VOL. 14, NO. 4
November 3, 1972
Lead Way To Heaven, Hell
mile journey around the beautiful $1.00 for students, and 75 cents Patrick and Joe Ekiatis.
Eisenhower Track. with an ASB card. The stage manager is Connie
“Bound for both heaven and The cast of nine is, in order Carlton. The sets are under the
hell for they’re the same place.” of appearance: Ron Patterson, direction of Ron Patterson and
This mysterious line come Belinda Casas, Bob Cox, Bruce Mike Greenburg.
from the drama departments Long, Ken Hornbeck, Robyn The Thespians will host as
production of “Outward Bound.” Lyons, Rosie Thomas, Max ushers.
The play deals with the questions
of death and morality. It will be
Nixon Defeats McGovern
presented tonight at 7:30 p.m. in
Room R-1. It will run through
the EHS students who voted
tomorrow night.
President Nixon won last
were undecided, which is far
Tickets are $1.25 for adults,
week’s poll with 64.1 per cent
above the national average. This
of the 976 students who voted
might be because they can’t vote,
at EHS.
and so they avoid studying the
This was expected, since the
issue and/or don’t have to make
President has been getting 60 per
a decision.
cent to 65 per cent in the national
Only 2.2 per cent of the
polls. Surprisingly, Senator
students said they would vote on
McGovern received only 11.1 per
the American Party ticket or that
cent of the student percentage.
of the Peace and Freedom Party.
There were two reasons for
Write-ins came in at 1.6 per
taking this poll: 1) to find out
CONNIE CARLTON, Joe Ekatis, and Ken Hornbeck are shown during
what the young people of this
cent. The “lovable bigot,” Archie
the running of Outward Bound. Produced by the Drama Department.
country really stand for; and 2)
Bunker, had eight votes. Other
to nd out if the results of this
write-ins were Hugh Hefner,
poll would reect the feelings of
Might Mouse, Mickey Mouse,
the nation.
Snoopy, Peter Pan, and Ralph
Chavez Appeals For Help
The odd thing about Senator
Nader. Some joker wrote in
McGovern’s 11.1 per cent is that
“myself” on his ballot.
The bill then states that if there
may have been selected by the
he has been getting 35 percent to
Is this any indication of the
Leader of laborers, Cesar
are more temporary or migrant
Chavez, appeals to us for help. A
workers than permanent workers
C h a v e z h a s b r o u g h t
very crucial request. Vote No on
elections will not be held. This
out allegations of fraud and
Proposition 22. This proposition
seems strange because, to be
misrepresentation concerning
involves the lives of countless
exact, 95% of the farm workers
the gathering of signatures for
people. The facts:
belong to that group.
Prop. 22:
Proposition 22 gives the
These types of legislations
A woman in Santa Clara had her
courts the power to place a 60
and elections resemble absolute
name signed though she had been
day injunction on a strike by
dictatorship. As if the bill didn’t
DEAD for two and a half YEARS.
agricultural workers. The reason,
state enough, it also claims that
Need I continue. I think you now
Chavez says, is because 98 per
the employer doesn’t have to
know what Chavez means. In plain
cent of the crops in California
negotiate even though a union
words it means FRAUD.
can be harvested in 45 days,
Evaluate this type of legislation
45 per cent in the national polls
election outcome? We’ll know
Ike Student Collides
therefore, a 60 day injunction
for yourself. Vote no on 22.
in the last four months, and his
on November 7, when the nation
would kill the effectiveness of
With Field Trip Bus
Chavez represents a humble
big supporters are supposedly the
goes to the polls to cast their
the strike.
yet proud group of people, farm
young people.
ballots for president of the United
For the rst time in 13 years
Cesar and his fellow farm
workers. These people work
Part of the reason for this low
States of America.
at Eisenhower a Rialto School
workers claim the right to vote by
with their hands and bend their
in McGovern supporters is the
secret ballot, but the bill would
District bus was involved in an
backs to place food on our tables
unusually high percentage of
Swap Meet Set Nov. 11
prevent them even from voting.
but when they brush the dirt from
“undecideds. Twenty per cent
All Eisenhower students, both
The bill states that for a farm
It happened Wednesday at the
their hands and turn around they
worker to be eligible to vote he
beginning of lunch. Mr. Gordon
nd their own tables empty of
buyers and sellers, are invited
must have worked 100 days of
food,” says Cesar.
to participate in Frisbies Swap
Nicholson’s class was returning
Homecoming is right around
Meet, Nov. 11, beginning at 8
the past year for an agricultural
T h e peo pl e of A m e r i c a
in the bus from a field trip to
the bend—next week, in fact.
employer or employers. Fourteen
believe in democracy but is it
of the last thirty days must have
the Chapparal when the bus
a democracy when the right to
This years festivities start
The cost of a selling permit is
was struck by a student’s car,
next Friday afternoon with the
been spent working for the same
vote, strike or form unions is
homecoming parade. At least
employer. This is ridiculous and
northbound on Lilac Avenue, just
snatched away from them?
One may sell his services,
unfair because a majority of
north of the campus.
“We need your help! Listen
ten oats are being planned by
crafts, or general odds-and-ends,
farm workers are temporary or
The driver of the car was Mike
when Cesar appeals to you.
various clubs and organizations.
but no food items are allowed.
migrant. Thus far understood?
Kruger. Passenger in the car
The annual homecoming dance
For those that want to buy,
That’s not all!
(Continued on Page 2)
Sta Gains Members
is scheduled for the next night,
and not to sell, there is a 25 cent
Saturday. Dress is semi-formal.
admission charge, for which
On e ne w co u ns e lo r an d
Cost is $1.25 for singles and
you are allowed to wander and
one new teacher joined the
$2.50 for couples.
browse to your heart’s content.
Eisenhower staff this week.
Miss Vassie Sellas, a recent
graduate of Cal State, has taken
over the English classes of Mrs.
Majorie Rodriguez, who left last
Friday for Washington, D.C., to
join her husband.
Mr. Lawrence Johnson began
his duties as full time counselor
Wednesday. He replaces Mr.
David Camarigg who has moved
into the position of director of the
work experience program.
Mr. Johnson comes from Cal
State, and he is also working
with the E.O.P. program at
the University of California at
Riverside. He is also working
on his doctorate in guidance and
Photo by Rudy Saenz
SCHOOL BUS collision in front of Ike resulted in two seriously injured
students from Eisenhower.
newly acquired positions at Ike. Ms. Sellas teaches sophomore
English, whil Mr. Johnson is the new counselor for D-Har students.
Page 2 EAGLE’S EYE November 3, 1972
Hitch Hiking Bill Presented To Legislature
the weird people who pick you preaching the gospel to you.”
Hitch hiking may now become
up are some disadvatages. The Jerry Anderson, junior: “One
a new legal means of travel in
lobbyist bill is a good idea.” of the biggest problems of hitch
California. A newly formed
Joyce Edmond, junior: I dig hiking is the unwillingness
“California Hitch Hiking Lobby
hitch hiking. It’s a great way of of drivers to pick up hikers.
recently presented a bill to the
meeting new guys, but, man, Maybe the bill will now solve the
California legislature, which will
like squares pick you up and start problem.”
legalize hitch hiking as a safe
means of travel.
In this bill a system is set up
in which hitch hikers pay a few
dollars to enter the program.
Expectations High On Weed
If the applicant does not have
a criminal record or is not a
Pro p o sit i o n 1 9 re a d s a s
save the taxpayers great amounts
former mental patient, he or she
follows: Marijuana initiative.
of money.
will be given a coupon booklet.
