develop, facilitate and monitor
all aspects of case management
*BSZ401A Plan assessment
*BSZ402A Conduct assessment
*BSZ403A Review assessment
**BSZ405A Plan and promote a training
**BSZ406A Plan a series of training
**BSZ407A Deliver training sessions
**BSZ408A Review training
* These 3 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
** These 4 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 15
Elective 4
Options 1
total number of units of competency 20
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Note 2. Units below coded PRD are from the Property Services Asset Development and Operations Training
Package and have mutual recognition with the Community Services Training Package
Community Housing Specialisations
Compulsory Elective
CHCCH1A Orientation to work in the community
housing sector
CHCCH4A Work with other services
CHCCH5A Undertake systems advocacy
CHCCH3A Provide support
PRDPD01A Develop a property investment strategy
PRDPD02A Determine opportunity and risk
associated with property investment
PRDPD03A Undertake a property investment
feasibility study
PRDPD04A Negotiate partnership arrangements
PRDPD07A Monitor performance of property
PRDPD08A Dispose of property
PRDPD14A Prepare a project design brief and
PRDPD15A Appoint and manage consultant project
PRDPD16A Administer project construction
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN4A Manage the organisation’s finances,
accounts and resources
CHCCOM4A Develop, implement and promote
effective communication techniques
CHCCS4A Manage the delivery of quality client
CHCINF4A Manage the organisation’s information
CHCORG7A Manage workplace issues
CHCORG9A Manage projects and strategies
CHCORG10A Manage organisational change
CHCORG11A Lead and develop others
CHCORG13A Manage organisational strategic and
business planning
CHCORG14A Manage a service organisation
CHCORG17A Implement and monitor occupational
health and safety policies, procedures
and programs
CHCP&R6A Coordinate policy development
CHCCD6A Establish and develop community
CHCCM5A Develop practice standards
CHCINF6A Manage information strategically
CHCORG8A Establish and manage new programs
or services
CHCORG12A Review organisational effectiveness
CHCORG15A Promote the organisation
CHCORG16A Manage training
CHCP&R7A Manage policy development
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 5
Elective 5 (one must be a Community Work
(CD) unit)
Optional 1
Total number of units of competency 11
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Community Work specialisation
Compulsory Elective
CHCCD12A Undertake work in the
community services industry
CHCCD7A Support community resources
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCORG1A Follow the organisation’s policies
procedures and programs
CHCORG2A Work with others
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s
occupational health and safety
CHCCOM1A Communicate with people
accessing the services of the
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCADMIN1A Undertake basic administrative
CHCCS5A Identify and address specific client
CHCGROUP1A Support the activities of existing
CHCGROUP2A Support group activities
Electives from Other Community Services Sectors
CHCAC3A Orientation to aged care work
CHCAOD1A Introduction to the alcohol and other drugs sector
CHCCH1A Orientation to work in the community housing sector
CHCDIS1A Orientation to disability work
CHCMH1A Orientation to work in the mental health sector
CHCPROT2A Operate within a statutory environment
CHCYTH1A Work effectively with young people
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 6
Elective 5 (one must be a Community Work
(CD) unit)
Optional 1
Total number of units of competency 12
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Community Work specialisation
Compulsory Elective
CHCCD12A Undertake work in the
community services industry
CHCCD7A Support community resources
CHCCD14A Implement a community development
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN2A Provide administrative support
CHCCOM2A Communicate appropriately with
clients and colleagues
CHCINF1A Process and provide information
CHCORG3A Participate in the work
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s
occupational health and safety
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCCM1A Undertake case management
CHCCS6A Assess and deliver services to clients
with complex needs
CHCCW11A Operate under a case work framework
CHCGROUP2A Support group activities
CHCNET1A Participate in networks
CHCP&R1A Participate in policy development
Electives from Other Community Services Sectors
CHCAC3A Orientation to aged care work
CHCAOD2A Orientation to the alcohol and other drugs sector
CHCCH1A Orientation to work in the community housing sector
CHCDIS1A Orientation to disability work
CHCMH1A Orientation to work in the mental health sector
CHCPROT2A Operate within a statutory environment
CHCYTH1A Work effectively with young people
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 8
Elective 4
Optional 1
Total number of units of competency 13
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Community Work specialisation
Compulsory Elective
CHCCD1A Support community participation
CHCCD12A Undertake work in the
community services industry
CHCCD2A Provide community education
CHCCD3A Meet information needs of the
CHCCD4A Develop and implement community
CHCCD5A Develop community resources
CHCCD13A Work within specific communities
CHCCD14A Implement a community development
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN3A Undertake administrative work
CHCCOM3A Utilise specialist communication
CHCINF2A Maintain organisation’s
information system
CHCNET2A Maintain effective networks
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s
occupational health and safety
CHCORG5A Maintain an effective work
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCCS6A Assess and deliver services to clients
with complex needs
CHCGROUP3A Plan and conduct group activities
CHCP&R2A Contribute to policy development
CHCP&R3A Undertake research activities
BSZ404A Train small groups
## recommended units for Community Development workers
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 10
Elective 4
Optional 1
Total number of units of competency 15
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Community Work specialisation
Compulsory Elective
CHCCD4A Develop and implement
community programs
CHCCD9A Support community leadership
CHCCD12A Undertake work in the
community services industry
CHCCD2A Provide community education programs
CHCCD5A Develop community resources
CHCCD6A Establish and develop community
CHCCD8A Support community action
CHCCD11A Provide advocacy and representation
CHCCD13A Work within specific communities
CHCCD15A Develop and implement a community
development strategy
CHCCD16A Undertake systems advocacy
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN3A Undertake administrative work
CHCCOM3A Utilise specialist communication
CHCCOM4A Develop, implement and
promote effective
communication techniques
CHCINF5A Meet statutory and
organisational information
CHCNET3A Develop new networks
CHCORG6A Coordinate the work
CHCORG17A Implement and monitor
occupational health and safety
policies, procedures and
