January 2024
Complaints Handling
Complaints Handling Procedure
Central Bank of Ireland
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1. Introduction
The Central Bank of Ireland (the Central Bank) acknowledges that,
from time to time, members of the public/customers
of the Central
Bank may wish to make a complaint relating to a service they have
received from the Central Bank or concerning their interaction
with the Central Bank. This Complaints Handling Procedure (this
procedure) sets out how the Central Bank will deal with such
complaints, with the aim of ensuring that issues are dealt with
appropriately. In this respect, the Central Bank is committed to
having an effective complaints procedure, which reflects the needs,
expectations and rights of both Complainants, and, where relevant,
staff against whom a complaint has been made.
The Central Bank’s Customer Charter is the Central Bank’s public statement about the levels of
service customers can expect when dealing with the various public services offered by the Central
Bank. As set out in our Customer Charter, the Central Bank is committed to providing a
professional, efficient and courteous service to all our customers. We want to know if the level of
services received (as per our Customer Charter), or interactions with the Central Bank fall short of
expectations. This procedure explains how to make a complaint to the Central Bank and how we
will manage these complaints.
A related but separate Complaints Procedure is in place under Section 38 of the Disability Act
There are some issues that do not fall within the scope of this Complaints Handling Procedure and
these are detailed below under “Out of Scope Complaints”.
Under the Central Bank’s Customer Charter ‘Customers’ are defined as: those members of the public who
interact with the Central Bank in order to receive a service.
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One of the Central Bank’s key principles is based on respecting and valuing each other as
colleagues. We respectfully ask that Complainants treat our staff with dignity and respect at all
times. We reserve the right to cease interactions with Complainants who do not adhere to this
request. Any threats or abusive behaviour towards Central Bank staff will not be tolerated and,
where appropriate, will be referred to An Garda Síochána.
2. What is a Complaint?
This procedure is intended to address complaints from members of the public. For the purposes of
this procedure, a complaint is defined as an expression of dissatisfaction by a member of the
public/customer of the Central Bank relating to a service they have received from the Central
Bank, as defined in the Customer Charter, and/or concerning their interaction with the Central
2.1 Out of Scope Complaints
The following categories of complaints are not covered under this Complaints Handling
Complaints regarding the conduct of financial service providers regulated by the Central
Bank. (Provision is made in the Central Bank (Supervision and Enforcement) Act 2013 and the
Protected Disclosures Act 2014 to deal with such instances.)
Complaints arising out of the Central Bank’s alleged failure to comply with data subject
requests made under the Data Protection Act 1988 and 2003 (the Data Protection Acts) or
a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2014 (the FOI Act). These
matters will be considered under the Data Protection Acts and the FOI Act respectively.
Complaints relating to the implementation of the Central Bank’s regulatory functions.
Complaints in respect of the operation of the Central Credit Register for which there is a
remedy within the Credit Reporting Act 2013 which has not been fully exhausted/utilised (e.g.
access to a credit report, amendment of inaccurate, incomplete or not up-to-date information,
inclusion of an explanatory statement, inclusion of a notice of suspected impersonation).
Complaints by regulated financial service providers relating to the manner in which they are
regulated by the Central Bank.
Complaints relating to the Central Bank’s relationships with its staff members. Complaints of
this nature are managed through a separate internal process.
Complaints about staff members concerning their actions in a previous employment capacity.
Complaints relating to a contractual or commercial dispute between the Central Bank and a
supplier of the Central Bank.
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Complaints previously considered by the Central Bank, unless new facts have become known.
Complaints in respect of which legal proceedings by or against the Central Bank are in
progress or have been completed.
Complaints relating to the Central Bank’s enforcement processes.
Complaints relating to conduct which has been referred to An Garda Síochána or which is the
subject of investigation by An Garda Síochána.
Complaints expressing no more than general dissatisfaction with the Central Bank’s policies
or the exercise of, or failure to exercise, its discretion where no misconduct is alleged.
Complaints that are deemed unfounded, trivial, or vexatious.
Complaints made more than 12 months after the Complainant became aware of the matters
complained about, unless the Complainant can demonstrate reasonable grounds for not
raising the complaint at an earlier time.
Complaints where there is an alternative avenue or process to raise the matters open to the
Where a complaint falls into one or more of the above categories, the Central Bank will advise the
Complainant that their complaint is out of scope of this procedure.
3. Complaints: Receipt and Processing
All in scope complaints received, regardless of who they are addressed to, will be dealt with in
accordance with the following process:
3.1 Processing of Complaint by Business Area
The first step in seeking to resolve a complaint is at the local level (i.e. the business area that the
complainant is engaged with).
Complaints can also be submitted to the Complaints Officer (e.g. where a member of the public
is unsure of the business area to which the complaint relates). A complaint can be submitted to
the Complaints Officer by email, phone or post.
Email: complaints@centralbank.ie
Telephone Number: +353 1 2246000
Complaints Officer
Internal Governance Division
Central Bank of Ireland
PO Box 559
New Wapping Street
North Wall Quay
Dublin 1
D01 F7X3
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Complaints can also be submitted via the Central Bank’s Website by submitting the complaints
form (also attached at Appendix).
In setting out their issues of concern, the Complainant should provide a description of the facts
and circumstances, the details of the complaint itself and their name and contact details.
Where the complaint is received by phone, the Complainant may be requested to confirm their
complaint in writing.
The Central Bank may contact the Complainant either in writing or by phone to request further
information relating to the submitted complaint.
