Erin E. Kershaw
Associate Professor of Medicine
University of Pittsburgh
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Cornell University Medical College, New York, NY
Medicine (Honors in research)
New York Presbyterian Hospital-Cornell Medical
Center, New York, NY
Intern &
06/00 Internal Medicine
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston MA
A. Personal Statement
The goal of the current proposal is promote the scientific training and career development of young
investigators in the field of endocrinology and metabolism. My specific role will be to serve as a mentor as well
as a member of the Training Committee. I have broad experience in the field of endocrinology and metabolism
including over 20 years of experience specifically devoted to clinical and scientific efforts to understand obesity
and its complications. I have trained with leaders in this field and, as a result, have developed specific
expertise in key research areas relevant to this application including metabolic physiology in cells, rodents, and
humans. Since joining the University of Pittsburgh, my research program has focused on the role of
intracellular lipid metabolism in glucose homeostasis and insulin action with a specific emphasis on novel lipid
metabolizing enzymes and lipid droplet proteins. One such protein, Adipose Triglyceride Lipase (ATGL), is the
rate-limiting enzyme in triacylglycerol hydrolysis. I have published several manuscripts on the function,
regulation, and physiological relevance of ATGL both in vitro and in vivo. I have further successfully competed
for and administered grants to fund the above work including a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Physician-
Scientist Early Career Award and an NIH/NIDDK R01 Award. Through the above research efforts, I have
developed collaborative relationships with leaders in the field who will complement my own expertise to
facilitate the scientific training and career development of trainees at all levels. In this regard, I have
contributed to the scientific and academic develop of several trainees ranging from undergraduate students to
trainees at the T32 and K level. Several of my prior trainees have subsequently secured independent tenure-
track research positions, academic positions, and/or positions in pharmaceutical companies. I have also held
research training leadership positions. Specifically, I currently serve as the Associated Program Director for
Research for the Clinical Endocrine Fellowship Program and am also a member of the Physician Scientist
Training Program Steering Committee at the University of Pittsburgh. In summary, I have demonstrated a
record of successful and productive research in the field of endocrinology and metabolism. I also have
experience training mentees and preparing them for academic careers. This experience has prepared me to
serve as a mentor and to contribute to training oversight on the Training Committee for this T32 application.
B. Positions and Honors
Positions and Employment
1993-1995 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Medical Student Research Fellow
Laboratory of Rudolph L. Leibel, The Rockefeller University, NY, NY
1996-1997 Medical Student Research Fellow
Laboratory of Marvin C. Gershengorn, Cornell University Medical College, NY, NY
1997-2000 Intern and Resident in Internal Medicine
Department of Medicine, New York Presbyterian Hospital Cornell Medical Center, NY, NY
1999-2000 Resident Research Fellow
Laboratory of Markus Stoffel, The Rockefeller University, NY, NY
2000-2003 Clinical and Research Fellow in Endocrinology and Metabolism
Biographical Sketch Updated March 2013
Laboratory of Jeffrey S. Flier, Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center, Joslin Diabetes Center, and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
2003-2008 Instructor in Medicine
Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,
Joslin Diabetes Center, and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
2008- Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
2013- Faculty Member
Interdisciplinary Biomedical Graduate Program, Molecular Genetics and Developmental Biology,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
2013- Faculty Member
Vascular Medicine Institute, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
2014- Associate Professor
Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Grant Review Panels
03/2009 Ad hoc reviewer University of Toledo, Interdisciplinary Research Initiation Award Program
07/2010 Ad hoc reviewer NIH/NIDDK, 2010/07 ZDK1 GRB-7 (O3)
03/2011 Ad hoc reviewer Univ of Pittsburgh, Clinical and Translational Science Institute P&F Program