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCADMIN4A Manage the organisation’s finances,
accounts and resources
CHCCM3A Develop, facilitate and monitor all
aspects of case management
CHCCS7A Coordinate the assessment and
delivery of services to clients with
particular needs
CHCGROUP3A Plan and conduct group activities
CHCINF3A Coordinate information systems
CHCP&R4A Develop and implement policy
CHCP&R5A Manage research activities
*BSZ401A Plan assessment
*BSZ402A Conduct assessment
*BSZ403A Review assessment
**BSZ405A Plan and promote a training program
**BSZ406A Plan a series of training programs
**BSZ407A Deliver training sessions
**BSZ408A Review training
## recommended units for Community Development workers
* These 3 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
** These 4 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 12
Elective 2
Optional 1
Total number of units of competency 15
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Community Work specialisation
Compulsory Elective
CHCCD10A Provide leadership
CHCCD12A Undertake work in the
community services industry
CHCCD6A Establish and develop community
CHCCD11A Provide advocacy and representation
CHCCD15A Develop and implement a community
development strategy **
CHCCD16A Undertake systems advocacy
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN4A Manage the organisation’s
finances, accounts and
CHCCOM3A Utilise specialist communication
CHCCOM4A Develop, implement and
promote effective
communication techniques
CHCINF4A Manage the organisation’s
information systems
CHCORG7A Manage workplace issues
CHCORG9A Manage projects and strategies
CHCORG11A Lead and develop others
CHCORG14A Manage a service organisation
CHCORG17A Implement and monitor
occupational health and safety
policies, procedures and
CHCP&R6A Coordinate policy development
CHCCM4A Promote high quality case
CHCCM5A Develop practice standards
CHCCS7A Coordinate the assessment and
delivery of services to clients with
particular needs
CHCINF5A Manage statutory and organisation
information requirements
CHCINF6A Manage information strategically
CHCORG10A Manage organisational change
CHCORG12A Review organisational effectiveness
CHCORG13A Manage organisational strategic and
business planning
CHCORG15A Promote the organisation
CHCORG16A Manage training
CHCORG8A Establish and manage new programs
or services
CHCP&R7A Manage policy development
*BSZ401A Plan assessment
*BSZ402A Conduct assessment
*BSZ403A Review assessment
** recommended units for Community Development workers
* These 3 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 6
Elective 4 (one must be a disability unit)
Optional 1
Total number of units of competency 11
Optional competencies
Elective units at this or higher levels
Compulsory units at higher levels
Units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
Enterprise specific units
Note 1: One elective unit in CHC20599 Certificate II in Community Services (Disability Work) is
equivalent to 4 Ancillary/Support units. The relevant Ancillary/Support units are listed on the next page.
Note 2: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation).
Disability specialisation competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCDIS1A Orientation to disability work CHCDIS3A Provide services to people with
CHCDIS5A Contribute to positive learning
CHCDIS8A Support people with disabilities
as workers
CHCDIS10A Provide care and support
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCCOM1A Communicate with people
accessing the services of the
CHCCS0A Deliver service to clients
CHCORG1A Follow the organisation’s
policies procedures and
CHCORG2A Work with others
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s
occupational health and safety
CHCADMIN1A Undertake basic administrative
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCCD7A Support community resources
CHCCD12A Undertake work in the community
services industry
CHCCOM2A Communicate appropriately with
clients and colleagues
CHCCS5A Identify and address specific
client needs
CHCGROUP1A Support the activities of existing
CHCGROUP2A Support group activities
CHCNET1A Participate in networks
Electives from Other Community Services Sectors
CHCAC1A Provide care support to aged people
CHCAC2A Assist with aged people’s personal needs
CHCAC3A Orientation to aged care work
CHCAC4A Assist in the provision of an appropriate environment
CHCAC5A Contribute to service delivery strategy
CHCAOD1A Introduction to the alcohol and other drugs sector
CHCCH1A Orientation to work in the community housing sector
CHCMH1A Orientation to work in the mental health sector
CHCPROT2A Operate within a statutory environment
CHCYTH1A Work effectively with young people
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Electives from Ancillary/Support Units
Cleaning services
PRMCL01A Maintain hard floor surfaces
PRMCL03A Replace hard floor finish
PRMCL04A Maintain soft floors
PRMCL05A Remove stains and spillages from soft floors
PRMCL07A Remove dirt and soil from soft floors or fabric upholstery
PRMCL09A Wash and squeegee glass surfaces to remove all visible dirt and grime
PRMCL10A Maintain ceiling surfaces and fittings
PRMCL12A Wash external surfaces to remove all visible dirt and grime
PRMCL13A Undertake detailed clean of window coverings to remove all dirt and
PRMCL14A Maintain a clean room environment with no traces of visible dust
PRMCL15A Maintain furniture and fittings and dress an area or room
PRMCL11A Spot clean external surfaces to remove all visible marks
PRMCL17A Maintain wet area in an odour free, soil and hazard free condition
PRMCL19A Remove waste to maintain a tidy environment/area
Client/patient services
CHCCPS2A Handle and transport goods
CHCCPS3A Prepare a bed for occupancy
CHCCPS6A Transport specimens and deceased persons
Food services
CHCFP1A Present food
CHCFP4A Prepare appetisers, salads and sandwiches
CHCT2A Receive, transport and store food in a safe and hygienic manner
CHCT7A Wash dishes
CHCT8A Deliver food/beverages
CHCT9A Collect meal trays/beverage utensils
CHCT10A Support food services in menu processing
CHCT11A Provide support to clinical/nutrition services
CHCT12A Assist client/patient with nutrition care
Laundry services
LMXPRLAU-01A Collect, receive and sort product
LMXPRLAU-08A Repair damaged products
LMXPRLAU-02A Operate washing machines
LMXPRLAU-04A Perform linen rewash
LMXPRLAU-06A Perform conditioning and/or drying processes
LMXPRDCG-04 A Operate dry cleaning machines
LMXPRDCG-05 A Operate wet cleaning machines
LMXPRDCG-06A Operate finishing equipment
CHCOD9A Perform pre and post spotting
LMXPRDCG-10 A Prepare products for storage or dispatch
LMXPRLAU-11A Coordinate and process products for storage/dispatch
CHCPSD4A Process linen
The Ancillary / Support Work units of competency are included in a separate document titled Selected
Ancillary / Support Work Standards for the Community Services Training Package
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 6
Elective 5 (one must be a disability unit)
Optional 2
Total number of units of competency 13
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: One elective unit in CHC30799 Certificate III in Community Services (Disability Work) is
equivalent to 4 Ancillary/Support units. The relevant Ancillary/Support units are listed over the page.
