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Medical Device Coordination Group Document MDCG 2022-2
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MDCG 2022-2
Guidance on general principles of
clinical evidence for In Vitro Diagnostic
medical devices (IVDs)
January 2022
This document has been endorsed by the Medical Device Coordination Group
(MDCG) established by Article 103 of Regulation (EU) 2017/745. The MDCG is
composed of representatives of all Member States and it is chaired by a
representative of the European Commission.
The document is not a European Commission document and it cannot be regarded
as reflecting the official position of the European Commission. Any views expressed
in this document are not legally binding and only the Court of Justice of the European
Union can give binding interpretations of Union law.
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Table of Contents
1. Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 3
2. Scope ........................................................................................................................ 3
3. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 4
4. Definitions ................................................................................................................. 7
5. General principles of Clinical Evidence ................................................................... 12
6. Performance Evaluation .......................................................................................... 13
6.1. Performance evaluation process ............................................................................. 13
6.2. The role of risk management in performance evaluation ........................................ 15
6.3. Performance Evaluation Plan .................................................................................. 18
6.4. Scientific Validity ..................................................................................................... 20
6.5. Analytical Performance ........................................................................................... 23
6.6. Clinical Performance ............................................................................................... 24
6.7. Clinical performance studies ................................................................................... 26
6.8. Performance Evaluation Report .............................................................................. 27
7. Continuous update of the performance evaluation .................................................. 28
7.1. Post-Market Surveillance (PMS) and Post-Market Performance Follow up
(PMPF) .......................................................................................................................... 29
Appendix I Methodological principle for generation of clinical evidence ..................... 31
Appendix II Required frequency for updates of reports ................................................. 32
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1. Purpose
This document outlines the general principles of clinical evidence and provides
guidance on the continuous process of performance evaluation for in vitro diagnostic
medical devices (hereafter referred to as IVDs), as set out in Regulation (EU)
2017/746 In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Regulation (IVDR).
This guidance describes the approach by which collection, generation and
documentation of supporting data for an IVD may be conducted prior to the placing
on the market or putting into service. As the performance evaluation will be updated
throughout the life cycle of an IVD, this document also addresses principles related to
post-market surveillance, such as post-market performance follow-up.
The target audience of this document is IVD manufacturers, investigators and study
sponsors. This document is also intended to inform regulators, notified bodies and
other stakeholders when considering clinical evidence provided by manufacturers.
This document has been elaborated by an expert group representing Member State
Competent Authorities and the European Commission, in consultation with all
relevant actors including notified bodies and manufacturers.
In order to promote global convergence, this document takes into account certain
concepts outlined in the Global Harmonisation Task Force guidance documents
(such as SG5/N7:2012).
2. Scope
This guidance should be applied to all products meeting the definition of an IVD per
Article 2(2) of the IVDR:
any medical device which is a reagent, reagent product, calibrator, control material,
kit, instrument, apparatus, piece of equipment, software or system, whether used
alone or in combination, intended by the manufacturer to be used in vitro for the
examination of specimens, including blood and tissue donations, derived from the
human body, solely or principally for the purpose of providing information on one or
more of the following:
a) concerning a physiological or pathological process or state;
b) concerning congenital physical or mental impairments;
c) concerning the predisposition to a medical condition or a disease;
d) to determine the safety and compatibility with potential recipients;
e) to predict treatment response or reactions;
f) to define or monitoring therapeutic measures.
It shall be noted that as of 2012, the International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF) took up the work and mission of
the Global Harmonization Task Force (GHTF).
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Specimen receptacles shall also be deemed to be in vitro diagnostic medical devices;
As accessories for an IVD fall under the scope of the IVDR, this document also
provides guidance on these devices.
This document provides guidance on:
- General principles of Clinical Evidence,
- Performance evaluation process,
- The role of risk management in performance evaluation,
- Performance Evaluation Plan (PEP),
- Scientific Validity, Analytical Performance and Clinical Performance,
- Performance Evaluation Report (PER),
- Continuous update of the performance evaluation.
It is important to remind that per Article 1(3) of the IVDR, the following products are
not considered IVDs and are henceforth out of scope of this guidance:
a) products for general laboratory use or research-use only products,
unless such products, in view of their characteristics, are specifically
intended by their manufacturer to be used for in vitro diagnostic
b) invasive sampling products or products which are directly applied to the
human body for the purpose of obtaining a specimen;
c) internationally certified reference materials;
d) materials used for external quality assessment scheme.
Please note that this guidance does not elaborate on performance studies in detail
nor does it address the concept of equivalence in detail. In addition, this guidance
does not apply to in-house devices.
3. Introduction
Prior to placing an IVD on the market or putting it into service, the manufacturer must
demonstrate compliance with all applicable requirements of the IVDR, in accordance
with the appropriate conformity assessment procedure(s). Therefore, the
manufacturer must demonstrate that the IVD achieves its intended purpose in
accordance with the claimed performance over the lifetime of the device.
Article 56 (1) of the IVDR underlines that the manufacturer must specify and justify
the level of clinical evidence in view of the characteristics of the device and its
intended purpose. As such, defining the intended purpose of an IVD must be
considered a key driver behind the overall assessment. Accordingly, the full intended
During the normal stated conditions of use by the intended user in the intended environment (e.g. laboratories, physician’s
offices, healthcare centres, and home environments.)
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purpose should be clearly expressed in the intended purpose statement, reflected in
the instructions for use (IFU), and should include the specific elements outlined in
Annex I, 20.4.1 (c.):
(i) what is detected and/or measured;
(ii) its function (e.g. screening, monitoring, diagnosis or aid to diagnosis,
prognosis, prediction, companion diagnostic);
(iii) the specific information that is intended to be provided in the context of:
a physiological or pathological state;
congenital physical or mental impairments;
the predisposition to a medical condition or a disease;
the determination of the safety and compatibility with potential
the prediction of treatment response or reactions;
the definition or monitoring of therapeutic measures;
(iv) whether it is automated or not;
(v) whether it is qualitative, semi-quantitative or quantitative;
(vi) the type of specimen(s) required;
(vii) where applicable, the testing population; and
(viii) for companion diagnostics, the International Non-proprietary Name (INN) of
the associated medicinal product for which it is a companion test.
