Main Building, Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
1. Course Students 5
2. Research Students 13
3. Integrated PhD Students 26
4. External Registration Programme Students 33
5. Admissions of Foreign Nationals 36
6. Tuition and Other Fees 37
7. Scholarships and Fellowships 42
8. Students’ Assistance Programme 46
9. Discontinuation of Studies 48
10. Discipline, Attendance and Leave Rules 49
11. Code of Ethics and Conduct 51
12. The Sexual Harassment Complaint Committee 52
13. Academic Integrity 54
14. Facilities at Institute:
14.1 JRD Tata Memorial Library 57
14.2 Health Centre 59
14.3 Hostels and Dining Halls 60
14.4 Students’ Council 66
14.5 Students’ Body for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (EntIISc) 67
14.6 Recreational Facilities 68
Academic Events 2019-20
I Term : 01 August 2019 to 10 December 2019
II Term : 01 January 2020 to 24 April 2020
Summer Term : 01 May 2020 to 30 June 2020
I Term : 01 August 2019 to 16 August 2019
II Term : 01 January 2020 to 15 January 2020
Summer Term : 01 May 2020 to 5 May 2020
VACATION : 01 May 2020 31 July 2020
I Term : 27 November 2019 to 06 December 2019
II Term : 16 April 2020 to 25 April 2020
Summer Term : 30 June 2020
I Term : Without mention on the Transcript 15 October 2019
With mention on the Transcript 15 November 2019
II Term : Without mention on the Transcript 02 March 2020
With mention on the Transcript 01 April 2020
Summer Term : Without mention on the Transcript 01 June 2020
With mention on the Transcript 15 June 2020
TGPA : Term Grade Point Average
CGPA : Cumulative Grade Point Average
SCC : Senate Curriculum Committee
SCRC : Senate Committee on Research Conferment
DCC : Departmental Curriculum Committee
Important information Research Training Programme and Course work
All students who joined prior July
2016 to follow 8 Point Scale
Students joining July 2016 to
follow 10 Point Scale
Science Faculty - minimum 12 credits
with minimum CGPA of 5.5
Engineering - minimum 6 credits with
minimum CGPA of 5.5
Engineering (Direct PhD) min 18 credits
with minimum CGPA of 5.5
(basket rule applies to obtain the 5.5
Science Faculty - minimum 12
credits with minimum CGPA of 7
Engineering - Minimum 12 credits
with minimum CGPA of 7
Engineering (Direct PhD) min 24
credits with minimum CGPA of 7
(basket rule applies to obtain 7
MSc (Engg)
(12 credits)
from 2016)
Minimum 12 credits with minimum CGPA
of 5.5
(basket rule applies to obtain the 5.5
Minimum 12 credits with minimum
CGPA of 7 (with basket rule)
Waiver of General Test for students who
complete courses in two semesters with
a CGPA of at least 6.0
Continuation from MSc (Engg.) to PhD:
Minimum CGPA 6.5; for special cases 6
(All courses considered)
No General Test for M Tech (Res)
Continuation from M Tech
(Research) to PhD : Minimum
CGPA 8.0; for special cases 7.5 (All
courses considered)
Int. Ph D
(64 credits)
First Term minimum TGPA of 5.0
Subsequent terms CGPA of 5.5
Minimum CGPA of 7.0 at the end of
both first and second year.
ME / MTech/
M Des &
(64 credits)
First Term a minimum TGPA of 3.5
Subsequent terms a minimum CGPA of
Conversion from ME to PhD: min 32
credits; min CGPA 6.5, spl cases 6
First Term min. TGPA of 4.0
Subsequent terms CGPA of 5.0
Conversion from M Tech to Ph D
Min 24 credits; Min CGPA 8,
special cases 7.5
Distinction: Minimum CGPA 8.5
Including project Grade
(131 credits)
First Term a minimum TGPA of 3.5
Subsequent terms minimum CGPA of 4.0
First Class: min CGPA 4.8,
Distinction: min CGPA 7.0
First Term min. TGPA of 4.0
Subsequent terms min CGPA of 5.0
First Class: min CGPA 6.0,
Distinction: min CGPA 8.5
1 Course Students
1.1 Registration for Courses
1.1.1 Under the guidance of his/her Faculty Advisor, each student registers for a set of
courses. These include both the core courses and electives.
1.2 Term Course Load
1.2.1 For regular MTech/MDes/MMgt programmes, the credit load per term (including
project credits) in a term is as follows:
1.2.2 The stipulation on the minimum number of credits does not apply to the final
1.2.3 Students may be allowed to complete the programme at a slower pace. This
requires prior approval of the Deans, on the basis of a recommendation from the
Faculty Advisor and the Chairperson of the department. Such approval can be
requested at the beginning of the term.
1.3 Exemption from a Core Course
1.3.1 Within 15 days of registration, a student may apply to the Chair of the
department seeking exemption from a core course on the basis of his/her prior
background. If the Chair approves, the student will be give a written examination, in
accordance with the schedule indicated below:
No. of Credits
Regular Term
Summer Term
Maximum (in 1st Term)
Maximum if TGPA/CGPA in
the previous Term is < 7.0
Maximum if
TGPA/CGPA is > 7.0 but < 9.0
Maximum if TGPA/CGPA is > 9.0
1.3.2 Until the result is declared, the student should continue to attend classes. If
exemption is not granted, he/she should continue as a regular student.
1.3.3 Students may get exemption for a maximum of 6 credits over the entire
1.4 Dropping of Courses
1.4.1 Dropping of courses requires the approval of the advisor and the course
instructor and is permitted only if the total number of credits does not fall below than the
minimum stipulated in Section 1.2.1. If it is done by the 15th of October in the August
term, 1st of March in the January term and 31st of May in the summer term, the
dropped course will not be listed in the final transcript. If the dropping is done after the
above dates but before 15th of November in the August term, 1st of April in the January
term and 15th of June in the summer term, the dropped course will be included in the
transcript with a ‘W’ (Withdrawn) grade.
1.4.2 A student may register again for a course which he/she has dropped in a
previous term.
1.5 Continuous Assessment
1.5.1 Evaluation is based on continuous assessment, in which sessional work and the
terminal examination contribute equally.
1.5.2 Sessional work consists of class tests, mid-term examinations, homework
assignments etc. Absence from tests or late submission of homework will result in loss
of marks. The break-up of the 50% sessional marks among these components will be
announced at the beginning of the course.
1.5.3 The 10-point system has been adopted in the Institute for those students joining
from the Academic Year starting in August 2016. For students who have joined the
institute prior to August 2016, the 8-point will continue to apply till they graduate.
1.5.4 The instructor decides the cut-offs for converting the total marks into grades.
Only the grade is recorded in the transcripts, the marks are retained internally. There
are 6 grades, designated A+, A, B+,B, C, D and F with the corresponding grade points
as given below. For course students, all grades except F are passing grades.
I Term
II Term
Summer Term
Written examination deadline
15 Sep
15 Feb
20 May
1.5.5 The Grade Point Average (GPA) is a measure of overall performance.
The Term GPA (TGPA) is based on the grades of the current term, while the
Cumulative GPA (CGPA) is based on the grades of all courses taken in the programme.
The grade points contribution of each course is the product of the number of credits and
the grade point value corresponding to the grade obtained in it. For instance, in a
3 credit course, if the student gets a B grade (which carries a grade point value of 7),
then the contribution to the total grade points is equal to 3 x 7 = 21. The TGPA is
obtained by adding the grade point contributions of all courses taken in the current term,
and dividing the total by the number of credits. The CGPA is calculated similarly, the
only difference being that one considers the grade point contributions of all the courses
taken in the programme. The TGPA and CGPA are rounded off to the first decimal
1.6 Terminal Examination
1.6.1 Terminal examinations are held during the last fortnight of each term and during
the last week of the summer term. The timetable is notified in advance. Attendance in
the terminal examination is compulsory. If a student is absent, he/she shall be given
zero marks, and will get an F grade. Absence on medical grounds, certified by the Chief
Medical Officer of the Institute, may be condoned, and the student may be permitted to
take substitute examination(s) within a prescribed period.
1.6.2 A student can go through his/her corrected answer script with respect to courses
offered during the August-December term before 14th January of the next calendar
year, and similarly for courses offered during the January-April term, the student can go
through his/her corrected answer script before 25th May. If a change in the grade is
warranted as a consequence of the scrutiny by the student, then it should be reported to
Chairman, SCC for incorporating the change.
1.7 Academic Criteria for Continuation
1.7.1 Only two F grades are permitted during the programme. If a third F grade is
obtained, the student shall leave the Institute.
Grade Point Value
GGrade Point Value
1.7.2 In the first term, the TGPA should not be below 4.0, and in subsequent terms the
CGPA should not be below 5.0. If this condition is not satisfied, the student shall leave
the Institute.
1.7.3 In the first term, if the TGPA falls between 4.0 and 5.0, then in the following term,
the student is required to register for fewer courses, but must satisfy the prescribed
minimum of 12 credits.
1.8 Handling of ‘F’ Grades
1.8.1 Since ‘F’ is a failing grade, a student cannot graduate until he/she clears it, by
either repeating the same course or by taking a substitute course, as decided by the
1.8.2 If the ‘F’ grade is obtained in a hard core course, the same course must be
repeated. For a soft core course, the substitute course can be any soft core course. For
an elective, the DCC can specify an appropriate alternative course.
1.8.3 Only one chance is given to clear each F grade. If the grade is F in the
replacement course, the student will not be allowed to continue.
1.8.4 Such repetition of courses is permitted only to clear F grades. Students are not
permitted to retake courses in which they have obtained any other grade.
1.8.5 Both the initial F grade and the higher grade from the replacement course will be
reflected in the transcript.
1.8.6 Getting an F grade makes the student ineligible for the award of Distinction, even
though clearing the F grade permits him/her to graduate with a degree.
1.8.7 Until an F grade is cleared, it will be used for the computation of the TGPA and
the CGPA. Subsequently, it will be omitted from the TGPA computation of the term in
question, and the grade from the repeated or the substitute course will replace it in
CGPA computation
1.9 Project
1.9.1 MTech/MMgt Students begin project work during the summer term of the first
year. The department specifies the break-up of the total project credits among the
summer term and the subsequent August and January terms. A single composite
project grade is awarded on the basis of the weighted total marks from a two-stage
evaluation. The first stage, which carries 30% of the marks, takes place after the third
term. The second stage carries the remaining 70%, and takes place in the month of
June of the second year. The composite project grade is combined with the CGPA of
the course work to get the class for the award of the degree, as specified in
Section 1.11.
1.9.2 Formal registration for the MDes Programme project is done in the third term,
and the final evaluation is carried out at the end of the fourth term. All other conditions
of the MTech project work apply.
1.9.3 The minimum pass grade for project work is ‘D’. A student who secures an F
grade will be given an opportunity to re-do the project. The period of this extension of
project work is required to be approved by the SCC on the recommendation of the DCC
and the project supervisor.
1.10 Degree Requirements
1.10.1 The normal duration of the M Tech, MDes and MMgt programmes is two years.
In special circumstances, a student may be permitted an extension, but must complete
all requirements within a maximum of 3 years. The scholarship will be restricted to the
first two years.
1.10.2 The computation of the final CGPA is done only after the student clears all
courses successfully.
1.11 Classification of Awards
1.11.1 Students graduate with award of MTech/MDes/MMgt degree. Distinction is
awarded to a student satisfying the following criteria. The award of Class is determined
by combining the CGPA including project grade as shown below:
(See also Section 1.8.6)
1.12 Attendance
1.12.1 If a student fails to have a minimum attendance of 75% in each course, he/she
will be asked to leave the Institute. A shortage of attendance may be condoned by the
Deans in exceptional circumstances.
