Anson Call
Anson Call Vitae--Long (updated August 2024)
Contact Information
Anson Call
College of Design
Ames, IA, 50011
Current Position
Associate Professor (Tenured 2009)
Department of Graphic Design
Iowa State University
Master of Fine Arts
Utah State University
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Utah State University
Motion Design. 3D modeling, texturing, animation, lighting and rendering. Course design
and development for 3D/2D character animation, story telling, writing, motion graphics, and
augmented reality.
Blackworld and the Historians by A.B. Call, a science ction novel. Book, ebook, Audio
versions. Manuscript and Audio versions are completed.
Project Genesis. Animation recreates an iconic moment in lm history, with original
Project Genesis. Musical score and performance. Accompanies 3D animation on YouTube.
Release on Bandcamp:
Principles of Motion. 43-minute video production in the fulllment of the Miller Open Edu-
cation Mini Grant. This open educational material operates under a creative commons license
and is also available at the ISU library. I wrote, directed, and produced this lm, including
creating 37 dierent animations, as well as the introduction music.
2003 - Present
July 26th, 2022
July 26th, 2022
Jan 21st, 2022
X-Particles Explosia RnD. Animation of nebula, clouds, and atmospheres using Insydium’s
X-particles particle system.
Aparillo Companion. Musical scores and performances. 4 musical compositions explor-
ing the synth generator Aparillo, including original album cover artwork. Aparillo Sunrise,
Aparillo High Noon, Aparillo Sunset, Aparillo Midnight. Bandcamp: https://abcall.bandcamp.
Rise of Baltar’s Basestar Music Production. Composed and performed musical score. Re-
leased on Bandcamp here:
Battlestar Galactica 1978, Basestar 3D replica model based o the original studio lm
model. This is a public restoration project and was released, free of charge, to the Facebook
group, 3D sci  renders. Animation and original music of the project can be found here: The Spacetime Driller by A.B. Call, a science ction short novelette, Audio
Version. Produced and performed by Anson Call.
roes-of-blackworld-audiobook The Kingdom of Terrene by A.B. Call, a science ction novella, Audio
Version. Produced and performed by Anson Call.
roes-of-blackworld-audiobook The Man Time Forgot by A.B. Call, a science ction novella, Audio Ver-
sion. Produced and performed by Anson Call.
roes-of-blackworld-audiobook Mulier Odoratus by A.B. Call, a science ction novelette, Audio Ver-
sion. Produced and performed by Anson Call.
Battlestar Galactica 1978, Cylon Raider 3D replica model based o the original studio
lm model. This is a public restoration project and was released, free of charge, to the Face-
book group, 3D sci  renders.
Battlestar Galactica 1978, Colonial Viper Mark 1b 3D replica model based o the origi-
nal studio lm model. This is a public restoration project and was released, free of charge, to
the Facebook group, 3D sci  renders.
Free Stick Person Rig for Cinema 4D. A stick person rig released to the 3D character
animation community free of charge. Also developed for my ArtIS 407 character animation
course. See animation example here:
Blueprints and Particles: Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan, A 35th Anniversary Tribute.
A 3D animation depicting the major events of Star Trek II as a fan production. https://youtu.
“The Heroes of Blackworld” by A.B. Call, Four stories of Human Evolution in the Far Fu-
ture. Bookbaby (Internationally distributed eBook). ISBN 978-1-48358-666-3
2Anson Call Vitae--Long
Aug, 7, 2020
March 19, 2020
Feb 11, 2020
Feb 11, 2020
Dec 25th, 2019
Dec 25th, 2019
Dec 25th, 2019
Dec 25th, 2019
Nov 28, 2019
Sept 1, 2019
April 22, 2019
Sept 23, 2017
2016 December
“The Heroes of Blackworld” by A.B. Call, Four stories of Human Evolution in the Far Fu-
ture. Bookbaby (Internationally distributed Book). ISBN 978-1-48358-665-6
Website cataloging of all of my learning exercises I have done over the years in helping
students learn 3D animation.
Modied Bacteriophage vs E.coli. An animation depicting how bacteriophages might attack
and destroy E.coli. This work has been
“Cinema 4D R15 Fundamentals” by Anson Call. Bookbaby (Internationally distributed
eBook). ISBN 9781483531168 (EPUB)
Juried Papers
Long-term evolution of viruses: A Janus-faced balance. Journal BioEssays Video Abstract.
Manuscript ID bies.201700026.R2. Nasir, Arshan; COMSATS Institute of Information Tech-
nology, Kim, Kyung Mo; Korea Polar Research Institute; Caetano-Anolles, Gustavo; Uni-
versity of Illinois. A journal video abstract that uses my animation Bacteriophage Vs. Ecoli
that visualizes infection and the lysis process. Video published by WBLifeSciences at https:// Relevant material viewable at :05, 3:45, 6:05, 6:55.
“Haptic Deformation of Meshes for Digital 3D Art” by Adam Faeth, Chris Harding, and
Anson Call. Proc. of IADIS International Conference Web Virtual Reality and Three-Dimen-
sional Worlds 2010, pp. 352-356, ISBN: 978-972-8939-22-9
“Visual Design Fundamentals: A Digital Approach, Third Edition” by Alan Hashimoto and
Mike Clayton. Charles River Media (Internationally Distributed Book, invited by author).