Note 2: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Disability specialisation
Compulsory Elective
CHCDIS1A Orientation to disability work CHCDIS3A Provide services to people with
CHCDIS5A Contribute to positive learning
CHCDIS8A Support people with disabilities as
CHCDIS9A Maximise participation in work by people
with disabilities
CHCDIS10A Provide care and support
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCCOM2A Communicate appropriately with
clients and colleagues
CHCCS1A Deliver and monitor service to
CHCINF1A Process and provide information
CHCORG3A Participate in the work
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s
occupational health and safety
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCADMIN2A Provide administrative support
CHCCD7A Support community resources
CHCCD12A Undertake work in the community
services industry
CHCCM1A Undertake case management
CHCCOM3A Utilise specialist communication
CHCCS6A Assess and deliver services to
clients with complex needs
CHCCWI1A Operate under a case work
CHCGROUP2A Support group activities
CHCNET1A Participate in networks
CHCNET2A Maintain effective networks
CHCP&R1A Participate in policy development
BSZ404A Train small groups
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Specialisation Electives from Other Community Services Sectors
CHCAC1A Provide care support to the aged people
CHCAC2A Assist with aged people’s personal needs
CHCAC3A Orientation to aged care work
CHCAC4A Assist in the provision of an appropriate environment
CHCAC5A Contribute to service delivery strategy
CHCAC12A Provide services to meet aged peoples personal needs
CHCAOD2A Orientation to the alcohol and other drugs sector
CHCCH1A Orientation to work in the community housing sector
CHCMH1A Orientation to work in the mental health sector
CHCPROT2A Operate within a statutory environment
CHCYTH1A Work effectively with young people
Electives from Ancillary/Support Units
Cleaning services
PRMCL01A Maintain hard floor surfaces
PRMCL03A Replace hard floor finish
PRMCL04A Maintain soft floors
PRMCL05A Remove stains and spillages from soft floors
PRMCL07A Remove dirt and soil from soft floors or fabric upholstery
PRMCL09A Wash and squeegee glass surfaces to remove all visible dirt and grime
PRMCL10A Maintain ceiling surfaces and fittings
PRMCL12A Wash external surfaces to remove all visible dirt and grime
PRMCL13A Undertake detailed clean of window coverings to remove all dirt and
PRMCL14A Maintain a clean room environment with no traces of visible dust
PRMCL15A Maintain furniture and fittings and dress an area or room
PRMCL11A Spot clean external surfaces to remove all visible marks
PRMCL17A Maintain wet area in an odour free, soil and hazard free condition
PRMCL19A Remove waste to maintain a tidy environment/area
Client/patient services
CHCCPS2A Handle and transport goods
CHCCPS3A Prepare a bed for occupancy
CHCCPS6A Transport specimens and deceased persons
Food services
CHCFP1A Present food
CHCFP4A Prepare appetisers, salads and sandwiches
CHCT2A Receive, transport and store food in a safe and hygienic manner
CHCT7A Wash dishes
CHCT8A Deliver food/beverages
CHCT9A Collect meal trays/beverage utensils
CHCT10A Support food services in menu processing
CHCT11A Provide support to clinical/nutrition services
CHCT12A Assist client/patient with nutrition care
Laundry services
LMXPRLAU-01A Collect, receive and sort product
LMXPRLAU-08A Repair damaged products
LMXPRLAU-02A Operate washing machines
LMXPRLAU-04A Perform linen rewash
LMXPRLAU-06A Perform conditioning and/or drying processes
LMXPRDCG-04 A Operate dry cleaning machines
LMXPRDCG-05 A Operate wet cleaning machines
LMXPRDCG-06A Operate finishing equipment
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
CHCOD9A Perform pre and post spotting
LMXPRDCG-10 A Prepare products for storage or dispatch
LMXPRLAU-11A Coordinate and process products for storage/dispatch
CHCPSD4A Process linen
The Ancillary / Support Work units of competency are included in a separate document titled Selected
Ancillary / Support Work Standards for the Community Services Training Package.
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 9
Elective 4
Optional 1
Total number of units of competency 14
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Disability specialisation
Compulsory Elective
CHCDIS1A Orientation to disability work
CHCDIS2A Maintain an environment
designed to empower people
with disabilities
CHCDIS3A Provide services to people with
CHCDIS4 Design procedures for support
CHCDIS6A Plan and implement community
CHCDIS7A Design and adapt surroundings to
group requirements
CHCDIS9A Maximise participation in work by
people with disabilities
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCCOM3A Utilise specialist communication
CHCCS2A Deliver and develop client
CHCINF2A Maintain organisation’s
information systems
CHCNET2A Maintain effective networks
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s
occupational health and safety
CHCORG5A Maintain an effective work
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCADMIN3A Undertake administrative work
CHCCD1A Support community participation
CHCCD2A Provide community education
CHCCD3A Meet information needs of the
CHCCD4A Develop and implement community
CHCCD5A Develop community resources
CHCCS6A Assess and deliver services to
clients with complex needs
CHCGROUP3A Plan and conduct group activities
CHCP&R2A Contribute to policy
CHCP&R3A Undertake research activities
BSZ404A Train small groups
**BSZ405A Plan and promote a training program
**BSZ406A Plan a series of training programs
**BSZ407A Deliver training sessions
**BSZ408A Review training
** These 4 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 9
Elective 6
Optional 1
Total number of units of competency 16
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Disability specialisation
Compulsory Elective
CHCDIS11A Coordinate work in the
disability sector
CHCDIS2A Maintain an environment designed to
empower people with disabilities
CHCDIS4A Design procedures for support
CHCDIS7A Design and adapt surrounding to
group requirements
CHCDIS9A Maximise participation in work by
people with disabilities
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN3A Undertake administrative work
CHCCOM3A Utilise specialist communication
CHCCOM4A Develop, implement and
promote effective
communication techniques
CHCCS3A Coordinate the provision of
services and programs
CHCINF5A Meet statutory and
organisational information
CHCNET3A Develop new networks
CHCORG17A Implement and monitor
occupational health and safety
policies, procedures and
CHCORG6A Coordinate the work
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCADMIN4A Manage the organisation’s finances,
accounts and resources
CHCCD2A Provide community education
CHCCD4A Develop and implement community
CHCCD5A Develop community resources
CHCCM3A Develop, facilitate and monitor all
aspects of case management
CHCCS7A Coordinate the assessment
and delivery of services to clients with
particular needs
CHCGROUP3A Plan and conduct group activities
