Proceedings of 2011 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia Grant #CMMI-0856558
Methods for Automatically Modeling and Representing
As-built Building Information Models
Daniel Huber
Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Burcu Akinci
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
Antonio Adan
Electrical Engineering Department, University of Castilla-La Mancha
Engin Anil
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
Brian Okorn
Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Xuehan Xiong
Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Abstract: Laser scanners are increasingly being used to
create information rich 3D models of the as-built or as-
is conditions of buildings, infrastructure, and other
facilities. These “as-built” Building Information Models
(BIMs) are created through a time-consuming and
error-prone manual process, which is one key barrier to
widespread use of as-built BIMs in industry. This paper
outlines our research group’s progress in developing
methods to automate the process of creating as-built
BIMs and in creating suitable methods to represent and
visualize the information that is unique to as-built
1. Introduction. Most of the work on building
information models (BIMs) today focuses on
representing the condition of a facility as it was
designed, rather than its condition as built or as used.
While a BIM that represents the as-designed condition
of a facility has many potential uses, the actual as-built
conditions can differ significantly from the design, and
the as-used conditions can change extensively
throughout a facility’s lifespan. The long-term fidelity
and usefulness of a BIM critically depends on the
ability to record and represent such changes.
Three dimensional (3D) imaging systems, such as laser
scanners, enable the efficient capture of detailed as-
built conditions of a facility in the form of sets of 3D
point measurements, known as point clouds. Although
these point clouds accurately represent the shape of a
facility, the fact that points are only low-level, discrete
measurements limits the usage of as-built data in this
form. Point clouds do not possess any semantic
information, such as whether a set of points belongs to
a specific wall; nor do they contain high level
geometric information, such as surface shape or the
boundaries of building components. A high-level,
semantic representation of the as-built condition allows
analysis and manipulation of the model at the
component level (e.g., walls and doors) rather than at
the individual point level, which is more natural and
efficient. These modeled components have a direct
relationship to components in a design model, which
enables comparison and analysis between
corresponding components. A high-level representation
is also more compact, since components can be
summarized by a small number of parameters.
Representing a wall by a plane equation and a
description of its boundary requires much less storage
than representing it with a million 3D points. Due to the
NSF GRANT # CMMI-0856558
NSF PROGRAM NAME: Automating the Creation of As-built Building Information Models
Proceedings of 2011 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia Grant #CMMI-0856558
Scanning Registration Geometric modeling Semantic labeling
Figure 1. Overview of the points-to-BIM transformation process. Three dimensional data is acquired from fixed locations
(Scanning) and aligned in a common coordinate system (Registration). Then, components are manually extracted from the
resulting point cloud (Geometric modeling) and finally assigned meaningful labels (Semantic labeling). Notice that the commercial
software does not automatically detect the doorway in the wall and that the top edges of the two walls do not align.
numerous advantages of high-level representations of
as-built data, the general practice is to convert raw
scanned point data into a high-level BIM
representation. We call this conversion the points-to-
BIM transformation process (Figure 1). Unfortunately,
the state-of-the-art technique for the points-to-BIM
transformation is a costly, time-consuming, and labor-
intensive manual process. Furthermore, existing
standards and methods for representing BIMs were
developed primarily to support models derived from
design data (as-designed BIMs), and the requirements
for representing as-built BIMs are somewhat different
from the representation needs for as-designed BIMs.
These two issues the difficulty in creating as-built
BIMs and the limitations in representing as-built BIMs
are two key technological barriers to widespread as-
built BIM usage.
The overarching goal of this research is to address these
technological barriers to widespread as-built BIM usage
by developing algorithms to facilitate the automatic
creation of as-built models and by developing novel
techniques that support the representation of as-built
information in BIMs. In this work, we limit our
attention to a subset of possible building components
walls, floors, ceilings, doorways, and windows. These
components comprise a significant proportion of the
visible elements of the envelope of a typical
commercial or residential building. Walls, floors, and
ceilings are sufficient to define the basic extents of a
room, and these elements alone would be enough to
support a variety of BIM usages, such as spatial
program validation (i.e., space usage and planning),
circulation, and security.