10/2011 Ad hoc reviewer NIH/NIDDK, Cellular Aspects of Diabetes and Obesity (CADO)
03/2012 Ad hoc reviewer NIH/NCI,2012/05 ZCA1 SRLB-D (M1) R
03/2013 Ad hoc reviewer NIH/NIGMS, 2013/05 ZGMI TWD-C(CC)
04/2013 Ad hoc reviewer University of Washington, Diabetes Research Center (DRC) P&F Program
05/2013 Ad hoc reviewer Italian Telethon Foundation for Biomedical Research
06/2013 Ad hoc reviewer NIH/NHLBI, 2013/10 ZHL1 PPG-R(01)1
03/2014 Ad hoc reviewer NIH/NIDDK, 2014/03 DDK-B
05/2014 Ad hoc reviewer NIH/NCCAM, 2014/05 ZAT1 PK (29) P
Professional Memberships
2013- Member American Diabetes Association
2013- Member The Obesity Society
Honors and Awards
1991 Cornell University, Departmental Honors for graduating in top 10% of the class
1991 Cornell University, Alumni Program Research Award
1991 Golden Key National Honor Society
1992 Cornell University Medical College, David P. Barr Research Fellowship
1993 Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), Medical Student Research Award (Year 1)
1994 Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), Medical Student Research Award (Year 2)
1994 Cornell University Medical College, Dr. Harold Lamport Biomedical Research Award for
research entitled “Molecular genetic basis for type 2 diabetes susceptibility in obese rodents”
1995 Cornell University Medical College, Dean’s Research Award for research entitled “Molecular
mapping of simple sequence repeats for Pgm1 and C8β in the vicinity of the rat fatty locus”
1995 Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), Award for Continuation of Medical Studies (Year 1)
1996 Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), Award for Continuation of Medical Studies (Year 2)
1996 Cornell University Medical College, Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society
1997 Cornell University Medical College, Medical Doctorate with Honors in Research
1997 Cornell University Medical College, Janet M. Glasgow Memorial Achievement Award
1997 The Endocrine Society, Honorary Membership Award for Endocrine Research and Education
1999 New York Presbyterian Hospital, David E. Rogers Memorial Research Award for research
entitled “Identification of hepatocyte nuclear factor 3α target genes using differential display”
2002 Endocrine Fellows Foundation, Endocrine Fellow Research Award
2009- Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), Physician-Scientist Early Career Award
2009 University of Pittsburgh, Nominee for the Searle Scholars Program
Biographical Sketch Updated March 2013
2010-2012 University of Pittsburgh, Department of Medicine Junior Scholar Award
2012 University of Pittsburgh Senior Vice Chancellor’s Research Seminar Invited Speaker
2012 Semi-annual Novo Nordisk Diabetes & Obesity Biologics Science Forum Semi-Finalist
2013 University of Pittsburgh, Nominee for the American Diabetes Association Pathways Program
2014 University of Pittsburgh Division of Endocrinology Chief Distinction Award for Physicians
who strengthen the overall academic mission of the Division
C. Selected Peer-reviewed Publications
1. Kershaw EE, Chua SC, Leibel RL. Localization of a (CA)
repeat in the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor
gene (Glp1r) to proximal mouse chromosome 17 and its linkage to other markers. Mamm Genome. 1995
2. Kershaw EE, Chua SC, Williams JA, Murphy EM, Leibel RL. Molecular mapping of SSRs for Pgm1 and
C8b in the vicinity of the rat fatty locus. Genomics. 1995 May;27(1):149-54.
3. Meierfrankenfeld B, Abelenda M, Jauker H, Klingenspor M, Kershaw EE, Chua SC, Leibel RL, Schmidt I.
Perinatal energy stores and excessive fat deposition in genetically obese (fa/fa) rats. Am J Physiol. 1996
Apr;270(4 Pt 1):E700-8.
4. Chua SC, White DW, Wu-Peng S, Liu SM, Okada N, Kershaw EE, Tartaglia LA, Leibel RL. Phenotype of
fatty due to a Gln269Pro mutation in the leptin receptor (Lepr). Diabetes. 1996 Aug;45(8):1141-3.
5. Kahle EB, Butz KG, Chua SC, Kershaw EE, Leibel RL, Fenger TW, Hansen CT, Michaelis OE. Rat
corpulent (cp) mutation maps to the same interval on (Pgm1-Glut1) rat chromosome 5 as the fatty (fa)
mutation. Obes Res. 1997 Mar;5(2):142-5.
6. Chung WK, Zheng M, Chua M, Kershaw EE, Power-Kehoe L, Tsuji M, Wu-Peng S, Williams J, Chua SC,
Leibel RL. Genetic Modifiers of Lepr
associated with variability in insulin production and susceptibility to
NIDDM. Genomics. 1997 May;41(3):332-44.
7. Kershaw EE, Morton NM, Dhillon H, Ramage L, Seckl JR, Flier JS. Adipocyte-specific glucocorticoid
inactivation protects against diet-induced obesity. Diabetes. 2005 Apr;54(4):1023-31. PMCID:
8. Kershaw EE, Hamm JK, Verhagen LAW, Peroni O, Katic M, Flier JS. Adipose triglyceride lipase:
function, regulation by insulin, and comparison with adiponutrin. Diabetes.
