Unit 5 Probability and Statistics
Name: _______________________________ Period ____
Probability and Statistics
Probability of Simple Events
Theoretical and Experimental
Probability of Compound Events
Fundamental Counting Principle
Ind and Dependent Events
Make Predictions
Unbiased and biased Samples
Misleading Graphs and Statistics
Compare Populations
Select and Appropriate Display
Sampling Analysis
Comparing Statistics Central Tendency and Variability
138 Course 2 Chapter 9 Probability
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Lesson 1 Skills Practice
Probability of Simple Events
A card is randomly chosen. Find each probability. Write
each answer as a fraction, a decimal, and a percent.
1. P(B)
2. P(Q or R)
3. P(vowel)
4. P(consonant or vowel)
5. P(consonant or A)
6. P(T)
The spinner shown is spun once. Write a sentence
explaining how likely it is for each event to occur.
7. P(dog)
8. P(hamster)
9. P(dog or cat)
10. P(bird)
11. P(mammal)
WEATHER The weather reporter says that there is a 12% chance that
it will be moderately windy tomorrow.
12. What is the probability that it will not be windy?
13. Will tomorrow be a good day to fly a kite? Explain.
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Lesson 1 Extra Practice
Probability of Simple Events
A set of 30 event tickets are placed in a bag. There are 6 baseball
tickets, 4 hockey tickets, 4 basketball tickets, 2 football tickets, 3
symphony tickets, 2 opera tickets, 4 ballet tickets, and 5 theater
tickets. One ticket is selected without looking. Find each probability.
Write each answer as a fraction, percent, and decimal.
1. P(basketball) 2. P(sports event) 3. P(opera or ballet)
, 20%, 0.2
4. P(soccer) 0 5. P(not symphony) 6. P(theater)
, 90%, 0.9
Use the spinner at the right to find each probability. Write each
answer as a fraction, percent, and decimal.
7. P(even number) 8. P(prime number)
, 50%, 0.5
, 50%, 0.5
9. P(factor of 12) 10. P(composite number)
, 62.5%, 0.625
, 37.5%, 0.375
11. P(greater than 10) 0 12. P(neither prime nor composite)
, 12.5%, 0.125
A package of balloons contains 5 green, 3 yellow, 4 red, and 8 pink
balloons. Suppose you reach in the package and choose one balloon
at random. Find the probability of each event. Write each answer as
a fraction, percent, and decimal.
13. P(red balloon) 14. P(yellow balloon) 15. P(pink balloon)
, 20%, 0.2
, 15%, 0.15
, 40%, 0.4
16. P(orange balloon) 0 17. P(red or yellow balloon) 18. P(not green balloon)
, 35%, 0.35
, 75%, 0.75
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1. A number cube is rolled 50 times and the results are shown in the graph below.
Number of Rolls
Number Cube Experiment
Number Showing
a. Find the experimental probability of rolling a 2.
b. What is the theoretical probability of rolling a 2?
c. Find the experimental probability of not rolling a 2.
d. What is the theoretical probability of not rolling a 2?
e. Find the experimental probability of rolling a 1.
SEASONS Use the results of the survey at
None, I like
them all
What is Your Favorite
Season of the Year?
the right.
a. What is the experimental probability that a
person’s favorite season is fall? Write the
probability as a fraction.
b. Out of 300 people, how many would you
expect to say that fall is their favorite
c. Out of 20 people, how many would you expect to say that
they like all the seasons?
d. Out of 650 people, how many more would you expect to say
that they like summer more than they like winter?
Lesson 2 Skills Practice
Theoretical and Experimental Probability
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Lesson 2 Extra Practice
Theoretical and Experimental Probability
The table shows the results of a fair number cube rolled
40 times.
1. Find the experimental probability of rolling a 4.
2. Find the theoretical probability of not rolling a 4.
3. Find the theoretical probability of rolling a 2.
4. Find the experimental probability of not rolling a 6.
5. Suppose the number cube was rolled 500 times. Based on the results in
the table, about how many times would it land on 5? 150 times
The table at the right shows the results of a survey about favorite
pizza toppings.
6. What is the probability that a person’s favorite pizza topping is
7. Out of 280 people, how many would you expect to have
pepperoni as their favorite pizza topping? about 126 people
8. What is the probability that a person’s favorite pizza topping is
pepperoni or sausage?
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Lesson 3 Skills Practice
Probability of Compound Events
The spinner at the right is spun twice.
1. Draw a tree diagram to represent the
2. What is the probability of getting at
least one A?
For each situation, make a tree diagram to show the
sample space. Then give the total number of outcomes.
