Oregon Producer
Rules & guidelines
Oregon law allows insurance producers to
charge fees (incidental charges or service fees)
to consumers only in limited circumstances.
This guide provides general information based
on Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 836-
071-0260 through 836-071-0277. Violations of
these rules may result in enforcement action,
including revocation of your producer and con-
sultant license.
The questions and answers that follow antici-
pate some typical issues that arise when an in-
surance producer charges a fee in one of those
circumstances. However, to avoid violations, re-
fer to the rules and laws cited in this guide.
Do the rules apply to all insurance producers, in-
cluding independent insurance producers, direct
writers, and captive producers?
Yes, all are subject to the rules to the same extent as
any other producers. This means that disclosure of
both fees and commissions is required. (ORS 744.093)
Does the disclosure requirement apply to
registered or licensed broker/dealers?
Yes, the disclosure requirements apply when a broker/
dealer is also licensed as an insurance producer or
insurance consultant and receives compensation
from the consumer under the insurance producer or
insurance consultant license. (OAR 836-071-0260,
836-071-0263, 836-071-0267 and 836-071-0277)
Are fees allowed on personal lines business?
Fees are only allowed on personal lines to the extent
permitted by OAR 836-071-0267 (outlined later in this
document). No other producer fees may be applied to
personal lines business.
Do the rules apply to insurance transactions in
the residual market?
Yes, there is no distinction between the residual mar-
ket (for individuals and businesses having diiculty
obtaining coverage) and the voluntary market.
Does a producer have to disclose fees when pro-
cessing a policy renewal?
Yes, a renewal is considered to be a purchase of
At what point must a producer disclose fees to a
Disclosure must be made before the placement of and
payment for insurance. (OAR 836-071-0260)
What requirement must be met in order to receive
compensation from a prospective insured?
Before the placement of and payment for insurance,
the producer must do all of the following:
a) Obtain the prospective insured’s documented
acknowledgement that the compensation will be
received by the insurance producer or ailiate.
b) Disclose the amount of compensation from the
insurer or other third party for the placement. If
the amount of compensation is not known at the
time of disclosure, the insurance producer must
disclose the specific method for calculating the
compensation and, if possible, a reasonable
estimate of the amount.
c) Disclose the nature of the work that the insurance
producer or ailiate will perform on behalf of the
prospective insured.
Can a producer charge a service fee for filing
proof-of-coverage certificates of liability
insurance with the Construction Contractors
Board (CCB)?
No. This service is a usual and customary service
provided by a producer. The incidental service fee for
issuing certificates applies only after the first 20 certifi-
cates in any one policy period. [OAR 836-071-0267 (11)]
When can a producer charge a service fee?
Except as authorized in ORS 744.091 and ORS 744.093,
a producer can charge a service fee only when the
service he or she is providing is in addition to what is
usual and customary practice of insurance producers
under similar circumstances. The disclosure of the
charge and the reason for it must be documented
before the placement of and payment for insurance.
Applicable Laws and Rules
744.053 — Requirements to be licensed as
insurance producer for class of insurance.
A person may not sell, solicit, or negotiate insurance
in this state for any class or classes of insurance
unless the person is licensed as an insurance
producer for that class or those classes in accordance
with ORS 744.052 to 744.089.
744.091 — Additional conditions under which per-
son licensed as insurer or insurance
producer may charge commission or service fee;
(1) An insurer or insurance producer may charge a
commission, a service fee, or a combination of the
two when transacting insurance in other than the
following categories of insurance:
(a) Insurance that covers an individual’s person,
property or liability;
(b) Life or health insurance for groups of fewer
than 51 lives; or
(c) Insurance on a commercial or public entity
paying combined annual premiums of less than
$100,000 for the insurance.
(2) An insurer or insurance producer may charge a
commission or service fee other than the commis-
sion or fee filed in accordance with ORS 737.205
only if the insurer or insurance producer has a
written agreement with the prospective insured
prior to the binding or issuance of an insurance
policy. The Director of the Department of Con-
sumer and Business Services may establish by
rule minimum conditions for written agreements
entered into under this subsection. An insurer
or insurance producer who enters into a written
agreement as provided in this subsection is not in
violation of
ORS 746.035 or 746.045. [2003 c.364 §17b]
744.605 — Insurance consultant’s license
(1) A person shall not act as an insurance consultant
unless the person holds a valid license issued by
the Director of the Department of Consumer and
Business Services that authorizes the person to act
as an insurance consultant. For purposes of this
section, a person acts as an insurance consultant
(a) The person purports or oers to engage in any
of the activities described in paragraph (b) of
this subsection by using, in conjunction with
the person’s name, the title or designation
of insurance planner, consultant, adviser or
counselor, or financial and insurance planner,
consultant, adviser or counselor, or any similar
title or designation; or
(b) The person, for compensation other than
commission from the sale of insurance,
engages, attempts to engage, or oers to
engage in any of the following activities:
(A) Acting as a consultant regarding insurance.