1.13 Break in Studies
1.13.1 Students may be permitted a break in studies only on medical grounds. Written
permission of the SCC must be requested as soon as the problem is manifest. The
break may be for a maximum period of one year.
1.13.2 The request must be accompanied by a certificate from the Chief Medical Officer
(CMO) of the Institute. It should be forwarded through the Faculty Advisor and the
Chairman of the department.
1.13.3 Resumption of studies requires a fitness certificate from the CMO of the Institute.
1.13.4 The student must pay tuition and all other fees during the break period.
CGPA (Including Project Grade)
8.5 and above
1.13.5 For Medical leave, scholarship will be paid for a maximum period of one month.
1.14 Transfer / Upgradation to the PhD Research Programme
1.14.1 A mechanism is provided to transfer motivated MTech/MDes students to the PhD
programme after completion of two terms.
1.14.2 The minimum CGPA for eligibility is 8.0, (in this computation of the CGPA, the
basket rule does not apply, and one considers all courses credited) considering all
courses (a minimum of 24 credits) taken in the first two terms. In special cases, this
may be relaxed to a CGPA of above 7.5, on the basis of a specific departmental
recommendation with visible evidence of other strengths.
1.14.3 Transfer of M Tech/ M Des Students to the Ph D programme would be
considered only in the First Year; if their CGPA exceeds 8.0 in 10 point scale. Other M
Tech /M Des students who wish to join the Ph D programme after completing the
requirements for the M Tech degree could appear for the Ph D interview in the mid-year
admission interviews.
1.14.4 The proposed research supervisor must be identified at the time of applying for
1.14.5 All cases will be considered on the basis of an interview, by a committee
consisting of the following:
Chair of the department*
Chairperson/Faculty Advisor
Two faculty members from the department
Proposed PhD Research Supervisor
*where the Chair is the Faculty Advisor or the proposed Research Supervisor, he/she
will identify another faculty member of the department to chair the committee.
1.14.6 The recommendation of the committee will be considered by the Senate
Committee on Research Conferment’s (SCRC). Applications forwarded to the SCRC by
June 30 will be considered in July, and those forwarded before November 30 will be
considered in December.
1.14.7 If approved, the date of registration for the PhD programme will be the date of
joining the MTech/ MDes programme.
1.14.8 The PhD research topic should be such that the courses taken during the first
year of the MTech/ MDes are sufficient for the Research Training Programme (RTP).
However, depending on the requirements of the problem and the recommendation of
the Research Supervisor(s), the student may credit one or two extra courses. In all
cases, he/she should complete the Comprehensive Examination within one year after
transfer to the PhD programme.
1.14.9 The student will receive a scholarship of Rs. 31,000 p.m. with effect from the
date of joining MTech / MDes. An enhanced scholarship of Rs. 35,000 will be paid on
successful completion of the Comprehensive Examination or completion of two years
from the date of initial registration for M Tech / M Des, whichever is later.
1.15 Privileges and Responsibilities
1.15.1 All students are bound by the rules and regulations of the Institute.
1.15.2 Full Time Students: During the tenure of their studentship, full-time students are
eligible for the following:
i. Residence in the Hostel, subject to availability.
ii. Membership of the Gymkhana.
iii. Participation in the activities of the Students’ Council
iv. Participation in the Students’ Assistance Programme
v. Assistance from the Students’ Aid Fund (SAF)
vi. Leave privileges
vii. Limited assistance from the Special Medical Care Scheme
1.15.3 QIP Scholars: These scholars are governed by specific rules of the Ministry of
Human Resource Development with regard to scholarship, duration of stay, leave, etc.
They are eligible for hostel accommodation (subject to availability) and membership of
the Gymkhana. They are not eligible for Students Aid Fund loans, the Students
Assistance Programme and Financial Assistance for attending National/International
1.15.4 Foreign Nationals: Foreign Nationals are eligible for hostel accommodation (subject to
availability) and membership of the Gymkhana. They need prior permission from the Dean to go out of India on
vacation/ leave.
1.15.5 Sponsored Candidates: Eligible for Gymkhana.
1.16 General
1.16.1 On all matters connected with course work and the prescribed requirements for
the degree, students should seek the guidance of their advisors or the Chair of the
1.16.2 If a student admitted to MTech/MDes/MTech (Research) based on GATE/CEED
scores wants to discontinue his/her studies at the Institute, he/she must
surrender the scholarship received during his/her stay as on the date of
discontinuation (if any) before leaving the Institute, the student have to submit
the no dues certificate from all departments/ Centres/Units for further necessary
1.16.3 Guidelines for internship The maximum period for course students to go for internship is 3 months
with scholarship. The entire period of internship (including the period where the student
does not get scholarship) will be considered as a part of their degree programme. Approval must be obtained from the Dean. Beyond three months
approval from the SCRC.
2 Research Students
2.1 Orientation Programme
2.1.1 Immediately on admission, students undergo an orientation programme, to
familiarize them with departmental research activities and to establish a rapport with the
2.1.2 Research Supervisor: Each student is assigned to a research supervisor,
keeping the following in view:
a) The research interests of the student.
b) The need of the department to maintain an equitable distribution among its
research programmes/faculty members.
2.1.3 Students choose the topic of research based on the advice of the research
2.2 Duration of Residence is as given in the table below:
Students registered for
MTech (Research)
2 ½
2.2.1 The minimum and maximum period mentioned above are from the academic year
the students are admitted for the programme (i.e. August Term or January Term,
accordingly). Students are provided with hostel rooms only for the above duration of
residence requirement. Once the maximum period is completed, students cannot stay in
the hostel rooms, as the studentship gets terminated beyond the maximum period
mentioned. Even if the students stay outside the campus, the studentship gets
terminated beyond the maximum period mentioned above.
2.3 Registration :
2.3.1 The students should submit that they will abide by the Institutes policies and need
to submit following undertakings
i On Usage Of Motorized Vehicles In The Campus
ii On Anti-Ragging
iii On Code Of Conduct
iv Any other document
2.3.2 At the time of joining, the student submits the scholarship application form and the
Code of Ethics form.
2.3.3 After being assigned to a Research Supervisor, he/she submits a registration
form. This should be done preferably within 2 weeks of joining the Institute. Registration
is effective from the date of joining.
2.4 Research Training Programme
2.4.1 The 10-point scaling system was adopted in the Institute from August 2016. For
students who have joined the institute prior to August 2016, the 8-point system will
continue to apply till they graduate. There are 6 grades, designated A+, A, B+, B, C, D
and F with the corresponding grade points as given below. For course students, all
grades except F are passing grades.
2.4.2 A student will have to register for a set of courses which will constitute the RTP,
as advised by the Research Supervisor(s), with the approval of the DCC. These are
termed RTP courses.
2.4.3 A research student may credit courses in addition to the ones required for RTP.
These are the non-RTP courses and may be taken before or after the Comprehensive
examination. There is no restriction on the number of such courses. Only courses with
grade C or better will be listed in the transcript; these grades are not used for
calculating the CGPA.
2.4.4 A student can go through his/her corrected answer script with respect to courses
offered during August-December term before 14th January of the next calendar year,
and similarly for courses offered during the January-April term, the student can go
through his/her corrected answer script before 25th May. If a change in the grade is
warranted as a consequence of the scrutiny by the student, then it should be reported to
Chairman, SCC for incorporating the change.
2.4.5 RTP and non-RTP courses have to be chosen after careful consultation
with the Research Supervisor/DCC member. RTP and non-RTP courses cannot be
interchanged after the registration of course/s.
2.4.6 MTech (Research) Students must complete their RTP in one year; PhD students
have to complete their RTP in one year six months. Direct PhD (BE / B.Tech / MSc)
students, i.e., those who join the PhD program directly after a BE/BTech degree, can
take at most two years to complete their RTP.
2.4.7 The minimum number of credits that student has to complete and the maximum
Grade Point Value
number of credits the student is allowed to register under RTP courses are as follows:
2.4.8 A student can drop courses with the approval of the Research Supervisor(s).
However, even in such cases, the time specified in Section 2.4.6 must be complied
with. Any delay has to be approved by SCC.
2.4.9 For non-RTP courses the grade will be reflected on the transcript only if the
grade obtained is ‘C’ or above; otherwise the course will be treated as being dropped
without mentioning in the transcript.
2.4.10 After successful completion of the RTP, the Research Supervisor(s) and the
department will initiate the process of forming the Comprehensive Examination board.
2.4.11 A student is deemed to have completed the RTP successfully and will be eligible
to appear for the comprehensive examination/general test if the following conditions are
i The student must pass all courses with grade D or higher with the
Research Training Programme
(i) Student registering for PhD in the Engineering
With ME/MTech/MTech (Res) or equivalent qualification
BE/B Tech/MSc or equivalent qualification
Transfer from MTech to PhD (within two term)
Transfer from MTech (Res) to PhD (within two term)
(MTech (Res) 12 credits, additional 12 credits)
Continuation after submitting MTech (Research)
Continuation M Tech to PhD after the award of
(ii) Student registering for M Tech (Research) :
(iii) (a) Student registering for PhD in Science with
MSc qualification
(b) Student registering for PhD in Science with
(only PhD degree 12 credits, PhD along with Masters
additional 12 credits)
exception of a Single F grade, which is permitted.
ii The student must secure CGPA of 7.0 or more. This CGPA will be
computed using a basket rule. According to this rule, the best grades of all the
courses that make up the minimum RTP credit requirement will be considered for
computation. The minimum RTP credit requirement is given in Section 2.4.6
2.4.12 If a student fails to get at least CGPA of 7.0 according to basket rule even after
taking maximum permissible credits for the programme or obtains more than one F
grade, he/she shall leave the Institute.
2.4.13 The transcript will list all the courses taken by the student and the CGPA in the
transcript will be computed taking into account the grades secured in all the courses
(including F grade). Grades obtained in the non-RTP courses will be listed separately.
2.5 Comprehensive Examination
2.5.1 After successful completion of the RTP, the candidate has to take the
Comprehensive Examination within 2 years from the date of registration. In a comprehensive examination the candidate will be tested on both the
syllabus and research work carried out thus far. The syllabus for the comprehensive examination must comprise material
from at least three courses. The syllabus should be drawn up so as to test the
breadth of the subject as reflected in the course outline in the Scheme of
Instruction book. The Research Supervisor(s) frames the syllabus for this
2.5.2 The conduct of the Comprehensive Examination will not be permitted unless:
a) Tuition and all other fees are paid.
b) Hostel dues up to the current month are cleared.
2.5.3 If a student fails in the Comprehensive Examination in the first attempt, he/she
may be allowed to appear once again within the next two months. In the event of a
failure in the second attempt, he/she will be asked to leave the Institute. However, for
Ph D the Comprehensive board may take decision on downgrading the Ph D students
to M Tech (Res) based on the performance of the students. It depends on the funding
agencies of fellowships.
2.5.4 Passing the Comprehensive Examination and getting the candidacy confirmed
(Refer to Section 2.6) are prerequisites for submitting the thesis.
2.6 Candidacy
2.6.1 After the student completes the RTP and passes the Comprehensive
Examination, the SCRC confirms his/her candidacy for the research conferment.
2.7 Upgrading of Registration from MTech (Research) to Ph D
2.7.1 Upgrading of registration from MTech (Research) to PhD is possible for a
candidate who obtains a minimum CGPA of 8.0 and has taken courses amounting to at
least 12 credits (in this computation of the CGPA, the basket rule does not apply, and
one considers all courses credited).