3. choosing a hamburger or hot dog and potato salad or
macaroni salad
4. choosing a vowel from the word COMPUTER
and a consonant from the word BOOK
5. choosing between the numbers 1, 2 or 3, and the
colors blue, red, or green
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Course 2 • Chapter 9 Probability
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Lesson 3 Extra Practice
Probability of Compound Events
For each situation, find the sample space.
1. choosing an ice cream cone from waffle, plain, 2. choosing one math class from Algebra and
or sugar and a flavor of ice cream from Geometry and one foreign language class from
chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry French, Spanish, or Latin
waffle, chocolate Algebra, French
waffle, vanilla Algebra, Spanish
waffle, strawberry Algebra, Latin
plain, chocolate Geometry, French
plain, vanilla Geometry, Spanish
plain, strawberry Geometry, Latin
sugar, chocolate
sugar, vanilla
sugar, strawberry
3. making a sandwich from white, wheat, or 4. choosing a car that comes in white, black,
rye bread, cheddar or Swiss cheese, or red with standard or automatic
and ham, turkey, or roast beef transmission and with a 4-cylinder or
white, cheddar, ham 6-cylinder engine
white, cheddar, turkey white, standard, 4-cylinder
white, cheddar, roast beef white, standard, 6-cylinder
white, Swiss, ham white, automatic, 4-cylinder
white, Swiss, turkey white, automatic, 6-cylinder
white, Swiss, roast beef black, standard, 4-cylinder
wheat, cheddar, ham black, standard, 6-cylinder
wheat, cheddar, turkey black, automatic, 4-cylinder
wheat, cheddar, roast beef black, automatic, 6-cylinder
wheat, Swiss, ham red, standard, 4-cylinder
wheat, Swiss, turkey red, standard, 6-cylinder
wheat, Swiss, roast beef red, automatic, 4-cylinder
rye, cheddar, ham red, automatic, 6-cylinder
rye, cheddar, turkey
rye, cheddar, roast beef
rye, Swiss, ham
rye, Swiss, turkey
rye, Swiss, roast beef
For each situation, find the sample space. Then find the indicated
5. rolling 2 number cubes; P(rolling doubles)
6. tossing a penny twice; P(two tails)
1, 1; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 4; 1, 5; 1, 6 HH, HT, TH, TT
2, 1; 2, 2; 2, 3; 2, 4; 2, 5; 2, 6
3, 1; 3, 2; 3, 3; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6
4, 1; 4, 2; 4, 3; 4, 4; 4, 5; 4, 6
5, 1; 5, 2; 5, 3; 5, 4; 5, 5; 5, 6
6, 1; 6, 2; 6, 3; 6, 4; 6, 5; 6, 6
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Lesson 4 Skills Practice
1. QUIZZES Describe a situation that you could use to answer a 15-question quiz, if five
questions are true or false questions.
PRIZES During the grand opening of a fast food restaurant, every person that comes to
the the restaurant receives a prize. There are 6 different prizes. Describe a model that
could be used to simulate which prizes the first 75 customers will receive.
STUDENT COUNCIL Mrs. Corley wants to randomly choose 3 students to represent her
homeroom on student council. There are 30 students in the class. Describe a model that
could be used to simulate this situation.
4. SALES A music store has determined that 65% of customers who buy a compact disc
buy a pop music compact disc. Describe a model that you could use to simulate a
CD purchase.
SANDWICHES A sandwich shop offers 6 different types of sandwiches on either white or
wheat bread. If each type of sandwich and bread is equally likely to be chosen by a
customer, describe a model that could be used to simulate the orders of the next 10
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Course 2 • Chapter 9 Probability
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Lesson 4 Extra Practice
1. A restaurant offers six kids-meal prizes. The prizes are placed in the
meals at random. Describe a model that could be used to simulate
selecting one of the prizes.
Sample answer: Roll a number cube and assign a different prize
to each number on the cube.
2. A pizza parlor offers three different types of crust. Each crust type is
equally likely to be ordered. Describe a model that could be used to
simulate this situation. Based on your simulation, how many
customers must order a pizza in order to sell all possible
Sample answer: Spin a spinner with 3 equal sections. Repeat the
simulation until all possible crusts are obtained.
3. A weather forecaster has predicted a 25% chance of precipitation for
the next 4 days. Describe a model that could be used to find the
experimental probability of rain all 4 days.
Sample answer: Use a spinner with 4 equal sections. Three will
be for sunny weather, and one will be for rain.
4. Fifty percent of the clothes a local charity receives are coats. Describe
a model that could be used to find the experimental probability of the
charity receiving coats during the next 10 donations.
Sample answer: Toss a coin in which heads represents coats
and tails represents other clothing. Toss the coin 10 times.
