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SO 009 878
Roberts, Nancy
Simulation Gaming: A Critical Review.
2117-$0.83 BC-$1:67 Plus Postage.
Affective Objectives; Cognitive Objectives; *Computer
Assisted Instruction; Data Analysis; Decision Making
Skills; Educational Experiments; *Educational Games;
Educational History; Educational Trends; Elementary
Secondary Education; *Evaluation; *Knowledge Level;
*Literature Reviews; Role Playing; *Simulation;
Student Attitudes
The review of the empirical literature on simulation
gaming categorizes positive, negative, and contradictory aspects of
gaming as an educational tool as revealed by the research. The
review, which concentrates on simulation games for elementary and
secondary school students, is presented in seven sections. Section I
presents a brief history of gaming. Section II assesses
data in
recent gaming literature on learning versus interest
in role playing.
The importance of background knowledge and abilities that
nring to games is discussed in section III, followed by
identification of the problems and positive aspects of role playing
in sections IV and V. Problem areas include lack of role
boredom, and the similarity of all simulation games. Positive aspects
include the changed role of the teacher, the socialization process
that occurs during the game, and the ability of games to teach
complex problems in the classroom. Section IV discusses computerized
games, the contribution of computers to gaming,
and the increased
sense of efficacy experienced by students
using computerized games.
The last section summarizes the literature on gaming by
listing the
positive aspects of gaming, the major drawbacks, and the benefits
which result from the new computerized games of strategy. References
are included. (Author/DB)
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Nancy Roberts
Lesley College
Graduate School of Education
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sloan School of Management
Educational gaming has moved from an initial
novelty stage
to the point where simulation games are now
purposefully included
in the structural framework of most new curricula.
During this
developmental period some researchers have begun to measure
impact and usefulness of simulation gaming as an
educational tool.
This review attempts to categorize and evaluate gaming
research as
well as to suggest directions for productive future
focus is upon simulation games generally used to
bolster understandings
of life for elementary and secondary school
The major
distinguishing features of simulation games are:
(1) the games are
played over time, but time is accelerated.
For example, students
may relive one hundred years of
history in an hour; and (2) game
players need not live with the consequences of their
made during game play because indeed the
simulation is just a
These games are therefore different from games
designed to
strengthen skills.
This review will not treat simulation training
games such as those used in graduate
business education.
Brief History
Gaming as a training device goes back to the
century Europe when chess was often used
to train military officers.
By the nineteenth century, the military had moved from
the chess
board to terrain maps, using wooden blocks instead
of chessmen.
By World War Two, all the powers were using war games.
held serious joint military and political games
each year, participated
in by representatives of the army, government,
business, the arms
industry and the propaganda ministry.
The American Management Association
introduced a business
game at its meeting in
It was a very simple game
built on
the principles of the war games.
the response by participating
executives and educators was
so enthusiastic that a
proliferation of games appeared
very quickly...
Two-thirds of the graduate schools
business soon adonted the games or
developed their own as
part of the standard curriculum
(Inbar and Stoll, 1972, p.
Since that time gaming has spread
into all levels of the
sciences, both as a vehicle
for studying social phenomena as
as an educational
Despite this rapid spread of
experimental, educational and
commercial games, little
empirical data exists as to
the effectiveness
of simulation gamins as A
teaching device.
Further, almost all the
published studies in the educational
literature that report attempts
at measurina the effectiveness
of gaming have used
In role-playing games
the.players assume roles of
The quality of play of these games
often depends upon the
ability of the players to understand
their assumed roles.
In recent
years some non-role-playing
simulation gamea have been
developed and
These games focus on
decision-making (or
strategies), for
solving problems or achieving
desirable objectives.
In these
games the players need
not assume the roles of other
Role-Plavina Games:
Learning versus Interest
Some researchers working with
non-simulation, skill building
games, such as
&mations, have found significant
increases in
learning in their studies
(Allen and Ross, 1974).
In contrast,
while simulation games
usually produce increaaed interest
enthusiasm for the subject studied, researchers
generally agree that
simulation gaming does not produce a significant
increase in knowledge
over other teaching methods.