Complainants may be requested to complete the Central Bank’s Complaints Form (included as
an Appendix to this Procedure). The complaints form is also available on the Central Bank’s
Where a complaint is deemed to fall outside the scope of this procedure, the Complainant will
be advised within five working days that the complaint is out of scope.
Where the complaint is within scope of this procedure, the Complainant will receive an
acknowledgement of receipt of the complaint within five working days.
A copy of this procedure will be made available to the Complainant.
An individual against whom a complaint is made will be advised of the complaint and will be
afforded an opportunity to respond to it.
The complaint will be assessed and completed within 40 working days of receipt of the original
complaint. Efforts will be made to complete considerations sooner than that where possible.
Where this timeframe cannot be achieved, the Complainant will be informed of the anticipated
timeframe within which consideration of the complaint will be concluded.
On conclusion of the assessment, the Complainant will be provided with a response to the
3.2 Examination of Complaint
The Central Bank seeks to resolve complaints at a local level in the first instance (i.e. with the
business area the complainant has been dealing with). Complaints are referred in the first
instance to the local business area. Where a Complainant has raised a complaint and remains
unhappy with the response received, the Complainant can submit a request for an examination
of the complaint to the Complaints Officer (in the case that the complaint has been dealt with
initially at the local business area).
Requests for the examination of a complaint must be submitted to the Complaints Officer by
the Complainant within 30 working days of the original response having been issued.
Requests for examination of a complaint should be submitted by email, phone or letter to the
Complaints Officer.
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The Complainant should state the reasons as to why they are seeking the examination by the
Complaints Officer and, where requested, provide any documentation relevant to
consideration of the complaint.
The Complaints Officer will determine whether an examination is merited and the decision will
be communicated to the Complainant.
Where the Complaints Officer determines that an examination is not merited, the Complainant
will be informed. There is no further recourse available to the Complainant under this
Where the Complaints Officer determines that an examination is merited, depending on the
issues for consideration, the examination will be undertaken by the Complaints Officer or by
the Head of Internal Audit or their nominee (the Examiner).
The Examiner may contact the Complainant either in writing or by phone to request further
information relating to the examination.
The examination will be completed as expeditiously as possible. Complainants will receive an
update on their examination after 40 working days, where an examination has not been
concluded within that timescale.
On conclusion of the examination, the Complainant will be provided with a response by the
Complaints Officer.
4. Complaints: Appeals
Appeals will be dealt with in accordance with the following process:
Where a Complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of the examination by the Complaints
Officer, they can appeal it.
Requests for an appeal must be submitted by the Complainant within 30 working days of the
response to the examination having been issued by the Complaints Officer.
The request shall be submitted in writing to the Complaints Officer and can include additional
information that the Complainant believes would support their appeal.
The Complaints Officer will refer the request for appeal to a more senior member of staff of the
Central Bank who will determine whether an appeal is merited.
Where it is determined that an appeal is merited, the senior member of staff will appoint a
suitably independent person who may be another member of staff (at an appropriate level) to
conduct the appeal.
The decision on whether an appeal is accepted will be communicated to the Complainant by the
Complaints Officer.
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Where an appeal is not accepted, the Complainant will be informed by the Complaints Officer.
There is no further recourse available to the Complainant under this procedure.
Where an appeal is accepted, it will involve a reconsideration of the complaint, taking into
account any additional information that may be provided by the Complainant or requested of
the Complainant.
The appeal will be concluded as expeditiously as possible. Complainants will receive an update
on their appeal after 40 working days where an appeal has not been concluded within that
The findings of the appeal will be communicated to the Complainant in writing. There is no
further appeal under this procedure.
5. Procedure Review & Reporting
This procedure will be kept under review by the Central Bank and updated as necessary. The
date on this procedure is the most recent date on which it was updated.
The Central Bank shall publish on its website, on an annual basis, an anonymised report on the
number of complaints considered and, where relevant, a high-level overview of the nature of
complaints considered.
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Please note that a complaint is defined as an expression of dissatisfaction by a customer of the
Central Bank relating to a service they have received from the Central Bank, as defined in the
Customer Charter, and/or concerning their interaction with the Central Bank. Issues falling
outside the scope of this definition will not be dealt with under this process.
The first step in seeking to resolve a complaint is at the local level (i.e. the business area that the
complainant is engaged with). Complaints can also be submitted to the Complaints Officer (e.g.
where a member of the public is unsure of the business area to which the complaint relates). A
complaint can be submitted to the Complaints Officer by email, phone or post.
Email: complaints@centralbank.ie
Telephone Number: +353 1 2246000
Complaints Officer
Internal Governance Division
Central Bank of Ireland
PO Box 559
New Wapping Street
North Wall Quay
Dublin 1
D01 F7X3
Please complete this form fully. If you cannot complete a field, please insert ‘unknown’ or ‘N/A’.
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) require completion in order to process a complaint.
The Central Bank is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. For information on how
the Central Bank handles your personal data, please read the Central Bank’s Data Protection
Privacy Notice before completing the Complaint form.
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First Name*
Last Name*
Contact Details*
Please note that email is our preferred method of communication for routine correspondence.
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Address Line 4
Eircode / Postcode
Phone Number
Area / function dealt with
Date of incident
Name of individual(s) (where relevant) that this complaint relates to
Please set out details of the complaint
Please note that additional supporting information can be attached to this complaint.
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Have you previously made a complaint on this issue to the Central Bank of Ireland?
If Yes, please provide details
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T: +353 (0)1 224 5800
E: complaints@centralbank.ie