Marylanders purchase more than 10,000 new homes each year. The purchase of a new home is
protected by Maryland law. Understanding your rights and responsibilities as a new home buyer
protects your investment and can make the process of buying a new home go more smoothly. This
brochure explains the most important things you should know about your new home contract, your
deposit and other payments, and the standards and codes governing quality of construction. It also
explains steps you can take to resolve many problems that may occur.
Choosing a Builder ............................................................................................................................................ 2
The Contract ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
How Your Deposit Is Protected...................................................................................................................... 5
Custom Home Contracts .................................................................................................................................. 5
Construction of Your Home ............................................................................................................................ 8
Resolving Problems ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Choosing a Builder
Your builder’s reputation
should be one of your
primary considerations.
Ask friends who have
bought new homes for
Interview builders who are
likely candidates to build
your house.
Communication between
you and your builder is
essential from the
beginning, as you will work
closely together
throughout the
construction of your
home. Ask builders for references from previous customers and see what those buyers have to say.
Ask to review an example of completed work as well as a project that is underway.
Make sure your builder is registered.
All home builders operating in Maryland, except those
building exclusively in Montgomery County, are required to be registered with the Home Builder
Registration Unit, which is part of the Consumer Protection Division in the Office of the Attorney
General. Home builders include installers or retailers of mobile homes and modular homes, but not
manufacturers of these homes unless the manufacturers also install the homes.
Doing business with a registered home builder will ensure that you are eligible for all protections
provided by your contract and by state law, including the protection of the Home Builder Guaranty
Fund (see page 11). A home builder registers by simply filling out an application form and paying a
fee. However, a builder can have its registration denied, suspended, or revoked for a variety of reasons,
including if it engages in a pattern of poor workmanship. A builder’s sales representatives must also be
registered with the Home Builder Registration Unit.
A builder must be registered in order to get building permits and have valid contracts. If a non-
registered builder asks you to apply for a building permit in an attempt to avoid having to register, you
could risk losing certain rights and remedies. You should never obtain a permit unless you are truly
acting as the building contractor.
To find out whether a builder you are considering is registered, call 410-576-6573 or toll-free 1-877-
259-4525. You can also get this information by visiting http://bit.ly/HBRU_Registrations.
Buyers of new homes in Montgomery County should call the Montgomery County Office of
Consumer Protection at 240-777-3636 to check whether a builder is licensed by that county, as
The Contract
After you have selected your builder, you will enter into an agreement to purchase a home in the form
of a contract. A contract that contains all significant details can eliminate many problems. Do not
assume anything. Spell out all terms so there can be no misunderstandings later. Whether or not a
form contract is used, you can ask the builder to change provisions in the contract or add provisions
you want. Just make sure the changes are put in writing and signed by both parties.
You should thoroughly review the contract before signing it. Ask the builder to carefully go over
each item and explain it to you in detail. Consult with an attorney if you need additional help.
Review these items very
The construction plans and
specifications detailing the
scope of the work. The house’s
drawings and specifications
should be examined carefully. If
you are buying a house based on
a model you saw, make sure you
understand the differences
between the model and what
your contract specifies.
The price. The contract should state the price you agreed to pay for the house and describe how
the cost for any changes you make to the order later will be determined.
Completion date. The contract should state when the house will be started and completed, and list
any conditions which can delay or extend the start and completion date.
Default provisions. These provisions state what will happen if either you fail or the builder fails to
meet the terms of the contract. Many default provisions allow the builder to keep your deposit if you
do not go to settlement. As of June 1, 2009, contracts for new homes are contingent upon you
obtaining financing, which means you will get your deposit back if you cannot get financing at an
agreed-upon interest rate within a certain period of time, unless the contract expressly states that it is
not contingent upon financing. Unless you have cash available to make the purchase, you should
make certain that the contract is contingent upon your obtaining financing. You also may wish to
have a contingency clause stating that settlement on the new home can be postponed if you have a
problem selling your old home or if the builder has not fully completed your new home.