In 1966
Cherryhoimes, reviewing six
research studies, concluded,
students report more interest in simulation
than in more conventional classroom exercises
students do not learn significantly more facts or
principles by participation in a simulation...activity
(pp. 5-6).
That same year Robinson reported on his own
split three college-level international relations
classes into
two groups each.
One group studied the course by the case
the other used the Inter-Nation Simulation
developed under the
direction of Harold Guetzkow.
Robinson found no difference in
learning between the two methods; however, he found
the simulation
to be more interesting and more involving for the students.
Boocock (1967), reporting on an experiment for high-school
students using her Life-Career Game, stressed the
shown by the players as well as the fact that those who
the game learned what the game tried to teach.
While Wing -(1968),
reporting on the results of an experiment involving
two computer
role-playing games for sixth graders, found no
significant difference
in know1ed2e gained, but found the same
information could be
learned by the student in about half as mach time.
In 1971, Fletcher, testing two games in conjunction with
Education Development Center's "Man, a Course of
Study" unit, concluded,
The data from this study clearly indicate that the games
were successful as teaching devices.
The test questions
measured a variety of kinds of knowledge which
related to
the game experience, and on all of these kinds of questions
the students di-d well(p. 264).
Again in 1971, Livingston attempted to demonstrate that
gaming improves a student's learning of companion fac'Gual knowledge
because of increased motivation.
He used the game Trade and Develop
as an aid in teaching economic geography to junior high
and high ochool students.
He repeated the study three times.
The experimental group played the game, followed by the experimental
and control group together doing the learning exercise.
nis results
showed no significant difference between the experimental and
control groups in any one of the three studies.
therefore concluded:
The implications of these results for the use of Simulation
games in schools seems clear:
A simulation_game cannot
be expected to improve students' learning of factual material
or audio-visual materials.
The conclusion does not follow,
however, that simulation games are without educational value
(p. 20).
Livingstem further noted that
the teachers who administered these experiments in their
classes all reported that their students were enthusiastic
about the game and seemed to be learning from it; yet these
experiemnts failed to show an advantage in the tests for
students who had played the game (p.
In 1972, Chortier designed a study to test the hypothesis
that subjects who participate in a simulation game with a
discussion component will demonstrate.higher learning outcomes
at the cognitive and affective levels than will subjects
participating in simulation'.without discussion, discussion
without simulation, or neither (individual
study) (p. 214).
Chartier tested this hypothesis by administering an achievement
test following Bloom's six level cognitive taxonoty.
He found
no significant difference in cognitive level among the three
experimental groups.
However, he did find a significant increase
in the affective domain and therefore concluded that
subjects who participate in a simulation game with discussion.
will express more satisfaction with learning than will
subjects participating in simulation without discussion,
discussion without simulation, or neither (individual
(p. 214).
Ahern, summarizing the gaming literature until 1968, could
not find a quantitative study on the usefulness of gaming as a
learning device.
However, Ahern concludes that despite the lack
of statistical evidence of effectiveness gaming has grown rapidly
in popularity.
The use is spreading to almost every educational
area, from post graduate through grade school in education,
from president through machine operator in industry, and from
administrator through clerk typist in government.
gaming 1..s enjoying this growth due in large measure to
the "belief" in rather than "proof of" its ability and fulfill many diverse training requirements
(p. 25).
Later, in 1972, Schran and Kmmpf attempted to assess the
state of the art in environmental gaming.
'They found very little
published material on gaming and concluded:
that this lack of attention to the basic underpinnings of
gaming is a main reason for much of the widespread uncertainty
and confusion found in this field by the authors and others
(p. 465).
They further concluded that "the validation of the general
appropriateness of gaming techniques remains on the level of
subjective evaluation and thus still open to scientific proof"
(p. 472).
None of these studies questioned that games do as well as
other methods in achieving learning; all, however,:raise doubts
as to whether gaming represents a superior technique.
One recent
study by Wylle, however, did report a significantly better contribu-
tion to cognitive learning from gaming,.
Wyllels experiment involved
teaching geographic knowledge paid skills..
He used a game called
Sailing with one group of children while using programmed instruction
with another group.
