Request type (Tick preferred request type)
New Amend Cancel PAC Reissue
PRINT IN BLOCK CAPITALS and complete all relevant sections
Additional Information
"Account Owner" will be the primary individual authorised to operate Business Banking.
The "Account Owner" will be provided with a BSP Identification Number, User Name and Personal Access Code (PAC) to access your
accounts via Business Banking.
Section A - Customer Details (Non- Personal Customers)
1. Registered name of business or company
2. Business Name to include on Batch Payments to third parties (if applicable) - Max.10 characters
Miss Mrs
Given Name(s)
Business Title or Occupation:
(non-personal only)
Address of "Account Owner":
Telephone (Work):
Email Address (Lower case):
Section C - Payment Limit for "Account Owner" (Non- Personal Customers)
Complete this section for a new "Account Owner" or to amend the payment limit for an existing "Account Owner"
For Personal account customers, you will be given a daily payment limit for Transfer of funds to/from accounts or to a "Biller".This limit is
currently set at $5,000.00.
The amount you indicate by checking a box below will give the "Account Owner" a Daily Payment Limit approval for the transfer of funds to
and from the linked accounts or 3rd party payments.
$50,000 $100,000 $250,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $10,000,000
Note: For non- personal customers, you will be given a limit of $0 if a payment is not selected. This option determines the total amount of transfers and/or
payments you are allowed to make each day to your linked accounts and/or any 3rd Party domestic bank accounts. If $0 is given then you will be
unable to make transfers or payments from your accounts.
BSP Banking
Application/Amendment Form
Section B - Details of "Account Owner"
NB: Personal customers are individual persons. Non-Personal customers are companies,societies,churches etc.
Section D - Nominated Accounts
I/We request BSP to add/delete the nominated accounts listed below to/from Business Banking.
Account Number DeleteAdd Account Number Delete
Note: If there are additional accounts please attach a listing.
Section E - Declaration
§ I/We acknowledge that I/we have read and understand the BSP Electronic Banking and Business Banking Terms and
Conditons found at or obtained from a BSP branch and by executing this document agree to be bound by those BSP
Electronic Banking and Business Banking Terms & Conditions in my/our use of Banking facility.
I/We also acknowledge that the service provided by the Bank and my/our obligations under this agreement, in respect of the accounts
nominated in this agreement are subject to the terms and conditions governing those accounts.
§ I/We acknowledge that my/our first transaction on the Business Banking facility will indicate my/our acceptance of those
BSP Electronic Banking and Business Banking Terms and Conditions.
§ I/We will notify the Bank immediately if we change/cancel the "Account Owner"
§ I/We acknowledge that the "Account Owner" is to be provided full authority to operate on those accounts listed in
Section D - Nominated Accounts and permitted to withdraw daily in total an amount not exceeding the approved Daily Payment Limit
where available funds permit.
§ I/We acknowledge that amendments or cancellation of any other authority on the accounts listed in Section D - Nominated Accounts,
now or in the future will not affect this authority, which is to continue in full force and effect until the Bank receives notice of amendment
or cancellation in writing.
Signature of
"Account Owner":
Sole Traders)
Companies/Non-Personal customers are to also complete this section:
§ I/We declare that authority has been duly given by resolution passed at a legally constituted meeting of the Directors of the Company(s)
in accordance with its/their constitution(s) to give Acknowledgement referred to above and enter into Agreement which will be formed
on the Banks Acceptance of this Application
Note: If other company(s) is/are party to the Agreement please have them execute additional Application(s).
The common seal of:
Affix seal
Is the Form completed correctly?
Company Search conducted in last 12 months?
Certificate of Incorporation held?
Signatures Agree with Company Search?
Signature of Relationship/
Branch Manager:
Are the signatures verified for all listed Accounts?
Signature of
Branch Officer:
Faxed to Channel Operations? User Name:
Z Card Data Entry Completed:
Bank Use only:
was hereunto affixed by the undersigned proper officers of the said Company, by whom
and in whose presence the seal of the Company shall be affixed.
Name Signature
Registration Data entry Completed: Registration Data Entry Verified:
Z Card Data Entry Verified: