Aquila audax
Aves: Accipitridae
Author: Brittanie
Western Sydney
Institute of TAFE,
Captive Animals
Certificate III (CAN3)
Brittanie Bishop
WSI Richmond
v 1
These husbandry guidelines were written by the author studying at TAFE NSW Western Sydney Institute,
Richmond College, N.S.W, Australia, as part of an assessment for the completion of Certificate III in Captive
Animals, Course number ACM30310. Since this husbandry manual is the result of a student project work, care
should be taken when interpreting and using the information presented. No responsibility is assumed for any
loss or damage that may result from the use of these guidelines in the workplace. Husbandry manuals are utility
documents and are effectively a ‘work in progress’ so any additions or enhancements are encouraged.
Caution should be taken when working with birds of prey, especially ones of this size. Wedge-tailed Eagles,
Aquila audax, can be aggressive or territorial towards each other. They can even show this towards keepers
when kept in captivity (Cherriman, Foster & Debus 2012). This animal can be seen as a medium to high risk of
hazard. Wedge-tailed Eagles have very sharp talons and beak used for ripping and shredding their prey
(Simpson & Trusler 2004). Whilst working in and around the enclosure, you must know the birds behaviour. It
is suggested that a lock-away area is used to isolate the animal using food or reward while in the enclosure. A
scratch or bite from a Wedge-tailed Eagle can cause serious harm as they usually swoop down with great speed
while using their talons to attack or defend their territory (Cherriman, Foster & Debus 2012). They could
potentially rip and shred the human skin and cause serious injury. There are no human deaths recorded by
Wedge-tailed Eagle attack and there are very few reports of attacks on humans at all. However, they have the
potential to do serious damage. The level of danger will differ between individuals but keepers should never
underestimate the Wedge-tailed Eagles full potential, i.e. strength or speed (Olsen 2005).
Enclosures holding Wedge-tailed Eagles should have proper signage or be built in a way that prohibits any
contact between visitor and animal. A sign should be present for staff and keepers outlining the risks of
handling or being in contact with this bird of prey and the safety protocol that is being used (Cherriman, Foster
& Debus 2012). If necessary, personal protective equipment (PPE) can be used when handling this animal, such
as thick gloves and protective clothing i.e. hard hats, thick long-sleeved clothing. There are a few workplace
risks involved when working with Wedge-tailed Eagles and maintaining their enclosure, including biological,
chemical, environmental, ergonomic, physical and psychological risks.
Zoonotic diseases (disease that can be transmitted to humans) are a potential biological risk, such as bacterial
infection (e.g. avian tuberculosis), fungal infection (e.g. ringworm), viral infection (e.g. avian influenza) and
other illnesses (e.g. giardia). The risk of contamination can be avoided by using appropriate hygiene methods
such as hand washing, footbaths, disinfectant spray and protective clothing (face mask etc.) when necessary.
Exposure to certain chemicals can occur while cleaning the enclosure and anything associated with the animals.
This can include F10 (disinfectant spray), WD40, iodine, betadine, flagyl etc. It can also include supplements to
the Eagles diet if necessary, such as calcium powder, vitamins etc. To reduce this risk the appropriate PPE
should be worn when using chemicals, such as gloves and face mask. It is important to use the correct dilutions,
read and follow labels/instructions and appropriate safety procedures.
Exposure to the sun when working around and with the eagles can cause over exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
Wet and cold weather can cause health problems for keepers if excessively exposed to it. This can be avoided
by wearing appropriate clothing to protect one’s body from the weather, such as a hat, sunglasses, jumpers,
scarves, long pants, long shirts and closed in footwear. Additionally, sunscreen is recommended when working
outdoors in the sun.
The enclosure design or layout should be built to provide a safe and comfortable area for keepers and the
animals to work in. For example: correct bench heights, correct door heights, ease of access to areas and doors,
slip proof flooring, walls and signs indicating risk/instruction. If the enclosure does not work efficiently and
comfortably for the keepers or animals, modifying the enclosure is suggested.
Wedge-tailed Eagles have sharp talons and beaks as well as an incredibly strong body and fast flight speed
which can cause serious damage and harm to keepers when handling or restraining the animal. A person may be
knocked over, scratched, bitten or grabbed which can cause lacerations to the skin and hits to the body. This can
be avoided by using PPE such as thick and long-sleeved clothing as well as hard hats, gloves or protective
equipment such as a hard rake to protect oneself. It is recommended that if the individual animal is hazardous,
to have no contact with the animal at all and the use of a lock-away or airlock area in which the animal can be
isolated from the enclosure.
The diet of Wedge-tailed Eagle’s is majorly made up of small mammals which have to be euthanised in order to
be delivered to the Wedge-tailed Eagles as a food source in captivity. Some birds may need medical attention
which involves administering medicines as well as the possibility of having to euthanise the bird in your care.
Also, the risk of losing a colleague or fellow keeper. This can cause psychological discomfort for some people
and can be avoided by not being involved with the sensitive task or seeking counselling if necessary. Support
should be given to all staff members in the event of euthanasia or mental discomfort.
1. Introduction 9
1.1 ASMP Category 9
1.2 IUCN Category 9
1.3 EA Category 9
1.4 NZ and PNG Categories and Legislation 9
1.5 Wild Population Management 9
1.6 Species Coordinator 9
1.7 Studbook Holder 9
2. Taxonomy 10
2.1 Nomenclature 10
2.2 Subspecies 10
2.3 Recent Synonyms 10
2.4 Other Common Names 10
3. Natural History 11
3.1 Distinguishing Features 11
3.2 Distribution and Habitat 12
3.3 Longevity 12
4. Housing Requirements 14
4.1 Exhibit/Enclosure Design 14
4.2 Holding Area Design 14
4.3 Spatial Requirements 15
4.4 Position of Enclosures 15
4.5 Weather Protection 15
4.6 Heating Requirements 16
4.7 Substrate 16
4.8 Nest Boxes and/or Bedding Material 16
4.9 Enclosure Furnishings 17
5. General Husbandry 18
5.1 Hygiene and Cleaning 18
5.2 Record Keeping 20
5.3 Methods of Identification 21
5.4 Routine Data Collection 21
6. Feeding Requirements 23
6.1 Wild Diet 23
6.2 Captive Diet 23
6.3 Supplements 25
6.4 Presentation of Food 25
7. Handling and Transport 27
7.1 Timing of Capture and Handling 27
7.2 Catching bags 27
7.3 Capture and Restraint Techniques 27
7.4 Weighing and Examination 28
7.5 Release 29
7.6 Transport Requirements 30
7.6.1 Box Design 31
7.6.2 Furnishings 32
7.6.3 Water and Food 32
7.6.4 Animals Per Box 32
7.6.5 Timing of Transport 32
7.6.6 Release from Box 32
8. Health Requirements 33
8.1 Daily Health Checks 33
8.2 Detailed Physical Examination 33
8.2.1 Chemical Restraint 33
8.2.2 Physical Examination 34
8.3 Routine Treatments 34
8.4 Known Health Problems 35
8.5 Quarantine Requirements 37
9. Behaviour 38
9.1 Activity 38
9.2 Social Behaviour 38
9.3 Reproductive Behaviour 38
9.4 Bathing 38
9.5 Behavioural Problems 38
9.6 Signs of Stress 39
9.7 Behavioural Enrichment 39
9.8 Introductions and Removals 39
9.9 Intraspecific Compatibility 40
9.10 Interspecific Compatibility 40
9.11 Suitability to Captivity 40
10. Breeding 41
10.1 Mating System 41
10.2 Ease of Breeding 41
10.3 Reproductive Condition 42
10.3.1 Females 42
10.3.2 Males 42
10.4 Techniques Used to Control Breeding 42
10.5 Occurrence of Hybrids 42
10.6 Timing of Breeding 42
10.7 Age at First Breeding and Last Breeding 43
10.8 Ability to Breed Every Year 43
10.9 Ability to Breed More than Once Per Year 43
10.10 Nesting, Hollow or Other Requirements 43
10.11 Breeding Diet 44
10.12 Incubation Period 44
10.13 Clutch Size 44
10.14 Age at Fledging 45
10.15 Age of Removal from Parents 45
10.16 Growth and Development 45
11. Artificial Rearing 46
11.1 Incubator Type 46
11.2 Incubation Temperatures and Humidity 46
11.3 Desired % Egg Mass Loss 46
11.4 Hatching Temperature and Humidity 47
11.5 Normal Pip to Hatch Interval 47
11.6 Brooder Types/Design 47
11.7 Brooder Temperatures 48
11.8 Diet and Feeding Routine 48
11.9 Specific Requirements 48
11.10 Pinioning Requirements 49
11.11 Data Recording 49
11.12 Identification Methods 49
11.13 Hygiene 50
11.14 Behavioural Considerations 50
11.15 Use of Foster Species 50
11.16 Fledging 50
11.17 Rehabilitation and Release to the Wild Procedures 51
12. Acknowledgements 53
13. References 54
14. Bibliography 56
15. Glossary 57
16. Index 58
1.1 ASMP Category
No regional program
1.2 IUCN Category
Least concern version 3.1, last assessed 01/10/2016, listed on Appendix II of CITES
1.3 EA Category
Aquila audax listed as Least Concern, Aquila audax fleayi listed as Endangered
1.4 NZ and PNG Categories and Legislation
Not found in New Zealand and is categorised as least concern under Papua New Guinea Legislation
1.5 Wild Population Management
Aquila audax is widespread and is of least concern to becoming threatened in the wild. However, it is a
protected species in Australia and it is illegal to kill, trap, poison or capture them under the National Parks and
Wildlife Act, 1974. It is also illegal to trade this species internationally under the Convention of International
Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Aquila audax fleayi is part of a recovery plan and also protected. Their
behaviour and biology is monitored in Tasmania as the population is under a program to boost their population
numbers by the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Water Resources.
1.6 Species Coordinator
There is none listed for this species
1.7 Studbook Holder
There is none listed for this species
2.1 Nomenclature
Class : Aves
Order : Accipitriformes
Family : Accipitridae
Genus : Aquila
Species : A. audax
The genus Aquila refers to all true eagles such as the Tawny Eagle or the Golden eagle (Simpson, Day &
Trusler 2004 pg.120). The word is Latin for eagle and could possibly be derived from the word aquilus which
means dark in colour (Brooker & Ridpath 1980). The species name audax is latin for bold or daring but the
Wedge-tailed Eagle was originally described, in 1801, by the Englishman John Latham as Vultur audax
(Simpson, Day & Trusler 2004 pg.120). Vultur is an Anglo-Norman French word that means a large bird of
prey that feeds as a scavenger on carrion and will wait in groups for the death of a dying animal or person
(Brooker & Ridpath 1980).
2.2 Subspecies
The Tasmanian subspecies (Aquila audax fleayi)
The Australian subspecies (Aquila audax audax)
2.3 Recent Synonyms
The Wedge-tailed Eagle is also known as Vultur audax (Simpson, Day & Trusler 2004 pg.120). As mentioned
above, this was the name given to it in 1801 and has since changed to Aquila audax to help further distinguish it
from its fellow eagles (Brooker & Ridpath 1980).
2.4 Other Common Names
The Australian Wedge-tailed Eagle is also known as bunjil, eaglehawk, mountain eagle and Tasmanian wedge-
tailed eagle (Simpson, Day & Trusler 2004 pg.120). The aboriginal word ‘bunjilin their mythology is the
creator of the earth and people making it a symbol of their culture hero (Brooker & Ridpath 1980). The
Wedge-tailed eagle is part of a bigger group of ‘booted eagles’ and can sometimes be called the booted eagle
or true eagle (Simpson, Day & Trusler 2004 pg.120). Booted refers to the plumage of feathers around the legs
and chest of this group of eagles.
The Wedge-tailed Eagle (A. audax) is the largest bird of prey in Australia and belongs to a group containing 12
‘true eagles’ or large, dark coloured eagles that are ‘booted’, having feathers around their legs (Simpson, Day &
Trusler 2004). Some birds in this group are the Golden Eagle, the Tawny Eagle or the Bonelli's eagle
(Cherriman, Foster & Debus 2012). The distribution of the Wedge-tailed Eagle is unique to its group members
as it is found in Australia, Tasmania, Southern New Guinea (Papua New Guinea) and Indonesia (Simpson, Day
& Trusler 2004). It is found in many different habitats as it has evolved to survive in almost all areas, with a
recorded preference for less densely packed woods or open country and grassland (Cherriman, Foster & Debus
2012). There are only 2 subspecies of the Wedge-tailed Eagle, one being the Australian Wedge-tailed Eagle
(Aquila audax) and the Tasmanian Wedge-tailed Eagle (Aquila audax fleayi) which was only recognised as a
separate subspecies to the Australian type in the 1950’s (Condon & Amadon 1954).
There is limited knowledge of how the Wedge-tailed Eagle evolved into what it is today but it is known that this
large bird of prey has been in Australia for hundreds of years (Simpson, Day & Trusler 2004). Over time the
Wedge-tail has had to adapt to an ever-changing source of prey. From only Australian animals to feed on,
ranging from rodents to a kangaroo, to the introduction of pest species which now make up a lot of their natural
diet, such as rabbits (Cherriman, Foster & Debus 2012). The Wedge-tailed eagle feeds on both carrion and
hunts live prey but is being pushed further and further into human inhabited areas due to habitat destruction
(Simpson, Day & Trusler 2004). For years now farmers have seen the huge bird of prey as an enemy and they
have been given a ‘bad reputation’ for preying on young lambs (Cherriman, Foster & Debus 2012). As a result,
last century a bounty was offered for dead Wedge-tailed Eagles and thousands were lost to baiting or being shot
(Brooker & Ridpath 1980). Even though an adult Wedge-tailed Eagle could easily carry and attack almost any
small vertebrate, in 1970, Leopole and Wolfe found that only 7% of a Wedge-tailed Eagles diet is made up of
livestock and it is unknown what percentage of that is carrion. This is further evidence to show how much the
human population has affected the population numbers and evolution of this magnificent bird.