Removes state penalties for
I t h i n k a Y E S v o t e o n
The coupons indicate the hiker
personal use. Proposes a statute
Proposition 19 is the only
is “safe,” and the number of
that no person eighteen years
intelligent way to go.
coupons given the driver is based
or older shall be punished
Bret Meacham
on the amount of miles he has
criminally or denied any right
driven the hitch hiker. A driver
or priviledge because of his
can then win a contest prize if his
planting, cultivating, harvesting,
coupon number is a winner.
drying, processing or otherwise
News Briefs
The money acquired from
p r e p a r i n g , t r a n s p o r t i n g ,
the purchased coupons would
possessing or using marijuana.
State Opens 67 Miles of Bikeway
be used to finance a state-
Does not repeal existing or limit
wide hostel system to provide
future legislation prohibiting
persons under the inuence of
The first 67 miles of the
1. For an official entry blank
We need more juniors to
inexpensive accommodations and
marijuana from engaging in
California Aqueduct opened as a
write to: Young People’s Film
participate in class activities,”
insurance for the hikers.
conduct that endangers others.
bikeway Saturday.
Competition, KCET, 4400 Sunset
Mimi added.
The lobbyists are also opposing
Financial impact: none.
Soon to be extended the entire
Drive, Los Angeles, 90027, or
Students interested in working
a Senate-passed bill that would
Proposition 19 is probably
444 miles, ofcials say facilities
call (213) 666-6500.
on the homecoming float are
ban hitch hiking at many freeway
one of the most controversial
for water and camping are
asked to contact any of the class
ramps deemed unsafe.
propositions being voted on next
provided along the route which
Another Successful Year
officers: Linda Kaney, Lyn
Some Eisenhower hitch hikers
Tuesday. Most of the arguments
will run through San Bernardino
Watts, Mimi Pettersen, Judy
expressed their thoughts on the
Sixt e e n mem b e r s of t h e
against the proposition are
and Riverside on its way to Perris
Montanez or Clarence Gilyard.
lobbyist bill and hitch hiking.
Hermanos Unidos club have
Hector Briones, senior: “Free
just that marijuana is bad for
Lake, some 20 miles south of
started working on plans for
Horror Movies
you and legalizing it will hurt
transportation and meeting new
a n o t h e r s u c c e s s f u l y e a r ,
many people in the long run.
Plans for access routes to
If blood, guts, and spine-
people are some advantages of
according to Patsy Medina, club
However, President Nixons
fishing and other recreational
tingling suspense appeals to you,
hitch hiking. I believe that the
hitch hiking bill is a good idea in
commission on marijuana, along
facilities are also planned,
Other officers are Adam
then read onwards.
that it will cut down on criminal
with many other committees
according to William R. Gianelli,
Newell, vice president; Kim
Two horror movies, House of
such as the American Medical
director of the state Department
Usher and Phantom of the Opera,
acts of hikers but not necessarily
Bridgewater, secretary; Marie
Association drug committee have
of Water Resources.
will be shown in the Ike cafeteria,
of drivers.”
Hernandez, treasurer; Nancy
whole-heartedly supported the
The bikeway will be open only
Nov. 14, although a denite time
Richard Mathews, senior: “The
Benavente, historian; and Lenard
decriminalization of marijuana.
to bikers and hikers, with the
has not yet been set.
advantages of travel by hitch
Elias and Toni Mazzola, sergeant
hiking is the feeling of freedom
These authorities said it is not
exception of DWR maintenance
at arms.
The cost of these two shockers
and adventure, and the chance
addictive, doesn’t lead to harder
vehicles. The bikeway is an
This years plans include
is 50 cents with an ASB card and
excellent service road with
75 cents without.
to see a lot of the country. The
drugs, does not damage the body,
helping elementary and junior
gates installed especially for the
“For the gore of your life, don’t
insanity of waiting for a ride, and
does not produce mental illness,
high schools with bilingual
crime or violence, and has no
bicyclists. “Recreation is the basic
miss out on these blood curdlers.
tutoring for children having
Ike Student Collides
lethal dose.
purpose of all the facilities of the
Theyre enough to make your
speech problems because of the
If marijuana were legalized,
state water project,Gianelli said.
skin crawl, but you’ll enjoy every
With Field Trip Bus
language barrier.
the quality of it would improve,
minute of them, says Clyde
(Continued from Page 1)
Film Makers Compete
The club is also planning a oat
Derrick, director of publicity,
plus the fact that 40 per cent of
for the homecoming parade.
was Bruce Lizotte. There were
cases of people who are arrested
For those students over 18 or
who is in charge of the movie
no other passengers in the car.
for marijuana are dismissed will
under and who are interested in
Jocks Meet Tuesday
Both boys suffered injuries and
be out of the courts and thus will
competing with other Southern
12 Tons of Paper
were hospitalized. Mike received
Judy Montonez, junior, has
Califor n i a n s , KCET/28 i s
head and arm injuries, and Bruce
been elected president of the
Twenty per cent of the money
Ike Trades With 27
sponsoring a lm making contest.
received a deep gash in his left
newly organized Jocks club.
derived from the sale of the
The prize winning lm will be
arm and several other cuts and
Jocks will be cheering at the
paper collected in the Ecology
A paper exchange is not
shown as a special broadcast on
game tonight and will hold it
Club’s paper drive will go to the
necessarily trading your paper
KCET/28 called Young Film
Only one injury occurred
next regular meeting Tuesday at
winning homeroom.
with your neighbor and cheating
Winners TV Special” this spring.
on the bus, according to Mr.
2:30 p.m.
According to Mr. Gordon
on an assignment. Its also a
O t h e r p r i z e s a r e f i l m
I n t e r e s t e d s t u d e n t s a r e
Nicholson. Helen Parros received
Ni ch ol so n , c l u b s p o n s o r ,
program of schools exchanging
equipment, lm stock, cash, gift
welcome, according to Judy.
a small scratch on her chin.
approximately 12 tons of paper
newspapers every time a new
certicates, plaques and award
Both boys were removed from
should be collected, and this will
issue comes out.
Color My World
the car by the Rialto police and
sell for about $100. That means
Eisen h o w er has a p aper
Divisions will be by grades,
were placed on the sidewalk to
“Color My World has been
the winning homeroom will win
exchange with 27 other schools,
starting at kindergarten through
await the ambulance.
selected as the theme of the 1973
about $20.
including Fontana, Colton, Alta
sixth, then seventh through ninth,
junior-senior prom to be held at
The drive is scheduled for Dec.
Loma, Chaffey, McCluer, Victor
and tenth through twelfth grade.
the San Bernardino Exhibition
7 and 8.
Valley, Kolb, Rialto, Frisbie,and
Type of lm action can be of
Hall, 303 North E. St., on April
many more.
live action or animation. It may
If you would like to read some
be silent or with sound, color or
The date was changed from
of the papers from other schools,
black and white.
May 12 to April 14 due to a
you’re welcome to come to J-3
Deadline for entries is Feb.
conict in schedules, according
and read all you want.
to Mimi Pettersen, chairman of
the prom committee.
ONE OF THE MANY hitch hikers waiting for the legalization of
Photo by S. Sims
November 3, 1972 EAGLE’S EYE Page 3
Thirteen Seniors Vie For Homecoming Queen
Kling, Ellaine Laye, Konda
Konda Mason chose Greg Ross
of homecoming,” she said. Susan
Mason, Terri Morrison, Delilah
as her escort. “Homecoming
Student voting for homecoming
is a member of Azuretts and
Navarro, Carol Patrick, Susan
means to me true spirit on the
queen will take place after the
head varsity cheerleader. She
Rohrer, and Debbie Watkins.