2.7.2 In special cases, upgrading may be permitted if the CGPA is not less than 7.5,
on the specific recommendation of the Committee, citing other visible academic
strengths of the candidate. Interested candidates should submit a request through the Research
Supervisor at the end of the second or third terms. All such requests will be considered initially by a Committee consisting of
the following:
Chair of the department*
Two faculty members from the department
Research Supervisor/s for MTech (Res)
Proposed Research Supervisor/s for PhD
*where the Chair is the current or the proposed Research Supervisor,
he/ she will identify another faculty member of the department to chair
the committee. The recommendation of the Committee should be received by the SCRC
before 30th June / 30th November and will be considered in July/December. If
upgrading is approved, the date of registration for PhD will be the date of
registration for MTech (Res). A scholarship of Rs. 31,000 p.m. will be paid with effect from the date of
joining MTech (Res). An enhanced scholarship of Rs. 35,000 p.m. will be paid on
successful completion of the Comprehensive Examination or on completion of
two years, whichever is later.
2.7.3 The candidate should complete the RTP with a minimum of 24 credits. The RTP
and the Comprehensive Examination should be completed within two years from the
date of registration.
2.7.4 The total period of scholarship will be same as that for a regular PhD student
registering directly for the PhD degree, i.e., 5 years.
2.8 Continuation for Ph D after Submission of Thesis for M Tech (Res)
2.8.1 A candidate desiring to continue for a PhD after submission of the MTech (Res)
thesis should apply through the Research Supervisor within 15 days of thesis
2.8.2 All such requests will be considered initially by a Committee consisting of the
Chair of the department*
Two faculty members from the department
Research Supervisor/s for M Tech (Res)
Research Supervisor/s (proposed) for PhD
*where the Chair is the current or the proposed Research Supervisor, he/she will
identify another faculty member of the department to chair the committee.
2.8.3 To be eligible, the candidate should have secured a CGPA of 8.0 (considering all
courses credited, and not just the minimum required for completing the RTP). In special
cases, this may be relaxed to a CGPA of not less than 7.5, on the specific
recommendation of the Committee, citing other visible academic strengths of the
2.8.4 Research publications arising out of the M Tech (Res) work would be a positive
2.8.5 Timely submission of the MTech (Res) thesis is an important criterion for judging
research ability. Students who have had their MTech (Research) registration cancelled
are not eligible for continuation for PhD.
2.8.6 After receiving the approval of the SCRC, the candidate should apply for PhD
registration, which would be provisional, subject to the award of the MTech (Res)
2.8.7 The date of registration for the PhD degree will be the date of submission of the
MTech (Res) thesis.
2.8.8 The candidate is eligible for scholarship from the date of the PhD registration on
the terms applicable to students who register for PhD with an ME or MTech
2.8.9 The candidate should complete the RTP by taking at least 12 additional credits,
irrespective of the number of credits taken at the MTech (Res) level.
2.9 Monitoring the Progress of Research Students
2.9.1 Ph D Registrants Monitoring will be done as follows:
By the Comprehensive Examination Board at the time of the
Comprehensive Examination.
By the Departmental Committee at the end of the 3rd year
All problem cases will be considered for possible cancellation of registration.
2.9.2 MTech (Res) Registrants
Monitoring will be done as follows:
By the Dean’s Committee – at the end of 2½ years
By the Director’s Committee – at the end of 3 years
All problem cases will be considered for cancellation of registration.
2.9.2 Cancellation of Registration
19 For each research degree, there is a period of time beyond which the
registration is automatically cancelled. After the cancellation of registration, the
student can submit the thesis only after getting the cancellation revoked. He/she
must initiate this process by submitting a draft thesis, along with a letter to the
Dean furnishing justifiable reasons for the delay in thesis submission. The Research Supervisor should forward this letter and the draft thesis
through the Chair of the Department, along with a letter in support of the appeal.
Under some circumstances the cancellation can be revoked. The following table shows details of the different time periods and also
the maximum period of registration, beyond which the cancellation of registration
cannot be revoked.
*A committee will be formed with the supervisor as the convener if the Director
permits revocation. For PhD candidates, the committee will be composed of
three additional members with at least two from outside the candidate’s
department. For MTech (Res) candidates the committee will consist of two
additional members with at least one from outside the candidate’s department.
2.9.4 After the cancellation of registration, the student can submit the thesis only after
getting the cancellation revoked. He/she must initiate this process by submitting of a
draft thesis, along with a letter to the Dean furnishing justifiable reasons for the delay in
thesis submission. The Research Supervisor should forward this letter and the draft
thesis through the Chair of the Department, along with a letter in support of the appeal.
2.9.5 The Dean may seek the opinion of experts, if required. In deserving cases, he
will recommend the revocation to the Chairman of the Senate. The norms are as follows
Revocation by Deans
Revocation by
M Tech (Res)
2 ½ Y
2 Y 6 M -3Y
3 Y 3 ½ Y
PhD (Engg)(with M Tech)
6Y 7Y
7Y 8Y
PhD (Engg)(with B Tech)
6Y 7Y
7Y 8Y
6Y 7Y
7Y 8Y
Maximum time limit for submission
of thesis
Time limit for revocation of
cancellation of registration
6 years
8 years
8 years
10 years
M Tech (Res.)
2 ½ years
3 ½ years
2.9.6 These norms are applicable to all categories of research students including staff
registrants, external registrants, other sponsored candidates and QIP Scholars.
2.10 Break in Studies
2.10.1 Students can be permitted a break in studies only on medical grounds, on
production of a medical certificate issued by the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of the
Institute. Permission from the SCRC must be sought as soon as the problem is
manifest. The break is for a maximum period of one year.
2.10.2 If prior permission is not obtained, it will be considered as a case of
discontinuation, and action will be taken to cancel the registration.
2.10.3 The student must pay tuition and all other fees during the break period.
2.10.4 For resumption of studies, a Fitness Certificate issued by the CMO of the
Institute is essential.
2.11 Submission of Thesis
2.11.1 A Synopsis must be submitted along with the thesis. The synopsis must not
exceed three pages and is to be submitted both as a hard copy and in electronic format.
2.11.2 M Tech (Res) thesis work should display a good mastery of the background
literature and give evidence of some originality in interpretation of data, development of
new experimental or theoretical techniques, or addition to existing knowledge.
2.11.3 PhD thesis work should show substantial contribution to the advancement of
scientific and/or industrial knowledge design or development. It is evaluated primarily on
the quality and quantity of its contribution to new knowledge, interpreted in the widest
sense to include instrumentation and applied work of an innovative nature. The thesis
should show evidence of critical evaluation and judgment, and good mastery of the
background literature, as well as the candidate’s capacity to relate his/her specialized
research to the broader framework of the general discipline within which it falls.
2.11.4 The candidate is required to give a colloquium on the thesis work before
submitting the synopsis. The thesis needs to be submitted within six weeks of the
colloquium. However, colloquium cannot be given during the period of cancellation of
registration. It should be given only after revocation of cancellation of registration. In
case the colloquium is given before cancellation and the thesis submission is done after
six months, crossing the time period specified for cancellation of registration, it is
mandatory that the colloquium be repeated after revocation of cancellation.
2.11.5 It is possible for a student to submit his/her thesis without a guide. A committee
will be set up by the Deans, based on the request of the student, in consultation with the
Chairperson of the department.
2.12 Thesis Fee :The following fees has to be paid when submitting the thesis:
M Tech (Res)
Rs. 3,000/-
PhD Thesis
Rs. 5,000/-
2.13 Continuing After Submission of Thesis
2.13.1 With prior approval from the Deans, full-time PhD students can continue
research work at the Institute from the date of thesis submission up to the successful
completion of the oral examination. A formal request must be made through the
Research Supervisor(s) while submitting the thesis.
2.13.2 A student who submits the thesis within the durations mentioned below may be
designated as IISc-Research Associate, from the date of submission of the thesis for a
maximum period of twelve months (one year). The consolidated honorarium will be Rs.
38,000 per month. This will remain unchanged for the entire period of Research
Associateship. However, after the award of the degree, if the candidate continues
his/her stay in the same supervisor’s laboratory; the supervisor can top up the amount
.(This includes a maximum period of 12 months only)
2.14 Thesis Defense
2.14.1 The student is required to take an oral examination on the thesis. An undertaking
to this effect should be submitted along with the thesis.
2.14.2 Failure to attend the oral examination within six months of receiving the reports
of all examiners will lead to cancellation of registration.
Eligible for IISc RA, if the PhD thesis
submitted within
PhD (Science)
5 years
Int. PhD
7 years
PhD Engineering
4 years 6 months
With ME / MTech / MSc (Engg.)
Dir. PhD (Engg.) with BE /
BTech / MSc
5 years
2.15 Privileges and Responsibilities
2.15.1 Regular full-time students are eligible for the following:
i Residence in the hostel, subject to availability
ii Participation in the Students’ Assistance Programme
iii Assistance from Students’ Aid Fund (SAF)
iv Leave privileges
v Limited assistance from the Special Medical Care Scheme
vi Membership of the Gymkhana, and
vii Participation in the activities of the Students’ Council
2.15.2 Scheme and Project Staff: Students who are admitted as regular full-time
students but later join identified sponsored schemes or projects for short periods, and
will be resuming full-time research studentship subsequently, shall carry with them all
the privileges and responsibilities that are available for regular full-time students.
2.15.3 QIP Scholars: They are governed by the specific rules of the AICTE/MHRD with regard
to scholarship, duration of stay, leave, etc. They are eligible for hostel
accommodation (subject to availability) and membership of the Gymkhana. For all other purposes, they will be governed by the same rules as are
applicable to regular full-time students.
2.15.4 Sponsored Candidates from Other Institutions:
With regard to privileges and responsibilities, they are treated on par with staff
2.16 Registration by Full-Time Staff Members of the Institute
2.16.1 A staff member such as Scientific Officer/Technical Officer/Scientific
Assistant/Lab Assistant who has put in a minimum of 3 years of continuous service in a
regular position can apply for registration in the PhD programme of the Institute without
detriment to his/her normal work, provided he/she possesses the required academic
qualifications. The department should ensure that there is sufficient proof of his/her
ability to undertake research work. After obtaining administrative approval, the application should be
forwarded by the Chair of the department to the Academic Section along with the
recommendation of the COP of the department. The Chair is also required to certify that
i Departmental work will not be affected
ii The work of the students, technical support, etc., would not be
affected; and
iii The registration would improve the teaching and research
capabilities of the staff member and his/her work in the
laboratories as well as in developmental tasks Before being considered by the SCRC, a Committee consisting of the
following would judge the academic suitability of the candidate:
Dean of the Faculty concerned or his/her nominee
Chairperson of the department*
One expert from within the department (other than the
Research Supervisor)
An expert in the area from outside the department
Proposed Research Supervisor(s)
*where the Chairperson is the Research Supervisor, he/she will
identify another faculty member of the department to serve in his
place. The registration of staff members is made only twice a year, before
August and January terms. All the above processes should be completed well
before the beginning of the term and the registration shall be from the first day of
the term. The minimum period of residence for a staff registrant is the same as for
regular students.
2.17 General
2.17.1 On all matters connected with research work and the prescribed requirements for
research degrees, students are advised to seek guidance from their Research
Supervisor(s) and the Chair of the department.
2.17.2 Revocation of Cancellation: For each research degree, there is a period of time
beyond which the registration is automatically cancelled. Under some circumstances
the cancellation can be revoked. The following table shows the maximum period of
registration, beyond which the cancellation of registration cannot be revoked. Additional
time may be given to students to address.