Contributing Artwork - Page 13, Figure 1.19, Shades of Blue. Also Page 233, Figure 11.2,
Venetian Design and Night Venetian Design. ISBN 1584505818.
“MetaBlast! Virtual Cell: A Pedagogical Convergence between Game Design and Science
Education” Principal Author: Anson Call. Contributing Authors: Steven Herrnstadt, Eve
Wurtele, Julie Dickerson, Diane Bassham.. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informat-
ics. Volume 5, Number 5. Published by International Institute of Informatics and Cybernetics.
ISSN: 1690-4524.
“Module Modulation: A Digital-based Pedagogical Approach for Teaching Digital Design
to the Beginning Design Student” paper by Cameron Campbell and Anson Call. Intersec-
tions: Design Education and Other Fields of Inquiry 22nd National Conference on the Begin-
ning Design Student. Iowa State University (National Conference, Juried Publication) Ames,
IA.. ISBN 0-9777494-0-1.
Industry Publications
“The Cinema 4D R10 Handbook” by Anson Call. Charles River Media (Internationally Dis-
tributed Book) . ISBN 1-58450-522-2.
“The Cinema 4D R9/9.1 Handbook” by Adam Watkins and Anson Call. Coauthor. Charles
River Media (Internationally Distributed Book). ISBN 1-58450-402-1.
3Anson Call Vitae--Long
2016 December
Aug 29, 2014
July 2014
June 2017
Fall 2006
April 2006
May 2007
March 2005
“Visual Design Fundamentals: A Digital Approach” by Alan Hashimoto. Charles River
Media (Internationally Distributed Book). Contributing Artwork - Page 201, Chapter Nine,
Figure 9.2, Venetian Design and Night Venetian Design. ISBN 1584502592.
“Cinema 4D R8.5” by Anson Call. Computer Arts Magazine (Internationally Distributed
Magazine). Feature review of Cinema 4D, an industry standard 3D application, with render-
ings. Page 83.
“Sketching With Cinema 4D” by Anson Call. 3D World Magazine (Issue #51, Internationally
Distributed Magazine) - Tutorial and renderings on Cinema 4D’s module, Sketch & Toon.
Page 68.
“Complete 3D Collection 2” by 3D World Magazine and Future Publishing Limited (Interna-
tionally Distributed Book). Contributing Writer - Page 66. “Model a Head in Cinema 4D (1)
by Anson Call. ISBN 1858701643.
“Facial Modeling In Cinema 4D” by Anson Call. 3D World Magazine (Issue # 38, Interna-
tionally Distributed Magazine). Tutorial on cube based modeling of a human head. Page 58.
“The Cinema 4D R8 Handbook” by Adam Watkins. Charles River Media (Internationally
Distributed Book). Contributing Writer - Page 146 Chapter Five, Tutorial 5.1 - “Primitive
Based HyperNURBS Modeling of a Human Head” by Anson Call. ISBN 1-58450-216-9.
“The Cinema 4D XL Handbook” by Adam Watkins. Charles River Media (Internationally
Distributed Book). Contributing Writer - Page 176, Chapter Six, Tutorial 6.1 - “Primitive
Based HyperNURBS Modeling of a Human Head.” by Anson Call. ISBN 1-58450-039-5.
“Pictures Worth a Thousand Words: Cinema 4D XL” by Anson Call. Syllabus Magazine. A
feature review of Maxon Computers Cinema 4D XL 6.3.
“Maya Export” by Anson Call. 3D Artist (Issue #41). Tutorial on how to prepare Maya mod-
els for export to ElectricImage and other 3D applications. Page 21.
3D Artist (Issue #38). Two 3D Images produced with ElectricImage. Page 15.
Funded Research
Faculty Professional Development Assignment. Wrote and edited the manuscript for Black-
world and the Historians, as well as completed the augmented reality companion to the book.
League of Utah Writers Conference, SLC, Utah. I attended a writers conference focused
on genre writing and improving writing skills.
Faculty Professional Development Assignment. Wrote and published Cinema 4D R15 Fun-
damentals, supplemental material for the 3D modeling classroom.
DSN S 132X - Digital Design Media Fundamentals. This innovative, multi-instructor
course brings various College of Design faculty members together to teach fundamental digi-
tal design content to the beginning design student. Faculty members focus on their particular
area of expertise such as basic computer skills, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Architecture,
4Anson Call Vitae--Long
June 2004
March 2004
March 2003
April 2001
June 2000
September 1999
Fall 2018
Fall 2017
Fall 2013
Spring 2006
GIS, etc. Digital skills are taught in both a lecture and on-line modular format that promotes
exibility for both the student and instructing faculty. Funded by the Miller grant. Team
members are Cameron Campbell, Anson Call, Christopher Seeger, Debra Sattereld, Michael
Miller and Amy Mikovec.
Degrees of the Future. $50,000. Co-recipients Alenka Poplin, Jeremy Best, Jerey Wheat-
ley. This grant money is used to fund the creation of a Game Design Major at Iowa State
Miller Open Education Mini-Grant. This $5,000 grant provided me the means to produce
and publish Principles of Motion, a 43-minute video for motion designers.
2020 Excellence in Education Grants Program. EEG. PI’s: Lionel Sebbag, Rachel All-
baugh, Co-PI’s: Braidee Foote, Jessica Juarez, Brian Collins, Anson Call, Austin Stewart.
Grant to create videos/animations to instruct on best animal ophthalmology practices. First
year: $14k, Second year: 7k.