Eisenhower campus,” she said.
assembly next Tuesday. Voting
represents leadership in ICC. Bob
booths will be set up at lunch,
Clarendon will be her escort.
and all students will have an
It is the one game at EHS
opportunity to vote for ve girls
where we have spirit, and
of their choice.
tradition of many years is carried
Jo Ann Aguilera
is ASB treasurer, historian for
Sobobans, and the editorial editor
for the newspaper. Malcolm
Kris Carter
Laura Assumma
Smith is Laurie’s escort.
Konda is president of Sobobans.
J o A n n A g u i l e r a w a s
“Homecoming represents much
Pep club nominated her.
nominated by Sobobans. She
effort and enthusiasm,” says Bev
Brian Clark will escort Delilah
says she feels that “homecoming
Kling, junior class nominee. Bev
Navarro, student councils
is something everyone can look
is involved in student council
no m i ne e f o r ho m e co m i ng
Bev Kling
Candi Gesek
back on and remember.” She is
as secretary of state, and she is
queen. Homecoming to her
the head songleader, Soboban
a reporter for the newspaper.
is getting the opportunity to
social chairman, and a member
Richard Mathews will be her
represent your school, as well as
of Azuretts. “Homecoming also
the students.” Delilah belongs
means excitement.”
Varsity cheerleader, Ellaine
to GAA and Wrestleretts. She
Pete Vincent is escorting Laura
Laye, s a ys she f e els t h a t
feels homecoming is “especially
Assumma for the assembly. She
homecoming is a time when,
representing the team.”
is actively in involved in Sen-
“everyone comes together and
“Homecoming is an important
Tetts and was nominated by CSF.
celebrates. It isn’t only a dance,
and exciting part of the year. It
K r i s C a r t e r f e e l s t h a t
game or the selection of a queen,
gives you a chance to see many
homecoming is a traditional
but all of these put together
old friends, graduates come back
night dedicated to the football
with a feeling of pep, spirit, and
to visit, and everyone seems
team and the people who have
pride.” Ellaine is also a member
to get involved,” says Carol
faith and support in the team.”
of Azuretts and the Black Student
Patrick, songleader. Carol is
Kris was nominated by Sen-Tetts
Union, of which she was vice
co-head songleader, treasurer of
of which she has been a member
president last year. Escorting her
Azuretts, a member of the House
for three years and now serves as
for the assembly is Bruce Claude.
and is in CSF. Geoff Sharp
social chairman. “It is a night of
Terri Morrison says she thinks
is her escort. “Homecoming
Ellaine Laye
suspense and performance, where
that, “homecoming is mostly
makes you appreciate our team,
Konda Mason
the team, band, drill team and
important to seniors. It makes
and everyone looks forward to
pep squad, alumni and present
us really realize that this is our
winning our homecoming game.”
members perform, while the
year and our last.” Terri was
When spirit gets a little
results of the queen and her court
nominated by the ecology club,
h i g h e r , i s a s y m b o l o f
and results of the oat contest
and is a member of the newly
homecoming to Susan Rohrer,
provide suspense.”
formed organization on campus,
sophomore class nominee. “The
“Wrestleretts.” Mike Preston is
Terri’s escort.
Delilah Navarro
Terri Morrison
out,” says Debbie Watkins. She
The five girls with the most
was nominated by Azuretts, of
votes will be the queen and her
which she is a member. Steve
court. The girl who receives
Susan Rohrer
Carol Patrick
Beldin will be Debbie’s escort for
the most votes will be crowned
“Homecoming is one of the last
excitement of seeing a lot of
the assembly. “Homecoming is
queen during the half-time
traditional things left in school
ceremonies, and the one with the
Debbie Watkins
the graduates from the years
important and brings the students
second highest number of votes
today, says Candi Gesek, the
Not pictured is Laurie Greene
before is also an important part
closer together,” Debbie added.
French Clubs homecoming
will be named rst princess.
candidate. Candi is social
Thirteen girls selected by the
chairman of Azuretts, a member
varsity team and house of reps
of Sobobans and the French
from the clubs nominations
Club. She will be escorted by
are: Jo Ann Aguilera, Laura
Dan Flanery.
Assumma, Kris Carter, Candi
Laurie Greene was nominated
Gesek, Laurie Greene, Bev
by the Eagles Eye staff. She
Page 4 EAGLE’S EYE November 3, 1972
Marriage, A Destructive Element To Love?
Because marriage has been
need for it; there is no longer
all. It does not guarantee love, or
questioned of its value and its
any challenge. Youve trapped
that all problems will be solved
purpose, many people have
the guy. You don’t need to try
through marriage. A piece of
realized that marriage is not
any more. A marriage certicate
paper cannot hold a couple
always the answer; that it is
does not promise that love will
together psychologically, but
no longer a necessity; and that
continue to ourish; it does not
because many go into marriage
it serves no definite purpose.
promise everlasting happiness
thinking it can, resentment,
Although the institution of
“till death do us part.” The ideal
hostility, a n d a dissolved
marriage and family is dying,
of marriage was not built on a
r e l a t i o n s h i p m a y o c c u r .
it will never by dead to social
reality; it did not consider that
Marriage is often used as a hold
customs and tradition-oriented
human beings change and that
over the partner’s life. “But you
there is now way of foretelling
can’t do that. We’re married!”
Marriage is a value that has
what the future might bring.
It is a trap, from which many
been inflicted upon all of us
Marriage has somewhat ruined
through mass media, parents,
the meaning of love. Example:
Marriage is both good and
etc., and because it is a tradition
a pregnant girl gets married, not
bad for the psyche. It offers
that is deeply-rooted in society, it
because she loves the father,
security and stability until the
is hard to break away completely
but because she wants her child
relationship has ended. If and
from that t radition and/or
to have a name.” Despite the
when the relationship ends, the
question it. It has been stressed,
hell that child will go through
fantasy of marriage conflicts
particularly upon females, that
because of the hostility between
with the reality. “But we can’t
marriage is the main goal in
both parents, he will have a
get divorced; we’re married and
one’s life. Marriage becomes a
name. What is a name to an
were supposed to love each
dream that everyone hopes to
unhappy child? Is a “name
other!” The dream has crumbled,
accomplish; it is the only form of
really a more important value
and the reality of it is hard to
success for some. But marriage
than happiness? Marriage is often
just for the sake of tradition? Is
used as a means of escape from
Independency and freedom
marriage a dream in that the two
parents, from school, etc., with
are also affected by marriage.
the couple together; they are
people who love each other
people involved are not really in
love only as an undermining
Divorce is a traumatic experience;
doing it themselves. The couple
need and want marriage, it will
love with each other, but are in
it involves a complete readjusting
involved are not living for a
continue to be a value. Those
love with the idea of love, and
Marriage as proof of love is
of two lives.
dream, change is allowed, and
who stray from that social norm
nd marriage a fulllment of that
a destructive element. Those
Co u pl e s w h o ar e li v in g
dependency is lessened. Those
will suffer the consequences.
who need “proof” do not trust
together, but are not legally
who have questioned marriage
Their children will be scorned
With marriage, romance may
each other and are not sure of
ma r ri e d , fa c e f ew o f t h e
have found that living together is
and termed illegitimate. The
diminish to a certain extent
themselves. A piece of paper
problems married couples do.
now the reality.
couple themselves will be “living
because there is no longer any
guarantees marriage and that is
A piece of paper is not holding
in sin.” We must realize that the
The real question involved is
Puritanical code of morality is
this: what is more important,
not effective and no longer has
love or marriage? Because of
a place in a nation such as ours.