Revocation by
Revocation by Director*
Deans during
M Tech (Res)
2Y 6M
2Y 6M 3Y
3Y 3 ½
PhD (Engg)
6Y 7Y
7Y 8Y
(with M Tech)
PhD (Engg)
6Y 7Y
7Y 8Y
(with B Tech)
PhD (Science)
6Y 7Y
7Y 8Y
*A committee will be formed with the supervisor as the convener if the Director permits
revocation. For PhD candidates, the committee will be composed of three additional
members with at least two from outside the candidate’s department. For MTech (Res)
candidates the committee will consist of two additional members with at least one from
outside the candidate’s department.
2.17.3 Hostel Accommodation:
Maximum possible duration of stay in the hostels is summarized in the table below.
2.17.4 Copyright Ownership of Thesis Work:
Copyright of the material reported in the thesis rests with the student. However, if the
thesis is published as a book, the advisor also can be a co-author. Further, the student
needs to acknowledge the support of the Institute. Further, (a) Even though copyright
has been transferred to a journal/ conference proceedings publisher, the authors of the
paper can exploit the work for academic purposes. So, if the student has publications
out of his/her research work, there is no problem in including the material in the papers
in his/her thesis. (b) Any part of the thesis can be patented only according to the IP
policy of the Institute and the resulting IP will be shared as per the Institute norms.
Maximum Duration of stay from the Date of Admission
PhD (Science)
6 Years
6 Years
MTech (Res)
2 ½ Years
2.17.5 Guidelines for internship / collaborative research work.
i. The maximum period is 12 months for Ph D students,
ii. The scholarship will be paid for a period of 12 months for an PhD student.
The period is the cumulative period for all internship/ collaborative programs.
After this period the scholarship will be stopped.
iii. If there is a joint research program, then the decision may be taken case
by case by Dean according to the terms and conditions of MoU.
iv. A prescribed form will have to be submitted along with their application for
internship/collaborative program.
v. The entire period of internship/collaboration (including the period where
the student does not get scholarship) will be considered as a part of their degree
vi. This is only for students before they submit their thesis. No scholarship
will be paid for students who have submitted their thesis or after 6 weeks of the
colloquium. It is also suggested that such students, along with their thesis
processing fee, give an undertaking that if they go on an internship/collaboration
they will not be paid any scholarship and will have to vacate the Hostel.
3 Integrated PhD Students
3.1 Durations and milestones
The period of residence is as follows:
Minimum period
Maximum period
7 years
5 years
8 years
3.1.1 Coursework
The 10-point system has been adopted by the Institute for those students joining
the institute from the Academic Year starting in Aug 2016. For students who have
joined the institute prior to August 2016, the 8-point system will continue to apply
till they graduate. There are 7 grades, designated A+, A, B+, B, C, D and F with the
corresponding grade points as given below. For course students, all grades except F
are passing grades. All students must complete a total of 64 credits for successful completion
of the course program. The coursework during the first year consists predominantly of a
common program (core courses) for all students, independent of the future
research area. At the end of the second semester, the Divisional Committee chaired by
the coordinator of the Integrated PhD Program will assign each student to a
project (research) supervisor (from a list of three faculty members given by the
student), taking into account the following factors:
i The student’s research interest and performance in the course
work (CGPA)
Grade Point Value
ii The research programs of the Division as a whole, and
iii The consent of the faculty member (project supervisor) concerned.
This process must be completed before the beginning of the second year, and
this information must be communicated to the Academic Section by the
coordinator. It is not mandatory that the research supervisor for the PhD program
be the project supervisor. The third-semester and the fourth-semester coursework will be chosen
on the advice of the project supervisor. It is desirable but not mandatory that the
supervisor consults the coordinator in this context. In the third semester, the student may commence the project work
leading to the PhD degree. Scrutiny of the answer scripts of the final examination in a course
by the student: A student can go through his/her corrected answer script with
respect to courses offered during August-December term before the 14th
January of the next calendar year, and similarly for courses offered during the
January-April term, the student can go through his/her corrected answer script
before 25th May. If a change in the grade is warranted as a consequence of the
scrutiny by the student, then it should be reported to Chairman, SCC, for
incorporating the change.
3.1.2 Dropping of courses
Not more than one course per semester may be dropped, in consultation with the
coordinator in the first year, and with both the supervisor and the coordinator in the
subsequent year. These unfinished courses, or their equivalents in the case of elective
course, must be completed successfully by the end of the third year.
3.1.3 Exemption Within 15 days of registering for a core course, a student may apply to
the coordinator of the Integrated PhD Program seeking exemption from it on the
basis of his/her prior background. This option is available to all students except
for those in the Division of Chemical Sciences. The student will be given a written
examination, in accordance with the schedule indicated below, based on the
approval of the coordinator. Exemption is granted if the student secures a ‘B’ or a higher grade in this
examination. The student will be given the same grade in the course as the one
obtained in the written examination; the credits will count towards the degree
requirements, and they will be used for the computation of the TGPA/CGPA.
Semester I
Semester II
15 Sep
15 Feb
20 May
Written examination
28 If exemption is not granted, the student should continue to attend classes
as a regular student. Exemption is permitted for up to a maximum of 6 credits during the entire
period of studentship.
3.2 Continuous Assessment
3.2.1 A student must have a CGPA of not less than 7.0 at the end of both the first and
the second year. If this condition is not met the student will have to leave the program.
3.2.2 If a student gets the grade ‘F’ in a core course, then the student will be required
to repeat the same course whenever it is offered again. His / her obtaining the grade ‘F’
in the second attempt will result in the student being discontinued from the program.
3.2.3 If a student gets the grade ‘F’ in an elective course, then the student will be
required to take an equivalent course as suggested by the coordinator of the Integrated
PhD program in the first year and as suggested by the research supervisor, in
consultation with the coordinator, in the second year. His/her obtaining the grade ‘F’ in
the latter course will result in the student being discontinued from the program.
3.2.4 If a student obtains more than two ‘F’ grades during the entire program, then the
student will be asked to discontinue from the program.
3.2.5 By the 31st of July of the second year, all students will have to inform the
coordinator of the Integrated PhD Program of the respective division of their decision to
opt to continue towards the PhD degree or towards the MS degree alone.
3.2.6 For students opting to continue towards the PhD degree, a comprehensive
examination will be held by the end of two-and-a-half years. In all circumstances the
comprehensive examination must be conducted by the end of the third year.
3.2.7 For students opting for the MS degree alone, a MS thesis must be submitted by
the 31st of March of their third year after giving the colloquium. If the thesis is not
submitted by the 31st of July of their third year, the registration will be cancelled. A
successful defence of the MS thesis, which includes an oral examination, is an essential
requirement for the award of the MS degree. No comprehensive examination is required
in such cases.
3.3 Comprehensive Examination
3.3.1 Students will not be permitted to take the comprehensive examination unless:
i Tuitions and other fees are paid; and
ii Hostel dues up to the current month are paid.
3.3.2 The comprehensive examination will be conducted by a Board appointed by the
Senate Committee on Research Conferment’s (SCRC). The syllabus of the examination
will encompass the examinee’s coursework and subjects recommended by the
project/research supervisor(s).
3.3.3 The Comprehensive Examination Board will recommend any one of the
i The student is eligible to continue towards the PhD degree.
ii The student is eligible to continue only for the MS degree.
iii The student will be asked to discontinue from the program.
3.3.4 For students who have been recommended by the Comprehensive Examination
Board (CEB) to continue towards the PhD degree, the rules of the regular PhD program
will apply.
3.3.5 For students who have been recommended by the CEB for the MS degree only,
the MS thesis must be submitted by the end of six months from the date of the
comprehensive examination. If the thesis has not been submitted by this time, the
student’s registration will stand cancelled.
3.3.6 For students who have been recommended by the CEB to discontinue from the
program, discontinuation will be with effect from the date of the comprehensive
3.4 Candidacy
3.4.1 On the basis of the recommendation of the CEB, the SCRC confirms the
candidacy of the student for the research conferment of either a PhD or a MS degree.
3.4.2 Students continuing towards the PhD receive an enhancement of their
scholarship as per Institute norms. If the comprehensive examination is held after two-
and-a-half years, the enhancement (in case the student has been adjudged to continue
towards the PhD degree) will be effective from the date of successful completion of the
comprehensive examination.
3.4.3 For students who opted for or were recommended by the CEB to continue
towards MS degree only, there will be a one-time enhancement of scholarship as per
Institute norms, at the beginning of their third year, provided all course work
requirements are successfully completed. However, beyond two-and-a-half years, the
student will receive financial assistance as per Institute norms for a maximum period of
six months.
3.4.4 Successful defence of the PhD thesis is qualification for award of both the MS
and PhD degrees, which will be given together. In this case, the date mentioned on the
MS degree certificate will be that of the Council meeting subsequent to the successful
completion of the comprehensive examination.
3.5 Monitoring of Progress
3.5.1 Monitoring will be done as follows for the students continuing for the PhD degree:
By the Comprehensive Examination Board: at the end of 2 years (up to 2½ years in
normal circumstances)
By the Departmental Committee : at the end of the 6th and 7th years
By the Dean’s Committee : at the end of 8 years
By the Director’s Committee : at the end of 9 years
3.5.2 A student’s registration in the Integrated PhD Program will be cancelled at the
end of the 8th year if he/she has not completed by that time.
3.5.3 The Dean processes the requests for revocation of cancellation of registration as
per the norms of the institute. All such recommendations are communicated to the
3.6 Break in Studies
3.6.1 Students can be permitted a break in studies only on medical grounds, on
production of a medical certificate issued by the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of the
Institute. Permission from the SCRC must be sought as soon as the problem is
manifest. The break is for a maximum period of one year.
3.6.2 If prior permission is not obtained, it will be considered a case of discontinuation
and the registration of the student may be cancelled.
3.6.3 During break in studies, the student must pay the applicable tuition and other
3.6.4 For resumption of studies, a Fitness Certificate issued by the CMO of the
Institute is essential.
3.7 Submission of Thesis
The following fees have to be paid when submitting the thesis:
MS Thesis
Rs. 3,000/-
PhD Thesis
Rs. 5,000
3.7.1 Two weeks in advance of the probable date of thesis submission, a synopsis not
exceeding four pages is to be submitted, both as a hard copy and in electronic format.
Before submitting the synopsis, the candidate is required to give a colloquium on the
thesis work. However, colloquium cannot be given during the period of cancellation of
registration. It should be given only after revocation of cancellation of registration. In
case the colloquium is given before cancellation and the thesis submission is done after
six months, crossing the time period specified for cancellation of registration, it is
mandatory that the colloquium be repeated after revocation of cancellation
3.7.2 The thesis fee applicable at the time of submitting the thesis has to be paid while
submitting the thesis.
3.8 Timely Submission of Thesis
A student who submits a thesis for the Integrated PhD degree within seven years from
his/her date of joining may be designated as “Institute Research Associate” from the
date of submission of the thesis for a maximum of 12 months.
3.9 Revocation of Cancellation of registration
For each research degree, there is a period of time beyond which the registration is
automatically cancelled. Under some circumstances the cancellation can be revoked.
The following table shows the maximum period of registration, beyond which the
cancellation of registration cannot be revoked. Additional time may be given to students
to address revocation of cancellation.
A committee will be formed with the supervisor as the convener if the Director permits
revocation. The committee will be composed of three additional members with at least
two from outside the candidate’s department.
3.10 Copyright Ownership of Thesis Work
Copyright of the material reported in the thesis rests with the student. However, if the
thesis is published as a book, the advisor also can be a co-author. Further, the student
needs to acknowledge the support of the Institute. Further,
i Even though copyright has been transferred to a journal/ conference
proceedings publisher, the authors of the paper can exploit the work for
academic purposes. So, if the student has publications out of his/her research
work, there is no problem in including the material in the papers in his/her thesis.
ii Any part of the thesis can be patented only according to the IP policy of
the Institute and the resulting IP will be shared as per the Institute norms.