VPEO Strategic Initiatives Proposal Grant - $87,451
Pre-Collegiate Collaborative Innovation Workshops for Children with Cognitive Disabilities
and their Neurologically Typical Peers for K-12 Audiences. Project director: Debra Satter-
eld, Co-director: Sunghyun Kang, Collaborators: Anson Call and Seda Yilmaz.
Center For Excellence in the Arts and Humanities (CEAH) - $30,000
Deborah Sattereld, Sunghyun Kang, Steve Herrnstadt and Anson Call. Funding for research
on the design and evaluation of educational experiences for children with autism spectrum
Motorola Foundation, Innovation Generation - $50,200
Department of Computer Science, College of Design. Primary Investigators Anson Call and
Chis Johnson (Computer Science). An Iowa State University game development competition.
IPRT (Evolswing) - $13,923
3D animation showing the eects of a golf aid device on the golfers swing.
“Teaching Video, Sound, and Motion Capture for Movie Making”. University Computa-
tional Advisory Committee - $78,182. Chiu-Shui Chan, Anson Call, Daniel Naegele, Cam-
eron Campbell and Debra Sattereld. This grant is an eort to bring a motion capture expe-
rience to the College of Design’s curriculum. Motion Capture can add realism to animated
characters for animation, TV and lm.
IPRT - $16,676. An animation concept showing the ill eects of weather, vandalism, terror-
ism, etc, on airplanes and the subsequent protection system in development by Cocoon Corp.
IGERT - $10,000. Computer and Software grant for the development of a virtual reality 3D
Bioinformatics Computer Hub. Recipients: Eve Wurtele (Professor, Department of Genetics,
Development and Cell Biology), Julie Dickerson (Associate Professor, Electrical and Com-
puter Engineering Department), Anson Call and Steve Herrnstadt (Associate Chair, Art and
5Anson Call Vitae--Long
Spring 2023
Fall 2020
Spring 2020
Spring 2012
Spring 2011
June 2010
Spring 2010
May 2008
Fall 2006
May 2006
Anson Call Vitae--Long 6
Miller Faculty Fellowship - $24,950. DSN S 230X Intro to Digital Design Media and Com-
munication. Participated with a faculty team which received funding to research and start new
course work on how to integrate the dierent, but overlapping College of Design’s digital
instruction into a more unied core and into upper level courses. Team members are Cam-
eron Campbell, Anson Call, Christopher Seeger, Debra Sattereld, Michael Miller and Amy
Conference Presentations
International - Juried
Principles of Motion, presented in the Principles and Practices session at the Cultures of
Transformative Design, Eighteenth International Conference on Design Principles & Practice,
Polytechnic Institute of Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
iDMAa, International Digital Media Arts Association. East Tennessee State University,
Johnson City, Tennessee. Presented a paper titled, Using 3D Modeling and Animation as a
Visualization Tool for Writing. Presented on a process for creating stories based on visualiza-
tions using 3D modeling and animation tools.
iDMAa, International Digital Media Arts Association. Savannah, GA.
Presented a paper titled, Lessons Learned from an Extracurricular Game Development Com-
petition, which detailed the Motorola funded Game Competition outcomes. Co-authors Chris
Johnson, University of Wisconsin and Steve Herrnstadt, Iowa State University.
iDMAa (International Digital Media & Arts Association). Savanna, GA (International Con-
ference). Presented case studies on 3D curriculum with other university professors in a panel
“Teaching Scientic Visualization: Developing an Eective Curriculum” By Anson Call
iDMAa (International Digital Media & Arts Association) Beyond Boundaries. Philadelphia
(International Conference).
“MetaBlast! Virtual Cell: A Pedagogical Convergence between Game Design and Science
Education” Principal Author: Anson Call. Contributing Authors: Steven Herrnstadt, Eve
Wurtele, Julie Dickerson, Diane Bassham. Eista’06 (Education and Information Systems:
Technologies and Applications). Orlando, Florida (International Conference).
National - Juried
“Module Modulation: A Digital-based Pedagogical Approach for Teaching Digital Design
to the Beginning Design Student” by Cameron Campbell and Anson Call. National Confer-
ence of the Beginning Design Student. Iowa State University (National Conference). Ames,
IA. ISBN 0-9777494-0-1.
Exhibitions- Juried
Gwacheon National Science Museum, Gwacheon City, South Korea. My Bacteriophage vs
Ecoli animation was exhibited, with permission, by MEDIASPACE, a South Korean compa-
Spring 2005
March 11, 2024
October, 2015
October, 2011
8-10, 2007
July 20-23, 2006
April 6-8, 2006
April 2006
April 15-Aug 31,
ny specializing in science and education.
Application of Phage Therapy for Multidrug-resistant Bacterial Infections, China High-
Tech Fair, Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center, Shenzhen, China. December 27-28,
2021. My animation “Bacteriophage vs Ecoli” was displayed as part of their presentation by
Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology on their phage therapy technology.
ART + TECH, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Presented three, 3D animated time
Smithsonian Folklife Festival, Washington DC. Participated with faculty team in the design
and build of the Iowa State University entry into the Smithsonian festival.
Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China. Participated in an Iowa State University Faculty gal-
lery showing animated clockworks.
iDMAa 2009 (International Digital Media & Arts Association). Muncie, Indiana (Internation-
al Conference). IDEAS exhibition, Celestial Clock. Presented at Ball State Museum of Art a
24 hour animated clock.