Notice provisions. These tell you how to send official notices to the builder. Make sure you follow
these procedures if you ever need to contact the builder about something you are dissatisfied with.
In fact, it is a good idea to put all communications with your builder about important issues in
writing, even if it is not required in the contract.
Remedies and dispute resolution under the contract. Some contracts require the builder or the
buyer to use certain means of resolving their disputes, such as binding arbitration or alternative
dispute resolution, that prohibit a buyer from suing the builder. Read these clauses carefully to see if
they provide a fair, efficient, and cost-effective means of resolving disputes. Maryland law prohibits
a builder from including a provision that limits the buyer’s right to obtain consequential damages if
the builder breaches or cancels the contract.
Requirements specific to custom home contracts. When having a new home built on land you
own, you are buying a “custom home” and the contract must include specific items. See Custom
Home Contracts on page 5.
Other documents accompanying the contract. Federal, state, and local laws require that certain
disclosures be given to the buyer with the contract. These may pertain to items such as estimated
deferred water and sewer charges, homeowner’s association rules and fees, disclosures about county
master plans, insulation, hazardous materials, FHA and VA financing, and first-time home buyer
programs or benefits. Read all of these disclosures carefully before signing them or the contract.
Other items that should be in your contract include:
The builder’s registration number
Legal description of the building site
Terms of payment: deposit, mortgage type
A disclosure form that describes the method of deposit protection (see page 5)
A statement that the builder will comply with all applicable building codes
A statement referencing all performance standards and guidelines that will govern
construction (see page 8)
A disclosure concerning warranties and hazardous or regulated materials (see page 9)
A description of when substitutions in materials can be made
A provision detailing the buyer’s right to receive this consumer information booklet
Additional items must be included in custom home contracts (see page 5)
The contract spells out your builder’s understanding of what has been agreed upon and the builder’s
obligation to carry it out. Make sure you and the builder have the same understanding before you
sign the contract. To avoid any misunderstandings, have all details of the transaction that you
discussed with your builder, including what will or will not be done, included in the
How Your Deposit Is Protected
Maryland law requires the home builder to put your deposit in an escrow account, unless the builder
has a corporate surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit on file with the State. The builder can only
use an escrow account to hold buyers’ deposits and, except in custom home construction, may not
use deposit money for operating expenses or any other purpose. Other than for a custom home, any
money you pay before the house is completed must be kept in the escrow account or be covered by
the bond or letter of credit.
The builder is required to give you a disclosure form that tells you whether the builder is protecting
your deposit with an escrow account, bond, or letter of credit. You should read the form carefully.
The amount of the bond or letter of credit is set by law to provide at least partial coverage of the
deposits made by the builder’s new home buyers. However, this may not provide full coverage for
all buyers’ deposits. To verify the information about an escrow account, you should call the bank
that has the account. To verify a builder’s bond or letter of credit, call the Home Builder
Registration Unit at 410-576-6573 or toll-free at 1-877-259-4525, or send an e-mail to
The builder must keep your deposit in the escrow account, or maintain the surety bond or letter of
credit in effect, until one of three things happens:
the builder transfers the deed to a completed home to you at settlement;
the builder returns the deposit money to you; or
you default on the contract, and the contract provides that the builder can keep the deposit.
The builder may make withdrawals from the escrow account to pay documented claims of
subcontractors who have provided labor or material in the construction of the house.
Before you sign the contract, make sure you understand the rules for return of your deposit and
what you have to do to avoid losing your deposit.