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Lesson 5 Skills Practice
Fundamental Counting Principle
Use the Fundamental Counting Principle to find the total number of
outcomes in each situation.
1. rolling two number cubes and tossing one coin
2. choosing rye or Bermuda grass and 3 different mixtures of fertilizer
3. making a sandwich with ham, turkey, or roast beef; Swiss or provolone
cheese; and mustard or mayonnaise
4. tossing 4 coins
5. choosing from 3 sizes of bottled water and from distilled, filtered,
or spring water
6. choosing from 3 flavors and 3 sizes of juice
7. choosing from 35 flavors of ice cream; one, two, or three scoops; and sugar
or waffle cone
8. picking a day of the week and a date in the month of April
9. rolling 3 number cubes and tossing 2 coins
10. choosing a 4-letter password using only 5 letters that may each be used
more than once
11. choosing a bicycle with or without shock absorbers; with or without lights;
and 5 color choices
12. a license plate that has 3 numbers from 0 to 9 and 2 letters where each
number and a letter may be used more than once
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Lesson 5 Extra Practice
Fundamental Counting Principle
Use the Fundamental Counting Principle to find the total number of
outcomes for each situation.
1. choosing a local phone number if the exchange is 398 and each of the
four remaining digits is different 5,040 outcomes
2. choosing a way to drive from Lodi to Akron if there are 5 roads that
lead from Lodi to Miami, 3 roads that connect Miami to Niles, and 4
highways that connect Niles to Akron
60 outcomes
3. tossing a quarter, rolling a number cube, and tossing a dime 24 outcomes
4. spinning the spinners shown below 96 outcomes
5. spinning a spinner with six different sections and tossing a coin 12 outcomes
6. rolling a number cube and selecting a letter from the word tiger 30 outcomes
7. selecting one sweater from three different sweaters and one pair of
pants from two different pairs of pants 6 outcomes
8. selecting one piece of fruit from four different types of fruit and one
drink from a choice of five different drinks
20 outcomes
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Lesson 6 Skills Practice
Find each value. Use a calculator if needed.
1. P(2,2) 2. P(4,3)
3. P(5,4) 4. P(9,5)
5. P(8,7) 6. P(12,13)
7. P(11,3) 8. P(10,4)
9. P(6,5) 10. P(5,3)
11. P(7,4) 12. P(6,4)
13. How many ways can you arrange the letters in the word prime?
14. How many ways can you arrange 8 different crates on a shelf if they are
placed from left to right?
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Course 2 • Chapter 9 Probability
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Lesson 6 Extra Practice
1. Eight runners are competing in a 100-meter sprint. In how many ways
can the gold, silver, and bronze medals be awarded? 336 ways
2. Five-digit locker combinations are assigned using the digits 1–9. In
how many ways can the combinations be formed if no digit can be
repeated? 15,120 ways
3. In how many ways can the classes math, language arts, science, and
social studies be ordered on student schedules as the first four classes
of their day? 24 ways
4. At a teddy bear workshop, customers can select from black, brown,
gold, white, blue, or pink for their bear’s color. If a father randomly
selects two bear colors, what is the probability that he will select a
white bear for his son and a pink bear for his daughter? The father
cannot pick the same color for both bears.
5. If you randomly select three of your last seven writing assignments to
submit to an essay contest, what is the probability that you will select
your first, fourth, and sixth essays in that order?
Find each value. Use a calculator if needed.
6. P(7, 4) 840 7. P(4, 3) 24 8. P(5, 5) 120 9. P(3, 1) 3
10. P(9, 4) 3,024 11. P(6, 2) 30 12. P(10, 3) 720 13. P(12, 4) 11,880
14. P(1, 1) 1 15. P(12, 5) 95,040 16. P(10, 2) 90 17. P(6, 4) 360
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Lesson 7 Skills Practice
Independent and Dependent Events
For Exercises 1–6, a number cube is rolled and the
spinner at the right is spun. Find each probability.
1. P(1 and A) 2. P(odd and B)
3. P(prime and D) 4. P(greater than 4 and C)
5. P(less than 3 and 6. P(prime and consonant)
7. What is the probability of spinning the spinner above 3 times and getting
a vowel each time?
8. What is the probability of rolling a number cube 3 times and getting a
number less than 3 each time?
Each spinner at the right is spun. Find each probability.
9. P(A and 2)
10. P(vowel and even)
11. P(consonant and 1)
12. P(D and greater than 1)
There are 3 red, 1 blue, and 2 yellow marbles in a bag. Once a marble
is selected, it is not replaced. Find each probability.