(B) Giving advice, counsel, opinion, or service with
respect to the benefits, advantages, or
disadvantages of insurance that may be
issued in this state.
(C) In any other manner providing information
about insurance.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1)(b) of this
section, compensation includes consideration
paid for financial and other related services
provided by the person in connection with
services referred to in subsection (1)(b) of this
Fees and Disclosure;
Incidental Charges
OAR 836-071-0260 — Fees Charged by
Insurance Producers
When an insurance producer or any ailiate of the
insurance producer receives any compensation
authorized under ORS 735.455 (Surplus Lines), 744.091,
or ORS 744.093 from a prospective insured for trans-
acting insurance, neither the insurance producer nor
the ailiate may accept or receive any compensation
from an insured or other third party for the placement
of insurance for the prospective insured unless the
insurance producer, prior to the placement of and pay-
ment for insurance for the prospective insured has:
d) Obtained the prospective insured’s documented
acknowledgement that the compensation will be
received by the insurance producer or ailiate.
e) Disclosed the amount of compensation from the
insurer or other third party for the placement. If
the amount of compensation is not known at the
time of disclosure, the insurance producer shall
disclose the specific method for calculating the
compensation and, if possible, a reasonable esti-
mate of the amount; and
f) Disclosed the nature of the work that the
insurance producer or ailiate will perform on
behalf of the prospective insured.
When an insurance producer or any ailiate of the
insurance producer receives any compensation
authorized under ORS 735.455, 744.091, or 744.093
from a prospective insured for transacting insurance
and receives no compensation from an insurer or other
third party for placement of insurance for the prospec-
tive insured, the insurance producer or ailiate must
obtain the prospective insured’s documented acknowl-
edgment that the compensation will be received by
the insurance producer and must disclose the nature
of the work that the insurance producer or ailiate will
perform on behalf of the prospective insured.
A person is not a prospective insured if the person is:
a) A participant or beneficiary of an employee
benefit plan.
b) Covered by a group or blanket insurance policy
or group annuity contract sold, solicited, or
negotiated by the insurance producer or ailiate.
This does not apply to any of the following:
a) An insurance producer when the insurance pro-
ducer acts only as an intermediary between an
insurer and the prospective insured’s insurance
producer, such as a managing general agent,
a wholesale insurance producer under ORS
744.093, a surplus lines licensee when trans-
acting insurance with a producing insurance
producer under 735.455, or a sales manager.
b) An insurance producer with respect to an
incidental charge that is received from the pro-
spective insured and is authorized under OAR
836-071-0267 (Personal and Commercial Lines
incidental charges).
c) A reinsurance intermediary.
(a)Ailiate” means a person that controls, is
controlled by or is under common control
with the insurance consultant or insurance
(b) “Compensation from an insurer or other third
party” means payments, commissions, fees,
awards, overrides, bonuses, contingent
commissions, loans, stock options, gifts,
prizes, or any other form of valuable
consideration, whether or not payable
pursuant to a written agreement.
(c) “Compensation from a prospective insured
does not include any fee or amount collected
by or paid to the insurance producer that
does not exceed an amount established by
the director of the Department of Consumer
and Business Services.
OAR 836-071-0263 — Fees Charged by Insurance
Consultants or Insurance Producers
(1) When an insurance consultant or an ailiate of
an insurance consultant receives from a prospec-
tive insured any compensation authorized under
the Insurance Code or rules adopted thereunder,
neither the insurance consultant nor the ailiate
may accept or receive any compensation from an
insurer or other third party for services provided to
the prospective insured in addition to the compen-
sation paid by the prospective insured unless the
insurance consultant, prior to the transaction:
(a) Has obtained the prospective insured’s docu-
mented acknowledgment that the compensa-
tion will be received by the insurance consul-
tant or ailiate; and
(b) Disclosed the amount of compensation from
the insurer or other third party for that place-
ment. If the amount of compensation is not
known at the time of disclosure, the insurance
consultant shall disclose the specific method
for calculating the compensation, and, if possi-
ble, a reasonable estimate of the amount.
