Parish Information
496 E. Washington St.
Chagrin Falls, OH 44022
Phone: 440-247-7183
Parish Staff
Fr. Gary J. Malin, Pastor
Rev. Mr. Jeffrey Dunlop, Deacon
Rev. Mr. Dennis Guritza, Deacon
Mrs. Amanda Haberman, Director of Religious Education
440-247-3606 | o
Mrs. Mary Vincenti, Pastoral Minister
440-247-1141 |
Ms. Allie Gall, Coordinator of Youth Ministry
440-247-4316 |
Mr. Ralph Holtzhauser, Director of Music
440-247-0371 |
Mrs. Stacie M. Webster, Principal
440-247-6530 |
Rev. John R. Olsavsky, Retired Pastor
Mass Schedule
Weekend Mass:
Saturdays 4:30pm, Sundays 9:00am and 11:00am
Weekday Mass:
Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays 8:00am
Tuesdays 9:00am September-May, 8:00am June, July
and August
Holy Day Masses and Civic Holidays subject to change -
see bulletin and/or website.
Sacramental Information
Baptism: Celebrated at most weekend masses or on
most Sundays at noon. Contact the Parish Oce.
Reconciliation (Confession): Saturdays 3:30pm until
all are heard. Advent and Lent Saturdays 3:15pm-
For other Sacramental Information, please see PAGE 3.
New parishioners welcome! Please contact the
Parish Oce to register.
St. Joan of Arc Parish is a growing community of
Roman Catholic Christians in the Chagrin Falls area.
We are a diverse, gifted, and joyful people who
share a common belief in the Word of Jesus Christ.
Our Mission, like that of Jesus Christ and His
apostles, is to proclaim the Kingdom of God through
living the gospel.
Celebrate our faith and the presence of God in the
Eucharist and in one another.
Imitate our Savior in His service to others.
Teach our beliefs at a ll levels.
Welcome the participation of all in our Christian
First Sunday of Lent | Sunday, March 6, 2022
From the Desk of Fr. Gary
Greetings of Peace on this First Sunday in Lent. In this season some "devotional practices" are
popular. One is the "Stations of the Cross." We will pray the stations here at St. Joan of Arc on
the Fridays in Lent at 6:30pm in church.
Here is another reminders taht Fridays in Lent are days of Abstinence, which means all
Catholics 14 years old and older are to abstain from meat. Good Friday and Ash Wednesday are
also days of fast. To clarify, here is a brief description of each:
-Abstinence means "no meat"
-Fasting means "one full meal, two other light meals" and together, the "lighter meals" are not
equivalent to the one main meal.
Pope Francis began a process of a "Synod on Synodality" within the worldwide Church last
summer. This synod is intended to "...explore the nature of the Church, its form, style and
mission." We are currently in the "diocesan phase," and this will all lead to a meeting of Bishops
in Rome in 2023.
People across the eight counties of the Diocese of Cleveland are being offered opportunities
to "share their thoughts on the Church" at "listening sessions." Bishop Edward Malesic recently
said, "...(A)s a Church on a journey, questions might arise such as how do we walk together
better? And on the way, how do we evangelize the word with the re of faith? Or, how do we
improve our engagement with people on the peripheries?" According to the Bishop, "The
purpose of the process is not to gather personal opinions, but to 'listen to the Holy Spirit," as
Pope Francis said.
Our listening session here at St. Joan of Arc will be on Wednesday, March 23 at 6:30pm in the
Hall. Dr. Andrew Trew, a parishioner, will facilitate our session.
Results will be summarized and submitted to the diocese and then to the national level. The
information gathered nationally will be summarized and submitted to Rome, where the Synod
of Bishops will gather in 2023 to reect on what the Church is saying.
May the Holy Spirit guide us all on our journey of faith as the people of God.
In about a month, the Diocese of Cleveland is offering a "Catholic Men's Conference." The
conference will take place on Saturday, April 2 at the Holiday Inn, 6001 Rockside Road in
Independence, OH. Arrival and sign-in begins at 8am and the conference starts at 9am and
concludes with mass at 4pm. There is a poster on the kiosk in the Gathering Area with more
information. Those wishing to attend need to register for the conference.
Blessings and Peace in this holy season.
Fr. Gary
Mass Intentions
Sunday, March 6
9:00am Ronald Verhoff
11:00am SJA Parishioners
Monday, March 7
8:00am Ross Maenza (Yoe)
Tuesday, March 8
9:00am Rule Family (Rule)
Wednesday, March 9
No Mass
Thursday, March 10
8:00am Richard Reising (Yoe)
Friday, March 11
8:00am Chris Boukis (Yoe)
Saturday, March 12
4:30pm Patrick Zilly
Lenten Book Study
Join us on Wednesdays for a new
Lenten book club: Consoling the
Heart of Jesus by Michael Gaitley.
Please join us for this study each
Wednesday from February
through April 13. Meeting time is
every Wednesday at 10:30am in
the Parish Hall. All are welcome!
Lenten Retreat
Save the Date: April 8, 2022 from 9am-1pm.
All men and women are invited to attend a
morning Lenten retreat to be held in our
Parish Hall. The retreat will be led by Fr.
James Daprili. More details to follow soon!
