State of California
Section 6240
6240. The following is the California Statutory Will form:
The following information, in question and answer form, is not a part of the
California Statutory Will. It is designed to help you understand about Wills and to
decide if this Will meets your needs. This Will is in a simple form. The complete text
of each paragraph of this Will is printed at the end of the Will.
1. What happens if I die without a Will? If you die without a Will, what you own
(your “assets”) in your name alone will be divided among your spouse, domestic
partner, children, or other relatives according to state law. The court will appoint a
relative to collect and distribute your assets.
2. What can a Will do for me? In a Will you may designate who will receive your
assets at your death. You may designate someone (called an “executor”) to appear
before the court, collect your assets, pay your debts and taxes, and distribute your
assets as you specify.You may nominate someone (called a “guardian”) to raise your
children who are under age 18. You may designate someone (called a “custodian”)
to manage assets for your children until they reach any age from 18 to 25.
3. Does a Will avoid probate? No. With or without a Will, assets in your name
alone usually go through the court probate process. The court’s rst job is to determine
if your Will is valid.
4. What is community property? Can I give away my share in my Will? If you
are married or in a domestic partnership and you or your spouse earned money during
your marriage or domestic partnership from work and wages, that money (and the
assets bought with it) is community property. Your Will can only give away your
one-half of community property. Your Will cannot give away your spouse’s one-half
of community property.
5. Does my Will give away all of my assets? Do all assets go through probate?
No. Money in a joint tenancy bank account automatically belongs to the other named
owner without probate. If your spouse, domestic partner, or child is on the deed to
your house as a joint tenant, the house automatically passes to him or her. Life
insurance and retirement plan benets may pass directly to the named beneciary. A
Will does not necessarily control how these types of “nonprobate” assets pass at your
6. Are there different kinds of Wills? Yes.There are handwritten Wills, typewritten
Wills, attorney-prepared Wills, and statutory Wills. All are valid if done precisely as
the law requires. You should see a lawyer if you do not want to use this Statutory
Will or if you do not understand this form.
7. Who may use this Will? This Will is based on California law. It is designed
only for California residents. You may use this form if you are single, married, a
member of a domestic partnership, or divorced. You must be age 18 or older and of
sound mind.
8. Are there any reasons why I should NOT use this Statutory Will? Yes. This is
a simple Will. It is not designed to reduce death taxes or other taxes. Talk to a lawyer
to do tax planning, especially if (i) your assets will be worth more than $600,000 or
the current amount excluded from estate tax under federal law at your death, (ii) you
own business-related assets, (iii) you want to create a trust fund for your children’s
education or other purposes, (iv) you own assets in some other state, (v) you want to
disinherit your spouse, domestic partner, or descendants, or (vi) you have valuable
interests in pension or prot-sharing plans. You should talk to a lawyer who knows
about estate planning if this Will does not meet your needs. This Will treats most
adopted children like natural children. You should talk to a lawyer if you have
stepchildren or foster children whom you have not adopted.
9. May I add or cross out any words on this Will? No. If you do, the Will may
be invalid or the court may ignore the crossed out or added words.You may only ll
in the blanks. You may amend this Will by a separate document (called a codicil).
Talk to a lawyer if you want to do something with your assets which is not allowed
in this form.
10. May I change my Will? Yes. A Will is not effective until you die. You may
make and sign a new Will. You may change your Will at any time, but only by an
amendment (called a codicil). You can give away or sell your assets before your death.
Your Will only acts on what you own at death.
11. Where should I keep my Will? After you and the witnesses sign the Will, keep
your Will in your safe deposit box or other safe place. You should tell trusted family
members where your Will is kept.
12. When should I change my Will? You should make and sign a new Will if you
marry, divorce, or terminate your domestic partnership after you sign this Will.
Divorce, annulment, or termination of a domestic partnership automatically cancels
all property stated to pass to a former spouse or domestic partner under this Will, and
revokes the designation of a former spouse or domestic partner as executor, custodian,
or guardian. You should sign a new Will when you have more children, or if your
spouse or a child dies, or a domestic partner dies or marries. You may want to change
your Will if there is a large change in the value of your assets. You may also want to
change your Will if you enter a domestic partnership or your domestic partnership
has been terminated after you sign this Will.
13. What can I do if I do not understand something in this Will? If there is anything
in this Will you do not understand, ask a lawyer to explain it to you.
14. What is an executor? An “executor” is the person you name to collect your
assets, pay your debts and taxes, and distribute your assets as the court directs. It may
be a person or it may be a qualied bank or trust company.
15. Should I require a bond? You may require that an executor post a “bond. A
bond is a form of insurance to replace assets that may be mismanaged or stolen by
the executor. The cost of the bond is paid from the estate’s assets.
16. What is a guardian? Do I need to designate one? If you have children under
age 18, you should designate a guardian of their “persons” to raise them.
