AH Formatter
Antenna House, Inc.
Footnotes & Sidenotes
Page Layout
Headers & Footers
MathML & SVG
Keeps & Breaks
Borders & Background
Box Layout
Paged Media
PDF Output
© 2019 Antenna House, Inc.
© 2019 アンテナハウス株式会社
Edition Date
Sixth Edition February 15, 2019
Fih Edition November 9, 2018
Fourth Edition April 3, 2018
Third Edition April 21, 2009
Second Edition March 13, 2009
First Edition December 8, 2008
Antenna House, Inc.
500 Creek View Road
Suite 107
Newark, DE 19711
Telephone +1 302-427-2456
This document is marked up in XHTML5
(XML-serialized HTML5). The table of
contents, index, and syntax highlighting
are updated using XSLT. Styles are speci
fied using a CSS style sheet. The XHTML5,
CSS, and image files are available on the
Antenna House website. This document
was formatted and converted to PDF
with AH Formatter V6.6.
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in the preparation of this document, the
publisher assumes no responsibility for
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sulting from the use of information con
tained herein.
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Antenna House, Inc.
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The symbols needed in the trademarks
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Introduction to CSS for Paged Media 1
1. Copyright © 2019, 2018, 2009, 2008 Antenna House, Inc.
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.    
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 
    
 
       
 
   
 
.   
‘@media’ Rule
Specifying a Print Style Sheet
<style> element
‘@import’ rule
media attribute of <style> and <link> elements
Dierences Between Screen and Paged Media
Design approach
Le and right pages
The printed book
.   
Box Model 
Box Display and Printing 
Display Format : ‘display’ 
Box Arrangement 
Box Dimensions 
Content width : ‘width’ 
Content minimum width : ‘min-width’ 
Content maximum width : ‘max-width’ 
Content height : ‘height’ 
Content minimum height : ‘min-height’ 
Content maximum height : ‘max-height’ 
Padding, border, and margin shorthands 
Padding width : ‘padding’ 
Border width (thickness) : ‘border-width’ 
Margin thickness : ‘margin’ 
Changing the box model : ‘box-sizing’ 
Positioning 
Positioning scheme : ‘position’ 
Box osets : ‘top’/ ‘bottom’/ le/ ‘right’ 
Specifying the stack level : ‘z-index’ 
.   
Western Page Design 
Japanese Page Design 
@page Rule 
Page Size : ‘size’ 
Page Margin : ‘margin’ 
Named Page : ‘page’ 
Constraining The Number of Pages : ‘-ah-force-page-count’ 
Crop and Registration Marks 
Printer marks display : ‘marks’ 
Printer marks visibility : ‘-ah-crop-area-visibility’ 
Printer marks line color : ‘-ah-printer-marks-line-color’ 
Printer marks line length : ‘-ah-printer-marks-line-length’ 
Printer marks line width : ‘-ah-printer-marks-line-width’ 
Distance from the end to the trim size of the output medium : ‘-ah-
crop-oset 
Page Bleed Area 
Bleed region width : ‘bleed’ 
Per-side Bleed Properties : ‘bleed-top’/ ‘bleed-right’/ ‘bleed-bottom’/
bleed-le 
.   
Page-Margin Boxes 
Page-margin box dimensions 
Page-margin box properties 
Running Headers and Page Numbers 
Running header setting : ‘string-set’ property and ‘string()’ function 
Variable strings : ‘string-set’ 
‘string()’ 
Move elements to header/footer : ‘running()’ position value 
Insert a running element: ‘element()’ 
Page number : counter(page) 
Total pages : counter(pages) 
Headers and Footers Based on Page Position::le’, ‘:right’, ‘:first’, and
‘:blank’ 
Additional Position Pseudo-classes: ‘:last’ and ‘:only’ 
.   
Column count : ‘column-count’ 
Column width : ‘column-width’ 
Column number or width : ‘columns’ 
Column span : ‘column-span’ 
Column gap : ‘column-gap’ 
Column rule style : ‘column-rule-style’ 
Column rule width : ‘column-rule-width’ 
Column rule color : ‘column-rule-color’ 
Column rule : ‘column-rule’ 
Column rule length : ‘-ah-column-rule-length’ 
Column rule alignment : ‘-ah-column-rule-align’ 
Column rule display : ‘-ah-column-rule-display’ 
.   
Controlling Breaks 
Breaks between boxes : ‘break-before’ / page-break-aer 
Breaks within boxes : ‘break-inside’ 
Limiting eect of ‘break-inside’ : ‘-ah-keep-together-within-
dimension’ 
Control of Page Breaks 
Page break : ‘page-break-before’ / page-break-aer 
Pages starting from either the le or right 
Prohibit page break : ‘page-break-inside’ 
Minimum Lines Before Or Aer A Page Break : ‘orphans’/ ‘widows’ 
.   
Alignment 
Text alignment : ‘text-align’ 
Alignment of the last line : ‘text-align-last’ 
Alignment of the first line : ‘text-align-first’ property 
Line height with superscripts or subscripts : ‘-ah-line-height-shi-
adjustment 
Line stacking : ‘-ah-line-stacking-strategy’ 
Baseline grid 
Setting the baseline grid : ‘-ah-baseline-grid’ 
Aligning blocks to the baseline grid : ‘-ah-baseline-block-snap’ 
Leader : ‘leader()’ function 
Hyphenation 
Hyphenation : ‘hyphens’ property 
Minimum number of characters : ‘hyphenate-before’ 
Minimum number of characters : hyphenate-aer 
Maximum number of hyphenated lines : ‘hyphenate-lines’ 
Progression Direction : ‘writing-mode’ 
.   
Footnote Setting : float: footnote 
Footnote Style : ‘@footnote’ rule 
Footnote Number : ‘::footnote-call’/ ‘::footnote-marker’ pseudo-
elements 
Length of footnote separator : ‘border-length’ 
Sidenote Setting : float: sidenote 
Sidenote Style : ‘@sidenote’ rule 
.  
How to Create Tables 
Properties That Apply To Table Elements 
Table Border Model 
Whether to merge adjacent borders : ‘border-collapse’ 
Spaces between borders : ‘border-spacing’ 
Border priority 
Determining Table and Column Width : ‘table-layout’ 
Align Table to Center 
Table Caption Position : ‘caption-side’ 
Table Header and Footer 
Table header and footer at breaks : ‘-ah-table-omit-header-at-break’/
‘-ah-table-omit-footer-at-break’ 
Horizontal Alignment in Table Cells 
Overall alignment when aligned on a character : ‘-ah-text-align-string’ 
Vertical Alignment in Table Cells 
Cell and row baselines 
Repeat Cell Content at Break : ‘-ah-repeat-cell-content-at-break’ 
.  
List Item Marker Image : ‘list-style-image’ 
List Item Marker Type : ‘list-style-type’ 
List Item Marker Position : ‘list-style-position’ 
List Item Marker Shorthand : ‘list-style’ 
List Item Marker : ‘::marker’ pseudo-element 
.   
Line Height : ‘line-height’ 
Font Properties 
Font family : ‘font-family’ 
Font size : ‘font-size’ 
Font weight : ‘font-weight’ 
Italic or Oblique type : ‘font-style’ 
Small capitals : ‘font-variant’ 
Other font features 
Font : ‘font’ 
Additional Fonts : @font-face rule 
Vertical Alignment : ‘vertical-align’ 
Underline, Overline, and Line-through Decorations 
Text decoration lines : ‘text-decoration-line’ 
Line type : ‘text-decoration-style’ 
Line color : ‘text-decoration-color’ 
Text decoration shorthand : ‘text-decoration’ 
Line width : ‘-ah-text-line-width’ 
.    
Fixed Trimming of Start and End Line Punctuation Paragraph Start Line
Indent 
Fullwidth Punctuation Trimming : ‘punctuation-trim’ 
Additional Compression : ‘-ah-text-justify-trim’ 
Adding Space : ‘-ah-text-autospace’ 
Amount of Space Between Japanese and Western Text : ‘-ah-text-
autospace-width’ 
Hanging Punctuation : ‘hanging-punctuation’ 
Trimming Line Start Punctuation Fullwidth/Halfwidth Line End
Punctuation First Line Indent of a New Paragraph 
Trimming Line Start Punctuation Fullwidth Line End Punctuation First
Line Indent of a New Paragraph. 
Trimming Line Start and Line End Punctuation First Line Indent of a
New Paragraph 
Horizontal-in-Vertical Composition (Tatechuyoko) 
Ruby and Emphasis Marks 
.  
Text Contents Reference : ‘target-text()’ function 
Counter Reference : ‘target-counter()’ function 
Creating a Table of Contents 
.   
Inline Image 
Block image 
Positioning as a Float : ‘float’ 
Side float : float: left / float: right 
Page float : float: top page / float: bottom page 
Column float : float: top / float: bottom 
Inside, outside and alternate float : float: inside / float:
outside / float: alternate 
Float in vertical writing : float: top / float: bottom / float:
center 
Multi-column float : float: multicol 
Controlling flow next to floats : ‘clear’ 
Alternative text : ‘-ah-alttext’ 
.    
MathML 
Accessibility 
SVG Graphics 
Style SVG from document CSS 
Accessibility 
.  
Inserting Characters : ‘content’ 
Incrementing Counters : ‘counter-increment’ 
Counter Reset : ‘counter-reset’ 
Page Counter 
Counter styles 
Defining Custom Counter Styles : ‘@counter-style’ rule 
Counter algorithm : ‘system’ descriptor 
Formatting negative values : ‘negative’ descriptor 
Symbols before the marker : ‘prefix’ descriptor 
Symbols aer the marker : suix descriptor 
Range of a counter : ‘range’ descriptor 
Minimum counter width : ‘pad’ descriptor 
Fallback counter style : ‘fallback’ descriptor 
Symbols for counters : ‘symbols’ and ‘additive-symbols’ descriptors 
Predefined Counter Styles 
Numeric 
Alphabetic 
Additive 
Symbolic 
Fixed 
Cyclic 
Complex 
.  
Text Color : ‘color’ 
Color keywords 
CMYK colors 
100% black : ‘k100’ 
Opacity 
‘rgb-icc()’ 
Grayscale 
spot colors 
Other spot colors 
.   
Border Thickness : ‘border-width’ 
Border Color : ‘border-color’ 
Border Style : ‘border-style’ 
Per-side Border Properties : ‘border-top’/ ‘border-right’/ ‘border-
bottom’/ border-le 
Border Shorthand : ‘border’ 
Rounded Corners : ‘border-radius’ 
Box Shadow : ‘box-shadow’ 
Backgrounds 
Background color : ‘background-color’ 
Background image : ‘background-image’ 
Resolution of a background image : ‘-ah-background-image-
resolution’ 
Background image content type : ‘-ah-background-image-content-
type’ 
Background image size : ‘background-size’ 
Background image position : ‘background-position’ 
Repetitions of a background image : ‘background-repeat’ 
Background positioning area : ‘background-origin’ 
Background painting area : ‘background-clip’ 
Background Image On Every Page : ‘background-attachment’ 
Multiple background images 
Background shorthand : ‘background’ 
.   
PDF Versions 
Tagged PDF 
Custom PDF Tag name : ‘-ah-pdag 
PDF/X 
PDF/A 
PDF/UA 
Matterhorn Protocol 
PAC 3 PDF/UA checker 
Document Properties 
Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) 
Page Display 
PDF Bookmarks 
Bookmark level : ‘bookmark-level’ 
Bookmark label : ‘bookmark-label’ 
Bookmark state : ‘bookmark-state’ 
Bookmark color : ‘-ah-outline-color’ 
Bookmark style : ‘-ah-outline-font-style’ 
Bookmark weight : ‘-ah-outline-font-weight’ 
 
    
 
       
 
   
 
CSS is widely used in browsers, editors, and other applications. CSS is used not only
for web design but also as the style sheet specification for a wide range of printing
applications as well as for electronic paged media delivered as PDF.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Level 1 became a W3C Recommendation in 1996.
CSS 2 became a W3C Recommendation in 1998, and CSS 2.1 (Cascading Style Sheets
Level 2 Revision 1), in 2011. At the time of writing, CSS 2.2 is under development.
CSS post-Level 2 is popularly known as CSS 3, but there will not be a single,
monolithic CSS Level 3 specification. CSS beyond CSS Level 2 has been broken into
multiple modules that define separate parts of CSS. These modules are numbered
individually. The first versions of modules that build on CSS Level 2 are denoted as
Level 3, and each may be superseded by a Level 4 version. For example, CSS Color
Level 3 replaces several sections of CSS Level 2, and CSS Color Level 4, which is
currently in development, will eventually replace CSS Color Level 3. Modules that do
not build on CSS Level 2 features start at Level 1: for example, CSS Multi-Column
Layout Level 1. CSS as a whole will still be referred to as CSS Level 3 even when some
individual modules are at Level 4 and beyond.
Individual modules are in varying stages of development and varying levels of
stability. The stability levels for all W3C specifications range from ‘First Public Work
ing Dra to Recommendation. The CSS Working Group maintains a separate stability
categorization for its specifications that ranges from ‘Rewriting’ and ‘Exploring’
through to Stable’ and ‘Completed’.
The CSS Working Group compiles yearly snapshots of the current state of CSS at
that point in time. CSS Snapshot 2017 lists both Recommendation and Candidate
Recommendation specifications as comprising the oicial definition of CSS as of
CSS 2.1 (and CSS 2.2) provides only minimal support for paged media output, and
its page layout features are not powerful enough. CSS 3, although still under devel
opment by the W3C, defines many of the features that are necessary for professional
quality formatting, including: advanced page layouts; multiple columns; vertical
writing; hyphenation; and multilingual character layout. Antenna House Formatter
provides additional features for optimal formatting, including: custom-developed
MathML 3, CGM, and SVG rendering; baseline grids; PANTONE
spot colors; and ad
ditional properties for controlling Japanese layout.
Using CSS in paged media design for XML and HTML is not yet common but its use
is expected to increase as the development of CSS 3 progresses. Introduction to CSS
for Paged Media aims to make CSS for Paged Media easy to understand.
Antenna House Formatter and CSS
The Antenna House Formatter family is available in multiple variants with dierent
capabilities. Of these, Antenna House CSS Formatter can format either XML or HTML
using CSS, and Antenna House Formatter can both format documents using CSS and
format XSL-FO. Both of those are available as a Lite variant with reduced function
ality. The standalone Windows GUI versions of these oer on-screen preview of
formatted documents. Please see the Antenna House website for more information.
Antenna House Formatter GUI (with area borders and ruler shown)
Unless otherwise noted, AH Formatter’ from here on refers to all Antenna House
Formatter variants that can format using CSS.
Many people are familiar with CSS in the browser: some are very familiar, but others,
not so much. Fewer people, however, are as familiar with using CSS for paged media.
Introduction to CSS for Paged Media is intended for you if you know CSS but have
never written CSS for paged media. You should already have some familiarity with
CSS syntax and with using common properties such as ‘border’, ‘padding’, ‘font-
size’, and so on. This document does cover these, but not in great detail.
If you are fully familiar with most aspects of CSS but not with paged media, then
these chapters will be the most useful to you: .  ; .  
; . ; .  ; and .  .
Since this is just an introduction to CSS for paged media, it does not attempt to
cover every property, selector, rule, or function of either CSS or of AH Formatter. For
more information on the full range of what is available to you, please consult the
CSS specifications as well as the Online Manual for your version of AH Formatter.
|    
Conventions used in this document
Descriptions of CSS properties comprise much of this document. Property de
scriptions may include:
Initial value
Elements to which the property applies
Whether or not the property is inherited
Explanatory text
List of allowed values
A property description is formatted as follows:
Incrementing Counters : ‘counter-increment’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Use the ‘counter-increment’ property to increase the specified counter
‘none’ : Does not alter any counters.
<custom-ident> : Name of the counter to increment. The value of the
specified counter increments by one.
<custom-ident>, <integer> : Alters the counter value by the integer value.
A negative integer decrements the counter value.
Property names and property value keywords are enclosed in single quotes: for
example, ‘counter-increment’ and ‘none’.
Pseudo-elements, rule names, and functions are also enclosed in single quotes.
Their type is also given, unless it is obvious from the context: for example,
“‘::before’ pseudo-element” and “‘@page’ rule”.
Element names are shown as start tags: for example, <style>.
CSS fragments are shown as monospace text: for example, float: left;.
When the allowed value of a property or of a function argument is a datatype,
such as an integer or a percentage, the name of the datatype is shown between
‘<’ and ‘>’ ; for example, <integer>.
<custom-ident> in the definition of a property’s value represents an author-
defined identifier. Any valid CSS identifier may be used, provided that is not a
predefined CSS keyword that is valid in that context.
The CSS level of a property, a property value, or a feature is indicated as follows:
. Defined by CSS 2.1: no mark
. Defined by CSS 3:
. AH Formatter extension:
CSS 3 is still under development. Some properties defined in previous CSS 3
Working Dras are no longer included in current Working Dras. The CSS 3
specifications may continue to change in the future.
CSS 3 properties can be used with or without an -ah- prefix. AH Formatter
extension properties will not operate properly unless you include the -ah-
Emphasized text is shown as text with a yellow background.
Blocks of sample markup or sample CSS are shown in monospace text:
<p>Number of this page =
<span style="content: counter(page)"></span>
<p>Total number of pages in this document=
<span style="content: counter(pages)"></span>
Samples of styled text are enclosed in a box:
Optional title
Number of this page = 4
Total number of pages in this document = 204
Cross-references are shown as green text.
Help us to improve this document. Please send any comments, corrections, or sug
gestions for improvement to support@antennahouse.com.
|    
1 Since AH Formatter is print formatting soware, the AH Formatter GUI by default applies @media print
rules and does not apply @media screen rules. The media types that apply to AH Formatter may be
changed in the AH Formatter Option Setting File.
‘@media’ Rule
An ‘@media’ conditional group rule contains a set of CSS style sheet rules that are
specific to a target medium. Specify @media print for rules that are specific to
paged media and @media screen for rules that are specific to screen display.
@media print { /* applies to paged media */
body {
margin: 0;
font-size: 10pt;
@media screen { /* applies to screen display */
body {
margin: 10%;
font-size: 12px;
body { /* applies to all media */
font-family: sans-serif;
Specifying a Print Style Sheet
<style> element
A <style> element contains style information for the document. In HTML 4.01,
<style> may only appear inside <head>. In HTML 5, <style> may also be used
in the body of the document.
.  |
<style type="text/css" media="print">
‘@import’ rule
A print-only style sheet can be created in another CSS file by including it with
@import url("PrintOnly.css") print; /* PrintOnly.css printing */
media attribute of <style> and <link> elements
Specifying print as the media attribute value links the print style sheet with the
<style> or <link> element.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="foo.css">
Dierences Between Screen and Paged Media
Design approach
Screen display and printing (or any sort of paged media) require dierent approaches
to designing the layout.
The size and aspect ratio of a screen display may change depending on the display
environment, so it is hard to know how to accurately specify the size and arrange
ment of the layout target. The style specification should consider using relative
dimensions to accommodate various environments.
In printing, there is an expectation that formatted objects are arranged neatly on
fixed-sized pages, therefore, the layout specification should precisely control the
layout by specifying absolute dimensions for the size and position of the formatting
objects, starting with the size of its characters.
Breaks happen in both paged and unpaged documents. For example, text is broken
into lines, and the text in a block that has ‘column-count’ greater than one may be
broken into columns. However, and unsurprisingly, breaks are more common, and
more of a concern, when a run of text is also broken across pages. There are prop
erties for forcing or avoiding breaks within or between elements. Additionally, the
‘widows’ and ‘orphans’ properties control the minimum number of lines of text
before or aer a break in a block of text.
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In unpaged media, a box can float to the le or right. In paged media, it can also
float to the top or bottom of the page (and AH Formatter implements more detailed
control over floats). Items that you might float include graphics, sidebars, and foot
Paged media (i.e., books) have well-developed conventions for navigating between
Pages are typically numbered, and, oen, the front matter is numbered in a dif
ferent style and sequence to the main text.
The page number and, oen, the book, chapter or even section title may appear
at the periphery of the page. Dictionaries have their own conventions for indicating
the first and last entries on each page. CSS defines 16 regions around the edge of
the page for presenting this sort of information.
The table of contents (or tables of contents) and index facilitate non-sequential
A chapter (or other significant division) may start on a right-hand page (for le-to-
right writing mode documents), and the chapter start may have a dierent appear
ance to other pages (and possibly dierent headers and footers).
Le and right pages
A document that is printed on both sides of the page and bound into a book-like
form (even a document that is duplex-printed on an oice printer and placed in a
folder) will form two-page spreads with a le-hand and a right-hand page. Also,
because a book is bound, it is easier to see the details near the outer edges of each
page as you leaf through the document than it is to see the inner edges of the page
near the binding. Thirdly, the sequential reading order of the pages makes it con
venient to think of each two-sided leaf of the document as having a ‘front’ and a
‘back’ side.
All of these aspects can aect the page design. For example, chapter openings are
typically (but not exclusively) on the right-hand of a spread, since that is the ‘front’
side of a leaf. Page numbers and any other navigation aids on a page are more likely
to be on or near the outer edge of each page so they can be seen more easily when
leafing through the document. Thinking of the document as a sequence of two-page
spreads also raises questions of whether the facing pages should be symmetrical
around the gutter and whether items such as graphics can span across the two pages.
.  |
The printed book
Several things should be considered for a document that is to be printed rather than
only viewed on screen.
There may be constraints on the page size. A document that is meant to be printed
by the end user may be sized to suit the paper size of an oice printer: Letter size in
the USA; A4 in most of the rest of the world; or A4 or JIS-B5 in Japan. A car handbook,
on the other hand, is usually a convenient size for a car glove compartment. Trade
paperbacks have a range of conventional sizes, and choosing an unconventional
page size could aect the sales of a book.
If the paper is not suiciently opaque, the text on the opposite side of the paper
may show through. The eect is made worse if the text on each side of the paper is
not aligned.
Many people are familiar with CSS in the
browser: some are very familiar, but others, not
so much. Fewer people, however, are as familiar
with using CSS for paged media.
Introduction to CSS for Paged Media is
intended for you if you know CSS but have never
written CSS for print media.
Many people are familiar with CSS in the browser:
some are very familiar, but others, not so much.
Fewer people, however, are as familiar with using
CSS for paged media.
Introduction to CSS for Paged Media is
intended for you if you know CSS but have never
written CSS for print media.
Introduction to CSS for Paged Media
Using CSS in paged media design for XML and
HTML is not yet common but its use is expected
to increase as the development of CSS 3
progresses. This document aims to make CSS for
Paged Media easy to understand.
Introduction to CSS for Paged Media
Using CSS in paged media design for XML and
HTML is not yet common but its use is expected to
increase as the development of CSS 3 progresses.
This document aims to make CSS for Paged
Media easy to understand.
Eect of show-through with non-aligned and aligned text
Graphics, and other design elements, that extend to the edge of the page may
need to be printed so they extend past the edge of the page (see .  
(page )). If they do not bleed past the edge of the page, then any inaccuracy when
trimming the page to its correct size aer printing and binding could result in a white
strip between the graphic and the edge of the page. Conversely, the graphic should
not have significant details close to the edge of page in case the trimming takes o
too much rather than too little.
Even the binding method may need to be considered when designing the book.
Perfect binding or a wire binding may reduce the visible or usable area of the gutter
between pages. If the pages of a book are gathered into signatures and then trimmed,
the pages in the middle of the signature may have more trimmed from their fore-
edge than is trimmed from the pages on the outside of the signature.
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Gutter reduced by perfect binding Fore-edge reduced by trimming of signature
Eect of binding method
.  |
In CSS, everything is a box. The tree of elements and text that makes up the
document is transformed into a tree of boxes. Some elements generate multiple
boxes: for example, an <li>. Some generate none: for example, elements such as
<col> or any element with display: none;.
Box Model
The broadest classification of boxes is that there are block-level boxes, line boxes,
and inline-level boxes. A block-level box, such as for a paragraph, contains either
other block-level boxes or it contains line boxes. A paragraph containing only text
generates a block-level box that contains line boxes. A list generates a block-level
box that contains a block-level box for each list item. A paragraph that contains text
plus a list generates one anonymous box around each of the line boxes for the text
plus the block-level box for the list. The anonymous boxes ensure that no box con
tains both block-level boxes and line boxes. A line box contains one or more inline-
level boxes, since every change of font or style generates a separate inline-level box.
margin edge
border edge
padding edge
content edge
Areas and edges of a CSS box
. |
Anonymous boxes
To format this markup:
Some text
<p>More text</p>
the formatter generates an anonymous box around ‘Some text’ to ensure that the
block box for the <div> does not contain both an inline box and a block box.
Some text
More text
div box
p box
Anonymous box
Anonymous box added around ‘Some text’
Every box has a content area, and the bounds of the content area are the content
edge. The padding area is around the content area, and it is bounded by the padding
edge. Similarly, the border surrounds the padding, and the margin surrounds the
border. Some boxes have zero-width padding, border, or margin on one or more
sides, either because of the CSS definition of the areas generated for a box type or
because the corresponding properties are set to zero.
Box Display and Printing
Boxes are laid out in a hierarchical structure starting with a box at the top for the
root element down to a box containing the lowest character string. When the output
destination is the screen, the root element box is displayed on the screen. When the
output destination is paged media, an ‘@page’ rule determines the page box, and
the boxes for the elements are placed inside the page box.
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Root element
Page 1
Page 2
Page border
Block border
Page padding +
Root element
Block margin +
Root element
Page margin
Browser display
(for comparison)
Comparison of boxes generated for page and screen media
Display Format : ‘display’
■ Initial value: ‘inline’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Use the ‘display’ property to control how an element is displayed.
The ‘display’ property changes only the display format of the element, not its role.
‘block’ : Generate a block box.
‘inline-block’ : Generate an inline-level block container.
‘inline’ : Generate one or more inline boxes.
‘list-item’ : Generate a principal box and a marker box.
‘none’ : Cause the element to not appear.
‘table’, ‘inline-table’, ‘table-row-group’, ‘table-column’, ‘table-column-group’,
‘table-header-group’, ‘table-footer-group’, ‘table-row’, ‘table-cell’, and ‘table-
caption’ : Behave like a table element. See .  (page ).
Box Arrangement
Boxes other than in tables have a content area, surrounded by padding, border, and
margin areas. Layout characteristics are specified according to their specific prop
erties. When the hierarchical structure is laid out as page box, root element box, and
. |
1 The inline element width including table rows, strings, etc, is not applicable because it is set automatically.
It does apply to image elements of inline elements. The same applies to ‘min-width’ and ‘max-width’
block box, then the content, padding, and border are arranged as shown in the
following figure. For information on tables, please refer to .  (page ).
Page padding-left
Root element padding-left
Page margin-left
Root element margin-left
Block margin-left
Block padding-left
Block margin-top
Block margin-bottom
Block content.
If the block contains
text, that text goes
Box Arrangement
Box Dimensions
The size of the box is the sum of the specific values of width, height, padding, border,
and margin of its content. The padding, border, and margin for the four sides may
be specified together using the ‘padding’, ‘border’ (or ‘border-width’), and ‘margin’
properties, respectively. The padding, border, and margin may also be separately
specified for each side by using individual properties.
Content width : ‘width’
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: all elements
■ Inherited: no
Specifies content width.
‘auto’ : Depends on the values of other properties
<length> : Specifies the width of the content area using a length unit.
<percentage> : Specifies the width of the content area as a percentage of the
width of the generated box’s containing block.
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2 The inline element height including table columns, character strings, etc, is not applicable because it is
set automatically. It does apply to the image of inline elements.
Content minimum width : ‘min-width’
■ Initial value: 0 ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the minimum content width.
<length> : Minimum used width.
<percentage> : Minimum used width as a percentage of the width of the gen
erated box’s containing block.
Content maximum width : ‘max-width’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the maximum content width.
‘none’ : No limit on the width of the box.
<length> : Maximum used width.
<percentage> : Maximum used width as a percentage of the width of the gen
erated box’s containing block.
Content height : ‘height’
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: all elements
■ Inherited: no
Specifies content height.
‘auto’ : Depends on the values of other properties
<length> : Specifies the height of the content area using a length unit.
<percentage> : Specifies the height of the content area as a percentage of the
height of the generated box’s containing block.
Content minimum height : ‘min-height’
■ Initial value: 0 ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the minimum content height.
<length> : Minimum used height.
<percentage> : Minimum used height as a percentage of the height of the gen
erated box’s containing block.
Content maximum height : ‘max-height’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the maximum content height.
‘none’ : No limit on the height of the box.
<length> : Maximum used height.
<percentage> : Maximum used height as a percentage of the height of the gen
erated box’s containing block.
. |
3 Not applicable to table rows, columns, table headers, or footers.
Padding, border, and margin shorthands
The ‘padding’, ‘border-width’, and ‘margin’, as well as ‘border-style’ and ‘border-
color’, properties are all shorthands for setting one of the style, etc., for all four
borders at once. These properties can have one to four component values. The values
are set on the dierent sides as shown in the following ‘border-color’ example.
One value : Applies to top, bottom, le, and right sides.
Two values : First value applies to top and bottom sides; second value applies
to le and right sides.
Three values : First value applies to top side, second value to le and right sides,
and third value to bottom side.
Four values : The values apply to top, right, bottom, and le sides, respectively.
red cyan;
red cyan green;
red cyan green olive;
The ‘border’ property is a shorthand for setting the style, width, and color for all
four borders. There are also properties for setting the style, width, and color of one
border as well as for setting one of the style, etc., for one border only.