Other Sacramental Information
Sacrament of Matrimony: Please contact a priest
or deacon at least one year before the anticipated
Care of the Sick and Elderly: Please inform us of
those who are sick, aged, unable to come to
church, homebound, hospitalized, or may need
the Sacrament of Anointing.
Funerals: Please contact the parish oce before
scheduling or publishing (generally through a
funeral director).
Sponsor Certicates: May be obtained by
registered, practicing members of our parish who
have received the three sacraments of initiation:
Baptism, Conrmation, and the Eucharist (and, if
married, were married in the Church). Please
contact the Parish Oce for more details.
Sessions in the Catholic Faith (RCIA):
Wednesdays at 7:00pm, September - May.
Contact Deacon Jeff at 440-376-9177
Oce of Faith Formation
Conrmation Preparation
Please pray for our Conrmation
Candidates as they participate in their
Spirit Day Retreat, hosted by Adam Lesko
and Allie Gall, this Saturday, March 5. It will
be a day of reection, prayer, and
engaging group activities.
PSR Schedule
Lent has arrived and our students have
begun collecting money for Catholic Relief
Services in their family rice bowls. This is a
well-received fundraiser for a very worthy
cause. PSR will host a children's Stations
of the Cross on April 1.
First Communion
Save the Dates: Our First Communion
parent meeting will be on March 31st from
7:00-8:00 in the Parish Hall. Jesus Day will
be on April 30th from 8:30-12:00 in the
School Gymnasium.
Food Pantry Collection in the Narthex
Please bring your non-perishable food
donations (canned vegetables, fruits,
spaghetti sauce, soups, pasta, rice,
ramen noodles, peanut butter, etc.)
when you come to Mass. Thank you for
your support.
Food Pantry Thursdays
There will be a car in the SJA parking
lot this Thursday, March 10, from
10-11 for you to drop off food
donations. The list of needs for this
week is:
-White Rice
-White Sugar
-Beef Hot Dogs
-Salad Dressing (ranch, Italian, etc.)
Thank you so much for helping us stock
the pantry shelves. Please call Jane
Zilly with any questions at 216-402-
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Our Children's Liturgy of the Word (for
children in Kindergarten through Grade
3) is held every Sunday during 9am Mass.
Please join us each week and make the
Gospel come alive to God's precious
children. 
40 Days for Life
From March 2 - April 10 you are invited to join
with other Christians for 40 Days for Life - 40
days of prayer and fasting for an end to
abortion. Visit or contact
John Noall at clevelandpraysforlif[email protected]
or 216-245-9744 for more information.
VBC is Back!
Save the date! Vacation Bible Camp is
back! VBC will be June 20-24. Registration
information will be out soon!
Cafeteria Manager Needed
St. Joan of Arc is in need of a
Cafeteria Manager for the 2021-2022
school year. Mrs. Mahoney has
graciously agreed to start the year so
that the students will continue to
have the option of a hot lunch each
day. This is a part-time position, and
more information can be found on the
Diocesan employment website:
Giving Tree - Thank You!
Thank youfor your generosity during the
2021 Christmas season We received
"thank you" letters from 3 charities.
Westside Catholic Center, which offers
food, clothing, household items,
emergency services, and shelters at no
charge, said that St. Joan of Arc "helped
to create Christmas for 471 individuals"
and was a "true gift of the season."
Family Promise, which empowers
homeless families to transform their
lives, said, "knowing that we have
committed donors like you helps us to
keep our eye on the future."
St. Martin de Porres Family Center,
which provides an array of services for
early childhood, after-school
programming, and a food pantry, said
that, "with the generous support of the
parishioners from St. Joan of Arc, we
were able to distribute over 350 toys,
coats, clothing, and gift cards to
children in our community."
Mass Celebrant
3/12/22 4:30pm Fr. Gary J. Malin
3/13/22 9:00am Fr. Gary J. Malin
11:00am Fr. Gary J. Malin
Bulletin Submissions
If your parish group or organization has
something to contribute to the bulletin,
please email it to Allie Gall at with the following
subject line: Bulletin MM/DD.
Baptism Classes
The Sacrament of Baptism is a very special time
where we receive into the Church the newly
Baptized, along with welcoming their family and
sponsors to share in the beginning of the child's
journey of faith. Classes are offered both in-person
and online with Zoom. To sign up or to get further
information on the class or with questions on
Baptism at St. Joan of Arc, call Diana at
440-552-1046 or email
Weekend of 2/26/22-2/27/22
Cash $ 10,176.28
E-Giving $ 7,410.69
Total $ $17,586.97
Electronic Giving
Choose the option that works best for you
1. Visit the SJA online giving website:
and set up an account, or simply scan the QR code
below. You can set up a personal account to use for
regular offertory, holy days of obligation, and special
2. Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play Store,
where you will nd the free "Give + Church" smart
phone app.
After downloading, you can set up a personal account
and use the site for regular offertory, holy days of
obligation, and special collections. You will be
prompted to enter our zip code of 44022 or the St.
Joan of Arc Church name. Click on our church name
and address in the list and then begin the process of
setting up you account.
3. Complete the paper form found on the website listed
in Option 1 and mail it to the Parish Oce:
St. Joan of Arc Parish Oce
Attn: Kelly Kearney
496 East Washington Street
Chagrin Falls, OH 44022