FCRA DiscRelEmp T 12/03
In connection with your employment or application for employment (including contract for services), consumer reports may be
requested from USIS Commercial Services (“USIS”). These reports may include the following types of information: names and
dates of previous employers, reason for termination of employment, work experience, accidents, academic history, professional
credentials, and drugs/alcohol use. Such reports may contain public record information concerning your driving record, workers’
compensation claims, credit, bankruptcy proceedings, criminal records, etc., from federal, state and other agencies which
maintain such records; as well as information from USIS concerning previous driving record requests made by others from such
state agencies and state provided driving records.
You have the right to make a request to USIS, upon proper identification, to request the nature and substance of all information in
its files on you at the time of your request, including the sources of information and the recipients of any reports on you that
USIS has previously furnished within the two-year period preceding your request. USIS may be contacted by mail at P. O. Box
33181, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74153, or by phone at (800) 381-0645.
Oklahoma Applicants Only: I request a copy of any credit report requested on me.
Minnesota Applicants Only: I request a copy of any consumer report requested on me.
USIS is authorized to disclose all information obtained to the requesting entity for the purpose of making a determination as to
my eligibility for employment, promotion or any other lawful purpose. I agree that such information which USIS has or obtains,
and my employment history if I am hired, may be supplied by USIS to other companies that subscribe to USIS. If hired or
contracted, this authorization shall remain on file and shall serve as ongoing authorization for the procurement of consumer
reports at any time during my employment or contract period.
By signing below, I certify that I have read and fully understand this release, that prior to signing I was given an opportunity to
ask questions and to have those questions answered to my satisfaction, and that I executed this release voluntarily and with the
knowledge that the information being released could affect my being hired, my employment, or my eligibility for promotion.
_______________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Print Applicant Name Applicant Signature
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
Social Security Number Date
Notice to California Applicants
Under California law, the consumer reports we order on you for employment purposes within the State of California are
defined as investigative consumer reports. These reports may contain information on your character, general reputation,
personal characteristics and mode of living.
Under section 1786.22 of the California Civil Code, you may view the file maintained on you by USIS during normal business
hours. You may also obtain a copy of this file upon submitting proper identification and paying the costs of duplication
services, by appearing at USIS in person, by mail, or by telephone. The agency is required to have personnel available to
explain your file to you and the agency must explain to you any coded information appearing in your file. If you appear in
person, a person of your choice may accompany you, provided that this person furnishes proper identification.
I request to receive a free copy of any investigative consumer report ordered on me by checking this box.
(California applicants only)