Way of Expressing Love
the unwritten laws and moral
We must establish new norms
code of society, marriage, not
and social values; but until then,
love, is the main value, and until
marriage will continue to be a
these laws change, until society
tradition and a destructive
Is marriage a commitment of
wonder why? Do you think that it
boys take the place of dolls as
can accept the fact that not all
element to love.
love, or is it the termination of a
could be a part of life built upon
their main interest.
person’s individuality? To some
the conscience or a name for an
Then, by the age of 16, girls
people that piece of paper, the
unwanted child?
are through with games and have
marriage certicate, means a lot.
Its strange how adults keep
found out the rough way that
To them, it’s proof of everlasting
Learn About Birth Control
love, and of never dying trust.
What’s so wrong with that? Is it
On Ikes campus there are
the popular contraceptives. The
really so impossible to live under
many girls who should know
most used method is the pill, and
the same roof with a person, to
about birth control. Too many
the clinic has 10 different kinds,
stay together, knowing the many
girls are pregnant when they
so that at least one of them will
problems that will come along?
could have prevented it.
be suitable for you to use.
Do try to think, if a difficult
problem came along, could you
The county has a family
You are required to fill out
run to a lover, or would you
planning program and clinic that
a medical form. Then you are
rather run to the arms that are
is absolutely free. And the best
given an appointment to see a
legally committed to you?
part is that your parents don’t
doctor. He will give you a breast
If the chance of pregnancy
have to know. You can receive
check, pap test, and a pelvic
comes along, what usually comes
any form of birth control you
exam. A nurse weighs you, and
to your mind? Marriage? Well, I
criticizing young people for their
life means more than just being
she takes your blood pressure and
morals. The same adults made
run around. After dating many
give you a blood test.
the law that lowered the “age of
guys, they reach the realization
If you are interested, follow
consent” to 16. It is adults who
that marriage is the local next
this procedure.
After you’ve told the doctor
control the lawmaking of our
step. If a person lives his life
what form of contraceptive you
social system.
alone, chances are he or she will
The rst thing you should do
want, you go to a different nurse,
In the days when our parents
have affair after affair and never
is call the number for the San
and she explains all about it. If
were young. It was quite proper
nd the right one who fullls all
Bernardino Family Planning
you want birth control pills, for
and very tting for a girl to get
Clinic, 383-1551, and make an
example, she will tell you how
married at the age of 16, just a
Early marriage is usually
appointment to attend a birth
to take them, when to start and
couple of years after she has put
associated with early pregnancy.
control orientation. These are held
how often.
away her dolls.
Statistics compiled by the
on all weekdays, but at different
Now we see that even 13-year-
Georgetown University medical
times: Monday, Tuesday and
olds find dolls immature, and
school hospital, reveal that half
All of the workers are very
Thursday at 12 noon; Wednesday
of the female population marries
and Thursday at 4:30 p.m., and
nice and polite. There is no
under the age of 21, and 42 per cent
8:30 a.m. on Fridays.
discrimination against anyone,
of these give birth to their rstborn
and usually you wont feel
At the orientation you are
within eight months of marriage.
shown a film on various birth
What the statistics do not show,
control methods. Afterwards you
The family planning clinic is
however, is the fact that many, if
can ask questions about some of
there to help you.
not most, of these girls want to,
and have planned to be married
before they nd they are pregnant.
Marria g e is not a dying
tradition. It is still a way of
e x p r e s s i n g l o v e t h r o u g h
Photo by Dave Murray
IS MARRIAGE the dying tradition or a way of expressing love.
November 3, 1972 EAGLE’S EYE Page 5
Climate Change Is Cause of Most Colds
Here is an example.
time the student gets to class,
The scorcher comes with
Following the arctic experience
The typical student comes to
the famous Santa Ana winds
history class. The frozen student
in the pool, the poor student
school on a cool fall morning
have come up. The classroom is
is now going to be dried. This
has been frozen, over heated,
when the temperature outside
COLD. The door is open, and the
teacher loves discussion, but
dehydrated and waterlogged.
is about 76 degrees. The bell
teacher starts his lectures. One of
discussion concerning the heater
Now he climbs on the bus and
rings, and the student walks
the freezing students makes the
is not permitted. The heater is
heads for home. He is still damp
into his favorite class, like Mrs.
request to shut the door which
constantly on. Even the “mummu
and all the windows are down.
Eva Lenard’s German class, for
Mr. Nicholson does. Then the
plant” withers in the heat! Sweat
air conditioning comes on (the
pours off the over-heated student,
Mrs. Lenard has the heater
same unit that doesn’t work in
and he is becoming dehydrated.
turned on. After the period gets
the summer!) The temperature
Remember, discussion about the
Have you ever wondered why
underway, the room begins to
zooms to 61 degrees. Everyone
heater is not permitted.
students are absent from school
warm up, and the student takes
bundles up in heavy coats, except
By the student has been frozen
more than teachers?
off his jacket. He asks Mrs.
those unfortunate souls who
and is dried, but fortunatly he
It’s mostly because of colds,
Lenard to turn off the heater. She
forgot theirs.
swims next period.
and colds usually result from
says it’s still cold in the room
The next class is accounting,
The wind is still blowing
extreme temperature changes.
even though the temperature has
where the doors are always
and temperature is not 76 deg.
reached 110 degrees.
open, through rain or shine or
anymore. The thermometer
Papers For Reform
To the students relief the
Santa Ana winds. Most students
now reads 62 deg. The student
passing bell rings, and he hurries
become frozen to the adding
thinking he won’t swim because
to his next class, like Mr. Gordon
machines at the back until the
it is too cold, get dressed to work
Nicholson’s, for instance. By the
spring thaw.
out in the weight room.
High sc h o o l newspapers
After the work out, the teacher
traditionally have dealt mostly
directs everyone down to the
with pep rallies, football queens,
pool. “Everyone get in the pool
and “most likely to succeed.” Not
any more. All over this country,
Athletes Practice To Music
and start shooting! the voice
penetrates. A whip over their
the underground newspaper is
heads urges the freezing students
telling it how it is, by printing
into the pool.
opinions on the war, government
Some people dance to the
and the establishment. A book,
According to Steve Almager,
“Our Time Is Now, edited by
music. Here at Eisenhower, the
senior, “Music seems to relieve
John Brimingham deals with
basketball team practices to the
your tension. It lifts your spirit.”
the underground newspaper
Rod Welker, junior, said, If
This method is used by the
the beat of the music is good, it
The title fits the revolution
famous Harlem Globetrotters.
Karate Taught
the country is going through
The boys are much more
At Eisenhower
right now. For example, in a
Victor Almager, sophomore,
relaxed practicing to music and a
W a n t t o k n o w h o w t o
newspaper called The Weakly
“It gives me rhythm,” he state.
little better behaved too,” stated
completely destroy your block?
Reader” came a demand for
Mr. William Wilkins, basketball
Richard Wheeler, senior, said,
Try karate.
to colleges, no suspensions or
head coach.
Its the beat that helps. The
such things as open admissions
Reach Out Rialto is opening
faster the music, the faster I
a new karate class tomorrow
expulsions, freedom of speech
Some of the players were asked
morning in the Ike gym. The
and complete freedom of the
by an Eagles Eye reporter if they
class is being taught by ofcer
press. At the end of these
like practicing to music.
Richard Hernandez, senior,
Mike Visser of the Rialto Police
stories appeared a caption in
adds his own touch. “I like
force. He holds a third degree
block letters. We’re Making a
Dave Ayala, senior, said, “It
to sing when I shoot. Singing
Revolution — Join us!”
makes me feel more relaxed. It’s
black belt and has taken karate
relaxes me,” he stated.
for more than 14 years.
behind the underground papers
The book points out that the people
more fun, too.