In this context, it is relevant to distinguish analytes with specific indications (e.g.
specific diagnostic purposes) from those which may be relevant for multiple clinical
conditions and are consequently intended to assess physiological status rather than
a specific diagnostic indication. In such cases, the intended purpose should be
framed to appropriately reflect the IVD’s overall purpose, e.g. ‘as a marker of
inflammation’ rather than specifying specific causes of inflammation (unless
specifically diagnostic for these). Additional information regarding different clinical
contexts for the analyte should be captured in the scientific validity of the IVD and be
included in other sections of the IFU, e.g. the ‘summary and explanation of the test’
The IVDR outlines that evidence for an IVD’s conformity is established by
demonstrating and substantiating the scientific validity, analytical performance and
clinical performance. Furthermore, the IVDR underlines that the necessary clinical
evidence should be based on a sufficient amount and quality of data in order to allow
a qualified assessment of whether the IVD is safe, performant and achieves the
intended clinical benefit(s), when used as intended. The IVDR notes that clinical
evidence may include data from devices which are claimed to be equivalent to the
device under assessment. The handling of equivalence should be defined in the
manufacturers QMS (Annex IX 2.2.c). Where data from equivalent devices is used, a
justification should be provided. It is important to underline that risk classification is
not the only factor which influences the level of clinical evidence needed. As a
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general principle, scientifically substantiated conclusions should be reached through
the use of a systematic and explicit appraisal of data that supports decisions made
and conclusions reached regarding sufficient clinical evidence.
To assist in demonstrating conformity with the IVDR, IVD manufacturers may make
use of harmonised standards, or the relevant parts of those standards, the references
of which are published in the Official Journal of the European Union. While the use of
harmonised standards is recommended, it is not the only means to demonstrate an
IVD’s conformity with the IVDR. When other approaches are employed, the
manufacturer must ensure that the necessary level of safety and performance is
Where no harmonised standards exist or where the existing harmonised standards
are not sufficient, the Commission can adopt Common Specifications (CS) regarding
the requirements on performance evaluation and performance studies. IVDs
developed in compliance with CSs (fully or partially), are in presumption of conformity
with the requirements of the IVDR covered by the CS or parts thereof. Thereby,
manufacturers or study sponsors must comply with the CS unless it can be duly
justified that the adoption of a different solution ensures an equivalent level of safety
and performance.
It is important to underline that performance evaluation should be regarded as a
continuous process required not only to generate but also maintain the clinical
evidence needed to support an IVD’s intended purpose. It is with this essence the
IVDR requires that a lifecycle approach must be employed, whereby clinical evidence
is updated throughout the IVD’s entire lifecycle. Scientific developments and
improvements in state-of-the-art should be reviewed and assessed by the
manufacturer on a regular basis as part of their continuous and pro-active post-
market surveillance activities. Therefore, manufacturers must instate a procedure for
planned monitoring of scientific developments and changes in medical practice
relevant to the IVD(s). Any relevant new information, developments and progress in
the scientific field should trigger reassessments of the existing clinical evidence thus
ensuring safety and performance through a continuous performance evaluation
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4. Definitions
The definitions elaborated within this section and utilised within this document are
intended to apply to IVDs according to the IVDR. A small number of terms which are
considered useful and defined below were taken from other sources than the IVDR.
The ability of a device to correctly detect or measure a
particular analyte.
Source: EU 2017/746 (IVDR), Article 2 (40)
Analytical sensitivity
The capability of the method to distinguish between two
close concentrations of the target marker/analyte.
Source: Iteration from several sources
Analytical specificity
The ability of an assay to measure in a sample a particular
target measurand in the presence of for example other
analyte/marker, matrix, interfering substances/organisms or
cross-reactive species/agents.
Source: Iteration from several sources
Certified Reference
Material/ Standard
Reference Material
Reference material, accompanied by a certificate, one or
more whose property values are certified by a procedure
which establishes its traceability to an accurate realization
of the unit in which the property values are expressed, and
for which each certified value is accompanied by an
uncertainty at a stated level of confidence.
Source: WHO TGS-8 definition: Quality control for in vitro diagnostic medical devices for
WHO prequalification
Certified reference
Measurement method which has been certified to show
appropriate trueness and precision for its intended purpose
and has been officially defined as reference method by a
competent body.
Source: WHO TGS-8 definition: Quality control for in vitro diagnostic medical devices for
WHO prequalification
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Clinical Benefit
The positive impact of a device related to its function, such
as that of screening, monitoring, diagnosis or aid to
diagnosis of patients, or a positive impact on patient
management or public health.
Note: It should be recognized that the concept of clinical
benefit for in vitro diagnostic medical devices is
fundamentally different from that which applies in the case
of pharmaceuticals or of therapeutic medical devices, since
the benefit of in vitro diagnostic medical devices lies in
providing accurate medical information on patients, where
appropriate, assessed against medical information obtained
through the use of other diagnostic options and
technologies, whereas the final clinical outcome for the
patient is dependent on further diagnostic and/or therapeutic
options which could be available.
Source: EU 2017/746 (IVDR), Article 2 (37) and recital 64
Clinical evidence
Clinical data and performance evaluation results pertaining
to a device of a sufficient amount and quality to allow a
qualified assessment of whether the device is safe and
achieves the intended clinical benefit(s), when used as
intended by the manufacturer.
Source: EU 2017/746 (IVDR), Article 2 (36)
Clinical performance
The ability of a device to yield results that are correlated
with a particular clinical condition or a physiological or
pathological process or state in accordance with the target
population and intended user.
Source: EU 2017/746 (IVDR), Article 2 (41)
Device for
performance study
A device intended by the manufacturer to be used in a
performance study.
A device intended to be used for research purposes, without
any medical objective, shall not be deemed to be a device
for performance study.
Source: EU 2017/746 (IVDR), Article 2 (45)
The ability of a device to identify the presence of a target
marker associated with a particular disease or condition.