In this paper, we present an overview of our group’s
recent research on the problem of modeling and
representing as-built BIMs. Our work spans four topics:
modeling floor-plans of buildings (Section 2), using
context to recognize and model building interiors in 3D
(Section 3), detailed modeling of walls and other planar
surfaces (Section 4), and methods for representing as-
built BIMs (Section 5).
2. Algorithms for Modeling Floor-plans of
Buildings. Architects and building managers often need
blueprints of a facility’s as-built or as-is conditions.
These conditions may differ from the design blueprints,
assuming they still exist at all. We are working on
methods to automatically create accurate floor plan
models of building interiors using laser scan data.
Our floor plan modeling algorithm is described in detail
in Okorn 2010 [1]. In the research, we made three main
contributions. First, we designed, implemented, and
evaluated a novel method for automatically modeling
vertical wall structures from 3D point clouds. Second,
we developed several measures for evaluating the
accuracy of floor plan modeling algorithms. To our
knowledge, there are no accepted methodologies for
objectively evaluating such algorithms. Third, we put
forward the concept of strategically choosing cross-
sections from a 3D model to optimally extract the
salient objects (e.g., walls) while being minimally
impacted by clutter.
Our approach for floor plan modeling is based on the
observation that when the 3D points are projected onto
the ground plane, the projected point density is usually
highest at wall locations. The process is illustrated in
Figure 3. The algorithm begins by automatically
identifying and removing the floor and ceiling regions.
This is accomplished by projecting the points onto the
vertical axis and identifying the bottom-most and top-
most local maxima of the resulting histogram. The data
points contributing to these maxima correspond to the
horizontal surfaces of the ceiling and floor. Next, a 2D
histogram is formed by projecting the remaining points
onto the ground plane. Linear structures are then
extracted from this histogram using a Hough transform.
Proceedings of 2011 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia Grant #CMMI-0856558
Figure 3. Floor-plan modeling. (a) The height histogram is a
projection of the 3D data onto the vertical axis. The large
maxima at the top and bottom correspond to the ceiling and
floor heights. Variations in data density at other heights are
indicative of the degree of clutter at each elevation. (b) Ground
plane histograms are formed by projecting voxelized 3D data
onto the x-y plane and accumulating the occupied voxel count
into a histogram. The dense regions indicate vertical surfaces,
which have a high probability of being wall segments. (c) The
ground plane histogram is first thresholded to remove low
density cells. (d) The Hough transform is then used to detect
lines within this thresholded histogram (green detected lines
overlaid onto thresholded data).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 2. Floor-plan modeling results. (a) Ground truth floor plan of the first floor. (b) Floor plan generated by our algorithm. (c)
Results of the evaluation of our model versus ground truth. The main areas that were not modeled are shown in red, and these
areas correspond mainly to the exterior sides of exterior walls (which were not included in our input data) and interiors of closets,
some of which were not visible in the scans.
(a) (b)
Finally, line segments may be “snapped” to the
dominant orientations found in the facility by rotating
them about their centroids if they are sufficiently close
to the dominant orientation.
To evaluate the algorithm, we developed an objective
measure of the accuracy of a floor plan with respect to
ground truth data. The measure strives to correlate well
with how a human would subjectively evaluate
performance. The resulting evaluation measure consists
of two parts. The first part measures line detection
capability and is based on an object detection
methodology, while the second part measures the
modeling accuracy and conciseness.
This floor plan modeling algorithm is simple,
straightforward, and works fairly well in practice
(Figure 2). One challenge is that extensive clutter in
real environments means that the wall structures may
not always be readily visible within this histogram
projection. We observe that clutter is not necessarily the
same at all heights, and we propose strategies for
determining the best choice of cross-section location (or
locations) to use. Using histograms computed using
only heights with low amounts of clutter results in
significantly better floor plans.
Going forward, we hope to improve the performance of
the algorithm by incorporating full 3D reasoning and
detailed recognition of wall surfaces, as described in the
next two sections. These more advanced methods
should give us the capability of placing window and
door openings accurately. In the longer term, we are
looking at methods to integrate multi-room reasoning
into the approach, which should improve the accuracy
of back-to-back wall segments.