Digital Designer as Artist (International, Invited). Gail Museum of Contemporary Art,
Seoul, South Korea. Displayed four digital 3D renderings along with other digital artists.
Fischer Fine Art Gallery and Studio, South Amana, IA
The Amana Colonies Maifest celebration
Celestial Clock, a 24 hour animated clock.
Breaking the Creative Barriers. Art and Science Exhibit. Intubation Techniques by Anson
Call and Cameron Campbell. Octagon Center for the Arts, Ames, IA.
Brunnier Art Museum -Relationships: Drawn, Analog to Digital
Exhibit of 4 animate time pieces, 24 hour clocks produced using 3D animation.
Iowa State University Faculty Show. Iowa State University, Ames, IA. Gallery 181. Two
digital 3D renderings.
International (Invited)
SungKyunKwan University. Seoul, South Korea. Presentation by Alan Hashimoto, Asso-
ciate Professor, Art Dept, Utah State University. Presenting Anson Call’s student work from
ArtIS 408.
University of Seoul. Seoul, South Korea. Presentation by Alan Hashimoto, Associate Profes-
sor, Art Dept, Utah State University. Presenting Anson Call’s student work from ArtIS 408.
7Anson Call Vitae--Long
Dec 27-28, 2021
Jan 23 - Feb 13
Summer 2012
Spring 2012
November 4th
- December 6
May 18
May 1 - July 9
April 4-16
Fall 2010
March 2005
May 2009
May 2009
KyungHee University. Seoul, South Korea. Presentation by Alan Hashimoto, Associate Pro-
fessor, Art Dept, Utah State University. Presenting Anson Call’s student work from ArtIS 408.
Sungkyunkwan University. Seoul, South Korea. Invited lecture on the digital 3D art pro-
cess. Other guest lecturers included Alan Hashimoto, Patrick Wilkey, Michael Gee, and Jiong
Regional (Invited)
Design Online Leadership Series. I was an invited design expert (telepresence) interviewed
by students at California State University Long Beach.
Science Center of Iowa Mixology Event, Des Moines, Iowa. Invited presentation on science
and how it is portrayed in science ction in pop-culture. Co-presented with author Karen
Design Online Lecture Series, Coolabilities at California State University, Long Beach, CA.
Invited to talk about game making for individuals on the autism spectrum.
Grand View University. Des Moines, Iowa. Presented to faculty and students on the process
of 3D modeling and animation using Cinema 4D and its various uses.
ART + TECH, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Presented on the art, design, and making
of my 3d animated clocks.
Brunnier Art Museum - Time and the 3rd Dimension - Art & Computer Science
Anson Call, associate professor in Art and Design, combines computers and art in his 3-D
works of art seen in the Relationships: Drawn, Analog to Digital exhibition. Anson will dis-
cuss his art and will be joined by Chris Johnson, lecturer in Computer Science, who will help
the audience understand the history and development of computer generated images.
Apple Store Presentation. New York City, NY. Apple Computer Invited Lecture on the
digital arts program at Utah State University and University of the Incarnate Word. Fellow
presenters: Alan Hashimoto, Associate Professor - Utah State University, Adam Watkins,
Director of Computer Graphic Arts -University of the Incarnate Word.
Local (Invited)
Graphic Design Student Club. Iowa State University. Presented my science ction publica-
tions and process for writing and image creation.
The World of 3D Modeling and Animation”. Iowa State University. College of Design,
Ames, IA.
Ames MUG (Macintosh Users Group). Iowa State University, Ames, IA. Invited to lecture
on the state of 3D application for the Macintosh platform and subsequent demonstration of
Macintosh 3D applications.
25th Anniversary College of Design Career Day. Iowa State University, Ames, IA. Support
given to this special event through a 3D rendering workshop. Star Valley High School Career
Day. Afton, Wyoming. Invitation to provide demonstration on available careers in the 3D
8Anson Call Vitae--Long
May 2009
May 2007
March 5th, 2019
May 5th, 2017
March 31, 2017
March 30, 2015
Feb 13, 2014
October 7th,
February 2003
November, 2017
November 1
Spring 2005
Spring 2004
animation eld.
Space Opera Facebook Group Ocial Marketing Thread Image Banner. This popular (20k
users circa Jan 1, 2023) Facebook science ction user group uses my image as their banner
for monthly promotions.
Battlestar Galactica Lore: The History of the Cylon Basestar. Nerd Cookies. YouTube
production that covers the lm history of the Cylon Basestar. With permission, uses my mod-
el and image at:
BioEssays, Volume 43, Issue 6. The Tree of Life describes a tripartite cellular world. Arshan
Nasir, Fizza Mughal, Gustavo Caetano-Anolles. A juried essay and video essay. Video essay
uses part of my animation Bacteriophage Vs. Ecoli that visualizes infection and the lysis pro-
cess. Video Essay with content time marked here:
University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal. With permission, uses my animation Bacteriophage
Vs. Ecoli as part of their scientic promotional material, at 1:55
Long-term evolution of viruses: A Janus-faced balance. Nasir, Arshan; COMSATS
Institute of Information Technology, Kim, Kyung Mo; Korea Polar Research Institute;
Caetano-Anolles, Gustavo; University of Illinois. A science video that uses my animation
Bacteriophage Vs. Ecoli that visualizes infection and the lysis process. Video published by
WBLifeSciences at Relevant material viewable at :05, 3:45,
6:05, 6:55.