Padding width : ‘padding’
■ Initial value: 0 ■ Applies to: all elements
■ Inherited: no
Specifies the padding width corresponding to to ‘padding-top’, ‘padding-right’,
‘padding-bottom’, andpadding-le’. Allows you to simultaneously specify padding
for four sides.
<length> : Specifies the padding of the side or sides using a length unit.
<percentage> : Specifies the padding of the side or sides as a percentage of the
width of the generated box’s containing block.
Border width (thickness) : ‘border-width’
■ Initial value: 0 ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the border width of the top and bottom and le and right to ‘border-top-
width’, ‘border-bottom-width’, border-le-width’, ‘border-right-width’. Allows you
to simultaneously specify the border width for four sides.
|     
Specifies color with ‘border-color’ and line type (style) with ‘border-style’ for bor
‘border-top’, ‘border-bottom’, border-le’, and ‘border-right’ simultaneously
specify the border width, color, and line type of the top and bottom and le and right,
respectively. ‘border’ allows you to simultaneously specify the four sides of width,
color, and line type.
Please refer to .   (page ) for details on how to specify
width, color, or line type of a border.
Margin thickness : ‘margin’
■ Initial value: 0 ■ Applies to: most elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the thickness of the top and bottom and le and right margins for
‘margin-top’, ‘margin-bottom’, margin-le’, and ‘margin-right’. Simultaneously al
lows you to specify the margin for four sides.
The margin value may be negative. The edge with a negative margin extends out
from the containing box.
Changing the box model : ‘box-sizing’
■ Initial value: ‘content-box’ ■ Applies to: all elements that accept ‘width’ or
‘height’ ■ Inherited: no
Specifies whether any padding and border are drawn inside or outside the speci
fied width and height. Does not apply when the ‘width’ or ‘height’ value is ‘auto’.
‘content-box’ : The specified width and height apply to the content box of the
‘border-box’ : The specified width and height apply to the border box of the
<div style="width: 60%; box-sizing: content-box; …">
<p style="background-color: silver; text-align: center"></p></div>
<p style="border-top: thick solid #003919; width: 60%; …"/>
<div style="width: 60%; box-sizing: border-box; …">
<p style="background-color: silver; text-align: center"></p></div>
<div style="width: auto; box-sizing: content-box; …">
<p style="background-color: silver; text-align: center"></p></div>
<div style="width: auto; box-sizing: border-box; …">
<p style="background-color: silver; text-align: center"></p></div>
. |
width: 60%; box-sizing: content-box;
width: 60%; box-sizing: border-box;
width: auto; box-sizing: content-box;
width: auto; box-sizing: border-box;
A CSS box may be laid out according to three positioning schemes:
. Normal flow. In CSS 2.1, normal flow includes block formatting of block-level
boxes, inline formatting of inline-level boxes, and relative positioning of block-
level and inline-level boxes.
. Floats. In the float model, a box is first laid out according to the normal flow,
then taken out of the flow and shied to a dierent position on the same page
or a following page. Depending on the size and position of the floated content,
other content may flow along the side of a float. See .   (page
. Absolute positioning. In the absolute positioning model, a box is removed from
the normal flow entirely (it has no impact on later siblings) and assigned a
position with respect to a containing block.
An element is called ‘out of flow’ if it is floated, absolutely positioned, or is the
root element. An element is called ‘in-flow’ if it is not out-of-flow.
Positioning scheme : ‘position’
■ Initial value: ‘static’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies how a CSS box that is not floated is positioned.
‘static’ : Box is a normal box. The ‘top’, ‘bottom’, ‘le’, and ‘right’ properties do
not apply.
‘relative’ : Box’s position is calculated according to the normal flow. The box is
then oset relative to its normal position. The position of the following box is
calculated as though the current box was not oset.
‘absolute’ : Box’s position and possibly size are specified with the ‘top’, ‘bottom’,
le’, and ‘right’ properties. These properties specify osets with respect to the
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box’s containing block. Absolutely positioned boxes are taken out of the normal
flow. This means they have no impact on the layout of later siblings.
‘fixed’ : Box’s position is calculated according to the ‘absolute’ model, but in
addition, the box is fixed with respect to the page box.
Box osets : ‘top’/ ‘bottom’/ le/ ‘right’
■ Initial value: ‘static’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the osets of a relatively or absolutely positioned box.
‘auto’ : .
<length> : The oset is a fixed distance from the reference edge. Negative values
are allowed.
<percentage> : The oset is a percentage of the containing block's width (for
leor ‘right’) or height (for ‘top’ and ‘bottom’). Negative values are allowed.
Specifying the stack level : ‘z-index’
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: positioned elements ■ Inherited: no
Each box has a position in three dimensions. In addition to their horizontal and
vertical positions, boxes lie along a ‘z-axis’ and are formatted one on top of the other.
‘auto’ : The stack level of the generated box in the current stacking context is 0.
The box does not establish a new stacking context unless it is the root element.
<integer> : Stack level of the generated box in the current context.
. |
In paged media, the document is formatted as one or more page boxes. The content
area of a page box is called the page area. The margin area of a page box is used for
headers and footers.
Page and Margin Area
Western Page Design
Western page design traditionally places the center of the page area above the center
of the page. This is because the optical center of the page is considered to be above
the geometric center. Also, the gutter margin is traditionally narrower than the fore-
edge margin. This is to make it easier for the eye to move from one page to the other.
The wider fore-edge allows room for the thumbs to hold the page. The two gutter
. |
margins, taken together, balance the wider fore-edge margin. Unlike Japanese page
design, this places the center of the page area above and inwards from the geometric
center of the page. Additionally, in a classically proportioned page, the height of the
page area matches the width of the page.
Traditional Western page design
In practice, page designs vary quite a lot. The printed ‘page’ now includes invoices,
bank statements, package inserts for medications, marketing brochures, childrens
books, parts catalogs, and much more besides. The economics of printing or the
need to print on A4 or Letter size paper on an oice printer can influence the page
design. Asymmetric page design, where the page area has the same position on
facing pages, was once a radical idea but now is not uncommon. Furthermore, nov
els, in particular, are oen sold in multiple editions with dierent page sizes that
each reuse the same page areas with reduced margins.
Symmetric Asymmetric
Symmetric and asymmetric spreads
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Japanese Page Design
Japanese can be formatted either with horizontal lines of text and pages progressing
from le to right or with vertical lines of text and pages progressing from right to le.
Some formatted documents mix the two. Dierent types of publication are predom
inately one writing mode or the other: for example, government documentation and
educational materials both predominately use horizontal text, whereas novels pre
dominately use vertical text.
For both writing modes, the page area is typically centered on the page media and
has proportions similar to the proportions of the media. Requirements for Japanese
Text Layout recommends that the best line length is around 52 characters per line
for vertical text and around 40 characters per line for horizontal text. However, in
reality, the best line length depends on multiple factors, including the character size
and the page size.
In Japanese text composition, it is common to set the width of the page area in
fullwidth characters. Using em for the ‘width’ property in the ‘@page’ rule sets the
width in characters. Setting the le and right margin values to ‘auto’ aligns the page
area in the center of the page.
@page {
size: A4;
/* set width of page area to multiple of character size */
width: 43em;
margin-top: 30mm;
margin-bottom: 30mm;
/* Position page area in the horizontal center of the page */
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
@page Rule
An ‘@page’ rule sets basic settings such as page size, margin, page header, and page
@page {
size: A4;
margin: 25mm;
@top-center {
content: "Sample";
@bottom-center {
content: counter(page);
. |
Page Size : ‘size’
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: ‘@page’ ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the width and height of the page box.
‘auto’ : Size and orientation chosen by the UA.
<length>{1,2} : One length value sets both the height and width of the page box.
Two length values set the page box width and height, respectively.
<paper-size> : Defined page name, such as ‘A4’ or ‘Letter’. Size names are case-
<paper-size> Width×Height Source
‘A3’ 297×420mm ISO 216
‘A4’ 210×297mm ISO 216
‘A5’ 148×210mm ISO 216
‘A6’ 105×148mm ISO 216
‘B4’ 250×353mm ISO 216
‘ISO-B4’ 250×353mm ISO 216
‘JIS-B4’ 257×364mm JIS P 0138
‘B5’ 176×250mm ISO 216
‘ISO-B5’ 176×250mm ISO 216
‘JIS-B5’ 182×257mm JIS P 0138
‘B6’ 125×176mm ISO 216
‘ISO-B6’ 125×176mm ISO 216
‘JIS-B6’ 128×182mm JIS P 0138
‘Letter’ 8.5×11in North American Paper Sizes
‘Government-Letter’ 8×10.5in North American Paper Sizes
‘Legal’ 8.5×14in North American Paper Sizes
‘Ledger’ 17×11in North American Paper Sizes
‘Tabloid’ 11×17in North American Paper Sizes
‘Statement’ 5.5×8.5in
|     
<paper-size> Width×Height Source
‘Executive’ 7.25×10.5in
‘Folio’ 210×330mm
‘C’ 17×22in ANSI Paper Sizes
‘D’ 22×34in ANSI Paper Sizes
‘E’ 34×44in ANSI Paper Sizes
‘ISO-DL’ 110×220mm ISO 269
‘ISO-C3’ 324×458mm ISO 269
‘ISO-C4’ 229×324mm ISO 269
‘ISO-C5’ 162×229mm ISO 269
‘ISO-C6’ 114×162mm ISO 269
‘Hagaki’ 100×148mm Japan Post Co., Ltd.
‘portrait’ : Print the pages content in portrait orientation.
‘landscape’ : Print the pages content in landscape orientation.
@page {
size: 6in 9in;
@page {
size: 210mm 297mm; ; /* ISO/JIS A4 */
Defined page names such as ‘A5’, ‘A4’, ‘A3’, ‘B5’, ‘B4’, ‘JIS-B5’, ‘JIS-B4’, ‘letter’,
‘legal’, and ‘ledger’ can be used for ‘size’ property.
@page {
size: A4; /* ISO/JIS A4 (210mm×297mm) */
@page {
size: letter; /* North American 'Letter' paper size */
@page {
size: JIS-B5; /* JIS B5 (182mm×257mm) */
. |
1 In AH Formatter, the initial value can be set to any value. Since the default page margin value is set to 2 cm,
the initial value will not be zero.
Landscape orientation can be specified by adding the ‘landscape’ keyword to the
page size specification.
@page {
size: A4 landscape; /* A4 landscape (297mm×210mm) */
Page Margin : ‘margin’
■ Initial value: See individual properties ■ Applies to: all elements
■ Inherited: no
The ‘margin’ property is a shorthand for ‘margin-top’, ‘margin-bottom’, margin-
le’, and ‘margin-right’.
When there is one value : The margin value applies to (up, down, le, right).
When there are two values : The margin values apply to (top, bottom) and (le,
When there are three values : The margin values apply to top, le/right, and
When there are four values : The margin values apply to top, right, bottom, le.
Specify page margins with the ‘margin’ property on a ‘@page’ rule.
@page {
margin: 10%; /* Top, bottom, left, right margins each take up
10% of the page width */
@page {
/* Top/bottom margins are set to 2cm and left/right are set to
3cm */
margin-top: 2cm;
margin-bottom: 2cm;
margin-left: 3cm;
margin-right: 3cm;
If not specified, the initial value of margin-* is zero
. margin-* specified on the
(X)HTML body element is taken inside the page area. If margin-* is specified for both
‘@page’ and html (including body element) elements in (X)HTML, the margins are
added together.
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2 This was defined in a previous GCPM Working Dra but has since been removed.
Named Page : ‘page’
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: boxes that create class 1 break points
■ Inherited: no
Several types of named ‘@page’ rules can be created, and the ‘page’ property
enables switching between them within one document.
‘auto’ : The used value is the value specified on the nearest ancestor with a non-
auto value.
<identifier> : The named page on which the element must be displayed.
<identifier>+ auto? : As content is laid out and new pages are generated, the
list is traversed linearly starting at the first list item. One page is created per
item in the list. If more pages are required than there are items in the list, the
last item is repeated as many times as necessary.
@page Landscape { /* "Landscape" named page */
size: A4 landscape;
@page Portrait { /* "Portrait" named page */
size: A4;
table.WideTable {
page: Landscape; /* Place a large table on a "Landscape" page */
html {
page: Portrait; /* Use a "Portrait" page as the default */
<p>Portrait page</p>
<table class="WideTable" border="1" style="width:100%">
. |
3 This restriction may be removed in a future AH Formatter version.
4 This feature is not available in AH Formatter Lite.
Portrait page
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
‘page’ property selects a named page
Constraining The Number of Pages : ‘-ah-force-page-count’
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: CSS ‘@page’ without any selectors
■ Inherited: no
Imposes a constraint on the total number of pages for the document. If the con
straint is not satisfied, an additional page (or additional pages) will be added at the
end of the document. Reasons for constraining the number of page include: an oice
document printed on both sides of the paper may need an even number of pages;
a document printed as a booklet may need a multiple of four pages; or a document
printed by a commercial printer may be printed with 8, 16, 32, or 64 pages on one
sheet of paper that is then folded and trimmed to become part of a book.
‘auto’ : Do not force any page count.
‘even’ : Force an even number of pages.
‘odd’ : Force an odd number of pages.
‘doubly-even’ : Force a doubly-even (multiple of four) number of pages.
‘end-on-even’ : Force the last page to be an even page.
‘end-on-odd’ : Force the last page to be an odd page.
‘end-on-doubly-even’ : Force the last page to be a doubly-even page.
‘even-document’ : Force the last page to be an even page.
‘odd-document’ : Force the last page to be an odd page.
‘doubly-even-document’ : Force the last page to be a doubly-even page.
[ end-on | document ] <number> [ <number> ] : Force the number of pages to
be a multiple of the first number plus the second number, if present.
‘no-force’ : Do not force either an even number or an odd number of pages.
For example, if the document would generate 5 pages:
-ah-force-page-count: even;
Equivalent to -ah-force-page-count: 2;.
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-ah-force-page-count: odd;
Equivalent to -ah-force-page-count: 2 1;.
-ah-force-page-count: doubly-even;
Equivalent to -ah-force-page-count: 4;.
-ah-force-page-count: end-on-doubly-even;
Equivalent to -ah-force-page-count: end-on 4;.
-ah-force-page-count: end-on 2;
Total number of pages is 6 with 1 blank page.
-ah-force-page-count: end-on 4;
Total number of pages is 8 with 3 blank page.
-ah-force-page-count: end-on 4 1;
Total number of pages is 5 with 0 blank pages.
-ah-force-page-count: end-on 4 3;
Total number of pages is 7 with 2 blank pages.
-ah-force-page-count: end-on 6 5;
Total number of pages is 5 with 0 blank pages.
-ah-force-page-count: end-on 6 4;
Total number of pages is 10 with 5 blank pages.
Crop and Registration Marks
An ‘@page’ rule defines a page box, but the page box may be printed on a page sheet
that is larger than the page box. A common reason for this is so images and other
content can extend up to the edge of the page box. A physical device such as a printer
typically has a non-printable area around the edge of the page sheet where it is not
capable of printing reliably, if at all. Printing the page box on a larger page sheet
then trimming the page sheet to the size of the page box avoids problems with the
non-printable area. Extending images, etc., into the bleed area outside the page box
avoids problems if the trimming to size is inaccurate.
Crop and registration marks are printed outside the page box and are used as
guides when trimming the page sheet to size and for checking that content printed
on both sides of a duplex sheet is aligned correctly. Other information that may be
printed outside the page box includes color bars for checking color fidelity as well
as information identifying the page, its containing document, its version number, etc.
. |
5 The printer marks feature is not available in AH Formatter Lite.
page box
bleed area
center mark
crop mark
Crop mark terms
Printer marks display : ‘marks’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: CSS ‘@page’ ■ Inherited: no
Specifies whether to print crop marks when printing.
‘crop’ : Outputs crop marks.
‘crop-trim’Outputs only corner marks
‘cross’ : Outputs cross marks and registration marks.
‘cross-circle’Outputs cross-shaped marks with a concentric circle
‘cross-registration’Outputs registration marks
<uri-specification> : Location of an SVG, or similar, image representing custom
printer marks, color bars, etc. Multiple images can be specified.
You can output crop marks at the four corners and/or cross marks at the centers
of the four sides of the page box. Crop marks indicate the alignment for cutting to
the finished size, and cross marks can help with registration for multi-color printing
as well as for registration between the front and back of a duplex sheet. You can also
or alternatively output custom printer marks by specifying the location of one or
more external images.
@page {
size: B5; /* ISO B5 (176mm 250mm) */
margin: 28mm 21.325mm;
marks: crop cross; /* printer marks to display */
-ah-crop-offset: 14mm; /* distance from the page box edge to
the page sheet edge */
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bleed: 4mm;
bleed: 4mm;
Cross marks and crop marks
. |
6 The bleed feature is not available in AH Formatter Lite.
-ah-printer-marks-line-color: auto; /* printer marks line color*/
-ah-printer-marks-line-length: 8mm; /* printer marks line length*/
-ah-printer-marks-line-width: 0.2mm;/* printer marks line width*/
bleed: 3mm; /* page bleed distance */
Printer marks visibility : ‘-ah-crop-area-visibility’
■ Initial value: ‘hidden’ ■ Applies to: CSS ‘@page’ ■ Inherited: no
Specifies whether to display the area that extends beyond the finished page size.
‘hidden’ : Crop area is hidden.
‘visible’ : Crop area is visible.
Printer marks line color : ‘-ah-printer-marks-line-color’
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: CSS ‘@page’ ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the line color of printer marks. See .  (page ) for details. When
the value is ‘auto’, the registration color is used.
Printer marks line length : ‘-ah-printer-marks-line-length’
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: CSS ‘@page’ ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the line length of printer marks. When the value is ‘auto’, the length is
dependent on the system setting. The printer mark default length is 10mm, but this
can be changed in the AH Formatter Option Setting File.
Printer marks line width : ‘-ah-printer-marks-line-width’
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: CSS ‘@page’ ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the line width of printer marks. When the value is ‘auto’, the length is
dependent on the system setting. The printer mark default width is 0.2pt, but this
can be changed in the AH Formatter Option Setting File.
Distance from the end to the trim size of the output medium : ‘-ah-crop-
■ Initial value: 0 ■ Applies to: CSS ‘@page’ ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the distance from the physical end to the trim size of the output medium.
Page Bleed Area
A graphic, or similar, may bleed o (or be bled-out from) the cut edge of the page.
Extending an image to the edge of the page is oen a useful eect. If the image
extends just to the edge of the trimmed page, inaccurate trimming could leave a
white area along the outer edge of the image. Extending the image past the edge of
the page then trimming to size avoids problems from inaccuracy when trimming.
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In paged media, the document is formatted as one or more page boxes. The content
area of a page box is called the page area. The margin area of a page box is used for
headers and footers.
Page and Margin Area
Western Page Design
Western page design traditionally places the page area above the center of the page,
since the optical center of the page is considered to be above the geometric center.
. P S |
In paged media, the document is formatted as one or more page boxes. The content
area of a page box is called the page area. The margin area of a page box is used for
headers and footers.
Page and Margin Area
Western Page Design
Western page design traditionally places the page area above the center of the page,
since the optical center of the page is considered to be above the geometric center.
. P S |
Page bleed
Inaccurate trimming may trim too much or too little. When a graphic bleeds o
the edge of the page, the most significant parts of the graphic should not be too
close to the page edge in case they are trimmed.
Bleeds should anticipate that too much could be trimmed as well as too little
Dierences in trimming of successive pages of a commercially printed previous edition
. |
Bleed region width : ‘bleed’
■ Initial value: 0 ■ Applies to: ‘@page’ ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the width of the bleed region for trimming. The value is a <length>. The
bleed region extends outwards from the page box. By specifying a negative value for
the margin of a page-margin box (see Page-Margin Boxes (page )), the margin box
can be extended into the bleed region.
If the value of ‘bleed’ is greater than the value of ‘-ah-crop-oset’, then ‘-ah-crop-
osetis adjusted to match the ‘bleed’ value.
Per-side Bleed Properties : ‘bleed-top’/ ‘bleed-right’/ ‘bleed-bottom’/ bleed-
■ Initial value: 0 ■ Applies to: ‘@page’ ■ Inherited: no
Each property specifies the width of the top, right, bottom, or le bleed region of
the page. The value is a <length>. When ‘bleed’ is also specified, these individual ‘-
ah-bleed-*’ properties have priority.
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Headers and footers are formatted in the 16 page-margin boxes at the page edge.
Page-Margin Boxes
Page-margin boxes are named according to their position around the page, as fol
lows: @top-le-corner’, @top-le’, ‘@top-center’, ‘@top-right’, ‘@top-right-
corner’, @le-top’, @le-middle’, @le-bottom’, ‘@right-top’, ‘@right-middle’,
‘@right-bottom’, @bottom-le-corner’, @bottom-le’, ‘@bottom-center’,
‘@bottom-right’, and ‘@bottom-right-corner’.
@top-left @top-center@top-left-corner @top-right @top-right-corner
@bottom-left @bottom-center@bottom-left-corner @bottom-right
Location of each page-margin box
.  |
The page header and page footer are assigned to page-margin box areas around
the page.
@page {
/* page header */
@top-right {
content: "Sample";
/* page footer */
@bottom-center {
content: counter(page);
Each page-margin box has a default alignment.
Default alignment for page-margin boxes
Page-margin box ‘text-align ‘vertical-align
@top-le-corner right middle
@top-le le middle
@top-center center middle
@top-right right middle
@top-right-corner le middle
@le-top center top
@le-middle center middle
@le-bottom center bottom
@right-top center top
@right-middle center middle
@right-bottom center bottom
@bottom-le-corner right middle
@bottom-le le middle
@bottom-center center middle
@bottom-right right middle
@bottom-right-corner le middle
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Page-margin box dimensions
A page-margin box that has content is generated’ and is considered in width or
height calculations. Otherwise, no box is generated for it, similarly to an element
with display: none;.
How to determine the dimensions of a page-margin box (for which the ‘width’ and
‘height’ properties are both ‘auto’) can be divided into three categories:
@top-le, @top-right, @bottom-le, @bottom-right : The dimensions of the
containing block are determined by the margins that intersect at that corner.
Top margin
Page area
Bottom margin
Dimensions of corner page-margin boxes
@top-le, @top-center, @top-right, @bottom-le, @bottom-center, @bottom-
Width is determined by considering the relative minimum and maximum
formatted widths of each of the page-margin boxes on that side and dividing
the available width accordingly. If the center page-margin box is generated,
it will always be centered in the available width, and the le and right page-
margin boxes will have equal width. Otherwise, all of the available width is
divided between the le and right page-margin boxes.
Available width
Page area width
Right padding
Left padding
Right border width
Left border width
Available width for horizontal le, center, and right page-margin boxes
.  |
Available width
x′ y′
Page-margin box width depends on content
Available width
Single page-margin box uses full available width
Available width
x yy
Center page-margin box is always centered
Height is determined by the used page margin.
@le-top, @le-middle, @le-bottom, @right-top, @right-middle, @right-bot
Width is determined by the used page margin.
Height is determined by considering the relative minimum and maximum
formatted heights of each of the page-margin boxes on that side and dividing
the available height accordingly. If the middle page-margin box is generated,
it will always be centered in the available height, and the top and bottom
page-margin boxes will have equal height. Otherwise, all of the available
height is divided between the le and right page-margin boxes.
|     
Top padding
Bottom padding
Top border width
Bottom border width
Page area height
Available height for vertical top, middle, and bottom page-margin boxes
The ‘width’, ‘min-width’, ‘max-width’, ‘height’, ‘min-height’, and ‘max-height’
properties apply to page-margin boxes and can aect or override the default calcu
Specifying ‘width’ or ‘height’ directly determines the width or height, respec
tively, of the page-margin box. The width, or height, of related page-margin
boxes with width: auto; or height: auto; are resolved such that the
page-margin boxes fill the available width or height.
Available width
width: 30%; width: auto;
30% 70%
Fixed-width page-margin box
Specifying ‘max-width’ (or ‘max-height’) may cause the initial division of space
to be revised: if any of the page-margin boxes exceed their specified ‘max-
width’ (or ‘max-height’) value, then the calculation is repeated using the speci
fied value.
Available width
x′ y′
‘max-width’ and ‘min-width’ may alter page-margin box widths
.  |
Specifying ‘min-width’ (or ‘min-height’) may cause the current result to be
revised: if any of the page-margin boxes are less than their specified ‘min-
width’ (or ‘min-height’) value, then the calculation is repeated using the speci
fied value.
Page-margin box properties
See        (page ) for the CSS properties
that apply to a page-margin box. AH Formatter provides some additional properties.
Running Headers and Page Numbers
Running header setting : ‘string-set’ property and ‘string()’ function
Character strings from the headings in the main body can be displayed in the page
@page {
@top-left {
/* Use the value of the 'Chapter' named string. */
content: string(Chapter);
h1 {
string-set: Chapter content(); /* Set 'Chapter'. */ }
Variable strings : ‘string-set’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: all elements, but not pseudo-elements
■ Inherited: no
Use the ‘string-set’ property to make a named variable for a string. The ‘string-
set’ value is pairs of a variable name and followed by the content list stored in the
named string. Strings defined with ‘string-set’ can be referenced in running headers.
‘none’ : No named strings are created.
<custom-ident> <content-list> : The value of <content-list> becomes the text
content of the string named by <custom-ident>. Multiple <custom-ident> and
<content-list> pairs may be specified separated by commas.
The content list may be one or more of the following, in any order:
<string> : A string.
<counter()> : A ‘counter()’ function. See .  (page ) for details.
<counters()> : A ‘counters()’ function.
<content()> : A ‘content()’ function. Allowed values are:
content() : string value of the element.
content(before) : string value of the ‘::before’ pseudo-element.
content(aer) : string value of the ::aerpseudo-element.
content(first-letter) : first letter of the element.
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attr(<attr-name>) : string value of the attribute <attr-name>.
-ah-attr-from(<from-name>, <attr-name> <type-or-unit>? [, <fallback> ]? ) :
string value of the attribute <attr-name> on the ancestor <from-name> ele
h1 {
/* Use the contents of h1:before and h1 as the content
of the 'Chapter' named string. Void the 'Section'
named string. */
string-set: Chapter content(before) content(), Section "";
Used to copy the value of a named string into the document.
Strings defined with a ‘string-set’ value are referenced as, for example, con
tent: string(Chapter); in running headers.
The required first value is the name of the string.
@top-right { /* Title in right-hand page header. */
content: string(Chapter);
If multiple elements on one page each set the value of the same named string,
then the named string may have several values on that page. The optional second
argument of ‘string()’ specifies which of the possible values to use:
‘start’ : use the named string’s entry value (the assignment in eect at the end
of the previous page) for that page.
‘first’ : if there are any assignments on the page, use the value of the first
assignment, otherwise use the entry value.
‘last’ : use the named string’s exit value (the assignment in eect at the end of
the current page) for the page.
‘first-except’ : similar to ‘first’, except that the empty string is used on the page
where the value is assigned. This can be used, for example, to not repeat the
chapter title in the header of the first page of a chapter.
@page Index:right {
@top-left { /* First index term on the page. */
content: string(IndexTerm, first);
@top-right { /* Last index term on the page. */
content: string(IndexTerm, last);
.  |
Move elements to header/footer : ‘running()’ position value
Use position: running(name); to make an element available for display in a
page-margin box. The ‘name’ the name by which the element is referred to in
‘element()’ functions.
An element with position: running(name); is not shown in its natural place:
it is treated as if display: none; had been set. The element inherits from its
original position in the document, but does not display there.
/* Remove from main text and make available for header/footer. */
p.Title {
/* Use as the 'Title' running element. */
position: running(Title);
/* Override the inherited '1em' indent for <p>.
Otherwise, the content in the header would have the indent. */
text-indent: 0;
Insert a running element: ‘element()’
Used to copy a running element into a page-margin box.
Elements taken out of their natural place using position: running(name);
are referenced as content: element(name); in page-margin boxes. The content
returned by ‘element()’ is the element, its pseudo-elements and its descendants.
Unlike ‘string()’, ‘element()’ cannot be combined with any other values.
A running element inherits through its normal place in the document.
The required first value is the name of the running element.
/* Title in left-hand page header. */
@top-left {
content: element(Title);
If multiple elements on one page each set the value of a running element using
the same name, then the running element may have several values on that page.
The optional second argument of ‘element()’ specifies which of the possible values
to use:
‘start’ : use the running element’s entry value (the assignment in eect at the
end of the previous page) for that page.
‘first’ : if there are any assignments on the page, use the value of the first
assignment, otherwise use the entry value.
‘last’ : use the running element’s exit value (the assignment in eect at the end
of the current page) for the page.
‘first-except’ : similar to ‘first’, except that the empty string is used on the page
where the value is assigned.
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Page number : counter(page)
‘counter(page)’ is used for generating page numbers. ‘counter()’ was defined by CSS
2.1, but in CSS 3, a preassigned counter for page numbers is introduced in the page
context. The counter is incremented by 1 on every page of the document, unless the
‘counter-increment’ property in the page context explicitly specifies a dierent in
crement for the ‘page’ counter.
@page {
@top-right {
content: "Page " counter(page);
AH Formatter allows ‘physical’ and ‘reverse’ keywords aer ‘page’. The generated
page number is then either the physical page number or the number of pages to the
end of the page sequence, respectively.
Total pages : counter(pages)
A counter named ‘pages’ is automatically available. Its value is always the total
number of pages in the document. The value of ‘pages’ cannot be manipulated:
‘counter-reset’ and ‘counter-increment’ statements that set it are valid, but they have
no eect.