Proceedings of 2011 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia Grant #CMMI-0856558
Figure 4. Context-based modeling. (a) First, the input point cloud is encoded in a voxel data structure. (b) Next, planar patches
are detected and modeled using a region-growing algorithm. (c) Then, the detected patches are classified using a context-based
classification algorithm (magenta = ceilings, yellow = floors, blue = walls, green = clutter). (d) Finally, boundaries are re-estimated
and clutter patches are removed.
3. Algorithms for Using Context to Recognize and
Model Building Interiors. In this work, we are
developing methods for automatically identifying and
modeling the main structural components of building
interiors namely walls, floors, and ceilings. We
hypothesize that context information about the
relationships between different components in the
facility is the key to achieving reliable and accurate
performance on this problem. For example, if a surface
is bounded on the sides by walls and is adjacent to a
floor surface on the bottom and a ceiling on the top, it is
more likely to be a wall than clutter, independently of
the shape or size of that surface. In this way, the
interpretation of multiple surfaces can mutually support
one another to create a globally consistent labeling.
We have developed and evaluated an algorithm for
modeling building interiors using context, and we have
experimented with various types of contextual
relationships, including adjacency, parallelism,
coplanarity, orthogonality, and existence. For
classifying the components, we use a machine learning
framework based on graphical models and have
extended and adapted several existing approaches to
work within our problem domain.
The approach that we developed, which is detailed in
Xiong 2010 [2], consists of four main steps (Figure 4).
First, we encode the input point cloud data into a voxel
structure to minimize the variation in point density
throughout the data. Next, we detect planar patches by
grouping neighboring points together using a region-
growing method. We model the patch boundaries using
a small number of 2D points on the plane. We use these
planar patches, and the relationships between them, as
the input to our context-based classification algorithm.
The algorithm uses the contextual relationships to label
the patches according to structural categories wall,
floor, ceiling, and clutter. Finally, we remove clutter
patches from the scene and re-estimate the patch
boundaries by intersecting adjacent components.
The key step in the algorithm is the context-based
classification method. Our approach uses two types of
features derived from the data. Local features
encapsulate knowledge about individual patches, such
as surface area and orientation. Contextual features
Proceedings of 2011 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia Grant #CMMI-0856558
Figure 5. Context-based modeling results on some challenging
cases. The algorithm correctly distinguishes items that look
significantly like clutter, such as large cabinets (a-b) and
bookcases (c-d). Reflectance images are shown in the left
column, and the corresponding patches are shown in the right
column. Green patches are labeled as clutter, Blue patches are
walls, and yellow patches are floors.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
encode information about a patch’s neighborhood
configuration. We investigated various relationships,
including orthogonal, parallel, adjacent, and coplanar.
We use a machine learning model known as conditional
random fields (CRF) to combine these two types of
features in an optimization framework. By maximizing
the likelihood of the labels assigned to each patch (e.g.,
wall, ceiling, floor, or clutter) given the local and
contextual feature values, the algorithm finds the
optimal labeling for the patches, taking into
consideration all of the labelings simultaneously. For
example, a patch that is coplanar with other patches that
are likely to be a wall will be more likely to be a wall as
We conducted experiments using data from 26 rooms of
a school building that was professionally scanned and
modeled. We divided the data into training, validation,
and test sets and then evaluated the performance of the
algorithm at labeling the detected planar patches. We
found that the use of context does improve the
performance of the recognition process. We compared
the context-based algorithm to one that just uses local
features, and we found that the context-based algorithm
improved performance from 84% accuracy to 89%
(Figure 5). The main failures of the algorithm are in
unusual situations, such as the tops of the interiors of
short closets (which are considered ceilings in the
model). Our approach is effective at distinguishing
clutter from surfaces of interest, even in highly
cluttered environments. Finally, we found that the
coplanar relationship is very helpful for addressing
fragmentation of wall surfaces due to occlusions and
large window and door openings.