Recent Teaching History (2023)
ArtGR 521A - Graphic Design Studio II. Credits 3. Enrollment 16
ArtIS 408/508 - Principles of Animation. Credits 3. Enrollment 19
ArtGR 484 - Augmented Reality. Credits 3. Enrollment 16
ArtGR 463/563 - 3D Motion Graphics. Credits 3. Enrollment 16
ArtIS 407/507 - Principles of Character Animation. Credits 3. Enrollment 17
Curriculum Development - Department of Art & Design, Department of
Architecture, Department of Art and Visual Culture, Department of Graphic Design.
Lists rst time taught.
ArtGR 521 - Graphic Design Studio 2. The many paths of 3D technology, an exploration.
ArtIS 407 - Character Animation. Recreated this Art and Visual Culture to be open to all
majors and skill levels, as well as to incorporate many kinds of animation, including 2D, stop
9Anson Call Vitae--Long
June 8th, 2021
April 9th, 2021
Jan 26th, 2018
June 2017
Spring 2024
Spring 2024
Fall 2023
Fall 2023
Fall 2023
Spring 2022
Fall 2021
motion, and 3D.
ArtGR 484 - Animation for Graphic Design. Script writing, Storyboard, Storytelling, ani-
matics and 3D animation for Graphic Designers.
ArtGR 521 - Graphic Design Studio 2. 3D modeling and animation for Graphic Design
graduate students
ArtGR 484 - 3D Modeling and Augmented Reality. Create mobile design experiences
using 3D modeling and Augmented reality for mobile phones.
ArtGR 463X/563X - 3D Motion Graphics. 3D visualization in a Motion Graphics context.
Emphasis on design in 3D computer animation as it relates to various electronic media.
Explore Design. A one day summer workshop teaching 3D animation to a wide range of
Design Innovation. A 3 day summer workshop teaching animation principles using stop
motion animation.
Design Condensed. A week-long summer workshop where high school students were given a
mini design college experience including design instruction.
ArtGR 484/584 - Broadcast Motion Graphics. A third course in a digital media
major track in Graphic Design.
ArtGR308X - 3D Computer Animation. Second course in a digital media major
track in Graphic Design.
ArtGR307X - 3D Modeling for Graphic Design. First course in a digital media
major track in Graphic Design.
Arch 432 - Computer Lighting and Rendering. Techniques for lighting and rendering 3D
spaces using computer generated 3D imagery.
ArtIS 308 - Modeling, Rendering and Virtual Photography. Beginning Introduction to 3D
modeling and texturing along with instruction in photo-realistic rendering techniques. Prima-
ry Software used is Cinema 4D. Techniques include Polygon and NURBS based modeling,
texturing using Photoshop, Illustrator and BodyPaint, rendering using Cinema 4D.
ArtIS 407 - Principles of 3D Character Animation - First Semester. Character creation,
modeling, texturing and animation using Alias Maya. Emphasis is placed on character devel-
opment and believable character movement through anticipation, weight, timing, squash and
stretch and other animation concepts.
ArtIS 407 - Principles of 3D Character Animation - Second and Third Semester. Story
telling and situational animation, which is a continuation of the rst semester. Students are
encouraged to form groups and produce a complete narrative with a clear beginning, middle
and end. Emulates work-ow, prioritization and management of the 3D industry.
ArtIS 507 - Principles of 3D Character Animation. Character creation, modeling, texturing
10Anson Call Vitae--Long
Fall 2020
Spring 2019
Fall 2016
Fall 2016
Spring 2016
June 3, 10, 17,
June 4-6, 11-13,
18-20, 2014
June 23-27, 2014
Spring 2012
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Fall 2009
Fall 2003
Spring 2004
Fall 2004
and animation using Alias Maya for graduate students.
ArtIS 408 - Principles of 3D Animation. Teaches non-character animation in the context of
scientic visualization. Emphasis on student to partner with an ISU faculty member in the
sciences. Technical instruction includes, but is not limited to, high-end 3D animation skills
and eects using Cinema 4D and Adobe After eects.
ArtIS 508 - Computer Aided Animation and Visualization. Teaches non-character anima-
tion in the context of scientic visualization for graduate students.
Arch 528 - Advanced Lighting and Rendering. Advanced still rendering techniques using
Maxon’s Cinema 4D software. Emphasis is given to CGI lighting in an architectural setting
such as 3 point lighting, Area lighting, Radiosity, HDRI imaging, day and night lighting for
interior and exterior locations.
Independent Study
ArtIS 490C and 590C. Taught a variety of students on advanced 3D topics such as modeling,
texturing, character rigging, story telling, lighting, animation, character animation, cartoon
drawing, comic strip design and others.
Professional Practice
Paid Workshops
Digital Media Academy - a Stanford Accredited Teaching Company (Commonhealth, Par-
sippany, New Jersey). A 3 day intensive Cinema 4D instruction to corporate client.
Digital Media Academy - a Stanford Accredited Teaching Company (University of Texas at
Austin, TX). A week long, all-day intensive introductory 3D class using Cinema 4D.
Digital Media Academy - a Stanford Accredited Teaching Company (Stanford University,
CA). A week long, all-day intensive 3D character animation class using Maya.