Source: EU 2017/746 (IVDR), Article 2 (50)
The ability of a device to recognise the absence of a target
marker associated with a particular disease or condition.
Source: EU 2017/746 (IVDR), Article 2 (49)
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False negative
A result where the device incorrectly indicates that the
specimen tested negative for the condition, attribute or
property under analysis.
False positive
A result where the device incorrectly indicates that the
specimen tested positive for the condition, attribute or
property under analysis.
Usability engineering
Application of knowledge about human behaviour, abilities,
limitations, and other characteristics to the design of and
interactions with an IVD medical devices (including
software) to achieve adequate usability.
Source: Modified from IEC 62366
An individual responsible for the conduct of a performance
study at a performance study site.
Source: EU 2017/746 (IVDR), Article 2 (48)
Likelihood ratio
Likelihood of a given result arising in an individual with the
target clinical condition or physiological state compared to
the likelihood of the same result arising in an individual
without that clinical condition or physiological state.
Source: EU 2017/746 (IVDR), Article 2 (54)
The ability to provide measured quantity values that are
directly proportional to the value of the measurand in the
ISO 18113-1
Measuring interval
A set of values of quantities of the same kind that can be
measured by a given measuring instrument or measuring
system with specified instrumental measurement
uncertainty, under defined conditions
Source: International vocabulary of metrology Basic and general concepts and
associated terms (VIM) 3rd edition
Negative predictive
The ability of a device to separate true negative results from
false negative results for a given attribute in a given
Source: EU 2017/746 (IVDR), Article 2 (53)
An assessment and analysis of data to establish or verify
the scientific validity, the analytical and, where applicable,
the clinical performance of a device.
Source: EU 2017/746 (IVDR), Article 2 (44)
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Performance of a
Performance of a device means the ability of a device to
achieve its intended purpose as claimed by the
manufacturer. It consists of the analytical and, where
applicable, the clinical performance supporting that intended
Source: EU 2017/746 (IVDR), Article 2 (39)
Performance study
A study undertaken to establish or confirm the analytical or
clinical performance of a device.
Source: EU 2017/746 (IVDR), Article 2 (42)
Performance study
A document that describes the rationale, objectives, design
methodology, monitoring, statistical considerations,
organisation and conduct of a performance study.
Source: EU 2017/746 (IVDR), Article 2 (43)
Positive predictive
The ability of a device to separate true positive results from
false positive results for a given attribute in a given
Source: EU 2017/746 (IVDR), Article 2 (52)
Predictive value
The probability that a person with a positive device test
result has a given condition under investigation, or that a
person with a negative device test result does not have a
given condition.
Source: EU 2017/746 (IVDR), Article 2 (51)
The combination of the probability of occurrence of harm
and the severity of that harm.
Source: Article 2(16) IVDR
The robustness of an analytical procedure means the
capacity of an analytical procedure to remain unaffected by
small but deliberate variations in method parameters and
provides an indication of its reliability during normal usage.
Source: ICH Q2(R1) Validation of analytical procedures
Scientific validity of
an analyte
The association of an analyte with a clinical condition or a
physiological state.
Source: EU 2017/746 (IVDR), Article 2 (38)
Is a discrete portion of a body fluid or tissue taken from an
individual for examination, study or analysis of one or more
quantities or characteristics to determine the character of
the whole. This also includes other materials, for example,
hair, nails excretions, secretions, or a sample from the skin
Source: MDCG IVD Classification guidance
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Developed stage of current technical capability and/or
accepted clinical practice in regard to products, processes
and patient management, based on the relevant
consolidated findings of science, technology and
Note: The state-of-the-art embodies what is currently and
generally accepted as good practice in technology and
medicine. The state-of-the-art does not necessarily imply
the most technologically advanced solution. The state-of-
the-art described here is sometimes referred to as the
“generally acknowledged state-of-the-art
Source: Modified from IMDRF/GRRP WG/N47 FINAL:2018
Summary of Safety
and Performance
Article 29 specifies the information, including data on
performance evaluation and respective conclusions, which
manufacturers have to provide to notified bodies for
validation and to make available to the public in the
“Summary of safety and performance” in the EUDAMED
Source: EU 2017/746 (IVDR), Article 29
Property of a measurement result whereby the result can be
related to a reference through a documented unbroken
chain of calibrations, each contributing to the measurement
uncertainty. The metrological traceability chain is a
sequence of measurement standards and calibrations that
is used to relate a measurement result to a reference.
Source: International vocabulary of metrology Basic and general concepts and
associated terms (VIM) 3rd edition
True negative
A result where the device correctly indicates that the
specimen tested negative for the condition, attribute or
property under analysis.
True positive
A result where the device correctly indicates that the
specimen tested positive for the condition, attribute or
property under analysis.
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Characteristic of the user interface that facilitates use and
thereby establishes effectiveness, efficiency and user
satisfaction in the intended use environment.
Note 1 to entry: all aspects of usability, including
effectiveness, efficiency and user satisfaction, can either
increase or decrease safety.
Source: IEC 62366:2015
WHO International
WHO provided international standard for the calibration and
validation of diagnostic and screening assays.
Use environment
Actual conditions and setting in which users interact with the
IVDs (e.g. self-tests).
Source: modified from 62366-1:2015
5. General principles of Clinical Evidence
Clinical evidence for IVDs is established through the collection of data as a result of a
performance evaluation. Performance evaluation covers the assessment and
analysis of data to establish and verify the scientific validity, analytical performance
and, where applicable, clinical performance of an IVD as per article 2 (44). Clinical
expertise and judgment is required at every step of the performance evaluation,
including the collection and appraisal of data arising from different sources. Each
indication and claimed clinical benefit specified in the intended purpose should be
assessed and have the appropriate supporting clinical evidence.
As defined in Article 2 (37) of the IVDR, clinical benefit is the positive impact of a
device related to its function, such as that of screening, monitoring, diagnosis or aid
to diagnosis of patients, or a positive impact on patient management or public health.