4. Algorithms for detailed modeling of planar
surfaces. One of the goals of our research is to
explicitly reason about occlusions in the data in order to
avoid problems caused by missing data. Most previous
work on modeling building interiors focuses on
environments with little or no clutter. One reason for
this is that clutter causes occlusions, which makes
modeling the surfaces of interest more difficult. For
automated creation of BIMs to be useful in real-world
environments, algorithms need to be able to handle
situations with large amount of clutter, along with the
resulting occlusions. For example, it is not practical to
move all furniture out of a building before scanning it
for creating an as-built BIM.
In this research, our goal is to model wall surfaces at a
detailed level, to identify and model openings, such as
windows and doorways, and to fill occluded surface
regions. Our approach utilizes 3D data from a laser
scanner operating from one or more locations within a
room. Although we focus on wall modeling, the method
can be applied to the easier case floors and ceilings as
well. The method consists of four main steps (Figure 6):
1) Wall detection The approximate planes of the
walls, ceiling, and floor are detected using projections
into 2D followed by a Hough transform. 2) Occlusion
labeling For each wall surface, ray-tracing is used to
determine which surface regions are sensed, which are
occluded, and which are empty space. 3) Opening
detection A learning-based method is used to
recognize and model openings in the surface based on
the occlusion labeling. 4) Occlusion reconstruction
Occluded regions not within an opening are
reconstructed using a hole-filling algorithm.
The primary contribution of this research is the overall
approach, which focuses on addressing the problem of
clutter and occlusions and explicitly reasons about the
missing information. Our approach is unique in that it
distinguishes between missing data from occlusion
versus missing data in an opening in the wall. Secondly,
we propose a learning-based method for detecting and
modeling openings and distinguishing them from
similarly shaped occluded regions. Finally, we propose
and use methods for objectively evaluating
reconstruction accuracy, whereas previous façade
modeling work has focused on primarily on subjective
visual quality.
Proceedings of 2011 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia Grant #CMMI-0856558
Figure 6. Detailed wall modeling example. (a) Reflectance image from one of five scans used to model the wall. (b) Ray-tracing is
used to label occlusion regions on the surface. (c) Labels from multiple laser scans are integrated into a single representation. (d-e) A
high resolution labeling (e) is inferred using a region-growing algorithm based on seeds from the low resolution data (d).
We have conducted extensive experiments on the test
data of the school building that we described in the
previous section. We found that the algorithm for
detecting walls, ceilings, and floors work well for large
rooms. The method found all the main walls within
these rooms. These results are encouraging, but the
good performance can partially be explained by the
simple rectangular structure of the rooms. However, the
surfaces were significantly occluded and the outside
walls are almost entirely filled with windows, which
makes the wall detection fairly challenging. On
average, 35% of the analyzed area was occluded, 15%
fell within an opening, and the remaining 50% was
unoccluded wall surface.
The algorithm for detecting and modeling openings in
the walls performed well, achieving an average of 93%
accuracy (Figure 7). Failed detections mainly occur in
regions of severe occlusion and on closets where the
doors were closed during data collection. Evaluation of
the accuracy of the modeled openings is still underway,
but the early results are promising. Details of the
algorithm and the results of our experiments can be
found in our technical report [3].
5. Methods for Representing As-built BIMs. Our
research on this topic is in its early stages. Up to this
point, we have been focusing on exploring the relevant
existing capabilities of BIM representation in the
existing standards, exploring similar problems in other
domains, and identifying the representation
requirements for as-built and as-is BIMs.
5.1. Exploring Existing Capabilities of BIM
Representations. Initially we are concentrating on
various exchange models in the Architecture,
Engineering, and Construction / Facility Management
(AEC/FM) industry. Most of these models focus on
representing as-designed information rather than as-
built information. Currently, the focus is on the Industry
Foundation Classes (IFC), which is an exchange
standard aimed at interoperability of various software
utilized in different phases of design of structures.