13. P(red and then yellow) 14. P(blue and then yellow)
15. P(red and then blue) 16. P(two yellow marbles)
17. P(two red marbles in a row) 18. P(three red marbles)
GAMES There are 13 yellow cards, 6 blue, 10 red, and 8 green cards
in a stack of cards turned face down. Once a card is selected, it is
not replaced. Find each probability.
19. P(2 blue cards) 20. P(2 red cards)
21. P(a yellow card and 22. P(a blue card and
then a green card) then a red card)
23. P(two cards that are not red) 24. P(two cards that are neither
red or green)
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Course 2 • Chapter 9 Probability
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Lesson 1 Extra Practice
Probability of Simple Events
Two socks are drawn from a drawer which contains one red sock,
three blue socks, two black socks, and two green socks. Once a sock is
selected, it is not replaced. Find each probability.
1. P(a black sock and then a green sock)
2. P(two blue socks)
3. P(a green sock and then a red sock)
4. P(two green socks)
There are three quarters, five dimes, and twelve pennies in a bag.
Once a coin is drawn from the bag, it is not replaced. If two coins are
drawn at random, find each probability.
5. P(a quarter and then a penny)
6. P(a nickel and then a dime) 0
7. P(two pennies)
8. P(a dime and then a quarter)
154 Course 2 Chapter 10 Statistics
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Lesson 1 Skills Practice
Make Predictions
For Exercise 1–4, use the table and the following
information. A survey of students’ favorite sports
was taken from a random sample of students in
a school. The results are shown in the table.
1. What is the size of the sample?
2. What is the probability that a student will prefer soccer?
3. What is the probability that a student will prefer volleyball?
4. There are 550 students in the school. Predict how many students at the school prefer
track and field.
Use the percent equation to help you solve.
GARDENING A survey showed that 74% of a nursery’s mail-order customers spent more
than $100 on plants each spring. Predict how many of 125,000 mail-order customers
will spend less than $100 on plants next spring.
SAVING MONEY A survey of high school students with jobs asked whether the students
saved some of the money they earned. 82% of the students said they saved some money.
Out of 340 students, predict how many would save some of their earnings.
TRAVEL COMPANY CUSTOMERS A survey showed that 55% of a travel company’s
customers were planning an overseas vacation the following year. Predict how many of
the travel company’s 12,400 travelers will vacation overseas the following year.
Students’ Favorite
Soccer 8
Baseball/Softball 3
Volleyball 5
Track & Field 4
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Lesson 1 Problem-Solving Practice
Make Predictions
MOVIES For Exercises 1–3, use the table
of results of Jeremy’s survey of favorite
kinds of movies.
1. MOVIES How many people did Jeremy
use for his sample?
2. If Jeremy were to ask any person to
name his or her favorite type of movie,
what is the probability that it would be
3. If Jeremy were to survey 250 people,
how many would you predict would
name comedy?
HAIRCUT Survey results show that 68%
of people tip their hairdresser when
they get a haircut. Predict how many
people out of 150 tip their hairdresser.
GOLF A survey showed that 28% of
adults play golf in their free time. Out
of 1,550 adults, predict how many
would say they play golf.
GOLF Use the information in Exercise 5
to predict how many adults out of 1,550
would say they do not play golf.
Favorite Movie Type
Type People
Drama 12
Foreign 3
Comedy 20
Action 15
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Lesson 2 Skills Practice
Unbiased and Biased Samples
Determine whether each conclusion is valid. Justify your answer.
1. To evaluate the defect rate of its memory chips, an integrated circuit manufacturer
tests every 100th chip off the production line. Out of 10 chips tested, one chip is found
to be defective. The manufacturer concludes that 3 chips out of 3,000 will be defective.
2. Students who wish to represent the school at a school board meeting are asked to stop
by the office after lunch. After lunch, 5 students wish to represent the school.
3. To determine if the class understood the homework assignment, the math teacher
checks the top 3 papers in the pile of collected homework. The teacher finds that all
students understood the homework assignment.
4. A member of the cafeteria staff asks every fifth student leaving the cafeteria to rank
5 vegetables from most favorite to least favorite. She finds that corn is one of the
favorite vegetables.
5. One bead for every member of the school orchestra is placed in a bag. All but 2 of the
beads are white. Each member draws a bead from the bag, and the members who pick
the non-white beads will represent the orchestra. It is predicted that two different
instrument players will choose the white beads.
6. A real estate agent surveys people about their housing preferences at an open house for
a luxury townhouse. He finds that most people prefer townhomes.
7. To determine the most popular children’s programs, a television station asks parents to
call in and complete a phone survey. The television station finds that the children’s
programs that are animated are the most popular.