The Wedge-tailed Eagle plays an important part of Australian history as it was featured in many dreamtime
stories for Aboriginal Australians (Olsen 2005). The Kulin people of central Victoria see the eagle as the creator
of the earth and beings, named ‘Bunjil’ (Olsen 2005). One story tells us of a time of great separation and
conflict among the people, so they went to Bunjil for help as the bird represents a strong, bold and wise
ancestral being (Olsen 2005). The Kaurna people of Adelaide Plains see a constant reminder of ‘Bunjil’ and his
story in the constellation that is well known as the Southern Cross, which is said to be an eagle’s claw (Olsen
3.1 Distinguishing Features
Aquila audax has a staggering wingspan of 2.8 metres, giving it its name of Australia’s biggest bird of prey
(Simpson, Day & Trusler 2004). Their weight can vary from 2kg to 5.3kg with females being the biggest and
their body length can reach up to 1.06 metres (Olsen 2005). It has feathers on its legs all the way to the base of
its talons, a cream or pale pink bill, eyes that range from light to dark brown, white feet and its most
characteristic feature, the wedge-shaped tail (Simpson, Day & Trusler 2004). This unique long wedge-shaped
tail is commonly used to identify the bird as it soars overhead (Olsen 2005). The juvenile Wedge-tailed Eagle
starts off completely white and then progressively gets darker until it is a dark blackish brown in adulthood
(Simpson, Day & Trusler 2004). Sexual dimorphism is seen in this species as the females are bigger (3kg -
5.3kg) than the males (2kg 4kg). They are also lighter in colour than the males, especially around the neck
area (Olsen 2005).
The Tasmanian subspecies, Aquila audax fleayi, evolved from the mainland subspecies and so can be very
difficult to tell apart (Olsen 2005). It is said that the Tasmania Wedge-tail has white, cream or paler plumage
around the head, neck and shoulders as opposed to the dark or golden brown in Australian Wedge-tails
(Cherriman, Foster & Debus 2012). Fleay (1952) claimed that the Tasmanian subspecies are larger and have
bigger talons as well. The areas in which the Australian Wedge-tailed Eagle is found can overlap with the
White-bellied Sea Eagle (Simpson, Day & Trusler 2004). This sea bird is similar in shape and size meaning it
often gets confused. They share the wedge-shaped tail however the White-bellied Sea Eagle has a different
underside colour, rounder wings, no feathers on its legs and its tail is smaller and less obvious (Fleay 1952).
3.2 Distribution and Habitat
Wedge-tailed Eagles (Aquila audax) are found throughout Australia and
southern Papua New Guinea in almost all habitats. They appear to have
a preference for less densely packed woods or open country and
grassland (Cherriman, Foster & Debus 2012). These big birds of prey
are sedentary and do not migrate however juveniles can fly up to 800km
away from their nest site in their lifetime (Olsen 2005). Only in more
recent years has their history of distribution changed when the
Tasmanian Wedge-tailed Eagle (Aquila audax fleayi) was found in
Tasmania in similar habitats (Condon & Amadon 1954). There has been
no change in the distribution of the Wedge-tailed Eagle since then
however the Tasmanian subspecies population is under threat and their
habitats are getting smaller (Olsen 2005). There is no recorded change
in their distribution in response to seasonal variation however pairs will
seek out adequate places to nest when the breeding season begins, such
as cliff faces and forks in trees (Simpson, Day & Trusler 2004).
3.3 Longevity
In the wild, the Wedge-tailed Eagle can live up to 40 years of age but on average, only live to be 5.9 years old
(Olsen 2005). This is due to illegal catching, baiting and killing of these birds of prey, loss of habitat due to
deforestation and collision with power lines (Cherriman, Foster & Debus 2012).
In captivity, Aquila audax can live to be 40 years old but on average only live to be 26.4 years of age (Olsen
2005). The ability for zoos to prevent disease and illness in the animals as well as give them the very best care
and facilities at all times can greatly increase the lifespan of animals in captivity (Cherriman, Foster & Debus
Knowing the age of a bird in captivity can help explain the animals lifestyle or behaviour and help staff better
suit its food and activities to its age. It can prove difficult to determine the age of these birds just by looking at
them (Cherriman, Foster & Debus 2012). However, we know that both males and females reach sexual maturity
at 3 years of age, so if the birds are seen showing mating behaviour then they are at least 3 years old (Olsen
2005). If they are seen fledging or flying for the first time, then the bird is around 79-95 days old (Olsen 2005).
Similarly, if the bird is seen becoming independent of its parents, then it is assumed that it is around 3 to 6
months old (Olsen 2005). By looking at the birds plumage, we can get a rough estimate on its age as they do
not get their full, dark brown or blackish adult feathers until they are 6 years old, with the feathers looking a lot
fluffier and lighter in colour as a juvenile (Olsen 2005). A study by Schneider in 1981 showed that the age of
birds can be determined by skull pneumatisation, or the amount of air pockets in the birds skull. She used Field
Sparrows to test her theory and found that 100% pneumatisation in the skull only occurred when the full adult
plumage was seen on the sparrows. She also found that the pneumatisation process started very quickly in
chicks and then gradually slowed as the birds matured. This technique requires an expert in skull
pneumatisation and special equipment, but is another way to tell a birds age (Schneider 1981). Additionally, by
plucking a down feather or younger feather from under the belly area of an adult bird, it can be used to extract
the DNA of the bird and that can also help determine the age and sex of a given bird (Olsen 2005).
4.1 Exhibit/Enclosure Design
An understanding of the Wedge-tailed Eagles requirements and needs is vital knowledge for all keepers
working with this bird of prey, as it is crucial that each animal is housed in a manner that does not limit the
animal’s mobility or behavior. Similarly it should not pose a risk to the wellbeing of the bird or to other animals
and people (SA Government 2010). A high standard of care and husbandry should be undertaken by all keeping
staff. Aquila audax should not be housed with, or adjacent to any other species where they can see potential
prey as this may cause harm to the welfare of the bird or other animals (NSW Government 2010). The width,
height and length of the enclosure should provide the animal with freedom of movement, space for escape from
other animals in the enclosure, appropriate space for exercise, husbandry practices and minimal stress
conditions (SA Government 2010). Regular inspection of the enclosure and work area associated with the
animal should be regularly completed to monitor levels of efficiency, hygiene and predict potential housing
problems (NSW Government 2010). Successful captive management of Wedge-tailed Eagles depends upon
good husbandry care that incorporates the bird’s behavioural, physical and environmental requirements. A
stress-free environment can decrease risk of negative effects such as illness and aggression in Wedge-tailed
Eagles (SA Government 2010).
According to the Exhibited Animals Protection Act (NSW Government 2010) the enclosure of any raptor
should be
- Constructed with materials that can be maintained and will contain the animals at all times. The
materials should be safe for the animals including health and physical harm.
- Enclosures should always include a shelter, protection from wind, rain and sun
- The exhibit should include misting sprays, be well drained and be easily cleanable
- Mesh netting surfaces are recommended to be made of flexible nylon and not wire mesh to avoid
damage to the birds and their talons/plumage
- Double door systems are to be used and locks
- A safety fence must be constructed to prevent public coming into contact with the Eagles and should
never be kept in walk-through aviaries
4.2 Holding Area Design
Most animals in captivity are required to be removed from their enclosure or moved into holding facilities when
necessary. Such as in order to perform health checks, for quarantine purposes, enclosure maintenance, transport
or breeding plans. A holding enclosure is usually a different design, smaller than the main enclosure and is a
temporary holding place for the animal. The holding area should be big enough for the individual and
accommodate for its full wing span without limiting its mobility or movement (NSW Government 2010). The
minimum holding enclosure size across most states for two compatible Wedge-tailed Eagles is a minimum of 10
metres in length, 5 metres in width, 4.5 metres in height (SA Government 2010). It should be increased by 17
per extra individual (SA Government 2010). The requirements for space alone is not enough to provide
a satisfactory holding area for this large bird of prey as they also require correct lighting to allow adequate
visibility if the holding area is for longer-term use (otherwise it should be left dark). It also needs UV lighting to
facilitate normal feather care and calcium absorption, the ability to turn off lighting during night hours, proper
ventilation, minimum dust, odours and moisture/condensation (NSW Government 2010).
Figure 2. Diagram of holding area, looking Figure 3. An example of an empty
into the holding area from the enclosure lock-away or holding area.
(keeper access not shown).
4.3 Spatial Requirements
The standards given by NSW Agriculture (1996) for all species involves sufficient vertical and horizontal space
so that activity requirements can be met for the animal. The space must be of decent size to allow for a
temperature gradient and for each individual added to any given space, the enclosure size must be increased by
20% (NSW Agriculture 1996). According to the Department of Primary Industries (NSW Government 2010),
the minimum special requirements for one Wedge-tailed Eagle is 5.5 metres in width, 10 metres in length, 4.5
metres high and should increase by 17 m
per bird added to the enclosure. Wedge-tailed Eagles are such a large
bird of prey that they require a larger enclosure space increase for every bird that is added than generally stated
for most species.
4.4 Position of Enclosures
Wedge-tailed Eagles can be kept indoors or outdoors but the requirements do not change. Raptors in Australia
should not be housed adjacent to, or with any other species that may cause harm to them, or they may cause
harm to (SA Government 2010). It is recommended to provide enough distance between the eagles enclosure
and enclosures of their prey (such as other birds or small mammals) so that they do not see each other, to
prevent stress on either species.
4.5 Weather Protection
There should be adequate undercover area for the birds of prey to perch and escape the weather. For example,
the SA Government (2010) requires that at least one quarter of the enclosure be built up on 3 sides and have a
roof covering that area. An area that is always dry and sheltered from wind, rain and sun should be available in
all Wedge-tailed Eagle enclosures as well as a place to escape observation (SA Government 2010). Adequate
shade must be available in warmer weather (> 25C) and misting sprays are recommended to provide a cooling
spray for the birds on very hot days (> 30C) (NSW Government 2010). Access to open areas where the birds
are able to get exposure to the elements and sun themselves must be provided, ensuring that they have enough
room to spread their wings at full length in order to sun themselves properly (SA Government 2010).
Figure 4. An example of an undercover perching area in a Wedge-tailed Eagle enclosure
4.6 Temperature Requirements
Wedge-tailed Eagles are subject to extremes in cold and warm weather in the wild as they are found across
many different environments. Their enclosure should allow them to experience the natural changes in
temperature that would be experienced in the wild, however a dry, warm area must always be available in the
enclosure (SA Government 2010). Indoor enclosures should aim to mimic the natural temperature change as felt
in the wild, however room temperature is adequate (NSW Government 2010). Suitable facilities should be
available in the event of a sick or injured Wedge-tailed Eagle, that provides low light, warmth and isolation as
necessary (SA Government 2010).
4.7 Substrate
Substrates used for Wedge-tailed Eagle enclosures vary among institutions but must not be irritating or be of
any danger to the birds (SA Government 2010). Recommended substrates include dirt, sand, grass, pebbles or
concrete, although it is suggested to have a few different substrate materials available in the enclosure (NSW
Government 2010). The substrate must be able to be cleaned or replaced easily and without risk to the birds’
health (SA Government 2010). This avoids the accumulation of faeces, pellets, food scraps and fungi’s. The
enclosure must have a drainage system that allows for proper removal of excess water (NSW Government
2010). This drainage system should not be accessible to the Wedge-tailed Eagles to prevent injury or escape
(SA Government 2010).
4.8 Nest boxes and/or Bedding Material
Nest boxes and bedding material are not used by Wedge-tailed Eagles as they nest in high trees on a bed of
sticks and twigs created by the parents during the breeding season (see ‘10. Breeding’ for more details). Instead
they require tall dead trees to perch on and an undercover perch for resting as well.
4.9 Enclosure Furnishings
Wedge-tailed Eagles require the listed furnishings:
- Sturdy perches, the number of which should be more than the number of birds in the aviary.
- Tree stumps.
- Appropriate plants such as native shrubs or trees.
- A pond or other water/bathing source big enough to allow full wing span length and deep enough to
allow normal bathing behaviour (SA Government 2010). It should be able to be easily emptied and
refilled with clean fresh water. The pond should also have a non-slip surface (NSW Government 2010).
The perches should be no less than the talon span in diameter and wide enough that the birds can perch
comfortably with their large feet and talons to prevent any disease or injury of the foot (SA Government 2010).
This can be done by having multiple uncontaminated, non-slip and clean large dead trees in the enclosure or
elevated branches permanently fixed to the side of the enclosure walls. Perches and stumps should be placed so
as to avoid visual and physical contact with adjoining enclosures (NSW Government 2010). Perches and stumps
should be placed so as not to limit maximum flight abilities and can perch comfortably without any part of their
body meeting the walls or other furnishings (SA Government 2010). They should also not be placed over other
perches, food or water bowls (NSW Government 2010). At least one perch should be no less than 2 metres
above the ground (SA Government 2010). It is common to have competition for the highest perch and visual
point when there are multiple birds in an enclosure, therefore more than one equally high perch should be
provided (NSW Government 2010). Perches should not be close enough to the roof to limit the space needed for
the Eagles to complete their natural wing movement during take-off and landing (SA Government 2010).
This also applies for indoor housing.
Note: enclosure with Wedge-tailed Eagles that are unable to fly or are limited in their ability to fly must have
lower perches that allow for the birds to climb up and access higher areas (SA Government 2010).
Figure 5. An example of a pond/water source. Figure 6. An example of a perch in the form of a
large dead tree.