Although, in the development of IFC, use of the model
for representing as-built information was not intended,
it may be possible to use IFC models for this purpose
through various representation mechanisms found in the
We are exploring the capabilities of IFC from two
perspectives: how to objectify the meta-data and the
recognized objects in IFC, and how to represent the
data as a consistent whole. We have identified several
options for representing occlusions and visible parts of
components in IFC, and we are investigating which
methods are the most effective and developing ways to
visualize the results. Different options include creating
separate components to represent the occluded and
visible sections of a surface, using sub-components to
represent occluded and visible regions, or using virtual
elements to provide imaginary boundaries defining
occluded regions.
A second question that we are investigating is how to
relate the meta-data to the as-built model. IFC has the
capability of representing the same object with multiple
shape representations. This gives the model the
flexibility to the represent the same object with
different geometries and different contextual
information. Alternatively, we can represent the as-built
data by assigning the meta-data and the as-built model
into a separate layer in the IFC file. We are currently
investigating the tradeoffs between these two
Proceedings of 2011 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia Grant #CMMI-0856558
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
5.2. Exploring Similar Problems in Other Domains.
Laser scanners are being used for capturing large areas
for GIS applications. Although the problem in GIS
applications is different there is no as-designed or as-
built information, only surface geometry storing the
scan data and surface geometry in GIS databases is also
a big challenge in this area. The triangular Irregular
Network (TIN) approach gives the flexibility of
representing a 3D surface at varying levels of detail. An
algorithm determines the number of points required to
represent the terrain and reduces the number of points
selectively. A less detailed surface can be derived from
a detailed surface triangulation for different scale maps.
A similar approach can be taken to derive surface
representations of as-built models.
5.3. Identifying Representation Requirements for
Levels of Detail and for Deviations. Representation
requirements for deviations and level of detail may vary
depending on the type of analysis that is going to be
performed on the data. For example, axis deviations can
be represented by only representing the axis of a
component (i.e., a wall), whereas for surface deviation
analysis, a freeform surface representation may be
In the future, this study can be extended to comparing
as-designed models to as-built models for extracting
defected regions’ information. For this purpose,
differentiating deviations from defects and
understanding what kinds of deviations are considered
defects needs to be understood. Every type of deviation
may not be considered as a defect, and also, severity of
the deviation affects the decision whether a certain type
of deviation defines a defect or not. Building
performance guidelines are possible sources of
information for analyzing representation requirements
for defect analysis between as-built and as-designed
8. Future Work. Our results, while promising, are
preliminary in nature. We are working to extend our
results in a number of ways. First, we intend to unify
the different modeling and recognition algorithms into a
single framework based on our context-based
recognition algorithm. This will involve extending the
recognition algorithm to accommodate the results of
our detailed surface analysis algorithms and adding
recognition of windows and doors to the framework.
Secondly, we are working on extending the recognition
and modeling algorithms to reason about multiple
rooms. In their current instantiation, the algorithms
operate at the individual room level. We hypothesize
that the constraints from adjacent rooms can be
exploited to improve the interpretation of difficult to
Proceedings of 2011 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia Grant #CMMI-0856558
recognize surfaces. Finally, we are working to add a
follow-on step that will convert the models produced by
our algorithm into volumetric primitives, which are the
desired format for most BIM applications.
8. Acknowledgements. This material is based upon
work supported by the National Science Foundation
under Grant No. CMMI-0856558 and by the
Pennsylvania Infrastructure Technology Alliance
(PITA). We thank Quantapoint, Inc., for providing
experimental data. Any opinions, findings, and
conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
material are those of the author and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
10. References:
[1] B. Okorn, X. Xiong, B. Akinci, and D. Huber,
Toward Automated Modeling of Floor Plans, in
Proceedings of the Symposium on 3D Data Processing,
Visualization and Transmission, Paris, France, 2010.
[2] X. Xiong and D. Huber, Using Context to Create
Semantic 3D Models of Indoor Environments, in
Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference
(BMVC), 2010.
[3] A. Adan and D. Huber, Reconstruction of Wall
Surfaces Under Occlusion and Clutter in 3D Indoor
Environments, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh, PA CMU-RI-TR-10-12, April