Preamble (64) of the IVDR further clarifies that the concept of clinical benefit for IVDs
is fundamentally different from that which applies in the case of pharmaceuticals or of
therapeutic medical devices, since the benefit of IVDs lies in providing accurate
medical information on patients, where appropriate, assessed against medical
information obtained through the use of other diagnostic options and technologies,
whereas the final clinical outcome for the patient is dependent on further diagnostic
and/or therapeutic options which could be available.
As a substantial percentage of healthcare decisions rely on information provided by
IVDs, results from IVDs can significantly influence patient diagnosis, management,
treatment and overall clinical outcomes. As such, the clinical evidence of an IVD
should demonstrate that the defined clinical benefit is achieved and that the IVD is
safe and in conformity with the applicable general safety and performance
requirements (GSPRs) set out in Annex I. The clinical evidence must also support the
intended purpose and performance of the IVD, as stated by the manufacturer, while
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addressing the residual risks to the patients, users or other persons associated with
the use of the device. As accessories fall under the scope of the IVDR, establishment
of the clinical evidence for an accessory used together with one or several IVD(s)
may be performed alongside the corresponding IVD(s) in question. To determine and
justify the level of clinical evidence, the amount and quality of supporting data should
be evaluated. According to the principles of evidence-based medicine, the body of
evidence should be assessed taking into the account strength, robustness, and
quality of data in order to draw meaningful conclusions. All in all, the clinical benefit of
the IVD should always outweigh the overall residual risk.
As part of the ‘lifecycle approach’ of a device, it is of utmost importance that the
generation and assessment of clinical evidence remains a continuous process during
the life-time of the device. The general methodological principles to be considered by
the manufacturer are listed in Annex XIII 1.2. of the IVDR and are further illustrated in
Appendix I of this guidance document.
6. Performance Evaluation
6.1. Performance evaluation process
Performance Evaluation is a structured, transparent, iterative and continuous process
which is part of the quality management system and is conducted throughout the life
cycle of an IVD. The general performance evaluation principles are laid down in
Article 56 and Annex XIII, Part A, 1 of the IVDR and can be summarised as follows:
1. Planning: establishment and maintenance of a performance evaluation plan
(PEP); identification of the approach and steps to generate the necessary
clinical evidence based on the characteristics of the device, its intended
purpose, etc.;
2. Data Establishment:
- Identification and evaluation of the available data in terms of its
suitability and relevance for demonstrating conformity with the relevant
GSPRs and intended purpose;
- Identification of whether additional scientific validity, analytical
performance or clinical performance data is required to demonstrate
conformity and identification of any unaddressed issues or gaps exist in
the data;
- Generation of scientific validity, analytical performance and clinical
performance data needed (e.g. to address gaps);
3. Analysis, conclusions and documentation: analysis and documentation of the
scientific validity, analytical performance data and clinical performance data.
Assessments and drawing of conclusions in the performance evaluation report
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(PER); drawing up of the summary of safety and performance (for Class C and
4. Continuous monitoring and updates: Update the performance evaluation
report, the summary of safety and performance (for Class C and D) and other
associated documentation (e.g. Periodic Safety Update Report (PSUR))
throughout the life cycle of the IVD considering also data obtained from
implementation of the manufacturer's Post Market Performance Follow-up
(PMPF) report and through a continuous evaluation of the state-of-the-art.
This approach is illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Overview of the Performance Evaluation process
The performance evaluation of an IVD must consider the benefit-risk ratio in light of
the state-of-the-art. The three essential pillars of performance evaluation can be
summarised as:
- Scientific validity: the extent to which the analyte, or marker to be
determined by the IVD is associated with the targeted physiological state or
clinical condition.
- Analytical performance: demonstration of the IVD’s ability to correctly
detect or measure a particular analyte.
IVDR Art. 29
For IVD medical device software, analyte or marker should be understood as the association of the claimed intended purpose
with a clinical condition or physiological state.
In the case of IVD software, and broadly speaking, accurately, reliably and precisely produce the intended output.
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- Clinical performance: demonstration of an IVD’s ability to yield results
that are correlated with a particular clinical condition or a
physiological/pathological process or state in accordance with the target
population and intended user.
When planning the performance evaluation, the approach to demonstrating
compliance with the applicable requirements and methods can vary. For devices
where CS have been published, aspects of the clinical evidence requirements are
clearly defined. Some devices may have relevant existing standards, guidelines (e.g.
WHO international standards, best practice documents) and/or certified reference
materials or reference measurement procedures. The availability of these may assist
manufacturers when designing the PEP (see section 6.3) and can be utilised in
studies required to generate sufficient clinical evidence to demonstrate conformity.
For devices that do not typically have, for example, CS or certified reference
materials, planning activities to generate necessary clinical evidence may be more
challenging. In such cases manufacturers are reminded that the clinical evidence
must be sufficient to support the intended purpose of the device in the intended use
environment. If there are no comparative methods, different approaches may be used
if demonstrated to be appropriate, such as comparison to some other well-
documented methods or the composite reference standard. The depth and extent of
clinical evidence should also take into account considerations including the inherent
risks of the device and the state-of-the-art. It may be worth reflecting on the concepts
listed in section 6.8 when designing the PEP and any studies required to generate
sufficient clinical evidence.
Devices with, for example, new intended purposes, new analytes, new target
populations, or are based on new technologies or technical processes may not have
a large amount of existing evidence available due to their novelty. The availability of
existing evidence and current clinical practices to support the novel aspects should
be a key consideration when designing the PEP and any studies necessary to
generate sufficient clinical evidence.
6.2. The role of risk management in performance evaluation
The risk management system should be carefully aligned with and reflected in the
performance evaluation process of the IVD, considering the clinical risks to be
addressed as part of the performance evaluation, performance studies, and post-
market performance follow-up(s).
Due to their nature, in the majority of cases, deficiencies of IVDs do not directly lead
to physical injury or damage to the health of people. If any, these devices may lead to
indirect harm, rather than direct harm.