Professional Employment
Utah State University - Art Department (Logan, UT). Graduate Assistant and Undergradu-
ate TA (1997-2000) - 3D modeling, animation, motion graphics, and digital video instructor.
Duties included course instruction and development. 435-797-1346
Firey Productions (Logan, UT). 3D production artist, video post-production and editing.
Clients include Icon Health & Fitness, Nordic Track, Reebok, Pro Form, Health Rider, NPS
Pharmaceuticals and Sears. 435-750-0909.
Space Dynamics Laboratory (Logan, UT). 3D visualizations, ybys, commercials etc.
Worked as modeler, animator and texturer.
Professional Practice
Proteon Pharmaceuticals. I granted this corporation (Poland) a license to use part of my
animation on the lysis process. Bacteriophage Vs. Ecoli
11Anson Call Vitae--Long
Spring 2005
Spring 2006
Spring 2006
Fall 2004
2003 - present
Summer 2007
Summer 2007
Summer 2005
2000 - 2003
2000 - 2003
1996 - 2000
February, 2019
Commercial Ad production for The Heroes of Blackworld. This three minute 3D anima-
tion explains the location for my stories in my book The Heroes of Blackworld. https://www.
3D animation for the Facebook group, Space Opera. A three minute 3D animation used by
the administrators of the Facebook group, Space Opera to display to members when ceremo-
niously evicting a member.
Legal Visual Services. Created a 3D model of a 2006 JGL 600s for a courtroom visualiza-
iFund - Primary Company Logo. 3D Graphic Design Logo for an internet payment company.
Charles River Media (Internationally Distributed Book) . “Maya Character Modeling and
Animation” by Tereza Flaxman. Technical Editor for a beginners 3D instruction book.
Micoy, Ames, IA. Fishbowl Animation demo for Micoy display systems. Lead Artist and
animation director.
iFuel LLC. Afton, Wyoming. Member of a family owned business that designs and sells
internet based payment systems.
Charles River Media (Internationally Distributed Book) . “Introduction to 3D Graphics and
Animation Using Maya” by Adam Watkins. Technical Editor for a beginners 3D instruction
Micoy, Ames, IA. A 3D medical simulation animation for Micoy’s proprietary projection
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine. A series of medical animations integrated into a DVD
video that teaches Intubation Techniques. DVD video work done by Cameron Campbell.
Charles River Media (Internationally Distributed Book). “C4D 9.5: Real-World 3D Ani-
mation Production” by Larry Mitchell. Technical Editor for a book on the 3D production
iFuel - Primary Company Logo. 3D Graphic Design Logo for an internet based gasoline
Silicon Graphics. “Deep Space” - A space simulator for an exhibit. Work included comet
trail modeling animating and texturing.
Professional Service
MAXON COMPUTER - local student representative. I served as the free student license
distributor for Maxon’s Cinema 4D, a powerful 3D application that is worth thousands of
dollars. Estimated value to our students is around $60,000. This was an unpaid position.
How an AK-47 works by Matt Rittman. I provided consultation on how to create parts of the
rie in 3D, as well as animate them, including the spring assembly in the ammunition car-
12Anson Call Vitae--Long
Dec 2016
Dec 2016
July 2015
November 2007
June 2006
March 2006
January 2006
Fall 2005
Fall 2005
Fall 2005
Summer 2005
Summer 2005
Nov 15th, 2017
tridge, as well as creative input on the narration and narrative of the story. This is one of the
most popular videos on YouTube at over 225 million views.
Eista’09 (Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications). Orlando,
Florida (International Conference). Program Committee Member (did not attend conference).
Eista’09 (Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications). Orlando,
Florida (International Conference). Paper review and evaluation.
Eista’08 (Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications). Orlando,
Florida (International Conference). Program Committee Member (did not attend conference).
Eista’08 (Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications). Orlando,
Florida (International Conference). Paper review and evaluation.
Eista’07 (Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications). Orlando,
Florida (International Conference). Program Committee Member (did not attend conference).
Eista’07 (Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications). Orlando,
Florida (International Conference). Paper review and evaluation.
Eista’06 (Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications). Orlando,
Florida (International Conference). Co-Chair of the ‘Education of Science and Engineering’
Service (Institutional Service)
External Tenure Review
Associate Professor K-J Mathieson at University of South Florida. At the invitation of the
Director of the School of Art and Art History, Wallace Wilson, I performed an outside review
of the candidate for purposes of tenure and promotion.
Invited Outside Guest Critique
DESN 482 Research Methods for Inclusive UX Design, Toys for Kids with Autism and Cog-
nitive Disabilities, Professor Debra Sattereld. Invited reviewer for midterm, Spring 2022.
California State University at Long Beach.
DESN 482 Research Methods for Inclusive UX Design, Toys for Kids with Autism and Cog-
nitive Disabilities, Professor Debra Sattereld. Invited reviewer for nal project, Spring 2021.
California State University at Long Beach.
Chuck Richards University Professor Award. Was invited by peers to write a letter of support
for Chuck Richards nomiation for the University Professor Award.
CEAH grants and proposals review committee. Meet twice a year to approve/disapprove
13Anson Call Vitae--Long
July 2009
July 2009
July 2008
July 2008
July 2007
July 2007
July 2006
Fall 2020
Spring 2022
Spring 2021
Spring 2023
grants submitted to the committee.
CCCC university committee. Charged with ensuring collaboration between academic pro-
grams from dierent colleges.