2006 Jan;55(1):148-57.
PMCID: PMC2819178.
9. Kershaw EE, Schupp M, Guan HP, Gardner NP, Lazar MA, Flier JS. PPARγ regulates adipose
triglyceride lipase in adipocytes in vitro and in vivo. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2007
Dec;93(6):E1736-45. PMCID: PMC2819189.
10. Zabolotney JM, Kim YB, Welsh LA, Kershaw EE, Neel BG, Kahn BB. Protein tyrosine phosphates 1B
(PTP1B) expression is induced by inflammation in vivo. J Biol Chem. 2008 May;283(21):14230-41.
PMCID: PMC2386946.
11. Kienesberger PC, Lee D, Pulinilkunnil T, Brenner DS, Cai L, Magnes C, Koefeler HC, Streith IE,
Rechberger GN, Haemmerle G, Flier JS, Zechner R, Kim YB, and Kershaw EE. Adipose triglyceride
lipase deficiency causes tissue-specific changes in insulin signaling. J Biol Chem. 2009
Oct;284(44):30218-29. PMCID: PMC2781577.
12. Basantani MK, Sitnick MT, Cai L, Brenner DS, Gardner NP, Li JZ, Schoiswohl G, Yang K, Kumari M,
Gross RW, Zechner R, and Kershaw EE. Pnpla3/Adiponutrin deficiency in mice does not contribute to
fatty liver disease or metabolic syndrome. J Lipid Res. 2011 Feb;52(2):318-29. PMCID: PMC3023552.
13. Eguchi J, Wang X, Yu S, Kershaw EE, Chiu PC, Dushay J, Estal JL, Klein U, Maratos-Flier E, Rosen
ED. Transcriptional control of adipose lipid handling by IRF4. Cell Metab. 2011 Mar;13(3):249-59.
PMCID: PMC3063358.
14. Haemmerle G, Moustafa T, Woelkart G, Kotzbeck P, Büttner S, Schmidt A, van de Weijer T, Hesselink
M, Kienesberger P, Zierler K, Schreiber R, Eichmann T, Kolb D, Schweiger M, Kumari M, Eder S,
Schoiswohl G, Wonsiriroj N, Jäger D, Pollak N, Preiss-Landl K, Kolbe T, Rülicke T, Pieske B, Trauner
M, Lass A, Zimmermann R, Hoefler G, Cinti
S, Kershaw EE, Schrauwen P, Madeo F, Mayer B, and
Zechner R. ATGL-mediated fat catabolism regulates cardiac mitochondrial function via PPARα and
PGC-. Nat Med. 2011 Aug;17(9):1076-85. PMCID: PMC3244833.
Biographical Sketch Updated March 2013
15. Kienesberger PC, Pulinilkunnil T, Sung MY, Haemmerle G, Kershaw EE, Young ME, Light PE, Oudit
GY, Zechner R, Dyck JRB. Myocardial ATGL overexpression decreases the reliance on fatty acid
oxidation and protect against pressure overload-induced cardiac dysfunction. Mol Cell Bio. 2011
Feb;32(4):740-50. PMCID: PMC3272983.
16. Kumari M, Schoiswohl G, Poeschl M, Cornaciu I, Rangrez
AY, Eder
S, Oberer M, Haemmerle
G, Lass
A, Kershaw
EE, Zimmermann
R, and Zechner R. Adiponutrin (PNPLA3) functions as a nutritionally
regulated lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase. Cell Metab. 2012 May;
15(5):691-702. PMCID:
17. Yang Z, Hulver M, McMillan RP, Cai L, Kershaw EE, Yu L, Xue B, and Shi H. Regulation of leptin and
insulin signaling by muscle suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3). PLoS One. 2012;
7(10)e47493. PMCID: PMC3480378.
18. Obrowsky S, Chandak PG, Patankar JV, Povoden S, Kershaw EE, Bogner-Strauss JG, Hoefler G,
Levak-Frank S, Kratky D. Adipose triglyceride lipase is a TG lipase of the small intestine and regulates
intestinal PPARα signalling. J Lipid Res. 2013 Feb;54(2):425-35. NOTE: Cover. PMCID: PMC3541705.
19. Pulinilkunnil T, Kienesberger PC, Negendran J, Waller TJ, Young M, Kershaw EE, Korbutt G,
Haemmerle G, Zechner R, Dyck JRB. Myocardial adipose triglyceride lipase overexpression protects
diabetic mice from the development of lipotoxic cardiomyopathy. Diabetes. 2013 May; 62(5):1464-77.