The total page count can be output together with the current page number, for
example “Page 57 of 204”.
@page {
@top-right {
/* Physical page number and total number of pages. */
content: "Page " counter(page physical) " of " counter(pages);
Headers and Footers Based on Page Position: :le’, ‘:right’,
‘:first’, and ‘:blank’
You can set the page margins as well as the content and style of page-margin boxes
for a page based on its position or, using the ‘:blank’ pseudo-class, based on whether
or not it has any content. You can, for example, set dierent headers for le and right
pages. These may be dierent again for the first page. You can also hide the titles
and page number from the le-hand side of the le pages and the right-hand side
of the right pages when it is the first page.
When used together with named pages, the style of the le and right pages and
of the first page of each named page can be specified. The pseudo-classes may also
.  |
be combined. This makes it possible, for example, to make a separate page rule for
a blank le-hand page.
/* left-hand page */
@page Chapter:left {
@top-left {
/* book title in the running head of the left page */
content: string(Title);
@bottom-left { /* page number */
content: counter(page);
/* right-hand page */
@page Chapter:right {
@top-right {
/* section title in the running head of the right page */
content: string(Section);
@bottom-right { /* page number */
content: counter(page);
/* First page of a Chapter */
@page Chapter:first {
/* hide page header */
@top-right { content: none }
@top-left { content: none }
/* Blank page between Preface and ToC */
@page Preface:blank {
@bottom-left { content: none; }
@bottom-right { content: none; }
Additional Position Pseudo-classes: ‘:last’ and ‘:only’
AH Formatter also implements ‘:last’ and ‘:only ’pseudo-classes for making page
selectors that match on the last and only pages, respectively, of the document.
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First Page
Introduction to
CSS for Paged Media
Right Page
1) Since AH Formatter is print formatting software, it does not apply @media screen rules for the GUI screen
and instead applies @media print rule.
Chapter 1. Web and Paged Media
1.1 @media Rule
An @media delimits a set of CSS style sheet rules specific to a target medium. Specify
@media print for rules specific to paged media and @media screen for rules specific to screen
@media print { /* apply to page media */
body {
margin: 0%;
font-size: 10pt }
Left Page
@media screen { /* apply to screen display */
body {
margin: 10%;
font-size: 12px }
Screen display and printing require different approaches to designing the layout.
The size and aspect ratio of a screen display may change depending on the display
environment, so it is hard to know how to accurately specify the size and arrangement of the
layout target. The style specification should consider using relative dimensions to
accommodate various environments.
In printing, there is an expectation that formatted objects are arranged neatly on fixed-sized
paper, therefore, the layout specification should precisely control the layout by specifying
absolute dimensions for the size and position of the formatting objects starting with the size of
its characters.
Introduction to CSS for Paged Media
.  |
CSS 3 adds the ability to format a block element as multiple columns. The ‘column-
count’, ‘column-width’, and ‘columns’ properties, in combination, determine the
number of columns that will be formatted within the available width. When there
are multiple columns, specifying column-span: all; on a block element allows
it to span across all columns.
AH Formatter implements the CSS 3 properties for controlling the gap between
columns plus the optional rule that can be drawn in the column gap. It also imple
ments addition extension properties for finer control over the appearance of the
column rule.
Column count : ‘column-count’
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: block elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the number of columns of a block element.
‘auto’ : Number of columns is determined by other properties, including by
specifying ‘column-width’ with a length value.
<integer> : Optimal number of columns. If ‘column-count’ and ‘column-width’
both have non-auto values, then this is the maximum number of columns.
This example sets column-count:
2; for the block. Also specifies ‘column-
gap’ and ‘column-rule’.
div.MultiCol {
column-count: 2;
column-gap: 5mm;
column-rule: dotted green 1mm;
An alternative method for specifying
multiple columns is to set ‘column-
width’ instead of ‘column-count’. The
number of columns will be set auto
matically based on the column width
and the overall width of the page.
‘column-rule’ is a shorthand for
properties that can be set individually
as follows:
column-rule-style: dotted;
column-rule-color: green;
column-rule-width: 1mm;
.  | 
Column width : ‘column-width’
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: block elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the width of columns in multi-column elements.
‘auto’ : Column width is determined by other properties, including by specifying
‘column-count’ with an integer value.
<length> : optimal column width.
This example sets column-width:
12em; for the block. Also specifies
‘column-gap’ and ‘column-rule’.
div.MultiColW {
column-width: 12em;
column-gap: 1em;
column-rule: solid 1pt;
An alternative method for specifying
multiple columns is to set ‘column-
count’ instead of ‘column-width’.
Column number or width : ‘columns’
■ Initial value: see individual properties ■ Applies to: block elements
■ Inherited: no
This is a shorthand property for setting ‘column-width’ and ‘column-count’. Omit
ted values are set to their initial values.
Column span : ‘column-span’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: block elements, except floating and absolutely
positioned elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the number of columns that an element spans.
‘none’ : The element does not span multiple columns.
‘all’ : The element spans across all columns.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte
tur adipiscing elit. Aliquam bibendum
tincidunt pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Aliquam bibendum tincidunt pharetra.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec
tetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam
bibendum tincidunt pharetra. Lorem
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adi
piscing elit. Aliquam bibendum tinci
dunt pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ali
quam bibendum tincidunt pharetra.
|     
Column gap : ‘column-gap’
■ Initial value: ‘normal’ ■ Applies to: multi-column elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the width of the column gap.
‘normal’ : equivalent to ‘1em’.
<length> : length of gap between columns.
Column rule style : ‘column-rule-style’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: multi-column elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the column rule style. The same values can be used as for specifying the
style of a single border of a box. See Border Style : ‘border-style’ (page ) for details.
Column rule width : ‘column-rule-width’
■ Initial value: ‘medium’ ■ Applies to: multi-column elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies column rule width. The same values can be used as for specifying the
width of a single border of a box. See Border Thickness : ‘border-width’ (page )
for details.
Column rule color : ‘column-rule-color’
■ Initial value: current color property ■ Applies to: multi-column elements
■ Inherited: no
Specifies column rule color. See .  (page ) for details.
Column rule : ‘column-rule’
■ Initial value: see individual properties ■ Applies to: multi-column
elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies column rule width, line type, and color.
Column rule length : ‘-ah-column-rule-length’
■ Initial value: 100% ■ Applies to: multi-column elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the length of the column rule.
<length> : length of the column rule.
<percentage> : column rule length as a percentage of the height of the column.
column-rule-length: 60%; cen
ters a rule that is 60% of the height of
the column vertically within the col
div.MultiCol {
column-rule-length: 60%;
.  | 
Column rule alignment : ‘-ah-column-rule-align’
■ Initial value: ‘center’ ■ Applies to: multi-column elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the vertical alignment of the column rule within the column.
‘before’ : Align top of column rule with top of column.
‘center’ : Center column rule within column height.
aer : Align bottom of column rule with bottom of column.
-ah-column-rule-length: 60%;
plus -ah-column-rule-align:
after; aligns a rule that is 60% of the
height of the column with the bottom
of the column.
div.MultiCol {
-ah-column-rule-length: 60%;
-ah-column-rule-align: after;
Column rule display : ‘-ah-column-rule-display’
■ Initial value: ‘gap’ ■ Applies to: multi-column elements ■ Inherited: no
A multi-column box might not have enough content to fill the number of column
specified by ‘columns’, ‘column-count’, or ‘column-width’. ‘-ah-column-rule-
display’ specifies whether to display a column rule between columns that would
exist if the multi-column element contained suicient content.
‘gap’ : Display a rule only between existing columns.
‘end’ : Display a rule at the end side of each existing column.
‘all’ : Display rules even between non-existent columns.
div.MultiCol3 {
-ah-column-rule-display: end;
display: end; dis
plays a rule aer each
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Paged media is, obviously, divided into pages. CSS provides multiple properties for
controlling whether the content of an element should be kept together on column
or one page and whether there should or should not be a column or page break
before or aer the content. AH Formatter provides the ‘-ah-keep-together-within-
dimension’ property for finer control of the ‘break-inside’ property.
Controlling Breaks
Breaks between boxes : ‘break-before’ / page-break-aer
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: block elements ■ Inherited: no
These properties specify page or column break behavior . le’, ‘right’, ‘page’, and
‘column’ values create a forced break in the flow while ‘avoid’, ‘avoid-page’ and
‘avoid-column’ values indicate that content should be kept together.
‘auto’ : Neither force nor forbid a break.
‘always’ : Always force a break before or aer the principal box.
‘avoid’ : Avoid a break before or aer the principal box.
‘page’ : Force a page break before or aer the principal box.
‘column’ : Force a column break before or aer the principal box.
‘avoid-page’ : Avoid a page break before or aer the principal box.
‘avoid-column’ : Avoid a column break before or aer the principal box.
le : Force one or two page breaks so the next page is a le-hand page.
‘right’ : Force one or two page breaks so the next page is a right-hand page.
Breaks within boxes : ‘break-inside’
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: block elements ■ Inherited: no
This property specifies page or column break behavior within the element’s prin
cipal box.
‘auto’ : Impose no additional constraints.
‘avoid’ : Avoid breaks within the box.
‘avoid-page’ : Avoid page breaks within the box.
‘avoid-column’ : Avoid column breaks within the box.
. |
Limiting eect of ‘break-inside’ : ‘-ah-keep-together-within-dimension’
■ Initial value: ‘all’ ■ Applies to: block elements ■ Inherited: no
This property specifies the height of a box for which a non-auto ‘break-inside’
property value is eective. Above that height, ‘break-inside’ behaves as if ‘auto’ was
‘all’ : No restriction on eect of ‘break-inside’ property.
<length> : Upper limit of the height of a box for which a non-auto ‘break-
inside’ property value is eective.
.BigBlock {
/* Keep the block together, but allow it to break if
it exceeds the height of the page. */
break-inside: avoid;
-ah-keep-together-within-dimension: 100vh;
Control of Page Breaks
Page break : ‘page-break-before’ / page-break-aer
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: block elements ■ Inherited: no
‘auto’ : Neither force nor forbid a page break.
‘always’ : Always force a page break.
‘avoid’ : Avoid a page break.
le : Force one or two page breaks so the next page is a le-hand page.
‘right’ : Force one or two page breaks so the next page is a right-hand page.
/* forced page break before top header (h1) */
h1 {
page-break-before: always;
/* insert break page after this block */
div.Ending {
page-break-after: always;
Setting either property’s value to ‘avoid’ prohibit a page break either before or
aer the specified element.
/* Avoid page breaks immediate after headings (h1-h6) */
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
page-break-after: avoid;
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Pages starting from either the le or right
The first page of a chapter can be set to start either on the right or le. Blank pages
are inserted if necessary.
/* Insert page break so that h2 is always kept on the right. */
h2 {
page-break-before: right;
Prohibit page break : ‘page-break-inside’
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: block elements ■ Inherited: yes
Setting the value to avoid, prohibits page breaks within the specified element.
‘auto’ : Neither force nor forbid a page break.
‘avoid’ : Avoid a page break.
/* Avoid page breaks in this block */
div.NoBreak {
page-break-inside: avoid;
Minimum Lines Before Or Aer A Page Break : ‘orphans’/ ‘widows’
■ Initial value: 2 ■ Applies to: block elements ■ Inherited: yes
‘orphans’ specifies the minimum number of lines of a paragraph that must be le
at the bottom of a page. ‘widows’ specifies the minimum number of lines that must
be le at the top of a page.
<integer> : Minimum number of lines before or aer a page break.
Orphan and widow lines
. |
The lines with a block of text, such as for a paragraph, may be aligned to one side
or another or aligned to both. If the text within the lines has varying font sizes or
alignment baselines, then line spacing can become irregular. AH Formatter provides
extension properties for maintaining consistent line spacing both within and across
blocks. If words at the ends of lines in justified text are allowed to be hyphenated,
this can reduce the amount of white-space within the lines.
Text alignment : ‘text-align’
■ Initial value: depends on characters display direction ■ Applies to: block
elements ■ Inherited: yes
Aligns the lines of text to the le, right, or center or justifies the text.
le: Content is aligned to the le.
AH Formatter provides features for optimal formatting, including: custom-
developed MathML 3, CGM, and SVG rendering; baseline grids; PANTONE
colors; and properties for controlling Japanese layout.
‘right’ : Content is aligned to the right.
AH Formatter provides features for optimal formatting, including: custom-
developed MathML 3, CGM, and SVG rendering; baseline grids; PANTONE
colors; and properties for controlling Japanese layout.
‘center’ : Content is centered within the line box.
AH Formatter provides features for optimal formatting, including: custom-
developed MathML 3, CGM, and SVG rendering; baseline grids; PANTONE
colors; and properties for controlling Japanese layout.
.  |
‘inside’ : Content is aligned to the gutter side of the line box.
AH Formatter provides features for optimal formatting, including: custom-
developed MathML 3, CGM, and SVG rendering; baseline grids; PANTONE
colors; and properties for controlling Japanese layout.
‘outside’ : Content is aligned to the fore-edge side of the line box.
AH Formatter provides features for optimal formatting, including: custom-
developed MathML 3, CGM, and SVG rendering; baseline grids; PANTONE
colors; and properties for controlling Japanese layout.
‘start’ : Content is aligned to the start edge of the line box.
AH Formatter provides features for optimal formatting, including: custom-
developed MathML 3, CGM, and SVG rendering; baseline grids; PANTONE
colors; and properties for controlling Japanese layout.
‘end’ : Content is aligned to the end edge of the line box.
AH Formatter provides features for optimal formatting, including: custom-
developed MathML 3, CGM, and SVG rendering; baseline grids; PANTONE
colors; and properties for controlling Japanese layout.
‘justify’ : Content is justified to fill the line box.
AH Formatter provides features for optimal formatting, including: custom-
developed MathML 3, CGM, and SVG rendering; baseline grids; PANTONE
colors; and properties for controlling Japanese layout.
<string> : Table cell content is aligned on a string.
AH Formatter provides an extension to ‘text-align’ that applies only in table cells.
Specifying a string aligns the cell contents on the specified string. For example,
text-align: "."; on every cell in a column will align a column of numbers on
the decimal point. See Horizontal Alignment in Table Cells (page ).
Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2016 9.1 1.25 6 3.69
2017 1.74 9 5.55 2.1
2018 12.1 3.78 4.1 0
|     
The ‘text-align’ property ‘start’ and ‘end’ values are extended from CSS 3. When
text-align: start; or text-align: end; is specified for vertical text, the
text is aligned to the top or bottom.
‘start’ : content is aligned to the start
‘end’ : content is aligned to the end
Alignment of the last line : ‘text-align-last’
■ Initial value: ‘start’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: yes
‘text-align-last’ specifies the alignment of just the last line of a block or a line right
before a forced line break.
text-align-last: left; (aligned to the le)
AH Formatter provides features for optimal formatting, including: custom-devel
oped MathML 3, CGM, and SVG rendering; baseline grids; PANTONE
spot colors;
and properties for controlling Japanese layout.
text-align-last: right; (aligned to the right)
AH Formatter provides features for optimal formatting, including: custom-devel
oped MathML 3, CGM, and SVG rendering; baseline grids; PANTONE
spot colors;
and properties for controlling Japanese layout.
text-align-last: center; (aligned to the center)
AH Formatter provides features for optimal formatting, including: custom-devel
oped MathML 3, CGM, and SVG rendering; baseline grids; PANTONE
spot colors;
and properties for controlling Japanese layout.
text-align-last: inside; (aligned to the gutter)
AH Formatter provides features for optimal formatting, including: custom-devel
oped MathML 3, CGM, and SVG rendering; baseline grids; PANTONE
spot colors;
and properties for controlling Japanese layout.
.  |
text-align-last: outside; (aligned to the fore-edge)
AH Formatter provides features for optimal formatting, including: custom-devel
oped MathML 3, CGM, and SVG rendering; baseline grids; PANTONE
spot colors;
and properties for controlling Japanese layout.
text-align-last: start; (aligned to the start edge)
AH Formatter provides features for optimal formatting, including: custom-devel
oped MathML 3, CGM, and SVG rendering; baseline grids; PANTONE
spot colors;
and properties for controlling Japanese layout.
text-align-last: end; (aligned to the end edge)
AH Formatter provides features for optimal formatting, including: custom-devel
oped MathML 3, CGM, and SVG rendering; baseline grids; PANTONE
spot colors;
and properties for controlling Japanese layout.
text-align-last: justify; (aligned to both ends)
AH Formatter provides features for optimal formatting, including: custom-devel
oped MathML 3, CGM, and SVG rendering; baseline grids; PANTONE
spot colors;
and properties for controlling Japanese layout.
text-align-last: start;
(aligned to
start edge)
text-align-last: end;
(algned to
end edge)
Alignment of the first line : ‘text-align-first’ property
■ Initial value: ‘relative’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: yes
‘text-align-first’ specifies the alignment of the first line of a block and of a line
immediately aer a forced line break. For a one-line block, ‘text-align-first’ (if not
‘relative’) has precedence over ‘text-align-last’.
‘relative’ : Does nothing.
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‘start’ : Content is aligned to the start edge.
‘end’ : Content is aligned to the end edge.
‘center’ : Content is aligned to the center.
‘inside’ : Content is aligned to the gutter edge.
‘outside’ : Content is aligned to the fore-edge edge.
‘justify’ : Content is aligned to both the start and end edges.
le : Content is aligned to the le edge.
‘right’ : Content is aligned to the right edge.
Line height with superscripts or subscripts : ‘-ah-line-height-shi-
■ Initial value: consider-shis ■ Applies to: inline-level elements ■ Inherited: yes
Line stacking can be irregular when lines contain superscripts and subscripts.
Specify -ah-line-height-shift-adjustment: disregard-shifts to stop
superscripts and subscripts from influencing the line stacking. However, line stacking
can still change for images, fonts with dierent character baseline positions (such
as mixed Japanese and European text), and large letters.
consider-shis : Shied position of characters is used for determining line-
disregard-shis : Unshied position of characters is used for determining
Without -ah-line-height-shift-adjustment: disregard-shifts;
Line stacking can be irregular when
lines contain superscripts
and sub
. Specify -ah-line-
height-shift-adjustment: dis
regard-shifts to stop superscripts
and subscripts from influencing the line
stacking. However, line stacking can
still change for images, fonts with dif
ferent character baseline positions
(such as mixed Japanese and European
text), and large letters.
With -ah-line-height-shift-adjustment: disregard-shifts;
Line stacking can be irregular when
lines contain superscripts
and sub
. Specify -ah-line-
height-shift-adjustment: dis
regard-shifts to stop superscripts
and subscripts from influencing the line
stacking. However, line stacking can
still change for images, fonts with dif
ferent character baseline positions
(such as mixed Japanese and European
text), and large letters.
.  |
7 The baseline grid feature is not available in AH Formatter Lite.
Line stacking : ‘-ah-line-stacking-strategy’
■ Initial value: line-height ■ Applies to: block elements ■ Inherited: yes
When a line contains a mixture of large letters, superscripts and subscripts, and
images, or fonts with dierent character baseline positions (such as mixed Japanese
and European text), line stacking depends on the characters that each line contains.
As a result, line stacking becomes irregular. Specifying -ah-line-stacking-
strategy: font-height; will make line stacking uniform.
‘line-height’ : CSS-style line box stacking with half-leading included in line-area.
‘font-height’ : Line-area is based on font of block-area; equal baseline-to-base
line spacing.
‘max-height’ : Line-area is minimum required to enclose inline areas; constant
space between line-areas.
Without -ah-line-stacking-strategy: font-height;
When a line contains a mixture of
large letters, superscripts
, and images, or fonts
with dierent character baseline posi
tions (such as mixed Japanese and Eu
ropean text), line stacking depends on
the characters that each line contains.
As a result, line stacking becomes irreg
ular. Specifying -ah-line-stack
ing-strategy: font-height; will
make line stacking uniform.
With -ah-line-stacking-strategy: font-height;
When a line contains a mixture of
large letters, superscripts
, and images, or fonts
with dierent character baseline posi
tions (such as mixed Japanese and Eu
ropean text), line stacking depends on
the characters that each line contains.
As a result, line stacking can become
irregular. Specifying -ah-line-
stacking-strategy: font-
height; will make line stacking uni
Baseline grid
‘-ah-line-stacking-strategy’ aects the lines within a single block. It does not, how
ever, the lines of multiple blocks. Line areas across multiple blocks can be aligned
to a consistent line spacing by using the ‘-ah-baseline-grid’ property.
Some line areas, however, will not align with the baseline grid that is used for
running text. These include:
Headings are frequently in a larger font size than running text. It is sometimes
possible to maintain consistent line spacing for running text by carefully setting
the ‘margin-top’ and ‘margin-bottom’ of each level of heading so that each
|     
heading occupies the same height as an integral number of lines. However, that
can fail when a heading extends over more than one line or a heading is im
mediately followed by another heading.
Few graphics are exactly the same height as an integer number of lines.
Borders and padding on table cells can aect the regular line spacing of table
Blocks that have content that does not fit with the baseline grid can have the
entire block aligned with the grid by using the ‘-ah-baseline-block-snap’ property.
Without baseline grid
Whereas recognition of the inherent
dignity and of the equal and inalienable
rights of all members of the human
family is the foundation of freedom,
justice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and contempt for
human rights have resulted in barbar
ous acts which have outraged the con
science of mankind, and the advent of
a world in which human beings shall
enjoy freedom of speech and belief and
freedom from fear and want has been
proclaimed as the highest aspiration of
the common people,
Whereas it is essential, if man is not
to be compelled to have recourse, as a
last resort, to rebellion against tyranny
and oppression, that human rights
should be protected by the rule of law,
With baseline grid
Whereas recognition of the inherent
dignity and of the equal and inalienable
rights of all members of the human
family is the foundation of freedom,
justice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and contempt for
human rights have resulted in barbar
ous acts which have outraged the con
science of mankind, and the advent of
a world in which human beings shall
enjoy freedom of speech and belief and
freedom from fear and want has been
proclaimed as the highest aspiration of
the common people,
Whereas it is essential, if man is not
to be compelled to have recourse, as a
last resort, to rebellion against tyranny
and oppression, that human rights
should be protected by the rule of law,
Setting the baseline grid : ‘-ah-baseline-grid’
■ Initial value: ‘normal’ ■ Applies to: block containers ■ Inherited: no
Sets or clears the baseline grid. The line areas that are within an area in which a
baseline grid is set are aligned with baselines on the baseline grid.
‘normal’ : Neither sets nor clears the baseline grid.
.  |
‘none’ : Clears the baseline grid and the content will not align with a baseline
‘new’ : Sets a new baseline grid.
‘root’ : Sets the baseline grid defined by the root element.
Aligning blocks to the baseline grid : ‘-ah-baseline-block-snap’
■ Initial value: auto border-box ■ Applies to: block-level elements with -ah-
baseline-grid: new; or -ah-baseline-grid: none; ■ Inherited: no
Specifies how to align blocks other than normal line boxes, such as headings,
figures and tables, to the baseline grid.
‘none’ : block is not aligned with the baseline grid.
‘auto’ : at top of column, same as ‘before’; at bottom of column, same as aer’;
otherwise ‘center’.
‘before’ : before edge of the block is aligned with a text-before-edge baseline
on the baseline grid.
aer : aer edge of the block is aligned with a text-aer-edge baseline on the
baseline grid.
‘center’ : block is centered between a text-before-edge and a text-aer-edge
baseline on the baseline grid.
‘border-box’ : border edge is used to align the block on the baseline grid.
‘margin-box’ : margin edge is used to align the block on the baseline grid.
‘auto’, ‘before’, aer’, or ‘center’ may be combined with either ‘border-box’ or
‘margin-box’. ‘none’ may not be combined with any other value.
Leader : ‘leader()’ function
With the ‘leader()’ function, a leader (such as dots) can be added, for example,
between the title page and page number in the table of contents and align the page
number to the right.
Any of the following may be used as leaders: dotted, solid, space, or characters.
leader(dotted) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . leader(dotted)
leader(solid) _________________________________________ leader(solid)
leader(space) leader(space)
leader("*-") *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- leader("*-")
Using space as a leader gives the eect of a right-aligned tab stop.
Quadratic formula
b ± b
|     
AH Formatter provides an extension feature of hyphenation of more than forty lan
guages. It uses language-specific algorithms so that you do not need to provide a
hyphenation dictionary. If you want to hyphenate words that are not handled by the
algorithms, you can add them to the exception dictionary.
So hyphens (U+00AD) can be explicitly inserted inside a word to allow hyphen
ation. In HTML, &shy; represents the so hyphen character. For example, “abcde”
does not break, but a&#xAD;b&#xAD;c&#xAD;d&#xAD;e may be hyphenated: a-
To stop line breaks at literal hyphens, replace the hyphens with U+2011 
  (&#x2011;).
AH Formatter implements the ‘hyphens’ property defined in CSS 3 plus, among
others, the ‘hyphenate-before’, hyphenate-aer’, and ‘hyphenate-lines’ that were
defined in a previous GCPM Working Dra but have since been removed.
Hyphenation : ‘hyphens’ property
■ Initial value: ‘manual’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: yes
Set the ‘hyphens’ property to ‘auto’ to enable hyphenation. The hyphenation
process uses a language-specific hyphenation algorithm to perform hyphenation for
each language.
‘none’ : Disable both automatic hyphenation and hyphenation at so hyphens.
‘manual’ : Disable automatic hyphenation and enable hyphenation at so hy
‘auto’ : Enable both automatic hyphenation and hyphenation at so hyphens.
In these examples, lang specifies the language of the text:
.Hyphenated {
hyphens: auto;
<div class="Hyphenated" lang="en">
<p>Set the ‘hyphens’ property to ‘auto’ to …
Set the ‘hyphens’ property to ‘auto’
to enable hyphenation. The hyphena
tion process uses a language-specific
hyphenation algorithm to perform hy
phenation for each language.
<div lang="en">
<p>Set the ‘hyphens’ property to ‘auto’ to …
.  |
Set the ‘hyphens’ property to ‘auto’
to enable hyphenation. The
hyphenation process uses a language-
specific hyphenation algorithm to
perform hyphenation for each
When hyphenation is enabled for body text, it is usually a good idea to disable it
in headings and possibly also in other contexts where added hyphens could detract
from the appearance of the text. For example, in captions, table headers, or even all
table text.
body:lang(en) {
hyphens: auto;
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
hyphens: manual;
Minimum number of characters : ‘hyphenate-before’
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: yes
Specifies the minimum number of characters in a hyphenated word before the
hyphenation character with a default value of 2, but this can be changed in the AH
Formatter Option Setting File.
For example, the six-letter word ‘hyphen’ can be hyphenated as ‘hy-phen. If hy
phenate-before: 3; is specified, the number of characters before the word break
is less than three letters, so the word ‘hyphen’ is not hyphenated.
Minimum number of characters : hyphenate-aer
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: yes
Specifies the minimum number of characters in a hyphenated word aer the
hyphenation character with a default value of 2, but this can be changed in the AH
Formatter Option Setting File.
For example, the six-letter word ‘hyphen’ can be hyphenated as ‘hy-phen. If hy
phenate-after: 5; is specified, the number of characters aer the word break
is less than five letters, so the word ‘hyphen’ is not hyphenated.
Maximum number of hyphenated lines : ‘hyphenate-lines’
■ Initial value: ‘no-limit’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: yes
Specifies the maximum number of consecutive lines in an element that end with
a hyphenated word.
‘no-limit’ : No limit to the number of consecutive lines.
<integer> : Maximum number of consecutive lines.
|     
Progression Direction : ‘writing-mode’
■ Initial value: ‘lr-tb’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: yes
Specify ‘writing-mode’ on the root element to set the character, line, and page
progression direction of the entire document. The writing-mode on the root element
is inherited by the page box, and is then inherited by the margin box.
The Initial value is writing-mode: lr-tb; (le-to-right, top-to-bottom): the
character progression direction is from le to right, the line and block progression
directions are from top to bottom, and the pages go from le to right.
To set documents in Japanese vertical writing mode, specify writing-mode:
tb-rl;. The character progression direction is from top-to-bottom, line and block
from right-to-le, and pages from right to le.
‘lr-tb’ : Writing mode progression direction is from le to right, the line and block
from top to bottom. Used in conventional horizontal writing.
‘rl-tb’ : Writing mode progression direction is from right to le, the line and block
from top to bottom. Used in right-to-le languages such as Arabic and Hebrew.
‘tb-rl’ : Writing mode progression direction is from top to bottom, the line and
block from right to le. Used in vertical writing such as Japanese.
Specifying writing-mode: tb-rl; on the block element sets vertical writing
orientation for the block. In block vertical writing, the page progression direction
remains le to right as in horizontal writing.
div.VerticalTextBlock {
writing-mode: tb-rl; /* vertical writing */
height: 16em; /* number of characters in a line */
padding: 3pt;
border: ridge green;
.  |
AH CSS Formatter
writing-mode: tb-rl
tb-rl top-to-
writing-mode: lr-tb le-to-
right and top-to-bottom
writing-mode: rl-tb right-to-le,
|     
1 the contents of the element will become a footnote
Footnotes and sidenotes are used for (typically short) notes that are associated with
a point in the main text. In the HTML or XML markup, the content of the note is
included at that point in the main text.
There are four aspects to formatting a note as a footnote or sidenote:
Moving of the note out of the main flow.
Positioning of the note. For a footnote, this is typically but not always at the
foot of the current page (or of a following page). For a sidenote, this is typically
in the page margin.