(2) When an insurance producer or an ailiate of an
insurance producer receives any compensation
otherwise authorized under the Insurance Code
or OAR 836-071-0269 to 836-071-0277 from a
prospective insured, neither the insurance
producer nor the ailiate may accept or receive
any compensation from an insurer or other third
party for the placement of insurance in the same or
related transaction unless the insurance
producer, prior to the prospective insured’s
purchase of insurance, has:
(a) Obtained the prospective insured’s document-
ed acknowledgment that the compensation
will be received by the insurance producer or
ailiate; and
(b) Disclosed the amount of compensation from the
insurer or other third party for that placement.
If the amount of compensation is not known at
the time of disclosure, the insurance producer
shall disclose the specific method for calculating
the compensation, and, if possible, a reasonable
estimate of the amount.
(3) A person is not a prospective insured for the
purpose of this rule if the person is merely:
(a) A participant or beneficiary of an employee
benefit plan; or
(b) Covered by a group or blanket insurance policy
or group annuity contract sold, solicited, or
negotiated by the insurance producer or ailiate.
(4) This rule does not apply to:
(a) An insurance producer with respect to a
transaction to which ORS 735.455, 744.091, or
744.093 applies;
(b) An insurance producer when the insurance
producer acts only as an intermediary between
an insurer and the prospective insured’s
insurance producer, such as a managing
general agent, a wholesale insurance
producer under ORS 744.093, a surplus lines
licensee when transacting insurance with a
producing insurance producer under ORS
735.455 or a sales manager;
(c) An insurance producer with respect to an
incidental charge that is received from the
prospective insured and is authorized under
OAR 836-071-0267; or
(d) A reinsurance intermediary.
OAR 836-071-0267 — Incidental Charges for
Customer Services; Personal, Commercial Lines
(1) This rule establishes incidental charges that an
insurance producer may impose for customer
services in connection with the transaction of
insurance. For the purpose of this rule, personal
lines insurance is property and casualty insurance
coverage sold to individuals and families for
primarily noncommercial purposes.
(2) An insurance producer may impose an incidental
charge established in this rule on a customer only
if the insurance producer has given written notice
to the customer that the insurance producer may
impose incidental charges authorized by this rule.
The notice must disclose all incidental charges that
the insurance producer may impose and the
service provided for each incidental charge. The
insurance producer must give the notice to a
customer before providing any service for which
an incidental charge may be imposed, but not later
than at the time of application or the renewal be-
fore the insurance producer commences imposing
the incidental charges. The written notice require-
ment does not apply to the binding or issuance of a
policy. At the time an insurance producer charges
an incidental charge under this rule, the insurance
producer must clearly disclose to the customer the
amount of the incidental charge and the service for
which the incidental charge is imposed.
(3) An insurance producer may impose an incidental
charge for rewriting or reinstating a policy that was
cancelled by the insurer because of an action or
inaction of the customer, such as nonpayment of
premium or failure to renew according to policy
terms, as provided in this section. An insurance
producer may not impose the incidental charge for
the first rewriting or reinstatement of the policy.
The incidental charges are as follows:
(a) A charge not to exceed $25 for personal lines
(b) A charge not to exceed $100 for commercial
(4) An insurance producer may impose an incidental
charge for taking a payment of premium in cash, in
an amount not to exceed $10.
(5) An insurance producer may impose an incidental
charge as authorized by ORS 30.701 for handling
and collecting on a check from a customer that is
returned for insuicient funds.
(6) An insurance producer may impose an incidental
charge for the actual cost of providing photographic
or inspection services to a customer in connection
with issuing or amending insurance coverage, but
the incidental charge may not exceed:
(a) $7.50 for the services in connection with issuing or
amending personal insurance coverage.
(b) $45 for the services in connection with issuing or
amending commercial insurance coverage.
An insurance producer may impose an incidental
charge for the actual cost of obtaining a motor
vehicle report from the Motor Vehicle Division of
the Oregon Department of Transportation or from
the comparable agency in another state.
(8) An insurance producer may impose an incidental
charge not to exceed $5 for preparing a duplicate
insurance identification card at the request of
customer, when the customer requests the
of the card instead of waiting for
the insurance identification card prepared by
the insurer.
(9) An insurance producer may impose an incidental
charge not to exceed $10 for each endorsement to
a personal lines insurance policy that is in addition
to the first six other endorsements by the insurance
producer to the policy within a six-month period.