5.1 Hygiene and Cleaning
The code of practice for the public display of exhibition animals of the Victorian Government, 2016, requires
that facilities should be decontaminated or cleaned regularly which is particularly important with Wedge-tailed
Eagles as their diet consists of carcasses, bones and meat. It also requires that the water is changed regularly to
prevent contamination and the enclosure should be well drained (Agriculture Victoria 2016). It is recommended
that all the perches and stumps be cleaned regularly to prevent a buildup of faeces or scraps which can cause
diseases of the claw/foot in birds of prey. Additionally, regular removal of faeces, food scraps and any other
waste is recommended as it provides a cleaner environment for the birds and is appealing to the eye of the
public. An example regime of cleaning is given below (Table 1. And Table 2.).
- Remove
food scraps
- Clean
source and
- Fill in and
check for
rat holes
- Rake and
clean back of
house area
food scraps
- Remove
any faeces or
- Clean
source and
- Check
sprays are
food scraps
- Remove
faeces or
- Clean
perches and
stumps of
any faeces
- Weed
- Cobweb
- Only
if built up or
is a risk to
the bird’s
- Only
if built up
or is a risk
to the bird’s
Table 1. Weekly regime of a Wedge-tailed Eagle enclosure (This is an example only)
- Remove all mulch and enclosure furniture
- Clean all walls and surfaces of enclosure
where possible including any faeces on plants
- Re-mulch and re-furniture enclosure OR
clean all old furniture thoroughly if putting
back in enclosure
- Clean undercover/nest areas
- Clean all windows/viewing areas
- Clean all back of house surfaces and tools
where possible
- Normal weekly cleaning routine
- Normal weekly cleaning routine
- Normal weekly cleaning routine
- Normal weekly cleaning routine
- Normal weekly cleaning routine
- Remove all mulch and enclosure furniture
- Clean all walls and surfaces of enclosure
where possible including any faeces on plants
- Re-mulch and re-furniture enclosure OR
clean all old furniture thoroughly if putting
back in enclosure
- Clean undercover/nest areas
- Clean all windows/viewing areas
- Clean all back of house surfaces and tools
where possible
- Normal weekly cleaning routine
- Normal weekly cleaning routine
- Normal weekly cleaning routine
- Normal weekly cleaning routine
- Normal weekly cleaning routine
Table 2. Annual cleaning regime for a Wedge-tailed Eagle enclosure (This is an example only)
Note: When cleaning is conducted for more than 30 minutes or cleaning on a large scale is completed, it is
recommended that the Wedge-tailed Eagles be removed from the enclosure or put into their holding areas to
reduce stress and discomfort to the birds. Minimum disturbance is best when dealing with Wedge-tailed Eagles
as they can get stressed which can lead to injury. Therefore, time spent in the enclosure while the birds are also
present should be kept to a minimum and a full enclosure clean every 6 months is adequate unless absolutely
necessary (this doesn’t include weekly cleaning activities).
When removing waste, weeding and using cleaning products, gloves are recommended to prevent human illness
or contamination. When cleaning the pond/water source, scrubbing with a clean decontaminated brush is most
effective to remove any mould build up and rinsing before refilling with fresh clean water removes any
lingering dirt/mould. Tools used to clean enclosures and back of house areas should also be maintained by
keeping them clean and decontaminated after every use. A ‘poo’ brush or brush that is designated for faecal
cleaning can be used to remove substance from perches and stumps. Cobweb removal can be done with a
purpose-built cobweb brush or other adequate brush/broom. To reach high areas when maintaining enclosures,
ladders can be used but only under safe conditions and with another staff member to watch and help balance the
ladder. Ladders generally come with instructions on this safety requirement. Windows can be cleaned using a
window cleaning brush/cloth and water only.
Decontamination generally means that the item or area is free of any bacteria or germs, usually by cleaning with
bleach and water followed by spraying with F10Sc (See appendix for MSDS). F10Sc is a total spectrum
disinfectant that has no side effects on humans or animals as well as being biodegradable and ecologically
friendly. The recommended ratio of F10 is 1:500 (1 ml F10Sc in 500 ml of water which can be found on the
label). Bleach water (See appendix for MSDS) can be used to clean or wash most tools, enclosure furniture
items, ponds or water sources and enclosure surfaces. The bleach water should be of a ratio 150:500 (150 ml of
bleach in 500ml of water) but can also be found on the label. It is important to always rinse any bleach cleaned
areas thoroughly as it can be harmful to the bird’s body/feet if in contact with bleach for long periods of time.
Strong smelling disinfectants such as ‘Pine O Cleen or other human cleaning products should be avoided as it
can cause discomfort or illness when in close contact with captive animals (Agriculture Victoria 2016).
Biodegradable and ecologically friendly purpose made cleaning products are recommended and can usually be
found at your local Veterinary Facility.
Keeping pest species away is an important and necessary part of keeping animals in captivity, especially for
Wedge-tailed Eagles. They are capable of catching and eating most pest species that could enter their enclosure
which could lead to transfer of disease or illness. As the Wedge-tailed Eagles will receive mostly meat, it may
attract pest species such as rats, mice and foxes. Wild birds may also attempt to get into the enclosure and
retrieve scraps of food. This can be avoided by under wiring the enclosure and filling any holes or areas of entry
for rats and mice that may dig, crawl or climb their way in. The wire/netting/wall materials used when building
the enclosure should have spaces small enough that birds and pests are not able to fit through. The presence of
pests should be checked weekly and dealt with accordingly, such as looking for rat holes and filling in or
flooding the rat holes to get rid of them. If an extreme case of pest presence is observed then professional help
may be acquired, but poisons, traps or baits should be avoided and never put in the enclosure or near/in reach of
the Wedge-tailed Eagles.
5.2 Record Keeping
Keeping records on all animals under care is very important and advantageous. Records should be kept on
almost all dealings with animals such as health of the animal, treatments given, food intake, breeding, growth
and development, interaction and training if any, enclosure maintenance and behaviour of the animal. This
provides an opportunity to recognize any patterns in the animal’s life that aren’t necessarily working and correct
them. It can also be used to help the care or rearing of a future animal based on what did, or did not work, with
animals already in one’s care. Acquiring all the animals history and a general idea of how to care for them
through looking at their records is vital when receiving new animals or transporting away animals. It can also be
of great advantage to vets and keepers to be able to have access to these records so that everyone is informed of
that particular animal’s past and present conditions.
Most states and countries have it under law that records must be kept when dealing with animals such as the
Wedge-tailed Eagle. The New South Wales Animal Welfare Code of Practice No 4 - Keeping and Trading of
Birds outlines the importance of keeping records when caring for birds and states the code for care and housing of
birds in captivity (NSW Agriculture 1996). Earnhardt, Thompson and Willis (1995) evaluated the use of
electronic record keeping versus hard copy record keeping and found that it is an extreme advantage to have
electronic record keeping on a site such as ISIS (International Species Information System) or ZIMS
(Zoological Information Management System). It is then always safe if natural disaster was to strike and it
allows an accurate, accessible and consistent collection of important data (Earnhardt, Thompson & Willis
5.3 Methods of Identification
The most common way of identifying birds is through leg bands or visual recognition as it is easy, cheap and
has majorly been used throughout history successfully (Olsen 2005). By taking photos of distinguishing features
and writing them down for all staff to read, such as markings on the plumage, legs or face of the bird, it can help
identify the individuals correctly (Olsen 2005). This method of identification can be applied to almost all
animals however the photos must be updated as the animal ages and grows due to the distinguishing features
changing over time (Olsen 2005). Leg bands would be a sensible choice for Wedge-tailed Eagles as, even
though the males and females are visually different, it allows one to be 100% sure of the identification of the
animal rather than guessing with visual recognition. In order to put a leg band on such a large bird of prey it
would require a long training process or conditioning to having their legs touched, or catching the bird (Olsen
2005). Both processes are difficult but it is mostly done when the birds are juveniles and not at full size yet
(Hebert et al 2004). Leg bands can be identifiers by being different colours or have different numbers or letters
on them (Olsen 2005).
It is possible to identify Wedge-tailed Eagles from one another through more complex methods such as DNA
Barcodes (Hebert et al 2004). Short DNA sequences from a standardised region of the genome provide a DNA
barcode for identifying species, therefore meaning that a number of birds of prey can be told apart at the
genomic level even though their appearance may be similar (Hebert et al 2004). This can be achieved using a
feather plucked from the bird or blood sample (Hebert et al 2004). It is also possible to microchip birds by
inserting a microchip (sterile device which contains an electronic identification code and is the size of a grain of
rice) in the left breast muscle (Olsen 2005). This should be done by a trained professional.
5.4 Routine Data Collection
Data collection is an important and necessary part of working with animals in captivity. Records are a great way
to assist with health problems, veterinary procedures, any treatments given, growth, behaviour, breeding, diet
changes and feeding habits of animals under one’s care. A daily routine should be established when working
with Wedge-tailed Eagles or any animal in the workplace, that includes recording any notable observations of
the birds of prey or their surroundings. For example, it is expected that the Wedge-tailed Eagles would be
observed daily at least once when delivering food, when walking past or maintaining the enclosure to make sure
the birds are eating and behaving normally. Any changes should be recorded. If the animals then develop an
illness or bad behaviour, keepers and veterinarians can look back at the records and gain information on what
may have caused the irregularity.
Data sheets should be developed to allow an efficient and clear way to record information daily for the Wedge-
tailed Eagles. A general example is shown below however the layout may change between animal species and
Common Name:
ID No:
Enclosure No:
Distinguishing Marks:
Date & Initial
Food Intake
Ate ¾ diet
Fed well, behaviour
normal, faeces normal
Figure 2. Example of a daily record sheet for any animal in the workplace (example of data is shown in italics).
6.1 Diet in the Wild
The Wedge-tailed Eagles diet mainly consists of mammals, in particular rabbits, but also birds, reptiles and
carrion (Leopole & Wolfe 1970). Debus et al. (2007) discovered that in areas such as Northern New South
Wales, Wedge-tailed Eagles fed on 74% mammals (56% of that being rabbits, the others being wallabies, small
kangaroos and other small mammals whether they are carrion or live prey), 22% birds (such as swamp birds)
and 4% reptiles. When in the breeding season, the Wedge-tailed Eagle pair will hunt more prey items than
normal and are known not to breed at all if there isn’t enough food available in their area (Ridpath & Brooker
1986). So if the goal is to breed the Wedge-tailed Eagles in captivity then it is important to offer enough food
during the breeding season. The percentage of different prey items that make up a Wedge-tailed Eagles diet will
change throughout the year as their prey populations grow, decrease or move (Ridpath & Brooker 1986).
6.2 Captive Diet
The NSW Government (2010) law requires that all raptors in captivity should be given suitable and safe whole
animals which should provide at least 50% of the nutritional and energy requirements for the birds of prey. It
also states that this should include mammals, birds, and any natural prey species that can be acquired legally
(NSW Government 2010). Any business displaying raptors should be able to give proof of guaranteed access to
enough fresh or frozen suitable whole animals (NSW Government 2010). Mammal and bird food sources that
were less than ten weeks of age when killed should not form more than 25% (by weight) of the diet fed to the
Wedge-tailed Eagles (NSW Government 2010). Starve days should be given no more than once a week and
there should be at least 3 days between starve days (NSW Government 2010). A sufficient amount of food shall
be provided on non-starve days that there should be some left over each day and should be given raw (NSW
Government 2010). The food supplied should be clean, fresh and acquired from a reliable source (such as a
laboratory) (NSW Government 2010). Before food is offered it should be cut open and checked for disease or
signs of spoil and should be placed on a clean surface when feeding (NSW Government 2010).
Foods to avoid are animals that have died from toxic material or disease, birds that have not undergone
treatment to rid them of any disease they may carry (e.g. Trichonomiasis infection), fatty meat, meat that has
not been supplemented with appropriate calcium additives if necessary and animals that have been killed using
lead shot bullets (NSW Government 2010).
As an example, Moonlit Sanctuary Conservation Park, Pearcedale, Victoria, houses two Wedge-tailed Eagles on
display and sources their food from the local butcher and qualified local rabbit hunters. Items from their butcher
can include cow spines, legs and pelvis’s, quail, kangaroo chunks, kangaroo heart, kangaroo kidney, whole
chickens, chicken necks and beef chunks. Their local hunter provides rabbits that are kept fresh, frozen and
checked for disease before feeding. They also increase the food amount given during the breeding season to
mimic wild foraging activity. It is suggested that one should consult the provider on how long items need to be
refrigerated before use or their shelf life so as to avoid spoiled food. For example, rats with fur can be kept in a
freezer for 9 months. The food items should change between being left as whole items or chopped into smaller
portions (using a sharp knife, protective gloves and a chopping board that is clean). Whole items or items with
bones are particularly important for beak care or beak ‘honing’ as well as talon use.
Another example is from Leigh Valley Hawk and Owl Sanctuary, Garibaldi, Victoria. Their Wedge-tailed Eagle
diet consists of a mix of rabbit, whole rats, quail, chicken necks and kangaroo mince with appropriate
supplements. This works for the sanctuary because it allows the opportunity for normal foraging behaviour and
also gives the birds access to all the nutrients they need. The quail is low in vitamin D and calcium as they are
reared in sheds, therefore the range of other food sources and supplements balance this out (this information
was received by Martin Scuffins from Leigh Valley Hawk and Owl Sanctuary, see appendix for details). This
diet is different due to the food sources available in that area.
The quantity of food given will change depending upon what food item is given but a healthy body weight
should be maintained for the Wedge-tailed Eagles and food can be varied to allow for a correct amount of fat,
protein, calcium and other nutritional components. Seeking the advice of a professional is recommended.
Hollond (1962) suggests that Wedge-tailed Eagles should be fed 15-20% of their own body weight daily except
starve days. For example, if a female weighs 5.2 kg, then she should be fed 780g 1040g of meat daily.
DIET (defrost items in fridge the day before use and weigh all food items to appropriate
feed out amounts for each WTE. Use gloves when handling food items.)
Cow/kangaroo spine or pelvis with beef/kangaroo chunks to make up weight
Whole chickens
Kangaroo/cow legs
Chicken necks and heart/ liver
Cow/kangaroo spine or pelvis with beef/kangaroo chunks to make up weight
Starve day
Table 3. An example of a successfully used diet plan for Wedge-tailed Eagles housed at Moonlit Sanctuary,
Pearcedale, Victoria. Note: diet plan is subject to change due to availability of food items.