3.11 Guidelines for internship / collaborative research work.
i. The maximum period is 12 months for Int. Ph D students,
ii. The scholarship will be paid for a period of 12 months for an Int. PhD
student. The period is the cumulative period for all internship/ collaborative
programs. After this period the scholarship will be stopped.
iii. If there is a joint research program, then the decision may be taken case by
case by Dean according to the terms and conditions of MoU.
iv. A prescribed form will have to be submitted along with their application for
internship/collaborative program.
Revocation by
by Deans
Director * during
Int. PhD
v. The entire period of internship/collaboration (including the period where the
student does not get scholarship) will be considered as a part of their degree
vi. This is only for students before they submit their thesis. No scholarship will
be paid for students who have submitted their thesis or after 6 weeks of the
colloquium. It is also suggested that such students, along with their thesis
processing fee, give an undertaking that if they go on an internship/collaboration
they will not be paid any scholarship and will have to vacate the Hostel.
4 External Registration Programme Students
4.1 Registration
4.1.1 Candidates register immediately on joining, by submitting a registration form that
is to be forwarded by the department to the Academic Section, along with the following:
i A research proposal drawn up in consultation with research supervisors
from the organization and from the Institute.
ii A determination of adequacy of scientific facilities at the organization for
work leading to a research degree.
iii An assurance from the organization that
a) The proposed research work will constitute part of the programme
of the organization.
b) The necessary facilities will be provided to the registrant for his/her
research work.
c) The research supervisor from the Institute will be given access to
the facilities necessary for the research work of the registrant in the
d) The necessary leave will be given to enable the registrant to
complete the research training programme.
e) The organization must provide sufficient time for the candidate to
carry out his/her thesis work. Hence, after successful completion of the
RTP, the candidate must be permitted to be on leave for an average of
one day a week, in order to effectively spend time on his/her PhD work.
f) Travel expenses of the organization supervisor to attend various
meetings conducted at the Institute, in connection with the evaluation and
progress monitoring of the student, must be supported by the
g) An undertaking that the candidate is not registered for academic
conferment at any other institution.
4.2 Research Supervisors
4.2.1 The candidate will work under the supervision of at least one research supervisor
from the Institute and one from the sponsoring organization.
4.2.2 For PhD candidates, the research supervisor(s) from the organization should
have a PhD degree.
4.3 Change of Organization
4.3.1 If the candidate changes the place of work or leaves the organization, the
registration will be cancelled, irrespective of the stage of research work (except in cases
where the thesis has already been submitted).
4.3.2 If the research supervisor from the organization leaves the organization, or
changes the place of work, the candidate should apply to the SCRC for a change of
guide along with a CV of the proposed organization guide and permission letter from the
4.4 Candidates Going Abroad
4.4.1 If a candidate goes abroad before the completion of the Comprehensive
Examination/ General Test, the registration will be cancelled. Prior permission from the
SCRC to be obtained to apply for No-objection Certificate to go abroad.
4.4.2 After the Comprehensive Examination, travel abroad requires prior permission of
the Deans.
4.4.3 The maximum period of such absence is one year, and if the candidate does not
return at the end of this period, registration will be cancelled.
4.5 Duration of Work and Research Training Programme (RTP)
4.5.1 The norms for successful completion of the RTP and the minimum period for
submission of thesis are the same as for regular students.
4.5.2 Candidates must spend a minimum period of one term in residence at the
Institute to complete the RTP. This should be the first term after joining. PhD candidates
with BE/BTech/MSc qualifications may need to be in residence for two terms.
4.6 Progress Reports and Monitoring of the Progress of the Research Work
4.6.1 The registrant must submit half yearly progress reports, signed by both the
research supervisors and forwarded through the Chair of the department. He/she is also
required to be in constant touch with the research supervisor from the Institute. In case
these conditions are not met, registration will be cancelled.
4.6.2 The research supervisor from the Institute has the primary responsibility of
monitoring the progress of the research work.
4.6.3 The time schedules and procedures are the same as those of regular PhD and
MTech (Research) registrants.
4.7 Comprehensive Examination/General Test
4.7.1 The norms are identical to those for regular students.
4.8 Candidacy
4.8.1 After the SCRC obtains the report from the CE Board with regard to successful
completion of the RTP and the Comprehensive Examination, it will confirm the
candidacy of the student for the research conferment.
5 Admissions of Foreign Nationals
5.1 Full-time research
Application should be made online to the Chairperson of International Relations Cell
(IRC) by 31st of January every year. Short listed candidates will be interviewed over the
phone or by video conferencing. Selected candidates will be offered fellowships and
hostel accommodation on campus. The fellowship amount is equal to that of regular
Indian students. The fellowship is renewable for up to 2 years for MTech (Research)
and 5 years for PhD, subject to satisfactory performance.
5.2 Short time research work
5.2.1 Foreign nationals with appropriate qualifications may be admitted to register for
specific courses and to do project work in an identified department. Prospective
candidates should send their applications to the Chairperson, International Relations
5.2.2 Normally the registration is for one or two terms.
5.2.3 Fees to be paid are as given below:
Fee per term : Rs. 12,000/-
Auditing of Course fee : Rs. 10,000/- (per course)
6 Tuition and Other Fees
Students are required to pay the fees prescribed by the Institute. These are liable to changes
from time to time. The details of the fees in force are given below:
6.1. Fees per annum (All figures in Rupees):
6.1.1 Regular and QIP Full-Time Students
A. Tuition and other annual fees (for General candidates)
*From third year onwards Int. PhD students must pay the fees as applicable to PhD students.
** Sponsored and all students must pay the fees on or before 16th August.
$$including QIP students
*Int. PhD
(for II year)
$MTech /
Bachelor of
Tuition Fee
Gymkhana Fee
Other Academic
Emergency Fund
B. Tuition and other annual fees (for ERP candidates)
** ERP existing students must pay the fees on or before 16th August.
*** The fee structure has been enhanced by 15% for the ERP students on roll prior to
1st August 2017.
Tuition Fee
Fully waived
Gymkhana Fee
Other Academic
Emergency Fund
6.1.2 Tuition and other annual fees (for SC/ST existing students) must pay on or
before 16th August
6.1.3 Due Date
For students joined in August
For students joined in January
Due Date
Due Date
I Instalment (August
16th August
I Instalment (January
16th January
II Instalment
15th November
II Instalment (April
17th April
III Instalment (January
16th January
III Instalment (August
15th August
Note: Those students who are in receipt of scholarship/fellowships will have their I, II, III
instalment fees deducted from their scholarship/fellowship payable in the month of
August, November and January respectively. Students who are not in receipt of
scholarship/fellowship and those who under the DBT scheme have to pay the fees as
per the due dates given in the Table above. However, if the due date falls on a holiday,
the fees must be paid on the next working day without fine. Those students who do not
pay the fees within the due dates will be levied a fine of Rs.20/- per week.
*Int. PhD
(for II
Bachelor of
Tuition Fee
Fully waived
C. For SC/ST Regular and QIP Candidates
Fees payable from the 2nd year onwards:
Tuition Fees
Other Fees (in Rs.)
Fully Waived
MTech (Research)
Fully Waived
MTech/M Des
Fully Waived
Int. PhD
Fully Waived
Fully Waived
D. Due Dates
For students joining in the August term: 15 August 2017
1. For students who receive scholarships/fellowships, the fees will be deducted from
the scholarship/ fellowship payment in the month of August.
2. Students who do not receive scholarships/fellowships have to pay the fees on or
before the dates prescribed above.
3. The tuition and other academic fees are to be paid before submission of the
thesis. No payment will be accepted thereafter.
6.2 Penalties
6.2.1 If a student fails to pay tuition and other fees by the due date, any one or more of the
following penalties will be levied:
i. Overdue charges of Rs. 20/- per week or part thereof;
ii. Stoppage of scholarship and/or loss of attendance for the period of non-payment;
iii. Withdrawal of permission to take the examinations or to continue research; and
Note: Cancellation of registration.
6.2.2 If the last date of payment is a holiday, the fees can be paid without penalty on the next
working day.
6.3. Deposits (Refundable)
Deposit :
Amount in Rs
Statutory Deposit :
Rs. 7,500/-
Library Deposit :
Rs. 7,500/-
6.3.1 The deposits cover liabilities such as:
(a) Damage of apparatus or other property
(b) Wastage of materials
(c) Fines
(d) Hostel and dining hall dues
(e) Loss of Books and Other dues
6.3.2 A request for refund of Statutory and Library deposits is to be submitted at the
time of leaving the Institute. Students should submit the request through the Chair of the
6.3.3 Concessions: Students belonging to SC and ST communities are exempted only
from tuition fees. (Except for candidates under the External Registration Programme)
7 Scholarships and Fellowships
The details of scholarships and fellowships available to research and course students
are given below.
7.1 The details of Scholarship/Fellowships are as given below:
Scholarship/Fellowship per month (Amount in Rs.)
31,000/- (for the first two years)
35,000/- (for third, fourth and fifth year)
MTech (Research)
12,400/- (for 2 years)
12,400/- (for 2 years)
16,000/- (for the first two years)
Integrated PhD
31,000/- (for third and fourth year)
35,000/- (for fifth, sixth and seventh year)
Financial Assistance
Ph D
12,000/- (for the sixth year)
MTech (Research)
5,000/- (for 6 months after 2
Integrated PhD
12,000/- (for the eighth year after 7
7.1.1 All the students who join the Institute (except for M.Mgt programme) are eligible
for scholarship/ Fellowship from CSIR/UGC/DBT/ICMR/MHRD/AICTE/DAE (NBHM)/
DST as the case may be. Immediately on joining the Institute all the students with CSIR
JRF/ ICMR JRF/ DBT JRF/ INSPIRE / NBHM fellows must send the joining report to the
concerned authorities/agencies for activating their scholarship within 15 days from the
date of joining. The students are required to follow the individual agency guidelines for
activating the fellowship. The students are entitled for the fellowship that is
approved/released by the respective agencies. In case of UGC/JRF students, the
joining report has to be submitted to Canara Bank, IISc Campus.
7.1.2 Scholarships from GE/ INFOSYS/ IBM/ HP/ TATA/ PHILIPS/ BELL LAB/
MICROSOFT / Department of Electronics and Information Technology (Deity) are also
available for deserving students.
7.2 Application/Request for Scholarship
The scholarship request form is available in the department office. The students must
collect the same, duly fill in the particulars and submit the signed form to the department
office. The department office will make online request for payment of scholarship. The
scholarship is processed only through online mode.
The scholarship for the students who are under provisional admission will be processed
only after admission is regularized / confirmed. Hence, the students must upload the
certificates/documents required online in the Applicant’s Interface and produce the
same at the Admissions office for regularizing the admission (on or before 31st
7.3 Payment of scholarship
Payment of scholarship for the month of August will be processed in the first week of
September and the scholarship will be credited to the student’s bank account on the last
working day of September. The payment of scholarship is based on the attendance of
the previous month sent from the department office to the Finance and Accounts
section during the 2nd week of the following month. The scholarship requests must be
certified by the Advisor/Research Supervisor with regard to attendance and the
satisfactory progress of work and duly signed by the department Chairperson. The
certified requests will be filed in the department office.
i Scholarship for Research Programme:
Research Associateship (RA) is available for a maximum of 12 months from the date of
submission of thesis for all the Ph D programmes. The Research Supervisor will have to
indicate Debit Head (funds) for RAship.