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The requirements to remove or reduce risks as far as possible must be fulfilled,
taking into account the generally acknowledged state-of-the-art in the field of
medicine. Risks for IVDs are often generated from a series of events which may
involve several factors such as inadequate design characteristics, immature
technology or usability, defects in manufacturing, unintentional misuse, improper
storage or maintenance of the IVD as well as medical decisions of the healthcare
professional or lay user based on the examination results.
Chain of events may lead to hazardous situations, e.g. reporting of an incorrect
examination result. As a consequence of a medical decision based on the result
provided by the device, action taken or not taken may result in the worst cases to
severe harms to the patients. In addition to the harm to patients, exposures of the
users (e.g. maintenance personnel, patients) to chemical, electronic,
electromagnetic, mechanical (non-exhaustive) should be accounted for.
Therefore, the risk analysis should always reflect the clinical use and medical
purpose of the IVD. For more examples on series of events leading to harm, see
Table 1.
Table 1. Examples of series of events leading to harm. The probability of occurrence of harm can be
combination of probability of the hazardous situation occurring and probability of hazardous situation
leading to the harm. Severity of harm is often dependent of intended purpose of the device.
Probability of the Occurrence of the Harm x Severity
Probability of the Hazardous situation
Manufacturer risk control
An event/A
Clinical events
contributing or
mitigating the
hazardous situation
Harm and Severity
Poor sampling,
stability of the
degraded etc.
ng result
receives an
incorrect result
The result (not)
considered in the
context of clinical signs
and symptoms
Not identified patients
likely to benefit from the
corresponding medicinal
Result accepted as
illness or injury
impairment of body
structure or function
Hospitalization or
prolongation of
medical treatment
Unintentional illness
or injury or adverse
clinical signs
Minor harm not
leading to additional
medical treatment or
treatment, minor
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reaction, too
high amount of
dispensed etc.
ng result
/layperson receives
an incorrect result
The result (not)
considered in the
context of clinical signs
and symptoms
Not identified patients
likely to be at increased
risk of serious adverse
reactions as a result of
treatment with the
corresponding medicinal
Result accepted as
illness or injury
impairment of body
structure or function
Hospitalization or
prolongation of
medical treatment
Unintentional illness
or injury or adverse
clinical signs
Minor harm not
leading to additional
medical treatment or
treatment, minor
Degradation of
control(s) ,
result cannot
be accepted
professional do not
receive a result in a
timely manner
Emergency use, No
t/component in use
Delay of medical
illness or injury
impairment of body
structure or function
Hospitalization or
prolongation of
medical treatment
Unintentional illness
or injury or adverse
clinical signs
Minor harm not
leading to additional
medical treatment or
treatment, minor
reading error,
a component
missing from
the kit etc.
No result
/layperson do not
receive a result at
Emergency use, No
t in use
Delay of medical
illness or injury
impairment of body
structure or function
Hospitalization or
prolongation of
medical treatment,
Unintentional illness
or injury or adverse
clinical signs
Minor harm not
leading to additional
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medical treatment or
treatment, minor
Test line
l growth result
unclear etc.
/layperson receives
an unclear result/do
not receive a result
in a timely manner
The result (not)
considered in the
context of clinical signs
and symptoms
Result accepted as
Result not accepted
medical treatment,
Unintentional illness
or injury or adverse
clinical signs
Minor harm not
leading to additional
medical treatment or
treatment, minor
c, Chemical
defect etc.
pain, blood
hurts him/herself
using the device
illness or injury
impairment of body
structure or function
Hospitalization or
prolongation of
medical treatment,
Unintentional illness
or injury or adverse
clinical signs
Minor harm not
leading to additional
medical treatment or
treatment, minor
The manufacturer’s risk management system should define a scientific and practical
approach to support decision making. All known and foreseeable risks, and any
undesirable effects shall be minimised and be acceptable when weighed against the
evaluated potential benefits to the patients and/or the user arising from the intended
performance of the device during normal conditions of use.
Risks and risk control measures should be reflected in the performance evaluation
process for the device in line with an up-to-date lifecycle approach. For example, the
impact on the clinical evidence required to support the use of the device should be
considered when new risks are identified or when changes are implemented.
6.3. Performance Evaluation Plan
As highlighted above, the performance evaluation begins with the establishment of
the PEP. To generate the necessary clinical evidence, the PEP should specify certain
characteristics, performance of the device, the process and the criteria to be applied.
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When designing the PEP, manufacturers should take into account the following
factors (non-exhaustive) in view of the safety and performance requirements for the
- the intended purpose (including for example the specific disorder, condition
or risk factor of interest that it is intended to detect, define or differentiate),
- the novelty and degree of innovation,
- the scientific validity of the analyte,
- the specification of methods,
- the assay technology,
- the state-of-the-art,
- the risk to the patient (e.g. due to an incorrect or delayed result from an IVD),
- the intended user(s),
- the disease state(s),
- the device classification,
- the degree of variability of the study subject population,
- prevalence of the clinical state,
- the availability of certified reference materials or certified reference methods,
- the target population,
- the stability of specimens, reagents, etc.
- availability of CS.
The requirements for the PEP are set out in the IVDR Annex XIII.
The manufacturer must plan, continuously conduct and document a performance
evaluation and should establish and update the performance evaluation plan (per
IVDR Annex XIII Part A 1), and the performance evaluation report with data obtained
from the manufacturer’s PMPF (per IVDR Annex XIII Part B 6). Identification and
specification of the applicable GSPRs should be clearly outlined within the PEP.
Additionally, an assessment of the benefit-risk ratio should be included in the PEP.
To determine the benefit-risk acceptability, pre-determined thresholds indicating and
specifying parameters and criteria should be used. This is required in order to
determine if the clinical benefits of the intended purpose outweigh the overall residual
Whilst they are neither analytical performance studies nor clinical performance
studies, testing conducted in order to prove compliance with the applicable GSPRs
(Annex I Chapter II point 10 onwards e.g. electromagnetic compatibility testing or
electrical safety testing), would need to be taken into account within the performance
evaluation and their results should be reflected in the performance evaluation report.
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Figure 2 (below) illustrates the flow of plans and reports within a performance
evaluation and describes the relevant information that is required in the development
process of an IVD.