The entire class is FREE, none
Paul Hanna, sophomore,
The boys bring in records they
of that “only $25 a month.” This
aren’t Communists, Marxists, etc.
explained, Music helps you
want to hear. Also they use
class costs nothing!
They are kids with good interesting
stay on the beat. It helps you get
some of the music used by the
The class is scheduled from 10
facts about the school system. The
involved in the practicing.
to 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays. No
reform 100 per cent.
articles in the papers are all for
special dress is required this year
for beginners. Wear loose clothes
so you can stretch out those ugly
“Parade” Publicizes Presidents, Numbers
muscles. According to Mr. Visser,
as you tone up the old body, you
If long distance is the next
Let’s suppose you wanted to
shriek and disconnect you; or Leo
also improve your mind.
best thing to being there, then
give good ol Leonid Brezhnev
himself will answer the phone.
Ikes gym is also open on
“Parade” magazine certainly has
a call. Just pick up the phone and
Anybody wanting Pope Paul
Sundays for family use.
done its part to help AT&T get
dial the operator. Tell her you
VI can reach him at Rome 396-
its message across.
want to make an overseas call.
6982. Just make sure you don’t
When Rep. Ella T. Grasso
She’ll connect you to the overseas
try to call during Holy Mass.
(D., Conn.) announced that she
operator. When the overseas girl
Chou En-lai’s number is easy
Creative Writers Create
would sponsor a bill allowing free
comes on, tell her you want
to remember: Peking 4. Calling
postage and telephone service to
Moscow 206-2581. When she
Madrid 222-2865 will connect
Contributions are in for the
Colton and Redlands. Ike is
world leaders, “Parade” published
rings your number, one of three
you with President Francisco
magazine being published by,
named first since Eisenhower
a list of eight phone numbers
things may happen: the answering
Franco of Spain.
and for, members of the creative
has more members in the club
that one may dial to reach these
service will hang up when they
The better half offers three
writing class, taught by Mrs.
than either of the other schools
people. There is only one catch:
hear that the call is from the
number at Jerusalem 39-2111,
Joyce Miller.
you still have to pay for the call.
U.S.; the Moscow operator will
while New Delhi 2312 brings
The magazine consists of 35
Of 35 members, 16 are from
Indira Gandhi to the phone.
pages done by the students of her
Elizabeth II, queen of England
class. One page was assigned to
T h e c l u b i s s p o n s o r e d
will answer a call directed to
each student to write anything
by the California Portland
London 930-4832.
they wished.
C e m e n t C o m p a n y . T h e
There is one number you can
L i n d a D ev il li e r , s en io r,
purpose of the club is to give
dial yourself. Try calling 202-456-
designed t h e c o v e r . Brian
students an opportunity to
1414. Lo, and behold! President
T r i m b a t h , j u n i o r , i s
get experience working under
Nixon (or his answering service)
printing the magazine in the
leadership of busine ssmen
will be on the other end.
Eisenhower print shop. Only
from local firms.
Teachers Work,
enough copies will be printed
Students Play
to give one to each member of
the class.
Whil e the t each e r s ar e
“getting it all together” at their
annual in-service day Monday,
Club Picks Name
Nov. 6, well be taking a
This year’s junior achievement
holiday from school.
club has been named Ike-Co-Red
The program for teachers starts
which is short for Eisenhower,
at 8:30 a.m. in the cafeteria and
will be centered around the
theme, “Getting It All Together.
The Rialto Womens Club
will serve refreshments during
the coffee break. For part of the
day, teachers will divide into
groups of six to ten persons for
By the time he arrives at his bus
stop, he has been transformed
into an ice cube.
Fortunately, the student lives
only ten blocks from the bus
stop. He walks in his house,
yells, “I’m home!” Then he takes
two aspirins and climbs in bed
with the hope of regaining some
of his strength to make it through
another day.
JOHNSON display their dancing
ability as they and other team
mates practice to music.
Interesting Info
Page 6 EAGLE’S EYE November 3, 1972
Not even rain, nor wind, nor
Following the rst play from
“blessed with an abundance of T h e s o p h o m o r e s t h e n Dennis Hogan as Mejia scored
snow, nor even a CBL defense
scrimmage, in which halfback
talent.” constructed a time-consuming again on a 7 yard jaunt and
can stop the potent Eisenhower
Tim Mejia broke away for an 87
The second Ike score came on drive which ended with Mike Hogan on a 7 yard sweep.
sophomore offense from its
yard score, the almost spiritless
a 20 yard run by James Taylor, Scroggins boring his way for six
Gulla, then negotiated contact
appointed destinations.
Pirates seemed to be in for a long
who also caught a two point more from the Pirate four.
on a ten yard aerial to Ted Jones
After blistering their first
afternoon of one-sided football,
conversion pass from Eagle I k e c a p i t a l i z e d o n
making the score 41-6.
five CBL opponents, the Ike
as the sophomores trampled
quarterback Keith Gulla. interceptions by Taylor and
With minutes to play, Dennie
sophomore football unit traveled
Pacic 48-6.
Buskirk crossed the goal line on
to Pacic sporting an explosive
“Good players,” are the main
Cook Shines As Varsity
a 14 yard run and Gulla added
offensive attack which averaged
reason for a successful season,
the extra point, upping the nal
over 30 points a game and an
attributed sophomore coach Mike
Rallies To 36 - 7 Victory
score to 48-6.
equally stingy defense which has
Mayne. Its bad luck not to
allowed an implausible 6 points
have good players, he added
If Bryson Cook has one major
Bob Clarendon who called a
In total offense, Ike poured
per contest.
as the sophomores seemed to be
fault, it certainly is not conceit.
brilliant first half. Clarendon
out an amazing 500 yards, with
After scoring three touchdowns
connected with Cook again for
471 of them coming from their
in Eisenhower’s 36-7 romp over
a 72 yard strike, this highlighted
awesome ground attack.
Pacic, last week, Cook gives all
by the splendid tackle breaking
Offensive guard and defensive
the credit where recognition is
of Cook.
end Dave Ellis was chosen
due most.
One word expressed all of
as Player of the Game. An
Cooks elation on the win,
outstanding performance was
The unadorned offensive line.
also turned in by offensive tackle
A New Saviour
because she had nothing to do
With linemen like Tony
But few can understand the
Doug Hood.
As we see it this year’s student
with any athletic program. But
Burnett, Dave Peck, Dan Fiorito,
impressive play by Cook from
The sophomores will unleash
athletic director must think he’s
she did. She had been assigned
Phil Vasquez, Bob Whitney,
both sides of the win.
their unstoppable attack on
God’s gift to the world.
the unheard of task of seeing that
Craig Neice and Rod Canada,
Maybe he was sparked by
Fontana, as they will host the
We attended a recent athletic
the Eisenhower football program
Im bound to look good,
Momma’s kiss.
Steelers this afternoon at 3:15.
board meeting and were the
was up to par, and was in the
commented the softspoken Cook.
target o f many ridiculing
market for suggestions.
tongues , a d v ising us , t h e
After a hard fought battle,
However the names that Cook
JV’s Exhibit Strength, Stategy
Establishment, on how to run
she was allowed to remain on
rambled off had little to do with
agree the team is certainly more
our sports news section.
the premises. Our Editor was
his first big play of the night.
than capable and need a win very
then used as a “scapegoat” for
After Pete Vincent scored the
The JVs pit strength and
Take a Dive
their dislikes on the Eagle’s Eye
rst of ve Eisenhower scores,
strategy with Riverside Poly
Of course we take suggestions,
Sports Section.