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Lesson 2 Problem-Solving Practice
Unbiased and Biased Samples
FUNDRAISING For Exercises 1 and 2, use the survey
Flavor Number
butter 33
cheese 15
caramel 27
results in the table at the right. Members of the Drama
Club plan to sell popcorn as a fundraiser for their
Shakespeare production. They survey 75 students at
random about their favorite flavors of popcorn.
1. Is the sample valid? What percent of
the students prefer caramel popcorn?
2. If the club orders 400 boxes of popcorn
to sell, how many boxes of caramel
popcorn should they order? Explain
how you found your answer.
DINING OUT For Exercises 3 and 4, use the following information.
As people leave a restaurant one evening, 20 people are surveyed
at random. Eight people say they usually order dessert when they
eat out.
3. Is the sample valid? What percent of
those surveyed say they usually order
dessert when they eat out?
4. If 130 people have dinner at the
restaurant tomorrow, how many
would you expect to order dessert?
RECREATION For Exercises 5 and 6, use the table at
Bicycle Type Number
mountain 11
touring 8
comfort 9
juvenile 19
other 3
the right which shows the responses of 50 people
who expect to purchase a bicycle next year.
5. Is the sample valid? What percent of
those planning to buy a bicycle next
year think they will buy a mountain
6. If Mike’s Bike Shop plans to order 1,200
bicycles to sell next year, how many
mountain bikes should be ordered?
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©] K2[0\1V5W bKxuctua` \StovfQtUweaFrueY zLbLaCr.B U uAqlglJ XrSixgyhvtHst Srne[sLelruv[eudO.H a uMva^dSeW ewHiYtDhP FIynufyi`nMiJtKeK uPTree]-sABlCgWebbcrUaT.
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
Kuta Software - Infinite Pre-Algebra
Center and Spread of Data
Date________________ Period____
Find the mode, median, mean, range, lower quartile, upper quartile, interquartile range, and mean
absolute deviation for each data set.
6.5 77.58889
10 10.5
Shoe Size 2)
2 3 334467
12 18 19
Hits in a Round of Hacky Sack
Movie # Awards Movie # Awards Movie # Awards
The Greatest Show on Earth 2 No Country for Old Men 4 Mrs. Miniver 6
Gentleman's Agreement 3 Unforgiven 4 Lawrence of Arabia 7
The Great Ziegfeld 3 It Happened One Night 5 On the Waterfront 8
The King's Speech 4 Forrest Gump 6
Academy Awards
Plant Days Plant Days Plant Days Plant Days Plant Days
Bok Choi 45 Swiss Chard 60 Sugar Baby Watermelon 75 Honeydew 80 Rutabaga 90
Okra 55 Bell Pepper 75 Cantaloupe 80 Beefsteak Tomato 80 Tomatillo 100
Average Time to Maturity
©J q2e0Q1Y5M cKIuLtyak nS_odfJtywsaargex wL^LDCg.` V OArlilc UrCipgfhbtXsY ZryeMsYeXrNvee[dH.A F PMNaTdted [wuift_hH tIxnwfvilnwittUeJ wPYrHes-_AElagSeWbBrvaY.
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European Spacecraft Launches 6)
Tax Rate (%)
Federal Income Tax
Goals Frequency
Goals in a Hockey Game 8)
Stem Leaf
Key: | = 24,200
Mountain Heights (ft)
           
US Senators When Assuming Office
©T b2w0D1I5q sKHuUtpaC pSkoBfatowDaYrKer jLyLNCS.f W BAvlzlO GrHitgYhntbso hr]eYszeyrxv[eldy.Q g dMAaZdKez ]w`iBtXhC cIzn^fAiQnDiCtVee wAdlhgJeUbwrRat f1T.
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 1
Center and Spread of Data
Date________________ Period____
Find the mode, median, mean, lower quartile, upper quartile, interquartile range, and population
standard deviation for each data set.
37 42 48 51 52 53 54
54 55
Test Scores 2)
62 64 69 70 70 71 72
73 74 75 77
Mens Heights (Inches)
Senator Age Senator Age Senator Age Senator Age Senator Age
Patrick Leahy 34 Carl Levin 44 Tammy Baldwin 50 John Barrasso 54 Mike Johanns 58
Mark Pryor 39 Rand Paul 47 Barbara Boxer 52 Kay Hagan 55 John Boozman 60
Brian Schatz 40 John Cornyn 50 Claire McCaskill 53 Jerry Moran 56 Jim Risch 65
John Thune 43
Age Assumed Office
State Percent State Percent State Percent State Percent
Colorado 2.9 New Mexico 5.125 Maryland 6 Washington 6.5
Louisiana 4 Maine 5.5 South Carolina 6 Indiana 7
Wyoming 4 Florida 6 Kansas 6.15 New Jersey 7
Oklahoma 4.5 Idaho 6 Massachusetts 6.25 Rhode Island 7
North Dakota 5
Sales Tax
©V ^2h0i1`5X nKQuYtYa` DSqo`fHtVwaayrre` ZLrLNCj.p \ cA]lNlm oriiggChqtTsJ praeLsJeDrgvgemdk.w n WMAaHdeez dwFiQtuhM zI\nafTiqnKiQtpeY EA[lTgCeXbvrtaL n1].