Figure 2 Continuous performance evaluation process including flow of plans and reports.
The blue double arrows denote where plans are linked namely that the post market surveillance plan should
include PMPF plan (Annex III 1b), and that the performance evaluation plan shall include PMPF planning (Annex
XIII part A 1.1). A green double arrow is used to demonstrate that the PMPF report feeds back into the PE
process. (Annex XIII part B.7). The blue frame indicates risk management and continuous performance evaluation
process inter-dependency.
Appendix II of this guidance provides an overview of the required frequency of
updates for the different documents depending on the device class.
6.4. Scientific Validity
Scientific validity should be demonstrated and documented for each device. As
defined by IVDR Article 2(38), the ‘scientific validity of an analyte’ is the association
of an analyte with a clinical condition or a physiological state. In the case of IVD
MDSW, scientific validity should be demonstrated and documented for each device
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that provides information on and with respect to a clinical condition or a physiological
state. It is important to underline that for certain devices intended to be used
together, for example a reagent intended to be used with calibrators and controls, it
may be more appropriate to establish the scientific validity in the context of this
combination. As certain instruments may have an independent measuring function
which does not use any additional reagents,
scientific validity would also be required
unless due justification is given. Scientific validity may be demonstrated through the
use of existing data, where available, while taking into account the generally
acknowledged state-of-the-art. If the association of the analyte to a clinical condition
or physiological state is well established, evidence may be available in sufficient
quality and quantity to substantiate the scientific validity. In such cases, this
association may be appropriately demonstrated based on available information such
as peer reviewed literature, textbooks, historical data and experience. Where existing
evidence does not exist, is considered insufficient, or where there is a high degree of
novelty (such as new analytes and/or new intended purposes), it will be necessary to
provide a scientific rationale and to generate new or additional data. A gap analysis
should be conducted by the manufacturer in order to determine the additional
evidence required. For example, this may prompt the need to demonstrate scientific
validity through studies such as clinical performance studies.
When conducting literature reviews or other data retrieval methods, manufacturers
should employ a systematic approach to identify relevant available data:
1. Define a search protocol
before commencing data retrieval. The searching
strategy must be thorough and objective, i.e. it should identify all relevant
favourable and unfavourable data.
2. Conduct several searches with consolidated and relevant criteria or focus in
order to obtain all relevant and necessary data.
3. Ensure appropriate documentation is produced such that the methods can be
appraised critically, the results can be verified, and searches reproduced if
Examples of existing data (without any particular order):
- appraised literature data,
- peer-reviewed data
- published clinical data (e.g. Summary of Safety and Performance (SSP),
Registries and databases from authorities),
- relevant information on the scientific validity of devices measuring the same
analyte or marker,
- proof of concept studies
See MDCG 2020-16 Rule 5b.
The search protocol is not a separate deliverable but is rather a part of the performance evaluation plan, the results of which
are embedded within the relevant reports.
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- relevant consensus expert opinions/positions from relevant professional
associations relating to the safety, performance, clinical benefits to patients,
design characteristics, scientific validity, clinical performance and intended
purpose of the device.
Examples of generating new evidence (without any particular order)
- Perform clinical performance study,
- Other studies (e.g. analytical performance studies or PMPF studies).
After finalising the collection and/or generation of evidence supporting the scientific
validity, the manufacturer should appraise and analyse the obtained data and reflect
it within the scientific validity report.
Figure 3 below highlights the different steps the manufacturer may take in order to
meet the requirements for establishing scientific validity.
Figure 3. Overview of the scientific validity steps
6.5. Analytical Performance
Per IVDR Article 2(40), the analytical performance focuses on the gathering of
evidence that the IVD in question reliably, accurately and consistently measures
and/or detects an analyte(s).
Proof of concept studies are usually smaller scale scientific studies to identify the fundamental association of the analyte with
the clinical condition/physiological state (GHTF/SG5/N7/2012). They are typically used in the feasibility stage of an IVD’s
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The relevant performance characteristics, as part of the GSPRs and linked to the
analytical features of the IVD should be supported by existing evidence or by
generating new evidence. As a general rule, the analytical performance should
always be demonstrated on the basis of analytical performance studies. Data from
published experience gained by routine diagnostic testing may be considered as
supportive evidence to the analytical performance.
The manufacturer should verify that all different specimen types and specimen
sampling conditions that are indicated in the IVD’s intended purpose are assessed
and demonstrated.
To ensure stability, this examination should also include, where
applicable, the required devices for specimen collection, the indicated specimen
storage and transport conditions.
Information on the timeframe between the specimen collection, storage conditions
and its analysis should be provided and reflected in the analytical performance
report. This includes but is not limited to duration between collection, storage and
analysis, temperature limits and recommended number of freeze/thaw cycles. This is
especially pertinent for IVDs that use methods with time-critical analysis.
Analytical performance indicators are typically considered similar or even identical
across IVDs. These indicators may depend on the assay technology and the
intended use environment. The importance and weighting of different indicators listed
in the IVDR’s Annex I Section 9.1 and Annex II section 6.1 should be considered on
a case by case basis, as not all may be applicable. However, all omissions should be
clearly outlined and justified.
Examples of analytical performance indicators include:
- analytical sensitivity,
o limit of blank (LoB),
o limit of detection (LoD),
o limit of quantitation (LoQ),
- linearity,
- measuring interval/range: LoQ as the lower limit and linearity as the upper
- analytical specificity,
o testing against interferents and cross-reacting substances in the
presence of other substances/agents in specimen,
- accuracy,
a) trueness of measurement,
b) precision,
o intermediate precision,
o repeatability,
Please note that national provisions on informed consent/ethics approval prior to specimen collection and use may be
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o reproducibility,
- carryover and cross contamination,
- instrument comparison,
- cut-off value(s),
- use environment,
- stability.
For IVD MDSW the following characteristics may be taken in to account:
- confidentiality,
- integrity,
- reliability,
- generalisability,
- expected data rate or quality,
- usability engineering.