Pacific received the ball for
in next weeks homecoming
and sometimes even use them. But
GAA Season Ends
the rst time in the contest. On
game showdown. The Junior
when we get some clown telling us
Nothing Personal
the Pirates, second play from
Varsity team has come a long
Girls Athletic Association
how to run our circus, naturally,
We dont mind the student
scrimmage, Cook stood in front
way since the start of the season
tennis and volleyball competition
we tell him to do a double one-
athletic director; in fact, hes
of a Guy Stidham aerial to give
but lack of manpower and bad
ended a successful season,
and-a-half twist in pike position
probably got more accomplished
the Eagles possession on the
breaks have taken their toll. The
yesterday when they met in San
into a glass of Gatorade.
for Eisenhowers Athletics
Pacic 41. Minutes later, Cook
team looked exceptionally good
P r o g r a m t h a n a n y o t h e r
Flying Bananas
capped the 41 yard drive with a 2
against the Chaffey Tigers two
Field hockey training began last
previously appointed ofcial.
Getting back to the athletic
yard run. This was his rst score
weeks ago. Although they came
week under the direction of Mrs.
But let us say this, Mr. Student
board meeting, these encounters
of the year, but very few foresaw
out on the short end of a 9-0
Lynn Cox. The rst game is Dec.
Athletic Director. If you or
seem to be as exciting as putting
two more scores for the modest
score, the team seemed to regain
7 at Fontana.
anyone else has a complaint,
pennies into parking meters and
the condence they had lost in
Members of the volleyball A
you can express your dislike in a
watching the time expire. The
previous defeats. Sputtering
team are Helen Regan, Shelley
letter to the Editor. That’s what
fact is that these assemblies are
Cooks touchdowns did not,
slightly to the Pacic Pirates last
Kezer, Cheri Allen, Terri Anhorn,
that column is for. As George
so boring that your mind tends
however, spark his already superb
Thursday, the JVs should have
Karon Smith, Jonette Gerth and
Putnam puts it, “It’s your turn to
to wander off into another world,
defensive wizardry. “If I wasn’t
made for an interesting match
Priscella Serrano.
talk back to the news.”
only to be awakened by the abrupt
playing my hardest, the Coach
with the Steelers of Fontana
Members of the tennis team are
Our nal statement is that we
breeze of a Bic Banana whizzing
wouldn’t play me,” he added to
yesterday, but more so with the
Kathe Badley, Beth Cunningham,
do not tell you how to run your
by your defenseless head.
his list of modest replies.
Poly Bears next week.
Laura Gunther, Karen Hamre,
About the only way to enter
duties, so don’t tell us how to
Cook’s second score came on
The question remains. Can the
Bette Hurchella, Valerie Mitchell,
perform ours. We’ve had three
these dull meetings is to exhibit
a 25 yard pass from quarterback
JVs bounce back to Chaffey-game
Judi Morgan, July Shough, Lisa
years of hard study learning our
form to defeat the Riverside foe,
Shaw, Claudia Shalleichen,
your R.S.V.P. invitation at the
profession, and we see no need
which has had problems of its
Robin Tolliver, Cyndie Vasquez
door. In fact these meetings are
for these kinds of problems.
own in recent weeks. The coaches
and Gail Wolfe.
like to see the faculty athletic
director. When he does make
a rare appearance, the student
representatives at least have the
courtesy to let him speak his
piece, only to cut him down with
sarcastic remarks the minute he
makes his exit.
so secret that they dont even
Defense Thwarted
Our newspaper editor was
advised by the faculty athletic
director to attend one of these
mystery meetings. When arriving
she was met with stiff opposition,
provided by the student athletic
director. She was told that she
shouldnt be at the meeting
booming punt.
Keeping poise under pressure . . .
Photo by Roy Cencirulo
Quarterback BOB CLARENDON completes short
pass in 36-7 victory over Pacic
November 3, 1972 EAGLE’S EYE Page 7
“FishStay Dry Ninety-Three Percent of Time
The swimming pool is a cold,
lonely place specially this time
of year. But for 40 men on the
Eisenhower campus, it is home
for 2 hours a day. These “sh”
or “frogs (as most people call
them) spend 7 per cent of their
day in the water (this does not
include baths or showers) as
a part of Ike’s water polo and
swimming teams.
With this in mind, lets’ follow
a typical swimmer through a
routine workout and just see
exactly what it is they do that
makes their sport so difcult.
The same old routine starts
everyday during sixth period. He
gets dressed, rst putting on his
obscene swim suit, sweats, and
other related objects. Then it’s
time for everybody’s favorite,
the weight room. This is where
everybody shows everyone else
how strong he is.
Joe Flex is standing in front of
the mirror impressing himself
while all the other weaklings
are admiring him and saying,
“Wow, I wish I were built like
him. These 90 pounders then
get started with the weights.
They work out a routine called
the super sets and exhaust
themselves while Joe Flex still
can’t believe it’s him as he looks
at himself in the mirror.
After this strenuous workout in
the weight room, the swimmers
all get together and start their 1
This is where Joe Flex is at
his best. Burning the track under
him, he does his six laps while
everyone walks and says, “Look
at that crazy ass; he’ll be too tired
to swim.”
The n its time to reveal
yourself to the world, as a
swimmer would say. Its time
to uncover the sweats and show
everybody your skin tight scivvy,
better known as a competition
swim suit. Everybody looks at
everyone else and turns red.
(This only refers to Sophomores
who have never been exposed to
the world like this, only to a hot
Then its time to enter the
icy crust of the water. There’s
David Head doing his twelve-
minute ritual of climbing down
the 3-step ladder so as he says, “I
can get used to the water.”
Then there’s Pat Janoe, a true
sh. He’s always the rst one to
dive in. There’s always everones
idol, Geoff Sharp, as he throws
balls at his best friend and star
swimmer, Steve King.
Now it’s Joe Flexs turn to
jump in. He may have been great
in the weight room and on the
track, but in the water he’s like
lead, and he and his friend, King,
are having a ball seeing who can
keep their necks up above the
water the most.
Practices go fast except for the
20 sprints at the end, but when
you’re done, you’re exhausted.
You wander off back to they
gym room and on the way you
see Ike’s heralded football team
just getting through with half
their practice and you say to
yourself, I’m glad I didn’t go out
for football.
D o u b l e S h u t o u t
Rarity Scored By Harriers
Posting a double shut-out, the
Steve young finished fourth
Eisenhower Eagle varsity and
If we had been prepared,
with a time of 11:15 and Chris
JV cross country crews stormed
right now our record would only
Leon tallied fth with a 11:17
their way to the unusual rarity of
show one loss. Pacific should
placing the rst ve men in each
have been our only defeat,” he
Ikes varsity harriers have
division. Both squads mounted
totalled only four defeats in
up scores of 15-45 by defeating
The JVs were led by Gary
the previous four seasons.
the Rams of Ramona, improving
Goldie who galloped his way to
Thus far this year, coach Harry
their Citrus Belt League record
the number one spot with a time
Meader’s corps have registered
to 2-3.
of 12:17. Mike Rueter captured
an equalling four setbacks
Again, it was a one-two-three
the second position.
and countered with only three
finish for Dave Ruggles, John
O t h e r o u t s t a n d i n g J V
victories overall.
Skousen and Larry Taff in the
performances were turned in
“It’s bascially a combination of
varsity ranks. Ruggles ran an
by Chuck Donovan, And y
impressive 10:33 on the 2.05
three things,” commented Coach
Al e ja n dr e , S t ev e Sp e nc e ,
Meader. “The CBL teams have
mile route at Frisbie Park, which
Gonzalo Reyes, John Moore and
definitely grown stronger and
Mike Bryson.