Figure 7. Lamb kidney being cut to appropriate Figure 8. A whole chicken carcass being carried in a
weights bucket to be placed on a feeding platform in the WTE enclosure
6.3 Supplements
Supplements must be used with care and it is suggested that the help of a professional in birds of prey or
veterinarian be consulted before giving supplements to Wedge-tailed Eagles (NSW Government 2010). The
most common supplement is calcium which may be required when there is a lack of bones or calcium in the diet
provided (Hollond 1962). Calcium can’t be added to any food source as it must be balanced with the
phosphorous and calcium that is already present (Hollond 1962). Too much phosphorous will cause the body to
lose calcium, and vice versa (Hollond 1962). It is usually recommended to use calcium supplement if intending
to breed the Wedge-tailed Eagles (Hollond 1962). 6 weeks prior to the breeding season calcium can be added to
improve egg and chick health (Hollond 1962). Wedge-tailed Eagles acquire this naturally from bones or bone
marrow when feeding in the wild which is another reason why their feeding behaviour increases in the breeding
season (Hollond 1962). A calcium deficient egg will have visible deformities or colour changes and the chick
will have low bone density which can cause broken bones and poor development (Hollond 1962). It can also be
helpful when working with Wedge-tailed Eagles that have to be kept indoors (perhaps due to injury or a chick),
to give calcium supplements so that it gets enough Vitamin D. An example of a calcium supplement product is
Soluvite D Breeder from Vetafarm. It contains 12 essential vitamins and minerals as well as Vitamin D3 to
promote breeding performance and health of birds housed indoors.
Another example is Spark Liquid, also from Vetafarm, that aids a birds carbohydrate and electrolyte intake if
the bird is going through a time of stress, transport or high temperatures. This can be added to their water so is
an easy way of keeping the birds hydrated and healthy.
It is of course recommended not to focus on just one supplement but rather have a full balanced supplement,
such as Wombaroo Insectivore Rearing Mix (see appendix). This contains all the amino acids, fatty acids,
minerals (such as calcium, phosphorous and vitamin D) and vitamins needed. Supplements can be given to
Wedge-tailed Eagles by sprinkling it across their food, rolling it with meat to make easily feedable pellets,
shoving it in a carcass of say, a chicken, or as a liquid or powder slurry. (This information was provided by
Wombaroo/Passwell, see appendix for details).
6.4 Presentation of Food
Wedge-tailed Eagles will come down to the ground to feed on items such as carrion or when hunting live prey.
However, they will bring food into a tree or to the nest during the breeding season. Therefore, food should be
presented in a way that allows for both these behaviours (Leopole & Wolfe 1970). A feeding platform may be
used, such as a stump or log, which the food can be put on so that the birds have the opportunity to feed on a
clean surface daily. The food can be presented as is, or can be presented in a way that is enriching for the
animal. Enrichment can be a form of mental, physical or sensing stimulation and is recommended for all
animals in captivity. For example, putting a carcass or food source in a tree to make it more challenging for the
birds to get to. Or putting the food in a safe box/container that needs to be tipped over/moved in order to collect
the food item can be used to encourage exercise and thought processes. Even tying a carcass with a safe
material to the tree can encourage flight and talon use. Enrichment should be given only if safe and easily
removable from the enclosure. It should also not be so hard that the animal will never get the food item and
should be monitored when the enrichment is in contact with the Wedge-tailed Eagle.
Figure 9. Cow spine presented on a feeding platform/clean log in the enclosure
Capturing Wedge-tailed Eagles is an WH&S risk. They have very sharp talons and beak and are capable of
causing serious injury to a person. Please refer to the occupational health and safety section (page 4.) at the start
of this manual before continuing.
7.1 Timing of Capture and Handling
The best time to catch Wedge-tailed Eagles is first thing in the morning or in the evening if they are on display.
This is to prevent members of the public seeing or interrupting the process as well as providing a cool
temperature. If not on display, you can catch them through the middle of the day, as long as it is not hot (above
25 degrees). They are known to hunt mainly throughout the day as they have relatively few rods in their retina
that act as receptors of dim light, meaning their night vision is poorer than that of a human and would take
longer to adjust (Olsen 2005). Therefore, it is not advised to catch them at night as it may cause unnecessary
stress on the birds and may also make injury more possible due to their hindered eyesight.
7.2 Catching Bags
Bags are not generally used for large birds of prey as it is too easy for the birds to injure themselves by getting
tangled in a large bag. Instead a large blanket is recommended for throwing over the bird (Scuffins 2017). This
blanket should be made of sturdy material but not rough enough to harm the keeper or bird (Scuffins 2017). E.g.
hessian blanket doubled over itself.
7.3 Capture and Restraint Techniques
Catching a Wedge-tailed Eagle is very difficult and is only recommended for trained personnel. A professional,
such as Martin Scuffins (see appendix for contact details), can be contacted and asked to give assistance or train
staff for the capture. You would need to catch a Wedge-tailed Eagle if it was injured, sick, not getting along
with others, is being moved or is being health checked or treated.
Martin Scuffins (2017) recommends the following; the plan would be to direct the animal into an airlock or lock
away area that is smaller than the enclosure size by luring with food or gently herding them into the space. You
would then have one or two people if necessary, corner the bird so it’s only way of escape is to come towards
you. Try to remain calm and only move your arms as much as necessary to guide it towards a corner and keep it
there. The whole process should be done as quick and as safely as possible as it is stressful for the bird. The
eagle may turn around and face you with the intent to strike at you or try to escape around you. Use a large,
thick blanket to throw over the eagle when it is on the ground and cover its head and body. It is important not to
do this when the bird is in flight as their talons and wings can be damaged. Proceed to swiftly kneel beside the
bird and push the bird firmly to the ground, without causing injury to the bird. Feel along the side of the blanket
until you feel the upper part of the leg, then slide your hand down and hold on to the ankle of the bird and do so
on the other side. You would grab the eagle in the blanket and put it under your arm, effectively trapping its
wings down. The blanket can remain covering the eagle if that is preferable but you may also go without it if
that allows easier grip of the bird. It is important to keep the talons and beak pointed away from you and have
the wings pinned down with your body/arms at all times. They are very strong animals so ensure a strong grip at
all times as well. You may also then put a ‘hood’ on the eagle. Hoods can be placed over the beak and secured
on the head by pulling the straps at the back of the head to tighten. This can assist with keeping the bird calm as
it takes away its eyesight. It can also be reciprocated by using a towel and it is recommended to keep the birds
head covered. There are 5 points of contact that is important to be aware of at all times; the beak, talons and
This physical capture and restraint method is effective at allowing one to get close to the birds in order to throw
the blanket over as well as allowing the free movement and agility of both keeper and bird. It is unfortunately
not the safest method as it relies on being able to be in the same space as the eagles. It is important to keep both
staff and animal safe at all times. Being scratched or bitten can cause serious injury to keepers and the birds
wings, talons and plumage can also be damaged if caught incorrectly (Scuffins 2017). Long sleeved hard
clothes or welding gloves are necessary as well as protective eye wear and a back-up person/s with a
rake/blanket as a protector (Payne 2007). The welding gloves do reduce movement and feeling in the hands and
some people prefer to use bare hands, the choice is yours (Payne 2007). Again, the animal also should be
handled with care and held firmly to prevent movement of the wings or talons (Scuffins 2017).
A mechanical method can accompany this physical method by luring the birds into a smaller cage with food
before closing a door to lock them in, then throwing a blanket over them (Payne 2007). This can create an easier
and quicker catching experience but can also cause the risk of closing the door on the eagle.
Figure 10. Martin Scuffins (Director & Handler at Leigh Valley Hawk and Owl Sanctuary) restraining the
Wedge-tailed Eagle ready to release into the new enclosure. Eagle also has hood on in this photo. Notice both
wings are pinned down by Mr. Scuffins’ arms and both ankles are held firmly.
7.4 Weighing and Examination
It is recommended to weigh the Wedge-tailed Eagles when they are securely caught or in a travel box. This can
be done by either weighing oneself or the box, then weighing oneself or the box while holding the Wedge-tailed
Eagle and subtracting the two numbers. This is both quick and relatively accurate if the weight is taken in
succession. E.g. weigh you then weigh you and the bird immediately afterwards to decrease chances of your
weight changing between the weighing times.
Examining Wedge-tailed Eagles is similar to how you would examine most bird species. Looking at their
behaviour is important to do daily. This can give an indication as to whether the bird is healthy or not. Most
birds will try to hide their injury or sickness, as in the wild they would be targeted by predators or picked on by
other birds if they were weak (Payne 2007). Behaviours such as constant flying around their enclosure, not
perching, not eating, crashing into walls or ceilings and calling constantly without an obvious reason or not
calling at all are all signs of a distressed Wedge-tailed Eagle (Payne 2007). Things such as favoring or holding
up one leg, a wing that is sitting abnormally and limited movement can show a sick or injured eagle. Normal
behaviour should include bathing, preening oneself, rousing their feathers, flying to perches and eating
It is important to physically examine the birds of prey on a regular schedule, eg. Bi-annually. See how to
physically examine a Wedge-tailed Eagle in more detail in the next section (Section 8. Health Requirements),
but you should be looking at their body condition once you have caught them securely. This can be done by
looking at their overall plumage, their eyes should be clear and focused, their beak should be strong and clean,
their keel should be felt for a body score that should aim to be around 3, their wings should be stretched out
gently and checked for functionality and feather quality, and their legs and talons should be strong, sharp and
clean. Their feet should also be checked for disease, cuts and functionality. Once captured, any maintenance
that needs to take place on the bird can be done in a time sensitive way. The less time the bird is handled the
better. E.g. talon clipping or treating a sick bird with cream/bandages etc. This is a minimum two-person job as
the person holding the bird needs to have a firm grip the whole time in order for the other person to health check
the bird in a safe and efficient way.
Figure 11. Martin Scuffins (Director & Handler at Leigh Valley Hawk and Owl Sanctuary) restraining the
Wedge-tailed Eagle while a keeper clips the talons.
7.5 Release
Release into the enclosure should be done gently and quickly. You may choose on a hard release, meaning you
let the bird go in its enclosure straight away, allowing it to calm down and (if changing enclosure) get used to its
new environment. You may also choose to do a slow release which involves keeping the bird in an enclosure
near or in the bigger enclosure for a period of time before releasing, giving the bird an adjustment period and
allowing a calmer release. All Wedge-tailed Eagles should go through a quarantine period of at least 2 weeks
when coming into a new zoo/park to make sure they do not carry any unseen illnesses that can be passed on.
This may also be used as an adjustment period to the new smells, sounds and sights of the area. The hard release
is more common with adult Wedge-tailed Eagles.
If the Eagle is in a crate or box, the box should be brought gently into the enclosure and placed on the ground
with the door of the box facing out towards the middle of the enclosure. It is important to angle the box door to
an open space so that the eagle does not fly straight into a wall or object when it comes out of the box. It is also
important to keep the box and staff close to an exit when releasing, so that as soon as the bird is released, the
box and staff can be quickly and easily removed from the enclosure.
If the eagle has been caught physically, the person holding the bird and a second helper should enter the
enclosure and stand near the exit. The bird should be kept restrained until the last minute to ensure the safety of
the handler. The second person should quickly take off the hood and the handler should unwrap and let go of
the bird straight after. The bird should not be thrown into the enclosure. The handler can gently guide it in the
direction of the middle of the enclosure as it takes off. It is important when releasing to still be wearing all the
safety gear mentioned earlier. The handler and helper should exit the enclosure as soon as the bird is released to
give the bird some time to calm down and also to prevent the bird attacking the handler once released. The
eagle should fly or run away from the handler straight away but they do have the ability to turn around and
attack. It is important to put safety first at all times.
The eagle should be monitored for a short period, e.g. 30 minutes to an hour. If the bird seems to be settling in
well by looking around, exploring the enclosure and displaying normal behaviours then it should be checked on
every hour or so for the rest of the day. If the bird is not settling in well then, the enclosure can be changed to
help the bird adjust. If, for example, the bird is scared of a certain object then re-capture may be needed in
extreme situations and enclosure changes can be made. Re-capture may also be needed where the bird is
distressed for a long period of time and is showing no signs of calming down.
The best time of day to release a Wedge-tailed Eagle is in the morning as it gives them maximum daylight hours
to orient themselves and find suitable perching places or explore the enclosure. It also gives keepers a chance to
monitor the bird of prey for the length of the day as well as an opportunity to offer food after the bird has
calmed down. The bird may not eat the first day after release but it is recommended to offer food a few hours
after release. If the bird does eat, it is a good sign of the bird accepting its new space. If the bird has not eaten
overnight or does not eat on day two of release then professional help should be consulted. E.g. a specialist
7.6 Transport Requirements
Before transporting Wedge-tailed Eagles, there are important documents that need to be approved and filled out.
Any permits that are needed to transport or keep a Wedge-tailed Eagle should be approved by both the sending
and receiving parks. E.g. a permit to keep birds of prey on display in parks, zoos, circuses and wildlife displays,
an export/import permit. This can be achieved by consulting your local government. Transfer documents are
necessary for all transported animals (e.g. transfer of animal’s form) to provide necessary and helpful
information to the receiving park/zoo. This document should include for each individual according to the NSW
Government (2010):
- scientific name, common name, individual identification, any personal name or distinctive markings
- the origin (e.g. details of the wild population or of the parents and their origin, and of any previous
- The dates of acquisition and export, with details of the circumstance and address. The date of hatching.
- Clinical data such as physical examination by a professional, any treatment given, results of routine
health checks etc.