The fihdings of this experiment indicated that, immediately
after treatment, learning to answer questions related to
cognition of geographic information was accomplished at
least as effectively by "Sailing" asty a programed instruction
There was no significant difference in the mean
scores between students who played the game and students who
were taught by the programed text on the post-test measure
of total cognition of geographic information.
Two weeks
after treatment, however, students who played the game
scored significantly higher on the test measuring total
cognition of geographic information than students taught
by the program (1974, pp. 309-10).
Perhaps this finding preludes a new trend in gaming research
Role-Playing Games:
Importance of BackFround Knowledge and'Ability
Guetzkow (1963) and Barringer and Waley
(1965), reporting on
their use of college level political games
(Inter-Nation Relations
and the M.I.T. Political-Military
Game.) all found that the knowledge
the student brought with him to the game was
found, "seniors with an international relations course
seemed to profit from the experience more than
those without" (p. 37).
While Barringer' and Waley report, "in general, the
insights and
lessons provided by the gaming experience prove
to be dependent
largely upon the knowledge and preoccupationd
brought by the
iparticipants to the experience"
(p. 445).
Bagley's research with eight year olds indicated similar
Bagley used the game Gold Miners and
Simulation Game for his research, the purpose
of whith was to
"determine if sex and ability were important variables
in mediating
learning and retention of learning from a
simulation game" (1974, p.
Bagley concluded that ability was of primary
importance while sex
was not an important factor
in learning resulting from game
Fletcher's research with the games included in the
Development Center unit "Man, a Course of
Study", was able to
make a finer calibration of the influences
of ability on game'
Fletcher states that
Some kinds of-learning are linked to the quality of play,
while others are not.
For those kinds which are not linked
to quality of play the games are not
effective in overcoming
ability differences and teaching slow
students as well as
bright ones.
For those.kinds of learning linked to
of play, games seem able to teach the
slower student as well
as the brighter.
It would tentatively appear that the common
claim that games can teach students who are
not reached by
ordinary instructional techniques is
true only of those
kinds of learning which are dependent on
quality of play
(1971, p. 286).
Ability, therefore, seems to be a factor
of consequence in
gaming research.' Exactly what role ability
plays in determining
the usefulness of games as an educational
technique is still unclear.
Role-Playing Games:
The literature had pointed out three
problem areas with
role-playing games.
First, a student must become adequately
involved in the character he plays
to make the game successful.
Some games are structured so this effect is
achieved while other
games tend to be less realistic.
Using the Inter-Nation Simulation,
Snyder states his most meaningful observation as
abundant evidence that participants take
simulations very
seriously indeed and are capable of complete
so much so that contacts among
participants and thinking
about simulation are extended beyond the
laboratory (1963, p. 12).
Cohen, however, reports a contradictory finding.
Because of the
"instability and fundamental unreality of the game
world's power
Ehe players found it very difficult to ac3 even remotely
as real-world politicians
do in making their institutions and
political machinery work (1962, pp.
Next, Zaltman points out,
a general problem in
games is that some roles...are necessary
for the functioning of
the game' but may be boring for the
players" (1972, p. 128).
comment has been made in regard to
almost every role-playing
game in the literature.
Finally, a third problem area in gaming is discussed by two
psychologists, Breznitz and Lieblich.
We have observed that while the phenomena which are simulated
are very diverse, their simulations are surprisingly more
After playing four or five simulation games, one
feels the difference Petween them blur and gradually vanisht
Some of the reasons for this situation are more obvious
than omhers.
For instance, the obsession with quantification
turns everythAng into points:
status points, satisfaction
points, anxiety points - or, as in our simulation, censorship
points, tension points, and what-not points (1972, p. 80).
Role-PlayinF Games:
Positive Aspects
Despite problems associated with role-playing games, a number
of positive aspects result, including:
the shifted role of the
teacher; the socialization process that occurs during game play;
and the ability of games to teach complex problems in the classroom.
Charles Silberman (1970), as a result of his survey of schools
across the country, has strongly recommended that the role of the
teacher shift from the more traditional center spot in the classroom
to that of a learning facilitator.
Both Boocock and Inbar have
found that this shift takes place when games are used in the
For example, Inbar (1972) observed that the teacher's
role changed from that of a judge to that of a coach.
Twelker made a similar observation.