Leaving a marker behind in the main text.
Generating a marker alongside the note in its position outside of the main text
The two markers are typically the same text, although they will oen dier in size
or alignment baseline or in their added punctuation.
Footnote Setting : float: footnote
When float: footnote; is specified,
.Footnote {
float: footnote;
<p>When <span class="code">float: footnote;</span> is specified,
<span class="Footnote">the contents of the element will become a
Use a ‘@footnote’ rule in the ‘@page’ rule to style the footnote area. Use float:
page bottom; (see Page float : float: top page / float: bottom page (page )) to
arrange footnotes at the bottom of the page. Use the pseudo-elements ‘::footnote-
call’ and ‘::footnote-marker’ to set the footnote marker format.
.  |
2 As you can see from the marker for this footnote
Footnote Style : ‘@footnote’ rule
Use the ‘@footnote’ rule in the ‘@page’ rule to style the footnote area, for example,
by drawing a ruled line above the footnote area.
@page {
@footnote {
float: bottom page; /* The footnote area is placed as a float at
the bottom of the page */
border-top: thin solid black; /* Set a ruled line above the
footnote area */
border-length: 30%; /* Line length is 30% of
the page area width */
padding-top: 0.5em;
Footnote Number : ‘::footnote-call’/ ‘::footnote-marker’ pseudo-
Use ‘::footnote-call’ and ‘::footnote-marker’ to set the footnote number. The “foot
note” counter is incremented each time that a footnote is generated.
::footnote-call { /* footnote call */
content: counter(footnote) ")";
font-size: 6pt;
vertical-align: super;
::footnote-marker { /* footnote number */
content: counter(footnote) ")";
font-size: 1em;
vertical-align: super;
Length of footnote separator : ‘border-length’
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: ‘@footnote’ areas ■ Inherited: no
The ‘border-length’ property specifies the length of the border between footnotes
and other content. If the length of the border between the areas is longer than the
‘border-length’ value, then part of the border will be transparent and the background
of the footnote area will be shown instead.
‘auto’ : Full-width border.
<length> : Length of the border. Percentages refer to the normal length of the
|     
¹ This is a
Sidenote Setting : float: sidenote
When float: sidenote; is specified for the ‘float’ property, the contents will
become a sidenote. Use the ‘@sidenote’ rule in the ‘@page’ rule to set the sidenote
area. Use the pseudo-elements ‘::sidenote-call’ and ‘::sidenote-marker’ to set the
sidenote number format.
span.sidenote {
float: sidenote;
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity¹ and of the equal and
inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foun
dation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,
Sidenote Style : ‘@sidenote’ rule
Use the ‘@sidenote’ rule in the ‘@page’ rule to set the position and extent of a
sidenote area.
@page {
@sidenote {
float: outside;
clear: both;
width: 20%;
.  |
The CSS table model is based on the HTML4 table model. Tables should be used only
for content with logical row and/or column relationships. Elements that are dis
played as tables will be tagged as tables in Tagged PDF and PDF/UA output. As such,
if the elements are not logically a table, they will be confusing to a user of assistive
How to Create Tables
When using CSS with a document language that does not have table elements, you
can map document elements to ‘display’ property values that correspond to the
HTML4 table elements.
‘display’ Value HTML Element
‘table’ TABLE
‘inline-table’ TABLE
‘table-row’ TR
‘table-row-group’ TBODY
‘table-header-group’ THEAD
‘table-footer-group’ TFOOT
‘table-column’ COL
‘table-column-group’ COLGROUP
‘table-cell’ TD, TH
‘table-caption’ CAPTION
Mapping elements to table-related ‘display’ values is so generally useful that CSS
style sheets for HTML (such as html.css that is distributed with AH Formatter) map
. |
HTML table elements to the ‘display’ values that are defined to display like that same
table { display: table }
tr { display: table-row }
thead { display: table-header-group }
tbody {
display: table-row-group }
tfoot { display: table-footer-group }
col { display: table-column }
colgroup { display: table-column-group }
td, th { display: table-cell }
caption { display: table-caption }
You can display your XML as a table by associating XML elements with the ‘display’
property values that represent table elements.
<ROW><CELL>row 1 column 1</CELL><CELL>row 1 column 2</CELL></ROW>
<ROW><CELL>row 2 column 1</CELL></ROW>
<ROW><CELL>row 3 column 1</CELL></ROW>
display: block;
margin: 20%;
display: table;
border-collapse: collapse;
display: table-row;
display: table-cell;
padding: 10pt;
font-weight: bolder;
border: solid thin;
|     
row 1 column 1 row 1 column 2
row 2 column 1
row 3 column 1
XML displayed as table
Properties That Apply To Table Elements
Ordinarily, the ‘margin’, ‘border’, ‘padding’, ‘width’, and ‘height’ properties of a CSS
box determine its dimensions. Tables are slightly dierent, since some of the prop
erties do not apply to every table-related box.
Properties that apply to table elements
‘display’ Value margin border ‘padding width height
‘table’ yes yes yes yes yes
‘inline-table’ yes yes yes yes yes
‘table-row’ no yes no no yes
‘table-row-group’ no yes no no yes
‘table-header-group’ no yes no yes yes
‘table-footer-group’ no yes no yes yes
‘table-column’ no yes no yes no
‘table-column-group’ no yes no yes no
‘table-cell’ no yes yes yes yes
‘table-caption’ yes yes yes yes yes
Table padding applies only when border-collapse: separate;
. |
When border-collapse: separate;, the width of a table is the length
between the inner side of the le and right padding. When border-col
lapse: collapse;, the width is the length between the center of the le and
right borders.
Border properties on ‘table-column’, ‘table-column-group’, ‘table-row’, and
‘table-row-group’ apply only when border-collapse: collapse;.
The ‘width’ property values of ‘table-column’ and ‘table-column-group’ specify
the minimum width of a column.
Table Border Model
Whether to merge adjacent borders : ‘border-collapse’
■ Initial value: ‘separate’ ■ Applies to: ‘table’ elements ■ Inherited: yes
Specifies whether to treat the borders around each CSS table cell individually.
‘collapse’ : Merge the borders of adjacent cells.
‘separate’ : Treat borders of adjacent cells separately.
Spaces between borders : ‘border-spacing’
■ Initial value: 0px 0px ■ Applies to: ‘table’ and ‘inline-table’ elements
■ Inherited: yes
Specifies the space (white space) between the borders of adjacent cells when
border-collapse: separate;.
<length>{1,2} : Distance that separates adjoining cell borders. If one length is
specified, it gives both the horizontal and vertical spacing. If two are specified,
the first gives the horizontal spacing and the second the vertical spacing.
table {
padding: 5mm;
border: solid 2mm gray;
border-collapse: separate;
border-spacing: 2mm;
th, td {
padding: 2mm;
border: solid 2mm silver;
An example of the above specification is as follows:
|     
h1 h2 h3
1-1 1-2 1-3
2-1 2-2 2-3
border-spacing: 2mm
Table with border-collapse: separate;
table {
padding: 5mm;
border: solid 2mm gray;
border-collapse: collapse;
th, td {
padding: 2mm;
border: solid 2mm silver;
An example of the above specification follows. This time, the table padding dis
appears. Since the table and cell borders are the same width and style, their priority
is determined by the ‘display’ value, so the border of the box generated by table is
overwritten by the cell border.
h1 h2 h3
1-1 1-2 1-3
2-1 2-2 2-3
Table with border-collapse: collapse;
. |
1 Equivalent to HTML col element
Border priority
As in the previous example, border-collapse: collapse; combines the adja
cent borders together. The priority of the borders is as follows:
border-style: hidden; has the highest priority.
border-style: none; has the lowest priority.
Wide borders have higher priority than narrow borders.
Borders with the same width are prioritized according to the style of the border
in descending order as follows:
. ‘double’
. ‘solid’
. ‘dashed’
. ‘dotted’
. ‘ridge’
. ‘outset’
. ‘groove’
. ‘inset’
‘double’ has the highest priority, and ‘inset’ has the lowest.
Borders diering only in color are prioritized according to the ‘display’ type of
the element in descending order as follows:
. ‘table-cell’
. ‘table-row’
. ‘table-row-group’
. ‘table-column’
. ‘table-column-group’
. ‘table’
‘table’ has the lowest priority.
In horizontal, le-to-right writing, if the element types are the same and have
line types of the same property, the further it is to the le, the higher its priority.
In horizontal, right-to-le writing, the further to the right it is, the higher the
Determining Table and Column Width : ‘table-layout’
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: ‘table’ elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifying ‘table-layout’ property determines the width of the table columns.
‘auto’ : Automatically calculates the width of table columns and lays out the
‘fixed’ : Lays out tables based on the fixed values of table and column widths.
When the value is ‘auto’, table width depends on its content. The minimum width
of a column can be specified by the ‘width’ property of the column element
, but
|     
the program automatically determines the width for other columns from the cell
contents and the width of the entire table.
table-layout: fixed; determines the width of the table and does not depend
on the contents of the cells. If the width of the table is not specified, then the width
of table is the width of the block that contains the table. The width of each column
is determined as follows:
If the column width is specified by the ‘width’ property value of the corre
sponding <column> element, that column has the same value.
Otherwise, the ‘width’ property value of the cell in the first row sets the column
The remaining width, (width of the entire table minus the specified column
widths) is evenly allocated to any remaining columns.
table {
table-layout: fixed;
col.first {
width: 10em;
Align Table to Center
Specify margin-left: auto; and margin-right: auto; to center the entire
table {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
Table Caption Position : ‘caption-side’
■ Initial value: ‘top’ ■ Applies to: ‘caption’ elements ■ Inherited: yes
Use the ‘caption-side’ property to specify the position of the table caption.
‘top’ : Displays the caption above the table.
‘bottom’ : Displays the caption below the table.
table {
caption-side: top;
. |
Caption positioned above the table
Product Introduction
Option name Product content
SVG option This is an option for SVG output.
Barcode option
Provides several style sheets for printing barcodes and
barcode fonts.
table {
caption-side: bottom;
Caption positioned below the table
Option name Product content
SVG option This is an option for SVG output.
Barcode option
Provides several style sheets for printing barcodes and
barcode fonts.
Product Introduction
Table Header and Footer
The table header is rendered at the top of the table, and the table footer is rendered
at the bottom.
Table header and footer
Header Header
R1C1 R1C2
R2C1 R2C2
R3C1 R3C2
R4C1 R4C2
Footer Footer
When a table is split across a column or page, the default behavior is to render
the table footer at the bottom of each part and render the table header at the top
of each part.
|     
2 This feature is not available in AH Formatter Lite.
Table header and footer repeated at break
Header Header
R1C1 R1C2
R2C1 R2C2
Footer Footer
Header Header
R3C1 R3C2
R4C1 R4C2
Footer Footer
Table header and footer at breaks : ‘-ah-table-omit-header-at-break’/ ‘-ah-
■ Initial value: ‘false’ ■ Applies to: ‘table’ and ‘inline-table’ elements
■ Inherited: no
These properties specify whether the table header or footer should be omitted
when the table breaks across a column or page.
‘false’ : Do not omit the header or footer.
‘true’ : Omit the header or footer at both column and page breaks.
‘column’ : Omit the header or footer at column breaks but not at page breaks.
Table header and footer omitted at break
Header Header
R1C1 R1C2
R2C1 R2C2
R3C1 R3C2
R4C1 R4C2
Footer Footer
Horizontal Alignment in Table Cells
The ‘text-align’ property for specifying horizontal alignment applies to table cells.
AH Formatter provides an extension to ‘text-align’ that applies only in table cells for
aligning the cell contents on a specified string. For example, text-align: ".";
on every cell in a column will align a column of numbers on the decimal point.
AH Formatter also provides the ‘-ah-text-align-string’ property for the overall
alignment of a column of cells that are each aligned on a string.
Overall alignment when aligned on a character : ‘-ah-text-align-string’
■ Initial value: ‘end’ ■ Applies to: table cell elements ■ Inherited: yes
‘-ah-text-align-string’ specifies the overall alignment of the text in a table cell when
the ‘text-align’ property value is a string. The allowed values are a subset of the values
of ‘text-align’:
‘start’ : Align to the start edge.
‘center’ : Align to the center.
. |
‘end’ : Align to the end edge.
‘inside’ : Align to the inside edge.
‘outside’ : Align to the outside edge.
le : Align to the le edge.
‘right’ : Align to the right edge.
The same ‘-ah-text-align-string’ value should be used for all table cells within one
column that are aligned on a string. Dierent values may be used on dierent cells
within one column, but the result is likely to be confusing for the reader.
‘-ah-text-align-string’ values with text-align: ".";
‘start center ‘end ‘inside ‘outside le ‘right
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
123 123 123 123 123 123 123
12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3
Vertical Alignment in Table Cells
A subset of the ‘vertical-align’ property values apply to table cells, but with dierent
‘baseline’ : Baseline of the cell is aligned with the baseline of the first row that
it spans.
‘top’ : Top of the cell box is aligned with the top of the first row that it spans.
‘middle’ : Center of the cell is aligned with the center of the rows that is spans.
‘bottom’ : Bottom of the cell is aligned with the bottom of the last row it spans.
All other ‘vertical-align’ values are ignored, and ‘baseline’ is used instead.
Cell and row baselines
The baseline of a table cell is the baseline of the first line box rendered in the cell
(or the baseline of the first table row rendered in the cell, if that comes first). Oth
erwise, the baseline is the bottom content edge of the cell box.
The baseline of a table row is the maximum of the baselines of all of the cells in
the row that have vertical-align: baseline; and for which the row is the first
row that the cell spans.
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Repeat Cell Content at Break : ‘-ah-repeat-cell-content-at-
■ Initial value: ‘false’ ■ Applies to: ‘table-cell’ elements ■ Inherited: no
If a table cell breaks across a page or column because another cell in the current
row or the rows that the cell spans exceeds the available space but the contents of
the cell fits within the first fragment, then the cell contents does not repeat aer the
break. When -ah-repeat-cell-content-at-break: true; is specified, the
contents are repeated aer the break.
‘false’ : Do not copy the contents of the cell.
‘true’ : Repeat the contents of the cell.
Cell content not repeated at break
Header Header
R1-R4 C1
R1 C2
R2 C2
Header Header
R3 C2
R4 C2
Cell content repeated at break
Header Header
R1-R4 C1
R1 C2
R2 C2
Header Header
R1-R4 C1
R3 C2
R4 C2
. |
The ‘display’ property does not have a value that will cause an element display as a
list. However, display: list-item; does cause an element to generate a list
item. Every list item has a marker, which is the bullet, number, or other mark that
identifies the list item. In CSS 2, the formatting of the marker is specified using the
the ‘list-style-type’, ‘list-style-image’, ‘list-style-position’, and ‘list-style’ properties.
CSS 3 adds the ‘::marker’ pseudo-element so that the list item marker can be styled
with the full range of CSS properties and values. The ‘list-style-type’ and ‘list-style-
image’ properties set the default contents of the ‘::marker’ pseudo-element.
List Item Marker Image : ‘list-style-image’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: list items ■ Inherited: yes
Specifies an image to use as the default contents of the list item marker. If ‘list-
style-image’ is ‘none’ or the image is invalid, the default contents are given by ‘list-
style-type’ instead.
‘none’ : No image.
<image> : Image to use as the default contents.
List Item Marker Type : ‘list-style-type’
■ Initial value: ‘disc’ ■ Applies to: list items ■ Inherited: yes
Specifies the default contents of the list item marker when ‘list-style-image’ is
‘none’ or the image is invalid. Otherwise, it is ignored.
‘none’ : The default contents are ‘none’.
<counter-style> : The default contents are that counter style.
<string> : The string is used as the default contents.
List Item Marker Position : ‘list-style-position’
■ Initial value: ‘outside’ ■ Applies to: list items ■ Inherited: yes
‘list-item-position’ helps to control the position of the list item marker.
‘inside’ : The ‘::marker’ pseudo-element is placed inline immediately before
where the ‘::before’ pseudo-element would be placed.
. |
‘outside’ : As ‘inside’, plus the ‘position’ property on the marker computes to
List Item Marker Shorthand : ‘list-style’
■ Initial value: see individual properties ■ Applies to: list items ■ Inherited: see
individual properties
‘list-style’ is a shorthand for setting ‘list-style-type’, ‘list-style-image’, and ‘list-
ul.References li {
list-style: check;
line-height: 1.1;
List Item Marker : ‘::marker’ pseudo-element
‘::marker’ can be styled with the full range of CSS properties and values. The default
contents are defined by the ‘list-style-image’ and ‘list-style-type’ properties, but that
can be overridden by setting the ‘content’ property of the ‘::marker’.
|     
1 This value can be changed in the AH Formatter Option Setting File.
As stated in Box Model (page ), text is formatted into line boxes. The ‘line-height’
property sets the minimal height of the line box, and the multiple font-related prop
erties select the visual representation of the text. The ‘@font-face’ rule adds the
ability to fetch and activate font resources instead of relying solely on the fonts
installed on the system. Additional properties control, for example, the vertical
alignment of the text and whether it has an underline or overline or is struck through.
Line Height : ‘line-height’
■ Initial value: ‘normal’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: yes
Specifies the minimal height of the line box.
‘normal’ : A “reasonable” value. AH Formatter initially defaults to 1.2.
<length> : Length to use in calculation of the line box height.
<number> : The line box height is this number multiplied by the font size of the
element. Negative values are illegal.
<percentage> : The line box height is this percentage multiplied by the font size
of the element. Negative values are illegal.
If a number is specified, the line height is the value multiplied by the font size. If
a value of 1.6 is specified, this is the same as specifying the line-height as 160% or
1.6em. However, when a numeric value is specified, it is the number and not the
actual line height that is inherited. If a descendant element has a dierent font size,
then the number is use to calculate that element’s line height.
line-height: 16pt font-size: 10pt
line-height: 1.6 font-size: 10pt
Line-height and space between lines
.  | 
2 The initial value, ‘serif’, can be changed in the AH Formatter Option Setting File.
3 To select this font, the method of inspecting whether a font has glyphs for each single character has to
Font Properties
‘font-family’ and other font properties determine the font that is used to represent
the text. A font ‘face’ (short for ‘typeface’) is a set of characters drawn with a particular
style and with a common stroke weight, slant, or relative width. A font ‘family’ is a
group of fonts sharing a common design style.
Font family : ‘font-family’
■ Initial value: depends on user agent
■ Applies to: all elements
■ Inherited: yes
Specifies the type of font. May be a font name or keyword. The generic font family
keywords are:
‘sans-serif’ : A plain font, such as Helvetica, that tends to have stroke endings
with little or no ornamentation. A Gothic Japanese font is a sans-serif font.
‘serif’ : A font, such as Times, that tends to have a finishing stroke with flared
or tapered ends. A Mincho Japanese font is a serif font.
‘monospace’ : A monospaced font. This is a font that has glyphs with the same
fixed width.
‘fantasy’ : A decorative font.
‘cursive’ : A cursive font with either joining strokes or cursive characteristics.
If the font name contains spaces, such as “Times New Roman”, enclose the name
in double or single quotation marks.
Multiple fonts can be set separated by commas. Fonts available in the user envi
ronment are chosen in order of their appearance in the property value. AH Formatter
identifies the script for each character or run of characters and selects the first listed
font that supports that script. Japanese fonts support the Latin script and if, for
example, you specify font-family: "MS Gothic", Helvetica;, this results in
“MS Gothic” being used for the Latin script as well as Japanese
. Specifying a Latin
font first, as shown in the following example, results in using Helvetica before MS
font-family: Helvetica, "MS Gothic", sans-serif;
When a specific font might not be present on the system, it is advisable to include
a generic font family, such as ‘serif’ or ‘sans-serif’, as the last font family in the list.
|     
Font size : ‘font-size’
■ Initial value: ‘medium’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: yes
Specifies the size of the font.
/* Text */
body {
font-size: 12pt;
line-height: 1.5;
font-family: Tahoma, "MS Gothic", sans-serif;
Font weight : ‘font-weight’
■ Initial value: ‘normal’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: yes
Specifies the relative thickness or darkness of the strokes for the character.
Assigned values : ‘100’, ‘200’, ‘300’, ‘400’, ‘500’, ‘600’, ‘700’, ‘800’, ‘900’. From
‘100’, the thinnest and lightest, to ‘900’, the thickest and darkest.
‘normal’ : standard (equivalent to 400).
‘bold’ : bold (equivalent to 700).
‘lighter’ : The next lighter font weight (subtracts 100).
‘bolder’ : The next darker font weight (adds 100).
When a weight is specified for which no face is available, a nearby weight is used.
Italic or Oblique type : ‘font-style’
■ Initial value: ‘normal’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: yes
Specifies fonts as italic or oblique.
‘normal’ : standard ("upright").
‘italic’ : italic type
‘oblique’ : slanted
An ‘italic’ font is designed with a diagonal slant but ‘oblique’ is a normal font with
a slant applied. If ‘italic’ is given but there is no italic type in the specified font, it
will still display as a slanted font.
AH Formatter will treat characters as italic even if ‘oblique’ is specified.
There are practically no italic types in Japanese fonts, so even if italic or oblique
is specified, it will display the same thing. Even in Japanese fonts, there are many
fonts that have italics for alphabets.
Italic and oblique styles for Japanese
.  | 
Small capitals : ‘font-variant’
■ Initial value: ‘normal’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: yes
Use ‘font-variant’ to specify use of a small capitals font. AH Formatter will simulate
the small capitals for a font does not include them.
‘normal’ : Sets all features to their initial values.
‘none’ : Disables ligatures and contextual alternates and resets all other features
to their initial values.
‘small-caps’ : Use small capitals for lower-case letters.
‘all-small-caps’ : Use small capitals for upper-case and lower-case letters as well
as for numbers and punctuation.
Small-caps variants
font-variant: normal;
Abc 123 &[]
font-variant: small-caps;
A  &[]
font-variant: all-small-caps;
  ]
Other font features
‘font-variant’ supports a large number of other keywords, such as ‘oldstyle-nums’,
that correspond to OpenType features.
Setting ‘font-variant’ resets unspecified features to their initial values.
A font could implement only a subset of the OpenType features. AH Formatter will
simulate the ‘small-caps’ and ‘all-small-caps’ features if the font does not support
them. All other unsupported features will be ignored.
CSS3 defines ‘font-variant’ as a shorthand for multiple subproperties. AH Format
ter does not implement the subproperties.
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‘font-variant’ Keywords
normal | none | [ <font-variant-caps> || <font-variant-numeric> ||
<font-variant-alternates> || <font-variant-ligatures> || <font-variant-position> ||
<font-variant-east-asian> ]
Subset Value
small-caps | all-small-caps | petite-caps |
all-petite-caps | titling-caps | unicase
<numeric-figure-values> ||
<numeric-spacing-values> ||
<numeric-fraction-values> || ordinal || slashed-zero
<numeric-figure-values> lining-nums | oldstyle-nums
<numeric-spacing-values> proportional-nums | tabular-nums
<numeric-fraction-values> diagonal-fractions | stacked-fractions
historical-forms | stylistic(<number>) |
swash(<number>) | ornament(<number>) |
annotation(<number>) | styleset(<number>#) |
<common-lig-values> || <discretionary-lig-values>
|| <historical-lig-values> || <contextual-alt-values>
<common-lig-values> common-ligatures | no-common-ligatures
<discretionary-lig-values> discretionary-ligatures | no-discretionary-ligatures
<historical-lig-values> historical-ligatures | no-historical-ligatures
<contextual-alt-values> contextual | no-contextual
<font-variant-position> sub | super
<east-asian-variant-values> ||
<east-asian-width-values> || ruby
jis78 | jis83 | jis90 | jis04 | hojo-kanji | nlckanji |
simplified | traditional
full-width | half-width | third-width | quarter-width
| proportional-width
.  | 
Font : ‘font’
■ Initial value: see individual properties ■ Applies to: all elements
■ Inherited: yes
This is a shorthand property for setting ‘font-style’, ‘font-variant’, ‘font-weight’,
‘font-size’, ‘line-height’, and ‘font-family’.
Font properties are first reset to their initial value. Those properties that are given
explicit values in the ‘font’ shorthand property are set to those values. The ‘font’
property is set in the following order.
. ‘font-style’, ‘font-variant’, and ‘font-weight’ values may be omitted or may ap
pear in any order.
. The ‘font-size’ value cannot be omitted.
. The ‘line-height’ value is optional. font-size and line-height values are separated
by ‘/’: for example, 9.5pt/13pt.
. The ‘font-family’ value cannot be omitted. Multiple font families are separated
by commas.
.CoverPage h1 { /* document title*/
font: bold 30pt Meiryo, sans-serif;
Additional Fonts : @font-face rule
Allows additional fonts without altering your AH Formatter settings and without
installing the font in your operating system. The following descriptors are allowed:
‘font-family’ : Name to use in CSS font family name matching. Overrides family
name from font data.
‘src’ : Location of font resource. May be an alias of an existing local font.
‘font-style’ : Optional font style characteristic to use when matching fonts. May
be ‘italic’ or ‘normal’. The default value is ‘normal’.
‘font-weight’ : Optional font weight characteristic to use when matching fonts.
Use the same values as the ‘font-weight’ property except that the ‘bolder’ and
‘lighter’ relative keywords are not allowed. The default value is ‘normal’.
@font-face {
font-family: font-face-example;
src: url(UglyQua.ttf);
p {
font-family: font-face-example; }
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The Quick Brown Fox
Vertical Alignment : ‘vertical-align’
■ Initial value: ‘baseline’ ■ Applies to: inline-level and table cell elements
■ Inherited: no
Vertical alignment, such as for superscripts and subscripts, can be specified.
‘normal’ : standard alignment
‘baseline’ : Align to the baseline of the parent element.
‘sub’ : subscript.
‘super’ : superscript.
‘top’ : Align to the top edge.
‘text-top’ : Align to the top edge of the text.
‘middle’ : Align to center.
‘bottom’ : Align to bottom edge.
‘text-bottom’ : Align to the bottom edge of the text.
<percentage> : Sets the value as a percentage of the line height. 0% is the same
as ‘baseline’.
<length> : Raise or lower the box by this distance. 0 is the same as ‘baseline’.
A subset of the ‘vertical-align’ values also apply to table cells, but with dierent
meanings. See Vertical Alignment in Table Cells (page ).
Underline, Overline, and Line-through Decorations
Text decoration lines : ‘text-decoration-line’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies underlines, overlines, and lines-through to the text. When setting more
than one value at the same time, specify them in any order separated by spaces.
‘none’ : Adds no text decoration.
‘underline’ : Each line is underlined.
‘overline’ : Each line has a line above it.
‘line-through’ : Each line of text has a line through the middle.
.Chapter h2 {
text-decoration-line: underline overline;
.  | 
Line type : ‘text-decoration-style’
■ Initial value: ‘solid’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies dierent types of underlines, overlines, and line-through decorations.
The same values can be used as for specifying the style of a single border of a box.
See Border Style : ‘border-style (page ) for details.
span.solid {
text-decoration-style: solid; /* make the line style solid */
span.wave {
text-decoration-style: wave; /* make the line style wavy */
solid : <span class="solid">solid line</span>
wave : <span class="wave">wavy line</span>
Line color : ‘text-decoration-color’
■ Initial value: current color ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the color of underlines, overlines, and line-through text decorations. See
.  (page ) for details.
span {
text-decoration-color: cmyk(0,1,1,0); /* make line color red */
Text decoration shorthand : ‘text-decoration’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the type, color, and style of underline, overline, and line-through text
decorations. ‘text-decoration’ is a shorthand for setting ‘text-decoration-line’, ‘text-
decoration-color’, and ‘text-decoration-style’ in one declaration. A ‘text-decoration’
property that sets only the ‘text-decoration-line’ component is backwards-compat
ible with CSS 2.
span {
text-decoration: underline dotted cmyk(0,1,1,0); /* Red */
Line width : ‘-ah-text-line-width’
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the line width for underlines, overlines, and line-throughs. See Border
Thickness : ‘border-width(page ) for details.
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Japanese text has its own conventions and rules. Requirements for Japanese Text
Layout (JLReq) from the W3C is a good English-language resource for learning more.
A feature of Japanese typography is that every character occupies a 1em square.
Most characters used in Japanese text fill the 1em square. However, some punctu
ation characters typically make a mark in only one half or the other of the width of
the 1em square: for example, ”, ”, ”, ”, ”, and ”. CSS defines some
properties that control how to handle these characters at the start or end of lines or
when multiple of these characters occur together. AH Formatter provides additional
properties for finer control of these characters.
Two other features of Japanese layout are Tatechuyoko (text set horizontally
within vertical text) and Ruby (small text annotations added to base characters).
Fixed Trimming of Start and End Line Punctuation Paragraph
Start Line Indent
The convention for Japanese text composition is that a fullwidth punctuation char
acter is trimmed if it appears at the start/end of a line or is adjacent to another
fullwidth punctuation character and the start indent of a new paragraph is 1em.
Line start punctuation : Trims fullwidth punctuation glyphs.
Line end punctuation : Trims the blank half of fullwidth punctuation glyphs.
First line indent : 1em indent on the first line of a new paragraph.
body { /* setup for Japanese document composition */
punctuation-trim: start end adjacent;
-ah-text-justify-trim: punctuation;
-ah-text-autospace: ideograph-numeric ideograph-alpha;
-ah-text-autospace-width: 25%;
hanging-punctuation: none;
p { /* paragraph */
text-align: justify; /* line end align */
text-indent: 1em; /* set 1em for first line indent in a paragraph*/
margin: 0; /* no margin between paragraphs */
.  | 
( ) (
) )
( )
( )
Fullwidth Punctuation Trimming : ‘punctuation-trim’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: block elements ■ Inherited: yes
Specifies how to treat fullwidth punctuation at the start or end of a line.