- Breeding and any details of offspring
- Date of death (if applicable) and results of post mortem
- Normal diet, including supplement, feeding schedule
- Behaviours and personality traits (if desired)
Note: It is recommended that a veterinarian or approved eagle rehabilitator be consulted on the transport
conditions before sending injured/sick birds for any treatment needed (NSW Government 2010).
The Australian Government requires that all live animal species transported by air from any country are to be
transported in containers specified in the latest edition of Container Requirements of the IATA Live Animals
Regulations (IATA 2013). It is recommended to consult the latest version of the IATA Live Animals
Regulations before sending any Wedge-tailed Eagles by plane and it can also help when sending inter-state as
well. It can help as a guide to the regulations that need to be complied with when transporting this bird of prey,
and so can your local government. E.g. Australian government, ZAA (Zoo and Aquarium Association), New
South Wales Government. Long and short-term transport is the same with all aspects as the Wedge-tailed Eagle
is very strong and so the security of the box design and the bird’s needs do not change.
Box Design
According to the NSW Government (2010), the transport container should not allow light entry except through
ventilation holes that should be pierced around the lower half of the box on all sides. The holes should be about
10cm above the internal floor height and about 7.5cm apart with two holes being pierced on all four sides, 10cm
below the roof height. The dimensions of the container should be at least 30cm longer and wider than the bird’s
dimensions from beak to tip of the tail. The height of the box should allow at least 15cm clearance between the
bird’s head when standing or perching and the ceiling of the container. The access point should be a hinged or
sliding door on the top side of the box which should be well secured when transporting. It may be constructed
of wood, hardboard (Masonite), non-toxic plastic, fiberglass and synthetics, weld mesh and strong plastic mesh.
Wood is common with Wedge-tailed Eagles, especially if the bird is not accompanied by an experienced
handler during the transport. In this case the container should be constructed of wooden sheets and framing that
can withstand damage in transport. It should also be labelled clearly with ‘LIVE ANIMAL, HANDLE WITH
CARE, THIS WAY UP, KEEP COOL’. The roof should be padded with a soft non-destructible padding.
Figure 12. An example of a transport crate for a Wedge-tailed Eagle (IATA, 2013).
According to the NSW Government (2010), a perch made of a block of wood, big enough for the bird to get a
firm grip should be fixed to the floor of the container if desired. If not perch, the floor of the container should be
lined with a resistant material that will allow grip for the birds talons. E.g. non-looped artificial grass.
Water and Food
According to the NSW Government (2010), for transport more than 24 hours, transport containers must have
food available inside and should be fed once they have been in transit for that 24 hours. It is recommended to
feed them 15-20% of their body weight in fresh meat when travelling for 24 hours or more. E.g. kangaroo meat
that has been kept frozen/fresh until fed. The birds should not be fed within 4 hours of departure and provisions
should be made for feeding when arrived at the destination point. Note: this does not apply to nestlings, which
should be fed as recommended by a veterinarian. Water containers must be provided in each container and
should be accessible for refilling. They should also be firmly attached to the wall of the container to prevent
spillage with either screws, nails or glued with non-toxic glue.
Animals Per Box
According to the NSW Government (2010), no more than one Wedge-tailed Eagle should be enclosed in a
compartment at one time, unless all birds are fledglings of the same nest. This is important to prevent fighting,
injuries, space allowance or discomfort for the birds while in transport.
Timing of Transportation
According to the NSW Government (2010), birds should not be subjected to temperatures above 30 degrees or
less than 10 degrees during transportation. Noise must be minimized while in transport and time of travel must
be minimized. There is no recommended time for transport however it is desirable to allow the bird to arrive at
its destination in the morning so that it has a whole day to adjust and orient itself in its new environment.
Release From Box
According to the NSW Government (2010), when the eagles are released into a new enclosure it should be done
in the morning to allow optimum adjustment and orientation time for the animal, as mentioned above. Release
should be done away from the public eye and separate from other birds when applicable. They can be ‘manned’
or tamed before being put on display.
As mentioned earlier, the hard release or soft release options can be used when releasing Wedge-tailed Eagles.
8.1 Daily Health Checks
Wedge-tailed Eagles should be visually checked daily when cleaning, feeding or walking past their enclosure in
the mornings. It is important to keep up regular checks of their health and their enclosure to make sure they are
at no risk of injury and healthy at all times. On observation, one should look at the way the bird is carrying its
body weight, the carriage of its wings, the use of its talons and feet/legs and overall behaviour (Blair 2000). The
body should be held centre and upright and the wings should be held evenly and level with the body. If this is
not the case, for example drooping wings, it may mean injury such as fracture or breakage and the advice of a
veterinarian should be sought immediately (Blair 2000). Wedge-tailed Eagles rely on their talons and foot
function in order to hunt and so leg function is crucial for their overall. Any swollen areas, uneven weight
distribution on feet and injuries such as deep cuts and damage to talons should be reported immediately and
professional help sought (Blair 2000).
Normal use of the eyes should be observed, such as no blood in the eyes, constriction of the pupil’s due to light
changes, eyes fully open and response to visual actions. Flicking of the eyes from side to side can be a sign of
head injury or concussion and if this is observed the bird must go to the vet immediately (Blair 2000). The birds
should also not have any discharge from their eyes, nose, beak or cloaca as this can be a sign of illness and
should be reported immediately (Blair 2000). The consistency and appearance of droppings should remain the
same and any changes should be noted. The Eagle’s general appearance and feather quality should be shiny and
have no missing feathers or broken feathers. Eating habits should be normal including using talons and beak to
rip meat off their food item and overall interest in their diet. If housed with other Wedge-tailed Eagles, non-
aggressive and relaxed social behaviour should be observed.
8.2 Detailed Physical Examination
Chemical Restraint
Wedge-tailed Eagles can be sedated using a gas mask and some eagles can be trained to assist keepers in the
event of having to sedate the birds (Redig, Willette & Ponder 2014). For example, Healesville Sanctuary,
Victoria, were able to sedate their elderly Wedge-tailed Eagle using isoflurane, an anaesthetic dispersed from a
mask that the eagle had been trained to breath into. An anaesthetic can also be injected by an experienced
veterinarian once restrained (Redig, Willette & Ponder 2014). Wedge-tailed Eagles can be dangerous and
therefore any major treatments or procedures will most likely have to be done under anaesthetic for the safety of
the staff and the eagle itself. Drugs used for anaesthetic purposes in birds of prey can include substances such as
Buprenorphine for a long operation (lasts 8 hours) or Butorphanol for a shorter operation (lasts 4 hours) (Redig,
Willette & Ponder 2014). Procedures such as blood tests can be done by a professional when a bird is restrained
however some are too aggressive and may need to be anaesthetised for this (Blair 2000). It varies amongst
Note: Any procedure, especially those including anaesthetic, should be very carefully done and the birds health
should be seriously considered prior to starting. It can be risky putting animals under anaesthetic, therefore the
reasons should be very important and the birds health should be adequate enough for it to survive the
Physical Examination
Everything on the Wedge-tailed Eagle should be examined and noted for any changes from the feathers on its
head right down to each talon on its feet. This can be done under anaesthetic, or when the bird is restrained
properly. However, it is recommended not to restrain the bird for longer than necessary meaning that staff have
to be trained to examine the birds body in an efficient manner. Particularly in birds of prey, some things to look
out for include:
Blood Feathers are feathers where the blood has not retracted back into the skin after developing. They can
become irritated and the eagle may begin to chew on them (Blair 2000). If they rupture, the bird can possibly
bleed to death. It is important to learn how to identify these and remove them (Blair 2000). One of the most
common indicators of a sick bird is disheveled, dull or fluffed up feathers (Blair 2000). They can do this as a
way to stay warm and if seen frequently, or for long periods of time, there may be a cause such as draft etc.
(Blair 2000). Diarrhea in the enclosure can be a sign of illness, such as over consumption of certain foods,
stress, parasites or internal organ problems (Blair 2000). Immediate attention is needed to prevent dehydration
and a veterinarian should be consulted (Blair 2000). Normal droppings should include the urates (opaque fluid)
with a dry white dropping in the middle (Blair 2000). If it looks green, yellow, or any other colour, the bird
could be ill and a sample should be taken for examination where possible by putting down pieces of paper under
the main droppings area (Blair 2000). It is important to pay attention to undigested seed or food, foamy stools,
or changes in the volume of the droppings (Blair 2000). Sick birds of prey do not want to attract attention to
themselves and will remain quiet which can be accompanied by a lack of activity/lethargy (Blair 2000). Eyes
should be open and fully alert. Not glassy, watery or half-closed which can be a sign of a sick bird (Blair 2000).
The nostrils should be clear, not runny or clogged which can also be signs of a sick eagle (Blair 2000). The bird
should be breathing evenly and without any obvious discomfort. Any sneezing, coughing, wheezing or
excessive nasal discharge are all signs of health issues (Blair 2000). Eating habits should remain normal and any
change in this should be noted down and reported to a supervisor.
8.3 Routine Treatments
Nail clipping, coping and worming are some routine treatments in a normal healthy Wedge-tailed Eagle. Nail
clipping is usually done when the animal is health checked. This limits the amount of times the animal needs to
be caught and therefore is less stressful. Dog nail clippers can be used to trim the end of the bird’s talons
making sure not to trim the quick. Consult a trained professional or keeper if unsure of the technique.
Appropriate perches and logs should be provided in the Eagles enclosures to allow natural wearing down of the
nails but usually trims are also needed in captivity. Coping is the process of reshaping a raptors beak back to its
normal shape. This can be avoided by always providing your Wedge-tailed Eagles with bones and animal
carcasses to feed on. They naturally keep their beaks in shape by ripping and tearing at bones and flesh in the
wild so an opportunity to do the same should be given regularly in captivity. However, if needed it is possible to
re-shape the beak if it is growing out unnaturally. Again, this is recommended to do during a health check to
limit stress and the need for multiple captures of the bird. If ignored, an overgrown beak can cause more serious
health issues such as cracks in the beak and pain/discomfort for the eagle. This requires two people at least and
follows the same rules as when capturing an eagle for a health check. A hood may be used to reduce stress even
further during the process. If unsure of the technique, consult a professional or trained keeper on the task but it
involves using the appropriate tools to file down or trim down the beak. Worming is recommended in birds of
prey by some and not recommended by others, therefore, it is best to consult your veterinarian or trusted
professional before worming your birds to discuss safety risks etc. Moxidectin plus is a good example of
worming treatment that can be used for birds. The dosage is 2ml Moxidectin plus per 100 grams of weight of
the eagle. For example: a 5kg female Wedge-tailed Eagle would need 100mls of Moxidectin plus in her food. It
can be injected into a whole animal such as a rat, for example. This should be done bi-annually and can be
incorporated in the scheduled health checks. Consult the label or a veterinarian for dosage amounts if unsure.
Figure 13. Trimming nails on a female Wedge-tailed Eagle.
8.4 Known Health Problems
There is not much information on health problems specifically linked to Wedge-tailed Eagles, however raptors
are particularly subject to Trichonomiasis and Nematode worms.
Cause: an infection caused by microscopic motile protozoa (Blair 2000). It can be spread through mouth to
mouth contact with an infected bird or transmitted through contaminated food or water (Blair 2000).
Signs: It is recommended to gently open the beak using both hands and check the mouth (Blair 2000). It can
appear like a silvery slime or pale coloured cheesy lump (Blair 2000). The mouth will smell fishy and it can be
accompanied by a secondary bacterial infection (Blair 2000). Do not try and remove the cheesy clumps as it can
lead to bleeding, instead consult a veterinarian (Blair 2000). Infected birds can show signs of
vomiting/regurgitation, weight loss, being fluffed up or green diahorrea (Blair 2000). It can be fatal if not
Treatment: Consult your veterinarian, but they can be treated with Ronidazole in water for 7 days which is safe
for birds (Blair 2000). All enclosure furnishings and surfaces should be bleach cleaned and disinfected. Infected
birds should be given high-energy soft liquid foods as well as a warm, dry, clean place to recover (Blair 2000).
Prevention: Worming birds of prey against these parasites bi-annually is recommended (see 8.3 routine
treatments). Making sure all food items are stored and refrigerated properly and are free of worms when fed out.
Making sure all new birds are quarantined until proven free of Trichonomiasis and that water sources are clean
and un-contaminated.
Nematode Worms
Cause: Caused by ingestion of the eggs of nematode worms in contaminated food, water, toys or soil (Blair
Signs: It can be seen in the crop and mouth and is identified by the stringy slimy appearance of the inside of the
mouth (Blair 2000). There can be small lumps visible on the inside of the mouth with tiny white thread-like
worms protruding from it (Blair 2000). Birds can seem fluffed up, have poor growth, diahorrea or breathing
difficulties (Blair 2000). A faecal sample will show the presence of nematodes under a microscope by your
veterinarian (Blair 2000).
Treatment: The lumps inside the mouth requires manual removal with tweezers or similar tool which may have
to be repeated over a few days until completely removed (Blair 2000). Consult your veterinarian but it can be
treated with Fenbendazole, Ivermectin or Pyrantel Pamoate and is repeated as necessary (Blair 2000).
Prevention: Worming birds of prey against these parasites bi-annually is recommended (see 8.3 routine
treatments). Making sure all food items are stored and refrigerated properly and are free of worms when fed out.
Enclosures should be cleaned daily, especially items that have faeces on them including food, water, toys,
perches etc.
Bumble Foot
Cause: Bumblefoot (ulcerative pododermatitis) is caused by a bacterial infection leading to an inflammatory
response in the feet of birds, usually due to standing in their own faeces or infected areas. Bacteria such as
strains of Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas and Escherichia coli are to blame (Payne 2007).
Signs: Small reddened areas on the feet of birds of prey that can seem itchy or agitating for them. Swelling of
the feet and lesions appearing can also be a side effect. Distortion of the feet or toes can also indicate the
presence of bumblefoot (Payne 2007).
Treatment: Veterinary care is recommended, along with antiseptics applied to the affected area and antibiotics
(Payne 2007).