After reviewing the lack
of conclusive research on gaming, Twelker ends his reflections
by saying:
The brightest side of simulation just might be its potential
for changing, not the student, but the teacher.
This writer
has seen teacher, bored and boring, become challenged with
th0 potential of simulation.
Their attitude toward students,
toward school, and towards themselves change.
Teachers "turned.
on" by simulation became instructional managers interested
not only in imparting information but with creating an instruc-
tional climate that challenges the student's will to learn
(1972, pp. 152-3).
Mead identified another positive aspect of games.
He dbserved
that games are a stage of development for the child.. He noted
that children move from play to games as they go through the
Process of socialization.
The game is then an illustration of the situation out
of which an organized personality arises.
In so far as the
child does not take the attitude of the other and allows
that attitude of the other to determine the thing he is
going to do with reference to a common end, he is becoming
an organic member of society.
The importance of the game is that it lies entirely
inside of the child's own experience, and the importance
of our modern type education is that it is brought as far
as possible within this realm
(1934, p. 154).
Not' only are children socialized towards adult roles via
game playing, as Mead suggests, but also games seem
to bring
the complex and faraway world problems to the concern and
understanding of students.
This has been noted by numerous
Carlson finds that games "increase the confidence
of yourgpeople to deal with
real world problems that seem impossibly
remote from their own lives"(1971, p. 338)..
While Inbar reports
that the
telescoping of time and space can cause
the participants
in a simulation game to involve
themselves deeply in situations
which otherwise remain as remote from their
interest as from
their personal experience (1972, p.
Boocock further notes, "the game appears to have
value for adolescents from culturally-deprived groups.
For them
the simulated environment supplies a kind of experience
in ther own actions
(1972, p. 184).
Coleman found,
the evidence
from use of games in the classroom
indicates that a much broader
Span of ability can be usefully encompassed
by simulation games"
(1968, p. 71).
Farran reports that they found games so
useful in their two
schools for underachievers, the North
Carolina Advancement School
and the Pennsylvania Advancement
School, that they are now designing
their total curriculum around games
(1967, pp. 10-11).
Clark Abt, from his experience in designing
educational games,
states the same conclusions as Boocock,
Coleman, and Farran.
(1968) says that games can accommodate a wide range of
abilities and agys.
Moreover, culturally deprived children
respond better to games than to
conventional teaching methods.
Perhaps some of the reasons for the ability
of games to
reach children with a variety of
backgrounis can be found in the
research on student attitudes.
Coleman's most significant finding
in his study of equality of
educational opportunity in the United
States was that the "pupil attitude factor
which appears to have
a stronger relationship to
adhievement than do all the 'school'
factors together is the extent to which an
individual feels that
he has some control over his own
destiny" (1966, p. 23).
Bbocock reports:
sociological studies of political behavior have
shown that
the people most likely to take an active part
in politics
are those with strong feelings of
political "potency" or
efficacy - who feel that their actions
(voting, working for a
political party, etc.) will have a desirable effect upon
their government (1968, p. 126).
Boocock goes on to speculate that a gaming
experience in the
classroom gives the students the confidence and
the feelings of
efficacy that should develop
active-oriented citizens.
A final observation about the
nature of feelings of efficacy
is that they can apparently occur
along with a realization
of the difficulties of decision-making in
complex social
"Practicing" in a simulated environment gave
some players greater
confidence in their ability to control
social situations, at the same time they
acquired a more
realistic view of what the situation was like and saw
necessity for further learning about it
(1968, p. 129).
Burgess and Robinson came to the same kind of conclusion
as Boocock.
They state:
the content and play of games over many years may
to modify certain dimensions of tho
personality of the indi-
vidual - his self-esteem, his self-ccnfidence and
of efficacy, which are known to be
important variables in
the political behavior of the adult
(1968, p. 247).
Coleman sums up several
researchers' thoughts on the ability
of gaming to teach the complexities of
society by stating:
schools find it difficult to teach about the complexity
that characterizes modern society, with the result that students
have had little or no experience to prepare them for facing
a multitude of decisions and problems in adult
games we and others have created present the
student with
an approximation of certain facets of modern society
he will have to face later (1971, p. 324).
More recent studies tend to back up these observations.