Financial Assistance
MTech (Res)
2 years
6 Months
Int. PhD
7 years
1 Year
PhD (Engg)
5 years
1 Year
PhD (Science)
5 years
1 Year
ii Research Associate ship :
Programme #
Eligible if PhD thesis is submitted within
PhD (Science)
5 Years
Int. PhD
7 years
PhD (Engg) with ME/ M Tech
4 years 6 months
PhD (Engg.) With BE/B Tech/MSc
5 years
7.4 Scholarship Criteria for MTech / MDes/ MTech (Research) students
i 8 to 10 hours (per week) of teaching and research work, as assigned by the
ii An undertaking not to leave the course midway.
7.5 Payment of scholarship
The scholarship will not be paid till all dues in respect of the preceding months are
cleared. For the ME/MTech/ MDes students, payment for the period of vacation/recess
will be made only when they rejoin the Institute after the vacation or recess. If a student
undertakes project work outside the Institute during these periods, payment will be
made on production of a certificate of attendance and satisfactory progress in the
training along with a declaration that he/she has not received any other emoluments
during any part of this period. In the event of the student having received any
emolument during the project work, no scholarship will be paid.
7.5.1 Students are required to provide the account number and the name of the bank
on the scholarship bill for crediting the scholarship amount.
7.5.2 Students must submit their scholarship bills to the department by 20th of the
month in order to receive payment in time.
7.5.3 Sponsored candidates from other institutions can be considered for scholarship
or financial assistance only if they have not received any emoluments from the
sponsoring organization.
7.6 Renewal of Scholarship / Financial Assistance
7.6.1 Research and Integrated PhD Programmes: Based on the specific
recommendation of the
7.6.2 Research Supervisor(s) and the Chair of the department, the scholarship may be
renewed up to a maximum period of 5 years for PhD, 2 years for MTech (Research) and
6 years for Integrated PhD registrants. Beyond this period, financial assistance may be
sanctioned for needy students for a period of one year for PhD & Int. PhD students and
for six months for MTech (Research) students, based on recommendation by the
Research Supervisor(s) and the Chair of the department.
7.6.3 MTech/ MDes Programmes: The scholarship will be awarded for 2 years
provided the student earns grades that satisfy the minimum requirements for
continuation in the programme.
7.6.4 Scholarships/Fellowships from other Organisations
7.7 GARP Funding to Support Conference Travel for PhD and MTech (Research)
i. Research students are eligible to get GARP funding for presenting a paper in a
ii. The maximum amount available per student is Rs 200,000.
iii. A student can utilize this amount for one or two trips.
iv. GARP funds are not available to those PhD students who have completed 6
years. Int. PhD students are not eligible to get the support after completing 8 years.
MTech (Research) students are not eligible to get support after completing two and
half years.
Sl. No
Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS)
UGC Research Fellowship
Inspire Fellowship (DST)
T.J. Gautam/J. Ganguly
Bristol Myers Squibb
UGC Research Fellowship
Inspire Fellowship (DST)
CSIR Fellowship
CSIR Fellowship
8 Students’ Assistance Programme
8.1 Students’ Assistance Programme (SAP)
8.1.1 Rendering Assistance under SAP is mandatory for all regular PhD and Int.
PhD students and optional for MTech (Research) students. Students who are to be
engaged in SAP should have their candidacy confirmed for the programme of study.
However, the students who have not taken their comprehensive examination also
could be allowed to do mandatory SAP with the approval of the Deans on the
recommendations of the Instructor and the Chairman or DCC of the Department. To
declare that the student has rendered the mandatory assistance under SAP, the
duration of assistance should be between 60-120 hours in a particular term subject to
the condition that it should not be more than 50 hours per month. The declaration
that the student has rendered the mandatory assistance under SAP is compulsory to
hold the colloquium of the student. For the mandatory one term assistance under
SAP, no financial compensation is admissible. The students who are to be engaged
for second and subsequent terms will have lower preference compared to the
mandatory term students. The rate of payment for assistance rendered after the
mandatory service will be at 100/- per hour. The work load on students engaged in
teaching assistance should be limited to 50 hours per calendar month and 120 hours
per term. The mandatory assistance under SAP is applicable to all students who
joined for PhD and Int. PhD programme through the 2011 admission and onwards.
All such requests should be submitted well within the course period and certainly
within the financial year during which the student’s assistance was sought.
8.2 Students’ Aid Fund
8.2.1 Each student shall contribute at least 50 per annum. Donations are also
received from other sources.
8.2.2 The Fund is administered by a Committee constituted by the Director. This
Committee prescribes operational rules for sanction of assistance from the Fund
from time to time.
8.2.3 Assistance in the form of loans from the fund is available to poor students to
i tuition fees;
ii purchase books, instruments and stationery necessary for the course
or research programme;
iii other expenses connected with their work and for their maintenance at
the Institute as may be approved by the Committee; and
iv Hostel, dining hall, medical expenses, etc.
8.2.4 No payment shall be made by way of scholarships or prizes to students.
8.2.5 This assistance in the form of loans will be as reimbursement of expenditure
incurred. The amount will be recovered in equal instalments. The number of
instalments will be decided at the time of sanctioning the loan.
8.2.6 Requests for assistance should be made to the Academic Section in the
prescribed form.
8.2.7 Financial Assistance for Medical Care.
8.2.8 Students can get limited assistance to meet the cost of expenditure incurred in
case of hospitalization, from the Students Medical Care Fund, formed out of
contributions made by the students and a matching grant made by the Institute.
9 Discontinuation of Studies
Discontinuing studies at the Institute immediately after joining or on personal ground
Students who wish to discontinue their studies due to personal reasons, or who get
an appointment to work in PSUs/Private Sector must follow the procedures given
below before leaving the Institute.
i Write a letter to the Chairperson of the department intimating about your wish
to discontinue your studies, obtain his endorsement on the letter.
ii Collect proforma of “No Dues Certificate” from the department office, and get
the clearance from all the departments/sections like Hostel, Library, Gymkhana,
Finance and Accounts, SERC.
iii Pay your Mess/Hostel charges, if any, by a Challan from the Hostel Office.
iv Submit all the above 3 documents in original to the Admissions Unit. Take 2
Photostat copies of these documents before submitting, one for your reference and
one to the department office.
v On receipt of the above documents, Academic/Admissions Unit will issue a
discontinuation “Memo”, collect your copy and then leave the Institute.
vi The refundable deposits i.e. Statutory Deposit, Library Deposit, and the Hostel
Deposit will be refunded by way of cheque to your address printed on the
discontinuation Memo. In case, there is a change/correction in the mailing address,
you must make the correction and inform the same to the Admissions Unit before
leaving the Institute.
vii After 15 days from leaving the Institute, you may contact the Finance and
Accounts for the refund status on telephone no: 080-22932570.
viii The students who get admitted to MTech/ MDes/ MTech (Research) based on
GATE/ CEED scores, must surrender the scholarship received as on the date of
discontinuation (if any) before leaving the Institute along with the No Dues Certificate
10 Discipline, Attendance and Leave Rules
10.1 Discipline
10.1.1 Students are expected to dress and to conduct themselves in a proper manner.
10.1.2 All forms of ragging are prohibited. If any incident of ragging comes to the notice
of the authorities, the student will be given the opportunity to explain. If the explanation
is not found satisfactory, the authorities can expel him/her from the Institute.
10.1.3 Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that provides a safe
working environment for women. Sexual harassment of any kind is unacceptable and
will attract disciplinary action. Further details can be obtained from the website
http://biochem.iisc.ernet. in/~bchss/policy.htm
10.2 Attendance
10.2.1 Students are required to attend lectures and other academic activities.
Applications for leave of absence are to be made through the Advisor or Research
Supervisor(s). Any type of absence for more than 10 days should be notified to the
Academic Section immediately.
10.3 Leave
10.3.1 A student is eligible for the following leave:
10.3.2 Leave on personal grounds: 30 days a year with scholarship.
10.3.3 Leave on medical grounds: Up to 30 days a year with scholarship for extended
sickness normally requiring hospitalization.
10.3.4 Women research scholars can avail maternity leave for 180 days with
scholarship once during the tenure of studentship. In case maternity leave is taken the
woman student will be permitted an additional year to submit her thesis (before the
registration is cancelled). The women students who take maternity leave, the Institute
will need to commit to pay 180 days additional scholarship.
10.3.5 Medical leave for periods of less than 7 days is not permitted.
10.3.6 A Medical Certificate and a subsequent Fitness Certificate from the CMO of the
Institute are required for resumption of studies.
10.3.7 A combination of different types of leave is not normally permitted.
10.3.8 No carry-over of leave is permitted. Any unused leave under categories
10.3.9 With regard to leave, the year is reckoned as follows:
a) For Research students: From the date of joining.
b) For Course students: From the date of commencement of the first term,
irrespective of the date of joining.
10.3.10 Leave availed in excess of the permissible limit will be treated as leave without
10.3.11 Students permitted to attend approved conferences may be considered to be
on duty.
10.3.12 Students going abroad for collaborative research work with the approval of the
SCRC are entitled to get their scholarship for up to
i 3 months for MTech (Research) candidates and
ii 6 months for Ph D candidates.
11 Code of Ethics and Conduct
11.1 At the time of admission, each student must sign a statement accepting the code
of ethics and conduct*, and giving an undertaking that:
i he/she will complete his/her studies in the Institute; and
ii If he/she is forced to discontinue studies for any legitimate reasons, it will
be done only with permission from the Deans.
11.2 If a student commits a breach of the code of conduct, he/she will be asked to
leave the Institute and will not be eligible for the following:
11.2.1 Re-admission for a period of three years; and
11.2.2 Issue of grade card or certificate for the courses studied or work carried
11.3 On account of misconduct or unsatisfactory work, the Deans may withdraw the
scholarship at any time and/or decide that the scholarship has to be refunded from the
date of the last award.
11.4 In various phases, one is faced with issues of integrity and conflict of interest.
Behaviour of all Institute faculty, students and research workers must be in
conformance with the Academic Integrity policy that is given in the next Section
12 The Sexual Harassment Complaint Committee
Sexual harassment includes such unwelcome sexually determined behaviour
(whether directly or by implication) as physical contact and advances, demand or
request for sexual favours, sexually coloured remarks, any other unwelcome physical,
verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature. It is discriminatory when the aggrieved
woman has reasonable ground to believe that her objection would disadvantage her in
connection with her employment, or when it creates a hostile working environment. In
accordance with the Hon’ble Supreme Court’s decision, a Sexual Harassment
Complaint Committee (SHCC) was constituted in April 2003.
The SHCC will provide equal opportunity for all women in IISc, without regard to
age, to lodge complaints of any sexual harassment in the work place. The affront to
personal dignity that occurs as a result of sexual and other types of harassment
constitutes an action unbecoming of a student/ staff member of the Institute and will
attract appropriate disciplinary action. Complaints may be made verbally or in writing at
any time.
The Government of India (GoI) has enacted the Protection of Women from
Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act (the SH
Act), 2013. For details, see:
http://www.shebox.nic.in (SHe-Box Ministry of Women & Child Development)
12.1 ICASH Policy 2017
Sexual harassment includes such unwelcome sexually determined behaviour (whether
directly or by implication) as:
i Physical contact and advances
ii A demand or request for sexual favours
iii Sexually coloured remarks
iv Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual
v Behaviour such as this constitutes an action unbecoming of a student/staff
member of the Institute and will attract appropriate disciplinary action.
The Internal Committee against Sexual Harassment (ICASH) will provide equal
opportunity for all IISc personnel, without regard to gender or age, to lodge complaints
of any sexual harassment in the work place.