Prevention: By having good husbandry practices in place to promote a clean environment for the birds of prey
in captivity, bumblefoot can be prevented. Cleaning perches as often as necessary to stop the birds from
perching on their own faeces. Also, if the bird has jesses, making sure they are the right size and also stay clean
can prevent bumblefoot as well.
Cause: Aspergillus fumigatus is caused by exposure to a large number of spores from the fungus Aspergillus
and can become chronic when already immunocompromised. It is non-contagious but grows in organic matter
at temperatures up to 25 degrees (Joseph 2000).
Signs: It is very hard to identify as the signs are not specific, however diagnostic procedures such as
hematology, endoscopy, radiology, and others can help. Some signs that have been observed are labored
breathing, heavy breathing, loud or crackly sounding breaths, mucus in cere or airways, depression, seizures,
weight loss, lesions, wing drooping, paralysis, diarrhea and anorexia (Joseph 2000).
Treatment: If the infection is not noticed and diagnosed quickly, treatment is ineffective. Treatment options are
limited but it is recommended to seek veterinary care immediately. Best results usually involve removing
affected tissues if possible along with drug treatment (Joseph 2000).
Prevention: Stress can cause development of the disease in birds of prey, therefore making the need for a
stress-free environment part of its prevention. Malnutrition, poor ventilation, vitamin deficiencies, trauma, un-
clean environments, irritation of the airways and long-term antibiotic use are all the be avoided to prevent the
development of Aspergillosis. Some vaccines have been tested and seem to be working, however consult your
veterinarian before undertaking any preventative treatment (Joseph 2000).
8.5 Quarantine Requirements
New Wedge-tailed Eagles to any zoo should be quarantined for a minimum time of 2-3 weeks and no longer
than 90 days in order to check for illnesses such as those listed above, Trichonomiasis or Nematode worms
(Blair 2000). Tests can be done by a veterinarian to determine if the eagle is infected, such as crop washes for
Trichonomiasis (Blair 2000). This will show motile protozoa at 100x and 400x magnification (Blair 2000). It
can also be identified using a Diff-Quick stain (Blair 2000). Some birds can show no signs at all of
Trichonomiasis even after years of infection so tests need to be thorough (Blair 2000). Faecal samples should be
taken by placing paper under the area most faeces are found and given to a veterinarian for testing for nematode
worms or other illnesses as well (Blair 2000). The quarantine area should be dry, clean, warm and have
adequate furnishings, food and water for the animal. The NSW Government (2010) states that appropriate
quarantine procedures and processes be recorded properly, the animal is to remain isolated on arrival, physical
examination and tests are to be completed in any new animals, veterinary treatment for any existing illnesses
must be undertaken and a period of adaptation is to be completed to the new diet to meet nutritional
9.1 Activity
Wedge-tailed Eagles can be known to spend the time around sunset and sunrise observing their territory from a
high tree in the area (Fleay 1952). They use their early mornings to hunt and catch prey before eating it, usually
on the ground immediately after catching it (Fleay 1952). The rest of the day is spent sitting on high, exposed
perches or circling and gliding through the air (Fleay 1952). Although they do not spend a lot of time claiming
their territory, they do parade themselves around the boundaries of their area by gliding and flying at high
altitudes (Fleay 1952). Captive behavior throughout the day includes feeding, preening themselves, bathing (not
observed every day usually), resting or moving around the perches in the enclosure.
9.2 Social Behaviour
Wedge-tailed Eagles mate for life and will spend all their time with that mate once found (Fleay 1952). They
reach maturity around 5-6 years of age and will remain solitary until they find a partner (Fleay 1952). They are
often seen hunting together, displaying mating behaviour, territorial displays or building a nest or ‘eyries’
together (Fleay 1952). This behavior can also be seen in captivity as well as preening one another.
9.3 Reproductive Behaviour
Wedge-tailed Eagles will choose a breeding territory which they will defend against any other birds or threats
(Debus et al. 2007). They are often seen displaying a mating dance high up in the air which involves the male
diving down towards the female mid-flight but pulling up at the last second to soar back up with semi-folded
wings (Debus et al. 2007). She may respond by flipping on to her back and exposing her talons to the male
(Debus et al. 2007). This can go on in a beautiful display along with lots of screeching and calling to each other
(Debus et al. 2007). The pair will spend time building multiple nests in high trees or cliffs to use throughout the
years and will also preen each other on a perch coming up to the breeding season (Debus et al. 2007). Eggs are
laid from June to August and April to September in the northern parts of their distribution (Debus et al. 2007).
9.4 Bathing
Wedge-tailed Eagles bathe as often as necessary in the wild and do the same in captivity. Almost all Australian
Government guidelines for Wedge-tailed Eagle enclosure include the necessity of a pond. The pond or other
water/bathing source should be big enough to allow full wing span length and deep enough to allow normal
bathing behaviour (SA Government 2010). It should be able to be easily emptied and refilled with clean fresh
9.5 Behavioural Problems
Wedge-tailed Eagles have been blamed for their behaviour of eating young lambs in the past which has
however, since been proved to make up only 2% of their diet. They are known to be very inquisitive and can be
seen harassing larger animals for their scraps when they are finished with a carcass (Fleay 1952). They can
‘imprint’ on people if taken from the wild at a young age or hand raised. This involves the Wedge-tailed Eagle
not being able to survive in the wild as it relies on humans to deliver food and shelter. They also can be
aggressive in captivity towards keepers as a result of becoming territorial of their enclosure area. Solutions to
these problems involve not hand raising a bird of prey on your own, but by at least two keepers to prevent
imprinting. Also, personal protective equipment must be used when working with Wedge-tailed Eagles and a
minimum contact regime is encouraged to prevent injury to both keepers and birds. Wedge-tailed Eagles are
naturally bold and confident and it is best to let them be this way in captivity which may include being
territorial. Keepers should aim to work with the behavioural attributes of birds of prey instead of trying to
suppress them.
9.6 Signs of Stress
Signs of stress in Wedge-tailed Eagles can be expressed in behaviours such as constant flying, flying into walls,
a change in weight or body condition, excess loss of feathers, change in appearance or dropping
colour/shape/consistency, heat stress or dehydration, changes in food or water consumption, change in
behaviour or attitude (e.g. very alert or still) etc. (Fleay 1952). Most commonly they go off their food and are
seen flying into walls or extremely alert all the time. This may be a result of illness, a fear of an object, sound or
smell etc.
9.7 Behavioral Enrichment
Behavioural enrichment for Wedge-tailed Eagles can be very effective if done properly. Wedge-tailed Eagles
can be mentally stimulated using enrichment items such as food sources or other animals. Food items can be
placed in different areas or presented in different ways to provide enrichment. For example, hanging a deer leg
from a tree using a rope that will not snap easily can be effective. Even having another bird of prey or Wedge-
tailed Eagle in a nearby enclosure can stimulate mental activity in the individuals. Keepers may also use audio
enrichment such as playing other Wedge-tailed Eagles calls to their bird of prey. This should be done with
caution as to avoid causing distress in the birds or aggression in response to the noise. Different food sources
from normal can also be presented to see what the eagles will do with it. For example, a whole deer instead of a
deer leg or something completely unattractive such as a carrot. A large dog kong can be used for enrichment
containing the birds favourite food. This must again be done with caution to avoid the birds consuming any
foreign materials.
All enrichments must be done in a way that is safe for the Wedge-tailed Eagles by making sure that anything
that comes into contact with the birds will not cause harm or damage if digested. The goal is not to scare the
birds so take all enrichment items in slowly and be able to monitor the birds in case of stress meaning the
enrichment needs to be removed. Wedge-tailed Eagles can be trained, particularly if they have been hand raised.
This can be done using a lot of patience and their favorite food as a reward. This can provide lots of mental
stimulation to the eagles but must be done with extreme caution and the proper training as well as personal
protective equipment. Seek a training professional before training a Wedge-tailed Eagle.
9.8 Introductions and Removals
Wedge-tailed Eagles can be aggressive towards each other when entering one another’s areas or enclosures in
captivity as they can be territorial and the new bird can be seen as an intruder. The birds will either tolerate each
other and even become mates, or they will see each other as a threat and attack each other which can cause
stress and injury. All introductions should be taken very slowly. The best way to introduce two eagles to each
other is to house them near each other with a visual barrier between them. Then after a week the visual barrier
can be partly removed. The following week it can be removed a bit more and so forth until the birds have full
visual of each other. This will then hopefully create an easier first introduction as the birds already know what
the other Eagle smells, sounds and looks like. Martin Scuffins (Leigh Valley Hawk and Owl Sanctuary) suggest
that if the intention is to breed the Wedge-tailed eagles, then it is essential to introduce the male to the new
exhibit first so that it is his domain. A period of 2-3 weeks will allow him to claim the space. The females are
bigger and may attack or kill the male if she has already claimed the territory.
9.9 Intraspecific Compatibility
It is recommended not to introduce any other Wedge-tailed Eagles to mated pairs as they will be protective of
their space. Females are known to be aggressive towards males which should be taken in to account when
deciding which birds to introduce to each other. If an introduction goes bad, keepers should always put their
safety first and not enter the enclosure unless it is safe to do so and with the appropriate PPE on. The birds
should be broken up with a distraction of loud noise or even a rake or blanket thrown between them. One of the
birds should be caught and removed, again in a way that is safe for all individuals and requires more than two
people to do so. Introducing Wedge-tailed Eagles to each other at a young age may prove to be more successful
in terms of them liking each other, however that is not to say that as they mature they will not turn on each other
as they try to establish their territories. Generally, it is safer and easier to keep Wedge-tailed Eagles housed
separately or in a mated pair to avoid dangerous situations for both keepers and the animals.
9.10 Interspecific Compatibility
It is very highly suggested to never house Wedge-tailed Eagles with other species of bird or any other animal as
they will most likely attack or hunt that animal. Wedge-tailed Eagles are scavengers and will therefore take
advantage of any food opportunity that comes their way, including other birds. There is very little evidence
found of Wedge-tailed Eagles co-existing with other species of animal peacefully. Perhaps if the species is very
similar and the individual is of similar size and weight, such as a White-bellied Sea Eagle.
9.11 Suitability to Captivity
There is again very little information on the suitability of Wedge-tailed Eagles in captivity but there are many
cases of Wedge-tailed Eagles living in captivity well. For example, Moonlit Sanctuary Pearcedale, Victoria, has
two Wedge-tailed Eagles housed together in a display aviary that were both rescued from the wild. Both of
these Wedge-tailed Eagles were either injured or deemed unfit to survive in the wild and were introduced to
each other slowly in the process mentioned above (9.8). Fortunately, the birds did not attack each other and are
now a mated pair and appear to be living suitably in captivity. Wild healthy Wedge-tailed Eagles would
however not do so well in captivity as they have no reason to be contained and normally soar at incredible
heights over long distances which they are prevented from doing. Most Wedge-tailed Eagles in captivity are
rescues or have been born and raised in captivity.
10.1 Mating System
Wedge-tailed Eagles will mate for life with their chosen companion unless that partner dies, in which event they
would find a new partner (Debus et al. 2007). They will return to the same nest each year and build on it each
time (Debus et al. 2007). They strongly defend the nest and can become very territorial of that area (Debus et al.
2007). The male will be seen jumping on to the females back to copulate in which they both spread out their
wings during the process (Debus et al. 2007). Prior to mating they can be seen sitting close, preening each other
and performing a mating ‘dance’ in the sky which involves a number of rolling, touching talons and steep dives
(Debus et al. 2007). They can also be more vocal during the breeding season when attracting a mate (Debus et
al. 2007).
Figure 14. Wedge-tailed Eagle pair mating (Warden, 2014).
10.2 Ease of Breeding
If there is enough resources available, such as food, water and nesting material then Wedge-tailed Eagles should
breed annually and produce at least one viable offspring (Debus et al. 2007). If it does not rain at all, Wedge-
tailed Eagles are known to not breed until the rain returns the following year (Debus et al. 2007). The males and
females both incubate the eggs creating an easier work load for both parents.
10.3 Reproductive Condition
10.3.1 Females
When incubating, the female (and sometimes the male) can form brood patches on their abdomens which allows
skin to egg contact and keeps the eggs warmer (Olsen 2005). The female should be at a healthy weight coming
in to the breeding season, between 3.2kg and 5.3kg, and also be in good condition to allow maximum food
retrieval for the chicks (Debus et al. 2007). She will weigh less at the end of the breeding season (Debus et al.
10.3.2 Males
The male can develop a brood patch, as mentioned above, however Debus and colleagues (2007) found that the
male had more input with the nest building and upkeep, whereas the female had more input in incubating the
eggs. The male should be at a healthy weight, around 2kg to 4kg, and also be in good condition for hunting and
nest defenses (Debus et al. 2007).
10.4 Techniques Used to Control Breeding
The Wedge-tailed Eagles heavily depend on housing/nesting resources and food availability in order to breed,
providing keepers with a way to control their breeding activity during the breeding months. To allow for
successful breeding there needs to be available in the enclosure (Debus et al. 2007):
- Adequate nest site
- Correct nesting material
- A pair that have been together long enough to form a bond
- Adequate amount of food
- Visual barriers and access to high perches
- Correct winter temperatures
- Available water supply
If breeding is undesired, then removing one or some of these factors can influence the eagles breeding ability.
For example, one would not provide the right nesting material making it impossible for the pair to make a nest.
Contraception methods are also available from an experienced veterinarian that can be put in and removed as
needed (Debus et al. 2007).
10.5 Occurrence of Hybrids
There is very limited information on Wedge-tailed Eagle hybrids which suggests that there are none that we
know of. However, there are things such as albino Wedge-tailed Eagles in zoos and in the wild (Olsen 2005).
10.6 Timing of Breeding
Wedge-tailed Eagles breed from June to November in good conditions but can vary if resources, such as food
and water, are not available (Debus et al. 2007). As mentioned earlier, they will not breed at all with a lack of
10.7 Age at First Breeding and Last Breeding
Wedge-tailed Eagles reach breeding age around 5-6 years old and may live till they are 40 years of age (Olsen
2005). As far as we know, if healthy, they can breed up until death.