Livingston (1972) used the game Democracy, which focuses of the
process of
"log-rolling", to see if, after playing the game, the
students will be more tolerant of
"log-rolling", and to see if
the students' feelings of political efficacy would increase.
Livingston found a significant increase in tolerance for
rolling". in both classes playing the game.
However, he found
a significant increase in feelings of
political efficacy in only
one of the two classes.
In another recent study, Vogel attempted
"to determine, by
experimental means, whether differences in the method of teaching
civic government have any significant effect on the change of
attitude of political efficacy" (1973, p. 71).
Vogel used ten
classes of sixth graders for the study.
A unit on civic government
was taught to half the classes using the game Metro
while the other five classes were taught the unit without the game.
Vogel reports that the attitude of political efficacy
"scores of
the experimental group were significantly higher than those
the control group after the
(p. 75).
These more current research studies are beginning to
an empirical data base for the
early instincts of the pioneers
in the gaming field.
Computerized, Non-Role-Playing Games
Non-role-playing games stress strategy.
Chess is a classical
non-role-playing (but also non-simulation) game.
The essence of
chess is figuring out the best sequence of decisions
to try to
generate a successful outcome.
Non-role-playing games make no
demand on players to internalize
anotherls view of the world.
They demand only a focus on effective problem-solving, an
perspective toward the gamels objective.
Papert, although working in the area of
mathematics, brings
to focus the basic strengths
hypothesized for computerized, non-
role-playing games.
One might dream of having children learn
mathematics by
giving them a ship to sail the ocean, .a
sextant to fix
their position and a cargo to trade with
distant peoples.
A large part of our work is directed at
trying to make this
dream come true by creating mathematical
instruments more
manageable than ships and sextants, but
which still allow
the child to develop and exercise mathematical
arts in the
course of meaningful,
challenging and personally motivated
projects (1971, p. 3).
Ideally, children should learn about the problems of a
a country or the world by
having them involved in the real-life
decisions of these areas.
But this kind of learning setting is
in the realm of dreams.
A computer game, developed from a
model built to include all the variables
considered important to
the real-life problems, becomes a tool
that is next best to the
reality itself.
This came then allows vaidents to test their own
theories about solving life's problems.
Computerized games avoid problems encountered over the_years
with man games or man-machine games.
Sanders, reviewing Inbar's
non-computerized Community Response game, concludes,
the more variables introduced, the more realistic the game
is likely to be but unfortunately also the more diffiCult
the game is to play.
"Community Response" is an example
in which realism is achieved at the expense of simplicity
and it takes a Philadelphia lawyer a couple of days to
out the rules.
Many less complicated games seem artificial
(1968, p. 163).
Ahern points out how the computer avoids this
The advent of the high speed electronic computer
increased the calculations which could be incorporated
a game as well as freed the
participants from the stringent
limitations inherent in computations made by hand on a desk
The computer has further contributed to the value of
gaming by providing the means whereby a great deal of
complexity can be incorporated into a game while keeping
the administration problems relatively simple.
The purpose
of the game is thus maintained in that the players are
to concentrate on the basic goals of actual deciaion making,
while the computer is relegated all of the clerical and
mathematical tasks (1968, p. 5).
Finally, Clayton and Rosenbloom point out another
of computerized, non-role-playing games:
We believe that the fruitful path is to choose games which
emphasize strateay and structure, rather than personal roles.
Moreover, if children play against "nature" rather than
against other children, feedback can be specifiable and
immediate (that is, the children compete against each other,
but direct interaction is with "nature") (1968, p.
A pilot studey was done With a sixth grade class in Lexington,
Massachusetts, using a computerized, non-role-playing game having
the characteristics described above.
The game, called the World
Game,, was adapted from the World3 simulation model developed
under the leadership of Dennis Meadows (1973) at M.I.T.
The model
was built to better understand, from a world perspective, the
relationships among population growth, food, natural resources,
industrial products and pollution levels.
The purpose of the
study was to test the playability of the World 3 Game for a
larger study.
However, the results of this pilot study are worth
The main focus of the World
Game was structure; that is,
understanding the interrelationships amonR the variables listed
The students acted as decision teams whose objective
was to play against
"nature", in the form of a computer model,
to create.a liveable world over the next one hundred years.
teams analyzed the situation they faced, reached their decisions,
and then tested their decisions on a computerized simulation
model representing the world.