Any of the following may be contacted verbally or in writing at any time, for lodging
i. Prof. Dipshikha Chakravortty, MCB (Chair) Send e-mail : [email protected]
ii. Prof. C. S. Manohar CE Send e-mail : [email protected]
iii. Prof. Kusala Rajendran CEAS Send e-mail : [email protected]
iv. Dr R Nirmala, Health Centre Send e-mail : nir2901@yahoo.com
v. Mr. M. C. Jayaprakash Send e-mail : [email protected]/
vi. Ms. Shweta Luthra SASHA(NGO), Bengaluru
Students (one each from UG, Masters and PhD) Internal Committee against Sexual
Harassment (ICASH)
13 Academic Integrity
13.1 Cases of ethical lapses within institutions of scientific research are increasingly
being reported in the news. In this context, we need to create awareness and come up
with a set of clear guidelines to maintain academic integrity. A flourishing academic
environment requires responsibility at the individual and community levels. The three
broad categories of improper academic behaviour to be considered are: I) plagiarism, II)
cheating and III) conflict of interest.
13.2 Cases of plagiarism are the use of material, ideas, figures, code or data without
appropriate acknowledgement or permission (in some cases) of the original source.
This may involve submission of material, verbatim or paraphrased, that is authored by
another person or published earlier by oneself. Examples of plagiarism include:
i Reproducing, in whole or part, text/sentences from a report, book, thesis,
publication or the internet.
ii Reproducing one’s own previously published data, illustrations, figures,
images, or someone else’s data, etc.
iii Taking material from class-notes or downloading material from internet
sites, and incorporating it in one’s class reports, presentations, manuscripts or
thesis without citing the original source.
iv Self-plagiarism, which constitutes copying verbatim from one’s own
earlier, published work in a journal or conference proceedings without
appropriate citations.
The resources given in Subsection 7.7 explain how to carry out proper referencing, as
well as examples of plagiarism and how to avoid it.
13.3 Cheating is another form of unacceptable academic behaviour and may be
classified into different categories:
i Copying during exams, and copying of homework assignments, term
papers or manuscripts.
ii Allowing or facilitating copying, or writing a report or exam for someone
iii Using unauthorized material, copying, collaborating when not authorized,
and purchasing or borrowing papers or material from various sources.
iv Fabricating (making up) or falsifying (manipulating) data and reporting
them in thesis and publications.
13.4 Guidelines for academic conduct are provided below to guard against negligence
as well as deliberate dishonesty:
i.Use proper methodology for experiments and computational work. Accurately
describe and compile data.
ii.Carefully record and save primary and secondary data such as original
pictures, instrument data readouts, laboratory notebooks, and computer
folders. There should be minimal digital manipulation of images/photos; the
original version should be saved for later scrutiny, if required, and the changes
made should be clearly described.
iii. Ensure robust reproducibility and statistical analysis of experiments and
simulations. It is important to be truthful about the data and not to omit some
data points to make an impressive figure (commonly known as “cherry
iv.Lab notebooks must be well maintained in bound notebooks with printed page
numbers to enable checking later during publications or patent. Date should
be indicated on each page.
v.Write clearly in your own words. It is necessary to resist the temptation to
“copy and paste from the internet or other sources for class assignments,
manuscripts and thesis.
vi.Give due credit to previous reports, methods, computer programs, etc. with
appropriate citations. Material taken from your own published work should also
be cited; as mentioned above, it will be considered self-plagiarism otherwise.
13.5 Conflict of Interest: A clash of personal or private interests with professional
activities can lead to a potential conflict of interest, in diverse activities such as
teaching, research, publication, and work on committees, research funding and
consultancy. It is necessary to protect actual professional independence, objectivity and
commitment, and also to avoid an appearance of any impropriety arising from conflicts
of interest. Conflict of interest is not restricted to personal financial gain; it extends to a
large gamut of professional academic activities including peer reviewing, serving on
various committees, which may, for example, oversee funding or give recognition, as
well as influencing public policy. To promote transparency and enhance credibility,
potential conflicts of interests must be disclosed in writing to appropriate authorities, so
that a considered decision can be made on a case-by-case basis. Some additional
information is also available in the section below dealing with resources.
13.6 Individual and Collective Responsibility: The responsibility varies with the role
one plays.
13.6.1 Student roles: Before submitting a thesis (ME, MSc, or PhD) to the
department, the student is responsible for checking the thesis for plagiarism
using software that is available on the web (see resources below). In addition,
the student should certify that they are aware of the academic guidelines of the
Institute, have checked their document for plagiarism, and that the thesis is
original work. A web-check does not necessarily rule out plagiarism.
13.6.2 Faculty roles: Faculty should ensure that proper methods are followed for
experiments, computations and theoretical developments, and that data are
properly recorded and saved for future reference. In addition, they should review
manuscripts and theses carefully. Apart from the student certification regarding a
web-check for plagiarism for theses, the Institute will provide some commercial
software at SERC for plagiarism checking. Faculty members are encouraged to
use this facility for checking reports, theses and manuscripts. Faculty members
are also responsible for ensuring personal compliance with the above broad
issues relating to academic integrity.
13.6.3 Institutional roles: A breach of academic integrity is a serious offence with
long lasting consequences for both the individual and the Institute, and this can
lead to various sanctions.
i In the case of a student, the first violation of academic breach will
lead to a warning and/or an “F” course grade. A repeat offence, if deemed
sufficiently serious, could lead to expulsion.
ii It is recommended that faculty bring any academic violations to the
notice of the department chairperson. Upon receipt of reports of scientific
misconduct, the Director may appoint a committee to investigate the
matter and suggest appropriate measures on a case-to-case basis.
13.7 References:
[1] National Academy of Sciences article “On being a scientist,”
[2] http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/univ/plagiarism/
[3] http://www.aresearchguide.com/6plagiar.html
[4] https://www.indiana.edu/~tedfrick/plagiarism
[5] http://www.files.chem.vt.edu/chem-ed/ethics/index.html
[6] http://www.ncusd203.org/central/html/where/plagiarism_stoppers.html
[7] http://sja.ucdavis.edu/files/plagiarism.pdf
[8] http://web.mit.edu/academicintegrity/
[9] http://www.northwestern.edu/provost/students/integrity/
[10] http://www.ais.up.ac.za/plagiarism/websources.htm#info
[11] http://ori.dhhs.gov/
[12] http://www.scientificvalues.org/cases.html
14 Facilities at Institute
14.1 J R D Tata Memorial Library
The J.R.D. TATA Memorial Library, at the Indian Institute of Science, is one of the
oldest yet modern Science and Technology libraries in India. Started in the year 1911
as one of the first set of departments in the Institute, it has become a precious national
resource centre in the fields of Science and Technology. The library is centrally located
with four floors with lift facility and has a total area measuring about 5,000 sq. mts. The
collection of the Library which includes books, journals, reports, theses, Indian Patents
and standards is regarded as one of the richest collections in the country. This rich and
valuable collection built over ten decades has some of the rare reference materials and
back volumes of several important journals. Apart from its print resources, the Library
has access to a large collection of e-journals, eBooks and databases. Functioning as an
effective support system for information services across the campus continues to be the
primary goal of the library.
The library has a total collection of about 5 lakh documents which includes books and
monographs, bound volumes and periodicals, theses, standards, technical reports etc.
It subscribes to over 750 current e-journals. In addition to Library subscriptions, the
e-Shodh Sindhu Consortium (INFLIBNET) provides access to over 8000+ e-journals.
The Library continues to maintain pre-eminence in providing access to a large number
of e-resources. Some of the major e-resources include the complete journal publication
of the following Societies:
1. American Chemical Society - ALL journals and its Archive
2. American Institute of Physics - Journals and Archive
3. American Physical Society Journals, including Physical review Online (PROLA)
4. American Society for Microbiology - ALL Journals
5. Annual Reviews
6. ASCE Journals
7. ASME Journals
8. Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Journals
9. ASTM Journals and Standards
10. Elsevier collection
11. Emerald full-text
12. Economic & Political Weekly
13. IEEE / IEE Journals
14. Institute of Physics Publishing - Complete collection including its Archive
15. JSTOR Archive
16. Nature
17. Oxford University Press - Complete Mathematics, Physical and Life Science
18. Project MUSE
19. Royal Society of Chemistry - ALL Journals and its Archive
20. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) - Complete journal collection
and Archive
21. Springer collection
22. Wiley collection
Some of the Backfile collections to which access is provided on a perpetual access
basis include:
i Elsevier Backfiles in eleven subjects categories such as Biochemistry,
Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical and Analytical Chemistry,
Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, Mathematics, Physics General,
Pharmacology, Neuroscience, Engineering Technology
ii Wiley InterScience backfiles in eight subject categories which include
Biochemistry, Polymer Science, Analytical Science, Cell and Developmental
Biology, Chemistry, Genetics & Evolution, Materials Science, Physics and
iii The following backfiles have been added to the e-collection in the recent
past :
Nature backfiles
American Chemical Society Legacy Archive
Institute of Physics Publishing Journal Archive
OUP Archive
14.1.1 Major databases subscribed include
ISID (The Institute for Studies in Industrial Development)
MathSciNet (AMS)
REAXYS (Elsevier)
SciFinder Scholar
Scopus (Elsevier)
Turnitin - Internet-based plagiarism-detection service
Web of Science
14.1.2 ePrints & ETD Digital Repositories
ePrints@IISc (eprints.iisc.ernet.in) is one of the earliest and largest Institutional
Repositories in the country. The ePrints@IISc was started by the erstwhile
National Centre for Science Information. It is currently being managed by the
J.R.D. Library. The repository collects, preserves, and disseminates in digital
format the research output created by the IISc research community. The
repository content can be accessed through the search and browse
functionalities. As on date, the total number of publications in the repository is
about 46,000+.
etd@IISc (etd.iisc.ernet.in) is the digital repository of Theses and Dissertations of
IISc, Bangalore, India. This repository has been developed to capture,
disseminate and preserve the research theses of IISc. The repository content
can be accessed through the search and browse functionalities. As on date, the
total number of records in the repository is about 3800+.
14.1.3 Library Automation
Library has been using LIBSYS, a Library Management Software for its functions
such as Acquisition, Cataloguing, Serials Control, and Circulation. Online access to
Library holdings data is through WEB-OPAC. Users have the facility to browse and
search the Library catalogue and view the status of a document or their own
transactions and make on-line reservations for a document issued.
14.1.4 Working hours
Monday Saturday 08:00 to 2:00 AM (Next day)
Sunday 09:00 to 17:00 hrs
General Holiday’s 10:00 to 16:00 hrs
14.1.5 Circulation rules and procedures:
Items that can be borrowed
i. Books
ii. Series Publications
iii. Reference Books (except Handbooks, Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias, etc.)
Loan Period:
i. Books (General) 14 days
ii. Periodicals (bound/series/references) 48 hours
14.1.6 Library Website
The Library maintains its own web portal (http://library.iisc.ac.in/) and the portal acts
as a one-stop-shop to access all the information related to the library including services
& facilities available, Web OPAC, links to all e-resources subscribed, Staff etc.
14.2 Health Centre
Medical services for students are provided at the Health Centre. It has out-patient and
in-patient facilities served by Medical Officers and nursing staff. Specialists in the areas
of eye, dental and psychiatry visit the Health Centre regularly. There is a doctor on duty
to look after emergency cases at night.
Diagnostic facilities like a clinical laboratory, an X-ray facility, ECG and ultrasonography
are available. Cases requiring other specialist services are referred to appropriate
centres/ hospitals.
All regular students are covered by the “Students Health Care Scheme” which permits
reimbursement of medical expenses incurred as per norms. Students must undergo a
medical examination at the time of joining only and medically fit candidates are admitted
to the Institute. Health insurance is mandatory for all Institute students.
14.3 Hostels and Dining Halls
Adequate accommodation is available for all the registered students of the Institute in
the hostels. There are four dining halls: Vegetarian ‘A’ & D’, Composite ‘B’ and ‘C’
(Both vegetarian and non-vegetarian).