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
Birth Rate by Country 6)
# Words Frequency
Length of Book Titles
Goals in a Hockey Game 8)
Stem Leaf
Key: | = 1,800
Boiling Point (°C)
Cost (¢)
Cost of Electricity, per kWh 10)
European Spacecraft Launches
158 Course 2 Chapter 10 Statistics
NAME _____________________________________________ DATE __________________ PERIOD _________
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Lesson 3 Skills Practice
Misleading Graphs and Statistics
1. LUNCH Which graph could be used to indicate a greater increase in yearly lunch
prices? Explain.
GEOGRAPHY For Exercises 2–4, use the
table that shows the miles of shoreline
for five states.
2. Find the mean, median, and mode of the data.
3. Which measure of center is misleading in describing the miles of shoreline for the
states? Explain.
4. Which measure of center most accurately describes the data?
Lunch Prices ($)
Graph B
Lunch Prices
Graph A
Miles of Shoreline
Length of
Shoreline (mi)
Virginia 3,315
Maryland 3,190
Washington 3,026
North Carolina 3,375
Pennsylvania 89
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158 Course 2 Chapter 10 Statistics
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Lesson 3 Problem-Solving Practice
Misleading Graphs and Statistics
QUIZ SCORES For Exercises 1 and 2, use the
data shown in the table below. The table
shows the quiz grades for Ms. Andrey’s and
Mr. Luna’s classes.
BOOK SALES For Exercises 3 and 4, use the
table below. It shows the number of books
sold each day for 20 days.
Quiz Scores
Ms. Andrey’s
Mr. Luna’s
10 20
15 20
25 25
25 29
12 26
1. Ms. Andrey claims the average score on
a quiz in her class was 25. Mr. Luna
claims the average score on a quiz in
his class is 25. Explain how they
arrived at these figures.
2. What additional information could be
useful in analyzing the data?
3. Find the mean, median, and mode of
the data. Which measure of central
tendency would be misleading in
describing the book sales?
4. Which value would most accurately
describe the data? Explain.
Book Sales Per Day
23 18 23 15
24 16 0 11
19 10 13 17
12 23 11 16
36 24 12 27
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162 Course 2 Chapter 10 Statistics
NAME _____________________________________________ DATE __________________ PERIOD _________
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Lesson 4 Skills Practice
Compare Populations
1. The double box plot shows the heights in
inches for the players on two professional
basketball teams. Compare their centers and
variations. Write an inference you can draw
about the two populations.
2. The double dot plot shows the number of
minutes two students spent practicing the
piano. Compare their centers and variations.
Round to the nearest tenth. Write an inference
you can draw about the two populations.
3. The double box plot shows the daily
number of customers for two ice cream
parlors. Compare the centers and
variations of the two populations.
Which ice cream parlor has the
greater number of daily customers?
70 71 72
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
Height of Players (in.)
NJ Nets
NY Knicks
40 45 50 55 60 65
40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Minutes Spent Practicing
20 25 30
35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Number of Daily Customers
Sue’s Ice Cream
Corner Creamery
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162 Course 2 Chapter 10 Statistics
NAME _____________________________________________ DATE __________________ PERIOD _________
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Lesson 4 Problem-Solving Practice
Compare Populations
The double box plot shows the
average monthly high
temperatures for Phoenix,
Arizona, and Las Vegas, Nevada.
1. Compare the centers and variations of
the two populations.
2. Write an inference you can draw about
the two populations.
The double dot plot shows the number
of city pet registrations for several days.
3. Compare the centers and variations of
the two populations. Round to the
nearest tenth.
4. In general, which type of pet has the
greater number of registrations?
55 60 65
70 75 80 85 90 95 105 110100
Average Monthly High Temp. (°F)
Las Vegas
57 64.5
72.5 86 101 10666
79.5 96.5 104
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Pet Registrations
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©j U2n0[1d5w RKZu\tYaz vSLoVfEt[wia_rAeB yLzL_CY.N \ NAnlSlb ertisgThLtisG DrJePsterrjvieQdp.R U cMyavdAeq [wtiotthd ZIOnnfaiHnhiVtTer gPVrWex-[AplSgxeZbGrBaL.
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
Kuta Software - Infinite Pre-Algebra
Visualizing Data
Date________________ Period____
Draw a dot plot for each data set.