Photo by Roy Cencirulo
was the fastest time recorded this
weve gotten weaker. Plus the
campaign for any team member.
The Eagles will host the
fact that many of our top runners
Skousen and Taff also broke
traditionally tough Redlands
the eleven minute barrier by
weren’t mentally prepared to run
Terriers next Thursday at 3:15 in
recording times of 10:46 and
their best at the beginning of the
the last regular season meet.
Eagle PETE VINCENT hits hole for big gain.
season,” added Meader.
10:56, respectively.
Loss To Chaffey Trims WaterPolo Crown Hopes
Sharp this year has scored 54
realistically. I just don’t foresee In Eisenhowers schedule
Another water polo unit to watch
goals in overall play, 19 of which
any one beating them, Coach th e Ea g l e s w i ll e n t er t ai n
is Eisenhower’s sophomore rank.
Coach Dick Johnson’s varsity
came in CBL performances.
Johnson added. Riverside Poly in a crucial battle
The young Eagles also own a 3-1
water polo squad added an
Betor has 55 saves through the
Chaffey will play Pacific, Wednesday, Polys only loss
record, of which their only loss
untimely loss to its won-lost
CBL regular season matches.
Fontana and Ramona in the nest coming to Chaffey. The Eagles
was to the Chaffey sophs. The
record last Friday, when falling
“Claremont’s probably the best
two weeks, none of which is a last game of the season will
sophomore Eagles trail league-
to the high ranked Claremont
team weve played thus far,
contender. follow on Nov. 25 at Redlands.
leading Chaffey by a game.
Wolfpack 10-4.
remarked Johnson on the fateful
Not even the forceful attack
outcome. However, the loss had
Classified . . . . Very Personal
of Geoff Sharp could stop the
nothing to do with the Eagles
We’re all watching you Debbie To Mike S. I love you. Can’t wait Some people are awfully gullable,
Pack from its final destiny,
Citrus Belt League record of 3-1,
Jimenez. Us men. till “‘76.” R.L. aren’t they, Kathy, Larry, Tina and
*** *** especially Robyn Signed, John.
as Claremont slipped 10 of
but lowered their overall results to
Don’t say anything, D. Lord, or Greg — You ought to be with me,
its 30 shots past Eagle goalie
10-4. The Eagles remain in second
someone could get in trouble. K.
For sale — Yamaha 250. Big Bear
Mike Betor. Sharp propelled
place, one game behind the 4-0
O.K.? ***
“Twin” Excellent cond. $225. Mr.
2 projectiles by the Claremont
pace of the Chaffey Tigers.
*** Craig Neice, You have two secret
Cammarigg, Career Center.
goalie, and both Andy Shapiro
“I don’t see any team knocking
Shirley Harbeson: Havent you admirers at second lunch. Luv ya,
and Richard Martin tallied 1 each.
of f C h af f ey , a t le a s t no t
nished that book yet? Liisa want G.D.
“Let peace begin with me” the
to read it! C.T. Happy Birthday, Patti, from all
most realistic approach to peace in
*** your friends.
our time.
Ron Mazak. I love you!!! Laura Now is the time for every good
Whitman. I love you too!!! Signed, party to come to the aid of the
Howdy Michael. Love, D.M.
Randy Childs. people.
John Mace, you are a pain in
*** Happy belated birthday to Lolly
the neck, but you are a good kid.
Mrs. Scrambray — Give me Claude. Love, Bruce and Sue.
Mrs. Furry.
an E! Give me an F! Give me ***
another F! 4th Period. Bryson, let your mom kiss you more
R.C. Keys, what an excuse. Keep
Kenny Holthaus, when can we start often. You play better football!
those dirty hands to yourself.
calling you Ken? D.W., J.F. C.L., C.T., M.R.
*** ***
Start smiling and enjoy the miracle
of now!
in awful condition. See Carleton and Jon J. It’s been almost 2 weeks!
Lockwood. D.C. Good luck!
Allen Jenner: You have a secret
admirer. D.M. P.S. I love you. R.A.
Steve Nordyke get well and BLAIR is a soch. Karen
Unless you love somebody, nothing
hurry back. Miss ya. P.S. Toby
else makes any sense.
says hi to Linda. Jerry H. You have a secret
Love, May.
*** admirer. Diana R.
‘70 Hemi-Cuda. Mags, cams, tape, ***
Susie and Lynetta, Does it take a
Photo by S. Sims
headers, new front tires. Call 889- SORRY about that ad, Chris!
crowbar to separate you two.
4892. Make offer. R.H.
Signed, Squished.
as GAA volleyball and tennis campaigns end.
Page 8 EAGLE’S EYE November 3, 1972
From the Editor s Desk
Letters to the Editor
High School PTA Is Obsolete
Eisenhower’s Parent-Teacher
Association is attempting to
turn the local organization into
a Parent-Teacher-STUDENT
Recently PTA board members
visited a meeting of the student
council and invited student
participation in the PTA.
Whether it was the unfriendly
was the proposal was presented
(not a nice word said about
students) or the fact that no
appealing benet to students was
pointed out, the student council
reacted with zero enthusiasm
and rightly so.
PTA at the elementary level
can possibly benet the students,
and involvement of parents and
teachers is far greater.
PTA at the high school level
seems a complete waste of
time and money. In fact, more
and more secondary schools
throughout the country are
discontinuing PTA altogether —
and nobody even misses it!
The few worthwhile little
projects performed by the local
PTA, like the welfare program
of collecting food and clothes,
are largely accomplished through
school clubs anyway. The PTA
dental care program is needed
in elementary schools more
than in high school. Scholarship
assistence developed through
P T A b o w l i n g a n d b r i d g e
tournaments could easily be
continued through the larger and
more active Booster Club.
More dances and activities
for students was pointed out
as an advantage offered by the
organization of PTSA Actually,
the big problem now at Ike is
not the lack of activities but the
over abundance of activities and
the lack of interest that plagues
Another big benefit of
belonging to PTSA, according to
the representative who spoke to
council members, is that students
would be invited to PTSA
meetings and therefore would
“really know what is happening”
because newspapers are a bad
source of information!”
Bite your tongue, PTA lady!
And students, if you want to
get involved with projects and
decisions, attend meetings and
work with student council. That’s
where you are needed and where
you should be.
Nixon Deserves New Term
This year, one of the most
crucial and important presidential
races in the history of the United
States is taking place.
Senator George McGovern, a
Democratic senator from South
Dakota, and President Richard
Nixon are locking horns for the
big ght. President Nixon wants
more time for the completion
of programs that he has started.
Senator McGovern promises to
end the war in ninety days after
inauguration, IF he wins.
In order to stop the war, Senator
McGovern says that he will halt all
bombing, and remove American
forces from Indo-China. However,
I have heard nothing of how he
plans to get the prisoners out of
North Vietnam. Please don’t try to
say that he would negotiate to get
them out, because Communists
are not the type of people who can
negotiate. Certainly if McGovern
would pull all troops out and
stop bombing, that would end
the killing of American citizens,
but the citizens of South Vietnam
would be ravaged by the Viet
Cong. Do our peace-loving
McGovern supporters advocate
this type of behavior? Meanwhile,
all prisoners would still suffer in
prison camps.
How on earth can anyone call
the United States heartless for the
“killing and maiming of innocent
North Vietnamese women and
children?” I have heard this
dovish cry until I am sick of it!!!
Don’t these people ever consider
all of the innocent people that
are killed in the South by bombs
bearing a hammar and sickle?