17. What is a custodian? Do I need to designate one? A “custodian” is a person
you may designate to manage assets for someone (including a child) who is under
the age of 25 and who receives assets under your Will. The custodian manages the
assets and pays as much as the custodian determines is proper for health, support,
maintenance, and education. The custodian delivers what is left to the person when
the person reaches the age you choose (from 18 to 25). No bond is required of a
18. Should I ask people if they are willing to serve before I designate them as
executor, guardian, or custodian? Probably yes. Some people and banks and trust
companies may not consent to serve or may not be qualied to act.
19. What happens if I make a gift in this Will to someone and that person dies
before I do? A person must survive you by 120 hours to take a gift under this Will.
If that person does not, then the gift fails and goes with the rest of your assets. If the
person who does not survive you is a relative of yours or your spouse, then certain
assets may go to the relative’s descendants.
20. What is a trust? There are many kinds of trusts, including trusts created by
Wills (called “testamentary trusts”) and trusts created during your lifetime (called
“revocable living trusts”). Both kinds of trusts are long-term arrangements in which
a manager (called a “trustee”) invests and manages assets for someone (called a
“beneciary”) on the terms you specify. Trusts are too complicated to be used in this
Statutory Will.You should see a lawyer if you want to create a trust.
21. What is a domestic partner? You have a domestic partner if you have met
certain legal requirements and led a form entitled “Declaration of Domestic
Partnership” with the Secretary of State. Notwithstanding Section 299.6 of the Family
Code, if you have not led a Declaration of Domestic Partnership with the Secretary
of State, you do not meet the required denition and should not use the section of the
Statutory Will form that refers to domestic partners even if you have registered your
domestic partnership with another governmental entity. If you are unsure if you have
a domestic partner or if your domestic partnership meets the required denition, please
contact the Secretary of State’s ofce.
1. READ THE WILL. Read the whole Will rst. If you do not understand
something, ask a lawyer to explain it to you.
2. FILL IN THE BLANKS. Fill in the blanks. Follow the instructions in the form
carefully. Do not add any words to the Will (except for lling in blanks) or cross out
any words.
and sign the Will and have two witnesses sign it. You and the witnesses should read
and follow the Notice to Witnesses found at the end of this Will.
*You do not need to have this document notarized. Notarization will not fulll the
witness requirement.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
NOTICE OF INCOMPLETE TEXT: The California Statutory
Will appears in the hard-copy publication of the chaptered bill.
See Sec. 88, Chapter 50 (pp. 77–82), Statutes of 2016.
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California Statutory Will
California Probate Code, Section 6240
1. READ THE WILL. Read the whole Will first. If you do not understand something, ask a lawyer to explain it to you.
2. FILL IN THE BLANKS. Fill in the blanks. Follow the instructions in the form carefully. Do not add any words to the
Will (except for filling in blanks) or cross out any words.
3. DATE AND SIGN THE WILL AND HAVE TWO WITNESSES SIGN IT. Date and sign the Will and have two
witnesses sign it. You and the witnesses should read and follow the Notice to Witnesses found at the end of this Will.
Print Your Full Name
1. Will. This is my Will. I revoke all prior Wills and codicils.
2. Specific Gift of Personal Residence.
(Optional-use only if you want to give your personal residence to a different
person or persons than you give the balance of your assets to under paragraph 5 below.) I give my interest in my
principal personal residence at the time of my death (subject to mortgages and liens) as follows:
(Select one choice only and sign in the box after your choice.)
a. Choice One:
All to my spouse or domestic partner,
registered with the California Secretary of State, if my
spouse or domestic partner, registered with the
California Secretary of State, survives me; otherwise
to my descendants (my children and the descendants
of my children) who survive me.
b. Choice Two:
Nothing to my spouse or domestic
partner, registered with the California Secretary of
State; all to my descendants (my children and the
descendants of my children) who survive me.
c. Choice Three: All to the following person
if he or she survives me (Insert the name of the
d. Choice Four: Equally among the following
persons who survive me (Insert the names
of two or more persons.):
3. Specific Gift of Automobiles, Household and Personal Effects.
(Optional–use only if you want to give automobiles
and household and personal effects to a different person or persons than you give the balance of your assets to under
paragraph 5 below.) I give all of my automobiles (subject to loans), furniture, furnishings, household items, clothing,
jewelry, and other tangible articles of a personal nature at the time of my death as follows:
(Select one choice only and sign in the box after your choice.)
a. Choice One
: All to my spouse or domestic
partner, registered with the California Secretary of
State, if my spouse or domestic partner, registered
with the California Secretary of State, survives me;
otherwise to my descendants (my children and the
descendants of my children) who survive me.
b. Choice Two
: Nothing to my spouse or domestic
partner, registered with the California Secretary of
State; all to my descendants (my children and the
descendants of my children) who survive me.
c. Choice Three
: All to the following person if he
or she survives me (Insert the name of the
d. Choice Four
: Equally among the following
persons who survive me (Insert the names of
two or more persons.):
4. Specific Gifts of Cash. (Optional) I make the following cash gifts to the persons named below who survive me, or to
the named charity, and I sign my name in the box after each gift. If I do not sign in the box, I do not make a gift. (Sign
in the box after each gift you make.)