HCI - Human Computer Interaction Faculty Member.
Computational Advisory Committee (CAC). College of Design’s faculty representative to
the University’s CAC. Assist College faculty and representing students in deciding the future
course and policy of CAC. Participate and vote on the distribution of CAC funds in response
to College proposals.
Game Design Program Faculty member (pending approval of the degree and governance
Game Design Major Curriculum ad hoc committee. This committee is developing the
Game Design Major.
Chuck Richards post tenure review committee.
Industrial Design Promotion and Tenure committee service. I served on P&T committee
for the department of Industrial Design to review the tenure packet for Dr. Tejas Dhadphale.
BPMI Search Committee. Served on search committee for candidates for an open Biologi-
cal Pre-Medical Illustration position.
BPMI Search Committee. Served on search committee for candidates for an open Biologi-
cal Pre-Medical Illustration position. Position was not lled.
Metablast! Cell Game Development Committee. An intercollegiate eort to develop a game
based on the inner workings of the cell. Members include: Eve Wurtele (Professor, Depart-
ment of Genetics, Development and Cell Biology), Julie Dickerson (Associate Professor,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department), Anson Call and Steve Herrnstadt (Associ-
ate Chair, Art and design).
e-Library Committee. An intercollegiate eort to create a website for the ISU Library.
International Programs.
Game Design Minor Curriculum ad hoc committee.
Research Extension and Outreach Council. Review FTG’s, FPDAs, Miller Fellowship,
facilitate research, collaboration, grants, awards, and organize related events.
Program Coordinator for the Digital Media Minor. Help guide the minor and resolve stu-
14Anson Call Vitae--Long
Fall 2003 - 2006
Fall 2024-present
Fall 2020-present
Spring 2022
Fall 2020
Fall 2017- Spring
Spring 2017
2005 - 2006
Fall 2003 - 2005
Fall 2024
Fall 2019
Fall 2017- Spring
dent issues, questions, or concerns.
Chair of the Digital Media Minor advisory committee. Guide committee meetings for the
minor. This was to cover for the current Program Coordinator on leave.
Budget Advisory Committee. College committee that reviews budgetary information.
Computational Advisory Committee. Voted on College of Design CAC proposals.
Digital Multimedia Minor Committee member. Group provides oversight of the College of
Design’s Digital Minor.
Promotional Videos
Graphic Design Reel 2022. Video compilation of Graphic Design Student work used for
departmental promotion and advertising.
Graphic Design Motion Graphics Reel 2020. Video compilation of Motion Design Student
work used for departmental promotion and advertising. I created and composed original
music solely for this video. Unpublished video, but used by department chair in promotional
Graphic Design Reel 2020. Video compilation of Graphic Design Student work used for de-
partmental promotion and advertising. I created and composed original music solely for this
Graphic Design Animation Reel 2016. Video compilation of Graphic Design student motion
graphics and animations. (note, video incorrectly states 2014)
Promotion and Tenure Committe. Assistant Teacher Miriam Martincic (Pending)
Promotion and Tenure Committe. Assistant Teacher Alix Foster review.
Promotion and Tenure Committe. Assistant Teacher Edward Cupps review.
Promotion and Tenure Committe. 3rd year probational review. Maurice Meiller.
Promotion and Tenure Committe. Term Faculty reviews. Patrick Finely, Miriam Martincic,
Tina Rice.
Graphic Design Search Committee, Assistant professor tenure-track, lled
Graphic Design Search Committee, Assistant teaching position, lled
Janice Peterson Anderson Senior Award. Assisted in managing the JPA senior awards
15Anson Call Vitae--Long
Fall 2016- Spring
2016 - 2018
2003 - 2014
2005 - Fall 2017
Oct, 24th , 2022
April 2020
April 20th, 2020
Oct 17, 2016
Fall 2024
Spring 2024
Spring 2024
Spring 2023
Spring 2023
Fall 2022-Spring
Fall 2021
Spring 2020
review process. (in progress)
Department 3D Motion Graphics Demo Reel. Created a student demo reel for departmental
use. Also wrote the musical score to accompany. (YouTube Pending)
Post Tenure Review Committee Chair for Lisa Fontaine’s post-tenure review committee.
Post Tenure Review Committee for Sung Kang’s post-tenure review committee.
Graphic Design tenure-track search committee. Maurice Meilleur hire.
Post Tenure Review Committee Chair for Paul Bruski’s post-tenure review committee.
Promotion and Tenure Committee member for 3rd year review for Ryan Cliord.
Post Tenure Review Committee Chair for Carol Fabers post-tenure review committee.
Graphic Design tenure-track search committee. Failed search.
Promotion and Tenure Committee member for Tenure Candidate Alex Braidwood.
Promotion and Tenure Committee member for Tenure Candidate Andrea Quam.
Sophomore Review, organized review and tabulated scores for Graphic Design incoming
Ad Hoc, Graduate Education Committee. Advise on design of new MFA, MA degrees in
Graphic Design.
Technology Committee. Advise on technological issues facing the department of Graphic
Integrated Studio Arts Search Committee. Results - Austin Steward tenure track hire.
Graphic Design Search Committee. Results - Andrea Quam and Alex Braidwood tenure track
Department of Architecture Computer Committee. Departmental technology advisement.
Department of Art & Design Technology Committee. Departmental technology advise-
Integrated Studio and Visual Arts Committee. Program direction and development.