‘none’ : Punctuation characters are not trimmed.
‘start’ : Punctuation characters (open parenthesis, etc.) at the start of a line are
‘start-except-first’ : Same as ‘start’ except for the first line of a paragraph or the
line right aer a forced line break.
‘end’ : When text-align: right and text-align: justify (or text-
align-last: justify) are specified, fullwidth punctuation glyphs (closing
parenthesis, etc.) at the end of a sentence are forcibly treated as halfwidth.
‘allow-end’ : When text-align: right and text-align: justify (or
text-align-last: justify) are specified, fullwidth punctuation glyphs
(closing brackets, etc.) at the end of a sentence are treated as fullwidth if the
text fits into one line; the characters are treated as if text does not fit into one
‘end-except-fullstop’ : Behaves the same as the ‘end’ value except for the fol
lowing two characters.
U+3002 = " "
U+FF0E = " "
‘adjacent’ : In Japanese, the space between a fullwidth punctuation glyph and
a fullwidth character is trimmed. Spaces to be treated are the following. Full
|     
width punctuations glyphs and fullwidth closing parentheses are treated the
same way.
Between fullwidth close parenthesis and fullwidth open parenthesis.
Between fullwidth close parenthesis and fullwidth close parenthesis.
Between fullwidth close parenthesis and fullwidth middle dots.
Between fullwidth close parenthesis and fullwidth space.
Between fullwidth close parenthesis and fullwidth non punctuation charac
Between fullwidth open parenthesis and fullwidth open parenthesis.
Between fullwidth middle dots and fullwidth open parenthesis.
Between fullwidth space and fullwidth open parenthesis.
Between fullwidth non punctuation character and fullwidth open parenthe
‘all’ : Same as ‘all’ except that the characters in the string are treated as half
<string> : Trim all parentheses, middle dots, and fullwidth punctuation and treat
them as halfwidth.
‘auto’ : Depends on the system setting.
When successive punctuation (punctuation marks and brackets) glyphs come at
the start or end of a line, the fullwidth characters are trimmed, improving the ap
pearance of the text.
/* fullwidth punctuation character is trimmed at the start or end of
a line, or adjacent to another fullwidth punctuation character */
punctuation-trim: start end adjacent;
《約物〔やくもの〕、つまり『括弧』『句読点』の類 (たぐい) です。
The following example shows when punctuation trim is deactivated. (Specify
punctuation-trim: none;)
《約物やくものつまり括弧』・句読点』の (たぐい) です。」
Additional Compression : ‘-ah-text-justify-trim’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: yes
Specifies dierent ways of compressing Japanese text. It specifies how to trim
spaces so that the text fits within a line.
‘none’ : Do not trim Japanese text.
‘punctuation’ : Trim fullwidth parentheses, middle dots, and punctuation
.  | 
‘punctuation-except-fullstop’ : Behaves the same as the ‘punctuation’ value
except for the following two characters.
U+3002 = ""
U+FF0E = ""
punctuation-except-middledot: Behaves the same as the ‘punctuation’ value
except for the following middle dots.
U+30FB = ""
U+FF1A = ""
U+FF1B = ""
‘kana’ : Trim kana (Hiragana and Katakana) glyphs just a little bit.
‘ideograph’ : Trim spaces between kana or kanji.
‘inter-word’ : Trim spaces between Western words.
‘auto’ : Depends on the system setting.
/* punctuation trimming allowed for adjusting lines */
-ah-text-justify-trim: punctuation;
Automatically reverts the punctuation glyphs that were trimmed (before fullwidth
opening parentheses and aer fullwidth closing parentheses and punctuation
marks), to fullwidth so the text fills the line, as described in the previous section.
Adding Space : ‘-ah-text-autospace’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: block elements ■ Inherited: yes
Specifies whether or not to add space between ideographic glyphs in Japanese.
‘none’ : No extra space is added.
‘ideograph-numeric’ : Adds a space between Kana/Kanji and Western letters.
‘ideograph-alpha’ : Adds a space between Kana/Kanji and Western alphabetic
‘ideograph-parenthesis’ : Adds a space between Kana/Kanji and Western brack
ets. However, no extra space is added between Kana/Kanji and Western closing
brackets or between Western opening brackets and Kana/Kanji.
‘ideograph-punctuation’ : Adds a space between Kana/Kanji and Western punc
tuation. Adds a space between periods and Kana/Kanji, but does not add space
between Kana/Kanji and periods. The same goes for commas.
‘auto’ : Depending on the system setting, it is regarded as none or ideograph-
numeric ideograph-alpha.
Therefore, if a mixture of Western texts and Arabic numerals are included in Jap
anese sentences, a little bit of space is added between them to make it easier to read.
/* Add space between kanji, kana, and numbers and between kanji,
kana, and Western texts */
-ah-text-autospace: ideograph-numeric ideograph-alpha;
|     
For comparison, the following example shows that setting -ah-text-auto
space: none;, spacing between Japanese letters and alphabets will be deactiva
「日本語にも global にも 100%を目指す AH Formatter です」
「日本語にもglobalにも100%を目指すAH Formatterです」
Amount of Space Between Japanese and Western Text : ‘-ah-text-
■ Initial value: 25% ■ Applies to: block elements ■ Inherited: yes
Specifies the amount of space between Japanese and Western text in Japanese.
/* amount of space between Japanese and Western text */
-ah-text-autospace-width: 25%; /* Initial value */
Hanging Punctuation : ‘hanging-punctuation’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: block elements ■ Inherited: yes
Specifies whether punctuation marks at the start or at the end of a line hang into
the margins.
‘none’ : Does not hang punctuation marks at the start or at the end of a line.
‘start’ : Hangs punctuation marks at the start of a line. If the character to be
hung appears at the start of a line, it is forced to hang.
‘first’ : Behaves as the ‘start’ value but only for the first line of a paragraph.
‘force-end’ : Hangs punctuation marks at the end of the line. If text-align:
right or text-align: justify (or text-align-last: justify) is
specified and the character that can be hung appears at the end of a line, it is
forced to hang. If anything else is specified for text-align, it is naturally hung.
‘allow-end’ : Hangs punctuation marks at the end of a line. If text-align:
right or text-align: justify (or text-align-last: justify) is
specified and the character to be hung appears at the end of the line; it is not
hung if the text fits into one line. It is hung if the text does not fit into one line.
If anything else is specified for ‘text-align’, it is naturally hung.
‘last’ : Behaves as the ‘force-end’ value but only for the last line of a paragraph.
Punctuation marks allowed to hang are as follows:
‘force-end’, ‘allow-end’
Japanese or Simplified Chinese:
U+3001 = ""
U+3002 = " "
.  | 
U+FF0C = ""
U+FF0E = " "
Traditional Chinese:
Other languages:
Same as the ‘last’ value
quotation marks, closing parentheses, periods, commas, and hyphens
‘start’, ‘first’
quotation marks, closing parentheses, and bullet
/* specifies whether to hang punctuation marks at the start or
at the end of a line. */
hanging-punctuation: none; /* Initial value */
Trimming Line Start Punctuation Fullwidth/Halfwidth Line End
Punctuation First Line Indent of a New Paragraph
Allows trimming of line-start punctuation, fullwidth and halfwidth line-end punctu
ation, and indents the first line of a new paragraph 1em.
Line start punctuation : Trim fullwidth punctuation glyphs.
Line end punctuation : Trim fullwidth and halfwidth punctuation marks.
First line indent : Indent 1em at the first line of a new paragraph.
body {
/* setup for Japanese document composition */
punctuation-trim: start allow-end adjacent;
-ah-text-justify-trim: punctuation;
-ah-text-autospace: ideograph-numeric ideograph-alpha;
-ah-text-autospace-width: 25%;
hanging-punctuation: none;
p { /* paragraph */
text-align: justify; /* line end align */
text-indent: 1em; /* set 1em for first line indent in a paragraph*/
margin: 0; /* no margin between paragraphs */
|     
( ) (
) )
( )
Trimming Line Start Punctuation Fullwidth Line End
Punctuation First Line Indent of a New Paragraph.
Trim line start punctuation Fullwidth line end punctuation only Indent the start
of a line 1em.
Line start punctuation : Trim fullwidth punctuation glyphs.
Line end punctuation : Trim fullwidth punctuation glyphs, others are assumed
First line indent : Indent 1em at the first line of a new paragraph.
body {
/* setup for Japanese document composition */
punctuation-trim: start end-except-fullstop adjacent;
-ah-text-justify-trim: punctuation;
-ah-text-autospace: ideograph-numeric ideograph-alpha;
-ah-text-autospace-width: 25%;
hanging-punctuation: none;
p { /* paragraph */
text-align: justify; /* line end align */
text-indent: 1em; /* set 1em for first line indent in a paragraph*/
margin: 0; /* no margin between paragraphs */
.  | 
( ) (
) )
( )
Trimming Line Start and Line End Punctuation First Line Indent
of a New Paragraph
Trim line start punctuation Trim line end punctuation Indent opening parentheses
at the beginning of the paragraph by 0.5 em.
Line start punctuation : Trim fullwidth punctuation glyphs.
Line end punctuation : Trim the blank half of fullwidth punctuation glyphs.
First line indent : Indent 1em at the first line of a new paragraph and indent
punctuation 0.5em.
body {
/* setup for Japanese document composition */
punctuation-trim: start end adjacent;
-ah-text-justify-trim: punctuation;
-ah-text-autospace: ideograph-numeric ideograph-alpha;
-ah-text-autospace-width: 25%;
hanging-punctuation: first;
p {
/* paragraph */
text-align: justify; /* line end align */
text-indent: 1em; /* set 1em for first line indent in a paragraph*/
margin: 0; /* no margin between paragraphs */
|     
( ) (
) )
( )
( )
Horizontal-in-Vertical Composition (Tatechuyoko)
Specifies words in the horizontal orientation within a vertical writing mode. (Num
bers, etc. in a vertical line are written in a horizontal orientation).
/* horizontal-in-vertical composition */
span.TateChuYoko {
/* create a small block in the middle of a row */
display: inline-block;
/* set this small block in horizontal orientation*/
writing-mode: lr-tb;
/* align text to center */
text-align: center;
/* no text indent (erase text-indents from the paragraph) */
text-indent: 0;
/* set line gap not to overlap above and below
TATECHUYOKO (horizontal-in-vertical composition) */
line-height: 1;
<div class="VerticalTextBlock">
<p>縦書きの中に「<span class="TateChuYoko">'08</span>
<span class="TateChuYoko">12</span>
<span class="TateChuYoko">8</span>日」
のように部分的に数字などを横書きにすることを「縦中横」といいます。 </p>
.  | 
Ruby and Emphasis Marks
In XHTML, when using the <ruby> element, emphasis marks can be applied to the
ruby characters (Furigana). Specify the base character (characters that are to be
applied with ruby) with the <rb> element and specify the ruby characters (the
contents of the ruby) with the <rt> element.
The following CSS shows a sample application of ruby.
/* Ruby (from 'html.css') */
ruby { display: ruby }
rb { display: ruby-base }
rt {
display: ruby-text }
rp { display: none }
Horizontal Writing Mode
Vertical Writing Mode
AH Formatter can add emphasis marks to CJK text as well as to text in the Latn,
Cyrl, Grek, and Zyyy scripts.
|     
/* emphasis mark */
span.kenten {
-ah-text-emphasis-style: filled;
-ah-text-emphasis-offset: 0.25;
<p>ここを<span class="kenten">圏点で強調</span>します.</p>
.  | 
The hard and brittle way to create cross-references is to write hard-coded text for
cross-references to the title or the number of the chapter, section, figure or other
component to which you are referring. You could also write hard-coded page num
The simpler and more resilient way is to use the ‘target-text()’ and ‘target-
counter()’ functions refer to another element by its ID and to generate the cross-
reference. They can, respectively, generate either the text content of another element
or a representation of the value of a counter that is associated with that element. In
paged media, ‘target-counter()’ can also generate the page number of that element.
Text Contents Reference : ‘target-text()’ function
Use the ‘target-text()’ function to display a textual reference as the source reference.
Cross-references using the ‘target-text()’ function operate as follows:
. Specify a character string to be inserted into the source reference in the CSS file.
. A variable counter specified in ‘target-text()’ function can be inserted using the
‘content’ property and the ‘target-text()’ function.
. Insert an <a> element as an anchor inside the sentence source reference and
specify the cross-reference class name for that class. In addition, specify the
source reference ID value in the href attribute.
. The character string in the anchor element replaces the reference string.
.TitleRef {
content: target-text(attr(href url), before) ", "
target-text(attr(href url), content);
<section class="Chapter">
<h2 id="CRef">Cross-References</h2>
<p>Example : “<a class="TitleRef" href="#CRef">This chapter</a></p>
<p>The referenced title replaces ‘This chapter’.</p>
.  | 
Example :13, Cross-References
The referenced title replaces ‘This chapter’.
Counter Reference : ‘target-counter()’ function
Use the ‘target-counter()’ function to automatically add a reference to chapter and/
or page number. See .  (page ) for details.
Cross-references using the ‘target-counter()’ function operate as follows:
. In the CSS style sheet, specify a string that is to be inserted as the content of
the ‘::before’ or ::aerpseudo-element.
. With ‘target-counter()’, the variable specified in the ‘target-counter()’ function
can be inserted using the ‘content’ property. To insert a literal string, put double
or single quotation marks around the string. Also, separate it from the ‘target-
counter()’ function with spaces.
. Insert an <a> element as an anchor inside the sentence source reference and
specify the cross-reference class name for that class. In addition, specify the
source reference ID value in the href attribute.
.ChapterRef::before {
content: target-counter(attr(href url), ChapterNo) ". "
target-text(attr(href url), content);
font-variant: all-small-caps;
.PageRef::after {
content: "(page " target-counter(attr(href url), page) ")";
font-variant: oldstyle-nums proportional-nums;
<section class="Chapter">
<h2 id="Counters">Counters</h2>
See <a class="ChapterRef PageRef" href="#Counters">Counter</a>
for details.
See .  (page ) for details.
Creating a Table of Contents
A table of contents can be created with the ‘target-counter()’ function which can refer
to chapter and page numbers.
/* add chapter number to the table of contents */
.TOC a::before {
|     
content: "Chapter " target-counter(attr(href url), ChapterNo)
". ";
/* add page number to the table of contents */
.TOC a::after {
content: leader(space) " " target-counter(attr(href url), page);
<div class="TOC">
<li class="TocLevel1">
<a href="#WebvsPrint">Screen and Paged Media</a>
<li class="TocLevel1">
<a href="#BoxModel">Box Layout</a>
<li class="TocLevel1">
<a href="#ObjectDecorate">Background Decoration</a>
An example Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Screen & Paged Media 5
Chapter 2. Box Layout 11
Chapter 3. Page Layout 21
Chapter 4. Headers & Footers 35
Chapter 5. Multiple Columns 47
Chapter 6. Keeps & Breaks 51
Chapter 7. Paragraph Setting 55
.  | 
CSS supports positioning an image inline with surrounding text, as a separate block,
or floated to the right, le, or center. AH Formatter implements the ability to float
an image to the top or bottom of either the page or the containing block, as well as
the ability to size a float to span a specified width within a multi-column layout.
Inline Image
Use the inline <img> and <object> image elements to place an inline image in a
<p style="text-indent: 0">Antenna House <img src="images/logo-
antenna.svg" alt="AH logo" style="height: 9pt;" /> Formatter is the
most powerful XSL-FO software and CSS document formatting software on
the market. To meet your needs, we have expanded AH Formatter to…
Inline Image
Antenna House Formatter is the most powerful XSL-FO soware and CSS docu
ment formatting soware on the market. To meet your needs, we have expanded
AH Formatter to support more than 70 languages.
AH Formatter features support for PDF/UA and improved CGM rendering. It also
includes support for MathML V3.0, layered PDFs, enhanced support for embedding
multimedia and numerous extensions.
Block image
Use display: block; to make an image display as a block rather than inline.
<p>Antenna House <img src="images/logo-antenna.svg" alt="AH logo"
style="display: block; height: 9pt;" /> Formatter is the most
powerful XSL-FO software and CSS document formatting software on the
market. To meet your needs, we have expanded AH Formatter to…
.  | 
An inline image set with display: block;
Antenna House
Formatter is the most powerful XSL-FO soware and CSS document formatting
soware on the market. To meet your needs, we have expanded AH Formatter to
support more than 70 languages.
AH Formatter
features support for PDF/UA and improved CGM rendering. It also includes support
for MathML V3.0, layered PDFs, enhanced support for embedding multimedia and
numerous extensions.
Positioning as a Float : ‘float’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Use the ‘float’ property to float the image and set it to float either to the le, right,
or not at all. AH Formatter provides extensions for arranging the floated element at
an arbitrary place on the page.
Side float : float: left / float: right
Any adjacent element wraps around the other side of the element that has the ‘float’
<p style="text-indent: 0">
<img src="images/logo-antenna.svg" style="float: left; height: 3em;
margin-left: 9pt;" />Antenna House Formatter is the most powerful XSL-
FO software and CSS document formatting software on the market. To
meet your needs, we have expanded AH Formatter to…
le-aligned image: float: left;
Antenna House Formatter is the most powerful XSL-FO soware and CSS
document formatting soware on the market. To meet your needs, we
have expanded AH Formatter to support more than 70 languages.
AH Formatter features support for PDF/UA and improved CGM rendering.
It also includes support for MathML V3.0, layered PDFs, enhanced support
for embedding multimedia and numerous extensions.
<p style="text-indent: 0">
<img src="images/logo-antenna.svg" style="float: right; height:3em;
margin-right: 9pt;" />Antenna House Formatter is the most powerful
XSL-FO software and CSS document formatting software on the market.
To meet your needs, we have expanded AH Formatter to…
|     
1 It is not common to indent right aer a display heading, but indentation is done here for comparison with
the right-aligned float.
2 Or on the next page if there is not enough space available on this page.
This is at the top of the page. Specified by float: top page.
This is the second top float for the page. Specified by float: top page.
This is the second bottom float for the page. Specified by float: bottom page.
This is the end of the page. Specified by float: bottom page.
Right-aligned image: float: right;
Antenna House Formatter is the most powerful XSL-FO soware and CSS
document formatting soware on the market. To meet your needs, we
have expanded AH Formatter to support more than 70 languages.
AH Formatter features support for PDF/UA and improved CGM rendering.
It also includes support for MathML V3.0, layered PDFs, enhanced support
for embedding multimedia and numerous extensions.
Text as well as images can be floated
le-aligned text: float: left;
Formatter is the most powerful XSL-FO soware and CSS document
formatting soware on the market.
Right-aligned text: float: right;
Formatter is the most powerful XSL-FO soware and CSS document
formatting soware on the market.
Page float : float: top page / float: bottom page
In the existing HTML and CSS layouts, it is common to use float: left; and
float: right; to align images and characters to the le and right of the body text.
Page floats extend this to the vertical direction.
float: top page; positions a block at the top of the page. float: bottom
page; places a block at the end of the page.
Two page float examples are shown at both the top and bottom of this page.
.  | 
This is the bottom of the column.
Specified by float: bottom.
This is the top of the column.
Specified by float: top.
<div style="float: top page; border: ridge maroon; padding: 3pt;
margin-bottom: 1em;">
<p>This is the top page. Specified by <b>float: top page</b>. </p>
<div style="float: bottom page; border: ridge green; padding: 3pt;
margin-top: 1em;">
<p>This is the bottom page. Specified by <b>float: bottom page</b>.
Column float : float: top / float: bottom
float: top; positions the block at the top of the column. float: bottom;
positions the block at the bottom of the column.
<p>Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and…</p>
<div style="float: bottom; border: ridge lime; padding: 3pt;">
<p>This is the bottom of the column. Specified by <b>float:
<p>Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have…</p>
<div style="float: top; border: ridge orange; padding: 3pt;">
<p>This is the top of the column. Specified by <b>float: top</b>.
<p>Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled…</p>
Whereas recognition of the inherent di
gnity and of the equal and inalienable
rights of all members of the human fa
mily is the foundation of freedom, ju
stice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and contempt for
human rights have resulted in barba
rous acts which have outraged the con
science of mankind, and the advent of
a world in which human beings shall
enjoy freedom of speech and belief and
freedom from fear and want has been
proclaimed as the highest aspiration of
the common people,
Whereas it is essential, if man is not to
be compelled to have recourse, as a last
resort, to rebellion against tyranny and
oppression, that human rights should
be protected by the rule of law,
Inside, outside and alternate float : float: inside / float: outside /
float: alternate
float: inside; positions the block on the le side on a right-hand page or on
the right side on a le-hand page.
|     
float: inside
float: inside
float: outside
float: outside
float: center
float: center
Whereas recognition of the inherent di
gnity and of the equal and inalienable
rights of all members of the human fa
mily is the foundation of freedom, ju
stice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and
contempt for human
rights have resulted in barbarous acts
which have outraged the conscience of
mankind, and the advent of a world in
which human beings shall enjoy
freedom of speech and belief and free
dom from fear and want has been pro
claimed as the highest aspiration of the
common people,
Whereas it is essential, if
man is not to be com
pelled to have recourse, as a last resort,
to rebellion against tyranny and op
pression, that human rights should be
protected by the rule of law,
float: outside; positions the block at the right side on a right-hand page or
on the le side on a le-hand page.
Whereas recognition of the inherent di
gnity and of the equal and inalienable
rights of all members of the human fa
mily is the foundation of freedom, ju
stice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and
contempt for human
rights have resulted in barbarous acts
which have outraged the conscience of
mankind, and the advent of a world in
which human beings shall enjoy
freedom of speech and belief and free
dom from fear and want has been pro
claimed as the highest aspiration of the
common people,
Whereas it is essential,
if man is not to be com
pelled to have recourse, as a last resort,
to rebellion against tyranny and op
pression, that human rights should be
protected by the rule of law,
float: center; positions the block at the center of the column.
Whereas recognition of the inherent di
gnity and of the equal and inalienable
rights of all members of the human fa
mily is the foundation of freedom, ju
stice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and contempt for
human rights have resulted in barba
rous acts which have outraged the con
science of mankind, and the advent of
a world in which human beings shall
enjoy freedom of speech and belief and
freedom from fear and want has been
proclaimed as the highest aspiration of
the common people,
Whereas it is essential, if man is not to
be compelled to have recourse, as a last
resort, to rebellion against tyranny and
oppression, that human rights should
be protected by the rule of law,
.  | 
float: start
float: start
float: start
float: start
float: end
float: end
float: start; positions the block on the start side. This is the same as le
in horizontal le-to-right writing mode.
Whereas recognition of the inherent di
gnity and of the equal and inalienable
rights of all members of the human fa
mily is the foundation of freedom, ju
stice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and
contempt for human
rights have resulted in barbarous acts
which have outraged the conscience of
mankind, and the advent of a world in
which human beings shall enjoy
freedom of speech and belief and free
dom from fear and want has been pro
claimed as the highest aspiration of the
common people,
Whereas it is essential, if
man is not to be compel
led to have recourse, as a last resort, to
rebellion against tyranny and oppres
sion, that human rights should be pro
tected by the rule of law,
It is the same as ‘right’ in horizontal right-to-le writing mode.
float: startליאו הרכהו דובכב יעבטה רשא לכל
ינב תהפשמ םדאה םהיתויוכזבו תוושה יתלבהו
תועקפנ אוה דוסי שפוחה ,קדצה םולשהו
םלועבfloat: start.
ליאוה לוזלזהו תויוכזב םדאה
ןיוזיבו ולישבה םישעמ םייארפ
ועגפש השק הנופצמב לש תושונאה ;ןינבו םלוע ,ובש
ונהיי לכ ירוצי שונא תוריחמ רובידה הנומאהו ןמו
תוריחה דחפמ רוסחממו ,זרכוה שארכ ויתופיאש לש
לכ םדא.
ליאוה חרכהו ינויח אוה תויוכזש
םדאה הנייהת תונגומ חוכב ונוטלש
לש קוחה ,אלש אהי םדאה סונא ,טלפמכ ןורחא,
ךילשהל תא ובהי לע הדירמ תוצירעב יזכידבו.
float: start
float: start
float: end; positions the block on the end side. This is the same as ‘right’ in
horizontal le-to-right writing mode.
Whereas recognition of the inherent
dignity and of the equal and inalienable
rights of all members of the human
family is the foundation of freedom,
justice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and
contempt for human
rights have resulted in barbarous acts
which have outraged the conscience of
mankind, and the advent of a world in
which human beings shall enjoy
freedom of speech and belief and free
dom from fear and want has been pro
claimed as the highest aspiration of the
common people,
Whereas it is essential, if
man is not to be compel
led to have recourse, as a last resort, to
rebellion against tyranny and oppres
sion, that human rights should be pro
tected by the rule of law,
|     
float: end
float: end
float: alternate
float: alternate
It is the same asle in horizontal right-to-le writing mode.
ליאו הרכהו דובכב יעבטה רשא לכל ינב תהפשמ
םדאה םהיתויוכזבו תוושה יתלבהו תועקפנ אוה דוסי
שפוחה ,קדצה םולשהו םלועב.
ליאוה לוזלזהו תויוכזב םדאה
ןיוזיבו ולישבה םישעמ םייארפ
ועגפש השק הנופצמב לש תושונאה ;ןינבו םלוע ,ובש
ונהיי לכ ירוצי שונא תוריחמ רובידה הנומאהו ןמו
תוריחה דחפמ רוסחממו ,זרכוה שארכ ויתופיאש לש
לכ םדא.
ליאוה חרכהו ינויח אוה תויוכזש
םדאה הנייהת תונגומ חוכב ונוטלש
לש קוחה ,אלש אהי םדאה סונא ,טלפמכ ןורחא,
ךילשהל תא ובהי לע הדירמ תוצירעב יזכידבו.
float: alternate; positions a block in the first column as if ‘end’ is specified,
a block in the last column as if ‘start’ is specified, and a block in any other column
as if ‘center’ is specified.
Whereas recognition of the inherent
dignity and of the equal and inalienable
rights of all members of the human
family is the foundation of freedom,
justice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard
and contempt for hu
man rights have resulted in barbarous
acts which have outraged the con
science of mankind, and the advent of
a world in which human beings shall
enjoy freedom of speech and belief and
freedom from fear and want has been
proclaimed as the highest aspiration of
the common people,
Whereas it is es
sential, if man is not
to be compelled to have recourse, as a
last resort, to rebellion against tyranny
and oppression, that human rights
should be protected by the rule of law,
.  | 
float: top
float: bottom
float: center
float: before
float: aer
float: inside
float: outside
Float in vertical writing : float: top / float: bottom / float: center
( ) (
) )
( )
( )
( )
float: left; and float: right; have no eect in vertical writing.
( (
) ( )
float: le
float: right
|     
float: multicol; width: 3gr;
Multi-column float : float: multicol
float: multicol; allows the float to span multiple columns plus the gaps be
tween the columns. The gr’ length unit denotes the width of either a column or
column gap. n columns has a width of (2n - 1)gr. ‘gr’ lengths may be non-integer.
Whereas recognition of
the inherent dignity and
of the equal and inalien
able rights of all mem
bers of the human family
is the foundation of free
dom, justice and peace in
the world,
Whereas disregard
and contempt for human
rights have resulted in
barbarous acts which
have outraged the con
science of mankind, and
the advent of a world in
which human beings
shall enjoy freedom of
speech and belief and
freedom from fear and
want has been pro
claimed as the highest
aspiration of the com
mon people,
Controlling flow next to floats : ‘clear’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: block elements ■ Inherited: no
Use the ‘clear’ property to control the flow of floats to the right and le sides of
a specified block.
none: Floats are not positioned and computes a 'clearance' of an element.
le : Requires the top border edge of the box be below the bottom outer edge
of any le-floating boxes.
‘right’ : Requires the top border edge of the box be below the bottom outer edge
of any right-floating boxes.
‘both’ : Requires the top border edge of the box be below the bottom outer edge
of any le-floating and right-floating boxes.
Alternative text : ‘-ah-alttext’
■ Initial value: "" (the empty string) ■ Applies to: <a> , <img>, and <svg>
■ Inherited: no
The ‘-ah-alttext’ property behaves similarly to the HTML alt attribute. It specifies
alternative text that is included in Tagged PDF output. (See Tagged PDF (page ).)
.  | 
1 AH Formatter Lite users must purchase the ‘AH Formatter MathML Option’ separately.
Equations in MathML are formatted using characters from a mathematical font, such
as the STIX fonts, so they are rendered with the same quality as text. SVG graphics
are vector images, so they are rendered at the full resolution of the output device.
A custom-developed engine for Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 3.0 Sec
ond Edition by the W3C is a standard feature of AH Formatter. This makes it possible
to render formulas in high quality in PDF.
MathML Formatting Examples
If the quadratic formula
+ bx + c = 0
produces a solution
D = b
D 0
, then
x =
b ± D
and if
D < 0
, then the solution produces no real numbers.
<p>If the quadratic formula
<m:math xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"
<m:mstyle displaystyle="true" scriptminsize="1pt"
.  | 
0 x
MathML Formatting Examples
If the equation for two straight lines are
y = m
x + n
and y = m
x + n
then angle θ
formed by the two straight lines
tan θ = ±
1 + m
θ < 180°
<m:math xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
<m:mstyle displaystyle="true" scriptminsize="1pt"
<m:mo lspace="1em">(</m:mo>
|     
Use the alttext attribute to specify alternate text for use with screen readers.