(10) An insurance producer may impose an incidental
charge not to exceed $5 for obtaining a duplicate
SR22 filing on behalf of a customer when the
customer has lost or misplaced the original
SR22 filing.
(11) An insurance producer may impose an inciden-
tal charge not to exceed $5 for each certificate
of commercial insurance coverage issued by the
insurance producer that is in addition to the first
20 certificates requested by the customer for the
commercial insurance policy during a policy peri-
OAR 836-071-0267 —
Service Incidental Charges
Rewriting or reinstating a policy (canceled due to
nonpayment or failure to renew). Does not apply to
first rewrite or reinstatement.
Up to $25 personal lines;
up to $100 commercial insurance
Accepting cash payments Maximum $10
Handling NSF checks Maximum $25 (ORS 30.071)
Photo/inspection services Maximum $7.50 personal lines;
up to $45 commercial lines
Obtaining motor vehicle reports Limited to amount charged by
Duplicate insurance cards Maximum $5
Endorsements (after first six in a six-month period) Maximum $10
Duplicate SR22 filing (if original is lost) Maximum $5
Certificate of commercial insurance coverage
(after first 20 certificates in any one policy period)
Maximum $5
836-071-0269 — Insurance Producer Service
(1) OAR 836-071-0269 to 836-071-0277 regulate the
charging of service fees by insurance producers.
(2) ORS 737.025 states, in part, that the purpose of
Insurance Code Chapter 737 (Rates and Rating
Organization) is “to promote the public welfare by
regulating insurance rates to the end they shall
not be excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discrimi-
natory.” ORS 737.205 requires every insurer to file
its rates with the director of the Department of
Consumer and Business Services. ORS 746.015
prohibits unfair discrimination “between risks of
essentially the same hazard in the application of
rates for insurance policies or in any other terms
or conditions thereof.” The director finds that, with
respect to personal lines of insurance, it is rea-
sonable and customary for the public to consider
all of the charges made by the insurer or its insur-
ance producer to be either an insurance premium
charge or a premium financing charge.
(3) OAR 836-071-0269 to 836-071-0277 are issued
under the general rulemaking authority of ORS
(a) With respect to personal lines insurance
coverages to give eect to the rate regulatory
provisions of ORS Chapter 737 and the anti-
discrimination provisions of ORS 746.015; and
(b) With respect to commercial lines insurance
coverage to give eect to the provisions of ORS
746.015 (Discriminations), 746.405 to 746.530
(Premium Financing) and 742.009 (relating to
necessary information for insureds). Formerly:
OAR 836-030-0050
836-071-0272 — Scope of OAR 836-071-0269 to
836-071-0277; Definitions
(1) OAR 836-071-0269 to 836-071-0277 do not apply
to the transaction of life insurance, mortgage
insurance, or title insurance.
“Service fee” means a charge made by an insurance
producer with respect to an insurance transaction
to a party other than the insurer, which charge is not
a part of the insurer’s rate filing under ORS Chapter
737. “Service fee” does not include finance or service
charges governed by 746.405 to 746.530 (Premium
Financing). Formerly: OAR 836-030-0055
836-071-0274 — Service Fees Prohibited on Per-
sonal Lines
Except as provided in OAR 836-071-0267, a service fee
may not be charged with respect to the transaction of
insurance covering an individual’s person, property, or
liability. Coverage of several individuals as members of
the same family or household is considered individual
coverage for the purpose of this rule.
836-071-0277 — Service Fees Allowed on
Commercial Lines; Conditions
(1) Service fees may be charged with respect to the
transaction of insurance that covers other than an
individual’s person, property, or liability.
(2) Except as authorized in ORS 744.091 and 744.093, a
service fee may be charged only in those instances
where the insurance producer has provided service
additional to what is the usual and customary prac-
tice of insurance producers under similar circum-
stances. The insurance producer must give a written
explanation of the charge and the reason for it to the
person charged. If OAR 836-071-0260 or 836-071-
0263 applies to the transaction in which a service fee
is charged under this rule, the insurance producer
may include the written explanation with the disclo-
sure required by 836-071-0260 or 836-071-0263 or
provide the written explanation separately.
(3) A service fee may not be charged with respect to
arranging the financing of premium payments. This
does not preclude finance charges by insurance
ducers on their own accounts, or service charges
premium finance companies, which conform to the
provisions of ORS 746.405 to 746.530.
Oregon Division of Financial Regulation
350 Winter St. NE
P.O. Box 14480
Salem, Oregon 97309-0405
440-2590 (10/23/COM)