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Feature Guide: Working with HDR AWS Elemental Server, version 2.11-2.13
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© 2017 AWS Elemental. All rights reserved.
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Supported HDR Formats .................................................................................................................................... 4
Setting Up HDR Jobs Using the Web Interface ................................................................................................... 4
Input > Advanced: Managing Overwrite of Source Metadata ........................................................................... 7
Stream > Video > Advanced: Include/Exclude Metadata per Output ................................................................ 8
Stream > Video > Advanced > Preprocessors > Color Corrector ...................................................................... 8
Setting Up HDR Jobs Using the REST API ...................................................................................................... 11
XML Reference Tables for HDR ..................................................................................................................... 11
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Version 2.9 of AWS Elemental Server introduced support for HDR10 with HEVC video streams in TS, DASH,
and HLS. With version 2.9, you create HDR10 output by selecting “Rec 2020” color space in the input video
selector and adding HDR10 metadata to the output stream (by entering values in the job fields).
Version 2.11 of AWS Elemental Server extends the HDR capabilities as follows:
AWS Elemental Server version 2.11 AWS Elemental Server version 2.9 or 2.10
Ingest and output of HLG with rec. 2020 color space.
The only HDR format supported for ingest and output is
Automatic reading of HDR metadata from video source. HDR metadata in output must be provided by the user. Any
source metadata is ignored.
Passthrough or overwrite of source metadata.
Conversion between supported HDR formats and from
SDR to HDR. Conversion of metadata to match content
No conversion. SDR outputs generated from SDR sources;
HDR10 outputs generated from HDR10 sources.
Supported HDR Formats
AWS Elemental Server 2.11 can ingest and output video in the following formats and color spaces:
HLG, rec. 2020
SDR, rec. 709
SDR, rec. 609
Setting Up HDR Jobs Using the Web Interface
Use the flowchart on the next pages to determine which fields in the job or profile you need to adjust to get the
HDR functionality that you need. Then find detailed instructions and screenshots in the sections that follow, using
the provided color code.
For example, if you need to use the Force Color checkbox on the input, you will see instructions for doing so in
the flowchart in orange. Find instructions and screenshots for what you need to do by looking the orange-
highlighted text section.
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Feature Guide: Working with HDR AWS Elemental Server, version 2.11-2.13
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Feature Guide: Working with HDR AWS Elemental Server, version 2.11-2.13
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© 2016 AWS Elemental. All rights reserved.
Input > Advanced: Managing Overwrite of Source Metadata
Use the controls under Input > Advanced to either provide missing metadata or to replace incorrect metadata. The
new values will be passed into every output.
To do so:
Check the Force Color checkbox under Input > Advanced and select the correct color space in the Color Space
dropdown box. (Do not select Follow from the Color Space dropdown box.)
If you leave the Force Color checkbox unchecked, AWS Elemental Server will ignore the value in the Color
Space dropdown box and any values provided in the HDR Master Display Information (described below).
For HDR10 Input Only
If you select HDR10 in the Color Space dropdown box, the HDR Master Display Information fields will appear
below the dropdown. Enter correct values in these fields. Make sure to check the Force Color checkbox
(described above) to have these values used in your metadata.
If you leave Force Color unchecked, these HDR Master Display Information fields will still show values, but
these values will not be used. AWS Elemental Server will use metadata values from the incoming stream. You
will be able to view these values in the media info display, once the job has started running.
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Stream > Video > Advanced: Include/Exclude Metadata per Output
The Insert Color Metadata checkbox is located under Advanced on the Video tab of each Stream. Use this
checkbox to indicate whether outputs should include metadata.
You can include metadata in some outputs and not in others because this checkbox is in the Streams section. To
exclude metadata from an output, uncheck this checkbox in the Stream associated with the output.
Stream > Video > Advanced > Preprocessors > Color Corrector
Access the color correction control as follows:
1. Click Advanced on the Video tab of a Stream.
2. Scroll down and click Preprocessors to open a list of available preprocessors.
3. Click the slider switch labeled Color Corrector.
Use the Color Corrector preprocessor if you need to do color correction.
Color correction is calculated using the values in these fields and the color metadata from the input. The input
metadata depends on your input settings. If you check the Force Color checkbox (described in the orange section,
above), color correction is calculated from the metadata you supply. If you leave the Force Color checkbox
unchecked, color correction is calculated from the source-supplied metadata.