<m:math xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"
alttext="Formula for the intersection of two lines"></m:math>
SVG Graphics
AH Formatter implements W3C Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 and supports the
display of SVG images with a custom-developed engine. This makes it possible to
include SVG images in PDF output.
SVG vector graphics can be embedded.
<p>SVG vector graphics
<s:svg xmlns:s="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="70" height="65"
viewBox="0 0 70 65">
<s:g fill-opacity=".5" stroke="black" stroke-width="2">
<s:circle cx="35" cy="20" r="19" fill="red"/>
<s:circle cx="49" cy="44" r="19" style="fill: blue;"/>
</s:svg> can be embedded.</p>
SVG Examples
.  | 
Style SVG from document CSS
SVG graphics can use styles that are defined in the CSS style sheet for the document.
Styles from document style sheet
@namespace s url(http://www.w3.org/2000/svg);
/* Select element type */
s|circle {
fill: red;
/* Select element type with ID */
circle#circle2 {
fill: lightblue;
/* Select SVG element type with ID */
s|circle#circle3 {
fill: beige;
/* Select SVG element by ID */
#circle4 {
fill: green;
/* Select element type with ID */
circle#circle5 {
fill: cyan;
/* Select element in SVG namespace by ID */
s|#circle6 {
fill: pink;
<s:svg xmlns:s="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width="3cm" height="3cm" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
<s:g style="fill-opacity:0.7; stroke:black;">
<s:circle cx="6cm" cy="2cm" r="100"
transform="translate(0,50)" id="circle1"/>
<s:circle cx="6cm" cy="2cm" r="100"
transform="translate(70,150)" id="circle2"/>
<s:circle cx="6cm" cy="2cm" r="100"
|     
transform="translate(-70,150)" id="circle3"/>
<s:svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width="3cm" height="3cm" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
<s:g style="fill-opacity:0.7; stroke:black; stroke-width:0.1cm;">
<s:circle cx="6cm" cy="2cm" r="100"
transform="translate(0,50)" id="circle4"/>
<s:circle cx="6cm" cy="2cm" r="100"
transform="translate(70,150)" id="circle5"/>
<s:circle cx="6cm" cy="2cm" r="100"
transform="translate(-70,150)" id="circle6"/>
Use ‘-ah-alttext’ in the style attribute to specify alternate text for use with screen
<s:svg xmlns:s="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width="70" height="65" viewBox="0 0 70 65"
style="-ah-alttext: 'Overlapping red, green, and blue circles'">
.  | 
Use the ‘counter-increment’, ‘counter-reset’, and ‘content’ properties to automati
cally assign a series of numbers to chapter and section elements.
Use the counter name as the value of the ‘counter-increment’ and ‘counter-reset’
properties. Specifying a counter name for the ‘content’ property allows the value of
the counter to be used in the content of the ‘::before’ or ::aer pseudo-elements.
The counters value increases each time an element applies ‘counter-increment’. The
value resets when ‘counter-reset’ is applied.
body {
/* reset chapter number counter */
counter-reset: ChapterNo;
h1:before {
/* add 1 to chapter number counter */
counter-increment: ChapterNo;
/* Insert 'Chapter n' before chapter header (h1) */
content: "Chapter " counter(ChapterNo);
h1 {
/* set h1:before and Chapter of h1 */
string-set: Chapter content(before) content();
/* reset section number counter */
counter-reset: SectionNo;
h2:before {
/* add 1 to section counter */
counter-increment: SectionNo;
content: counter(ChapterNo) "." counter(SectionNo) " ";
h2 {
/* set h2:before and Section of h2 */
string-set: Section content(before) content();
@page :left {
@top-left {
/* insert chapter title in the running head on the left page */
content: string(Chapter);
. |
@page :right {
@top-right {
/* insert section title in the running head on the right page */
content: string(Section);
Inserting Characters : ‘content’
■ Initial value: ‘normal’ ■ Applies to: in CSS 2.1, ‘::before’ and::aer pseudo-
elements. (In CSS 3, applies to all elements) ■ Inherited: no
With CSS 3, you can use the ‘content’ property to specify a sequence of strings
and images as the content of any element. With CSS 2.1, ‘content’ could only be used
with the ‘::before’ and ‘::aer pseudo-elements to insert a string just before or aer
an element.
‘normal’ : For an element, this is the element’s descendents. For a pseudo-
element, this is the same as ‘none’.
‘none’ : For an element, this formats the element as if it was empty. For a
pseudo-element, this is equivalent to display: none;.
<string> : String to be inserted is written with double or single quotes.
‘url()’ : Specifies the URL of an image file. The content of an element can be
made into an image if content: url(image.png); is specified.
‘attr()’ : The specified attribute value becomes the ‘content’ property value.
‘counter()’ : Inserts a counter value.
‘open-quote’ : Inserts the first pair of quotes from the ‘quotes’ property before
the element.
‘close-quote’ : Inserts the second pair of quotes from the ‘quotes’ property aer
the element.
‘no-open-quote’ : Does not display a quotation mark but increases the level of
nesting of the ‘quotes’ property by one.
‘no-close-quote’ : Does not display a quotation mark but decreases the level of
the nesting of the ‘quotes’ property by one.
Values other than ‘normal’ and ‘none’ may repeat and may be combined in any
.Chapter h2:before {
content: "Chapter " counter(ChapterNo) ". ";
For the ‘content()’ function that is used with the ‘string-set’ property, see Variable
strings : ‘string-set’ (page ).
|     
Incrementing Counters : ‘counter-increment’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Use the ‘counter-increment’ property to increase the specified counter value.
‘none’ : Does not alter any counters.
<custom-ident> : Name of the counter to increment. The value of the specified
counter increments by one.
<custom-ident>, <integer> : Alters the counter value by the integer value. A
negative integer decrements the counter value.
More than one counter name, each optionally followed by an integer, may be
.Chapter h2 {
counter-increment: ChapterNo;
Counter Reset : ‘counter-reset’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Use ‘counter-reset’ property to reset the value of the specified counter or counters.
‘none’ : Does not reset count.
Counter name : Sets the specified counter value to zero.
Counter name, integer : Sets the counter value to the specified number.
.Chapter h2 {
counter-reset: SectionNo footnote;
Page Counter
Use the ‘counter()’ function to find the current page and the total number of pages.
<p>Number of this page =
<span style="content: counter(page)"></span>
<p>Total number of pages in this document=
<span style="content: counter(pages)"></span>
Number of this page = 127
Total number of pages in this document = 204
. |
‘counter()’ has an optional second argument specifying the counter style (see
Counter styles (page )). This sets the presentation of the number. If that is omit
ted, it defaults to decimal’.
<p>Number of this page =
<span style="content: counter(page, lower-roman)"></span></p>
<p>Total number of pages in this document=
<span style="content: counter(pages, upper-roman)"></span></p>
Number of this page = cxxviii
Total number of pages in this document = CCIV
Counter styles
A counter style” is the definition and/or implementation of the sequence of num
bers, letters, and/or symbols to use to represent a numbering sequence. CSS 1 de
fined a handful of counter styles based on what HTML allowed on lists. CSS Counter
Styles Level 3 defines the ‘@counter-style’ rule, which provides a mechanism for
defining custom counter styles. The module also defines a number of counter styles
that should all (eventually) be expected to be built into browsers.
The core of a CSS 3 counter style is that it attaches a name to an algorithm for
generating string representations of integer counter values. A counter style may also
include descriptors for: indicating a prefix and/or suix to add to the generated
values; additional strings to indicate negative numbers, etc. The counter style can
be used in the value of the ‘list-style-type’ property and in the ‘counter()’ and
‘counters()’ functions.
The following example shows a ‘my-filled-circled-decimal’ counter style that is a
based on the ‘‘filled-circled-decimal’’ counter style from CSS Counter Styles Level 3.
As the name suggests, the counter style uses decimal numbers inside filled circles
to represent decimal numbers. The generated symbol is followed by a space.
@counter-style my-filled-circled-decimal {
system: fixed;
/* Using hex escape of Unicode character codes. */
symbols: '\2776' '\2777' '\2778' '\2779' '\277a' '\277b' '\277c'
'\277d' '\277e';
/* symbols: '
' '
' '
' '
' '
' '
' '
' '
' '
'; */
suffix: ' ';
ol.my-filled-circled-decimal li {
/* Use custom 'my-filled-circled-decimal' counter style. */
list-style-type: my-filled-circled-decimal; }
|     
1 Not implemented by AH Formatter.
The ‘my-filled-circled-decimal’ counter style is used, for example, when number
ing the items in an <ol>:
<ol class="my-filled-circled-decimal">
<li title="1">Item one</li>
<li title="2">Item two</li>
List with ‘my-filled-circled-decimal’ counter style
Item one
Item two
Defining Custom Counter Styles : ‘@counter-style’ rule
The general form of an ‘@counter-style’ rule is:
@counter-style <counter-style-name> { <declaration-list> }
Counter style names are case-sensitive, However, the names of counter styles that
are predefined in CSS Counter Styles Level 3 are matched case insensitively. A coun
ter style name cannot match “none”, plus decimal” and “disc” cannot be defined
as counter style names.
The following descriptors are allowed in the declaration list:
‘system’ : Specifies which algorithm to use to construct the counter’s represen
‘negative’ : Defines how to alter the representation when the value is negative.
‘prefix’ : Specifies a symbol that is prepended to the marker representation.
suix : Specifies a suix that is appended to the marker representation.
‘range’ : Defines the ranges over which the counter style is defined.
‘pad’ : Specifies a symbol with which to pad counter representations that are
not a minimum number of grapheme clusters.
‘fallback’ : Fallback counter style to be used when the current counter style
cannot create a representation.
‘symbols’ : Symbols to be used by the marker-construction algorithm.
‘additive-symbols’ : Symbols to be used by an additive marker-construction
‘speak-as’ : Describes how to synthesize the spoken form of a counter.
The symbols in the values of the ‘negative’, ‘prefix’, suix’, ‘pad’, ‘symbols’, and
‘additive-symbols’ descriptors are specified as strings.
. |
Counter algorithm : ‘system’ descriptor
■ Initial value: ‘symbolic’
Specifies which algorithm to use to construct the counter’s representation.
‘cyclic’ : Cycle repeatedly through provided symbols.
‘numeric’ : Interpret the list of counter symbols as digits in a numbering system.
‘alphabetic’ : Interpret the list of symbols as digits to an alphabetic numbering
‘symbolic’ : Cycle repeatedly through provided symbols and, on each successive
pass, double, triple, etc. the symbols.
‘additive’ : Symbols represent weighted values, and the value of the number is
obtained by adding symbols.
‘fixed’ <integer>? : Run through the counter symbols once then fall back to
another counter style. <integer>, if present, sets the first symbol value, other
wise the first symbol value is 1.
‘extends’ <counter-style-name> : Use the same algorithm as the specified coun
ter style name.
@counter-style decimal {
system: numeric;
symbols: '0' '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9';
Formatting negative values : ‘negative’ descriptor
■ Initial value: "\2D" ("-" hyphen-minus)
Defines how to alter the representation when the value is negative. The value is
one or two symbols. When the value is negative, the first symbol is prepended to the
representation and the second symbol, if present, is appended to the representation.
For example:
negative: "\30DE\30A4\30CA\30B9"; (from japanese-informal) gener
ates マイナス(“mainasu”) before negative values.
Financial information frequently uses parentheses to indicate negative values;
for example, “(100)” for -100. negative: "(" ")"; generates “(” before negative
values and “)” aer.
Symbols before the marker : ‘prefix’ descriptor
■ Initial value: "" (the empty string)
Specifies a symbol that is prepended to the marker representation. The prefix
comes before any negative sign. The prefix symbol is added only when constructing
the default contents of the ‘::marker’ pseudo-element: the prefix is not added when
the counter style is used with the ‘counter()’ or ‘counters()’ function.
|     
Symbols aer the marker : suix descriptor
■ Initial value: “\2E\20” (“.” full stop followed by a space)
Specifies a symbol that is appended to the marker representation. The suix
comes aer any negative sign. The suix symbol is added only when constructing
the default contents of the ‘::marker’ pseudo-element: the suix is not added when
the counter style is used with the ‘counter()’ or ‘counters()’ function.
@counter-style decimal-paren {
system: extends decimal;
suffix: ") ";
Range of a counter : ‘range’ descriptor
■ Initial value: ‘auto’
Defines the range or ranges over which the counter style is defined. The value is
either ‘auto’ or a comma-separated list of lower and upper bounds of eective rang
es. Each range includes both the lower and upper bound numbers. If ‘infinite’ is used
as the first value in a range, it represents negative infinity; if it is used as the second
value, it represents positive infinity. If any lower bound is higher than its upper
bound, then the entire descriptor is invalid.
When the value is ‘auto’, the range is predetermined based on the ‘system’ value.
The range of the counter style is the union of all the ranges defined in the list. If
the value to be represented is outside all of the ranges of the counter style, the
counter style’s fallback style is used instead.
@counter-style upper-roman {
system: additive;
range: 1 3999;
additive-symbols: 1000 M, 900 CM, 500 D, 400 CD, 100 C, 90 XC,
50 L, 40 XL, 10 X, 9 IX, 5 V, 4 IV, 1 I;
Minimum counter width : ‘pad’ descriptor
■ Initial value: 0 ""
Specifies a symbol with which to pad counter representations that are not a min
imum number of grapheme clusters. The value is an integer and a symbol. The
representation is padded with the symbol only when the represention has fewer
grapheme clusters than the integer value.
@counter-style decimal-leading-zero {
system: extends decimal;
pad: 2 '0';
. |
Fallback counter style : ‘fallback’ descriptor
■ Initial value: ‘decimal’
Specifies a fallback counter style to be used when the current counter style cannot
create a representation.
@counter-style japanese-informal {
system: additive;
range: -9999 9999;
additive-symbols: 9000 \4E5D\5343, 8000 \516B\5343, 7000
\4E03\5343, 6000 \516D\5343, 5000 \4E94\5343, 4000 \56DB\5343, 3000
\4E09\5343, 2000 \4E8C\5343, 1000 \5343, 900 \4E5D\767E, 800 \516B
\767E, 700 \4E03\767E, 600 \516D\767E, 500 \4E94\767E, 400 \56DB
\767E, 300 \4E09\767E, 200 \4E8C\767E, 100 \767E, 90 \4E5D\5341, 80
\516B\5341, 70 \4E03\5341, 60 \516D\5341, 50 \4E94\5341, 40 \56DB
\5341, 30 \4E09\5341, 20 \4E8C\5341, 10 \5341, 9 \4E5D, 8 \516B, 7
\4E03, 6 \516D, 5 \4E94, 4 \56DB, 3 \4E09, 2 \4E8C, 1 \4E00, 0 \3007;
/* 9000
, 8000
, 7000
, 6000
, 5000
, 4000
, 2000
, 1000
, 900
, 800
, 700
, 600
, 500
, 400
, 300
, 200
, 100
, 90
, 80
, 70
, 60
, 50
, 40
, 30
, 20
, 10
, 9
, 8
, 7
, 6
, 4
, 3
, 2
, 1
, 0
suffix: '\3001';
negative: "\30DE\30A4\30CA\30B9";
fallback: cjk-decimal;
Symbols for counters : ‘symbols’ and ‘additive-symbols’ descriptors
■ Initial value: n/a
Specifies the symbols used by the marker construction algorithm. ‘symbols’ is
required if ‘system’ is ‘cyclic’, ‘numeric’, ‘alphabetic’, ‘symbolic’, or ‘fixed’.
@counter-style footnote
system: symbolic;
symbols: '*' † ‡;
suffix: " ";
‘additive-symbols’ is required if ‘system’ is ‘additive’.
@counter-style dice
system: additive;
additive-symbols: 6 \2585, 5 \2584, 4 \2583, 3 \2582, 2 \2581,
1 \2580;
|     
2 Styles with * are included for backwards-compatibility with an obsolete list-style-type specification.
Predefined Counter Styles
CSS Counter Styles Level 3 predefines some counter styles, including some that are
noted as commonplace but complicated to represent with ‘@counter-style’. Ready-
made Counter Styles, published by the W3C Internationalization Working Group,
provides code snippets for user-defined counter styles for numbering systems used
by various cultures around the world. For ease of reference, Ready-made Counter
Styles also includes the predefined styles from CSS Counter Styles Level 3.
AH Formatter implements the following predefined styles:
‘fullwidth-lower-latin’ *
‘fullwidth-upper-latin’ *
‘lower-latin’ *
. |
3 Converted using ‘-ah-kansuji-style’. This feature is not available in AH Formatter Lite.
‘upper-greek’ *
‘upper-latin’ *
‘greek’ *
lower-alpha-symbolic upper-alpha-symbolic
‘box’ *
‘check’ *
‘diamond’ *
‘hyphen’ *
|     
1 The ‘K’ in ‘CMYK’ is from the black printing plate being the ‘key’ plate against which the other plates are
When you use CSS with your browser, the colors that you see are from the display
emitting light. When the red, green, and blue primary colors combine to make a color,
they are additive: the more of each component there is, the lighter the color. This is
why #FFF is white (and why white is #FFF).
Conversely, when you print, the colors that you see are from the light that is
reflected from the printed surface. When the cyan, magenta, and yellow primaries
combine to make a color, they are subtractive: the more of each component there is,
the darker the color. ‘cmyk(1, 1, 1, 0)’ should give black, but in practice, it’s closer
to a muddy brown. That’s one reason why black is added as the fourth color.
black ink is also less expensive than using a triple quantity of colored inks. Text is
typically printed solely in black to avoid problems if the other three inks are not
perfectly aligned. A ‘richer’ black, which might be used for example in a graphic, can
be made by applying solid black over one or more other colors.
. |
2 The Initial value, ‘black’, can be changed in the AH Formatter Option Setting File.
The relationship between RGB and CMY was first demonstrated by James Clerk
Maxwell around 1860. Put simply, the printing primaries are the secondary colors of
the transmitted light primaries, and vice-versa: cyan is blue plus green, or white
minus red, and similarly for magenta and yellow. However, as the following figure
shows, CMYK printing inks do not have the same gamut (i.e., color range) as the sRGB
color space that is used for RGB colors on the web, and neither covers the full gamut
of visible light.
sRGB and CMYK gamuts
These dierences between sRGB and CMYK might aect your use of color. Every
device or process for printing that you encounter will have a way of representing
RGB colors using CMYK. If your paged media will mostly be viewed on screen, possibly
with some local printing by end users, then RGB colors may be best. However, if your
paged media will be commercially printed, discuss with your printer whether to use
RGB or CMYK for images, etc., and who will do the final conversion to CMYK. Preparing
images for commercial printing is a complex subject that is beyond the scope of this
Text Color : ‘color’
■ Initial value: black
■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: yes
Use the ‘color’ property to specify the foreground color of text and border colors.
RGB is most commonly used for specifying colors and has three components: red,
green, and blue. CMYK are used for print only and has four components: cyan, ma
genta, yellow, and black. International Color Consortium (ICC) color profiles map
between a device-independent color space and the capabilities of a device. RGB and
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3 ‘rgb-icc()’ is defined in XSL 1.1 and implemented for CSS by AH Formatter.
ICC colors are converted to CMYK when printing, although they may be retained as
RGB or ICC colors in the PDF or other files produced by AH Formatter.
Color can have the following values:
‘#RGB’ : Specifies R, G, and B with a one-digit hexadecimal number each. (#5F0
is equivalent to #55FF00)
‘#RRGGBB’ : Specifies R, G, and B with a two-digit hexadecimal number each.
‘rgb(255, 0, 0)’ : From the le, specifies R, G, and B with integer values ranging
from 0 to 255.
rgb(100%, 0%, 0%) : From the le, specifies R, G, and B with values ranging from
0% to 100%.
‘black’ (and other colors) : Specifies a color keyword. AH Formatter supports
the extended color keywords defined in CSS Color Module Level 3.
‘cmyk()’ : Specifies a CMYK color for four-color process printing.
‘device-cmyk()’ : Same as ‘cmyk()’.
‘rgb-icc()’ : Specifies a color in a defined color space.
Takes a variable number
of arguments (see following).
These examples specify approximately the same red color.
em { color: #F00; } /* #RGB */
em { color: #FF0000; } /* #RRGGBB */
em { color: rgb(255, 0, 0); } /* integer 0-255 */
em { color: rgb(100%, 0%, 0%); } /* 0%-100% */
em { color: red; } /* color keyword */
em { color: cmyk(0, 0.992, 1, 0); } /* 0.0-1.0 */
em { color: cmyk(0%, 99.2%, 100%, 0%); } /* 0%-100% */
em { color: rgb-icc(#CMYK, 0, 0.992, 1, 0); } /* Profile dependent*/
If the CSS style sheet will also be used with a browser or with another print media
formatter that does not support colors specified as CMYK, then an RGB fallback
should be specified before the CMYK color specification:
li::marker {
color: rgb(0, 61, 25);
color: rgb-icc(#CMYK, 0.9, 0, 0.75, 0.83);
A formatter that does not understand ‘rgb-icc()’ will ignore the second ‘color’
declaration, so the first ‘color’ declaration will apply. If the declarations were in the
reverse order, then the declaration with ‘rgb-icc()’ would not be used by any for
. |
Color keywords
AH Formatter supports the basic color keywords defined in CSS 2.1 plus the addi
tional extended color keywords defined for CSS 3.
Basic Color Keywords
aqua aqua #00FFFF black black #000000
blue blue #0000FF fuchsia fuchsia #FF00FF
gray gray #808080 green green #008000
lime lime #00FF00 maroon maroon #800000
navy navy #000080 olive olive #808000
orange orange #FFA500 purple purple #800080
red red #FF0000 silver silver #C0C0C0
teal teal #008080 white white #FFFFFF
yellow yellow #FFFF00
CMYK colors
CMYK colors may be specified with or without a fallback RGB color for use with media
that do not support CMYK. When the fallback RGB color is not provided, it is calcu
lated from the CMYK color.
cmyk(<C>, <M>, <Y>, <K>) : CMYK color with Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black
device-cmyk(<C>, <M>, <Y>, <K>) : Equivalent defined by GCPM.
rgb-icc(#CMYK, <C>, <M>, <Y>, <K>) : Equivalent.
rgb-icc(<R>, <G>, <B>, #CMYK, <C>, <M>, <Y>, <K>) : CMYK color with fallback
RGB color.
These examples specify the same red color.
em { color: cmyk(0, 0.992, 1, 0); } /* 0.0-1.0 */
em { color: cmyk(0%, 99.2%, 100%, 0%); } /* 0%-100% */
em { color: device-cmyk(0, 0.992, 1, 0); } /* 0.0-1.0 only */
em { color: rgb-icc(#CMYK, 0, 0.992, 1, 0); } /* 0.0-1.0 */
em { color: rgb-icc(#CMYK, 0%, 99.2%, 100%, 0%); } /* 0%-100% */
em { color: rgb-icc(255, 0, 0, #CMYK, 0, 0.992, 1, 0); }
/* RGB 0-255 */
em { color: rgb-icc(1.0, 0, 0, #CMYK, 0%, 99.2%, 100%, 0%); }
/* RGB 0.0-1.0 */
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100% black : ‘k100’
Many printing or publishing services either require or recommend that text is printed
as 100% black ink with no cyan, magenta, or yellow components; that is, as ‘cmyk(0,
0, 0, 1)’. The ‘black’ color keyword is equivalent to ‘rgb(0, 0, 0)’ in the RGB colorspace.
There is no guarantee that ‘black’ will be converted to ‘cmyk(0, 0, 0, 1)’ when RGB
colors are converted to CMYK for printing. As a convenience, AH Formatter supports
‘k100’ as a color keyword that is equivalent to ‘cmyk(0, 0, 0, 1)’. The eect of speci
fying ‘k100’ instead of as ‘black’ will depend upon the RGB-to-CMYK conversion and
on the printing device. Any eect is likely to be more apparent at smaller point sizes.
RGB and CMYK colors can also be specified with an alpha’ component that deter
mines the opacity of the color. It is not possible to use an ‘alpha’ component with a
named color.
These examples specify approximately the same red color with 50% (or near 50%)
em { color: #F008; } /* #RGBA */
em { color: #FF000088; } /* #RRGGBBAA */
em { color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5); } /* Opacity 0.0-1.0 */
em { color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 50%); } /* Opacity 0%-100% */
em { color: rgba(100%, 0%, 0%, 0.5); } /* Opacity 0.0-1.0 */
em { color: rgba(100%, 0%, 0%, 50%); } /* Opacity 0%-100% */
em { color: cmyka(0, 0.992, 1, 0, 0.5); } /* Opacity 0.0-1.0 */
em { color: cmyka(0, 0.992, 1, 0, 50%); } /* Opacity 0%-100% */
em { color: cmyka(0%, 99.2%, 100%, 0%, 0.5); } /* Opacity 0.0-1.0 */
em { color: cmyka(0%, 99.2%, 100%, 0%, 50%); } /* Opacity 0%-100% */
Opacity levels
#F00F #F00E #F00D #F00C #F00B #F00A #F009 #F008
#F007 #F006 #F005 #F004 #F003 #F002 #F001 #F000
The ‘rgb-icc()’ color function provides additional ways to specify colors, including:
rgb-icc(#CMYK, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0) : CMYK color.
rgb-icc(#Grayscale, 0.5) : Grayscale
rgb-icc(#Separation, 'Name') : Spot color.
rgb-icc(#Registration) : Print with the same intensity on all separations.
rgb-icc(#Separation, 'All') : Same as rgb-icc(#Registration).
. |
4 The ‘AH Formatter PANTONE
Option’ must be purchased separately.
Grayscale (monochrome) colors can be specified with rgb-icc(#Grayscale, <Scale>),
optionally with extra parameters specifying a fallback RGB color for use with devices
that cannot display the grayscale color.
These examples specify 50% gray.
em { color: rgb-icc(#Grayscale, 0.5); }
/* 0.0 (black) to 1.0 (white) */
em { color: rgb-icc(#Grayscale, 50%); }
/* 0% (black) to 100% (white) */
em { color: rgb-icc(128, 128, 128, #Grayscale, 0.5); }
/* RGB fallback color */
em { color: rgb-icc(50%, 50%, 50%, #Grayscale, 0.5); }
/* RGB fallback color */
Grayscale levels
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
spot colors
When you have the AH Formatter PANTONE
you can specify more than 1,000
colors by name and have them print as a spot color or be converted into
the correct RGB or CMYK for rendering or printing.
These examples specify the same PANTONE
color at either 100% or 50% tint.
/* Name and tint */
em { color: rgb-icc(#Separation, 'PANTONE 627 PC', 1.0); }
/* Tint 0.0 to 1.0 */
em { color: rgb-icc(#Separation, 'PANTONE 627 PC', 0.5); }
/* Tint 0% to 100% */
em { color: rgb-icc(#Separation, 'PANTONE 627 PC', 50%); }
/* Assume 1.0 tint */
em { color: rgb-icc(#Separation, 'PANTONE 627 PC'); }
/* With CMYK equivalent. */
em { color: rgb-icc(#Separation, 'PANTONE 627 PC', 1,
90%, 0%, 75%, 83%); }
/* With RGB equivalent. */
em { color: rgb-icc(0, 91, 25, #Separation, 'PANTONE 627 PC'); }
/* With both RGB and CMYK equivalents. */
em { color: rgb-icc(0, 91, 25, #Separation, 'PANTONE 627 PC', 1,
90%, 0%, 75%, 83%); }
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Tint levels
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
When the formatted document is commercially printed, each PANTONE
color can
have a separate printing with the specific ink for that PANTONE
color. The grayscale
levels on the separation for each PANTONE
color correspond to the level of tint to
Greyscale levels on the separation correspond to the level of tint to apply
Other spot colors
Spot colors can be used without the AH Formatter PANTONE
Option. However, it is
necessary to provide one or both of the equivalent RGB and CMYK colors for use with
media that does not support separations for spot colors. If either of the RGB or CMYK
equivalent is omitted, it is calculated from the components of the other equivalent
rgb-icc(<R>, <G>, <B>, #Separation, <Name>, <Tint, <C>, <M>, <Y>, <K>) : Spot
color with name, tint, and both CMYK and RGB fallback colors.
. |
rgb-icc(<R>, <G>, <B>, #Separation, <Name>, <Tint) : Spot color with name, tint,
and RGB fallback color.
rgb-icc(<R>, <G>, <B>, #Separation, <Name>, <Tint) : Spot color with name and
RGB fallback color.
rgb-icc(#Separation, <Name>, <Tint, <C>, <M>, <Y>, <K>) : Spot color with name,
tint, and CMYK fallback color.
Similarly to PANTONE
colors, when the formatted document is commercially
printed, each CMYK spot color can have a separate printing with the specific ink for
that color. The grayscale levels in the separation for each color correspond to the
level of tint to apply.
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Any element, such as <p>, that can generate a box can specify its borders using the
border-related properties. These set the borders’ thickness, color, line type (style),
and rounding of corners as well as adding of shadows to the borders. Additionally,
‘background-color’ sets the background color of the object and ‘background-
image’ and related properties sets an image or images to render over the background
Border Thickness : ‘border-width’
■ Initial value: ‘medium’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
One to four component values that set the border widths for all four sides.
‘thin’ : A thin border.
‘medium’ : A medium border
‘thick’ : A thick border.