Custom Home Contracts
Maryland law has additional requirements for custom home contracts. When the buyer pays a
builder to build a house on land the buyer already owns, the contract is for a custom home. Usually,
the buyer pays the builder a deposit and then a series of “progress payments” as stated in a “draw
schedule” as each stage of the building is completed. Within 30 days after each progress payment,
the builder must provide the buyer with a list of the subcontractors, suppliers, and materialmen who
have provided more than $500 of goods or services to date and indicate which of them have been
paid. If at any time the buyer has any questions or concerns about whether a subcontractor has been
properly paid, the buyer should discuss them with the builder, the subcontractor, and the financial
institution (see pages 6 and 7). The buyer pays the last progress payment after the builder has
completed the house and has provided the buyer with the “waivers of liens,” which prove that all of
the subcontractors have been paid and will not file a mechanics’ lien on the house. The Custom
Home Protection Act applies to this type of housing purchase. The law covers both houses
constructed on site and those manufactured elsewhere and installed on site.
Deposits. The Custom Home Protection Act requires that any deposit you pay that is greater than
five percent of the total contract price must be held by the builder in an escrow account or be
covered by a bond
on file with the
State. For the
protection, you
may ask the
builder to put the
deposit in an
individual escrow
account that
requires both your
signature and the
builder’s signature
for any
A custom home builder may make withdrawals from an escrow account only:
when returning all or a portion of the money to you;
when paying subcontractors and suppliers in accordance with the draw schedule;
if you forfeit the money under the terms of the contract; or
as final payment upon your possession of the house.
Draw schedule. A custom home contract is
required by law to have a draw schedule, which
describes when the builder is entitled to receive
progress payments as each stage of
construction is completed. In shopping for a
construction loan, check that your bank has
adequate procedures to ensure that it does not
release progress payments to the builder until
the bank has verified that the work has been
completed. Some buyers have chosen to
require that, in addition to the bank, the buyer
or a buyer’s representative with building
experience has to sign off before a progress
payment is made.
Builder’s list of payments to subcontractors. Within 30 days after receiving each progress
payment, the builder is required by law to provide you with a list of all subcontractors or suppliers
who have provided more than $500 of goods or services to date and indicate which of them have
been paid by the builder. You should call the subcontractors and suppliers to verify that they have
been paid. If they have not been paid, do not authorize further progress payments until the builder
pays the subcontractors.
Waivers of liens. The custom home
builder is required by law to provide you
with “waivers of liens” from all
subcontractors and suppliers within a
reasonable time after these
subcontractors have provided the goods
and services. You should make sure that
all subcontractors who have finished
their work or provided their goods and
services have been paid, and you should
obtain the waivers of liens, before
authorizing the next progress payment to
the builder.
Additionally, a custom home contract must include:
a statement that all change orders must specify any changes to the contract and the effect on
the price of the house;
a disclosure whether the builder is covered by a warranty program guaranteed by a third
party; and
a list of the primary subcontractors who will be working on the home.
The following disclosures must be on a separate page and signed by the buyer:
Certification of whether the builder has had adverse adjudications or unsatisfied judgments
in connection with a custom home contract within the last three years. Any such
adjudications or unsatisfied judgments must be listed.
Any disclosures concerning the Buyer’s Risk Under Mechanics’ Lien Laws.
Any notices concerning the Escrow Account Requirement.
Limitations on liens. A subcontractor is not legally entitled to a lien against your home if you have
made all payments you owe to your builder, even if the builder has failed to pay the subcontractor.
Construction of Your Home
It is your builder’s obligation under the contract to build the house according to the specifications
set forth in the contract, the building code, and applicable performance standards. If you wish to
visit the construction site, contact your builder to schedule visits at times that are convenient for
both parties. If you
spot something that
concerns you or if
you decide to make a
change, contact the
builder as soon as
possible, verbally as
well as in writing.
Before you go to
settlement, you
should have a final
inspection of the
house to make sure
that all work was
completed and done
properly according to the contract. During the walk-through, you should make a “punch list” of any
items that will need to be completed or fixed prior to settlement. Some builders may provide a pre-
printed form to record defects and workmanship problems. Other builders may not provide a form,
leaving it up to the buyer to prepare and present the punch list. Faced with major work remaining to
be done, consumers may ask the builder to set up an escrow account at settlement to hold back part
of the purchase price until the work is completed.