Games per World Series
Senator Age Senator Age Senator Age Senator Age Senator Age
Mary Landrieu 41 Jon Tester 50 Mike Enzi 52 Barbara Boxer 52 Lamar Alexander 62
Mike Crapo 47 Tim Johnson 50 Dick Durbin 52 Sherrod Brown 54 Richard Blumenthal 64
John Cornyn 50 Jeff Sessions 50 Bob Menendez 52 John Barrasso 54 Angus King 68
Age Assumed Office
Draw a stem-and-leaf plot for each data set.
9.2 15.6 15.8 22.4 26.4
34 34.4 34.8 38.8 39.6
45.2 50.4 51.6 55.6 55.6
56.6 69.2
Annual Precipitation (Inches)
©c q2]0d1M5Y YKFuut^ad QS`ovfftmwWaHrceB kLTLSCr.h P yAQl_lo srUi\gjhTtOsP NrZe_stesrLvleldx.` u JMnabdsef Hwii[tahs FIRncfgilnqiFtMey zPzrzem-yAfl^gFepbIrMaT.
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
Country US $ Country US $ Country US $ Country US $
Central African Rep. 604 Uzbekistan 5,167 Maldives 11,654 Chile 21,911
Djibouti 2,998 Rep. of Congo 5,867 South Africa 12,504 Japan 36,315
Yemen 3,958 Mongolia 9,433 Botswana 15,675 Belgium 40,338
Laos 4,812 Grenada 11,498 Gabon 19,260 United Arab Emirates 58,042
Per Capita Income
Draw a box-and-whisker plot for each data set.
37 38 39 44 44 45 46
47 47 47 47 48 51 52
52 53 54
Test Scores 6)
State Years State Year s
Arkansas 74.2 Wisconsin 79.8
New Mexico 77.7 Washington 80.3
Alabama 78.1 Colorado 80.9
Louisiana 78.2 Indiana 81.3
Wyoming 78.4 Nevada 81.3
Kansas 78.6 Pennsylvania 81.6
Maine 79.1 Florida 81.7
Hawaii 79.7 Massachusetts 83.8
Life Expectancy
©N [2t0j1t5a aKjuPtYa` \SxoZfctmwdaprJeZ jLTLeCm.i ] bAilclX PrPiEgJhsttsJ irBedsxearGvfe]d_.M W nMsa[duei dw\iztMhy wI[n[foimnBimtzew jAolUgWeRbFruaR Z1p.
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 1
Visualizing Data
Date________________ Period____
Draw a dot plot for each data set.
234555 56
Hits in a Round of Hacky Sack 2)
Hours Slept
Draw a stem-and-leaf plot for each data set.
Name Age Name Age Name Age
Rudolf Ludwig Mössbauer 32 Stanley Ben Prusiner 55 Robert Merton Solow 63
Wolfgang Ketterle 44 Torsten Nils Wiesel 57 Stanley Cohen 64
Joseph Leonard Goldstein 45 Richard Axel 58 Peter Mansfield 70
Aung San Suu Kyi 46 Robert Coleman Richards 59 Vernon Lomax Smith 75
Kenneth Joseph Arrow 51 James Alexander Mirrlees 60 Richard Fred Heck 79
Barry James Marshall 54
Nobel Laureates
City Population City Population City Population City Population
Boston 617,594 Seattle 608,660 Irving 216,290 Washington DC 601,723
Gilbert 208,453 Richmond 204,214 Santa Ana 324,528 Columbus 787,033
Stockton 291,707 Scottsdale 217,385 Fort Worth 741,206 Aurora 325,078
Austin 790,390 Portland 583,776 San Francisco 805,235
Large US Cities
Draw a box-and-whisker plot for each data set.
26 26.1 27.2 27.6 28.9
30.2 30.6 31.1 31.5 32.1
33.4 34 34 34 36.7
Minutes to Run 5km
©y G2X0z1^5A cKsuQtNaB lSBoTfftWwIaVrje` SLEL[CW.V ] YAxlxlt krdiSgvhitks` brWeIsqerrNvSeDdt.M r FMWa[dGeV wwYiQtphT MIMnwfSi[nSiQtiek qA`ljgBeVbxrYaf N1M.
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
President Age President Age President Age President Age
Calvin Coolidge 51 James Madison 57 Barack Obama 47 William McKinley 54
Lyndon B Johnson 55 Millard Fillmore 50 Chester A Arthur 51 James A Garfield 49
Gerald Ford 61 Zachary Taylor 64 Grover Cleveland 55 William Howard Taft 51
Theodore Roosevelt 42 James K Polk 49 Harry S Truman 60 Abraham Lincoln 52
Martin Van Buren 54
Age At Inauguration
Draw a histogram for each data set.