Charges towards Hostel facilities per month are given below:
i . Refundable deposits (revised w.e.f 01/08/2017)
Hostel (for Married apartment)
7,500(No change)
7,500(No change)
ii Advance payment for Mess and Room charges from 2017 onwards (w.e.f.
Advance payment for the
months of
Amount @ Rs.5000/-
To be remitted on or
August to December
1st August
January to April
1st January
May to July
1st May
iii Hostel Charges
i. Single Room charges per student per month
Students admitted to
Bachelor of Science
Integrated PhD
MMgt/ MSc (Engg)
(ii) Double Room charges per student per month
Students admitted to
BS (Research)
Integrated PhD
MMgt/ MSc (Engg)
Others (STW)
(iii) Married Apartment charges per month
Type of Apartment
(1) Double Room
(2) Single Room
(iv) Other charges
For single &
For married
double room
Amount in Rs.
Amount in Rs.
Establishment Charges
Amenities Charges
Electricity & water charges
Mess Amenities Charges
Allotment Rules for Married Student Apartments:
Students should submit the valid proof of marriage for consideration in a prescribed
format that is available in the Hostel Office.
The students desirous of married apartment should have valid registration at the time of
application for allotment, and allotment is subject to following exclusions:
i PhD students not eligible for allotment after 4 ½ years of their
ii Integrated PhD students - not eligible after 6 ½ years of their registration.
iii MTech (Res) students not eligible after 1 ½ years of their registration
If the student and the spouse are both students of the Institute, only one can apply for
the married apartment.
Procedure for allotment:
i Applications will be invited on occurrence of vacant apartment for
ii The vacant apartments along with category to which it is admissible will be
displayed in the Hostel
i. Office/Messes and also it will be broadcasted through email.
iii Separate seniority lists will be maintained for regular Research students,
Research Associates and the QIP students.
iv The allotment will be made in respective category based on the seniority.
The list of seniority of the respective category will be displayed for information of
the concerned in the Hostel Office.
v The allotment will be made on the date notified in advance to the students
who have applied for the apartment based on the seniority.
Method of fixing seniority:
The seniority of allotment for the married apartment is made in consideration of the
i The year of joining the Institute is the basis (SR Number in the ID card
gives the year of joining).
ii The seniority in respect of Integrated PhD is determined after subtracting
one year from the total period up to last date of application commencing from the
date of joining.
iii The seniority in respect of MTech students who continue for a PhD at the
Institute will be determined by adding one year to the total period from the date of
joining the PhD.
iv The seniority in respect of MTech (Research) students who continue for
PhD at the Institute after submission of thesis will be calculated by adding two
years to the total period from the date of joining the PhD.
v The PhD students who continue as Research Associates, their seniority
will be determined by addling one year to the date of joining the RA position.
Duration of allotment of married apartment:
i The period of allotment of married apartment is 2 years and 9 months
ii On specific request and on the recommendation of the department with
valid reasons the extension for a maximum period of 3 months will be
iii The period of allotment ends on the day of defense of the thesis even if
the period is within the permissible period indicated above. No extension will be
provided under any circumstances.
iv The period of allotment under clause (1) and extension under clause (2) is
subject to following conditions for each programme:
a. PhD students no extension for stay beyond 6 years from the date
of registration.
b. Integrated PhD students no extension for stay beyond 8 years
from the date of registration.
c. MTech (Research) students no extension for stay beyond 3 years
from the date of registration.
d. QIP students - no extension for stay beyond 4 years from the date
of registration.
v PhD students who continue at the Institute as Research Associates will
have to vacate the married apartment if in occupation under Regular Research
Student quota on expiry of the period indicated in clause (1) and on extension if
any under clause (2). However, Research Associates can apply for the
apartment under Research Associate quota which will be allotted subject to
availability of apartment meant for the Research Associates, if the criterion of
seniority under Research Associate category is fulfilled.
vi If the couples are students of the Institute, under no condition shall their
combined period of stay in the married apartment, even under separate
applications, exceed the period of stay indicated under clause (1) and extension
if any under clause (2).
vii The extension permissible under clause (2) is limited to only once and for
any extraneous reasons the married apartment is required, they can apply
separately for DDQ/CDQ quota with concerned authorities.
Penalty for overstay:
i Any stay beyond the permissible period will attract fine and the rate of fine
levied shall be as under:
a. First month Rs.100/- per day over and above the apartment rent,
licence fee and other charges.
b. Second month Rs.120/- per day over and above the apartment
rent, licence fee and other charges.
c. Third month Rs.140/- per day over and above the apartment rent,
licence fee and other charges.
ii On expiry of this period if the married apartment is not vacated, it will be
locked by the Hostel office.
Other conditions:
i The students allotted the married apartment has to vacate the apartment
within one month, if neither the spouse nor child is staying with the allottee. If the
allottee fails to vacate, a fine, to be decided by the Chairperson, Council of
Wardens will be levied over and above the penalty indicated under the clause of
penalty. In spite of this, if not vacated, the apartment will be locked by the Hostel
ii If the students staying in hostel are allotted married apartment, they must
vacate the hostel room in occupation by them within seven days from the date of
allotment of married apartment. If the spouse is also a student of the Institute and
in occupation of hostel room, both of them must vacate the hostel rooms within
seven days from the date of allotment. If they fail to vacate within seven days the
licence fee for both hostel room and married apartment will be charged apart
from locking the hostel room in occupation.
14.4 Students’ Council
Office Bearers 2019
Students’ Council (SC) is the representative body of the entire student community of the
Indian Institute of Science. It is an interface between the students and the
administration, and works together with the students to identify and address concerns
that affect them, directly or indirectly. The SC also represents the interests of the
students and takes an active role in discussions and decisions affecting the student
The StudentsCouncil is also invested in the all-round development of the students and
organizes several extracurricular activities throughout the year. These activities include
sporting and cultural events organized in association with the Gymkhana and the
different activity clubs on campus. The Students’ Council also coordinates the student
volunteer effort for the various Institute events like Sangam - Freshers’ welcome party
and the Open Day thus actively encouraging student participation and contribution. The
motivation is to instil a sense of social responsibility and a drive to give back to society.
In addition to this, SC also takes a stand on issues of social importance and organizes
the student body in their protests and acts as united voice of the students of the
institute. This is aimed at making the students’ aware of the outside world and
encourage them to take a stand for what is right.
The office bearers of SC are elected for a term of one year. Nominated members
constitute the Steering and Executive Committee of SC. Additionally; two
representatives from each of the departments are members of the Council. The SC is
also responsible for the constitution of the following committees:
Course & Dept.
E-mail id’s
Contact No.
M.Tech (Civil)
General Secretary
UG 3 rd Year
Hostel & Amenities
Affairs Secretary
Prince Kumar
M.Tech (Civil)
Academic Affairs
M.Tech (ECE)
Women Affairs
Under Graduate
Affairs Secretary
Pratyush P
UG 1
Academic: All issues relating to courses, academic resources
Amenities: Looking after on-campus amenities and monitoring quality of the
existing ones
Communication: Media interface and dissemination of information to student’s
Hostel Looking after student’s Hostel
Student Support Network: Coordinate with Counselling centre to provide
counselling platform for students
Placements: Looking after campus placements and other career opportunities
Health: Coordination between health centre and students
Women’s Welfare: Work with Women Cell for the welfare of the women
Cultural: Organizing and promoting intra and inter-institute cultural events
Environment: Reducing the institute’s environmental footprint, expanding the
green cover
There are also other committees like social, UG Welfare, Foreign Student Welfare
14.4 Students’ body for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (EntIISc):
EntIISc is the abbreviation for ‘Entrepreneurship and Innovation at IISc’. It is a student-
run forum to encourage, promote and support entrepreneurship and innovation activities
at IISc. It aims to become a welcoming forum to promote and sustain entrepreneurial
spirit and facilitate ideas and networking by means of events, workshops and training.
The beneficiaries include students, faculty, research staff and associates.
Vision: The vision of this club is to leverage the unique ecosystem of IISc to
create an international hub for entrepreneurship and innovation.
Mission: The mission of EntIISc is to be a welcoming forum to promote and
sustain entrepreneurial spirit and facilitate ideas and networking by means of events,
workshops and training.
IISc students (primary)
IISc community (Faculty, supporting staff and others)
External Entities - IISc Alumni, Industry, Partners (VCs, Industry bodies,
Government, other academic institutes and interested individuals)
Objectives: Be a world class showcase for entrepreneurship and innovation by
executing professionally through:
Innovative and comprehensive IT-driven operations
Creative, engaging and useful events that benefit the stakeholders
Metrics-driven achievements, demonstrating transparency and integrity in
actions and thoughts via constant communication to all stakeholders on a
regular basis
Events at EntIISc: Since its formal inception, the office bearers of EntIISc have
established this forum as the go-to place for all IISc students and entities external to
IISc on matters related to student entrepreneurship and innovation. EntIISc has been
able to engage about 500 students from the campus through more than 10 events
conducted during the first six months of its operation. Students and scholars of IISc,
professionals, entrepreneurs, and innovators benefited from the various sessions of
these events, such as:
Lean Start-up Workshop
Lean Mantra team
Facebook’s Little Eye Labs
Little Eye Lab team
LEM Workshop
Prof. Sunil Handa, IIM-A
Schemes of Development
K.L. Rao, Director, Commissioner
Ministry of MSME
Bio Design Workshop
Mr. Vasudhendra Shroff, Author &
How to Market Idea
Mr. Sachin Bhide, Marketing
Women Entrepreneurship
Ms. Revathi Venkatraman,
Chairperson, Women
Entrepreneurs Committee Business
Women’s forum (FKCCI)
Become a part of EntIISc: Come and join hands with us to explore the endless
opportunities and the entrepreneur inside you. Learn. Create. Grow.
Visit us at: http://entiisc.iisc.ernet.in/
14.6 Recreational Facilities
14.6.1 Gymkhana: is the centre of cultural activity at the Institute. It has a cricket
ground, tennis, volleyball, basketball courts and a cinder track. An indoor badminton
court, table tennis, billiards, karate, shaolin-chu-kung-fu, taekwondo, chess and carrom
are a few among the many facilities in the gymkhana. Athletic and recreational facilities
at the gymkhana come as a break to regular work schedules at the Institute. It also
provides a conducive atmosphere for interaction between students and staff.
The gymkhana also has a good gymnasium with facilities like Home Gym, a Hercules
multi trainer and wall bar equipment.
Attached to the gymkhana is a small well-kept swimming pool where coaching classes
are also conducted during the summer. The gymkhana subscribes to about 14
magazines in English at its Ranade Library, apart from making available about 10,000
books to readers. The music room in the gymkhana houses a stereo system and record
player, with a good collection of records. There is a separate TV lounge. An indoor
Students’ Auditorium where cultural activities can be organized is available as a facility.
There is also an open-air auditorium.
14.6.2 General Facilities
The Film Club regularly screens popular and classic films in its main hall
for the benefit of the members.
The gymkhana organizes inter-departmental, inter-collegiate and inter-
university tournaments in sports, games and cultural events. ‘VIBRATIONS’ , a
week long annual cultural festival, which attracts students from institutions all
over the country and helps to bring out their inherent cultural talent, is celebrated
at the gymkhana.
A dark room facility for the photographic club situated at the gymkhana
caters to the needs of camera-loving members.
A snack parlour, which serves coffee, snacks and soft drinks to the
members, is also situated in the gymkhana premises.
14.6.3 Other general facilities at the Institute include banks, Xerox centres
(photocopying facility), travel agencies, bookstores, and a café and tea kiosk.
V Nagaraja Anoop Yadav
Deputy Registrar, Academic Assistant Registrar, Academic
Primary Data:
K Chandra Naik, Academic Section