Here are the laws and standards that govern construction quality issues:
Building codes. All new homes built in Maryland must meet all applicable building codes in effect
at the time of construction. The specific codes must be referenced in your contract. For more
information, contact your county’s building code/permits office and the Maryland Department of
Housing and Community Development (1-800-756-0119, www.dhcd.maryland.gov).
Performance standards. All contracts in Maryland must also incorporate building performance
standards. Performance standards describe acceptable levels of quality and finish and describe what
the builder’s or homeowner’s obligation is to repair any defects. The minimum performance
standards in Maryland are those established by the National Association of Home Builders. Your
builder may adopt higher standards, and so may your county or city. Along with the applicable
building codes, the performance standards will be used in any dispute you have with your builder
about whether the construction was done properly.
Construction standards for manufactured/mobile homes. Many new homes sold in Maryland
are manufactured homes, also known as mobile homes, that have been built at an offsite factory.
The Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards establish the standards to
which mobile homes must be built. These standards are referred to as the HUD Code, which also
sets performance standards for the heating, plumbing, air conditioning, thermal, and electrical
systems. Mobile home
contracts must reference the
HUD Code as the
appropriate performance
standards. On-site additions,
such as garages, decks, and
driveways, must meet the
standards set by state and
local building codes.
Construction standards for
residential use buildings.
Industrialized buildings, also
known as modular homes,
are manufactured offsite and
transported in sections to a
building site, where they are assembled and installed by a local builder. Industrialized buildings do
not include mobile homes. The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development,
Codes Administration, adopts and enforces construction standards for industrialized/modular
buildings that preempt any construction standards required by local jurisdictions. While local
jurisdictions are excluded from enforcing the construction standards for industrialized/modular
buildings and mobile homes, local officials continue to play an important role in the regulation of
these units by inspecting their installation and all on-site work.
Express and implied warranties. Under Maryland law, any promise that is included in the
contract, and any written description of the home (including plans and specifications) that is in the
contract, creates an express warranty that the home will conform to that promise or description. It
is not necessary that the words “warranty” or “guarantee” be used. Any sample or model that is part
of the basis of the bargain between the buyer and builder creates an express warranty that the home
will conform substantially to the sample or model.
All new residential construction must also comply with implied warranties that the home is free from
faulty materials, constructed according to sound engineering standards, constructed in a workmanlike
manner, and fit for habitation. You may have a legal remedy against a builder who fails to meet these
implied warranties.
Unless an express warranty specifies a longer period of time, if the home is complete at the time the
deed is delivered to the original purchaser, express and implied warranties cover the entire new
home for one year after the date the original purchaser takes possession or the deed is delivered,
whichever occurs first. If the home has not yet been completed at the time the deed is delivered to
the original purchaser, the warranties cover the home for one year after the date the home is
completed or the original purchaser takes possession, whichever occurs first. In addition, structural
defects are covered for two years from that date of completion, delivery, or taking possession,
whichever occurs first.
Consider consulting an attorney before
agreeing to exclude your express or
implied warranty rights in the contract.
Mobile homes built to the HUD Code
are covered by the manufacturer’s
warranty. Refer to the homeowner’s
manual for the specifics of the
warranty. Only the home is covered by
the manufacturer’s warranty, not any
site work done by the builder. Coverage
for structural defects caused at the time of manufacture in a home built to the HUD Code does not
expire as long as the home is owned by the original purchaser.
Home warranty plans. Your builder may provide you with a written home warranty plan that is
guaranteed by a third party. If your builder does so, Maryland law requires the plan to cover, at
any defects in materials or workmanship for one year;
any defects in the electrical, plumbing, heating, cooling, and ventilating systems for two years
(not to exceed the period of the manufacturer’s warranty); and
defects to any load-bearing structural elements for five years.