CHCINF3A Coordinate information systems
CHCP&R4A Develop and implement policy
CHCP&R5A Manage research activities
*BSZ401A Plan assessment
*BSZ402A Conduct assessment
*BSZ403A Review assessment
**BSZ405A Plan and promote a training program
**BSZ406A Plan a series of training programs
**BSZ407A Deliver training sessions
**BSZ408A Review training
* These 3 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
** These 4 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 9
Elective 5
Optional 1
Total number of units of competency 15
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Disability specialisation
Compulsory Elective
CHCDIS11A Coordinate work in the
disability sector
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN4A Manage the organisation’s
finances, accounts and
CHCCOM3A Utilise specialist communication
CHCCOM4A Develop, implement and
promote effective
communication techniques
CHCCS4A Manage the delivery of quality
client service
CHCINF4A Manage the organisation’s
information systems
CHCORG7A Manage workplace issues
CHCORG11A Lead and develop others
CHCORG17A Implement and monitor
occupational health and safety
policies, procedures and
CHCCD6A Establish and develop community
CHCCM4A Promote high quality case
CHCCM5A Develop practice standards
CHCCS7A Coordinate the assessment and
delivery of services to clients with
particular needs
CHCINF5A Manage statutory and organisation
information requirements
CHCINF6A Manage information strategically
CHCORG9A Manage projects and strategies
CHCORG10A Manage organisational change
CHCORG12A Review organisational effectiveness
CHCORG13A Manage organisational strategic
and business planning
CHCORG14A Manage a service organisation
CHCORG15A Promote the organisation
CHCORG16A Manage training
CHCORG8A Establish and manage new
programs or services
CHCP&R6A Coordinate policy development
CHCP&R7A Manage policy development
*BSZ401A Plan assessment
*BSZ402A Conduct assessment
*BSZ403A Review assessment
* These 3 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 10
Elective 2
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 13
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Mental Health specialisations
Compulsory competencies Elective competencies
CHCMH1A Orientation to work in the mental health
CHCMH2A Provide first point of contact
CHCMH3A Provide support
CHCMH5A Work with other services
Common competencies
Compulsory competencies Elective competencies
CHCADMIN2A Provide administrative support
CHCCOM2A Communicate appropriately with clients
and colleagues
CHCCS1A Deliver and monitor service to clients
CHCINF1A Process and provide information
CHCNET1A Participate in networks
CHCORG3A Participate in the work environment
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s occupational
health and safety policies
CHCP&R1A Participate in policy development
CHCGROUP2A Support group activities
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 10
Elective 2
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 13
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Mental Health specialisations
Compulsory competencies Elective competencies
CHCMH1A Orientation to work in the mental health
CHCMH3A Provide support
CHCMH5A Work with other services
Common competencies
Compulsory competencies Elective competencies
CHCADMIN3A Undertake administrative work
CHCCOM3A Utilise specialist communication skills
CHCCS2A Deliver and develop client service
CHCINF2A Maintain organisation’s information
CHCNET2A Maintain effective networks
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s occupational
health and safety policies
CHCORG5A Maintain an effective work environment
CHCP&R2A Contribute to policy development
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCCD1A Support community participation
CHCCD2A Provide community education
CHCCD3A Meet information needs of the
CHCCD5A Develop community resources
CHCGROUP3A Plan and conduct group activities
CHCP&R3A Undertake research activities
BSZ404A Train small groups
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 10
Elective 2
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 13
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Mental Health specialisations
Compulsory competencies Elective competencies
CHCMH1A Orientation to work in the mental health
CHCMH4A Provide services
CHCMH5A Work with other services
CHCMH6A Undertake systems advocacy
Common competencies
Compulsory competencies Elective competencies
CHCCOM4A Develop, implement and promote
effective communication techniques
CHCCS3A Coordinate the provision of services and
CHCINF5A Meet Statutory and organisational
information requirements
CHCNET3A Develop new networks
CHCORG6A Coordinate the work environment
CHCORG17A Implement and monitor occupational
health and safety policies, procedures
and programs
CHCP&R4A Develop and implement policy
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCCD2A Provide community education
CHCCD4A Develop and implement
community programs
CHCCD5A Develop community resources
CHCGROUP3A Plan and conduct group activities
CHCINF3A Coordinate information systems
CHCP&R5A Manage research activities
*BSZ401A Plan assessment
*BSZ402A Conduct assessment
*BSZ403A Review assessment
**BSZ405A Plan and promote a training
**BSZ406A Plan a series of training
**BSZ407A Deliver training sessions
**BSZ408A Review training
* These 3 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
** These 4 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 15
Elective 2
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 18
Optional competencies
elective units at this level
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Mental Health specialisations
Compulsory competencies Elective competencies
CHCMH1A Orientation to work in the mental health
CHCMH5A Work with other services
CHCMH6A Undertake systems advocacy
CHCMH4A Provide services
Common competencies
Compulsory competencies Elective competencies
CHCADMIN4A Manage the organisation’s finances,
accounts and resources
CHCCOM4A Develop, implement and promote
effective communication techniques
CHCCS4A Manage the delivery of quality client
CHCINF4A Manage the organisation’s information
CHCORG7A Manage workplace issues
CHCORG8A Establish and manage new programs or
CHCORG9A Manage projects and strategies
CHCORG11A Lead and develop others
CHCORG13A Manage organisational strategic and
business planning
CHCORG14A Manage a service organisation
CHCORG17A Implement and monitor occupational
health and safety policies, procedures
and programs
CHCP&R6A Coordinate policy development
CHCCD6A Establish and develop community
CHCCM5A Develop practice standards
CHCINF6A Manage information strategically
CHCORG10A Manage organisational change
CHCORG12A Review organisational
CHCORG15A Promote the organisation
CHCORG16A Manage training
CHCP&R7A Manage policy development
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 10
Elective 3
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 14
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed
(see introduction regarding new units and customisation).