<length> : an explicit length. For example, border-width: 2pt;. Cannot be
The individual border width properties are ‘border-top-width’, ‘border-right-
width’, ‘border-bottom-width’, and border-le-width’. Their initial values are all
Border Color : ‘border-color’
■ Initial value: current ‘color’ value ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
One to four component values that set the border color for all four sides.
<color> : A color. See .  (page ) for details.
‘transparent’ : The border is transparent, though it may have width.
.  | 
The individual border color properties are ‘border-top-color’, ‘border-right-color’,
‘border-bottom-color’, and border-le-color’. Their initial values are the current
value of the ‘color’ property.
Border Style : ‘border-style’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
One to four component values that set the border styles for all four sides.
The following border style values may be used.
‘none’ : No borders. (thickness = 0)
‘hidden’ : Hides border.
‘solid’ : Solid line.
‘double’ : Double line.
‘dotted’ : Dotted line.
‘dashed’ : Dashed line.
‘dot-dash’ : Dot-dash line.
‘dot-dot-dash’ : Two-dot chain line.
‘wave’ : Wave line.
‘groove’ : Border looks as though it is carved into the canvas.
‘ridge’ : Border looks as though it is coming out of the canvas.
‘inset’ : The content looks as though it is sunken into the canvas.
‘outset’ : The content looks as though it is coming out of the canvas.
‘hidden’ is the same as ‘none’ except within tables with border-collapse:
collapse;. See Whether to merge adjacent borders : ‘border-collapse’ (page ).
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The individual border style properties are ‘border-top-style’, ‘border-right-style’,
‘border-bottom-style’, and border-le-style’. Their initial values are all ‘none’.
Per-side Border Properties : ‘border-top’/ ‘border-right’/ ‘border-
bottom’/ border-le
■ Initial value: see individual properties ■ Applies to: all elements
■ Inherited: no
Each property specifies the width, style, and color of the top, right, bottom, or le
border of a box.
Border Shorthand : ‘border’
■ Initial value: see individual properties ■ Applies to: all elements
■ Inherited: no
Specifies the width, style, and color of all four borders of a box.
Rounded Corners : ‘border-radius’
■ Initial value: 0 ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Specify the ‘border-radius’ property to make rounded corners.
<p style="border-radius: 18pt; /* rounded corner radius */
border: solid green;
padding: 6pt;">Specifies ‘border-radius’…
Specifies ‘border-radius’ (rounding rule).
The radii of each corner can be set individually using border-top-le-radius’,
‘border-top-right-radius’, border-bottom-le-radius’, and ‘border-bottom-right-
<p style="border-top-left-radius: 2mm; /* top-left */
border-top-right-radius: 5mm; /* top-right */
/* bottom-right (horizontal and vertical direction) */
border-bottom-right-radius: 4cm 2cm;
/* bottom-left (horizontal and vertical direction) */
border-bottom-left-radius: 2cm 1cm;
border: thin solid;
background-color: lime;
padding: 5mm;">…
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Radii of each of the four corners can be set individually. Rounded corners
can also generate an ellipse.
Box Shadow : ‘box-shadow’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Adds a shadow to a box when ‘box-shadow’ property is specified with the hori
zontal and vertical shadow length and shadow color.
<p style="box-shadow: 8pt 6pt silver;
border: solid 1pt black; padding: 6pt">…
Sets Box-shadow (Shadowed boxes).
<p style="box-shadow: -8pt -6pt orange, 8pt 6pt blue;
border-radius: 10pt; padding: 6pt">…
Multiple shadows can be specified. ‘border-radius’ also aects ‘box-shadow’.
<p><span style="box-shadow: 8pt 6pt silver; border: solid 0.5pt;">
Box shadows do not affect margins.</span></p>
Box shadows do not aect margins. Ensure that the box shadows do not give an
unwanted eect of apparently changing the space between blocks.
Box shadows do not aect margins.
Section Title
Box shadows do not aect margins.
Section Title
Every CSS box has a background color. The default value of the ‘background-color’
property is ‘transparent’, so while the background color is always present, it is not
always visible.
A CSS box may also have one or more background images that are rendered above
the background color but below the rendered content. There are multiple properties
for specifying background images and their positions. The properties are described
for a single background image, then usage for multiple images is shown in Multiple
background images (page ).
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Background color : ‘background-color’
■ Initial value: ‘transparent’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Use ‘background-color’ to set the background color. The initial value,
‘transparent’, lets the contents of the parent element (underlying colors) show
Background color applies to the content, padding, and border of an ordinary box
model. Margins are always transparent, and the background color does not apply to
them. The background color is drawn behind any background images.
The background color is applied to the entire surface of a page box.
With respect to boxes of root elements, the background color is applied to
content, padding, border, and margin.
<color> : A color. See .  (page ) for details.
‘transparent’ : The border is transparent, though it may have width.
Background image : ‘background-image’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Use ‘background-image’ to set the background image of an element. The image,
if it is available, shows on top of the background color.
‘none’ : No image is used.
<uri> : Location of an image to render.
Resolution of a background image : ‘-ah-background-image-resolution’
■ Initial value: ‘normal’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Use ‘-ah-background-image-resolution’ to set the resolution of background image
that either does not have an intrinsic resolution or should be rendered at a dierent
resolution to its default.
‘normal’ : Use the default resolution of the system and ignore the actual reso
lution of the image.
‘from-image’ : Use the actual resolution of the image. If the image does not have
an intrinsic resolution, this is the same as ‘normal’.
<dpi> : Use the specified resolution and ignore the actual resolution of the
Background image content type : ‘-ah-background-image-content-type’
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Use ‘-ah-background-image-content-type’ to set the content type for a back
ground image that would not otherwise be handled correctly.
‘auto’ : Automatically determine the content type.
<string> : Content type to use for the image.
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Background image size : ‘background-size’
■ Initial value: ‘auto’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
‘background-size’ specifies the size of the background image. An explicit size for
one or both of the horizontal and vertical dimensions may be specified, or the
‘contain’ or ‘cover’ keyword may be specified to automatically scale the image.
‘contain’ : Scale the image, while preserving its aspect ratio, to the largest size
such that the image fits within the background positioning area.
‘center’ : Scale the image, while preserving its aspect ratio, to the smallest size
such that both its width and its height cover the background positioning area.
<length-percentage> | ‘auto’ ]{1,2} : The first value gives the width of the image.
The second value, if present, gives the height. Any missing value is treated as
An ‘auto’ value is resolved using the aspect ratio of the image and its other di
mension or, failing that, by treating it as 100%. If both values are ‘auto’, then the
intrinsic size of the image should be used. If the image has an intrinsic size in only
one dimension, then the other dimension is treated as ‘auto’. If the image has neither
an intrinsic width or intrinsic height, then its size is determined as for ‘contain’.
‘background-size’ examples
A image used as a non-repeating background image.
contain cover
100% auto 100% 100% 100% 50%
auto 50% 50% 50% 50% 100% 100% 50%
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Background image position : ‘background-position’
■ Initial value: 0% 0% ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
‘background-position’ specifies the initial position of the background image, if
one has been specified. One or both of a horizontal and vertical position may be
specified. If one value is specified, then the second value is assumed to be ‘center’.
If at least one value is not a keyword, then the first value represents the horizontal
position and the second, if present, represents the vertical position.
A keyword for horizontal position plus a keyword for vertical position may be
specified in either order, but not a keyword plus a length or percentage. For example,
top left and left top are both valid, and left 0 is also valid, but 0 left is
not valid.
Horizontal position may be specifed as:
<percentage> : A percentage X aligns the point X% across the image with the
point X% across the element’s padding box.
<length> : horizontal oset of the top le corner of the image from the top le
corner of the element’s padding box.
le : Equivalent to 0%.
‘center’ : Equivalent to 50%.
‘right’ : Equivalent to 100%.
Vertical position may be specifed as:
<percentage> : A percentage X aligns the point X% down the image with the
point X% down the element’s padding box.
<length> : vertical oset of the top le corner of the image from the top le
corner of the element’s padding box.
‘top’ : Equivalent to 0%.
‘center’ : Equivalent to 50%.
‘bottom’ : Equivalent to 100%.
Negative percentage and length values are allowed.
The following figure illustrates the eect of position keywords and percentage
values. The alignment point for each square image is at the intersection of the thick
lines in the square.
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center bottom
bottom center
center 100%
50% bottom
50% 100%
right bottom
bottom right
right 100%
100% bottom
100% 100%
left top
top left
left 0%
0% top
0% 0%
center center
center 50%
50% center
50% 50%
90% 10%
10% 90%
10% center
10% 50%
center 10%
50% 10%
right center
center right
right 50%
100% center
100% 50%
Example background images positioned using keywords or percentages
Repetitions of a background image : ‘background-repeat’
■ Initial value: ‘repeat’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
‘background-repeat’ specifies whether, and how, a background image is tiled.
Tiling is applied aer ‘background-size’ and ‘background-position’ have been ap
In CSS3, ‘background-repeat’ is defined in terms of four keywords. These keywords
may be specified once or twice, in any combination. When there are two keywords,
the first keyword applies to the horizontal direction and the second applies to the
vertical direction.
‘repeat’ : Image is repeated in this direction as oen as needed to cover the
background painting area.
‘space’ : Image is repeated in this direction as oen as will fit in the background
positioning area and then the images are spaced out to fill the area. The first
and last images touch the edges of the area.
‘round’ : Image is repeated in this direction as oen as will fit without being
‘no-repeat’ : Image is not repeated in this direction.
The single-keyword values, including the ‘repeat-x’ and ‘repeat-y’ keywords from
CSS2, are defined in terms of those keywords:
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‘repeat-x’ : Image is repeated horizontally only. Equivalent to repeat no-re
‘repeat-y’ : Image is repeated vertically only. Equivalent to no-repeat re
‘repeat’ : Image is repeated both horizontally and vertically. Equivalent to re
peat repeat.
‘space’ : Equivalent to space space.
‘round’ : Equivalent to round round.
‘no-repeat’ : Image is not repeated: only one copy is drawn. Equivalent to no-
repeat no-repeat.
AH Formatter supports an additional keyword as the ‘background-repeat’ value:
‘paginate’ : When the background image is a PDF file, use successive pages
of the PDF as the background of successive pages of the current document.
Applies only to the background of an ‘@page’ rule and only when the output is
PDF. This feature is not available in AH Formatter Lite.
‘background-repeat’ values
The text in the following examples indicates the ‘background-repeat’ value.
The examples use this background image:
no-repeat repeat-x space no-re
repeat-y repeat space repeat round re
repeat space space round space
space round round
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Background positioning area : ‘background-origin’
■ Initial value: ‘padding-box’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
‘background-origin’ specifies the box within which the background image is posi
tioned. Position 0 0 (which is also position 0% 0%) is at the top-le of the posi
tioning area. Position 100% 100% is at the bottom-right of the positioning area.
‘border-box’ : Position is relative to the border box.
‘padding-box’ : Position is relative to the padding box.
‘content-box’ : Position is relative to the content box.
‘background-origin’ aects the placement of the background image, but it does
not aect clipping of the image (or of repetitions of the image). ‘background-clip’
specifies the area to which the background image is clipped.
In the following examples, the inner, dotted border indicates the extent of the
content box of the outer block, and the text indicates the ‘background-origin’ value.
All background images are the same size.
Single, non-repeated background image at 0% 0%
border-box padding-box content-box
Non-repeated and repeated background images at 0% 0%
border-box padding-box content-box
Single, non-repeated background image at 100% 100%
border-box padding-box content-box
|     
Non-repeated and repeated background images at 100% 100%
border-box padding-box content-box
Background painting area : ‘background-clip’
■ Initial value: ‘padding-box’ ■ Applies to: all elements except the root element
■ Inherited: no
‘background-clip’ specifies the area within which the background is painted.
‘border-box’ : Clipped to the border box.
‘padding-box’ : Clipped to the padding box.
‘content-box’ : Clipped to the content box.
‘background-clip’ has no eect on the root element.
Depending on the ‘background-origin’ and ‘background-position’ values, the
specified ‘background-clip’ value may cause one or more repetitions of the back
ground image to be clipped. In the following examples, the dotted border indicates
the extent of the content box of the outer block, and the text indicates the
‘background-clip’ value. All background images are the same size.
‘background-clip’ with background-origin: border-box;
border-box padding-box content-box
‘background-clip’ with background-origin: padding-box;
border-box padding-box content-box
.  | 
‘background-clip’ with background-origin: content-box;
border-box padding-box content-box
Background Image On Every Page : ‘background-attachment’
■ Initial value: ‘scroll’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
‘background-attachment’ specifies whether a background image is replicated on
every page.
‘fixed’ : The background image is replicated on every page.
‘scroll’ : The background image does not repeat across pages.
‘local’ : The background image does not repeat across pages.
Multiple background images
Multiple background images separated by commas may be specified as the value of
the ‘background-image’ property. All of the other background image-related prop
erties may also be specified as multiple comma-separated values. Each value in
sequence applies to the corresponding ‘background-image’ image. If a property
contains fewer comma-separated values than there are background images, then
the last specified value is used for the remaining images.
background-image: url(images/background-size-background-darker.svg),
background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat;
Background shorthand : ‘background’
■ Initial value: see individual ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
The ‘background’ shorthand specifies the background images and background
color in one declaration. All of the properties for one background image are specified
together, and the sets of properties for each image are separated by commas. The
optional last component of the ‘background’ value is the background color.
'background' = [ <bg-layer>, ]* <final-bg-layer>
<bg-layer> = <background-image> || <background-repeat> ||
<background-position> [ / <background-size> ]? ||
<background-attachment> || <background-clip> ||
<final-bg-layer> = <bg-layer> || <background-color>
|     
1 AH Formatter does not generate either PDF/E or PDF/VT.
Portable Document Format (PDF) is the most popular output format for paged media.
PDF is useful for distributing formatted documents to users, for exchanging print-
ready documents with a printing service, and for long-term preservation of formatted
documents. A PDF document may include information about its logical structure
that can be used by screen readers.
CSS 3 defines properties that may be used for PDF bookmarks. AH Formatter
provides multiple extensions for taking advantage of PDF features.
PDF Versions
The PDF specification has gone through multiple versions since 1993. Each release
has added new features. All non-deprecated features in a PDF version are also in
cluded in subsequent versions. A PDF file includes a header identifying the PDF
version to which it conforms. A PDF reader will attempt to read any PDF file, even if
the file’s version is more recent than the version that the reader implements.
Version Year Acrobat Reader
1.3 2000 4.0
1.4 2001 5.0
1.5 2003 6.0
Version Year Acrobat Reader
1.6 2004 7.0
1.7 2008 8
2.0 2017
There are also specialized subsets of PDF that have been standardized by ISO.
Some of these have multiple versions that are each based on a specific PDF version.
PDF/X : “PDF for Exchange”.
PDF/A : “PDF for Archiving”.
PDF/E : “PDF for Engineering”.
PDF/VT : “PDF for exchange of variable data and transactional (VT) printing”.
PDF/UA : “PDF for Universal Accessibility”.
. |
Tagged PDF
“Tagged PDF” is not a separate PDF specification. It refers to PDF that includes
additional information about the logical structure of the document. Tagged PDF was
first defined in PDF 1.4.
The text, graphics, and images in Tagged PDF can be extracted and reused for
other purposes. For example, to make content accessible to users with visual im
pairments. PDF/UA files are Tagged PDF files that also conform to additional re
AH Formatter embeds PDF tags (‘StructElem’) for HTML/CSS elements and pseudo-
elements as shown in the following table:
HTML element PDF element
html Document
div Div
h1 H1
h2 H2
h3 H3
h4 H4
h5 H5
h6 H6
p P
ul L
ol L
li LI
li::marker Lbl
dl L
dt Lbl
dd LBody
blockquote BlockQuote
HTML element PDF element
caption Caption
table Table
tr TR
td TD
th TH
thead THead
tfoot TFoot
tbody TBody
ruby Ruby
rb RB
rt RT
span Span
img Figure
a[href] Link
other block elements Div
other inline elements Span
|     
Custom PDF Tag name : ‘-ah-pdag
■ Initial value: Empty string ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
String to use as the PDF Tag name for the current element when generating Tagged
PDF. If the provided name is not one of the standard PDF Tag names, the role map
in the generated PDF will include a mapping from the name to the default PDF Tag
name that AH Formatter would generate for the current element. If the provided
name is one of the standard PDF Tag names, the name will be used as-is.
div.TOC {
page-break-before: right;
page: TOC;
-ah-pdftag: 'Sect';
<div class="TOC"> is tagged as 'Sect' in the PDF
. |
2 PDF/X output is not available with AH Formatter Lite.
PDF/X, defined in ISO 15930, is a subset of PDF that is intended for prepress graphics
The intention is that all of the information required for printing is inclu
ded in the PDF file.
AH Formatter supports multiple PDF/X variants:
PDF/X-1a:2001 (ISO 15930-1:2001) Based on PDF 1.3.
PDF/X-3:2002 (ISO 15930-3:2002) Based on PDF 1.3.
PDF/X-1a:2003 (ISO 15930-4:2003) A subset of PDF/X-3:2003 that is based on
PDF 1.4.
PDF/X-2:2003 (ISO 15930-5:2003) A superset of PDF/X-3:2003 that is based on
PDF 1.4.
PDF/X-3:2003 (ISO 15930-6:2003) Based on PDF 1.4.
PDF/X-4:2010 (ISO 15930-7:2008) Based on PDF 1.6.
Main features of supported PDF/X variants.
All fonts must be embedded yes yes yes yes
The output intent must be specified yes yes yes yes
ICC profiles specified as the output intent must
be embedded
no no no yes
Supports CMYK, Spot color yes yes yes yes
Supports Grayscale yes yes yes yes
Supports RGB no yes yes yes
Supports transparency no no no yes
Supports PDFs with encryption; a password
must not be set, and the restriction against
printing and the restriction against changing
must not be enabled
no no no no
PDF can contain links or annotations, etc. in the
print area
no no no no
|     
3 PDF/A output is not available with AH Formatter Lite.
PDF/A, defined in ISO 19005, is a subset of PDF that is intended for long-term pres
ervation of electronic documents.
Features of supported PDF/A variants
All fonts must be em
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
ICC profiles must be
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Files must be tagged yes no yes no no yes no no
Files must include XMP
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Files may include en
no no no no no no no no
Files may include LZW
no no no no no no no no
Files may include
Transparent images
no no yes yes yes yes yes yes
Files may refer to ex
ternal content
no no no no no no no no
Files may include Java
no no no no no no no no
Unicode must be used
for text
no no yes no yes yes no yes
Any files other than
PDF/A can be embed
no no no no no yes yes yes
. |
4 PDF/UA output is not available with AH Formatter Lite.
5 http://www.access-for-all.ch/en/pdf-lab/536-pdf-accessibility-checker-pac-3.html
PDF/UA, defined in ISO 14289-1, is the specification intended for improving the ac
cessibility of PDF based on the ISO 32000-1 (PDF 1.7) specification.
The main features of PDF/UA are:
Contents must be tagged in logical reading order.
Meaningful graphics, annotations and numerical formulas must include alter
nate text descriptions.
Alternate text descriptions for graphics or numerical formulas can be specified
by the ‘-ah-alttext’ property, links can be specified by the ‘-ah-annotation-
contents’ property.
Security settings must allow assistive technology to have access to the content.
Including bookmarks in the PDF/UA is recommended.
Annotations, links and multimedia may be included.
The language of the document must be specified.
All fonts must be embedded.
Matterhorn Protocol
The Matterhorn Protocol, published by the PDF Association, is a checklist of all the
ways that it is possible for a PDF to not conform to PDF/UA. The Matterhorn Protocol
document consists of 31 Checkpoints comprised of 136 Failure Conditions. Some
failure conditions can be checked programmatically, but others require human re
Matterhorn Protocol failure conditions for tables
PAC 3 PDF/UA checker
PDF Accessibility Checker 3 (PAC 3)
by Access For All is a freeware utility for Windows
that checks PDF files for PDF/UA conformance. The program implements the Mat
terhorn Protocol checks. When you open a PDF file in PAC 3, the program runs its
|     
6 ‘author-title’, ‘description-writer’, ‘copyright-status’, ‘copyright-notice’, ‘copyright-info-url’, and ‘xmp’ are
not available with AH Formatter Lite.
checks and shows a summary of the results. Since there is no interactive checking,
the program can only warn about some of the failure conditions that require human
PAC 3 PDF/UA checker
Document Properties
This extension uses custom <meta> elements, for example:
<meta name="document-title" content="The document title"/>
<meta name="subject" content="The document subject"/>
<meta name="author" content="The author"/>
<meta name="keywords" content="Comma, separated, keywords, list"/>
<meta> with the following name values provide information that is stored in the
document catalog in the PDF.
‘document-title’ : Title of the document.
‘subject’ : Subject of the document.
‘author’ : Name of the person who created the document.
‘author-title’ : Title or some other information about the author.
‘description-writer’ : Author of the document description.
. |
‘keywords’ : Comma-separated list of keywords.
‘copyright-status’ : Copyright status. Must be ‘Unknown’, ‘Copyrighted’, or
‘copyright-notice’ : Copyright information.
‘copyright-info-url’ : URL of the copyright information.
‘xmp’ : URL of an XMP containing property information.
Document properties shown by Acrobat Reader
Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP)
XMP is a standard XML format for representing metadata about a file or image. It was
originally developed by Adobe, and it is now also ISO 16684-1:2012. Because there
is a standard, the XMP, for example, that is embedded in a photo taken by a digital
camera can be altered or augmented by the photo-editing program that edits the
image. Also, for example, the XMP from every image in a PDF file could be included
in the XMP that is embedded in the PDF file.
|     
The XMP standard itself is based, in part, on other metadata standards such as
Dublin Core and RDF.
Any XMP file that passes the sanity check implemented in AH Formatter may be
embedded in the PDF that AH Formatter generates.
A portion of the XMP extracted from a PDF file follows, and the following figure
shows the same XMP as presented by Acrobat.
<?xpacket begin="" id="W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d"?>
<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/">
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
<rdf:Description rdf:about=""
<rdf:Description rdf:about=""
<pdf:Producer>Antenna House PDF Output Library 6.5.1216 (Windows
<pdf:Keywords>"CSS, formatting"</pdf:Keywords>
<rdf:Description rdf:about=""
<xap:CreatorTool>AH Formatter V6.5 MR3 for Windows (x64) : (2018/02/02 12:52JST)</xap:CreatorTool>
. |
XMP properties viewed in Acrobat
Page Display
<meta> with the following name values control how the PDF is displayed when
initially opened in a reader. Unless otherwise noted, the allowed content values are
‘true’ and ‘false’, and the default, if no <meta> with that name value is present, is
‘pagemode’ : What is displayed when the document is opened. Must be
‘UseNone’, ‘UseOutlines’, ‘UseThumbs’, ‘FullScreen’ or ‘UseOC’. When the out
line exists, the default is ‘UseOutlines’.
‘pagelayout’ : Page layout when the document is opened. Must be ‘SinglePage’,
‘OneColumn’, TwoColumnLe’, ‘TwoColumnRight’, TwoPageLe or
‘TwoPageRight’. The default is ‘SinglePage’.
‘hidetoolbar’ : Whether to hide the toolbar when the document is opened.
‘hidemenubar’ : Whether to hide the menu bar when the document is opened.
‘hidewindowui’ : Whether to hide user interface (UI) elements such as a scroll
bar when the document is opened.
‘fitwindow’ : Whether, when the document is opened, to change the size of the
document window to fit the page size.
‘centerwindow’ : Whether to position the document’s window in the center of
the screen when the document is opened.
|     
‘displaydoctitle’ : Whether the window’s title bar should display the document
‘openaction’ : Either the destination within the document at which the docu
ment is to be opened or a JavaScript program to execute when the document
is opened.
PDF Bookmarks
PDF bookmarks can be created. The bookmark properties defined by CSS 3 are
‘bookmark-level’, ‘bookmark-label’, and ‘bookmark-state’. AH Formatter defines ad
ditional properties for controlling the appearance of a bookmark label.
Screenshot of part of the bookmarks for this document
/* Bookmarks */
h1 { bookmark-level: 1;
-ah-outline-font-weight: bold;
-ah-outline-color: rgb(0, 61, 25);
h2 { bookmark-level: 2; bookmark-state: closed; }
h3 {
bookmark-level: 3; bookmark-state: closed; }
h4 { bookmark-level: 4; bookmark-state: closed; }
h5,h6 {
bookmark-level: none; }
Bookmark level : ‘bookmark-level’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Sets the bookmark level.
‘none’ : No bookmark is generated.
<integer> : Bookmark level. The highest bookmark level is 1 (similarly to the
<h1> as the highest heading level in HTML). A negative or zero value is invalid.
. |
Bookmark label : ‘bookmark-label’
■ Initial value: ‘none’ ■ Applies to: all elements ■ Inherited: no
Sets bookmark label. When the bookmark label is ‘none’, the text content of the
element is used as the bookmark label.
‘none’ : No bookmark is generated.
<content-list> : A content list as defined for the ‘string-set’ property (see Variable
strings : ‘string-set’ (page )). The value of <content-list> becomes the text
content of the bookmark label.
Bookmark state : ‘bookmark-state’
■ Initial value: ‘open’ ■ Applies to: block elements ■ Inherited: no
Bookmarks are specified as either ‘open’ or ‘closed’. If bookmark-state:
closed;, the bookmark is closed.
Bookmark color : ‘-ah-outline-color’
■ Initial value: ‘transparent’ ■ Applies to: block elements ■ Inherited: no
Specifies the color of the bookmark label. See .  (page ) for details. No
color information is included in the PDF when the value is ‘transparent’.
Bookmark style : ‘-ah-outline-font-style’
■ Initial value: ‘normal’ ■ Applies to: block elements ■ Inherited: no
Bookmark label font style is specified as either ‘normal’ or ‘italic’.
Bookmark weight : ‘-ah-outline-font-weight’
■ Initial value: ‘normal’ ■ Applies to: block elements ■ Inherited: no
Bookmark label font weight is specified as either ‘normal’ or ‘bold’.
|     
AH Formatter currently implements the following related specifications:
[CSS 2.1] Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS 2.1)
W3C Recommendation 07 June 2011 https://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-
[CSS3-Background] CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3
W3C Recommendation 17 October 2017 https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/CR-css-
[CSS3-Box] CSS basic box model
W3C Working Dra 9 August 2007 https://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-css3-
[CSS3-Break] CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3
W3C Candidate Recommendation 9 February 2017 https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/
[CSS3-Color] CSS Color Module Level 3
W3C Proposed Recommendation 15 March 2018 https://www.w3.org/TR/
[CSS3-Content] CSS Generated Content Module Level 3
W3C Working Dra 2 June 2016 https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/WD-css-con
[CSS3-CounterStyles] CSS Counter Styles Level 3
W3C Candidate Recommendation 14 December 2017 https://www.w3.org/TR/
[CSS3-Fonts] CSS Fonts Module Level 3
W3C Candidate Recommendation 15 March 2018 https://www.w3.org/TR/
[CSS3-GCPM] CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module
W3C Working Dra 13 May 2014 https://www.w3.org/TR/2014/WD-css-
[CSS3-Images] CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Module Level 3
W3C Candidate Recommendation 17 April 2012 https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/CR-
[CSS3-Line] CSS3 module: line
W3C Working Dra 15 May 2002 https://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-css3-line
[CSS3-Lists] CSS Lists and Counters Module Level 3
W3C Working Dra 20 March 2014 https://www.w3.org/TR/2014/WD-css-
[CSS3-Multicol] CSS Multi-column Layout Module Level 1
W3C Working Dra 5 October 2017 https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/WD-css-multi
[CSS3-Namespaces] CSS Namespaces Module Level 3
W3C Recommendation 29 September 2011, edited in place 20 March 2014 https://
[CSS3-Page] CSS Paged Media Module Level 3
W3C Working Dra 14 March 2013 https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-css3-
[CSS3-Ruby] CSS Ruby Layout Module Level 1
W3C Working Dra 5 August 2014 https://www.w3.org/TR/2014/WD-css-ru
[CSS3-Selectors] Selectors Level 3
W3C Candidate Recommendation 30 January 2018 https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/
[CSS3-Text] CSS Text Module Level 3
W3C Working Dra 22 August 2017 https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/WD-css-
[CSS3-TextDecor] CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3
W3C Candidate Recommendation 1 August 2013 https://www.w3.org/TR/
[CSS3-Transforms] CSS Transforms Module Level 1
W3C Working Dra 30 November 2017 https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/WD-css-
[CSS3-UI] CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3
W3C Proposed Recommendation 14 December 2017 https://www.w3.org/TR/
[CSS3-Values] CSS Values and Units Module Level 3
W3C Candidate Recommendation 29 September 2016 https://www.w3.org/TR/
[CSS3-WritingModes] CSS Writing Modes Module Level 3
W3C Candidate Recommendation 7 December 2017 https://www.w3.org/TR/
CSS Snapshot 2017 W3C Working Group Note https://www.w3.org/TR/css-2017/
CSS Writing Modes Level 3 W3C Candidate Recommendation https://
HTML 5 A Vocabulary and Associated APIs for HTML and XHTML
W3C Recommendation https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/
ISO 16684-1:2012, Graphic technology Extensible metadata platform (XMP)
specification Part 1: Data model, serialization and core properties
ISO Standard https://www.iso.org/standard/57421.html
Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 3.0 2nd Edition
W3C Recommendation http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML/
Selectors Level 3 W3C Recommendation https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/
AH Formatter can also format using XSL-FO:
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 1.1
W3C Recommendation https://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/
|     
Matterhorn Protocol
PDF File 508 Checklist (WCAG 2.0 Refresh)
PDF Techniques for WCAG 2.0
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1
CSS Indexes
W3C Note https://dras.csswg.org/indexes/
CSS Properties Index
List of CSS features required for paged media
Priorities for CSS from the Digital Publishing Interest Group
W3C First Public Working Dra http://www.w3.org/TR/dpub-css-priorities/
StackOverflow questions tagged [css-paged-media] https://stackover
Table of Specifications
STIX Fonts https://www.stixfonts.org/
International Text Layout and Typography Index
W3C Editors Dra https://w3c.github.io/typography/
Ethiopic Layout Requirements
W3C Editors Dra https://w3c.github.io/elreq/
Hebrew Layout Requirements
W3C Editors Dra https://w3c.github.io/hlreq/
Mongolian Layout Requirements
W3C Editors Dra https://w3c.github.io/mlreq/
Ready-made Counter Styles
W3C Working Group Note http://www.w3.org/TR/predefined-counter-styles/
Requirements for Chinese Text Layout
Requirements for Hangul Text Layout and Typography W3C Working Dra
  | 
Requirements for Japanese Text Layout W3C Working Group Note http://
Requirements for Latin Text Layout and Pagination
W3C Working Dra https://www.w3.org/TR/dpub-latinreq/
Text Layout Requirements for the Arabic Script
Tibetan Layout Requirements
W3C Editors Dra https://w3c.github.io/tlreq/
Reference books
The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Ed., University of Chigaco Press, 2017
Microso Corporation, Microso Manual of Style, 4th Ed., Microso Press, 2012
Ritter, R. M., New Hart’s Rules, Oxford University Press, 2005
Typography and book design
Bringhurst, Robert, The Elements of Typographic Style, 2nd Ed., Hartley & Marks,
Dowding, Georey, Finer Points in the Spacing & Arrangement of Type, Hartley &
Marks, 1995
Haslam, Andrew, Book Design, Laurence King Publishing, 2006
Kane, John, A Type Primer, 2nd Ed., Laurence King Publishing, 2011
McLean, Ruari, The Thames and Hudson Manual of Typography, Thames and Hud
son, 1980
Mitchell, Michael, and Wrightman, Susan, Book Typography, A Designer’s Manual,
Libanus Press, 2005
Mitchell, Michael, and Wrightman, Susan, Typographic Style Handbook, MacLe
Hose Press, 2017
Pipes, Alan, Production for Graphic Designers, 5th Ed., Laurence King Publishing,
White, Jan V., Editing by Design, 3rd Ed., Allworth Press, 2003
Historical background reading
Some of these books are out of print.