You can use color correction for some outputs and not others because this checkbox is in the Streams section.
Settings in the Color Corrector preprocessor apply to any output associated with the Stream.
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Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation
Enter correction values in these fields. AWS Elemental Server will use these values to do color correction
regardless of whether you choose to do color space conversion as well. Color space conversion is discussed
Color Space Conversion
The Color Space Conversion dropdown box is located on the right side of the Color Corrector section. Use this
dropdown to create output streams encoded with a different standard than the input stream. Select the option for
the format you are converting to. (The format you are converting from is determined by the input.)
AWS Elemental Server supports the following conversions:
Between the two HDR formats (HDR10 and HLG)
Between the two SDR color spaces (rec. 601 and rec. 709)
From either SDR color space to either HDR format
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HDR Master Display Information
The HDR Master Display Information fields appear when you select “Force HDR 10” from the Color Space
Conversion dropdown list. If you are converting to HDR10, use these fields to supply master display information
metadata to be included in the output.
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Setting Up HDR Jobs Using the REST API
This section provides information for setting up your AWS Elemental Server job and profile XML for HDR.
It assumes:
That you understand the conceptual information provided in the main body of this document.
That you understand how to create and modify jobs using xml.
XML Reference Tables for HDR
Managing Overwrite of Source Metadata
Element Notes
job Top-level element
video_selector Corresponds to the Video Selector section of the UI, under Input > Advanced.
There is one <video_selector> element per job, which applies to all outputs.
source metadata with the values in <color_space> and, for HDR10, the children of
<hdr10_metadata>. Set to false to retain metadata from the source.
Valid range: follow, rec_601, rec_709, hdr10, hlg_2020
hdr10_metadata Contains children for specifying master display information for HDR10. See table
Metadata Specific to HDR10
Child of <hdr10_metadata>
Valid Range
white_point_y 0-50000
min_luminance 0-2147483647
0- 65535
maxfall 0- 65535
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Including or Excluding Metadata from Outputs
Different outputs can have different values for <insert_color_metadata> because this setting is contained in the
stream assembly.
Top-level element
Use one <stream_assembly> element for each set of encoding
instructions you need.
name Use the value of this element to map a stream assembly to an output.
video_description Contains settings for how the video is encoded.
insert_color_metadata Set to true to include color metadata in the output; set to false to
exclude it.
output group
Use one output group element for each video package type produced.
Different outputs within the group can have different sets of encoding
instructions (different stream assemblies) applied to them.
Represents the actual set of elementary streams delivered to a single
destination address.
stream_assembly_name Set the value of this element to match the value of a
<stream_assembly>/<name> element to associate this output with the
stream assembly.
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Color Correction
Different outputs can have different settings for color correction because this setting is contained in the stream
Top-level element
Use one <stream_assembly> element for each set of encoding
instructions you need.
name Use the value of this element to map a stream assembly to an
Include this element if you want color correction on your
color_space_conversion Use this element to specify the color space or format you
want your video stream converted to.
Supported conversions are between HDR10 and HLG, from
either rec. 601 or rec. 709 to either HDR10 or HLG, and
between rec. 601 and rec. 709.
Valid range: none, force_601, force_709, force_hdr10,
brightness Provide brightness correction value here.
Valid range: 1 through 100
Provide contrast correction value here.
Valid range: 1 through 100
hue Provide hue correction value here.
Valid range: -180 through 180
Provide saturation correction value here.
Valid range: 1 through 100
hdr10_metadata Contains children for specifying master display information
for HDR10. See table below.
output group
Use one output group element for each video package type
Different outputs within the group can have different sets of
encoding instructions (different stream assemblies) applied to
Represents the actual set of elementary streams delivered to a
single destination address.
stream_assembly_name Set the value of this element to match the value of a
<stream_assembly>/<name> element to associate this output
with the stream assembly.
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Metadata Specific to HDR10
Values for these elements must be supplied by your color grader or another upstream source with information
about how your specific video was.
Child of <hdr10_metadata> Valid Range
red_primary_x 0-50000
red_primary_y 0-50000
green_primary_x 0-50000
green_primary_y 0-50000
blue_primary_x 0-50000
blue_primary_y 0-50000
white_point_x 0-50000
white_point_y 0-50000
min_luminance 0-2147483647
max_luminance 0-2147483647
maxcll 0- 65535
maxfall 0- 65535