Youth Specialisation units
Compulsory Elective
CHCYTH1A Work effectively with young people
CHCYTH2A Provide appropriate assistance to
young people
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN2A Provide administrative support
CHCCOM2A Communicate appropriately with
clients and colleagues
CHCCS1A Deliver and monitor services to
CHCCS2A Deliver and develop client service
CHCINF1A Process and provide information
CHCORG3A Participate in the work
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s
occupational health and safety
CHCP&R1A Participate in policy development
CHCCM1A Undertake case management
CHCCWI1A Operate under a case work
CHCGROUP2A Support group activities
CHCNET1A Participate in networks
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 10
Elective 4
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 15
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed (see introduction
regarding new units and customisation)
Youth Specialisation units
Compulsory Elective
CHCYTH3A Support young people to take
collective action
CHCYTH4A Assist young people in responding
to crisis
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN3A Undertake administrative work
CHCCOM3A Utilise specialist communication
CHCCS2A Deliver and develop client service
CHCCS3A Coordinate the provision of
services and programs
CHCINF2A Maintain organisation’s information
CHCNET2A Establish and maintain effective
CHCORG4A Follow the organisation’s
occupational health and safety
CHCORG5A Maintain an effective work
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCCD1A Support community participation
CHCCD2A Provide community education
CHCCD3A Meet the information needs of the
CHCCM2A Establish, implement and monitor a
case management strategy
CHCCWI2A Implement a case work strategy
CHCGROUP3A Plan and conduct group activities
CHCP&R2A Contribute to policy development
CHCP&R3A Undertake research activities
BSZ404A Train small groups
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 8
Elective 4
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 13
Optional competencies
elective units at this or higher levels
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed
(see introduction regarding new units and customisation)
Youth specialisation units
Compulsory Elective
CHCYTH6A Provide appropriate services for
young people
CHCYTH7A Respond to critical situations
including risk of violence
CHCYTH5A Manage youth programs
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCCOM4A Develop, implement and promote
effective communication
CHCCS3A Co-ordinate the provision of
services and programs
CHCINF3A Co-ordinate information systems
CHCORG6A Co-ordinate the work environment
CHCORG17A Implement and monitor
occupational health and safety
policies, procedures and programs
CHCNET3A Develop new networks
CHCAD1A Advocate for clients
CHCCD4A Develop and implement community
CHCCD5A Develop community resources
CHCCM3A Develop, facilitate and monitor all
aspects of case management
CHCCWI3A Work with clients intensively
CHCGROUP3A Plan and conduct group activities
CHCORG9A Manage projects and strategies
CHCP&R2A Contribute to policy development
CHCP&R4A Develop and implement policy
CHCP&R5A Manage research activities
BSZ404A Train small groups
*BSZ401A Plan assessment
*BSZ402A Conduct assessment
*BSZ403A Review assessment
**BSZ405A Plan and promote a training program
**BSZ406A Plan a series of training programs
**BSZ407A Deliver training sessions
**BSZ408A Review training
* These 3 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
** These 4 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Packaging to gain a national qualification
Compulsory 8
Elective 5
Options 1
Total number of units of competency 14
Optional competencies
elective units at this level
compulsory units at higher levels
units from endorsed standards from this or other industries
enterprise specific units
Note 1: Where enterprise units are included as options, these must be nationally endorsed
(see introduction regarding new units and customisation)
Youth specialisation units
Compulsory Elective
CHCYTH8A Manage Service Response to
Young People in Crisis
CHCYTH 9A Develop and Implement Organisational
Procedures to Enable Young People to
Address their Circumstances
Common competencies
Compulsory Elective
CHCADMIN4A Manage the organisation’s
finances, accounts and resources
CHCCOM4A Develop, implement and promote
effective communication
CHCCS4A Manage the delivery of quality
client service
CHCIN4A Manage the organisation’s
information systems
CHCINF5A Meet statutory and organisational
CHCORG7A Manage workplace issues
CHCORG17A Implement and monitor
occupational health and safety
policies, procedures and programs
CHCCD6A Establish and develop community
CHCCM4A Promote high quality case
management practice
CHCORG 6A Establish and manage new programs
or services
CHCORG9A Manage projects and strategies
CHCORG11A Lead and develop others
CHCORG12A Review organisational effectiveness
CHCORG13A Manage organisational strategic and
business planning
CHCORG14A Manage a service organisation
CHCORG15A Promote the organisation
CHCORG16A Manage training
CHCP&R6A Coordinate policy development
*BSZ401A Plan assessment
*BSZ402A Conduct assessment
*BSZ403A Review assessment
**BSZ405A Plan and promote a training program
**BSZ406A Plan a series of training programs
**BSZ407A Deliver training sessions
**BSZ408A Review training
* These 3 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
** These 4 competencies are co-
requisite and count for one
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Appendix 1 Community Services Common Competencies
Table of Units and Elements
Code Title Elements
CHCAD1A Advocate for Clients 1. Assist clients to identify their rights and represent their own
2. Advocate on behalf of clients on request
3. Advocate for clients
CHCAD2A Support the interests,
rights and needs of
clients within duty of
care requirements
1. Provide support to client for the realisation of their interests,
rights and needs within job roles and responsibilities
2. Support and safeguard the interests and rights of clients
CHCADMIN1A Undertake basic
administrative duties
1. Organisational reporting procedures are followed
2. Use workplace equipment
CHCADMIN2A Provide administrative
1. Use and maintain equipment and machines
2. Meet administrative requirements
CHCADMIN3A Undertake
administrative work
1. Maintain accounts
2. Participate in budgeting processes
3. Operate equipment
4. Maintain equipment
5. Monitor equipment use and needs
CHCADMIN4A Manage the
Finances, Accounts
and Resources
1. Implement budget processes
2. Establish and implement systems for financial management
and reporting
3. Manage the use of funds
4. Develop and recommend funding options
5. Development and implement resourcing proposals to meet
operational needs
6. Monitor resource usage and performance
7. Manage property, equipment and stores
CHCCD1A Support community
1. Work with the community and individuals to promote
2. Support existing community activities