Yet I have never seen a protest
sign asking for a stop to that
senseless killing.
Secondly, President Nixon
has made magnificent steps
to end the war. He knows as
well as I do that he can’t bring
all of the troops back without
severe economic and moral
repercussions in both South
Vietnam and the United States.
By his plan of Vietnameseation,
the administration has forced the
people of that land to become
more self-reliant.
It might be added that Mr.
McGovern is the kind of person
who would like to isolate the
United States from the rest of
the world. He has advocated
isolationism since he has been in
the senate. In fact, in 1948, when
he was needed to support his own
party’s candidate, Harry Truman,
McGovern was busy working
for some dark horse candidate
whose chances of winning were
equal to those of Dr. Spock. This
dark horse ran on the platform
of isolationism. To this day,
McGovern proudly admits this
campaign. It is unfortunate that
Mr. McGovern does not realize
that during the First World
War, President Wilson put this
country into world policies. If
any administration tried to isolate
the United States, they would
use up all of their administration
breaking treaties and making
enemies abroad.
President Nixon, on t h e
other hand, sees the problem in
Southeast Asia, and wants to
solve it. It will take time, but
it is sure to work. After all, he
is cutting down the draft, and
possibly the draft will diminish in
time. I don’t feel that there is any
danger of Nixon stepping up the
draft, or the war after re-election.
This is only a misconception seen
by McGovern supporters who are
trying to smear Mr. Nixon.
The president cares about
domestic problems. He is in
favor of creating new jobs for
the able-bodied man who is out
of work. He wants to help the
retired people. That might seem
trivial to the young voter, but to
someone who is out of work, or
retired, or nearing retirement age,
this is very important. McGovern
may say a lot about the elderly,
and the unemployed, but he
has auch outlandish ideas for
jobs, and ideas of giving every
American $6,000 a year, that a
voter should wonder whether he
is really that interested and where
he plans to get the money.
The most inportant thing about
this election is the fact that the
voters are too apathetic. Because
a registered voter does not like
Mr. McGovern or President
Nixon, he just says he wont
vote, or that he will vote for Dr.
Spock of the Peace and Freedom
party, or John Schmitz of the
American Independent party.
Neither candidate has any chance
of winning. I cna’t urge people
enough to get out and vote.
If they are against both major
candidates, they could at least
vote for “the lesser of two evils.
I think that the choice is clear.
America needs President Nixon,
now more than ever.
Vote! Save Our Coastline
The Coastal Zone Conservation
Act initiative sets forth steps
d e e m e d n e c e s s a r y b y i t s
o r i g i n a t o r s t o i n s u r e t h e
preservation and future safety of
California’s coastal environment.
Proposition 20 wording is not
easily understood at rst glance.
After hours of wading through
the literary decoys, however, one
finds the true meaning behind
the initiative. Then you begin
to realize the real impact on the
state should the initiative pass.
The initiative provides for
the creation of six regional
commissions, and one state
commission, whose job it would
be to grant or deny building
permits for development within
the “permit area.”
The permit area includes all
land between the seaward limit
of the state’s jurisdiction, about
three miles, and 1,000 yards
inland from the mean high tide
line. Any development within
this area would require a building
permit issued by the regional
Those land developments
already in this area are eligible
for exclusion from the permit
requirement only upon request by
the city or county involved. Any
order granting exclusion may
be revoked at any time, placing
the established structures in the
area in jeopardy of being torn
out. Any land directly adjacent
to a beach, or the high tide line
where there is no beach, cannot
be excluded.
If a person is denied a permit
to build on his beachfront land,
or is required to remove what is
already built, his land is of no
value to him. If he must leave
his land idle for the benet of
the public, he has, in effect, had
his land confiscated without
reasonable compensation. This
vilates the Fifth Amendment of
the Constitution of the United
States which guarantees that
no private property shall be
taken for public use, without just
The proposition does provide
for hearings of gruivances
by the regional commission
involved. If the applicant loses
his case in the regional hearing
he may appeal it to the state
commission. However, if the
state commission fails to act
on the appeal within 60 days of
its ling date, the decision of the
regional commission becomes
nal. It is certain that miracles
would be performed should the
state commission hear every
appeal made within 60 days after
it was led.
A problem of even greater
magnitude to those living in
southern California is the threat
of power shortage within the
next three years. The initiative, if
passed, could place a moratorium
on all coastline construction
including that of non-polluting
nuclear power plants. One fact
to keep in mind is that California
has no provisions or facilities for
brownouts, only blackouts.
I feel the objectives of the
initiative are both worthwhile and
are greatly needed by the state.
But the cure seems worse than
the disease. We can’t sit idly by
and let our coastline waste away,
but at the same time we can’t be
fooled into believing that every
plan “ECOLOGY” is in the best
interest of everyone in the state.
I k e H o t R o d d e r s A r e B u r n i n g M o n e y W i t h R u b b e r I n P a r k i n g L o t
Ike hot rodders trying to burn
rubber through the parking lots
are burning a little more than
rubber. They’re burning money.
Most students know the speed
limit is 10 mph for the parking
lot, but when they step into their
cars somehow the car pun ps
itself up to 50 mph. If they are
stopped, they swear they thought
they were going under 10!
An average driver should get
about 40,000 miles out of his
tires, but the Ike hot rodder can
get only about 30,000 out of his
tires because of his unsensible
driving in the school area.
Every time you get scratch,
you lose a thin layer of rubber
off your tires. After a few months
of your tires leaving their marks
everywhere, your tires are nearly
bald and you need a new set.
Then there goes another $100 or
more for a new set of tires.
Some students seem to think
that driving in the parking lot is a
big race, but they should realize
that all the winner is getting is a
big bill for new parts or a ticket
or even losing his privileges of
parking on campus.
Stop Gross Assembly Skits
Dear Editor:
At a recent pep assembly,
we were slightly sickened by
a skit put on by the pep squad
involving three football players.
In this, the football players
were blindfolded and led to
believe they were going to kiss
a cheerleader. But much to their
surprise, when the blindfold was
removed, they discovered that
they had actually kissed their
own mother.
My friends, as well as hundred
of other students were shocked to
see such a thing. We feel that in
future gatherings we should try to
build up our football players, not
degrade them.
(Name withheld by request)
Dear Editor,
Jocks, a new club for “athletic
supporters” was supposedly
going to be quite a spirited club
on the IKE campus. But it looks
to me and many others that the
club has been overrun by a bunch
of spirit-happy girls.
The club, in the rst place, was
supposed to be a cheering section
for games and pep assemblies,
but these chauvinist females have
turned it into just another pep club.
If these girls want bakes sales,
car washes, and other activities,
let them join Eisenhower’s pep
club. But please, ladies, give us
guys a break. All we want to do
is cheer.
And besides, with a name like
Jocks, this should be run by guys!
(We have bigger mouths anyway!
Dear Editor:
I would like to dedicate this
small letter to the group of kids
on campus who enjoy ridiculing
retarded people.
All of you who have at one
time or another, laughed and
made fun of a retarded child
should have a sister or brother
who is one. You would know
hard they try, and how much love
they really need. They put much
effort forward just to please other
normal individuals.
Most of you would never
even consider making fun
of a physically handicapped
person, but you think nothing of
chopping a mentally handicapped
one. And you are very clever in
your actions, because you hurt
them with words. Most retarded
kids can’t win in a chop ght;
they are mentally handicapped!
Next time you feel the urge
to join in the making fun of a
retarded kid, stop and think what
you feel like if you were in his
Maybe you will feel some
compssion for your fellow man,
even if he is mentally inferior to
you. And if you don’t, I can only
feel pity for your ignorance.
A student who cares