If your builder offers you such a warranty, you should call the third-party warranty company to
verify that your builder is in good standing with them and has registered your house for warranty
protection. Your builder is required to provide the details, terms, and conditions of the warranty at
the time of purchase or signing of the construction contract. At settlement, make sure that your
builder has paid the warranty company for the coverage. Read the warranty carefully. It may contain
many exclusions or limitations on your right to recover, and may contain strict rules on how you
have to proceed to make a claim. You may be entitled to waive third-party warranty coverage if the
builder belongs to a warranty plan that does not require coverage for every home the builder sells.
Before you waive coverage, the builder must inform you in writing of the cost, nature, and extent of
the warranty coverage that will be provided if not waived. You also have the right to rescind the
waiver within three days of the contract. Without a home warranty or other express warranty
described on page 9, you may have only a limited implied warranty as provided by law.
Resolving Problems
If you have any problem with how your builder is performing, you should contact the builder. It is
best to put your problem in writing and mail or deliver it in person to the builder. Keep a copy of all
correspondence and a written log of all contact with the builder and the builder’s response. Your
best chance of resolving problems is to catch them early and try to work them out with the builder.
Also, review your contract. It may provide a method to resolve your dispute.
You may be able to file a claim under your home warranty plan if the builder has provided that
coverage. Be sure to read the policy carefully, follow the rules for filing a claim and do so in a timely
manner. Make certain that you notify the warranty company before the claims period expires of any
defects that have not been repaired by your builder. The notice should be sent to the warranty
company by certified mail, return receipt requested.
If you cannot resolve the problem with your builder, you can call the Consumer Protection
Division’s Mediation Unit:
410-528-8662 in Baltimore
301-386-6200 in Prince George’s County
301-791-4780 in Hagerstown
410-713-3620 in Salisbury
301-274-4620 in Southern Maryland
1-888-743-0023 toll-free elsewhere in the state
You may file a complaint at www.marylandattorneygeneral.gov/Pages/CPD/complaint.aspx. The
Mediation Unit will attempt to resolve the dispute through mediation with the builder.
You may also file a complaint with the Mediation Unit against a subcontractor who attempts to
impose a mechanic’s lien against your home based upon work for which you have paid the home
builder. In addition to filing a complaint, you should file a response to any mechanic’s lien action
informing the court that you have already paid the builder for the work.
If the Unit is unable to resolve the problem through mediation, the dispute can be submitted to the
Division’s Arbitration Unit, if both you and your builder agree to that. There is no fee for this Unit
to arbitrate your dispute. The arbitrator will usually conduct the hearing at the house so that both
you and the builder can explain and show the parts of the new home that may have problems. After
the hearing, the arbitrator will issue a written decision that will be binding on both you and the
For contracts entered into with a registered builder beginning January 1, 2009, you may be eligible to
file a claim with the Division’s Home Builder Guaranty Fund. The Guaranty Fund may compensate
you for actual losses up to $50,000 based on incomplete construction, breach of warranty, failure to
meet standards or guidelines, or deposits that a builder fails to return. To initiate a claim against the
Guaranty Fund, you must file a complaint with the Mediation Unit and already have provided the
builder with a chance to address any problems. If you have a home warranty plan, you may be
required to first file a claim with the warranty company. If your contract contains an arbitration
clause, you may be required to have your claim arbitrated first if you and the builder agree upon an
If you are having problems with a mobile home or an industrialized/modular residential
building, you should provide a written list of those problems to the retailer, manufacturer, and
installer. If your home is not repaired in a reasonable time period, or if the responsible party refuses
to make repairs, you should contact the local building officials for required repairs related to work
performed at the site. For required repairs related to work performed at the manufacturing facility,
you should contact:
Maryland Codes Administration of the Department of
Housing and Community Development
7800 Harkins Road
Lanham, MD 20706
(301) 429-7400
You should provide all the information related to required repairs and the following information:
your name, address, city, state, home phone number, work phone number, email address (if
applicable), your home label and serial number(s), and the manufacturer’s and retailer’s names and
phone numbers.