CHCCD2A Provide community
education programs
1. Develop the education program
2. Deliver the education program
3. Review the education program
CHCCD3A Meet information
needs of the
1. Identify Information requirements
2. Address Information requirements
CHCCD4A Develop and
Implement Community
1. Develop program parameters
2. Design programs with the community
3. Implement programs
4. Evaluate programs
CHCCD5A Develop community
1. Assess community resource requirements
2. Develop and acquire resources
3. Facilitate community access to resources
CHCCD6A Establish and Develop
1. Establish the need, purpose and philosophy for the
2. Review and develop organisational structures
3. Meet legal requirements to establish or develop the
4. Market and promote the organisation changes
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Code Title Elements
CHCCD7A Support community
1. Develop an information base
2. Establish relationship with key people
3. Apply strategies for linking people
4. Maintain community facilities and resources
CHCCD8A Support community
1. Respond to community needs
2. Support identified community needs
3. Evaluate effectiveness of community action
CHCCD9A Support community
1. Develop and maintain support mechanisms
2. Promote community leadership
3. Develop leadership skills
CHCCD10A Provide leadership 1. Develop effective leadership role
2. Provide direction
3. Promote community work and maintain quality service
CHCCD11A Provide advocacy and
1. Establish the representative role and process
2. Participate in decision making forums
3. Negotiate outcomes and liaise with key people
4. Evaluate effectiveness of strategies
CHCCD12A Undertake work in the
community services
1. Operate within a community development framework
2. Meet duty of care and legal responsibilities
3. Provide a non-discriminatory service
4. Work to address individual issues
CHCCD13A Work within specific
1. Define the issues of specific communities or groups
2. Undertake relevant work in the context of specific
communities or groups
3. Evaluate work undertaken within specific communities
CHCCD14A Implement a
development strategy
1. Work with individuals to identify issues
2. Work with individuals and groups to establish cooperative
3. Support group processes
CHCCD15A Develop and
implement a
development strategy
4. Establish and build group processes
5. Facilitate and maintain public processes
6. Implement organisational structures
CHCCD16A Undertake systems
1. Obtain analyse and document information relevant to the
needs of people
2. Work with stakeholders to develop strategies to address
identified needs
3. Advocate for and facilitate the implementation of strategies
developed to address specific needs
CHCCM1A Undertake case
1. Provide for client needs and monitor progress on a regular
2. Promote client’s development
CHCCM2A Establish and monitor
a case plan
1. Develop a case management plan
2. Define plan implementation procedures
3. Establish review and evaluation systems
CHCCM3A Develop, facilitate and
monitor all aspects of
case management
1. Conduct case management meetings
2. Develop an appropriate approach to case management
3. Develop an appropriate case management plan
4. Manage case work activities and processes
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Code Title Elements
CHCCM4A Promote high quality
case management
1. Provide a lead in case management practice
2. Provide Practice Advice on complex cases
CHCCM5A Develop practice
1. Promote practice standards
2. Provide case work consultancy to promote best practice
CHCCOM1A communicate with
people accessing the
services of the
1. Communicate with clients of the organisation appropriately
2. Present a positive image of the service to the public
CHCCOM2A Communicate
appropriately with
clients and colleagues
1. Exercise effective communication and techniques
2. Follow routine instructions
3. complete reports as required
CHCCOM3A Utilise specialist
communication skills
1. Meet specific communication needs of clients and colleagues
2. Conduct effective interviews with clients or staff
3. Contribute to the development of effective communication
4. Represent the organisation to a range of groups
5. Facilitate group discussions
CHCCOM4A Develop, implement
and promote effective
1. Contribute to the development of effective communication
2. Represent the organisation to a range of groups
3. Facilitate group discussions
4. Produce quality written materials
5. Conduct Interviews
CHCCS0A Deliver service to
1. Identify responsibilities within client service plan
2. Deliver client service
3. Respond to changes in client need
CHCCS1A Deliver and monitor
service to clients
1. Identify client needs
2. Deliver client service
3. Review client service
CHCCS2A Deliver and develop
client service
1. Target client services
2. Deliver client service
3. Develop and promote client services
CHCCS3A Coordinate the
provision of services
and programs
1. Analyse client needs
2. Provide and review client service
3. Plan and develop client service
CHCCS4A Manage the delivery
of quality client service
1. Coordinate services provided to clients
2. Plan client service delivery
3. Review client services
CHCCS5A Identify and address
specific client needs
1. Establish a Rapport with Clients
2. Extract and Analyse Information of Client Needs
3. Match Services to Client Needs
CHCCS6A Assess and deliver
services to clients with
complex needs
1. Assess and analyse client needs
2. Identify and provide for the delivery of services to meet client
3. Evaluate client service delivery
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Code Title Elements
CHCCM4A Promote high quality
case management
1. Provide a lead in case management practice
2. Provide practice advice on complex cases
CHCCWI 1A Operate under a case
work framework
1. Establish an appropriate working relationship with clients
2. Uphold the rights and responsibilities of clients
CHCCWI 2A Implement a case
work strategy
1. Establish an appropriate relationship with clients
2. Promote Preventive Strategies
3. Provide a specialist service to clients
CHCCWI 3A Work with clients
1. Provide high quality case work
2. Enlist specialist services
3. Establish transition processes
CHCGROUP1A Support the activities
of existing groups
1. Respond to requests for support from existing groups
2. Provide resources
CHCGROUP2A Support group
1. Identify the purpose of the group
2. Establish relationship with the group
3. Organise resources for group activities
CHCGROUP3A Plan and conduct
group activities
1. Address resourcing issues for group activities
2. Coordinate a group planning process
3. Manage group processes including responding to conflict
4. Evaluate group activities
CHCINF1A Process and provide
1. Process and prepare information
2. Store and maintain information
3. Provide information to promote access to services
CHCINF2A Maintain
information systems
1. Maintain accurate records
2. Handle organisational correspondence
3. Provide information as required
CHCINF3A Coordinate
information systems