The results of the teams' decisions
were fed back to them by the computer in graphic form.
The study hypothesized that the particular ability of role-
playing games to increase the students' feelings of control over
their future would be retained even though roles were being
This sense of efficacy was measured by a pre end
post-test based on Coleman's (1966) questions and Coopersmith's
(1967) Self-Esteem Inventory.
The pre-test was administered,
and the game was started in the first class session.
For the next
two weeks, during a one hour session each week, the game was played.
In the fourth week the final game runs were discussed by the class
and the post-test was administered.
A total of four hours over a
four week period was spent with the class.
The test scores
showed a significant increase, at the .05 level, in the students'
sense of control over their futures.
This small_ study suggests that the positive aspects of
role-playing games were maintained by this.computerized, non-role-
playing game, while some of the negative aspects as revealed by
the literature, were eliminated.
The empirical literature on educational simulation gaming,
based largely on research using role-playinsc games, indicates a
number of positive aspects of gaming:
1. Students learn at ?east as much at the cognitive level
from games as from other methods of instruction.
2. Interest and enjoyment is higher in learning situations
Using games.
3. The teacher's classroom role tends to shift from a center-
front focus to a learning facilitatobr.
4. Games provide children with opportunities to try out
other roles in life and to experiment with problems they have
not yet encountered.
These exercises appear to give children
more of a sense of control over their futures, which seems
to be
a crucial factor in school success.
A contradiction brought out in the
empirical-studies is the
claim that ability and background knowledge are important
in successful game play while at the same time other authors
games enable reaching children of all abilities and
Two major drawbacks have also been noted that are specific
to role-playing games:
1. In games requiring role-playing, the players sometimes
succeed in becoming absorbed in their roles and sometimes do not.
When players cannot empathize with their assigned roles in the
games, success is lessened.
Games often have passive role require-
ments which players usually find boring.
2. Role-playins games tend towards similar design
istics so that after playing several games the structural
amOng them blur.
A new and potentially productive area of educational
is emerging that might be labelled
"computerized games of strategy".
The main benefits resulting from these new kinds of games
1. Computerized games of strategy eliminate the
noted above as occurring in role-playing, board games.
2. Computerized games of strategy maintain the key
of games, especially gaming's ability to increase the
. ,
sense of control over their future.
Games seem able to create
this sense of efficacy by bringing real world problems into the
classroom and allowing the students the opportunities to practice
making real-world decisions.
The empirical research indicates
a correlation between this sense of
efficacy and school success.
Games, in their variety of forms, have become a standard
part of new curricula, especially in the
social sciences.
critical review indicates that it is incumbent upon
and developers of curricula using games
to evaluate and build
upon this underlying base of
empirical findings.
Abt, C. "Games for
Learning." in Boocock, S. and Schild, E.
Simulation ":ames in Learning,.
Beverly Hills, California:
Publications, 1968.
Ahern, J., Bonanni, L.,
Ellis, B., McWhorter, J.,
Potter, T., and
Whelan, D. A Study and Survey of
Simulation and Games as
Training Techniques.
( Industrial College
of the Armed Forces,
Allen, L. and Ross, J.
Instructional Gaming as a Means
to Achieve
Skill in Selecting Ideas
Relevant for Solving a
Paper presented at the
International Simulation and
Association Conference, Berlin,
May 1974.
Bagley, E. "Simulation Game
Research at the Early
Level." .Social Education, 1974,.384
Barringer, R. and Waley, B.
"The M.I.T. Political-Military
Orbis, 1965, 9, 437-458.
Boocock, S. "The Life Career
Personnel and Guidance
1967, 46, 328-334.
and Schild, E.
(Eds.) Simulation Games in
Beverly Hills; California:
Sage Publications,
Breznitz, S. and Lieblich,
A. "Coaching:
An Example in Nested
in Inbar, M. and Stoll,
C. Simulation and
Gaming in
Social Science.
New York:
The Free Press, 1972.
Burgess, P. and Robinson,
J. "Political Science Games
and the
Problem-Solver State."
in Boocock, S. and Schild,
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