Identification of gaps during the analytical performance assessment could trigger the
need for the generation of new or additional evidence. In the case of software this
may include, for example, to demonstrate generalisability of a software with real-life
6.6. Clinical Performance
As per Article 2 (41) of the IVDR, clinical performance means the ability of a device to
yield results that are correlated with a particular clinical condition or a physiological or
pathological process or state in accordance with the target population and intended
The clinical performance aims to demonstrate that the IVD can achieve clinically
relevant outputs through predictable and reliable use by the intended user(s). The
manufacturer should demonstrate that the IVD has been tested for the intended
use(s), target population(s), use condition(s), operating- and use environment(s) and
with all the intended user group(s). Indicators of clinical performance vary and
depend strongly on the intended purpose and performance claims.
The IVDR sets out that clinical performance may not be required for certain devices
in Article 2 (39). For example, clinical performance data may not be expected for non-
sterile specimen receptacles, microscopy glass slides, or some general reagents. In
such cases and where due justification is given, a clinical performance report would
not be expected. Nevertheless, the remaining aspects of the performance evaluation
report including other elements of clinical evidence would still be required unless due
justification is given.
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For markers that are not specific to a particular condition but are adequately defined
by scientific validity to be relevant in multiple clinical settings, separate clinical studies
for each clinical setting/indication would not be expected.
For those devices demonstrating clinical performance, the following principles are
highlighted as potential sources of clinical performance data:
- data from scientific peer-reviewed literature,
- data from published experience gained by routine diagnostic testing,
- data from clinical performance studies,
- other sources of clinical performance data.
Clinical performance can be characterised by the demonstration and evaluation of
applicable aspects of clinical performance for the device in question, such as (non-
- diagnostic sensitivity,
- diagnostic specificity,
- positive predictive value,
- negative predictive value,
- number needed to treat/diagnose (average number of patients that need to be
treated/diagnosed in order to have an impact on one person),
- number needed to harm/misdiagnose (number of patients that need to be
diagnosed/ treated in order have an adverse effect on one patient),
- positive likelihood ratio,
- negative likelihood ratio,
- odds ratio,
- usability /user interface.
Other parameters may be determined by the manufacturer to be applicable when
demonstrating the clinical performance characteristics of the IVD in the intended use
environment(s) and may be included in the clinical performance report.
It is important that aspects of clinical performance are assessed in terms of their
statistical relevance, e.g. inclusion of confidence interval(s) and interpretation of the
impact on robustness of the result with regards to the intended purpose. Where due
to specific device characteristics demonstration of conformity with GSPRs based on
clinical data is not deemed appropriate, a performance evaluation is still required and
a justification shall be provided and documented in the PEP and the corresponding
6.7. Clinical performance studies
When determining what data is needed to demonstrate the safety and performance
of IVDs, it is important to consider available existing data and how to bridge any
deficits. In the event that data is not available in either sufficient quality or quantity it
will need to be generated.
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Clinical performance studies are considered necessary to establish or confirm
compliance with the relevant GSPRs as regards an IVD’s clinical performance which
cannot be determined by scientific validity, analytical performance studies, literature,
previous experience gained by routine diagnostic testing or other performance
studies. Clinical performance studies should be conducted in line with well-
established international guidance in this field, such as the international standard ISO
20916 on clinical performance studies using specimens from human subjects
regardless of the classification of the device, unless due justification is provided in
accordance with Annex XIII 1.2.3. For example, the manufacturer could justify that
the use of ‘other sources of clinical performance data’ may be appropriate, if this can
be supported by either literature and/or data from published experience gained by
routine diagnostic testing.
Clinical performance studies should always be designed in a manner which specifies
the clinical evidence the study intends to generate whilst accounting for potential
risks, considering appropriate ethical requirements and ensuring compliance with all
applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
The Clinical Performance Study Plan
(CPSP) should define the rationale, objectives, design, proposed analysis,
methodology, monitoring conduct and record-keeping of the clinical performance
study (IVDR Annex XIII 2.3.2).
As clinical performance studies should be tailored to the specified intended
population, the manufacturer must assess and justify the use of any samples within
their performance study in view of the intended purpose and type of IVD.
Clinical performance studies conducted under the IVDD should be considered as
‘other sources of clinical performance data’ per Annex XIII 1.2.3 as they wouldn’t
meet the requirements of Annex XIII 2.3.
. It should be noted that an assessment of
quality and completeness of the data is essential to identify any potential gaps. This
data should be supported by either literature and/or data from published experience
gained by routine diagnostic testing.
It must be noted additional requirements must be met by the manufacturer for certain
performance studies, such as studies which require ‘surgically invasive sample-taking
only for the purpose of the performance study’, that are ‘interventional clinical
Recital 66 IVDR Corrigendum to Regulation (EU) 2017/746 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2017 on
in vitro diagnostic medical devices and repealing Directive 98/79/EC and Commission Decision 2010/227/EU (Official Journal of
the European Union L 117 of 5 May 2017)(L117/11, 3.5.2019)
For example, the IVDR sets out a requirement for data management. This refers to the process of how data will be captured
and managed. Where relevant, it would be appropriate to state how the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR) Regulation (EU) 2016/679 are being met within the data management process.
If applicable, monitoring plans should be established in order to monitor the study conduct and progress, this will ensure
integrity of data, and adequate qualification of study conduction personnel.
Please note that national provisions on informed consent/ethics approval prior to specimen collection and use may be
Unless the requirements of section 2.3 are appropriately justified.
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performance studies’ or which ‘involve additional invasive procedures or other risks
for the subjects of the studies’.
When clinical performance studies are conducted, the data obtained should be
documented in a clinical performance study report (Annex XIII 2.3.3), used in the
performance evaluation process and be part of the clinical evidence for the IVD.
6.8. Performance Evaluation Report
The manufacturer should compile evidence, determine the benefit-risk and document
the performance evaluation and its output in the PER. The manufacturer should
assess all relevant scientific validity, analytical and clinical performance data to verify
the applicable conformity of its device with the general safety and performance
requirements as referred to in Annex I. Annex XIII, Section 3 makes reference to
studies other than clinical performance studies, these other studies could be
analytical performance studies or PMPF studies that should be documented by
analogy to clinical performance studies and reflected in the PER.