10.8 Ability to Breed Every Year
If conditions are favorable, Wedge-tailed Eagles can breed every year.
10.9 Ability to Breed More than Once Per Year
If conditions are very good then Wedge-tailed Eagles can breed twice a year but this would involve lots of food
availability, minimal disturbance and an early clutch first (Olsen 2005). Depending on the facilities you have
available, keepers can take chicks for hand rearing which would allow the parents to breed again sooner,
however the affects this has on the parents is variable and it can only be done by trained personnel. It may have
the effect that the parents will lay again immediately or it may have a negative affect and see the parents move
on to find a new nesting site (Olsen 2005).
10.10 Nesting, Hollow or Other Requirements
The mated pair usually chooses a tall tree in the middle of their territory that allows them to keep close
surveillance on their area and on the nest (Olsen 2005). If trees are not available they may also nest in cliffs and
rock crevices (Debus et al. 2007). The pair will build the nest together using sticks and browse which they will
return to and build on every year (Debus et al. 2007). Some nests can get up to 1.8 metres across and 3 metres
deep with a weight of 400kg (Debus et al. 2007). The nest has a shallow depression in the top for laying the
eggs and any fallen sticks from building the nest are not retrieved (Debus et al. 2007). Reports of discarded
sticks piled as high as 1.8 metres under a nest have been seen (Debus et al. 2007).
Figure 15. Wedge-tailed Eagle nest (Ferrero, 2017)
10.11 Breeding Diet
A study by Debus and colleagues (2007) found that, from two different Wedge-tailed Eagle nesting sites, the
majority of food items delivered to the nest and consumed was mammals (89% and 74%) followed by birds
(11% and 22%) and reptiles (<1% and 4%). The mammal consists of mostly rabbit and hare (56%), and
macropods most of the remainder. A similar diet to this is encouraged when breeding birds in captivity. See
section 6.2 Captive Diet for more details, as a change in diet is not necessary to non-breeding seasons of the
year, however more food is certainly required during breeding seasons.
10.12 Incubation Period
The incubation period of the eggs is roughly 45 days (Debus et al. 2007). The eggs are laid at different intervals
and therefore hatch at different times, so incubation all together can last anywhere between 45 and 49 days
(Debus et al. 2007).
10.13 Clutch Size
Wedge-tailed Eagle females lay between 1 to 3 eggs at different times, generally 2-4 days apart (Debus et al.
2007). Therefore, they hatch at different times and usually the first born is the largest followed by the next
largest etc. (Debus et al. 2007). Survival rates of the last chick born are low and increase with relation to body
size at hatching (Debus et al. 2007). Unfortunately, the oldest and largest chick is known to kill its smaller
siblings if food is scarce (Olsen 2005). A clutch is made up of white eggs measuring around 73mm x 59mm that
can have brown spots on it (Olsen 2005). Chicks are covered in white down feathers when they hatch and for
the first 5 weeks, need to have food delivered to their mouths by their parents (Olsen 2005). After this period,
they can have food laid on the perimeter of the nest and feed themselves (Olsen 2005).
Figure 16. Wedge-tailed Eagle chick (Newman, 2017).
10.14 Age at Fledging
Juvenile Wedge-tailed Eagles fledge at around 70-95 days old (Olsen 2005). They remain with their parents for
around 11 weeks after they have left the nest for the first time in order to learn what they can of hunting and
surviving (Debus et al. 2007).
10.15 Age of Removal from Parents
In the wild, Wedge-tailed Eagle chicks rely on their parents for everything for the first 70 days or more (Olsen
2005). They acquire enough feathers to fledge around this age and therefore provides an opportunity for
removing from the nest (Debus et al. 2007). This should be given great consideration before doing as the plan
for that chick may influence the time of removal. For example, if the chick is to be used for encounters or close
interaction with the public, then an earlier pulling date is preferred so that the chick grows accustomed to
human interaction at an early age. This can cause serious aggression from the parents and the proper WH&S
procedures should be put into place.
10.16 Growth and Development
Juveniles are reported to disperse up to 850km from the original nest site, 7-8 months post fledging (Olsen
2005). They are reliant on their parents for learning how to hunt, fly and survive in the wild for the first 5 6
months of their life, yet after that they become relatively independent (Olsen 2005). It can take young Wedge-
tailed Eagles up to 6 years or more to get all their adult feathers but can appear brown with a reddish-brown
head and wings at a younger age (Olsen 2005). By their 5 or 6
year they will be fully mature/self-sustaining
and will begin looking for a mate (Olsen 2005).
11.1 Incubator Type
The incubator type used to incubate Wedge-tailed Eagle eggs will be different depending on the location and
resources available to the holding facility. All incubators should enable keepers to manipulate humidity and
temperature and it should be the right size for Wedge-tailed Eagle eggs (average egg size is 73mm x 59mm)
(Fleay 1952). Incubators are usually available from your local animal produce store. A household or simple
incubator type is best as it is least complicated, allows you to control the humidity and temperature while also
having enough room for the eggs. It is ideal to have 3 incubators set up during the incubation period (Jones
2000). One for initial incubation, one for hatching and a spare in case one breaks down (Jones 2000). The room
in which the incubator is in and the incubator itself, should be sterilized before use and turned on 4 days before
incubation is needed (Jones 2000). This cleaning process should be repeated when necessary during incubation
(Jones 2000). Make sure there is no sunlight on the incubator as it may affect the temperature and preferably it
should be kept in a place that is dry, safe and has muted lighting (Jones 2000).
11.2 Incubation Temperatures and Humidity
There are very few studies of incubating Wedge-tailed Eagle eggs in Australia however there are studies on
birds of prey eggs being hatched in incubators worldwide. A study by Wiemeyer (1981) found that bald eagle
eggs hatched without complication when kept on 56% humidity and temperatures of 37.6 degrees. The
temperature was reduced as time went on to 30 degrees and the eggs rotated every two hours (Wiemeyer 1981).
Jones (2000) recommends 37.5 degrees and 30-35% humidity for bird of prey eggs. The humidity can be
changed based on the amount of weight an egg looses (Jones 2000).
11.3 Desired % Egg Mass Loss
The eggs should be weighed as soon as possible when freshly laid. This allows keepers to know the FEW (fresh
egg weight) and therefore how much weight the egg should loose (Jones 2000). This should be done using
sterile equipment, gloves and done very quickly to avoid the eggs cooling down or drying out. The eggs should
be weighed at regular intervals to allow proper observation of weight loss. E.g. 7:00am every day. The egg
should lose 18% of its weight by the time they are ready to hatch (45 days) and 15% of that should have
happened by the time the egg has already pipped (crack or hole in the shell) (Jones 2000). E.g. if the FEW is
400g, then the egg should have lost 15% or 60g by pipping and 18% or 72g by hatching.
Figure 17. Wedge-tailed Eagle eggs (Cherriman, 2018).
11.4 Hatching Temperature and Humidity
Some birds of prey are very vocal when they are close to hatching and sometimes movement can be seen (Jones
2000). The hatching incubator should be run at the same temperature as the normal incubator, 37.5 degrees, but
the humidity is raised to 55-60% to avoid the egg shell or chick drying out during the hatching process (Jones
11.5 Normal Pip to Hatch Interval
The eggs should be being turned regularly and therefore, spotting a pipping egg should be easy around the 42-
45 day mark (Jones 2000). Once the eggs have started breaking or pipping, then the eggs should be moved to
the next incubator (Jones 2000). The eggs may hatch at different intervals of up to a day or two apart, meaning
some eggs will be put in to the hatching incubator before others. Cease turning eggs once in the hatching
incubator and the egg positioned so that the pip is facing the sky (Jones 2000). After the chick has made its first
pip in the egg, it will rest (Jones 2000). Do not interfere in this process as it can cause fatality or complications
for the chick (Jones 2000). Once the embryo then starts to turn in the egg, the hatching process should be over
within 10 minutes to 1 hour depending on the species (Jones 2000).
11.6 Brooder Types/Design
A water based brooder is a commonly used brooder for birds. It involves a plastic box about the size of a large
ice cream container, that sits within another brooder box. This brooder box will be larger and have water about
7-8cm deep in the bottom with a heat rod submerged in it. The water level can be altered so that the internal box
is only submerged in the water by 2cm. The heat rod should have a temperature gage on it that can be set to the
required water temperature. An internal box thermometer is recommended to make sure the internal temperature
is similar to the temperature of the water below. This type of brooder allows humidity for the chicks but also
warmth. The internal box should be filled with soft substrate such as wood shavings, sand, cotton material etc.
to allow for comfort for the birds. A depression in the substrate in the shape of a nest with your fist should be
made so that the chicks can sit with their leg underneath them to avoid developing splayed legs (Jones 2000).
11.7 Brooder Temperatures
A newly hatched Wedge-tailed Eagle chick should be kept in the hatcher until it is dry or moved straight away
to the brooder (Jones 2000). The brooder should be kept at 35 degrees and the temperature reduced by 1 degree
per day until the secondary down (type of feather growth on young chicks) is grown (Jones 2000). The brooder
should be kept in a still air area and not allowed to get too dry. A lid on the brooder slightly cracked open
allows for condensation to build up while keeping the temperature steady. If the chicks are too hot they will tell
you by separating and lying flat or splayed out and panting. If they are too cold they can be quite vocal and will
huddle together.
11.8 Diet and Feeding Routine
Freshly hatched chicks can be left for 12 hours until their first feed and even longer if they look distended with
fluid (Jones 2000). Keepers should wait until the chick is showing signs of hunger and the stomach is flaccid or
soft (Jones 2000). Wedge-tailed Eagle chicks can be fed small amounts of kangaroo mince, quail, rabbit, day
old chicks etc. (Jones 2000). As long as the guts, skin, gizzard, feet, wings and head are removed (Jones 2000).
It is recommended to start with just soft meat ripped into small pieces and work your way up from there. A
probiotic can be added to the food for the first few days to provide bacteria and microbes to the chicks (Jones
2000). Consult your local veterinarian or supplement supplier before doing so. Keepers can use tiny forceps or
hand to feed Wedge Tailed Eagle chicks with care being taken to avoid hurting the chick or yourself. The food
can also be dampened with water if the chick seems to be struggling to eat which also stops the chick from
getting dehydrated (Jones 2000). The food should be presented to the chick by putting the food above its beak
and waiting for it to raise its head and open its beak, or they will snatch it from you (Jones 2000). The diet can
be increased over time as the chick grows with four feeds a day being the recommended starting point (Jones
2000). The frequency of feeds can also be dropped as the chick grows. The chick should be weighed before
each feed to keep track of its growth.
11.9 Specific Requirements
Wedge-tailed Eagle chicks raised in captivity can have leg bands put on around 10-14 days old by an
experienced staff member or veterinarian (Jones 2000). Casting materials should also be implemented to allow
the young chicks to form their first pellets and regurgitate food as they would in the wild (Jones 2000). This
should begin when the birds start to grow feathers and can be done by keeping the skin on the food sources,
such as day old chicks (Jones 2000). Wedge-tailed Eagles need bones in their diet and so a young chick can be
introduced to bones by combining that with the meat using a mincer (Jones 2000). If not available, then adding
calcium and vitamins to their diet in powder form can be useful (Jones 2000). Consult your local supplement
provider or veterinarian before commencing. Wedge-tailed Eagle chicks in the wild will not access water until
they have left the nest however the parents drip an oral secretion on to the food as they are feeding their chicks
to give them a form of hydration (Jones 2000). Dampening the food given to the chicks is highly recommended
to replicate this in captivity (Jones 2000).
Figure 18. Wedge-tailed Eagle regurgitated pellet (taken by Brittanie Bishop)
11.10 Pinioning Requirements
Pinioning should not be done unless for an important reason. Wedge-tailed Eagles main daily activity is soaring
at great heights and they rely on their flight abilities to find food and evade predators. Taking away a bird’s
ability to fly should be discussed with supervisors and legal requirements checked with your local state
government before completing. Generally, Wedge-tailed Eagles that are kept in captivity are not pinioned,
especially if they are used in a bird flight show or in a display only aviary.
11.11 Data Recording
The young Wedge-tailed Eagle chick’s weights should be taken every morning before the first feed and written
down on a rearing sheet. The rearing sheet should contain details such as time, date, weight, toileted, eaten and
any comments. Additional columns can be made for information such as temperature of brooder, behaviour,
room temperature etc. This is then entered into an online record system such as ‘ZIMS’ or stored in a secure
place so that the records can be reviewed when necessary. Any notable events such as weight gain and diet
changes can be recorded in a keeper diary to keep other staff members up to date.
11.12 Identification Methods
Leg banding is one of the most common identification methods for Wedge-tailed Eagles and can be done
once the chick has reach 10-14 days of age. This should be done by a trained professional or staff member
and leg bands can be ordered by your local animal produce store of veterinarian. Leg bands generally have
different colours, numbers, letters or all of the above to help identify birds. A detailed list of the physical
features that differentiates the bird of prey from others should also be recorded to allow for physical
11.13 Hygiene
Hygiene is of high importance when hand raising Wedge-tailed Eagle chicks. Especially because they eat
other animals such as mice and day-old chicks which can carry germs. Keeping the facilities and instruments
used when dealing with the birds, sterile and of a high cleanliness level is recommended. It is not
recommended to leave the unhatched eggs and hatched chicks in the same room as they can transfer disease
and germs (Jones 2000). Regular substrate change and cleanout of the brooder is important to avoid the chick
developing any illnesses and promotes healthy growth. Keepers should wash hands every time after handling
or feeding Wedge-tailed Eagle chicks.