Warde, Beatrice, Printing Should Be Invisible, The Marchbanks Press, 1937
White, Alex, How to Spec Type, Watson-Guptill Publications, 1987
Williamson, Hugh, Methods of Book Design, 3rd Ed., Yale University Press, 1983
|     
Accessibility Inclusive practice of making
content more accessible to people with
disabilities. Accessibility involves a wide range
of disabilities, including visual, auditory,
physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning,
and neurological disabilities. Accessible content
is also more usable by older individuals with
changing abilities due to aging and will oen
improve usability for users in general. See
Anonymous box A block-level box that does
not correspond to an element but which is
assumed to exist around text that is mixed with
block-level elements in order to fulfill the
requirement that a box may contain either only
block-level boxes or inline-level boxes.
Anonymous boxes may also be generated in a
table if the table’s elements do not represent all
of the boxes defined in the CSS table model.
Bind Fix together, and usually also enclose,
the pages of a book.
Binding The material used to bind the pages
of a book.
Bleed To print content, typically an image,
that extends beyond the trimmed size of the
Block container box A box that either
contains only block-level boxes or that
establishes an inline formatting context.
Block formatting context A context in which
boxes are laid out vertically, one aer the other,
beginning at the top of a containing block.
Block-level box A box that participates in a
block formatting context.
Block-level element An element of the
source document that is formatted visually as
blocks: the element generates a block-level
principal box.
Border area Area of the border box.
Border box Box defined by the border edges
of a CSS box.
Border edge An edge between the border
area and the margin area.
Box The rectangular box that is generated for
an element in the document-tree. Each box has
a content area and optional surrounding
padding area, border area, and margin area.
Character A small logical unit of text. See
Containing block The rectangular box that
contains descendant boxes. A box “establishes”
the containing block for its descendants. A
box’s containing block” means “the block that
contains the box”, not the block of the box itself.
Content area Box that contains the text,
image, etc., content that is rendered for an
Content box Box defined by the content
edges of a CSS box.
Content edge An edge between the content
area and the padding area. Also referred to as
the ‘inner edge’.
Content-empty page A page box whose page
area contains no printable content other than
backgrounds and/or borders.
Crop marks Marks that are printed outside
the final, trimmed size of the page that indicate
the extent of the trimmed page.
Document tree The tree of elements encoded
in the source document.
Extent Number of pages in a book.
Folio 1. Page number. 2. A single-sided leaf of
Font A resource containing a visual
representation of characters.
Font face Short for ‘typeface’. A set of
characters drawn with a particular style and
with a common stroke weight, slant, or relative
Font family A group of fonts sharing a
common design style.
Foot Bottom edge of book or of trimmed
Footer Portion at the page, typically at the
opposite end from the header, that is set aside
for supplementary information such as the page
number or document title.
Fore-edge Outside vertical edge of the page.
Generated page-margin box A page-margin
box for which the computed value of its
‘content’ property is not ‘none’.
Generic font family A font family that will
always result in at least one matched font face.
The five generic font family names are ‘serif’,
‘sans-serif, ‘cursive, ‘fantasy’, and ‘monospace’.
Gutter Margin at the inner edge of the page.
Head Top edge of book or of trimmed page.
Header Portion at the page head that is set
aside for supplementary information such as
the page number or document title.
Inline formatting context A context in which
boxes are laid out horizontally, one aer the
other, beginning at the top of a containing
Inline-level element An element of the
source document that does not form a new
block of content.
Inner Closer to the spine.
Inner edge See Content edge.
Intrinsic dimensions Intrinsic width and
intrinsic height and/or intrinsic width:height
ratio of a graphic that is specified in the graphic
file itself. Not all graphic file formats include
intrinsic dimensions, and for some file formats,
it is optional.
Leaf Sheet of paper.
Line box The rectangular area that contains
the boxes that form a line.
Margin area Area of the margin box.
Margin box Box defined by the margin edges
of a CSS box.
Margin edge An outer edge of the box margin.
Also referred to as the outer edge’.
Marker Bullet, image, counter value, or
symbol identifying a list item. CSS2 defines a
‘marker box’ for the visual indication that an
element is a list item. CSS3 defines the
‘::marker’ pseudo-element that is generated by
a list item to represent the item’s marker.
MathML Markup language for describing
mathematical notation and capturing both its
structure and content. See http://
Measure Width of a block of text.
Opening See Spread.
Option Setting File An XML file that describes
the configuration for AH Formatter. A complete
or subsetted Option Setting File may be
provided to AH Formatter to override the built-
in defaults. The AH Formatter GUI may also
output a copy of its current Option Setting File
settings. See https://www.antennahouse.com/
Outer Closer to the fore-edge.
Outer edge See Margin edge.
Padding area Area of the padding box.
Padding box Box defined by the padding
edges of a CSS box.
Padding edge Edge between the padding
area and the border area.
Page area Content area of a page box.
Page box A specialized CSS box that maps to
a rectangular print media surface, such as a
page of paper.
Page-margin box A box within the page
margin that can contain generated content.
Page progression Direction in which the
printed pages of a document would be
sequenced when laid out side-to-side. For
example, English and horizontally-set Japanese
typically progress from le to right, whereas
Arabic and vertically-set Japanese pages
typically progress from right to le.
Principal box The box that contains
descendant boxes and generated content. It is
the box involved in any positioning scheme.
Some elements may generate additional boxes
that are placed relative to the principal box.
Printable area Area of page sheet that a
printer is capable of marking reliably.
Recto Right-hand page where the page
progression is from le to right, and le-hand
page where the page progression is from right
to le.
Registration Printing ink in one color in the
correct position with respect to ink in other
Registration mark A symbol that is added on
a separation as an aid to ensuring accurate
registration between multiple separations.
River Vertically adjacent white-space on
successive lines of text.
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Root element The element in the source
document that contains all of the other
elements (and text). It is the ‘root’ of the
document tree. For HTML, this is the <html>
element. For XML, it is the document element.
Ruby Supplementary small characters
indicating pronunciation, meaning, etc. for the
character or the block of characters that they
Running footer Footer content that is
unchanged throughout a chapter or part or the
whole of a book.
Running header Header content that is
unchanged throughout a chapter or part or the
whole of a book.
Separation An image of a page, or of multiple
pages at once, that shows the tint level of only
one of the CMYK colors or of a spot color.
Source document The document being
Spine Inner vertical edge of the page at which
the pages are bound.
Spread Two facing pages. Also referred to as
an ‘opening’.
SVG Scalable Vector Graphics. An XML-based
language for describing two-dimensional vector
and mixed vector/raster graphics that is
developed by the W3C.
Text A sequence of characters.
Trim Cut the printed media to its final size.
Typically, the pages of a book are bound and
then the entire book is trimmed as one
Verso Le-hand page where the page
progression is from le to right, and right-hand
page where the page progression is from right
to le.
XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language. A
standard developed by the W3C. XSL has two
parts: XSLT, for transforming XML into other
XML; and XSL-FO, an XML vocabulary for styling
and formatting. See https://www.w3.org/TR/
XSL-FO An XML vocabulary for styling and
formatting that was developed by the W3C.
Arbitrary XML vocabularies are transformed
(typically using XSLT) into the standard
formatting vocabulary, which is then formatted
using an XSL formatter. See https://
XSLT XSL Transformations. A language for
transforming XML documents into other XML
documents. See https://www.w3.org/TR/
The following table shows the CSS properties that apply to page boxes and to page-
margin boxes. AH Formatter implements additional extension properties that are not
shown here.
Properties that apply to page-margin boxes may also be set within an ‘@page’ rule.
Properties that are either inheritable or are explicitly inherited in a page-margin box
by using the ‘inherit’ keyword will inherit to the page-margin boxes.
yes yes
yes yes
yes yes
yes yes
yes yes
‘background’ yes yes
yes yes
yes yes
yes yes
‘border-bottom’ yes yes
‘border-color’ yes yes
border-le-color yes yes
border-le-style yes yes
border-le-width yes yes
border-le yes yes
yes yes
yes yes
yes yes
‘border-right’ yes yes
‘border-style’ yes yes
‘border-top-color’ yes yes
‘border-top-style’ yes yes
‘border-top-width’ yes yes
‘border-top’ yes yes
‘border-width’ yes yes
‘border’ yes yes
‘color’ yes yes
|     
‘content’ no yes
yes yes
‘counter-reset’ yes yes
‘direction’ yes yes
‘font-family’ yes yes
‘font-size’ yes yes
‘font-style’ yes yes
‘font-variant’ yes yes
‘font-weight’ yes yes
‘font’ yes yes
‘height’ yes yes
‘letter-spacing’ yes yes
‘line-height’ yes yes
‘margin-bottom’ yes yes
margin-le yes yes
‘margin-right’ yes yes
‘margin-top’ yes yes
‘margin’ yes yes
‘max-height’ yes yes
‘max-width’ yes yes
‘min-height’ yes yes
‘min-width’ yes yes
‘outline-color’ yes yes
‘outline-style’ yes yes
‘outline-width’ yes yes
‘outline’ yes yes
‘overflow’ no yes
‘padding-bottom’ yes yes
padding-le yes yes
‘padding-right’ yes yes
‘padding-top’ yes yes
‘padding’ yes yes
‘quotes’ yes yes
‘size’ yes no
‘text-align’ yes yes
‘text-decoration’ yes yes
‘text-indent’ yes yes
‘text-transform’ yes yes
‘unicode-bidi’ no yes
‘vertical-align’ no yes
‘visibility’ yes yes
‘white-space’ yes yes
‘width’ yes yes
‘word-spacing’ yes yes
‘z-index’ no yes
    | 
AH Formatter supports the following units.
Unit Description
cm 1cm = 96px/2.54
mm 1mm = 1/10th of 1cm
in 1in = 2.54cm = 96px
pt 1pt = 1/72th of 1in
pc 1pc = 1/6th of 1in
px 1px = 1/96th of 1in
The computed value of the ‘font-size’ property of the element on which it
is used.
deg Degrees. There are 360 degrees in a full circle.
grad Gradians. There are 400 gradians in a full circle.
rad Radians. There are 2π radians in a full circle.
Unit of the value based on x-height of the font. When the font does not
have x-height, a value of 0.5em is used.
jpt Length unit defined by JIS Z 8305. 1jpt = 0.3514mm.
q Q (quarter-millimeter). 1q = 0.25mm. (JIS X 4052, JIS Z 8125)
dpi Dots per inch.
emu English Metric Unit. 1emu = 1in/914400 = 1cm/360000.
dd Didot. 1dd = 0.01483in.
cc Cicero. 1cc = 12dd.
Unit of em in the root element. It cannot be used for the value of the
‘font-size’ property in the root element.
Unit of the length expressing the width of character 0 (U+0030) to be 1.
When the glyph is not in the font, a value of 0.5em is used.
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Unit Description
Unit of the length expressing the width of character U+3000 to be 1. When
the glyph is not in the font, a value of 1em is used.
Unit of the length expressing the line-height to be 1. Even if line-height="2"
is specified, for example, lh is converted into the absolute value. It cannot
be used for the value of the ‘line-height’ property.
Unit of lh in the root element. It cannot be used for the value of the ‘line-
height’ property in the root element.
Unit of the width expressing the viewport width as 100. It cannot be used
with elements, such as the root element, for which a viewport has not been
Unit of the height expressing the viewport height as 100. It cannot be used
with elements, such as the root element, for which a viewport has not been
Equal to the smaller of vw or vh. It cannot be used with elements, such as
the root element, for which a viewport has not been established.
Equal to the larger of vw or vh. It cannot be used with elements, such as
the root element, for which a viewport has not been established.
Unit of the width expressing the page width as 100. It cannot be used with
elements, such as the root element, for which a viewport has not been
Unit of the height expressing the page height as 100. It cannot be used with
elements, such as the root element, for which a viewport has not been
Equal to the smaller of pvw or pvh. It cannot be used with elements, such
as the root element, for which a viewport has not been established.
Equal to the larger of pvw or pvh. It cannot be used with elements, such
as the root element, for which a viewport has not been established.
Unit to specify spanning columns. It cannot be used with elements, such
as the root element, that do not have a reference area.
AH Formatter supports the following CSS selectors and pseudo-elements.
Pattern Represents
* any element
E an element of type E
ns|E an element of type E in namespace ‘ns’
E.warning an E element belonging to the class warning
E#myid an E element with ID equal to myid.
E F an F element descendant of an E element
E > F an F element child of an E element
E + F an F element immediately preceded by an E element
E ~ F an F element preceded by an E element
E:not(s) an E element that does not match simple selector s
E[foo] an E element with a ‘foo’ attribute
an E element whose ‘foo’ attribute value is exactly equal to
an E element whose ‘foo’ attribute value is a list of white
space-separated values, one of which is exactly equal to
an E element whose ‘foo’ attribute value is a hyphen-sep
arated list of values beginning with ‘en’
an E element whose ‘foo’ attribute value begins exactly
with the string ‘bar’
an E element whose ‘foo’ attribute value ends exactly with
the string ‘bar’
an E element whose ‘foo’ attribute value contains the sub
string ‘bar’
an element of type E tagged as being written with Japanese
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Pattern Represents
E:link an E element being the source anchor of a hyperlink
E:root an E element, root of the document
E:empty an E element that has no children (not even text nodes)
E:nth-child(n) an E element, the n-th child of its parent
an E element, the n-th child of its parent, counting from the
last one
E:first-child an E element, first child of its parent
E:last-child an E element, last child of its parent
E:only-child an E element, only child of its parent
E:nth-of-type(n) an E element, the n-th sibling of its type
an E element, the n-th sibling of its type, counting from the
last one
E:first-of-type an E element, first sibling of its type
E:last-of-type an E element, last sibling of its type
E:only-of-type an E element, only sibling of its type
E::first-letter the first formatted letter of an E element
E::first-line the first formatted line of an E element
E::before generated content before an E element
E::aer generated content aer an E element
marker of an E element that has its ‘display’ property set
to ‘list-item’
generated content that is le behind in place of an E ele
ment that is moved to the footnote area
generated content replacing the ‘::before’ pseudo-element
of an E element that is moved to the footnote area
generated content that is le behind in place of an E ele
ment that is moved to the sidenote area
generated content replacing the ‘::before’ pseudo-element
of an E element that is moved to the sidenote area
 | 
cmyk() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Functional notation for a CMYK
cmyka() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Functional notation for a CMYK
color with an alpha component
counter() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
The value of a counter
counter(footnote) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Counter that is automatically
incremented each time that a
footnote is generated
counter(page) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Counter that is automatically
created and incremented by 1 on
every page of the document
counter(pages) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Total number of pages in the
device-cmyk() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Functional notation for a CMYK
element() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Used to copy a running element
into a page-margin box
leader() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Inserts a leader
rgb() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Functional notation for an RGB
rgb-icc() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Color from a specific color space
rgba() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Functional notation for an RGB
color with an alpha component
running() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Names an element as a running
string() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Used to copy the value of a named
string into the document
target-counter() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Retrieves the value of the
innermost counter with a given
target-text() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Retrieves the text value of an
@bottom-center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Box centered horizontally between
the page’s le and right border
@bottom-le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
box filling the bottom page margin
between the bottom-le-corner
and bottom-center page-margin
@bottom-le-corner . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Box defined by the intersection of
the bottom and le margins of the
page box
@bottom-right . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Box filling the bottom page margin
between the bottom-center and
bottom-right-corner page-margin
@bottom-right-corner . . . . . . . . . . 
Box defined by the intersection of
the bottom and right margins of the
page box
@counter-style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Allows definition of a custom
counter style
@font-face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Allows for linking to fonts that are
automatically fetched and
activated when needed
@footnote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Describes a footnote area
@import . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Allows import of style rules from
other style sheets
@le-bottom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Box filling the le page margin
between the le-middle and
bottom-le-corner page-margin
@le-middle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Box centered vertically between the
pages top and bottom border
@le-top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Box filling the le page margin
between the top-le-corner and
le-middle page-margin boxes
@media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Specifies the target media types of
a set of statements
@page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Specifies various aspects of a page
box, such as its dimensions,
orientation, and margins
@right-bottom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Box filling the right page margin
between the right-middle and
bottom-right-corner page-margin
@right-middle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Box centered vertically between the
pages top and bottom border
@right-top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Box filling the right page margin
between the top-right-corner and
right-middle page-margin boxes
@sidenote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Describes a sidenote area
@top-center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Box centered horizontally between
the page’s le and right border
@top-le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Box filling the top page margin
between the top-le-corner and
top-center page-margin boxes
@top-le-corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Box defined by the intersection of
the top and le margins of the page
@top-right . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Box filling the top page margin
between the top-center and top-
right-corner page-margin boxes
@top-right-corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Box defined by the intersection of
the top and right margins of the
page box
:blank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Pseudo-class that matches only
blank pages
:first . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Pseudo-class that matches only
first pages
:last . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Pseudo-class that matches only the
last page of the document
:le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Pseudo-class that matches only le
:only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Pseudo-class that matches only a
single page that is the first and last
page of the document
:right . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Pseudo-class that matches only
right pages
::footnote-call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Area that is le behind when an
element is moved to the footnote
::footnote-marker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Pseudo-element that is added to
each footnote element, in the same
place, and replacing the ::before
::marker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Pseudo-element to represent a list
item marker
::sidenote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Area that is le behind when an
element is moved to the sidenote
::sidenote-marker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Pseudo-element that is added to
each sidenote element, in the same
place, and replacing the ::before
@le-middle ::sidenote-marker
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-ah-alttext . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Alternative text of an image or link
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Content type of a background
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Resolution of a background image
-ah-baseline-block-snap . . . . . . . . . 
How blocks align to the baseline
-ah-baseline-grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Sets or clears the baseline grid
-ah-column-rule-align . . . . . . . . . . . 
Alignment of the column rule
-ah-column-rule-display . . . . . . . . 
Display of the column rule
-ah-column-rule-length . . . . . . . . . 
Length of the column rule
-ah-crop-area-visibility . . . . . . . . . . 
Whether to display the area that
extends beyond the finished page
-ah-crop-oset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Distance from the physical end to
the trim size of the output medium
-ah-force-page-count . . . . . . . . . . . 
Constrains the total number of
pages for the document
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
-ah-line-height-shi-adjustment . 
Whether the line-height is adjusted
for content that has a baseline-shi
-ah-line-stacking-strategy . . . . . . . 
Strategy for positioning adjacent
lines relative to each other
-ah-outline-color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Color of a bookmark label
-ah-outline-font-style . . . . . . . . . . 
Font style of a bookmark label
-ah-outline-font-weight . . . . . . . . 
Font weight of a bookmark label
-ah-pdag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
PDF Tag name to output
-ah-printer-marks-line-color . . . . . 
Line color of printer marks
-ah-printer-marks-line-length . . . . 
Line length of printer marks
-ah-printer-marks-line-width . . . . 
Line width of printer marks
-ah-repeat-cell-content-at-break . 
Whether to repeat the content of a
cell when the cell breaks
-ah-table-omit-footer-at-break . . . 
Whether to omit the table footer at
page and columnt breaks
-ah-table-omit-header-at-break . . 
Whether to omit the table header at
page and columnt breaks
-ah-text-align-string . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Overall alignment of table cell text
that is aligned on a character
-ah-text-autospace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Controls the creation of space when
a run of non-ideographic or
numeric characters appears inside
of ideographic text
-ah-text-autospace-width . . . . . . . . 
Amount of space between
Japanese and Western text
-ah-text-justify-trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Additional text compression for
-ah-text-line-width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Width of underline, line-through,
and overline
additive-symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Symbols to be used by an additive
marker-construction algorithm
background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Background shorthand
background-attachment . . . . . . . 
Whether a background image
repeats on every page
background-clip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Clip of the background image
background-color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Background color of an element
-ah-alttext background-color
background-image . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Image to render on top of
background color
background-origin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Origin of the background image
background-position . . . . . . . . . . . 
Position of the background image
background-repeat . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Repetitions of the background
image of an element
background-size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Size of the background image
bleed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Extent of the page bleed area
outside the page box
bleed-bottom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Width of the bottom bleed
bleed-le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Width of the le bleed
bleed-right . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Width of the right bleed
bleed-top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Width of the top bleed
bookmark-label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Label of a bookmark
bookmark-level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Bookmark level in hierarchical
bookmark structure
bookmark-state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Initial state of a bookmark
border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Shorthand property for setting the
same width, color, and style for all
four borders of a box
border-bottom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Style of the bottom border
border-bottom-color . . . . . . . . . . . 
Color of the bottom border
border-bottom-le-radius . . . . . . 
Radii of a quarter ellipse that
defines the shape of the bottom-le
corner of the outer border edge
border-bottom-right-radius . . . . . 
Radii of a quarter ellipse that
defines the shape of the bottom-
right corner of the outer border
border-bottom-style . . . . . . . . . . . 
Style of the bottom border
border-bottom-width . . . . . . . . . . 
Width of the bottom border
border-collapse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Whether the borders of adjacent
cells are merged together such that
each cell draws only half of the
shared border
border-color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Shorthand that sets the four
border-*-color properties
border-le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Style of the le border
border-le-color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Color of the le border
border-le-style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Style of the le border
border-le-width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Width of the le border
border-length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Length of border between
footnotes and other content
border-radius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Radius of a quarter ellipse that
defines the shape of the corner of
the outer border edge
border-right . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Style of the right border
border-right-color . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Color of the right border
border-right-style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Style of the right border
border-right-width . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Width of the right border
border-spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Distance that separates adjoining
cell borders in separated-borders
border-style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Shorthand that sets the four
border-*-style properties
border-top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Style of the top border
border-top-color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Color of the top border
background-image border-top-color
|     
border-top-le-radius . . . . . . . . . . 
Radii of a quarter ellipse that
defines the shape of the top-le
corner of the outer border edge
border-top-right-radius . . . . . . . . . 
Radii of a quarter ellipse that
defines the shape of the top-right
corner of the outer border edge
border-top-style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Style of the top border
border-top-width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Width of the top border
border-width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Shorthand that sets the four
border-*-width properties
bottom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Bottom oset
box-shadow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Attaches one or more drop-
shadows to a box
box-sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Whether any padding and border
are drawn inside or outside the
specified width and height
break-aer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Whether and how a break should
occur aer a generated box
break-before . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Whether and how a break should
occur before a generated box
break-inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Whether and breaks should be
allowed in a generated box
caption-side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Position of the caption box with
respect to the table box
clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Indicates which sides of an
element’s box(es) may not be
adjacent to an earlier floating box
color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Foreground color of an element’s
text content
column-count . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Number of columns of a multicol
column-gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Gap between columns
column-rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Shorthand for setting ‘column-rule-
width’, ‘column-rule-style’, and
column-rule-color . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Color of the column rule
column-rule-style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Style of the rule between columns
of an element
column-rule-width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Width of the rule between columns
column-span . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
How many columns an element
spans across
column-width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Width of columns in multicol
columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Shorthand property for setting
column-width’ and ‘column-count’
content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Dictates what is rendered inside an
element or pseudo-element
counter-increment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Increments counters
counter-reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Resets counters
display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Controls how an element is
fallback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Fallback counter style
float . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Whether or not a box should float
font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Shorthand property for setting
‘font-style’, ‘font-variant’, ‘font-
weight’, font-stretch, ‘font-size’,
‘line-height’, ‘font-family’
font-family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Prioritized list of font family names
or generic family names
border-top-le-radius font-family
font-size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Desired height of glyphs from the
font-style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Allows italic or oblique faces to be
font-variant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Selects font features
font-weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Weight of glyphs in the font
hanging-punctuation . . . . . . . . . . .
Whether a punctuation mark hangs
and may be placed outside the line
box at the start or at the end of a
line of text
height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Content height
hyphenate-aer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Minimum number of characters in a
hyphenated word aer the
hyphenation character
hyphenate-before . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Minimum number of characters in a
hyphenated word before the
hyphenation character
hyphenate-lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Maximum number of consecutive
hyphenated lines
hyphens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Controls whether hyphenation is
le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Le oset
line-height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Minimal height of line boxes within
an element
list-style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Shorthand that sets the style of the
list item marker
list-style-image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
List item marker image
list-style-position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Position of the list item marker
list-style-type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Type of the list item marker
margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Shorthand that sets the margins for
the four sides of a box
margin-bottom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Thickness of the bottom margin
margin-le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Thickness of the le margin
margin-right . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Thickness of the right margin
margin-top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Thickness of the top margin
marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Specifies printer marks, such as
crop marks
max-height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Content maximum height
max-width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Content maximum width
min-height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Content minimum height
min-width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Content minimum width
negative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
How to alter a counter’s
representation when the value is
orphans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Minimum number of line boxes in a
block container that must be le in
a fragment before a fragmentation
pad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Symbol with which to pad counter
padding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Shorthand that sets the four
padding-* properties
font-size padding
|     
padding-bottom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Bottom padding of a box
padding-le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Le padding of a box
padding-right . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Right padding of a box
padding-top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Top padding of a box
page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Specifies a particular type of page
on which an element must be
page-break-aer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Whether and how a page break
should occur aer an element
page-break-before . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Whether and how a page break
should occur before an element
page-break-inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Whether a page break may occur
inside an element
position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Positioning scheme for laying out a
prefix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Symbol that is prepended to the
marker representation
punctuation-trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Whether or not a fullwidth
punctuation character should be
range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Ranges over which a counter style
is defined
right . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Right oset
size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Target size and orientation of the
page box’s containing block
string-set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Copies the text content of an
element into a named string
suix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Symbol that is appended to the
marker representation
symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Symbols to be used by the marker-
construction algorithm
system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Algorithm to use to construct a
counters representation
table-layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Mode for laying out the table
text-align . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Inline alignment of all lines of inline
content in the block container,
except for last lines overridden by a
non-auto value of text-align-last
text-align-first . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Alignment of the first line of a block
and of a line immediately aer a
forced line break
text-align-last . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How the last line of a block or a line
right before a forced line break is
text-decoration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Shorthand for text-decoration-line,
text-decoration-color, and text-
text-decoration-color . . . . . . . . . . . 
Color of text decoration set on an
text-decoration-line . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Line decorations, if any, that are
added to an element
text-decoration-style . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Style of the line(s) drawn for text
top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Top oset
vertical-align . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Vertical positioning inside a line box
of the boxes generated by an inline-
level element
padding-bottom vertical-align
widows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Minimum number of line boxes of a
block container that must be le in
a fragment aer a break
width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Content width
writing-mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Whether lines of text are laid out
horizontally or vertically and the
direction in which blocks progress
z-index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Stack level of the box in the current
<img> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Represents an image
<link> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Link to an external style sheet
<meta> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Provides additional information
about the document
<object> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Used for embedding an external
<rb> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Base text component of a ruby
<rt> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Ruby text component of a ruby
<ruby> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Ruby annotation, primarily for
showing pronunciation of East
Asian characters
<style> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inserts style rules into the
widows <style>
|     
For free trials, contact [email protected].
More information can be found at antennahouse.com.
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