Name of Person or Charity to receive gift
(name one only – please print)
Amount of Cash Gift
Sign your name in this box to make this gift
Name of Person or Charity to receive gift
(name one only – please print)
Amount of Cash Gift
Sign your name in this box to make this gift
Name of Person or Charity to receive gift
(name one only – please print)
Amount of Cash Gift
Sign your name in this box to make this gift
Name of Person or Charity to receive gift
(name one only – please print)
Amount of Cash Gift
Sign your name in this box to make this gift
Name of Person or Charity to receive gift
(name one only – please print)
Amount of Cash Gift
Sign your name in this box to make this gift
5. Balance of My Assets
. Except for the specific gifts made in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 above, I give the balance of my
assets as follows:
(Select one
choice only and sign in the box after your choice. If I sign in more than one box or if I do not sign in any
box, the court will distribute my assets as if I did not make a Will.)
a. Choice One
: All to my spouse or domestic
partner, registered with the California Secretary of
State, if my spouse or domestic partner, registered
with the California Secretary of State, survives me;
otherwise to my descendants (my children and the
descendants of my children) who survive me.
b. Choice Two
: Nothing to my spouse or domestic
partner, registered with the California Secretary of
State; all to my descendants (my children and the
descendants of my children) who survive me.
c. Choice Three
: All to the following person if he or
she survives me (Insert the name of the person.):
d. Choice Four: Equally among the following
persons who survive me (Insert the names of two
or more persons.):
6. Guardian of the Child's Person.
If I have a child under age 18 and the child does not have a living parent at my
death, I nominate the individual named below as First Choice as guardian of the person of that child (to raise the
child). If the First Choice does not serve, then I nominate the Second Choice, and then the Third Choice, to serve.
Only an individual (not a bank or trust company) may serve.
7. Special Provision for Property of Persons Under Age 25.
(Optional–unless you use this paragraph, assets that go to
a child or other person who is under age 18 may be given to the parent of the person, or to the Guardian named in
paragraph 6 above as guardian of the person until age 18, and the court will require a bond, and assets that go to a
child or other person who is age 18 or older will be given outright to the person. By using this paragraph you may
provide that a custodian will hold the assets for the person until the person reaches any age from 18 to 25 which you
choose.) If a beneficiary of this Will is under the age chosen below, I nominate the individual or bank or trust company
named below as First Choice as custodian of the property. If the First Choice does not serve, then I nominate the
Second Choice, and then the Third Choice, to serve.
Name of First Choice for Guardian of the Person
Name of Second Choice for Guardian of the Person
Name of Third Choice for Guardian of the Person
Name of First Choice for Custodian of Assets
Name of Second Choice for Custodian of Assets
Name of Third Choice for Custodian of Assets
Insert any age from 18 to 25 as the age for the person to receive the property:
(If you do not choose an age, age 18 will apply.)
8. Executor
. I nominate the individual or bank or trust company named below as First Choice as executor. If the First
Choice does not serve, then I nominate the Second Choice, and then the Third Choice, to serve.
9. Bond
. My signature in this box means a bond is not required for any person named as executor. A bond may be
required if I do not sign in this box:
No bond shall be required.
You must sign this Will in the presence of two (2) adult witnesses. The witnesses must sign their names in
your presence and in each other's presence. You must first read to them the following sentence.)
This is my Will: I ask the persons who sign below to be my witnesses.
Signed on_______________________ at __________________________, California.
(date) (city)
Signature of Maker of Will
(Notice to Witnesses
: Two (2) adults must sign as witnesses. Each witness must read the following clause before
signing. The witnesses should not receive assets under this Will.)
Each of us declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the following is true and
a. On the date written below the maker of this Will declared to us that this instrument was the maker's Will
and requested us to act as witnesses to it;
Name of First Choice for Executor
Name of Second Choice for Executor
Name of Third Choice for Executor
b. We understand this is the maker's Will;
c. The maker signed this Will in our presence, all of us being present at the same time;
d. We now, at the maker's request, and in the maker's and each other's presence, sign below as witnesses;
e. We believe the maker is of sound mind and memory;
f. We believe that this Will was not procured by duress, menace, fraud or undue influence;
g. The maker is age 18 or older; and
h. Each of us is now age 18 or older, is a competent witness, and resides at the address set forth after his or
her name.
Dated: _________________, _______________________
Print name here: Print name here:
____________________________ ________________________________
Residence address: Residence address
_____________________________ ________________________________
_____________________________ ________________________________
Signature of witness
Signature of witness