1. Gather and record information
2. Prepare and present reports
3. Supervise processes for collection, use, storage and
dissemination of information
CHCINF4A Manage the
information systems
1. Identify and address information requirements
2. Supervise day to day processes for collection, use, storage
and dissemination of information
3. Establish and manage systems to record, store, process
and distribute information
4. Support and supervise the development of information and
educational resources
CHCINF5A Meet statutory and
1. Identify information requirements
2. Review options for systems to obtain information
3. Establish and manage systems to record and store
4. Support and supervise the development of information and
educational resources
5. Provide staff training
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Code Title Elements
CHCINF6A Manage information
1. Develop and implement strategies for collection, verification
and use of information to a achieve organisational objectives
2. Facilitate strategies for inter agency information sharing and
3. Monitor and upgrade organisation’s strategic management
of information
CHCNET1A Participate in
1. Identify and select appropriate networks
2. Make effective use of relevant networks
CHCNET2A Maintain effective
1. Develop cooperative working relationships and strategic
alliances with other organisations
2. Represent the organisation
3. Maintain networks
CHCNET3A Develop new
1. Develop and maintain appropriate networks
2. Reflect social and cultural awareness in developing and
maintaining networks
CHCORG1A Follow the
policies, procedures
and programs
1. Follow organisational guidelines
2. Work ethically
CHCORG2A Work with others 1. Plan own workload with supervisor
2. Communicate with others about work matters
3. Work cooperatively with others
CHCORG3A Participate in the
work environment
1. Contribute to the effective operation of the workgroup
2. Review and develop own work performance
3. Work cooperatively with others
4. Contribute to the development of policies, practices and
structures of an organisation
CHCORG4A Follow the
occupational health
and safety policies
1. Follow workplace procedures for hazard identification and
risk control
2. Contribute to the management of occupational health and
3. Utilise and implement strategies as directed to prevent
infection in the workplace
4. Utilise strategies to prevent stress overload
5. Work in a safe manner
CHCORG5A Maintain an effective
work environment
1. Work to achieve identified outcomes
2. Establish and maintain appropriate work relationships
3. Facilitate operation of the workgroup
4. Review and develop own performance
CHCORG6A Coordinate the work
1. Contribute to and promote effective work practices
2. Promote effective workplace relations
3. Facilitate work group activities
4. Develop and implement staffing processes as required
5. Advocate for workplace health and safety and fair
employment practices
CHCORG7A Manage workplace
1. Manage staff planning and recruitment
2. Manage work allocation
3. Evaluate workgroup effectiveness
4. Implement disciplinary and grievance procedures
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Code Title Elements
CHCORG8A Establish and
manage new
programs or services
1. Complete strategic planning activities
2. Manage implementation of new program or service
3. Establish and manage organisational and operational
4. Undertake appropriate evaluation and reporting
CHCORG9A Manage projects and
1. Consider the need and scope for the project/strategy
2. Prepare a project plan
3. Identify and acquire resources to make implementation of
project plan possible
4. Promote and advertise project/strategy
5. Manage implementation of project/strategy
6. Evaluate and report on project/strategy
CHCORG10A Manage
organisational change
1. Ensure practices of the organisation are appropriate
2. Respond to change in the community
3. Initiate and implement organisational change within a
planning framework
CHCORG11A Lead and develop
1. Provide leadership, direction and guidance to the
2. Maximise own performance outcomes
3. Manage effective work relationships
4. Manage and improve the performance of individuals
5. Support, participate and review group development
6. Support and develop managers
CHCORG12A Review organisational
1. Respond to the External Environment
2. Implement Continuous Improvement
3. Refocus the organisation/service
CHCORG13A Manage
strategic and
business planning
1. Formulate a strategic and business plan
2. Apply the strategic and business plan
CHCORG14A Manage a service
1. Coordinate organisational planning
2. Design and implement the structures and process of the
3. Implement evaluation processes
4. Enable organisation to meet legal requirements
5. Establish the profile of the organisation and market its
6. Give direction for the effective management of the
7. Manage changes in the organisation
CHCORG15A Promote the
1. Design and implement a promotional strategy
2. Monitor, evaluate and review the promotion strategy
CHCORG16A Manage training 1. Maintain training records
2. Report and advise on training
3. Manage training expenditure and resources
4. Maintain training activities within organisational and legal
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Code Title Elements
CHCORG17A Implement and
monitor occupational
health and safety
policies, procedures
and programs
1. Provide information to the work group about occupational
health and safety and the organisation’s occupational health
and safety policies, procedures and programs
2. Implement and monitor participative arrangements for the
management of occupational health and safety
3. Implement and monitor the organisation’s procedures for
identifying hazards and assessing and controlling risks
4. Implement the organisation’s procedures for dealing with
hazardous events
5. Implement and monitor the organisation’s procedures for
providing occupational health and safety training
6. Implement and monitor the organisation’s procedure for
maintaining occupational health and safety records
CHCORG18A Establish, maintain
and evaluate the
occupational health
and safety system
1. Establish and maintain the framework for the occupational
health and safety system in the area of responsibility
2. Establish and maintain participation arrangements for the
management of occupational health and safety
3. Establish and maintain procedures for identifying hazards
4. Establish and maintain procedures for assessing risks
5. Establish and maintain procedures for controlling risks
6. Establish and maintain organisational procedures for dealing
with hazardous events
7. Establish and maintain an occupational health and safety
training program
8. Establish and maintain a system for occupational health and
safety records
9. Evaluate the organisation’s occupational health and safety
system and related policies, procedures and programs
CHCORG19A Develop and maintain
the quality of service
1. Evaluate outcomes for clients accessing the service
2. Plan and implement changes/strategies to improve