PMCID: PMC3636613.
20. Kienesberger PC, Pulinilkunnil T, Nagendran J, Young ME, Bogner-Strauss JG, Hackl H, Khadour R,
Heydari E, Haemmerle G, Zechner R, Kershaw EE
*, Dyck JR*. Early structural and metabolic cardiac
remodelling in response to inducible adipose triglyceride lipase ablation. Cardiovasc Res.
Aug;99(3):442-51. *Co-last, Co-corresponding authors. PMCID: PMC3718322.
21. Sitnick MT
, Basantani MK
, Cai L*, Schoiswohl G, Yazbeck CF, Distefano G, Ritov V, Delany JP,
Schreiber R, Stolz DB, Gardner NP, Kienesberger PC, Pulinilkunnil T, Zechner R, Goodpaster BH,
Coen P, and Kershaw EE. Skeletal muscle triacylglycerol hydrolysis does not influence metabolic
complications of obesity. Diabetes.
2013 Oct;62(10):3350-61. Cover. *Authors contributed equally to
this work. NOTE: Cover. PMCID: PMC3781480.
22. Mottillo EP, Balasubramanian P, Lee YH, Weng Changren, Kershawe EE, and Granneman JG.
Coupling of lipolysis and de novo lipogenesis in brown, beige, and white adipose tissue during chronic
β3-adrenergic receptor activation. J Lipid Res. Accepted Sep 5, 2014. PMCID: pending.
23. Rachakonda VP, Reeves VL, Aljammal J, Wills RC, Trybula JS, DeLany JP, Kienesberger PC, and
Kershaw EE. Serum autotaxin in independently associated with hepatic steatosis in severely obese
women. Obesity. Accepted Oct 13, 2014. (Obesity-14-0850-Orig). PMCID: pending (NIHMS636179).
D. Research Support
Ongoing Research Support
1 R01 DK090166-01 Kershaw, Erin E. (PI) Dates: 02/01/11-01/31/16
Title: Adipose Triglyceride Lipase (ATGL/PNPLA2) in lipotoxicity and the metabolic syndrome
Description: The goals of this project are to determine the contribution of lipid metabolism by adipocyte
triglyceride lipase (ATGL/PNPLA2) to systemic and tissue-specific (adipose tissue and skeletal muscle)
glucose homeostasis and insulin action using genetically-engineered mice as model systems.
Role: PI
Completed Research Support
Physician-Scientist Early Career Award Kershaw, Erin E. (PI) Dates: 08/01/09-07/31/14
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Title: Contribution of Patatin-like phospholipase domain containing proteins (PNPLAs) to lipotoxicity and the
metabolic syndrome.
Description: The goals of this project are to determine the contribution of proteins in the PNPLA family
(ATGL/PNPLA2, Adiponutrin/PNPLA2, other) to metabolic disease. This award provides no PI salary support.
Biographical Sketch Updated March 2013
Role: PI
Junior Scholar Award Kershaw, Erin E. (PI) Dates: 07/01/10-06/30/11
University of Pittsburgh
Title: Adiponutrin/PNPLA3 in lipotoxicity and the metabolic syndrome.
Description: The goals of this project were to evaluate the role of adiponutrin/PNPLA3 in metabolic disease
using genetically-engineered mice and cells as model systems.
Role: PI
R03 DK077697 Kershaw, Erin E. (PI) Dates: 04/01/07-03/31/10
Title: Contribution of Adipose Triglyceride Lipase (ATGL/PNPLA2) in skeletal muscle to lipid metabolism and
insulin action
Description: The goals of this project were to evaluate the contribution of adipocyte triglyceride lipase
(ATGL/PNPLA2) to lipid metabolism and insulin action in cultured myotubes and to generate an animal model
of increased ATGL expression exclusively skeletal muscle.
Role: PI
K08 DK065833 Kershaw, Erin E. (PI) Dates: 01/01/04-12/31/08
Title: Adipocyte-specific glucocorticoid metabolism by 11 beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (11βHSDs)
Description: The goals of this project were to evaluate the role of adipocyte-specific glucocorticoid metabolism
by 11βHSDs in metabolism by determining whether transgenic 11βHSD2-mediated inactivation of
glucocorticoid action exclusively in adipocytes is sufficient to protect against obesity and the metabolic
Role: PI
Biographical Sketch Updated March 2013