11.14 Behavioural Considerations
Imprinting is a common problem with Wedge-tailed Eagles as they will then rely on humans for food (Olsen
2005). This may be a problem if the bird is to be released as it is vital that they can hunt for themselves once
released to the wild. In the wild the eagle chicks will eventually fledge and separate from their parents and
can move up to 850km from the nest site (Olsen 2005). Therefore, it is natural for them to come to a point
where they stop relying on keepers for food if the intent is to be released. If the fledglings are to be kept in
captivity, then imprinting is inevitable, but close contact with Wedge-tailed Eagles should be done with care
as they can become territorial or aggressive as they develop and can harm their carer (Olsen 2005). They
should be encouraged to eat for themselves as quickly as possible rather than being hand fed as chicks.
11.15 Use of Foster Species
There is very little information on cross-fostering in Wedge-tailed Eagles but caution should be taken when
choosing a species as the bird size, habitat, behaviour, diet and more, can make a huge impact on the survival
of the eagle chicks. Some young eagles are known to eat their siblings when not raised correctly or if much
bigger than the other family members (Jones 2000). It is suggested that Wedge-tailed Eagles really need their
own kind to raise them (Jones 2000). Wedge-tailed Eagle chicks should be returned to their parents or foster
parents after 10-12 days if looking healthy and eating well (Jones 2000). Once returned they must be watched
closely for a number of hours to make sure the parents have accepted the young chicks (Jones 2000). If the
parents accept the chick, they should begin feeding it, investigating it gently and protecting it (Jones 2000). If
it is picked up by the parents or shown any aggression, it should be removed immediately (Jones 2000). Fresh
food can be left on the side of the nest to encourage the parents to feed the chick (Jones 2000).
11.16 Fledging
Juvenile Wedge-tailed Eagles in the wild will fledge at around 70-95 days old (Olsen 2005). Fledging birds
can often be clumsy and fly at random times when first learning. Therefore, when the birds are showing signs
of trying to fly, such as flapping and jumping, they should be put into an enclosure, room or area that is safe
and secure so that they can spread their wings and learn to fly without flying away or injuring themselves on
any objects in the process. Generally, Wedge-tailed Eagles will learn to fly very quickly (Olsen 2005)
11.17 Rehabilitation and Release to the Wild Procedures
Before the rehabilitation of a Wedge-tailed Eagle is begun, it is important to think about release options in the
future as it can affect the procedures used. Only carers with a permit, the correct facilities and a proven record
should be rehabilitating these birds (Queensland Gov. 1992).
If the eagle being rehabilitated is to be released back to the wild then it is recommended to avoid the bird
imprinting by having multiple carers, using a puppet or by limiting the time spent with the bird. Also, the bird
should be allowed to do things on its own as soon as possible, such as feeding, perching and cleaning itself.
- Intensive care facilities
Hot boxes can be used for juvenile and young Wedge-tailed Eagles that are injured, in shock or have leg
problems. This often results in the bird laying splayed on the floor of the enclosure s keepers need to
have full access to the bird and be able to clean the enclosure daily with ease to prevent illness
developing in the bird. A towel can be used on the bottom of the hotbox and a temperature of around 28-
30 degrees should be maintained (NSW Gov. 2010). However, the box needs to be quite big which
makes it harder to regulate temperature. It should be made from sturdy materials such as wood to
prevent injury to the bird of prey. It should be dimly lit, have a visual barrier to keepers to minimize
stress, allow the bird to stand and turn around, perch and feed, have adequate ventilation, be easily
cleaned and provide a shallow dish of water that can be easily refilled (Queensland Gov. 1992). It is
recommended to keep these large birds in hot boxes for the minimum time possible. Items needed for
rehabilitation are usually leather jesses, thick leather gloves, hood, perches and tweezers or tongs for
feeding (Queensland Gov. 1992).
- Intensive care accommodation
If the Wedge-tailed Eagle does not require a hot box but is still not able to be put in a large aviary or still
needs assistance feeding, then it should be housed in a small enclosure which allows easy access to the
bird at all times. 3 x 3 metres wide and 2 metres high is recommended, made from solid materials such
as wood or steel (NSW Gov. 2010). The enclosure should incorporate all the same conditions and
allowances as the hot box scenario. More perches can be offered as well as a floor substrate such as
mulch, leaves or stones (Queensland Gov. 1992).
- Intensive care aviary
Once the Wedge-tailed Eagle is past needing intensive care, they can be moved to an aviary to promote
normal behaviours and surroundings. 6 x 6 metres or greater and a height of 4 metres or greater is
recommended (NSW Gov. 2010). All the same enclosure conditions are needed as those found in the
intensive care accommodation. However, the eagle should now be feeding for itself and so needs a
platform for food presentation such as a stump or log. It also requires a shallow pond or pool to bathe in
(Queensland Gov. 1992). It should have direct sunlight in the enclosure but also a place for shelter and
perching (see 4. Housing Requirements for further details). This aviary should be encouraging all natural
behaviours and development of independence for the Wedge-tailed Eagle.
- Release
Leading up to release, the Wedge-tailed Eagle should be allowed to fly around to strengthen its wing
muscles, it must be given the same diet as would be found in its release area (such as rabbits) and it
should be exhibiting all normal essential behaviours by itself (such as bathing, preening and perching
well). The Wedge-tailed Eagle’s should be released somewhere that is close to where they were found to
promote chances of survival (Queensland Gov. 1992). If the original location that the bird was found is
unknown, then the information provided in this manual (section 3.2 Distribution and Habitat) should
allow the carer to make a n educated decision on the release sight. A low density wood is desirable and
professional help can also be sought on the matter (e.g. other carers, local wildlife organisations, zoos
and government). This will avoid spreading of disease, displacing of other animals from their natural
habitats and compromise genetic integrity (Queensland Gov. 1992). The Wedge-tailed Eagle to be
released should be capable of finding a home territory, of an age that is can survive on its own and is not
introduced to an area where a pair has already claimed the territory (Queensland Gov. 1992). Prior to
release it is recommended to get a vet assessment where possible to confirm the animal is of a good
weight, size and is healthy enough for release (Queensland Gov. 1992). The bird should be released in
good conditions, such as on a dry, warm day and early in the morning to allow it to orient itself
(Queensland Gov. 1992). The Wedge-tailed Eagle should be released in the same way it would be
released into an enclosure (see section 7.5 Release, for more details). After release the bird can be
monitored using visual sightings and sometimes tracking devices, and re-capture may be necessary if the
bird is not surviving as planned on its own.
- Soft release procedure
A soft release involves providing the animal with support, such as supplementary feeding once it has
been release to the wild for a shot time until it ceases to rely on people for food. This is a difficult
procedure as the bird needs to be slowly weaned off carer given food and introduced to catching its own
food. It is recommended to slowly decrease the amount of food offered over time and offer the same
food items that can be hunted by the bird in the wild. Such as rabbit, carrion etc. Another option is
having an enclosure built in the same area that you wish to release the Wedge-tail and giving it a few
days in that aviary to get used to its surroundings. This is risky due to stresses on the bird and the chance
of other animals trying to get into the aviary, but can give the bird a chance to adjust to its new
environment. The soft release method is suitable for young orphaned eagles that must learn survival
techniques from its carer.
- Hard release procedure
The hard release procedure involves releasing the Wedge-tailed Eagle to the wild and letting it survive
on its own. This can be done providing that again, it can survive on its own and has been deemed
healthy by a veterinarian. The hard release option is suitable for adult Wedge-tailed Eagles that have
perhaps been injured, and have not been in care for long.
Figure 19. Hard release of a Wedge-tailed Eagle to the wild (Croxon 2017).
12 Acknowledgements
Sincere thanks to my teacher, Graeme Phipps (TAFE NSW), Life Sciences Manager, Lisa Tuthill (Moonlit
Sanctuary) and hawk and owl expert, Martin Scuffins (Leigh Valley Hawk and Owl Sanctuary) for their
continuous support and valuable information given. Thanks to Moonlit Sanctuary for the experience of working
with Wedge tailed Eagles, allowing me to get up-close first-hand experience with them in captivity. Thanks to
co-worker Kiandra Keavney (Moonlit Sanctuary) for her constant support an encouragement in completing this
husbandry manual.
13 References
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Australian Wildlife Research, vol. 7, no.3, pp. 433-452.
Cherriman, SC, Foster, A & Debus, SJS 2012, ‘Wedge-tailed Eagle’. Birds of Prey of Australia: A Field Guide,
vol. 44, pp. 169.
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Croxon N 2017, Rescued wedge-tailed eagle returns to the skies [online]. Available from:
https://www.bendigoadvertiser.com.au/story/4537842/rescued-eagle-returns-to-the-skies-photos/ [Accessed
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Earnhardt, JM, Thompson, SD & Willis K 1995, ‘ISIS database: An evaluation of records essential for captive
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Warden, I 2014. Canberra’s wedge-tailed eagles thriving on degustation menu [online]. The Sydney Morning
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introductions into the wild. Raptor Research, 15, pp. 68-82.
14 Bibliography
15 Glossary
ASMP Australasian Species Management Program.
Bi-annual - Twice a year.
Clinical relating to the observation and treatment of actual patients rather than theoretical or laboratory
Clutch - a group of eggs.
Down feathers - layer of fine feathers found under the tougher exterior feathers.
EA environmental assessment.
Ergonomic designed for comfort and efficiency in the work place.
Flagyl antibiotic that is used to treat or prevent infections that are caused by bacteria.
Fledge a young bird flying for the first time.
Gizzard a muscular, thick walled part of a bird’s stomach for grinding food.
Hessian - a strong, coarse fabric made from hemp or jute, used for sacks.
Hybrid - offspring of two animals of different species.
IATA International Air Transport Associtaion.
Imprint animal that comes to recognize a human as a parent or other object of habitual trust.
Incubation - the process of warming eggs in order to hatch them.
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Keel - a ridge along the breastbone of many birds to which the flight muscles are attached.
Lock-away an area/room/enclosure that an animal can be moved to or encouraged in to that can be closed off
to the main enclosure. E.g. when cleaning a Wedge-tailed Eagle enclosure, they are moved into a lock-away for
staff protection.
MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet.
Nomenclature - term or name applied to something.
OHS Occupational health and safety.
Permit official document allowing someone to do something.
Pinioning - restraining or immobilizing
Plumage A birds feathers.
Pneumatization development of air cells or air pockets within bones.
PPE - Personal protective equipment.
Slurry - A semi-liquid mixture.
Studbook a record of the pedigrees/genetics/breeding of a certain species.
Substrate - an underlying substance or material.
Supplement - something added to something else in order to make it better or complete.
ZAA Zoo and Aquarium Association.
16 Appendix
Image 1a, b & c. MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for F10Sc
Image 2. MSDS for Bleach
Insectivore Rearing Mix is a balanced diet for rearing or supplementing insectivorous or
carnivorous birds. These species require a high proportion of protein in their diet.
INGREDIENTS: Meat meal, fish meal, blood
meal, whey protein, soy protein, lysine,
methionine, mannan oligosaccharides, β-
glucans, vegetable oils, omega-3 (including EPA
& DHA), and omega-6 fatty acids taurine,
carotenoids, vitamins A, B
, B
nicotinamide, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid,
choline, inositol, calcium, phosphorus,
potassium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese, copper, iodine, selenium.
PACK SIZES: 250g, 1kg, & 5kg net
Vitamin A
- Lysine
Vitamin D
Folic Acid
- Methionine
Vitamin E
Vitamin B
Vitamin K
-Omega 3
Vitamin C
-Omega 6
Energy (ME)
Prepared food may be stored refrigerated for a day or frozen for up to 2 weeks. Do not add extra vitamin,
mineral or concentrated food supplements to these diets.
Meat Mix: Mix 10g (1 level scoop) of powder with 20g of minced meat or fish.
A little water may be necessary to moisten the preparation. Always use good quality meat or fish as a base.
Feed as a maintenance diet to magpies, ravens, kookaburras, frogmouths, raptors and seabirds.
Egg Mix: Mix 20g (2 level scoops) of powder with 1 large hard-boiled egg.
Energy (ME)
16 MJ/kg
Mash the egg with a fork and then slowly add the powder to turn into a crumbly mass. Feed as a maintenance
diet to small insectivores (e.g. wrens, robins), waders or to orphaned precocial chicks. Mix in live insects to
encourage intake. Can also be used as a protein supplement for softbills, songbirds, breeding finches &
Moist Pellets: Mix 20g (2 level scoops) of powder with 12mL of warm water.
Slowly add the water and mix to a putty-like consistency. Break small pieces from the prepared mix and roll
into pellets for feeding. Extra water should be offered by mouth when feeding pellets. Use as a rearing food
for orphan magpies, ravens, kookaburras or frogmouths.
Liquid Slurry: Add 10g (1 level scoop) of powder with 15mL of warm water.
Slowly add water and mix to make a slurry. Let the mix stand for 2 minutes to absorb all the water. If too thick,
add more water and continue mixing. Feed at about 30°C using a spoon or syringe and tube. Use as a force-
feeding formula for sick birds or orphaned altricial chicks.
Raptors & Seabirds (Whole body-eaters): Stuff 10g (1 level scoop) of powder per 100g of whole fish, rodent or
day old chick.
Cavities may be stuffed by preparing as a slurry and using a syringe.
Leigh Valley Hawk and Owl Sanctuary
Martin Scuffins Director and Raptor Handler
Address: 493 Hardies Hill Road, Garibaldi, VIC, 3352
Phone: 0427 414 623
Facebook: Leigh Valley Hawk and Owl Sanctuary
Website: Leigh Valley Hawk and Owl Sanctuary
Vetafarm (products such as Soluvite D Breeder and Spark Liquid)
Address: 3 Bye Street, Wagga Wagga, NSW Australia, 2650
Phone: (02) 6933 0400
Fax: (02) 6925 6333
Facebook: Vetafarm
Website: http://vetafarm.com.au/
Wombaroo/Passwell (food products)
Address: PO Box 151
Glen Osmond
South Australia 5064
Phone: (08) 8391 1713
Website: www.wombaroo.com.au