Advisory Positions
Advisor, Digital Painting Club.
Advisor, Digital Arts Club. Faculty Advisor to ISU’s digital media organization.
16Anson Call Vitae--Long
Spring 2020
Spring 2020
Spring 2020
Spring 2019
Spring 2019
Fall 2017- Spring
Fall 2017- Spring
Fall 2017
2003 - 2013
2003 - 2009
2003 - 2007
Spring 2009
Spring 2008
Advisor, Focus Grant. “Axel Grease” by Kira Scott. Faculty Advisor to Kira Scott’s Focus
Advisor, Cosplay Conagaration. Faculty Advisor to Iowa State University’s Cosplay club.
Advisor, Integrated Studio Arts. Faculty Advisor to new and current ISA/IVA undergraduate
students. Assist students in course selection and career choices.
Advisor, Anime Club. Faculty Advisor to Iowa State University’s Anime Club. Assist club
ocers in club planning and organization including travel to regional anime events.
Advisor, Karaoke Club. Faculty Advisor to Iowa State University’s Karaoke Club.
Assist club ocers in club planning and organization.
Advisor, Undergraduate Assistantship. Lisa Ly, Graphic Design Student. Helped in testing the
tutorials for The Cinema 4D 9/9.1 Handbook.
Graduate Committees (committee member)
Zane Vredenberg, Thesis: “Food Fight”. MFA Candidate. Graduation Date: Spring 2007.
Denise Bacher, Thesis: “Design Patterns In Level Design”. MS (Human Computer Interac-
tion) Candidate, Graduation date: Spring 2008.
Rachel Gonzales MA, creative component
Josh Leinen MS, creative component
Jilian Withee MA, creative component
Ryan Wilson MFA, Curriculum and Course Design: Preparing Graphic Design and Visual
Communication Students
Rohini Kummitha MFA, Magic Masala
Cyndi Wiley PHD (HCI), Teaching, Connecting, and Having Fun
Xi Zhu MFA, A Symbolism Study of Expression in Text-Based Communication
Bo Chen MFA, Eective Movie Titles: A Challenge to Chinese Designers
Liu Xin MFA, Mr. Acephalous: The procedure of the Individual Stop-Motion Animation
Josie Ishikawa MFA, Transitory Nature
Sang-Duck Seo PHD (HCI), A Study on Interaction-Driven Comparison Between Analog and
Digital Gaming Control Interface on Smart phone
Xin Chen MFA, Culture and My Art
Casey Bridgham MFA, Virtue and Strife
17Anson Call Vitae--Long
2006 - 2008
2003 - 2014
2003 - 2020
2005 - 2006
2004 - 2005
Spring 2007
Spring 2008
Spring 2011
Spring 2012
Spring 2013
Spring 2014
Spring 2015
Spring 2014
Spring 2015
Fall 2015
Summer 2016
Spring 2016
Fall 2016
Summer 2017
Spring 2019
Nan HU MFA, Improve the WeChat user experience for Chinese older adults
Monica Vondra, MA, creative component
Luisa Burgos, MFA, Emotional Intelligence in Graphic Design: Creating a Resource to Facil-
itate Empathic Practices
Yue Yang, MFA, Emotional Character Design: an emotion-oriented perspective on develop-
ing empathy
Yiyu Wang MID, Load-bearing System Design for Law Enforcement
Karo Ahmadi, MFA, The Place of Poster in the Digital Era
Silvia Alberti, MFA, untitled
Melissa Ruf, MFA, untitled
Karo Ahmadi, PHD. Pending
Graduate Committees (Major Professor)
Lucia Hiegata, MFA, Multimedia book project on Mixed Races
Nishil Patel, MFA, RunARcade: A Gamied Exploration to Encourage Physical activity
through the lens of AR Smart Glass Interface
Stephi Flattery, MFA, Stim Joy: Using Multi-Sensory Design to Foster Better Understanding
of the Autistic Experience
Ge Qu, MFA, Finding Commonality and Dierence in Sticker Making for Paper, Digital
Chat, and Augmented Reality
Garman Herigstad, MFA, Communicating graphic design career experiences using feature
lm screenplay and production design
Ronit Nayak, MFA, User Interface Issues in Video Conferencing Software
Swapnil Bansal, MFA, Creating awareness about Household Air Pollution through gaming
Yiyu Wang, MA, Visualized Firearms Manuals
Fei Yang MS (HCI), Exploring the 3D Web Interface
Fei Xui MFA, Communicating Chinese Social Norms to a Western Audience
Devin Sloan MFA, Curious Cutaways, Five Technologies and Whats Inside
Ryan Wilson PHD (HCI), Understanding the User in Online Education
18Anson Call Vitae--Long
Spring 2020
Spring 2020
Spring 2020
Spring 2020
Spring 2021
Spring 2022
Spring 2026
Spring 2026
Spring 2025
Spring 2025
Summer 2023
Spring 2023
Spring 2023
Spring 2021
Spring 2021
Spring 2021
Spring 2017
Spring 2016
Summer 2016
Fall 2015
Summer 2015
Wyeth Lynch MFA, Teaching Photographic Concepts Through Art and Technology
ADAI 65th Exhibition Excellence Award. Category: Animation. Title: Project Genesis.
P&S Team Award, Smithsonian Exhibit, Washington D.C.
19Anson Call Vitae--Long
Summer 2014
April 21, 2023