3. Ensure client service standards and codes of practice are
4. Manage quality assurance processes
CHCORG20A Promote and
represent the service
1. Promote community awareness of the clients, their needs
and their importance
2. Promote the service to increase its profile in the community
3. Represent the service
4. Respond to negative publicity and perceptions, as required
CHCORG21A Act as a resource to
other services
1. Identify needs/issues in consultation with the service
2. Provide information and advice
3. Develop and implement models and strategies, in
consultation with the service
CHCP&R1A Participate in policy
1. Assist in the policy development of the organisation
2. Contribute to collection of data for research purposes
CHCP&R2A Contribute to policy
1. Review existing policies
2. Contribute to research for policy advice
3. Provide briefing materials on policy issues
4. Promote informed policy debate
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Code Title Elements
CHCP&R3A Undertake research
1. Prepare a research plan
2. Implement appropriate research strategies
3. Organise and analyse information
4. Report the findings of the research
CHCP&R4A Develop and
implement policy
1. Research and consult with others to develop policies
2. Test draft policies
3. Develop policy materials
4. Implement and review policies
CHCP&R5A Manage research
1. Initiate research efforts
2. Identify and acquire resources
3. Supervise research being undertaken
4. Interpret and act on analysis of research
CHCP&R6A Coordinate policy
1. Coordinate policy development
2. Monitor organisation policies
3. Provide policy advice
CHCP&R7A Manage policy
1. Identify future directions in organisational services
2. Manage policy development
3. Advocate for appropriate policy development
BSZ401A Plan assessment 1. Establish evidence required for a specific context
2. Establish suitable assessment method/s
3. Develop assessment tools appropriate to a specific
assessment context
4. Trial assessment procedure
BSZ402A Conduct assessment 1. Identify and explain the context of assessment
2. Plan evidence gathering opportunities
3. Organise assessment
4. Gather evidence
5. Make the assessment decision
6. Record assessment results
7. Provide feedback to persons being assessed
8. Report on the conduct of the assessment
BSZ403A Review assessment 1. Review the assessment procedure/s
2. Check consistency of assessment decision
3. Report review findings
BSZ404A Train small groups 1. Prepare for training
2. Deliver training
3. Provide opportunities for practices
4. Review training
BSZ405A Plan and promote a
training program
1. Identify the competency needs
2. Document training program requirements
3. Identify program resources
4. Promote training
BSZ406A Plan a series of
training sessions
1. Identify training requirements
2. Develop outlines of training sessions
3. Develop training materials
4. Develop training sessions
5. Arrange resources
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Code Title Elements
BSZ407A Deliver Training
1. Prepare training participants
2. Present training session
3. Facilitate individual and group learning
4. Provide opportunities for practice and feedback
5. Review delivery of training session
BSZ408A Review training 1. Record training data
2. Evaluate training
3. Report on training
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
APPENDIX 2 Community Services and Health National
Training Network
Community Services and Health Training Australia Ltd
Level 6 / 1 Oxford St GPO Box 9848
Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Sydney NSW 2001
Tel 02 9263 3589 Fax 02 9263 3599
http\\ Email: [email protected]
Australian National Training Authority (ANTA)
AMP Place Level 5
10 Eagle Street 321 Exhibition St
Tel 07 3246 2300 03 9630 9800
National Training Information Service (ANTA)
Centre for Vocational Assessment Research
Vocational Education & or Assessment Research Centre
Assessment Centre Department of Learning
Crows Nest TAFE Campus, Assessment & Special Education
Ground Floor Faculty of Education
Rodborough Ave Level 4 Alice Hoy Building
Crows Nest NSW 2065 The University of Melbourne
Parkville Victoria 3052
Tel 02 9448 4558 or Tel 03 9344 8206
Fax 02 9448 4560 Tel 03 9344 8790
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
NSW Community Services and Health Industry Training Advisory Board
Level 2 35 Regent St PO Box K64
Chippendale NSW 2008 Chippendale NSW 1240
Tel 02 9319 1911 Fax 02 9319 1613
Vocational Education Training Accreditation Board (VETAB)
Level 12, 1 Oxford St
Darlinghurst NSW 2010
Tel 02 9266 8111
Assessment Centre for Vocational Education
Level 1, 601 Pacific Highway PO Box 8888
St Leonards NSW 2065 St Leonards NSW 2065
Tel 02 9965 6203 Fax 02 9965 6200
ACT Community Services and Health Industry Training Advisory Board
Level 3 Callum Offices - Building C
Easty St PO Box 51
Woden ACT 2606 Woden ACT 2606
Tel 02 6207 1489 Fax 02 6207 1490
ACT Accreditation and Registration Council
Department of Education and Community Services
Level 5 40 Allara St
Tel: 02 6205 7777 Fax: 02 6205 7045
ACT Office of Training and Adult Education
Department of Education and Community Services
Level 5 40 Allara St
Tel: 02 6205 7777 Fax: 02 6205 7045
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
Queensland Community Services and Health Industry Training Council
PO Box 499
Brisbane Albert St QLD 4002
Tel 07 3234 0190 Fax 07 3234 0474
Training Queensland
Education House
30 Mary St
Brisbane QLD 4000
Tel 07 3237 0979
Victorian Community Services and Health Industry Training Board
180A Palmerston St PO Box 1300
Carlton VIC 3053 Carlton VIC 3053
Tel 03 3947 0377 Fax 03 9347 0464
Office of Training and Further Education (OTFE)
Level 6 Rialto South Tower
525 Collins Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
Tel 03 9628 2238
CHC99 - Qualifications Framework © Australian National Training Authority
Tasmanian Community, Property and Health Services Industry Training
Advisory Board
8 Montpelier Retreat
Battery Point TAS 7004
Tel 03 6224 4460 Fax 03 6224 1660
Department of Vocational Education and Training (DVET)
99 Bathurst Street
Hobart Tas 7000 Tel 03 6233 7013
NT Community Services and Health Industry Training Advisory Board
Level 1 75 Wood St PO Box 1557
Darwin NT 0800 Darwin NT 0801
Tel 08 8999 3560 Fax 08 8999 3566
NT Employment and Training Authority (NTETA)
Level 1 Harbour View Plaza
cnr Tiger Brennan & McMinn
Darwin NT 0800
Tel 08 8999 4344
© Australian National Training Authority CHC99 - Qualifications Framework
SA Community Services and Health Industry Training Advisory Board
5-9 Rundle St PO Box 248
Kent Town SA 5071 Kent Town SA 5071
Tel 08 8362 9311 Fax 08 8362 1455
Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE)
Level 12 Education Centre
31 Flinders Street
Adelaide SA 5001
Tel 08 8226 3405
WA Community Services, Health and Education Industry Training Council
First Floor 1152 Hay St
West Perth WA 6005
Tel 08 9481 4211 Fax 08 9481 5226
WA Department of Training
Level 2
151 Royal Street
East Perth WA 6004
Tel 09 8235 6138