The amount and quality of data collected should allow the manufacturer to make a
qualified assessment whether the IVD will achieve the intended clinical benefit(s) and
safety, when used as intended by the manufacturer. The data and conclusions drawn
from this assessment constitute the clinical evidence and should take into account
the following considerations:
- the intended users,
- the state-of-the-art,
- the nature, severity and the evolution of the condition being diagnosed or
- the adequacy of the estimation of associated risk for each identified hazard,
- the number and severity of adverse events,
- the availability of alternative diagnostic devices and current standard of care.
The assessment may be guided by the following non-exhaustive questions:
- Does the data support the intended purpose, intended users indications,
device specifications, target groups, clinical claims and the relevant general
safety and performance requirements?
- Has the novelty and level of innovation/history on the market been evaluated
and considered?
- Have the risks been identified, mitigated and the effectiveness of the risk
control measures been verified?
- Have for example environmental conditions, interference factors, exogenous
factors and endogenous factors been evaluated?
- Has the quality of literature retrieved and reviewed been evaluated and has a
rationale for the selection process been provided?
Article 58(1) IVDR
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- Has there been a sufficient number of observations to draw scientifically valid
- Have any limitations within the observations been appropriately justified?
- Was the statistical approach including sample size appropriate to reach a
scientifically valid conclusion?
- Have the scientific validity, analytical and clinical performances been
- Is data from performance studies or other sources sufficient to verify the safety
and performance, including clinical benefits (where applicable) of the device
when used as intended with respect to the state-of-the-art?
- Does the design and results of the performance studies support the clinical
- Have all deviations from and all planned changes to the performance
evaluation plan been justified?
- Has the relevance of the information of the performance evaluation been
assessed and documented?
- Has the contribution of each data set to the performance evaluation been
weighted according to systematic criteria?
- Is the data set appropriate and takes into account the state-of-the-art of the
- Is all supporting data fully traceable, documented and is integrity assured?
- Were all ethical, legal and regulatory considerations/ requirements taken into
- Have all omissions been clearly outlined and justified?
7. Continuous update of the performance evaluation
As described previously, performance evaluation is a continuous process conducted
over the lifecycle of the IVD. The safety, effectiveness and performance of the IVD is
maintained by data which is actively and continuously monitored and collected by the
manufacturer. Such data may include, developments in the state-of-the-art, post-
market information such as complaints, PMPF data, direct end-user feedback or
newly published research, guidelines, harmonised standards.
In addition, changes to an IVD’s e.g. intended purpose, product design,
characteristics or technology should be evaluated and the clinical evidence of the
IVD should be updated or re-established before such changes are implemented.
Developments or changes in the state-of-the-art, harmonised standards or CS by
reference to which the conformity of an IVD is declared should be taken into account
as they may trigger further activities to update the clinical evidence.
This information should be subject to the performance evaluation process depicted in
Figure 1.
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7.1. Post-Market Surveillance (PMS) and Post-Market
Performance Follow up (PMPF)
In the context of continuous update of the performance evaluation, planning of
thorough post market surveillance activities are critical to detect signals and ensure
continued performance (e.g. monitor for possible shifts that may signify the
emergence of mutated strains not detected by a specific assay).
The IVDR sets out that a PMPF is required to confirm that the IVD’s safety,
performance, and clinical evidence throughout its expected lifetime is based on
factual evidence and that the benefit-risk ratio remains acceptable. In some cases,
PMPF can be justified as not required (Annex III 1b and Annex XIII Part B 8). If
PMPF is not deemed appropriate for a specific IVD, a justification should be provided
and documented within the performance evaluation report.
Post-market information such as data from the manufacturer’s post-market
surveillance system (e.g. serious incident reports, results from post-market
performance studies) should be reviewed on a regular basis and used to determine
the potential impact on the risks, clinical benefit and whether there is a need to
update the performance evaluation report of the IVD. A manufacturer must ensure
that appropriate methods, procedures and product specific appropriate triggers for
proactively collecting and evaluating safety, performance and scientific data with the
aim of conducting PMPF are included in the PMPF plan.
The performance evaluation documentation (PEP & PER) should be updated
accordingly as part of the PMPF and the clinical evidence for the IVD expanded as
appropriate. Both favourable and unfavourable data should be equally considered.
Activities and triggers should be identified to prompt a review of the PMPF. These
may include for example:
- Monitoring and analysis of data from post-market use,
- Assessment of published experience gained by routine diagnostic testing,
- Involvement in external quality control schemes,
- Identification of new mutations, strains or variants which may impact the
performance of the IVD,
- Inputs from post-market surveillance, including information on serious incident
reports and field safety corrective actions.
- Post-market performance studies.
Information gained through the review and assessment of PMPF data may be useful
to inform future developments of the device e.g. expansion of the intended purpose
or change in claims or design to improve effectiveness.
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Appendix I Methodological principle for generation of clinical
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Appendix II Required frequency for updates of reports
Required frequency of update
Evaluation and
Throughout the life cycle of the device.
From implementation of the
manufacturer's Post Market
Performance Follow up (PMPF) plan in
accordance with Part B of Annex XIII
and the post-market surveillance plan
referred to in Article 79
Continuously through product’s lifetime
based on input from PMS and PMPF
for all classes.
Article 56
Post Market
Surveillance Plan
As necessary
Article 79
Follow-Up (PMPF)
Continuously through product’s lifetime
based on input from post market
surveillance plan (Annex III)
As necessary, unless specific
justification is given.
Annex XIII
Part B
A & B
Evaluation Report
Continuously through product’s lifetime
based on input from PMS and PMPF
for all classes.
As necessary and as defined in the
PMS plan
Article 56(6)
A & B
Post Market
When necessary and made available
to the notified body and the competent
authority upon request
Article 80
C & D
Evaluation Report
As necessary and at least annually
Article 56(6)
C & D
Periodic Safety
Update Report
At least annually
Article 81
C & D
Summary of Safety
and Performance
As soon as possible, where necessary
Article 29
Article 56