Plant Days Plant Days Plant Days Plant Days Plant Days
Mesclun 40 Turnip 55 Romano Pole Bean 60 Sweet Potato 90 Tomatillo 100
Spinach 44 Swiss Chard 60 Yukon Gold Potato 65 Brussel Sprouts 90 Gooseneck Gourd 120
Endive 47 Kale 60 Cantaloupe 80 Celery 95 Pumpkin 120
Average Time to Maturity
Animal Years Animal Years
Lion 35 Chinchilla 20
Cottontail 10 Bee (Queen) 5
Teal 20 Congo Eel 27
Macaw 50 Pheasant 18
Painted Turtle 11 Prarie Dog 10
Asian elephant 40 Nutria 15
Grouse 10 Flying Squirrel 14
Rhinoceros 40 Pionus Parrot 15
Average Lifespan
Course 2 Chapter 10 Statistics 161
NAME _____________________________________________ DATE __________________ PERIOD _________
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Lesson 4 Homework Practice
Compare Populations
Compare the centers and variations of the two populations in each exercise.
Round to the nearest tenth if necessary. Write an inference you can draw
about the two populations.
FITNESS The double plot shows the daily
attendance for two fitness clubs for one
80 90 100
110 120 130 140
Fitness Club Daily Attendance
Fun Fit
Greg’s Gym
3. GAS MILEAGE The double dot plot shows
the gas mileage, in miles per gallon, for
several cars and SUVs.
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Gas Mileage (mpg)
2. ANIMALS The double dot plot shows the
weights in pounds of several housecats
and small dogs.
Small Dogs
Weights (lb)
4. NUTRITION The double box plot shows
the number of Calories per serving for
various fruits and vegetables.
75 100 125 150 175 200
Calories per Serving
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Course 2 • Chapter 10 Statistics
NAME __________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _______
Lesson 4 Extra Practice
Compare Populations
1. The double box plot below shows the number of car shows attended by
two car clubs each year. Compare the centers and variations of the two
populations. Which car club attends more car shows?
Sample answer: The data for the Cruisers has a median of 9
shows with an interquartile range of 6 shows. The data for the
Car Hops has a median of 11 shows with an interquartile range of
4 shows. The Car Hops data are centered around a higher value,
but the variation is less. So, the data for the Car Hops is more
2. The double box plot below shows the results of a school survey about
types of lunch purchased. Compare the centers and variations of the
two populations. Which type of lunch was preferred by more students?
Sample answer: The data for full lunch has a median of 110
students with an interquartile range of 80 students. The data for
a la carte lunches has a median of 160 students with an
interquartile range of 140 students. The a la carte data are
centered around a higher value and have a greater variation.
164 Course 2 Chapter 10 Statistics
NAME _____________________________________________ DATE __________________ PERIOD _________
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Lesson 5 Skills Practice
Select an Appropriate Display
Select an appropriate type of display for each situation. Justify your reasoning.
1. sales of a leading brand of cereal for the last 12 years
2. test grades for a class, arranged in intervals
3. average weight of wildcats, categorized by species
4. ages of all students at a summer camp
5. points scored by members of a basketball team as compared to the
team total
6. energy usage in your home for the past year, categorized by month
Select an appropriate type of display for each situation. Justify your reasoning.
Then construct the display. What can you conclude from your display?
Dwyane Wade’s Points per Game
Season Points per Game
2003–2004 16.2
2004–2005 24.1
2005–2006 27.2
2006–2007 27.4
2007–2008 24.6
Time to Walk to School
Time (min) Percent of Students
Fewer than 10 20
10–20 46
21–30 18
31–40 10
More than 40 6
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164 Course 2 Chapter 10 Statistics
NAME _____________________________________________ DATE __________________ PERIOD _________
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Lesson 5 Problem-Solving Practice
Select an Appropriate Display
AGE For Exercises 1 and 2, use the following information. The table
shows the ages of people at a roller-skating rink.
Ages of People Roller Skating
Age Number of People
10 and under 19
11–20 22
21–30 14
31–40 7
over 40 6
1. Select an appropriate display for the
data. Justify your reasoning.
2. Construct the display.
VEGETABLES A survey asked students
which vegetable they prefer. Of those
who responded, 17 said corn, 22 said
carrots, 9 said green beans, and 7 said
sweet potatoes. Select an appropriate
display for this data.
4. Construct the display in Exercise 3.
TELEVISIONS The table shows the number
of televisions that were sold. Select an
appropriate display for this data.
Television Sales by Screen Size
Size (in.) Percent
20 10
27 39
42 36
46 15
6. Construct the display in Exercise 5.
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